Business & Management - School of - RMIT Vietnam

Page created by Kathryn Adams
Business & Management - School of - RMIT Vietnam
 School of
 & Management
Business & Management - School of - RMIT Vietnam
A quality education                                                                                   ­—
     6     Our global presence
     8     International learning                                                                      WELCOME to the
    10     Elite facilities

A transformative experience
                                                                                                       School of Business & Management!
    14     Vibrant student life
    16     Global opportunities                                                                                                              Our programs give students the best start
                                                                                                                                             to their careers in the rapidly changing and
A path to employment                                                                                                                         globalised business world.
    20     Career head start                                                                                                                 With a reputation for excellence in business
    21     Industry connections                                                                                                              and management education, we provide
    22     Employability Roadmap                                                                                                             high-quality, industry-responsive programs
                                                                                                                                             that are relevant to national and international
Our programs                                                                                                                                 marketplaces.
    26     Pursue your passion                                                                                                               We inspire our students to think, challenge and
    28     Bachelor of Business (Economics and Finance)                                                                                      create, equipping them with the skills to address
    32     Bachelor of Business (International Business)                                              Professor Mathews Nkhoma               real-world issues and ‘think outside the box’ so
    36     Bachelor of Business (Logistics and Supply Chain Management)                               Dean, School of Business               that they can become the leaders of tomorrow.
    40     Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management)                                           & Management
                                                                                                                                             With their technical expertise and soft skills, our
    44     Bachelor of Business (Management)
                                                                                                                                             graduates will continue to be in high demand.
    48     Bachelor of Business (Digital Business)                                                                                           A recent report by VietnamWorks highlights
    52     Bachelor of Digital Marketing                                                                                                     the expected surge in demand for specialists
    56     Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management                                                                                    in areas such as management and finance
    60     Student achievements                                                                                                              (VietnamWorks, Career prospects and skill
                                                                                                                                             trends in Vietnam: 2018-2022).
                                                                                                                                             We look forward to seeing you in the classroom
    64     Pathway programs                                                                                                                  at RMIT!
    66     Eligibility
    68     Accommodation
    70     How to apply
    70     Scholarships
    70     Tuition
    71     RMIT Melbourne

                                                                     Go beyond
                                                                     the brochure!
Information correct at time of printing.
This publication is intended as a general guide.      Our brochures include QR codes to link you                 The latest news from our school                 Follow us on Facebook
RMIT University Vietnam reserves the right to alter   to online multimedia and further information.                                      facebook/RMITsinhvientuonglai
any program or admission requirements, and            Simply use a QR code scanner on your
availability of courses. For the most up-to-date      smartphone to learn more about our
program information, please visit    programs, see our students’ work and get a
Printed: October 2020                                 taste for what it is like to study at RMIT.

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Business & Management - School of - RMIT Vietnam
A quality

4               5
Business & Management - School of - RMIT Vietnam
Our global                                                                       RMIT has a
                                                                                     5-STAR RANKING
                                                                                                                                 RMIT is ranked
                                                                                     for excellence in higher education          globally for graduate employment rate(3)

RMIT is a global university of technology, design
and enterprise.                                                                      RMIT is among the                           Among the world’s
One of Australia’s original tertiary institutions,                                   TOP 1%                                      TOP 200
RMIT University enjoys an international                                                                              (1)
                                                                                     of the world’s universities
reputation for excellence in professional and                                                                                    UNIVERSITIES
vocational education, applied research and
                                                                                                                                 in Business and Management Studies(2)
engagement with the needs of industry and the
                                                                                     Among the world’s

­­—                                                                                  TOP 150
  RMIT alumni are making their                                                       UNIVERSITIES
  mark around the world
                                                                                     in Accounting and Finance(2)
When you graduate, you will join a large
network of alumni that provides ongoing
peer support, professional development and                                                                                       (1) 2021 QS World University Rankings
networking opportunities.                                                                     Discover who we are
                                                                                                                                 (2) 2020 QS World University Rankings by Subject
                                                                                                                                 (3) 2020 QS Graduate Employability Rankings

RMIT alumni working in 130 countries

                                                     Check out some alumni stories
RMIT alumni in Vietnam

6                                                                                                                                                                               7
Business & Management - School of - RMIT Vietnam

The international learning environment at RMIT
will help you reach your full potential.

Our inspiring and highly qualified academics     nationalities are represented
                                                 among our students at RMIT in
come from around the world and teach             Vietnam.
in English. They are active researchers
and creative practitioners with extensive
professional and academic experience.

          Meet our lecturers at the School of
                                                 nationalities are represented
          Business & Management                  among our academic and
                  professional staff.

8                                                                                9
Business & Management - School of - RMIT Vietnam
Our campuses offer modern classrooms,              Staying fit while studying is also made
purpose-built lecture theatres, studios,           easier through access to modern sport and
laboratories and other specialist spaces,          recreational facilities.
providing the perfect setting for you to thrive.
The RMIT Library is the largest English-           n Our Saigon South campus has a fitness
language library in Vietnam, providing you           centre, indoor courts, tennis and basketball

access to an extensive range of offline and          courts, and football fields.
online library resources.                          n Our Hanoi City campus has a fitness centre
                                                     with the latest training equipment.
                                                                                                    books, periodicals, e-books,
          Take a virtual campus tour                                                                journals and videos are available in
                                                                    the library.

10                                                                                                                                         11
Business & Management - School of - RMIT Vietnam
A transformative

12                      13
Business & Management - School of - RMIT Vietnam
 student life                                                                                         You will have access to comprehensive             For students with disabilities and learning
                                                                                                      learning support services.                        difficulties, RMIT offers dedicated support
                                                                                                                                                        services aimed at providing equal access
                                                                                                      n Get one-to-one learning and language support.   and opportunity.
Our campuses embrace diversity and                 n Choose from 40 student clubs across a
                                                                                                      n Benefit from peer-to-peer learning and          Professional health and wellbeing support
inclusiveness, and provide endless opportunities     range of academic, arts, cultural, sports and
                                                                                                        study support.                                  services are also available on our campuses.
to network and make new friends.                     social interests.
                                                                                                      n Attend workshops to review your work and
                                                   n Get involved in fun activities and events,
                                                                                                        enhance your academic skills.
                                                     such as club days, our International Festival,
                                                     which celebrates international diversity, and
                                                     leadership camps.

          Watch this video about student clubs

14                                                                                                                                                                                                    15
Business & Management - School of - RMIT Vietnam
Take advantage of the many opportunities we       Popular destinations for students from the
offer to combine your studies with exploring      School of Business & Management include the
the world.                                        following highly ranked universities:

—                                                 n RMIT Melbourne
Exchange program                                  n Bocconi University, Italy

From your second year onward, you can             n Nanyang Technical University, Singapore
go on exchange at RMIT in Melbourne,              n Kedge Business School, France                    —
Australia, or choose from 200-plus partner
universities in more than 40 countries.           n The Business School, City, University of         Dual-campus options
Study one or two semesters of your program                                                           Experience student life at both RMIT in Vietnam           2. Start your undergraduate program in Vietnam
while continuing to pay the RMIT Vietnam          n HEC Montreal, Canada                             and RMIT in Melbourne, Australia, through our                and then apply to permanently transfer to
tuition rate.                                                                                        dual-campus options.                                         Melbourne.
                                                  n Bentley University, United States

                                                  n Lund University, Sweden                          1. Complete UniSTART in Vietnam and then                  3. Do your undergraduate program in Vietnam
     Year 1        Year 2         Year 3                                                                apply to do your undergraduate program in                 and then apply to study a postgraduate
                                                                                                        Melbourne.                                                degree in Melbourne.
     Vietnam     OR partner       Vietnam                   Check out the Global Mobility options
                  university                                            UniSTART                     Undergraduate                 Postgraduate

                                                                                                     1         Vietnam                         Melbourne

                                                                                                     2                            Vietnam               Melbourne

                                                                                                     3                                              Vietnam                 Melbourne
                                 Doan Bao Chau
                                 Current student
                                 Bachelor of Business                                                Note: If you transfer your program to RMIT in             If you’re interested in studying a full program
                                 (Logistics and Supply Chain Management)
                                                                                                     Melbourne or join a full program there, you               at RMIT in Melbourne, see page 71 for more
                                                                                                     will pay the Australian tuition rate. You may             information.
                                 During my exchange at RMIT in Melbourne, I studied four             also have the chance to seek post-study work
                                 courses and had a part-time job in a Vietnamese restaurant.         opportunities with employers in Australia.
                                 I grew a lot and gained a lot of new friends. Most importantly,
                                 I became more independent. I was very impressed with
                                 Melbourne’s culture. It’s a very peaceful city where you can meet             Get a glimpse of life in Melbourne
                                 a lot of friendly people.

16                                                                                                                                                                                                               17
Business & Management - School of - RMIT Vietnam
A path to

18                19
Career                                                                                           Industry
 head start                                                                                       connections
Our career services and industry links help to   Develop your soft skills through the Personal
make the journey from the classroom to the                                                       You will benefit from the strong relationships we
                                                 Edge program and get ready for the
workplace a smooth one.                                                                          have with local and international industry partners.
                                                 international job market.

n Access career counselling and                                                                  n Do a work placement through the RMIT
                                                 n Join a series of training workshops
  mentoring services.                                                                              Flagship Internship program to get hands-on
                                                   on areas such as creative thinking,
                                                                                                   experience in a real work environment.
n Get help in developing your skills in resume     communicating with confidence and
  writing and preparing for interviews.            working across cultures.                      n Interact with industry partners throughout
                                                                                                   your studies, such as in classroom activities,
n Utilise the Job Shop drop-in service for       n Take part in visits to industry-leading
                                                                                                   career fairs and networking events.
  information about services, workshops and        companies for unique insights into
                                                   modern workplaces.                            Many leading companies perform an advisory
                                                                                                 role to ensure our programs at the School of           Chu Chien Hao
n Join career fairs and networking events        n Build a portfolio of soft skills to show      Business & Management are relevant and up to           Current student
  to connect with some of the biggest              prospective employers.                        date. Such industry partners include:                  Bachelor of Tourism and
  employers in your field.                                                                                                                              Hospitality Management
                                                                                                 n Association of            n HSBC
n Find exclusive employment opportunities
                                                                                                   Chartered Certified
  through the CareerHub website.                                                                                             n KPMG                     I did an internship at Sheraton
                                                    Problem sensitivity, creativity,                                                                    Saigon Hotel & Towers. I was lucky
                                                                                                                             n PwC
                                                    cognitive flexibility and logical            n DHL                                                  to get an opportunity to work as a
                                                    reasoning are the top soft skills                                        n TRG                      guest service agent. It was a fun
                                                    demanded in Vietnam’s labour market          n Ernst & Young
           Learn more about Personal Edge           (VietnamWorks, Career prospects and                                                                 experience. I developed my resilience
                                                                                                                             n VinaCapital
                   skill trends in Vietnam: 2018-2022).         n Heineken                                             and skills in conflict resolution and
                                                                                                                                                        team work. I definitely recommend
                                                                                                 n InterContinental
                                                                                                                                                        students do an internship, as
                                                                                                                                                        there is a gap between school and
                                                                                                                                                        workplace. The internship helped me

                                                                                                                                                        to better understand how my studies
                                                                                                                                                        connect to society.

                                                                                                     of our graduates have a full-time job within
                                                                                                     three months of completing their studies.

20                                                                                                                                                                                              21
 Roadmap                                                              Early semesters
                                                                                                                      Middle semesters
                                                                                                                                                                      Late semesters

In embarking on your journey from
                                            Academic     In the early semesters, core courses are        In the middle semesters, industry                Having already developed your knowledge and
being a new student to becoming             activities   designed with two themes: industry              engagement is the main theme in specialised      skills, capstone projects allow you to put
a graduate who is ready for the                          exposure and simulation.These equip you         courses. You will engage with real clients and   everything into practice. Before graduating,
workforce, it can be helpful to think                    with an overview of the industry and help       manage projects to address current business      taking part in the Flagship Internship
about your time at RMIT in the                           you to explore your abilities for a suitable    challenges.                                      program is a great way to get a taste of the
                                                         career path.                                                                                     work environment.
following three stages:

n exploring                                                A. Industry exposure                            C. Industry engagement                           D. Capstone project
  in the early semesters;
                                                              n readings                                      n real industry projects                         n final project
n experiencing
                                                              n guest lectures                                n applied research                               n showcase
  in the middle semesters;
                                                              n field trips                                   n global collaboration                           n exhibition
n engaging                                                    n case studies                                  n industry mentoring
  in the late semesters.
                                                                                                                                                            E. Work placement
The Employability Roadmap                                  B. Simulation                                 To get a global experience, you can choose
outlines how you can gain appropriate                                                                    from RMIT Melbourne or more than 200
                                                                                                                                                               n Flagship Internship program
                                                              n simulated projects                       partner universities around the world to go on
skills and knowledge in academic and
                                                                                                         exchange for one or two semesters.
extracurricular activities. By exploring,                     n game-based learning
experiencing and engaging, you will                           n lab-based projects

enhance your employability.

                                            Extra-       From the first semester, we encourage           From semester 4, you can take on                 In your final semesters, you can engage with
                                            curricular   you to join projects and clubs to develop       managerial roles through many projects and       an industry mentor and become acquainted
                                            activities   a sense of belonging to your new                training programs. You will be encouraged        with real working environments. It is a
                                                         environment. Getting involved is a great        to fulfill your own potential and become a       chance to get better equipped to take on the
                                                         way to nurture your soft skills naturally and   creative leader!                                 professional world!
                                                         make new friends.

                                                                                                              n LEAD training                                  n Career Mentoring Program
                                                              n Get Ready Program
                                                                                                              n RMIT Leadership Camp                           n part-time job opportunities
                                                              n Emerging Leaders Project
                                                                                                              n Global Leadership Program                      n Flagship Internship
                                                              n 40 student clubs
                                                                                                              n student clubs positions                        n Industry Networking Night
                                                              n Personal Edge skills
                                                                                                              n Personal Edge skills                           n career fairs
                                                                development workshops
                                                                                                                development workshops                          n Recruitment Day

22                                                                                                                                                                                                       23
Our programs

24                  25
Pursue your passion
At the School of Business & Management, we offer a broad range of programs for you to           You will have access to specialist facilities   n the Cyber Security and Logistics Laboratory,
choose from.                                                                                    and modern teaching spaces, including:            which contains 31 computers with the latest
                                                                                                                                                  business forensics and security software.
               Bachelor of Business                                 Bachelor of Business
                                                                                                n the Financial Trading Lab, which replicates
                                                                                                  a real-world trading room with software
               (Economics and                                       (Management)                  for students to analyse real-time market
               Finance)                                                                           information;

               Bachelor of Business                                 Bachelor of Business
               (International                                       (Digital Business)

               Bachelor of Business                                  Bachelor of Digital
               (Logistics and Supply                                 Marketing
               Chain Management)

               Bachelor of Business                                  Bachelor of Tourism
               (Human Resource                                       and Hospitality
               Management)                                           Management

You can specialise further in your studies by completing a minor from the following options*:

n Accounting for Managers            n Digital Marketing                n Economics

n Economics and Finance              n Entrepreneurship                 n Finance

n International Business             n Logistics and Supply             n Management
                                       Chain Management
n Tourism and Hospitality                                               n Digital Business
  Management                         n Human Resource

*Depending on your program, some minors may not be available to you.

26                                                                                                                                                                                          27
Bachelor of Business
(Economics and Finance)
Program code: BP251                           Intakes:   February, June, October
Duration:             Three years             Location: Saigon South, Hanoi City                    Engagement with industry in a wide range of
                                                                                                    activities forms a central part of the learning
                                                                                                    experience. Senior managers from industry
                                                            —                                       and economic policymakers from government
As the world’s economic weight continues                    Careers                                 frequently interact with students in class
to shift to Asia, demand is increasing for
professionals in economics and finance across               n   finance manager
the public and private sectors.                             n   financial analyst
This program prepares you for professional                  n   funds manager
roles in an economy that is emerging as a major             n   banker
force in the global marketplace due to growth in            n   risk analyst
new industries, businesses and investment.                  n   stockbroker
You will learn to perform high-level financial and          n   economist
economic analyses while developing cutting-                 n   business developer
edge knowledge and skills in trending areas.                n   business support analyst
Courses in the areas of financial technology,               n   accountant
blockchain economy, cryptofinance and                       n   auditor
cryptocurrency will help to prepare you                     n   cost/buying controller
                                                                                                    Robert Vong                                       Cong Minh Nguyen
for a future in a field shaped by disruptive                n   taxation consultant
                                                                                                    Industry partner                                  Alumnus
technologies.                                                                                       Co-founder, Elefos                                Head of Actuarial Inforce Management,
Developing a range of soft skills will ensure                                                                                                         Aviva Vietnam Life Insurance
that you can communicate effectively with
clients and colleagues in the workforce.                                                                                                              The program provided a solid foundation
                                                                                                    Elefos is an emerging tech startup with
                                                                       Find more information here   expertise in areas including blockchain           for a career in the financial world as it
                                                                     and artificial intelligence. Our involvement      covered areas such as financial analysis,
                                                                                                    with RMIT’s Economics and Finance                 macroeconomics, microeconomics and
                                                                                                    program has been to explore strategies            portfolio management. Learning how to
                                                                                                    for bringing better efficiency and security       build financial models has benefitted me a
                                                                                                    to commercial applications in the context         lot in my current actuarial career. In class,
                                                                                                    of digital economies. Being from a leading        we got a broad view of financial markets
                                                                                                    foreign-language university, RMIT’s               at an international level and analysed
                                                                                                    students are outgoing and possess a               local practices through case studies. After
                                                                                                    strong passion for the commercial side of         graduation, I was able to apply what I had
                                                                                                    technology.                                       learnt straight away.

28                                                                                                                                                                                                    29
What you will study
The diagram shows the advised program structure and progression:                                                                  Bachelor of Business (Economics and Finance)

               YEAR ONE                                           YEAR TWO                               YEAR THREE
 SEMESTER 1                                       SEMESTER 4                                         SEMESTER 7
Introduction   Business       Marketing           Business         Macro-		         Quantitative     Risk            Elective 2
to             Information    Principles          Finance          economics 2      Analysis         Management
Management     Systems

 SEMESTER 2                                       SEMESTER 5                                         SEMESTER 8
Business       Prices and     Accounting in       Law of           Price Theory     Basic            International   Elective 3
Statistics 1   Markets        Organisations       Investments                       Econometrics     Finance
                              and Society         and Financial

 SEMESTER 3                                       SEMESTER 6                                         SEMESTER 9
Commercial     Macro-		       Financial           Investment       International    Elective 1       International   Elective 4
Law            economics 1    Markets                              Trade                             Monetary

                               Mai Doan Ngoc Han
                               Current student

                               I’m always looking for opportunities to develop myself and
                               sharpen my skills, and I saw the program as providing such an
                               opportunity. We’re supported in exploring real-world experiences
                               in economics and finance. In the Financial Trading Lab, we
                               learn how financial markets and trading work. Our lecturers are
                               very willing to guide us. They organise workshops and talks by
                               industry experts on topics such as digital disruption and financial

30                                                                                                                                                                          31
Bachelor of Business
(International Business)
Program code: BP253                          Intakes:   February, June, October
Duration:            Three years             Location: Saigon South, Hanoi City                        Industry partners interact with students in
                                                                                                       hosting company tours, giving guest lectures,
                                                                                                       providing internship opportunities and
                                                           —                                           supplying Work Integrated Learning (WIL)

                                                                                                       projects. They also share their expertise at the
Understand the complex issues of doing
                                                                                                       annual International Business Forum.
business across national borders and develop
the cross-cultural skills required to work with            n business consultancy and market
confidence in any organisation with global                   research
operations.                                                n diplomacy and foreign affairs
This program examines business practices                   n logistics and transportation
through globally and socially responsible                  n imports and exports
business lenses.                                           n international business
In the first part of your degree, you will develop
                                                           n international trade relations
a strong foundation in traditional business and
                                                           n international marketing
management practices.
                                                           n operations management
You will then build expertise in areas such
                                                           n partnering inwards investment
as contemporary issues in international
                                                           n project coordination
business, global trade operations, cross-
                                                           n sales and buying                          Nguyen Tuan Hong Phuc                              Ha Minh Le Chau
cultural management, international finance and                                                         Industry partner                                   Alumnus
                                                           n tourism and travel
managing international business responsibly.                                                           Partner, KPMG Management Consulting                B2B Consulting Sales,
For your electives, you can incorporate                                                                Head of Customer and Operations,                   Base Enterprise Joint Stock Company
                                                                                                       Digital Consulting
specialised studies from a different discipline to
expand your career options.
                                                                                                       In management consulting, we search                Since graduating, I’ve worked with foreign
                                                                    Find more information here
                                                             for people who are proactive, good                 businesses from different industries. It’s
                                                                                                       communicators and problem solvers.                 been great to see first-hand how Vietnam’s
                                                                                                       Due to the nature of our work, we work             integration with the world is changing
                                                                                                       in multicultural teams to solve client             constantly. I completed my studies with an
                                                                                                       problems. I find RMIT programs to be very          internship at a consultancy focused on market
                                                                                                       up to date with market requirements. RMIT          entry into South-East Asia. I then continued
                                                                                                       students have the advantage of being               working there because the job matched my
                                                                                                       multilingual and outgoing, making them             academic background well. I’m now in another
                                                                                                       suitable for consulting work. A few of my          role supporting foreign companies to expand
                                                                                                       team members are former RMIT students.             into the Vietnamase market.

32                                                                                                                                                                                                    33
 What you will study
 The diagram shows the advised program structure and progression:                                                                                                  Bachelor of Business (International Business)

                    YEAR ONE                                                         YEAR TWO                                           YEAR THREE
  SEMESTER 1                                                       SEMESTER 4                                           SEMESTER 7
 Introduction         Business             Marketing               Finance            Program         General           Cross            Program      General
 to                   Information          Principles              Markets            elective 1      elective 1        Cultural         elective 3   elective 3
 Management           System                                                                                            Management

  SEMESTER 2                                                       SEMESTER 5                                           SEMESTER 8
 Business             Prices and           Accounting in           Managing           International   Program           Political        Program
 Statistics 1         Markets              Organisations           International      Trade           elective 2        Economy of       elective 4
                                           and Society             Business                                             International
                                                                   Responsibly                                          Business

  SEMESTER 3                                                       SEMESTER 6                                           SEMESTER 9
 Commercial           Macro-		             International           Creativity,        Global Trade    General           General
 Law                  economics 1          Business                Innovation         Operations      elective 2        elective 4
                                                                   and Design

*‘Program elective’ refers to elective courses offered in this particular program.
‘General elective’ refers to elective courses offered across the university.

                                            Nguyen Dang Viet Son
                                            Current student

                                            I wanted to study international business to understand more
                                            about how foreign companies operate in the world. I’m developing
                                            the skills and knowledge that companies need in opening their
                                            activities to the wider world. At first, I found it challenging to adjust
                                            to the study and research demands. But I’ve been able to do so
                                            with the help of RMIT’s academic support services, my classmates
                                            and the dedicated lecturers. I’m planning to go on exchange to
                                            RMIT in Melbourne.

 34                                                                                                                                                                                                           35
Bachelor of Business
(Logistics and Supply Chain Management)
Program code: BP255                            Intakes:   February, June, October
                                                                                                          With industry partners being a key component
Duration:             Three years              Location: Saigon South, Hanoi City
                                                                                                          of the program, you will have many chances
                                                                                                          to engage with companies to find solutions
                                                                                                          to the challenges they are facing in local and
Professionals in the logistics and supply chain              —                                            global supply chains. You will also have access
industry manage people, services, products
and processes as part of a disciplined
                                                             Careers                                      to professional mentors, guest speakers and
mechanism that oversees the movement of                      Entry-level carrers
materials around the world.
                                                             n account manager
This program develops your expertise in                      n contracts specialist
end-to-end supply chain knowledge and in                     n import/export manager
day-to-day strategic supply chain issues to help             n inventory manager
organisations and their trade partners run more
                                                             n logistics/supply chain analyst
efficiently and deliver value to their consumers.
                                                             n purchasing or procurement manager
You will gain an in-depth understanding of the               n logistics/supply chain operations
contemporary challenges facing companies                       consultant
in an ever-changing business world and the                   n supply chain and network
techniques they employ to overcome them.                       planner/designer
The curriculum covers areas including
                                                             Long-term carrers                            Doan Le Minh Ha                                   Nguyen Thi Anh Ngoc
procurement and global sourcing,
                                                                                                          Industry partner                                  Alumnus
warehousing, transportation and distribution,                n   chief executive/operating officer
                                                                                                          General Manager, Human Resources                  Operations and Supply Chain
business operations, supply chain design                     n   chief procurement officer                and Administration, Kuehne + Nagel                Consultant, KPMG Vietnam
and analysis, sustainable practices, and the                 n   logistics director
management of technological, human and                       n   distribution centre manager
                                                                                                          Kuehne + Nagel is proud to be the market          The dedicated lecturers and the authentic
physical resources.                                          n   general manager for logistics
                                                                                                          leader in the logistics industry. We have built   approach to learning in the program
                                                             n   national warehousing manager
                                                                                                          a strong relationship with RMIT, engaging         really equipped me well for life and work.
                                                             n   operations manager
                                                                                                          with students through many activities             As part of a capstone project, I had a
                                                             n   project manager/quality manager
                                                                                                          – from being a partner at career expos,           chance to make an in-depth analysis
                                                                                                          providing the students with case studies of       and practical recommendations to a
This program is accredited by the Chartered
Institute of Logistics and Transportation in                         Find more information here           real problems from our company, hosting           real business problem for a leading
Australia (CILTA).                                            field trips and offering internships. RMIT        last-mile delivery service provider. Plus,
                                                                                                          students are confident communicators,             I had internship experiences with DHL
                                                                                                          dynamic and open-minded. Those skill sets         eCommerce and KPMG. Later, I was able
                                                                                                          are significant advantages for working in         to gain full-time employment at KPMG.
                                                                                                          international corporations.

36                                                                                                                                                                                                       37
 What you will study
 The diagram shows the advised program structure and progression:                                                                       Bachelor of Business (Logistics and Supply Chain Management)

                    YEAR ONE                                                         YEAR TWO                                 YEAR THREE
  SEMESTER 1                                                       SEMESTER 4                                    SEMESTER 7
 Introduction         Business             Marketing              Warehouse           Procurement   Program      Supply Chain   Program       General
 to                   Information          Principles             and                 Management    elective 1   Analysis and   elective 3    elective 3
 Management           Systems                                     Distribution        and Global                 Design
                                                                  Channels            Sourcing

  SEMESTER 2                                                       SEMESTER 5                                    SEMESTER 8
 Business             Prices and           Accounting in          Transportation      Program       General      Supply Chain   Program
 Statistics 1         Markets              Organisations          and Freight         elective 2    elective 1   Management     elective 4
                                           and Society            Logistics                                      Strategy

  SEMESTER 3                                                       SEMESTER 6                                    SEMESTER 9
 Commercial           Macro-		             Introduction           Business IT         Operations    General      General
 Law                  economics 1          to Logistics           and Supply          Management    elective 2   elective 4
                                           and Supply             Chain

*‘Program elective’ refers to elective courses offered in this particular program.
‘General elective’ refers to elective courses offered across the university.

                                            Do Nguyen Anh Thu
                                            Current student

                                            In high school, I was the leader of a group that rescued banana
                                            farmers from making losses due to their lack of knowledge in
                                            supply chain management. Realising that Vietnam had a gap
                                            in the talent pool for logistics and supply chain management, I
                                            chose to study this program. With a well-designed study path
                                            and an international learning environment at RMIT, I’m constantly
                                            challenged to deal with real-world business problems.

 38                                                                                                                                                                                               39
Bachelor of Business
(Human Resource Management)
Program code: BP276                           Intakes:   February, June, October
                                                                                                  Your engagement with industry partners,
Duration:             Three years             Location: Saigon South, Hanoi City
                                                                                                  such as through industry-based projects,
                                                                                                  simulations and placements, allows you to get
                                                                                                  a real taste for the human resource profession.
Position yourself for a rewarding career of                 —                                     The designated Work Integrated Learning (WIL)
managing and motivating workforces in a
range of organisational settings.
                                                            Careers                               courses provide a chance to apply academic
                                                                                                  skills in real work-based contexts.
This program prepares you to meet standards                 n talent acquisition and retention
of professional excellence and become a                       manager
competitive job seeker in the human resources               n human resource development
(HR) field.                                                   manager
The curriculum integrates theory with technical             n human resource policy and
                                                              governance advisor
skills and covers all aspects of managing
people in organisations, including employment               n department human resources
relations, health and safety, personnel
                                                            n people development and training
wellbeing, HR development, managing
performance in organisations, international HR
                                                            n rewards, promotion and
management, and negotiation and advocacy.
                                                              remuneration advisor
Understanding the fundamentals of HR                        n employee development and            Tran Quoc Thinh                                   Dr Seng Kiat Kok
management and the contemporary                               upskilling consultant               Industry partner                                  Lecturer,
challenges faced by employees, managers                     n employee liaison, negotiation and   Human Resources Director,                         Senior Program Manager
and organisations will equip you to transition                workplace consultant                Groupe SEB Vietnam
into the workforce.                                         n health and safety advisor

                                                                                                  Forget the perceptions about ‘old-school’         Managing people has always been an
                                                                                                  human resources (HR). Nowadays, HR                important part of ensuring organisational
                                                                     Find more information here   professionals take the lead in the talent         performance. Being able to harness
                                                                 war for acquisition, people development,          the knowledge and experience of staff
                                                                                                  rewards and recognition, and talent               members, as well as being able to
                                                                                                  retention. It can be a dream job in               motivate an organisation’s workforce, are
This program is accredited by the Australian Human
                                                                                                  which you can enhance your skills by              all critical in enabling success in today’s
Resource Institute.
                                                                                                  acting as a trustworthy partner for your          business world. The Human Resources
                                                                                                  business stakeholders. And you won’t get          Management program at RMIT provides
                                                                                                  bored! Workplaces are full of interesting         opportunities for students to develop
                                                                                                  personalities wanting to grow their careers       this understanding through authentic
                                                                                                  with you.                                         assessments and real-world practice.

40                                                                                                                                                                                                41
 What you will study
 The diagram shows the advised program structure and progression:                                                                                 Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management)

                    YEAR ONE                                                         YEAR TWO                           YEAR THREE
  SEMESTER 1                                                       SEMESTER 4                                       SEMESTER 7
 Introduction         Business             Marketing               Commercial         Employment     Program        Negotiation     Program
 to                   Information          Principles              Law                Relations      elective 1     and             elective 4
 Management           Systems                                                                                       Advocacy

  SEMESTER 2                                                       SEMESTER 5                                       SEMESTER 8
 Business             Prices and           Accounting in           Managing           Program        General        International   Human
 Statistics 1         Markets              Organisations           Performance        elective 2     elective 2     Human           Resource
                                           and Society             in                                               Resources       Development

  SEMESTER 3                                                       SEMESTER 6                                       SEMESTER 9
 Macro-		             Human                General                 Work, Health,      Program        General        Future of       General
 economics 1          Resource             elective 1              Safety and         elective 3     elective 3     Work (WIL)      elective 4
                      Management                                   Wellbeing

WIL: Work Integrated Learning

*‘Program elective’ refers to elective courses offered in this particular program.
‘General elective’ refers to elective courses offered across the university.

                                            Tran Bich Thy
                                            Current student

                                            I believe in the potential of each individual. We’re all born
                                            to shine! I view having a career in HR as a way to share
                                            opportunities with people. Going to university is important not
                                            just for the certificate that will help me get a job. It’s also about
                                            forming valuable relationships. A highlight of studying at RMIT
                                            has been having the opportunity to talk to friends who share
                                            similar interests.

 42                                                                                                                                                                                             43
Bachelor of Business
Program code: BP217                            Intakes:   February, June, October
                                                                                                       Engagement with local enterprises and global
Duration:             Three years              Location: Saigon South, Hanoi City
                                                                                                       corporations helps to put theory into authentic
                                                                                                       practice. You will be exposed to various
                                                                                                       activities, including internship opportunities,
                                                             —                                         with industry partners. Executives and senior
Aligned with trends in the modern business world,            Careers                                   managers take part in guest presentations and
this program sets you on the path to becoming a                                                        other classroom activities.
business leader in any industry.                             You will be prepared for leadership
Learn how to deal with complex issues, lead                  roles in industries including:
teams and make business decisions applicable                 n consultancy
across a variety of organisational structures.               n education
                                                             n finance and securities
The program provides a broad understanding
                                                             n governance and compliance
of key management areas, such as human
resources, marketing, finance, corporate                     n health
sustainability, strategic management, leadership,            n human resources and training
and creativity and innovation.                               n manufacturing and construction
                                                             n marketing and advertising
It will equip you with in-demand soft skills,
                                                             n operations, planning and logistics
such as strategic thinking, ethically and socially
                                                             n tourism, travel and hospitality
responsible decision making, managing
                                                                                                       Nguyen Huy Hoang                                  Le Tran Gia Thanh
innovation, managing people through change and                                                         Industry partner                                  Current student
managing in cross-cultural environments.                                                               Business Development Director,
You will have the flexibility to study minors in other                                                 Aviva Vietnam
business areas and select elective courses from
other disciplines.                                                                                     At Aviva, people are our greatest asset.          I chose this program because of the
                                                                       Find more information here      We have a clear strategy in investing in the      opportunities to meet different people
                                                                future workforce by working with leading          and learn new things about managing
                                                                                                       universities where we operate. We’ve              a business. After graduation, I hope to
                                                                                                       been involved in several activities with          work at a leading company or start my
                                                                                                       RMIT, such as the City Challenge project,         own business. Learning new business
                                                                                                       courses and field visits. RMIT students           concepts and theories can be challenging.
                                                                                                       are smart, innovative and proactive. They         But my teachers are always helpful in
                                                                                                       demonstrate good problem-solving skills           making them easy to understand. I’m
                                                                                                       and curiosity. We look forward to receiving       also involved in extracurricular activities,
                                                                                                       RMIT students into our workforce.                 including as a coordinator of RMIT’s
                                                                                                                                                         student ambassadors.

44                                                                                                                                                                                                      45
 What you will study
 The diagram shows the advised program structure and progression:                                                                                         Bachelor of Business (Management)

                    YEAR ONE                                                         YEAR TWO                                 YEAR THREE
  SEMESTER 1                                                       SEMESTER 4                                    SEMESTER 7
 Introduction         Business             Marketing               Leadership         Program       General      Contemporary   Program      General
 to                   Information          Principles              and Decision       elective 1    elective 1   Management:    elective 3   elective 3
 Management           Systems                                      Making                                        Issues and

  SEMESTER 2                                                       SEMESTER 5                                    SEMESTER 8
 Business             Prices and           Accounting in           Ethics and         Work in       Program      Management     Program
 Statistics 1         Markets              Organisations           Governance         Global        elective 2   in Practice    elective 4
                                           and Society                                Society

  SEMESTER 3                                                       SEMESTER 6                                    SEMESTER 9
 Commercial           Macro-		             Organisational          Strategic          Creativity,   General      General
 Law                  economics 1          Analysis                Management         Innovation    elective 2   elective 4
                                                                                      and Design

*‘Program elective’ refers to elective courses offered in this particular program.
‘General elective’ refers to elective courses offered across the university.

 46                                                                                                                                                                                      47
Bachelor of Business
(Digital Business)
Program code: BP324                          Intakes:   February, June, October
                                                                                                  Connecting with industry partners is a key focus
Duration:            Three years             Location: Saigon South
                                                                                                  of this program, allowing you to stay up to date
                                                                                                  with workplace trends. You will have numerous
                                                                                                  opportunities to interact with local enterprises
                                                           —                                      and global corporations. Executives and senior
Succeeding in a digitalised business world                 Careers                                managers participate in a range of activities,
demands that professionals and business leaders                                                   including guest presentations and class projects.
have the technical expertise and critical skills to        The program puts you on a path to
meet the challenge of constant disruption.                 leadership and management roles
This program prepares you for a career in a                such as:
digital age in which technological transformation          n digital startup founder
continues to inspire change across all industries.         n digital transformation consultant
                                                           n e-commerce manager
The curriculum covers key areas of contemporary
                                                           n digital transformation specialist
business and incorporates information technology
                                                           n financial technology (fintech)
strategy and governance, financial technology,
digital business transformation and creativity,
                                                           n project manager
innovation and design.
                                                           n business consultant
Through applying industry-used tools and
developing essential skills and mindsets, you will
                                                                                                  Le Xuan Hung                                        Dr. Nguyen Hoang Thuan
be ready to pursue a career at the forefront of                                                   Industry partner                                    Senior Lecturer
fast-changing digital trends.                                                                     Technical Director,                                 Senior Program Manager
                                                                                                  OMN1 Solution Vietnam

                                                                                                  We’re now living in the Fourth Industrial           Digital technologies are promoting innovative
                                                                     Find more information here   Revolution. The lines between the physical          digital business models and producing an
                                                              and digital worlds are blurring. We                 important shift in the business landscape.
                                                                                                  constantly see the emergence of incredible          Successful examples of innovative digital
                                                                                                  products, services and unexpected                   businesses include Grab, Lazada, Spotify
                                                                                                  challenges. Intelligence is the new oil for         and Netflix. Meanwhile, existing businesses
                                                                                                  enterprises. Graduates of this program will         are shifting several functions into the digital
                                                                                                  be ready to perform in several positions            environment, such as virtual meetings, online
                                                                                                  within a business, including marketing,             banking, online recruitment and mobile
                                                                                                  business analytics, strategic planning and          shopping. Accommodating the current
                                                                                                  digital transformation, or to start their own       trends, this program integrates the key
                                                                                                  business.                                           ingredients for success.

48                                                                                                                                                                                                      49
 What you will study
 The diagram shows the advised program structure and progression:                                                                                             Bachelor of Business (Digital Business)

                    YEAR ONE                                                        YEAR TWO                                    YEAR THREE
  SEMESTER 1                                                        SEMESTER 4                                      SEMESTER 7
 Introduction         Business             Marketing                Financial        Design         Information    Digital          Business     Business
 to                   Information          Principles               Technology       Thinking and   Systems        Business         discipline   discipline
 Management           Systems                                                        the Digital    Strategy and   Transformation   minor        minor
                                                                                     Startup        Governance     (WIL)

  SEMESTER 2                                                        SEMESTER 5                                      SEMESTER 8
 Business             Prices and           Accounting in            Civil and        Digital                       Business         General      General
 Statistics 1         Markets              Organisations            Criminal         Marketing                     discipline       elective 1   elective 2
                                           and Society              Issues in the                                  minor
                                                                    Digital World

  SEMESTER 3                                                        SEMESTER 6                                      SEMESTER 9
 Commercial           Macro-		                                      Creativity,      Leadership     Business       General          General
 Law                  economics 1                                   Innovation       and Decision   discipline     elective 3       elective 4
                                                                    and Design       Making (WIL)   minor

WIL: Work Integrated Learning

*‘General elective’ refers to elective courses offered across the university.

                                            Phan Ngoc Uyen Mai
                                            Current student

                                            I’ve always been impressed by how technologies and the digital
                                            economy are shaping our lives. I hope to maximise the use of
                                            technology in my business models to improve the working process
                                            and efficiencies. So far we’ve learnt about new technologies and
                                            their prospects. Through the assignments, I’m discovering a lot
                                            of surprising knowledge. The encouragement from my lecturers
                                            provides a superb foundation to bring my ideas to reality.

 50                                                                                                                                                                                                51
Bachelor of Digital Marketing
Program code: BP318                         Intakes:   February, June, October
Duration:            Three years            Location: Saigon South, Hanoi City
                                                                                                   Enhance your skills by working on real
                                                                                                   marketing campaigns with industry partners
                                                                                                   as part of Work Integrated Learning (WIL)
                                                          —                                        experiences. Digital marketing companies task
                                                                                                   student teams to develop proposals for solving
Digital marketers are in high demand as                   Careers                                  real business problems.
organisations require new marketing skills
to gain the competitive edge in a digitalised             n   digital marketing manager
business world.                                           n   marketing manager
This program produces digital marketing                   n   brand manager
professionals who are ready for careers                   n   marketing campaign analyst
in a business environment characterised                   n   search engine optimisation (SEO)
by accelerated change in technology and                       manager
consumer habits.                                          n   social media marketing specialist
You will develop the skills required to sell              n   project consultant
and promote products and services in a                    n   brand strategist
digitalised world where mobile technology is              n   advertising consultant
transforming marketing strategy and practice.             n   digital production coordinator
                                                          n   account director
Explore the digital tools that support
                                                                                                   Rick Yvanovich                                   Luu Thai Quang Khai
marketing strategy and tactics, including                                                          Industry partner                                 Alumnus
social media, viral marketing, display and                                                         Founder and Chief Executive Officer,             Managing Director, Maca Dai Viet Co.
search advertisements, inbound marketing,                                                          TRG International
search engine optimisation and mobile/
wireless technologies.
                                                                                                   TRG’s Digital Advisory provides digital          After the first courses that I took in the
The program also covers the use of web                               Find more information here    marketing, marketing automation and              digital marketing major, I found the subject
analytics to monitor and measure digital                      branding services. RMIT’s Digital Marketing      to be incredibly interesting. The program
strategies.                                                                                        students can apply their knowledge in            collaborated with big corporations,
                                                                                                   internships with us. We have taken more          alumni entrepreneurs and young startups.
                                                                                                   than 500 interns and graduates from              This helped us to understand better the
                                                                                                   RMIT. An internship with TRG offers an           business world and the role marketing
                                                                                                   experiential journey of discovery that aligns    plays. I’m now leading a young startup.
                                                                                                   reality with theory. As a member of RMIT’s       What I learnt in class has been applicable
                                                                                                   Industry Advisory Committee, I frequently        in several aspects. The connections I
                                                                                                   speak at RMIT on a range of topics,              made have been truly valuable.
                                                                                                   including digital marketing.

52                                                                                                                                                                                                 53
What you will study
The diagram shows the advised program structure and progression:                                                                                Bachelor of Digital Marketing

               YEAR ONE                                            YEAR TWO                                          YEAR THREE
 SEMESTER 1                                       SEMESTER 4                                          SEMESTER 7
Introduction   Business       Marketing          Digital 		     Marketing            Business         Flagship        Elective 4
to             Information    Principles         Marketing      Intelligence         discipline       Internship
Management     System                            Communications                      minor            (Business)

 SEMESTER 2                                       SEMESTER 5                                          SEMESTER 8
Business       Digital        Business           Digital Content    Elective 3       Business         Flagship
Statistics 1   Business       discipline         Creation                            discipline       Internship 2
               Development    minor                                                  minor            (Business)

 SEMESTER 3                                       SEMESTER 6                                          SEMESTER 9
Consumer       Elective 1     Elective 2         Social Media       Global           Business         Digital         Elective 5   Elective 6
Psychology                                       and Mobile         Branding         discipline       Marketing
and                                              Marketing                           minor            Strategy and
Behaviour                                                                                             Planning

                               Vo Ho Gia Huy
                               Current student

                               The program has introduced me to new concepts, tools,
                               techniques and planning processes involved in marketing. One
                               of the highlights so far has been having a chance to work with
                               people in the business world. Small and big businesses have
                               come to the classroom to ask students to conduct research or
                               develop plans for their future marketing strategies. It’s been great
                               to see our work executed in real life.

54                                                                                                                                                                         55
Bachelor of Tourism and
Hospitality Management
Program code: BP312                             Intakes:   February, June, October
Duration:                                       Location: Saigon South, Hanoi City                         Classroom activities include projects with
                       Three years
                                                                                                           industry partners in planning and designing
                                                                                                           tourism and hospitality experiences. You will
                                                                                                           participate in off-site activities, such as field trips
                                                              —                                            to ecological and environmental initiatives, hotels
If you enjoy meeting new people, exploring new                Careers                                      and dining venues. A final-year internship offers
places and delivering professional customer                                                                real-world experience.
service, this program will put you on the right               You will be prepared to pursue
career path.                                                  exciting careers in areas including:
This specialist degree in tourism and hospitality             n accommodation management
equips you with the skills and knowledge to                      (hotels, resorts, hostels)
pursue managerial roles in local and international            n events, weddings and banquet
                                                              n food and beverage
The program provides an understanding of the
                                                              n guest relations and
history and development of the industry, both
globally and in Vietnam. It reflects international
                                                              n marketing and sales
standards and a global outlook, while remaining
                                                              n operations management/planning
connected to the Vietnamese context through
                                                              n recreation and sports
localised content and practical experience.
                                                              n special-interest tourism                   Tony Quek                                                 Ta Thi Thuy Linh
You will develop analytical skills to help you define,        n tour and travel agencies                   Industry partner                                          Alumnus
identify and evaluate issues facing the tourism                                                            Founder and Chairman, Q Industries                        Management Trainee,
                                                              n tourism planning and promotion
and hospitality industry today and into the future.                                                                                                                  InterContinental Hotels Group

                                                                                                           Q Industries operates in international                    The program provided me with many
                                                                        Find more information here         markets and serves the hospitality industry,              opportunities to get a taste for real
This program has been accorded accreditation by the              providing operating equipment to global                   business circumstances in the industry
Pacific Asia Travel Association and the Institute                                                          hotel brands, particularly new hotels and                 through the assignments and group
of Hospitality in the United Kingdom.
                                                                                                           resorts. We’re privileged to collaborate                  projects. I especially enjoyed the group
                                                                                                           with RMIT, providing students the                         activities and the gratification of being
                                                                                                           opportunity to get hands-on experience                    successful as a team. As a result, I
                                                                                                           in our five-star culinary centre. They                    noticed a significant improvement in my
                                                                                                           also participate as trainee servers in our                skills. Studying at RMIT opened many
                                                                                                           commercial restaurant. These activities                   career doors. And I believe it will continue
                                                                                                           allow them to put into practice the                       to do so for years to come.
                                                                                                           concepts and principles learnt in class.

56                                                                                                                                                                                                                  57
 What you will study
 The diagram shows the advised program structure and progression:                                                                                    Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management

                    YEAR ONE                                                        YEAR TWO                                    YEAR THREE
  SEMESTER 1                                                       SEMESTER 4                                      SEMESTER 7
Introduction          Business             Marketing               Service           Facilities    Management      Contemporary   Program      Strategic
to                    Information          Principles              Quality           Management    Accounting      Management:    elective 3   Management
Management            System                                       Management*       and           and Business    Issues and                  for Tourism
                                                                                     Development                   Challenges                  and
  SEMESTER 2                                                       SEMESTER 5                                      SEMESTER 8
Accounting in         Tourism              Eco-                    International     Program       General         Event          Program
Organisations         Planning and         tourism and             Food and          elective 1    elective 1      Management     elective 4
and Society           Resource             Sustainable             Beverage
                      Management           Hospitality             Management
  SEMESTER 3                                                       SEMESTER 6                                      SEMESTER 9
Business              Economics            Introduction            Room              Program       General         Flagship
Communications        for Tourism          to Logistics            Divisions         elective 2    elective 2      Internship
and Professional      and                  and Supply              Management
Practice              Hospitality*         Chain

*These courses are delivered online.

‘Program elective’ refers to elective courses offered in this particular program.
‘General elective’ refers to elective courses offered across the university.

                                            Do Linh Chi
                                            Current student

                                            It was during my first part-time job at a small accommodation
                                            provider that I realised I had a huge interest in meeting new people
                                            and learning new things. So I decided that pursuing a career in the
                                            tourism and hospitality industry would be the most suitable path
                                            for me. At RMIT, the thing that I’ve enjoyed most so far has been
                                            the new friendships that I have made with my classmates and
                                            lecturers. They are people who share my passion.

 58                                                                                                                                                                                              59
Student achievements

                                                 Vietnam National Finals                         —
                                                 ASEAN Data Science
                                                 Competition                                     UNWTO Students’ League
                                                 Vu Hoang Trung and Vu Manh Ha                   Bui Kieu Trinh, Hoang Linh Giang,
                                                 The Economics and Finance students              Nguyen Dang Khoa, Nguyen Phuong
                                                 claimed first place for their presentation on   Anh, Phan Thanh Trang and Tang
                                                 empowering ethnic minorities in ASEAN.          Quynh Anh

                                                 Nguyen Quang Hong Phuc and Le Quang             Competing against 62 teams in
                                                 Kim Ngan                                        the biggest global competition for
                                                                                                 tourism students held by the United
                                                 The Tourism and Hospitality Management
                                                                                                 Nations’ World Tourism Organization,
                                                 students won second prize for addressing
                                                                                                 this team of Tourism and Hospitality
                                                 disaster preparedness.
                                                                                                 Management students reached third
                                                 Tran Phuong Thao and Ngo Thi Minh Thu           place following the fourth round.
                                                 The Economics and Finance students
                                                 won third place for their presentation that
                                                 explored affordable surgical costs.

     —                                                                                                                                  —
     Best Paper Award                                                                                                                   UNLEASH 2019
     Ha Tuan Nghiep                                                                                                                     Tang Minh Nguyet
     The Logistics and Supply Chain                                                                                                     The Tourism and Hospitality
     Management student won the ‘Best                                                                                                   Management student enjoyed
     Paper Award’ at the 12th International                                                                                             international success when her team
     Conference of Asian Shipping and                                                                                                   took second place in their category
     Logistics for his research on 3D printing                                                                                          at the UNLEASH 2019 international
     in Vietnam’s logistics and supply chain.                                                                                           competition in Shenzhen, China.
     His paper, co-authored by Dr Reza                                                                                                  Nguyet and her team of five impressed
     Akbar, was published in the Asian Journal                                                                                          the judges with their app promoting
     of Shipping and Logistics.                                                                                                         sustainable tourism practice.

60                                                                                                                                                                              61

62                63
Pathway                                                                                                 —
 programs                                                                                                UniSTART provides a tailored pathway for transitioning into university if you do not meet the entry requirements.
                                                                                                         If you do not meet the English requirement to enter an undergraduate program, you will need to
                                                                                                         complete the necessary English courses.
                                                                                                         If you do not meet the academic requirement, you will enter UniSTART (Academic), where you will
                                                                                                         develop practical skills in areas such as critical thinking, communicating, reading and writing as part
                                                                                                         of the introductory pathway course Learning to Learn at a Global University.
                                                                                                         Before transitioning into a degree program, you will then need to complete the course Introduction
                                                                                                         to Business and Management.
                                                                                                                                   Courses                                             Duration
                                            English for University
         0. Beginner                                                                                                               English for University Pre-Advanced                 10 weeks
                                            The English for University program is a seven-level             UniSTART
                                            program for learning English at RMIT, taking you from           (English)
                                                                                                                                   English for University Advanced                     10 weeks
                                            the level of ‘Beginner’ to ‘Advanced’.
        1. Elementary
                                            Delivered by highly qualified and passionate English                                   Learning to Learn at a Global University
                                            teachers who bring to the classroom a wealth of                                                                                            12 weeks
                                            experience from around the world, the program prepares                                 Introduction to Business and Management
      2. Pre-Intermediate
                                            you to successfully transition into undergraduate
                                            studies. It focuses your development in three essential
                                            skills areas:                                                           Pathway 1                               Pathway 2                               Pathway 3
        3. Intermediate
                                            n language skills;
                                                                                                         GPA: 6.0/10.0                           GPA: 7.0/10.0                            GPA: 6.0/10.0
                                            n academic skills;
                                            n practical skills.                                          English: Complete RMIT English          English: Complete RMIT English           English: Complete RMIT English
     4. Upper Intermediate                                                                               for University Upper Intermediate       for University Upper Intermediate        for University Advanced level; or
                                                                                                         level; or IELTS 5.5+                    level; or IELTS 5.5+                     IELTS 6.5+

       5. Pre-Advanced

                                                                                                           UniSTART            UniSTART                      UniSTART                                UniSTART
                                                                                                           (English)          (Academic)                     (English)                              (Academic)
         6. Advanced                        Bachelor’s degree            IELTS 6.5 (no band below 6.0)

                                                                                                               Bachelor’s degree                       Bachelor’s degree                        Bachelor’s degree

          Discover English for University                                                                Note: The academic courses in UniSTART are non-award courses, with no credit going toward an undergraduate degree.

                                                                                                                    Learn more about UniSTART

64                                                                                                                                                                                                                        65
­—                                                                                                                  International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma
 Vietnam education system                                                                                                           Undergraduate programs                                               UniSTART*

                     Undergraduate programs
                                                                                                                     Academic       25 points minimum                                                    24 points minimum
 Academic             n High school graduation diploma
 requirements         n A minimum GPA of 7.0/10.0, or equivalent, for Year 12                                                       n Minimum of 4 in English A1 or A2 at Higher                         n Minimum of 3 in English A1 or A2 at Higher
                                                                                                                                      Level (HL) or Standard Level (SL); or                                Level (HL) or Standard Level (SL); or
                                                                                                                                    n Minimum of 4 in English B at Higher Level                          n Minimum of 3 in English B at Higher Level
                      Successfully complete RMIT English for University Advanced or complete one of the following    English          (HL); or                                                             (HL); or
                      English proficiency tests:                                                                     requirements   n Minimum of 5 in English B at Standard                              n Minimum of 4 in English B at Standard
                      n IELTS (Academic) 6.5+ (no band below 6.0)
                                                                                                                                      Level (SL)                                                           Level (SL)
 English              n TOEFL iBT 79+ (with minimum score of 13 in Reading, 12 in Listening, 18 in Speaking and                     Note: the qualification must be taken no more than two years prior   Note: the qualification must be taken no more than two years
 requirements           21 in Writing)                                                                                              to the RMIT program commencement date.                               prior to the RMIT program commencement date.

                      n Pearson Test of English (Academic) 58+ (no communication band below 50)
                      n Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) or Proficiency (CPE) 176+ (no component below 169)        —
                                                                                                                    UK A Levels
                                                                                                                                    Undergraduate programs                                                UniSTART*

                                                                                                                     Academic                                                                             Minimum 4 points for 2 A Level
                     UniSTART*                                                                                                      Minimum 7 points for 3 A level subjects                               and 1 AS Level subjects

 Academic             n High school graduation diploma                                                                              n UK IGCSE: C/4 or better in English – First Language or English Literature, or B/6 or better
 requirements         n A minimum GPA of 6.0/10.0, or equivalent, for Year 12                                                         in English – Second Language; or
                                                                                                                                    n UK GCE A Levels: Achieve minimum C in an A Level subject that is taught and examined
                      Successfully complete RMIT English for University Upper Intermediate or complete one of the                     solely in English (excludes language subjects and mathematics and music)
                                                                                                                                    Note: the qualification must be taken no more than two years prior to the RMIT program commencement date.
                      following English proficiency tests:
                      n IELTS Academic 5.5+ (no band below 5.0)
                      n TOEFL iBT 50+ (with minimum score of 5 in Reading, 5 in Listening, 14 in Speaking and
                        15 in Writing)                                                                              —
                      n Pearson Test of English (Academic) 42+ (no communication band below 36)
                      n Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) or First (FCE) 162+
                                                                                                                    United States
                        (no band below 154)
                      n RMIT English Placement Test: Pre-Advanced                                                                   Undergraduate programs                                                    UniSTART*
                                                                                                                                    GPA 2.5/4, or equivalent; and one of:

                                                                                                                     Academic       n a minimum SAT score of 1500 (out of 2400); or
*For the entry requirements of your specific UniSTART pathway (English or Academic), please refer to page 65 or                                                                                                GPA 1.0/4
                                                                                                                     requirements        1060 (out of 1600); or
contact our Student Recruitment team.
                                                                                                                                    n a minimum ACT composite score of 21
Note: TOEFL, IELTS, Pearson and Cambridge results are recognised for two years from the test date.

                                                                                                                     English        See the standard undergraduate programs’                                   See the standard UniSTART English
                                                                                                                     requirements   English requirements (page 66)                                             requirements (page 66)

66                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      67
On-campus residential facilities at Saigon South accommodate more than 100 students, offering a
safe and comfortable home away from home. All apartments are fully furnished and air-conditioned,
and residents have access to exclusive study spaces, kitchens and recreational areas.

                                                       Fee per student          Fee per student
     Room type                           Capacity
                                                     (one semester/16 weeks)       (four weeks)
                                                                                                        Isuri Fernando
     Single studio                             1                                VND 10,700,000          Current student
                                                        VND 39,000,000

     Twin studio                               2        VND 28,500,000           VND 8,000,000
                                                                                                        I love the ‘dorm’ life at Saigon
     Three-bedroom apartment                   3        VND 33,500,000           VND 9,300,000
                                                                                                        South. Everyone living in the student
     Five-bedroom apartment                    5        VND 32,000,000           VND 8,800,000          accommodation gets along, and the
                                                                                                        staff there are very friendly, too. We
* Prices quoted are for 2021                                                                            often arrange movie nights so we can
                                                                                                        all hang out together and watch films.
                                                                                                        The campus has many good facilities,
­­—                                                  ­­—                                                especially the library. The library has
  Inclusion                                            Services and facilities                          a great fiction section, along with
                                                                                                        excellent study resources.

n furnishing                                         n on-site university management presence
n air-conditioning                                   n a kitchen, equipped with refrigerator,
n the cost of utilities, including electricity and     freezer, microwave oven, electric cooktop
  water                                                and rice cooker, on each floor
n weekly services, including linen change            n printing lab with wireless printers
  (sheet and pillowcase)                             n recreation room with television, board
n in-room wireless internet                            games and a pool table
n wireless connectivity to the printing lab          n external courtyard with outdoor seating
n in-room safety box                                 n laundry room with washing machine, dryers,
                                                       ironing board and iron
                                                     n access to university facilities, including the
                                                       food court, sports centre and playing fields

              More accommodation information

68                                                                                                                                                69
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