Orientation-averaged light scattering by nanoparticle clusters: far-field and near-field benchmarks of numerical cubature methods

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Orientation-averaged light scattering by nanoparticle clusters: far-field and near-field benchmarks of numerical cubature methods
Orientation-averaged light scattering by nanoparticle clusters:
 far-field and near-field benchmarks of numerical cubature methods

 A. Fazel-Najafabadi, B. Auguié∗
 The MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology,
 School of Chemical and Physical Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington,
 PO Box 600, Wellington 6140, New Zealand
arXiv:2201.09844v1 [physics.optics] 24 Jan 2022

 The optical properties of nanoparticles can be substantially affected by their assembly in compact aggregates.
 This is a common situation notably for nanoparticles synthesised and self-assembled into rigid clusters
 in colloidal form, where they may be further characterised or used in spectroscopic applications. The
 theoretical description of such experiments generally requires averaging the optical response over all possible
 cluster orientations, as they randomly orient themselves over the course of a measurement. This averaging
 is often done numerically by simulating the optical response for several directions of incidence, using a
 spherical cubature method. The simulation time increases with the number of directions and can become
 prohibitive, yet few studies have examined the trade-off between averaging accuracy and computational cost.
 We benchmark seven commonly-used spherical cubature methods for both far-field and near-field optical
 responses for a few paradigmatic cluster geometries: dimers of nanospheres and of nanorods, and a helix.
 The relative error is rigorously evaluated in comparison to analytical results obtained with the superposition
 T -matrix method. Accurate orientation averaging is especially important for quantities relating to optical
 activity, the differential response to left and right circularly polarised light, and our example calculations
 include in particular far-field circular dichroism and near-field local degree of optical chirality.

 1. Introduction collective multiple-scattering interactions that de-
 pend crucially on the relative positions and orien-
 Light scattering by nanoparticles underpins tations of neighbouring particles 5,8–10 . Bottom-up
 many important applications, notably in the realm synthesis and assembly of nanoparticles in partic-
 of optical spectroscopy 1 , nano-optics 2 , and light- ular enables fine-tuned optical properties, and for
 harvesting technologies 3 . With advances in nano- such samples the particles or clusters of particles
 technology and synthesis, a wealth of artificial are often fabricated, characterised, and used in col-
 nanostructures have been proposed that combine a loidal form. Over the typical time-scale of an op-
 number of nanoparticles into rigid aggregates with tical measurement, these compound scatterers in
 well-defined positions and orientations in space 4 , brownian motion assume random orientations, as a
 such as, for example, oligomers obtained by top- whole.
 down lithography 5,6 or helices and other chiral The superposition T -matrix framework is a pow-
 nanostructures obtained by bottom-up assembly 7 . erful method for the theoretical description of
 The optical properties of such natural or artificial light scattering by such aggregates 11–13 ; it enables
 nano-aggregates can reveal a complex interplay be- fast and accurate computations of far-field cross-
 tween the individual nanoparticles’ response, and sections as well as near fields 14–16 . A particu-
 lar strength of the method lies in the prediction
 ∗ Corresponding
 of orientation-averaged quantities 11,17,18 : the T -
 Email addresses: atefeh.fazelnajafabadi@vuw.ac.nz
 matrix captures the optical response of a scatterer
 (A. Fazel-Najafabadi), baptiste.auguie@vuw.ac.nz independently of the incident field, and the proper-
 (B. Auguié) ties of vector spherical harmonics used to describe
 Preprint submitted to Elsevier January 25, 2022
Orientation-averaged light scattering by nanoparticle clusters: far-field and near-field benchmarks of numerical cubature methods
are solved for a given configuration and a specific
 incident field, and simulating a new incidence di-
 rection incurs almost the full computational cost.
 For such computational techniques, which do not
 near-field provide analytical orientation-averaged results and
 have their own sources of uncertainty, it can be very
 useful to have accurate benchmark results to com-
 pare against, when assessing the accuracy of ori-
 entation averaging and deciding on the number of
 incidence directions to be simulated. We provide
 below such example computations for several model
 Orientation averaging of optical properties can be
 far-field defined as an integral over Euler angles (ϕ, θ), refer-
 ing to the orientation of the wavevector in spherical
Figure 1: Schematic illustration of the light scattering prob- coordinates for a plane wave incident on the scat-
lem under consideration. N nanoparticles, spherical or non-
spherical, are placed at arbitrary positions and orientations terer (Fig. 1),
in a fixed reference frame. This cluster of particles is rigidly Z π Z 2π
held together, but randomly-oriented with respect to inci- 1
dent light (a plane wave with left (L) or right (R) circular hf i = f (ϕ, θ) sin θ dϕdθ. (1)
 4π 0 0
polarisation and incident wavevector kinc oriented by Euler
angles (ϕ, θ) in a reference frame attached to the cluster).
We seek the orientation-averaged optical response in the far-
 where the quantity f corresponds here to an optical
field (absorption, scattering, extinction and circular dichro- response of interest such as far-field cross-sections
ism cross-sections), and in the near-field (local electric field or near-field intensities at a fixed location P in the
intensity |E|2 and local degree of optical chirality C ) at a scatterer’s reference frame. Note that the scatterer
specific position P , fixed in the cluster’s reference frame.
 is itself a compound object in the case of a particle
 cluster, and in this work we assume that the com-
incident and scattered fields yield analytical for- ponent particles are rigidly-held together by a tem-
mulas for orientation-averaged optical properties. plate with negligible influence on optical properties.
This powerful formalism enables benchmark cal- This averaging over all possible incidence directions
culations for various quantities of interest, which is often complemented by a further averaging over
include orientation-averaged extinction, scattering polarisation 19,20,30,31 . In the case of circular po-
and absorption 19,20 , circular dichroism 21 , but also larisation, relevant to the simulation of chiroptical
near-field intensity 22 and local degree of optical chi- spectroscopy experiments 32 , we may simply calcu-
rality 23,24 . Although analytical, these orientation- late the orientation-averaged result for left (L) and
averaged expressions can become quite involved in right (R) polarisations separately, and average both
the case of near-field quantities, requiring the costly if an unpolarised optical response is sought. Note
evaluation of translation matrices for each evalua- that this procedure only works for quadratic quan-
tion point. As a result, evaluating such analyti- tities expressed in terms of electric and magnetic
cal formulas is not necessarily faster than perform- fields, as considered in this work; the calculation
ing purely numerical orientation averaging by sim- of enhancement factors in surface-enhanced Raman
ulating the optical properties for a discrete num- scattering requires more care, as some cross-terms
ber of incidence directions with a numerical cu- are also present 33 .
bature 25,26 . This suggests that in many practical In practice, the integral in Eq. 1 can be approx-
applications, where a relative accuracy of 10−3 is imated by a finite sum using a variety of spherical
often sufficient in view of other sources of uncer- cubature methods 25,34,35 ,
tainty, a numerical cubature may be advantageous i=1...N
 X inc
even when using the T -matrix method. In many hf i ≈ f (ϕi , θi )wi , (2)
other popular electromagnetic simulation methods ϕi ,θi
such as Finite-Difference Time Domain (FDTD) 27 ,
Finite-Element Method (FEM) 28 , Discrete Dipole where the integrand is evaluated at a finite num-
Approximation (DDA) 29 , the Maxwell equations ber Ninc of incidence directions (ϕi , θi ), each value
Orientation-averaged light scattering by nanoparticle clusters: far-field and near-field benchmarks of numerical cubature methods
grid random quasi MC Fibonacci spherical t-design Gauß-Legendre Lebedev
 top view
 side view

Figure 2: Schematic illustration of the 7 spherical cubature rules considered in this work. The nodes (ϕi , θi ), i = 1 . . . Ninc
are displayed for Ninc ≈ 180 (exact value differs for some cubature rules, as shown in ESI Fig. SI1), in 3D spherical polar
coordinates (orthographic projections along z (top view ) and x (side view )). Gauß-Legendre and Lebedev cubatures have
non-equal weights, here illustrated with size and colour.

scaled by a corresponding weight wi . Multiple cu- uniform spiral covering of the sphere 25 ; (v) ‘spheri-
bature methods have been proposed, differing in cal t-design’ 36 ; (vi) ‘Gauß-Legendre’ – a cartesian
their prescription for the nodes (ϕi , θi ), and asso- product of Gauß-Legendre 1D quadrature for cos θ,
ciated weights wi (Fig. 2). For the finite sum in and a mid-point rule for the azimuth ϕ ; and (vii)
Eq. 2, with number of nodes Ninc , the accuracy of ‘Lebedev’ 37 . More details are given in ESI Section
a given cubature against the analytical result hf i S1 regarding the implementation of these meth-
can be quantified in the relative error, ods, which we also make available in the R package
 P  "cubs" 38 . Figure 2 depicts the angular distribution
 ϕi ,θi f (ϕ i , θi )wi − hf i of Ninc ≈ 180 nodes for each cubature, noting that
 ε(Ninc ) := (3) the exact number of nodes varies with each method,
 hf i
 some having coarser steps between possible values
 (this granularity is presented in ESI Fig. SI1).
(assuming hf i =6 0). In order to validate the implementation of each
 We detail below a comparison of seven different cubature method, we first tested their accuracy
numerical cubature methods and their application against analytical cases, following Ref. 34,39 (Fig. 3),
in orientation averaging of optical properties – both
in the far-field and in the near-field. Their rela-
tive performance is first illustrated on toy problems f1 (x, y, z) =1 + x + y 2 + x2 y + x4 +
consisting of known integrands, followed by realistic + y 5 + x2 y 2 z 2 , (4)
light scattering problems of varying degree of diffi-
 /4−(9y−2)2 /4−(9z−2)2 /4]
culty. We use the analytical results as a benchmark f2 (x, y, z) = 43 e[−(9x−2)
for accuracy, and compare the convergence rate of 2
the different methods with increasing number of in- + 34 e[−(9x+1) /49−(9y+1)/10−(9z+1)/10]

cidence angles. + 12 e[−(9x−7)
 /4−(9y−3)2 /4−(9z−5)2 /4]

 −(9y−7)2 −(9z−5)2 ]
 − 15 e[−(9x−4) , (5)
2. Spherical cubature
 with the usual spherical coordinates,
 We implemented seven well-known methods of x = cos(ϕ) sin(θ) (6)
spherical cubature, namely (i) ‘grid’ – a cartesian
 y = sin(ϕ) sin(θ) (7)
product of mid-point rules in (ϕ, cos θ), ; (ii) ‘ran-
dom’, also known as Monte Carlo – a random sam- z = cos(θ), (8)
pling of points in (ϕ, cos θ); (iii) ‘QMC’ – a quasi and a spherical harmonic
Monte Carlo sampling over (ϕ, cos θ) based on a
Halton sequence 25 , (iv) ‘Fibonacci’ – a relatively
 f3 (ϕ, θ) = 4π + cos(12ϕ) sin12 (θ), (9)

Orientation-averaged light scattering by nanoparticle clusters: far-field and near-field benchmarks of numerical cubature methods
(a) f1 (b) f2 (c) f3 (d) f3, rotated

 3π 4

 π 2

 π 4

 0 π 2 π 3π 2 2π 0 π 2 π 3π 2 2π 0 π 2 π 3π 2 2π 0 π 2 π 3π 2 2π
 (e) (f) (g) (h)
relative error

 10-5 sph. des.
 10-10 grid
 10-15 QMC

 101 102 103 104 101 102 103 104 101 102 103 104 101 102 103 104

Figure 3: Convergence of different spherical cubature rules on 3 analytical integrands. (Top, panels a–d) Colour maps of the
integrands, scaled to the same colour range for ease of comparison. Panel (d) presents the same integrand f3 as panel (c),
rotated by an arbitrary angle θ = 27.1 degrees. (Bottom, panels e–h) Convergence plots in log-log scale for 7 spherical cubature
methods. The relative error is defined in Eq. 3 in reference to the known analytical result for each integral: hf1 i = 216π/35,
hf2 i = 6.6961822200736179523 . . . , hf3 i = 1.

where we added a constant to ensure the denomi- ample, here appear to approximate accurately the
nator of Eq. 3 does not vanish. integral at low Ninc values, but only because the
 sampling of points on a regular grid coincides with
 The performance of the seven cubature methods
 a symmetry of the integrand. This artificial coinci-
differs markedly on these examples, and we dis-
 dence is removed in the right-most panel, where the
tinguish two families: ‘naive’ or ‘generic’ methods
 same integrand f3 is now rotated by a non-trivial
comprising ‘grid’, ‘random’, ‘QMC’, ‘Fibonacci’,
 angle 21.7◦ about the z-axis. The coincidental sam-
which show poor convergence and reach a limited
 pling of f3 at symmetrical points, leading to can-
accuracy for a few hundreds points; in contrast,
 cellations in the cubature, no longer occurs, and
the three methods ‘Gauß-Legendre’, ‘Lebedev’, and
 both ‘grid’ and ‘Fibonacci’ methods return to slow
‘spherical t-design’ show much faster convergence,
 convergence rates. In contrast, ‘Gauß-Legendre’,
and reach excellent accuracy in double precision
 ‘Lebedev’, and ‘spherical t-design’ are unaffected by
arithmetic for these three examples. The relative
 this rotation. Rotating a spherical harmonic Ylm
error for these methods presents an abrupt drop
 mixes different angular momentum (m) values, but
before plateauing at near-maximum precision after
 only within a given degree, and f3 is therefore trans-
a certain number Ninc , the value of which depends
 formed into a weighted sum of spherical harmonics
on the integrand. f1 only requires Ninc ∼ 20 to m
 Y12 , m = −12 . . . 12. These three cubature methods
reach this plateau, while f2 requires Ninc ∼ 4000,
 are known to integrate exactly all spherical harmon-
which we can attribute to the increased angular
 ics up to a specific degree, regardless of m. For an
complexity of the integrand. This aspect can be
 integrand composed of degree ≤ 12 spherical har-
quantified more formally by considering a spherical
 monic(s), the plateau is reached at Ninc = 74 (Lebe-
harmonic (SH) decomposition of the integrand, and
 dev), Ninc = 86 (spherical t-design), and Ninc = 98
comparing the relative magnitude of each spherical
 for Gauß-Legendre. Although Gauß-Legendre is
harmonic coefficient 40 , as we discuss further below.
 somewhat less efficient than the other two, and has
The example of f3 corresponds to a pure spherical
 0 fewer available numbers of points, it may be the
harmonic, namely Y12 , with a convergence falling
 preferred method in configurations with a known
in-between the two previous cases. We note that
 symmetry – for example where only one octant of
integrands with high symmetry, such as f3 , can
 the full solid angle needs to be considered, or if
prove misleading in such comparisons: a regular
 the integrand is invariant in ϕ – in which case the
‘grid’ method, or the Fibonacci sequence, for ex-
Orientation-averaged light scattering by nanoparticle clusters: far-field and near-field benchmarks of numerical cubature methods
Extinction Scattering
choice of nodes in θ and ϕ may be adapted accord- 100 (a) (b)
ingly, with more freedom than for the Lebedev and
spherical t-design methods.

 rel. error (average)
 These examples were chosen for demonstration
purposes, but our interest is to approximate the in- sph. des.
tegral of light-scattering quantities, which generally 10-10
admit no analytical expression. The integrand will Fibonacci
be computed numerically with the superposition random
 10-15 QMC
T -matrix method 13 , and particular configurations
 100 (c) (d)
can yield very differently-behaved integrands. Typ-
ically, we expect that a compact, small-sized cluster

 rel. error (dichroism)
(compared to the wavelength) will show a relatively 10-5

featureless angular pattern, and spherical cubatures (e)
of small order will suffice for an accurate orientation 10-10
averaging process. Indeed, averaging the response π/4
along x, y, z axes is a commonly-used procedure
for orientation-averaging in this regime 10 . Larger
 3 10 30 100 300 3 10 30 100 300
particles and/or clusters of particles may however Ninc
show very directional responses, such as the pho-
tonic jet effect in large Mie scatterers 41 , or waveg- Figure 4: Orientation averaging of light scattering by a chi-
uide modes along chains of particles 40 or dielectric ral dimer of gold nanorods immersed in water (n = 1.33).
particles with a high aspect ratio 42 . The two nanorods are modelled as prolate spheroids with
 semi-axes a = b = 30 nm, c = 80 nm; with centre-to-
 An important question we set out to investigate centre separation d = 200 nm, and dihedral angle ϕ = π/4
is the variation in orientation averaging difficulty, about the dimer axis. (a–b) Convergence of the far-field ex-
namely the number of incidence angles required to tinction (a) and scattering (b) cross-section at wavelength
 λ = 800 nm, for different cubature rules. (c–d) Correspond-
reach a given accuracy, with the light scattering
 ing convergence of circular dichroism. (e) Schematic view of
quantity of interest. Previous studies have been the dimer structure.
devoted to spherical cubature for far-field cross-
sections 25 , but it is not clear if the conclusions are
equally-applicable to near-field quantities; in fact, plicity, involving only two particles, the structure
the general expectation is that the near-field will reveals an interesting response arising from the hy-
be more challenging, as it typically involves higher- bridisation of localised plasmon resonances, and a
order multipoles in the T -matrix framework (or Mie balance between absorption and scattering contri-
theory, for single spheres). We also hypothesise butions as the size of the structure is varied 43 . The
that chiroptical properties, namely the differential angular response is non-trivial: for example, light
response to left and right circularly polarised light, incident normal to the dimer axis exhibits no cir-
in both far-field and near-field settings, may prove cular dichroism. For very small dimers this angular
more challenging for orientation averaging than un- response is relatively smooth nonetheless, and as
polarised responses. The following examples were a result the orientation-averaged response may be
chosen to explore these questions on several cluster reasonably approximated by the average over 3 or-
geometries of interest. thogonal incidence directions. As the scale of the
 dimer increases, however, this is no longer an ac-
3. Dimer curate approximation 40 . We confirm here this ob-
 servation with a more complete characterisation of
 Our first illustration considers light scattering by numerical angular averaging, using the previously-
a ‘fingers crossed’ dimer of gold nanorods 43 , which defined seven cubature methods (Fig. 4). The size
has attracted considerable interest in recent years of the dimer is chosen such that the structure ex-
as a prototypal structure for chiral plasmonics 44–51 . tends to a sizeable fraction of the wavelength at res-
We recently revisited this geometry with a focus on onance, i.e. beyond the Rayleigh regime. In agree-
the angular dependence of the chiroptical far-field ment with our earlier observation, the same three
properties, namely the circular dichroism in extinc- cubature methods stand out (Lebedev, spherical t-
tion, scattering and absorption 40 . Despite its sim- design, Gauß-Legendre), while the others show a
(a) 100 (b) (c) (d)
 sph. des. E2
 sph. des.
 Lebedev σext
 Lebedev 80 10-5

 Ninc (10−9 cutoff)

 Ninc (10−9 cutoff)
 100 Gauß-L.
relative error

 10-5 scale
 λ /nm 0.1

 sph. des. 580

 Lebedev 820 60
 10-10 grid 50
 Fibonacci 10-15
 random 40
 10-15 10-20
 3 10 30 100 0.1 0.5 1.0 2.0 400 500 600 700 800 900 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
 Ninc dimer scaling factor, s wavelength /nm order, l

 Figure 5: Orientation averaging of light scattering by a dimer of gold spheres, as depicted in panel (a). The nominal dimensions
 are r = 50 nm for the sphere radius, and a gap g = 10 nm. We later vary both dimensions simultaneously with a scaling factor s.
 The dashed lines correspond to the results for a dimer tilted by Euler angles ϕ = 12◦ , θ = 21◦ from the z axis. (a) Convergence
 of 7 cubature rules for the local degree of chirality C at the mid-gap point P between the spheres. The scaling factor is
 s = 1 in this plot. (b) Variation of the number of cubature angles required to reach an accuracy of 10−9 as a function of the
 dimer’s scaling factor, s. (c) Variation of the number of cubature angles required to reach an accuracy of 10−9 as a function
 of the wavelength, for the nominal dimer (s = 1). (d) Spherical Harmonic Decomposition of the angular pattern for far-field
 extinction (blue symbols), near-field intensity |E|2 (pink symbols), and local degree of chirality C (green symbols), for 2 scale
 factors (s = 0.1, solid circles, and s = 1, open triangles). The variable l refers to the order of spherical harmonic.

 slow convergence with a modest relative accuracy The absolute precision of orientation-averaged re-
 of ∼ 10−4 requiring hundreds of incidence angles. sults depends not only on the number of incidence
 For the three best-performers, this number is re- angles, but also on the other parameters of the sim-
 duced to a few dozen angles, much more practi- ulation. The uncertainties in physical parameters,
 cal with time-consuming numerical methods. Fig- such as particle size and shape distribution, ma-
 ure 4 distinguishes between scattering and extinc- terial properties, etc. often limit the agreement
 tion (scattering + absorption) cross-sections, but between theory and experiment to much lower ac-
 we find a very similar convergence behaviour. Sim- curacy in many contexts 52 . The computational
 ilarly, we considered separately unpolarised cross- method itself is also subject to other sources of er-
 sections and their corresponding circular dichroism ror, such as the fineness of a mesh when the scatter-
 (differential response between left and right polar- ers are discretised in FEM, FDTD or DDA; in the
 isations), but find that the convergence properties T -matrix method employed here, the key conver-
 with respect to orientation averaging are very sim- gence parameter is the maximum multipolar order
 ilar in both cases. lmax which is used to truncate field expansions 53 .
 In our implementation, note that lmax refers to
 Our next example aims to further clarify the dif-
 scatterer-centred expansions 13,22 . Remarkably, we
 ficulty of orientation averaging, i.e. the number
 find no interaction between Ninc and lmax when
 of incidence angles required for an accurate cuba-
 studying the convergence of orientation-averaged
 ture, in relation to the geometry of the cluster. In
 quantities. For example, varying lmax from 3 to 20
 Fig. 5 we consider a dimer of gold spheres – the
 does not affect the convergence of spherical cuba-
 simplest multi-particle cluster –, and vary the scale
 ture (ESI Fig. S2). The net accuracy of the results
 of the structure by a factor s (sphere radius and
 is of course lower at lower lmax – it may be just
 inter-particle distance are scaled identically). For a
 10−3 (ESI Fig. S3) while the cubature still reaches
 given value of s, we obtain convergence results as
 a plateau below 10−13 in the agreement between
 previously discussed (Fig. 5(a) for s = 1, showing
 numerical cubature and analytical orientation av-
 the convergence of C at the mid-point P between
 eraging. This suggests that the analytical formu-
 the two spheres, but other quantities reveal a sim-
 las for orientation averaging are also valid at finite
 ilar trend). We also verify that tilting the dimer
 lmax , not requiring the limit lmax → ∞ as some
 away from the z axis (dotted lines in Fig. 5(a)) does
 derivations would seem to imply. Conveniently, this
 not affect our conclusions; some cubature methods
 absence of interaction between Ninc and lmax also
 such as Fibonacci show a more unpredictable con-
 means that we can reliably test cubature conver-
 vergence with the reduced symmetry, but the trends
 gence at relatively small lmax values.
 are very similar.
In practice, many light-scattering calculations do of incidence for numerical cubature. We used the
not require the accuracy achieved by the Levedev, Matlab Chebfun library 54,55 for this decomposition,
Gauß-Legendre, or spherical t-design cubatures at which implements internally an efficient algorithm
the level where they plateau near double-precision based on Fourier transforms.PNote that we collapse
accuracy; instead a relative accuracy of 10−3 −10−5 the coefficients into |al | := m=−l |alm |2 , to sum-
may often be sufficient for most applications, and marise the relative weight of a given order l, and
these cubature methods reach such precision with normalise the coefficients so that |a0 | = 1 in each
far fewer evaluations than the other methods. Tak- case. The contrast between the two cluster scales
ing an arbitrary cutoff value, ε = 10−9 for instance, in Fig. 5(d) is very clear, and consistent across sev-
we may estimate the number of cubature points re- eral optical quantities of interest (far field extinc-
quired by each method by simple interpolation, and tion cross-section, σext , local field intensity E 2 , and
trace its dependence on simulation parameters such local degree of optical chirality C ). The magnitude
as the scale factor s (Figure 5(c)), or the wavelength of the SH coefficients rapidly decays with order l,
(Figure 5(d)). For clarity, we only consider from but this decay is much faster for the smaller clus-
now on the three best-performing cubature meth- ter. We also note that E 2 and C show a slower de-
ods. Additionally, one should note that the esti- cay than the far-field cross-section, suggesting that
mated cutoff value may not be exactly obtainable near-field quantities are indeed more challenging to
for a given cubature method; we are however inter- integrate numerically. This is the focus of our next
ested in the general trends of this cutoff number. example, with a more complex structure.
 The results clearly demonstrate that the size pa-
rameter of the cluster is key to determining the ac- 4. Helix
curacy of orientation averaging. The cutoff number
increases linearly with the scale of the compound π
 helix σext σCD
scatterer, at a given wavelength, with the slope
varying slightly from one method to another. An P x π/2
inverse dependence on wavelength is also apparent,
although the variation of the material’s dielectric 0

function with wavelength introduces further depen-
dencies, as observed in the peak appearing around π/2

520 nm, associated with a plasmon resonance. The
inter-particle coupling strength generally depends 0 π/2 π 3π/2 2π 0 π/2 π 3π/2 2π
on material properties as well as the geometry, and ϕ
this in turn affects the relative strength of different
multipolar orders to describe the scattering of the Figure 6: Orientation dependence of light scattering by a
 helix of gold nanorods (left image). The cluster consists of
whole cluster. five prolate gold spheroids, with helix axis z, radius 100 nm,
 We performed a spherical harmonic (SH) decom- pitch 700 nm, inter-particle angular step δ = π/4. The
position of the angular pattern of f (ϕ, θ), f ∈ spheroids are oriented along the helix, and have semi-axes
 a = b = 30 nm and c = 50 nm. The colour maps present the
 σext , |E|2 , C for clusters of two different scales:

 angular pattern of far-field cross-sections σext and σcd , and
s = 0.1 and s = 1 (Fig. 5(d)). This decomposition near-field values |E|2 and C at location P , half-way between
of the integrand into a series of spherical harmonics the last two spheroids. The data for each panel are nor-
performs a similar task as Fourier transforms for malised to their maximum value (brown, with white set to 0
 and green corresponding to negative values), as we are inter-
one-dimensional signals, but on the surface of the ested in comparing the angular patterns rather than specific
unit sphere. The SH decomposition expands the numeric values (which also have different units). These sim-
function f (ϕ, θ) as ulations used lmax = 15.

 max l
 X The previous examples considered compact clus-
 f (ϕ, θ) ≈ alm Ylm (ϕ, θ), (10)
 ters, with just two particles. With more parti-
 l=0 m=−l
 cles, the optical response can become even richer,
with Ylm the standard spherical harmonics of degree as the resonances of individual particles hybridise
l and angular momentum m. Higher-order spher- and form collective modes. These larger clusters
ical harmonics are associated with more localised typically require higher multipolar orders to de-
angular features, which in turn require more angles scribe the overall response of the cluster to inci-
dent light about a single origin, resulting in a more terns are non-trivial, as the structure is relatively
intricate angular pattern and a more challenging extended, and sharp angular features are present.
orientation averaging via numerical cubature. We They differ between far-field and near-field, with
illustrate such a situation by considering a helical the local field intensity presenting a single maxi-
strand of gold nanorods previously studied 24 , simi- mum around (ϕ = π, θ = π/2) for this particular
lar in size to some recently-proposed self-assembled position P , while the far-field patterns have several
structures 56 . maxima of equal strength. The chiroptical proper-
(a) (b)
 ties show more complex patterns than their unpo-
 100 102 larised equivalent, as they can take both positive
 (brown) and negative values (green).
 10-2 σext E2
 relative error

 10-4 (e)
 We now turn to the convergence behaviour of ori-
 10-4 entation averaging for these four quantities of in-
 terest (Fig. 7). For clarity we only present results
 obtained with spherical t-design cubatures, which
 10-8 10-8
 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100
 showed excellent accuracy in the previous examples,
 Ninc Ninc and provide finer steps between available cubatures
(c) (d)
 10-5 10-2
 than Lebedev. The convergence of far-field prop-
relative error (lmax = 40 ref.)

 10 -6
 σCD erties reveals a marked difference between σext and
 σext E2
 σcd , with a relative error typically a factor of 10
 10-7 10-3
 worse for circular dichroism. This increased diffi-
 culty in computing chiroptical properties is not un-
 10-9 10-4
 expected, and follows from the more complex pat-
 10 tern observed in Fig. 6. The near-field convergence
 10-11 10-5 is displayed with a different scale in Fig. 7 (b), as
 15 20 25 30 15 20 25 30
 lmax lmax the range of convergence is noticeably poorer than
 for far-field properties. This is also unsurprising,
Figure 7: Orientation averaging of light scattering by the as the near-field quantities present sharper angular
helical structure of Fig. 6. (a) Convergence of the relative features in Fig. 6. The local degree of chirality is
error for far-field cross-sections (extinction σext , blue, and
corresponding circular dichroism σcd , red). (b) Convergence
 also showing a worse convergence rate compared to
of the relative error in near-field quantities at location P the local field intensity, confirming that chiroptical
(local field intensity |E|2 , purple, and local degree of chirality properties are more challenging to integrate accu-
C , green). The results are shown for the average over both rately than unpolarised ones.
L and R incident polarisations. (c) and (d) Convergence
of the relative error in the same quantities, with respect to
lmax . The quantities are here calculated only via analytical As noted previously for the dimer structure, the
orientation averaging. convergence of the results with respect to the num-
 ber of incidence angles is largely independent of
 The structure consists of 5 gold spheroids im- the multipole truncation parameter lmax used in
mersed in water (Fig. 6) and we compute both far- the simulations. This value however dictates the
field and near-field quantities, to contrast their ori- net accuracy of the calculations, and we show in
entation dependence. Specifically, we calculate four Fig. 7(c,d) the convergence with respect to lmax .
quantities of interest: the far-field extinction cross- Here the exact result, corresponding formally to
section σext , the corresponding circular dichroism lmax = ∞, is not known, and we use lmax = 40
σcd , the near-field local intensity |E|2 at a posi- as reference instead. Similar conclusions can be
tion P mid-way between the last two particles, and drawn, with near-field quantities converging much
the local degree of optical chirality C at the same slower than far-field cross-sections, and chiropti-
position. Full spectra are shown in ESI Fig. S4, cal properties being more challenging to calculate
and in the following we focus on the wavelength than unpolarised ones in both near-field and far-
λ = 650 nm. The angular dependence of each quan- field settings. These conclusions are expected to
tity over the full solid angle is presented in Fig- hold beyond this particular set of examples, except
ure 6, where the colour maps are scaled to a max- for particular cases such as near-field points of high-
imum value of 1 for ease of comparison. The pat- symmetry.
5. Discussion and conclusions of different cubature rules in light scattering simu-
 Among the important decisions to consider when Our results offer some progress toward these
simulating optical properties of nanoparticles or goals, with three notable contributions: first, we
nanoparticle clusters is the choice of the incident benchmark seven different spherical cubature meth-
light, often taken as a plane wave, notably its state ods, considering both far-field and near-field quan-
of polarisation and direction of propagation. The tities of interest; second, we also contrast the stan-
optical properties can differ dramatically along dif- dard unpolarised quantities such as cross-sections
ferent directions, and in the context of chiroptical and field enhancement, with chiroptical properties
properties, may change the response entirely with including circular dichroism and local degree of op-
the onset of so-called extrinsic chirality 57 . Many tical chirality, shown to display a more challenging
popular numerical methods such as FDTD, FEM, angular dependence; third, we connect the conver-
or DDA, require a complete new calculation for gence of cubature rules to the spherical harmonic
each direction of incidence, with a substantial cost decomposition of the integrand.
in simulation time. Although modern solvers of While no universal rule stands out to offer an a
Maxwell’s equations are getting increasingly per- priori estimate of the number of incidence directions
formant, and the computational hardware allows needed for a given nanostructure, we have identi-
large-scale problems to be treated on standard desk- fied some helpful indicators. First and foremost,
top computers, the computational cost is by no the particle cluster’s size parameter, i.e. the ra-
means negligible and remains a hindrance for large- dius of its circumscribed sphere times the wavenum-
scale optimisation problems. Indeed, a cluster of ber in the incident medium, dictates the variabil-
just a few particles already exposes many degrees ity of the angular pattern, and consequently, the
of freedom, particularly for nonspherical particles, degree of spherical cubature required for an ac-
or if their geometry itself can be modified 58 . Ad- curate integration. This necessitates using one
ditionally, the quantities of interest often involve of the best-performing spherical cubature meth-
further averaging, such as enhancement factors av- ods, namely Lebedev, spherical t-design, or Gauß-
eraged over a specific volume or surface area where Legendre rules. These methods integrate exactly
analytes may be present 33 , or the integration over spherical harmonics up to a given order, and we
a given spectral range 59 . Real-world particles are confirmed their superior properties over ‘generic’
typically polydisperse, requiring further averaging methods such as regular grids, quasi Monte Carlo,
over the size and shape distribution to compare or Fibonacci, which nonetheless remain popular
quantitatively with experiments. With each new choices. Inter-particle coupling depends on many
variable of integration the problem becomes less factors, from the exact geometry of the particle
tractable with off-the-shelf computers, thereby lim- cluster, but also the resonances supported by each
iting the number of studies and the full exploration particle. As a result, the wavelength dependence of
of such rich parameter spaces. In this context, the convergence properties depend to an extent on
orientation averaging is an easy question to ad- the material properties, not just on the wavenum-
dress: for randomly-oriented scatterers, one typ- ber.
ically wishes to obtain a reliable estimate of the We also observed a general trend when compar-
orientation-averaged quantity of interest, and often ing unpolarised quantities of interest with chirop-
a relative accuracy of 10−3 will be sufficient, taking tical properties, in both the far-field and in the
into account the often larger sources of uncertainty near-field. Chiroptical properties are found more
in nanoscale dimensions, morphology, or even in sensitive to the direction of incidence, with more
the material composition and dielectric function 60 . complex angular patterns and a need for higher-
With this objective in mind, one hopes to find rules order cubatures to reach a given relative accu-
of thumb to decide a priori on a reasonable num- racy. Similarly, we contrasted near-field and far-
ber of incidence directions to simulate, as well as field quantities of interest, where, as expected from
a means to evaluate the magnitude of the error in empirical knowledge, we find that the convergence
this averaging process. The situation is however of near-field quantities is more computationally-
complicated by the fact that different quantities of demanding. Near-field properties typically re-
interest have different convergence behaviour, and quire taking into account multipolar components
few studies have been devoted to the performance or higher order, compared to far-field properties.
Remarkably, however, we find that the convergence the MacDiarmid Institute for additional funding
rate of far-field or near-field quantities is largely in- (A.F.N.).
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