Our Margate SUMMER 2021 - Margate, FL

Page created by Debra Bell
Our Margate SUMMER 2021 - Margate, FL
                                                         S UMMER 2021

 THE OFFICIAL           C I T Y O F M A R G AT E M A G A Z I N E

       C L I C K A N Y W H E R E O N S C R E E N T O C H A N G E PA G E
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Our Margate SUMMER 2021 - Margate, FL
in this issue                                                                               FROM

                 3   Update from the Mayor
                     and Commission                                                         THE MAYOR
                 5   City News
                                                                                            Greetings and welcome to the
                                                                                            inaugural issue of Our Margate,
                                                                                            the City’s new magazine and latest
                                                                                                                                    for everyone, including
                                                                                                                                    important City information,
                                                                                                                                    upcoming events, business and

                                                                                            tool for celebrating Margate and        school information, parks, recreation
                                                                                            communicating the great events          and summer program updates,
                     Parks and Recreation
                                                                                            and important news taking place         Senior 60+ news, important

                                                                                            in our City.                            homeowner information, as
                                                                                               Our Margate will be published        well as, public safety tips and               Most importantly, Our Margate
                     For Seniors
                                                                                            as the City’s official quarterly        upcoming City projects to name             will only be successful if we meet

                                                                                            magazine and our newest way             just a few of the anticipated              your needs, so I encourage each
                                                                                            to reach as many of our residents       topics. We will celebrate Margate’s        of you to send us your feedback,
                     Your Tax Dollars at Work                                               as possible. We will be covering        hometown “feel” by highlighting            make suggestions and help us

                                                                                            a wide variety of important topics      our award winning Homes of the             create a publication that is both
                                                                                            in a convenient format that each        Month, recognizing our amazing             valuable, interesting and worth
                     Public Safety                                                          resident can easily refer to as often   employees, athletes and ordinary           reading.

                                                                                            as necessary without the need for       citizens who quietly go above
                                                                                            an electronic device.                   and beyond to give back to                 Mayor Arlene R. Schwartz
                     Stay Connected                                                            Our Margate will offer something     their community.                           aschwartz@margatefl.com

                     YOUR MARGATE GOVERNMENT                  ON THE COVER:                 FROM THE VICE MAYOR
                                                              Calypso Cove is open to
                                                              the public for the summer.
                     CIT Y COMMISSION                                                                                               Weather experts predict another            part to be prepared for any storm.
                                                                                                                                    busy hurricane season this year. It only   Please sign up to receive emergency
                     Arlene R. Schwartz | Mayor               Publication Team
                                                                                                                                    takes one bad storm to make it a bad       notifications from MargateCares
                     Antonio V. Arserio | Vice Mayor          Maria Rosa Higgins Fallon                                             year, so I urge you to be proactive in     Alerts, which you can do through
                                                              Yarelis Martinez                                                      your hurricane preparedness.               the City’s website. This new system
                     Anthony N. Caggiano | Commissioner
                                                                                                                                       Please take the time to figure out      will notify you of any weather-related
                     Tommy Ruzzano | Commissioner
                                                                                                                                    what you and your family will do to        information or evacuation orders.
                     Joanne Simone | Commissioner                                                                                   prepare for a hurricane. Emergency         And follow the City’s announcements
                                                                                                                                    services may differ from previous          on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
                     Cale Curtis | City Manager               Let us know how we’re                                                 EOC activations because of the social      or Nextdoor. I wish all of you a safe
                                                              doing! Please send us                                                 distancing restrictions. I am confident    and enjoyable summer.
                     Larry Vignola | Assistant City Manager
                                                              your feedback about                                                   that our Emergency Management
                     Janette M. Smith | City Attorney         this magazine at                                                      personnel will be ready to get our City    Vice Mayor Antonio V. Arserio
                     Joseph J. Kavanagh | City Clerk          PIO@margatefl.com.                                                    back on track, but you must do your        aarserio@margatefl.com

Our Margate SUMMER 2021 - Margate, FL
Dear Neighbors:                                                                                                                        Schedule Your

                                                                                                                         city news
                                                                                                                                       COVID Vaccination Now!
                                                                                                                                       The Northwest Focal Point Senior Center

                                                                                                                                       and the City of Margate are coordinating
                                                                                                                                       the registration and transportation

                                                                                                                                                                                         Safe, Margate!
                                                                                                                                       to COVID 19 vaccine sites for Margate
                                                                                                                                       residents ages 60 and up. Residents
                                                                                                                                       can register by contacting the
                                                                                                                                       Senior Center Monday through                      • Get Vaccinated
                                                                                                                                       Friday from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m.
                                                                                                                                       at 954-973-0300 or via email at
                                                                                                                                                                                         • Wear a Mask
                                                                                                                                       seniorcenter@margatefl.com.                       • Keep Distance from Others
Much attention is spent on Pre-K        Happy early Mother & Father’s Day          As an avid animal lover, I know
                                                                                                                                       Homebound Residents may                           • Avoid Crowds
                                                                                                                                       request a vaccination at their
education, and rightly so. Just         to all the great parents. I cannot         how important it is to have
                                                                                                                                       residence by sending an email to
                                                                                                                                                                                         • Wash Your Hands Often
as critical to society are Post-60      wait to see the 4th of July festivities!   outdoor recreational facilities
programs, and Margate focuses           Congratulations to our most recent         in our community to spend time
                                                                                                                                       homeboundvaccine@em.myflorida.com.                Help Stop the Spread of COVID
on that through the Northwest           Students of the Month: Isabelle            with our pets.                                      For the latest COVID-19 updates,
Focal Point (NWFP) Senior Center.       Jarvis, Anaya Walters, Olivia North,           The new 1.5-acre dog park                       visit www.Broward.org/Coronavirus.
This Center is dedicated to             Maya Galiano, Michael Cereste,             at Firefighters Park is just one of
improving the quality of life for       Marvin Williams, Joana Rufino-             those unique places in Margate.
seniors 60+. Whether attendees          Delima, and Zach Lasso; and                    The park has two fenced-off
have physical or cognitive              our Teachers, Sarah Hennebery,             areas for small and large dogs                Where to Get COVID Vaccines
impairments, the Center offers vital    Caryn Campbell, Alison Shapanka,           where your pups can get ample
recreational, educational, and social   Paulette Schluter-Paris, Barbara           off-leash exercise. There are also            Florida Department of Health:
activities and treats everyone with     Kpassou, Claudia Lawerence-Junior,         shade shelters, pet drinking                  866-201-6313, 833-476-1526 (TTY), myvaccine.fl.gov
the respect and dignity we would        Jasmin Rahman, and Willaznard              fountains, a wash area, and                   For a list of state and county-run vaccine locations,
want for ourselves.                     Harper. Also, kudos to the latest          waste bag stations.                           visit ​www.broward.org/ CoronaVirus
   Equally important is that it         Athlete of the Month Austin Taylor.            A life-size bronze statue of
allows caregivers to take a little      Lastly, welcome recently appointed         Rex, a German shepherd war
time for themselves while knowing       board members! Planning & Zoning:          canine, which served two tours
                                                                                                                                 Local Pharmacies and Retail Stores
that their loved ones are receiving     Gail DeAngelis, Todd Angier, Richard       in World War II, dutifully watches            • Walmart and Sam’s Club registration
quality attention. Most services are    Zucchini, Rob Reiner, Juli Van Der         over the park.                                www.Walmart.com/COVIDvaccine or samsclub.com/covid
free, including transportation. You     Meulen. Board of Adjustment:                   If you haven’t been there,
owe it to yourself and your loved       Charles Presser, Howard Burke, Joao        I invite you to stop by and help              • Publix registration www.publix.com/covid-vaccine/florida
ones to visit the Center and see        Brandao, Elsa Sanchez, Julie Jones.        Margate build a dog-friendly                  • CVS registration www.cvs.com/immunizations/covid-19-vaccine
how it can help you.                    God Bless and Stay Safe!                   network of neighbors.
                                                                                                                                 • Winn-Dixie registration www.winndixie.com/pharmacy/covid-vaccine.
Commissioner                            Commissioner                               Commissioner
                                                                                                                                 Vaccinations are free. Appointments are required.
Anthony N. Caggiano                     Tommy Ruzzano                              Joanne Simone
acaggiano@margatefl.com                 truzzano@margatefl.com                     jsimone@margatefl.com

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Our Margate SUMMER 2021 - Margate, FL
city news   City Introduces Electronic                  Learn About                                    Keeping It Up To Code              the pathway for pedestrians,     well-maintained garden and
            Permit & Plan Review Service                the Water Quality                                                                 bicyclists, mothers with         landscape.
                                                                                                       The City of Margate ensures        strollers, and people who
            In May, the City of Margate is launching    Are you curious about the quality of the       that our homes and businesses      rely on motorized vehicles       Residents of single-family
            an online service for customers wanting     drinking water in Margate? Beginning           comply with community              to get around.                   homes, duplexes, and town-
            to request a City permit or plan review     June 30, 2021, you can view the City of        standards through its Code                                          homes in Margate are eligible
            approval from the convenience of            Margate’s 2020 Water Quality Report            Compliance Unit. Our Code          Maintain Fences                  to apply for this recognition
            their home or office. This new platform     online at www.margatefl.com/ccr2020.           Enforcement Officers work          in Good Conditions               online at margatefl.com/
            replaces the paper-based process with       The report contains essential information      very hard to gain voluntary                                         homeofthemonth. Winners
            an electronic-based integrated solution     about the source and quality of your           compliance of various codes        Section 3.14 of the City Code    will receive a specially
            that allows the Building, Development       drinking water. To have a report               and ordinances that are put        regulates the construction       designed “Home of the
            Services or Environmental and               mailed to your home, visit                     into place so that the City of     of fences, walls, and hedges     Month” sign to be placed in
            Engineering Services departments to         www.margatefl.com/ccr2020                      Margate remains a safe and         within the City of Margate.      the winning month’s front
            review plans and permits simultaneously     and complete a fillable form                   enjoyable place to live, work,     All walls, fences, barriers      yard and a $50 gift certificate
            for greater efficiency.                     to submit your contact                         and visit.                         or barricades constructed        to a local hardware store.
                                                        information. You can                                                              or presently existing must       The proud homeowners
            “The City of Margate will better serve      also send an email to                          Please do your part to help        be maintained by the             will be acknowledged at a
            its customers by introducing 21st           deesadmin@margatefl.com                        keep your properties up to         property owner.                  City Commission meeting
            Century technology that allows them to      with your name/address                         Code. By following these                                            and through the City’s
            submit permit applications online from      or call 954-972-0828                           rules, you can positively          Be a good neighbor and           social media and other
            anywhere, at any time,” said Building       for assistance.                                impact city-wide property          maintain your fence in good      communications vehicles.
            Department Director and Building                                                           values and enhance the             condition, free of any breaks,
            Official Richard Nixon. “Once entered                                                      community’s image.                 discolorations, and graffiti.    below: previous Home
            electronically, users can easily track      CITY OF MARGATE                                                                                                    of the Month winners
            down the progress of their applications     CONTACT INFORMATION                            Don’t Park on Sidewalks            Make Your Home an
            and receive faster feedback on their                                                                                          Asset to the Community
            submissions.”                               Emergency: 911                                 Section 26.3 of the City Code
                                                        Police/Fire Non-Emergency:                     regulates the parking of any       Purchasing a home is the
            Contractors, homeowners, or design          954-764-HELP ( 954-764-4357 )                  non-commercial vehicles in         most significant investment
            professionals can submit site plans,                                                       residential areas. Vehicles        anyone will make. Maintaining
                                                        City Hall: 954-972-6454
            pay for permit applications, and                                                           cannot be parked on any            a home’s exterior in top shape
                                                        Building: 954-970-3004
            supporting documents electronically                                                        dedicated public street, side-     increases its value and gives
            through the ProjectDox platform by          DEES ( Department of Environmental             walk, or right-of-way, including   homeowners a sense of pride
            Avolve software, accessible on the City’s   and Engineering Services ): 954-972-0828       any swale or parkway.              and accomplishment. The
            website www.margatefl.com. Paper            Development Services: 954-979-6213             Cars can be parked only in         City of Margate recognizes
            applications will no longer be accepted     Neighborhood Policing (Code): 954-972-1232     backyards or side yards such       residents who go above and
            once the online service goes live.          N.W. Focal Point Senior Center: 954-973-0300   that no portion of the vehicle     beyond to keep their homes’
                                                                                                       protrudes past or in front of      curb appeal and make their
                                                        Parks and Recreation: 954-972-6458
                                                                                                       facades of any residence.          property an asset to the
                                                        Public Works: 954-972-8126                                                        community. The “Home of the
                                                        Waste Management: 954-974-7500                 Be a good neighbor and don’t       Month” coveted award goes
                                                        Water Billing Customer Service: 954-884-3666   park on sidewalks. When you        to the best visually appealing
                                                        After Hours Water Reconnection: 954-972-0828   block a sidewalk, you obstruct     residential property with a

     6                                                                                                                                                                                                   7
Our Margate SUMMER 2021 - Margate, FL
parks & recreation   July is                                      PARKS AND RECREATION                        Dance, Cheer & Gymnastic                              JUNE
                     Parks and                                    EVENTS AND PROGRAMS                         Classes by Joy Deco
                                                                                                              Classes held at David Park Pavilion                   Margate Youth Summer Camp

                                                                  Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic,       6199 NW 10th Street                                   June 14 - August 6, 2021
                                                                  events and programs are subject to          Cost: $55 monthly, plus $15 registration fee.         Community Center

                                                                  change. For the most up-to-date                                                                   6199 NW 10th Street
                                                                  information, please contact the Parks and   Class Schedule:
                                                                  Recreation Department at 954-972-6458       Mondays: Dance & Cheer (ages 6 -12), 6-6:50 p.m.      Ages: 5*-12
                     Throughout July, the City of Margate         or parksrec@margatefl.com.                  Wednesdays: Dance, Cheer and Tumble Basics            Featuring arts and crafts, indoor and outdoor
                     will celebrate the importance of play                                                    (ages 4 - 6), 4:30-5:20 p.m.                          games, cooking and science activities, and
                     and green spaces in our community            MAY                                         Gymnastics Basics (ages 5-11), 5:30 - 6:20 p.m.       exciting special activities and theme weeks!
                     by posting stories on our social                                                         Gymnastics Level 1 & 2 (ages 5 -12), 6:30-7:20 p.m.   *With the completion of Kindergarten.
                     media pages using the hashtag                Memorial Day Ceremony                       For information contact: Joydecoenterprises.com
                     #WeAreParksAndRec. We invite you             Monday, May 31, 2021                        954-971-9917                                          Margate Teen Camp
                     to share your best park stories with us.     9-10:30 a.m.                                		                                                    June 14- August 6, 2021
                     Please find us at @CityofMargateFl           Veterans Memorial Park                                                                            Firefighters Park
                     on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.          7044 NW 1st Street                                                                                2500 Rock Island Road

                                                                  A ceremony to honor the men and                                                                   Ages: 13-16
                     Youth Sports                                 women who have died while serving                                                                 Featuring indoor
                     Sponsorship Available                        in the U.S. military. Featured speakers                                                           and outdoor
                                                                  include the City of Margate Mayor                                                                 games,
                     The Margate City Commission has              and a military keynote speaker. Also                                                              team
                     approved the expansion of the                participating are the Memorial Day essay                                                          building,
                     sponsorship program that allows kids         contest winners from local elementary                                                             competitions,
                     to enroll in various sports for free from    schools, Margate Police Department and                                                            crafts, and more!
                     now until the end of September 2021.         Fire Department Honor Guards, and local
                     Children of Margate residents can            Boy and Girl Scout troops.                                                                        JULY
                     get a voucher to waive up to $150 in
                     registration fees for one child to join a    Free and open to the public.                Hapkido (Martial Arts)                                July 4th Celebration*
                     sports league, class, or session of their                                                Classes held at David Park Pavilion                   Parade: 9 a.m.
                     choice. Available programs that can                                                      6199 NW 10th Street                                   Along Margate Boulevard
                     utilize this free registration voucher                                                   Cost: $110 monthly, plus $20 registration fee.
                     include youth basketball, baseball,                                                                                                            Concert: 6 p.m.
                     soccer, swim team, football and                                                          Class Schedule:                                       Fireworks: 9 p.m.
                     cheerleading, archery and tennis.                                                        Tuesday and Thursdays:                                Margate Boulevard and 441
                                                                                                              Youth Class: 6:30-7:30 p.m.
                     If you have already paid for registration,                                               Adult Class: 7:30-9 p.m.                              * Event may be postponed due to COVID.
                     contact your league/class as it is up to                                                 Wednesday: Youth Class: 7:30-8:30 p.m.                Please check our latest announcements
                     each of them to issue refunds. Registra-                                                 Adult Class: 7:30-9 p.m.                              before going to the event.
                     tion is closed for the Baseball league,
                     and at this time, they will not issue                                                    For information contact: hapkidobear@gmail.com
                     registration refunds for the 2021 season.                                                954-917-0488

          8                                                                                                                                                                                                         9
Our Margate SUMMER 2021 - Margate, FL
parks & recreation                                                                                            of teamwork, dedication,           Fees:                              abilities. It is a full-body
                                                                                                              and hard work in a fun, low-       $120/season(resident)              strength and conditioning
                                                                                                              pressure environment. The          $150/season (non-resident)         program. We will focus on
                                                                                                              team is based at the Calypso       $20 cash only League Fee           varied functional movements
                                                                                                              Cove Aquatic Facility and is       per swimmer per season.            in and out of the water to
                                                                                                              a long-standing member of          League fee must be paid for        improve overall fitness. All
                                                                                                              the competitive South Florida      swimmers to compete.               workouts are easily adjustable
                     CALYPSO                                                                                  Recreational Swim League.
                                                                                                                                                 Additional fees
                                                                                                                                                                                    for all fitness levels and
                                                                                                                                                                                    swimming experience. You

                     COVE                                                                                     Tryouts: Email Coach Kaitlin
                                                                                                              for an appointment at
                                                                                                                                                 for uniform include:
                                                                                                                                                 • Competition suit ($55
                                                                                                                                                                                    do not have to be a seasoned
                                                                                                                                                                                    swimmer to benefit from this

                     PRO GR A MS                                                                              margatemotion@margatefl.com.
                                                                                                              8 & under: Must swim one
                                                                                                                                                 female, $40 male)
                                                                                                                                                 • Swim cap $10

                                                                                                              lap freestyle/backstroke.          • Team shirt $10                   WHAT TO EXPECT
                     Calypso Cove is                               Swimming Lessons                           9 & under: Must swim two           (also available for parents)       FROM THIS PROGRAM:
                     Open on Weekends                              American Red Cross-Certified Instructors   laps freestyle/backstroke.         • Team hat $15 (optional)          • A full and proper warm-up.
                                                                   25-minute group lessons                                                                                          • A varied metabolic
                     It’s time to make a splash at Calypso         9 a.m. or 9:30 a.m.                        PRACTICES:                         Seasons:                           conditioning workout that
                     Cove Aquatic Facility. The popular facility   Session I: June 21 - July 2, 2021          Monday through Thursday            There are 3-5 meets each           is different for each class to
                     is open on weekends only, with limited        Session II: July 5 - July 16, 2021         1st Group:                         season, usually on Saturdays.      improve fitness.
                     capacity, and exclusively for Margate         Session III: July 19 - July 30, 2021       5:30 p.m. - 6:15 p.m.              Note: The season schedule is       • Coaching from certified
                     residents through June 5. Hours of            Session IV: Aug. 2 - Aug. 13, 2021         ( Typical age group 5-8 )          subject to change.                 swim instructors and fitness
                     operation are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Cost to                                                  2nd Group:                         Summer: May – July.                coaches to teach you how to
                     enter (must bring proof of City residency)    Cost per session:                          5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.              Championship meet usually is       move properly and achieve
                     is $4 for ages 4 years and older; $1 for      Margate Residents $55                      (Typical age group 8-12 )          last weekend in July.              your fitness goals.
                     children 3 years and under. For more          Non-Residents $75                          3rd Group:                         Fall: September – December.        • A positive environment to
                     information, call 954-974-4566 or email                                                  6:15 p.m. - 7:45 p.m.              Championship meet usually is       encourage you along the way!
                     ccove@margatefl.com.                          Private Swim Lessons                       ( Typical age group 11-18 )        the first weekend of December.     Whether you are a competitive
                                                                   American Red Cross-Certified Instructors                                                                         athlete looking to improve
                     Get Six Free                                  One-on-one lessons                         Pre-Team: Pre-Team is for 4-6      Land & Water Fitness               your fitness through swimming
                     Swimming Lessons                              Cost for three lessons:                    year olds who have the skill       The City of Margate Land           or a beginner looking to start
                     Summer is the perfect opportunity             Margate Residents: $60                     set to join the team but do        & Water Fitness is a training      your fitness journey, this
                     for your child to take swimming lessons.      Non-Residents $80                          not have the endurance to          methodology to improve             program is for you. Join us by
                     A coupon valued at $40, provided by                                                      swim multiple laps during          overall fitness, increasing both   building community, having
                     the Children’s Services Council of            Margate Motion                             practice. They must be 100%        strength and cardiovascular        some fun, and improving your
                     Broward County and SWIM Central,              Swim Team                                  independent in the water           levels for people of all fitness   overall fitness.
                     can be used toward the cost of swimming       The Margate Motion Swim Team is for        and proficient in freestyle
                     instruction at Calypso Cove Aquatic           swimmers ages 5 through 18 who are         and backstroke. They practice                                         Schedule: Sundays,
                     Facility. Children must be older than         looking to learn and enhance their         Tuesdays & Thursdays, 5:30                                            8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
                     six months and younger than 5 years of        knowledge of the four competitive          p.m. - 6:15 p.m. in the teaching                                       Cost: $5 per class.
                     age. One coupon per child can be used         swim strokes and other swimming            area (30 minutes of hands-on                                             Registration: 15 minutes
                     until Sept. 30, 2021. To apply online,        techniques (start, turns, finishes,        in the water coaching plus                                                before each class.
                     visit www.Watersmartbroward.org.              etc.). Swimmers will learn the values      15 minutes of fun/games).                                                  Fees are subject to change.

          10                                                                                                                                                                                                     11
Our Margate SUMMER 2021 - Margate, FL
CORAL                  SPRINGS
parks & recreation                                                                                                                                                                                      1ANDREWS FIELD at Margate Middle School                 11 ORIOLE PARK

                                                                                                                                                                        BANKS RD
                                                                                                                                                                                                      		 500 NW 65 Avenue                                       		 7055 NW 1 Street
                                                                                                                                                                                                      		 Lighted baseball/softball field, cricket field,        		 Lighted baseball/softball field and lighted
                                                                                                                                                                                                      		 and soccer/football field.                             		 football/soccer field.

                                                                                                                                     NORT H STAT E ROAD 7
                                                                                                                                                                                                       2 CENTENNIAL PARK                                        12 ROCK ISLAND FITNESS PARK
                                       PA R K S & FA C I L I T I E S                                                                                                                                  		 7800 Royal Palm Boulevard                              		 7100 NW 6 Court

                                                                                                                                                              3                                       		 Playground, full basketball court, handicap 		         		 Outdoor exercise equipment, ADA accessible
                                                                                                                                                                                                      			 accessible picnic area, and open play area.           		 equipment, and lighted pavilion cover.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       3 CORAL GATE PARK                                        13 ROYAL PALM PARK/CALYPSO COVE
                     HO L

                                                                                                                                                                                                      		 5650 NW 29 Street                                      		 AQUATIC FACILITY
                       ID                       VD         6
                            AY S P R I N G S B L                                                   19                                                                                                 		 Lighted tennis courts, pavilions, half basketball 		   		 6200 Royal Palm Boulevard

                                                                                                                                                                                   R                  		 court, playground, walking trail, and restrooms.       		 Park: Half basketball courts, playground,
                                                                                                                                    7                       W CO PA N
                                                                                                                                                                        S                              4 DAVID PARK AND GEORGE MUDD                             		 pavilion, and fishing dock.
                            2                                   ROYAL PALM B LV
                                                                                D                                                                                                                     		PLAYGROUND                                              		 Calypso Cove: Plunge pool, zero-entry pool

                                                                                              NW 65 AV E
                                                                                                                                                                                                      		 6199 NW 10 Street                                      		 water playground, lap pool, concessions,
                                                     ROCK ISLAND RD

                                                                                                                                                                      10                              		 Community center, senior center, library,              		 complimentary shade umbrellas/lounge
                                    NW 18 ST                                                                                                                                                          		 playground and lighted bocce courts.                   		 chairs, community room for party rentals, group
                                                                                                                                                                                                       5 ED GREENWALD PARK                                      		 and individual swim lessons.

                                                                           MARGAT E     BLVD
                                                                                                                                                                                                      		 5235 SW 5 Street                                       14 SERINO PARK
                                                                                                                                                              COCONU T                 CREE K PKY     		 Passive park and green space.                          		 5600 SW 8 Court
                                                                                                                                                                                                       6 F I R E F I G H T E R S PA R K                         		 Playground, walking trail, pavilion, open play area.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      		 2500 Rock Island Road                                  15 SOUTHEAST PARK
                                                                                       NW 65 AVE

                                                                                                                4                                                                                     		 Dog park (1.5 acre), lighted tennis courts,            		 655 SW 50 Avenue
                                                                                                                                                                                                      		 lighted full basketball courts, lighted pickleball     		 Synthetic turf sport fields, natural turf sport
                                                     12                                             1                                                                                                 		 courts, Safety Town, concession/restrooms,             		 fields, pavilion, concession/restrooms, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                      		 pavilions, playground, exercise trail, soccer rink,    		playground.
                                                                           ATLANTI C     BLVD
                                                                                                                                                                                                      		 sand volleyball, and game room.                        16 SOUTHGATE PARK
                                                                                                                                                                                                       7 K AYE S T E V E N S PA R K                             		 425 SW 64 Avenue
                                                                                                                                                                                                      		 5825 Royal Palm Boulevard                              		 Full basketball court, exercise trail, playground,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      		 Picnic area, swinging benches, fishing area,           		 and open play area.
                                                                                                                        SOU TH STAT E ROA D 7

                                                                                                                                                                                                      		 and walking trail.                                     17 VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK
                                                                              SOUTHGATE BLVD
                                                                                                                                                                                                       8 LEGACY PARK                                            		 7044 NW 1 Street
                                                               SW 71 AVE

                                                                                                                                                                                                      		 1400 West River Drive                                  		 Boat launch, pavilion, and fishing dock.

                                                                                         16                                                                       5
                                                                                                                                                                                                      		 Boat launch, swinging benches, historical              18 VINSON PARK
                                                                                                                                                                                                      		 information, and gazebo.                               		 955 NW 66 Avenue
                                                                                                                                                                                       15              9 LEMON TREE LAKE PARK                                   		 Lighted baseball/softball fields, lighted batting
                                                                                                                                                                                                      		 426 Lakeside Drive                                     		 cages, concession/restrooms, and playground.
                                                                                                                                  14                                                                  		 Pavilion, swinging benches, and boat launch.           19 WINFIELD PARK
                                                                                                                                                                                                      10 MARGATE SPORTS COMPLEX                                 		 6400 Winfield Boulevard
                                                                                                                                                                                                      		 1695 Banks Road                                        		 Boat launch, playground, swinging benches,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      		 Lighted baseball/softball fields, playground,          		 half basketball court, and fishing area.
                                   NORTH                              LAUDERDALE                                                                                                                      		 splash pad, pavilions, batting cages, and walking
                                                                                                                                                                                                      		 trail with fitness stations.

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Our Margate SUMMER 2021 - Margate, FL
older adults 60+
Did you know?                     Father’s Day Dominos               Exemption Express                  Classes and Activities
                                                                                                                                       3 REASONS TO JOIN
                                                                                                                                       The Northwest Focal Point Senior Center is currently open.
According to the 2019 Census      Tournament                         Drive-Thru                         for Seniors                    All visitors will have their temperature checked at the entrance
population estimates, 22.5%       June 18                            Broward County Property            Below is a list of regular     and must wear facemasks. Following CDC safety guidelines,
of City of Margate residents                                         Appraiser Marty Kiar will be       classes and activities for     events are being held at a limited capacity and maintaining
are 65 years or older. That’s     Don’t Miss the Wii                 at the N.W. Focal Point Senior     older adults you can enjoy     social distancing.
approximately 13,229              Bowling Tournament                 Center the first Monday of         by registering with the
residents who are living their    July 16                            the month, 10 a.m. -12 p.m.        N.W. Focal Point Senior        If you are a senior living in Margate,
golden years in the City of       Details to be announced soon.      Margate residents can apply        Center. Contact the Senior     here are the top three reasons why
Margate. As a senior living in                                       for Homestead Exemption            Center for a monthly           you should join the Senior Center:
Margate, you are an essential     Looking for Volunteers             and other tax-saving property      schedule or visit the City’s
part of our community.            The N.W. Focal Point Senior        exemptions, including              website. Activities are        Free Transportation
                                  Center is looking for volunteers   additional low-income              subject to change.             Besides providing transportation to a COVID vaccine site,
About the Northwest               interested in socializing and      senior, veterans disability,                                      the Senior Center offers members free rides to the supermarket,
Focal Point Senior Center         helping others. Share your         first responders, and other        CLASSES                        bank, and other local merchants. Shopping trips are made
The Northwest Focal Point         trades, arts and crafts, music,    exemptions. You can make an                                       Monday through Friday between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. In addition,
Senior Center is the hub of       languages, or any other            appointment for the Exemption      Zumba Gold                     the Doctor Taxi program will provide door-to-door transporta-
many activities geared toward     enjoyable activity with our        Express service at web.bcpa.net    Languages                      tion for Margate seniors to their medical appointments.
our senior population. Due        seniors. We want to hear from      or by calling 954-357-5579. The
to current CDC restrictions,      you. Please contact the Center     deadline to qualify for 2021 Tax
                                                                                                        Line Dancing
                                                                                                                                       Free Social Activities
it is open to limited capacity,   at 954-973-0300.                   Exemptions is Sept. 20, 2021.                                     The many social activities and classes offered at the Senior
and some programs may be                                                                                AARP Defensive Driving         Center will put a smile on your face. Come play bingo, take an
held virtually.                                                                                         Stretch & Balance              exercise class, be part of the Book Club, or hang out in the Center
                                                                                                                                       garden with your friends. Be part of our family and enjoy your
                                                                                                        ACTIVITIES                     golden years in the company of friends.

                                                                                                        Excursions                     Adult Daycare & Counseling
                                                                                                        Seminars                       If you are a caregiver of a senior 60 and older who is frail,
                                                                                                        Bingo & Dominos                you can arrange for adult daycare service Monday through
                                                                                                                                       Friday, from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m., which includes lunch. The Center
                                                                                                        Live Music
                                                                                                                                       also provides counseling for seniors who need
                                                                                                        Wii Bowling                    support when dealing with life’s challenges.
                                                                                                        Trivia & Card Games
                                                                                                        Discussion Groups
                                                                                                                                       JOIN NOW!
                                                                                                                                       Northwest Focal Point Senior Center
                                                                                                        Arts & Crafts
                                                                                                                                       6009 NW 10 th Street, Margate, FL 33063
                                                                                                        Social Groups                  954-973-0300
                                                                                                        Counseling                     www.margatefl.com/Government/SeniorCenter

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Our Margate SUMMER 2021 - Margate, FL
DOLLARS                                                                      Sports Complex
                                                                             Covered Field
AT W O R K                                             PROJECTS IN
                                                                             The much anticipated
                                                                             open-air covered sports field
                                                       THE CITY OF MARGATE   and concession/restroom
                                                                             building on Banks Road are
                                                                             almost complete.

                                                                             right: A rendering of our
Fire Station 58                                                              new covered Sports Complex
600 Rock Island Road
The City of Margate broke ground recently on
this new Fire Station, currently under construction.                                                            Southgate Park
The one-story building will be Florida Green                                                                    Improvements
Building Coalition certified and is expected to
be completed in 2022.                                                                                           The park has reopened
                                                                                                                to the public with a new
right: The groundbreaking ceremony                                                                              playground, sand surfacing,
below: A rendering of our new Fire Station 58                                                                   basketball court, and
                                                                                                                fitness trail.

                                                                             New & Expanded                     Neighborhood Sign
                                                                             Businesses                         The new entryway sign for
                                                                                                                Winfield Boulevard enhances
                                                                                                                the neighborhood’s
                                                                                 Express Care Walk-in Clinic
                                                                                1490 N. State Road 7, Suite B

                                                                                               ACE Hardware
                                                                                           5843 Margate Blvd.

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Our Margate SUMMER 2021 - Margate, FL
public safety   Sign Up for
                Margate Cares Alerts
                                                           Help Us Reduce
                                                           Vehicle Burglaries
                                                                                                       Hurricane Preparation
                The City of Margate has transitioned       Don’t be an easy target: help us fight
                from using the Code Red system to          off criminals from breaking into your         June 1 is the official start of the Hurricane Season, which continues until
                a new and improved platform to             car. As part of your nightly routine,
                                                                                                         the end of November. According to the National Weather Service, the best
                keep our community safe and informed.      make sure you remove all valuables
                Sign up now to receive the                 from your vehicle, including your key         time to prepare for a hurricane is before hurricane season begins. It is vital
                MargateCaresAlert emergency                and fob, roll the windows up, and lock        to understand your home’s vulnerability to storm surges, flooding, and wind.
                notifications such as real-time news       the doors. Never leave a spare key            Here is a list of things you can do now to be ready for this upcoming
                about hurricane and weather updates,       anywhere in or on your car, no matter
                                                                                                         hurricane season:
                traffic incidents, city events, COVID-19   where you park it.
                announcements, and much more.
                Register online at www.margatefl.com/      Tips to Prevent                             • Know your Flood Zone: View the current flood zones to
                MargateCaresAlerts. For questions,         Package Theft                                 understand your potential flood risk and take steps to protect against
                please contact 954-972-7111 or             Package thefts are often a crime of           property damage and loss.
                MargateCaresAlert@margatefl.com.           opportunity. It frequently happens
                                                           during the day when homeowners are
                Free Car Seat Safety Checks                not home and unable to bring packages
                                                                                                       • Have an Emergency Kit ready: Assemble a list of essential
                Did you know that three out of four        into their homes. Here are some tips to       items such as water, non-perishable food, battery-operated radio, flashlights,
                car seats are not installed correctly?     prevent package theft:                        generators, first-aid kit, medicines, facemasks, and other must-have things.
                A correctly used child safety seat can     • Have your packages delivered                After an emergency, you may need to survive on your own for several days.
                reduce the risk of death by as much        elsewhere, such as your place of
                as 71 percent. That is why the Margate     employment, P.O. Box, FedEx/UPS
                Police Department provides free car seat   location, or an Amazon delivery site.       • Have a Family Emergency Plan: Before an emergency
                safety inspections to Margate residents    • Provide delivery instructions to            happens, sit down with your family and close friends and decide how you will
                and surrounding areas year-round.          prevent porch pirates from seeing your        get in contact with each other, where you and your pets will go, and how you
                Make an appointment today at               packages.
                                                                                                         will help your elderly or vulnerable relatives.
                www.bit.ly/mpdcarseat.                     • Schedule packages to arrive when
                                                           you are home, then track their progress.
                                                           • Require a signature.                      • Review your insurance policies: Ensure that you have
                                                           • Install a front door security camera or     adequate coverage for your home, business, and personal property.
                                                           video doorbell.
                HOW TO GET                                 • Install a motion-activated spotlight.
                                                                                                       • Understand the difference:
                OUR PUBLIC SAFETY                                                                        Know the difference between a Hurricane Watch
                NEWS                                                                                     versus a Hurricane Warning.
                Follow us On
                Facebook & Instagram:                                                                    For additional hurricane preparedness
                @MargateFLPolice                                                                         information, visit www.margatefl.com/Hurricane.

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     The City of Margate has several ways
     you can reach us and stay connected.

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     @CityofMargateFL                           Publication and distribution
                                            of this magazine are made possible
     Find Us On Nextdoor:                    by the Margate City Commission.

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