Open Networks Project - ON WS1A P3 Dispatch & Settlement Processes March 2020 Final v1

Page created by Hugh Clarke
Open Networks Project - ON WS1A P3 Dispatch & Settlement Processes March 2020 Final v1
Open Networks
                                                                 March 2020

                                                                 Final v1

                                                                 ON WS1A P3
                                                                 Dispatch & Settlement

Energy Networks Association                                                    Page 20 of 21
T +44 (0) 20 7706 5100 W E
Dispatch & Settlement Processes


1      Introduction .................................................................................................................... 3
2      Scope of the Product....................................................................................................... 4
       2.1        Product deliverables ............................................................................................................. 4
       2.2        De-scoped activities .............................................................................................................. 5

3      Product timeline.............................................................................................................. 7
4      Product Outputs .............................................................................................................. 8
       4.1        Sub deliverable a .................................................................................................................. 8
             4.1.1       Agree and describe related terminology. ............................................................................ 8
             4.1.2       Information request to each DNO requesting details of current processes relating to
             Activation,Dispatch & Settlement. ...................................................................................................... 9
             4.1.3       Review responses and identify good practice. .................................................................... 9
             4.1.4       Ongoing development of good practice ............................................................................. 9
             4.1.4       Review responses and identify KPI measures, feed into ENA’s wider Flex KPI reporting. ..... 13
             4.1.5       Carry out gap analysis and identify areas for further development. ................................... 13
             4.1.6       Identify dependencies on other Open Networks products and seek alignment. ................... 14
             4.1.7       Ensure differing processes for dispatch and settlement between product types are captured.
             4.1.8       Consider potential impacts to dispatch & settlement processes should future developments
             reduce the timescales of operation e.g. intra-day markets. ................................................................. 14
       4.2        Sub-deliverable b................................................................................................................ 14
             4.2.1       Each DNO to carry out an impact assessment for adoption of good practice identified through
             sub deliverable a. ............................................................................................................................ 14
             4.2.2       Agree approach for areas identified through gap analysis in sub deliverable a. ................... 15
             4.2.3       Each DNO to provide a time line for implementation of good practice, considering impact
             assessment outcomes ...................................................................................................................... 16

Appendix A Dispatch Decision Criteria – Guiding Principles.................................................. 18
Appendix B Assessment of non-firm connections at the point of dispatch ........................... 22

Energy Networks Association
T +44 (0) 20 7706 5100 W E
Dispatch & Settlement Processes

1              Introduction
The Open Networks Project is a major energy industry initiative, run by the Energy Networks
Association that will transform the way our energy networks work, underpinning the delivery
of the smart grid. This project brings together 9 of UK and Ireland's electricity grid operators,
respected academics, NGOs, Government departments and the energy regulator Ofgem. The
2019 Project Initiation Document outlines what the Open Networks Project will deliver in 2019,
how it will be delivered and when. Workstream 1A is focused on Flexibility Services in the
developing Flexibility Market and has 3 key objectives:

       1. Develop and deliver good practice and convergence of directly contracted DSO
            services to customers across DNOs to deliver a consistent experience for customers
       2. Facilitate markets outside the direct procurement of service by DSOs to allow third
            parties to develop effective and liquid market platforms for customers to realise value
            for flexibility, and
       3. Support the wider use of DSO services by removing barriers and encouraging the
            consideration of flexibility solutions.

The following extract summarises the aims for Product 3 in Workstream 1A, Dispatch &
Settlement Processes, for which this document is a key deliverable.

2019 PID Extract – WS1A P3 Dispatch & Settlement Processes;
Review current activation, dispatch & settlement processes and develop good practice for
activation and dispatch and identify what DNO capabilities are required to support this. This
good practise should include alignment of DSO and NG ESO services in terms of procurement,
timescales, service windows and contract terms as much as possible.

Energy Networks Association
T +44 (0) 20 7706 5100 W E
Dispatch & Settlement Processes

2              Scope of the Product
2.1            Product deliverables
Two key deliverables were outlined within the Product Scope, Sub-deliverable a and Sub-
deliverable b. The full scope for these is detailed below.

Sub-deliverable a
Undertake a review of current dispatch and settlement processes across DNOs, identify good
practice and propose an approach to achieve commonality.

         Agree and describe related terminology.
         RFI to each DNO requesting details of:
               o    Current activation process, (process through which flex provider is accepted
                    onto each respective DNOs flexibility programme). Will include process and
                    timescales for procurement, contract award, testing and provider readiness,
               o    Dispatch process, to include both method of dispatch; method each DNO uses
                    to actively deploy/signal flexibility services from activated flexibility providers,
                    and dispatch optimisation; any level of optimisation methodology a DNO
                    employs to inform dispatch decisions,
               o    Settlement process, to include; settlement methodologies; how a providers
                    earnings are calculated, settlement practices; timescales, systems, approval
                    etc, and
               o    Location of each DNOs published materials detailing processes for activation,
                    dispatch & settlement.

         Review responses and identify good practice.
         Review responses and identify KPI measures, feed into ENA’s wider Flexibility KPI
         Carry out gap analysis and identify areas for further development.
         Identify dependencies on other Open Networks products and seek alignment;
          timescales, procurement, service windows, contract (P2, P4…)
         Ensure differing processes for dispatch and settlement between product types are
         Consider potential impacts to processes should future developments reduce the
          timescales of operation e.g. intra-day markets.

         Baseline methodologies; method used to determine the value of a provider’s base load
          so an accurate measurement of flexibility performance can be taken from that value.

Energy Networks Association
T +44 (0) 20 7706 5100 W E
Dispatch & Settlement Processes

         Processes for future planned product types.
         Full specification for optimisation, high level good practice only.

         Each DNO will have either a live example or a proposed example of their dispatch

         DNOs are at varying stages of dispatch process and methodology development.

Final Deliverable
Report identifying good practise, gap analysis and recommendations for DNO commonality.
Will include principles for decision making criteria for selection of solutions pre-dispatch.

Sub-deliverable b
Develop an implementation plan to take forward agreed areas of commonality.

         Each DNO to carry out an impact assessment for adoption of good practice identified
          through sub deliverable a.
         Agree approach for areas identified through gap analysis in sub deliverable a.
         Each DNO to provide a timeline for implementation of good practice, considering impact
          assessment outcomes.

         None identified.

         Timeline will detail activities at a high level, identifying when each DNO expects to
          adopt certain aspects and functionalities.

         Process to agree a timeline within each DNO will vary and could extend past product

Final Deliverable
Collated high-level timeline for DNO good practice implementation & publish on ENA website.

2.2            De-scoped activities
The product team considered that activities that fall under Activation were a duplication of
the work already undertaken in ON WS1A P2 in 2019. It was also agreed that establishing

Energy Networks Association
T +44 (0) 20 7706 5100 W E
Dispatch & Settlement Processes

good practice for activation activities within P3 would undermine future work to be
undertaken by the Procurement Processes product; P2, throughout 2020.

As a result, P3 went on to get agreement from the WS1A Working Group to de-scope
Activation from its deliverables.

The P3 product team documented its initial findings on Activation; this has been passed to P2
product team to consider usefulness for 2020 scope.

Energy Networks Association
T +44 (0) 20 7706 5100 W E
Dispatch & Settlement Processes

3              Product timeline

The product team held its first meeting on 30 August 2019 and agreed the following timeline.

 Agree detailed product scope                                                  August 2019

 Template issued to all DNOs to collate information on existing                September 2019
 dispatch & settlement processes

 Product workshop to agree good practice and conduct gap analysis              October 2019

 Produce first draft of product report for product team review                 November 2019

 Agree and finalise P3 2019 product report                                     December 2019

 Product workshop to consider implementation of commonality                    January 2020

 Finalise DNO implementation timeline                                          January 2020*

*Indicative. Acknowledged that process to agree may take longer.

Energy Networks Association
T +44 (0) 20 7706 5100 W E
Dispatch & Settlement Processes

4              Product Outputs
4.1            Sub deliverable a

4.1.1          Agree and describe related terminology.
The product group collated terminology associated with Dispatch & Settlement Processes and
agreed the following definitions.

 Dispatch                        Process through which the DNO informs a flexibility
                                 provider of the required level of service within
                                 operational timescales

 Distributed    Energy           An asset or group of assets that are a resource for distribution
 Resource (DER)                  and/or transmission flexibility.

 Flexibility Provider            Owner or appointed operator of contracted DER.

 Forecasts                       Identification of constraint, will occur under variable time

 Capacity Availability           Time when the DER is be available to provide flexibility services.

 Unavailability                  Notification of when DER cannot be available to provide flexibility

 Energy Utilisation              Period of requested service delivery.

 Declarations                    Process through which asset are declared available - only where
                                 week ahead/electronic process exists.

 Acceptance                      Methodology employed by the DNO to ensure that Flexibility
 assessment criteria             Providers are accepted for availability in the most equitable

 Acceptance                      Process through which DER is accepted for availability. This is only
                                 relevant where advanced declarations exist.

 DSO dispatch signals            Instruction to deliver service.

 DSO stop signals                Instruction to cease delivery of service.

 Dispatch criteria               Methodology employed by the DNO to ensure that Flexibility
                                 Providers are utilised in the most efficient manner.

 Optimisation                    Methodology employed by the DNO to deliver an output that
                                 ensures Flexibility Providers are utilised in the most efficient

 Settlement                      Process through which the DNO verifies flex provider’s
                                 service and calculates appropriate payment.

 Performance                     Process to verify flex provider has delivered service at the level
 verification                    declared/instructed/contracted.

Energy Networks Association
T +44 (0) 20 7706 5100 W E
Dispatch & Settlement Processes

 Baseline                        Established level of DER base load from which a delta is measured
                                 to calculate level of service delivered.

 Checks & Approvals              Bi-lateral checks to confirm delivery of service & settlement

 Payment calculations            Agreed level of payment - could include methodologies for under-
                                 delivery etc.

 Penalties                       Financial penalties associated with under deliver/ non delivery etc.

4.1.2          Information request to each DNO requesting details of current processes
               relating to Activation, Dispatch & Settlement.
A template was completed by each DNO to provide detail on current processes undertaken
relation to Dispatch & Settlement.

DNOs were also required to provide location of any published materials detailing processes for
activation, dispatch & settlement. These have been collated where available and passed to the
ENA to publish on the Open Networks webpage.

4.1.3          Review responses and identify good practice.
Following the information request all responses were collated and DNO representatives took
part in a workshop to review responses and identify any existing good practice.

In general the structure of DNO processes are already largely aligned across both dispatch and
settlement. All DNOs undertook the same key process steps, with only practical differences
becoming apparent.

DNOs agreed to produce Good Practice flow charts for both the dispatch and settlement

In addition to the flow charts some further areas of good practice in both dispatch and
settlement have been identified.

4.1.4          Ongoing development of good practice
DNOs experience operating dispatch processes is relatively low, with only two DNOs dispatching
flexibility services to date, it is recognised that any good practice established at this stage could
be superseded as DNOs develop their dispatch capabilities over the course of 2020 as more
experience is gained.

The Open Networks 2020 programme includes scope for DNOs to revisit dispatch and
settlement good practice at the end of 2020. At this point DNOs will review their practices and
consider any applicable changes.

Energy Networks Association
T +44 (0) 20 7706 5100 W E
Dispatch & Settlement Processes

Key steps in the dispatch process – good practice

The flow chart below outlines the key steps undertaken by DNOs in relation to dispatch.

It should be noted that the timing of decisions, either at Procurement of Pre-operation stage,
will be dependent on product type 1 and how each DNO chooses to operate that product type.

    Dispatch Process

          Pre-procurement             Procurement                 Pre- Operation         During Operation

             Long term                Capacity Availability          Short Term             Real time data
             Forcasting                    (note a)                  Forecasting             Forecasting

                                                                 Capacity Availability
                                                                      (note b)

                                           Capacity                   Capacity
                                          availability               availability
                                           decision                   decision

                                       Energy Utilisation         Energy Utilisation
                                           (note a)                   (note b)

                                             Energy                     Energy                   Energy
                                           Utilisation                Utilisation              Utilisation
                                            decision                   decision                 decision

                                       Advance dispatch           Advance dispatch         Real time dispatch
                                           signals                    signals                    signals

Note a. applicable only to active power product types that schedule capacity availability
and/or energy utilisation at the procurement stage.

Note b. applicable only to active products types that schedule capacity availability and/or
energy utilisation near to or in real time.

    Open Networks DSO Service Requirements Definitions

Energy Networks Association
T +44 (0) 20 7706 5100 W E
Dispatch & Settlement Processes

Dispatch – further good practice.

In addition to the flow chart, the following areas of good practise were also identified.

Dispatch                        Findings                                       Good practice

DSO dispatch signals The current or proposed methods of      Long term, automated dispatch
                     dispatch signalling varied across DNOs; systems offer the greatest level of
                                                             efficiency, accuracy and reliability.
                          Manual signals such as email,
                             text, phone call                Where increased flexibility activity
                                                             makes manual signalling in-efficient
                          Integration into in-house
                                                             due to resource intensity, the DNO
                             systems (such as ANM) to all
                                                             should adopt an automated system.
                             automation of signalling.

                                         Development of bespoke
                                          system to carry out automated

                                Manual signals were recognised to be
                                resource intensive, which will be
                                difficult to sustain as use of flexibility
                                increases. However if a DNO has low
                                levels of flexibility requirement, early
                                system investment could be cost in-
                                efficient in the short term.

Availability/Dispatch Some DNOs have published decision                        Where multiple flexibility providers
assessment criteria   criteria it uses to optimise its dispatch                could provide a service in excess of the
                      decisions.                                               requirement, a DNO should adopt
                                                                               consistent and fair criteria to assess
                                The DNOs who haven’t published this
                                                                               which flexibility providers will be
                                criteria have not yet sought
                                                                               secured for capacity availability and/or
                                procurement for active products that
                                seek to optimise dispatch from a pool
                                of available providers (e.g. Dynamic           The product team has developed
                                and Restore products).                         Guiding Principles for the application of
                                                                               decision criteria, which is included
                                However, it was agreed that in the
                                                                               within Appendix A of this document
                                future all DNOs will be looking procure
                                these types of products and the need
                                to optimise dispatch will be relevant.

Energy Networks Association
T +44 (0) 20 7706 5100 W E
Dispatch & Settlement Processes

Key steps in settlement Process – good practice

The flow chart below outlines the key steps undertaken by DNOs in relation to settlement.

                  Settlement process


                       Calculation of

                       Calculation of

                    Checks & approvals


Settlement – further good practice

In addition to the flow chart, the following areas of good practise were also identified.

Settlement                       Findings                                      Good Practice

Settlement process               There is significant variation in       As volumes of flexibility requirements
                                 implementation, ranging from the        increase DNOs not already using a
                                 provider calculating and submitting the system to automated settlement should
                                 invoice to DNO system calculated self- consider the cost effectiveness of doing
                                 billing invoices which automate the end so.
                                 to end process. It is noted that the
                                 ESO does automated self-billing.

                                 The differing methods are reflective of
                                 DNOs differing volumes of flexibility
                                 requirements. While requirements are
                                 small it may be more cost efficient to

Energy Networks Association
T +44 (0) 20 7706 5100 W E
Dispatch & Settlement Processes

                                continue with a provider-led invoicing

Performance verification Similarly to the Settlement process, the              As volumes of flexibility requirements
                         current methods adopted by DNOs to                    increase DNOs not already using a
                         verify performance delivered by                       system to automated verification
                         Flexibility Providers vary to reflect their           should consider the cost effectiveness
                         current requirement volumes.                          of doing so.

                                For some the verification is automated
                                through a system and flexibility
                                providers are able to submit their
                                metering readings via an API in real
                                time. Others request metering data
                                post event in support of an invoice.

Metering                        All DNOs require metering data from            As DNOs develop into real time
                                flexibility providers in order to verify       operation of active products, the ability
                                and settle the service.                        to receive and verify metering data in
                                                                               real time is advantageous.
                                All DNOs finalise verification and
                                settlement post event.

                                One DNO also requires real-time
                                verification for products that require
                                informed dispatch decisions such as
                                Dynamic & Restore.

4.1.4          Review responses and identify KPI measures, feed into ENA’s wider Flex
               KPI reporting.
Additional KPIs have been identified to capture DNO activity relating to dispatch and settlement,
potential KPI parameters had been identified by the product team and further detailed in
section 4.2.3.

4.1.5          Carry out gap analysis and identify areas for further development.
The product team identified three areas that should be considered for further development;

     1     ‘Payment Calculations’ & ‘Penalties’ methodologies.

                o    Compare payment mechanics currently employed by DNOs in respect of
                     delivered flex services.

                o    Compare penalty methodology currently employed by DNOs in respect of
                     under-delivered flex services.

                o    Identify good practice and identify commonality opportunities.

     2     Standardisation of data formats

                o    Determine and employ strategy to achieve standardisation of published
                     flexibility requirement data.

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T +44 (0) 20 7706 5100 W E
Dispatch & Settlement Processes

                o    Determine and employ strategy to achieve standardisation of published
                     flexibility post requirement report data.

      3    Standardisation of communication exchanges and protocols

               o     Compare communication methods currently employed by DNOs and the ESO
                     for the exchange of requirement data, dispatch signals and reporting.

               o     Consult with stakeholders to understand provider barriers and benefits to
                     each method.

               o     Determine and employ strategy to achieve standardisation of communication
                     exchanges and protocols.

It has been proposed that work to establish commonality in these areas is undertaken in the
ON WS1A 2020/21 programme.

4.1.6          Identify dependencies on other Open Networks products and seek
Outcomes of this product will feed into the Open Networks 2020 programme. Particularly
products seeking to further align the procurement, contracting and operations of active power
products across DNOs.

4.1.7          Ensure differing processes for dispatch and settlement between product
               types are captured.
Differences for dispatch decision making have been identified for differing product types. More
detail on this is provided within Appendix A.

4.1.8          Consider potential impacts to dispatch & settlement processes should
               future developments reduce the timescales of operation e.g. intra-day
The product team considered a move to closer to real time operations such as intra-day or spot
markets would have minimal impact to current dispatch and settlement processes assuming
that automation for real time dispatch decision making were also invested in at this time.

Wider aspect of the flexibility process are more likely to be impacted, particularly procurement
timescales and current pricing/bidding processes.

The product team also acknowledged that the timescales for such a development in the
flexibility market to become apparent are not yet known. DNOs are considering these markets
and their impacts through their innovation programmes.

4.2            Sub-deliverable b.
Develop an implementation plan to take forward agreed areas of commonality.

4.2.1          Each DNO to carry out an impact assessment for adoption of good
               practice identified through sub deliverable a.
This was undertaken by each DNO representative within the product team and collated.

All DNOs had detailed a commitment to develop and operate flexibility over the course of
2020 in order to gain further experience to be shared and collate at the end of the year.

Energy Networks Association
T +44 (0) 20 7706 5100 W E
Dispatch & Settlement Processes

It was therefore agreed that it would be more appropriate to publish a joint timeline to
demonstrate the common approach each DNO is undertaking.

4.2.2          Agree approach for areas identified through gap analysis in sub
               deliverable a.
Gaps identified and detailed in 4.1.5 were discussed with the WS1A group towards the end of
2019, these have fed into the activities being undertaking by this Work Stream in 2020 and
further in 2021.

Energy Networks Association
T +44 (0) 20 7706 5100 W E
Dispatch & Settlement Processes

4.2.3          Each DNO to provide a time line for implementation of good practice, considering impact assessment outcomes
As previously noted in this report, to date each DNO has had varying levels of experience operating flexibility services and future levels of experience will be
dependent upon any upcoming procurement response. Until DNOs have had the opportunity to further develop and operate their flexibility offerings, it was
agreed by the product team that a joint implementation timeline would be produced. Most notably, the joint timeline will allow a period of development and
operation, which will allow DNOs the opportunity to further develop and operate their flexibility offerings. At the end of this period, DNOs reps will re-group to
share learning and experience from this period. This shared learning will inform what activity the Open Networks project might want to undertake in Dispatch
& Settlement in 2021.

Joint DNO Dispatch & Settlement timeline;

Energy Networks Association
T +44 (0) 20 7706 5100 W E
Dispatch & Settlement Processes

During the ‘Develop and operate flexibility’ phase DNOs will be required to capture their
experience and any learning gained in a consistent manner. This will be collated by the ENA
through its existing KPI process.

The product team has identified some parameters that could be included in this, however the
ENA will work with the wider WS1A group to agree what these parameters should be and a
consistent methodology for determining them. In addition, DNOs will need to agree which
aspects of this data will be published.

Suggested parameters for Develop & Operate phase

The product team identified two key areas where data should be collated across all product
types; Learning & Activity.

Suggested Learning parameters – these are not likely to be data fields, instead DNOs are to
describe their experience and share any learning captured through operation;

         Dispatch decisions; where a pool of providers were available, what dispatch criteria did
          the DNO employ?

         Dispatch decisions; where a DNO did employ dispatch criteria, how effective was this,
          did the criteria change with experience?

         Dispatch signals; what methods of dispatch signalling did the DNO employ, what were
          the pros and cons associated with these methods.

         Settlement; what settlement processes did the DNO employ, what were the pros and
          cons associated with these methods.

Suggested Activity parameters – these are likely to be data fields, an agreed methodology to
determine how these are calculated consistently and to what level activity data is aggregated
will be required. This data is more likely to be published by the ENA, consideration should be
given as to how these fields align with any more detailed requirement data that the ENA is also
considering publishing.

         Volume of availability required, procured, dispatched & delivered.

         Volume of Utilisation required, procured, dispatched & delivered.

         Costs associated with Availability & Utilisation.

         CO2 associated with Utilisation.*

*If captured. Not all DNOs collect this information through their procurement processes.

The ENA have now begun to action this new KPI requirement, ON WS1A will support the
identification and agreement of appropriate parameters and methodologies.

Dates for the product team to re-group and consider the learning and activity outputs has
been agreed with the ENA and added to the 2020 programme.

Energy Networks Association
T +44 (0) 20 7706 5100 W E
Dispatch & Settlement Processes

                                               Appendix A
                        Dispatch Decision Criteria – Guiding Principles

It is recognised that in order to provide confidence in Distribution Flexibility, DNOs must provide
market participants with clear and transparent guidance on any criteria used to inform its
dispatch decisions.

However, to date DNOs have had very little experience dispatching flexibility, with only two
DNOs having dispatched flexibility services and further DNOs expected to begin dispatch
activities over 2020.

In order to align the criteria relating to dispatch activities ahead of sufficient experience being
undertaken, ON WSA1A P3 has produced Guiding Principles each DNO will adopt and test in

It is then expected that experience operating flexibility over 2020 will inform a further piece of
work for the 2021 Open Networks programme which will seek to agree common principles. The
P3 product team recognises the ESO Balancing Mechanism Principles2 documents as good
industry practice, Open Networks 2021 programme could seek to produce a similarly detailed
document for the DSO.

Relevance of Dispatch Decision Criteria – Guiding Principles

These decisions are of particular relevance where multiple providers could provide a service in
excess of a DNO’s requirement. In these instances the DNOs should adopt consistent and fair
criteria to assess which providers will be accepted for dispatch.

The DNOs recognise the importance of flexibility as an investable proposition, as well at the
wider commitment to ensure the costs of flexibility remain competitive and economic for all our

Where competitive market for local flexibility have been developed, resulting in over supply,
DNOs will need to select the priority order on which flexibility assets are accepted and
dispatched first. By sharing this methodology in advance, flexibility providers may be able to
align the dimensions of the flexibility submitted to the procuring party to those most highly

Applicability of Dispatch Decision Criteria – Guiding Principles

Applicability and timing of dispatch decisions depends on product type. All DNOs will carry out
initial forecasting to establish a level of requirement, but some products need further
forecasting as requirements move closer to real time. It is at this later forecasting stage that
decisions around the scheduling of dispatch are applicable.
Dispatch decisions fall into two categories: capacity availability and energy utilisation;

          Capacity Availability - the point at which the flexible capability has been scheduled,
           at which point it is firm and for which an availability fee may be paid. This can occur

    ESO Balancing Mechanism Principles

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T +44 (0) 20 7706 5100 W E
Dispatch & Settlement Processes

          at the procurement stage or some time in advance to real time where certainty of
          availability is required.

         Energy utilisation - where the energy delivery has been scheduled (when done in
          advance) or dispatched (when done near to real time), and a utilisation fee will be paid
          for the energy delivered. This schedule may be firm at the procurement stage for the
          Sustain product, or more commonly for flexibility services, close to or in real time.

Currently some DNO operates each active product with some differences. How a DNO
chooses to operate each product will inform when relevant dispatch decisions are made and
which dispatch decisions are applicable to the Dispatch Decision Criteria – Guiding Principles.

The following table maps the Dispatch Decision Criteria – Guiding Principles applicability by

Figure a. When dispatch decisions are made

    Product3             DNO              Capacity                        Energy                  Applicable
                         Output           availability                    utilisation             payments

    Sustain              Forecast         At Procurement                  At Procurement or       Availability and
    (Scheduled)                                                           near real time          utilisation
                                                                          (depending on DNOs
                                                                          operation of product)

                         Schedule         At Procurement                  At Procurement or
                                                                          near real time
                                                                          (depending on DNOs
                                                                          operation of product)

    Secure               Forecast         At Procurement or               Near real time          Availability and
    (pre-fault)                           near real time                                          utilisation
                                          (depending on DNOs
                                          operation of product)

                         Schedule         At Procurement or               Near or in real time
                                          near real time
                                          (depending on DNOs
                                          operation of product)

    Dynamic              Forecast         At Procurement or               Planned: near real      Availability and
    (post-fault)                          near real time                  time                    utilisation
                                          (depending on DNOs                                      (one DNO offers
                                          operation of product)           Unplanned: in real      utilisation only)

                         Schedule         At Procurement or               In real time
                                          near real time
                                          (depending on DNOs
                                          operation of product)

    Restore              Forecast         N/A                             In real time            Utilisation only

                         Schedule         N/A                             In real time

    Open Networks DSO Service Requirements Definitions

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T +44 (0) 20 7706 5100 W E
Dispatch & Settlement Processes


           Dispatch decision criteria not applicable.

           Dispatch decision criteria only applicable if DNOs do not set availability & utilisation
           at procurement stage and instead carry out further forecast and scheduling near
           real time to inform dispatch.

           Dispatch decision criteria are applicable.

Dispatch decision criteria – Guiding Principles

DNOs will consider the following factors ahead of making any decisions on both availability and
utilisation of flexibility services.

No principles will be considered ahead of another, all must be considered to ensure network
security is delivered for the most cost effective outcome.

Fig b. DNO Guiding Principles of Dispatch

  Principle                     Description                                    In Practice

  Security                      The needs of the system will be met            DSO/DNO requirements: Conform
                                using flexibility in such a way that           with applicable standards with an
                                security of supply is maintained.              appropriate management of risk.

  Cost                          Flexibility will be operated to meet           Lowest prices per MWh and
                                system need at the minimum level of            minimum levels of over
                                cost.                                          procurement.
                                                                               Flexibility will be procured in cost
                                                                               order and will not unduly
                                                                               discriminate against any provider.

  Operability                   DSOs will seek to dispatch services            Provider characteristics:
                                that offer compatible levels of                availability, reliability, run times,
                                operability.                                   response times etc… Accepted
                                                                               offers need to match/partially
                                                                               match requirements.

Dispatch decision criteria – Steps to a competitive market
Application of the ‘DNO Guiding Principles of Dispatch’ relies on a sufficient level of flexibility
engagement that delivers a local competitive flexibility market i.e. a liquid market exists. Once
liquidity is established in the Distribution Flexibility market, it will ultimately act to minimise the
costs of flexibility services, maximise competition, and lower barriers to entry for all providers.

DNOs recognise they have a role to play in achieving a liquid market. The following steps will
provide assurance to the emerging market.

Figure c. DNO Liquidity Steps

  Step                          Description                                    In Practice

Energy Networks Association
T +44 (0) 20 7706 5100 W E
Dispatch & Settlement Processes

  Competition                   DSOs will provide transparency of              Transparency of our actions at
                                their dispatch decisions and activities.       dispatch will allow market
                                                                               participants to offer operable and
                                                                               cost efficient services.

  Fairness                      DSOs will operate a fair dispatch              A clear, transparent and fair
                                methodology and provide equal                  approach offers assurance to
                                opportunities to participate.                  existing and potential market

Energy Networks Association
T +44 (0) 20 7706 5100 W E
Dispatch & Settlement Processes

                                               Appendix B
                   Assessment of non-firm DER at the point of dispatch

Open Networks defines Non-firm DER as follows;

Any DER with a connection agreement in place that restricts its access to the network. The
level of firmness is the extent to which a user’s access to the network may be restricted
(physical firmness) and their eligibility for compensation if it is restricted (financial firmness).


Open Networks 2019 product, P2 DSO Procurement Processes, recommended that
consideration needs to be given to those flexibility products (Secure, Dynamic and Restore)
which may need to consider the use of non-firm connected DER at the point of dispatch.

It was also recommended that output should align with P2 work which considered the use of
non-firm DER at the point of procurement.

P2 has published its outputs on the assessment of non-firm connections at the point of
procurement4. These two documents should be read conjunction.


It was perceived that there could be a risk to security of supply should DNOs seek to dispatch
flexibility services from non-firm DER that could also receive a conflicting curtailment instruction
due to a committed constraint under their connection agreement

It should be noted that the assessment of non-firm DER is applicable only to ‘non-scheduled’
(Sustain) products; Secure, Dynamic & Restore, where a DNO has a pool of providers to select
services from. Sustain services from non-firm DER will be assessed at the procurement stage.
The likelihood of a connection agreement associated curtailment action being instructed at
the same time as a Secure, Dynamic or Restore action is very low, however some
circumstances could occur;

               •    Coincident nested constraints
               •    Transmission Service Conflicts/service stacking, Transmission constraints i.e.
                    SWAN/SWOTS (South West Operational Tripping Scheme)

DNOs will need to gain further experience dispatching under non-firm scenarios, any further
impact to planning timescales and settlements will become apparent as more experience is

The product team has considered what process steps should be undertaken in order to assess
the currently known risks associated with dispatching non-firm DER for flexibility services and
produced a decision flow diagram.


Energy Networks Association
T +44 (0) 20 7706 5100 W E
Dispatch & Settlement Processes

Decision flow diagram

The diagram below demonstrates a common approach each DNO would undertake when assessing the use of non-firm connected assets at the point of

This assessment approach treats both firm & non-firm in the same manner;

         Availability parameters include; unavailability due to timed connection agreement etc. as well as provider unavailability for maintenance/faults etc. or
          any intermittency in export.

         Reliability assessment looks at the non-firm assets probability factor5, as well as aspects that would apply to all providers such as reliability and historic

         Each DNO would establish its own tolerable risk limits.

Figure a. Decision flow diagram

 As referenced in P2 report, Page 4.

Energy Networks Association
T +44 (0) 20 7706 5100 W E
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