Our Journey Continues - The News Infusion - Hemophilia of South Carolina

Page created by Willard Robbins
Our Journey Continues - The News Infusion - Hemophilia of South Carolina
The News Infusion
  The Official Newsletter of The Bleeding Disorder Association of South Carolina

VOLUME 9, ISSUE 2                                                          SPRING 2021

 Our Journey Continues

                                Featured Articles
    Our Journey Continues… New Name, Annual Meeting and HELLO Conference, Page 3
        Rare Disease Advisory Council Making Its Way Through the Senate, Page 25
                  2021 Bleeding Disorders Medical Symposium, Page 27
Our Journey Continues - The News Infusion - Hemophilia of South Carolina
Page 2, The News Infusion                                                                                                    Spring 2021

      About BDASC & The News Infusion
                                                                                 A Chapter of the National Hemophilia Foundation
Inside this issue:
                                                                       A Chapter Member of the Hemophilia Federation of America
About Us                 2                                                 A Registered Greenville County Charitable Organization
                                                                                 Member of the Greenville Chamber of Commerce
Lead Article:         3–5
                                                                              A Proud Member of the South Carolina Associations
Our Journey
                                                                                        of Non Profit Organizations - Together SC
                                                                BDASC MISSION: To raise awareness for and advocate on behalf of
Board’s Blog           6                                       persons with bleeding disorders and their families; provide education
                                                             and supportive services; and promote ongoing research to improve the
                                                           quality of life for those affected.
Engagements            8       BDASC VISION: Bleeding Disorders of South Carolina is to be recognized as a leading organization
Voices of the                  providing valued services; as ambassadors of public outreach to enlighten and foster an understanding
Community             20       of what matters most to those affected by hemophilia and bleeding disorders; and to be our commu-
                               nity’s first choice in partnership to achieve their highest potential through empowerment, connection
Von Willebrand                 to their community and being part of the solutions that affect them the most, until a cure is achieved.
Community              21
                               Summer 2021 Calendar of Events
Have You Heard?       22       Please visit our website calendar page link to see the most current information on scheduled events
Advocacy              25
                               May 17 — July 5 Virtual Motivational Mondays
National News         27       June 3 — Pre-Con Kahoot Annual Meeting and HELLO Conference
Research &            28       June 10 — Virtual Blood Brothers Meeting
Development                    June 11-12, 19 — Virtual HSC Annual Meeting & HELLO Conference
                               June 22 — Virtual Camp Courage, HSC Chapter Days - Ice Cream Social
Resources &           30
Contact Information            June 26 — Ladies Support Group, Coffee Underground, Greenville
                               July 16 — Blood Brothers Gathering, The Grand on Main, Columbia
Calendar of Events     31
                               July 17 — HSC Camp Connections, Saluda Shoals Park, Columbia
                               July 31-October 2 — Inspiring Shots (Golf Clinic), The Preserve at Verdae, Greenville
BDASC 2021 Staff &             August 8-10 — Teen Retreat, Camp Canaan, Rock Hill
Board of Directors             August 25-28 — Virtual NHF Bleeding Disorder Conference

Executive Director
Sue Martin                                    Bleeding Disorders of                  About This Publication

Advocacy/Public Policy                               South Carolina                  The News Infusion’s mission is to provide
                                        439 Congaree Road, Suite #5                  communication, connections, education and
Jeremy Williams
                                                                                     advocacy awareness. It is published quarterly
Communications and                             Greenville, SC 29607
                                                                                     by Bleeding Disorders of South Carolina as an
Development                                   Phone: 864-350-9941                    informational service to its members, friends,
Greg Witul                                      Fax: 864-244-8287                    and affiliates of South Carolina’s bleeding
President                                        info@hemophiliasc.org               disorders community. The News Infusion
                                                 www.hemophiliasc.org                does not endorse any provider, company or
Mike Walden
                                                                                     product, and further recommends that its
Vice President                                                                       readers always consult with their physicians
Shelley Crisp                                                                        and health care providers. The News Infusion is
                                                                                     for educational and communication purposes
                                                                                     only and makes no claim to its accuracy.
Felicia Alexander
                                              Editor-in-Chief                        The News Infusion is endorsed by the South
Treasurer                                       Sue Martin                           Carolina Hemophilia Treatment Center and the
Patricia Tucker                                                                      National Hemophilia Foundation.
                                                  Publisher                          We encourage your feedback and communi-
                                                Linda Hastie                         cations as a forum for exchange of infor-
Robert Butler                                                                        mation, ideas, and opinions. We welcome
Cristal Day                                Contributing Writers                      your letters, articles, questions and pictures.
Eric Dunton                                      Sue Martin                          All articles may be published or distributed
                                                                                     in print, electronic, online or in other forms.
Wendy Legrand                                    Greg Witul                          All submissions will be verified and subject
Aaron Smith                                                                          to editing. Please send to the editor-in-chief
                                             Jeremy Williams
Joseph R. Krakowiak, MD                                                              at: sue.martin@hemophiliasc.org. Mail to:
                                          Grace Church Printers                      439 Congaree Road, Suite #5, SC 29607,
Sue Martin, Ex-Officio Board
                                                                                     Attention: Editor-in-Chief, The News Infusion.
                                                                                     We look forward to hearing from you soon!
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Page 3, The News Infusion                                                                      Spring 2021

Lead Article

                         Our Journey Continues…
              New Name, Annual Meeting and HELLO Conference
 It’s almost here, our 2021 HELLO Conference and      for her bequest to the organization.
 Annual State Meeting! We are once again holding      Virtual Volunteer Spotlight of the Year – Edna
 our conference fully virtual over two weekends       Rabb
 June 11-12 and 19 and kicking it off with a pre-     SC Hemophilia and Bleeding Disorders
 conference event on June 3 with a Kahoot meet        Coalition, Advocate of the Year – Jameelah
 and greet. You’ll be able to learn about treatment   Malcolm
 therapies, support services, and enjoy meeting       SC Hemophilia and Bleeding Disorders
 our exhibitors and sponsors. Most importantly,       Coalition, Ambassador of the Year – Susie Maloy
 there will be a fun and entertaining “Kahoot         SC Legislative Advocate of the Year – Rep.
 Challenge”, complete with prizes! You really         Adam Morgan
 won’t want to miss it.                               Aaron Eugene Gossett Pillar of Strength Award
 Our Friday Night Chapter Opening Event is            – David Bennett
 scheduled for a 5:30 pm start on June 11. We’ll be   Board Member of the Year – Log on to find out!
 recognizing this year’s HSC’s Scholarship Award      We will also be introducing our new board
 Recipients and Chapter Awards:                       members, Christine Evans, Ursula Sagot and
 HSC – Alba Myers Lewis Memorial Scholarship          James Whitmire, while acknowledging our
 Elizabeth Snead – Freshman, Piedmont Technical       outbound three-term board members, Michael
 College - Practical Nursing, LPN                     Walden and Felicia Alexander.

 HSC – Mark Asbury Eichelberger Memorial              Following our awards will be our Keynote
 Scholarship                                          speaker, Glenn F. Pierce, MD, PhD. Sponsored by
 Lucas Nash – Junior, Clemson University,             the Hemophilia Federation of America, Doctor
 Bachelor of Science - Graphic Communications         Pierce will be talking about where we are now in
                                                      bleeding disorders treatment vs where we have
 Bleeding Disorders of South Carolina Scholarships
                                                      been in our past, as well as telling us about his
 Kennedy Brown – Freshman, Winthrop
                                                      own personal journey. Doctor Pierce serves on
 University, Bachelor of Science - Psychology
                                                      the World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH) Vice
 Logan Cobb – Freshman, North Greenville
                                                      President Medical, WFH USA Board of Directors,
 University, Bachelor of Science - Cyber Security
                                                      and the National Hemophilia Foundation (NHF)
 Marley Day – Junior, University of South Carolina
                                                      U.S. Medical and Scientific Advisory Council. He
 - Civil Engineering
                                                      is an Entrepreneur in-residence at Third Rock
 Cedric Jordan – Junior, Limestone University,
                                                      Ventures as well as a consultant for gene therapy
 Bachelor of Science - Business Economics,
                                                      and hematology biotech companies. He co-
 Healthcare Administration
                                                      founded Ambys Medicines in 2018, a cell and
 Marques Johnson – Freshman, University of South
                                                      gene therapy liver regeneration start-up, and
 Carolina, Bachelor of Science – Computer Science
                                                      serves as the Chief Medical Officer (CMO). Dr.
 Appreciation and Partnership Award - Dr.             Pierce retired from Biogen in 2014, where he led
 Stephanie Ambrose, Dr. Leslie Gilbert, and Dr.       the R&D of extended half-life FVIII and FIX Fc
 Shayla Bergmann for their work on the South          fusions as CMO. He spearheaded the donation
 Carolina Bleeding Disorders 2021 Medical             of 1 billion international units (IUs) and initiation
 Symposium                                            of the humanitarian aid collaboration with
 Making a Difference Award - Alba Myers Lewis
                                                                                        Continued on page 4
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Continued from page 3
WFH. Dr. Pierce also led the initiation of the My     and the Clinical Coagulation Laboratory at
Life Our Future (MLOF) program to genotype            Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and a Professor
>10,000 individuals in the US bleeding disorder       of Pediatrics at the University of Southern
community. Previously, Dr. Pierce served on           California’s Keck School of Medicine. He will
the NHF Board of Directors and was President          provide a general overview of the following
of the NHF. Dr. Pierce received an MD and a           questions: What causes genetic conditions? What
PhD in Immunology and did his postgraduate            are the different types of gene therapies being
training in pathology and hematology research.        researched? What are gene therapy trials trying
He has 30+ years of experience in biotech drug        to figure out?
development in the areas of tissue regeneration       The Gene Therapy session will be followed by
and hematology, including hemophilia,                 Virginia Chandler of Genentech and will be talking
beginning with Amgen and has been involved            about The Science Behind the Clotting Cascade.
in the development of 5 approved products             This session is intended for all rare bleeding
for hemophilia. He splits time between San            disorders. In it she will review how blood clots,
Francisco and San Diego. Dr. Pierce was born          what different cells and protein clotting factors
with severe hemophilia A and was cured in 2008.       are involved in forming a stable blood clots and
Day Two, Saturday, June 12, will have five sessions   will include the entire clotting cascade. The
with breaks sprinkled throughout the day. The         classes of novel therapies that are being studied,
morning sessions start with a much-needed             such as gene therapy, RNA interference, and
Emotional Wellness program sponsored by               therapeutic monoclonal antibodies will also be
Pfizer. Hosted by Rachel Cooper-Leal, this session    reviewed. This in-depth look makes it a “must
will give the audience an overview of how mental      attend” program for anyone with a bleeding
health impacts the bleeding disorders community,      disorder. An interactive project will be enjoyed by
what signs/symptoms to look for, and how to           all and will be included in your conference box.
encourage dialogue with caregivers and health         Our last session will be von Willebrand Disease:
care providers about emotional wellness.              A to Z sponsored by Takeda. Join the VWD
Our second session of the day is Music Therapy        community and learn all there is to know about
with Tim Ringgold, Sponsored by CSL Behring.          VWD. This is also an opportunity to become more
This session will empower participants to             connected to the larger VWD community. And
reach for music when feeling stressed in life or      receive our special gift in your conference box,
work rather than harmful substances or digital        just for the WD community!
distractions. Throughout Tim’s life, music has        Our second weekend will start on Saturday,
been a powerful balm – particularly during times      June 19, and will include Advocacy for all Ages,
of stress and pain. That’s why Tim loves working      Teen and Tot programming, and some additional
in rehab centers in Southern California, with teens   Special Programming. Beginning at 9:00 am our
and adults teaching them how to overcome              Advocacy Coalition members will be presenting
depression, anxiety, trauma, and addiction with       on the South Carolina Hemophilia and Bleeding
the help of music. In addition, he has spent a        Disorders Advocacy Coalition. Learn about their
decade serving as a regional board member of          work and how you can be involved. You’ll find out
the American Music Therapy Association, is a TED      how to help us pass our Rare Disease Advisory
Talk speaker, husband, and father.                    Council Bill and share your personal advocacy
Gene Therapy Research: Understanding the              experiences with the community. Hear from our
Science, with Dr. Guy Young and sponsored by          Legislative Speaker about how to move a bill out
BioMarin will be featured just after our lunch        of the Senate and what makes a favorable bill.
exhibit hall break. Dr. Young is the Director         Also, learn why it is important to become skillful
of the Hemostasis and Thrombosis Center               in advocating for you and your family, and how
                                                                                       Continued on page 5
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Continued from page 4

South Carolina’s Advocacy Coalition is a vital         video, The History of Juneteenth and having
voice for our community.                               some conversations about the day at the end of
For our teen members we will be having Improv          our Advocacy session. The second special event
for Teens provided in partnership with Hemophilia      will be our closing painting party. Our friends at
Federation of America. Improv for Teens is an          Wine and Design will be
interactive virtual session where teens will use       assisting us as we create a
improvisational comedy skills to build their self-     special painting of “Signs
confidence, competence, and self-advocacy skills.      Along YOUR Journey” for
Participants should leave feeling empowered (and       the whole family. This will
with sore belly muscles from laughing). Seasoned       be our closing event, but to
improv comedians from Second City in Chicago           participate you must register
will facilitate short improv games and utilize their   by June 1 to receive your
comedic talents to engage teens in this one-hour       conference box.
session. We will begin with a fun and competitive      Exhibit and Sponsor recognition hours will be
game of Kahoot, along with prizes for everyone.        spread throughout the four-day total event,
The Tot Programming will be fun and interactive        providing the time and opportunity in breakout
activities that will build friendships and help        rooms for discussions on product therapies,
children connect to the community and learn            services, and community support. Prizes, raffles,
about bleeding disorders.                              and food reimbursement gift cards will be
We’ll be holding two special events on our             provided during the Annual Meeting for those in
final day of the conference. The first will be         participation. It will be exciting to “see” everyone
recognizing and celebrating the state holiday of       and we hope you will plan to join us!
Juneteenth. We’ll be viewing a two-minute short
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CONGRATULATIONS to our Academic Scholarship Awardees
Come help us celebrate at our Virtual Annual      HSC – Mark Asbury Eichelberger Memorial
Meeting and HELLO Conference on Friday,           Scholarship
June 11, at 6:00 pm as we congratulate one        Lucas Nash – Junior, Clemson University,
of our largest Scholarship Awards Program         Bachelor of Science – Graphic Communications
classes, awarding seven scholarships, including
the most funding we have ever provided in a       Bleeding Disorders of South Carolina
single year, totaling $7,000. We doubled the      Academic Scholarships
usual award amount ($500) this year believing     Kennedy Brown – Freshman, Winthrop University,
that with the challenges of COVID-19, these       Bachelor of Science – Psychology
students deserve a huge congratulations           Logan Cobb – Freshman, North Greenville
for keeping on track with their educational       University, Bachelor of Science - Cyber Security
goals. Please wish them the best and join us in   Marley Day – Junior, University of South Carolina
celebration of their achievements! We are so      – Civil Engineering
proud of all of you.
                                                  Cedric Jordan – Junior, Limestone University,
2021 Academic Scholarship Program                 Bachelor of Science – Business Economics,
Awardees                                          Healthcare Administration
HSC – Alba Myers Lewis Memorial Scholarship       Marques Johnson – Freshman, University of
Elizabeth Snead – Freshman, Piedmont Technical    South Carolina, Bachelor of Science – Computer
College – Practical Nursing, LPN                  Science

          Welcome our NEW Board of Directors!
Please join us in welcoming our new Board         excited to have Christine Evans, Ursula Sagot,
of Directors who will be introduced to the        and James Whitmire as part of our leadership
Chapter at our 2021 Annual Meeting and HELLO      team. Come join us and welcome these
Conference on June 11 at 6:00 pm. We are so       dedicated individuals to the team.
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Executive’s Welcome

                        Summer Brings Us Hope
It is hard to believe our young adults are             With our new name reflecting our inclusiveness
graduating from high school and college with           to show support for ALL BLEEDING
many summer vacations beginning soon. I am             DISORDERS, we are hoping our outreach will
hopeful as we look forward to a new normal after       provide everyone a place to belong and find
the COVID-19 pandemic. It has been challenging         support. Our membership is growing leap
for us all. I am also hopeful we can continue          and bounds; however, our mission has never
the planning of small events, educational              changed. We will always support and honor
opportunities, and support group activities.           our past accomplishments and sacrifices of
Please check our website, read our e-blast, and        our hemophilia and von Willebrand Disease
stay connected so you are aware of what we             community. Our transformation journey to the
have to offer. But first, I ask you all to
join me at our virtual Annual Meeting
and HELLO Conference beginning on
June 3 with a pre-conference Kahoot
and sponsor appreciation; Friday, June
11 with our Keynote Speaker, Chapter
Awards, new board members and
scholarships, and show your support to
those organizations and members who
have stood by us providing support
and funding to the Chapter throughout
the pandemic. Please be sure to read
our 2020 Annual Report (Gratitude
Report) which was sent to all our
members, investors, and funders. It is
posted on our website in the About
Us link. We had an incredible year last
year, despite very difficult times, and will honor     new name will roll out slowly, but a new logo
those involved at the annual meeting.                  and website is on its way and we are excited! We
Additionally, our educational and support group        hope you are too.
sessions are going to be plentiful on June 12 and      I’ll keep this short as you have so much to read
19 as we have worked hard to meet this year’s          in this issue; keeping you informed of all we have
theme, “Together, Our Journey Continues”. We will      been up to and will be doing the rest of the year.
have fun and interactive sessions for adults, teens,   Our phone is always charged, and our door is
and kids; with education and support related           open, so I encourage you to call upon us or to
to gene therapy, advocacy, mental health and           just say hello! I appreciate your support and the
wellness, stress reduction with music and laughter,    support of all who allow us to be available to the
Von Willebrand Disease, and to include our             bleeding disorders community in South Carolina
“Understanding the Clotting Cascade” session for       and beyond. Have a wonderful summer and I
all our other sub-groups or rare platelet disorders.   hope to give you a social distance “hug” soon!
This includes extreme factor deficiencies like         Warmest regards,
Factor 1, 7 or 13, and all in between.                 Sue
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     Community Engagements

          50 Days of Awareness: March Bleeding
             Disorder Awareness Campaign
February 28 – Bleeding Disorders
Awareness Month Kick Off Event
We kicked off Bleeding Disorders
Awareness Month and our Red
Tie Campaign on Rare Disease
Day in downtown Greenville. We
held an extremely small, masked,
and socially distant outside
event where we unveiled our
“Are You Seeing Red” awareness
sign in Falls Park. We also “Light
Greenville Red” with red lights
illuminating the Liberty Bridge
in Falls Park during the evening
and night through parts of March.
HSC’s Board and staff also kept up the annual       to sign onto a letter to President Joe Biden to
tradition of taking a group photo on Liberty        roll back rules that make it possible for health
Bridge, but this year everyone sported our          insurance companies to implement “accumulator
“Carolina Strong” facemasks.                        adjustment” programs, which disallow counting
Washington Days                                     co-pay assistance cards toward deductibles
During the first week of March, several HSC staff   and out-of-pocket maximums. The hope is that
members (Sue Martin, Greg Witul, and Jeremy         executive action will eliminate the need for
Williams) and Advocacy Coalition members            legislation to address these policies that stand in
(Renita Johnson and Suzie Maloy) participated       the way of people with chronic health conditions
in the National Hemophilia Foundation’s (NHF)       like hemophilia from accessing their medications.
annual Washington Days. Of course, this year        The collective advocacy efforts generated 33
all the meetings were virtual, but the group        additional members to sign on to the Biden
was able to connect with staff of six members       letter. Congratulations!
representing South Carolina in Congress. This       There were a number of trainings leading up
included the offices of Representatives Jeff        to the meetings and, as always, NHF staff did
Duncan, Nancy Mace, Ralph Norman, and William       a fantastic job of preparing our group for the
Timmons. They also met with staff from the          meetings. It was a week full of learning as well as
offices of both South Carolina U.S. Senators        doing. And it was an honor to represent South
Lindsey Graham and Tim Scott.                       Carolina in the halls of Congress (albeit virtually).
The group asked for continued funding for           Advocacy Prep Training on the 9th
federal organizations vital to bleeding disorders   For our last State Advocacy Prep Session, we
research and education, namely the Health           reviewed all our updated materials, our talking
Resources and Services Administration; the          points, and confirmed everyone’s schedule. We
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention;         reminded the Advocates that our Rare Disease
and the National Institutes of Health. The          Advisory Council House Bill was no longer H3233
group also asked for members of Congress                                              Continued on page 9
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Continued from page 8
                                                    throughout the month.
but was now H3956, highlighted that a Rare          Members asked their elected officials for
Disease Advisory Councils will provide a unified    continued funding for the Hemophilia Assistance
voice for rare disease patients, and will create    Program, a premium support initiative for
a forum to make recommendations to elected          people with bleeding disorders operated by the
officials and other state leaders about pressing    state Department of Health and Environmental
healthcare issues. We also touched on the           Control. They also asked for support for a bill
need for continued support for the Hemophilia       (H3956), that would create a Rare Disease
Assistance Program and that we want to start        Advisory Council in the state. The measure at
tackling Anti-Accumulator Adjustment Program        the time was in the Health and Environmental
Legislation. After a brief reminder to dress for    Affairs subcommittee of the House Medical,
success, everyone went to bed in preparation of     Military, Public, and Municipal Affairs Committee.
the marathon of Zoom meetings that the next         As part of the effort to get it passed, Sue Martin
two days would see.                                 provided testimony to the subcommittee on
State Days 10th–11th and throughout the month       the functions and importance of the Council.
Throughout the second week of March, more           Finally, members alerted their legislators to
than 30 HSC members engaged their state             “accumulator adjustment” programs (see
elected officials to advocate for policies and      “Washington Days” above) being implemented in
programs that impact people living with             health insurance plans sold in South Carolina.
bleeding disorders in our state. The group          It was a busy but productive week. In addition
held 17 meetings with members of the South          to many longstanding Advocacy Coalition
Carolina Legislature, with several more scheduled
                                                                                   Continued on page 10
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Continued from page 9                               the ER, being stereotyped by the medical staff
members, we had participation from a number         once there, and lack of education by the doctors
of new advocates. We welcome to our advocacy        about Bleeding Disorders and Hemophilia. This
ambassador program, Woody Ford and Holly            film was posted to our social media accounts so
Penfield. It was exciting to see them advocating    it can be accessed and understood by both our
for themselves and their families. Everyone         community members and the general public.
did a fantastic job! We are grateful to all our     This meeting was in partnership and sponsored
advocacy sponsors throughout the year and           by DrugCo.
our Advocacy State Days for their support!
Thanks to Takeda and Genentech, PhRMA, CSL
Behring, Octapharma, Drugco, and our NHF

State Based Coalition partners; Novo Nordisk,       March 16 – Living Independently, Choices and
INC. (Founding sponsor), Bayer Healthcare,          Risks: Teen Support Group Activity
BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc., CSL Behring,          To recognize Bleeding Disorders Awareness
Genentech, Grifols, The Hemophilia Alliance,        Month with our Teen Support Group we hosted
Pfizer Inc., Sanofi Genzyme, Spark Therapeutics,    an event covering Living Independently, Choices
and Takeda.                                         and Risks that saw 20 members attend. We
March 11 – Blood Brothers Meeting                   also took this opportunity to come together
As part of our Bleeding Disorders Awareness         with teens and their parents for a fun evening of
Month Blood Brothers meeting, we                    social interaction among friends. This event was
produced and promoted a short film “Candid          in partnership and sponsored by Takeda.
Conversations Among Brothers” with seven
members. This talk was created to bring to light
some of the issues our members face going to
the ER, including reluctance to actually going to
                                                                                    Continued on page 11
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Continued from page 10                                                  the talk, we had a memorable and meaningful
March 25 – CARE Program: Ladies Support                                 bleeding disorders month project; Make One,
Group Activity – “Laughing Through Stress”                              Share One, and Give in support of those affected
Eighteen ladies from our community got together                         by bleeding disorders. Each member made two
for a fun interactive evening and heard from Lori,                      custom Bleeding Disorder Awareness Month
a Common Factors Advocate with CSL Behring.                             themed bracelet with blood drop pedants. The
Lori’s story about “Laughing Through Stress” was                        first one was for themselves, while the second
one many members could identify with. Following                                                        Continued on page 12

    Exploring the science behind gene
    therapy research
    Gene therapy research has the potential to bring an entirely new option to people
    with specific genetic conditions. Many gene therapies are in clinical trials to evaluate
    the possible risks and benefits for a range of conditions, including hemophilia.
    HemDifferently is here with gene therapy education, providing accurate information
    on the basics and beyond.

    What questions do you have? Get them answered. Explore gene therapy
    at HemDifferently.com

    No gene therapies for hemophilia have been approved for use or determined
    to be safe or effective.

    ©2020 BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc. All Rights Reserved. MMRCGTH0226 0420
Page 12, The News Infusion                                                                 Spring 2021

Continued from page 11                              April 17 – World Hemophilia Day 2021
one was to be given to a friend while asking them   We took a truly global approach to World
to support our Red Tie Campaign fundraiser. The     Hemophilia Day this year with 10 community
event was a great success. We thank our partner,    members, from three continents, and both
CSL Behring for the opportunity to connect.         hemispheres. Using our Zoom platform, the West
                                                    Virginia Chapter partnered with us to watch a
                                                    short film on living with Hemophilia in Kenya and
                                                    hear from two international speakers, Joshua
March 29 – HSC Member Conversations                 Bwambale a medical professional and hemophilia
As the capstone to Bleeding Disorders               advocate from Uganda and Mariana Battazza
Awareness Month, we held an open forum              Freire, president of Associacao Brasileira
for the community called HSC Member                 de Pessoas com Hemofilia in Brazil. In Mr.
Conversations. This event was a prompt for          Bwambale’s speech, he discussed many of the
discussion regarding a number of changes            issues of those with hemophilia face in Uganda,
our organization, our country, and the world,       accesses to care, high costs, low employment,
is facing. Topics discussed included what a         and the ongoing issues with HIV/AIDS. In her
post-COVID world will look like, inclusiveness      address, Ms. Freire explained the differences
in the hemophilia and bleeding disorder             between the medical systems in Brazil and the
community, what’s happening with Advocacy,          US. For those living with hemophilia in Brazil,
the need for diversity, what are we missing as      treatment is provided free by the government,
an organization, and anything the membership        but you have no choice in the product you take.
wanted to bring up. The event was very well         You get what the government gives you, which
attended with 18 member families and it has         can change from month to month. She also
been an impetus for implantation for new ideas      debuted a board game the Associacao produced
and new ways of approaching things. We also         to help children learn about hemophilia, the
thanked the community for the funds raised          importance of infusing, and staying on their
so far in our Red Tie Campaign and asked for        regimen. The evening concluded with an
continued support to reach our goal.                international themed game of Kahoot.
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   2021 Bleeding Disorders Medical Symposium
On the weekend of April 23 and 24, Bleeding                       the second session of the night, the film Impact
Disorders of South Carolina held a first for the                  Stories from South Carolinians Living with a
organization by hosting the South Carolina                        Bleeding Disorder was screened, and HSC member
Bleeding Disorders 2021 Medical Symposium.                        Hunter Day told the doctors his story of living
By inviting over 400 members of the medical                       with Hemophilia and his struggles in finding
community, this symposium was an opportunity to                   stable treatment. Bleeding Disorders of South
bring together; hospital administration, healthcare               Carolina Board Member, Dr. Joey Krakowiak,
professionals, ER physicians, hematologists,                      gave a “doctor to doctor” perspective of being
and primary care physicians practicing in South                   caregiver to a child with a bleeding disorder, when
Carolina who currently have patients in their                     to suspect a bleeding disorder as a diagnosis, and
practice or emergency care, or potential future                   things to keep in mind if someone with bleeding
patients who have a diagnosis of hemophilia or                    disorder comes into your office or in your ER. The
related inherited bleeding disorders, as well as                  night concluded with a joint presentation of The
patients and caregivers, for specialized medical                  Comprehensive Model of Care for Hemophilia and
education in the healthcare needs of this                         Bleeding Disorders: The Hemophilia Treatment
population. As an incentive we were able to offer a               Centers in South Carolina by Dr. Stephanie
Continuing Medical Education Credit to those who                  Ambrose, DO, Nurse Coordinator Robin Jones, Dr.
attended one of the sessions.                                     Leslie Gilbert, MD MSCI, of Prisma Health, and Dr.
The first night of the Symposium saw                              Shayla Bergmann, MD of the Medical University
introductions from Bleeding Disorders of South                    of South Carolina. In their 45-minute presentation,
Carolina and the SC Hemophilia and Bleeding                       the doctors covered all the services the HTC offers
Disorders Advocacy Coalition as well as a little                  as part of the Comprehensive Care Model, the staff
about how the symposium came to fruition. In                                                      Continued on page 14

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Page 14, The News Infusion                                                                 Spring 2021

Continued from page 13                              staff present. The first was to recognize that
of each location, how the HTC works with your       women with hemophilia DO bleed and be aware
primary doctor and preferred hematologist, and      of symptoms across the lifespan in women
what patents had to say about utilizing the HTC.    with bleeding disorders. The second was to
Doctor Bergmann talked about the services, staff,   become familiar with the warning signs of heavy
and new Hemophilia Clinic facilities at the Shawn   menstrual bleeding, the third was to recognize
Jenkins Children’s Hospital.                        that many treatment options are available for
Day two of the symposium opened with The            heavy menstrual bleeding in women and girls with
Hemophilia Awareness Series presented by Dr.        hemophilia and other bleeding disorders, while
Joanna Davis the Medical Director of Pediatric      the fourth was to understand the importance
Comprehensive Hemophilia Treatment of the           of checking for iron deficiency in women with
University of Miami. The one-hour program           bleeding disorders. Lastly, a brief review of the
thoroughly explained how Hemophilia A and B are     initial laboratory testing for bleeding disorders
identified, diagnosed, and treated. She also dove   was talked about. Over the course of an hour, Dr.
into current treatment options, possible future     O’Brien addressed each point in a way that all
treatment options, techniques for rearing a child   present could understand and incorporate into
with a bleeding disorder, and how everyone with     their practice.
a bleeding disorder is truly on their own unique    The final presentation of the two-day event
treatment journey. Everyone who was present at      performed double duty, covering both
the session and completed an evaluation form        orthopaedic care and emergency rooms, and
received one Continuing Medical Education Credit    was hosted by Sue Geraghty, RN, MBA. Entitled
through Dannemiller.                                Emergency and Orthopaedic Issues for Persons
The second session given by Dr. Sarah O’Brien,      with Bleeding Disorders, Ms. Geraghty opened
MD, Associate Professor of Pediatrics at            with what may bring a patient with a Bleeding
Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus was      Disorder to the Emergency Room before
Shemophilia: Women with Bleeding Disorders.         transitioning to what the treatment priorities
This very well attended presentation touched        should be. This part of the session closed with
on five major points for the doctors and medical                                  Continued on page 15
Page 15, The News Infusion                                                               Spring 2021

Continued from page 14                            adjunctive therapies physical therapy to surgical
all the special considerations, caveats, and      options.
other things to be aware of when treating         Over four hours spread across two days,
someone who hs or could have a bleeding           healthcare professionals, caregivers, and
disorder. In the second half of her talk, Sue     patients received a deeper understanding of
addressed orthopaedic issues that arise because   Hemophilia, Bleeding Disorders, and the medical
of bleeding disorders. This section addressed     complications that arise from them. Special
chronic synovitis, degenerative arthritis, and    thanks to Genentech, Spark Therapeutics, Inc.,
the self-perpetuating cycle of hemarthrosis.      Takeda, Hemophilia Federation of America, and
This was followed by possible treatments from                                   Continued on page 16
Page 16, The News Infusion                                                                                                                      Spring 2021

Continued from page 15

the Hemophilia Foundation of Greater
Florida for their support of our medical
symposium. Another special thanks go to
the members of the Medical Symposium
Planning Committee, Ms. Suzanne Martin,
Mr. Gregory Witul, Ms. Cristal Day, Dr.
Joseph Krakowiak, and recognizing the
support and dedication of Dr. Stephanie
Ambrose, Ms. Robin Jones, Dr. Leslie
Gilbert, and Dr. Shayla Bergmann.
Without their efforts this symposium
would not have been possible, thank you.
All four sessions can be viewed in their
entirety at tinyurl.com/BDASCYouTube
and the Symposium program and
outlines of the sessions can be found on
the HSC website at hemophiliasc.org/

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                             Copyright © 2019 Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited. 300 Shire Way, Lexington, MA 02421. 1-800-828-2088.
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Page 17, The News Infusion                                                                   Spring 2021

                     Support Groups Outreach and
                       Community Connections
February 26 – Pizza Party Family Feud                April 6 – Constructive Conversation:
As part of our Rare Disease Day in South             Educational Community Connections Program
Carolina celebration, HSC hosted a Pizza Party       On April 6, HSC and Pfizer came together
and Family Feud night, in partnership with           for a community connection virtual program
Octapharma. Member families were divided up          that discussed how to have Constructive
into groups and went head-to-head. With the          Conversations. This program event was
theme of Bleeding Disorders, and Octapharma’s        intended for all the support groups and the
Nurse Educator acting as MC, there were some         entire membership of the bleeding disorders
controversial answers and non-answers, but in        community. Using a series of slides and some
the end, there was a true spirt of community as      comparison videos, Rachel Cooper-Leal provided
members helped each other answer questions.          a comprehensive overview of how caregivers can
The big winners of the evening were the Baird        gain a better understanding and learn new ways
and Tucker Families who each took home a             to effectively communicate with individuals living
copy of the book, “Seven Summits” by Chris           with hemophilia. The approximately 40 members
Bombardier. Following the game, there was a          of HSC that were in attendance came away with
brief informational session about the Bill for the   better ways to communicate.
Rare Disease Council Advisory Council.

                                                                                    Continued on page 18
Page 18, The News Infusion                                                                 Spring 2021

Continued from page 17
                                                   6 months old. The group interacted in various
April 8 – Blood Brothers Meeting with Jim
                                                   conversations with support for challenges faced
                                                   by many. A complication during tumor removal
For our April Blood Brothers Meeting, HSC
                                                   surgery caused T-2 level paraplegia, and as a
hosted a very special speaker Coach Jim Stroker.
                                                   result, Seth has used a manual wheelchair ever
A personal friend of Blood Brother Ward, Jim’s
                                                   since. However, he has been determined to
mission has been to Inspire and Empower people
                                                   lead a healthy and active lifestyle despite his
to reach their highest potential by creating
                                                   childhood diagnoses. An avid sports enthusiast,
harmony and balance in mind, body, and spirit
                                                   Seth lives in Denver, CO, and plays for the Denver
as a global motivational speaker. Many of the
                                                   Rolling Nuggets basketball team as part of the
Brothers in attendance were uplifted by Coach
                                                   National Wheelchair Basketball Association
Stroker’s attitude, encouraging style, and
                                                   (NWBA) and has aspirations to play for Team
tenacious world view. Coach Jim Stroker left
                                                   USA in the Paralympics. He also coaches the
such an impression on the Brothers that HSC
                                                   Denver Jr. Rolling Nuggets team. Seth has been
spun out the Motivational Monday’s program
                                                   involved with the bleeding disorders community
with him, this time for all members of the
                                                   for the past 20 years, participating in local and
Bleeding Disorder community.
                                                   national events. Seth has his bachelor’s degree
                                                   in Mechanical/Biomedical Engineering from the
                                                   University of Central Florida (UCF). We thank
                                                   Octapharma and DrugCo for their support of the
                                                   Blood Brothers Program.

May 13 – Blood Brothers Meeting
The Blood Brothers heard from Seth Rojhani
who was diagnosed with severe Hemophilia A
and cancer, on the same day when he was just
Page 19, The News Infusion                                                                 Spring 2021

Save the Dates!                                    in Greenville. Sponsored by Medexus and
                                                   BioMatrix, the ladies will enjoy brunch and
We are developing a number of upcoming             conversation on self-care.
events, more details about them will be
forthcoming. Check our websites for updates.
Space will be limited so make sure to register
as soon as you can. COVID compliance rules
and guidelines from the Chapter will be strictly
enforced for attendance, with waivers having to
be signed.
July 16 – Blood Brothers Gathering, The Grand      Aug 8-10 – Teen Retreat, Camp Canaan,
on Main, Columbia                                  Rock Hill
The Blood Brothers are tentatively planning        Our 2021 Teen Retreat is on! Only three days,
their first in-person event for July 16 in the     two nights this year we’ll be heading out to
Tap Room at The Grand on Main. Located in          Camp Canaan to enjoy as many camp activities
Columbia, the Tap Room at The Grand sports         as we can! We’ll let you know when registration
a pool table, arcade games, jukebox, with food     is open on our website.
and drinks to be supplied for the Brothers
                                                   July 31-October 2 – Inspiring Shots (Golf Clinic),
to enjoy. There is no set schedule, speaker,
                                                   The Preserve at Verdae, Greenville
or presentations, just an opportunity for the
                                                   For adults (over 18) with bleeding disorder and/
Brothers to get together, talk, laugh, and
                                                   or their families. Learn how to golf or improve
                                                   your golf game! This 8-hour private golf class
                                                   with members of HSC is for the beginner to
                                                   advanced with hands-on golf instruction and a
                                                   great experience to connect with others. Held
                                                   over several weekends, Pro Golfer Perry Parker
                                                   will also be in attendance at one of the clinics!
                                                   An opportunity to attend and help with the
                                                   JNC and a round of golf with Perry and other
                                                   participants around the country are included
July 17 – HSC Camp Connections, Saluda
                                                   in this four-region event. This program is made
Shoals Park, Columbia
                                                   available through the Wingman Foundation and
For the second year in a row, HSC will be
                                                   CSL Behring and we are excited to see it roll out.
hosting “Camp Connections” at Saluda Shoals
Park. Once again, there will be park activities,
lunch, sponsor booths, and the opportunity to
gather, chat, and enjoy the park on us!
June 26 – Ladies Support Group, Coffee
Underground, Greenville
Our Ladies Support Group will be having an
outing on June 26 at the Coffee Underground
Page 20, The News Infusion                                                               Spring 2021

     Voices of The Community

On Advocating                                    I think I am most passionate about women
Jameelah – Advocating,                           with bleeding disorders and getting proper
Educating, and Elevating                         care. I feel there is a great need for it, but it
                                                 doesn’t always get the attention it deserves.
I personally got involved in
                                                 I’m also passionate about healthcare
advocating after the birth of
                                                 education especially for young adults
Eli. I have always had some
                                                 becoming independent.
ties to advocating, but it
didn’t personally affect me                      On Technology
until I had Eli. I never fully                   Edna – From Tech Novice to
understood the importance                        Expert in a Year
of advocating, nor did I understand the          When HSC began its
struggles my dad and my nephew went              Virtual Innovation Program
through. What I did know was my dad was          (VIP) Edna was early to
suffering from an illness and sometimes we       sign-up, even without
went to events with others like him. In New      the knowledge that she
York City I was very active in my nephew’s       would be receiving a
care. He was born in 1990 and I spent a lot of   digital device as part
time in the hospital with him. I was very well   of the program. When
versed in his care and needs, but sadly there    asked about her very
was very little support from a hemophilia        first experience with the new product, she
community there. Thankfully from the             replied “I didn’t even know how to turn on
moment I got pregnant with Eli I was very        a computer like that” laughingly. But after
supported here in South Carolina and that        a few phone calls to the Chapter and a
made being involved very easy and inspired       walkthrough, Edna soon had the hang of it.
me to want to do more. It was equally as         Within three months Edna was adept enough
important to me to get my family just as         to register, log on, and participate in every
involved.                                        event she could. “I’m really proud of this
Advocating is very important to me because       iPad… I get to connect with you all… and I love
I didn’t have any support from a hemophilia      being with you all”.
community nor my parents as a young adult.       Being a VIP member and having her iPad,
I believe the support wasn’t there from my       Edna looks forward to post-COVID. “I see
parents because they just didn’t know, and       myself using it… all the time.” And “I don’t
the resources weren’t available like they are    have to ask anybody to do it for me, I can
now. My role as a parent and a member of         do it all myself.” Edna understates her
the community is to do my part and make          proficiency, as she was able to singlehandedly
sure that my children are educated and           reenroll her device to HSC’s network after
aware of services available to them and          it accidently got removed. But for now, she
support those that are unable to do it for       is thankful for this new technology and the
themselves.                                      ability to connect with her HSC family.
                                                                                Continued on page 21
Page 21, The News Infusion                                                                Spring 2021

 Continued from page 20

 On Connecting                                      were times when I was growing up that the
 Tim – Crossing the Physical and Digital Divide     irrational fear of hemophiliacs spreading HIV
                                                    and AIDS in the late 80’s and cause too many
 Tim has been a longtime member of HSC, but
                                                    to only know that fear and they could not
 due to a busy schedule and distance, he’s never
                                                    see anything further out from them. Now, we
 been able to attend any in person events.
                                                    educate, assist, advocate, and simply fight for
 That all changed with COVID, Chapter going
                                                    many families so we may live our lives to the
 digital, and Tim becoming a Virtual Innovation
                                                    fullest extent possible.” – I’m Tim Swanburg
 Program (VIP) member. In short order, Tim
                                                    and I approve this message.
 went from being a voice on the phone to a
 regular attendee of events,
 an esteemed member
 of the Blood Brothers,
 and a fierce advocate
 for Bleeding Disorders
 in local politics, all from
 the ease and comfort
 of his home. “The VIP
 program, providing that
 virtual connection that
 had not been there before,
 provided me a method
 of communication and
 participation that even if I
 am forced to be immobile
 to heal, or another issue
 from hemophilia, it didn’t
 slow me down. There

Von Willebrand Community

                              Our Community Grows
 Our VWD community is growing by leaps and          symptoms, and types of VWD, as well as
 bounds! We’ve had more VWD families join           those that are specific to women. Treatment
 us in the last couple of weeks than any other      approaches available to people living with VWD
 disease state. We are hoping to host a VWD         will be described, as well. Time to connect and
 focused event in the near future, but until then   share with this unique community will be during
 make sure to join us at the Annual Meeting the     this session. Make sure to join us to get to know
 afternoon of Saturday, June 12 as Betsy Koval,     your VWD Community. PS: A special HSC gift
 RN BSN presents “von Willebrand Disease A          for the VWD community will be provided in the
 to Z”. This program sponsored by Takeda, will      conference box so be sure to join us for this
 explain the inheritance patterns, the various      special event.
                                                                                                                  ¡Necesitamos su voz y experiencia para
                                                                                                                  decirnos lo que estamos haciendo bien,
Page 22, The News Infusion                                                                                                         Volume
                                                                                                                  y también las cosas         9, Issue 4
                                                                                                                                      en que necesitamos
                                                                                                                           Complete la encuesta
                                                                                                                         en: www.htcsurvey.com
      Have You Heard?                                                                                               o llene y devuelva la encuesta que
                                                                                                                            recibió por correo.

                                                                                                                      Cualquier encuesta debe
                  Let Your Voice Be Heard! Take the National                                                      completarse por lo menos antes del
                                                                                                                        30 de junio del 2021.
                    HTC Patient Satisfaction Survey Today!
                                The Third National HTC                         ¡La tercera encuesta
                                                                               nacional del Centro
                               Patient Satisfaction Survey                 de Hemofilia para medir el
                                      is now open!                           nivel de satisfacción del
                                We need your voice and experience to       cliente ya está abierta en la
                               tell us what we’re doing right, and areas               red!
                                         we need to improve!
                                                                           ¡Necesitamos su voz y experiencia para
                                                                           decirnos lo que estamos haciendo bien,
                               Take the survey at www.htcsurvey.com        y también las cosas en que necesitamos
                                or fill out and return the survey you                     mejorar!
                                         received in the mail.                      Complete la encuesta
                                                                                  en: www.htcsurvey.com
                                                                             o llene y devuelva la encuesta que
                                 Surveys must be completed by                        recibió por correo.
                                          June 30, 2021.                       Cualquier encuesta debe
                                                                            completarse por lo menos antes
                                                                               del 30 de junio del 2021.

Hemophilia Treatment Centers (HTCs) across                                 seguimiento a las encuestas hechas en el 2015 y
theThe United
                    National   areHTCparticipating in the 2021             2018. La información de los pacientes y familias
  Patient      Satisfaction       Survey
National HTC Patient Satisfaction Survey! If you,                          ayuda a los Centros de Hemofilia identificar
              is now open!
or someone you care for, had contact with an                               dónde tienen puntos fuertes y dónde tienen que
  We need your voice and experience to
HTC      in 2020,
 tell us what           they
               we’re doing      want
                            right,       to hear from you!
                                   and areas                               mejorar. Su voz puede ayudar a los Centros de
             we need to improve!
You can take the survey online at www.htcsurvey.                           Hemofilia aprender y mejorar. Favor de visitar
  Take theThe    survey
            survey            closes on June 30, 2021.
                   at www.htcsurvey.com                                    www.htcsurvey.com para completar la encuesta.
   or fill out and return the survey you
This survey receivedisin a
                             mail.    up to the surveys done               La encuesta solamente toma algunos minutos de
in 2015 and 2018. The input from patients and                              su tiempo. Gracias por su contribución.
    Surveys must be completed by
families       help HTCs identify areas where they may
               June 30, 2021.                                                      HSC supports Efren from the
have strengths and where they need to improve.
                                                                                Philippines as part of Save One Life
Your voice can again help HTCs learn and
improve. Please go to www.htcsurvey.com to take                            This year HSC is supporting Efren Jake as part
the survey. The survey only takes a few minutes                            of Save One Life. Efren is nine years old and lives
of your time! Thank you for your valuable input!                           in the Philippines. He has
¡Que su voz sea oído! ¡Complete la encuesta                                moderate Hemophilia A
nacional de los Centros de Hemofilia para medir                            but is still a very active 4th
la satisfacción del paciente!                                              grader and enjoys playing
¡Los Centros de Hemofilia en los Estados Unidos                            basketball. When he does
están participando en la encuesta nacional de                              have a major bleed Efren
2021 de los Centros de Hemofilia para medir la                             travels almost 20 miles
satisfacción del paciente! Si usted o alguien que                          to the nearest hospital
usted cuida ha tenido contacto con el Centro de                            for treatment. When he
Hemofilia en el año 2020, ellos quieren escuchar                           grows up, he wants to be
de usted.                                                                  a doctor. This sponsorship
Puede completar la encuesta en la red en www.                              was provided in part by
htcsurvey.com. La encuesta termina el 30 de                                a small portion of the proceeds of the Red Tie
junio, 2021.                                                               Campaign. Thank you all for your tremendous
Esta encuesta se hace con el fin de dar                                    support!
Page 23, The News Infusion                                                             Spring 2021

       HSC Bleeding Disorders Advisory Committee (BDAC)
On April 13, HSC’s BDAC met virtually for        look to enhance the quality of life for those
the second meeting of the year to discuss        affected by bleeding disorders and to support
partnerships in providing educational programs   the Chapter’s mission of service. We are so
and services for the Chapter. The goals and      grateful for the time to connect, discuss, and
objectives of the committee are to assist        brainstorm how to bring the best in education,
in the services, educational, and advocacy       support, and advocacy to those we serve
needs of the South Carolina bleeding disorder    collectively in South Carolina. Thanks to our
community. It is comprised of individuals who    partners for their dedication!
Page 24, The News Infusion                                                                                                              Spring 2021

 With Appreciation to Our Donors and Sponsors!
  GENERAL DONATIONS                      Janet Jaspers                                 Lindsey Pittman               Tim and Bonnie Hill
Blackbaud Giving Fund/Your               Jeanette Bloss                                Lisa Bordelon                 Timothy Hill
  Cause                                  John Tiller                                   Lori Hamilton                 Tom and Janet Shearer
The Benevity Community Fund /            Jordan Martin                                 Margaret Zieche               Wendy McKenzie
  United Healthcare                      Joseph Krakowaik                              Michael Davidson
                                                                                                                     Corporate and Sponsorships
Network for Good
Michael Weeks                                                                                                        Colburn Keenan Foundation
Midway Presbyterian Church                                                                                           CSL BEHRING
   Bleeding Disorders                                                                                                Genentech
Awareness Month - Red Tie                                                                                            Octapharma
  Campaign Fundraiser
                                                                                                                     Novo Nordisk
Aaron Smith                                                                                                          Pfizer
Becky and Randy Sdies                                                                                                PHRMA
Brantley Smith                                                                                                       Takeda
Bryce Martin
Caroline Berger                                                                                                      Par for the CLot Charity Golf
Catherine Lowman                                                                                                     AE Solutions
Charlene Cowell                                                                                                      Flowserve
Christina Samuelsen                                                                                                  GA West and Company Inc.
                                         Judy Burnes                                    Michelle Lee
Corbin Martin                                                                                                        Jacobs
                                         Karen Kranz                                    Patricia Tucker
Cristal Day                                                                                                          Keystone Constructors, INC
                                         Kathy Campbell                                 Retha Murray
Ed Brennan                                                                                                           Metromont Corporation
                                         Kerrie Barnes                                  Shelley Crisp
Fernando Andrezjevski                                                                                                       In Memorial of Mark
                                         Kristen Smith                                  Sheri Nixon
Gail Buchanan                                                                    B:7.5" Sue and Ric Martin                      Eichelburger
                                         Laura Turnmire
Gregory Witul                                                                                                        Edward and Louise Skinner
                                         Leslie Gilbert                          T:7.5" Susan Barnes
Heaven Farina

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      The Genentech logo is a registered trademark of Genentech, Inc.                                        GENENTECH IN
      ©2020 Genentech USA, Inc. All rights reserved. M-US-00008064(v1.0) 10/20                               HEMOPHILIA
Page 25, The News Infusion                                                                     Spring 2021

Advocacy Action

 Advocacy Days Wrap-Up                                  Our next Coalition meeting and training session
 As most of you already know, in March we held          will be June 19 at 9:00 am as part of the 2021
 HSC’s annual “Advocacy Days” through virtual           Statewide Annual Meeting & “Virtual” HELLO
 meetings and phone calls with state lawmakers.         Conference.
 By the end of the month, we had completed              Rare Disease Advisory Council
 more than 22 meetings with elected officials.          Making Its Way Through the Senate
 For those with whom we could not schedule              We are pleased to let you know that the
 Zoom or phone calls, we reached out to them            legislation (H.3956) to create a Rare Disease
 with information about the important policies          Advisory Council in the state of South
 and programs we would like them to support             Carolina gained final passage in the House of
 this session. These include continued funding          Representatives on April 22. This was a huge
 for the Hemophilia Assistance Plan, a bill to          accomplishment, and we’d like to start by
 create a Rare Disease Advisory Council in the          thanking each of you for all your hard work in
 state (see article below), and information about       getting this bill passed.
 combatting “accumulator adjustment” policies in        It has been a long process of meetings with
 health plans sold in South Carolina. As is typically   the Department of Health and Environmental
 the case during a busy legislative session, it         Control (DHEC), lobbying our elected officials,
 was a whirlwind of a few weeks. We cannot say          and working with groups like the National
 enough about our advocates who were juggling           Organization for Rare Diseases to get to this
 work and personal responsibilities to make             point. The bill is now in the Senate where it was
 these meetings happen, even when they were             introduced in late April and assigned to the
 rescheduled at the last minute or shifted to a         Medical Affairs Committee.
 different day. They bent over backwards to make        The measure passed the House after “crossover
 these events happen, and we know the fruits of         day,” which means it would need a two-thirds
 their labors will be realized down the road.           majority vote in the Senate even to bring it up
 We wanted to recognize all advocates who               on the floor. That’s okay though because the
 participated in the 2021 Advocacy Days events.         South Carolina Legislature operates on a two-
 Note that these are merely the ones on our             year cycle. This means that next session, we
 registration list––many of them had friends and        can pick up right where we left off. It also gives
 family members, including their children, join in      us plenty of time to identify potential sponsors
 the meetings. This goes a long way to building         and address any questions or prospective issues
 relationships and making connections with              senators may have with the bill.
 those who shape laws that impact the bleeding          You all began putting the bug in senators’ ears
 disorders community in South Carolina.                 during Advocacy Days, and that is going to be
 David and Lynn Bennett, Laura Benton, Marah            a huge help to us at this point. We have already
 Breitweiser, Robert Butler, Shelley Crisp, Cristal     met with several of them who expressed
 Day, Hunter Day, Jean Ford, Renita Johnson, Joey       interest in becoming a co-sponsor. One of these
 Krakowiak, Jameelah and Anthony Malcolm, Suzie         is Senator Mia McLeod, who represents parts
 Maloy, Tiffany Maness, Sue and Ric Martin, Holly       of Columbia. She personally has been impacted
 Penfield, Edna Rabb, Aaron and Brentley Smith,         by rare diseases and has been sympathetic to
 Coree Snider, Timothy Swanburg, Marilyn and            our cause.
 Keith Ward, Jeremy Williams, Gene and Karen            In addition to waiting on her final “thumbs up” to
 Wilson, Greg Witul
                                                                                       Continued on page 26
You can also read