OPENOPEN ENROLLMENT 2022 - OCTOBER 26 - NOVEMBER 9, 2021 - Purdue University

OPENOPEN ENROLLMENT 2022 - OCTOBER 26 - NOVEMBER 9, 2021 - Purdue University
OPEN   2022


    BY TUESDAY, NOV. 9, 2021,                       FOR FACULTY AND
    AT 6 P.M. (ET).                              NON-GRADUATE STAFF
OPENOPEN ENROLLMENT 2022 - OCTOBER 26 - NOVEMBER 9, 2021 - Purdue University
      The Healthy Boiler program offers a full spectrum of benefits and resources
      aimed at improving your health and wellness.
      And because we believe overall wellness is multi-faceted, the program focuses on your
      physical, behavioral, financial, social and work-life health to help you be the best you can be.

                      BEHAVIORAL HEALTH
                      Counseling and employee assistance program (EAP) services to
                      ensure your mental and emotional health.
                      Learn more about Purdue’s behavioral health resources.

                      FINANCIAL WELLNESS
                      Education and guidance to secure your long-term financial well-being
                      through retirement planning, financial coaching, life insurance and more.
                      Learn more about Purdue’s financial wellness programs.

                      PHYSICAL HEALTH
                      Comprehensive and cost-controlled medical, dental and vision benefits—
                      plus affordable resources to help you be proactive with your health.
                      Learn more about Purdue’s physical health benefits.

                      SOCIAL WELLNESS
                      Opportunities that bring people together—through wellness, at our workout
                      facilities, or in one of our cultural, leadership or faculty centers.
                      Learn more about Purdue’s social wellness programs.

                      WORK-LIFE INTEGRATION
                      Family-friendly benefits supported by other resources to help working
                      families balance the needs of both home and work.
                      Learn more about Purdue’s family-friendly benefits.

OPENOPEN ENROLLMENT 2022 - OCTOBER 26 - NOVEMBER 9, 2021 - Purdue University
    Every year, we evaluate our benefit offerings to ensure Purdue employees and their
    families have a choice of benefits that help you get the care you need, protect your
    family and balance your life outside of work.
    We work hard to provide you with options that are also affordable and convenient. As a result, we
    sometimes make changes to update our benefit offerings.

                                 We’re able to hold your share of the premiums to the current level, despite rising
                                 medical costs nationwide. That means, you won’t have an increase in 2022!
      MEDICAL                    You still have a choice of three consumer-driven health plans (CDHPs), which all
      No Premium                 include a Health Savings Account (HSA). Purdue will make base contributions into
      Increase                   HSAs ($200 individual / $400 family), and you have the opportunity to earn even more
                                 if you participate in our Healthy Boiler Incentive Program. MORE: PAGE 5

                                 We've redesigned the Healthy Boiler Incentive Program to encourage more
      HEALTHY BOILER             comprehensive wellness efforts. Employees and spouses can each earn up to $450 in
                                 incentives on top of the $200 base contribution from Purdue. Those with employee +
      New Incentive
                                 children coverage can earn up to $900 in incentives, in addition to Purdue's $400 base
                                 contribution. MORE: PAGE 17

                                 All of your current benefits will roll forward into 2022, unless you log in to Benefitfocus
                                 and make new selections. The Tobacco Survey and Working Spouse Certification
      ENROLLMENT                 must be completed as your answers may impact your premiums. Also, if you
                                 want an HSA, HRA or FSA, you must log into Benefitfocus and elect them for the
      Current Benefits           coming year.
      Will Roll Forward
                                 Tip: Even if you want the same benefits, it’s always a good idea to log in and review
                                 your covered dependents on each plan to ensure they’re still accurate. MORE: PAGE 27

      DENTAL                     We have a new provider in 2022: Delta Dental. With this change, your premiums are
                                 lower, too! The plans and coverage are the same as the current plans. MORE: PAGE 15
      New Provider

                                 Your VSP vision coverage now includes the VSP Primary EyeCare Plan, which
      VISION                     provides supplemental medical eye care services for the detection, treatment and
                                 management of ocular and visual conditions. Additionally, standard progressive
      New Feature
                                 lenses and UV coating are now covered 100% at in-network providers. MORE: PAGE 14

                                 Anthem’s Sydney app allows you to manage your healthcare right from your
                                 phone. You can check your claims, see what your benefits cover, and compare costs
      ON THE GO                  and quality for common procedures. You can also:
      Sydney App                 Get your ID card: Share, fax or email your ID card right from your device.
                                 Find a doctor: Look for doctors in your plan or refill your prescriptions online.
OPENOPEN ENROLLMENT 2022 - OCTOBER 26 - NOVEMBER 9, 2021 - Purdue University
    You are encouraged to review all benefits and actively enroll.
    The following summary highlights which plans require active elections versus those that will roll forward if
    no changes are recorded for 2022.

                                      DOES NOT      WILL ROLL
                                      ROLL                                                 NOTES

                                                                  If you’re currently opted out of Purdue medical
                                                                  coverage, you will be opted out again for 2022.

                                                                  Important: If you elect medical coverage, each year
      Tobacco Survey                                              you must complete the Tobacco Survey as your
                                                                  answers may impact your premiums.

                                                                  Important: If you elect spousal coverage, each year
      Working Spouse
                                                                  you must complete the Working Spouse Certification
                                                                  as your answers may impact your premiums.

                                                                  A new election is required every year in order
                                                                  to receive contributions from Purdue or to have
      Health Savings Account
                                                                  contributions withdrawn from your paycheck.
                                                                  Contributions can be changed during the year through

      Flexible Spending Accounts                                  A new election is required every year.

                                                                  If you opted out of Purdue dental coverage for this
                                                                  year, your election to opt out will continue in 2022.

      Short-Term Disability (STD)
                                                                  You must make an election during open enrollment
      (Administrative &
                                                                  for coverage to become effective on your first-year
      Operational Support staff
                                                                  service anniversary.

                                                                  No election required. This coverage is automatic for
      Long-Term Disability (LTD)
                                                                  all faculty and staff.

      Life Insurance (Term/AD&D)

      Accident Insurance

      Critical Illness Insurance

      Universal Life Insurance

      Supplemental Hospital
OPENOPEN ENROLLMENT 2022 - OCTOBER 26 - NOVEMBER 9, 2021 - Purdue University
    You have a choice of three consumer-driven health plans (CDHPs).
    All three plans have:
     • Free preventive care with an in-network provider and free generic preventive medications
     • $10-or-less generic non-preventive prescriptions after you meet your deductible
     • Purdue HSA contributions ($200 individual/$400 family)*
       *Those not eligible for HSAs will be offered an HRA.

             PREMIER CDHP                                     STANDARD CDHP                         LIMITED CDHP
       •   Highest premiums                           Middle-of-the-road                      •   Lowest premiums
       •   Lowest deductible                          premiums, deductible and                •   Highest deductible
                                                      out-of-pocket maximum
       •   Lowest out-of-pocket                                                               •   Highest out-of-pocket
           maximum                                                                                maximum

                                              Premier CDHP        Standard CDHP   Limited CDHP

     Employees earning under $46,900*
    Employee Only                                  $271.56            $121.68        $44.76

    Employee & Children                           $496.92            $219.48         $75.24              These rates do
    Employee & Spouse                             $1,418.88          $609.24         $179.28             not include:
    Employee & Working Spouse                     $2,168.88          $1,359.24       $929.28             Additional tobacco-
                                                                                                         user premium of
    Employee & Family                             $1,962.24          $825.00         $212.52             $1,000 for employee
    Employee & Family (Working Spouse)            $2,712.24          $1,575.00       $962.52             and $1,000 for
                                                                                                         covered spouse
     Employees earning $46,900 or more*
                                                                                                         *Benefit plan
    Employee Only                                 $923.28            $457.20         $113.40             premiums adjust
                                                                                                         accordingly at the
    Employee & Children                           $1,553.88          $823.44         $307.44
                                                                                                         time annual pay
    Employee & Spouse                            $2,389.20           $1,477.56       $928.68             crosses above or
                                                                                                         below the $46,900
    Employee & Working Spouse                    $3,889.20           $2,977.56      $2,428.68
                                                                                                         annual salary tier.
    Employee & Family                             $3,242.16          $2,004.12      $1,258.20

    Employee & Family (Working Spouse)            $4,742.16          $3,504.12      $2,758.20

OPENOPEN ENROLLMENT 2022 - OCTOBER 26 - NOVEMBER 9, 2021 - Purdue University
    When you need care, you can see providers in one of three networks.
    You have a choice of which network option you use. And some level of coverage is provided for each.
    However, you’ll always receive the highest level of coverage—that means less out of your pocket—when
    you choose Tier 1 (HealthSync). So, if you’re more cost-conscious, you’ll want to consider the advantages
    of choosing a provider in the Tier 1 network.

                $                                  $$                                 $$$
               TIER 1                               TIER 2                               OUT-OF-
           (HE ALTHSYNC)                        (IN-NETWORK)                            NETWORK
           Most affordable                      Next best option                     Most expensive
           option for care                                                              option

    TIER 1 (HEALTHSYNC) PROVIDERS                                          THREE REASONS TO
                                                                         CONSIDER SELECTING A
    You can find a specific Tier 1 provider by visiting                    TIER 1 PROVIDER: Providers include:
      • Franciscan Health
      • Ascension St. Vincent
                                                                         #1     You’ll always find the
                                                                                greatest cost-savings
                                                                                when you choose Tier 1.
      • Lutheran Health Network
      • The Center for Healthy Living (West Lafayette campus)
      • Campus Health Clinic (Fort Wayne campus)
                                                                         #2     Tier 1 deductibles are
                                                                                hundreds of dollars
                                                                                lower than Tier 2 and
    Learn more about using Tier 1 providers by downloading                      Out-of-network.

    our Tier 1 (HealthSync) Guide.
                                                                                Once you meet your
                                                                                Tier 1 deductible, your
                                                                                coinsurance is 90/10—
                                                                                that means, Purdue pays
                                                                                90% of the bill, and you
                                                                                pay 10% when you visit a
                                                                                Tier 1 provider.

OPENOPEN ENROLLMENT 2022 - OCTOBER 26 - NOVEMBER 9, 2021 - Purdue University
    Purdue has carefully chosen partnerships with providers who have proven to be top quality with
    the best outcomes. This allows Purdue employees and dependents to have access to specialized
    care at affordable rates.

    JOINT REPLACEMENT                                       IMAGING
          joint_care.php                                           imaging.php

    Purdue has partnered with Franciscan Health to          Purdue has partnered with Franciscan Health for
    provide top-quality care at an affordable price for     lower-cost, non-emergency imaging services.
    total knee and hip replacement procedures.              You can benefit from lower costs at one of their 13
      • #1 hospital in Indiana for patient care             convenient imaging locations in Central, Western
                                                            and Northwest Indiana.
      • Substantial reduction in costs
      • University-funded travel and overnight
        accommodations for you and a guest
      • $500 cash payment after surgery complete            LABS
    HOW TO PARTICIPATE                                   
    Once it is determined by Franciscan that you will              labs.php
    need joint replacement and surgery is scheduled,
    contact HR Benefits at 765-494-2222.                    The next time you need a lab test, talk with your
                                                            doctor about choosing a Tier 1 lab to help save
                                                            The cost for a lab test at a Tier 1 lab will be less than
                                                            if you had the test done at a hospital or the doctor’s
    PHYSICAL THERAPY                                        office, even if the hospital or doctor participates
                                                            in-network. Tier 1 labs include:
                      • LabCorp
                                                               • Center for Healthy Living
    Purdue’s partnership with ATI Physical Therapy offers      • Purdue University Student Health Center (PUSH)
    personalized rehabilitation treatment with in-person       • Alverno Labs
    and online physical therapy for a variety of concerns
                                                               • Mid America
    and conditions.
                                                               • Quest
      • Hands-on physical therapy at ATI locations
        around the state
      • Onsite care with a certified early intervention
        specialist from ATI Worksite Solutions

OPENOPEN ENROLLMENT 2022 - OCTOBER 26 - NOVEMBER 9, 2021 - Purdue University
                                                                                                    Premier                  Standard                   Limited
                                                                                                     CDHP                     CDHP                       CDHP

                                                               Employee only                           $200                      $200                      $200
      University’s Contribution to
      Employee’s HSA or HRA                                    Employee + one or more
                                                                                                       $400                      $400                      $400
                                                               covered family members

      Healthy Boiler Incentive to                              Employee only                           $450                      $450                      $450
      Employee’s HSA or HRA                                    Employee + one or more
      (see page 16 for new incentive structure)                                                        $900                      $900                      $900
                                                               covered family members

                                                                                                      $1,450                    $2,000                    $3,000
                                                                                               (Tier 1/HealthSync)       (Tier 1/HealthSync)       (Tier 1/HealthSync)
                                                               Employee only
                                                                                                 $2,000 (Tier 2/in)        $2,750 (Tier 2/in)        $4,000 (Tier 2/in)
      Deductible                                                                                $3,500 (Tier 3/out)       $5,000 (Tier 3/out)       $6,500 (Tier 3/out)

      Medical & Rx Combined                                                                           $2,900                    $4,000                    $6,000
                                                               Employee + one or more          (Tier 1/HealthSync)       (Tier 1/HealthSync)       (Tier 1/HealthSync)
                                                               covered family members           $4,000 (Tier 2/in)        $5,500 (Tier 2/in)        $8,000 (Tier 2/in)
                                                                                                $7,000 (Tier 3/out)      $10,000 (Tier 3/out)      $13,000 (Tier 3/out)

                                                                                                    90%/10%                   90%/10%                   90%/10%
                                                                                               (Tier 1/HealthSync)       (Tier 1/HealthSync)       (Tier 1/HealthSync)
      Coinsurance                                                                              80%/20% (Tier 2/in)       80%/20% (Tier 2/in)       75%/25% (Tier 2/in)
                                                                                               60%/40% (Tier 3/out)      60%/40% (Tier 3/out)      55%/45% (Tier 3/out)

                                                                                                      $2,250                    $4,250                    $5,500
                                                                                               (Tier 1/HealthSync)       (Tier 1/HealthSync)       (Tier 1/HealthSync)
                                                               Employee only
                                                                                                 $3,250 (Tier 2/in)       $5,250 (Tier 2/in)        $7,000 (Tier 2/in)
      Out-of-Pocket Maximum                                                                     $6,000 (Tier 3/out)      $10,000 (Tier 3/out)      $13,000 (Tier 3/out)
      Medical & Rx Combined
      (includes deductible & coinsurance)                                                             $4,500                    $8,500                    $11,000
                                                               Employee + one or more          (Tier 1/HealthSync)       (Tier 1/HealthSync)       (Tier 1/HealthSync)
                                                               covered family members           $6,500 (Tier 2/in)        $10,500 (Tier 2/in)       $14,000 (Tier 2/in)
                                                                                               $12,000 (Tier 3/out)      $20,000 (Tier 3/out)      $26,000 (Tier 3/out)

                                                                                               $25 towards ded.;         $25 towards ded.;         $25 towards ded.;
                                                               West Lafayette                  coins. applies after      coins. applies after      coins. applies after
      Center for Healthy Living                                                                        ded.                      ded.                      ded.
      Office Visit
                                                               Fort Wayne                         Ded. & coins.             Ded. & coins.             Ded. & coins.

      Primary Care Office Visit                                                                   Ded. & coins.             Ded. & coins.             Ded. & coins.

      Specialty Care Office Visit                                                                 Ded. & coins.             Ded. & coins.             Ded. & coins.

                                                                                               100% coverage (in)        100% coverage (in)        100% coverage (in)
      Preventive Care                                                                          Ded. & coins. (Out)       Ded. & coins. (Out)       Ded. & coins. (Out)

      Emergency Room                                                                              Ded. & coins.             Ded. & coins.             Ded. & coins.

      Urgent Care Facility                                                                        Ded. & coins.             Ded. & coins.             Ded. & coins.

    Employees may contribute to their HSAs if eligible, up to a combined University and employee limit of $3,650/employee and $7,300/employee plus one or more covered
    family members. Additional rules apply to employees with spouses who also have HSAs, HRAs and FSAs.

    For more details, visit

                                                            Premier, Standard & Limited CDHPs

                                                                        Prescription Drugs

                                                             Retail                        Mail Order
                                                        (30-day supply)                  (90-day supply)

                                      Preventive           100% coverage                      100% coverage
                                                     Deductible, then actual cost     Deductible, then actual cost
                                                         up to max of $10                 up to max of $20

                                                           No deductible,                      No deductible,
                                                         35% to max of $50                   35% to max of $100
     Preferred Brand Name
                                                          Deductible, then                    Deductible, then
                                                         35% to max of $50                   35% to max of $100

                                                          No deductible,                   No deductible,
                                                        50% up to max of $75            50% up to max of $150
     Non-Preferred Brand Name
                                                          Deductible, then                Deductible, then
                                                        50% up to max of $75            50% up to max of $150

                                                         Deductible then                  Deductible, then
     Specialty Rx                                      55% up to max of $250            55% up to max of $250

                                                            Premier, Standard & Limited CDHPs

                                                               (Tier 1 labs are part of HealthSync)

     Tier 1 Labs, including           Preventive                             100% coverage
     Center for Healthy Living
     and PUSH Labs                  Non-preventive                    Deductible and coinsurance

                                      Preventive                             100% coverage
     Tier 2 Labs   (In-network)
                                    Non-preventive                    Deductible and coinsurance

     Tier 3 Labs (Out-of-network)                                     Deductible and coinsurance

                                                                J-1 Visa                                                            J-1 Visa

      Employees earning under $46,900*                                                   Employees earning $46,900 or more*

      Employee Only                                              $121.68                 Employee Only                               $457.20

      Employee & Children                                        $219.48                 Employee & Children                         $823.44

      Employee & Spouse                                          $609.24                 Employee & Spouse                          $1,477.56

      Employee & Working Spouse                                 $1,359.24                Employee & Working Spouse                  $2,977.56

      Employee & Family                                          $825.00                 Employee & Family                          $2,004.12

      Employee & Family                                                                  Employee & Family
                                                                $1,575.00                                                           $3,504.12
      (Working Spouse)                                                                   (Working Spouse)

     These rates do not include:
     Additional tobacco-user premium of $1,000 for employee and $1,000 for spouse
     *Benefit plan premiums adjust accordingly at the time annual pay crosses above or below the $46,900 annual salary tier.

                                                                                                                J-1 Visa

                                                                                                         $250 (Tier 1/HealthSync)
                                                                            Employee only                    $500 (Tier 2/in)
      Deductible                                                                                            $1,000 (Tier 3/out)
      No deductible on in-network primary care provider office visits
      and mental health/behavioral/substance abuse outpatient &                                          $750 (Tier 1/HealthSync)
      professional visits.                                                  Employee + one or more
                                                                                                             $1,000 (Tier 2/in)
                                                                            covered family members
                                                                                                            $2,000 (Tier 3/out)

                                                                                                      90/10%(Tier 1/HealthSync)
      Coinsurance                                                                                          75/25% (Tier 2/in)
                                                                                                          50/50% (Tier 3/out)

                                                                                                      $5,350 (Tier 1/HealthSync)
                                                                            Employee only                  $6,350 (Tier 2/in)
                                                                                                          $12,700 (Tier 3/out)
      Out-of-Pocket Maximum
      (Includes deductible)                                                                           $10,700 (Tier 1/HealthSync)
                                                                            Employee + one or more                                  Coverage includes:
                                                                                                           $12,700 (Tier 2/in)
                                                                            covered family members                                  • Repatriation of remains in
                                                                                                          $25,400 (Tier 3/out)
                                                                                                                                    the amount of $25,000
                                                                            West Lafayette                                          • Expenses for medical
                                                                                                                                    evacuation of the visitor to
      Center for Healthy Living                                                                                 $10 copay
                                                                            Fort Wayne                                              his or her home country in
                                                                                                                                    the amount of $50,000

                                                                   J-1 Visa

      Prescription Drugs: Retail (30-day supply)

                                            Preventive          100% coverage
                                          Non-preventive      Actual cost; $10 max

                                                                No deductible,
      Preferred Brand Name                                    30% to max of $100

                                                                No deductible,
      Non-Preferred Brand Name                                40% to max of $150

                                                                No deductible,
      Specialty Rx                                            50% to max of $250

      Prescription Drugs: Mail Order (90-day supply)

                                            Preventive          100% coverage
                                          Non-preventive      Actual cost; $25 max

                                                                No deductible,
      Preferred Brand Name                                    30% to max of $250

                                                                No deductible,
      Non-Preferred Brand Name                                40% to max of $350

                                                                No deductible,
      Specialty Rx (30-day maximum)                           50% to max of $250


      Tier 1 Labs, including
      Center for Healthy Living Lab                             100% coverage
      (In-network, best pricing option)

      Tier 2 Labs     (In-network)                         Deductible and coinsurance

      Tier 3 Labs (Out-of-network)                         Deductible and coinsurance

     For vision and dental plans and rates, see pages 14-15.

     H E A LT H C A R E S P E N D I N G A C C O U N T S
     J-1 Visa employees are not eligible for a Health Savings Account
     (HSA), but can recieve a Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA)
     for any Healthy Boiler Incentive Program contributions.

     Note: J-1 Visa employees are not eligible for Purdue's annual
     contribution amount.

     One of the key ways we help employees achieve health
     is through the Center for Healthy Living on the                          CENTER FOR
     West Lafayette campus.
                                                                              HEALTHY LIVING
     This on-site health center offers high-quality, low-cost (or no-cost)    To schedule, visit
     healthcare options for benefits-eligible faculty and staff and for
     dependents covered on a Purdue medical plan.                             or call 765-494-0111 to find
                                                                              a time that works for you.
                                                                              Appointment Hours
     PRIMARY CARE                                                             Monday – Thursday:
                                                                              7 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.,
       Annual physicals for men and women                                     Friday: 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
       Flu shots, allergy shots, vaccinations (including travel)              Lab Hours
       Blood pressure checks, cancer screenings, cholesterol                  Monday – Friday:
       screenings, diabetes screenings                                        7 a.m. to 4 p.m.

       Health coaching, dietitian services and behavioral health counseling
                                                                              HEALTH CLINIC
       Telephonic and on-site wellness programs, available to all employees
                                                                              (FORT WAYNE)
       regardless of location                                                 To schedule, visit
       Condition management for diabetes, high blood pressure                 health-clinic/ or call
       (hypertension), tobacco cessation                                      260-481-5748 to find a
       Medication therapy management                                          time that works for you.
                                                                              Appointment Hours

                                                                              Well patients:
     CENTER FOR                                                               Monday, Wednesday, and
     HEALTHY LIVING                         PREVENTIVE CARE                   Friday: 8:30 a.m.–noon
                                                                              Tuesday and Thursday:
                                                                              8:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m.
                                                                              Sick patients:
     CAMPUS HEALTH CLINIC (FORT WAYNE CAMPUS)                                 Monday, Wednesday, and
                                                                              Friday: 12:30–4:30 p.m.
       Annual physicals for men and women                                     Tuesday and Thursday:
                                                                              2:30–4:30 p.m.
       Flu shots, allergy shots, vaccinations (including travel)
       Blood pressure checks, cancer screenings, cholesterol
       screenings, diabetes screenings
       Health coach for wellness and condition management
     As you select benefit plans for 2022, one of the most important decisions you’ll make
     is choosing the medical plan that makes the most sense for you and your family.

     Trying to figure that out over an entire year can be challenging. To help you, Benefitfocus has a medical
     plan comparison tool that estimates your expenses based on your claims over the past 12 months. You
     can even customize the data to estimate your expenses between the plans.
     Your data is in the system and only you can see it, so you don’t have to figure out the claim costs
     yourself. The plan comparison tool also allows you the option to estimate tax savings when you
     contribute to an HSA. We think this tool will help you understand your options and give you confidence
     in your medical plan choice.

              The plan comparison tool is available
              during open enrollment. Log in to
              BenefitFocus and click on Enroll Now.

     1.       VIEW USAGE
              You can review using your Actual Usage
              over the last 12 months, or you can choose
              the Customize usage option, which allows
              you to personalize your data.

     2.       E S T I M AT E Y O U R T A X B E N E F I T
              Enter the amount you (and/or Purdue)
              will contribute to an HSA or HRA
                                                              3.       C O M PA R E P L A N S
                                                                       With a simple click, the plan
                                                                       comparison tool provides your
              (if applicable) to see your tax benefit.                 estimated costs for each plan!

     Purdue provides vision coverage through Vision Service Plan (VSP). Here’s what you
     need to know about your vision coverage:

                                VSP                                                          WHO’S ELIGIBLE?
        Benefits cover a yearly exam as well as
                                                                           Purdue’s vision plan will be a separate
        the glasses or contacts you need.                                  election from the medical plan.
        •   You can use VSP or non-VSP doctors—                            •     Free benefit for employees and families
            but you’ll receive greater coverage and                        •     Must be elected during open enrollment
            lower costs with VSP doctors.
                                                                           •     Available even if not covered by a
        •   Your coverage also includes lower                                    Purdue medical plan
            costs on LASIK and PRK procedures.
                                                                           •     Must elect vision coverage for yourself
        *per calendar year                                                       in order to elect it for your dependents

                                          Description                            Cost            RESOURCES
      Well Vision                                                                                Learn more about your vision
                     • Eligible each calendar year                                $5
      Exam                                                                                       coverage on the benefits
                                                                                                 website or at
                     • Eligible every other calendar year
                                                                            $10, included
                     • $150 allowance for a wide selection of frames,                            Ways to Find a VSP Doctor
      Frames                                                               in prescription
                       $200 for featured frame brands
                                                                               glasses              Call VSP at 800-877-7195.
                     • 20% savings on the amount over your allowance

                     • Eligible each calendar year                                                  Visit and
                                                                            $10, included
                     • Single, lined bifocal, lined trifocal lenses        in prescription          click on the Members tab.
                     • Polycarbonate lenses for dependent children             glasses              New Users: Click on Create
      Lenses                                                                                        An Account and enter
                     New for 2022!                                         Covered in full          the last four digits of your
                     • Standard progressive lenses                         at in-network            SSN. Enter other required
                     • UV coating                                            providers              information and follow the
                                                                                                    on-screen instructions.
      Contacts       • Eligible each calendar year
      (instead of    • $130 allowance for contacts; copay does not apply       Up to $60
      glasses)       • Contact lens exam (fitting and evaluation)

                     New for 2022!
                     • Supplemental medical eye care services (i.e.,
      EyeCare                                                                  $20 copay
                       detection/treatment of ocular/visual condition)
                     • 40% off additional pairs of glasses

     You have three choices for dental coverage. All use the Delta Dental Premier Network
     and allow you to visit any PPO or Premier dentist.

            DELTA DENTAL                          DELTA DENTAL                      DELTA DENTAL
          PREMIER/PPO PLAN                      PREMIER/PPO PLAN                  PREMIER/PPO PLAN
           PREVENTIVE ONLY                          OPTION 1                          OPTION 2
        This option covers                    This plan provides the            This plan provides the
        preventive services only.             broadest choice of                most cost-effective
        Requires election in                  dental providers.                 benefits for preventive,
        Benefitfocus even though              While you will receive            diagnostic and basic
        no premium is charged.                the greatest benefits for         treatments, but ONLY
                                              preventive, diagnostic            when a Delta Dental
        Preventive services                                                     in-network dentist
        provided by out-of                    and restorative work with
                                              in-network providers, this        provides the care.
        network dentists are
        covered at the in-network             plan also allows you to           Very little coverage is
        rate and may be subject               use non-network dentists          provided when using
        to balance billing.                   at a reduced level of             non-network dentists.

     Dental coverage will be offered by Delta Dental in 2022. Dental premiums
     are lower, though the plans and coverage are the same.
                                                                                For plan details:
     Delta Dental has two dental networks: PPO and Premier. Our plan has the
     same coverage for both networks.                                              Visit the Benefits website at
                             Delta Dental      Delta Dental      Delta Dental      dental/index.php
                            Preventive Only     Option 1          Option 2         or visit Delta Dental at
      2022 Annual Dental Premiums
                                                                                   Call Delta Dental at
      Employee Only               $0              $289.08           $97.44         800-524-0149.

      Employee & Children         $0              $725.04           $228.84

      Employee & Spouse           $0              $587.64           $199.44

      Employee & Family           $0              $1,102.56         $358.68

     These benefits are designed to help you and your family through difficulties, such as
     an accident, critical illness or death.
     Our voluntary benefits give you the convenience and ease of paying for most of them via payroll
     deduction. Plus, you benefit from our group buying power and discounted arrangements.

                                             Coverage                      Eligible            Provider

                              Accident-related expenses,
      Accident                medical treatment, hospitalization,
      Insurance               diagnostic testing, follow-up care,

                              Payable when diagnosed with
      Critical Illness        covered critical illness (i.e. heart                              Voya
      Insurance               attack, stroke, cancer, coronary
                              artery bypass graft)
                                                                      You, your spouse or
                              Hospital stays due to accident         children up to age 26
                              or illness (includes maternity
      Hospital Insurance

                              Additional coverage (in addition
                              to Purdue-provided basic $15,000
                              for benefits-eligible employees);
      Accidental Death &                                                                      Securian
                              available in varying amounts;
                              Evidence of Insurability (EOI) never

     The Healthy Boiler Incentive Program is back again!
     For 2022, we've enhanced the incentive program to reward more comprehensive wellness efforts.
     Benefit-eligible employees have several opportunities to earn incentives, which are deposited into your
     HSA or HRA to help pay for healthcare expenses.

     The Healthy Boiler Incentive Program runs from Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2022.


     HSA/HRA INCENTIVE ACTIVITIES                                         Employee         Employee        Employee         Employee
                                                                            Only           & Spouse        + Children       & Family

                                              Purdue Base
                                                                             $200             $400             $400             $400
     Note: You must first upload the
     provider form for your annual                                                         Employee                          Employee
     physical to the Healthy Boiler           Incentive                                      $450*                             $450*
                                                                             $450*                            $900*
     portal BEFORE you can earn               Maximum                                       Spouse                            Spouse
     additional rewards.                                                                    $450*"                             $450*

                           Complete Annual Physical                          $150             $150             $300             $150
          STEP 1           Upload provider form to the Healthy Boiler portal and complete required fields

                           Complete Annual Biometrics                        $100             $100             $200             $100

                           Upload biometric form to the Healthy Boiler portal and complete required fields

                           Complete Health Risk Assessment                   $100             $100             $200             $100

                           Complete health risk assessment on the Healthy Boiler portal
        STEP 2
      (OPTIONAL)           Complete Dental or Vision Exam                     $25              $25              $50             $25

                           Complete required fields on the Healthy Boiler portal to show completion

                           Complete Well-being Screenings                     $75              $75             $150              $75

                           Complete required fields on the Healthy Boiler portal to show completion
                           Visit the portal for specific screenings based on age and sex
      *Amount awarded is based on coverage level elected within a Purdue medical plan. EE+Spouse and Family levels - both employee and
      spouse may earn independent of the other. EE+children - only the employee needs to complete the activity to earn amounts. Employees
      who opt out of the medical plan may earn employee-only amounts.
     Purdue deposits money in your Health Savings Account (HSA) or Health
     Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) each paycheck to help with the cost of
     your eligible medical expenses.

     DO YOU QUALIFY FOR AN HSA?                                                        MAXIMUM
                                                                                       HSA CONTRI BUTI O N
     Participating in one
     of Purdue’s CDHPs
     qualifies you for an
     HSA, but IRS rules
                                           Answer these questions
                                         to determine your eligibility.                $3,650       EMPLOYEE

     may make you
     ineligible or affect
     the tax status of
                            •     Are you on any form of Medicare or collecting
                                  Social Security? See page 29 for eligiblity
                                                                                       $7,300 EMPLOYEE PLUS
     your account.          •     Do you have non-high-deductible medical
                                  insurance coverage outside of Purdue?                REMEMBER!
                            •     Do you use Veterans Administration benefits or       The maximum contribution
                                  TRICARE benefits?                                    limits are for employer and
                            •     Does your spouse have a Health Care                  employee contributions
                                  Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or a Health          combined.
                                  Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA)?                     The amounts you receive
                                                                                       from Purdue and the
                                                            If you answered YES to     Healthy Boiler incentive
                             If you answered NO to          any of these questions,    should be included
                            all these questions, you            you will have the      when you calculate the
                                qualify for an HSA.         opportunity to enroll in   max amount you can
                                                                    an HRA.            contribute for the year.
                                                                                       Catch-up contributions:
       Purdue Annual                                                                   If you are an employee
                            $200 - Individual              $200 - Individual
       Contribution                                                                    age 55 or older, you may
                            $400 - Family                  $400 - Family
       Amount                                                                          contribute an additional
                                                                                       $1,000 in 2022.
                            Yes. Funds available after     No, but you can
       Employee Can
                            payroll deductions each        contribute to to a Health
                            pay period                     Care FSA

       Who Owns Account     You                            Purdue

                            Carries over year to year      Unused funds revert
                            and always belongs to you;     back to Purdue following
       Carry-over Limits
                            passes to beneficiaries in     the runout period at the
                            event of death                 end of the plan year

       Compatible FSA       Limited Purpose FSA and        Health Care FSA and and
       Types                Dependent Care FSA             Dependent Care FSA
     You may contribute to Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) to help with the cost of
     your eligible medical expenses.

     WHICH TYPE OF FSA CAN YOU HAVE?                                                       2021 MAX IMUM FSA
                                                                                           CONTRIBUTI O N *
     The type of FSA you can have depends on whether you have contributions
     going into an HSA. If you have an HSA, you may also elect a Limited Purpose
     FSA. If you don't have an HSA, you may elect a Health Care FSA.                       $2,750
                                                                                           HEALTH CARE OR
                               Limited Purpose FSA                Health Care FSA          LIMITED PURPOSE FSA

        Funding Account
           Used With
                                        HSA                    Compatible with HRA
                                                              Medical, Dental, Vision,     DEPENDENT CARE FSA
        Eligible Expenses          Dental, Vision

         Funds Available      Full amount available Jan. 1 or upon effective date
                                                                                           DID YOU KNOW?
                                                                                           You can use pre-tax dollars
                                                                                           to pay for dependent child
           2022 Claims        Incurred between Jan. 1 - Dec. 31, 2022                      care (under age 13) and
                                                                                           adult care while you (and
                              2021 Claims: March 31, 2022                                  your spouse, if you file
           Deadline to        2022 Claims: March 31, 2023                                  jointly) work, look for work,
          Submit Claims                                                                    or attend school full-time?
                              (All claims must be incurred by Dec. 31 of previous year.)
                                                                                           Examples: Day care
                                                                                           facilities, day camps,
         Forfeited Funds      Remaining 2022 funds forfeited after March 31, 2023          after-school care, senior
                                                                                           centers, private sitter
                                                                                           (not immediate family),
                              Keep your receipts in case the IRS ever asks you
                                                                                           elder care
                              to confirm use of funds. The IRS also requires FSA
                              purchases to be substantiated if they are not done so        Dependent care flexible
                              automatically at the point of sale.                          spending accounts are
                                                                                           independent of medical
                                                                                           plan, HSA or HRA
                                                                                           *2022 contributions limits were
                   S O L E LY F O R E L I G I B L E E X P E N S E S T H AT A R E           not released by the IRS at the
                   NOT COVERED BY YOUR MEDICAL PLAN.                                       time of publication.

     Financial wellness can impact both your physical and mental health. That’s why we
     provide education and guidance to help you secure your long-term financial well-being.



                              Term life insurance equal to one-and-a-half times your annual budgeted salary; coverage
      Life Insurance
                              options also available for spouse and children

                              Income continuation during long periods of illness or injury resulting in temporary or
      Long-Term Disability
                              permanent disability; automatic enrollment upon hire for 65% of your salary

                              Income continuation during short periods of illness or injury for which you would
      Short-Term Disability   otherwise be paid sick leave, including pregnancy; pays you a benefit equal to 65 percent
                              of your budgeted salary for the days or weeks you remain disabled

                              Tuition remission or reduced tuition for employees, spouses and children at Purdue
      Tuition Assistance
                              University and Purdue Global

      Employee Discounts      Discounts from area retailers; available to all faculty, staff and retirees

      Universal Life
                              Broader life insurance that builds cash value and has withdrawal/loan options

      Auto/Home               Automotive, homeowners coverage and a wide range of other property and casualty
      Insurance*              insurance products

                              Free basic legal services offered through Securian life insurance

      Legal Services          MetLife Legal Plan: Assistance with family/personal law, financial, home and real estate
                              civil lawsuits, future/estate planning, wills/estate planning, identity management, vehicle
                              and driving, elder care issues; free in-network/set fees out-of-network

                              Coverage that pays benefits for services you or family member receive in your home, an
      Long-Term Care
                              assisted living facility or a nursing home

             Education, guidance and assistance related to retirement plan investments
             Appointments available from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday – Friday
             Located in Purdue Memorial Union, West Lafayette campus
     Financial wellness can impact both your physical and mental health. That’s why we provide
     education and guidance to help you secure your long-term financial well-being.

            Planning and saving for retirement is an important responsibility
                                                                                                        Available to those on
            throughout your working years. We offer multiple plans, and eligibility
                                                                                                        one of Purdue’s CDHPs,
            is based on the job role you have at Purdue.
                                                                                                        both you and Purdue can
                                                                                                        contribute funds pre-tax.
     PURDUE STANDARD RETIREMENT AND SAVINGS PLANS (PSRS)                                                You can then use funds
                                                                                                        on eligible expenses
     Tenure-track Faculty, Management, Professional, Executives
                                                                                                        for yourself and tax
      Exempt 403(b)             401(a) Mandatory        403(b) Voluntary        457(b) Voluntary
      Base Defined              Plan                    Retirement              Savings Plan            And, funds roll forward
      Contribution Plan                                 Savings Plan                                    year to year and always
                                                                                                        belong to you.
      University                Employee                Optional employee       Optional employee       Beginning at age 65, HSA
      contribution of 10%       contribution of         contribution            contribution            funds can be used for any
      annual pay + 10%          4% annual pay           only                    only                    expense without penalty.
      any summer salary                                                                                 However, funds used on
                                                                                                        ineligible expenses (non-
                                                                                                        healthcare) are taxed.
     PURDUE MATCHING RETIREMENT AND SAVINGS PLANS (PMRS)                                                PURDUE DEPOSITS
     Service, Support, Operations/Technical (closed group) hired 9/9/2013 and after
                                                                                                        TO YOUR HSA:
      403(b) Non-
      Exempt Defined
      Contribution Plan
                                     403(b) Voluntary
                                     Retirement Savings Plan
                                                                           457(b) Deferred
                                                                           Compensation Plan
                                                                                                        $200         EMPLOYEE

      University contribution
      of 4% annual pay
                                    Automatic employee
                                    contribution of 5%*
                                                                           Optional employee
                                                                           contribution only            $400  EMPLOYEE PLUS
                                    Matching University contribution
                                    up to 4% (Deposited in 403(b)
                                                                                                        And, Purdue will
                                    Defined Contribution Plan)
                                                                                                        more than double its
                                                           * May change your contribution at any time   contribution if you
                                                                                                        participate in the
                                                                                                        Healthy Boiler Incentive

     As you work to improve your overall health and wellness, it’s important to include your
     behavioral health as well. People who are mentally and emotionally healthy develop
     positive relationships, maintain perspectives and are better equipped to cope with
     life’s challenges.
     Purdue and our community have a variety of mental health resources
     available to employees. Read more about them here.                                 A NTHEM
                                                                                      LI V EHEALTH
                                                                                         ONLI NE
           SupportLinc (username: purdue) is our employee assistance program
           (EAP) for benefits-eligible faculty and staff on the West Lafayette    psychology
           campus and their dependents covered on a Purdue health plan.
                                                                                  •   Online access to
           When you speak to a SupportLinc Care Advocate, you’ll be referred to
                                                                                      licensed therapists
           counselors that match both your clinical and cultural needs.
                                                                                  •   Assistance with
             SupportLinc eConnect®: Quick access to talk/chat with a counselor        common behavioral
             Textcoach® mobile app: Option to exchange texts with a licensed          issues such as grief,
             counselor for up to six weeks                                            anxiety, stress,
                                                                                      depression and
             Animo: Personalized digital resource to help strengthen mental
             health and overall well-being
             Navigator: Online short survey that provides personalized guidance
             for program support
           Purdue Fort Wayne:                                                     psychiatry
           EAP for employees is provided by the Bowen Center                      •   Online access to
           Purdue Northwest:                                                          board-certified
           EAP for employees is available through New Avenues                         psychiatrists
                                                                                  •   Assistance with
                                                                                      issues such as
                                                                                      stress, depression,
     CENTER FOR HEALTHY LIVING                                                        medication
                                                                                      concerns, panic
             Free behavioral health counseling and referral services                  attacks and more
             Assistance with personal, family or job-related issues
             Convenient appointments at our on-site health center

          CENTER FOR
                              $0             COUNSELING
     Because social wellness is important, the Healthy Boiler Program promotes
     opportunities that bring people together.
     This happens in a variety of ways—through wellness programs, at our on-campus workout facilities, or in
     one of our cultural, leadership or faculty centers. Wherever it takes place, the goal is the same: contributing
     to individual and collective well-being through social togetherness.

     SHARING HEALTHY LIFESTYLE GOALS                                                           LEA DERS HIP
     A great way to bond with others and make connections is by sharing
                                                                                              DEV ELOP MENT
     health and wellness goals. At Purdue, we encourage employees to
     come together to support one another.
                                                                                          SUSAN BULKELEY
                                                                                          BUTLER CENTER FOR
     WELLNESS COMPETITIONS/CHALLENGES                                                     EXCELLENCE
       Department, team and individual competitions foster an                   
       environment focused on well-being and encouragement.                               •   The center is
                                                                                              dedicated to
       Track your progress in the Healthy Boiler Portal. Challenges may
                                                                                              inclusive leadership
       qualify for incentive points.
                                                                                              and increasing
                                                                                              an individual’s
     BOILERMAKER HALF-MARATHON & 5K;                                                          capacity for growth
                                                                                              and professional
     500 FESTIVAL EMPLOYEE WELLNESS CHALLENGE                                                 development.
       Participate in annual mini-marathon. Runners and walkers at all
       levels are encouraged to participate.                                              CENTER FOR FACULTY
       Training resources available, including health coaches at Center for               SUCCESS
       Healthy Living.                                                          
                                                                                          •   This campus
                                                                                              center is focused
                                                                                              on developing
                                                                                              programming and
                  ON-CAMPUS WORKOUT FACILITIES                                                implementing
                                                                                              activities and events
            Educational, friendly and safe atmosphere for a healthy                           for faculty.
            and active lifestyle. Membership options for employees,
                            retirees and their families.

     You are your best self when you have work-life integration. In addition to our
     family-friendly benefits, we offer several resources to help working families
     balance the needs of both home and work.

     FAMILY-FRIENDLY BENEFITS                                                     CARE SUPPO RT
                                           CHILD CARE SERVICES
          Purdue is proud to offer family-friendly benefits that help our     familyfriendly/
          employees meet today’s work-life demands. Our family-friendly       purdueChildcare/
          benefits and practices include:                                     •   Three on-site child
                                                                                  care centers
            Parental leave                     Stopping tenure clock
            FMLA                               Vacation
            Bereavement leave                  Paid holidays
                                                                              CHILD CARE REFERRALS
            Flexible and remote work           Unpaid leave                   familyfriendly/off_
            Military leave                     Personal business days         Campus/Index.html
                                                                              •   Free child care
            Sick leave                         Autism coverage
                                                                                  referral line
            Sabbatical leave of absence        Lactation support program      •   Enhanced referrals
                                                                                  available (for a fee)
                                                                                  for those with special
     CARE@WORK                                                                    needs care

                                                     ELDER CARE SUPPORT
          This additional benefit for Purdue employees provides the ability   familyfriendly/family_
          to search and find affordable caregivers – including childcare,     resources/eldercare.html
          senior care and pet care – along with other services.               •   Elder care information
                                                                                  and resources
            Childcare               Pet care                Housekeeping
            Senior care             School support          Back-up care


          Financial protection for pet expenses; no pre-approval for
          providers; covers treatments, surgeries, lab fees, X-rays
     Benefit decisions are important for you and your family.
     That’s why we encourage you to spend a little time each fall reviewing your benefit options for the next
     year and ensuring that you’ve recorded the correct information for all of your benefit selections. A few
     important reminders:

     We continue to give employees the option of covering spouses under our medical plans. However, rising
     medical costs have made covering spouses more challenging for us in recent years. For that reason, spouses
     who have access to medical coverage through their employer but choose not to enroll in it will be charged an
     additional premium. This premium will help offset some of the additional costs while still allowing your spouse to
     receive primary coverage through Purdue.
     The additional premiums for employees who wish to cover a working spouse in 2022 are:

        •   $750 annually for employees who earn less than $46,900
            and elect the employee/spouse or family plan.                            THE WORKING SPOUSE
        •   $1,500 annually for those who earn $46,900 or higher and                   PREMIUM WILL BE
            elect the employee/spouse or family plan.                               WAIVED IF YOU’RE COVER-
     With this process, we know there will be questions on whether or                ING A SPOUSE WHO IS:
     not the premium applies to you. You will have the Working Spouse               • Employed or self-employed
     Premium added only if all of these conditions are met:                           outside of Purdue with no
        •   Your spouse is employed or self-employed with access to a                 access to coverage that
            group plan at their place of employment                                   meets criteria
        •   Your spouse’s employer pays at least 50% of an employee-                • Employed or self-employed
            only premium                                                              and takes outside coverage
                                                                                      (therefore secondary
        •   Your spouse opts not to enroll in their employer’s plan
                                                                                      coverage through Purdue)
        •   Your spouse has primary coverage through Purdue                         To have the premium waived,
                                                                                    complete the Working Spouse
                 Still not sure if the Working Spouse Premium                       Premium Waiver Form and
                 applies to you? Download our Working Spouse                        upload it into Benefitfocus.
                                                                                    The deadline to upload is
                                                                                    Dec. 1, 2021, or the working
                                                                                    spouse premium will be

                                                                            NEW DEPENDENTS?
     Each year you will need to re-certify your tobacco status in           If you’re enrolling
     Benefitfocus.                                                          dependents for the
                                                                            first time, remember
        •   Certified tobacco users: Status does not roll forward with
                                                                            to upload the required
            charge of additional tobacco-user premium.
                                                                            documentation to the
        •   Certified non-tobacco users: Status does not roll forward       Benefitfocus system.
            without additional premium.                                     Enrollment is not
        •   Certified tobacco user with approved waiver for 2021:           complete without this
            Status will need to be re-certified in Benefitfocus for 2022.   documentation.

     If you do not re-certify, you will default to tobacco-user status
     and the additional tobacco-user premium will apply to both you         More information on
     and your spouse, if applicable.                                        required dependent
     Tobacco users will have the option of completing an approved
     tobacco cessation program to avoid the $1,000 per person
     additional tobacco-user annual premium charge.
     The tobacco cessation program must be completed in 2022 and
     generally take 6 weeks to complete.
     Completed program certificates submitted between Jan. 1 and
     March 31, 2022, will result in lower premiums for all of 2022.
     Completed certifications submitted after March 31, 2022, will reduce
     premiums for the remainder of the plan year only.

                 For details, visit

     There are few exceptions to this rule. Change in family status rules
     allow you to make some related benefit changes during the plan
     year due to a qualifying life event, such as marriage, birth, etc.
     For more information, see page 29 or visit the Benefits website.

     It’s time to review your benefit options and soon you will enroll in plans that
     best meet the needs of you and your family.
           Open enrollment is Oct. 26 to Nov. 9 at 6 p.m. (ET). Sign in to
      1    Benefitfocus at

           Click the Faculty & Staff Benefits Open Enrollment banner at the
      2    top of the page or the “Benefits Enrollment – Active” icon.

           Log in with your Purdue career account username and BoilerKey.
      3    Don’t know your username or BoilerKey? Call:
                 West Lafayette: 765-494-4000
                 Fort Wayne: 260-481-6030
                 Northwest: 219-989-2888

           Click the gold Get Started button to begin enrolling.
      4                                                                          You can enroll for
                                                                                 2022 benefits, make
           Follow the prompts to review your profile information, make changes
      5    to dependents and answer survey questions.
                                                                                 updates during
                                                                                 open enrollment or
           To update any profile information, such as home address, please       qualifying life events,
           follow the instructions in the quick reference guide here.            and stay connected
                                                                                 with benefit education
                                                                                 and support tools–all
      6    Select your plan choices and review/record beneficiaries.             from the palm of your
           Once you’ve reviewed the benefit plans, scroll to the bottom of the   Download the
      7    page, check “I have reviewed the information above” and choose        Benefitsplace app
           Complete Enrollment when you are ready to submit your enrollment.     from Google Play for
           Review your confirmation and choose Continue to Next Page.            Android devices or the
                                                                                 App Store for Apple
           Once you’ve completed your enrollment, save or print the Employee     devices.
      8    Summary Report, that appears on the next screen or located on the
           “Manage Your Benefits” page. This serves as your confirmation of
           benefits and provides proof of your enrollment.

           Confirm benefits and dependents listed are accurate.
      9    You may log in and submit any changes until Nov. 9 at
           6 p.m. (ET). No changes will be accepted after that time.

     If you wish to make changes to your current benefits, you must log into Benefitfocus
     and make your elections for 2022.
          Familiarize yourself with your                   Elect Health Savings Account (HSA) or
          benefit options.                                 Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA).
          Review this guide and visit       Enrollment in a CDHP makes you eligible for
          benewell for more detailed explanations and      an HSA or HRA. Purdue will make an annual
          helpful educational tools.                       employer contribution ($200 individual/$400
                                                           family) into your eligible account. Deposits will
                                                           be made each paycheck.
          Select your medical coverage.
                                                           Remember, for HSAs, your annual
          You have a choice of three consumer-driven       contribution and Purdue’s cannot exceed the
          health plans (CDHPs). Be sure to review          IRS limit of $3,650 for employee only coverage
          them carefully.                                  or $7,300 for family coverage.
          Note: There is only one option for individuals
          with a J-1 Visa.                                 Decide if you want a Health Care Flexible
                                                           Spending Account (FSA).
          Select your dental coverage.                     If you have an HSA, you may also elect a Limited
          You can choose one of Purdue’s three             Purpose FSA; if you don't have an HSA, you may
          dental plans.                                    elect a Health Care FSA.
                                                           Remember: FSAs are use-it-or-lose-it, so
          Select your vision coverage.                     carefully consider the amount you want to
          Vision coverage is separate from our medical     contribute up to $2,750 for an FSA or LPFSA.
          plans. Purdue provides this benefit at no cost
          to you and your dependents. You can elect        Determine if a dependent care FSA
          vision coverage even if you are not enrolled     is right for you.
          in a Purdue medical plan.                        If you want a dependent care FSA to help you
                                                           pay for eligible dependent care expenses, child
          Understand your options if you will              or elder care costs, choose the amount you wish
          retire in 2022 and/or will turn 65 and           to contribute (up to $5,000 annually).
          draw Social Security benefits in 2022.
          Attend a session specifically designed to        Make other benefit choices to protect you
          answer your questions about these important      and your eligible dependents.
          topics. If you still need help, schedule a       Review options for short-term disability,
          one-on-one session with Fidelity or with a       voluntary life insurance, AD&D, supplemental
          retirement benefits counselor.                   hospital, accident insurance, critical illness, legal
                                                           and universal life insurance.
          Review all dependent social security
          numbers (SSN) and dates of birth.                Review your beneficiaries on plans to
          In order to get reimbursed from HRA for          make sure they are accurate.
          eligible expenses incurred by dependents,
          their SSN must be on file.
     We understand that making benefit choices may require some big          NEED ASSISTANCE?
     decisions. There are a lot of things to consider. We want to make       • E-mail
     sure you have the tools and resources you need to answer questions,       or send a secure
     understand terms and evaluate the benefit plans thoroughly.               email through
       The dedicated benefits website is user-friendly and easy to
       navigate. It is your go-to resource for all things open enrollment.   • Contact your campus
                                                                               Benefits team
       The benefits guide will be in an electronic-only format and will be
       sent via email to every benefits-eligible employee.                    West Lafayette:
                                                                              Call 765-494-2222 or
                                                                              toll-free at 877-725-0222
                                                                              Fort Wayne:
     PRESENTATION & LABS                                                      Email or
                                                                              call 260-481-6840
       We will not be holding general presentation sessions in person         Northwest:
       this year. However, HR Benefits is partnering with our HR business     Email or
       partners to offer virtual presentations for each department or         call 219-989-2251
       academic unit.
                                                                             Please allow us time to
       The Purdue Northwest (PNW) and Purdue Fort Wayne (PFW)                respond to your message
       campuses also have resources available on the dedicated enrollment    or email as our call volume
       website.                                                              increases as we prepare for
                                                                             and during open enrollment.

       We’ll offer virtual one-on-one meetings (via Microsoft Teams
       or phone) with a Benefits team member between Oct. 11 and Oct. 15.
       You can discuss topics like the CDHP medical offerings,
       how prescriptions are covered, voluntary plan options and more.
       Visit for more details.

without a qualifying life event. Note changes make
     SPECIAL RULES REGARDING                                          take 1-2 pay periods to take effect.
     MEDICARE AND YOUR HSA                                        •   Check and update your beneficiary information
     There are special rules about Medicare coverage and              for term life insurance and accidental death
     HSA contributions. If you’re age 65 or older, you’ll             and dismemberment coverage. (Retirement
     want to consider the following:                                  beneficiaries can be updated on Fidelity’s website;
     •   Neither an employer nor the employee can make                HSA beneficiaries can be updated on HSA Bank's
         pre-tax contributions to an HSA if the employee has          website.)
         Medicare Part A or B.
     •   If you do not draw Social Security benefits,             LIMITED BENEFIT CHANGES
         you are not required to start Medicare Part A or B at
                                                                  Generally, benefit changes are limited to open
         age 65.
     •   If you are not receiving Social Security and have
                                                                  There are few exceptions to this rule. Change in family
         declined Medicare, but your spouse is covered under
                                                                  status rules allow you to make some related benefit
         Medicare, you can still use your HSA funds to pay
                                                                  changes during the plan year due to a qualifying life
         for your spouse’s expenses. As the account owner,
                                                                  event, such as marriage, birth, etc.
         your participation in Medicare is what determines
         eligibility, not your spouse’s participation.            •   No medical plan change: You may not choose
                                                                      a different medical plan because of a change in
     •   If you receive Social Security benefits, you are
                                                                      family status, but you may be able to add or drop
         automatically enrolled in Medicare Part A, so you
         are not eligible to make or receive pre-tax HSA
         contributions.                                           •   No Health Care FSA/LPFSA change: You’re not
                                                                      allowed to make any change to your FSA/LPFSA
     •   If you begin Social Security benefits during 2022,
                                                                      during the plan year.
         Social Security will automatically award you
         Medicare benefits retroactively. Your Medicare start     •   31 days to make changes: You must make changes
         date will be the month of your 65th birthday, or six         within 31 days of the qualifying life event, or you’ll
         months prior to the month in which you apply for             have to wait until the next open enrollment period or
         Social Security benefits.                                    another qualifying life event to make changes.
     •   If you have Medicare, you can still elect a              Find more information about life event changes on the
         consumer-driven health plan, but you are not             Benefits website.
         eligible to make or receive pre-tax contributions to
         an HSA. You are eligible to receive funds in a Health
         Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA).                         LEGAL NOTICES
     Turning 65 in 2022? Know the facts about Medicare            Purdue University complies with several laws regarding
     and Your HSA                                                 benefit offerings. You can now view these notices
                                                                  online. As you enroll in your benefits, you will be asked
     •   If you or your spouse will turn 65 in the coming year,   if you would like to receive these notices by mail or view
         attend a presentation aimed to help answer many          online. These include:
         common questions about decisions you need to
                                                                  • Wellness Program Legal Notice
         make now. Watch this video to learn more about
         Medicare and Social Security.                            • Notice of Privacy Practices
                                                                  • Notice of Special Enrollment Rights
     For more about Medicare and HSA rules:
                                                                  • Women’s Health and Cancer Right Act of 1998
     Call HR Service Center at 765-494-2222 or
                                                                  • Mental Health Parity Act
                                                                  • Health Care Reform Notifications
                                                                  • Premium Assistance under Medicare and
     YEAR-ROUND SERVICE                                                Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
     You can access your benefits year-round through              • Certificate of Creditable Coverage for
     Benefitfocus.                                                     Medicare Part D
                                                                  • Newborns' Act Disclosure
     •   Submit new elections and supporting
         documentation when you have a qualifying life
     •   Review your elected benefits.
     •   Change how you’re contributing to your HSA.
         HSA contribution changes can be made at any time

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