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Downloaded from http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/ on October 9, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Origin of Spliceosomal Introns and Alternative Splicing Manuel Irimia1 and Scott William Roy2 1 The Donnelly Centre, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M5S3E1, Canada 2 Department of Biology, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California 94132 Correspondence: mirimia@gmail.com In this work we review the current knowledge on the prehistory, origins, and evolution of spliceosomal introns. First, we briefly outline the major features of the different types of introns, with particular emphasis on the nonspliceosomal self-splicing group II introns, which are widely thought to be the ancestors of spliceosomal introns. Next, we discuss the main scenarios proposed for the origin and proliferation of spliceosomal introns, an event intimately linked to eukaryogenesis. We then summarize the evidence that suggests that the last eukaryotic common ancestor (LECA) had remarkably high intron densities and many associated characteristics resembling modern intron-rich genomes. From this intron- rich LECA, the different eukaryotic lineages have taken very distinct evolutionary paths leading to profoundly diverged modern genome structures. Finally, we discuss the origins of alternative splicing and the qualitative differences in alternative splicing forms and func- tions across lineages. SURPRISES AND MYSTERIES OF INTRONS had to be removed to generate intact protein- AND INTRON EVOLUTION coding messenger RNAs. The initial findings in viruses (Berget et al. 1977; Chow et al. 1977) ith mid-20th century breakthroughs, mo- were soon extended to many cellular genes. W lecular cell biology finally seemed to obey a relatively simple logic. Genetic information With the advent of large-scale sequencing proj- ects, it became clear that one kind of intron was encoded in DNA genes (Avery et al. 1944; (the spliceosomal introns), as well as the cellu- Watson and Crick 1953), which were tran- lar machinery that removes them (the spliceo- scribed into RNA and subsequently translated some), are ubiquitous in eukaryotic genomes. into functional proteins (Crick 1958). However, For example, the average human transcript a most unexpected finding “interrupted” this contains 9 introns, totaling several hundred logic. The coding information of DNA genes thousand introns across the genome and com- was sometimes broken into pieces separated prising a quarter of the DNA content of each by sequences whose sole apparent purpose was cell (Lander et al. 2001; Venter et al. 2001). to generate an extra RNA sequence that then Moreover, functions for some introns began to Editors: Patrick J. Keeling and Eugene V. Koonin Additional Perspectives on The Origin and Evolution of Eukaryotes available at www.cshperspectives.org Copyright # 2014 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a016071 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2014;6:a016071 1
Downloaded from http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/ on October 9, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press M. Irimia and S.W. Roy emerge. In particular, by regulating the remov- of eukaryotes (and thus are quite ancient even if al of introns and subsequent rejoining of exons not primordial), and originated from preexist- (so-called intron splicing), eukaryotic genes can ing self-splicing introns, which were likely pres- generate multiple transcripts, vastly expanding ent at very early stages of life. molecular diversity. First hypothesized by Gil- bert (1978), this process, known as alternative TYPES OF LARIAT INTRONS: SELF-SPLICING splicing (AS), appears to be widespread in eu- INTRONS AND THE PREHISTORY OF THE karyotes, seemingly reaching its apex in mam- SPLICEOSOMAL SYSTEM mals (Barbosa-Morais et al. 2012), in which 95% of multiexon genes undergo AS (Pan et al. 2008; Spliceosomal introns are just one of the four Wang et al. 2008). major classes of introns found in nature, to- Nearly four decades after the discovery of gether with group I and group II self-splicing introns, many questions remain unanswered. introns, and tRNA introns. Intron types are de- The most fascinating questions are still the fined based on various structural and mechanis- most fundamental ones: Why do introns exist? tic features, and they have distinct phylogenetic When and how did they arise? These questions distributions. In this section we discuss different were first formulated as part of the exciting and intron types and compare crucial aspects of the contentious “introns early/late” debate. Introns evolutionarily related spliceosomal and group II early held that introns were very ancient struc- introns, collectively known as lariat introns. tures that predated cellular life, and that mod- ern organisms with few or no introns had lost Spliceosomal Introns them secondarily (in particular, all prokaryotic genomes contain either no introns or only a few Spliceosomal introns are found in all studied nonspliceosomal introns) (see below) (Darnell eukaryotic nuclear genomes (with two possible 1978; Gilbert 1987; Long et al. 1995; de Souza exceptions) (Andersson et al. 2007; Lane et al. et al. 1996). The related “introns first” hypoth- 2007) and only in eukaryotic nuclear genomes, esis holds that exons emerged from noncoding although the total number of introns in each regions between RNA genes in the RNA world species varies by orders of magnitude. They (Poole et al. 1998; Penny et al. 2009). On the are characterized by their mechanism of splic- other hand, introns late counters that spliceo- ing, which is catalyzed by the spliceosome, a somal introns arose later, at some point dur- complex ribonucleoprotein machinery formed ing eukaryotic evolution (Cavalier-Smith 1985, by five small RNAs (the U1, U2, U4, U5, and U6 1991; Dibb and Newman 1989; Stoltzfus 1994; snRNAs) and more than 200 proteins (Wahl Logsdon et al. 1995; Logsdon 1998). This debate et al. 2009). Although there are also marked spanned over 20 years despite (or perhaps ow- lineage-specific differences, the sequence struc- ing to) the scarcity of directly relevant data, ture of most spliceosomal introns consists of a finding resolution only with the availability of short 50 splice site (50 ss) boundary, a minimal many whole genome sequences. Although ad- AG dinucleotide 30 splice site (30 ss) boundary, a herents to both perspectives remain, the introns catalytic adenosine (the branch point [BP]), early perspective has been weakened by the find- and a polypyrimidine tract between the BP ing of low or zero intron density in all prokary- and the 30 ss (Fig. 1). These sequences are recog- otic lineages, and the gradual weakening of (and nized and bound by the core components of the emergence of potential alternative explanations spliceosome and are crucial for the splicing for) statistical signals suggestive of early introns. reaction (Ruskin and Green 1985; Chiara and However, although, formally, the data tipped Reed 1995; Umen and Guthrie 1995; Chiara the scales in favor of introns late, the current et al. 1997; Du and Rosbash 2002). The rest of consensus may be seen as a mixture of the two the intronic sequence, which in some instances perspectives (Koonin 2006): spliceosomal in- in vertebrates may reach up to a million nucle- trons appeared abruptly at the time of the origin otides, is generally evolutionarily unconstrained 2 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2014;6:a016071
Downloaded from http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/ on October 9, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Origin of Introns and Alternative Splicing A 2 Bits 1 0 Major/U2 (H. sapiens) B 2 Bits 1 0 Major/U2 (S. cerevisiae) C EXON INTRON EXON INTRON 2 Bits 1 2–5 nt 0 Minor/U12 (H. sapiens) Figure 1. Consensus sequences of spliceosomal intron core splicing signals for (A) human major/U2 introns, (B) yeast major/U2 introns, and (C ) human minor/U12 introns. The branch point (BP) adenosine is indicated by a red arrow. and highly variable (Irimia and Roy 2008b). the major or U2 subtype described above). The The splicing process consists of two consecu- mechanism of splicing is nearly identical, but tive transesterification reactions, catalyzed by the minor spliceosome is assembled around the snRNAs of the spliceosome (Domdey et al. four distinct snRNAs—U11, U12, U4atac, and 1984; Padgett et al. 1984; Ruskin et al. 1984; Lin U6atac—and a few specific accessory proteins et al. 1985). First, the BP adenosine performs a (Hall and Padgett 1996; Tarn and Steitz 1996; nucleophilic attack on the 50 end of the intron, Will et al. 1999); the rest of the protein machin- resulting in the cleavage of the 50 nucleotide of ery and the U5 snRNA are shared with the U2 the intron (generally the “G” in the GT) from spliceosome. Although the sequence structure the upstream exon. Second, the intron is fully of both subtypes is similar overall, U12 introns excised from the mRNA by another nucleo- have a different and stricter consensus sequence philic attack by the upstream exon, which is at the 50 ss and near the BP, and the distance be- ligated to the 50 of the downstream exon, gen- tween the BP and the 30 ss is highly constrained erating a precise exon –exon junction and liber- (typically 10 – 15 nucleotides) (Fig. 1C) (Jack- ating the intronic sequence in a characteristic son 1991; Hall and Padgett 1994). Although lariat structure. the much more limited phylogenetic distribu- Interestingly, there is another subtype of tion of U12 introns initially suggested they spliceosomal introns in eukaryotes, the so- might have arisen more recently in evolution, called minor or U12 introns (in contrast to U12 introns and spliceosomal components have Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2014;6:a016071 3
Downloaded from http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/ on October 9, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press M. Irimia and S.W. Roy since been discovered in diverse eukaryotic lin- liferated from a single intron copy, providing eages, implying the existence of the U12 sys- a common splicing apparatus, and allowing tem in the last eukaryotic common ancestor some IEP copies to degenerate (Dai and Zim- (LECA) (Russell et al. 2006; Dávila López merly 2003; Meng et al. 2005). In addition to the et al. 2008). role in assisting intron splicing, IEPs are multi- functional proteins that also have reverse tran- scriptase activity, which allows group II introns Group II Self-Splicing Introns to reverse transcribe into DNA, conferring them Found in bacterial genomes and in chloroplast their nature of mobile genetic elements (Cous- and mitochondrial genomes of widely diverged ineau et al. 2000; Lambowitz and Zimmerly eukaryotes (Ferat and Michel 1993; Lambowitz 2011). and Zimmerly 2011; Candales et al. 2012), There are at least three major subgroups group II self-splicing introns are believed to pre- of group II introns, with further subdivisions, date the origin of eukaryotes, perhaps even pre- distributed among eight phylogenetically sup- ceding the origin of cellular life (Koonin 2006). ported lineages (Zimmerly et al. 2001; Simon They have been identified, always in low num- et al. 2008). Each group is characterized by spe- bers, in around a quarter of the sequenced cific RNA secondary structures, and by pecu- bacterial genomes (Lambowitz and Zimmerly liarities of splicing and mobility (Lambowitz 2011). On the other hand, they are rare in ar- and Zimmerly 2011). In particular, although chaea (only described, so far, in two related spe- bacterial introns are usually highly active and cies) (Dai and Zimmerly 2003; Rest and Mindell functionally complete, introns in eukaryotic 2003; Doose et al. 2013). The mechanism of organelles often lack important secondary do- splicing of group II introns is very similar to mains and/or encode degenerate IEPs (Coper- that of spliceosomal introns—and likely evolu- tino and Hallick 1993; Michel and Ferat 1995; tionarily related—involving two transesterifi- Bonen 2008; Barkan 2009). Importantly, the cation reactions and the release of an excised splicing of these degenerate introns likely relies intron lariat. However, in this case, these reac- on the action of trans-acting RNAs from other tions are catalyzed by the intronic RNA itself, introns and/or host-encoded proteins (Jarrell which has ribozymatic activity (Peebles et al. et al. 1988; Goldschmidt-Clermont et al. 1991; 1986; Schmelzer and Schweyen 1986; van der Suchy and Schmelzer 1991; Lambowitz and Veen et al. 1986). Accordingly, group II intronic Zimmerly 2011), potentially mirroring inter- RNA sequences show very complex and con- mediate steps hypothesized for the origin of served secondary structures that span 400– 800 spliceosomal introns. nucleotides (Lambowitz and Zimmerly 2011). Group II intron sequences are organized in six Other Types of Introns main domains (DI– DVI) consisting of various functional “loops” and “bulges,” which are the (i) Group I introns: present in representatives of basis of the ribozymatic activity (Michel and most eukaryotic supergroups, either in nuclear Ferat 1995; Qin and Pyle 1998; Lambowitz ribosomal RNA genes or in mitochondrial and/ and Zimmerly 2011). Although group II introns or plastid genes, as well as in some bacteria and are capable of self-splicing in vitro, efficient viruses (Haugen et al. 2005). They also catalyze splicing in vivo requires specific proteins, which their own splicing reaction by a very different are usually encoded by the intron, but can also mechanism, utilizing an exogenous guanosine be recruited from the host (Solem et al. 2009). (exoG) as a cofactor that does not release a lariat The protein encoded by the intron (the “intron- (Cech et al. 1981; Bass and Cech 1984; van der encoded protein,” IEP) usually acts in cis, assist- Horst and Tabak 1985). ing the splicing only of its own intron. However, (ii) Introns in nuclear and archaeal transfer in some cases, an IEP can evolve the ability to RNA genes: present in tRNA genes of eukary- aid splicing of multiple related introns that pro- otic nuclear or archaeal genomes (Marck and 4 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2014;6:a016071
Downloaded from http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/ on October 9, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Origin of Introns and Alternative Splicing Grosjean 2003; Randau and Söll 2008), and ilar boundary sequences (GT-AY in group II in- also in some coding genes in archaea (Yokobori trons and usually GT-AG in spliceosomal in- et al. 2009; Doose et al. 2013). They do not share trons, although some U12 introns are AT-AC) functional or structural similarities with the (Lambowitz and Zimmerly 2011), and there other types of introns, as they are typically are striking structural similarities between key very short and their splicing is fully catalyzed regions of group II intron domains and spli- by protein enzymes (rather than ribozymes) ceosomal snRNAs (Lambowitz and Zimmerly (Randau and Söll 2008). 2011). These include at least (i) domain DV and U6 snRNA, with divalent metal-ion binding sites involved in catalysis and similar base-pair- ORIGIN AND ESTABLISHMENT OF THE ing interactions (Jarrell et al. 1988; Peebles et al. SPLICEOSOMAL SYSTEM DURING 1995; Yu et al. 1995; Abramovitz et al. 1996; EUKARYOGENESIS Konforti et al. 1998; Yean et al. 2000; Shukla In this section, we discuss the major steps lead- and Padgett 2002), further supported by crystal ing to the origin and establishment of the structure (Toor et al. 2008; Keating et al. 2010); spliceosomal system in eukaryotes. Despite the (ii) ID3 subdomain and d –d0 motifs and U5 persistence of disagreement on some important snRNA stem loop, involved in the recognition aspects, there is a general consensus about how of 50 and 30 exons (Hetzer et al. 1997); and (iii) this process may have unfolded (Fig. 2). Accord- DVI and the U2-intron pairing that include the ing to this general model, spliceosomal introns BP adenosine (Schmelzer and Schweyen 1986; evolved from invading group II introns, perhaps Parker et al. 1987; Li et al. 2011). In addition, it derived from the early mitochondrion (thought has also been shown that extracts of snRNAs can to be descended from an engulfed member of catalyze both splicing reactions without proteins the a-proteobacteria, whose modern members in vitro (Valadkhan et al. 2007, 2009), in a sim- contain group II introns). For some reason(s), ilar manner to complete group II introns. these introns then proliferated to an unprece- Whereas it is theoretically possible that dented level in the host genome. Over time, the group II introns evolved from spliceosomal in- self-splicing activities of these many intron cop- trons (or that both share a distinct common ies degenerated, which was associated with the ancestor [Vesteg et al. 2012]), it seems much increase of trans-encoded RNAs and proteins more likely that group II introns gave rise to that promoted efficient intron splicing, setting spliceosomal introns (Cech 1986). The presence the basis of the protospliceosomal machinery, of spliceosomal introns in all extant eukaryotic and further releasing selective pressure on cis- supergroups indicates that this transformation intronic splicing elements. As this protospliceo- occurred before LECA. The most favored hy- somal machinery recruited more proteins and pothesis is that spliceosomal introns originated became more efficient, introns became increas- from a-proteobacterial group II introns trans- ingly reliant on the emerging spliceosome for ferred from the protomitochondria to the host proper splicing. genome soon after the endosymbiotic event (Cavalier-Smith 1991), along with other parts of the protomitochondrial genome (Thorsness Transfer of Group II Introns to the Host and Weber 1996; Adams and Palmer 2003). Sup- Genome porting this view, complete and mobile group Structural and functional evidence suggests that II introns are relatively common in modern spliceosomal and group II self-splicing introns a-proteobacteria, but (nearly) absent in the are evolutionarily related. Both types of introns archaeal domain (Lambowitz and Zimmerly are spliced through a similar two-step catalytic 2011), to which the preendosymbiotic protoeu- reaction that relies on an endogenous adenosine karyote is thought to be more closely related (the BP), and releases the excised intron as a (see Guy et al. 2014). In addition, few intron lariat structure. The two intron types have sim- positions are shared between ancient paralogs Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2014;6:a016071 5
Downloaded from http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/ on October 9, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press M. Irimia and S.W. Roy α-Proteobacteria with Endosymbiosis group II introns and Intron transfer Intron proliferation Sexual host? Low Ne? Nucleus? Establishment of Intronic sequence degeneration the spliceosomal Splicing trans-complementation system Protein recruitment Intron-rich Weak splice site signals LECA Complex spliceosomes IR-dominated AS Intense intron loss Evolutionary history of Intense intron gain spliceosomal introns Figure 2. Steps leading to the origin and establishment of the complex spliceosomal system of LECA during eukaryogenesis (see text). (i.e., gene duplicates originated before eukaryo- from the endosymbiont to the host genome, genesis), suggesting that at least most introns at least one event of massive intron prolifera- arose during or after the advent of eukaryotes tion took place (Fig. 2). From a number perhaps (Sverdlov et al. 2007). similar to modern a-proteobacteria—usual- ly ,30 introns per genome (Lambowitz and Zimmerly 2004)—the ancestors of LECA ex- Unprecedented Group II Intron Proliferation perienced an expansion of introns that populat- in the Host Genome ed their genomes with thousands of elements, It is also widely accepted that, following the estimated at 2 introns per kbp of coding transfer of ( presumably few) group II introns sequence, and hypothesized to account for 6 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2014;6:a016071
Downloaded from http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/ on October 9, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Origin of Introns and Alternative Splicing .70% of the ancestral protoeukaryotic genome 2006) invokes a very different causality, drawing (Koonin 2009). This proliferation is orders of on the classic arguments on transposable ele- magnitude larger than any known expansion ments by Hickey (1982). Hickey showed that in prokaryotes, suggesting exceptional circum- frequent sexual reproduction is crucial to the stances. Although most researchers agree on the success of transposable elements: whereas with evolutionary singularity of this event, the na- no or infrequent sex, the fitness costs of aggres- ture of these circumstances is strongly debated. sively propagating elements will doom them Three (nonmutually exclusive) major explana- to extinction, in the presence of frequent sex, tions have been proposed: (i) the archaeal host even highly deleterious elements can spread lacked unknown defense mechanism against re- through the genome. This suggests the possibil- troelement multiplication (Koonin 2006); (ii) ity that the advent of frequent sexual reproduc- an extremely low effective population size (Ne) tion could have brought an unprecedented after an evolutionary bottleneck allowed the spread of type II introns. Consistent with this protoeukaryote to fix thousands of intron cop- notion, meiosis and sexual reproduction appear ies by simple genetic drift, despite the selective to have been well established by LECA (Ramesh disadvantage (Koonin 2006); and (iii) the oc- et al. 2005), although, crucially, the order of currence of frequent meiosis or meiosislike sex- appearance in the evolution of frequent sexual ual reproduction in the eukaryotic ancestor al- reproduction and high intron density remains lowed large-scale spreading of introns at the unknown. expense of the host’s fitness (Poole 2006), as previously proposed by Hickey more generally Need and Benefits of for any class of mobile genetic element (Hickey Trans-Complementation: 1982). Emergence of the Spliceosome The discovery of two archaea species with a few (4 and 21) group II introns, likely later- Whatever the cause, the effect of this intron ally transferred from bacteria (Dai and Zim- propagation was a genome newly riddled with merly 2003; Rest and Mindell 2003), for which thousands of elements interrupting most cod- no dramatic proliferation has occurred, argues ing genes that required removal from pre- that the first explanation is insufficient (the lack mRNAs. Although intact group II introns are of an unknown defense system against group II capable of self-splicing and thus may be (near- intron expansion in this lineage). The second ly) functionally neutral, the need to maintain proposed explanation, which can be integrated a high number of constrained functional se- within a more general hypothesis of the origin quences and tertiary structures in every intron and evolution of eukaryotes and their genomes implies strong mutational pressure. Although (Lynch and Conery 2003; Lynch 2006), current- the number of intronic and exonic sites re- ly has considerable support. This hypothesis quired for splicing of spliceosomal introns has posits that many eukaryotic genomic features been estimated to be around 20– 40 per intron initially proliferated owing to selection being (Lynch 2002, 2006), the number of potentially too inefficient to purge them from the popula- constrained sites in a group II intron seems to be tion, which situation might arise if the effective at least one order of magnitude higher (Lambo- population size of these ancestral organisms was witz and Zimmerly 2011). Therefore, a spliceo- very small (a conjecture for which direct tests somal system that made use of only a few trans- are very difficult). The presence of these slight- acting factors to replace hundreds of thousands ly deleterious elements is nonetheless argued of constrained sequences in cis may have signif- to have driven the emergence of profound and icantly relieved much of the mutational pres- defining eukaryotic characteristics, such as sure associated with an extremely high number the nucleus, as a defense mechanism (Koonin of introns. 2006; López-Garcı́a and Moreira 2006; Martin There is also compelling mechanistic evi- and Koonin 2006). The third hypothesis (Poole dence that the transition from a system of self- Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2014;6:a016071 7
Downloaded from http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/ on October 9, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press M. Irimia and S.W. Roy spliced introns to one based on trans-comple- distribution ( present in all eukaryotic groups, mentation may have evolved gradually. The first and thus in LECA) and the presence of shared step would involve the partial degeneration of intron positions among paralogs, can be traced a number of introns, which would lose impor- to the period between the initial intron prolif- tant functional structural elements and/or their eration and the completion of the fully modern IEPs. As in many of modern organelle’s group II spliceosome (Veretnik et al. 2009). By the time introns (Jarrell et al. 1988; Goldschmidt-Cler- of LECA, a very complex, modern-looking spli- mont et al. 1991; Suchy and Schmelzer 1991; ceosome, composed of at least 78 proteins and Lambowitz and Zimmerly 2011), the splicing all the snRNAs, had already been established of these partially degenerated introns would (Collins and Penny 2005). have been assisted in trans by ( partial) RNA sequences of other introns. Presumably, some The Origins of the Minor and Major of these sequences were more efficient than oth- Spliceosomal Systems ers at assisting exogenous splicing, and thus conferred a benefit and became fixed in the pop- In fact, LECA had not only one complex spli- ulations, eventually giving rise to the snRNAs ceosome, but two. Comparative genomics have of the two types of modern spliceosomes (Sharp revealed that both U2/major and U12/minor 1991). Various pieces of evidence support this spliceosomal introns, as well as RNA and pro- idea. In addition to their structural similarities, tein components associated with their distinct some domains of group II introns can directly splicing machineries, were present in LECA. replace snRNAs in spliceosomal splicing in vitro These two subtypes are quite similar, and they (e.g., group II domain DV RNA can act instead share most of the protein machinery involved in of U6atac snRNA [Shukla and Padgett 2002]). their splicing; however, each subtype uses a spe- Conversely, U5 snRNA can complement group cific subset of snRNAs (with the exception of II introns missing the ID3 region (Hetzer et al. U5), which are likely the most ancestral part of 1997). the spliceosome. These subsets of snRNAs are These ( probably quite inefficient) initial nonetheless evolutionarily related to one anoth- protospliceosomes could then have evolved in- er and probably originated by gene duplication creased efficiency by recruiting auxiliary pro- some time before LECA (Russell et al. 2006). teins. Some of these factors could have been de- Thus, debate has emerged as to which subtype rived from the multiple available IEP copies, originated first in evolution and which one is which can also act in trans in the splicing of derived. Several nonconclusive arguments can related introns (Dai and Zimmerly 2003; Meng be put forward for each case (Roy and Irimia et al. 2005). Others could have been coopted 2009; Rogozin et al. 2012). Supporting U12 in- from various other processes of RNA metabo- trons’ ancestrality is their higher structural sim- lism (e.g., Lsm/Sm proteins, whose homologs ilarity with group II introns. The BP in both play diverse roles in prokaryotes) (Wilusz and types typically consist of an A within a polypy- Wilusz 2005; Mura et al. 2013), or recruited rimidine tract located at a constant, short dis- from sequences of retrotransposons or other tance from the 30 ss (domain DIV in group II mobile elements (e.g., Prp8, the largest protein introns) (Bonen and Vogel 2001; Lambowitz of the spliceosome and an integral part of its and Zimmerly 2011); on the other hand, U2 catalytic center, is thought to have evolved introns’ BPs are usually located further away from a retroelement-encoded reverse transcrip- from the 30 ss, and at a much wider range of tase) (Dlakić and Mushegian 2011). Gene du- distances. In fact, U2 introns ancestrally have a plication and functional specialization are likely polypyrimidine tract between the BP and the to have also played a role. For example, the 30 ss (Irimia and Roy 2008a), which has been aforementioned Sm/Lsm proteins experienced hypothesized to derive from the ancestral BP several waves of early gene duplication (Veretnik sequences of U12 introns (Burge et al. 1998). et al. 2009), which, based on their phylogenetic Along these lines, U12 introns can be viewed 8 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2014;6:a016071
Downloaded from http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/ on October 9, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Origin of Introns and Alternative Splicing in some sense as a transitional form between LECA. The time point corresponding to LECA the highly constrained structures of group II represents a quite clear divide in our confidence introns (Bonen and Vogel 2001; Lambowitz about evolutionary inferences. Reconstruction and Zimmerly 2011) and the diffuse splicing of steps leading up to LECA (origins of spli- signals of most U2 spliceosomal introns (Irimia ceosomal-like introns, reasons for the unprece- et al. 2007b; Irimia and Roy 2008a; Schwartz dented spread of introns, and transfer of splic- et al. 2008). Consistent with such a directional ing from cis- to trans-encoded elements, etc.) process, U12 introns are known to often convert remains uncertain because of a lack of close into U2 introns, whereas the reverse process has protoeukaryotic-like relatives. In contrast, infer- never been described (e.g., Burge et al. 1998; ences of features of LECA are relatively much Alioto 2007). Second, positions of U12 introns more straightforward because of the possibil- may be more conserved between Arabidopsis ity of comparing lineages that diverged from and humans than those of U2 introns, and LECA. That is, whereas the former by necessity they are also more often localized at the 50 of relies on largely indirect evidence, the latter can the gene—a signature of ancestral introns that draw on direct (not to say incontrovertible) ev- have resisted intron loss (Basu et al. 2008a). idence. On the other hand, phylogenetic reconstruc- Comparative studies of modern genomes tion of the insertion sites of ancient ( pre-LECA) have drawn a surprising picture of the intron – introns revealed a U2-like insertion bias (remi- exon structures of genes in the genome of LECA niscent of the protosplice site model of intron (Roy and Irimia 2009; Rogozin et al. 2012; Koo- insertion) (Dibb and Newman 1989). This result nin et al. 2013), all of them pointing to a com- suggests that U2 introns dominated at least by plex spliceosomal system. First, comparisons of the time of LECA (Basu et al. 2008c). However, intron positions across orthologous genes from this leaves open the possibility that this prolifer- dozens of eukaryotic genomes have shown that ation postdates the secondary advent of U2 in- LECA was remarkably intron rich. At its sim- trons, because group II introns may not have plest, the logic is that if modern introns were an insertion bias similar to U2 introns. Finally, created after the various species diverged, the neither type may be truly ancestral: The two positions of these introns in homologous genes types may have emerged semi-independently might be expected to be quite different across from a larger pool of primitive snRNA dupli- species, whereas if ancestral genes already con- cates with a shared protein machinery. tained many introns and those introns have been retained in modern species, intron posi- tions in homologous genes might largely coin- HISTORY OF THE SPLICEOSOMAL SYSTEM cide across species (Fig. 3). This general strategy In this section we will describe the evolutionary can be modified to account for the possibil- history of introns since LECA. First, we dis- ity that general preferences in intron insertion cuss attempts to reconstruct LECA’s intron – (e.g., into protosplice sites) and/or intron exon structures using comparisons of modern phase biases (reviewed in Rogozin et al. 2012) genomes. Then, we summarize the evolutionary could lead to independent intron insertions oc- trajectories taken by different eukaryotic lineag- curring at homologous positions in different es, ranging from near complete loss and trans- lineages (Sverdlov et al. 2005; Yoshihama et al. formation of their ancestral introns, to the in- 2006). Avariety of studies have shown that genes tronic stasis observed in many modern lineages. from intron-rich species from any major eu- karyotic supergroup share a significant number of intron positions with other groups (Fedorov Reconstruction of Intron– Exon et al. 2002; Rogozin et al. 2003; Csurös et al. Structures in LECA 2008, 2011). Different investigators have used The evolutionary steps described in the previ- different methods of evolutionary inference, ous section were largely complete by the time of ranging from parsimony to maximum likeli- Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2014;6:a016071 9
Downloaded from http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/ on October 9, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press M. Irimia and S.W. Roy A Loss Gene A B Gain Gene A Inferred ancestor Figure 3. Scenarios for intron evolution: shared ancestral introns versus independent gain. Hypothetical com- parisons of intron positions across orthologous genes of distantly related species are shown. (A) Many introns are in homologous positions, suggesting that these introns represent ancestral introns that have been retained. (B) Lack of correspondence between intron positions in different lineages suggest that most introns have been independently gained within each lineage. hood, to attempt to reconstruct ancestral intron same 50 ss, GTATGT. Put another way, the prob- densities (Rogozin et al. 2003; Qiu et al. 2004; ability that two randomly chosen Saccharomyces Csurös 2005, 2008; Nguyen et al. 2005; Roy and cerevisiae introns have the same hexamer splice Gilbert 2005; Carmel et al. 2007, 2009). With site is 58%, whereas two human 50 ss’s will cor- increasing taxonomic sampling usually yield- respond only 6% of the time. Following the ing increasingly higher estimates for LECA’s in- intuitive sense that (i) genome complexity will tron density, the latest reconstructions (Csurös reflect organismal complexity; and (ii) more et al. 2011) used a Markov chain Monte Carlo “highly evolved” organisms have more trans- approach to investigate 99 genomes from five formed genomes, it was initially thought that eukaryotic supergroups, and estimated that ancestral unicellular eukaryotes would have LECA had 53% – 74% of modern human intron had “simple” yeastlike intron sequences, with density, or 4.5 – 6.3 introns per gene (assuming regular and predictable splice signals, and that similar average protein-coding lengths). That is, “complex” diverse signals arose by sequence di- available evidence suggests that the intron –exon vergence in multicellular lineages ( perhaps re- structures of ancestral eukaryotes were exceed- lated to AS, which makes extensive use of splice ingly complex, with intron densities compara- site heterogeneity) (Ast 2004). However, com- ble to the most intron-dense modern densities, parisons across species revealed that in fact yeast and more intron dense than, for instance, mod- is the exception, with the majority of unicellular ern plants and insects (Fig. 4). and multicellular species alike (and thus likely The second unexpected characteristics of LECA) utilizing heterogeneous splicing signals, LECA’s intron – exon structures involve the in- a finding that holds both for the 50 ss and the BP tron sequences themselves. Nearly all studied (Irimia et al. 2007a; Irimia and Roy 2008a; eukaryotic species show similar consensus se- Schwartz et al. 2008; Keren et al. 2010). More- quences for core splicing sequence motifs—the over, LECA’s introns also likely harbored a poly- 50 splice site (ss), BP, and 30 ss (Fig. 1)—reflecting pyrimidine tract between the BP and the 30 ss— largely similar sequence preferences across spe- similar to modern animals and plants, but not cies determined by a shared spliceosomal ma- yeasts—as inferred by the general presence of chinery. However, the strength of these prefer- this signal in representatives of most eukaryotic ences—the extent to which individual introns’ supergroups (Irimia and Roy 2008a). This se- specific motifs adhere to this consensus—varies quence is bound in the first steps of spliceosome dramatically (Fig. 4). For instance, whereas hu- assembly by the U2AF65 (Zamore et al. 1992), man introns use a vast array of 50 ss, 75% of all a factor already present in the ancestral spli- introns in the model yeast S. cerevisiae have the ceosome (Collins and Penny 2005). In addition 10 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2014;6:a016071
Downloaded from http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/ on October 9, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Origin of Introns and Alternative Splicing LECA A op ter ns s us a rm as P. s mbe um T. t elan NM ga an nh us hil r vu e P. t assa m ca C. neof llanii lis z a lia C. astensis ce NM hr2 rin t ii a he og me alis luc ca ele orm ae ru na s ns po ut m ico ad C. evisi li y ti C. agin lia ory ure P. t ayd ri is e C. iculo m s s n-c ma icu N. lcipa O. olyti S. corn U. urbe rol tha ii D. atan tan pie A. vecte lia ta tol T. vlamb P. f jae ) v A. ond R. etra un bre i the r his pa rei sa na sil cr o lip m ri a g n c c T. g M. G. G. (no N. N. H. E. E. E. S. B. B. Y. Introns/gene
Downloaded from http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/ on October 9, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press M. Irimia and S.W. Roy For example, nonsense-mediated decay (NMD), For some lineages, phylogenetic reconstruction a mechanism to eliminate spurious or unwant- of intron loss and gain suggest that modern high ed transcripts, is found in diverse eukaryotes intron density is almost completely owing to (Amrani et al. 2004; Chen et al. 2008; Jaillon retention of ancestral introns (e.g., in the case et al. 2008; Kerényi et al. 2008; Roy and Irimia of vertebrates, intron number appears to have 2009). Indeed NMD and intron spread are likely decreased somewhat since the ancestor of ani- closely linked, because frequent splicing errors mals 1 billion years ago) (Sullivan et al. 2006; would necessitate NMD, whereas the presence Srivastava et al. 2008; Csurös et al. 2011). In of NMD would decrease the costs of intron other cases, many modern introns appear to spread (Koonin 2006; Lynch et al. 2006). Other have been gained through a variety of processes, “policing” processes, such as the ubiquitin sig- most dramatically creation of hundreds or thou- naling at the proteomic level, could also have sands of introns through propagation of intron- evolved as a defense mechanism against massive creating elements (Worden et al. 2009; Roy and intron presence (Koonin 2006). The timing of Irimia 2012; van der Burgt et al. 2012). Similar- emergence of other secondary aspects of the ly, organelle-derived or horizontally transferred spliceosomal system, most notably the function- genes sometimes acquire similar densities to al associations between chromatin and splicing those of more ancestral nuclear host genes (Basu seen in animals (Braunschweig et al. 2013), still et al. 2008b; Ahmadinejad et al. 2010; Clarke et remain to be elucidated. al. 2013, although see Roy et al. 2006 and Flot et al. 2013). Interestingly, both nearly complete loss of introns and dramatic intron prolifera- Diverging from LECA: Different Modes tion have occurred several times independently of Spliceosomal Intron Evolution across across the eukaryotic tree. For instance, nearly Eukaryotes complete loss has occurred in groups as di- From these intron-rich ancestors with hetero- verged as fungi (at least twice), green and red geneous splicing signals and complex spliceo- algae, apicomplexa, and excavates (three times) somes, the full diversity of modern eukaryotic (Irimia and Roy 2008a). The reasons for this are intron – exon structures has emerged over the still unclear, and the proposed explanations past 1.5 billion years of evolution. The results range from selection for genome streamlining of this evolutionary process have been dramatic. to runaway intron loss mutation (reviewed in Most noticeably, intron densities vary by orders Maeso et al. 2012b). In lineages that have expe- of magnitude, from several per gene and thou- rienced many new intron gains, new introns sands or tens of thousands per genome in many appear not to have been created at constant rates unicellular and multicellular lineages (Mer- over millions of years of evolution, but instead chant et al. 2007; Roy and Irimia 2009; Curtis to be concentrated in episodes of gain (Roy et al. 2012), to a handful per genome in the 2006; Roy and Penny 2006; Csurös et al. 2011). genomes of some other species (Fig. 4) (Matsu- Over recent times, many studied modern line- zaki et al. 2004; Vanacova et al. 2005; Morrison ages appear to be under a sort of intronic evo- et al. 2007). Notably, these densities do not re- lutionary stasis, experiencing low (or very low) spect our intuitive sense of biological simplicity numbers of intron gain and loss (Roy et al. 2003, and complexity. Many parasitic lineages have 2006; Nielsen et al. 2004; Roy and Hartl 2006; intron densities comparable to those of most Coulombe-Huntington and Majewski 2007a,b; intron-rich multicellular lineages, and at least Roy and Penny 2007a; Stajich et al. 2007; Loh one multicellular lineage has intron densities et al. 2008; Zhang et al. 2010). On the contrary, comparable to some of the most intron-poor only a few known exceptions scattered across the known unicellulars (Collén et al. 2013). Al- eukaryotic tree show significant ongoing intron though the origins of nearly intronless lineag- gain-dominated evolution (Carmel et al. 2007; es—massive intron loss—are clear, the origins Roy and Penny 2007b; Worden et al. 2009; De- of the highly intron-dense lineages are less so. noeud et al. 2010; van der Burgt et al. 2012). 12 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2014;6:a016071
Downloaded from http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/ on October 9, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Origin of Introns and Alternative Splicing In addition to intron densities, splicing sig- though it is difficult to confidently estimate nals also show marked differences across ge- average and median intron length in LECA, they nomes (Fig. 4). In particular, 50 ss consensus in may have been similar to those in most eukary- a given species may be either very strict, with otic genomes studied so far, perhaps around nearly all introns in the genome having an iden- 150 nucleotides on average and with a median tical or similar sequence, or highly heteroge- centered around 70 – 90 nucleotides. It should neous, as in the case of the human genome (Iri- be noted, however, that introns were probably mia et al. 2007b). Heterogeneous 50 ss signals significantly longer at least in earlier ancestors, are observed in most lineages, whereas the few as group II introns from which they derived are lineages with strict signals are scattered across at least 400– 800 nucleotides long (Lambowitz the phylogenetic tree, representing exceptions and Zimmerly 2011), and they may reach 2.5 to the general pattern in nearly all major eukary- kbp when they encode their own IEP (Lambo- otic supergroups (Irimia et al. 2007b). This dis- witz and Zimmerly 2004; Koonin 2009). Sur- tribution strongly suggests that these exceptions veys of intron lengths across eukaryotes reveal have evolved independently within each lineage, striking deviations in intron length distributions echoing the case for lineages that have under- in both directions. First, tiny introns (18 – 36 gone nearly complete intron loss. Unexpectedly, nucleotides) have independently evolved in a these two processes were found to have a very few species scattered across the eukaryotic tree, clear correspondence: In nearly intronless spe- in groups as diverged as animals (Ogino et al. cies, the few remaining introns have highly sim- 2010; Tsai et al. 2013), green algae (Gilson et al. ilar and constrained 50 ss signals (Fig. 4) (Irimia 2006), and ciliates (Russell et al. 1994). More- et al. 2007b). A similar pattern of strict signals over, in all of these species the distributions has been observed for the BP (Irimia and Roy of lengths are very sharp—suggesting strong 2008a; Schwartz et al. 2008), although with a few pressure to maintain a seemingly optimal small exceptions involving species with few introns length—and their splicing signals are highly dif- but heterogeneous BPs (Fig. 4). Finally, in a few fuse (with the noted exception of microspori- instances, a further constraint on splicing sig- dians) (Irimia and Roy 2008a; Lee et al. 2010). nals has evolved, in which the BP is “anchored” On the opposite side, introns from certain lin- to the 30 ss, always present at exactly or almost eages are unusually long. These include some the same number of nucleotides away (Irimia plants (Jiang and Goertzen 2011), brown algae and Roy 2008a). Thus, in these extreme cases, (Cock et al. 2010), and, especially, vertebrates, the remaining U2 introns show similarities to with averages one order of magnitude higher U12 introns, which are also found in low num- than most species, and with some introns reach- bers per genome: extended constrained 50 ss and ing up to one megabase. These expansions seem BP signals and BP position. Although several likely to be associated with insertion of trans- explanations have been proposed to explain the posable elements into intronic sequences (Jiang coevolution between splicing signals and intron and Goertzen 2011), although, in some cases, numbers (Irimia et al. 2007b, 2009), the cause exceptionally long introns may be associated remains obscure. It seems likely that an impor- with the presence of large numbers of cis-regu- tant component is changes in the spliceosome: latory elements (Irimia et al. 2011). Massive introns loss is often accompanied by loss of some auxiliary spliceosomal factors FUNCTIONS OF INTRONS: ORIGINS AND largely involved in recognition of auxiliary splic- EVOLUTION OF ALTERNATIVE SPLICING ing sequence signals such as ESEs (Plass et al. 2008), presumably leading to a greater emphasis Given the fascinating and complex evolutionary on core splicing signals, and thus requiring in- paths that intron – exon structures have taken creased information content in those signals. from LECA to each extant eukaryotic lineage, Intron lengths have also experienced con- perhaps the major paradox is that, for most cas- siderable divergence across eukaryotes. Al- es, introns are not known to play a general func- Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2014;6:a016071 13
Downloaded from http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/ on October 9, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press M. Irimia and S.W. Roy tional role in the biology of the cell: They are in intracellular transport, either at the mRNA simply intervening sequences that must be re- (Buckley et al. 2011) or protein level (Freitag moved for proper gene expression to occur. Sev- et al. 2012; Kabran et al. 2012). Nevertheless, eral evolutionary functions have been proposed despite a plethora of described examples of for introns, including enhancing within-gene each kind, a major unanswered question is still homologous recombination (Comeron and to what extent AS is functional or simply splic- Kreitman 2000), and facilitation of exon shuf- ing “noise” (Sorek et al. 2004; Irimia et al. 2008; fling and thus the evolution of new genes (Gil- Roy and Irimia 2008). bert 1987; Liu and Grigoriev 2004). In addition, AS was initially believed a relatively recent certain intron sequences are known to play reg- innovation, largely associated with the emer- ulatory roles in transcription, either by acting gence of multicellularity (Ast 2004). However, as a limiting factor in cotranscriptional splic- the wealth of genomes and transcriptomes ac- ing (Patel et al. 2002), or indirectly by harbor- cumulated over the past decade has turned ing DNA regulatory elements (e.g., Epstein et al. around this view. First, significant amounts of 1999; Irimia et al. 2012; Maeso et al. 2012). AS (usually intron retention) have now been Similarly, other introns harbor nested bona described in nearly all well-studied species. fide protein-coding or noncoding RNA genes These include representatives of all eukaryotic (e.g., Assis et al. 2008; Kumar 2009; Chorev supergroups (McGuire et al. 2008; Labadorf and Carmel 2013). However, the most wide- et al. 2010; Otto et al. 2010; Rhind et al. 2011; spread function of introns is probably through Shen et al. 2011; Curtis et al. 2012; Sebé-Pedrós AS, which has been estimated to occur in nearly et al. 2013), and even some intron-poor species all human multiexonic genes (Pan et al. 2008; (Pleiss et al. 2007; Kabran et al. 2012). Second, Wang et al. 2008). By differentially processing LECA’s intron – exon structures seem to have introns (and exons), eukaryotic cells can gener- met all classic requirements for AS to occur ate multiple mRNA and protein isoforms from (Roy and Irimia 2009; Koonin et al. 2013): It a single gene. This differential processing may was intron-rich (Irimia et al. 2007b) and had consist of nonsplicing (or retention) of introns, heterogeneous splice signals, which are associ- in the simplest case, but also of exclusion (or ated with splicing variation within and across skipping) of an entire exon, alternative choice of genomes (Stamm et al. 2000; Ast 2004; Baek multiple 50 ss, and/or 30 ss within an intron and Green 2005). Moreover, functional and evo- (which would produce exon truncations/ex- lutionary analyses of alternatively spliced genes pansions), or more complex splicing patterns showed that ancient eukaryotic genes (i.e., those (Irimia and Blencowe 2012). present in LECA) show high levels of AS in dif- AS may itself perform different functions. ferent eukaryotic lineages, suggesting that they First, AS can generate protein isoforms with could have been amenable to AS also in LECA highly distinct sequences that may have dramat- (Irimia et al. 2007b). Thus, all these lines of ically different activities and biological roles evidence strongly suggest that LECA could (e.g., Boise et al. 1993; Gabut et al. 2011); but have had at least a simple program of AS, per- also proteins with only slight variations that haps comparable to those observed in most contribute to fine-tuning of cellular processes modern unicellular eukaryotes, dominated by (Lopez 1998). Second, AS can produce non- intron retention and perhaps acting mainly as functional transcript variants, serving as an ex- an extra layer of gene regulation. However, as for tra layer of down-regulation of gene expression. any modern eukaryote, it is not clear what frac- This may be achieved by on/off protein switches tion of that transcriptional diversity played any (Bingham et al. 1988), or by coupling missense relevant biological role. AS to NMD (Lewis et al. 2003; Lareau et al. Despite the similar patterns of AS in most 2007; Yap et al. 2012), leading to transcript deg- eukaryotes, AS has also undergone remarkable radation before translation. Third, inclusion diversification in some specific lineages. For in- of alternative sequences may lead to differences stance, and most unexpectedly (Ast 2004), the 14 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2014;6:a016071
Downloaded from http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/ on October 9, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Origin of Introns and Alternative Splicing intron-poor yeast S. cerevisiae may have evolved This species has intron densities comparable regulated, functional AS for the majority, if not to humans (eight to nine introns per gene), all, of its intron-containing genes. S. cerevisiae and displays extremely high levels of splicing has 260 introns, with a strong bias toward variation, including both intron retention and ribosomal genes (Juneau et al. 2006). In-depth exon skipping. RNAseq quantification of exon transcriptomic analyses have shown that splic- skipping shows levels comparable only to the ing of specific sets of introns can be down-reg- human cortex (Curtis et al. 2012), the highest ulated in response to different growth condi- AS levels described so far in any tissue and or- tions (Pleiss et al. 2007; Parenteau et al. 2011). ganism (Barbosa-Morais et al. 2012). Whereas For example, only a few minutes after amino much of B. natans AS may represent noisy splic- acid starvation, splicing of most ribosomal in- ing, a few potential cases in which AS drives trons is down-regulated, thereby reducing pro- alternative subcellular targeting were identified duction of ribosomal proteins, thus presumably (Curtis et al. 2012), suggesting that AS may play reducing global translation (Pleiss et al. 2007). important and diverse roles in the biology of Nonetheless, the most famous example of B. natans. Surveys of diverse eukaryotes to iden- extreme AS diversification is found in animals, tify additional cases of independent evolution particularly in primates (Barbosa-Morais et al. of widespread functional exon skipping (or oth- 2012). Not only is AS much more common in er forms of protein-diversifying AS) are crucial metazoans, but the mode of AS is also qualita- to a full understanding of the functional impact tively different from that of other eukaryotic of the spliceosomal system in eukaryotes. lineages. Unlike most eukaryotes, in which in- tron retention dominates, animals show fre- CONCLUDING REMARKS quent usage of exon skipping (McGuire et al. Evidence from biochemistry and comparative 2008). In exon skipping, AS leads to the inclu- genomics strongly suggests that spliceosomal sion/exclusion of full exons that behave as “cas- introns originated and proliferated during the settes” of sequence and that can be deployed in origin of eukaryotes, in a process intimately a tissue-specific manner. Consistent with the linked to other evolutionary events of eukar- cassette idea, most regulated alternative exons yogenesis. The resulting portrait of the LECA are multiple of three nucleotides (Xing and Lee spliceosomal system was comparable to that 2005), thereby preserving the reading frame of intron-rich modern eukaryotic organisms, when included/excluded. Thus, cassette exons with myriad introns, complex splicing mach- can have a much broader impact on proteome inery, and coupling of splicing to other cellular diversity, by introducing or disrupting func- processes. From that complex ancestor, intron – tional protein domains, or by regulating disor- exon structures have been highly plastic dered regions often involved in protein – protein throughout eukaryotic evolution, with cases of interactions (Buljan et al. 2012; Ellis et al. 2012; extreme divergence from their ancestors that Colak et al. 2013). Intriguingly, the reasons for shaped the genomic landscapes of eukaryotes this transition from intron retention (mostly probably like no other. Particularly remarkable impacting gene regulation) to exon skipping are the multiple instances of recurrent evolution (increasing proteomic diversity) during the of multiple features, including massive intron evolution of early animals are still unknown. loss, constraint of splicing signals, restriction Given the potential centrality of AS for the or- of BP-30 ss distance, loss of polypyrimidine tract, igin of animal complexity, understanding this and complete loss of U12 introns. crucial transition is a central priority for future studies. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Strikingly, another eukaryotic lineage has recently been reported to have mammalian- We thank Eesha Sharma for critical reading of like levels of exon skipping, the chlorarachnio- the manuscript. M.I. holds a PDF from the Hu- phyte Bigelowiella natans (Curtis et al. 2012). man Frontiers Science Program Organization. Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2014;6:a016071 15
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