How to Protect Peer-to-Peer Online Games from Cheats
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How to Protect Peer-to-Peer Online Games from Cheats Haruhiro Yoshimoto† Rie Shigetomi† Hideki Imai† † University of Tokyo Imai Laboratory, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, 4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8505 Japan {ypon, sigetomi} , Abstract- Recently, P2P (peer-to-peer) online game sys- At present, the most general way to prevent cheating is to tems have attracted a great deal of public attention. watch the behavior of all players and find out which one is They work without central servers, thus, the mainte- cheating. This is often done by watching the connection to nance and organization costs have been drastically re- the server. However it is not possible to apply this scheme to duced. However, in P2P systems, it is difficult for game P2P online game because the server does not exist. A player creators to prevent cheats by malicious players, due to can not know which player is honest and which player is not. the lack of trusted servers. In order to solve the prob- The lack of the server allows malicious players to cheat lem, we propose a practical and secure protocol based in another ways. The attacks like Change-The-Input-After- on public key cryptography, suitable for such P2P on- Communication attack, Forge-The-Result attack and Be- line game systems. Our scheme guarantees that play- Offline-When-Losing attack become possible. The detail of ers can immediately detect when cheating by other ma- these attack will be explained later. licious players happens, and that honest players can In this paper, we present a protocol to make it possible to prove their innocence, on condition that more than half detect a cheating on P2P online games. The protocol further of the participants are honest. We categorized cheat- allows you to prove a session is played corretly when more ing into four groups, Crack-The-Game-Software attack, than half players are honest. Our scheme is based on public Change-The-Input-After-Communication attack, Forge- key cryptography and we use digital signature to prove a The-Result attack and Be-Offline-When-Losing attack, game is played correctly. and proved that our system is secure against each at- tack. Moreover, we showed that our scheme is general Our protocol has strong relation to other cryptographic and directly applicable to almost all of existing online schemes, especially to fair coin flipping, mental poker, games including simulation games, fighting games, and multi-party computation, and fair exchange. However, our MMORPG. protocol differs from those schemes in the configuration and the goal. This will be discussed later at section 3. 1 Introduction This paper is organized as follows. First, we define our security model in section 2. Then, we introduce related Recently, a P2P (peer-to-peer) online game, which is a game works and compare them to our security model in section that players communicate each other over P2P network and 3. The section 4 explains cryptographic tools used in our play online game, has attracted a great deal of public atten- scheme. Our scheme is described in section 5. We discuss tion. The maintenance and organization cost is reduced by the security of our scheme in section 6. Finally, we conclude the absence of the central server. Since there is no server in section 7. to calculate and maintain the state of a game, all calcula- tion is done in parallel on each player’s computer by using the distributed computation technique. Any group of peo- 2 Security Model ple can start playing a game anytime as there’s no need to In this section, we describe the setting of the game, define set up and maintain a dedicated server. A P2P online game what an adversary can do, and define what the security is. has potential to become an ideal game platform in the near future. We consider that these definitions are proper to the cur- rent P2P online game. One thing that has to be kept in mind is that not all the players are honest. Some malicious players try to cheat the 2.1 Settings game in various ways to win the game easily. They can crack the game software and alter the behavior of the game game session The game can be separated into small ses- software to make it easy for them to win the game. This sions. we call it game session is a serious problem in online games. A large number of people can be affected by this, unlike offline games where number of players On a P2P online game, not all players only local participants are affected. The effect is not lim- participate in one game session. The game such as fighting ited to virtual world only because sometimes items in game game is usually playable for only 2 players for one session, worlds are traded by players in real world with real money. so we define as follows.
Definition 1 : (m,n)-P2P online game The P2P online These attacks includes almost all the attacks which is so- game which m players participate in one game session, and called “Cheating”. Preventing from these cheats is enough the number of players who consist the P2P network is n, is for general online games. called (m,n)-P2P online game. 2.3 Definition of Security The fighting game is usually (2,n)-P2P online game. We define that our system is secure for cheating when fol- lowing condition holds. input and the output Firstly, we define the output of the game software as follows. Definition 4 : Secure System That the system is se- cure is anyone without the software creator is not pos- Definition 2 : Output Data The output data which is sible to success any four attacks: Crack-The-Game- needed to play next game session. Software attack, Change-The-Input-After-Communication Informally so-called Savedata or Highscore is the output. attack, Forge-The-Result attack, and, Be-Offline-When- Then, we do not call the display status, or other output of Losing attack. the software as output. Note that the output of one game session is different for each player and each player holds 2.4 Examples their own output. We show that the adversary model defined in subsection 2.2 Next, we define the input. Usually the input of the game is reasonable. We introduce two examples, chess and Rock- software is the input from the device such as mouse, key- Paper-And-Scissors, and show how to cheat these games. board and joypad . In this paper we define the input as fol- Then we show that those cheats are classificated to the at- lows. tacks define in subsection 2.2. Note that Attack 1 is a very strong attack, and can be done not only to P2P online game Definition 3 : Output O For output O, the data which is but can be done to offline game. The Attack 3 can be done needed to output O is called input. to any game that saves the result of the game to their com- puter, so we do not describe the Attack 3. Also, the Attack This means that not only the input from the mouse, key- 4 can be done to any game which becoming offline during board and joypad but also the random seed, previous output, the game means give-up, so we do not describe the Attack communication from other players, current time and so on, 4. is the input. 2.4.1 Example : chess 2.2 Adversary Model When playing chess on P2P network game, the example of The attacks which an adversary will do is as follows. Our Attack 1 is as follows scheme can cope with these attacks. • Add the time left for player. Attack 1 : Crack-The-Game-Software attack The at- tacker cracks the software and alter the behavior of • Move the piece on anywhere on the board. the software. Altering the output of the software or • Add any piece on the board. communication data of the software is classified to this attack. Getting huge amount of money by using In chess, player can know whether the opponent is cheating cheat codes is a kind of this attack. or not because all the data of chess is open to each player, so Attack 2 : Change-The-Input-After-Communication attack he can claim that the opponent is cheating, but the cheater Watch the communication from other player and can claim that the opponent is cheating too. Therefore, the after that he decide the input to the game software so player have to prove which player is playing to others. In that attacker can win the game. This is done because our scheme, even if the player cannot know whether the op- the communication is not fair but the communication ponent is cheating or not, the player cannot cheat. of the game have to be done simultaneously. The Attack 2 cannot be done in chess because the move of the chess is not done simultaneously. Attack 3 : Forge-The-Result attack The attacker broad- casts the output to the all players as if he won the 2.4.2 Example : Rock-Paper-And-Scissors game. This can also be done by acting as if he is the another player. When playing Rock-Paper-And-Scissors on P2P network game, the example of Attack 1 is as follows Attack 4 : Be-Offline-When-Losing attack The attacker becomes offline when he is losing, he tries to act like • Make hand that can win to any hand, like joker in the the game session did not happen. In the real world, card game. this must be treated as a give-up. Also malicious player can claim that the opponent gave up, even if the opponent is not yet given up.
The Attack 2 can be done in Rock-Paper-And-Scissors . 3.2 Fair Exchange Sending the hand to each player have to be done simultane- The setting of fair exchange is as follows. Suppose that ously because cheater can change the hand into the stronger Alice buys a book ( we call this b ) from Bob. Alice has one after getting the opponent’s hand. to pay the price for the book (we call this a ) to Bob. If Alice sends a to Bob first and Bob is dishonest, then Bob 3 Related Works would not send b to Alice, so Alice loses. If Bob sends b first and Alice is dishonest, then Alice would not send a to In this section, we introduce the related works. These Bob, so Bob loses. To trivial solution to this problem is schemes are popular in cryptography and well studied. The using TTP. First, Alice sends a to TTP, and Bob sends b to settings of these schemes are similar to our setting, and have TTP. Then TTP sends b to Alice, and TTP sends a to Bob. a strong relationship to our work. We will explain what dif- Micali[Micali03] proposed a scheme such that TTP is used ferent parts between previous scheme and our scheme. only when either player cheated. Formal security model of fair exchange is as follows. 3.1 Multi-Party Computation Let f denote a given n-ary function, and suppose parties P1 , ... , Pn each hold an input value x1 , ... , xn , respectively. Definition of security The outcome of the fair exchange A secure multiparty computation for f is a joint protocol must be either of the following. between parties P1 , ... , Pn for computing y = f (x1 , ..., xn ) securely. That is, even when a certain fraction of the parties • Alice gets “b” and Bob gets “a” is corrupted, (i) each party obtains the correct output value • Alice gets nothing and Bob gets nothing y and (ii) no information leaks on the input values of the honest parties beyond what is implied logically by the value of y and the values of the inputs of the corrupted parties. The difference to our situation Suppose that Bob is dis- honest and did not send b to Alice even after getting a. Even There are various applications for some situations such though Bob is dishonest, getting b has no meaning to Alice, as multi-party computation, electronic voting, fair coin because not sending b means that Bob gives up and Alice flipping[Blum82], mental poker[SRA81][Crepeau87]. wins. Alice only have to claim to other players that Bob Secure two party computation was first investigated by gave up. So our scheme do not need TTP. What we need is Yao[Yao82][Yao86] and was later generalized to multi- that Alice to “prove” to other player that Bob gave up. party computation. The seminal paper by Goldreich et al.[GMW87] proves the existence of a secure solution for 4 Preliminaries any functionality. In this section, we explain the cryptographic tools that we use in our scheme. These tools are well implemented and The difference to our situation One difference between distributed in many platforms. Multi-Party Computation and our situation is that we do not have to make the input secret. When playing poker, know- ing the input of other player after the game might be useful 4.1 Hash Function because he can know the strategy of other players, and that Hash function is a function that makes a message digest. information is valuable. On the other hand, for general on- Usually Hash function H() takes an arbitrary length of line game, knowing the strategy of other players might be string as an input and outputs constant length string (such not so useful. as 128 bit). Security requirements for hash function H() One reason is that the software is not perfectly one- are follows. way. It means that watching the communication from other player, they can guess the input. Consider fighting game, One-wayness Given a message X, it is should be “hard” to they can see what other player is doing, and can guess the find a message M satisfying X = H(M). input. Collision resistance It should be “hard” to find two mes- Other informations about input is kept secret but know- sages M 1 6= M 2 such that H(M 1) = H(M 2). ing it after the game does not matter. Another reason is that the game which strategy is very important, usually the in- SHA-1[RFC3174] and MD5[RFC1321] are well known and put is open to public. Consider chess, the game of famous widely used hash algorithm. these algorithm are very fast player is open to public, but they can win even their strategy and the security is well considered. However, the collision is known. What we need is a scheme that the players can was found in MD5[WFLY04] so our recommend of hash not change the input after the communication, or game. function is SHA-1. We can easily understand that, making a scheme that all player can hide their inputs to others is useful, but our 4.2 Digital Signature scheme can not do this. Another difference between Multi- Party Computation and our situation is that the output is not Firstly, we explain about public key cryptography. Consider same for each players. Alice and Bob. Bob wants Alice to be able to send secure
secret messages to him. To permit this, Bob generates a key The security requirements for Commitment scheme is as pair consisting of two related “keys”. One key is called the follows. public key, and the other, the secret or private key. In the Concealing A receiver cannot get any information of M most useful of these algorithms, it is impractical, even for a from the commitment of M . well-founded organization, to compute the private key from the public key (this is the private key / public key property). Binding A sender cannot change the message M after the Bob keeps his private key secret, and publishes his public Commit Phase. key. Alice retrieves Bob’s public key and, using it to control We will introduce an example. Alice wants to commit the appropriate encryption algorithm, scrambles or encrypts a message M to Bob. At the commit phase, Alice sends the message. For quality algorithms (at least in the belief her signature SignSKA (M ) to Bob as a commitment. Bob of those well-informed on the subject), once encrypted us- cannot know what the message is because he only has the ing Bob’s public key, the ciphertext cannot be descrambled signature of the message so it is concealing. At the unveil or decrypted without the private key. Thus, no one who in- phase Alice sends the message M to Bob. If Alice sends tercepts the ciphertext will be able to read it, even knowing message different from M , Bob can know that by verifying Bob’s public key. When Bob receives the message, he de- the signature. so it is binding. We use this scheme as a com- crypts it using his private key (kept secret since generation mitment scheme. Also, this is not a perfect bit commitment time and so known only to him). Therefore, the message because the security of the scheme relies on the oneway- will be secure against the unauthorized, and Bob and Alice ness of the signature scheme. Other commitment scheme is do not need a “secure channel” to exchange a shared key. shown in [Blum82] Next we explain about digital signature. Bob wants to 4.4 Notation send a message to Alice and wants to be able to prove it came from him (but does not care whether anybody else We notate as follows. reads it). In this case, Bob sends a cleartext copy of the message to Alice, along with a copy of the message en- a|b : concatenation of a and b crypted with his private key (not the public one). Alice (or P1 , P2 , ... , Pi , ... , Pn : the players with player ID i any other recipient) can then check whether the message re- SKP1 , SKP2 , ... , SKPn : the secret key for the each player ally came from Bob by decrypting the ciphertext version of Signi (M ) : the signature of the message M using the secret the message with Bob’s public key and comparing it with key of Pi the cleartext version. If they match, the message was really inputi : input of Pi from Bob, because the private key was needed to create the outputi : output of Pi signature and no one but Bob has it. The ciphertext version is Bob’s digital signature for the message because anyone can use Bob’s public key to verify that Bob created it. 5 Our Scheme More usually, Bob applies a cryptographic hash function In this section we describe our scheme and show that this to the message and encrypts the resulting message digest us- scheme is tolerant to attacks defined in section 2. Our ing his private key. This makes the signature much shorter scheme uses Game Simulator to cope with Attack 1 and At- and thus saves both time (since hashing is generally much tack 3, and use fair communication to cope with Attack 2. faster than public-key encryption), and space (since even an enciphered message digest is much shorter than the cipher- 5.1 Game Simulator text version of the entire plaintext). First we define a Game Simulator. Game Simulator is de- In this paper, what we call “signature” is using a hash fined as follows. function to digest the message. Note that the player cannot get any information of message from the signature, because Definition 5 : Game Simulator The Game Simulator is a of the onewayness of the hash function. software which outputs the same output as original game The practical signature scheme is presented in software for any input, and also outputs the communication [BR96][Schnorr91] data. 4.3 Commitment Scheme Game Simulator is used to check whether the input-output behavior is as same as original game software. If the input- A commitment scheme is a cryptographic protocol between output behavior does not match with Game Simulator then two parties, a sender and a receiver. The protocol consists the some kind of cheat was done. of two-phases. Commit Phase A sender sends commitment of message Claim 1 : The Game Simulator works much faster than the M to a receiver. original game software Opening Phase A sender sends message M to a receiver. Reason : This is because the simulator can skip the process
of waiting the player’s input, and also displaying the game Phase 3 Pi chooses random number Rk , and sends sik = to the display. Usually these processes are bottleneck of the Signi (SID|Rk |i|j|datak ) to Pj , sik is the commit- software and almost all the execution time of the software ment of datak . is exhausted by this process. Phase 4 Pj sends sjik = Signj (sik ) to Pi , Pi verifies the Although the implementation of this Game Simulator is signature. sjik is the proof that Pj received the sik . not easy, this will be a very useful tool against cheating. The general and easy way to implement this Game Simulator is Phase 5 If this communication phase must be a fair com- an open problem. munication, then Pi waits until he gets sjk0 = Signj (SID|Rk0 |j|i|datak0 ) from Pj , and Pi sends 5.2 Fair Communication sijk0 = Signi (sjk0 ) to Pj We define fair communication as follows. Phase 6 Pi sends datak and Rk to Pj . Phase 7 If this communication phase must be a fair com- Definition 6 : Fair Communication The communication munication, then Pi gets datak0 and Rk0 from Pj , so which both players commits their message before communi- Pi can check whether sjk0 is a valid signature. cation, we call this fair communication. Phase 8 Increment k, Repeat Phase 2 till Phase 7 in parallel for each players until all the communication ends. Actually when Pi wants to send datai to Pj , and Pj wants to send dataj to Pi in a fair communication, Pi first Phase 9 Each player sends SID, all the signature he re- sends Signi (datai ) to Pj as a commitment, and Pj sends ceived and sent, all the R,i,j and inputi , to all players Signj (dataj ) to Pi as a commitment. including the players those who are not joining to this game session. Claim 2 : Consider when Pi wants to send datai to Pj , and Pj wants to send dataj to Pi , and the order of the com- Phase 10 Pm verifies the signature he received, run the munication is not decided in the game rule. If altering the Game Simulator with the inputi and get the output dataj after knowing datai can make advantage to Pj , and outputi and communication data. If the communica- altering the datai after knowing dataj can make advantage tion data is right, he sends sm = Signm (outputi ) to to Pi , then that communication must be fair communication Pi . Note that inputi implies all datak , so it is possible to verify Note that not all the communication must be fair. One rea- the signature at Phase 10. son is because the communication data is not always useful datas to play game for others. Which communication must be fair and which do not have to be fair is decided by the people who implements the software. To do this decision automatically is an open problem. 5.3 Protocol Details The protocol of our scheme for (m,n)-P2P online game is as follows. Each game session consists of one or more num- bers of communication phases. Note that Phase 0-1 and 0-2 is not done on the first game session. Phase 0-1 All players who join the game session sends pre- vious output and all the signature acquired at Phase 10 to all the other players who are joining to the game session. Phase 0-2 All players who join the game session verifies the signature which was send by other players, and if the number of the correct signature is more than n/2 then the output sent from other player is a “output with no cheat”. If verif Phase 1 All players share same random session ID SID. Phase 2 Suppose that Pi wants to send communication data datak to Pj . This is the beginning of the com- munication phase k.
Table 1: Protocol Detail Phase Pi Pj The other players(Pm ) 0-1 output0i , Sign∗ (output0i- ) 0-2 output0j , Sign∗ (output0j ) ¾ ··· ··· ··· 3 sik1 = Signi (SID|Rk1 |i|j|data -k1 ) Unfair 4 Communication ¾ sjik1 = Signj (sik1 ) 6 Phase datak1 , Rk1 - ··· ··· ··· 3 sik2 = Signi (SID|Rk2 |i|j|data -k2 ) Unfair 4 Communication ¾ sjik2 = Signj (sik2 ) 6 Phase datak2 , Rk2 - ··· ··· ··· sik3 3 - sjk4 5 ¾ Fair sijk4 4 - Communication sjik3 5 Phase ¾ 6 datak3 , Rk3 - 7 ¾ datak4 , Rk4 ··· ··· ··· 9 i, j , inputi , SID, sik∗ , sjk∗ , sjik∗ , sijk∗ , Rk∗ - Run game simulator with 10 ¾ Signm (outputi ) inputi , and get outputi 9 i, j , inputi , SID , s∗ , Rk∗- Run game simulator with 10 ¾ Signj (outputi ) inputi and get outputi 9 j, i , inputj , SID , s∗ , Rk∗- Run game simulator with 10 ¾ Signm (outputj ) inputj , and get outputj 9 Run game simulator with ¾j, i , inputj , SID , s∗ , Rk∗ 10 inputj and get outputj Signi (outputj ) - ∗ is a wildcard character, and it means send all the datas that matches to it. (example. Rk∗ : send Rk1 , Rk2 , ... , Rkn )
5.4 Protocol Analysis signature will not be sent every communication phase, but several times each communication phase. However, note Tolerance to Attack 1 Because all the player have the that doing this weakens the tolerance to Attack 4 because Game Simulator, even the attacker changes the behavior doing this, it makes player impossible to prove the occur- of the game software, he cannot change the output of the rence of all the communication when the opponent player Game Simulator, and if attacker alters the communication goes offline. However, the player can prove the occurrence data they can detect it. Even if the communication data of the communication that is done before the last signature is the original one,while the cheater alters the outputi to has been send, so concatinating the communication data that output0i , the signature he can get is signature for outputi , will be send in some period ( about 1sec or so) , and signing so he cannot use the output0i in the Phase 0-1 of next game it whold be practical. session. Thus, the Attack 1 does not succeed. How to Authenticate the keys Consider the situation that Tolerance to Attack 2 Because using fair communica- Alice got a Bob’s public key of from Bob himself. Is this tion, Attack 2 does not succeed. In detail, after sending the really the public key of Bob? Someone might be acting as communication data datak in Phase 4, the player cannot Bob. We have to make sure that the public key is Bob’s. change the communication data afterwards. If the player This is called authentication of public key. If TTP such as cheats and send different data such as data0k in Phase 6, PKI’s certification authority[PKI] is available, the solution verifying the sik fails. is easy. TTP creates all the public key and secret key pair and send it to players. If player wants to authenticate the Tolerance to Attack 3 The Attack 3 is to cheat Phase 9, public key, he just asks TTP who is the owner of the public Phase 10. However, because Pi can forge sik but can not key. However, our scheme is on P2P network, so we can forge sjik , the attack does not succeed. For explanation, not rely on TTP. All the pair of public key and private key assume that there is no sjik . With the lack of the signature, is created by each players. One solution for this problem if the player Pi wants to cheat, player Pi can make different is that using the authentication scheme that is used by PGP. communication data data0k and sign it with his secret key All the player evaluate the other players and set the level of and make new s0ik . This is a valid sinagure, so it passes the trust. This is called “web of trust”. check in Phase 10 and get the signature of output0 which is different from the original outputi . On the other hand, if Discard-the-Result attack Although player cannot alter we use sjik , the player cannot alter datak , that is because his output, but he can discard it. If he “lose” or some bad the Pi does not know the secret key of Pj , he cannot create thing has happened at the game session, he can discard that valid sjik . output and use previous output instead. How can we deal with this problem? One answer is that every player shares Tolerance to Attack 4 When Attack 4 occurs, because of the hash value of the other player’s output. the existence of sjik , Pi can prove that he really sent datak to Pj and Pj received it. Therefore, the player can prove all Bot attack In this paper, we did not consider of bot attack, the conduct of the communication. The other players can this attack is to use software such that plays game automat- know the progress of the game, and decide the output and ically. Some times this software is called macro. To pre- sign it. Let us consider RPG. All the conduct of the com- vent this, we have to decide whether human or the computer munication is signed, so the other players can know the item is playing the game. Using CAPTCHA[ABL02] might be player got, the place where he gone, and so on. Therefore useful to cope with this attack. CAPTCHA is a scheme to they can ”sign to the result” even if the game is not yet done. separate the human and the computer, using an problem that Without the signature, the other players have to discard the hard to solve for computer. However, when using CAPTHA result because of the possibility of the cheat. in the game, we have to take care not to bother the play. 6 Discussion 7 Conclusions The penalty of the cheat What shall player be done when We suggested a new solution to detect cheating on P2P on- he cheats? We do not present the answer for this because line game. The protocol is suitable for popular P2P online this depends on the type of the game. For fighting game, the games, such as fighting and RPG games. Our scheme uses penalty might be that cheater loses once. Note that the At- digital signature as a commitment scheme. With the com- tack 4 might occur accidentally for reason like traffic trou- mitment scheme, you can verify a game is played fairly. ble, so the penalty must not be so heavy. The Game Simulator is used to check nobody cheated in a game. Implementing generic Game Simulator and decid- How to improve the efficiency If we only have to cope ing which communication must be fair communication is an with Attack 1, Attack 2 and Attack 3, we do not have to sign open problem and is a future work. each communication data separately , except the communi- cation data which is used in fair communication. Thus, we can concatenate those communication data, and sign it. The
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