OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL PARISH JANUARY 1, 2023 - www.olmcboston.org
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SOLEMNITY OF MARY THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD YEAR A JANUARY 1, 2023 OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL PARISH MASSES Saturday Vigil: 4:00pm (English) Sunday : 7:00am (Creole/French/English) 9:00am (French) 11:00am (English) 1:00pm (French/Haitian Creole) Weekday: 9:00am Monday through Saturday Devotion to Our Lady of Mount Carmel: 16th of each month at 7pm SACRAMENTS Baptisms: Call Parish office for appointment. Confessions: Saturday at 5:00pm and Wednesday at 4:00pm Marriage: Contact a priest or deacon at least six (6) months in advance OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL PARISH 1540 Blue Hill Ave Mattapan, MA 02126 BAPTISMS Telephone: 617-298-0080 Baptism for January 2023 Fax: 617-298-2388 Pou Batèm an kreyòl inskripsyon kòmanse Website: olmcboston.org Registration in English has started. Instruction: STAFF English: Saturday, January 14, 2023 at 2:00 pm Rev. Garcia Breneville, Pastor, 617-922-2049 Kreyòl: Samdi, 14 Janvye, 2023 a 2:00pm Baptism Date: pgbrene@yahoo.com Kreyòl: Samdi, 21 Janvye, 2023 a 2:00 pm pgbrene@gmail.com English: Saturday, January 28, 2023, 2:00pm Marie-Cellie Blanc, Administrative Assistant celieb.olmc@gmail.com Pierre Richard Stiven, Business Manager RELIGIOUS EDUCATION pierrestiven63@gmail.com Grades: K-8: Sunday: 8:30-10:00 am High School Confirmation Program Bernadette Obas, Religious Ed. Coordinator Sunday: 9:00am-10:15am Josette Beaubrun, Confirmation Coordinator For more information call: Evens Bontemps, Finance Council Chair Bernadette Obas (617) 361-2455 & (617) 842-6256 Josette Beaubrun (617) 620-1277 Joyce Durst, Parish Council Chair James M. Rickert, Music Director PARISH BULLETIN Jean Louis Daniel, Music Director SUBMISSIONS DUE: MONDAY OFFICE HOURS Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm, closed for lunch 12:30 to 1pm. Marie Célie Blanc, celieb.olmc@gmail.com
SOLEMNITY OF MARY THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD YEAR A JANUARY 1, 2023 FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK Saturday, December 31st A NEW HEART FOR A NEW YEAR 9:00am: Memorial…...Christian and Georgette Augustin WELCOME TO OUR WEEKLY PARISH BULLETIN! 4:00pm: Memorial…………………Joseph Ednor Charles We end the year 2022 with a sense of accomplish- Sunday, January 1st ment. Our Advent mission, our fundraising gala, the youth party as well as our year-end mission went well. 7:00am: Memorial………..Labbe Leonard, Izora Ozema We have truly enjoyed everything we build and create together under the guidance of the Spirit. We begin this 9:00am: Memorial……………………….Madelaine Louis New Year with a feeling of gratitude for all that the Lord has done for us. So much generosity and engagement! 11: Memorial…………………………….André Duplessis So much hope and optimism! Most of us experience some degree of excitement when a new year begins. 1:00pm: No Mass We embrace each other and exchange good wishes. We are aware that a new page is given to us to write Monday, January 2nd down a new life’s story. It is an occasion to proclaim with St Paul: “Whoever is in Christ is a new creation: 9:00am: Memorial…………………...Clementia Merismé the old things have passed away; new things have come.” Tuesday, January 3rd On this first day of 2023, the Church invites us to gaze 9:00am: Thanksgiving……………..Marie André Antenor lovingly at Mary, the silent Mother of the Divine Baby. It is good to begin a New Year by invoking Mary as we Wednesday, January 4th reflect on the place she holds in our lives and in the life of the Church. We observe that during her earthly life, 9:00am: Memorial…………………………..Leo Youyoute Mary was a Woman of beginnings and introductions. Indeed, she was the one to introduce the Son of God Thursday, Jaanuary 5th into the world by accepting to be his mother. She also was the one to introduce Jesus to his cousin John the 9:00am: Thanksgiving………….Mireille Jn– Baaptististe Baptist while they were both in the wombs of their mothers. She introduced Jesus into the Temple for the Friday, January 6th feast of his Presentation and his circumcision. Mary was at the origin of Jesus’ first miracle at Cana when 9:00am: Memorial……………………….Baltazar Miracle Jesus changed water into wine. Mary was also present in prayer at Pentecost when the Church was receiving Saturday, January 7th the Holy Spirit at the beginning of her mission. Mary was present in all these beginnings and in the greatest 9:00am: Memorial............................Clementia Merismé moments of the mystery of Salvation. Mary also wants to be present and very close to each one of us as we 4:00pm: Memorial………………………..Anaïra Bazelais begin this New Year of grace 2023. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2023 TO ALL OF YOU! Fr. Breneville
SOLEMNITY OF MARY THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD YEAR A JANUARY 1, 2023 HISTORIQUE DU NOUVEL AN En 46 avant Jésus-Christ, l’empereur Jules César instaure un calendrier qui porte son nom: le calendrier julien. Il est divisé en douze mois et 365 jours. Le premier jour de l’année était fixé au premier mars (mois du dieu de la guerre). Nos derniers mois actuels gardent d’ailleurs encore dans leurs noms la trace de cet ancien ;nouvel an, puisqu’ils s’appellent octobre qui signifie (octo, huitième), novembre (neuvième) et décembre (dixième) alors qu’ls sont désormais les dixième, onzième et douzième mois. Quant au découpage de l’année en douze mois, il avait fait l’objet de nombreux compromis. Pas question en effet que juillet, le mois des Julius c’est-à-dire de la famille de Jules César, compte moins de jours que les autres! Pas question non plus que ce puisse être le cas pour août (qui vient de Augustus, le titre donné à Jules César) ni bien sûr pour le mois du dieu Mars, etc. Finalement, on se retrouve avec deux mois de 31 jours côte à côte l’été, deux aussi l’hiver, et un tout petit février de 28 jours. En 532, l’Église décide de compter les années à partir du 1er janvier qui a suivi la naissance du Christ, fixée au 25 décem- bre 753 de l’an de Rome. Le 1 er janvier ne devient pas pour autant de façon absolue le point de départ de l’an- née: dans certains pays, on prend Pâques, anniversaire de la résurrection du Christ, comme date dunouvel an. Or, Pâques est une date mobile correspondant à la première nuit de samedi à dimanche après la pleine lune de printemps. C’est en 1564, par l’édit de Roussillon de Charles IX, que le 1er janvier devient le point de départ ob- ligatoire de chaque nouvelle année. Une mesure qui prend effet le 1er janvier 1567. En 1582, un nouveau calen- drier, dit grégorien, du nom du papeGrégoire XIII qui l’a institué, rajoute des années bissextiles pour toutes les an- nées divisibles par 4 afin de réajuster le calendrier julien à la réalité solaire. L’année 1582 compte dix jours de moins pour rattraper le décalage. Le nouvel an est maintenu le 1 er janvier. C’est ce calendrier qui est toujours en vigueur aujourd’hui. A VOUS TOUS : (English) HAPPY NEW YEAR (Haitian creole) BON ANE (French) BONNE ANNEE (Spanish) PROSPERO AÑO NUEVO (Italian) FELICE ANNO NUOVO (Portuguese) UM FELIZ ANO NOVO (Greek) O KENOURIOS CHRONOS (Russian) S NOVIM GODOM (Latin) FELIX SIT ANNUS NOVUS OFFERTORY MASS ATTENDANCE Weekend of December 24- 25, 2022 Week of December 24- 25, 2022 Mass Time # Offer- Peo- tory — Thank You! ple At Church and by mail Actual Goal Saturday, 4:00 pm- 105 $134 Saturday Midnight 215 $1,129 Collections $4,573 Sunday, 7:00 am 68 $344 Sunday 9:00 am 90 $390 Online giving Sunday 11:00 am 70 $295 Sunday 1:00 pm & maildrop envelopes 240 $2, Total $4,573 281
SOLEMNITY OF MARY THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD YEAR A JANUARY 1, 2023 ANNOUNCEMENTS:01/01\2023 FR. GARCIA WILL MEET: PLEASE REGISTER AS A PARISH MEMBER: With the group of Ushers on Saturday, January 7 at That gives you the right to benefit from all the 6pm. The liturgy team will meet on Tuesday, Janu- widespread services in our parish. To do so, ask ary 10 at 7pm. There will be a Parish Finance meet- one of the ushers for the registration form or for ing on Tuesday, January 17, 2023 at 7pm. All these the help to fill it out. You can also call the parish meetings will be in-person. office. THE PARISH OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED: FRIDAY JANUARY 27, WE WILL CELEBRATE On Monday January the 2nd . THE FEAST OF SAINT ANGELA : At 7pm in a bilingual mass. SUNDAY JANUARY 29 AT 12 NOON IN A BILIN- FR. GARCIA INIVITES YOU TO HIS PILGRIM- GUAL MASS: AGE TO PORTUGAL-FATIMA, SPAIN, FRANCE Our community will solemnly celebrate the 2 nd -LOURDES, AND PARIS, to THE MIRACULOUS anniversary of Our Lady of Mount Carmel as a new MEDAL: Parish Community. On Saturday night January the And others, from Wednesday, October 11 to Sat- 28th , our community will gather in the hall of the urday, October 21. Those who are interested will church for our ‘Fritay’ night. find the flyers at the ushers’ or at the parish office or they can call Fr. Garcia on 617 922 2949. THE INSTITUTE FOR THE NEW EVANGELIZA- DO NOT FORGET THAT THE 9 AM MASS ON TION OF THE ARCHDIOCESE OF BOSTON WEDNESDAYS IS IN ENGLISH: WILL GIVE: We encourage the English-speaking parishioner In-person sessions focusing on evangelizing and to attend that mass so that we can maintain this accompanying young people. A certificate in Youth practice. On Wednesday afternoon there’s anoth- Evangelization will be delivered at the end of those er mass in French Haitian Creole preceded by the sessions. Our parish will help financially all those adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and confes- who want to attend those sessions. sions EVERY SUNDAY FROM 6:30AM TO 4PM, THE AND DON’T FORGET TO TAKE A PARISH PARKING LOT: BULLETIN: Of the former Saint Angela’s school is opened to On your way out so that you may enjoy articles in allow our parishioners to park their cars there. English, French, or in Haitian Creole, and remain Please avoid overloading the parking lot in the informed of all our parish projects and activities. back of the church. Avoid parking behind another Thank you. car. Have a good Sunday and a good week!
SOLEMNITY OF MARY THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD YEAR A JANUARY 1, 2023 THE MISSION STATEMENT OF OUR PARISH “We are a welcoming Roman Catholic community called by God to live out the message of Christ in love and service to all people, through the sacraments and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Our parish community is multiethnic and committed to serving God and others. We welcome sinners and we seek the lost. We strive to be a community of faith, service, and reconciliation, deeply grounded in the commandment of love preached by Jesus Christ.”
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