Our 45th year 2019 Membership - Guide - 201 Oak Ridge Road (848) 467-4209 - Clark Township

Page created by Luis Martin
Our 45th year 2019 Membership - Guide - 201 Oak Ridge Road (848) 467-4209 - Clark Township
    Guide Our

201 Oak Ridge Road • (848) 467-4209
Our 45th year 2019 Membership - Guide - 201 Oak Ridge Road (848) 467-4209 - Clark Township

      Take a tour of our beautiful facility
  and see for yourself everything that we have
         to offer for the whole family!

At the Clark Pool we have something for everyone. Aside from our Olympic
size pool, we offer so much more including the following­—*swim lessons,
*swim team, baby pool, shade structures, water slide, diving board, tetherball,
basketball, badminton, volleyball, arts and crafts, ceramics, storytime w/librar-
ian, 4th of July celebration, knock hockey, ping pong, air hockey, raft and float
days, vendor shopping days, *water exercise classes, late night swim, teen
night, pool movies, live music, snack bar with a delicious menu, and birthday
party availability. New this year – WIFI and so much more.

     *See additional info and registration forms in this booklet.

Registration can be done by completing the written application or registering
online at www.ourclark.com. Payment can be made by credit card, check
made out to Clark Community Pool, or by cash. Please note that refunds are
not given at any time.
Membership application & payment can be mailed before June 1st to the
address below. After June 1st, please register in person at the pool during
daily hours or online at www.ourclark.com. Payment by credit card only ac-
cepted on-line or at the Recreation Center.
Clark Municipal Building– Attn: POOL 430 Westfield Ave., Clark, NJ 07066

        Visit us at www.ourclark.com or call 848-467-4209
                  Email: rbernardo@ourclark.com

          Like the                  In the event of discrepancy between
          Clark Pool                information in this brochure and the
          Facebook Page             website, the website will prevail.
Our 45th year 2019 Membership - Guide - 201 Oak Ridge Road (848) 467-4209 - Clark Township
Memorial Weekend       May 25 - 26 - 27: 12:00 am - 6:00 pm
June 1-2 & 8-9		       11:00 am - 6:00 pm
Beginning June 15      Weekends: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Beginning June 17      Weekdays: 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Beginning June 17      M-W 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm Th-F 1:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Beginning June 23      Monday - Friday: 12:00 pm - 8:00 pm
			                    Saturday - Sunday: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Open Swimming: Monday through Friday, 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm
      Weekends and Holidays, 10:00 am to 8:00 pm
Swimming Lessons: Children (see additional info in this brochure)
      Monday through Thursday 10:20 am - 11:50 am OR
      Tuesday through Friday 10:20 am - 11:50 am
      Monday through Thursday, 6:00 pm - 6:40 pm (1st session only)
Aqua Zumba: Saturdays, 10:15 am - 11:00 am
Aquatic Workouts: Shallow Water: Mondays:6:45 pm
       Deep Water: Thursdays:6:45 pm
Toddler Time: Monday through Friday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am (Baby Pool Only)
Lap Swimming: 9:00-10:00 am (Adults Only)
Adult Swims: At the manager’s discretion

                     2019 REGULATIONS
                          The Pool Management, Lifeguards, Police Depart-
                             ment, and the Health Department of the
                                Township of Clark shall have the authority
                                    to close or limit the pool activities when-
                                        ever deemed necessary for health
                                           and safety for those present.
                                               Management reserves the
                                                   right to determine pool
                                                        privileges for guests
                                                            and members.

Our 45th year 2019 Membership - Guide - 201 Oak Ridge Road (848) 467-4209 - Clark Township
Resident: Anyone who dwells permanently or continually within the confines
of the Township of Clark, New Jersey. Proof of residence required.
Age: Seniors Citizen must be age 62 by Memorial Day, proof of age required.
Children must be 3 years of age as of Memorial Day of each swimming season
to swim in the main pool. Proof of age required.
Pool Site: The total area belonging to the Pool Utility of the Township of Clark
for the Community Pool.
Pool Apron: The prepared concrete deck surrounding the pool.
Special Events: Open swimming will be terminated at such times as set by
management. Management reserves the right to close the pool earlier than
designated hours at their discretion.
Admission: No one is allowed into the pool without a properly validated
I.D. card for the current season. Any card, which has been tampered with
or is judged unacceptable at the gate, must be referred to management for
replacement or forfeiture. I.D. cards are not transferable.
All guests must be accompanied by a member in good standing at arrival.
All guests must obtain a receipt of payment to enter the pool area.
Swimming Lessons: The pool will provide instruction classes for pool
members in accordance with the American Red Cross guidelines. Each level
consists of 16 forty minute sessions over a four-week-period at a fee to be set
by the Pool Committee for the current year. The levels offered will be Beginner,
Advanced Beginner I/II, Intermediate and Swimmer.
Swim Team: To join the swim team, a parent must register and sign a permis-
sion slip for each participant. Members of eligible age may join the Clark Swim
Team. See management for full details. See application for rules.
Non-members will be permitted to join for an additional fee, and are only
permitted to use the facility during practices and home meets.

Our 45th year 2019 Membership - Guide - 201 Oak Ridge Road (848) 467-4209 - Clark Township
Family: Includes husband and wife, parent(s), widow or widower, and all chil-
dren, including those of previous marriage, who are unmarried, living at home
and who are not yet 21 years of age by Memorial Day of the membership
year. Family membership does not include grandparents, grandchildren, adult
children, nanny or babysitter.
One Parent & One Child: One parent and one child, unmarried, living at home
and not yet 21 years of age by Memorial Day of the membership year.
Individual: Any person who is 14 years of age by Memorial Day of the
membership year.
Husband & Wife: Couples who have no children or whose children are no
longer eligible under the family plan, or whose children do not wish to belong.
Domestic Partnership: (As defined by Chapter 246 P.L.203) See instructions
prior to signing up.
Senior Citizen: Any individual who is 62 years old or older by Memorial Day
of the membership year. Senior Citizen membership does not include grand-
Armed Forces: Any servicemen or women who reside in the Township of
Clark may use the facility free of charge during their stay at home. Does not
include spouses or children.
Guardianship: Any individual with a minor child living with them under the
jurisdiction of the Court. Papers from the court must be presented upon regis-
tration and must be presented every year upon renewal.
Health Aide: Health Aide must present proper identification at gate and must
accompany individual under their care. Individual must be a paid member of
the pool.
Membership: All memberships are valid for one season and are renewable
every season. The size of the pool membership is subject to state regulations.
(Maximum 1500 memberships). Non-resident memberships will be on a first
come first serve basis. Membership is non-discriminatory.
Membership applications are accepted throughout the season. (The number
of guests a member can bring may be limited at the discretion of pool man-
agement). Each member will be given a receipt for the guest fees, which will
be good for one day only. NO RAIN CHECKS except at times management
deems mechanical or local conditions require closure of the pool.
Cancellations: A current administrative fee will be leveled on membership
cancellation prior to opening day. All I.D. cards must be returned.
Any membership that is revoked by management (i.e. stealing, profanity) shall
not be refunded.
No fees or refunds are returnable after opening day of the pool.
Our 45th year 2019 Membership - Guide - 201 Oak Ridge Road (848) 467-4209 - Clark Township
All children up to age 14 years of age must update their ID pictures every
two (2) years. Any child who turned 3 years of age by Memorial Day of the
membership year will need a new ID card for the new season.
All members will be issued identification cards, which must be shown for
admission to the pool area. Guests must be accompanied by a member in
good standing.
a card illegally will be referred to management for possible suspension of pool
Lost cards must be reported immediately and temporary admission for one
day only will be issued. Upon membership verification and payment of the
current fee, a lost ID replacement card will be issued for a fee of $15.00.
Anyone not having a card will not be admitted into the pool area.
I.D. cards are to be kept for subsequent years. Do not destroy or misplace.
Cards will be revalidated yearly.

Dressing: All dressing and undressing will be done in designated areas, i.e.
ladies or men’s room.
Pool Attire: All bathers, including babies, must wear bathing suits in both
swimming and wading pools. Babies must wear rubber pants over their diapers
including swim diapers in the wading pool. No cutoffs are allowed in the pool.
Health: All persons using the pool must use the shower, using warm water and
soap, prior to using the pool. Any person having a communicable disease,
open blisters, or cuts, sore or inflamed eyes, ears, nose, mouth, throat infections,
excessive sunburn, or any type of skin disease will be excluded from the pool
area. No bandages will be allowed in the water. No spitting will be allowed on
the pool grounds or in the water.
Children must be 3 years of age by memorial day of the current year and
toilet trained to swim in main pool. Children are REQUIRED to be toilet
                    trained in order to swim in the main pool.
                         Children under 4 years must wear rubber pants in the
                          main pool.
                           Children, ages 3 – 5, MUST be accompanied by a
                           parent, or guardian in the main pool.
                           If they do not meet these requirements they must
                          remain in the baby pool area or upper pavilion area
                         at all times.

Our 45th year 2019 Membership - Guide - 201 Oak Ridge Road (848) 467-4209 - Clark Township
Children and Adult Supervision: Children under the age of 12 years of age
shall not be permitted in the pool area unless accompanied by a parent,
guardian, or other responsible person at all times. Only children up to 5 years
of age can use the wading pool when accompanied by an adult. Each parent
must be responsible for their child. Usage of all recreational equipment is at
the handler’s own risk.
Pool Parties: A member can only reserve a pre-determined pavilion with
a pool manager for a set date and period of time. Payment of a $25 fee is
required to secure the booking, as well as the attendance of a minimum of
12 people at the party. A list of guests must be presented to the pool man-
ager before their access to the pool grounds. The member is responsible for
cleaning the party area. Pool chairs are limited to 12. The snack bar vendor
shall cater the party. Parties cannot be held on Memorial Day, 4th of July,
Member Appreciation Day or Labor Day.
Food & Beverages: Food and beverages will be dispensed, consumed, and
refuse placed in designated areas.


Gambling and alcoholic beverages are not permitted on the pool site. Persons
gambling, under the influence of alcohol or drugs shall be refused admittance
or asked to leave the pool site. No rigid plastic, glass or metal beverage con-
tainers shall be brought to the pool site.
Safety: All swimming and diving activities will be conducted under the super-
vision of lifeguards at designated areas.
In the event of an accident at the pool site, it must be reported to the Director
or Manager in charge as soon as possible. Management will notify Town Hall
within 24 hours.
1. Diving: Only one person at a time shall be permitted on a diving board
   or ladder affording access to a diving board or slide. Divers shall not
   dive until the previous diver has cleared the pool area below the board.
   Divers completing dives must immediately swim to the ladder and exit the
   diving tank. Running dives (or jumps) from the pool deck are prohibited.
   Retrieving objects from the bottom of the diving tanks, unless authorized,
   is prohibited.
2. Water Paraphernalia: Toys, water guns, balls, rafts, inner tubes, face
   masks, snorkels, fins, or portable baby pools and similar items shall not be
   allowed in the pool area except as directed by pool management.
3. Personal Lawn Chairs: Chairs, umbrellas, and blankets are permitted only
   on the grass, under covered areas, and along bulk headed wall of shallow
   end of the pool. Large umbrellas and canopies are not allowed. Sun tents
   can be open along the fence only. No items are to be inserted into the

Our 45th year 2019 Membership - Guide - 201 Oak Ridge Road (848) 467-4209 - Clark Township
4. Recreational Activities: Ball playing is permitted in the volleyball and bas-
   ketball areas only. No wrestling, running, roughness, rowdiness, profanity,
   gambling, vulgarity, loitering, and other conduct adversely affecting the
   comfort and safety of others, including loud radio playing and cell phone
   conversations is permitted on the pool site. Please consider using head-
   phones to listen to personal music. Kindly keep cell phone conversations
   discreet.Use of all equipment is at your own risk.The pool is not responsible
   for injury incurred in using pool equipment.
   Persons gambling, smoking, or under the influence of alcohol or drugs
   shall be refused admittance or asked to leave the pool site.
6. Vehicles pm: No horn blowing or speed in excess of 5 MPH will be
7. Injury: It is understood and agreed by and between the Pool Members and
   the Clark Swimming Pool Utility that swimming and diving are inherently
   dangerous activities and that serious personal injury or death may occur.
   As part of the Membership Agreement, the Pool Members voluntarily
   assume the risk of injury and further agree to indemnify and hold harmless
   the Clark Swimming Pool Utility, the Township of Clark and its employees,
   the Staff of the Clark Swimming Pool, the members of the Clark Pool
   Advisory Committee, the Mayor and members of the Township Council
   for any injuries or death which may result by engaging in these inherently
   dangerous activities. Any and all injuries should be reported to the manager
   on duty. Medical care may be declined by completing a waiver. Failure to
   report an injury is the responsibility of the pool member.
8. Penalties: Any person violating any of the above regulations shall be
   subject to immediate ejection from the pool site, revocation of his/her
   membership, and possible legal prosecution. In the event a membership is
   revoked no refund will be issued.

               2019 GUEST PASS SPECIAL

Membership Last Name:_____________________________________________________

Membership Number: _______________________________________________________

Number of Guest Passes:_________________ @ $100.00/12 = _____________________

I understand a $2.00 surcharge will be added for each guest on weekends. Initials: __________

Office Use Only:
Amount Paid: ____________________ Date: _________________ Initials: ________________

Our 45th year 2019 Membership - Guide - 201 Oak Ridge Road (848) 467-4209 - Clark Township
June     2   Sun    Raft Sunday 1:00 pm-3:00 pm
        24   Mon    Early Morning Swim Begins 9:00 am-10:00 am
        25   Tues   Floats 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
        28   Fri    Late Night Swim 8:00 pm-10:00 pm
        29   Sat    Free Cancer Screening
        30   Sun    Raft Sunday 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
   1 Mon            Arts & Crafts 1:00 pm
			                 Kids Party (up to age 14) 8:15 pm - 10:00 pm
   2 Tues           Tuesday Floats 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
   4 Thurs          4th of July Party 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
			                 DJ - Games - Prizes
   7 Sun            DJ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
  11 Thurs          Ceramics
  10 Wed            Floats 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
  12 Fri            Late Night Swim 8:00 pm-10:00 pm
  14 Sun            Member Appreciation Day (See page 18 for details)
  15 Mon            Kids Party (up to age 14) 8:15 pm - 10:00 pm
			                 Arts & Crafts
  16 Tues           Floats 1:00 pm-3:00 pm
  18 Thurs          Ceramics
  19 Fri            Floats 1:00 pm-3:00 pm
  21 Sun            DJ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
  22 Mon            Arts & Crafts
  24 Wed            Floats 1:00 pm-3:00 pm
  26 Fri            Clark Employee Appreciation Night
			                 Late Night Swim w/DJ 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
  29 Sun            Raft Sunday 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
  29 Mon            Kids Party (up to age 14) 8:15 pm - 10:00 pm
			                 Arts & Crafts
  30 Tues           Floats 1:00 pm-3:00 pm
   2 Fri            Late Night Swim 8:00 pm-10:00 pm
   4 Sun            DJ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
   5 Mon            Arts & Crafts 1:00 pm-3:00 pm
   7 Wed            Floats 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
  11 Sun            Raft Sunday 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
			                 Obstacle Course
  12 Mon            Arts & Crafts 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
  15 Thurs          Ceramics
  16 Fri            Floats 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Sept.    2   Mon    Labor Day 10:00 am-6:00 pm

  Check www.ourclark.com for any changes or additions to this schedule.
Our 45th year 2019 Membership - Guide - 201 Oak Ridge Road (848) 467-4209 - Clark Township
Registration can be done by completing the written application or registering
online at www.ourclark.com. Payment can be made by credit card, check
made out to Clark Community Pool, or by cash. Please note: Refunds are not
given at any time.
                     Please note: Refunds are not given at any time.
                                  Replacement of a lost card is $15.
Applications and payment can be mailed before June 1st to the address
below. After June 1st, please register in person at the pool during daily hours
or online at www.ourclark.com.
Clark Municipal Building – Attn: POOL • 430 WestfieldAve • Clark, NJ 07066

                      Visit us on the web – www.ourclark.com
                   Swim Pool Utility under the Departments section

POOL FEES.......................................................................................................... Rate
Family - Garwood.................................................................................................. $500
Family - Non Resident........................................................................................... $575
Family - Resident...................................................................................................$400
Husband & Wife Non Resident............................................................................ $500
Husband & Wife Resident..................................................................................... $340
Domestic Partnership - Non Resident................................................................... $500
Domestic Partnership - Resident.......................................................................... $340
Individual - Non-Resident...................................................................................... $340
Individual - Resident.............................................................................................. $240
One Parent & One Child - Resident...................................................................... $340
One Parent & One child - Non Resident............................................................... $500
Senior Citizen - Non Resident................................................................................. $85
Senior Citizen - Resident....................................................................................... $130
Grandparent and 1 Child (resident)...................................................................... $230
Grandparent and 2 Children (resident)................................................................. $330
Grandparent and 3 children (resident).................................................................. $430
Grandparent and 1 Child (non-resident)............................................................... $285
Grandparent and 2 Children (non-resident).......................................................... $385
Grandparent and 3 Children (non-resident).......................................................... $485
Family + Caregiver/Nanny (non-resident)............................................................. $675
Family + Caregiver/Nanny (resident)..................................................................... $500
Garwood Family + Caregiver/Nanny.....................................................................$600
Guest Pass Special (12 passes)............................................................................ $100
Daily Guest Pass Weekday.................................................................................... $10
Weekend Guest Pass Adult..................................................................................... $12
Weekend Guest Pass Child..................................................................................... $10

MEMBERSHIP TYPE:            o NEW MEMBERSHIP               o RENEWAL
                            o RESIDENT                     o NON RESIDENT

    o INDIVIDUAL (14+)                   o PARENT & 1 CHILD
    o FAMILY                             o GRANDPARENT & 1 CHILD
    o SENIOR                             o GRANDPARENT & 2 CHILDREN
    o HUSBAND & WIFE                     o GRANDPARENT & 3 CHILDREN

Adult First/Last Name: _______________________________________________________

Adult First/Last Name: _______________________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Town: _____________________________________ Zip:_______________________________


Home or cell #______________________________________________________________

Children’s Names & D.O.B.:___________________________________________________


                                                    I understand that I, my family, or
                                                    guest’s photo may be taken and used for
                                                    pool marketing purposes.
                                                    Initials: __________

                                                    Office Use Only:

                                                    Amount paid: __________

                                                    Date: _______________

                                                    Initials: _____________

Jump into the Latin-inspired, easy-to-follow, calorie-burning, dance fitness-
party that makes working out a splash! Aqua Zumba is the “pool party” workout
for ages 14 & older. This class gives new meaning to the idea of an invigorating
workout. Splashing, stretching, twisting, and even shouting, laughing, hooting
and hollering are often heard during an Aqua Zumba class. Integrating the
Zumba formula and philosophy with traditional aqua fitness disciplines, Aqua
Zumba blends it all together into a safe, challenging, water-based workout
that’s cardio-conditioning, body-toning, and most of all, exhilarating beyond
belief. When you take an Aqua Zumba® class, you will need a bathing suit,
towel and water bottle. Class description from www.zumba.com.

                   CLASS INFORMATION
           Saturdays: July 6-August 10, 10:15-11:00 am
                         (No class July ___)
         Price: $40 total for 6 classes OR $10 per class (drop-in)
                 *MUST have 10 participants to run class

First: _________________________________ Last:___________________________________


Home Phone: _________________________________ Cell: ___________________________

Office Use Only:
Amount Paid: ______________ Date: __________       Initials: _______________

1. Beginner - This level focuses on water introduction. Children learn to be-
   come comfortable in the pool, put their face in the water, blow bubbles, as
   well as learning to incorporate arm strokes and kicking. Ages 3+.
2. Advanced Beginner ONE - This level is for children who are comfortable
   swimming under water. The level will focus on introducing freestyle and
   floating as well as exploring overhead water. Also offered Mon–Thurs from
   6:00 pm-6:40 pm – first session only.
3. Advanced Beginner TWO - Children at this level can swim/tread water/
   doggy paddle independently. The class will focus on fundamentals of
   freestyle as well as building endurance. Also offered Mon–Thurs from
   6:00 pm-6:40 pm – first session only.
4. Intermediate - Swimmers concentrate on perfecting freestyle, enhancing
   endurance as well as learning new strokes such as backstroke, breast-
   stroke and diving.

The pool offers swim lessons taught by Red Cross certified instructors. Two
sessions are available throughout the summer. Each session contains 16
group lessons held four times a week for four weeks at the cost of $100.00
per session. All children MUST be a member as well as 3 years old by
Memorial Day (pool passes required for sign up). Sign-ups are done in
order received.
Session I: June 25 - July 20                Session II: July 23 – August 17
Lessons are 40 minutes long. Each session offers 3 different time slots:
    10:20 am-11:00 am        or     11:10 am-11:50 am      or     6:00 pm-6:40 pm
(Evening is only available for Advanced Beginner I and II during Session I)
All classes are limited to 10 children. Payment must be received at time of
registration. No refunds.

First child is $100/session. Each additional child is $75/session.

Child’s Name: ____________________________ D.O.B. __________ Age ____________

Time:   o   10:20 – 11:00 am        o   11:10 – 11:50 am   o    6:00 – 6:40 pm

o   Session I      o   Session II     Level: _______________________________________

Child’s Name: ____________________________ D.O.B. __________ Age ____________

Time:   o   10:20 – 11:00 am        o   11:10 – 11:50 am   o    6:00 – 6:40 pm

o   Session I      o   Session II     Level: _______________________________________

Child’s Name: ____________________________ D.O.B. __________ Age ____________

Time:   o   10:20 – 11:00 am        o   11:10 – 11:50 am   o    6:00 – 6:40 pm

o   Session I      o   Session II     Level: _______________________________________

Parent Signature: _____________________________________ Date:_________________

Office Use Only:
Received: __________________ Amount: ___________ Age: ______ Initials:_____________

The Clark Pool Swim Team is open to
all swimmers ages 5-13. Swimmers
must be able to swim one full lap
across the pool without assistance in
order to compete.
The season will include meets,
practices, and an end of the season
party. We like to have fun while im-
proving our skills! Our coaches will
work on stroke technique and endurance at our daily practices
We pride ourselves in being a fun, recreational summer league. Swim Team
registration is on-going. The cost is $30 per child for pool members and $50
per child for non-members.
    All classes are limited to 10 children. Lessons are 40 minutes long.
       Payment must be received at time of registration. No refunds.
                            June 25 - July 26
                    10:15 am - 11:00 am Ages 11 & over
                   11:00 am - 11:45 am Ages 10 & under

Swimmer’s name:____________________________________________________________


Phone:__________________________________ DOB ________________________________

The swimmer is a o pool member or o nonmember?

Does the swimmer have any medical conditions and/or allergies we need to
be aware of? __________________________________________________________________

Emergency contact info:

Name ____________________________________________Relationship_________________

Home phone ___________________________ Cell phone____________________________

Office Use Only:
Received: __________________ Amount: ___________ Age: ______ Initials:_____________

DRINKS:                                                        SALADS
Cans.................................................. 1.00    Veggie............................................... 6.00
Fountain Soda............................. Sm 1.50             Caesar............................................... 6.00
   Med ........................................... 2.00        Grilled Chicken Caesar..................... 7.50
   Lg .............................................. 2.50
                                                               Greek................................................. 7.00
                                                               Greek with Chicken........................... 8.00
Evian................................................. 4.00
                                                               Fresh Mozzarella............................... 8.00
Bottle Drinks...................................... 2.50
                                                               Tuna Salad........................................ 8.00
Slush................................................. 3.00
Milkshakes......................................... 5.00       KIDS MENU
Frozen Island Breeze Drinks............. 4.00                  KIDS Meal......................................... 5.00
                                                               All come with chips, fries or Go Gurt,
SNACKS                                                         and 8oz water or juice box
Chips................................................. 1.00          Pizza
Candy............................................50-200              Nuggets
Cotton Candy................................... 3.00                 Hamburger
Cookies............................................. 1.00            Hot Dog
Ice Cream..................................3.00-3.50           Carrot Sticks with Dip........................ 3.00
Funnel Fries...................................... 4.50        Go Gurt................................................ .75
Funnel Cake...................................... 5.00

Curly Fries......................................... 4.50
Mozzarella Sticks.............................. 4.75
Pizza.................................................. 2.75
Pretzel............................................... 3.00
Chicken Fingers................................ 4.75
                                                               PARTY MENU
Wings................................................ 4.50
                                                               Large Pizza..................................... 14.00
Boneless Wings................................ 4.50
                                                                     with topping...............................17.00
Grilled Chicken Sandwich................. 4.50
Sliders............................................... 5.00    PARTY MEALS
Burger................................................ 4.00    (per person )...................................... 8.00
CheeseBurger................................... 4.50           All come with fries and
Bacon Burger.................................... 5.00          packaged ice cream of their choice
B.L.T.................................................. 4.75   Choose 1                       Choose 1
Grilled Cheese.................................. 4.00                Burger                         Can of Soda
Cheese Steak.................................... 7.50                Cheese Burger                  Water Bottle
Chicken Cheese Steak...................... 7.50                      Chicken Fingers                Fountain Soda
Sausage Pepper and Onion.............. 7.50                          Hot dogs

                              *Menu and prices subject to change without notice.
              Aquatic Workouts at the Pool
                                                    Enjoy fun and fluid water
                                                    movements, stretching
                                                    techniques and more!
                                                    Includes use of water
                                                    weights and noodles.
                                                    Try this class for free
                                                    Monday, June 24, 6:45 pm
                                                    Formal class begins
                                                    Monday, July 8

                        DEEP WATER WORKOUT -
                        THURSDAYS 6:45 pm
                        A great no impact workout including Aqua
                        Jogging, Cross Country, Water Jacks and more!
                        Includes use of floatation belts (no swimming
                        required) water weights and noodles.
                        Try this class for free
                        Thursday, June 27, 6:45 pm
                        Formal class begins Thursday, July 11

                        Classes for Adults and Teens 14 or older

Member: $30 / 5 weeks (Registration Required) or $7 walk in
Special: Sign up for both classes $55
Non Member: $35 / 5 weeks (Registration Required) or $8 walk in
Special: Sign up for both classes $65

I am registering for o Monday Shallow o Thursday Deep o Both
                              o Member         o Non Member

Name _______________________________________________________________________________________

Phone ____________________________________________________________________ _


Office Use Only:
Received: ________________ Amount: __________ Method ______ Initials:_____________

               Appreciation Day
                   July 14
     GAMES & ACTIVITIES.......................................... 1:00-3:00
     BALLOON BOB..................................................... 1:00-3:00
     FLOATS & RAFTS...........................................2:00-4:00 pm
     POOL OBSTACLE COURSE...........................3:00-5:00 pm
     DJ........................................................................... 5:00-9:00
     LATE NIGHT SWIM.........................................until 9:00 pm

                     DISCOUNT SNACK SHACK PRICES
                           FREE ITALIAN ICE

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