Origin of the material dependence of temperature coefficient of redox potential in conjugated polymers - IOPscience

Origin of the material dependence of temperature coefficient of redox potential in conjugated polymers - IOPscience
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Origin of the material dependence of temperature coefficient of redox
potential in conjugated polymers
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Origin of the material dependence of temperature coefficient of redox potential in conjugated polymers - IOPscience
Applied Physics Express 14, 037001 (2021)                                                                                                  LETTER

Origin of the material dependence of temperature coefficient of redox potential in
conjugated polymers
Hiroki Iwaizumi1, Dai Inoue1, Takeshi Yasuda2, and Yutaka Moritomo1,3,4*
 Graduate School of Pure and Applied Science, University of Tsukuba, Tennodai 1-1-1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-7571, Japan
 Research Center for Functional Materials, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Tsukuba 305-0047, Japan
 Faculty of Pure and Applied Science, University of Tsukuba, Tennodai 1-1-1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-7571, Japan
 Tsukuba Research Center for Energy Materials Science (TREMS), University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8571, Japan
E-mail: moritomo.yutaka.gf@u.tsukuba.ac.jp
Received December 25, 2020; revised January 12, 2021; accepted January 28, 2021; published online February 23, 2021

    The thermal coefficient α (=dV/dT) of the redox potential (V ) is an important physical parameter for thermal energy harvesting. To clarify the
    microscopic origin of α in conjugated polymers, we compared α and the physical quantity obtained by a quantum chemistry calculation in typical
    polymers with small monomer molecular weight. We observed a strong correlation between α and the number (Nactive) of the active atom, which is
    defined as the atom whose variation of the Mulliken charge (Δq) at the oxidation process is beyond a threshold (Δqth). We interpreted the material
    dependence of α in terms of Nactive, because active atoms have a significant effect on the configuration entropy of the surrounding solvent
    molecules. © 2021 The Japan Society of Applied Physics

Supplementary material for this article is available online

    t is crucial to develop thermal energy-harvesting devices                  poly(p-phenylene) (PPP)15,16) and polythiophene,17) show
    that produce electrical energy efficiently and inexpen-                     the reversible redox process among the reduced, neutral
    sively from environmental waste heat, to realize a “smart”                 and oxidized states. The characteristic of conjugated poly-
society. Recently, several researchers reported that a battery                 mers is that α strongly depends on the main chain
can be charged by environmental heat by using the difference                   structure;18) α = 1.08 mVK−1 for poly(3-hexylthiophene-
(Δα) in the thermal coefficient α (=dV/dT) of the redox                         2,5-diyl) (P3HT), 0.38 mVK−1 for poly(9,9-dioctyl-
potential (V ) between the cathode and anode materials.1–8)                    fluorene-co-bithiophene) (F8T2) and 0.19 mVK−1 for poly
The battery can produce electrical energy in thermal cycles                    [9,9-dioctylfluorene-co-N-(4-butylphenyl) diphenylamine]
between the low (TL) and high (TH) temperatures and is                         (TFB). In our previous work,18) the material dependence is
called a tertiary battery. In the warming process, the cell                    interpreted in terms of the vibrational entropy of the benzene
voltage (Vcell) increases when heated from 0 V to ΔαΔT                         (C6H5) and thiophene (C4H4S) units. In this model, the main
(ΔT = TH − TL). In other words, the battery is charged by the                  chains of the polymers were approximated to be composed of
environmental heat. The accumulated electrical energy can be                   the C6H5 and C4H4S units. The model, however, may be too
extracted by the discharging process at TH. Similarly, Vcell                   simple to describe the actual materials. In addition, the model
decreases with cooling from 0 V to −ΔαΔT. Shibata et al.4)                     is not applicable to other polymers. Therefore, we need to
fabricated a tertiary battery consisting of two kinds of cobalt                build a more realistic model to comprehend the material
Prussian blue analogs (Co-PBAs) with different α, i.e.                         dependence of α.
NaxCo[Fe(CN)6]0.71 (NCF71) and NaxCo[Fe(CN)6]0.90                                 In this work, we investigated four typical conjugated
(NCF90), and aqueous electrolyte. The NCF71/NCF90                              polymers with small monomer molecular weight, i.e. (a)
tertiary battery produces electrical energy with high thermal                  Poly(4-butylphenyl-diphenylamine) (PTAA), (b) poly(2,5-
efficiency (η = 1%) between TL (=295 K) and TH (=323 K).                        dioctyl-1,4-phenylene) (PPP), (c) poly[2-methoxy-5-(2-ethyl-
They further increased the Vcell with the use of a phase                       hexyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene] (MEH-PPV) and (d)
transition of Co-PBA.8) The Vcell of the NaxCo[Fe(CN)6]0.82                    P3HT (see Fig. 1). We compared α and the physical quantity
(NCF82)/NCF90 tertiary battery steeply increased from 0 to                     obtained by a quantum chemistry calculation on the
120 mV at ∼320 K.                                                              monomer unit including the side chains. We observed a
   From a thermodynamic point of view, α is expressed as e ,                   strong correlation between α and the number (Nactive) of the
where e (⩾0) and ΔS are the elementary charge and difference                   active atom, which is defined as the atom whose variation of
in entropies (S) between the reduced and oxidized states,                      the Mulliken charge (Δq) at the oxidation process is beyond
respectively. Importantly, the redox process in a battery system               a threshold (Δqth). We interpreted the material dependence of
influences not only the solid electrode, but the electrolyte. In                α in terms of Nactive, because the active atoms have a
other words, ΔS consists of the solid (ΔSsolid) and electrolyte                significant effect on the configuration entropy of the neigh-
(ΔSelectrolyte) components.9) Generally, ΔSelectrolyte is ascribed             boring solvent molecules.
to the variation in the configuration entropy of the solvent                       We prepared PTAA according to methods in the
molecules.                                                                     literature.19) We purchased MEH-PPV from Sigma-Aldrich
   Among the battery materials, conjugated polymers have                       and PPP from American Dye source, which were all used as
several advantages for thermal energy harvesting, such as                      received. Polymer films were prepared by casting the
light weight, flexibility and environmental friendliness.10–13)                 polymer solution on a glass substrate coated with indium
Many conjugated polymers, e.g. polyacetylene,14)                               tin oxide (ITO) electrode (GEOMATEC Co., Ltd.). The

                Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Any further distribution of this
                work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.

                                                                       037001-1                        © 2021 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Origin of the material dependence of temperature coefficient of redox potential in conjugated polymers - IOPscience
Appl. Phys. Express 14, 037001 (2021)                                                                                            H. Iwaizumi et al.

(a)                                            (c)                                                      (a)




Fig. 1. (Color online) Monomer structure of (a) PTAA, (b) MEH-PPV,
(c) PPP and (d) P3HT. Structures were optimized at the B3LYP/6-311G(p,d)
level. Atom surrounded by a green circle represents the active atoms
(see text).

                                                                           Fig. 2. (Color online) Charge and discharge curves of the cast films against
                                                                           the charge (Q): (a) PTAA, (b) PPP and (c) MEH-PPV. Charge and discharge
thickness and sheet resistance of the ITO film were 150 nm                  rate were 0.3 C (PTAA), 0.3 C (PPP) and 0.9 C (MEH-PPV). Arrows
and ⩽10 Ω sq−1, respectively. The thickness of the glass                   indicate the positions where α was determined.
substrate was 0.7 mm. For PTAA and MEH-PPV, 2.5 mg of
polymer was dissolved in 0.5 ml of chloroform. The
thickness and weight of the films were typically 6 μm and                   plateaus are observed in the PPP [(b)] and MEH-PPV [(c)]
0.04 mg, respectively. For PPP, 25 mg of PPP was dissolved                 cast films and are assigned to the removal of an electron from
in 0.5 ml of chloroform to stabilize the redox potential. The              the HOMOs. The discharge capacities (Qexp ) were evaluated
polymer weight was evaluated from the weight of                            and are listed in Table I together with the ideal value (Qideal).
the polymer solution cast on the substrate. The areas of the               Except for P3TH, Qexp is much smaller than Qideal, indicating
electrodes are about 0.3 cm2. The electrochemical measure-                 that these polymers can be only partially oxidized.
ments were performed using a beaker-type cell with a                          Figure 3 shows Vcell of the Li/polymer cell against T: (a)
potentiostat (HokutoDENKO; HJ1001SD8) within an Ar-                        PTAA, (b) PPP and (c) MEH-PPV. Red and blue marks
filled glove box. The cathode, anode and electrolyte were the               represent the data observed in the heating and cooling runs,
cast film, Li metal, and ethylene carbonate (EC)/diethyl                    respectively. No thermal hysteresis was observed in Vcell,
carbonate (DEC) containing 1 mol/l LiClO4, respectively.                   which indicates that the temperature gradient as well as the
The charge and discharge rate were 0.3 C for PTAA and PPP                  sample deterioration are excluded. αcell of the Li/polymer cell
and 0.9 C for MEH-PPV. The charge/discharge rate is                        was evaluated by least-squares fitting (straight lines in
defined by the reciprocal of the time (h) required for full                 Fig. 3). α of the conjugated polymer was obtained using
charge/discharge. The corresponding currents were 0.44, 0.56               the relation, α = αcell + 0.76 mVK−1, and listed in Table I.
and 6.20 μA for PTAA, PPP and MEH-PPV, respectively.                          First, let us consider the    vibrational component (αvib) of α,
                                                                                                      S neu - S oxi       neu      oxi
The upper and lower cut-off voltages were set to be                        which is expressed as vib e vib , where Svib       and Svib are the
3.8–4.0 V and 1.0 V vs Li/Li+, respectively.                               vibrational entropies in the neutral and oxidized states,
   We determined αcell of the beaker-type cell, whose                      respectively. In the oxidation process, an electron with
cathode, anode and electrolyte were the cast film, Li metal,                bonding character is removed from the HOMO. The removal
and EC/DEC containing 1 mol/l LiClO4, respectively. α of                   of an electron weakens the force constant between the
the conjugated polymer is expressed as αcell − αLi, where                  neighboring atoms and lowers the frequencies of the vibra-
αcell and αLi are the coefficient of the cell and Li metal,                 tional modes.20–23) The softening of the modes increases the
respectively. αLi in EC/DEC containing 1 mol/l LiClO4 is                   number of thermally-excited phonons, and hence, increases
0.76 mVK−1.9) To avoid the potential fluctuation that is                      oxi
                                                                           Svib                  neu
                                                                                 . To evaluate Svib      oxi
                                                                                                     (Svib   ), quantum chemistry calculations
prominent in the as-grown film, the polymers are partially                  were performed on the monomer unit with including side
oxidized (arrows in Fig. 2) in the beaker-type cell. Vcell was
                                                                           Table I. Observed (Qexp ) and ideal (Qideal) capacities of conjugated
carefully measured against the cell temperature (T), which                 polymers together with the temperature coefficient (α) of redox potential.
was monitored with a Pt resistance thermometer in the                      Qideal was evaluated assuming that one electron can be accommodated/
electrolyte. T was slowly increased/decreased at a rate of                 removed per monomer unit. Data of P3HT are cited from Ref. 18.
±0.3 Kmin−1.
                                                                           Polymer          Qexp (mAhg−1)          Qideal (mAhg−1)        α (mVK−1)
   Figure 2 shows the charge and discharge curves of the cast
films: (a) PTAA, (b) PPP and (c) MEH-PPV. In the PTAA                       PTAA                    39                   89.5                  0.02
film [(a)], the discharge curve shows a single plateau at 3.7 V,            PPP                     5                    80.6                  0.41
which is assigned to the removal of an electron from the                   MEH-PPV                 37                   102.9                 0.46
                                                                           P3HT                    90                   162.5                 1.08
highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO). Similar single
                                                                    037001-2                       © 2021 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Origin of the material dependence of temperature coefficient of redox potential in conjugated polymers - IOPscience
Appl. Phys. Express 14, 037001 (2021)                                                                                                     H. Iwaizumi et al.

                                                                                      In Table II, we listed Svib       oxi
                                                                                                                    , Svib  and αvib, together with the
                                                                                  experimental value (α). We found that αvib is an order of
                                                                                  magnitude smaller than α, suggesting that αvib at least is not the
                                                                                  main origin of the material dependence of α. In addition, the
                                                                                  order of Svib is opposite to the order of α, indicating that Svib
                                                                                  cannot qualitatively explain the material dependence of α.
                                                                                  Therefore, we need to search the origin for the material
                                (b)                                               dependence in another physical parameter. In our previous
                                                                                  work,18) the material dependence was explained by the fact that
                                                                                  αvib of thiophane (C4H4S) is larger than that of benzene (C6H5).
                                                                                  In this model, the main chains of the polymers were approxi-
                                                                                  mated to be composed of the C6H5 and C4H4S units. In the
                                                                                  actual conjugated polymers, however, an electron escapes not
                                                                                  only from a single C6H5 or C4H4S unit, but from many atoms in
                                (c)                                               a strongly material-dependent manner (Table S2). In this sense,
                                                                                  this model was too simple to describe the actual materials.
                                                                                      Here, we note that ΔS is dominated by ΔSelectrolyte in a solute
                                                                                  system, e.g. [Fe(CN)6]4−/[Fe(CN)6]3− in water.25) In this
                                                                                  system, ΔSelectrolyte is evaluated to be −1.28 mVK−1 since
                                                                                  ΔS        originated       in       [Fe(CN)6]4+/[Fe(CN)6]3+         is
                                                                                                 −1 26,27)
                                                                                  −0.22 mVK .              In general, ΔSelectrolyte is ascribed to the
Fig. 3. (Color online) Cell voltage (Vcell) of the Li/polymer cell against the    variation in the configuration entropy of solvent molecules
cell temperature (T): (a) PTAA, (b) PPP and (c) MEH-PPV. Blue and red             around the redox couple. By means of quantum mechanical and
marks represent the data obtained in the cooling and warming runs,
                                                                                  molecular dynamics calculations, Prampolini et al.28) investi-
respectively. Straight lines are the results of the least-squares fitting. In
(b) PPP and (c) MEH-PP, a decrease in Vcell was observed in proportion to         gated the water structure around [Fe(CN)6]4−/[Fe(CN)6]3−.
time (t) and was corrected with a t-linear function.                              They found that water molecules get closer to [Fe(CN)6]4−
                                                                                  than to [Fe(CN)6]3−, reflecting the higher charge of
                                                                                  [Fe(CN)6]4−. In order to evaluate the effect of the configuration
chains in the neutral (oxidized) state. The calculations were                     entropy of the EC and DEC molecules, we experimentally
performed with Gaussian16 at the B3LYP/6-311G(d, p)                               investigated α of Fe2+/Fe3+ in EC/DEC (Fig. S1; supplementary
level.24) After the structural optimization (Fig. 1), the                         data). We found that the corresponding α (=2.21 mVK−1) is
frequencies of the vibrational modes were evaluated                               large, indicating that the configuration entropy of the EC and
(Table S1; supplementary data, available online at stacks.                        DEC molecules significantly changes around Fe2+/Fe3+ in the
iop.org/APEX/14/037001/mmedia). The number of ther-                               redox process. A similar effect is expected even in the polymer
mally-excited phonons is proportional to e-k Ti , where ℏωi                       system, because most of the polymers are in contact with the
                                                                                  electrolyte. In other words, the ΔSelectrolyte component is expected
and kB are the vibrational energy of the ith mode and                             if the variation (Δq) of the Mulliken charges for the constituent
Boltzmann constant, respectively. Hereafter, we use the                           atom at the oxidation process is large. Table S2 (supplementary
                                      w i
vibrational energy xi (=              kB T
                                           )   as the unit of thermal energy.     data) shows the Mulliken charges in PTAA, MEH-PPV, PPP and
After      a          calculation, Svib is expressed as
                 simple                                                           P3HT in neutral (qneu) and oxidized (qoxi) states. The serial
                                                                                  numbers of the atoms are shown in Fig. S2 (supplementary data).
kB SiN= 1⎡⎣ 1 -i e-xi
                - ln (1 - e-xi ) ⎤⎦, where N is the number of
             x e-xi
                                                                                      Figure 4(a) shows Δq (=qoxi − qneu) in the oxidation
vibrational modes. We note that αvib does not include the                         process for S, N, O (filled symbols) and C (open symbols).
low-energy lattice modes, e.g. the translational or rotational
movement of the entire monomer and movement of the side
chain relative to the main chain. In addition, αvib does not                                      (a)                            (b)
include the configuration entropy of the side chains. The
reduction process, however, is considered to have a negli-
gible effect on the low-energy lattice mode as well as the
configuration entropy of the side chains.
                                                   neu                  oxi
Table II. Vibrational entropies in the neutral (Svib   ) and oxidized (Svib )
states of monomers at 298.15 K. Vibrational component (αvib) of α is
             S neu - S oxi
expressed as vib e vib . α is the experimental value. α of P3HT is cited from
Ref. 18.
                     neu                  oxi
                    Svib                 Svib            αvib
Monomer          (meVK−1)             (meVK−1)         (mVK−1).    α (mVK−1)

PTAA                    3.402            3.289          0.113         0.02
                                                                                  Fig. 4. (Color online) Variation (Δq) of the Mulliken charge in the
PPP                     5.273            5.298          −0.025        0.41
                                                                                  oxidation process; (a) S, N, O and C and (b) H. Δqs are shown in order of
MEH-PPV                 3.512            3.574          −0.062        0.46
                                                                                  quantity. Open (closed) symbols in (a) represent C (S, N, O). Broken red line
P3HT                    1.803            1.839          −0.036        1.08
                                                                                  means a tentative threshold (Δqth).

                                                                             037001-3                      © 2021 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Appl. Phys. Express 14, 037001 (2021)                                                                                                    H. Iwaizumi et al.

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                                                                       037001-4                         © 2021 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
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