Optics and Photonics Congresses and Topical Meetings - EXHIBITOR AND SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUS - Optica

Page created by Allen Willis
Optics and Photonics Congresses and Topical Meetings - EXHIBITOR AND SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUS - Optica
Optics and Photonics
Congresses and
Topical Meetings

Connecting our worldwide community
through the sharing of knowledge.

Optics and Photonics Congresses and Topical Meetings - EXHIBITOR AND SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUS - Optica
Grow your business at Optica
2023 Exhibit      Congresses and Topical Meetings.

and Sponsorship
                  Now more than ever, it’s essential to stay connected with your
                  customers and develop new relationships. With buyers resuming
                  business travel and in-person interactions, this is your opportunity
                  to engage with them one-on-one.

Opportunities     To support your efforts, Optica Meetings continue with in-person
                  exhibits in 2023. Optica Meetings are international in scope, yet the
                  exhibitor and attendee experiences remain intimate in scale. With
                  an average attendance of up to 600 participants, there is a sense of
                  community here that cannot be achieved at larger meetings.

                  Optica Meetings can significantly extend your reach to a global
                  audience of buyers and industry leaders, as well as early-career
                  professionals looking to forge a career in the industry.

                    – Thought Leadership
                      Demonstrate your company’s strategic partnership capabilities
                      to a highly engaged audience.

                    – Mindshare
                      Bring solutions directly to participants through brand exposure
                      and networking.

                    – Market Intelligence
                      Gather genuine perspectives on attendees’ business

                    – Branding
                      Be seen by decision-makers that influence the buying process.
Optics and Photonics Congresses and Topical Meetings - EXHIBITOR AND SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUS - Optica
2023 Optics and Photonics Congresses and Topical Meetings

Optica Biophotonics Congress:                         Optica Nonlinear Optics Topical Meeting            Optica Imaging Congress                               CO-SPONSORED CONFERENCES
Optics in the Life Sciences                           10 - 13 JULY 2023                                  14 - 17 AUGUST 2023
24 - 27 APRIL 2023                                                                                                                                             OFC Conference and Exhibition
                                                      ‘Alohilani Resort Waikiki Beach                    Boston Park Plaza
Hyatt Regency Vancouver                               Honolulu, Hawaii, USA                              Boston, Massachusetts, USA                            Co-Sponsored by The IEEE Communications
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada                                                                                                                            Society, The IEEE Photonics Society
                                                      optica.org/NLO                                     CO-LOCATED TOPICAL MEETINGS                           and Optica
CO-LOCATED TOPICAL MEETINGS                                                                              3D Image Acquisition and Display: Technology,         Technical Conference: 05 – 09 March 2023
Bio-Optics: Design and Applications                   Optica Advanced Photonics Congress                 Perception and Applications
                                                                                                                                                               Exhibition: 07 – 09 March 2023
Novel Techniques in Microscopy                        09 - 13 JULY 2023                                  Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging
                                                                                                                                                               San Diego Convention Center
Optical Manipulation and Its Applications             Paradise Hotel Busan                               Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging      San Diego, California, USA
                                                      Busan, Republic of Korea
Optical Molecular Probes, Imaging and Drug Delivery                                                      Flat Optics
Optics and the Brain                                  CO-LOCATED TOPICAL MEETINGS                        Imaging Systems and Applications
                                                      Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and
                                                                                                         Propagation Through and Characterization of           CLEO Conference and Exhibition
optica.org/LifeSciencesOPC                            Nano-Photonics
                                                                                                         Atmospheric Oceanic Phenomena                         Co-Sponsored by American Physical Society,
                                                      Novel Optical Materials and Applications                                                                 The IEEE Photonics Society and Optica
Optica Design and Fabrication Congress                                                                   optica.org/ImagingOPC
                                                      Solar Energy and Light-Emitting Devices                                                                  Technical Conference: 07 – 12 May 2023
04 - 08 JUNE 2023
Québec City Convention Centre                         Photonic Networks and Devices                      Optica Laser Congress and Exhibition                  The CLEO Hub: 09 – 11 May 2023
Québec City, Quebec, Canada                           Signal Processing in Photonic Communications       Co-Located with Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science   San Jose McEnery Convention Center
                                                                                                         Conference and Exhibition                             San Jose, California, USA
CO-LOCATED TOPICAL MEETINGS                           optica.org/PhotonicsOPC
International Optical Design Conference                                                                  08 - 12 OCTOBER 2023
Optical Fabrication and Testing                       Optica Sensing Congress                            Greater Tacoma Convention Center
                                                      30 JULY - 03 AUGUST 2023                           Tacoma, Washington, USA
                                                                                                                                                               Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science
                                                      Hilton Munich Park                                 CO-LOCATED TOPICAL MEETINGS                           Conference and Exhibition
                                                      Munich, Germany                                    Advanced Solid State Lasers                           Co-Sponsored by American Physical Society
Optica Quantum 2.0 Conference and Exhibition
                                                                                                                                                               and Optica
18 - 22 JUNE 2023                                     CO-LOCATED TOPICAL MEETINGS                        Laser Applications Conference
                                                                                                                                                               Co-Located with the Optica Laser Congress
Hyatt Regency Denver                                  Applied Industrial Spectroscopy                    optica.org/LaserOPC                                   and Exhibition
Denver, Colorado, USA                                 Fourier Transform Spectroscopy
                                                                                                                                                               Technical Conference: 09 – 12 October 2023
optica.org/QuantumConference                          Hyperspectral/Multispectral Imaging and
                                                                                                                                                               Science + Industry Showcase: 09 – 11 October 2023
                                                      Sounding of the Environment
                                                                                                                                                               Greater Tacoma Convention Center
                                                      Optical Sensors
                                                                                                                                                               Tacoma, Washington, USA
                                                      Optics and Photonics for Sensing the Environment
Optics and Photonics Congresses and Topical Meetings - EXHIBITOR AND SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUS - Optica
2023 Exhibit Rate Information

Optica Corporate Members receive a 15% Discount

    Product              Optica Corporate Member Price                  Non-Member Price

                         USD 2,700                                      USD 3,175
    Space                                                                                                      “We will continue to keep these events on our
                                                                                                               trade show calendar each year because we
    Includes             One Full Conference Registration and two Booth Staff Registrations. One display
                                                                                                               always see the right people here and find the
                         table, two chairs, may include carpet – depends on facility, company identification
                         sign, and company participation acknowledgment on meeting website. Unless             session topics to be informative and relevant.”
                         otherwise indicated, exhibit space does not include pipe, drape or hang points.
                                                                                                                    Mae Steinberg,
                                                                                                                    Energetiq Technologies, Inc

Optica Corporate Member Discounts

Optica Corporate Members enjoy free access to a suite of                Reach key prospects
benefits. In addition to an exclusive 15-25% discount off
all Optica meetings, sponsorship and exhibit rates, Optica              in an intimate setting
Congresses and Topical Meetings, corporate members                      that fosters in-depth
can also enjoy discounts on advertising space in Optics &
Photonics News, corporate webinars, mailing lists and so                conversation about your
much more!                                                              company’s technology.
Learn more at optica.org/industry

For information on how to become an Optica
Corporate Member, please call +1 202.416.1474 or email
2023 Sponsorships                      SPECIALIZED AND TARGETED SPONSORSHIPS                                                                  Booth Enhancements
Stand out with In-Person Networking Sponsorship Opportunities.                                                                                Let’s work together to engage your audience
Optica Corporate Members receive a 25% discount.                                                                                              with a unique opportunity for your brand!

                           Optica Corporate                                                                                                                               Platinum        Gold          Silver
 Product                                          Non-Member Price   Description
                           Member Price
                                                                     Positioning your company as a sponsor will skyrocket your visibility!      Optica Corporate
                                                                                                                                                Member Pricing            USD 5,625    USD 3,375      USD 1,500
 Receptions/Banquets       USD 5,625              USD 7,500          Includes digital and print logo placements specific to the reception
                                                                     before and during the conference.
                                                                                                                                                Non-Member Pricing        USD 7,500    USD 4,500      USD 2,000
 Plenary Session Video                                               30-second video that plays prior to the plenary. Video provided by
                           USD 3,750              USD 5,000
                                                                     sponsor. Video to be reviewed and approved by Show Management.
                                                                                                                                                Full Conference
 Registration                                                        Sponsor logo with link to sponsor website on registration information      Registration(s) (valued       3             2                 1
                           USD 2,250              USD 3,000                                                                                     up to USD 1,100 each)
                                                                     page and registration confirmation email. Limited to 3 sponsors.

                                                                     Provide WiFi for all attendees at the event. Acknowledgment and            Email Blast to
 Events WiFi               USD 1,500              USD 2,000          logo listed in Event Program, slide prior to Technical Sessions and        Attendees
                                                                     signage at Registration.
                                                                                                                                                Coffee Break
                                                                     Coffee will be served on the show floor during session breaks—a            (including signage)
 Coffee Break                                                        perfect time and place to promote your business! Greet attendees and
                           USD 1,500              USD 2,000                                                                                     Technical Session
                                                                     invite them to connect. Show Management will provide signage with
                                                                     your company’s logo.                                                       Slide

 Technical Session Slide                                             Company logo and message provided by the sponsor will be
                           USD 1,500              USD 2,000          prominently displayed on a slide as technical attendees enter their        Bag Insert
 Email Blast – What to                                                                                                                          Recognition from
 Know Before You Go                                                  Banner ad in the email sent to registered attendees.                       Meeting Chair (as
                           USD 1,125              USD 1,500
                                                                     Limited to 3 sponsors.                                                     available)
 Banner Ad
                                                                     Highlight your company or products in a 20-minute presentation in the      Logo and Link from
 Technology Showcase                                                 Exhibit Floor Theater (15 min. presentation, 5 min. Q&A). Showcases        Optica Meeting
                           USD 1,125              USD 1,500
                                                                     are listed in the conference schedule. **Opportunity only available at     Website to Sponsor’s
                                                                     Quantum 2.0 Conference and Exhibition and Laser Congress.                  Corporate Website

 Bag Insert                USD 750                USD 1,000          Company flyer or small promotional item distributed to all attendees.

 Animated Ad on Event                                                Ad with movement, linking to advertiser’s website, located on home
 Website                   USD 450                USD 600            page of the event website. Ad rotates with other advertisers.                Contact us today to discuss your business objectives,
                                                                     Run: length of show
                                                                                                                                                  and we’ll build a customizable sponsorship package
 Static Ad on Event                                                  Still ad with links to advertiser’s website, located on the bottom
                           USD 450                USD 600            of secondary pages of the event website. Ad rotates with other               within the most effective tier that will deliver results,
                                                                     advertisers. Run: length of show                                             drive traffic and achieve your goals.
 Conference App Banner                                               Includes logo exposure on the start page and custom landing page, in
 Advertising               USD 450                USD 600                                                                                         +1 202.416.1988
                                                                     addition to a rotating banner ad.

 Meeting Rooms                                                       Secure a private meeting room at the event for special meetings,              exhibitsales@optica.org
                                         Call for Pricing
                                                                     luncheons, etc.                                                                                                     optica.org/exhibits
Optica Meetings showcase key technologies
and breakthroughs in research.

DRIVE BUSINESS               2023 Meetings
TO YOUR COMPANY              – Optica Advanced Photonics Congress
                             – Optica Biophotonics Congress:
                               Optics in the Life Sciences
Call today to reserve your   – Optica Design and Fabrication Congress
space or sponsorship.
                             – Optica Imaging Congress

+1 202.416.1988              – Optica Laser Congress and Exhibition

exhibitsales@optica.org      – Optica Nonlinear Optics Topical Meeting
                             – Optica Quantum 2.0 Conference and
optica.org/exhibits            Exhibition
                             – Optica Sensing Congress
                             – Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science
                               Conference and Exhibition
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