Opinion Leadership and Social Contagion in New Product Diffusion

Page created by Tracy Le
Vol. 30, No. 2, March–April 2011, pp. 195–212                                                                   doi 10.1287/mksc.1100.0566
issn 0732-2399  eissn 1526-548X  11  3002  0195                                                                       © 2011 INFORMS

              Opinion Leadership and Social Contagion in
                       New Product Diffusion
                                      Raghuram Iyengar, Christophe Van den Bulte
                           The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104
                                       {riyengar@wharton.upenn.edu, vdbulte@wharton.upenn.edu}

                                                        Thomas W. Valente
                          Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California 90089,

       W      e study how opinion leadership and social contagion within social networks affect the adoption of a new
              product. In contrast to earlier studies, we find evidence of contagion operating over network ties, even
       after controlling for marketing effort and arbitrary systemwide changes. More importantly, we also find that the
       amount of contagion is moderated by both the recipients’ perception of their opinion leadership and the sources’
       volume of product usage. The other key finding is that sociometric and self-reported measures of leadership are
       weakly correlated and associated with different kinds of adoption-related behaviors, which suggests that they
       probably capture different constructs. We discuss the implications of these novel findings for diffusion theory
       and research and for marketing practice.
       Key words: diffusion of innovations; opinion leadership; social contagion; social networks
       History: Received: March 6, 2009; accepted: January 25, 2010; Eitan Muller served as the guest editor-in-chief
         and Arvind Rangaswamy served as associate editor for this article. Published online in Articles in Advance
         December 10, 2010.

1.     Introduction                                                        users are more influential than light users, an issue of
Marketers are increasingly experimenting with vari-                        obvious relevance to the identification and targeting
ous forms of network marketing. In the area of new                         of likely influentials.
product marketing, the rationale for such strategies                          The present study addresses each of the three
rests on three key assumptions: (1) social contagion                       assumptions fundamental to many network market-
among customers is at work, (2) some customers’                            ing practices. Specifically, we empirically assess three
adoptions and opinions have a disproportionate influ-                       questions on how social contagion and opinion lead-
ence on others’ adoptions, and (3) firms are able                           ership affect new product diffusion. First, to what
to identify and target those influentials or opinion                        extent do sociometric and self-reported opinion lead-
leaders. These assumptions are quite reasonable, as                        ership go hand in hand and have the same influ-
the first two are consistent with several sociologi-                        ence on the time of adoption? Second, is there social
cal and marketing theories, and all three have been                        contagion operating over social ties such that bet-
supported in at least some studies (e.g., Godes and                        ter connected adopters exert more influence than less
Mayzlin 2009, Goldenberg et al. 2006, Rogers 2003,                         connected ones, over and above the effect of mar-
Tucker 2008, Valente et al. 2003, Weimann 1994).                           keting efforts and systemwide influences that vary
  However, managers would be remiss to simply take                         over time? Third, is contagion emanating from prior
those three assumptions for granted. For instance,                         adopters a function of how much they use the prod-
Van den Bulte and Lilien (1997, 2001) have shown                           uct rather than simply whether they have adopted it?
that contagion need not be as important as reported                           We investigate these questions by studying the
in prior studies, Becker (1970) and Watts and Dodds                        adoption of a new prescription drug by physicians.
(2007) have raised doubts on the importance of opin-                       Our study combines individual-level adoption data,
ion leaders in speeding up the acceptance of new                           demographic data, a measure of self-reported opinion
products, and Rogers and Cartano (1962) note dis-                          leadership, network data on discussion and patient
agreement on whether to identify opinion leaders                           referral ties among physicians, and individual-level
based on their self-reports or their centrality in social                  sales call data. Hence we are able to investigate
networks. More recent research by Coulter et al.                           the presence of contagion dynamics over social net-
(2002) and Godes and Mayzlin (2009) provides con-                          works in a real market in which traditional marketing
flicting answers to the question of whether heavy                           efforts are also being deployed, the kind of setting
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that is of greatest relevance to both practitioners and          We proceed as follows. We first develop the three
researchers (Van den Bulte and Lilien 2001, Watts and         research questions. We then describe our research set-
Peretti 2007).                                                ting and research design. Next, we specify the vari-
   The results are of both theoretical and manage-            ables created for analysis and present the results. We
rial interest. Not only do we document the existence          conclude with a discussion of implications for theory
of contagion in new product adoption after control-           and research and for marketing practice.
ling for many potential confounds, including mar-
keting effort, but we also show that the amount of
contagion is moderated by both the recipients’ per-
                                                              2.     Research Questions
ception of their opinion leadership and the sources’          2.1. Social Contagion
volume of product usage. The second key finding is             The most fundamental assumption of network mar-
that sociometric and self-reported measures of lead-          keting is that social influence or social contagion
ership are weakly correlated and associated with dif-         among customers is at work. Although this assump-
ferent effects, indicating that they capture different        tion is often taken for granted, it need not always
constructs. In other words, we document important             be warranted. For instance, several studies have doc-
contingencies in the social contagion process as well         umented inflated evidence of contagion as a result
as important differences between the two main opera-          of estimation problems and the use of theoreti-
tionalizations of opinion leadership. Although earlier        cally overdetermined models. Unless one analyzes
studies have assessed the existence of contagion in           individual-level adoption data and network data, con-
new product adoption after controlling for marketing          tagion can easily be confounded with other mecha-
effort using actual network data (Hill et al. 2006, Van       nisms generating temporal changes in adoption speed
den Bulte and Lilien 2001) or trying to proxy for net-        (Van den Bulte and Stremersch 2004). Another source
work ties by geographical propinquity (Bell and Song          of upward bias in prior evidence of contagion has
2007, Grinblatt et al. 2008, Manchanda et al. 2008) or        been the failure to appropriately control for marketing
by group membership (e.g., Duflo and Saez 2003, Sac-           effort and other changes in the market environment,
erdote 2001), or they have assessed the existence of          as shown most compellingly in reanalyses of the clas-
social influence in the usage intensity or joint con-          sic Medical Innovation study (Marsden and Podolny
sumption of established products and services within          1990, Van den Bulte and Lilien 2001).
dyads (e.g., Hartmann 2009, Nair et al. 2006), none of           The second assumption underlying network mar-
those studies has documented how sociometric lead-            keting strategies, that some customers’ adoptions and
ership, self-perceived leadership, and volume of prod-        opinions have a disproportionate influence on oth-
uct usage interrelate in affecting contagion effects in       ers’ adoptions, should not be taken for granted either.
new product diffusion.                                        It is likely to hold when some customers have a
   The findings reported here are of interest to               much more central position in the social network
researchers seeking to better understand the relations        than do others or when potential adopters look for
between opinion leadership, sensitivity to contagion,         advice from experts (e.g., Goldenberg et al. 2006).
and time of adoption, a set of issues that recent             In contrast, when the social network structure is not
research has shown to be more complex than was                very centralized and when what spreads is simply
previously thought (Van den Bulte and Joshi 2007,             information about the product’s existence rather than
Watts and Dodds 2007). The findings are also of inter-         information that mitigates perceived risk—conditions
est to practitioners seeking to identify effective opin-      typically associated with so-called buzz marketing
ion leaders. That contagion is at work, and sociomet-         campaigns—then there is not much variation among
ric leadership is more strongly associated with early         customers’ relative influence (e.g., Van den Bulte and
adoption than self-reported leadership, for instance,         Wuyts 2007, Watts and Peretti 2007).
implies that the former metric is more effective in              Thus, we assess whether new product adoption is
identifying early seeding points to jump-start the dif-       subject to social contagion operating through network
fusion process. Another key implication is that the           ties such that better connected adopters exert more
practice of targeting heavy users, common in the              influence than do less connected ones and whether
pharmaceutical industry and elsewhere, is justifiable          such contagion operates over and above the effect of
based not only on their higher “stand-alone” cus-             targeted marketing efforts and systemwide influences
tomer lifetime value but also on their higher “net-           that vary over time. To our knowledge, the network
work value” because they exert more social contagion.         contagion effect has never survived such a stringent
However, because the correlation between prescrip-            test because prior studies did not use social network
tion volume and sociometric leadership is only mod-           data (e.g., Bell and Song 2007), did not account for
erate, just focusing on heavy users will fail to leverage     degrees of connectivity (e.g., Hill et al. 2006), did not
all potential influential seeding points.                      control for marketing effort or time-varying shocks
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(e.g., Coleman et al. 1966, Strang and Tuma 1993),                       identify the same influentials (convergent validity), as
or did control for marketing effort or time-varying                      indicated by a recent review of the literature (Valente
shocks but found no evidence of contagion (Marsden                       and Pumpuang 2007), we first assess to what extent
and Podolny 1990, Van den Bulte and Lilien 2001).                        their leadership scores are correlated. Apart from
                                                                         three studies (Jacoby 1974, Kratzer and Lettl 2009,
2.2.   Sociometric vs. Self-Reported                                     Rogers and Svenning 1969), none of which used the
       Opinion Leadership                                                validated (Childers 1986) scale of self-reported lead-
The third key assumption underlying many network                         ership standard in marketing nowadays, we are not
marketing strategies is that firms are able to identify                   aware of any evidence on this fundamental issue.
and target influentials or opinion leaders. Rogers and                       Even less is known about whether the two leader-
Cartano (1962) discuss three ways to identify such                       ship constructs have the same association with adop-
people: (1) self-designation, i.e., asking survey respon-                tion behavior (nomological validity). People who are
dents to report to what extent they perceive them-                       often nominated by their peers as someone they
selves to be influential; (2) sociometric techniques,                     turn to for expertise or discussion are likely to be
i.e., computing network centrality scores after asking                   true sources of influence. People who perceive them-
survey respondents to whom they turn for informa-                        selves to be influential, in contrast, may simply have
tion or advice, or after observing interactions through                  an inflated sense of self-importance. To the extent
other means (e.g., citations among scientists); and                      that true expertise drives early adoption, sociomet-
(3) the key informant technique, where selected peo-                     ric leadership may be more strongly associated with
ple are asked to report their opinion about who the                      early adoption than self-reported leadership is. On the
influentials are. Whereas self-designation is the most                    other hand, early adoption may be affected more by
popular technique among marketing academics, the                         how one perceives oneself than by one’s true status.
sociometric technique has been more popular among                        These arguments suggest that sociometric leaders and
social network analysts. The latter technique is also                    self-reported leaders need not adopt equally early but
gaining popularity among marketing practitioners to                      leave open the question which type of leader adopts
identify influential scientists, physicians, and engi-                    before the other.
neers (e.g., Dorfman and Maynor 2006) and among                             Whereas many studies have reported evidence that
some consumer network marketing firms, such as                            one of these two measures of opinion leadership is
Procter & Gamble’s Vocalpoint, that target people                        associated with early adoption, others have found no
with demographic characteristics associated with hav-                    effect (e.g., Goldenberg et al. 2009, Van den Bulte
ing a central network position.                                          and Lilien 2001) or even negative effects (Becker 1970,
   Doubts exist about the value of both self-reports                     Leonard-Barton 1985). More importantly, there is no
and sociometric measures. It is likely that self-                        evidence to date of the effect of one after controlling
reported opinion leadership is biased upward and                         for the other. That is, there is no evidence that both
that it also reflects self-confidence rather than actual                   have an independent effect on the speed of adoption.
influence. Conversely, doubts about marketers’ ability                    Such evidence is critical to the claim that both mea-
to effectively identify influentials using sociometric                    sures capture different constructs.
methods have arisen recently following a simulation                         The distinction between sociometric and self-
study by Watts and Dodds (2007) showing that the                         reported leadership may also affect how sensitive one
customers critical in generating a sudden burst in                       is to input from one’s peers. Following the original
the speed of diffusion need not necessarily be the                       two-step flow hypothesis, several studies have doc-
best connected. Although this possibility was already                    umented that the information flow between opin-
long known to network and diffusion researchers                          ion leaders and followers is not unidirectional. True
(e.g., Becker 1970, Locock et al. 2001), the recent sim-                 experts rarely ignore whatever user experience or
ulation results have created a heated debate among                       other information less prestigious actors have to share
marketing practitioners (Thompson 2008). Much of                         (e.g., Strang and Tuma 1993, Weimann 1994). This
that debate seems to ignore that the study by Watts                      suggests that sociometric leaders may be as respon-
and Dodds (2007) was only a simulation demonstrat-                       sive to contagion as non-leaders are (assuming lead-
ing a possibility, not an empirical study providing                      ers do not adopt too early to ever experience peer
actual evidence in support of that possibility. Still, the               influence, of course). Self-reported leaders, in con-
simulation results bring to the fore potential difficul-                  trast, may be more or less sensitive to contagion than
ties marketers may face in identifying key influentials                   their peers. On the one hand, several theories of social
using sociometric methods.                                               identity and status imply that people with a high
   To gain a deeper understanding of the issues at                       sense of self-importance may deem it below their
hand, we test several hypotheses. Because little is                      dignity to take into consideration, let alone imitate,
known about whether different methods actually                           the behavior of lower-status actors (Berger and Heath
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2007, Van den Bulte and Joshi 2007). On the other              adoption process (e.g., Lin and Burt 1975). For prod-
hand, status competition implies that people who               ucts that do not benefit from marketing commu-
think of themselves as having above-average status             nication and that present little perceived risk or
might be driven to adopt quickly once they see others          ambiguity such that little additional information is
of lower status adopting, out of fear that being out-          required in the evaluation stage, Godes and Mayzlin’s
paced will lead their own status advantage to erode            (2009) argument implies that light users will be very
(Burt 1987). Taken together, these arguments imply             effective sources of influence. For products that are
that self-reported leaders are differentially (either less     supported by a fair amount of standard marketing
or more) sensitive to social contagion compared with           communication but pose significant perceived risk or
non-leaders, whereas sociometric leaders are not more          ambiguity to potential adopters, in contrast, conta-
or less sensitive than non-leaders.                            gion fosters adoption by operating at the evaluation
  Empirical support for the clear distinction between          stage rather than at the awareness stage, so heavy
sociometric and self-reported leadership would be of           users are likely to be more effective sources of influ-
theoretical importance because it would imply that             ence. Testing the heavy-user hypothesis for a product
they are not different measures of the same construct,         with significant perceived risk and ambiguity comple-
as advanced by Rogers and Cartano (1962) and Jacoby            ments the study by Godes and Mayzlin (2009) of a
(1974), but are distinct theoretical constructs. Investi-      low-risk product enjoying very little marketing sup-
                                                               port and for which contagion operated most likely by
gating the distinction is also of obvious value to mar-
                                                               boosting awareness rather than evaluation.
keters seeking to identify whom to target as seeding
                                                                  Whether usage volume moderates the amount
points in their campaigns.
                                                               of social contagion exerted might conceivably also
                                                               depend on the stage of the diffusion cycle. For a firm-
2.3.   Social Contagion Through Central
                                                               created word-of-mouth campaign started well after
       Actors and Heavy Users                                  the product’s introduction, such as the one studied
A key assumption underlying many network mar-                  by Godes and Mayzlin (2009), it is conceivable that
keting strategies is that some customers are not only          all heavy users have already engaged their network
better connected but also more influential than are             members (either successfully influencing them or not),
others. Who these customers are is critical for select-        making heavy users less effective seeding points than
ing initial targets or “seeding points” in network mar-        light users, who may still have many opportunities left
keting campaigns. We investigate whether customers             to convert network members. This alternative expla-
who are heavy rather than light users, a characteristic        nation implies not a reversal but a corroboration of the
that is easier and cheaper to determine than opinion           light-users-are-better finding by Godes and Mayzlin
leadership, are disproportionately influential among            for high-risk versus low-risk products.
those to whom they are connected. Whereas prior
research indicates that centrality in the network and
usage volume tend to be associated with early adop-
                                                               3.     Research Setting
                                                               To provide valid answers to our research ques-
tion (Coulter et al. 2002, Taylor 1977, Weimann 1994),
                                                               tions and an informative assessment of the assump-
we investigate whether centrality and usage volume
                                                               tions underlying many network marketing efforts, the
also affect how effective one is as a source of influence
                                                               research setting should ideally satisfy several con-
after one has adopted.                                         ditions. First, the newly launched product should
   The answer to that question is far from obvious.            have characteristics making it theoretically justified to
Standard theoretical arguments based on (i) the link           expect contagion to be at work. Second, one must be
between repeat buying behavior and satisfaction or             able to collect data on self-reported leadership and
(ii) the link between experience and source credibil-          sociometric leadership for each person whose behav-
ity imply that someone who adopted a while ago                 ior is analyzed. Third, one must have data on who can
but is not using the product anymore is likely to              influence whom. Fourth, one must have data not only
be less enthusiastic and less credible than someone            on the adoption of each person whose behavior is
who is still using the product. Conversely, Godes and          analyzed but also on the adoption and postadoption
Mayzlin (2009) note that heavy users may tend to be            usage of others in their network. Fifth, key market-
connected mostly to people already predisposed to              ing efforts deployed must be observed or otherwise
be early adopters. The latter idea implies that heavy          controlled for.
users are less likely to generate new adoptions.                  We secured the cooperation of a pharmaceutical
   Whether usage volume enhances or depresses the              company to meet those stringent conditions. For rea-
amount of social contagion exerted is likely to depend         sons of anonymity agreed upon with the company, we
on whether contagion operates by boosting either               do not report its identity nor the drug’s name, treat-
awareness or evaluation, the two key stages in the             ment category, or launch date. Like many other firms
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in its industry, the company was keen on identifying                     3.2. The Physicians and Their Local Network
the physicians with the most central and influential                      Given the specific medical condition the new drug is
positions and on using that information in its medical                   treating, the company defined the relevant popula-
education and detailing programs. Managers realized,                     tion as those physicians who had prescribed at least
however, that their premises were in doubt; they were                    one of the earlier two drugs in the two years prior
therefore keen on facilitating a study about the impor-                  to the focal drug’s launch. Based on American Medi-
tance of social networks, opinion leadership, and mar-                   cal Association membership records, IMS prescription
keting effort.                                                           data, and the company’s internal records, the com-
                                                                         pany supplied us with a list of such physicians prac-
3.1. The Product                                                         ticing in three large U.S. cities: San Francisco (SF),
The product is a newly launched prescription drug                        Los Angeles (LA), and New York City (NYC). Hence,
used to treat a specific type of viral infection.                         the relevant networks were bounded based on both
There are both short-term (acute) and long-term                          a positional criterion, being a physician practicing in
(chronic) forms of the disease. The chronic form can                     one of a specific set of five-digit zip codes, and an
cause severe damage to internal organs and—if left                       event criterion, having prescribed at least one of two
untreated—sometimes can even lead to patient death.                      drugs in the past (Laumann et al. 1989).
The product we study is the third entry in the cate-                        When studying opinion leadership and social con-
gory of drugs for treating the chronic condition. No                     tagion among physicians, it is important to take into
                                                                         account their localized character. The importance of
later entries occurred during the observation window.
                                                                         local as opposed to national opinion leaders is well
   Because the condition is chronic, physicians cannot
                                                                         documented in the modern medical literature (e.g.,
observe drug efficacy quickly and adjust a patient’s
                                                                         Doumit et al. 2007, Keating et al. 2007, Kuo et al.
therapy if necessary. There is uncertainty in the med-
                                                                         1998). Whereas nationally reputed “expert opinion
ical community regarding the best treatment because
                                                                         leaders” may be respected for their research, to most
there exists little comparative information about the
                                                                         physicians they are much less representative than
three drugs’ long-term efficacy. In an issue of a pres-
                                                                         local “peer opinion leaders” who are members of their
tigious medical journal featuring two separate stud-                     own community and face similar patients and work-
ies documenting the focal drug’s effectiveness, an                       ing conditions (Locock et al. 2001). The pharmaceu-
editorial by a director of one of the National Insti-                    tical industry is keenly aware of the importance of
tutes of Health warned that even though the new                          such social dynamics at the local level. Better under-
drug seemed like an excellent treatment option given                     standing of local opinion leadership dynamics was
its low rate of resistance and outstanding potency,                      the main motivation of the pharmaceutical company
the drug’s use should—for the time being—be tem-                         to make our study possible.
pered because the medical condition requires long-                          Because the three cities we study are major
term therapy.                                                            metropolitan areas, the local networks also contain
   In short, the drug treats a potentially lethal con-                   several national opinion leaders. That the physicians
dition, but there is considerable ambiguity and risk                     who the company considered to be national opinion
in making the decision to adopt. In such situations                      leaders also emerged as opinion leaders within their
characterized by high risk, high complexity, and low                     city made the network data fully credible to the man-
observability of results, both theory and research                       agers, who were also quite interested in the identity of
suggest that contagion is likely to be a significant                      prominent local opinion leaders they had overlooked
driver of adoption behavior (e.g., Hahn et al. 1994,                     so far.
Rogers 2003).
   Those product characteristics also determined how
                                                                         4.    Data Sources
the product was marketed. The complex nature of the
                                                                         Our data sources consist of a survey of physicians,
treatment decision made detailing (personal selling)
                                                                         a commercial data vendor providing physician pre-
the main marketing instrument. There was only very                       scription data, and company records on sales calls to
limited medical journal advertising and no direct-to-                    each physician.
consumer advertising. There was no sampling either.
Given the chronic nature of the therapy, physicians                      4.1. Physician Survey
cannot assess effectiveness rapidly. This drastically                    We used a mail survey to collect data on the physi-
limits the effectiveness of free samples in triggering                   cians’ social network ties and characteristics such as
the decision whether to use the drug as part of a treat-                 patient volume and self-reported opinion leadership.
ment plan. Even more important is the concern that                       The survey was mailed twice during a two-month
patients develop resistance when they take a sample                      period, separated by a reminder postcard. There was
but do not continue on the drug.                                         also an online link provided for physicians who
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Table 1     Response Rates Across the Three Cities                              Network ties. Following Coleman et al. (1966), we
                                  SF                LA               NYC
                                                                             collected network data using a sociometric survey. We
                                                                             asked each physician to name up to eight physicians
Mailing                         187               273               372      with whom he or she feels comfortable discussing
Returned to sender               37                76                88
Return to sender (%)             198              278              237
                                                                             the clinical management and treatment of the disease
Valid addresses                 150               197               284      (discussion ties) and up to eight physicians to whom
Surveys completed                67                57                69      he or she typically refers patients with the disease
Response rate (%)                445              289              243    (referral ties). Both lists may but need not overlap.
                                                                             Within the network boundary, the 67 respondents in
                                                                             SF generated 37 unique nominees for discussion and
wanted to complete the survey online; about 10% of
                                                                             24 unique nominees for referral. In LA, the 57 respon-
participants did so. A $75 honorarium was promised
                                                                             dents generated 38 unique nominees for discussion
for completing the survey within two weeks of receiv-
ing it. In SF, the first mailing took place two months                        and 24 for referral, and in NYC the 69 respondents
before the U.S. product launch; in LA and NYC, it                            generated 43 unique nominees for discussion and 22
took place 10 months after the U.S. launch.                                  for referral. Again following Coleman et al. (1966),
   The response rate in SF was markedly higher than                          we excluded physicians who were nominated by sur-
in LA or NYC (Table 1). That may be due to a higher                          vey respondents but who were not part of the orig-
interest in the treatment options in the SF area, where                      inal network boundary (e.g., a physician cited by an
several national thought leaders are based and a siz-                        LA physician but practicing in Irvine, California, or
able population group lives with an above-average                            a fellow LA physician who had never prescribed in
risk of contracting the medical condition. It may also                       the category prior to launch).2 Physicians who were
be due to the higher quality of the mailing list. For                        within the network boundary but did not respond to
instance, there were a number of instances in LA and                         the survey, in contrast, were included in the network.
NYC where two entries in the list had the same name                          We then built a “discussion” and a “referral” network
but different addresses. In any case, the response rates                     matrix for each city, with respondents as rows and
in all three cities (24%–45%) are quite high by both                         all network members as columns and with the i jth
industry and social science standards and do not gen-                        cell being one when i cited j and zero otherwise. We
erate problems for our network-based covariates. We                          also constructed “total” network matrices by adding
discuss this in more detail in §7.                                           the referral and network matrices in each city. The
   Physician characteristics. Following Coleman et al.                       SF matrices were of size 67 × 150, those for LA were
(1966), we collected data on the type of primary prac-                       57 × 197, and those for NYC were 69 × 284. Including
tice and physician specialty. We also asked about the                        all physicians who were part of the network bound-
number of patients seen and the number referred to                           ary as columns allows us to take into account the
other physicians because physicians treating many                            contagion emanating from everyone within the net-
patients are more likely to prescribe new drugs. To                          work boundary even if they did not respond to the
measure self-reported opinion leadership, we adapted                         survey.
the scale of Childers (1986) to our particular research                         As has long been known to researchers of conta-
setting. We used six items pertaining to the likelihood                      gion in social and spatial networks, symmetry of ties
and frequency of a physician to interact with other                          and extradyadic cycles (e.g., a triad with ties from
physicians on issues related to the chronic disease. All
                                                                             node a to node b, from b to c, and from c to a) can
items were measured on a scale of 1 to 7.1
                                                                             create an endogeneity or reflection problem (e.g., Ord
                                                                             1975). Our data, however, do not exhibit such a struc-
  In consultation with industry experts, and consistent with findings
                                                                             ture. Of the 204 discussion ties among survey respon-
by Flynn et al. (1994), we excluded one item from the seven-item
Childers scale as it was not relevant to our research context. The           dents, only three are symmetric. Of the 138 referral
six items included in our survey were these: In general, do you talk         ties among survey respondents, none is symmetric.
to others doctors about         ? (Never/Very often); When you talk          Of the 234 “total” ties, only three are symmetric. Also,
to your colleagues about          do you    (Offer very little informa-
                                                                             our data include only one instance of an extradyadic
tion/Offer a great deal of information); During the past six months,
how many physicians have you instructed about ways to treat
? (Instructed no one/Instructed multiple physicians); Compared to
your circle of colleagues, how likely are you to be asked about ways         of advice/Often used as a source of advice). In these items, “       ”
to treat     ? (Not at all likely to be asked/Very likely to be asked);      stands for the medical condition treated by the focal drug.
In discussions of      , which of the following happens more often?            Robustness checks reported in the electronic companion to this
(Your colleagues tell you about treatments/You tell your colleagues          paper, available as part of the online version that can be found
about treatments); In general, when you think about your profes-             at http://mktsci.pubs.informs.org/, provide no evidence that this
sional interactions with colleagues, are you    (Not used as a source     exclusion affects our results.
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cycle: the three symmetric ties just mentioned per-                      no samples were distributed, the first recorded pre-
tain to a triad in the NYC discussion network.3 Thus,                    scription corresponds to the actual time of adoption.
reflection does not constitute a likely threat to internal                For each physician-month, we create a binary adop-
validity of our contagion analyses.                                      tion indicator variable yit that is set to zero if physi-
                                                                         cian i has not adopted by period t and is set to one if
4.2. Prescription Data                                                   he has. The discrete-time hazard of adoption is then
For each physician within the network boundary (not                      modeled as
only respondents), the time of adoption is measured
using monthly individual-level prescription data from
                                                                                               P yit = 1  yit−1 = 0 = F xit          (1)
IMS Health, a data provider whose role and reputa-
tion in the pharmaceutical industry is similar to that
of ACNielsen and IRI in consumer package goods.                          where xit is a row vector of covariates,  is a column
For the focal drug, the data start from the month                        vector of parameters to be estimated, and F is a cumu-
the drug was introduced. Prescriptions were tracked                      lative distribution function (e.g., logistic or standard
for the next 17 months—incidentally, the same dura-                      normal). Because the population of interest consists
tion as that in Medical Innovation (Coleman et al.                       only of physicians who had prescribed within the cat-
1966). Data on postadoption prescriptions are avail-                     egory at least once in the two years prior to the focal
able as well.                                                            drug’s launch, we consider each and every physician
   Of the 193 doctors across the three cities who                        to be at risk of adopting the new drug. Because we
responded to the survey, 68 adopted within 17 months.                    observe all physicians from the time of launch, left-
This adoption rate of 35% is markedly lower than the                     censoring does not exist in our data. Hence, we use
87% rate for tetracycline in Medical Innovation over the                 the standard log-likelihood function for discrete-time
same length of time, consistent with the notion that                     hazard processes, which appropriately handles right-
the present drug poses a greater risk to physicians                      censoring and can be expressed as
than tetracycline did.
   We also have prescription data for the two other                                  
drugs in the category for two years prior to the launch                       LL =             yit lnF xit +1−yit ln1−F xit    (2)
of the focal drug. This allows us to identify the heavy                              i=1 t=1

prescribers in the category before the focal drug was
introduced and to avoid problems that might occur if                     where Ti is the number of monthly observations on
the firm targeted heavy prescribers with a higher level                   physician i and N is the total number of physicians.
of marketing effort. By including the variable avail-
able to the decision maker in the model, we avoid
an endogeneity bias in the effect of marketing vari-                     6.     Covariates
ables included in the model (sales calls) and control
                                                                         6.1. Opinion Leadership
for other targeted marketing efforts excluded from the
                                                                            Indegree centrality. Indegree the number of other
model (e.g., direct mail).
                                                                         physicians who nominate or “send network ties to”
4.3. Sales Call Data                                                     a particular physician; it is computed for each physi-
From the company’s internal records, we obtained                         cian separately in the referral, discussion, and total
data on the number of sales calls (detailing efforts)                    network (in the latter network, Indegree is the sum of
pertaining to the focal drug for each of the physicians                  the Indegree in the referral and discussion networks).
and in each of the 17 months we track. Free sam-                         Indegree centrality is the most basic measure of sta-
ples were not distributed, and the price did not vary                    tus or prestige in a network (e.g., Van den Bulte
over time.                                                               and Wuyts 2007). Because we measured the social
                                                                         ties as pertaining to patient referral and discussion
                                                                         of the treatment of a medical condition, physicians
5.    Data Analysis Approach                                             with high Indegree are, in the parlance of Goldenberg
We use hazard modeling as the main statistical
                                                                         et al. (2006), both “social connectors” having many
approach to analyze the data and test the hypotheses.
We operationalize the time of adoption as the time of                    ties and recognized “experts” with expertise and good
first prescription (e.g., Coleman et al. 1966). Because                   judgment.
                                                                            Self-reported Leadership. The reliability of the six-item
                                                                         scale was quite high (Cronbach = 088), and factor
  Because only ties between physicians who both responded to the
survey can be shown to be symmetric or to form cycles, this spe-
                                                                         analysis confirmed the metric validity of the scale. We
cific analysis is limited to ties among respondents and excludes ties     construct the Self-reported Leadership variable by taking
between respondents and nonrespondents.                                  the average of the six items.
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6.2. Social Contagion                                                   6.3. Marketing Effort
We operationalize exposure to prior adopters through                    We use monthly physician-level detailing (sales calls)
social ties using lagged endogenous autocorrelation                     as our measure of marketing effort. To allow for
terms. The extent to which physician i is exposed                       effects spanning multiple months, we construct a
at time t to prior adoptions is captured through the                    depreciation-adjusted stock measure. Let Dit be the
term j wij zjt−1 , where wij captures how relevant each                 amount of detailing (number of sales calls) received
physician j is to i and zjt−1 is a variable capturing the               by physician i in month t. The detailing stock of
behavior of j at time t − 1.4                                           physician i for month t DSit  is then defined as
   The social network weight wij can be constructed                     follows:
in various ways (e.g., Valente 1995). We use a sim-
ple weighting scheme of contagion through direct ties:                                DSit = Dit + DSit−1 =             t−
                                                                                                                             Di           (3)
in both the referral and the discussion network, wij                                                               =1
equals one if i nominates j, and it equals zero oth-
                                                                        where      is the monthly carryover rate bounded
erwise. In the total network, the weights are sim-
ply the sum of the referral and discussion weights.                     between zero and one, and detailing stock in month 1
Because Indegreej = i wij , the number of colleagues                    is the amount of detailing in that month.5 To control
that a physician can influence directly through discus-                  for a potential confound in the interaction between
sion or referral ties equals his Indegree. The number                   contagion and the leadership variables, we allow the
he can influence indirectly is of course greater.                        effect of marketing effort to be moderated by Indegree
   We capture the behavior of fellow physicians in                      and Self-reported Leadership.
three different ways.
                                                                        6.4. Control Variables
   (1) Adoption. In this variant, zjt−1 = yjt−1 , i.e., the
                                                                           Physician characteristics. We control for several
lagged adoption indicator. The resulting contagion
                                                                        physician characteristics that industry experts and
variable assumes that people start influencing once
                                                                        prior research suggest may be associated with early
they have adopted and that they continue doing so.
                                                                        adoption (e.g., Coleman et al. 1966, Rogers 2003).
This operationalization is the one commonly used
                                                                        Identifying systematic heterogeneity in adoption time
in models of network contagion in the adoption of
                                                                        is also of practical interest to managers seeking to
   (2) Use. In this variant, zjt−1 = sjt−1 , where sjt−1 is             identify and target likely early adopters. Univer-
set to 1 if j wrote at least one prescription at time                   sity/Teaching Hospital is a dummy variable indicat-
t − 1 and is set to 0 if he did not. The resulting con-                 ing whether the physician works in or is affiliated
tagion variable assumes that only recent prescribers                    with a university or teaching hospital. Solo Practice
exert peer influence (e.g., for reasons of enthusiasm                    is a dummy variable capturing whether the doctor
or credibility).                                                        is in solo practice or not. Although this variable was
   (3) Volume. In this variant, zjt−1 = qjt−1 , i.e., the               important in the original Medical Innovation study, it
number of prescriptions written by j at time t − 1.                     is not clear a priori whether practicing solo is a use-
The resulting contagion variable assumes that one’s                     ful predictor once one takes into account actual net-
influence is proportional to one’s recent prescrip-                      work exposure to previous adopters. Early Referral is a
tion volume (e.g., again for reasons of enthusiasm or                   dummy variable taking the value one if the physician
credibility).                                                           reports sometimes referring patients to other doctors
   Having operationalized both the social network                       before initiating any treatment, and zero otherwise.
weights wij and the various kinds of behavior zjt−1 , we                A doctor referring patients even before starting any
calculate the extent of social network exposure physi-                  treatment is less likely to adopt the focal drug early.
cian i is experiencing at time t and create the follow-                 Primary Care is a dummy variable capturing whether
ing variables: Adoption Contagion, Use Contagion, and                   the doctor is a primary care physician rather than a
Volume Contagion. To assess to what extent sociomet-                    specialist (internal medicine, gastroenterology, infec-
ric and self-reported leadership moderates the effect                   tious disease) who is more likely to focus on the rele-
of these contagion variables, we also create the neces-                 vant medical condition. Patients Managed is the num-
sary interaction terms.                                                 ber of patients with the medical condition that the
                                                                        physician reported clinically managing in the last six
  Lagging avoids endogeneity problems, unless (1) people are            months. Physicians with many patients may adopt
forward-looking not only about their own behavior but also that of      sooner.
others, and (2) social ties over which influence flows are symmetric.        Category-level prescription volume. Prior research sug-
The first condition is quite unlikely in large networks, and the sec-    gests that early adopters and opinion leaders tend
ond condition does not hold in our data. Of course, if the contagion
in the data-generating process is contemporaneous, lagging creates
misspecification bias. We find no such evidence (see the electronic         The carryover parameter is estimated jointly with the vector of
companion for details).                                                 slope parameters  using standard maximum likelihood.
Iyengar et al.: Opinion Leadership and Social Contagion in New Product Diffusion
Marketing Science 30(2), pp. 195–212, © 2011 INFORMS                                                                                  203

to be heavy users (Coulter et al. 2002, Taylor 1977,                     and van der Klaauw 1995, Meyer 1990). Robustness
Weimann 1994). Thus, to avoid confounds in our                           checks indeed do not detect any evidence of unac-
hypothesis tests, we control for the physicians’ pre-                    counted unobserved heterogeneity (see the electronic
scription volume. Because no one uses the product                        companion).
before it is launched, usage volume should be mea-
sured at the category level prior to the new product’s
launch to be useful in identifying early adopters and                    7.    Final Data Set
to avoid reverse causality problems. We therefore use                    Data on past prescription of the two other oral antivi-
the number of prescriptions for each of the other two                    rals are missing for eight doctors, three of whom
drugs during the 12 months prior to the launch of                        had adopted the focal drug. We dropped these eight
the focal drug.6 As mentioned above, including these                     physicians from our data set. Thus, our analyses are
variables, Drug 1 and Drug 2, also avoids a potential                    based on data from 185 doctors, 65 of whom had
endogeneity problem in the detailing levels.                             adopted the focal drug after 17 months.
   Outdegree is the number of nominations given or
“network ties sent” by a physician to others and                         7.1. Descriptive Statistics
is computed for each physician separately for dis-                       We organize the data set as a panel from which
cussion, referral, and in total. Given the importance                    all postadoption observations are deleted because
of out-of-town contacts in the study by Coleman                          they do not contribute to the likelihood function
et al. (1966), Outdegree includes nominations to both                    of hazard models. Table 2 presents the descriptive
in-town and out-of-town colleagues. Unlike Indegree,                     statistics for these data. In this unbalanced panel,
Outdegree is not a measure of status or prestige. Sim-                   physicians’ weight in computing the means and corre-
ply connecting to many people may be related to                          lations equals the number of months until they adopt
being an opinion leader but it may as well indicate a                    or are right-censored. Table 3 reports the descriptive
lack of expertise and confidence (Van den Bulte and                       statistics for the time-invariant covariates using equal
Wuyts 2007). Hence we include Outdegree as a control                     weighting.
variable allowing a sharper interpretation of the Inde-                     Figure 1 shows the diffusion curve, i.e., the cumu-
                                                                         lative proportion of physicians who adopted, and
gree effect. If Indegree is associated with early adoption
                                                                         Figure 2 shows the empirical hazard rate, i.e., the
but Outdegree is not, one can be more confident in the
                                                                         number of adopters divided by the number of those
interpretation of the former as a measure of status.
                                                                         who have not adopted before. The diffusion curve
   City dummies. We control for city-specific differ-
                                                                         does not have a pronounced S-shape, and the hazard
ences in the propensity to adopt early by including
                                                                         rate does not exhibit an upward trend. This, how-
dummy variables for LA and NYC, treating SF as the
                                                                         ever, does not imply the absence of contagion because
                                                                         heterogeneity across physicians, which generates a
   Time dummies. We include a dummy for each
                                                                         downward bias in the duration dependence, is not
period. This has two advantages. First, it captures the
                                                                         accounted for and because the detailing efforts tar-
effect of any systemwide time-varying factor, such as
                                                                         geted toward physicians who have not yet adopted
changes in disease prevalence or the appearance of
                                                                         (called physicians “at risk” of adopting) have a clear
new clinical evidence. The dummies capture all cross-
                                                                         downward trend (Figure 3). That the marketing effort
temporal variation in the mean tendency to adopt,
                                                                         toward at-risk physicians decreases over time yet the
leaving only variance across physicians within partic-
                                                                         empirical hazard rate does not suggests that, control-
ular months to be explained by contagion. As a result,
                                                                         ling for marketing effort, the hazard rate may actually
including the dummies provides a stringent test for the
                                                                         be increasing, which would be consistent with conta-
presence of network contagion. The second advantage
                                                                         gion being at work.
of including monthly dummies is that it provides a
                                                                            Figure 4 shows how the three contagion variables
nonparametric control for duration dependence. This,
                                                                         for the total network evolve over time among the
in turn, absorbs much of the effects of possible unob-
                                                                         physicians at risk. Both Adoption Contagion and Use
served heterogeneity in hazard models (e.g., Dolton
                                                                         Contagion increase for the first nine months and tend
                                                                         to level off afterward.7 Put simply, the exposure to
  We also use the number of prescriptions over the six months            both adopters and prescribers stopped growing after
prior to launch and over two years prior to launch. The fit (in
log-likelihood) of the model using the one-year window was
marginally better than those using the shorter and longer windows,        Adoption Contagion and Use Contagion level off after nine months
but there were no substantive differences in the results. The same       (Figure 4), even though the total number of adopters keeps growing
holds for using a three-month moving window of the number of             roughly linearly (Figure 1) because those adopting after month 9
prescriptions for the other two drugs (see the electronic companion      tended to have very low indegree and hence not to exert any con-
for details).                                                            tagion on colleagues.
Iyengar et al.: Opinion Leadership and Social Contagion in New Product Diffusion
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Table 2       Descriptive Statistics and Correlations Among All Covariates for All At-Risk Physician-Month Observations

Variable                             Mean Std. dev. Min          Max          1         2      3       4       5        6       7       8       9      10     11     12

 1.   Adoption yit                0025  016       0            1      100
 2.   Detailing (sales calls)       029   083       0            9      023       100
 3.   Indegree—Referral             011   059       0           17      023       021     100
 4.   Indegree—Discussion           025   078       0           19      025       027     082    100
 5.   Indegree—Total                036   131       0           36      025       026     094    097    100
 6.   Outdegree—Referral            137   139       0            5      000      −002     000   −004   −002     100
 7.   Outdegree—Discussion          236   154       0            6      003       003     004    002    003     037    100
 8.   Outdegree—Total               373   243       0           10      002       000     002   −001    000     081    085    100
 9.   Self-reported Leadership      425   129       1            7      011       018     019    025    023    −017    019    002    100
10.   LA dummy                      031   046       0            1     −001      −002     000   −004   −002    −005    000   −002    015    100
11.   NYC dummy                     037   048       0            1     −002       004    −002   −003   −002    −007   −011   −011    002   −052 100
12.   Solo Practice                 039   049       0            1      000       013    −006   −014   −011    −003   −019   −014   −012   −001 009 100
13.   University/Teaching Hospital  021   041       0            1      000      −009    −006   −004   −005    −013    000   −007    007   −012 003 −041
14.   Primary Care                  013   034       0            1     −005      −010    −008   −008   −008     011   −005    003   −024    013 −014 −006
15.   Patients Managed             3636 10942       0        1200      004       012     008    012    010     003   −007   −002    002   −014 020 014
16.   Early Referral                035   048       0            1     −007      −016    −005   −013   −009     021   −002    011   −044   −017 000 −005
17.   Past Drug 1                  1089  2576       0          265      025       050     038    055    050    −009   −006   −009    024   −007 015 002
18.   Past Drug 2                  1045  2486       0          510      025       032     032    042    039    −002   −006   −005    005   −011 009 009
19.   Contagion—Referral,           057   091       0            5      002       005     001   −003   −001     062    030    055   −008   −014 −011 −008
20.   Contagion—Referral, use       054   090       0            5        003     003     002 −002 −000         061    029    054 −007 −015 −009 −009
21.   Contagion—Referral, volume 403     1045       0          104        005     002     002 −000 000          039    021    035 −006 −016 −009 −007
22.   Contagion—Discussion,         065   097       0            6        004     007     004 000 002           031    036    041 −006 −004 −021 −011
23.   Contagion—Discussion, use     057   089       0            5        004     003     006    002    004     031    035    040 −007 −008 −019 −012
24.   Contagion—Discussion,         385   964       0           89        006     000     005    005    005     020    021    025 −006 −013 −015 −008
25.   Contagion—Total, adoption     123   171       0            9        004     006     003 −001      001     051    037    053 −008 −011 −018 −011
26.   Contagion—Total, use          111   163       0            9        004     003     004 000       002     051    036    052 −008 −014 −016 −011
27.   Contagion—Total, volume       788  1849       0          178        006     001     004 002       002     033    023    033 −007 −016 −014 −008

                                       13      14         15           16          17        18       19      20       21      22      23      24       25    26     27
13.   University/Teaching Hospital    100
14.   Primary Care                   −001    100
15.   Patients Managed               −013   −008        100
16.   Early Referral                  013    015        000     100
17.   Past Drug 1                    −007   −009        022    −016            100
18.   Past Drug 2                    −006   −005        046    −004            053      100
19.   Contagion—Referral,            −011    002        003     013           −002     −002    100
20.   Contagion—Referral, use        −009    000     003            013       −004     −002    098    100
21.   Contagion—Referral, volume     −011   −003     002            011       −004     −002    072    076      100
22.   Contagion—Discussion,          −006    002    −003            009       −004     −005    065    062      047   100
23.   Contagion—Discussion, use      −006     003   −003            009       −005     −003    063    064      049   096     100
24.   Contagion—Discussion,          −008     000   −001            009       −005     −003    047    049      069   067     071    100
25.   Contagion—Total, adoption      −009    001        000         012       −004     −004    090    087      066   091     088    063    100
26.   Contagion—Total, use           −008    002        000         013       −005     −004    089    090      068   087     091    066    097   100
27.   Contagion—Total, volume        −010   −002        000         011       −005     −003    065    068      093   066     065    091    071   073   100

Notes. Values computed on all physician-month observations for which physician was at risk of adopting, N = 2575. All correlations equal to or greater than
0.04 in absolute value are significant at p ≤ 005.

nine months. Under such conditions, the firm’s strat-                                        observation period. If contagion based on peers’ pre-
egy to decrease the sales effort over time might have                                       scription volume is more important than that based
been inappropriate to drive late adoptions. Instead,                                        on their adoption or user status, then the firm’s detail-
increasing detailing once the effect of word of mouth                                       ing strategy may have been quite appropriate. This
has stalled (i.e., after nine months) might have been                                       simple analysis shows how the precise nature of the
more suitable. However, consider how Volume Conta-                                          social contagion process may be quite relevant to mar-
gion trends upward throughout the entire 17-month                                           keting policy.
Iyengar et al.: Opinion Leadership and Social Contagion in New Product Diffusion
Marketing Science 30(2), pp. 195–212, © 2011 INFORMS                                                                                                                                                                                  205

Table 3                                          Descriptive Statistics and Correlations Among Time-Invariant Covariates

Variablea                                                                     Mean Std. dev.                 3       4       5       6       7                         8        9       10       11       12    13    14   15    16   17

 3.                                  Indegree—Referral         037                                 157    100
 4.                                  Indegree—Discussion       058                                 190    095    100
 5.                                  Indegree—Total            095                                 342    098    099    100
 6.                                  Outdegree—Referral        134                                 143   −012   −014   −013    100
 7.                                  Outdegree—Discussion      240                                 158   −009   −011   −010    041    100
 8.                                  Outdegree—Total           374                                 254   −013   −015   −014    082    086                      100
 9.                                  Self-reported Leadership 446                                  134    029    034    032   −021    013                     −004 100
10.                                  LA dummy                  031                                 046   −009   −013   −011   −002    000                      000 009 100
11.                                  NYC dummy                 036                                 048   −009   −007   −008   −013   −008                     −012 002 −049 100
12.                                  Solo Practice             038                                 049   −009   −014   −012    003   −012                     −006 −017 000 004 100
13.                                  Univ/Teaching Hospital    022                                 041   −006   −002   −004   −015   −006                     −012 012 −009 005 −041 100
14.                                  Primary Care              011                                 032   −008   −009   −009    009   −006                      001 −027 013 −012 −004 −002 100
15.                                  Patients Managed         4467                               10982    026    028    028   −002   −009                     −007 009 −016 021 008 −011 −009 100
16.                                  Early Referral            03                                  046   −012   −017   −015    021   −002                      011 −048 −016 000 −001 008 017 −006 100
17.                                  Past Drug 1              2136                                4711    054    062    059   −021   −021                     −025 037 −011 009 −002 000 −013 029 −022 100
18.                                  Past Drug 2              2144                                5655    057    062    060   −012   −012                     −014 021 −012 −004 003 −005 −009 031 −014 071

Notes. Values computed on a single observation for each physician, N = 185. All correlations equal to or greater than 0.15 in absolute value are significant at
p ≤ 005.
    The numbers in front of the variables match those in Table 2. Min and Max values are the same as in Table 3.

7.2. Respondents vs. Nonrespondents                                                                                                          Figure 3                           Average Detailing Effort per At-Risk Physician
As mentioned earlier, the response rate was markedly                                                                                                                 0.50
higher in San Francisco than in the other two cities.                                                                                                                0.45
However, the 185 respondents were not significantly                                                                                                                   0.40
                                                                                                                                                 Average detailing

different (p > 005) from the 411 nonrespondents on                                                                                                                  0.35
Figure 1                                         Cumulative Proportion of Physicians Having Adopted
 Cumulative proportion of adoption

                                     0.35                                                                                                                            0.10

                                     0.30                                                                                                                            0.05
                                     0.25                                                                                                                                   1   2   3   4    5   6    7    8   9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

                                     0.15                                                                                                    time-invariant characteristics of focal interest that we
                                     0.10                                                                                                    observe for both groups:8 the amount of prescription
                                                                                                                                             of two other drugs in the category for 12 months prior
                                                                                                                                             to launch (21.4 versus 15.6 for drug 1; 21.4 versus 20.4
                                            0    1    2   3       4       5       6       7       8    9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17             for drug 2) and sociometric leadership (total Indegree:
                                                                                              Months                                         0.95 versus 0.49). Moreover, none of those variables
                                                                                                                                             was associated significantly with the probability of
Figure 2                                         Empirical Hazard Rate of Adoption                                                           responding after controlling for city in a multivariate
                                                                                                                                             test (p > 005). Hence, there is no evidence of response
                                                                                                                                             bias based on usage or sociometric status.
                                                                                                                                             7.3. Validity of Network Measures
                                                                                                                                             Nonresponse raises some special concerns in network
 Hazard rate

                                     0.025                                                                                                   studies because variables of interest are measured
                                     0.020                                                                                                   not only on the respondents included in the analy-
                                                                                                                                             sis but also on their connections to nonrespondents.
                                                                                                                                             We discuss to what extent response rates of 24%–45%
                                     0.010                                                                                                   affect our three network variables, (i) Exposure to Prior
                                     0.005                                                                                                   Adopters, (ii) Outdegree, and (iii) Indegree.
                                             1    2   3       4       5       6       7       8       9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17                Data on prelaunch prescriptions are missing for 27 of the 438 non-
                                                                                              Months                                         respondents.
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