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                   5th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE                      CALL FOR PAPER

The ûfth edition of the International Conference on Reuse and Recycling, entit-
led "The value of building materials in the ecological transition of the con-
struction sector", aims to gather the experiences of research and experimenta-
tion that introduce innovative practices for the use of materials and technolo-
gies in the building sector.
Promoted by the Department of Architecture of Roma Tre University, with the
Department of Humanities Social Sciences and Education of University of
Molise, and the Department of Architecture and Design of the Polytechnic Uni-
versity of Turin, the International Conference represents a moment of
reûection and comparison about the most recent innovations of product, pro-
cess and procedure apt to a zero waste and a reduction of harmful emissions.
The purpose of the conference is to collect the most solid and traditional expe-
riences and comparing them with those more preûgurative and innovative
With these aims, the call for papers is published to select contributions from
diferent disciplinary ûelds, with the goal of returning an articulated scientiûc
framework of high innovation contents.

State of the Art
The reduction of material and energy resources, together with the increasingly
evident climate changes that are transforming landscapes and ecosystems,
need the intensiûcation of actions, programs and, not least, regulatory acts
aimed at curbing the environmental impact generated by humans.
These actions, on a global scale, are declined punctually within each individual
continent with speciûc programming: drawing a common thread from the
Americas, in their historical diversity, passing through established realities
such as Asia, to Africa, whose future projection will characterize the world con-
text in the coming decades.
In this context, Europe is one of the most active continents, marked by clear
programmatic aspects that, through the plans laid out in the 2030 Agenda
(2015) and the subsequent European Green Deal (2019), outline a dense
network of interventions aimed at a turnaround toward a sustainable, car-
bon-neutral continent by 2050.
A thorough reading of European documents makes it clear that the con-
struction sector has a key role to play in achieving the goals set out in them. In
this direction, Agenda 2030, in its 12th goal, clearly expresses the need for the

            The value of building materials in the ecological transition of the construction sector
            5th International Conference
            Rome, May 26, 2023
            Via Madonna dei Monti, n. 40

                  5th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE                      CALL FOR PAPER

sustainable use of natural resources by always directing economies toward
the use of secondary raw materials and renewable energy sources.
The need to achieve these goals has directed researches about raw materials
made from secondary materials and environmentally friendly materials. These
researches initiated continuous experimentations that established connection
between diferent ûelds, not only the building material industry.
In just one year, before the pandemic emergency, more than 52 million Con-
struction and Demolition wastes were produced in Italy, of which more than 46
million were mineral wastes. At the same time, sand and gravel extraction
decreased from 53 million tons to 29 million tons: in this scenario, waste,
together with mining, becomes the main actors of one shared scenario.
A need on a global scale unites all productive sectors, generating a driving
force that pushes toward continuous and innovative experimentation and

Oocial languages
The oocial languages of the International Conference are Italian, Spanish, and
English. According to the template attached to this call for paper, each contri-
bution will be provided with a summary in English and an extended text written
in one of the three oocial languages.

Paper submission
The authors are invited to send their contribution, in word format (*.doc or
*.docx), strictly adhering to the attached editorial rules, at info@conference- in compliance with the deadlines indicated in the calendar
reported below and, on the website, paper
will be subjected to a double blind peer review by experts.

The selected papers will be published into an instant book, with ISBN, which
will be distributed at the opening of the ûfth International Conference.

Registration must be done by sending an email to info@conference- in the terms provided by the calendar. The registration form
must be attached to the registration email, which can be downloaded from

           The value of building materials in the ecological transition of the construction sector
           5th International Conference
           Rome, May 26, 2023
           Via Madonna dei Monti, n. 40

                   5th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE                      CALL FOR PAPER

www., together with the conûrmation of payment of
the registration fee, according to the methods indicated below. The registra-
tion form must be ûlled in by the Corresponding Author only.

Registration fees
The registration fee, which entitles you to participate in the 5th International
Conference, to the publication of the paper, if selected, and to a copy of the Pro-
ceedings, is € 120 for the ûrst author, to be added € 80 for each other author.
PhD students and under 40s pay a reduced fee of € 60, also as ûrst author.

Payment details
Università degli Studi Roma Tre - Dipartimento di Architettura
Bank reference:
Payment from Private Institutions: Banco BPM - Viale Europa, 115 - 00144
Codice IBAN: IT39Y0503403207000000300002
Payment from Public Institutions: Bankitalia
Codice IBAN: IT11S0100003245348300147227
Payment purpose:

                  5th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE                      CALL FOR PAPER

Scientific Committee
Rossano Albatici - University of Trento
Paola Altamura - Sapienza University of Rome
Adolfo F. L. Baratta - Roma Tre University
Francisco Palomino Bernal - Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Guzmán (Mexico)
Graziella Bernardo - University of Basilicata
Laura Calcagnini - Roma Tre University
Eliana Cangelli - Sapienza University of Rome
Agostino Catalano - University of Molise
Giuseppe Cultrone - Universidad de Granada (Spain)
Carlos Alberto Duica Cuervo - Universidad El Bosque (Colombia)
Michela Dalprà - University of Trento
Michele Di Sivo - D’Annunzio University
Ornella Fiandaca - University of Messina
Fabiola Colmenero Fonseca - Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain)
Francesca Giglio - Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria
Roberto Giordano - Polytechnic of Turin
Luis Palmero Iglesias - Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain)
Martino Hutz - Technische Universität Wien (Austria)
Rafaella Lione - University of Messina
Antonio Magarò - Roma Tre University
Luigi Marino - University of Florence
Luigi Mollo - University of Campania "L. Vanvitelli"
Antonello Monsù Scolaro - University of Sassari
Andrés Salas Montoya - Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Colombia)
Florian Musso - Technische Universität München (Germany)
Elisabetta Palumbo - University of Bergamo
Ramiro Rodriguez Perez - Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Guzmán (Mexico)
Claudio Piferi - University of Florence
Camilo Alberto Forero Pineda - Universidad de Boyacà Tunja (Colombia)
Hector Saul Quintana Ramirez - Universidad de Boyacá Sogamoso (Colombia)
Alessandro Rogora - Polytechnic of Milan
Monica Rossi Schwarzenback – HTWK Leipzig (Germany)
Camilla Sansone - University of Molise
Fabio Enrique Forero Suarez - Universidad El Bosque (Colombia)
Marzia Traverso - RWTH Aachen University (Germany)
Antonella Violano - University of Campania "L. Vanvitelli"

           The value of building materials in the ecological transition of the construction sector
           5th International Conference
           Rome, May 26, 2023
           Via Madonna dei Monti, n. 40

                  5th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE                      CALL FOR PAPER

Organizing Committee
Jacopo Andreotti – Roma Tre University
Massimo Mariani – Roma Tre University
Antonella G. Masanotti – Roma Tre University
Daniele Mazzoni – Roma Tre University
Monica Alexandra Munoz Veloza - Polytechnic of Turin
Luca Trulli – Roma Tre University

The International Conference will be held on May 26, 2023 at the Department
of Architecture, Roma Tre University, Via Madonna dei Monti.

           The value of building materials in the ecological transition of the construction sector
           5th International Conference
           Rome, May 26, 2023
           Via Madonna dei Monti, n. 40
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