Our guardian angel read more p. 9 - Townnews

Page created by Albert Woods
Our guardian angel read more p. 9 - Townnews
the whiner times presents:
  our guardianread
                   more p. 9
Our guardian angel read more p. 9 - Townnews
                                                                                                                Disclaimer: This is a special satirical edition of
                                                                                                              the Niner Times. The opinions expressed are not
                                                      FAKE NEWS                                               representative of UNC Charlotte, our advertisers,
                                                                                                                the Niner Times as a whole, or Student Niner
                PRETTY PERSON
                   April Carte                        PAGE 3 Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss
                                                      PAGE 3 UNC Charlotte student body is not attractive

                    EDITORIAL                                                                                 POLICE BLOTTER:
        Vasiliki Gkoulgkountina CAMP                  PAGE 4 Toon-in and study
                                                      PAGE 4 A Niner baby is born
         Tyler Trudeau DIGITAL MEDIA
     Madison Dobrzenski BOOZE EDITOR
                                                      BALL COVERAGE
            Emily Kottak PIG QUEEN
                                                      PAGE 6 Charlotte football is playing themselves, but
       Bradley Cole BALL ENTHUSIAST                   why?
    Isabella Perryman GRAMMAR(LY) GOD
                                                      PAGE 7 We made it to the final four
       Niyathi Sulkunte ASPIRING YOGI
        María Solano 4K 1080P VISION
                                                      FARTS & COUTURE
    Zoya Zalevskiy EDITOR? I HARDLY KNOW
                                                      PAGE 8 No one cares about the Oscars... until they do
            ASSISTANT EDITORS                         PAGE 9 Our guardian angel
      Jessica Ceballos SNOOZE EDITOR
       Isaac Naylor SMOOTH-BRAINED                    PAGE 10 Why taking 18 credit hours is the way to go
                                                      PAGE 11 Dear Niner Times: How do I go Greek?
       Jake Pierce POKEMON MASTER
          Bryson Foster SPORT STUD
      Elizabeth McGuire LIZZIE MCGUIRE
        Matt Lower ADULT BOSS BABY
       Sunnya Hadavi THE LEGO JOKER

      Kathryn Caudill, wannabe diplomat
                 COVER PHOTO
                    Chris Crews
                 COVER DESIGN
                  Zoya Zalevskiy

                   Megan Reid
                 Megan Rice


        Niner Times • Uptown Audio
        Nova Literary-Arts Magazine
     Media Marketing • Technical • Midas

      Laurie Cuddy BUSINESS MANAGER
     Joshua Wood ASST. MEDIA ADVISER
      Patricia Cox ASST. MEDIA ADVISER

2   APRIL 5, 2022               NINERTIMES
         Photo by Niyathi Sulkunte
Our guardian angel read more p. 9 - Townnews
                                                                                                                                                               NT NEWS

                                                                                Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss
                                                                            Whiner Times Exposes Library’s Book Withholding Conspiracy
                                                                         by AJ Siegel                                                                           Photo evidence of Atkins conspiracy
                                                                         Grammar(ly) Gremlin                                                                                    by Niyathi Sulkunte
                                                                       disappearances are          concerned about where they’re stored.            matters worse. Students used to be able to
                                                                       nothing to sneeze at. The   Why would we want to get rid of books?           peruse shelves and pick out books, but now
                                                                       library’s funding comes     Our job is to help students read more.”          they are left with no choice but to take what
                                                                       directly from students         Most of the library staff provided            they came for—nothing more, nothing less.

                                                                       (read: loan companies),     similar excuses, including Engagement               “We still have some print copies
     fter conducting a two-week
                                                     yet they are not being told where their       Coordinator Graham Merly and                     on-site, and, of course, students can
     investigation into J. Murrey Atkins
                                                     money is going. The books are gone,           Information Literacy Librarian Dick              browse our collections online,” Chanary
Library, Whiner Times has confirmed the
                                                     and even though Atkins seems to be            Chanary. However, they failed to explain         mansplained. “Yes, we are moving our
culprit for the library’s alarmingly low
                                                     replacing them with individual and group      Atkins’ history of hoarding books. The           books to offsite storage, but that doesn’t
amount of books. Contrary to the popular
                                                     workspaces, the void is far from filled.      library’s website boasts over 700,000            mean students can’t access them.”
narrative of students genuinely being
                                                       “My dark academia dreams have been          volumes and hundreds of thousands of                This gaslighting claims that books
interested in reading, the disappearance
                                                     crushed,” said Constance Noring, another      other documents. And yet, the average            are still easily accessible, but only at the
appears to be an inside job, which the
                                                     concerned student. “I came to college just    student checks out a measly 6.9 books a          librarians’ will. Whiner Times conducted
library staff is classifying as “offsite storage.”
                                                     to pose with all the dusty bookshelves,       semester. Students must then return the          a walk-through in the library and could
   At least two students have voiced their
                                                     and now the library wants me to study?        books, meaning that Atkin’s maintains near-      only locate 420 books, although admittedly,
concerns about the books’ disappearances.
                                                     With other people? It’s laughable.”           constant control of information on campus.       the staff lost count after reaching that
Whiner Times spoke with Joe Mama,
                                                       The library staff has repeatedly brushed       The library staff is gatekeeping everything   super cool and epic number. Regardless,
a particularly distraught student.
                                                     off concerns about this rapid disappearance   stored in the library. The conspiracy is         it is still far less than the amount of
   “How am I supposed to know I can check
                                                     and even seems thrilled by students’          admittedly a well-hidden one, as students        books Atkins claim to possess.
out books when I can’t see them? This is just
                                                     sudden interest in library materials.         think they have control by “checking out            Even after being confronted,
like when my parents would play their sick
                                                       “We’re just happy that students are         books,” but the librarians control when and      Atkins Library continues to push
Peek-a-boo game, but the books haven’t
                                                     interested in books again,” Paige Turner,     if students receive the books. This toxic        the narrative of “offsite storage” for
come back from behind my blankie yet.”
                                                     the student success librarian, said.          system has been in place for decades, but        books. It’s no wonder that Turner’s
   Student fears about the book
                                                     “Although I’m not sure why you’re so          the books’ sudden disappearance has made         favorite book is “The Book Thief.”

          UNC Charlotte student body is not attractive
                       The dangers of mask fishing and the mistake campus made lifting the mask mandate
by April Carte
Pretty Person

A     bout four weeks ago, UNC Charlotte
      announced that masks would
no longer be required on campus.
                                                     for misrepresenting one’s identity online.”
                                                        But masks have been used for more than
                                                     just slowing the spread of COVID-19.
                                                                                                   like it hid my most attractive features.”
                                                                                                   He continued by saying, “I was so happy
                                                                                                   when the mandate got lifted, but the day
                                                                                                                                                       The good news is that UNC Charlotte
                                                                                                                                                    is not alone. At East Carolina University
                                                                                                                                                    (ECU), much of their student body has
However, many students believe that                  For some people, a mask can hide any          we all returned to class after spring break,     discovered that they too suffer from a
UNC Charlotte made a big mistake                     undesirable features. It wasn’t until the     none of the girls could stand looking            lack of attractiveness. But this seems to
lifting the mask mandate. The removal                lift of the mask mandate that the UNC         me in the eyes anymore. I think they             have been a discovery made well before
of masks has come with a hefty price:                Charlotte community realized that their       are just shy now without their masks.”           the pandemic. ECU’s mask mandate was
the reveal of a hideous student body.                campus was not exempt from mask fishing.         A few Reddit members also shared              not highly enforced, and many students
   The mask mandate lift came after the                 In a few different Yik Yak posts, many     comments about the removal of masks.             chose not to hide their unattractive
UNC System deemed it “safe” to make                  students communicated their frustrations.     A user named u/bickdeekman, said, “At            features with a mask. Experts say many
them optional in shared spaces. But the              “Some of y’all need to put masks back         this point I want COVID numbers to               other schools across North Carolina have
system failed students yet again. The UNC            on, non-covid related,” says one user.        go back up. I can’t concentrate in class         faced the same issues as both ECU and
Charlotte community might be “safe”                  “These ‘cute’ guys in my classes aren’t       anymore with how many ugly people are            UNC Charlotte, which has left many
from COVID, but they are not safe from               looking so cute after lifting this mask       sitting around me.” Another user replied,        students wondering how there are this
the horrendous effects of mask fishing.              mandate,” says another. To these students,    “I’m sure you’re also not so good-looking.       many unattractive people in the world.
   The phenomenon of mask fishing began              the mandate was doing them a favor.           Show yourself!” Unlike many other social            As the UNC System and the state
when people were told to wear masks to                  In an interview with the Whiner            media platforms, Reddit does not create the      continues to monitor cases of COVID-19,
reduce the spread of COVID-19 beginning              Times, one student who requested to           option for users to add profile pictures. This   the future of whether or not UNC
in March 2020. The New York Times says,              stay anonymous said, “I wore a mask           allows users to hide behind their screens        Charlotte will ever see an attractive
“The term is a play on ‘catfishing,’ the slang       during the mandate, but I always felt         much like they did with their masks.             student population again is unknown.

                                                                                                                                    NINERTIMES.COM                    APRIL 5, 2022           3
Our guardian angel read more p. 9 - Townnews
Toon-in and study
          UNC Charlotte’s newest academic support program involves watching kids’ television shows
by Kathryn Caudill
Wannabe Diplomat

T    he spring 2022 semester will mark
     the beginning of UNC Charlotte’s
newest academic support program
                                                 “We hope this will simplify some subject
                                              areas to reduce stress in studying,” said
                                              a Niner Notice sent out on April 1.
                                                                                              been shown to help create a better study
                                                                                              environment, as seen again at ECU.
                                                                                                 “We are excited to partner with UNC
                                                                                                                                              resource is utilizing the writing and
                                                                                                                                              public speaking resource centers for
                                                                                                                                              help on papers and presentations.
that utilizes children’s television              This program has been modeled by             Charlotte; however, we thought it was              However, these resources are at limited
shows for exam preparation.                   Eastern Carolina University (ECU) and           for students with children, but whatever,”      capacity due to mandatory training for
   The movie theater located in the           was proven successful in increasing class       said Mikayla Flop, a Gerber consultant.         all University staff on the proper protocol
Popp Martin Student Union will begin          participation, attendance and overall              UNC Charlotte will hold final exams          for responding to student tantrums, as
playing children’s shows for each major       grades on final exams, according to their       for the spring semester from May 5 to           stated in the April 1 Niner Notice.
beginning April 26. Each day, a new           Chancellor, Dr. Phillip P. Rodgers.             May 12, 2022, with the last day of classes         The University has seen an increase
show will be played on a loop.                   “We are very proud of this                   being May 3. May 4 will now serve as Nap        in tantrum-like behavior due to
   On April 26, “Bob the Builder” will        revolutionary program and how                   Day to help recharge before final exams.        the delay in opening Auntie Anne’s
be played for architecture students.          conducive it was to our students’                  The University has several options to        in the new Science Building.
   “Bob really taught me about tools and      performance last fall,” said Rodgers.           help prepare students for these exams,             “I want my pretzel dogs, and I
the correct way to approach difficult            The full list of shows will be listed on     including peer mentoring and tutoring           want them now,” said B. S. Comb, a
situations on the job site,” said Leviticus   the Student Union website. If your major        for specific subjects and classes.              second-year undecided student who
Cost, a second-year architecture student.     was not listed, it’s suggested to attend           Office hours are available at each           was seen crying on Craver Road.
   Other examples include “Corey in the       the general showing of “BrainPOP”               professor’s discretion, and the library            “We are excited for these upcoming
House” for political science students,        with Tim and Moby, where specific               can help create study guides for                changes and hope to see positive
“Martha Speaks” for English, “Biz Kids”       classes and topics can be addressed.            classes by collaborating with specific          results,” said the Niner Notice.
for business, “Phineas and Ferb” for             The Gerber company will provide              subject librarians. The advising office
engineering, “Dora the Explorer” for          snacks to help simulate a calmer and            is also holding several workshops on
Spanish, and “Sesame Street” for education.   more nostalgic environment which has            preparing for exams. Another available

                                                                                                   A niner baby is born
                                                                                    Follow-up on Norm’s paternity shoot in September 2021
                                                                                by Madison Dobrzenski                                                             Photo of Norm and Normie
                                                                                Booze Editor                                                                courtesy of Norm’s custody lawyer

                                                                                              anonymous source. “I really don’t know          which is important for a child. Not only
                                                                                              for sure, Norm stopped talking to me            that, but I don’t really want Normie
                                                                                              pretty soon after the pregnancy began.”         to become a mascot down the line. It
                                                                                                 The source disclosed the ongoing             would be harder work for our little
                                                                                              custody battle between them and Norm.           girl,” said the anonymous source.
                                                                                              “I tried to tell him that a college campus is     “I have been friends with Norm for a long
                                                                                              no place to raise a child, and mascotting       time now, and I know he’s fully committed
                                                                                              is not a reliable or consistent career.”        to being a good father to Normie. This
                                                                                                 Some in the mascot community had             custody battle is completely out of line
                                                                                              comments regarding Norm’s pregnancy.            and unnecessary,” said PeeDee. “And
                                                                                              “I think Norm is brave for being so             besides, mascotting is a terrific career.”

I n a creative and groundbreaking
  paternity shoot, Norm the Niner
announced his pregnancy with Normie.
                                              displayed a pregnant Norm the Niner, the
                                              University’s mascot. Although this is not the
                                              usual depiction of Norm, an investigation
                                                                                              open about such a controversy family
                                                                                              dynamic,” said Peedee the Pirate.
                                                                                                 The Niner family worked in mines for
                                                                                                                                                After several failed correspondences
                                                                                                                                              via an Amazon-purchased ouija board,
                                                                                                                                              the Whiner Times was eventually able
This announcement came as a clever            conducted by us here at the Whiner Times        years, until UNC Charlotte was founded          to reach Cone for comment through
Niner Times cover about Drake’s album         has found that the University criticized        in 1946 and Bonnie Cone approached              a Charlie-Charlie game. “Yes,” said
“Certified Lover Boy” that ran on Sept.       this cover because they wanted to hide          the family to represent the University.         Cone’s ghost in response to the inquiry
21, 2021. Normie “‘Lil Nugget” Niner          the truth about Norm’s pregnancy.               The family considered it a calling, and         about Normie’s mascot destiny.
was born on Jan. 1, 2022 at 3:49 p.m. and       An anonymous source in close relation         could not say no. It’s been an inherited          The Whiner Times will continue
was 4 pounds, 9 ounces and 15 inches.         to Norm the Niner spoke with the Whiner         responsibility of the family ever since.        to follow the child via hacked-baby
  The Whiner Times, the student-run news      Times about the new Niner baby.                    “I understand that Norm feels an             monitors and regularly report back.
source at UNC Charlotte, received some          “When that cover was released, Norm           obligation to his family and his position,      Be sure to keep an eye out for Normie
criticism for this cover, because the cover   was about 24 weeks along,” said the             but my job has much more stability              around UNC Charlotte’s campus.

    4   APRIL 5, 2022        NINERTIMES
Our guardian angel read more p. 9 - Townnews
           NT  OPINION
                    cartoon by Isaac Naylor
                   Smooth-brained Socialist

NINERTIMES.COM   APRIL 5, 2022         5
Our guardian angel read more p. 9 - Townnews
    BALL COVERAGE                                                                                                           NT ARTS
                                                                                                                            NT ARTSNT
                                                                                                                                    && CULTURE

                                  CHARLOTTE FOOTBALL IS
                             PLAYING ITSELF,
                                                                      BUT WHY?
                                            Answer the question: What is a spring game?
by Bryson Foster & Bradley Cole
Sport Stud & Ball Enthusiast

                                                                                            harlotte football took on a very       which we call a “touchdown,” came
                                                                                            familiar foe over the weekend.         from a sixth-year duo of quarterback,
                                                                                            Was it Western Kentucky,               the person throwing the ball, Chris
                                                                                  FAU or how about North Texas?                    Reynolds, and wide receiver, the person
                                                                                     Nope, none of those. The 49ers pitted         catching the ball, Victor Tucker.
                                                                                  themselves against, you guessed it, the 49ers       A touchdown is worth six points, but
                                                                                  in their annual spring game. The game can        the kicker who kicks the ball adds another
                                                                                  be somewhat confusing for the average            point to make it 7-0, which put Charlotte
                                                                                  viewer so let’s clear that up by recapping       ahead of Charlotte. Green grew their lead as
                                                                                  the most talked about contest in college         Reynolds continued to throw and then hit
                                                                                  football. Just like in the regular season, the   Jarius “Nono” Mack for another touchdown,
                                                                                  49ers get to beat up on the competition.         which one could say was a yes-yes.
                                                                                     The first area of business we need to            Reynolds followed the theme of seeing
                                                                                  take care of is why the Charlotte football       double by hitting his younger brother Jack
                                                                                  team is playing itself; aren’t they on           Reynolds for a lucky 13-yard completion.
                                                                                  the same side? The truth is there are            It is hard to tell these two apart, which is
                                                                                  no friends in football or the industry.          scary and could fool even the best defenses.
                                                                                  This game is marketed as practice, but              The running backs got involved by
                                                                                  really it’s just to give the players an          running the ball (what did you think
                                                                                  excuse to tear their teammates apart.            I would say?). Chavon McEachern
                                                                                     The honest answer is to get a first           said, “to each its own,” as he scored
                                                                                  glimpse of what the team has to offer,           for the white team to pull them back
                                                                                  so we sit and watch the sport we love            into the game as they trailed 21-17.
                                                                                  while rooting for either the Charlotte              Trexler Ivy, one of the backup
                                                                                  green or white team. The natural choice          quarterbacks who plays in relief if the
                                                                                  of who to root for is based on which             starter gets hurt, stole the spotlight like
                                                                                  uniform color we like the most.                  Will Smith at the Oscars as he hit the
                                                                                     Why are we like this? Humans can’t go         gap and ran the ball into the end zone
                                                                                  more than six months without watching a          to win the game for the white team.
                                                                                  football game. You might have other coping          So, in short, Charlotte defeated
                                                                                  mechanisms, but for “sports ball” fans, this     Charlotte in the game where Charlotte
                                                                                  is the only way we can get through this          players played Charlotte players in
                                                                                  long thing called life. What is the meaning      Charlotte at Charlotte’s football stadium.
                                                                                  of life if not to run full speed into another    Are you still following along? To make
                                                                                  full-grown man? Popping a teammate that          sure you, say that ten times fast.
                                                                                  won’t stop talking and has gotten on your           I hope this has been helpful, and if not,
                                                                                  last nerve is a great way to relieve stress.     you are a lost cause. Football continues to
                                                                                     Okay, enough philosophical talk. Let’s        be the greatest thing in life, and I am sorry
                                                                                  get into some hard-hitting, action-packed        if you are missing out. I’m going to sit
                    Charlotte Head Coach Will Healy screaming in a players face
                                                                                  (I guess) and downright dangerous                down; that’s enough excitement for one day.
                               photo courtesy of Charlotte Athletics
                                                                                  shenanigans. The first score of the game,

  6     APRIL 5, 2022             NINERTIMES
Our guardian angel read more p. 9 - Townnews
NT  SPORTS                                                                                                                                NT ARTS
                                                                                                                                          NT ARTSNT
                                                                                                                                                  && CULTURE

WE    MADE      IT
Eager fan speaks with the Whiner Times
about UNC’s historic season
by Madison Dobrzenski
Booze Editor

         NC made it to the 2022                to see UNC win such a historic game.”
         Final Four for the first time            After the game, most students ran to
         since 1977. Who says UNC              Franklin Street to celebrate. “I was a little
is not an athletic powerhouse?                 sad we weren’t back home in Charlotte
   The last time UNC went to the Final         because rushing Craver Road would have
Four was in the 1976-1977 season. To           been a great tradition to start,” she says.
progress to what remains the best season          In 2017, when signs declaring Chapel
in the basketball program’s history, UNC       Hill the Men’s National Championship
beat Syracuse 81-59 to advance to the Elite    winners were placed on highways
Eight, and then the 49ers took out Michigan    across North Carolina, many attendees
to advance to the Final Four. Although         of other colleges were upset.
UNC lost to Marquette in the national             “I remember when they placed those
semifinals, UNC’s final record that year was   signs, and people were scared that we
28-5, a school record for wins in a season.    would be confused for Chapel Hill. I get
   On April 2, 2022, in a historic game,       it; however, I see now that people truly
UNC played Duke for the first time in          see UNC for who we are,” said Collins.
years. An eager UNC student drove all the         Collins attends 49er basketball games
way to Chapel Hill to witness history.         very regularly. In fact, most know her
   “I don’t know why Chapel Hill               as “UNC’s biggest fan.” As a fourth-year
hosted us, but I was so excited to             student, Collins said she could not miss a
see UNC in the Final Four. I had to            single game during this historic season.
be there,” said Catelyn Collins.                  UNC beat Duke in a close game, with
   According to the Men’s Basketball           a final score of 81-77, meaning that
History, the last time UNC played              UNC will play Kansas in the NCAA
Duke in 2009 Duke beat UNC 59 -                Championship on April 4, 2022.
101. Collins was excited to see UNC               “I don’t know if I’ll be able to travel
progress to the championship.                  to New Orleans, but I’m trying to.
   “Everyone was so excited, but no one        I can’t miss such a historic game
was sporting UNC green. I only saw blue,       for the 49ers,” said Collins.
and not Duke’s color blue,” said Collins.                                                      Photo of UNC student Catelyn Collins holding up her pickaxe at the UNC v. Duke game on April 2,
                                                                                                                             2022 in Chapel Hill by Carl Collins
“Despite this, I knew everyone was excited

                                                                                                                               NINERTIMES.COM                       APRIL 5, 2022            7
Our guardian angel read more p. 9 - Townnews
           COUTURE                                                                                                                    NT ARTS
                                                                                                                                      NT ARTSNT
                                                                                                                                              && CULTURE

                                Hollywood cage match threatens to make award show slightly more exciting
by Tyler Trudeau                                                                                                                                                REAL photo of Oscars fight
Digital Media Dictator                                                                                                                                         courtesy of Andrew Garfield

        he Academy Awards, or the Oscars,       the night, only speaking when he was          and local waitress Amy Schumer. Luckily,      “please don’t mess with Will Smith.”
        used to be an annual highlight in       honored with the Best Actor award for         co-host Wanda Sykes rescued most of              A rather uninspired ceremony with
        spring primetime television. It sat     “King Richard” a mere ten minutes later.      the show, despite appearing at the show       a phenomenal middle act ultimately
at the top of a cluttered pedestal of glitzy       The moment sent shockwaves                 briefly dressed up as the now-controversial   prevented the broadcast from barely
and overhyped award shows, drawing every        across the Twitter-verse, overtaking          former Hollywood icon Will Smith.             falling into a pit of forgettable nights in
cinephile and household with cable to their     a night of trailblazing achievements             “This bit was created way before           the long catalog of Oscars history. Even
small screen to see Hollywood’s biggest         and unsurprising upsets.                      the slapping incident,” Sykes said as         as the ceremony continued its tired
stars walk across a carpet and then react          “This is more shocking than anything       she practiced winding her arm up.             routine, it managed to garner 0.6% higher
to cameras for three hours. The ceremony        else that happened tonight, even ‘Zack           The influx of comedic material             viewership compared to the record-
once celebrated the finest crop of the year’s   Snyder’s Justice League’ winning an award     performed by Schumer, written by fellow       low viewership of the 93rd, 90th and all
films, back when people could actually          over ‘Spider-Man: No Way Home,’” said         ex-comedian Louis C.K., resulted in sci-fi    Oscars after 2009. The Smith-Rock match
go out and see those films in a theater.        boyish heartthrob Timothée Chalamet           heavy-hitter “Dune” and no other film         proved to accomplish a feat the Academy
   Now, the award show is a tedious block       immediately following the ceremony.           snagging up a handful of awards in near       members have been striving towards for
of television that drags its metaphysical          As the night continued on, the Internet    silence just before the show began. A few     years now: getting people to care about
feet between moments of shock or                was embroiled in debates over whether         notable celebrations of the anniversaries,    the Oscars again. While the discussion
controversy. While recent years have            Rock’s comment went too far and whether       like that one movie your dad always talks     on the many achievements of the film
presented a much tamer broadcast, only          the comedian deserved to steal Will Smith’s   about and the “James Bond” cinematic          industry appears minimal, the talk of
making 85 sexist jokes compared to the          girl. Some actors in attendance took to       universe, gave some indication of the         which Hollywood stars might battle each
usual 240, the 2022 Oscars was marred by        social media to proclaim their stance on      ceremony’s theme of “movie lovers             other next remains a heated topic.
controversy, most notably the unannounced       Rock’s comments and Smith’s unnecessary       unite,” before it was promptly changed to
MMA cage match between actor Will               act of violence, while others sat quietly
Smith and comedian Chris Rock.                  and continued to sip their champagne.
   The audience and crew members were              “I have no clue what was going
stunned at the March 27 ceremony when           on,” said Tom Hanks from his
Smith erupted onto the stage and issued         couch at home in Los Angeles.
a duel to Rock for the hand of Smith’s             When approached after the event
supposed wife, Jada Pinkett Smith.              for comment, Pinkett Smith left
Following Rock’s provocative comment            without a word and was later seen
on Pinkett Smith’s new hairstyle, Smith         boarding Rock’s private jet.
appeared visibly offended and was brought          The altercation provided a much-needed
to tears. Swiftly wiping away the tears with    boost of excitement and testosterone
a pair of hundred-dollar bills, the actor       to an otherwise uneventful night. As
climbed onto the stage with the help of         awards were dealt out with anticlimactic
children Jaden and Willow and promptly          rapidness, topical jokes about the gender
issued a challenge of fisticuffs to the         wage gap and Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill
comedian. The duel ended in mere seconds        squeaked through but ultimately fell flat.
as the actor’s hand slipped and collided        In a controversial but entirely expected
with Rock’s face, leaving the comedian          press release, the Academy said it is
paralyzed from the neck up. Satisfied by        actively working to reduce the number of
his supposed win, Smith returned to his         awards broadcasted on air to make room
seat and remained silent for the rest of        for more quips from replacement co-host

  8     APRIL 5, 2022         NINERTIMES
Prospector Goose

                                      OUR GUARDIAN ANGEL
                                                                                                                       THE REAL MASCOT OF UNC CHARLOTTE

by Zoya Zalevskiy                                                                  Photos of holy goose
Editor? I hardly know her                                             courtesy of uncc.geese Instagram

        ou may have seen a new face around         mission has been made clear in online posts: to
        UNC Charlotte’s campus. Maybe you          “Defend Prospector from the Accursed Geese.”
        have scrolled through his fan page            So, is this bird friend? Or foe? Despite the        when asked to reflect on his growing
on Instagram, seen his shenanigans posted          cynicism surrounding his behavior, Prospector          popularity. The goose refused to
on Reddit, or even, if you’re lucky, have met      Goose’s popularity has only grown among                comment on his involvement with
him when on your way to pick up a package.         students. A student, who chooses to remain             campus police, remaining silent
Known simply as the Prospector Goose, this         anonymous at this time, has dedicated hours            for the rest of the interview.
waterfowl closely observes Charlotte’s student     to running a fan page for the celebrity. “He’s            After extensive research and
body. He sits atop the Prospector building,        just magical. Truly he has a type of stage             interviews, the exact reasons as to
meanders through the outdoor picnic tables         presence I have never seen before, and it is           why this goose decided to settle at
and rests delicately in the sun on warm days.      honestly inspiring,” they said. When asked             UNC Charlotte’s Prospector building
As a result, he has become highly celebrated       why they work so hard to showcase the goose,           remains a mystery. His intentions on
on campus and in the surrounding area as           their response was: “As stressed-out students,         campus and with other students are
students are always at the ready to catch          a month away from finals and graduation, he            still unknown. However, one thing is
a peek or even a photo of the legend.              reminds us it’s okay to relax in the sun and           certain; he has made an impact. “He
   Prospector Goose, however, does have a          to keep negative people out of our lives.”             gives us hope. He makes us laugh. He
dark side. Some students have reported being          The Whiner Times was fortunate enough               reminds us of all the good there is in
hissed at or chased by the bird. One incident      to meet with this mysterious and beloved               life,” the fan page owner said. For now,
involved campus police, but the circumstances      bird to learn what he is all about. Prospector         Prospector Goose remains an integral
as to why are unclear. The uncertainty of his      Goose, first, took us on a walk around his             part of campus life, and his wisdom
actions has put some on edge, prompting a          building, stopping to show his interviewers            can be shared through his joyous
group of vigilantes to keep watch of the greater   all his favorite spots. Next, he nestled               honks and relaxed outlook on life.
Prospector area. Although these masked             himself into some delightful-looking grass,
figures were not caught for an interview, their    responding with a positive-sounding honk

                                                                                                                                  NINERTIMES.COM     APRIL 5, 2022   9
Why taking 18
                                     credit hours
                                   is the way to go
         Here are my top reasons for taking more classes
by Emily Kottak                                                            Photo of successful student
Pig Queen                                                                     by Concerned Roomate

     f you love lack of sleep, almost passing     the classes, you can still have the books to
     out from not having enough time to eat       read and look back on so you don’t forget
     in between classes and never feeling like    all of the amazing content you learned.
you’ve completed everything on your to-do
list, then taking 18 credit hours is the way to                3. Never a dull moment
go! The average number of credit hours that          You will never be bored or have nothing
college students take is 15. We always want       to do if you take 18 credit hours. You will
to aim for above average, anyway. I’ve never      constantly be reading, working on your
had a dull moment this semester with having       laptop, studying and going to class. After
an 18 credit course load. Here are the main       all, college is supposed to be busy. Nobody
reasons why I have enjoyed it so much:            wants to have nothing going on or have
                                                  too much free time—that wouldn’t be the
                  1. Late nights                  full college experience. The more hours
  Who wants to go to bed early anyway? If         you take, the less free time you have,
you take 18 credit hours, that means a lot        which means fewer dull moments.
more assignments, which means a lot more
due dates, which means late nights. Staying               4. Less time to worry about silly
up late means you won’t miss out on seeing                     and unimportant things
your friends post on social media while              Cooking nutritious meals, exercising
they are out having fun or knowing when           your body and spending time with family
basketball games or new TV episodes come          and friends are things you don’t need to
out. Even if you can’t participate in these       worry about making time for if you take 18
things because of everything you are working      credit hours. Those things take planning,
on, you can still know they are happening.        preparation and a lot of time. You can scratch
                                                  all of them off your long to-do list and not
                 2. More books                    worry about them if you take more classes.
  We’ve always been told how important               So, yes, taking 18 credit hours has many
reading is. Reading is great for building         perks. I have experienced all of these first-
intelligence and creativity. Chances are that     hand and have no regrets. If you would
with 18 credit hours, you will have many          like to find out more about how many
books to read, which we know is good              great reasons there are for taking more
for us. You can get all of your wonderful         classes than average, I would encourage
reading material for the semester at high         you to just do it. Sign up for more classes
prices, so you know the books are of              next semester and join in on the fun!
excellent quality. Even when you finish

  10 APRIL 5, 2022             NINERTIMES

                                                                                         THE WORDLE TODAY
                       How do
            i go Greek?
by Vasiliki Gkoulgkountina
                                                                                              IS SHAWL
                                                                                            CHECK BACK FOR TOMORROWS

Camp Halfblood Counselor

   Hey, bestie! I’m a member of Boura Aigio Eleusis
(BAE) and have loved every second of it.
   Joining was super easy, as I got grandfathered in due to my Greek heritage.
However, if you aren’t a fellow half-blood, here’s what the rush process is like.
   First, you need to have read all the “Percy Jackson” books, preferably
during the ripe age of seventh grade. If you liked “Heroes of Olympus”
more, you’re done. Forget it. You also need to be a descendant of
Zeus; luckily, that includes 80% of the Greek population.
   Once you get past the initial DNA screening, the initiation process is super
simple. All it entails is a simple medical procedure in which olive oil is injected
directly into your bloodstream. BAE values science, so if your blood and the
oil don’t mix, you can’t join. Blood is thicker than water, but not olive oil.
   Assuming you survive the blood transfusion, there’s then a bit of hazing. Some
members find it extreme, but I passed with flying colors. First, you need to crush ten
thousand grapes with your feet and then drink all of your foot wine in one sitting.
After that, you have the easy task of slaying the hydra. Pro tip: forge your own sword
with the blood of those who failed the olive oil test; the hydra can’t stand them.
   Then, you’re in. It’s easy enough.
   We have chapter meetings 20 times a week, and only one absence is allowed
each semester. If you miss more than one meeting, you are immediately
sacrificed to Zeus. Luckily, every chapter is stocked with refreshments, including
pita and Greek yogurt. After all, you have to always eat with your sisters.
   See you around girlie, ώπα!

12 APRIL 5, 2022             NINERTIMES
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