Our full range is available at www.theplaydoctors.co.uk

Page created by Dolores Sanders
Our full range is available at www.theplaydoctors.co.uk
Our full range is available at www.theplaydoctors.co.uk
Our full range is available at www.theplaydoctors.co.uk
to our 2021 Catalogue
                     Contents                                                           How to order
                                                                            Order online via our website
 2      Most popular                                                         www.theplaydoctors.co.uk
 4      New for 2021
 6      Social Communication fans                                    Or email info@theplaydoctors.co.uk
 7      Our fan range at a glance
 10     Fan multipacks
 12     Bespoke fans                                                Full descriptions and more images of
 13     Communication, transition and routine
 15     Communication tiles and symbol sets                          our products are available on our
 16     Behaviour                                                     website—just search by product
 18     Autism
 19     ADHD                                                              name, code or just browse.
 20     Dyslexia
 21     Inclusion
 22     Early Learning
 24     Emotions, worry and anxiety
                                                                 The Play Doctors range is produced and manufactured under licence
 26     Resource book set                                        by HC Resources. All products are ©The Play Doctors or ©HC
 27     Contact details                                          Resources and should not be reproduced.

                                                                 Symbols are printed under licence and are the copyright of Widgit
                                                                 Software 2002-2021

 I Feel Expressions Fan                                       Emotions Face Fan
Help children identify expressions and which feelings       Help children identify how they are feeling and
they represent.                                             empathise with others’ emotions.
Available as singles, multiples or as part of our mix       Available as singles, multiples or as part of our mix
and match sets (see page 6).                                and match sets (see page 6).

        Code 1302                       £4.99                    Code 1206                                        £4.99

Our full range is available at www.theplaydoctors.co.uk
Our most popular products
 How do you feel today?                                                         Anxiety and worry kit in a tin
   Emotions Lanyard

 Five simple emotions faces on a safety lanyard to
 promote emotional understanding, communication
                                                                          A programme designed to teach young people how to
 and empathy.
                                                                          manage anxieties and worries.
  Code 1401-1 (Single)                    £5.99
        Also available in classroom sets of 10 priced at £49.99
                                                                          Code 1533                               £42.99

                                                                                  Talk with Teddies
                                                                  A versatile and delightful kit which promotes understanding of
                                                                  social rules, boundaries and routines, facilitates choices,
                                                                  explains feelings, and helps children to empathise with others.
                                                                  The bears can be used in play or storytelling and as a
                                                                  wonderful communication tool, suitable for all but especially
                                                                  beneficial for use with autism.

                                                                      Code 1212                              £42.99
                                                                      Other variants available—see pages 14 and 23

     Positive Behaviour Kit in a Bag                                                    Social Skills Bingo

A wealth of resources to encourage and support positive                    A resource to encourage the consideration of
behaviour (see page 16).                                                   appropriate responses in various social situations.
      Code 1434                                 £74.99                           Code 1618                        £54.99

Our full range is available at www.theplaydoctors.co.uk
New for 2021
   In Case of Emergency (ICE) Lanyard
Our ICE lanyard is perfect for use during school trips, days
out, holidays and around school where there is medical need.
It is also suitable for vulnerable adults as a safeguarding
measure in case of emergencies.
There is space to include the individual’s personal details,
medical conditions, medications and allergies, next of kin and
more. Includes a fabric safety lanyard and a fine line
permanent marker. Replacement cards are also available
separately if any details change.
ICE Lanyard — Code 2106                             £8.99
Replacement cards — Code 2107                       £3.99

  Understanding                                                     Anti-Bullying Posters

   A set of 24 discussion cards to encourage
   exploration of the topic of bullying. The set is
   designed to facilitate conversation and a
   comprehensive understanding of bullying, asking               A set of six eye catching A3 posters, each with a
   users to consider bullying behaviours, reasons                different design, to discourage bullying in the
   behind it and its effects.                                    school environment.
          Code 2101                   £14.99                            Code 2102                 £22.99

               Bully Buster Kit                       This kit has been designed to offer tools to tackle bullying at
                                                      the school, class and individual level. It aims to reduce
                                                      bullying by instigating openness in bullying discussion and
                                                      encouraging individuals to report bullying if they become a
                                                      victim or witness to it.

                                                      The contents include:
                                                      Set of six A3 anti-bullying posters
                                                      Understanding Bullying Discussion Cards
                                                      Being worried being bullied set of four fans

                                                              Code 2103                     £46.99

Our full range is available at www.theplaydoctors.co.uk
New for 2021
       Feelings and                                It’s too                               Losing a Pet Fan
       Emotions Fan                        (situation descriptor)

Our most comprehensive feelings                                                      Losing a pet is a difficult situation.
and emotions fan ever!                  Give children the chance to tell you         This fan helps to explain the
Provides a whopping 80 descriptors      if anything is wrong in any given            process of euthanasia in our pets.
for feelings and emotions across 21     situation. Pairs well with our It’s Too      A donation will be made to an
petals.                                 (sensory descriptor) fan.                    animal charity for each fan sold.
       Code 2105       £8.99                   Code 2111 £4.99                              Code 2104 £4.99

              Emotions, Expressions and Gestures Bingo
   This resource has been designed alongside our Social Skills Bingo as a tool to help children consider and
   understand the meanings of an assortment of common gestures, emotions and facial expressions. It also
   touches on how these relate to behaviour.
   The resource aids in improving children and young people’s understanding of non-verbal communication by
   asking them to consider a situation and decide what emotion, expression or gesture would be the most
   appropriate from the choices provided.
                                                                     Code 2110                 £54.99

                                                                                   Gestures Fan

        SPECIAL OFFER Social Skills Bingo and                      Social communication is often done non
        Emotions, Expressions and Gestures                         verbally. This fan helps in the understanding
                                                                   of commonly used gestures.
        Bingo combo pack—Save £10.00 when
        bought together. Usually £54.99 per set.
                                                                                  Code 2112           £4.99
                    Code 2114           £99.99

Our full range is available at www.theplaydoctors.co.uk
Social Communication Fans
We’re proud to offer the widest selection of communication fans available in the UK!
Our fans are very versatile tools, and can be used in a great variety of ways and for a range of special
educational needs.

Your Options — fan fastenings
Fans are available in three formats—poppers, keyrings or safety lanyards.

 Poppers are our standard fastener                  Keyrings allow the fan to be                Lanyards allow the fan to be worn
 for all our fans. Poppers can hold                 clipped to a belt, keys or looped           around the neck keeping it
 between 3 and 25 petals.                           around the wrist.                           conveniently close at hand.

Your Options — single or dual fans
Some of our fans are available in a dual format. This is where two fans are secured together on the
same fastening—usually because they complement each other well and can be used together for
effective communication. Our website lists all of the fans available in dual format.

Your Options — Fan Multipacks
All of our fans are available individually, as well as our new option for multiples—mix and match sets.

                                                       Mix &               Mix &
                                                      Match                Match
                                                       fans                 fans
                                                      4 Pack              10 Pack
 Any four fans (from those priced at £4.99 singly) from                 Any ten fans (from those priced at £4.99 singly)
 our entire range, with popper fastenings. Simply type                  across our entire range, with popper fastenings.
 your choice of fans in the 'order notes' box when you                  Simply type your choice of fans in the 'order notes'
 place your order. Includes a         storage pouch.                    box when you place your order. Includes a
       Code 2108                          £18.99                        durable storage tin.
       Image is representative only and may not reflect your set              Code 2109                         £42.99
                                                                               Image is representative only and may not reflect your set

Our full range is available at www.theplaydoctors.co.uk
Our communication fan range at a glance
Fan                                           Code   Popper   Lanyard   Keyring

I Feel                                        1302   £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

Emotions Face                                 1206   £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

Behaviour Symbol                              1211   £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

It’s too (sensory descriptor)                 1304   £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

It’s too (situation descriptor)               2111   £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

Feelings and Emotions (21 petal)              2105   £8.99    £9.99     £9.99

Positive Praise                               1406   £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

Positive Social Rules                         1417   £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

Emotions and Expressions (3 petal)            1367   £2.99    N/A       N/A

Think—Traffic Light Fan (4 petal)             1368   £2.99    N/A       N/A

Danger Alert!                                 1404   £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

Staying Safe—Stranger Danger                  1651   £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

Stop and think—what can I do when I’m Angry? 1657    £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

Stop and think—what can I do to calm down?    1656   £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

Stop and think—how can I be polite?           1655   £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

Telling someone you feel worried (with pen)   1545   £5.99    £6.99     £6.99

What can I do when I feel worried?            1560   £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

What to do about being bullied?               1561   £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

Supporting a friend who is being bullied      1562   £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

Help in the Classroom                         1320   £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

Helpful Instructions                          1321   £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

Curriculum                                    1322   £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

At School Time to                             1319   £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

Everyday Instructions                         1208   £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

Time to go out                                1207   £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

Our full range is available at www.theplaydoctors.co.uk
Our communication fan range at a glance
Fan                                               Code     Popper   Lanyard   Keyring

We’re going in the car                            1416     £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

Home/School transition                            1364     £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

Snack Fan                                         1507     £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

Let’s Play                                        1210     £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

I Hurt                                            1344     £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

Losing a Pet                                      2104     £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

I Need                                            1405     £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

I Want to Say                                     1315     £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

All about me communication passport (with pen) 1437        £5.99    £6.99     £6.99

I have ADHD this means… passport                  1438     £5.99    £6.99     £6.99

I have Autism this means… passport                1403     £5.99    £6.99     £6.99

Bathroom Routine                                  1316     £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

Washing my Hands                                  1708     £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

Bedtime Routine                                   1333     £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

Morning Routine                                   1209     £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

Early Years Instructions                          1365     £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

Early Years Activities                            1366     £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

Understanding Gestures                            2112     £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

Let’s Get Organised                               1619     £5.99    £6.99     £6.99

Talk with Teddies—How do you feel?                2001     £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

Talk with Teddies—Best Behaviour                  2002     £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

Talk with Teddies—Sensory Overload                2003     £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

Je Me Sens (I feel—French)                        1302-F   £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

C’est trop (It’s too sensory descriptor—French)   1304-F   £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

Éventail des émotions (Emotions Face—French) 1206-F        £4.99    £5.99     £5.99

Our full range is available at www.theplaydoctors.co.uk
Our communication fan range at a glance
Fan                                            Code         Popper       Lanyard     Keyring

Days of the Week                               1570         £3.99        N/A         N/A

Months of the Year                             1571         £3.99        N/A         N/A

The Seasons                                    1572         £3.99        N/A         N/A

The Weather                                    1573         £4.99        £5.99       £5.99

Found in the UK—In the Countryside             1574         £4.99        £5.99       £5.99

Found in the UK—In Towns and Cities            1575         £4.99        £5.99       £5.99

Found in the UK—In the Woods                   1576         £4.99        £5.99       £5.99

Found in the UK—On Beaches                     1577         £4.99        £5.99       £5.99

Found in the UK—Domestic animals and birds     1578         £4.99        £5.99       £5.99

Found in the UK—Wild animals                   1579         £4.99        £5.99       £5.99

Found in the UK—Insects                        1580         £4.99        £5.99       £5.99

Found in the UK—Sea Life                       1581         £4.99        £5.99       £5.99

Food and Drink—Types of Meat                   1582         £4.99        £5.99       £5.99

Food and Drink—Types of Drink                  1583         £4.99        £5.99       £5.99

Food and Drink—Types of Vegetable              1584         £4.99        £5.99       £5.99

Food and Drink—Types of Dairy Produce          1585         £4.99        £5.99       £5.99

Going to the Doctors                           1548         £4.99        £5.99       £5.99

Being in Hospital                              1726         £8.99        £9.99       £9.99

Going to the Dentist                           1550         £4.99        £5.99       £5.99

Going to the hairdresser                       1551         £4.99        £5.99       £5.99

Going to the barber                            1552         £4.99        £5.99       £5.99

Going to the Opticians                         1549         £4.99        £5.99       £5.99

              For images and full descriptions of our fans just visit our website.
                 See the ‘fans’ page or search by fan name or product code.

Our full range is available at www.theplaydoctors.co.uk
Fan Multipacks
                            Don’t forget—all of our fans are available as singles too!

    Talk with Teddies Trio of Fans                                Set of 8 Behaviour Fans
 Delightfully illustrated set of
 three Talk with Teddies fans,
 including How do you feel?,
 Best Behaviour and Sensory
 Overload. Perfect for use
 alongside our Talk with
 Teddies sets or on their
                     Code 2004          £13.99

   Personal Communication Fans Set
Three very useful fans to
help individuals
                                                             Eight of our fans that have been specially selected to
communicate personal
                                                             support and encourage positive behaviour. This set
needs and feelings.
                                                             includes I Feel, Emotions Face, Behaviour Symbol, It’s
Includes I Hurt, I Need
                                                             Too (sensory), Positive Praise, Positive Social Rules,
and I Want To Say.
                                                             Emotions and Expressions and Think Traffic Light fans.

             Code 1413                  £13.99                      Code 1418                    £32.99

         Physical and Emotional Wellbeing Communication Kit in a Tin

                                                            A medley of resources to support visual communication
                                                            relating to personal physical and emotional wellbeing.
                                                            Includes fans: I hurt, I need, I want to say, Feelings and
                                                            Emotions, It’s too (sensory), It’s too (situation descriptor),
                                                            what can I do to calm down?, what can I do when I feel
                                                            angry? and what can I do when I feel worried?
                                                            Also includes our very popular How do you feel today?
                                                            Emotions lanyard and a simple but effective child size
                                                            mood band for wearing on the wrist to communicate if
                                                            everything is ok or not.

                                                                   Code 2113                          £48.99

Fan Multipacks
     Emotional Resilience Set of 6                                          School Fans Set of 4

This pack of 6 fans is ideal to support emotional
understanding and resilience for any child of any age in
any environment. Each fan can be used to help
children explain to you how they feel, why they feel a          Four very useful communication fans for the school
certain way and provide strategies to deal with anger           environment. Help children to understand and
and worry.                                                      communicate subjects, instructions and activities
It includes I Feel, Emotions Face, What can I do to             undertaken at school. Includes Curriculum, Help in the
calm down?, What can I do when I feel angry?, Telling           Classroom, Helpful Instructions and At School Time to
someone you feel worried and What can I do when I               fans.
am worried?
                                                                      Code 1323                  £17.99
        Code 1819                  £25.99

 Being Worried Being Bullied Set of 4                                      Home & Away Set of 8

Four fans to support children in developing coping
mechanisms for experiencing bullying and worry and
offering support to reach out for help in such
circumstances. Includes What can I do if I feel                 Eight fans to reinforce verbal instruction and aid
worried?, Telling someone you feel worried, What can I          understanding and communication in everyday
do about being bullied and Supporting a friend who is           situations from routines in the morning to journeys in
being bullied.                                                  the car.
       Code 1559                   £18.99                              Code 1412                   £32.99

Bespoke Fans

             DID YOU KNOW? We make bespoke fans.

           Would you like something designed that is specific to your setting?
     We offer a bespoke fan service, just let us know what you’d like and we’ll
                      work with you to create your design.

                These can be anything from 3 petals to 25 petals in size.

           If you provide a translation, we can make any of our fans in other
                                      languages too.

                We can also make bespoke lanyards and bespoke tiles.

         Contact us at info@theplaydoctors.co.uk to tell us your requirements.

              Blank Fans
If you wish, you can make your own fans, with our
packs of blank fans.

Use these to create your own fans by writing or
drawing on with fine line markers, or use to display

Each fan contains ten blank double sided petals and is
secured with a 5mm popper.

Single       Code 1342-1                      £1.99
Six pack     Code 1342-6                      £6.49
Ten pack     Code 1342-10                     £10.50

Communication, transition & routine
                         Beneficial tools for a wide range of Special Educational Needs.

  Now/Then Communication Kit
A handy desk display tool to support an individual visually to know what
is happening next or to offer choice. Includes pyramid display board,
four word tiles, now/then, and/or, four dry wipe tiles for making your
own symbols or instructions, a pen and hook and loop tape. This
resource can be paired with any of our symbol communication tiles
(see page 15).

      Code 1436                              £18.99

      Extra display space available with a second pyramid board – sold separately

   Rotary Schedule Board                                                              It’s not all about talking
                                                                             A practical resource
                                                                             book exploring ways
                                                                             to communicate
                                                                             effectively with
                                                                             necessarily with
                                                                             spoken language!
                                                                             Written by the very
                                                                             Wendy Usher.
                                                                                        Code PBD004     £17.99

                                                                                    Clock Display dry wipe board
                                                                                                        A simple schedule
                                                                                                        display board which
                                                                                                        allows times to be
A visual and kinaesthetic tool to display symbols relating                                              written next to
to schedule, routine or sequence. The pointer can be                                                    activities. The white
used to indicate the current or next instruction. The set                                               spaces can be used
includes one board, six blank dry wipe tiles and pen,                                                   to write on or the kit
hook and loop fixings and instructions. Ideal for use with                                              can be used with our
our symbol tiles (see page 15).                                                                         symbol tiles
      Code 1435                      £18.99
                                                                                                        Includes pen.
                                                                                    Code 1648   £5.99

Communication, transition & routine
           Talk with Teddies
    Children on the autism spectrum often find transition and change hard, or find it difficult to understand unspoken
    social rules. The majority of children are visual and kinetic learners, yet we tend to use our voices to give
    instruction or ask for compliance. The Talk with Teddies kit helps children understand concepts in a visual and
    kinetic way.
      Talk with Teddies is a versatile and delightful kit
      which promotes understanding of:
      •      social rules
      •      boundaries
      •      routines
      •      facilitates choice
      •      explains feelings
      •      help children to empathise with others.
      The bears are used to display the tiles and the kit
      can be used in play, storytelling, or for everyday
      instruction. The kit is suitable for all but especially        Code 1212                        £42.99
      beneficial for use with autism.

               Talk with Teddies for Primary Schools
                                                                       This Talk with Teddies set has been
                                                                       designed specifically for primary school

                                                                       In addition to our four multicoloured bears,
                                                                       it includes 36 image tiles, including the
                                                                       Social Integration, At School and
                                                                       Curriculum sets, as well as a Now/then
                                                                       communication board and 16 blank re-
                                                                       usable tiles and dry wipe pen for creating
                                                                       your own symbols too.

                                                                       Help children to understand what is
                                                                       happening next, understand instruction,
                                                                       during transitions, to aid concentration, to
                                                                       reward and help raise self esteem, to
                                                                       communicate feelings and emotions. The
                                                                       use of the bears is endless.

                                                                       Code 1606                  £69.99

Communication Tiles & Communication Symbol Sets
  Visual symbols in a tile format, to support children in understanding routine, sequence and instruction. These are
  designed for use with the Now/Then communication kit and any of our communication, transition & routine tools
  and measure 45mm by 45mm each. Tiles are available as sets of 12 (includes hook fixings), or as part of our
  Communication Symbol Sets, which also include a pyramid display board and fan.

       Social Integration                         Positive Behaviour                        Useful Information

Set of 12 tiles Code 1357 £9.99           Set of 12 tiles Code 1339 £9.99
                                                                                     Set of 12 tiles Code 1362 £9.99
Symbol Set Code 1356 £19.99               Symbol Set Code 1331 £19.99
                                                                                     Symbol Set Code 1361 £19.99

          Curriculum                                   At School                                    Time to

 Set of 12 tiles Code 1340 £9.99         Set of 12 tiles Code 1337 £9.99             Set of 12 tiles Code 1360 £9.99

 Symbol Set Code 1332 £19.99             Symbol Set Code 1329 £19.99                 Symbol Set Code 1363 £19.99

             At Play                                  Play Choices                               Early Years

 Set of 12 tiles Code 1336 £9.99          Set of 12 tiles Code 1359 £9.99            Set of 12 tiles Code 1335 £9.99

 Symbol Set Code 1328 £19.99              Symbol Set Code 1358 £19.99                Symbol Set Code 1327 £19.99

     Positive Behaviour Kit in a Bag
                                                           This kit contains our most popular resources
                                                           to support positive behaviour, including:

                                                           -120 x positive praise reward stickers

                                                           -Swing-O-Meter (see page 24)

                                                           -Set of show me feelings cards

                                                           -Set of 8 Behaviour Fans (see page 10)

                                                           -How do you feel today communication

                                                           -Practical resource book - Let’s make more

                                                           Perfect for use at school or home.

                                                               Code 1434                  £74.99

         Let’s Make More Smiles!

This book has been written to support those working
or living with children who display challenging
behaviour. It contains lots of simple tools, activities
and suggestions that will make a difference to how
you respond to behaviour, and how children and
young people respond to you.

        Code PDB002            £17.99

              My Special                               Behaviour, Emotions and Consequence
      Positive Praise Sticker Set                      Kit in a Bag

Use these stickers as a reward for specific good
behaviour. The fans can be used as a record of
stickers earned or to offer a greater reward once a
fan is filled.

Includes 120 stickers and 6 blank fans.

24 of the stickers can be personalised with names.
                                                       This kit encourages discussion of emotions, feelings
         Code 1509              £14.99                 and consequences and provides the individual with the
                                                       opportunity to be involved in the consequences of their

            Behaviour Posters                          The content of the kit includes:
 Posters to encourage staff and children to think
 about behaviour in various ways. Posters are          • Emotions, behaviour and consequence kit in a tin
 laminated and are A3 in size. Great for the               (contains five fans).
 classroom or at home.
                                                       • Consequence spinners

                                                       • Three blank fans

                                                       The fans in the kit include over 50 visual symbols and
                                                       40 questions that help children express themselves and
                                                       explore their emotions and behaviours.

                                                       The consequence spinners provide the individual with
                                                       the opportunity to make decisions about fair
                                                       consequences to positive and negative behaviours.

   Our Positive Rules               Code 1502          The blank fans can be used to create personalised
   What Could I do Instead?         Code 1566          behaviour management plans for individual children.
   Let’s think behaviour            Code 1501
   Our Kind Bodies                  Code 1503
                                                                    Code 1605             £49.99
                £4.99 per poster

     Autism Kit in a Bag
    This kit contains tools that are especially useful for those on the autism spectrum or those with social
    communication difficulties. Help children to communicate more effectively, to make better decisions,
    to understand what is happening next, and routine and sequence.

                                                              Contents include:

                                                              •   24 x visual communication symbol tiles
                                                              •    1 x pyramid display board with ‘then’, ‘now’,
                                                                  ‘and’, ‘or’ tiles
                                                              •   4 x mini reusable tiles to make your own symbols
                                                                  or words
                                                              •   4 x visual symbol fans on 2 x safety lanyards
                                                              •   1 x ‘I Feel Fan’
                                                              •   1 x ‘I have autism’ personal communication fan
                                                              •   1 x Hey, Children on the Autism Spectrum Play
                                                                  Too practical resource book

                                                                      Code 1460                   £74.99

           Hey, Children on the                                       Now/then communication kit
                                                                                             A desktop visual
      Autism Spectrum Play too!                                                              communication tool,
                                                                                             complete with word tiles
                                                                                             now/then/and/or and four
                                                                                             blank reusable tiles and
                                                                                             pen. For full details, see
                                                                                             page 13.
                                                                           Code 1436             £18.99

                                                                  Autism Communication Passport
                                                                                        A self-complete fan to get to
This book has been written to support those working                                     know someone with autism,
or living with children on the autism spectrum and                                      including likes and dislikes,
provides great ideas to encourage them to play,                                         things which upset and calm
interact and ensure they are offered the same                                           the individual, special ways
chances and experiences as others.                                                      they communicate and more.
                                                                                        With permanent pen.
         Code PDB001            £17.99
                                                                                         Code 1403         £5.99

       Impulse Control Kit in a Tin                                        Supporting ADHD
                          Children with ADHD are
                          often impulsive and find it                It’s not all about behaviour!
                          hard to consider responses
                          before reacting. This set is
                          designed to help children to
                          understand the concept of
                          ‘Stop and Think’ and decide
                          on alternative behaviour.
         Code 1701              £39.99

     ADHD Communication Passport
A self-complete fan to get to                                  Children who have ADHD often find it hard to
know someone with ADHD,                                        concentrate, settle and sometimes get into trouble.
including likes and dislikes,                                  This book has been written to provide practical ideas
things which upset and calm                                    and suggestions to support those working or living with
the individual, special ways                                   children who happen to have ADHD, and better
they communicate and more.                                     understand the world from their viewpoint.
With permanent pen.
                                                                        Code PDB013           £17.99
       Code 1438       £5.99

        ADHD Kit in a Bag
This kit is packed with tools to support children who have ADHD. These resources focus on improving behaviour,
impulsiveness, concentration, noise levels and offering instruction.
 Contents include:

 •   1 x Supporting ADHD – It’s not all about behaviour book

 •   Communication fans including: What can I do when I
     feel angry?, What can I do to calm down?, How Can I
     Be Polite?, 2 x Emotion Stop Think Go, Danger Alert,
     Stranger Danger and I have ADHD Communication

 •   1 x Voice Control Teachers Foam board Fan

 •   2 x Emotion Pyramid Desk Boards

 •   2 x Mood Bands (It’s all OK/It’s not OK)

 •   1 x Show Me Show Me Actions A6 playing cards (32
                                                                        Code 1735                 £76.99
 • 14 x assorted dry wipe instruction cards and pen

      Dyslexia Kit in a Bag
This kit in a bag supports children and young
people who have dyslexia diagnosed or
undiagnosed in the classroom.

Kit includes:

•   Six fans—Let’s get organised, I Feel,
    Emotions and Expressions, What can I do if I
    am worried?, How do I tell someone I am
    worried? What to do if I am being bullied

•   Rotary Schedule Board with mini dry wipe
    boards and pen

•   Now/Then communications kit

•   Set of 2 ‘It’s all OK/It’s not OK’ mood bands
•   Dyslexia sticker set with Blank Fans

•   A photocopiable resource book
                                                             Code 1734                 £76.99

       Dyslexia Reward Stickers                                       Let’s Get Organised Fan
                                                             This fan can be used by all children but is especially
                                                             useful for those with dyslexia or other conditions
                                                             which make organisation more difficult.
                                                             The fan comes with a permanent marker and
                                                             contains petals for self-completion with the things
                                                             that a child must remember to take to each lesson,
                                                             such as books and equipment. Once completed the
                                                             fan acts as a handy reminder for the child.

Children with dyslexia often suffer with low-self
esteem. Use this sticker set to offer praise for
specific behaviours to help improve confidence and
sense of worth. The set includes 144 stickers and six
blank fans. Fans can be used to keep a record of
stickers earned, to track progress and keep a log of

           Code 1601             £14.99                               Code 1619             £5.99

            Posters about inclusion
Inclusion is essential when working with children with
SEN. Use these posters to encourage staff and
colleagues to always think inclusion, to look for ways
to make learning more inclusive for all and to
consider simple adaptations that can be made to
make learning environments more suitable for those
who experience sensory overload.

    Let’s think inclusion                   Code 1567
    Let’s think Sensory Overload            Code 1568
    Let’s think Learning Styles             Code 1565

                               £4.99 per poster

            Island Animals—Inclusion Programme and Story Books
This set of delightfully illustrated children’s books written by Wendy Usher teaches inclusion through adventure
stories. Suitable in early years and primary settings, the books are designed to raise awareness of impairments
and to encourage children to be more inclusive in their play.

The books explore how the characters are included by the rest of the animal friends living on a small island. Each
page in the children’s books has a Widgit symbol strip telling the story in simple picture symbols to ensure the
books are inclusive to all children.
The three books include:

•     Zak makes new friends! (Explores Autism)
•     Percy looks for treasure! (Explores ADHD)
•     A dragon comes to visit (explores dyspraxia)
    The Inclusion Programme is an adult teaching
    resource book full of over 250 activity ideas
    (including games, arts and crafts ideas, story writing
    activities, and ideas to explore emotions and facial
    expressions). The resource book comes with a free
    CD-ROM of printable resources and a series of
    photocopy templates. Story books are available
    separately from the Inclusion Programme.

        Set of 3 Story books with Inclusion Programme                  Code PDB010               £34.99
        Set of 3 Story books                                           Code PDB012               £9.99
        Single story book— Zak makes new friends!                      Code PDB005               £3.99
        Single story book— Percy looks for treasure!                   Code PDB006               £3.99
        Single story book— A dragon comes to visit                     Code PDB007               £3.99

Early Learning
                Rainbow Words
                                                                     Early Years Visual Symbols Set
                                                                 This visual symbol set contains 140 symbols over 14
                                                                 communication fans. It has been designed to support
                                                                 children’s understanding of instruction, transition,
                                                                 praise and appropriate behaviours and well as help
                                                                 convey their feelings, needs or wants, especially in the
                                                                 early years or where there is communication difficulty
                                                                 due to SEN or English as a second language.

This colourful and engaging kit is a useful tool in early
learning and dyslexia, as well as English as a second
language. It contains 48 picture tiles and 26 alphabet
letters to allow children to practice letter and word
recognition. It also contains dry wipe boards to enable
children to practice spelling and letter formation.
           Code 1639             £42.99
                                                                           Code 1615             £52.99

       Early Years Visual Resources Kit in a Bag
    Young children learn by seeing and doing. We all encourage children to tell us what they see and copy lan-
    guage—this kit does this and more. The set provides a broad range of symbols to use every day to help a
    child’s understanding of instructions, choice, sequence, emotions and behaviour.

 The kit includes:

 1 x Pack of Show Me Positive Action
 Playing Cards

 1 x Reflect and Draw Expressions Mirror
 Kit in a Tin—includes I Feel fan

 6 x communication fans: Early Years
 Activities, Early Years Instructions,
 Bathroom Routine, Let’s Play, Everyday
 Instructions and Emotions Face

 1 x How do you feel today emotions

                                                                       Code 1604                  £64.99

Early Learning
       Talk with Teddies for Early Years
This Talk with Teddies set has been put together
for use with the early years. Help children to
understand what is happening next, understand
instruction, transition, to aid concentration, to
reward and help raise self esteem and to
communicate feelings and emotions.

Contents include:

•   4 x fully washable bears
•   12 x Early Years Communication Tiles
•   12 x Social Integration Communication Tiles
•   12 x Useful Information Tiles
•   1 x Pyramid Now/Then And/Or board
•   6 x mini reusable boards and pen
•   Self adhesive hook dots to attach tiles to bears/
•   Storage Bag                                                          Code 1607                £69.99

         Creating Sensory Play                                      Show Me Actions
                                                               This set of 32 flash cards (2 each of 16 designs) has
          at Little or No Cost                                 been created to support children to recognise symbols
                                                               associated with appropriate behaviour. The cards can
                                                               be used in an various of games to aid understanding of
                                                                                                   the action.

                                                                                                   Code 1730

                                                                      Show Me Feelings
This book contains hundreds of simple ideas using              This set of 24 flash cards (2 each of 12 designs) has
everyday items to create sensory play at home, at              been created to support children to recognise emotions
school or in play settings. Children will enjoy the            and facial expressions. The cards can be used in an
activities and through sensory play will increase their        assortment of games to aid understanding.
social interaction, communication, cooperation,
teamwork, planning, motor skills and dexterity.

          Code PDB003            £17.99                                                            Code 1239

Emotions, worry & anxiety
         Worry and Anxiety Kit                                        Mood Bands

                                                                 These child-size silicone wrist bands are coloured
                                                                 green on the outside and amber on the inside.
                                                                 Children can simply wear the mood band to indicate
                                                                 their feelings by flipping the band over to It’s all OK
Anxiety is common in young people and can become                 or It’s not OK. Use as an effective and easy to use
seriously debilitating if not addressed. This kit uses           communication tool to convey when a child needs
principles of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and                    assistance or emotional support. Perfect for use in
contains suggestions for lots of self-help techniques.           classrooms or home settings.
It is a tool to instigate discussion and offer solutions
to anxiety. The kit comes with a CD of resources and              Code 1529-1 (single band)                £3.99
a full instruction booklet.
                                                                  Code 1529-2 (duo pack)                   £7.49
         Code 1533                   £42.99
                                                                  Code 1529-10 (pack of ten)               £29.99

This is a versatile tool that can be used in a variety of
ways. Use it to help a child indicate feelings and
emotions in any circumstance, to indicate choice or
preference or as a short schedule/routine board.

The emotions faces are attached with hook and loop
tape and can be removed and replaced with your
own tiles written on blank tiles provided, or with any
of our other picture tiles on page 15.

         Code 1247                   £16.99

Emotions, worry & anxiety
                                                               How do you feel today? Lanyard
    Feelings and Emotions Posters                                                            Five simple emotions faces
                                                                                             on a safety lanyard to
                                                                                             promote emotional
                                                                                             communication and
                                                                                             empathy and to convey
                                                                                             emotional state.

                                                                  Code 1401-1 (Single)                       £5.99
                                                                  Also available in classroom sets of 10 priced at £49.99

                                                                   Reflect and Draw kit in a tin
Assorted A3 laminated posters to help with feelings                                                 This kit includes 24
and emotions. Perfect for use at home or in the                                                     cards and an I Feel
classroom.                                                                                          Fan and is designed
                                                                                                    to assist in learning,
  How do you feel today?             Code 1505                                                      recognising and
  What could I do if I feel worried? Code 1569                                                      practicing facial
                                                                                                    expressions with the
  I can calm down by…                Code 1504                                                      mirror and pen
                £4.99 per poster                                    Code 1510                          £24.99

    Making the right choices kit
This set provides practical resources to support
emotional understanding and empathy. Use the tools
to support children to make the right choices, think
about worries and anxiety and recognise what they
can do to help themselves and others.

Contents include:

• 4 x Mood Bands

• 2 x How Do You Feel Today Emotions Lanyards

• 2 x Emotions and Expressions Fans

• 1 x I Feel Fan and 1 x   worry and anxiety 4 fan set

• 1 x Swing O Meter

• Extra bonus fan – Staying Safe Stranger Danger
                                                              Code 1650                               £59.99

Resource Book Set

This is a bundle pack of our five excellent resource books, written by Wendy Usher. Each book supports inclusion
and provides great insights and resources to help adults work with children to ensure they are offered the same
chances and experiences as others, regardless of special educational need. The titles include:

Supporting ADHD – It’s not all about behaviour

Creating Sensory Play at little or no cost

It’s not all about talking, Let’s Communicate

Let’s make more smiles – Encouraging Positive Behaviour

Hey, children on the autism spectrum play too!

These books are available individually priced at £17.99 or as part of our bundle offer.

                            Code PDB014 (5 book bundle)                    £64.99

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   For offers, competitions, new products and more.

           Visit our website
For our full product range and download free resources

                     Email us

    The Play Doctors/HC Resources is a small family business
      run from our home in rural South Northamptonshire.
Our address is 5 West End, Bugbrooke, Northamptonshire, NN7 3PF

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