Favour e plac - FOR LOVERS OF LIVING. EXPRESS MÖBEL - Express Möbel

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Favour e plac - FOR LOVERS OF LIVING. EXPRESS MÖBEL - Express Möbel
Favoure plac

F O R L OV E R S O F L I V I N G . E X P R E S S M Ö B E L .
Favour e plac - FOR LOVERS OF LIVING. EXPRESS MÖBEL - Express Möbel

                               SLIDING DOOR

                                        ONE                                HINGED DOOR

                                                          CHESTS OF DRAWERS

                        A unique life needs unique furniture. And that’s the best way
                        to describe our furniture product line ONE.

                        We know that life is constantly changing: jobs, relationships,
                        children – some things you can influence, others most cer-
                        tainly not. But with ONE, we offer you a furniture system which
                        you really can adapt to all of life’s situations and changes.
                        We all know that the needs and tastes of a small family are
                        different from those of a single person household. And a first
                        student flat looks nothing like that of a couple who have just
                        moved in together.

                        Whatever is happening in your life right now, whatever your
                        plans and tastes: ONE allows you to design a home which is
                        as beautiful and unique as you are.

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Favour e plac - FOR LOVERS OF LIVING. EXPRESS MÖBEL - Express Möbel
So you’ve finally found your dream apartment. All that remains is to

                           TOGETHER AT LAST,

                                                             fit two households into one. And that’s no problem with a spacious
                                                             wardrobe from ONE. With a graphite finish, it looks so good you’ll
                                                             wonder why you waited so long.

                       belong together!

                                                                                                                                                 Detail: LIGHTIN
                                                                                                                                                                 G GAP

                                            s are
                       The chests of drawer
                                              stable feet.
                       ğtted with height adju
                                             ight even
                       So they stand up stra
                       on uneven Ġoors.

                                                              ONE 310 sliding door wardrobe // body: graphite // front: graphite glass satin-finished // handle fitments: chrome //
                                                              W: 300 cm, H: 236 cm // ONE 500 bed with upholstered headboard // bed frame: graphite // upholstered headboard: textile
                                                              leather grey // W: 180 cm, H: 42 cm // ONE 700 bedside chest and chest // body/front: graphite // handles: graphite

4 express-moebel.com                                                                                                                                                     express-moebel.com 5
Favour e plac - FOR LOVERS OF LIVING. EXPRESS MÖBEL - Express Möbel

                                     Every side
          is your bt side.

            The mirror’s smart A
                                     ur bedroom
             function transforms yo
            into a dressing room
            Or even into a catwa
                                                                                                                 Naturally, you and your life are absolutely unique. But it doesn’t hurt to get a different
                                                                                                                 perspective – or even three – with this clever corner wardrobe from ONE. The fold-
                                                                                                                 out mirrored doors let you quickly check that everything is perfectly in place. Clothes.
                       ONE 210 hinged door wardrobe with 3 drawers and mirror function // body: polar white //   Storage space. And ingenious ideas. This is a wardrobe you’ll want to hug!
                       front: white lacquer/mirror // handles: chrome // W: 250 + 100 cm, H: 236 cm

6 express-moebel.com                                                                                                                                                                        express-moebel.com 7
Favour e plac - FOR LOVERS OF LIVING. EXPRESS MÖBEL - Express Möbel
Hustle, bustle
                                                     Who says that children always spread chaos? We disagree. As
                                                     long as you have a wardrobe from ONE. Inside, it has an enormous
                                                     amount of storage space for all the things a family needs. And its
                                                     modern sliding doors ensure there is always plenty of space to play,
                                                     chase and explore the world.

            and order.

                       It’s time to play!
                       Our high quality furn         ONE 320 sliding door wardrobe // body: imit. Riviera oak // front: imit. Riviera oak/white glass // handle fitments: aluminium //
                                                     W: 300 cm, H: 216 cm // ONE 500 bed with upholstered headboard // bed frame: imit. Riviera oak // upholstered headboard:
                       is simply indestructib
                                                     textile leather white // bed legs in imit. Riviera oak // W: 180 cm, H: 42 cm // ONE 700 bedside chest and chest // body: imit.
                                                     Riviera oak // front: white glass // handles: chrome

8 express-moebel.com                                                                                                                                                         express-moebel.com 9
Favour e plac - FOR LOVERS OF LIVING. EXPRESS MÖBEL - Express Möbel

                        and find a place
                         of your own.

                                                                                                                                     When young couples move into their first flat to-
                                                                                                                                     gether, it is often the first step on a completely new
                                                                                                                                     journey. And a wardrobe from ONE helps you on
                                                                                                                                     your way. The sliding doors save so much space
                                                                                                                                     that you won’t cramp each other’s style – and they
                                                                                                                                     leave enough room for you to find a place of your

                                                                                                                                       Wa ll
                                                                                                                                               m ir r o

                                    irits: The
               Make way for free sp
                                    e combines
               ONE corner wardrob
                                                    Corner solution consisting of: ONE 310 sliding door wardrobe and ONE 210
                                                    hinged door wardrobe with shelf unit and 3 drawers // body: imit. Jackson
                                    oors to leave
               sliding and hinged d
                                                    oak // front: white glass/mirror // handles: chrome // W: 200 cm + 280 cm,

                                                    H: 236 cm

               you more space.
                                                    ONE 500 bed with wooden headboard and below-bed storage drawer //
                                                    bed frame: imit. Jackson oak // below-bed storage drawer: graphite //                                                     Imi t. Jac kso n-
                                                    W: 180 cm, H: 42 cm // ONE 700 bedside chest in imit. Jackson oak // W: 50 cm,                                                   Oa k
                                                    H: 42 cm, D: 42 cm

10 express-moebel.com                                                                                                                                                       express-moebel.com 11
Favour e plac - FOR LOVERS OF LIVING. EXPRESS MÖBEL - Express Möbel

                                              Glass top boards
                                                 for chests
                                                                 an eyecatcher                                      FOR OTHERS

                                                                  Perfect furniture fits into your life precisely. Not only does it function perfectly. It also looks
                                                                  great. We have a name for furniture that does all this – ONE. Like the ONE chest of drawers.
                                                                  Or the ONE wardrobe for hallways. They prove that keeping things tidy can be beautiful.
                                                                  And that ONE can organise your life perfectly, too.

                                                                                                                                               re: Intelligent
Et pero quiderspere duntiossunt ius derum                                                                              More space ever ywhe
                                                                                                                                              ns from ONE
                                                                                                                       storage space solutio
faccum nus earibus ni re providis velluptat
re sus doloris duntor as ut alisimolorat e

                                                                                                                                             r hallways and
                                                                                                                       are also available fo
                                                                                                                       other rooms in your ho

          Sparkling dinner com
                                wers also
          the ONE chest of dra
                                 ing room.
          looks great in the din

12 express-moebel.com                                                                                                                                                   express-moebel.com 13
Favour e plac - FOR LOVERS OF LIVING. EXPRESS MÖBEL - Express Möbel
in e
                                                           BIG FUN

                        smallt plac.
                        A bedroom can be a playroom and a living room – it’s just a question of organisation. And with
                        furniture from ONE, the answer couldn’t be easier. Because the individual units off er lots of func-
                        tional storage solutions and as much space as you would normally find in 3 rooms. What fun!

                                                                                                                               ONE 210 hinged door wardrobe with shelf unit and 3 drawers // body: imit.
                                                                                                                               platinum oak // front: glass silk grey/imit. platinum oak // handles: chrome //
                                                                                                                               W: 280 cm, H: 236 cm // ONE 500 bed with upholstered headboard in grey
                                                                                                                               fabric and below-bed storage drawer // bed frame: imit. platinum oak //
                                                                                                                               below-bed storage drawer: graphite // W: 160 cm, H: 42 cm

14 express-moebel.com                                                                                                                                                                                            express-moebel.com 15
Favour e plac - FOR LOVERS OF LIVING. EXPRESS MÖBEL - Express Möbel
                                  CAN HAVE
                                           great style.


                                                                                                                                            ures need a
                                                                                                                     Big Hollywood advent
                                                                                                                                           is extra wide
                                                                                                                     big stage: such as th
                                                                                                                                            ers from ONE.
                                                                                                                     180 cm chest of draw
              ONE 310 sliding door wardrobe // body: polar white // front: white glass/wild oak veneer brushed //
              handle fitments: chrome // W: 200 cm, H: 216 cm // ONE 500 bed with upholstered headboard in textile
              leather white // bed frame: polar white // bed leg: chrome // W: 160 cm, H: 42 cm // ONE 700 bedside
16 express-moebel.com                                                                                                                                   express-moebel.com 17
Favour e plac - FOR LOVERS OF LIVING. EXPRESS MÖBEL - Express Möbel

           is often reflected in
            e tinit details.
                                                                                                                                         ts quality
                                                                                                                 Attention to detail mee
                                                                                                                                        int is
                                                                                                                 craftsmanship – the jo
                                                                                                                 clean and Ġush.

                                                                                                        VIDEO ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS


                                                                                                        The easiest way to assemble wardrobes! You can
                                                                                                        find our videos and assembly instructions in the
                                                                                                        section “Assembly & Installation” at www.express-
                                                                                                        moebel.com. Assemble your ONE wardrobe step-
                                                                                                        by-step. No question left unanswered!
          ONE 320 sliding door wardrobe // body: polar white // front: polar white/glass silk grey //
          handle fitments: chrome // W: 300 cm, H: 236 cm

18 express-moebel.com                                                                                                                                       express-moebel.com 19
It ’s such a                                            We have chests of drawers for almost every situation. In
                                                             a variety of heights, widths and finishes. With a choice of
                                                             doors and interior fittings. They have just one thing in com-

            great range
                                                             mon: quality.

                               WE HAD TROUBLE
                        FITTING IT ALL INTO THE PHOTO.

                                                         All our chests of draw
                                                         are ğtted with our
                                                         Soft Close function.

20 express-moebel.com                                                                                           express-moebel.com 21
COLOURS AND MATERIALS                                                                                            *ONLY AVAILABLE AS FRONT COLOURS.

                                                                                                                                             POLAR WHITE

                                                                                                                                                                                       IMIT. JACKSON OAK

                                                                                        IMIT. RIVIERA OAK

                                                                                                                     IMIT. PLATINUM OAK

                                                                                                                                                                                 WILD OAK VENEER BRUSHED*
               AND                                                   GLASS SILK GREY*
                                                                                                                                                   WHITE GLASS SATINED*

                                                                                                          b o dy c o l o u r s
            OF OPTIONS                                                 WHITE GLASS*

                                                                                         F   r o nt a n d
                                                                                              WHITE LACQUER

Choose a finish that matches your personality. Completely natural
in Riviera oak or a combination of Riviera oak with white lacquer.
We have as many colours and moods as there are tastes. All you
                                                                                                                                                                                  BASALT GLASS*
have to do is decide.                                                                                                    IMIT. SONOMA OAK

                                                                                             GREY MIRROR*                                         GRAPHITE GLASS SATINED*

                                                                     HANDLES AND HANDLE FITMENTS
                                                                     HINGED DOOR WARDROBES ONE 200

                                                                       1 Metal handle          2 Square metal                3 Rail handle                 4 Rail handle                  5 Door knob
                                                                         aluminium               handle, aluminium             aluminium                     chrome                         antique silver

                                                                     HINGED DOOR WARDROBES ONE 210

                                                                                                                                                       1 Length approx. 22 cm

                                                                                                                                                       2 Size approx. 5 x 5 cm

                                                                                                                                                       3 Length approx. 23 cm and approx. 117 cm

                                                                                                                                                       4 Length approx. 23 cm and approx. 117 cm

                                                                       *Metal handle           *Metal handle                 *Metal handle             5 Size approx. 3 cm
                                                                        aluminium               chrome                        graphite
                                                                                                                                                       * Handles available in lengths of approx. 25 cm and approx. 104 cm.

                                                                     SLIDING DOOR WARDROBES ONE 310/320

                                                                       Aluminium               Chrome

22 express-moebel.com                                                                                                                                                                                        express-moebel.com 23

                   W ar d r ob 
                                                                                                    HINGED DOOR WARDROBES:
                                                                                                    Height 216 cm or 236 cm, widths of 50 cm - 400 cm, depht 58 cm

                                                                                                          ONE 200 – Excerpt from the type plan

      Height 216 cm or 236 cm, widths of 150 cm - 400 cm, depht 68                                        50 cm   75 cm       100 cm         150 cm        175 cm           200 cm         200 cm

                   ONE 310

                                                                                                            250 cm                  275 cm                 300 cm               350 cm
                   150 cm        175 cm     200 cm    225 cm             250 cm   275 cm   300 cm
                                                                                                          ONE 210 – Excerpt from the type plan

                        350 cm            400 cm     Vertical contrast colour
                                                                                                          75 cm      125 cm          150 cm        200 cm              225 cm         250 cm               300 cm                400 cm
                   ONE 320
                                                                                                                                                                                         Hinged door wardrobes in height 236 cm with 3 drawers.

                                                                                                             50               100

                   150 cm        175 cm     200 cm    225 cm             250 cm   275 cm   300 cm

                                                                                                          Corner unit   Corner unit           90° corner       Shelf unit        Storage door        Storage door           Add-on coat rack
                                                                                                          1 door        large                 wardrobe                           panel for 50 cm     panel for 100 cm
                        350 cm            400 cm     Horizontal contrast colour                                         2 doors               2 doors                            unit. 1 door        unit. 2 doors

24 express-moebel.com                                                                                                                                                                                                                express-moebel.com 25
Click. Click.
                        Done!   YOU’RE JUST A FEW CLICKS AWAY
                                FROM YOUR DREAM FURNITURE!

                                With the digital furniture configurator at www.express-moebel.com/konfigurator
                                you make our furniture your own: wardrobes, beds and chests of drawers,
                                dimensions, heights, handles, fronts and colours – discover the freedom to live
                                the way you live.

26 express-moebel.com                                                                                             express-moebel.com 27
Mattress area in the widths: 90 cm,100 cm, 120 cm, 140 cm,                                                         NEW
  depth 42 cm
                                                        Chts of d r a w e r s                                                                              160 cm, 180 cm, height 42 cm, depths 190 cm, 200 cm, 210 cm

                                                                                                                                                            Wooden headboard
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Widht: 10
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         0 cm,

                                                                                                                                                                Polar white         Graphite              Imit. Riviera oak       Imit. Jackson oak     Imit. Sonoma oak      Imit. platinum oak
         W 40 cm, H 42 cm W 50 cm, H 42 cm                   W 40 cm, H 61 cm W 50 cm, H 61 cm             W 80 cm, H 80 cm              W 100 cm H 80 cm

                                                                                                                                                            Upholstered headboards

                                                                                                                                                                 Textile leather white     Textile leather white    Fabric grey                Textile leather grey        Textile leather black
         W 100 cm, H 80 cm                         W 130 cm, H 80 cm                                 W 140 cm, H 80 cm

                                                                                                                                                            Bed frame

          W 180 cm, H 80 cm                                             W 50 cm, H 100 cm       W 80 cm, H 100 cm                 W 100 cm, H 100 cm
                                                                                                                                                                  Polar white            Graphite           Imit. Riviera oak      Imit. Jackson oak     Imit. Sonoma oak     Imit. platinum oak

          W 130 cm, H 100 cm

                                                              W 140 cm, H 100 cm                                W 180 cm, H 100 cm
                                                                                                                                                                 B eds
                                                                                                                                                            Wooden bed legs

          Handle fitments standard

                                                                                     1 Length approx. 8 cm

                                                                                     2 Length approx. 25 cm

                                                                                     3 Length approx. 22 cm
         1 Metal handle short        1 Metal handle short     1 Metal handle short
                                                                                     4 Size approx. 5 x 5 cm                                                                      Graphite              Imit. Riviera oak       Imit. Jackson oak      Imit. Sonoma oak     Imit. platinum oak
           aluminium                   chrome                   graphite                                                                                      Polar white
                                                                                     5 Length approx. 23 cm

                                                                                     6 Length approx. 23 cm
         Handles and handle fi tments optional available
                                                                                     7 Size approx. 3 cm
                                                                                                                         NEW                                Other bed legs
                                                                                                                         Glass top boards
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Below-bed storage drawer
         2 Metal handle long         2 Metal handle long      2 Metal handle long
           aluminium                   chrome                   graphite

          3 Metal handle             4 Square Metal handle    5 Rail handle          6 Rail handle             7 Door knob
            aluminium                  aluminium                aluminium              chrome                    antique silver                                Suspended version          Bed leg, metal           Bed leg, wood (MDF)         more storage space as an option
                                                                                                                                                                                          chrome coloured          frosted aluminium

28 express-moebel.com                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     express-moebel.com 29
“Have it your way! ”
                                                                 GO AHEAD:

           Whether you want to hang it, shelve it, or stow it,
           we have the interior ONE components that are
           right for you. With lots of accessories and endless
           variations to choose from.

                                                                                                         HINGED DOOR WARDROBES:
                                                                                                         PLANNING SUGGESTIONS
                                                                                                         for FURNISHING and

100 cm                    150 cm                                 200 cm       250 cm            300 cm                       350 cm                400 cm

                for FURNISHING and

                        200 cm                                       250 cm            300 cm               350 cm                    400 cm

30 express-moebel.com                                                                                                                          express-moebel.com 31
Hook rack                       Pull-out tie rack*                   Pull-out hanging rail        Swing-down hanging rail*

Pull-out trouser holder*        Interior lighting                    Tie rack                     Pull-out shoe rack*

Pull-out basket*                                                                                  Shelving fitment in T-form*

                                       Whatever you want to tidy away, protect or hide: we
                                       have the perfect interior solution for you. And each
Add-on light                           individual accessory is cleverly designed to ensure
                                       that you can find everything in the twinkling of an eye.

                                Shoe holder                          Telescopic

Lockable interior compartment                                                                     Interior drawer*

                                Slide-out mirror*                    Textile boxes*

                                                                                                  *only usable at depth 68 cm
32 express-moebel.com                                                                                                           express-moebel.com 33

                                                                                                                                Made in
                                                               INTERIOR DIVIDERS
                                                               for chests
                                                                                               Before we do anything, our fi rst thought                           and design ideas. All of which, of course,
                                                                                               is about people like you who want to fur-                           are carried out with techni-cal perfec-
                                                                                               nish their homes according to their tastes                          tion and meet the highest standards of
                                                                                               and imagination. How can we impro-ve                                quality. That’s what “Made in Germany”
                                                                                               our products? What should we leave the                              means to us. As a man-ufacturer with a
                                                                       Tempers may snap,       way it is? And what are the trends for the                          long tradition, that label represents in-
                                                                                               coming years? This constant ques-tioning                            spiration, excellence and a sense of
                                                                       but these drawers
                                                                                               on our part is precisely why we have de-                            obligation. So that even more peo-ple
                                                                       don’t slam: thanks to   veloped so many innovative unction                                  can set up house however they want.
                                                                       Soft Close.

                                                                                               FSC®                                          PEFC™                                        The Blue Angel
                                                                                               We take our environmental responsibili-       The PEFC label is based on strict guideli-
                                                                                               ties very seriously, which is precisely why   nes for sustainable forestry management.
                                                                                               we are FSC certified.                         If a product bears the PEFC label it me-
                                                                                                                                             ans that the entire product chain – from
                                                                                               „The FSC® trademark on wood and               the raw material to the finished product
                                                                                               wood products is recognised as a seal         – has been certified and inspected by in-
                                                                                               of transparency and credibility around        dependent auditors.
                                                                                               the world. It guarantees fair and respon-
                                                                                               sible treatment of the people and the                                                      Express furniture bears the „Blue Angel“
                                                                                               natural world involved in its production.                                                  seal for products made from wood and
                                                                                               The Forest Stewardship Council aims to                                                     wood materials with exceptionally low
                                                                                               preserve forests for future generations.“                                                  emissions. It certifies that we implement
                                                                                               The FSC actively involves leading hu-                                                      strong measures to protect your health
                                                                                               man rights and environmental organi-                                                       and the environment and use resources
                                                                                               sations such as WWF and Greenpeace                                                         efficiently.
                                                                                               as well as trade unions and representa-
                                                                                               tives of indigenous peoples in order to

                                                                                                                                                                                          The Golden M
                                                                                               protect shared interests. Certification of
                                                                                               forestry operations takes place in ac-
                                                                                               cordance with standards developed by
                                                                                                                                                                                          The „Golden M” is the quality mark for
                                                                                               the FSC that are valid worldwide. They
                                                                                                                                                                                          products offering outstanding perfor-
                                                                                               are supplemented by a large number of
                                                                                                                                                                                          mance. So you can be certain that your
                                                                                               indicators at the national level.
                                                                                                                                                                                          quality furniture will accompany you for

                 Let’s just keep this between us – ONE offers you the chance                                                                                                              many years.

                 to have a bit on the side. Our extra tall bedside chest also
                 ğts all boxspring beds from other manufacturers.

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VM101EXGB 02/2019
                  Young. Since 1999.
                              EXPRESS MÖBEL

Express Möbel GmbH & Co. KG
Konrad-Nolte-Straße 16
D-76726 Germersheim

Tel.: +49 (0) 7274-5116-0
Fax: +49 (0) 7274-5116-100         All specifi ed sizes in cm are approximative! Technical changes and
www.express-moebel.com             printing errors reserved. Colours may vary from how they appear in print.
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