OUR LEGACY SUMMER 2022 - Pulselive

Page created by Darrell Sparks
OUR LEGACY SUMMER 2022 - Pulselive

OUR LEGACY SUMMER 2022 - Pulselive
                                 DIVE IN                                           4
                                 PATHS FORGED FOR A NEW JOURNEY                    5
                                 SPREADING LEGACY BENEFITS                         6
                                 INVESTMENT INTO GAMES VENUES AND INFRASTRUCTURE   12
                                 BRING THE POWER YOUTH ENGAGEMENT PROGRAMME        16
                                 GEN22 YOUTH SOCIAL ACTION PROGRAMME               20
                                 VOLUNTEERING                                      26
                                 PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND WELLBEING                   30
                                 COMMUNITY COHESION, INCLUSION AND PRIDE           36
                                 THE QUEEN’S BATON RELAY                           42
                                 CREATIVE AND CULTURAL PARTICIPATION               46
                                 JOBS AND SKILLS                                   52
                                 BUSINESS AND TOURISM                              56
                                 SOCIAL VALUE                                      60
                                 SUSTAINABILITY                                    64
                                 UNITED BY BIRMINGHAM 2022                         70
                                 AMBITION BEYOND THE GAMES                         74
                                 A FINAL WORD                                      78

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OUR LEGACY SUMMER 2022 - Pulselive
DIVE IN                                                                                   PATHS FORGED FOR A NEW JOURNEY
       There is a diver standing on the 10-metre platform                                        Home to people from over 180 countries,
       She will turn her back on the crowd but face up                                           Birmingham and the West Midlands are known as a
       To the challenge. Where so many would have ran                                            driving force of innovation and ideas. And we brought
       From the ladders she climbed without blinking                                             this same industry and creativity to deliver the
       She could be called Birmingham. Ready to jump                                             Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games in step with
       In at the deep end, and we know you’re not meant                                          Birmingham’s motto: Forward.
       To make a splash, but we’ll bend the rules this time.
                                                                                                 During Games-time the investments made in world-
                                                                                                 class facilities like Sandwell Aquatics Centre and
       Residents from 180 different countries and I can’t tell
                                                                                                 Alexander Stadium will shine a light on the power
       You that they always get the credit that they deserve
                                                                                                 of Birmingham 2022 to accelerate change, bring
       But I can tell you that they should. Can tell you that
                                                                                                 forward investment, and play a part in levelling up.
       we have never claimed to be perfect, but we step up,
       Always ready sometimes rough, we may not be well sanded                                   After the Games, the memories of sporting
       But from Sandwell to Coventry we are taking it on.                                        achievements will be joined by images of children
                                                                                                 learning to swim, young people representing a local
       Short notice at the start, pandemic in the prep,                                          athletics club, and communities coming together to
       But ever more determined with each and every step                    CASEY BAILEY         get active. In Perry Barr much needed regeneration
       This is by the West Midlands, for everyone                           Birmingham Poet      is radiating out from Alexander Stadium, with
       Putting passion and pride back where it belongs                                           new houses and a refurbished train station being            A shortened timescale and global pandemic have
                                                                            Laureate 2020-2022   catalysed by the Games.                                     also shaped Games delivery. Unfazed, pragmatic and
       Where Black Sabbath’s songs and Shakespeare’s pen
       Set stages ablaze, and we‘re burning again                                                                                                            always determined, Birmingham 2022 has taken it on.
                                                                                                 As well as buildings, infrastructure, and economy           The journey may not have been a smooth one but, on
                                                                                                 the Games is helping to forge a new image of                time and on budget, our region is ready to welcome
       We will do more than just generating income                                               Birmingham and the West Midlands, displaying the
       We will tell a generation to come in, to travel                                                                                                       the world.
                                                                                                 best of this great city, region and nation to the rest of
       Two hands on the basketball for more than two steps,                                      the world. A place recognised as inclusive, youthful,       There are hallmarks that make Birmingham 2022
       Two feet kicking at the back of the swimmer,                                              and distinctive; a place where people come first;           unique, unafraid to do things differently, and striving
       Maybe one foot, maybe none, we will make waves                                            and where the investment in the Games is only the           for new benchmarks in creativity, inclusivity, and
                                                                                                 start. The issues that are important to our young           sustainability. Birmingham’s legacy will not only
       We took the baton late but we’re moving now,                                              people have visibly helped to shape this Games.             travel on to future global events, but will also travel in
       And Birmingham is not known for bragging                                                  From venues to volunteering, and sustainability to          the confidence, skills and optimism of the generation
       More play it down than say it loud, but don’t                                             social value young people’s voices have urged us to         that is thousands of young people who have worked,
       Think that because we do not sing our own                                                 tackle inequalities of all kinds, to advance inclusion      volunteered, or felt part of this Games.
       praises that you shouldn’t. We are flying                                                 and sustainability, and to see the benefits reaching        From Cannock to Coventry, there is immense pride
                                                                                                 people like them.                                           that this is the first major multi sports event to be
       Maybe the sports have brought us here,
                                                                                                                                                             open to the public in almost three years. It is apt that
       But we are certainly not just here for sports,
                                                                                                                                                             in the historic year of Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee
       Can you hear the talk? The rumblings coming like
                                                                                                                                                             we will warmly welcome athletes, spectators, and
       Trains slowing at New Street, cars flowing on new streets,
                                                                                                                                                             visitors to the 'friendly Games' in the 'friendly city',
       Paths forged for a new journey. Come with us
                                                                                                                                                             from across the UK, Commonwealth and the world.
       No seriously, wherever you are we are not far
                                                                                                                                                             The roars and cheers that will reverberate from
       In the heart of this land, this land where
                                                                                                                                                             Games venues will showcase people and a region
                                                                                                                                                             passionate about sport and being active, but also
       There is a man in a wheelchair, pumping through the
                                                                                                                                                             about purpose and possibility, and keen to build an
       Finish line, and the crowd are roaring, just experienced
                                                                                                                                                             enhanced reputation as a world-class host of major
       What awe is and this is awesome. There is a man
                                                                                                                                                             sporting and cultural events.
       Who cannot stand, but has always stood for something
       For hard work and dedication, for transcending expectation                                                                                            Hosting this event has always been about more than
       And taking limitations for the joke they have always been.                                                                                            sport and tickets. This is Birmingham 2022, created in
       On this day, where are you? Are you here, did you see?                                                                                                the West Midlands. Be in no doubt, we are taking it on.
       Is the story you will tell to your children, or your friends about
       how you were here in this place how you are part of this movement.

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OUR LEGACY SUMMER 2022 - Pulselive
SPREADING LEGACY BENEFITS                                                                                         REGIONAL INVESTMENT
                                                                                                                         The Games has brought significant investment to
                                                                                                                                                                                 LEVELLING UP
                                                                                                                                                                                 The Games is a gateway to turn setback into
                                                                                                                         Birmingham, the West Midlands, and beyond. It has       strength, generating possibility and opportunity.
                                                                                                                         built confidence to bring forward and accelerate        From the start, Games partners made a firm
       The Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games has            In building and delivering our legacy programme
                                                                                                                         planned investment and regeneration. The significant    commitment to inclusive growth and delivering
       the power to bring people together, improve health    we have drawn upon the Commonwealth Games
                                                                                                                         core public investment of £778 million has created a    benefits for local people. It is vital we ensure that
       and wellbeing, act as a catalyst for change, help     Federation’s (CGF) vision to use sport to create
                                                                                                                         positive economic, social, and environmental impact     the benefits of the Games flow to local people,
       the region to grow and succeed, and put us on         peaceful, sustainable, and prosperous communities
                                                                                                                         for ongoing investments in Perry Barr including the     communities and businesses more equally - in step
       the global stage. These are the five pillars of our   across the Commonwealth. Our work embodies the
                                                                                                                         £30 million refurbishment of the train station, wider   with levelling up ambitions and pandemic recovery.
       mission and in our legacy programmes we have          CGF’s values of Humanity, Equality, and Destiny.
                                                                                                                         transport improvements and the creation of up to
       worked hard to make sure everyone has had access
                                                                                                                         5,000 new homes. Investing in the region for the
       to the opportunities and benefits that the Games
                                                                                                                         Games has also unlocked additional funding from a
       will provide.
                                                                                                                         range of public and third sector bodies, enabling a
                                                                                                                         specific, tailored set of legacy programmes to be
                                                                                                                         established to maximise the opportunity of hosting
                                                                                                                         the Games. The impact of the legacy programmes will
                                                                                                                         be measured and reported through the Games-wide
                                                                                                                         The programmes set out in this document have been
                                                                                                                         delivered by a strong partnership of organisations
            BE A CATALYST FOR CHANGE                                                                                     who have worked to maximise the opportunity and
            Drive sustainable growth                                                                                     investment presented by hosting the Games. The
                                                                                  BRING PEOPLE TOGETHER                  partners driving the legacy programmes include
            and aspiration, creating
                                                                                  Embrace and champion, the              local, national, and international organisations:
            opportunities through trade,
                                                                                  youth, diversity, humanity and
            investment, jobs and skills.                                                                                 • Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF).                  Birmingham was the fastest growing city in the
                                                                                  pride of the region and the
                                                                                  Commonwealth.                          • Commonwealth Games England (CGE).                     UK in 2019, and although the pandemic may have
                                                                                                                         • The Birmingham Organising Committee for the           interrupted this trajectory, hosting the Games can
                                                 THE GAMES                                                                 2022 Commonwealth Games (the Organising
                                                                                                                           Committee ‘OC’).
                                                                                                                                                                                 help to put the region back on track economically.
                                                                                                                                                                                 With £350 million of goods and services to procure,
                                                    FOR                                                                  • Department for Digital, Culture, Media,
                                                                                                                                                                                 and 40,000 jobs and volunteering opportunities
                                                                                                                                                                                 to recruit for, this is a vital time to unlock the local
                                                 EVERYONE                                    IMPROVE HEALTH
                                                                                                                           and Sport (DCMS).
                                                                                                                         • Birmingham City Council (BCC).
                                                                                                                                                                                 benefits. We are using the opportunity to revitalise
                                                                                             AND WELLBEING                                                                       our economy and seeing levelling up in action as
                                                                                                                         • The West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA),          we enjoy the momentum of new investment and
                                                                                             Inspire, engage, and
                                                                                                                           Transport for West Midlands (TfWM),                   opportunities in the West Midlands region – 75% of
      HELP THE REGION TO GROW                                                                connect communities and
                                                                                                                           and the West Midlands Growth Company (WMGC).          the OC’s supply chain spend has been with
      AND SUCCEED                                                                            athletes to realise their
                                                                                             full potential and live     • Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council                 West Midlands suppliers.
      Transform and strengthen local
                                                                                             happier, healthier lives.     (Sandwell Council).
      communities, working together to
      deliver new and improved homes,
      facilities and, transport links.

                                                             PUT US ON THE GLOBAL STAGE
                                                             Deliver an unforgettable, global Games
                                                             in partnership, on time and on budget to
                                                             showcase the best of Birmingham, the West
                                                             Midlands, the UK and the Commonwealth.

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OUR LEGACY SUMMER 2022 - Pulselive
       We also want the Games to be an opportunity to            This Games is striving for new benchmarks for
       advance equity and equality, both on and off the field    inclusivity and sustainability, lifting limitations, and
       of play. To deliver that, we are engaging people and      resetting expectations for future Commonwealth
       groups that reflect the diversity of the region. By       Games and other major events. Birmingham 2022
       listening and understanding their lived experiences       is set to be the most sustainable Commonwealth
       we have tried to remove barriers in their way. People     Games yet, reducing our carbon footprint wherever
       have told us that the Games must be about more than       possible and offsetting what we can’t reduce.
       sport and tickets if it is going to have a long-term
                                                                 Birmingham 2022 is also the first Commonwealth
       positive impact. What we have heard has shaped this
                                                                 Games to be delivered in a shortened timescale
       Games and is driving fairer practice.
                                                                 and during a global pandemic. When the Games
       In the legacy programme you will see this playing         was awarded to Commonwealth Games England
       out in the number of volunteers from the region,          and Birmingham on 17 December 2017, organisers             HISTORY AND CELEBRATION
       through our Social Value Charter which is using our       embraced the challenge of delivering to a shorter
                                                                                                                            2022 is a significant year for our nation as we
       supply chain to maximise the opportunities reaching       timescale, after original host Durban did not proceed,
                                                                                                                            honoured the immense achievements of Her
       local people, in the curatorial lines that shaped the     enabling Birmingham to set a new bar for delivering
                                                                                                                            Majesty the Queen as she celebrated her Platinum
       Birmingham 2022 Festival programme, successful            a global multi-sports event in record time and amid a
                                                                                                                            Jubilee. The Games will help to shine the light on the
       SME suppliers that came through our black and             global crisis. We are on time and on budget, and have
                                                                                                                            brilliance of our nation and the warm and friendly
       ethnic minority procurement bootcamp and the              created a multi-faceted Birmingham blueprint on the
                                                                                                                            welcome that Birmingham and the West Midlands will
       Commonwealth Games first relaxed Festival Site            ways we have changed the delivery approach to take
                                                                                                                            provide to athletes and visitors from around the UK,
       catering to neurodiverse people.                          forward to future Commonwealth Games.
                                                                                                                            the Commonwealth, and the globe.
       The Games has also provided a platform for big
                                                                                                                            The Platinum Jubilee, the Games and the Birmingham
       conversations on issues that affect us all, enabling
                                                                                                                            2022 Festival are not the only moments of
       us to ‘take it on’ using the Games as a platform to
                                                                                                                            celebration for the UK in 2022. Across the nation we
       embrace issues and spark conversations about
                                                                                                                            will also have come together to celebrate renewed
       change. The power of sport provides a chance
                                                                                                                            hope and optimism with: UNBOXED: Creativity in the
       to reflect on common values and constructive
                                                                                                                            UK, Coventry UK City of Culture, the 75th anniversary
       conversations, and this has directly shaped our work,
                                                                                                                            of the Edinburgh Festivals, and the Centenary of
       helping us reach communities who feel physical
                                                                                                                            the BBC, all highlighting our luminescent cultural
       activity may not be for them in Sport England’s
                                                                                                                            heritage, creativity, and shared histories.
       ‘Commonwealth Active Communities’. We are also
       providing one thousand young people who face
       significant barriers with 30-hour social action                                                                      MAKING THE MOMENT LAST
       assignments through our Gen22 programme.                                                                             This Legacy publication, our second, is a showcase of
                                                                                                                            our impact so far, and a signpost to legacy activities
       We are hosting seven free neighbourhood Festival                                                                     that will go on beyond the Games, throughout 2022
       Sites to bring the Games to local communities.                                                                       and into the future. Immediately after the Games,
       Through the Birmingham 2022 Festival we are                                                                          DCMS will be publishing a short 'Snapshot Report'
       broaching topics such as empire, colonialism,                                                                        that highlights key data about the Birmingham 2022
       migration and settlement through creativity and                                                                      Games. The Games is also being independently
       projects like SAMPAD’s photographic exhibition ‘From                                                                 evaluated and this evaluation will continue post-
       City of Empire to City of Diversity: A Visual Journey’.                                                              Games culminating in a final, one year on report. The
       It illustrated the range of experiences of those who                                                                 evaluation will assess both the economic impact
       came to live in Birmingham and how connections to                                                                    of the investment and for the first time in a major
       the British Empire have shaped Birmingham’s past,                                                                    sporting event evaluation will include a social return
       present, and future.                                                                                                 on investment to assess the value of the wider social
                                                                                                                            impact of the Games
                                                                                                                            Beyond Birmingham 2022 we are determined to
                                                                                                                            make sure legacy doesn’t stop when the Games
                                                                                                                            does. That’s why the United By 2022 Legacy Charity
                                                                                                                            was set up with the aim of maintaining the social
                                                                                                                            and economic momentum started by the Games and
                                                                                                                            keeping the best of our work going long after the end
                                                                                                                            of the Games for the region.

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OUR LEGACY SUMMER 2022 - Pulselive

      Inclusivity shines brightly throughout our legacy programme, helping to tackle inequalities and inequity and                                      Up to 5000 free tickets
      providing a way to get communities involved from the bottom up. Driven by significant public investment the                                       to ensure every child in
      impact of our work across the legacy programme is beginning to show. This commitment to inclusivity and the                                       care in Birmingham can
      challenges of the pandemic have led us to work differently. We have made choices that have raised the bar for                                     attend the Games
                                                                                                                                                                                             People trained for Games roles in             Sandwell Aquatic
      future Games organisers.                                                                                                                                                                 catering, cleaning and waste                    Centre has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             one of the only
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            fully accessible

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           competition pools
                                                             National investment in                                                                                                                                                           in the world
                                                             Games sports to reach new
                                                             participants/audiences                                                                                                 Public transport is

                                                                                                    First major multi-
                                                                                                   sport event to have
                                                                                                                                                                                    included for ticket holders
                                                                                                                                                                                    and volunteers, making
                                                                                                                                                                                    sustainable choices easier
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Integrated para sports
                                                                                                   more women’s than                                                                                                                      programme of any
                                                                                                   men’s medal events
         MONTHS                                                       Aiming to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Commonwealth Games

                                                                     deliver an
       6-month long                                                    audited,
    Birmingham 2022                                                  accredited
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                30,000 hours of social action

   Festival showcasing           The Queen’s Baton Relay               carbon
                                                                    neutral event                                                                                                                                               assignments for young people,
   the regions cultural          travelled without a team,                                                                                                                Volunteers in a single                                who face barriers, aged 16-24

       strength and             reducing carbon footprint                                                                                                            integrated programme covering
   including many free                                                                                                                                                     all delivery partners
     to access events
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  12 Hometown Heroes celebrate
                                                                                                                  WE ARE MOST PROUD OF, AND MANY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the people who continually
                                                                                                                  OF WHICH BREAK NEW GROUND FOR

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  support grassroots sport in
                                                                                                                           SOCIAL IMPACT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  our region

       Seven free neighbourhood
         Festival Sites including

        a relaxed site for people
          with disabilities and
        neurodiverse conditions

                                                     Inclusive, accessible

                                                        medals with an                                                                                                                               Accessibility Advisory                   Regional ticket
                                                                                                                                                      Home Nation Batonbearers,                      Forum ensures Games                      ballot for local
                                                     adjustable ribbon. To
                                                                                                     Safe space for                                   people from across England                     wide Equity, Dignity and               people and 1 million
                                                      suit all body shapes
                                                                                                   LGBTQIA+ athletes,                                  making a positive impact                      Functionality                           tickets prices at
 Business and Tourism programme will                        and sizes
                                                                                                    supporters, and                                                                                                                             £22 or less
 deliver impact for the region until 2027                                                             workforce at
                                                                                                      Pride House

                                                                                                                                         40,000 BIG
             A Social Value Charter

             to ensure inclusivity and                                                                                                                                                                             A Big Inclusive Games (BIG)
                                                So far more than £40 million of
             human rights are central                                                                                                                                                                              creates a new A-Z of access
                                                Social Value delivered.
             to Games delivery                                                                                                                                                                                     and inclusion standards
                                                The predicted total is around...                                                          new jobs and volunteering opportunities

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OUR LEGACY SUMMER 2022 - Pulselive
INVESTMENT INTO GAMES VENUES AND                                                                                                                                                           CANNOCK CHASE

      INFRASTRUCTURE                                                                                                                                                                             The mountain biking event venue for the Games
                                                                                                                                                                                                 • Almost £1 million investment from partners including Sport
      Birmingham 2022 has accelerated positive change                                                                                                                                              England and the Forestry Commission to upgrade facilities.
      in the West Midlands, helping to amplify planned                                                                                                                                           • Includes a new Pedal and Play trail for children, a new blue trail for
      infrastructure improvements and accelerating                                              Cannock                                                                                            less experienced cyclists and improvements to existing red trails.
      levelling up plans for both city and region.                                                                                                                                               • Provision of a Go-Ride Community Coach.
      Significant public investment of £778 million has not                                                                                       SUTTON PARK
      only helped create a physical legacy but acted as a                                                                                         Venue for the Triathlon
      catalyst for additional and accelerated investment                                                                                          • Investment of circa £1 million
      benefitting local people and communities for many                                                                                             including upgrading the electricity
      years to come.                                                                                                                                supply to create ‘all-year’ parking
                                                                                                                                                    facilities and boost the park’s
                                                                                                                                                    ability to host events in legacy.

            • £73 million investment creating a brand new, world-class                                                                                                             ALEXANDER STADIUM
              facility for elite and community swimming and diving.                                                                                                                • £72 million investment, transforming the existing stadium for the Games and
                                                                                                                                                Sutton Coldfield
            • Early consultation with local people to meet post-Games                                                                                                                communities.
              community requirements, including women’s only                                                                                                                       • Increased spectator capacity - 30,000 at Games-time, 17,500 post-Games.
              swimming sessions, a women’s only gym, and tackling                                                                                                                  • Improved opportunities to host all levels of events from community to major
              lower levels of swimming attainment across the Black                                                                                                                   international events.
              Country and West Midlands.
                                                                                                                                                                                   • Post-Games the stadium will be home to UK Athletics, one thousand
            • When the facility opens to the public in 2023 it will create                                             Sandwell                                                      Birmingham City University Sport Science students, and will be a community
              new jobs in the local community.                                                                                                                                       venue to inspire and support a local athletics legacy.
            • Capacity to train the next generation of young, talented                                                                                                             • Fully accessible including seating and Changing Places facilities.
              divers in England.
                                                                                                                                  Birmingham                                       • Enhanced community facilities including an indoor gym, new floodlit warm up
                                                                                                                                                                                     track and infield.
                                                                                                                                                                                   • Improved public spaces around the stadium.

      • Public sector investment of £700 million spanning transport, homes and facilities.
      • Acceleration of planned investment into transport infrastructure including segregated cycle routes,                                                                                                              ROYAL LEAMINGTON SPA
        improved pedestrian facilities, Sprint priority bus corridor, improved bus interchange, and a redeveloped                                                                                                        Games-time home of lawn bowls
        rail station.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         • Comprehensive refurbishment,
      • A Masterplan ‘Perry Barr 2040: A Vision for Legacy’1 will ensure the investment is a springboard for further                                                                                                       including floodlighting to Lawn Bowls
        benefits for the area and the city.                                                                                                                                                                                Pavilion and Clubhouse at Victoria Park.
      • Up to 5,000 new homes will be built. 968 will be ready from January 2023 including 312 affordable homes                          UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM                                                        • Further park upgrades include: outdoor
        with planning consent and up to 99 affordable homes through the Government’s First Homes pilot.                                  • Hosting the Games accelerated                                                   gym equipment installed, resurfaced
      • New 1,200 place secondary school and sixth form, Prince Albert High School, opened in September 2021.                              University investment into installing                                           public tennis courts, footpath and car
                                                                                                                                           two world-class water-based                        Leamington Spa
      • Regeneration has created Social Return on Investment including: over 41,500 work placement hours; more                                                                                                             park improvements.
        than 900 jobs, including apprenticeships; over 1,630 people upskilled; and almost £253 million spent with                          hockey pitches.
        local businesses.                                                                                                                • Supported progress on the
                                                                                                                                           renovation and improvement of
                                                                                                                                           University station.                                                                                1

12 Birmingham 2022 OUR LEGACY                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Birmingham 2022 OUR LEGACY 13
OUR LEGACY SUMMER 2022 - Pulselive
“This innovative yet bespoke mini squash
   court really is a thing of beauty. This is a                                                                        COMMUNITY SPORTS FACILITIES
   wonderful legacy of the Birmingham 2022                                                                             • £8.5 million Sport England Places and Spaces               • £250k Sport England and more than £560k
   Commonwealth Games, and our children                                                                                  Fund enabling grassroots clubs and community                 Birmingham City Council investment into
   and the community will enjoy it for many                                                                              organisations across England to get up to                    Wyndley Leisure Centre to upgrade to an
   years to come.”                                                                                                       £10,000 of match funding to improve their local              International Hockey Federation standard pitch
                                                                                                                         sport facilities. £3.5 million allocated to the              and for improvements to the existing running
   Dr Cheron Byfield, Founder, King Soloman                                                                              West Midlands.                                               track and throws cage.
   International Business School.                                                                                      • £500k Sport England and Birmingham City Council            • £200k ECB investment into Moseley Cricket
                                                                                                                         investment into Holford Drive Community Sports               Club to improve the playing surface and create
                                                                                                                         Hub, including a floodlit mixed-use games area               hybrid pitches.
                                                                                                                         (MUGA) meaning the facility can be used year-              • Funded by England Squash a revolutionary
                                                                                                                         round by people in Perry Barr.                               outdoor squash court has been installed at King
      TRANSPORT DEVELOPMENTS                                                                                           • £500k England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB)                  Solomon International Business School in Aston.
                                                                                                                         investment into Edgbaston’s Foundation Ground
      • £30 million has been invested to redevelop Perry
                                                                                                                         enabling first class cricket to take place both there
        Barr station. Rail station upgrades have also taken
                                                                                                                         and at Edgbaston Stadium.
        place at University, Leamington Spa, and Coventry
        rail stations.
      • West Midlands Metro Westside extension in
        Birmingham City Centre.
      • Addition of new ‘Sprint’ bus routes, quicker
        journey times and improved reliability, to key
                                                              SECURITY                                                                                                                               CASE STUDY
                                                              • State of the art Multi Agency Command Centre
        venues, Alexander Stadium, and the NEC.                                                                                                                                  PERRY’S TRAIL AND PEDAL AND PLAY
                                                                delivered by West Midlands Police. A vital resource
      • A Regional Transport Coordination Centre,               for all four police forces in the region and will be                                                             More than £900k of investment into Cannock Chase
        the first of its kind to bring together real time       used for all large-scale events in the region post-                                                              from partners including Sport England, British
        information across all modes of transport in one        Games.                                                                                                           Cycling, Forestry England, and Cannock Chase
        place, providing to provide permanent regional                                                                                                                           District Council will deliver the Games’ Mountain
                                                              • City Centre enhancements to CCTV and vehicle
        coordination, greater resilience, and incident                                                                                                                           Biking events and leave a positive legacy. The facility
                                                                number plate recognition systems creating safer
        management to reduce congestion.                                                                                                                                         will be used by local people and visitors providing
                                                                public spaces in Birmingham, and safer roads
      • Road improvement schemes and cycling                    across the region.                                                                                               ‘novice to expert’ off-road and traffic free cycling
        improvements in and around the city centre and                                                                                                                           provision.
        at key venues.
                                                                                                                                                                                 The new ‘blue’ intermediate cycling trail, ‘Perry’s Trail’
                                                                                                                                                                                 will create opportunities to collaborate closely with
                                                                                                                                                                                 local schools, community groups and cycling groups/
                                                                                                                                                                                 clubs and provide a safe and enjoyable off-road
                                                                                                                                                                                 route. It will welcome visitors from across the UK,
                                                                                                                                                                                 delivering additional tourism benefits to the area.
                                                                                                                                                                                 More technical features have been added to the
                                                                                                                                                                                 popular red graded (difficult) cycling trails, as well as
                                                                                                                                                                                 creating a play trail called ‘Pedal and Play.’ Designed
                                                                                                                                                                                 in partnership with Sport England and British Cycling,
                                                                                                                                                                                 ‘Pedal and Play’ is relatively flat and wide suitable
                                                                                                                                                                                 for beginner/novice cyclists. It will help children
                                                                                                                                                                                 gain skills and confidence in off-road cycling and
                                                                                                                                                                                 experience the physical and mental health benefits of
                                                                                                                                                                                 being active outdoors.

14 Birmingham 2022 OUR LEGACY                                                                                                                                                                                          Birmingham 2022 OUR LEGACY 15
OUR LEGACY SUMMER 2022 - Pulselive
BRING THE POWER                                                                                              Delivery is across a wide range of activities and programmes. Some highlights are set out below:

                                                                                                                   National Reach Across England                              Shaping Bring The Power
                                                                                                                   Funded by Department for Digital, Culture, Media and       Bring the Power has been shaped by our
                                                                                                                   Sport (DCMS) and the Organising Committee (OC),            Headteacher Advisory Group. Brought together by
      Birmingham is Europe’s youngest city with almost                                                             in collaboration with the Department for Education,        the Games, a dedicated group of 15 senior leaders
      40% of the population being under 25. Bring The            There is nothing more powerful                    the National part of the youth programme ‘Bring the        from Birmingham Primary, Secondary and Special
      Power is a celebration of young people, enabling their     than a flash of inspiration                       Power School Festival’ was launched in May 2022.           schools have met twice every term and have had
      voices to be heard, helping them to develop the tools      A strike of lightning that shines                 It was launched in Newham, London, close to where          the opportunity to co-design, check and challenge
      to make a positive difference, and be ready to tackle      through your community                            the Games’ track cycling events will take place, and       the development of the programme, ensuring there
      life’s challenges, laying foundations to become the                                                          at the heart of legacy from the London 2012 Olympic        is a lasting impact for schools in the city beyond the
      next generation of changemakers.                           Let inspiration brew like a storm                 Games. In collaboration with the Children and Young        event. The advisory group plan to keep meeting post-
      Birmingham 2022’s Bring the Power Youth                    And watch the sparks fly                          People’s Services team at Newham Council, 200 local        Games with a focus on pupil wellbeing.
      Programme aims to reach at least 1 million children        Be brave in our ability to amaze                  primary school pupils and their teachers enjoyed
                                                                                                                                                                              This group were vital to the success of our
      and young people aged 5-25 across Birmingham and                                                             an interactive assembly, led by Perry the Mascot, a
                                                                 Your potential is golden                                                                                     Headteacher conference produced in collaboration
      the West Midlands, creating a pathway for them to                                                            range of workshops and an opportunity to interview
                                                                                                                                                                              with Sport Birmingham, which attracted 110
      get closer to the Games and helping to boost their         Never be afraid to become your great              two incredible female athletes: Zoe Smith from
                                                                                                                                                                              Headteachers and senior leaders from schools
      confidence and resilience through the celebration of       BRING THE POWER                                   Team England, and Chloe Whylie from Team Jamaica.
                                                                                                                                                                              across the city. Comprised of 35 young people
      sport and culture.                                                                                           The event was supported by the Minister for Sport,
                                                                                                                                                                              aged 14-18 the Birmingham City Council (BCC)
                                                                                                                   Tourism, Heritage and Civil Society and the Minister
                                                                                                                                                                              Youth City Board have joined us to form our Bring
                                                                                                                   for Children and Families.
                                                                                                                                                                              the Power Youth Voice Panel. With the support of
                                                 LEGACY OBJECTIVES                                                 All schools can get involved and create their              their dedicated youth workers, these young people
                                                                                                                   own festival day supported by a range of exciting          have shaped and advised across the programme.
       Reach 1 million West          Create pathways for         Widen knowledge,             Give young people    downloadable resource packs filled with engaging           This group was consulted for input on key Games
        Midlands children            children and young          improve access to            a voice, help them   activities, ideas, and the opportunity to win prizes to    moments including: the launch of the Queen’s Baton
       and engage schools              people furthest           sport and exercise,           make a positive     help them bring their Festivals to life.                   Relay at Buckingham Palace; the Young Volunteers
                                                                                                                                                                              Process; and the Baton Bearer Nominations Panel.
        across England to               away from the           boost confidence and              difference,      Schools and youth groups were encouraged to join in
        involve and excite            Games to deliver           resilience in young             and be ready      with the ‘Good Luck challenge’ competition, creating       To support their ability to build new networks and
       young people about             social legacy and         people, helping them            to tackle life’s   Good Luck artwork or letters to welcome athletes.          develop new leadership skills, the group have been
            the Games                     inclusivity            acquire new skills               challenges       A selection will be rewarded with prizes and be            on two residential trips to Liverpool and London.
                                                                                                                   displayed in the Games’ athlete villages. Letters will     The focus of the Liverpool visit centred around the
                                                                                                                   feature within athlete welcome packs providing a           forthcoming World Gymnastics Championships and
                                                                                                                   warm and personal welcome to our visitors.                 saw our Youth Voice Panel share their knowledge
      WHAT WE ARE DELIVERING                                   THEME                                                                                                          and experience of working with Birmingham 2022. In
                                                                        JOURNEY TO THE GAMES

      Bring the Power is collaborating with schools,                                                                                                                          London they teamed up with Hackney based youth
      community youth organisations, partner                            Children and young people to learn
                                                                                                                                                                              organisation Rise 365, to support their community
      organisations and youth professionals with                        about, celebrate and feel part of the
                                                                                                                                                                              food bank initiative and learn from their young people.
      activities organised across three programme                       journey to Birmingham 2022.
                                                                                                                                                                              In July our Youth Voice Panel will run a Hearts and
      strands introducing young people to the Games                                                                                                                           Minds event for young people and the three groups
      through three themes:                                                                                                                                                   will come together to watch the dress rehearsal of
                                                                        FINDING COMMON GROUND                                                                                 the Birmingham 2022 Opening Ceremony.
      Schools Engagement & Learning Activities                 THEME    Children and young people to learn

      Primary, secondary and tertiary education: children,              from, connect with and celebrate
      young people and teachers.                                        similarities and differences between
                                                                        them and other children and young
      Community Youth Participation Activities                          people in their community and around
      Grass roots outside of education: children, young                 the Commonwealth.
      people and youth professionals.

      Youth Voice Advocacy Activities                          THEME    WE CAN CHANGE OUR WORLD

      Amplifying children and young people’s voices                     Empower and support children and
      across the programme including Social Action                      young people to take action to make
      opportunities.                                                    their community and society a happier
                                                                        and healthier place to live.

16 Birmingham 2022 OUR LEGACY                                                                                                                                                                                  Birmingham 2022 OUR LEGACY 17
OUR LEGACY SUMMER 2022 - Pulselive
Youth Engagement                                         Celebrating Local Children and Young People                                                                                          BRING THE POWER
      Bring the Power is also working with youth               In Birmingham and the West Midlands, Bring the
                                                                                                                                                                                                    MISSION ALIGNMENT
      engagement organisations to provide a range of           Power is using the excitement of the Games to inspire
      in-person physical activity workshops and                learning, celebrate the Games, and amplify young
      engagement projects. This will see more than             voices in a number of ways:
      500 workshops delivered in schools and youth
      club settings across the West Midlands, engaging         • The Common Ground Grant scheme for secondary
      approximately 30,000 children and young people.            schools in Birmingham will create a space for
                                                                 young people to explore what Common Ground
      Working closely with BCC and Birmingham Youth              means to them, by reflecting and sharing what it
      Service, four youth centres have been chosen               means to be part of the Commonwealth in 2022.                                                                                            BRING PEOPLE
      as hubs to enable young people to feel part of             The grant scheme, funded by BCC, will create                                                                                              TOGETHER
      Birmingham 2022. The Lighthouse (Aston), The Factory       a lasting Games legacy by fostering cultural          • One school participating is Oscott Manor School,
      (Longbridge), The Concord (Sparkbrook) and the             collaboration, facilitating conversation, and           a community special school for young people aged
      Clifton Road (Sutton Coldfield) will be the heartbeat      promoting student leadership opportunities.             11-19 with a diagnosis of autism. They are twinned
      of activity and provision for young people in the                                                                  with a school in Kenya and have spent time teaching
                                                               • With a grant of £1,000, each school is producing a
      community in the build-up to the Games. The four hubs                                                              each other their favourite songs.
                                                                 creative response which may include short films,
      will provide a series of 6-week programmes where the                                                             • Funded by Commonwealth Sport Foundation,
                                                                 shared food, conversation, photography, song,
      young people will be able to engage and participate in                                                             delivered by Youth Sport Trust and in partnership
                                                                 dance, visual art, spoken word and installations                                                                                       IMPROVE HEALTH
      activities including:                                                                                              with Team England an inter-school project,
                                                                 culminating in a Youth Summit in July at the                                                                                           AND WELL-BEING
      • A city-wide basketball skills challenge.                 University of Birmingham. Awards have been made         Birmingham Connect, promotes social integration
                                                                 to 27 schools so far and support for teachers is        through the power of sport. Young people (aged
      • Music of the Commonwealth Album Creation Project.
                                                                 provided by BRAP, a charity transforming the way        12-14) from 20 Birmingham secondary schools
      • Youth violence reduction programme, reclaiming           we think and do equality, and the IKON Gallery.         have been paired with each other (matches made
        a local park and supporting young people at risk of                                                              because of differences in ethnic diversity, disability,
                                                               • Commonwealth Connections is a school twinning
        criminal exploitation.                                                                                           and disadvantage). Pairing schools has encouraged
                                                                 project creating connections between young
                                                                 people on shared Commonwealth Values, through           meaningful social mixing to improve attitudes
                                                                                                                                                                                                      HELP THE REGION TO
                                                                 sport and art. The programme has reached 120            and perceptions held of people from different
                                                                                                                                                                                                      GROW AND SUCCEED
                                                                 schools, and aims to reach 12,000 young people.         backgrounds; building a sense of belonging and
                                                                                                                         mutual trust; making sure participants, teachers
                                                               • The British Council, Birmingham Education
                                                                                                                         and families have fun trying out new sports and
                                                                 Partnership and Youth Sport Trust have come
                                                                                                                         artforms together.
                                                                 together to connect 60 schools in the West
                                                                 Midlands with 60 schools in ten Commonwealth          • Our inspirational Mascot, Perry, was imagined and
                                                                 countries: Nigeria, Ghana, Uganda, Zambia, Kenya,       designed by a school child following a national
                                                                 Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Jamaica, and Trinidad &     competition. Perry is visiting approximately
                                                                                                                                                                                                          BE A CATALYST
                                                                 Tobago.                                                 250 primary schools across the West Midlands
                                                                                                                                                                                                           FOR CHANGE
                                                                                                                         delivering special educational assemblies. Schools
                                                                                                                         and youth groups will meet and hear from athletes.
                                                                                                                         We know that their stories can have a lasting impact
                                                                                                                         on children and young people for years to come.

                                                                                                                                   LEAD LEGACY DELIVERY PARTNERS AND FUNDERS                              PUT US ON THE
                                                                                                                                                                                                          GLOBAL STAGE
                                                                                                                                   Birmingham City Council         The Organising Committee
                                                                                                                                  The British Council        Commonwealth Sport Foundation
                                                                                                                                        Department for Digital, Media, Culture and Sport

                                                                                                                                  WIDER LEGACY DELIVERY PARTNERS AND FUNDERS
                                                                                                                                 Birmingham Children’s Trust         Department for Education
                                                                                                                                  Youth Sport Trust        Sport England           Team England

18 Birmingham 2022 OUR LEGACY                                                                                                                                                                     Birmingham 2022 OUR LEGACY 19
GEN22                                                                                                                                     Each of the Flagship Providers has a sector focus       • Groundwork (Sustainability)
                                                                                                                                                and will support a minimum of 100 young people          • Canals & Rivers Trust

                                                                                                                                                across the whole of the West Midlands to access
                                                                                                                                                                                                          (Mental Wellbeing)
                                                                                                                                                the programme.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        • Positive Youth Foundation
      When we first spoke to young people about the           have on the life chances of young people in the                                                                                             (Creative)
      Games and the opportunities it could offer them,        region. Risk that could be mitigated by harnessing,                                                                                       • Streetgames
      for example in volunteering, they told us about the     shaping, and tailoring the volunteering opportunities                             Funded by National Lottery Community Fund                 (Physical Activity)
      barriers they faced, and how they might discount        presented by the Games to provide employment and
      themselves meaning they were unlikely to apply or       skills boosting opportunities.
      take part.
                                                              And so Gen22 was born. A free to access programme
      With Birmingham being the youngest city in Europe,      creating opportunities for one thousand young                                     We’ve also selected 13 Other        These partners have been selected to ensure
      coupled with the economic impact of the pandemic        people (16-24) from the West Midlands to gain                                     Providers, who bring together       we're finding the young people who need our
      disproportionately affecting young people, we           employability boosting opportunities through the                                  expertise in a range of             support the most, ranging from those with
      wanted to do more. More to mitigate the serious risk    Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games.                                               specialist areas.                   refugee backgrounds, to those at risk of falling
      that lack of confidence and unemployment could                                                                                                                                into the criminal justice system.

                                                                                                                                                Funded by The West Midlands Police & Crime Commissioner,
                                                 LEGACY OBJECTIVES                                                                                        Sport England and GBSLEP

        Flexible volunteering             Provide 1000               Increase              Increase aspirations
       opportunities for those            young people          employability by            of participants and                                       Ideas Made Real               All 47 applications were invited to our Power Plan
                                                                                                                                                      is a unique opportunity       weekend in May where participants were able to
          facing barriers to               (16-24) with          developing soft           support into onwards

                                                                                                                                                      for young people (16 24)      gain new skills and confidence before pitching their
       engaging with the main
      Games-time volunteering
                                             30 hour
                                          Social Action
                                                                 skills, providing
                                                                experience and a
                                                                                           destinations such as
                                                                                            training, education,
                                                                                                                       IDEAS MADE                     to turn their social action   ideas, 'Dragons' Den' style. We picked 22 projects
                                                                                                                                                      ideas into reality.           and provided the grants to make them real!
             programme                    assignments           written reference                 and jobs
                                                                                                                                                      Funded by National Lottery Community Fund

      Gen22 is for young people in the West Midlands          for or take part in this kind of opportunity. Everyone
      who might otherwise struggle to access Games            taking part receives access to on-programme
      related opportunities. Barriers could include lack      support; mentoring; subsidised travel; wrap around
      of confidence, being a young carer or young parent,     employability advice and assistance; and guaranteed,
      or having a criminal record. It was specifically
      designed to be inclusive and to offer help. The young
                                                              individually tailored references. The Duke of
                                                              Edinburgh Award scheme has also committed to fund
      people taking part need to live in the West Midlands,   and automatically register up to 1,000 volunteers          •   Network of peer and
      although they don’t need to have a fixed address.       on its programme to help improve their chances of              professional contacts
      And to ensure it meets their needs, the programme       moving forward to their next step in education or
      has been co-designed with a group of 12 young           employment.
                                                                                                                         •   On programme support
      people from across the West Midlands who face a
      range of barriers and who have formed the Gen22
      consultation group.
                                                              Gen22 has been made possible due to the generosity
                                                              of our funders: the National Lottery Community Fund,
                                                                                                                             Guaranteed reference
                                                                                                                             Mentoring                       BENEFITS                                   PERSONAL
                                                              Sport England, the West Midlands Police and Crime          •   Chance to develop new                                                  •   A pair of tickets to a
      Initially, the programme aims to boost long-term        Commissioner, and the Greater Birmingham and                   skills and confidence                                                      Birmingham 2022 event
      employment prospects through meaningful 30-             Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership (GBSLEP). The
      hour social action assignments, giving the young        different tranches of funding mean that we will be                                                                                    •   Gen22 kit including t-shirts,
      people access to purposeful opportunities and           able to fund Gen22 until 2023 with delivery stretching                                                                                    lanyards and more
      networks and raising their aspirations. The 30 hours    across the West Midlands, from Walsall and the
      are spread over a period flexible to the needs of       wider Black Country to Birmingham and Coventry.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    •   Special Gen22 events
      each participant, spanning at least one month, and                                                                                                                                                including a graduation
      some of the time can involve training to undertake                                                                                                                                                ceremony and athlete Q&As
      the role. Taking part also provides opportunities to                                                                                                                                          •   Entry to the Bronze Duke of
      meet new people, try new things, and have fun. It is                                                                                                                                              Edinburgh Award
      aimed at young people that would not normally look

20 Birmingham 2022 OUR LEGACY                                                                                                                                                                                       Birmingham 2022 OUR LEGACY 21
                                                                                                                                       MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS, KALLIANE
                                                                                                                                       • Project: Delivering mental health support sessions                           CASE STUDY
                                                                                                            KEY                          for young people.
                                                                                                                                       • Kalliane heard about Ideas Made Real through            NCS (NATIONAL CITIZEN SERVICE)
                                                                                                            Flagship Providers                                                                   • National Citizen Service (NCS) have worked
                                                                                                                                         initial involvement in an existing Gen22 project run
                                                                                                            PCC Funded Organisations     by Centre Spot. Kalliane designed her Ideas Made          with 216 young people to complete their Gen22
                                                                                                            Smaller Partners             Real pitch having conducted youth consultation            assignments, undertaking social action projects
                                                                                                                                         around mental health and the support needed. This         particularly relevant to their lived experiences.
                                                                                                            Ideas Made Real Projects                                                               The NCS put particular focus on working with
                                                                                                                                         is a project designed by young people for young
                                                                                                                                         people.                                                   young people with special educational needs or
                                                             Stoke-on-Trent                                                                                                                        disabilities, who made up 43% of participants on
                                                                                                                                       • Project focus on engaging young women to prevent
                                                                                                                                         isolation, building communities and improving             the pilot.
                                                                                                                                         mental health and wellbeing.                            • One of the groups was inspired to act after online
                                                                                                                                                                                                   research revealed that Dudley town centre had the
                                                                                                                                                                                                   highest levels of pollution in the West Midlands.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   The group raised money to plant trees on Dudley
                                                                                                                                                                                                   College Campus.
                        Shrewsbury                                                          Burton upon Trent

                                              West Bromwich
                                                                               Birmingham                                                                                                                           CASE STUDY
                                                                                                                                                                                                POSITIVE YOUTH FOUNDATION
                                                                                       Coventry                                                                                                 • Positive Youth Foundation is supporting Gen22

                                                                                                                                                            CASE STUDY                            participants to undertake creative assignments
                                                                                                                                                                                                  within Coventry. All assignments will be designed
                                                                                                                                                                                                  by the young people, and they will be encouraged to
                                                                                                                                       SPORTS KEY
                                           Worcester                                                                                                                                              include a Commonwealth theme.
                                                                                                                                       • Visited by the Duke of Cambridge, Sports Key
                                                                                                                                                                                                • In one project young people chose to take part in
                                                                                                                                         is supporting young people to complete sports
                                                                                                                                                                                                  a spray-painting workshop, to then create a street
                                                                                                                                         coaching qualifications as part of their Gen22
                                Hereford                                                                                                                                                          art mural at Woodside Youth Group.
                                                                                                                                         assignments. They will then be able to either coach
                                                                                                                                         at existing sports sessions in the community or set    • It is creating
                                                                                                                                         up new activities in Birmingham.                            • safe spaces for young people to express
                                                                                                                                       • Ten young people have engaged in volunteering                  themselves through a medium that works for
                                                                                                                                         through social action in community sport context.              them.
                                                                                                                                       • Volunteers are registered onto Level 1 NGB                  • engagement through cultural and creative
                                                                                                                                         qualifications.                                                participation.
                                                                                                                                                                                                • “I was super impressed with the depth of thought
                                                                                                                                                                                                  the group of young people presented, the will of
                                                                                                                                                                                                  them in wanting to empower their communities
                                                                                                                                                                                                  as well as their understanding of the benefits the
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Games bring to the region and the enthusiasm to
                                                                                                                                                                                                  help solidify the legacy of hosting such a large
                                                                                                                                                                                                  sporting event.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Clark McCallum, Senior Youth Engagement Officer

22 Birmingham 2022 OUR LEGACY                                                                                                                                                                                                Birmingham 2022 OUR LEGACY 23
                                                                                                                                                                                                    MISSION ALIGNMENT

                                                                                                                                                                                                          BRING PEOPLE

                                COMPLETED SOCIAL
                                ACTION ASSIGNMENTS             SUPPORTING RECENTLY ARRVIED REFUGEES                                                                                                     IMPROVE HEALTH
                                                               In partnership, National Citizen Service (NCS)                                                                                           AND WELL-BEING
                                AS OF JUNE 2022
                                                               and Gen22 supported a group of young people
                                                               from Walsall, all of whom were Not in Education,
                                                               Employment, or Training (NEET) and faced barriers                     Over 250 young people referred to
         OVER                                                  to employment or accessing further training. They
                                                               wanted to design and participate in a project that
                                                                                                                                     DofE Bronze Award
                                                               would have a positive impact on people in their
                                                               own community.                                                                                                                         HELP THE REGION TO
                                        HOUR                                                                                                                                                          GROW AND SUCCEED

                                                               The group used recent news and publications

                                                               about refugees from Afghanistan being relocated
                                                               in the area, and not having any possessions apart
                                                               from what they arrived with. The group felt that                                                       REGISTERED
                                                               they could use their talents and skills to collect
                                                               items they could then give to the young people who

                                                               had arrived. They went on to design and collect            Up to                                              of young people              BE A CATALYST
                                                               items to fill 100 bespoke shoeboxes, matched to        30,000 hours                                           faced one of                  FOR CHANGE
                                                               young people’s ages and interests. They delivered      of community                                           more barrier
                                                               and shared the boxes in their local community.            support                                             (excluding gender)
                                                               This project helped the group to learn about
                                                               teamwork, coordination, project management,
                                                               communication, building new relationships,
                                                               financial skills and research, as well as supporting
                                                               their local community.
 “We are delighted to be supporting Gen22’s important work
                                                                                                                               LEAD LEGACY DELIVERY PARTNERS AND FUNDERS
 and look forward to seeing the lasting impact National
 Lottery funding will have through upskilling talented young                                                               The Organising Committee         National Lottery Community Fund
 people. Thanks to National Lottery players, the Birmingham
                                                                                                                        Sport England        The West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner
 2022 Commonwealth Games will create a lasting legacy by
 generating volunteering and employment opportunities, that
 will support communities to prosper and thrive and build                                                                     WIDER LEGACY DELIVERY PARTNERS AND FUNDERS
 back stronger from the pandemic.”                                                                                           Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership

 Blondel Cluff CBE,                                                                                                                  Department for Digital, Media, Culture and Sport
 Chair of The National Lottery Community Fund

24 Birmingham 2022 OUR LEGACY                                                                                                                                                                     Birmingham 2022 OUR LEGACY 25
VOLUNTEERING                                                                                                       LET THE GAMES BEGIN
                                                                                                                         In total 22,000 people attended the VSC between
                                                                                                                         September and December 2021 for an inclusive
                                                                                                                         90-minute experience including: an exhibition
      Volunteering will be centre stage this summer with
                                                                                                                         about the Games, a cinema room, and a 30-minute
      Birmingham 2022’s ‘Commonwealth Collective’                          “Volunteers are the heart and soul of the
                                                                                                                         interview. The VSC team were supported by
      playing a vital role in helping to deliver the biggest               Commonwealth Games and play a hugely          approximately 500 volunteers who had the skills and
      multi-sport event in the UK since the London 2012                    important role in making both athletes’ and   experience to help deliver the end-to-end experience.                                 hours of training provided
      Olympic Games. The 14,000 volunteers will be the                     spectators’ journeys very special.”           The VSC also offered nine paid roles to local people                                  to the volunteer workforce
      beating heart of the Games. At every venue, village,
                                                                                                                         coming through the Commonwealth Jobs and Skill
      and visitor interaction it will be volunteers who will
      shape people’s experience of the Games, who will
                                                                           Colin Jackson, CBE - Two-time                 Academy and provided work placements for a group
                                                                           Commonwealth Champion                         of students from Hive College in Perry Common,
      provide the first hellos and final goodbyes to more
                                                                                                                         Birmingham a specialist college supporting students
      than one million spectators and thousands of athletes
                                                                                                                         aged 19-25 with special education needs and
      and officials. Volunteers have the power to make the
                                                                                                                         disabilities into employment and volunteering roles
      difference between a good and a great Games.
                                                                                                                         to improve their independence skills.

                                                                                                                         THE COLLECTIVE
                                                 LEGACY OBJECTIVES                                                       The majority of the Commonwealth Collective
                                                                                                                         are from local communities in the West Midlands,
          Deliver the                      Have a              Games volunteering            Create an inclusive         providing ‘hometown’ knowledge and pride, and
        most inclusive                  volunteering           opportunities as an            blueprint for large        reflecting successful targeted outreach and
       Commonwealth                   cohort who are            avenue to support             scale volunteering         recruitment efforts. Volunteers will represent
                                                                                                                         every community and will range from 14–84 years
            Games                    representative of            skills, training            programmes that
                                                                                                                         old. For the first time the volunteer opportunity has
         volunteering                 Birmingham and             and employment              could be considered         been extended to 14 and 15-year-olds and in doing
       programme ever               the West Midlands               objectives                 by future Games           so inspiring a new generation of local volunteers
                                                                                                                         through this Games.
                                                                                                                         Over 14,000 people have been recruited to the           VIRTUAL ORIENTATION
                                                                                                                         Collective and they will cover 300 different roles      Prepping for the Games during a global pandemic has
      WHAT WE ARE DELIVERING                                   VOLUNTEER RECRUITMENT                                     including: drivers, first aiders, meet and greeters,    provided numerous challenges, but also a chance
      This is the first Commonwealth Games to deliver one      Shared far and wide, recruitment for the                  venue preppers, kit carriers, courtside assistants      to do things differently, creating a blueprint to take
      united volunteering programme across the Games           Commonwealth Collective kicked off in June 2021,          and everything in between to support Games              forward to future Commonwealth Games. For the
      landscape with our Host Delivery Partners.               encouraging people to apply, including community          delivery. Volunteers are also supporting the Games      first time volunteers were brought together as one,
      From the application process through to interview,       organisations, grassroots sports clubs, and faith         opening and closing ceremonies and in other roles       alongside OC staff, for a global Orientation Training
      selection, orientation, and uniform Birmingham           organisations. Approximately a quarter of the 41,380      including costume making for the ceremonies.            show. Presented by the BBC’s Karthi Gnanasegaram
      2022’s volunteering programme has had legacy,            completed volunteering applications were from                                                                     and Colin Jackson CBE, the show included the
      innovation and inclusion entwined in everything it has   ethnically diverse communities, around one quarter                                                                launch of the Games uniform, information about
      done. Volunteering provides a rich mix of experiences    of applications were from people under the age of 30.                                                             the difference volunteers can make at Games-time,
      including new friendships, lifelong memories, and        Every applicant from within the region was offered an                                                             important next steps on the journey to Birmingham
      community pride. Gathering and deploying a large         interview to the Volunteer Selection Centre (VSC).                                                                2022 and some special guests in the form of Sir Chris
      group of volunteers is also an excellent chance to       For those with different accessibility needs,                                                                     Hoy, and Ellie Simmonds OBE.
      accelerate employability and skills opportunities        adjustments were made. One example being the
      for local people. Games-time volunteering could          extension of the application deadline for a group
      create paths to additional training, career enhancing    of recently arrived Afghan refugees who wanted
      opportunities both in voluntary work and paid            to apply but did not have the required identity
      employment.                                              documents in time for the original deadline. The
                                                               Commonwealth Jobs and Skills Academy promoted
                                                               the volunteering opportunities to those furthest from
                     ONE MILLION HOURS                         employment and used their Stand-Out programme to
                                                               offer support with applications (see page 53).
                     OF VOLUNTEER TIME

26 Birmingham 2022 OUR LEGACY                                                                                                                                                                                    Birmingham 2022 OUR LEGACY 27
Students from the city worked    BEYOND BIRMINGHAM                                                   VOLUNTEERING
    with Birmingham 2022 to          THE VOLUNTEERS COLLECTIVE
    shape the volunteer and                                                                            MISSION ALIGNMENT
                                     For the members of the Collective the Games will
    workforce uniform design,        have provided an unforgettable experience of
    featuring patterns from iconic   volunteering, one which we hope they will want
    buildings in Birmingham          to continue. But there is also a wider volunteering
                                     appetite in the region that needs channelling to
                                     maximise its potential. Beyond the 14,000 members
                                     of the Collective, we’ve seen evidence of interest in
                                     volunteering - from the pool of 27,000 applicants
                                                                                                             BRING PEOPLE
                                     who were not ultimately selected.
                                     As a legacy for the region and to extend the impact
                                     and longevity of the Commonwealth Collective
                                     after the Games, a dedicated volunteering legacy
                                     platform has been created in consultation with
                                     leading third sector and community organisations.
                                     A West Midlands wide volunteer portal, the
                                     ‘Volunteers Collective’ will provide a digital                        IMPROVE HEALTH
                                     matching service linking volunteers and curated                       AND WELL-BEING
                                     volunteering opportunities in the region. This was
                                     made possible by funding from the Department for
                                     Digital, Culture, Media, and Sport.
                                     The ‘Volunteers Collective’ will be the first volunteer
                                     service dedicated to the West Midlands and will
                                     be run by United By 2022 Legacy Charity. The
                                     platform will work with regional organisations from                 HELP THE REGION TO
                                     local charities to youth sports clubs to connect                    GROW AND SUCCEED
                                     the West Midlands’ prospective volunteers with
                                     areas of genuine need. It will also act as an open
                                     door for new entrants to volunteering from young
                                     people who weren’t old enough to be part of the
                                     Commonwealth Collective in 2022, and for people
                                     who were inspired by the people they saw working
                                     during Games-time. It is an asset for the region, and                   BE A CATALYST
                                     a doorway for anyone who wants to help make the                          FOR CHANGE
                                     region a better place.

                                                                                                             PUT US ON THE
                                                                                                             GLOBAL STAGE
                                             LEAD LEGACY DELIVERY PARTNERS AND FUNDERS
                                                             The Organising Committee
                                                  Department for Digital, Media, Culture and Sport

                                            WIDER LEGACY DELIVERY PARTNERS AND FUNDERS
                                                         West Midlands Combined Authority

28 Birmingham 2022 OUR LEGACY                                                                        Birmingham 2022 OUR LEGACY 29
PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND WELLBEING                                                                                       INVESTMENT INTO PHYSICAL ACTIVITY & WELLBEING LEGACY

      Prioritising our health and being active has never
      been more important, regardless of our age or
      background. We’re committed to using the power and
      positivity of the Games to increase opportunities to                                                                         Sport for All Hubs and
      be more active, to support those who think physical                 “The thing that drives me is the inclusivity              Community Games                                                                                    REGIONAL
      activity is not for them, encourage healthy behaviour               of sport and helping others become part
      change, and support the development of active                       of something. So, when I compete at                           Active Streets                                                                                    Small Grants
      communities over the long term.
                                                                                                                                                                                    Commonwealth Active
                                                                          Birmingham I will be ‘bringing it home’ for the                                                              Communities                                        Programme
      The pandemic has exacerbated deep-rooted                            ones that feel like they don’t belong. Before                 City of Nature
      inequalities and barriers, making it less likely for                I got into weightlifting, I was the same, but                                                                                                             Investments into
      some groups to prioritise their mental health and                                                                                                                              Cycling for Everyone
                                                                          now I feel part of something special”.                                                                                                                    Games venues:
      physical wellbeing. In Birmingham and the West                                                                               Birmingham BMX Club
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    • Sandwell Aquatics
      Midlands, these inequalities are acute.                                          Emily Campbell, the first ever                                                                Volunteering/Gen22                               Centre
      We know that the Games alone can’t and won’t                                     British female Olympic                     Investments into local                                                                            • Cannock Chase
      solve all of this, but it can boost investment across                            medal-winning weightlifter                 facilities:                                       Mental health training                          • Alexander Stadium
      Birmingham and the West Midlands, help us to                                                                                • Holford Drive                                 for construction workers
      engage people who face multiple barriers and look to                                                                        • Edgbaston
                                                                                                                                    Foundation Ground                                                                             Mental Health training for
      approach these challenges in new ways.                                                                                                                                         Games time public
                                                                                                                                  • Moseley Cricket Club                                                                           construction workers
                                                                                                                                                                                     wellbeing campaign
                                                                                                                                  • Wyndley Leisure
                                                   LEGACY OBJECTIVES                                                                Centre

              Improve                         Target          Encourage walking,              Support people
            access and                      support to            cycling and                and communities
          opportunities to                those most in        develop facilities            to look after their
                                                                                                                                                                                      Nation Governing
             get active                        need           for community use                mental health
                                                                                                                                                                                      Body (NGB) Sports
                                                              WHAT WE ARE DELIVERING
                                                              Addressing inequalities in physical activity and                                                                          School Games
                                                              wellbeing is a priority across the Games partnership,
                                                              and we have worked together to maximise our                                                                            Places and Spaces
                                                              impact, with a total investment of over £38 million2.                                                                       Fund for


                                                                                                                                          COMMUNITIES                    YOUTH                   FACILITIES                     MENTAL WELLBEING

                                                                                                                             £35 million from Sport England, £2 million from Transport for West Midlands (TfWM) and Department for Transport and £1 million
                                                                                                                            from Birmingham City Council (BCC). The BCC elements of the Physical Activity and Wellbeing legacy offer are outlined on page 40.

30 Birmingham 2022 OUR LEGACY                                                                                                                                                                                                               Birmingham 2022 OUR LEGACY 31
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