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FOREWORD The Strategic Growth Plan has been prepared by the ten partner organisations in Leicester & Leicestershire to provide a long term vision that will address the challenges we face and the opportunities presented to us. It is a non-statutory plan but it sets out our agreed strategy for the period to 2050. We will deliver the strategy through our Local Plans. We have listened to the comments submitted in response to our consultation and this document is the final version of the Plan. It explains the approach that we have taken in preparing the Plan, identifies broad locations where we think that development should take place and the infrastructure needed to deliver it. We will now work with local people, businesses, developers, landowners, government and statutory organisations to deliver the strategy and secure the infrastructure which is so critical to its success. Cllr Trevor Pendleton Chair, Members’ Advisory Group for the Strategic Growth Plan Our Partners: This document has been prepared on behalf of: Blaby District Council, Charnwood Borough Council, Harborough District Council, Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council, Leicester City Council, Leicestershire County Council, Leicester & Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership, Melton Borough Council, North West Leicestershire District Council and Oadby & Wigston Borough Council. © OpenStreetMap contributors | openstreetmap.org 1 LEICESTER & LEICESTERSHIRE 2050: OUR VISION FOR GROWTH
LEICESTER & LEICESTERSHIRE TODAY OUR STRENGTHS: Great location and connectivity – at the heart of the UK, with nationally significant road, rail and air services, and businesses that have the potential to export more goods and services Growing and diverse economy – with employment opportunities ranging from traditional manufacturing, logistics and Distinctive environmental, historic and other assets - beautiful countryside, valuable flora and fauna, thriving market towns and popular villages, country parks, waterways and canals A diverse and multi-cultural city - with a young population, unique history, global tourism 1 Three outstanding universities – globally significant in space, engineering and sports science, and high quality FE colleges. IN SHORT, A COMBINATION distribution to cutting edge, appeal, and attractive city THAT OFFERS research and enterprise, innovation and technology centre with great shops, leisure, arts and entertainment EXCEPTIONAL sectors QUALITY OF LIFE AND BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY OUR WEAKNESSES: Congestion on our roads and Poor economic productivity Outside the City, an ageing railways - we are tackling this per head of population - lower population, not economically but further investment is needed than the national and regional active but relatively wealthy. to continue improvements and averages A strong influence on the support our long term growth number and type of dwellings Low pay structure – many Gaps in the road and rail highly skilled employees and Pressures on existing network - travelling north- graduates move away, travel communities from new south is relatively easy (albeit costs are high for those on a development, lack of congested) but east-west links low wage making it difficult to infrastructure and services are slow and unreliable access jobs such as education and health High levels of commuting - some of the most important employment areas are remote from places where people live 3 LEICESTER & LEICESTERSHIRE 2050: OUR VISION FOR GROWTH
RECOGNISING THE CHALLENGE Leicester & Leicestershire has The Strategic Growth Plan has The Strategic Growth Plan huge potential for growth. been prepared by the ten partner focuses on four key matters: Located at the very heart of the organisations - the City Council, UK, with a population of over the County Council, the seven ■ delivering new housing 1 million, a thriving and vibrant boroughs and districts, and city, distinctive and characterful the Leicester & Leicestershire ■ supporting the economy market towns, three universities Enterprise Partnership – to and an international airport, provide a plan which will shape ■ identifying essential our economy contributes some the future of Leicester and infrastructure, and £23bn to the UK economy. We Leicestershire in the period have much to offer in terms of to 2050. It is a ‘non-statutory’ ■ protecting our environment quality of life. plan but it provides an agreed and built heritage. framework which we will use We want to play our part in when preparing our individual We have not started with a developing the UK economy, Local Plans and other strategies. blank sheet. Government, local improve productivity and create and regional agencies are also the conditions for growth. We making plans. Where these want to increase the speed already have a measure of of housing delivery, remove support, we have used them as the barriers that have slowed a basis for our work. We have progress to date, and ensure that also commissioned evidence there is a good supply of new to inform our work and this is NEWCASTLEE housing for people who need CARL LISLE UPON TYNE E available on our website.* it. We also want to protect the places and features that make GREAT 2 Leicester & Leicestershire special. LOCATION AND If we are to be successful, we CONNECTIVITY need to plan for the future at a ‘larger than local’ level and for LEEDS YORK – AT THE HEART the longer term. This allows us OF THE UK to consider a wider range of MA ANCHE E ESTER LIVERPO VERPOOL OO OOL OO possibilities. SHEFFIE FIE EL ELD E STO TO OK OK KE-ON NOTTTII TINGHAM T -TRE ENT E DERBY FIGURE 1: LEICESTER & P PETERBOROUGH LEICESTER & LEICESTERSHIRE BIRMIINGHAM INGHAM N HA AM A NORWIC CH LEICESTERSHIRE: COVENTR CO NT NTRY TRY A CENTRAL WORC RCET TER T NORTH RTH TH M THAMPTON BEDFORD OR CAMBRI M RIDGE IPSWI WICH CH MILTO TON ON LOCATION GLOUCEST TE TER T KEYNESS FELIXSTOW OWE WE OXFORD D LONDON BRISTOL BRIS READING SOUTHAM UTHAM UTHAMPTON HAM MPTON MPTON BRIGHTON EXET ET TE T ER STRATEGIC GROWTH PLAN: SEPTEMBER 2018 4 *llstrategicgrowthplan.org.uk
3 PLANNING FOR OUR GROWTH AND INFRASTRUCTURE CALCULATING OUR HOUSING AND EMPLOYMENT NEEDS 2011-31 (AND 2036) The Strategic Growth Plan covers the whole of the period from 2011-50. It is not possible to produce accurate estimates of the scale of growth that is likely to be required for the whole of the period up to 2050 but we can divide it into stages. 2031-50 For the period 2031-50, we can use government statistics and economic forecasts only for the period 2031-36. Beyond that, there are no reliable estimates of population growth or household change, nor economic forecasts, but we need to have some These are referred to as our ‘notional’ needs and have been produced by projecting forward the annual figures given in our study of housing and economic development needs. This indicates that, across Leicester & Leicestershire, we will need an understanding of how much additional 90,500 dwellings in Up to 2036, we can use growth we might be expected this period. government statistics and to accommodate. Having this economic forecasts to plan with information allows us to consider The results will need to be some confidence. The results are a wider range of options than if monitored and reviewed as set out in our study of housing we were to focus only on shorter Government statistics become and economic development term needs. available but they are considered needs which calculates the need to be a reasonable basis on for both new homes and jobs.*1 For the purposes of the Strategic which to proceed. If we do not Because our Local Plans are Growth Plan, we have chosen look to this longer timescale we being prepared to end dates of to work with an estimate of our will not be able to plan for, and either 2031 or 2036, the study housing needs for whole of the secure funding for, the essential sets out our need for new homes period 2031-50. infrastructure that we need. and jobs to the same end dates. The detail is set out in Appendix A but, in summary, across TABLE A: TOTAL HOUSING AND EMPLOYMENT Leicester & Leicestershire we LAND NEEDS 2011-50 need some 96,580 homes and 367-423ha of land for Housing Employment Land (B1/B2/B8)*3 employment use in the period 2011-31 96,580*1 367-423ha.*1 2011-31 (See Table A). 2031-50 90,516*2 Not quantified at this stage Total (2011-50) 187,096 Notes: 1. As shown in Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment (January 2017) 2. ‘Notional’ needs calculated by projecting forward estimates set out in the Housing and Development Needs Assessment (January 2017) 3. Small scale B8 only (i.e. less than 9,000 sqm); the amount of land needed for strategic distribution facilities has not been quantified because it is so heavily dependent upon property market considerations. 5 LEICESTER & LEICESTERSHIRE 2050: OUR VISION FOR GROWTH * Reference: Leicester & Leicestershire Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment (January 2017)
WHETHER DEVELOPMENT TAKES PLACE BEFORE OR AFTER 2031, IT IS CLEAR THAT MORE HOMES AND JOBS WILL BE NEEDED. WE NEED TO PLAN FOR THIS NOW. In terms of economic growth, it Beyond, 2031, we have assumed ALIGNING is very difficult to predict needs with any accuracy beyond 2036. that neither Leicester City Council nor Oadby & Wigston GROWTH, We have decided, therefore, Borough Council will be able to INFRASTRUCTURE not to quantify the need for additional employment land for accommodate their needs. An important aspect of the Strategic AND SERVICES this period, at this stage. Again, Growth Plan, therefore, has been in accordance with normal to consider how any unmet needs We are very clear that significant practice, we will monitor and might be shared between the new development cannot review needs as necessary. other local authorities in Leicester be accommodated within & Leicestershire. Leicester & Leicestershire Our total requirements for the without significant investment period 2011-50 are shown in We have decided that these in infrastructure and services. Table A on page 5. additional needs will be satisfied, We welcome government’s in part, by development in recognition of this problem at a strategic locations in accordance national and regional level, and ACCOMMODATING with the strategy set out in this the investment that is already OUR HOUSING Plan. being committed to projects in our area. AND EMPLOYMENT The agreed distribution will be set NEEDS out in an agreed statement. In line with the needs of our Local We will continue to work with government, landowners, Plans, this will cover the time developers and other We have analysed the amount periods to 2031 and 2036. The stakeholders to accelerate of development that has statement will be used with the development and to align this already been built, has planning Strategic Growth Plan as the basis with essential infrastructure. permission or is allocated in for preparing or reviewing Local adopted or emerging local plans Plans. that have been published. This demonstrates that much of our housing and employment land is already provided for in the period 2011-31.* Only Leicester City Council has declared that it will be unable to meet its housing needs. We are confident, however, that any shortfall in the period 2011-31 can be met through Local Plan allocations in other areas. STRATEGIC GROWTH PLAN: SEPTEMBER 2018 6 * Reference: Joint Position Statement on Housing and Employment Land Supply (March 2018)
WITHOUT ADDITIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE WE WILL BE UNABLE TO DELIVER LONG TERM GROWTH ON THIS SCALE, OR IN THE TIMESCALE PROPOSED. To accelerate the speed of Other statutory undertakers Through the Strategic Growth development, we will address the will be able to use the Strategic Plan we can maximise the lack of essential infrastructure Growth Plan and Local Plans benefits of this investment by (highway capacity, schools, as a clear statement of the focusing growth in areas close healthcare facilities, etc.) We will proposed growth in Leicester to new infrastructure proposals. also consider financial viability & Leicestershire. This will allow This does not mean to say that which can be a problem on some them to identify their own these are the only road and sites. In others, the costs of the investment priorities. We will rail projects that are needed necessary infrastructure might support them in their requests to support the growth that we need to be shared across several for funding, lobbying government will have. Existing schemes development sites. and supporting applications are already in the pipeline (e.g. for funding through the normal improvements to the A5, the We are working with developers, processes. A511 and Melton Mowbray Relief landowners and statutory Road) and we are working agencies to remove the barriers to deliver these. Additional to development and will focus MAXIMISING THE schemes will be needed to on this more intensively as we move forwards. Our highway RETURNS ON provide better connections to the strategic network. We will also authorities have already INVESTMENT look for ways to improve public identified key road and rail transport, cycling and walking. projects and are progressing Where infrastructure has already these through formal approval been committed, we now have In undertaking this work, we and funding regimes. Outside the opportunity to maximise recognise that, on our own, we the City, the County Council has the returns on this investment cannot deliver growth on this summarised the key projects in and use it to the advantage of scale. Government, statutory its ‘Prospectus for Growth’.* our local communities. We have agencies, landowners, developers taken as one of the building and local authorities all have Together the City and the blocks for our Plan, proposals for an important role to play in County Councils, as highway infrastructure investment that this process. The partnership authorities, are collaborating on already have a degree of support approach that we have achieved a Strategic Transport Plan which from government, executive to date provides a secure will identify additional projects agencies and other organisations. foundation on which to move and set out short and long All of the strategic infrastructure forward with other organisations. term aspirations for sustainable in our Plan is acknowledged as Without additional infrastructure transport initiatives including being required to resolve national we will be unable to deliver long public transport inprovements, and regional problems. term growth on this scale, or in ways of reducing the use of the the timescale proposed. private car and green transport initiatives. 7 LEICESTER & LEICESTERSHIRE 2050: OUR VISION FOR GROWTH * Reference: Prospectus for Growth, Leicestershire County Council, September 2017
THE BUILDING BLOCKS FOR OUR PLAN Other agencies are preparing plans and strategies which will influence what we do. In many cases, we have contributed to these documents so their contents are already aligned with our own aspirations. At the same time, the Strategic Growth Plan must be firmly rooted in the character of Leicester & Leicestershire and must protect our environmental, historic and other assets. This chapter summarises the principal building blocks that we have used to THE EXISTING SETTLEMENT PATTERN The first building block for our Plan is the settlement pattern that we already have. Looking beyond the county boundaries, the settlement pattern can be described as a series of separate towns and cities, extending from Derby and Nottingham in the north to Coventry and Birmingham in the south-west, mostly focused around the M1 and 4 Within Leicester & Leicestershire the settlement pattern is quite distinctive: ■ A strong ‘central’ city (Leicester), located at the heart of the County, with suburbs extending into adjoining boroughs and districts. With strong office, shopping, arts, culture, prepare our Plan. the M69 with intervening rural heritage and visitor profiles, areas. On either side, extensive the City is a focus for the rural areas separate Leicester market towns, rural areas and FIGURE 2: & Leicestershire from the West major employment areas that SETTLEMENT PATTERN Midlands and Cambridgeshire. are linked to it. Key: Settlements focused around M1/M69 Rural Areas © OpenStreetMap contributors | openstreetmap.org STRATEGIC GROWTH PLAN: SEPTEMBER 2018 8
NATIONAL ■ A ring of strong, independent and POLICIES THE HOUSING STRATEGY characterful market towns each connected to Leicester The second building block of Government has also published by radial routes and with our Plan is an understanding its strategy for tackling problems strong physical, functional, of national policies. These in the housing market. This social and economic ties to influence what we can do, recognises that if more new the City. The market towns particularly in relation to our housing is to be built, at a contribute much to the priority areas: housing, the faster rate, it will have to be character of Leicestershire, economy, infrastructure and accompanied by investment in are economically buoyant the environment. They also set new infrastructure. The housing in their own right and are the government's agenda for strategy also recognises the an important focus for local funding so it is important that we importance of strategic planning communities. reflect these priorities. We want for long term growth. to be ready to take advantage ■ Extensive rural areas of opportunities that will bring Government has already encircling the City and the benefits to our area, yet able to committed to new investment market towns, villages and control excessive development in housing, industry and hamlets. The landscape is pressures. infrastructure in Leicester & beautiful and varied, and Leicestershire through various has an economy of its own, funding programmes, and from nationally significant THE INDUSTRIAL more is promised. We want to agriculture and food STRATEGY maximise the benefits of this production to a growing investment, nationally, regionally professional services sector. The Government’s Industrial and locally. Strategy sets out a long term Together, this mix of urban plan to boost the productivity and rural areas underpins our and earning power of people quality of life. The long-standing throughout the UK. It provides relationship between Leicester, a framework for our own the market towns and the rural Local Industrial Strategy* and areas is a feature that we wish investment by the LLEP. The to enhance. It is not lost on Strategic Growth Plan considers us that our settlement pattern how existing employment areas resembles that of the ‘social can be supported and where new city’, a phrase coined by the growth should be directed. garden cities movement of the early 20th Century to describe a cluster of new garden cities in the countryside. The garden cities movement sought to deliver the perfect partnership between town and country. 9 LEICESTER & LEICESTERSHIRE 2050: OUR VISION FOR GROWTH * Local Industrial Strategies are prepared by economic partnerships when invited by government. The Leicester & Leicestershire Economic Partnership has already been invited to do so.
WE CONSIDER THAT OUR STRATEGIC GROWTH PLAN RESPONDS VERY POSITIVELY TO THE GOVERNMENT’S PRIORITIES FOR INVESTMENT AND NEW PLANNING POLICY THE NATIONAL PLANNING POLICY FRAMEWORK The National Planning Policy We have used the standard Although the National Planning Framework has recently been methodology to calculate Policy Framework states the revised. The emphasis of the housing needs so that we can government’s preference for new document is very much compare the results with our statutory plans, this has come at on strategic priorities, housing own study. We have found that, a late stage in the preparation of delivery and joint working. It across Leicester & Leicestershire our Plan. We consider that the includes a number of significant as a whole, the scale of need is current Plan fulfils many of the changes: very similar, although there are government’s requirements. We variations at the local level. also have a need for an agreed ■ the re-introduction of strategy to set a framework for strategic planning In terms of a Statement of our Local Plans and investment Common Ground, our Strategic priorities. For these reasons, we ■ the use of a ‘standard Growth Plan already fulfils much have decided to complete our methodology’ for calculating of what is required: it is a clear work on the Plan but we will, of housing need, and statement of acknowledged course, consider the need for a issues, it identifies our priorities statutory plan in line with the ■ the requirement to prepare and it sets out an agreed requirements of national planning a ‘Statement of Common strategy for our Local Plans. It policy as we move forwards. Ground’. provides a good foundation for future work on our Statement of In terms of strategic planning, Common Ground. authorities must now, as a minimum, ensure that there is a plan which addresses the priorities for an appropriate geographical area. It is acknowledged that in many cases, this will highlight the need for collaborative working on a joint plan. STRATEGIC GROWTH PLAN: SEPTEMBER 2018 10
OUR ECONOMY AND THE MIDLANDS ENGINE STRATEGY The third building block of our The Midlands Engine Strategy Plan is an understanding of also recognises the growth the local economy and how it potential of major employment is supported by the Midlands areas such as East Midlands Engine Strategy. The economy Airport, East Midlands Gateway, in Leicester & Leicestershire is the two enterprise zones – MIRA recovering strongly from the last Technology Park near Hinckley recession but there is still much and the Loughborough & to be done. Productivity and Leicester Enterprise Zone – the wages remain below the national logistics and distribution industry average but we have many and the potential of Leicester important growth sectors and City Centre. Since the strategy key employment locations. was published government funding has been put in place for The Midlands Engine Strategy key projects. has been prepared by Government and sets out a collective ambition for economic growth and prosperity. It aligns with the national industrial strategy and highlights how the THE MIDLANDS ENGINE region can build upon existing business sectors and areas of STRATEGY HAS BEEN opportunity. It highlights many PREPARED BY GOVERNMENT of our key industries, universities and employment areas as places AND SETS OUT A COLLECTIVE of national, and even global, AMBITION FOR ECONOMIC significance. GROWTH AND PROSPERITY 11 LEICESTER & LEICESTERSHIRE 2050: OUR VISION FOR GROWTH
FIGURE 3: ECONOMIC GROWTH AREAS* Key: 13. Leicester University © OpenStreetMap contributors | openstreetmap.org 1. Toton Station (High Speed 2) 2. East Midlands Gateway (Strategic Rail 14. De Montfort University Freight Interchange) 15. Global Space Technologies Hub 3. East Midlands Airport 16. Space Research Centre & Earth 4. Engineering Skills Training Centre at MIRA Observation Centre 5. MIRA Enterprise Zone 17. IBM Client Innovation Centre 6. Centre for Connected Autonomous Vehicles 18. Agri-Food and Drink Processing 7. Birmingham International Airport 19. Loughborough & Leicester Enterprise Zone 8. Arden Cross Station (High Speed 2) 20. Loughborough University 9. Magna Park Distribution Centre 21. Life Sciences Opportunity Zone 10. Agri-Food and Drink Processing 11. Fosse Park Retail Centre 12. City Centre and Strategic Regeneration Area in Leicester STRATEGIC GROWTH PLAN: SEPTEMBER 2018 12 *Places and activities highlighted in the Midlands Engine Strategy (2017)
INFRASTRUCTURE AND THE MIDLANDS CONNECT STRATEGY The fourth building block of Whilst the electrification of Similarly, the railway lines from our Plan is an understanding the Midland Main Line north Leicester to Melton Mowbray of the local road and rail of Kettering will not now and from Melton Mowbray to networks and how they are proceed as originally planned, Nottingham/Newark do not supported by proposals in the we will continue to press for feature in the Midlands Connect Midlands Connect Strategy. A improvements to the track, Strategy. Improvement of particular feature of the road stations and services to support these lines would also improve and rail network in Leicester & our local economy and housing connectivity and provide Leicestershire is its emphasis on growth. additional public transport north-south movement and the options to support growth. difficulty of east-west movement. The improvement of the At present, however, the cost All routes, however, are heavily Leicester-Burton Railway Line of improved lines and services congested and few have the does not form part of the requires further investigation capacity to support growth Midlands Connect Strategy. to establish the economic beyond 2031. Currently, the cost of improving case and availability of the track for passenger use, re- funding solutions. The Midlands Connect Strategy instating stations and operating has been prepared jointly by the services on this line far exceeds Midlands Connect Partnership available funding and the and government agencies. It likely income. If viable funding supports the Midlands Engine solutions were to emerge, Strategy and sets out a series of however, supported by new long term transport investment development in the vicinity of priorities to help unlock jobs and the line such that it could be growth. It proposes a rolling re-opened for passenger use, 25-year programme of strategic the matter could be reviewed road and rail improvements in future. around a series of economic hubs and intensive growth corridors. The Strategy endorses a number of key rail projects in Leicester & THE MIDLANDS CONNECT Leicestershire including improved STRATEGY HAS BEEN rail services between Leicester, Coventry and Birmingham. Key PREPARED JOINTLY BY road projects include improving THE MIDLANDS CONNECT the A5, M42/A42 and A46 to expressway standard, including a PARTNERSHIP AND new road to the south and east GOVERNMENT AGENCIES of Leicester linking into strategic highways to the west. 13 LEICESTER & LEICESTERSHIRE 2050: OUR VISION FOR GROWTH
FIGURE 4: ROAD AND RAIL IMPROVEMENTS © OpenStreetMap contributors | openstreetmap.org (referenced in the Midlands Connect Strategy and shown diagrammatically) Key: ROAD IMPROVEMENTS RAIL IMPROVEMENTS 1. Smart Motorway M1 J19-23a A. Midland Main Line Upgrade 2. M1 J23/A512 improvements and Electrification 3. A46 Expressway (route to be defined) B. Leicester-Coventry Upgrade 4. A5 Expressway C. Leicester-Birmingham Upgrade 5. M42/A42 Expressway D. High Speed 2 STRATEGIC GROWTH PLAN: SEPTEMBER 2018 14
Based upon O.S. mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes copyright and may lead to prosecution. Leicester City Council Licence LA 100019264 (2018) © OpenStreetMap contributors | openstreetmap.org 15 LEICESTER & LEICESTERSHIRE 2050: OUR VISION FOR GROWTH
PROTECTING OUR ENVIRONMENTAL, HISTORIC AND OTHER ASSETS The fifth building block in the In a strategic document such as Plan is a recognition of the assets this, it is impossible to convey that are most important to us. the range of assets that we We have identified key features have. This information has been and designations to help us make assembled, however, and is decisions about areas that need available on our website. Further to be protected (See Fig 5). We detailed information is held by have few national or international each of the local authorities and constraints but there are key will be used to make decisions features that are important about potential development to Leicester & Leicestershire, sites. Balancing the need for not least the National Forest, growth with protection of Charnwood Forest, Bosworth our assets has been a critical Battlefield, areas separating consideration. urban areas (our ‘green wedges’), valuable landscape Difficult decisions have had and townscape, local nature to be made but we know, conservation designations, civic from previous experience, heritage, conservation areas, etc. that unplanned growth can Many other places are important bring even more unacceptable locally and these too need to be consequences. We will continue protected. to gather evidence about our assets and how they can be protected as we continue our FIGURE 5: ASSETS work on Local Plans. Key: AGRICULTURAL LAND GRADES: Grade 1 Scheduled Monument Grade 2 River Mease Catchment Area Grade 3 River Mease SAC Conservation Areas NATIONAL FLOOD ZONES: National Nature Reserve Level 3 Geology Level 2 LNRs and Wildlife Sites Sites of Special Scientific Interest National / Charnwood Forest Archaeological Alert Battlefield HS2 Parks and Gardens Ancient Woodland Green Wedge STRATEGIC GROWTH PLAN: SEPTEMBER 2018 16
OUR OVERALL APPROACH 5 We acknowledge that Leicester & Leicestershire will grow. Our population is increasing and we need more homes. We have clusters of businesses, universities and research institutions that operate on a world stage. There is a national and regional imperative to OUR PRIORITIES During the course of our work we have identified four priorities. They are: ■ creating conditions for investment and growth - balancing the need for new housing and jobs with protection of our environment INVESTMENT AND GROWTH Analysis of population and household statistics tells us that Leicester & Leicestershire will continue to grow whether we plan for this or not. New jobs continue to be created particularly in Leicester city centre, in the northern part of the provide more homes and jobs. and built heritage. county and around the market towns. But we also know that too much ■ achieving a step change growth in particular locations, in the way that growth is More new jobs are expected in and insensitive development, delivered – focusing more the LLEP’s priority sectors of life is having an adverse impact on development in strategic sciences (medical technologies); our local communities and on locations and less on non- advanced manufacturing and our environment. The lack of strategic sites. engineering; advanced logistics; essential infrastructure is also space and digital technologies; slowing the pace of delivery. ■ securing essential and textiles. These reflect the infrastructure that is needed priorities of the Midlands Engine The Strategic Growth Plan is to make this happen – taking Strategy and the growth of the our proposal for balancing advantage of proposals to national economy. these competing interests. By improve national and regional providing a long term strategy networks (as set out in the More locally, individual authorities and a framework for our Local Midlands Connect Strategy) are focusing on tourism, leisure, Plans, the Strategic Growth and maximising the benefits health and wellbeing and Plan gives us the opportunity to from them. supporting the rural economy. identify strategic development The Strategic Growth Plan locations and the infrastructure ■ maintaining the essential provides a spatial framework that is essential to their delivery. qualities of Leicester & within which this investment and Leicestershire and delivering growth can occur. high quality development. This sets an agenda for growth which is based on achieving a better relationship between THIS IS OUR homes, jobs and infrastructure, OPPORTUNITY increasing the speed of delivery and ensuring that development FOR CHANGE does not damage the special places that we cherish. 17 LEICESTER & LEICESTERSHIRE 2050: OUR VISION FOR GROWTH *llstrategicgrowthplan.org.uk
OUR VISION* Our vision is that: “By 2050, Leicester & Leicestershire will have established itself as a driver of the UK economy, exploiting opportunities for linkages across its diverse economic base, supporting its urban and rural centres, and taking advantage of its exceptional location. Growth will contribute to people’s health, happiness and well-being through the timely delivery of well-designed and high quality development, raising the bar in terms of environmental standards, quality of life and local distinctiveness.” * Reference: Strategic Growth Statement (2016) SHIFTING THE FOCUS OF DEVELOPMENT To date, the majority of Sometimes those who want We are working with developers new housing in Leicester & to live in good quality homes and Homes England to increase Leicestershire has been built close to their place of work the speed at which development on small and medium-sized find that there is little available sites come forward and are built sites in the City, market towns, within their price range. Several out. We will continue to seek villages and rural areas. Some major employers and clusters funding for essential infrastructure of this development has of economic opportunities are to support development. been unplanned. Often these located towards the edge of developments make little or no the County. Not all are close Our analysis has demonstrated contribution to infrastructure to housing so a great deal of that, through our existing and or services and, instead, rely on commuting takes place. This is emerging Local Plans, and existing facilities. This has created a problem not least for those planning permissions, we can significant problems. Some who do not have a car – public make provision for the amount of communities feel overwhelmed transport is often limited. new homes and jobs we need in by the speed and scale of change. the period up to 2031. This will Others are disadvantaged by Our strategy proposes to build be achieved through a mixture pressures on local schools, health more development in major of major strategic sites already centres and recreation facilities. strategic locations and to reduce identified in Local Plans (about Congestion on local roads and the amount that takes place in 40%) and smaller scale growth on public transport is a frequent existing towns, villages and rural non-strategic sites (about 60%). cause of complaint. areas. This will allow us to plan for new housing and employment together with new and improved roads, public transport, schools, health services, local shops and open space. STRATEGIC GROWTH PLAN: SEPTEMBER 2018 18
SECURING ESSENTIAL INFRASTRUCTURE Delivering sustainable growth, In terms of road and rail In terms of private sector before and after 2031, needs improvements, the Midlands projects, we recognise that the new infrastructure, not only road Connect Strategy lays the lack of funding, or the ability and rail improvements but also foundations for longer term, to secure finance, and a range schools, healthcare facilities, strategic investment. Analysis of other factors have caused venues for sports and leisure, has shown that by investing delay. We need to resolve these open space, community halls, in road and rail schemes in problems if we are to create etc. Through our work on Local Leicester & Leicestershire, high quality developments with Plans we have already identified congestion can be reduced on a sense of place and everything the road and rail improvements other parts of the regional and that they need to create real that are needed to support national network. The strategy, communities. Growth after 2031 growth in housing and jobs up therefore, proposes major is also very much dependent to 2031. Statutory agencies also improvements to road and rail upon earlier infrastructure being have the information that they facilities throughout the area. put in place. need to organise their investment priorities. The problem has been We have considered how these We will work collaboratively with aligning this provision across a road and rail improvements could the private sector and others number of delivery agencies. support strategic development to remove any barriers which Solving this problem will lie at in Leicester & Leicestershire. We exist. The Strategic Growth Plan, the heart of delivering growth in have concluded that there are together with Local Plans, the the early stages of our plan. major opportunities for strategic Local Industrial Strategy and development in locations that the Strategic Transport Plan Beyond 2031, the scale of relate well to areas of housing will demonstrate that we are infrastructure and service need and economic opportunity. speaking with one voice and are provision is such that significant It makes great practical and committed to an agreed strategy. investment by government will financial sense to maximise the be needed. Our strategy makes benefits that are offered by these provision for more of our growth schemes. to be provided in strategic locations. To do this, we need to: We recognise that, if high quality sustainable development is to ■ deliver the infrastructure and be achieved, these schemes will services that have already need to be supported by public been identified in Local Plans sector investment in local road and planning applications; and rail improvements, and in and public transport. The City and County Councils, as highway ■ secure public sector authorities, are already starting funding for new strategic to identify what will be needed infrastructure which will open but decisions cannot be finalised up sites for development. until specific development sites have been identified in Local Plans. The Strategic Transport Plan will provide more information on what these improvements are and how they will be delivered. 19 LEICESTER & LEICESTERSHIRE 2050: OUR VISION FOR GROWTH
DELIVERING HIGH QUALITY DEVELOPMENT We have decided that our We also propose to seek high The Garden City concept common agenda will be quality environments, with a allows us to plan for new delivering 21st century garden strong community focus and development which captures towns, villages and suburbs economic justification, and we the very best of town and within our strategic growth areas. consider that new strategic country. It would ensure that This reflects the settlement development should be delivered new development is planned pattern of the City and County, to a common agenda. with strong social, economic and establishes a framework for and environmental foundations, protecting the valuable assets For this we have looked to our and that communities are that we have. It also allows us distinctive settlement pattern placed at the heart of planning. to develop a strong agenda - Leicester as a thriving central This is the common agenda to around social, economic and city surrounded by strong, which we will work as we bring environmental priorities. independent and characterful forward, through our Local market towns, and extensive Plans, the major development The scale of opportunity in rural areas. We are keen to opportunities in the Plan. Leicester & Leicestershire assists reflect our heritage of garden these choices. Our strategy suburbs and government focuses development along support for new garden towns, transportation corridors and villages and suburbs. close to important employment centres. At a local level, FIGURE 6: we could expand existing settlements or create new ones. THE SOCIAL CITY CONCEPT OF We could plan for some new THE GARDEN CITY MOVEMENT development in existing urban areas. Indeed, given the scale of opportunity, several of these options could be delivered in combination. The decisions will be made in our Local Plans but the intention is that individual decisions will be made in line with this strategy. Credit: Town And Country Planning Association STRATEGIC GROWTH PLAN: SEPTEMBER 2018 20
6 OUR SPATIAL STRATEGY Our spatial strategy acknowledges the scale of growth that is already in the pipeline as a result of Local Plans and planning permissions. It also builds upon known road and rail infrastructure opportunities or commitments. In delivering the strategy we will enhance the role of Leicester at the heart LEICESTER: OUR ‘CENTRAL CITY’ Leicester has a pivotal role to play in the strategy. We propose that it should develop its role as the ‘central city’ supporting the market towns and rural areas around it. More jobs, leisure, arts, culture and entertainment facilities would be provided within the City Centre. The strategic regeneration area along The population of the urban area, in and around Leicester City, is about 650,000 and increasing rapidly. We are working collaboratively to accommodate all of the homes that the City needs in places that are well- connected to it. Given the scale of housing of the county and maintain the the Waterside will develop as a need and the potential for close relationships between mixed use area, extending the new jobs, the City needs to the City, the market towns and economic opportunities available grow. This needs to be done in rural areas. In doing so, we will within the centre of the City, but such a way that we can make prepare Local Plans in line with balancing new jobs with the need full use of existing services this spatial strategy to ensure for new homes. and infrastructure within the that growth is delivered in a way City. Also, by providing more which responds positively to our homes close to jobs in the City aspirations. Centre and other employment centres, we will be able to relieve development pressures in other parts of the surrounding authorities. Given the scale of development on the fringes of Leicester, any growth would need to be accompanied by measures to increase capacity on the radial roads and improve public transport, cycling and walking. WE WILL ENHANCE THE ROLE OF LEICESTER AND MAINTAIN THE CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN THE CITY, THE MARKET TOWNS AND RURAL AREAS 21 LEICESTER & LEICESTERSHIRE 2050: OUR VISION FOR GROWTH
FIGURE 6: STRATEGY PLAN © OpenStreetMap contributors | openstreetmap.org Key: ESSENTIAL INFRASTRUCTURE: (shown diagrammatically) Leicester: Our Central City M1 Smart Motorway A46 Priority Growth Corridor A46 Expressway (route to be defined) Leicestershire International Gateway A5 Expressway A5 Improvement Corridor M42/A42 Expressway Melton Mowbray: Key Centre for Rail improvements Regeneration and Growth HS2 Managed Growth in Local Plans Growth to support local needs only STRATEGIC GROWTH PLAN: SEPTEMBER 2018 22
THE A46 PRIORITY GROWTH CORRIDOR The ‘expressway’ proposal for the Improvements to the railway lines The Midlands Connect Strategy A46 is critical to our strategy. It and services between Leicester, proposes that the A46 and A5 not only provides an alternative Coventry and Birmingham are expressways will be built by the route to the M1 but also creates also proposed. early 2030s. Increased capacity the opportunity for significant on the railways is proposed within development to the south and The combination of new and the same timeframe. As planning east of the City. The expressway improved roads and railways in progresses on these road and rail proposal is included in the this area creates the opportunity projects, and Local Plans make Midlands Connect Strategy and for major development along a provision for future development, proposes a new road extending corridor extending around the the Plan proposes that we should from a new or improved junction southern and eastern fringes of start to shift the balance of new on the M69, and continuing to Leicester. The proposed new growth, away from small and the south and east of Leicester, road is of national and regional medium-sized sites, towards with a new junction on the M1 significance but it also provides major strategic locations within (J20a). The new road will re-join the opportunity for strategic this corridor. the existing A46 to the north- development in Leicester & east of the City. The precise Leicestershire. We estimate that route of the new road will have this corridor has the potential to significant implications for accommodate about 38,000 new encouraging growth in Leicester homes and additional new jobs. and Leicestershire and will be the subject of consultation at various stages in its routing and design. WE ESTIMATE THAT THIS CORRIDOR HAS THE POTENTIAL TO ACCOMMODATE ABOUT 38,000 NEW HOMES AND ADDITIONAL NEW JOBS 23 LEICESTER & LEICESTERSHIRE 2050: OUR VISION FOR GROWTH
MELTON THE MOWBRAY: LEICESTERSHIRE THE A5 KEY CENTRE FOR INTERNATIONAL IMPROVEMENT REGENERATION GATEWAY CORRIDOR AND GROWTH The Leicestershire International The A5 provides a long distance Melton Mowbray sits at the Gateway is focused around the strategic route running from the centre of a largely agricultural northern parts of the A42 and south-east to the north-west. area in the north east of the the M1, where there are major The route acts as an alternative county. Somewhat distant employment opportunities to the M6 motorway between from other centres, strategic notably East Midlands Airport, J12 and the M1 but suffers from road and rail routes, the town East Midlands Gateway (strategic increasing congestion and lack functions as a rural hub for the rail freight terminal) and HS2 of capacity to serve as a relief surrounding villages and rural station at Toton nearby. The route when there are problems communities, the focus of social authorities have already made on the M6. Also, it is expected and economic activity, enhanced provision for strategic new to experience increased traffic by a characterful and distinctive housing developments in Ashby, growth in the future from landscape. Recently economic Coalville, and Loughborough and advanced manufacturing and growth has been constrained by these need to be completed as a logistics developments such lack of sites and poor connectivity matter of priority to provide the as the MIRA Enterprise Zone & but there is evidence that local opportunity for people to live Technology Park, phase three of firms are looking to expand and close to their places of work. At DIRFT near Daventry and Magna new businesses wish to move in. the same time, some parts of the Park in Lutterworth. area (e.g. the centres of Coalville The town centre is congested and Shepshed) are in need of Improvement of the A5 corridor and in need of regeneration but regeneration and the physical is essential to reduce congestion has a great deal of potential. fabric needs to be improved. In in the area, to deliver already Investment in the public realm our Local Plans we intend to planned housing growth and – the buildings, public spaces, explore the theme of ‘forest to support delivery of major streets – would do much to towns’ suggested in the National industrial sites which already restore confidence in the town Forest Strategy. This could be have Local Plan allocations and support its potential as a way of enhancing the physical and/or planning permission. centre for tourism and leisure in fabric of the towns and villages Managing the delivery of one of the most attractive parts in this area and making the most consented/allocated sites in and of the county. of our environmental assets. It around Hinckley will be achieved would also support investment in through Local Plans. The recent approval for the Melton tourism and leisure facilities and Mowbray Relief Road provides the health and wellbeing agenda. There are long-standing catalyst for change: it will remove proposals, promoted by the A5 congestion in the town centre and Loughborough, with a world Partnership, to improve the A5 open up land for development class university, has also made from Dodwells to Longshoot, to the north and east of the provision for a science and widening to dual-carriageway town. Similar investment in enterprise park and this needs to a short section of the A5 near highways to the south of the be delivered in conjunction with Hinckley, which carries the traffic town could increase this further. improved access from J23 on the of both the A5 and the A47. New growth will support town M1, now funded. The A5 Partnership proposals centre shops and services and also call for improvements to provide the opportunity for Overall, we estimate that upgrade the A5 between the people to live close to where they the area has the potential to A38 and the M1 to ‘expressway’ work. The new A46 expressway accommodate about 11,000 standard. This is supported by and improved connections to it, new homes. Improvements to the Midlands Connect Strategy will also improve connectivity the A42, the M1, railway lines and will provide much needed to Leicester, the M1 and the and services – all set out in the relief to local roads, and provide Leicestershire International Midlands Connect Strategy – an efficient alternative route to Gateway. support this opportunity. the M6, between J12 and the M1. STRATEGIC GROWTH PLAN: SEPTEMBER 2018 24 * Reference: The Department for Transport’s Road Investment Strategy (2015/16-2019/20) includes proposals to upgrade the A5. The A5 Partnership is made up of 18 local councils supported by other public agencies along a 70 mile stretch from Gailey in Staffordshire, to Weedon in Northamptonshire (via Leicestershire and Warwickshire). It is supported by Highways England, four Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs), Midlands Connect, East Midlands Councils and the Homes and Communities Agency.
AREAS OF MANAGED OUR VILLAGES GROWTH IN LOCAL AND RURAL NOTIONAL CAPACITY PLANS AREAS (EMPLOYMENT LAND) Coalville, Hinckley, Loughborough, In recent years, our villages and Our study of housing and Lutterworth and Market rural areas have been under economic development needs* Harborough vary in size, location intense pressure for growth. The indicates the amounts of and economic base but all strategy proposes that, in future, employment land that will be contribute significantly to the there will be limited growth in required in the periods 2011-31 local economy. All are already these areas, consistent with and 2011-36 (see Appendix A). under intense pressure for providing for local needs. We are confident that, for these development and have made periods, provision will be made substantial provision within and in existing and emerging Local on the edges of the existing NOTIONAL CAPACITY Plans. towns. Much of this has still (DWELLINGS) to be built and is dependent Longer term requirements are upon new local infrastructure. We have estimated the notional not quantified. The need for Further sustainable development capacity of our strategic growth employment land is subject to should be consistent with the areas to accommodate new considerably greater market need to support local growth. In homes and this is shown in Table variability than the need for new particular, there are aspirations B below. In Appendix B we homes. for continued town centre indicate how this growth would regeneration and better services. be distributed across the eight It is, therefore, unrealistic to local authorities in Leicester & anticipate what these might be so Leicestershire. far ahead. In principle, however, it is considered that the spatial TABLE B: NOTIONAL distribution of new employment CAPACITY OF will need to reflect the overall STRATEGIC GROWTH strategy of the Plan, enable AREAS (DWELLINGS) homes and jobs to be located in close proximity, and take advantage of opportunities for Growth area Notional capacity (dwellings) commuting by public transport. A46 Priority Growth Corridor 38,000 The need for new employment The Leicestershire International Gateway 11,200 land will be monitored and reviewed on a regular basis Melton Mowbray: Key Centre for 3,800 through the preparation and Regeneration and Growth adoption of Local Plans. Total 53,000 25 LEICESTER & LEICESTERSHIRE 2050: OUR VISION FOR GROWTH * Reference: Leicester & Leicestershire Economic Development Needs Assessment (January 2017)
OUR COMMITMENT TO DELIVERY A PARTNERSHIP DIGITAL APPROACH CONNECTIVITY Our analysis demonstrates that We propose, therefore, to Digital connectivity is a Leicester & Leicestershire has the proceed on the basis of a significant issue in parts of potential to deliver development non-statutory plan and we Leicester & Leicestershire, both which is of national and regional will reinforce its provisions as rural and urban. High quality significance. The fact that the necessary to give confidence communications support Strategic Growth Plan has been that we are committed to remote working and provide prepared by the ten partner delivery. We will implement the access to on-line services. They organisations responsible for Strategic Growth Plan through are an essential part of the planning, transport and economic our statutory Local Plans, infrastructure planning process development demonstrates supplemented by additional and need to be funded as such. the extent of the collaborative documents as necessary. work that is taking place. Three strategic documents are being Should circumstances change in OUR OFFER TO prepared in parallel: the Strategic Growth Plan, the Strategic future, we can update housing need and supply through GOVERNMENT Transport Plan and the Local Statements of Common Ground Our offer to government, in return Industrial Strategy. Together and/or a review of the Strategic for investment in infrastructure, is with Local Plans, these key Growth Plan. to maximise the benefits that can documents will demonstrate our be achieved from commitments commitment to future growth that are already made in the and infrastructure investment. ALIGNING Midlands Engine and Midlands INFRASTRUCTURE Connect strategies. We are confident that we can deliver STATUTORY VS AND GROWTH genuinely high quality new NON-STATUTORY It is clear, however, that we will homes and jobs, in successful communities at a faster pace than PLANS need support from government has been achieved to date. New if we are to achieve the step infrastructure will enable this to The changes to the National change in the amount and speed happen. Planning Policy Framework of housing and economic growth state a preference for statutory that we propose. We started our Given that our growth in the plans, make recommendations work with a shared commitment period 2011-31 can be provided on on a standard methodology for to deliver the homes and jobs existing sites or in Local Plans, we calculating housing need, and that Leicestershire needs over have time to align infrastructure set out the requirements for a the period 2011-50 and our and new growth. We propose ‘Statement of Common Ground’. strategy is set out in this Plan. to work with government and The work on our three strategic We wish to take full advantage its executive agencies to put documents, however, has of the opportunities that are this into effect. We will also reached an advanced stage. To presented by the Midlands work with local communities pause and re-work the Strategic Engine and Midlands Connect and government departments Growth Plan in a different strategies. Our proposals, to ensure that new development format would cause significant therefore, maximise the brings with it the local services delay at a time when there are benefits that are delivered by that are needed. For our part, significant issues to resolve and the infrastructure investment through our Local Plans, we will opportunities to grasp. proposed in these documents. deliver the growth that is set We value the government’s out in this Plan, ensuring that stated commitment to the region. new development is built to the highest possible standards. STRATEGIC GROWTH PLAN: SEPTEMBER 2018 26
APP APPENDIX A HOUSING NEEDS 2011-31 AND 2011-36 We have undertaken a study of our housing and employment economic development needs for the periods 2011-31 and 2011- 36 to align with the different time periods for which Local Plans are being prepared. The results of this analysis are set out in Tables 1 and 2 and further We have undertaken an analysis of completions, planning permissions and allocations in adopted and emerging Local Plans. We have concluded that sufficient provision has been, or will be, made in adopted or emerging Local Plans to accommodate the OAN for Beyond 2031, provision will be made in Local Plans in accordance with the framework set out in this Plan. detail can be found in the study. housing, across the HMA as a Leicester City Council has whole, for the period 2011-31. formally declared that it will be The unmet need arising in the unable to meet its ‘objectively administrative areas of Leicester assessed needs’ (OAN) for City Council will, therefore, be housing for the period 2011- accommodated in the remaining 31. Oadby & Wigston Borough borough and district councils Council has declared that, and this will be reflected in Local subject to further investigation Plans as they progress, supported of highway matters, it might by an agreed statement or be unable to meet its needs for Statement of Common Ground as the period 2031-36. Planning appropriate. guidance requires the OAN to be satisfied across the ‘housing market area’ (HMA) as a whole. TABLE 1: HOUSING NEED 2011-31 TABLE 2: HOUSING NEED 2011-36 Authority Housing Need1 Authority Housing Need1 Number of Total number Number of Total dwellings per of dwellings dwellings per number of annum annum dwellings Blaby DC 370 7,400 Blaby DC 361 9,025 Charnwood BC 1,031 20,620 Charnwood BC 994 24,850 Harborough DC 532 10,640 Harborough DC 514 12,850 Hinckley & Bosworth BC 471 9,420 Hinckley & Bosworth BC 454 11,350 Leicester City Council 1,692 33,840 Leicester City Council 1,668 41,700 Melton BC 186 3,720 Melton BC 170 4,250 North West Leicestershire 481 9,620 North West Leicestershire 448 11,200 DC DC Oadby & Wigston BC 148 2,960 Oadby & Wigston BC 155 3,875 Total (Leicester & 4,829 2 96,5802 Total (Leicester & 4,7162 117,9002 Leicestershire) Leicestershire) Notes: 1. Source: Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment, GL 27 LEICESTER & LEICESTERSHIRE 2050: OUR VISION FOR GROWTH Hearn, January 2017 2. The totals do not match the sum of the parts due to the way in which additional provision to support economic growth in Melton BC and North West Leicestershire DC is taken into account.
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