ORC Omnibus Plan Change - Plan Change 8 - Submission Reference no: 38 - EPA NZ

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ORC Omnibus Plan Change - Plan
Change 8
Submission Reference no: 38
Ravensdown Limited (Ravensdown) (Anna Wilkes)
Planz Consultants Limited (Planz) PO Box 1845 CHRISTCHURCH 8140
New Zealand
Ph: 021 229 0439
Submitter Type: Not specified
Source:             Email

 Overall Notes:

 Are you a trade competitor?
 I am a person who would not gain an advantage in trade competition through this submission

 What are you submitting on? You can submit on specific parts of Plan Change 8 or the whole plan change.
 see submission

 What is your view on the Plan Change 8 or the specific parts listed above? Please select one, if you have multiple views state
 clearly in the notes box below.
 see submission

 What decision would you like the Environment Court to make?
 see submission

 Do you wish to be heard in support of your submission? All submissions will be considered by the Environment Court. Please
 indicate if you wish to be heard in support of your submission.
 I wish to be heard in support of my submission

 Please indicate your choice(s) below. If you do not indicate your intention to call experts, you can change your mind later and
 decide to call experts to give evidence in relation to your submission, provided you do so in time to meet any procedural
 direction the Environment Court might make.
 If others make a similar submission I/we would consider presenting a joint case with them at a hearing

 Authority to act:
 I confirm I have the authority to sign this submission on behalf of the submitter
From:                                         Carmen Taylor 
Sent:                                         Monday, 17 August 2020 10:11 am
To:                                           policy@orc.govt.nz; ORCplanchanges
Cc:                                           Anna Wilkes
Subject:                                      Submission (Ravensdown Limited) - ORC Plan Change (Omnibus)
Attachments:                                  Ravensdown_Submission on Otago RC PC8 Discharge Management to RPW_FINAL


Please find attached Ravensdown Limited’s submission on Proposed Plan Change 8 (Discharge Management) to the
Regional Plan: Water for Otago.

Regards, Carmen

                                 Carmen Taylor - Associate
                                 DDI: 03 929 1414 M: 021 312 781                    E: carmen@planzconsultants.co.nz                W: planzconsultants.co.nz
                                 A: 8 Stafford Street, Dunedin 9016

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TO:                        Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
                           Private Bag 63002
                           Waterloo Quay
                           WELLINGTON 6140
                           Via email: ORCplanchanges@epa.govt.nz
                           Otago Regional Council (Council)
                           Private Bag 1954
                           DUNEDIN 9054
                           Via email: policy@orc.govt.nz

SUBMITTER:                 Ravensdown Limited (Ravensdown)
                           292 Main South Road
                           PO Box 1059
                           CHRISTCHURCH 8140
                           Contact:    Anna Wilkes
                                       Environmental and Policy Manager
                           Mobile:     021 229 0439
                           Email:      anna.wilkes@ravensdown.co.nz

ADDRESS FOR SERVICE:       Planz Consultants Limited (Planz)
                           PO Box 1845
                           CHRISTCHURCH 8140
                           Contact:    Carmen Taylor
                                       Consultant Planner (Associate)
                           Mobile:     021 312 781
                           Email:      carmen@planzconsultants.co.nz
Ravensdown Limited – Overview and Interests in the Otago Region
1.1    Ravensdown Limited (Ravensdown) is a farmer owned co-operative. Ravensdown’s goal is to
       enable smarter farming for a better New Zealand. Given this goal, Ravensdown provides
       products, namely fertiliser and agrochemicals (agrichemicals), expertise and technology to help
       farmers reduce environmental impacts and to optimise value, or outputs, from their land.
1.2    Ravensdown, in deciding whether to participate in regional planning processes, considers
       whether the plan, or proposed plan change, will achieve the purpose of the Resource
       Management Act 1991 (RMA) while also evaluating whether the planning provisions will unduly
       constrain its own activities (i.e., manufacturing, store sites and quarries) and/or the users of
       their products (i.e., its farming shareholders).
1.3    In this context, the nature of Ravensdown’s interests in the Otago region includes the Dunedin
       (Ravensbourne) manufacturing works, which is one of Ravensdown’s three manufacturing sites,
       as well as four bulk stores located throughout the region in Oamaru, Milton, Balclutha and
       Cromwell. In addition, through Ravensdown Environmental, Ravensdown assists its
       shareholders and others to meet regional planning requirements through the provision of farm
       environment services, which include nutrient loss and mitigation modelling (including Overseer
       Nutrient Budgeting), Farm Environment Plan (FEP) development and associated resource
       consent planning services.
1.4    Given the nature of Ravensdown’s activities in the region, Ravensdown seeks to ensure that the
       Proposed Plan Change 8 (PC8) (Discharge Management) to the Regional Plan: Water for Otago
       (Water Plan) will promote the sustainable management of natural and physical resources, in
       this instance, the region’s land and water resources. This includes the ability to continue to use
       and develop resources, including the rural land resource, while ensuring that the adverse effects
       of activities are avoided, remedied or mitigated.
1.5    Given the above context, the provisions of PC8 are of interest to Ravensdown given its activities
       in the region and the nature of farming activities undertaken by its farming shareholders in the
       region, as outlined in paragraph 1.3 above. Therefore, in preparing this submission,
       Ravensdown has focussed on the implications that the proposed amendments will have for its
       bulk stores1 within the region, as well to the provisions which apply to the farming activities
       undertaken by its farming shareholders in the region.
Overview of Submission
1.6    Ravensdown’s submission, given its key interests in the Otago region, understands that the
       purpose of PC8 is to strengthen the management of particular activities to, at a minimum,
       maintain water quality in Otago. This is achieved by strengthening the policy direction for
       decision-makers in relation to a range of discharges, including stormwater and farming
       activities, and by managing particular activities, via new/amended policies and rules, that are

1 While Ravensdown’s Dunedin (Ravensbourne) manufacturing works is located in the Otago region, the discharges from
the site (i.e., stormwater and treated wastewater) are to the Otago Harbour (coastal marine area) and these discharges are
regulated by the Regional Plan: Coastal for Otago. Therefore, the provisions of the Water Plan are not relevant to the
Ravensbourne site’s operations.
Submission on Proposed Plan Change 8 (Discharge Management) to the
   Regional Plan: Water for Otago
Ravensdown Limited (17 August 2020)                                                                                      2
known to have adverse effects on water quality (i.e., including, of relevance to Ravensdown,
      animal waste storage and discharge, intensive grazing, stock access to water).
1.7   Ravensdown supports the intent and aim of PC8, including the requirement for farming
      activities to implement Good Management Practices (GMP), and the additional/new regulation
      for some farming activities. In supporting PC8, Ravensdown also acknowledges that PC8 is an
      ‘interim’ plan change intended to address some specific issues in the region. In this context,
      Ravensdown also acknowledges that Council will be notifying a new regional plan to manage
      the region’s land and water resources in the near future.
1.8   While generally supporting PC8, through these submissions, Ravensdown seeks amendments
      that enable Ravensdown, its bulk stores, its shareholders and the users of its products to
      continue to use and develop resources in the region in a manner that continues to provide for
      the sustainable management of natural and physical resources, including the region’s land and
      water resource, while also ensuring that adverse effects on the environment are avoided,
      remedied or mitigated.
1.9   While recognising the interim nature of PC8, Ravensdown’s considers that it is important that
      PC8 endeavours to align with the relevant provisions of the recently gazetted national
      instruments for healthy waterways, namely the National Policy Statement for Freshwater
      Management 2020, the National Environmental Standards for Freshwater and the associated
      regulations (e.g., the Resource Management (Stock Exclusion) Regulations 2020). Ravensdown
      is working hard with its shareholders to get buy-in into the obligations arising from the various
      national and regional statutory planning documents that are now coming into effect. For this
      to be successful, it is important that national consistency with these requirements is achieved
      where possible. While it is recognised that PC8 was developed prior to the these national
      instruments coming into force, and while also recognising that these instruments do provide
      time for some of the provisions to be incorporated into relevant regional planning provisions,
      Ravensdown considers that where possible, and necessary, PC8 provisions should be amended
      to align with these national planning instruments. Given this goal, many of the amendments
      being sought by Ravensdown’s submission, as outlined in the table contained in Attachment A,
      are being requested in order to achieve the desired consistency.
1.10 Ravensdown’s submissions on PC8 is structured as follows:
      (a)    Specific submission points on the provisions of PC8 to the Water Plan are contained in
             the table provided in Attachment A;
      (b)    A conclusion, including the overarching reasons for the submission, is provided in Section

2.1   Ravensdown generally supports PC8, subject to the amendments requested to address the
      concerns raised within its submission. In relation to the provisions that Ravensdown has raised

Submission on Proposed Plan Change 8 (Discharge Management) to the
   Regional Plan: Water for Otago
Ravensdown Limited (17 August 2020)                                                                  3
concerns about, those provisions require amendment because, without amendment, those
        (a)   will not promote sustainable management of resources and will not achieve the purpose
              of the RMA;
        (b)   is contrary to Part 2 and other provisions of the RMA;
        (c)   will not enable the social and economic well-being of the community of the Otago region;
        (d)   will not meet the reasonably foreseeable needs of future generations;
        (e)   will not achieve integrated management of the effects of the use, development or
              protection of the region’s land and water resources;
        (f)   will not enable the efficient use and development of Ravensdown’s assets and
              operations, and of those resources which are dependent on, or benefit from,
              Ravensdown’s assets and operations; and
        (g)   do not represent the most appropriate means of exercising Council’s functions, having
              regard to the efficiency and effectiveness of the provisions relative to other means.
2.2     Ravensdown could not gain an advantage in trade competition through this submission.
2.3     Ravensdown wishes to be heard in support of its submissions.
2.4     If others are making a similar submission, Ravensdown will consider presenting a joint case with
        them at the hearing.

Date:         17 August 2020

Carmen Taylor
Consultant Planner (Associate)
Authorised to sign this submission on behalf of Ravensdown Limited

Submission on Proposed Plan Change 8 (Discharge Management) to the
   Regional Plan: Water for Otago
Ravensdown Limited (17 August 2020)                                                                    4

 SUB.                                      SUPPORT /
           PC8 PROVISION          PAGE                       COMMENTS                                                    RELIEF SOUGHT
 REF.                                      OPPOSE
 7.C - Policies for discharges of human sewage, hazardous substances, hazardous wastes, specified contaminants, and stormwater; and discharges from industrial or
 trade premises and consented dams
 1         Amended Policy         4        Support           Section 7.C of the Regional Plan: Water for Otago           Retain the amendments to Policy 7.C.5 as notified.
           7.C.5                                             (Water Plan) contains policies related to discharges of
                                                             human sewage, hazardous substances and wastes,
                                                             specified contaminants, stormwater and discharges
                                                             from industrial or trade premises and consented
                                                             dams. PC8 proposes changes to these policies,
                                                             including Policy 7.C.5, on the basis that they do not
                                                             provide adequate direction to decision-makers when
                                                             making decisions on resource consent applications
                                                             for such discharges.
                                                             Ravensdown considers that the proposed
                                                             amendments to Policy 7.C.5 more clearly articulate
                                                             that the purpose of the requirements contained in
                                                             parts (a) to (c) of the policy is to minimise the adverse
                                                             effects associated with such discharges.
 2         Amended Policy         5        Support           As outlined above in relation to the proposed               Retain the amendments to Policy 7.C.6 as notified.
           7.C.6 and                                         amendments to Policy 7.C.5, PC8 proposes changes to
           Explanation                                       Policy 7.C.6 to provide clear direction for decision-
                                                             makers making decisions on resource consent
                                                             applications for discharges from existing stormwater
                                                             reticulation systems.
                                                             In the context of this policy and given Ravensdown’s
                                                             area of interest, namely stormwater discharges from
                                                             its bulk stores in the region, Ravensdown supports
                                                             the proposed policy amendments. The amendments
Attachment A - Submissions on Proposed Plan Change 8 (Discharge Management) to the
    Regional Plan: Water for Otago
Ravensdown Limited (17 August 2020)                                                                                                                                           A1
SUB.                                      SUPPORT /
           PC8 PROVISION          PAGE                       COMMENTS                                                   RELIEF SOUGHT
 REF.                                      OPPOSE
                                                             clearly identify that the aim of the policy is to ensure
                                                             that the adverse effects on the environment from
                                                             existing reticulated stormwater systems are to be
                                                             reduced, and that measures are to be in place at
                                                             industrial or trade waste sites to ensure that the
                                                             contamination of stormwater is prevented. It is
                                                             considered that these approaches reflect best
 7.D - Policies for discharges of water and contaminants, excluding those discharges provided for in 7.C
 3         Amended Policy         6 and    Support           Section 7.D of the Water Plan contains policies            Retain the amendments to Policy 7.D.5 as notified.
           7.D.5                  7                          related to discharges of water and contaminants that
                                                             are not provided for by Section 7.C of the Water Plan.
                                                             These policies therefore apply to a range of activities,
                                                             including discharges from farming activities. PC8
                                                             proposes changes to these policies, including Policy
                                                             7.D.5, on the basis that they do not provide adequate
                                                             direction to decision-makers when making decisions
                                                             on resource consent applications for such discharges
                                                             (i.e., including Rule 12.C.3.2 which applies to
                                                             discharges not provided for by other rules in Section
                                                             12.C of the Water Plan).
                                                             Ravensdown considers that the proposed
                                                             amendments to this policy, while not changing the
                                                             requirements of the policy, do provide clarity on the
                                                             requirements for decision-makers. On this basis, the
                                                             proposed amendments are supported.
 4         New Policy 7.D.6       7        Oppose in         This policy is intended to provide clear direction for     Amend Policy 7.D.6 as follows, with amendments
                                           part              decision-makers on the appropriate consent duration        shown in shaded and double underlined or strike
                                                             for discharges from farming activities. The section 32     through text:
                                                             Report for PC8 identifies that restricting the duration        When considering applications for resource
                                                             of farming activity resource consents for the                  consent for discharges of nitrogen under Rule

Attachment A - Submissions on Proposed Plan Change 8 (Discharge Management) to the
    Regional Plan: Water for Otago
Ravensdown Limited (17 August 2020)                                                                                                                                          A2
SUB.                                      SUPPORT /
           PC8 PROVISION          PAGE                       COMMENTS                                                   RELIEF SOUGHT
 REF.                                      OPPOSE
                                                             discharge of nitrogen to 10 years will assist Council in       12.C.3.2:
                                                             managing the transition to a new regional plan that is         (a) Restrict the duration of resource consents to a
                                                             to be developed to give effect to the National Policy              term of no more than 10 years, or include a
                                                             Statement for Freshwater Management 2020.                          review condition to reflect the same
                                                             Ravensdown recognises that providing for a co-                     timeframe; and
                                                             ordinated review of such resource use activities, as           (b) Have particular regard to:
                                                             effectively proposed by this policy, can be                        (i) The water quality of the receiving water
                                                             advantageous, particularly for Council. However,                         body; and
                                                             from a resource user’s perspective, limiting consent
                                                                                                                                (ii) Any adverse effects on the natural or
                                                             durations, can be problematic. The time and costs
                                                                                                                                      human use values of the receiving water
                                                             associated with gaining a resource consent can be
                                                                                                                                      body as set out in Schedule 1; and
                                                             significant and being required to repeat such a
                                                             process within 10 years, particularly when the effects             (iii) Any adverse effects on Kāi Tahu cultural
                                                             of an activity are minor or minimal, is unfair. Also, if                 and spiritual beliefs, values and uses; and
                                                             nitrogen loss mitigation measures that require                     (iv) The expected reduction in nitrogen
                                                             significant investment are proposed as part of a                         discharged over the term of the resource
                                                             resource consent application, for the applicant to be                    consent, particularly from changes to land
                                                             able to proceed with that investment they will require                   management practices or infrastructure;
                                                             the certainty and security around the ability to                         and
                                                             continue to farm.                                                  (iv) The administrative benefits of aligning the
                                                             For the above reasons, Ravensdown considers that                         expiry date with other resource consents
                                                             flexibility should be provided whereby a review                          for the same activity in the surrounding
                                                             condition that aligns with the requirement to                            area or catchment.
                                                             implement the requirements of a new regional plan is
                                                             also an option.
 7.D - Policies for discharges of water and contaminants, excluding those discharges provided for in 7.C
 5         New Policy 7.D.7       12       Support           PC8 introduces policies, and associated rules and          Retain Policy 7.D.7 as notified.
                                  and                        schedules, to manage the storage component of
                                  13                         animal waste systems (i.e., the storage of faeces and
                                                             urine from animals) and associated application to

Attachment A - Submissions on Proposed Plan Change 8 (Discharge Management) to the
    Regional Plan: Water for Otago
Ravensdown Limited (17 August 2020)                                                                                                                                            A3
SUB.                                      SUPPORT /
           PC8 PROVISION          PAGE                       COMMENTS                                                   RELIEF SOUGHT
 REF.                                      OPPOSE
                                                             land. The section 32 Report outlines that while the
                                                             operative Water Plan contains permitted and
                                                             prohibited rules for the discharge of such wastes, the
                                                             Part B provisions of PC8 will improve the minimum
                                                             standards that apply to such activities and will also
                                                             bring the region into line with good practice that is
                                                             applied throughout New Zealand.
                                                             Ravensdown considers that this policy, as part of the
                                                             broader animal waste provisions of PC8, reflects
                                                             current national Good Management Practice (GMP)
                                                             approaches as applicable to this component of
                                                             farming activities.
 6         New Policy 7.D.8       13       Support           As outlined above in relation to Policy 7.D.7 (Sub. Ref.   Retain Policy 7.D.8 as notified.
                                                             5), PC8 introduces a range of provisions to manage
                                                             the storage component of animal waste systems and
                                                             associated application to land. The section 32 Report
                                                             outlines that the Part B provisions of PC8 aim to
                                                             improve the minimum standards that apply to such
                                                             This policy is a component of these provisions, with
                                                             the aim of the policy being to identify that existing
                                                             animal waste storage systems, that do not meet the
                                                             minimum standards are now required to have in place
                                                             a plan, which can be staged, for achieving the
                                                             minimum standards (as outlined in proposed new
                                                             permitted activity Rule
                                                             Ravensdown considers that the requirement for
                                                             existing animal waste systems to improve
                                                             performance to meet the new minimum standards is
                                                             an appropriate resource management response. It
                                                             reflects improved practices and ensures alignment
                                                             with      nationally    appropriate       management
Attachment A - Submissions on Proposed Plan Change 8 (Discharge Management) to the
    Regional Plan: Water for Otago
Ravensdown Limited (17 August 2020)                                                                                                                        A4
SUB.                                      SUPPORT /
           PC8 PROVISION          PAGE                       COMMENTS                                                      RELIEF SOUGHT
 REF.                                      OPPOSE
                                                             approaches, including the implementation of GMP,
                                                             for such systems. Ravensdown also considers that it
                                                             is appropriate to provide the farmers with time to
                                                             make the necessary improvements.
 12.C – Other discharges / 12.C.0 - Prohibited activities: No resource consent will be granted
 7         New Rule 12.C.0.4      17       Support in        As outlined above, Part D of PC8 introduces a range           Amend Rule 12.C.0.4 as follows, with amendments
                                           part              of provisions to manage the storage component of              shown in shaded and double underlined or strike
                                                             animal waste systems and associated application to            through text:
                                                             land.                                                             The discharge of animal waste from an animal
                                                             This rule, as a component of these provisions,                    waste system:
                                                             prohibits the discharges from animal waste systems if             (i) To any lake, river or Regionally Significant
                                                             the discharge is: to or near the identified waterbodies                 Wetland; or
                                                             (Conditions (i) to (v)); if it causes ponding, is to frozen       (ii) To any drain or water race that goes to a lake,
                                                             land or results in overland flow to water (Condition                    river, Regionally Significant Wetland or
                                                             (vi)); or, gives rise to the effects listed in Condition                coastal marine area; or
                                                                                                                               (iii) To the bed of any lake, river or Regionally
                                                             While Ravensdown generally considers, with the                          Significant Wetland; or
                                                             exception of Condition (v), that the conditions
                                                                                                                               (iv) To any bore or soak hole; or
                                                             attached to this rule reflect best practice in terms of
                                                             circumstances where such discharges should not                    (v) To land within 50 metres of:
                                                             occur, and for this reason, this prohibited activity rule               (a) Any lake, river or Regionally Significant
                                                             is generally supported.                                                     Wetland; or
                                                             Ravensdown’s concern with Condition (v) is the 50m                      (b) Any bore or soak hole; or
                                                             setback specified, particularly in the context of a               (vi) To land in a manner that results in ponding or
                                                             prohibited activity rule, may mean that significant                     overland flow to water, including to frozen
                                                             areas of a farm may not be able to be used for the                      land; or
                                                             application of animal waste from an animal waste                  (vii) That results in any of the following effects in
                                                             system. While it is acknowledged that this condition                    receiving waters, after reasonable mixing:
                                                             reflects a similar condition (Condition (vi)) attached to               (a) the production of conspicuous oil or grease
                                                             operative Rule 12.C.0.2, it is considered that the                          films, scums or foams, or floatable or
                                                             transfer to this condition into the new rule is not                         suspended materials; or

Attachment A - Submissions on Proposed Plan Change 8 (Discharge Management) to the
    Regional Plan: Water for Otago
Ravensdown Limited (17 August 2020)                                                                                                                                               A5
SUB.                                      SUPPORT /
           PC8 PROVISION          PAGE                       COMMENTS                                                  RELIEF SOUGHT
 REF.                                      OPPOSE
                                                             appropriate as Rule 12.C.0.2 relates to silage storage,          (b) any conspicuous change in the colour or
                                                             composting process and the storage and treatment                     visual clarity; or
                                                             system associated with animal waste systems (i.e.,               (c) any emission of objectionable odour; or
                                                             not the discharge from such systems which are not                (d) the rendering of fresh water unsuitable for
                                                             provided for by this proposed new rule). To provide                  consumption by farm animals; or
                                                                                                                              (e) any significant adverse effects on aquatic
                                                             - the National Environment Standards for                             life;
                                                                 Freshwater 2020 (NES-F) specifies a 5m setback
                                                                                                                          is a prohibited activity.
                                                                 for livestock from waterbodies, including
                                                                 wetlands, for permitted intensive winter grazing
                                                                 (Regulation 26);
                                                             - the NES-F also specifies a 10m setback from
                                                                 natural wetlands for vegetation clearance,
                                                                 earthworks or land disturbance associated with
                                                                 permitted arable and horticultural land use
                                                                 (Regulation 50);
                                                             - The Resource Management (Stock Exclusion)
                                                                 Regulations 2020 (Stock Exclusion Regs) specify a
                                                                 3m setback for excluding stock from lakes and
                                                                 rivers (Regulation 8); and
                                                             - In Canterbury, the discharge of animal effluent is
                                                                 permitted provided it is not within 20m of a
                                                                 surface water body or bore (Rule 5.35 of the
                                                                 Canterbury Land and Water Regional Plan
                                                             In this context, it is considered that appropriate
                                                             setbacks for discharge activities should be identified
                                                             at the time a resource consent is sought, in the
                                                             context of the quality of the discharge, the nature of
                                                             the property where the discharge is occurring, and
                                                             the nature of sensitive activities on the property and
                                                             neighbouring the property.          For this reason,

Attachment A - Submissions on Proposed Plan Change 8 (Discharge Management) to the
    Regional Plan: Water for Otago
Ravensdown Limited (17 August 2020)                                                                                                                                        A6
SUB.                                      SUPPORT /
           PC8 PROVISION          PAGE                       COMMENTS                                                   RELIEF SOUGHT
 REF.                                      OPPOSE
                                                             Ravensdown considers that Condition (v) should be
 12.C – Other discharges / 12.C.1 - Permitted activities: No resource consent required
 8         New Rule 12.C.1.4      17       Support in        This rule, as a component of the provisions contained      Amend Rule 12.C.1.4 as follows, with amendments
                                           part              in Part D of PC8, permits the discharge of animal          shown in shaded and double underlined or strike
                                                             waste to land subject to conditions. The conditions        through text:
                                                             include: that the discharge is from an animal waste            Notwithstanding any other rule in this Plan, the
                                                             system permitted by Rule (i.e., that meets            discharge of animal waste, or water containing
                                                             the minimum standards for such systems included in             animal waste, from an animal waste system onto
                                                             the conditions of Rule – refer to Sub. Ref. 11        or into land is a permitted activity providing:
                                                             below); the discharge is not prohibited by Rule                (a) The animal waste system is permitted under
                                                             12.C.0.4 (refer to Sub. Ref. 7 above); and, the                    Rules and or a resource
                                                             discharge occurs within the property where the waste               consent has been granted under Rule;
                                                             is generated and the discharge is setback from the                 and
                                                             property boundary by at least 50m.
                                                                                                                            (b) The discharge is not prohibited under Rule
                                                             Ravensdown considers that providing for the                        12.C.0.4; and
                                                             discharges from animal waste systems as a permitted
                                                                                                                            (c) The discharge does not occur within 50 20
                                                             activity is an appropriate resource management
                                                                                                                                metres of the boundary of the property on
                                                             approach particularly given the constraints in place
                                                                                                                                which the animal waste is generated, or
                                                             through the conditions of this rule.
                                                                                                                                beyond that boundary.
                                                             However, it is considered that amendments are
                                                             required to this rule.
                                                             Firstly, this rule does not appropriately reflect the
                                                             land use rule hierarchy for animal waste systems (i.e.,
                                                             existing systems are a permitted activity subject to
                                                             complying with conditions, while new systems
                                                             require a controlled activity resource consent).
                                                             Secondly, in relation to Condition (c), as outlined
                                                             above in relation to Rule 12.C.0.4 (Sub. Ref. 7), 50m
                                                             from the property boundary is a large setback which
                                                             does not necessarily align with the potential effects of

Attachment A - Submissions on Proposed Plan Change 8 (Discharge Management) to the
    Regional Plan: Water for Otago
Ravensdown Limited (17 August 2020)                                                                                                                                        A7
SUB.                                      SUPPORT /
           PC8 PROVISION          PAGE                       COMMENTS                                                   RELIEF SOUGHT
 REF.                                      OPPOSE
                                                             the discharge. Based on operative permitted activity
                                                             rules that are in place in Canterbury for such
                                                             discharges, Ravensdown considers that 20m from the
                                                             property boundary is an appropriate setback for such
                                                             a permitted activity (refer to Condition 2(b) of the
                                                             Rule 5.35 of the LWRP).
 12.C – Other discharges / 12.C.2 - Restricted discretionary activities: Resource consent required
 9         New Rule 12.C.2.5      18       Support           This rule, as a component of the provisions contained      Amend Rule 12.C.2.5 as follows, with amendments
                                                             in Part D of PC8, provides for the discharge of animal     shown in shaded and double underlined or strike
                                                             waste to land as a restricted discretionary activity       through text:
                                                             where the discharge is not permitted by Rule                   The discharge of animal waste, or water
                                                             12.C.1.4, or prohibited by Rule 12.C.0.4.                      containing animal waste, from an animal waste
                                                             Ravensdown considers that restricted discretionary             system onto or into land is a restricted
                                                             activity status for such discharges is appropriate.            discretionary activity provided:
                                                             Ravensdown also considers that the matters of                  (a) The discharge is not prohibited under Rule
                                                             discretion also appropriately reflect the potential                  12.C.0.2A 12.C.0.4; and
                                                             adverse effects that need to be considered when                (b) The discharge is not permitted under Rule
                                                             assessing such applications.                                         12.C.1.4;
                                                             However, Ravensdown requests an amendment to                   In considering any resource consent under this
                                                             the rule, so that it refers to the correct prohibited          rule, the Otago Regional Council will restrict the
                                                             activity rule (i.e., Rule 12.C.0.4, not Rule 12.C.0.2A –       exercise of its discretion to the following:
                                                             there is no Rule 12.C.0.2A in PC8 or the operative
                                                                                                                            (i) The application depth and rate;
                                                             Water Plan).
                                                                                                                            (ii) Size and location of the disposal area,
                                                                                                                                  including separation distances from lakes,
                                                                                                                                  rivers, Regionally Significant Wetlands, bores,
                                                                                                                                  soak holes, water supply for human
                                                                                                                                  consumption and dwellings;
                                                                                                                            (iii) Measures to avoid, remedy or mitigate
                                                                                                                                  adverse effects on water quality, taking into
                                                                                                                                  account the nature and sensitivity of the

Attachment A - Submissions on Proposed Plan Change 8 (Discharge Management) to the
    Regional Plan: Water for Otago
Ravensdown Limited (17 August 2020)                                                                                                                                            A8
SUB.                                      SUPPORT /
           PC8 PROVISION          PAGE                       COMMENTS                                                    RELIEF SOUGHT
 REF.                                      OPPOSE
                                                                                                                                  receiving environment;
                                                                                                                             (iv) Measures to avoid, remedy or mitigate
                                                                                                                                  adverse effects on Kāi Tahu cultural and
                                                                                                                                  spiritual beliefs, values and uses;
                                                                                                                             (v) Duration of consent and any review
                                                                                                                             (vi) Quality of, and compliance with, a
                                                                                                                                  management plan for the animal waste
                                                                                                                                  system; and
                                                                                                                             (vii) Any       information      and     monitoring
 NEW 14.7 – Animal Waste Systems / 14.7.1 – Permitted activities: No resource consent required
 10        New Rule      20       Support           This rule, as a component of the provisions contained       Amend Rule as follows, with amendments
                                  and                        in Part D of PC8, provides for the use of land by           shown in shaded and double underlined or strike
                                  21                         existing animal waste systems (i.e., including storage      through text:
                                                             ponds and ancillary structures) subject to the                  The use of land for the use and maintenance of an
                                                             conditions. The conditions reflect the requirement              animal waste system (including storage pond(s)
                                                             that there is no leakage from the system, that the              and ancillary structures) that was constructed
                                                             system is operated in accordance with a management              prior to 25 March 2020 is a permitted activity
                                                             plan (including a requirement to have contingency               providing:
                                                             controls in place to prevent uncontrolled discharges            (a) The storage pond is sized in accordance with
                                                             and to periodically test, by way of the Schedule 18                 the Dairy Effluent Storage Calculator; and
                                                             drop test, that there is no leakage from the system);
                                                                                                                             (b) The storage pond is either:
                                                             and, if required by Council, written confirmation from
                                                             a ‘suitably qualified person’ is to be provided that                (i) Fully lined with an impermeable synthetic
                                                             Conditions (a) to (c) of this permitted activity rule are               liner and has a leak detection system
                                                             complied with.                                                          underlying the storage pond which is
                                                                                                                                     inspected not less than monthly, there is no
                                                             Ravensdown considers that permitted activity status
                                                                                                                                     evidence of any leakage, and a written
                                                             for the use of existing animal waste systems, subject
                                                                                                                                     record is kept recording the results of each
                                                             to complying with the proposed conditions, is
                                                                                                                                     inspection; or
                                                             appropriate as the conditions reflect minimum

Attachment A - Submissions on Proposed Plan Change 8 (Discharge Management) to the
    Regional Plan: Water for Otago
Ravensdown Limited (17 August 2020)                                                                                                                                            A9
SUB.                                      SUPPORT /
           PC8 PROVISION          PAGE                       COMMENTS                                                  RELIEF SOUGHT
 REF.                                      OPPOSE
                                                             standards for such systems.                                      (ii) Of impervious concrete construction; or
                                                             While the rule is supported, Ravensdown considers                (iii) An above-ground tank; or
                                                             that the note attached to this rule does not accurately          (iv) Certified by a Suitably Qualified Person
                                                             refer to the proposed rules that apply to the                          within the last five years as:
                                                             discharges from such animal waste systems.                             (1) Structurally sound and without any
                                                                                                                                        visual defects; and
                                                                                                                                    (2) Meeting the relevant pond drop test
                                                                                                                                        criteria in Schedule 18; and
                                                                                                                          (c) A management plan for the animal waste
                                                                                                                              system is prepared and implemented that
                                                                                                                              (i) Pond drop tests of the storage pond(s)
                                                                                                                                    every three years; and
                                                                                                                              (ii) Implementation of contingency measures
                                                                                                                                    to prevent the discharge of animal waste
                                                                                                                                    to a surface water body, an artificial
                                                                                                                                    watercourse, or the coastal marine area,
                                                                                                                                    either directly or indirectly, in the event of
                                                                                                                                    power outage or the failure of equipment;
                                                                                                                          (d) Upon written request by the Regional Council
                                                                                                                              a written statement or certificate from a
                                                                                                                              Suitably Qualified Person is provided to show
                                                                                                                              compliance with Conditions (a) to (c).
                                                                                                                          Note: Rule does not manage discharges
                                                                                                                                    of animal waste to land. Animal waste
                                                                                                                                    systems that comply with Rule will
                                                                                                                                    require resource consent under Rule
                                                                                                                                    12.C.2.5 for the Rules 12.C.0.4, 12.C.1.4
                                                                                                                                    and 12.C.2.5 regulate the discharge of
                                                                                                                                    animal waste to land from animal waste

Attachment A - Submissions on Proposed Plan Change 8 (Discharge Management) to the
    Regional Plan: Water for Otago
Ravensdown Limited (17 August 2020)                                                                                                                                            A10
SUB.                                      SUPPORT /
           PC8 PROVISION          PAGE                       COMMENTS                                                   RELIEF SOUGHT
 REF.                                      OPPOSE
 11        New Rule      21       Support           This rule, as a component of the provisions contained      Retain Rule as notified.
                                                             in Part D of PC8, provides for the use of land by
                                                             existing animal waste systems (i.e., including storage
                                                             ponds and ancillary structures) where the system
                                                             does not comply with Rule (refer to Sub. Ref.
                                                             10 above) but where a resource consent does not yet
                                                             need to be sought, in accordance with discretionary
                                                             activity Rule (refer to Sub. Ref. 13 below)
                                                             until between 6 months to 3 years after PC8 becomes
                                                             operative. The timeframe that applies to the need to
                                                             seek a resource consent is determined based on the
                                                             risk of the existing system (refer to Schedule 19 – Sub.
                                                             Ref. 14 below).
                                                             Ravensdown considers that providing for these
                                                             systems as a permitted activity, on an interim basis
                                                             and risk-based approach, is an appropriate resource
                                                             management approach. The proposed ‘staging’ of
                                                             the required resource consents should ensure that
                                                             personnel resources, both Councils and the
                                                             applicants, are available to undertake the necessary
 NEW 14.7 – Animal Waste Systems / 14.7.2 - Controlled activities: Resource consent required
 12        New Rule      21       Support           This rule, as a component of the provisions contained      Retain Rule as notified.
                                  and                        in Part D of PC8, provides for the use of land for the
                                  22                         construction, use and maintenance of new animal
                                                             waste systems (i.e., including storage ponds and
                                                             ancillary structures) subject to conditions. The
                                                             conditions reflect the requirement that the system is
                                                             designed and certified in accordance with best
                                                             engineering practice, that there will be no leakage

Attachment A - Submissions on Proposed Plan Change 8 (Discharge Management) to the
    Regional Plan: Water for Otago
Ravensdown Limited (17 August 2020)                                                                                                                         A11
SUB.                                      SUPPORT /
           PC8 PROVISION          PAGE                       COMMENTS                                                   RELIEF SOUGHT
 REF.                                      OPPOSE
                                                             from the system, that the system is appropriately
                                                             located within a property and that the system is
                                                             operated in accordance with a management plan
                                                             (including a requirement to have contingency
                                                             controls in place to prevent uncontrolled discharges
                                                             and to periodically test, by way of the Schedule 18
                                                             drop test, that there is no leakage from the system).
                                                             Ravensdown considers that controlled activity status
                                                             for the establishment of new animal waste systems,
                                                             subject to complying with the proposed conditions, is
                                                             appropriate as the conditions reflect minimum best
                                                             practice standards for such systems. In supporting
                                                             controlled activity status, Ravensdown recognises
                                                             that it is important that Council: need to have the
                                                             ability to determine whether the proposed system
                                                             represents best practice; have a record, by way of the
                                                             resource consent, of such systems in the region; and,
                                                             can monitor compliance with consent conditions.
                                                             Ravensdown also considers that the matters of
                                                             control also appropriately reflect the potential
                                                             adverse effects that need to be considered when
                                                             assessing such applications.
 NEW 14.7 – Animal Waste Systems / 14.7.3 - Discretionary activities: Resource consent required
 13        New Rule      22       Support           This rule, as a component of the provisions contained      Retain Rule as notified.
                                  and                        in Part D of PC8, provides for the use of land by animal
                                  23                         waste systems as a discretionary activity where the
                                                             activity is not permitted by Rules or,
                                                             or provided for by Rule
                                                             Ravensdown considers that discretionary activity
                                                             status for land use activities, given the rule hierarchy
                                                             proposed in PC8 for such activities, is appropriate.

Attachment A - Submissions on Proposed Plan Change 8 (Discharge Management) to the
    Regional Plan: Water for Otago
Ravensdown Limited (17 August 2020)                                                                                                                         A12
SUB.                                      SUPPORT /
             PC8 PROVISION        PAGE                       COMMENTS                                                   RELIEF SOUGHT
 REF.                                      OPPOSE
 14          New Schedule 19 -    26       Support           This schedule, as a component of the provisions            Retain Schedule 19 as notified.
             Schedule of          and                        contained in Part D of PC8, fulfils two purposes.
             progressive          27                         Firstly, it describes the approach to be used to
             implementation of                               calculate the days of storage available within existing
             animal waste                                    animal waste storage systems. Secondly, depending
             storage                                         on the days of storage available, and thus the
             requirements                                    potential risks to the environment associated with
                                                             limited storage, the schedule identifies the dates at
                                                             which a resource consent application must be sought
                                                             for animal storage systems which are not permitted
                                                             by Rule The application dates are six months
                                                             after PC8 becomes operative for systems that have 10
                                                             days or less of storage available, or two or three years
                                                             after PC8 becomes operative (depending on the days
                                                             of storage).
                                                             As outlined above in relation to Rule (refer to
                                                             Sub. Ref. 12 above), Ravensdown considers that
                                                             providing for existing animal waste systems that do
                                                             not meet minimum standards as a permitted activity,
                                                             on an interim basis and risk-based approach, is an
                                                             appropriate resource management approach. The
                                                             proposed ‘staging’ of the required resource consents
                                                             based on relative risk, as reflected by calculated
                                                             available days of storage, will ensure that personnel
                                                             resources, both Council’s and the applicant’s, are
                                                             available to undertake the necessary work.
 21 - Glossary
 15          Amended definition   29       Support in        The operative definition, including the PC8                Amend the definition of ‘animal waste system’ as
             – Animal waste                part              amendment, of ‘animal waste system’ is considered          follows, with amendments shown in shaded and
             system                                          to generally reflect the nature of such systems.           double underlined or strike through text:

Attachment A - Submissions on Proposed Plan Change 8 (Discharge Management) to the
    Regional Plan: Water for Otago
Ravensdown Limited (17 August 2020)                                                                                                                                   A13
SUB.                                      SUPPORT /
           PC8 PROVISION          PAGE                       COMMENTS                                                  RELIEF SOUGHT
 REF.                                      OPPOSE
                                                             However, given PC8’s rule framework whereby the              Includes Means the collection, conveyance,
                                                             discharges from animal waste systems are regulated           storage, or treatment, disposal or application of
                                                             separately from the land use aspects of such systems,        liquid or solid animal waste.
                                                             and given the terminology used in the discharge rules,
                                                             Ravensdown considers that the definition should not
                                                             include the disposal or application aspects of animal
                                                             waste systems.
 16        New definition –       29       Support           The proposed definition of ‘suitably qualified person’    Amend the definition of ‘suitably qualified person’ as
           Suitably Qualified                                refers to ‘the person’ needing to be appropriately        follows, with amendments shown in shaded and
           Person                                            qualified, experienced and competent in the relevant      double underlined or strike through text:
                                                             field of expertise.      This reflects the normal              A person that is has been assessed and approved
                                                             requirements that apply to qualified people or                 by the Otago Regional Council as being
                                                             experts. For this reason, Ravensdown supports the              appropriately qualified, experienced and
                                                             proposed definition.                                           competent in the relevant field of expertise.
                                                             However, Ravensdown considers that it is not
                                                             considered necessary for Council to assess and
                                                             approve the competency of various experts and for
                                                             this reason an amended definition has been
 7.D - Policies for discharges of water and contaminants, excluding those discharges provided for in 7.C
 17        New Policy 7.D.9       33       Support           PC8 seeks to introduce new provisions that establish      Amend Policy 7.D.9 as follows, with amendments
                                  and                        minimum standards, and requires implementation of         shown in shaded and double underlined or strike
                                  34                         GMP, for farming activities.                              through text:
                                                             Ravensdown supports and encourages its                        Enable farming activities while reducing their
                                                             shareholders to adopt and implement GMP, as                   adverse environmental effects by:
                                                             provided for by part (a) of this policy, as a means of        (a) Promoting the implementation of good
                                                             avoiding or mitigating environmental effects                      management practices (or better) to reduce
                                                             associated with farming activities (i.e., including the           sediment and contaminant loss to water
                                                             potential loss of sediment and contaminants into                  bodies; and
                                                             waterbodies). Ravensdown also considers that the
Attachment A - Submissions on Proposed Plan Change 8 (Discharge Management) to the
    Regional Plan: Water for Otago
Ravensdown Limited (17 August 2020)                                                                                                                                       A14
SUB.                                      SUPPORT /
           PC8 PROVISION          PAGE                       COMMENTS                                                   RELIEF SOUGHT
 REF.                                      OPPOSE
                                                             activities identified in parts (b) to (e) of this policy       (b) Managing stock access to water bodies to:
                                                             reflect potential high-risk practices where the                    (i) Progressively exclude stock from lakes,
                                                             application of GMP as well as regulation, as proposed                   wetlands, and continually flowing rivers;
                                                             by PC8, is appropriate.                                                 and
                                                             However, an amendment to the reference to                          (ii) Avoid significant adverse effects on water
                                                             ‘intensive grazing’ is proposed for the reasons                         quality, bed and bank integrity and
                                                             outlined below in relation to the proposed ‘intensive                   stability, Kai Tahu values, and river and
                                                             grazing’ definition (Sub. Ref. 21).                                     riparian ecosystems and habitats; and
                                                                                                                            (c) Setting minimum standards for intensive
                                                                                                                                winter grazing; and
                                                                                                                            (d) Managing the risk of sediment run off from
                                                                                                                                farming activities by:
                                                                                                                                (i) Implementing setbacks from water bodies
                                                                                                                                     and establishing riparian margins, and
                                                                                                                                (ii) Limiting areas and duration of exposed
                                                                                                                                     soil; and
                                                                                                                            (e) Promoting         the     identification    and
                                                                                                                                management of critical source areas within
                                                                                                                                individual properties, to reduce the risk of
                                                                                                                                nutrient or microbial contamination and
                                                                                                                                sediment run-off.
 21 - Glossary
 18        New definition –       37       Support           The PC8 definition for ‘critical source area’ is           Amend the definition for ‘critical source area’ as
           Critical source area                              supported as it reflects the current understanding of      follows, with amendments shown in shaded and
                                                             such areas. While supporting the definition, an            double underlined or strike through text:
                                                             amendment is requested to address a grammatical                 Means a landscape feature such as a gully, swale,
                                                             error within the definition.                                    or depression that accumulates runoff from
                                                                                                                             adjacent flats and slopes and delivers it to surface
                                                                                                                             water bodyies such as rivers and lakes, artificial
                                                                                                                             waterways, and field tiles.

Attachment A - Submissions on Proposed Plan Change 8 (Discharge Management) to the
    Regional Plan: Water for Otago
Ravensdown Limited (17 August 2020)                                                                                                                                           A15
SUB.                                      SUPPORT /
           PC8 PROVISION          PAGE                       COMMENTS                                                    RELIEF SOUGHT
 REF.                                      OPPOSE
 NEW 14.6 – Rural Land Uses / 14.6.1 Permitted activities: No resource consent required
 19        New Rule      41       Support in        PC8 seeks to introduce new provisions that establish        Amend Rule as follows, with amendments
                                           part              minimum standards and GMPs for high-risk practices          shown in shaded and double underlined or strike
                                                             that may have adverse effects on water quality.             through text:
                                                             Intensive grazing is one of the identified high-risk            The use of land for intensive winter grazing is a
                                                             practices in the Otago region. For this reason, PC8             permitted activity providing:
                                                             proposes this permitted activity rule for intensive             (a) The total cumulative area of the landholding
                                                             grazing, and a discretionary activity rule (Rule                    used for intensive winter grazing is no greater
                                                    – refer to Sub. Ref. 20 below) where the                   than the lesser of:
                                                             conditions of the permitted activity are not complied
                                                                                                                                 (i) 100 50 hectares; or
                                                                                                                                 (ii) 10% of the total cumulative area of the
                                                             As the NES-F also regulates ‘intensive winter grazing’
                                                             (from 1 May 2021 – Regulation 2(2)(a)), and given
                                                             that regional plan rules can be more stringent (but             (b) The grazing takes place on land with a mean
                                                             not less stringent) (Regulation 6 of the NES-F)                     slope of 10 degrees or less.
                                                             Ravensdown considers that this rule requires                    (c) There is no intensive winter grazing in any
                                                             amendment to ensure that it is consistent with, and                 critical source area; and
                                                             not less stringent than, the conditions of the                  (dc) Stock are progressively grazed (break-fed or
                                                             permitted activity regulation in the NES-F (Regulation              block-fed) from the top of a slope to the
                                                             26).    On this basis, Conditions (b) to (e) of                     bottom of a slope; and
                                                             Regulation26(4) and Regulation 26(7) of the NES-F               (ed) A vegetated strip of at least 10 5 metres is
                                                             need to be included in Rule (included as                   maintained between the intensively grazed
                                                             Conditions (b), amended (e), (f) and (g) of Rule                    area and any water body or drainage ditch,
                                                    In addition, the permitted area for such                and all stock are excluded from this strip
                                                             grazing needs to be consistent with the areas                       during intensive grazing.
                                                             permitted under Condition (a) of Regulation 26(4) of            (f) the grazed paddock is re-planted as soon as
                                                             the NESF (as amended in Condition (a) of this rule).                practicable, after the end of the grazing, but
                                                             In addition, as outlined in relation to the Rule           no later than 1 November in the same year.
                                                             and the proposed ‘intensive grazing’ definition (refer          (g) pugging at any point must not be deeper than
                                                             to Sub. Refs. 20 and 21), Ravensdown considers that                 20 cm and must not cover over more than 50%

Attachment A - Submissions on Proposed Plan Change 8 (Discharge Management) to the
    Regional Plan: Water for Otago
Ravensdown Limited (17 August 2020)                                                                                                                                          A16
SUB.                                      SUPPORT /
           PC8 PROVISION          PAGE                       COMMENTS                                                    RELIEF SOUGHT
 REF.                                      OPPOSE
                                                             the term ‘intensive winter grazing’ should be used                 of the paddock.
                                                             throughout these PC8 provisions. This term is
                                                             consistent with the NES-F.
 NEW 14.6 – Rural Land Uses / 14.6.2 Discretionary activities: Resource consent required
 20        New Rule      41       Support in        The NES-F contains regulation (Regulation 27) that          Amend Rule as follows, with amendments
                                           part              requires ‘intensive winter grazing’ to seek resource        shown in shaded and double underlined or strike
                                                             consent for a restricted discretionary activity, from 1     through text:
                                                             May 2021, where such activities do not comply with              Except as provided by Rule, the use of
                                                             the permitted activity regulation for intensive winter          land for intensive winter grazing is a restricted
                                                             grazing (Regulation 26).                                        discretionary activity.
                                                             Given the consent hierarchy approach contained in               In considering any resource consent under this
                                                             the NES-F for intensive winter grazing, Ravensdown              rule, the Otago Regional Council will restrict the
                                                             considers that restricted discretionary activity status,        exercise of its discretion to the following:
                                                             rather than discretionary activity status, should apply         (i) The extent of intensive winter grazing and the
                                                             to intensive winter grazing activities that do not                    stock being grazed;
                                                             comply with the permitted activity rule (new Rule
                                                                                                                             (ii) Separation distances from lakes, rivers,
                                                    – refer to Sub. Ref. 19 above).
                                                                                                                                   Regionally Significant Wetlands, bores, soak
                                                             In addition, as outlined in relation to the Rule             holes, water supply for human consumption
                                                             and the proposed ‘intensive grazing’ definition (refer                and dwellings;
                                                             to Sub. Refs. 19 and 21), Ravensdown considers that
                                                                                                                             (iii) Measures to avoid, remedy or mitigate
                                                             the term ‘intensive winter grazing’ should be used
                                                                                                                                   adverse effects on water quality, taking into
                                                             throughout these PC8 provisions. This term is
                                                                                                                                   account the nature and sensitivity of the
                                                             consistent with the NES-F.
                                                                                                                                   receiving environment;
                                                                                                                             (iv) Measures to avoid, remedy or mitigate
                                                                                                                                   adverse effects on Kāi Tahu cultural and
                                                                                                                                   spiritual beliefs, values and uses;
                                                                                                                             (v) Duration of consent and any review
                                                                                                                                   conditions; and
                                                                                                                             (vi) Any        information       and     monitoring

Attachment A - Submissions on Proposed Plan Change 8 (Discharge Management) to the
    Regional Plan: Water for Otago
Ravensdown Limited (17 August 2020)                                                                                                                                           A17
SUB.                                      SUPPORT /
           PC8 PROVISION          PAGE                       COMMENTS                                                   RELIEF SOUGHT
 REF.                                      OPPOSE
 21 - Glossary
 21        New definition –       43       Oppose in         The definition of ‘intensive grazing’ needs to be              Amend the notified definition for ‘intensive
           Intensive grazing               part              consistent with the definition contained in national           grazing’ as follows, with amendments shown in
                                                             planning instruments under the RMA that apply to               shaded and double underlined or strike through
                                                             farming activities. To that end, the definition for            text: Means grazing of stock on forage crops
                                                             ‘intensive winter grazing’ used in the NES-F should be         (including brassica, beet and root vegetable
                                                             used within PC8.                                               crops), excluding pasture and cereal crops.
                                                                                                                            Means grazing livestock on an annual forage crop
                                                                                                                            at any time in the period that begins on 1 May and
                                                                                                                            ends with the close of 30 September of the same
 13.5 - Alteration of the bed of a lake or river, or of a Regionally Significant Wetland / 13.5.1 - Permitted activities: No resource consent required
 22        Amended Rule           47       Support in        As acknowledged previously in this submission, PC8         Amend Rule as follows, with amendments
               and      part              seeks to introduce new provisions that establish           shown in shaded and double underlined or strike
                                  48                         minimum standards and GMPs for high-risk practices         through text:
                                                             that may have adverse effects on water quality. Stock          The disturbance of the bed of any lake or river, or
                                                             access to water is one of the identified high-risk             any Regionally Significant Wetland by livestock,
                                                             practices in the Otago region. For this reason, PC8            excluding intentional driving of livestock, and any
                                                             proposes an amendment to this permitted activity               resulting discharge or deposition of bed material,
                                                             rule that requires the exclusion of dairy cattle and           is a permitted activity, providing it does not:
                                                             pigs, from specific waterbodies, by 2022. Where the            (a) It does not
                                                             requirements of proposed Condition (b) of this rule
                                                                                                                                (i) Involve feeding out on that bed or wetland;
                                                             are not complied with, operative discretionary
                                                             activity rules (Rules or of the Water
                                                             Plan trigger the need to seek a resource consent. It is            (bii) Cause or induce noticeable slumping,
                                                             noted that the proposed rule amendments, reflects                       pugging or erosion; or
                                                             the aim of proposed new Policy 7.D.9 (refer to Sub.                (ciii) Result in a visual change in colour or
                                                             Ref. 17 above) that applies to farming activities.                      clarity of water; or
                                                             It is noted that the Stock Exclusion Regs, salso                   (div) Damage fauna, or New Zealand native
                                                             regulates stock access to lakes, rivers and wetlands,                   flora, in or on any Regionally Significant
Attachment A - Submissions on Proposed Plan Change 8 (Discharge Management) to the
    Regional Plan: Water for Otago
Ravensdown Limited (17 August 2020)                                                                                                                                         A18
SUB.                                      SUPPORT /
           PC8 PROVISION          PAGE                       COMMENTS                                                   RELIEF SOUGHT
 REF.                                      OPPOSE
                                                             with restrictions applying for some stock, depending                   Wetland; and
                                                             on the slope of the land, from either 1 July 2023             (b) From 1 July 2022:
                                                             and/or 1 July 2025. These regulations are mandatory               (i) All dairy cattle and pigs are excluded from
                                                             requirements and regional plan rules can not be less                   the beds of lakes, continually flowing rivers
                                                             stringent than these regulations.                                      wider than 1 metre and Regionally
                                                             The stock access restrictions incorporated into Rule                   Significant Wetlands; and
                                                    reflect Regulation 3(1) of the Stock                 (ii) where stock are excluded under (i), a
                                                             Exclusion Regs, which requires all dairy cattle and pigs               setback of five at least three metres from
                                                             to be excluded from the specified waterbodies, with                    the beds of lakes, continually flowing rivers
                                                             associated setback, by 1 July 2023. Given this national                wider than 1 metre and Regionally
                                                             direction, Ravensdown supports this rule, including                    Significant Wetlands is implemented.
                                                             the requirement that this restriction applies a year
                                                                                                                           Note: 1. For the purposes of Rule, a
                                                             earlier in the Otago region (i.e., 2022).
                                                                                                                                       continually flowing river is considered
                                                             However, Ravensdown considers that amendments                             to be wider than 1 metre if the river is
                                                             to this rule are required to ensure that consistent                       wider than 1 metre at any point within
                                                             approaches are applied nationally, and to ensure that                     the boundary of a landholding at its
                                                             undue confusion does not arise in the farming                             annual       fullest    flow      without
                                                             community. In this context, the amended rule, to be                       overtopping its banks.
                                                             consistent with the Stock Exclusion Regs, should
                                                                                                                                    2. For      the     purposes      of     Rule
                                                             specify that 3m, not 5m, setbacks are required, the
                                                                                                                             , setbacks are measured
                                                             setbacks apply from the banks of the river and that
                                                                                                                                       from the edge of the fullest extent of
                                                             averaging of the setbacks across a property does not
                                                                                                                                       the wetted bed of a lake or the edge of
                                                                                                                                       the banks river wider than 1 metre or
                                                             In addition, it is considered that the reference to 2022                  the defined area of a Regionally
                                                             in this rule is not specific enough (i.e., when in 2022                   Significant Wetland and are averaged
                                                             does the rule apply). Ravensdown considers that the                       across the landholding.
                                                             rule should apply from 1 July 2022, which is one year
                                                             before the similar Stock Exclusion Regs coming into

Attachment A - Submissions on Proposed Plan Change 8 (Discharge Management) to the
    Regional Plan: Water for Otago
Ravensdown Limited (17 August 2020)                                                                                                                                           A19
SUB.                                      SUPPORT /
           PC8 PROVISION          PAGE                       COMMENTS                                                     RELIEF SOUGHT
 REF.                                      OPPOSE
 21 - Glossary
 23        New definition –       50       Oppose in         The definition of ‘dairy cattle’ needs to be consistent      Amend the notified definition for ‘dairy cattle’ as
           Dairy cattle                    part              with the definition contained in national planning           follows, with amendments shown in shaded and
                                                             instruments under the RMA that apply to farming              double underlined or strike through text:
                                                             activities. To that end, the definition for ‘dairy cattle’        Means cattle farmed for milk production and
                                                             used in the NES-F should be used within PC8.                      includes dairy cows, weaned and unweaned
                                                                                                                               calves of dairy cows, and non-milking dairy cattle
                                                                                                                               such as youngstock and bulls.
                                                                                                                               (a) means cattle farmed for producing milk; and
                                                                                                                               (b) includes—
                                                                                                                                   (i) any bull on the farm whose purpose is
                                                                                                                                        mating with those cattle; and
                                                                                                                                   (ii) unweaned calves of those cattle; but
                                                                                                                               (c) does not include dairy support cattle.
 13.5 - Alteration of the bed of a lake or river, or of a Regionally Significant Wetland / 13.5.1 - Permitted activities: No resource consent required
 24        New Rule     53       Support           As already traversed within this submission, PC8             Retain Rule as notified.
                                  and                        seeks to introduce new provisions that establish
                                  54                         minimum standards and GMPs for high-risk practices
                                                             that may have adverse effects on water quality. One
                                                             of the farming related potential adverse effects on
                                                             water quality arises from sediment loss into
                                                             Given this issue, PC8 seeks to incentivise landowners,
                                                             by providing this permitted activity rule, with the
                                                             ability to install in-stream sediment traps in
                                                             ephemeral or intermittently flowing waterbodies as a
                                                             means of stopping sediment loss into waterbodies.
                                                             Where the conditions of this rule are not complied
                                                             with, an operative discretionary activity rule (Rule
Attachment A - Submissions on Proposed Plan Change 8 (Discharge Management) to the
    Regional Plan: Water for Otago
Ravensdown Limited (17 August 2020)                                                                                                                                           A20
SUB.                                      SUPPORT /
           PC8 PROVISION          PAGE                       COMMENTS                                                   RELIEF SOUGHT
 REF.                                      OPPOSE
                                                    of the Water Plan would trigger the need to
                                                             seek a resource consent for the construction of any
                                                             such sediment traps.
                                                             Ravensdown supports the inclusion of this permitted
                                                             activity rule as it provides landowners, including
                                                             farmers, with the ability to implement sediment traps
                                                             as one of a potential toolbox of mitigation measures
                                                             that reflect GMP without the need to seek a specific
                                                             resource consent. Ravensdown also considers that
                                                             the conditions attached to this proposed permitted
                                                             activity rule place appropriate bounds around the
                                                             nature and extent of such activities.
 21 - Glossary
 25        New definition –       57       Support           Given the proposed inclusion of the above permitted        Amend the notified definition for ‘sediment trap’ as
           sediment trap                                     activity rule (Rule – Sub. Ref. 24), providing   follows, with amendments shown in shaded and
                                                             a definition for ‘sediment trap’ is considered             double underlined or strike through text:
                                                             appropriate. Ravensdown considers, subject to a                 An excavated area in the bed of an ephemeral or
                                                             minor grammatical correction, that the definition               intermittently flowing river designed and
                                                             appropriately describes the nature and purpose of               constructed solely for the purpose of slowing
                                                             such facilities.                                                water velocity to allow sediments to drop from the
                                                                                                                             water column.

Attachment A - Submissions on Proposed Plan Change 8 (Discharge Management) to the
    Regional Plan: Water for Otago
Ravensdown Limited (17 August 2020)                                                                                                                                         A21
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