OPT: Omni-Perception Pre-Trainer for Cross-Modal Understanding and Generation

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OPT: Omni-Perception Pre-Trainer for Cross-Modal Understanding and

 Jing Liu, Xinxin Zhu, Fei Liu, Longteng Guo, Zijia Zhao, Mingzhen Sun,
 Hanqing Lu, Weining Wang, Hanqing Lu, Shiyu Zhou, Jiajun Zhang, Jinqiao Wang
 Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences
 {jliu, xinxin.zhu, longteng.guo, luhq, weining.wang, luhq, jjzhang, jqwang}@nlpr.ia.ac.cn
 {liufei2017, sunmingzhen2020, zhoushiyu2013}@ia.ac.cn, zhaozj17@126.com
arXiv:2107.00249v2 [cs.CV] 6 Jul 2021

 Abstract to-image generation [33, 46], etc. However, they are pro-
 posed to specialize in certain types of cross-modal under-
 In this paper, we propose an Omni-perception Pre- standing or generation tasks, and cannot establish general
 Trainer (OPT) for cross-modal understanding and gener- knowledge for unified processing. Fortunately, recent ad-
 ation, by jointly modeling visual, text and audio resources. vances on pre-trained models have pointed out a promis-
 OPT is constructed in an encoder-decoder framework, in- ing direction towards such human-like intelligent systems
 cluding three single-modal encoders to generate token- with pretrain-then-transfer learning paradigm. Pre-trained
 based embeddings for each modality, a cross-modal en- models have made great processes in computer vision (CV)
 coder to encode the correlations among the three modal- [13, 14], natural language processing (NLP) [7, 47], and
 ities, and two cross-modal decoders to generate text and speech processing [6]. It is a pity that existing pre-trained
 image respectively. For the OPT’s pre-training, we design models are mostly limited to single-modal tasks or fusing
 a multi-task pretext learning scheme to model multi-modal only two modalities (e.g., vision-and-text pretraining). So
 resources from three different data granularities, i.e., token- far, no pretrained model is designed to connect the three
 , modality-, and sample-level modeling, through which OPT most common modalities, i.e., text, vision, and audio. In
 learns to align and translate among different modalities. addition, rare pre-trained models have the both capabilities
 The pre-training task is carried out on a large amount of for cross-modal understanding and generation. Most ex-
 image-text-audio triplets from Open Images. Experimental isting multi-modal pretrained models are either developed
 results show that OPT can learn strong image-text-audio for understanding tasks, e.g., ViLBERT [25], VisualBERT
 multi-modal representations and achieve promising results [22], or restricted to generation tasks, e.g., DALL-E [31].
 on a variety of cross-modal understanding and generation We are therefore interested in connecting the domains of
 tasks. visual data, natural language utterances, and audio data to
 developing a unified pre-trained model for cross-modal un-
 derstanding and generation.
 1. Introduction
 In this paper, we propose an Omni-perception Pre-
 Human can learn knowledge by reading, seeing, and Trainer (OPT) by exploring text, visual, and audio re-
 hearing things, i.e., exploring multi-modal resources includ- sources, which is competent for cross modal understand-
 ing text, vision (image or video), and audio. And they fur- ing and generation in a unified framework. OPT is pre-
 ther utilize the learned knowledge to understand and inter- trained on large amounts of language-vision-audio triplets
 act with the world around them. Therefore, a machine with with a multi-task pretext learning scheme, and can effec-
 human-like intelligence should be trained on multi-modal tively adapt to downstream understanding and generation
 resources, to develop the both capabilities of cross-modal tasks given single-, two-, or three-modal inputs. The archi-
 understanding and generation. tecture of OPT has three kinds of components, including
 Recently, the researches on various cross-modal appli- three single-modal encoders, a cross-modal encoder, and
 cations have been widely concerned, e.g. multimodal re- two cross-modal decoders. Specially, we first encode the
 trieval [42, 10], speech recognition enhanced with video image, text, and audio separately by three single modal en-
 [9, 28], visual question answering [1, 49], visual caption- coders. The results of the encoders are three sequences of
 ing [48, 26], speech to image generation [44, 21], and text- token embeddings, where each token represents a region in
the image, a word in the text, and an audio clip in the au- 2. Related Work
dio. We then learn joint contextualized representations for
these three modalities through a Transformer based cross- Single-Modal Pre-Training. Recently, self-supervised
modal encoder, which provides interaction among modal- pre-trained language models, such as GPT [30], BERT [7],
ities at different representation depths. Finally, two cross- XLNet [47], MASS [37], UniLM [8] and BART [19], have
modal decoders take the outputs of the cross-modal encoder achieve great success on NLP tasks. GPT [30] is one of
to generate text and image respectively in autoregressive the early successes, which exploits the unidirectional word
manners. context to learn general language representations. BERT [7]
 enables the learning of bidirectional representations with
 Cross-modal understanding requires aligning inputs
 MLM (masked language modeling) and NSP (next sentence
from different modalities at both the fine-grained token-
 prediction) as proxy tasks. XLNet [47] improves BERT
level and the coarse-grained sample-level. The capacity to
 with a generalized autoregressive pretraining mechanism.
translate among modalities, i.e. cross-modal generation, is
 These BERT-type pre-training models only support lan-
endowed with modality-level modeling. Therefore, we pre-
 guage understanding via one encoder. Several recent works
train OPT on Open Images with three levels of pretext tasks:
 go beyond the traditional language pre-training and propose
token-, modality-, and sample-level modeling. Token-level
 encoder-decoder networks for language generation through
modeling predicts the semantics of masked tokens given the
 generative proxy tasks (e.g., masked sequence to sequence
unmasked inputs. Modality-level modeling includes two
 learning in MASS [37], sequence-to-sequence modeling in
generative tasks, i.e., denoising text reconstruction and de-
 UniLM [8], and denoising sequence-to-sequence modeling
noising image reconstruction, and a novel modality-level
 in BART [19]). The keys to their success are the use of
masking mechanism. The modality-level masking mecha-
 Transformer [41] architecture for learning contextualized
nism randomly masks out the whole inputs from any one or
 representations and effective pre-training tasks over large-
two of the three modalities, allowing OPT to adapt to dif-
 scale language corpus. In the field of computer vision, self-
ferent downstream tasks with single-, two-, or three-modal
 supervised pre-training of visual representation has made
inputs. Sample-level modeling learns the alignment among
 great progress, facilitating many downstream tasks such as
the three modalities corresponding to the same sample.
 image classification, object detection, and semantic seg-
 We extensively validate OPT on a number of down- mentation. Previous methods focus on designing different
stream tasks, including cross-modal retrieval, multi-modal pretext tasks. One of the most promising directions among
classification, visual question answering, cross-modal text them is contrastive learning [27], which transforms one im-
generation (including speech recognition and visual cap- age into multiple views, and minimize the distance between
tioning), and text-to-image generation. Experimental re- views from the same image and maximize the distance be-
sults demonstrate the effectiveness of OPT in comparison tween views from different images. Representative meth-
with some baselines. It is noted that our OPT achieved ods include SimCLR [4], MoCo [12], BYOL [11]. In audio
amazing performance on cross-model text generation tasks, and speech processing, pre-training has focused on emotion
which can further verify the advantages of our unified pre- recognition [24], speaker identification [32], phoneme dis-
training architecture, since such tasks require first to under- crimination [39, 27], transferring ASR representations from
stand one modality correctly, and then to generate another one language to another [17], unsupervised representations
modality with the similar semantics. learning for speech [35], audio representation learning [43].
 Our OPT model mainly has the following advantages Multi-Modal Pre-Training. Inspired by language
compared with previous pre-trained models: pre-training, the researchers starts to focus more on Vi-
 sion+Language (VL) pre-training in multi-modal scenario.
 • OPT is the first pre-trained model that connects the Current VL pretrained models can be divided into two
 three modalities of text, vision, and audio, and is en- types: one-stream and two-stream. One-stream approaches
 dowed with the both capacities of cross-modal under- include VisualBERT [22], UNITER [5], Unicoder-VL [20]
 standing and generation. and VL-BERT [38]. VisualBERT [22] directly adapts
 BERT to VL pre-training with visually-grounded proxy
 • OPT learns to align and translate among different tasks (e.g., MLM coupled with image and image-sentence
 modalities with the token-, modality-, and sample- matching). UNITER [5], Unicoder-VL [20], and VL-BERT
 level pretext tasks. [38] further enhance the region-level vision-language align-
 ment by introducing masked object classification proxy
 • OPT can effectively adapt to and perform competi- task. Two-stream approaches include ViLBERT [25] and
 tively on a series of cross-modal understanding and LXMERT [40]. These two-stream models typically con-
 generation downstream tasks with parial or all modal- sist of two separate encoders and one cross-modal encoder.
 ities as inputs. DALL-E [31] uses a Transformer model that receives both
a person skiing on ski boards
 Masked Language Masked Vision Masked Audio
 Modeling (MLM) Modeling (MVM) Modeling (MAM)
 person Text Decoder Vision Decoder
 1 2 3 4 5 Cross-Modal Encoder (Transformer)
 Text √ × √ √ ×
 Vision √ √ √ × × OPT
 Audio √ √ × √ ×
 Text Encoder Vision Encoder Audio Encoder

 Modality-Level Masking [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

 Token-Level Masking a [MASK] skiing on ski boards [MASK] [MASK]

Figure 1. Model architecture of the proposed OPT, consisting of three single-modal encoders, a cross-modal encoder and two cross-modal
decoders. We propose three levels of pre-training tasks: (1) token-level modeling, including masked language modeling (MLM), masked
vision modeling (MVM), and masked audio modeling (MAM); (2) modality-level modeling, including denoising text reconstruction and
denoising image reconstruction; and (3) sample-level modeling, where “ ” denotes the corresponding modalities are matching. We
introduce two masking mechanisms: (1) token-level masking, in order for token-level modeling; and (2) modality-level masking, in order
for modality-level modeling and enabling arbitrary number of input modalities.

text and image as a single stream of data and generates im- h], where (x1 , y1 ) and (x2 , y2 ) represent the top left and
ages in autoregressively manner. bottom right coordinates respectively, and w/h is the
 Unlike these existing multimodal pre-trained models that width/height of the region. Then, both visual and loca-
only consider two modalities, our OPT jointly models the tion features are projected into the same embedding space
information of three modalities (i.e. vision, language and through two fully-connected (FC) layers. The final visual
audio). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to embedding for each region is obtained by summing up the
learn joint vision+language+audio representation through two FC outputs and then passing through an LN layer.
self-supervised pre-training. Audio Encoder. We use pre-trained wav2vec 2.0 [3] to
 obtain the audio tokens and extract the features for each to-
3. Model Architecture ken. The final audio embedding is obtained by passing the
 audio features through an LN layer.
 The model architecture of our OPT is illustrated in Fig-
ure 1. First, the model extracts representations of the input 3.2. Cross-Modal Encoder
text, image and audio using single-modal encoders. Then,
 After processing the input text, image and audio using
a Transformer based cross-modal encoder is used for inter-
 single-modal encoders, we obtain the initial text embedding
acting among the text, the image and the audio. Finally, two
 T, image embedding V and audio embedding A. To model
cross-modal decoders are used to reconstruct the input text
 the cross-modal interations among textual words, visual re-
and image, respectively.
 gions and audio tokens, we introduce a Transformer based
3.1. Single-Modal Encoders cross-modal encoder. Specifically, we first combine T, V
 and A to get a long sequence of token features, and then
 Text Encoder. Following BERT [7], we first tokenize feed the sequence of features into the cross-modal encoder
all words by WordPieces [15] to obtain the token sequence to learn contextualized representations M,
T = {T1 , ..., TN }, where Ti is the i-th token and N is the
length of the token sequence. The final embedding for each M = CrossEncoder([T; V; A]) (1)
token is obtained via summing up its token embedding and
position embedding, followed by an Layer Normalization where [; ] denotes the combination operation. Note that the
(LN) layer [2]. combination is operated along the dimension of sequence,
 Vision Encoder. We use Faster R-CNN [34] pre-trained not the dimension of hidden size.
on Visual Genome dataset [16] to extract the visual rep-
 3.3. Cross-Modal Decoders
resentations (pooled ROI features) for each image region.
To capture the spatial location information, we introduce We empower our pre-trained model to have the capabil-
a 7-dimensional location feature [x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 , w, h, w ∗ ity of learning from and then benefiting for generation tasks
by attaching two cross-modal decoders (i.e. Text Decoder input modalities. We sample image regions and then mask
and Vision Decoder). The Text and Vision Decoder learns their visual features with a probability of 15%. The model
to reconstruct the input text and image during pre-training, is trained to reconstruct the masked regions Vm based on
respectively. When performing on down-stream, the two the observation of the remaining regions V\m , all textual
decoders is used to generate results, e.g., image captioning, words T and all audio tokens A. Different from MLM, the
text-to-image generation. We adopt Transformer decoder visual features are high-dimensional and continuous, thus it
[41] as our Text Decoder. For Vision Decoder (Figure 2), is not feasible to apply the class likelihood objective. Here,
following [31], we use a two-stage framework for image we propose two objectives for MVM, which share the same
generation, including discrete representation learning and objective base:
language modeling. The first stage focuses on transform-
ing images into sequences of discrete codes. We use dVAE LMVM (θ) = E(T,V,A)vD fθ (Vm |T, V\m , A) (3)
[31] for discrete code generation. In the second stage, we
build a language model (i.e. Transformer decoder) to learn The first objective is Masked Visual Feature Regression
to generate code sequence. We set the objective of autore- (MVFR), which regresses the cross-modal encoder output
gressive language modeling for the training. At the stage of of each masked region Vm to its input ROI visual features
inference (e.g., text-to-image generation), we input the text Vm . We use an additional FC layer to transform the out-
sequence, and the model generates codes autoregressively put of cross-modal encoder to the same dimensional space
with top-k sampling. The last step is to transform the code as the input visual feature. Then we apply L2 regression
sequence to an image with the dVAE decoder from the first between the two:
stage. X
 fθ (Vm |T, V\m , A) = khθ (Vm ) − Vm k22 (4)
4. Pre-Training Tasks
 where hθ (·) denotes the cross-modal encoder plus an FC
 We propose three levels of pre-training tasks: (1)
token-level modeling, including masked language model-
ing (MLM), masked vision modeling (MVM), and masked The second objective is Masked Region Classification
audio modeling (MAM); (2) modality-level modeling, in- (MRC). MRC learns to predict the object class for each
cluding denoising text reconstruction (DTR) and denoising masked region. Due to there is no ground-truth label, we
image reconstruction (DIR); and (3) sample-level modeling. take the detected object category (with the highest confi-
 dence score) from Faster RCNN as the label of the masked
4.1. Token-Level Modeling region. The cross-modal encoder output of each masked
 region is fed into an FC layer to predict the scores of ob-
 We introduce token-level modeling task to learn to ject classes, which are further transformed into a normal-
predict the masked tokens during pre-training. For three ized distribution via a softmax function. The final objective
different modalities, we propose the corresponding token- minimizes the cross-entropy (CE) loss:
level modeling methods, which are described as follows.
 fθ (Vm |T, V\m , A) = CE(gθ (Vm ), gt(Vm )) (5)
Masked Language Modeling (MLM). We denote the tex- m
tual words as T = {T1 , ..., TN }, the image regions as
V = {V1 , ..., VK }, the audio tokens as A = {A1 , ..., AQ }, where gθ (·) consists of the cross-modal encoder, an FC
and the mask indices as m. Following BERT [7], we ran- layer and a softmax function, and gt(Vm ) denotes a
domly mask 15% words with the special token [MASK] in one-hot vector of ground-truth label.
the sentence. The goal is to predict these masked words
based on the observation of their surrounding words T\m , Masked Audio Modeling (MAM). For MAM, we mask
all image regions V and all audio tokens A, by minimizing audio features with a probability of 15%. Then the model
the negative log-likelihood: is trained to reconstruct masked audio Am , given the re-
 maining audio tokens A\m and all information from other
 LMLM (θ) = −E(T,V,A)vD logPθ (Tm |T\m , V, A) (2) modalities (i.e. text and image). Here, we propose two ob-
 jectives for MAM, which share the same objective base:
where θ is the trainable parameters. Each pair (T, V, A) is
sampled from the whole training set D. LMAM (θ) = E(T,V,A)vD fθ (Am |T, V, A\m ) (6)

Masked Vision Modeling (MVM). Similar to MLM, we Similar to MVFR, the first objective is Masked Audio
also propose Masked Vision Modeling (MVM) to predict Feature Regression (MAFR), which minimizes the L2 re-
the correct image regions given contextual regions and other gression loss between the input features and the output of
Image Code Embedding Space
 allowing OPT to handle different downstream tasks with
 3 single-, two-, or three-modality inputs.
 80 K

 Denoising Text Reconstruction (DTR). We attach a Trans-
 Block Block Block Conv
 former based decoder [41] on the top of the cross-modal en-
 coder to learn to reconstruct the input text. The loss function
 Transformer is,

 Contextualized Conv 2x 2x 2x LDTR (θ) = −E(T,V,A)vD logPθ (T̂i |T̂
Table 1. Statistics of some common pre-training datasets. Table 2. Linear probe results on multi-label classification task. The
 Datasets #images #captions #audios performance is evaluated on Open Images val set.
 Method Text Image Audio mAP
 COCO Captions (train) 0.1M 0.5M - √
 Flickr30k (train) 29K 0.1M - ResNet-50 [13] √ 52.20
 VQA (train) 83K 0.4M - ResNet-101 [13] 53.10
 GQA (train) 82K 1.1M - √
 OPT (ours) √ 49.20
 VG 0.1M 5.1M - OPT (ours) 56.00
 Conceptual Captions 3.1M 3.1M - √
 OPT (ours) 53.84
 SBU Captions 1.0M 1.0M - √ √
 Open Images 0.6M 0.6M 0.6M OPT (ours) √ √ 57.86
 OPT (ours) √ √ 54.00
 OPT (ours) 56.59
 √ √ √
 OPT (ours) 58.11
5.1. Pre-Training Dataset
 We mainly use Open Images [18] dataset with local-
 Table 3. Results on cross-modal retrieval task. The performance is
ized narratives and synchronized speech that are provided
 evaluated on OpenImages-5K test set. “A → B” means using A to
by [29] as our pre-training dataset. Only text-image-audio retrieve B.
triplets are used for pre-training. The dataset consists
of 641,716 images with captions and speeches. We ex- Retrieval Task Method R@1 R@5 R@10
clude all the images that appear in the downstream tasks
 Random 0.02 0.10 0.20
to avoid contamination in evaluation. We randomly se-
lect 5,000 samples from Open Images test dataset as our ViLBERT [25] 12.72 30.84 38.96
 Image → Text
 OPT (ours) 39.40 71.94 82.56
test set for downstream ablative experiments, and name
it OpenImages-5K. When comparing with state-of-the-art ViLBERT [25] 0.00 26.66 38.96
 Text → Image
 OPT (ours) 41.96 72.00 81.26
methods on downstream two-modal tasks, we also add
commonly-used two-modal datasets (e.g. Conceptual Cap- Text → Audio OPT (ours) 78.00 92.70 95.80
tions [36], VG [16]) as our pre-training datasets. Table Audio → Text OPT (ours) 80.30 94.50 97.10
1 shows the data volume of some commonly-used pre- Text-Audio → Image OPT (ours) 57.06 79.04 85.78
training datasets.

5.2. Implementation Details
 We use Faster-RCNN [34] (with ResNet-152 backbone) (including text generation and image generation).
pretrained on the Visual Genome dataset [16] to extract im- Multi-Modal Classification. We first conduct experi-
age region features. We select regions where class con- ments on multi-modal classification task. We add a linear
fidence exceeds a threshold and keep between 10 to 100 layer after the average pooling output of cross-modal en-
high-scoring boxes. We apply pre-trained wave2vec 2.0 [3] coder for classification. We freeze our pre-trained model
framework to tokenize the input audio and extract the au- and only linear layer is learned. The experimental re-
dio token features. For the cross-modal encoder, we use sults are shown in Table 2. When only using image fea-
the BERT-base model [7] with 12 layers of Transformer tures, our OPT outperforms ResNet-50 and ResNet-101 by
blocks. Each block has 12 attention heads and the hidden a large margin. When only using text or audio feature,
size is 768. The text decoder and the Transformer decoder our model also obtains promising results, which indicates
in the vision decoder has 6 layers of blocks. The size of that the model has learnt the associations between differ-
reconstructed image is 64×64. The size of image code is ent modalities. When with multimodal features, the perfor-
8×8, and the embedding dimensionality is 8192. Models mance can be further improved. In particular, adding text
are trained on 4 Tesla V100 GPUs with a total batch size of feature brings the largest improvement. On the basis of im-
10,240 for 100,000 iterations, and early stop is performed. age+text feature, we further add audio feature, and find the
We adopt the Adam optimizer with an initial learning rate performance still increases. This shows the benefit of multi-
of 5e-5. modal inputs, each of which contributes to the model per-
5.3. Results
 Cross-Modal Retrieval. We evaluate our OPT model
 We qualitatively and quantitatively validate the effective- on different cross-modal retrieval tasks on OpenImages-5K
ness of our proposed model on both understanding tasks (in- test set. We select several typical retrieval tasks, includ-
cluding classification, retrieval, etc.) and generation tasks ing text-image retrieval, text-audio retrieval, image-text re-
Table 4. Results on text generation for audio recognition task. The much more pre-training samples on COCO-Caption task.
performance is evaluated on OpenImages-5K test set.
 When add more image-text pairs as pre-training datasets,
 Method Text Image Audio Word Error Rate (WER) the performance of our model is significantly improved, and
 ESPnet [45] √ 46.89 surpasses other methods on most tasks.
 Baidu API √ 48.35
 IBM API 57.47 5.4. Ablation Study
 OPT (ours) √ √ 31.35 We conduct ablation studies on multi-modal classifica-
 OPT (ours) 30.24
 tion task. We respectively remove each pre-training task to
 investigate the effect of each component. The results are
Table 5. Ablation studies of our model on multi-modal classifica- shown in Table 5. Ablating each pre-training task leads to
tion task. severe performance drop. Specifically, “w/o Sample-Level
 Setting mAP Modeling” results in the largest performance drop (around
 7.4%). This is because this pre-training task can enforce
 w/o Masked Language Modeling 53.02
 stronger and more fine-grained correlations between multi-
 w/o Masked Vision Modeling 52.62
 ple modalities. “w/o Modality-Level Modeling” produces
 w/o Masked Audio Modeling 54.24
 w/o Modality-Level Modeling 51.01
 ∼7% performance drop, showing that incorporating gener-
 w/o Sample-Level Modeling 50.72 ation task benefits the representation learning. For token-
 level modeling, masked vision modeling contributes the
 Full 58.11 most to the final performance, possibly due to the evalua-
 tion task is multi-modal classification that heavily relies on
 visual information.
trieval, audio-text retrieval. It can be seen that our OPT out- 5.5. Qualitative Results
performs ViLBERT [25] by a large margin on Image-Text
 In Figure 3, we provide some generated results from our
and Text-Image retrieval. Note that since ViLBERT only
 model. The first two columns show the results of text-to-
uses vision and text information, we are unable to test it on
 image generation. Our model can learn some specific pat-
other retrieval tasks involing audio. We also evaluate our
 terns and generally reconstruct the image. On the right side
model on the retrieval tasks using more modalities i.e., we
 of Figure 3, we show the corresponding text generation, in-
use the information of both modalities to retrieve the rest
 cluding imaging captioning, audio recognition, and the text
one modality. We find that additional input modality can
 generation with image+audio. It can be seen that our model
significantly improve the retrieval performance (e.g. Text
 is able to generate very accurate sentences. These results
→ Image v.s. Text-Audio → Image). Thus, it is necessary
 prove that image generation and text generation can be in-
to jointly model the information of more modalities.
 tegrated into a unified framework. It is noted that we make
 Text Generation for Audio Recognition. In Table 4,
 a first attempt to incorporate the image generation into the
we test our model on audio recognition task. With audio
 pre-trained model. There is still room to improve the image
only or both audio and image as inputs, we calculate the
 decoder and image reconstruction pre-training task, which
word error rate (WER) between model’s output text and
 we leave for future work.
ground truth. The compared methods include several API
from Baidu and IBM companies and a state of the art model,
 6. Discussion
Espnet [45], which is pretrained on the librispeech dataset,
resulting 48.35, 57.47 and 46.89 WER respectively. These OPT has taken the first step towards cross-modal under-
methods take audio as input and all of them are tested on the standing and generation on text, vision, and audio modal-
same OpenImages-5K dataset. It can be seen that OPT out- ities, and verified the feasibility and effectiveness of the
performs these compared methods by a large margin, im- unified pre-training solution for omni-modality perception.
proving at least 15 point. In particular, with image fea- There remain many open problems to be solved. Com-
ture, the performance of audio recognition can be further pared with single-modality or two-modalities resources,
improved about 1 point. three modality triplets for pretraining is more difficult to
 Performance on Visual-Text Downstream Tasks. collect. How to efficiently train the model under un-paired
Since there is no good benchmarks and pre-training meth- or partial-modality data (randomly or always misses one or
ods based on three modalities, we compare with state-of- two modalities) is conducive to enhance the robustness and
the-art methods on the benchmarks based on two modal- generation of the model. In order to make the model have
ities. Table 6 shows the performance comparison. With the human-like reasoning ability, it is also necessary to in-
Open Images as pre-training dataset (only 0.6M samples), troduce knowledge modeling into the pre-training process.
our model outperforms other two-modal methods which use Besides, we can attempt to learn from human interaction or
Table 6. Performance comparison with previous methods on two-modal (i.e. visual-text) downstream tasks. CC: Conceptual Captions.
COCO: COCO Captions. VG: Visual Genome dataset. SBU: SBU Captions. OI: Open Images. The data volume of each pre-training
dataset is shown in Table 1.
 Flickr-IR Flickr-TR VQA COCO-Caption
 Method Pre-training Datasets
 R@1/R@5/R@10 R@1/R@5/R@10 Test-dev/std BLEU4/CIDEr
 SOTA None 48.60/77.70/85.20 67.90/90.30/95.80 70.63/70.90 37.2/119.8
 ViLBERT [25] CC 58.20/84.90/91.52 - 70.55/70.92 -
 LXMERT [40] COCO+VG+VQA+GQA - - 72.42/72.54 -
 VLP [50] CC - - 70.50/70.70 36.5/116.9
 UNITER [5] COCO+VG+CC+SBU 72.52/92.36/96.08 85.90/97.10/98.80 72.70/72.91 -
 Oscar [23] - - 73.16/73.44 36.5/123.7
 OPT (ours) OI 64.06/87.32/92.34 79.70/95.10/97.60 71.70/72.02 39.1/129.5
 OPT (ours) OI+VG+CC 73.58/92.60/96.54 86.20/97.50/98.60 72.38/72.64 40.2/133.8

 Image: In this image I can see the candle and there is a black color background.
 Audio: In this image I can see the candle and I can see the black background.
 Both: In this image I can see the candle and I can see the black background.
 GT: In this image I can see the candle. I can see the black background.
 Image: There is a screen and there is a logo in the middle of it .
 Audio: In the picture we can see a book on which some text is written .
 Both: In this image there is a screen, on that there is text.
 GT: In this image there is a screen on that there is some text.
 Image: In this picture we can see there is a wooden box and in the box there is a bottle and in the background we can see the wall.
 Audio: In the foreground of this image, there is a wooden object. In the background, it seems to be a wall and a wooden object.
 Both: In this image I can see the wooden block with the lock. It is on the white color surface. I can see the white color background.
 GT: In this image I can see the wooden box with lock to it. It is on the white color surface. I can see the white background.
 Image: There are two bikes , a bike , a woman , a scooter , bike , a building , a door and a few other objects in the roo.
 Audio: In the foreground of this image, we can see a vehicle on the road. In the background, we can see the buildings, trees and boards.
 Both: There are vehicles and a pole in the foreground area of the image, there are shops, a poster, a person and a wall in the background.
 GT: There are bikes and a pole in the foreground area of the image, there are shops, a poster, a person and a wall in the background.
 Image: In the center of the image we can see there are trees. In the background of the image we can see the sky, which is in blue color.
 Audio: In the image we can see the sky and the clouds . In the background , we can see the sky . At the bottom , we can see the ground.
 Both: At the bottom of this image, there are trees, lights, a building and a mountain. In the background, there are clouds in the blue sky.
 GT: At the bottom of this image, there are trees, lights, buildings and mountains on the ground. In the background, there are clouds in the sky.
 Image: In the picture I can see there are many strawberries, bananas, strawberries and there is a bowl in front of the cake.
 Audio: In the foreground of this image, there are many currency notes and a food item in a plastic container and there are some other things.
 Both: In this image I can see a cake. I can see few fruits on the cake. I can see some text written on the cake.
 GT: In this image I can see a cake. I can see few fruits on the cake. I can see some text written on the cake.

Figure 3. Some results of text-to-image generation and text generation (including Image: image captioning, Audio: audio recognition, and
Both: text generation with image+audio). The 1st column shows the ground-truth images and the 2nd column shows the generated images.

feedback (available on the Internet at low cost) with tech- 7. Conclusion
niques like reinforcement learning etc.

 In this paper, we present an Omni-perception Pre-Trainer
 (OPT) for cross-modal understanding and generation, by
 In addition to the above improvements for the model pre- jointly modeling visual, text and audio resources. OPT fol-
training, many interesting applications could be explored lows an encoder-decoder framework. For the OPT’s pre-
on OPT-like models. For example, empowering the model training, we design multi-level pre-training tasks, including
with the ability to generate raw audio (conditioned on lan- token-, modality- and sample-level modeling. Experimen-
guage, image, or another audio), image editing and image to tal results on a number of downstream tasks verify the ef-
image translation, video editing and generation under lan- fectiveness of our OPT. In the future, we plan to include the
guage/audio instructions etc. audio generation into our framework.
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