Once a Fringe Idea, Geoengineering Moves to Center Stage in Policy Arena

Page created by Lauren Patterson
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             Once a Fringe Idea, Geoengineering
             Moves to Center Stage in Policy Arena

                 limate geoengineering was once the             Burns concluded with an overview of the inter-
                 province only of a few radical scientists      national institutions that might be applicable
                 gaming worst-case scenarios. Today, it is      to governing carbon dioxide removal.
          a dynamic and rapidly emerging suite of poten-             Limiting the global average temperature
          tial responses to climate change. Just a de-          increase to below 2 degrees, as envisioned in
          cade ago considered as on the outer fringes,          the Paris Agreement, is already unlikely without
          deliberate interference in the atmosphere has         deploying large-scale technologies that reduce
          become a credible option as a consequence             solar insolation or remove greenhouse gases
          of increasing evidence of the catastrophic im-        from the atmosphere. However, real-world re-
          plications of a warmer world and the failure of       search, let alone deployment at scale, remains
          the global community to pursue sufficiently ag-       deeply controversial, especially given the lack
          gressive efforts to reduce emissions.                 of international oversight of these relatively low-
               ELI convened a webinar bringing together         cost technologies that nonetheless have trans-
          three experts who collectively believe that it is     boundary implications affecting all of humanity.
          time to consider at least two forms of geoengi-            Can policymakers addressing climate
          neering, solar radiation management and car-          change today rely upon the technologies of to-
          bon dioxide removal. Shuchi Talati started with       morrow? Which methods seem promising and
          an overview of the two major genres and some          which upon inspection are not? What are the
          of the research and implementation consid-            legal frameworks governing research into geo-
          erations. Robert James focused on potential           engineering — and what is the best policy to
          domestic legal governance structures, with an         manage global deployment? The edited tran-
          emphasis on solar radiation management. Wil           script that follows provides some answers.

52 | T H E E N V I R O N M E N T A L F O R U M          Reprinted by permission from The Environmental Forum®, May/June 2020.
                                                     Copyright © 2020, Environmental Law Institute®, Washington, D.C. www.eli.org.
T HE        DEB AT E

     Strong Measures                             themselves would consume a lot of
                                                                                              trend after we hit net-zero emissions.
                                                                                              Solar geoengineering can be a method
      Have Become                                    The landscape for CDR has
                                                 changed rapidly over the last two
                                                                                              of peak shaving to limit harmful cli-
                                                                                              mate impacts until carbon removal is
        a Necessity                              years. It is beginning to form rare          at a large enough scale. Solar geoengi-
                                                 coalitions that have some Republican         neering is absolutely not a substitute
          By Shuchi Talati                       support, and both Occidental and             for mitigation or adaptation but could
                                                 Chevron have recently made invest-           be used to potentially limit harm.

                hen considering the word         ments in some CDR technologies.                  There are two main solar geoengi-
               geoengineering, the termi-        Environmental NGOs are also paying           neering methods that are discussed in
               nology is moving away             more attention to carbon removal             literature: stratospheric aerosol injec-
  from using it as an umbrella term              as a necessary tool. Some NGOs are           tion and marine cloud brightening.
  for both carbon dioxide removal, or            skeptical about fossil fuel involvement,     SAI would inject aerosols into the
  CDR, and solar radiation manage-               particularly in enhanced oil recovery,       stratosphere that would then reflect
  ment (also referred to as solar geoen-         leading many NGOs to focus on                sunlight to cool the planet. Marine
  gineering). The two sets of approaches         nature-based approaches.                     cloud brightening would spray aerosol
  have always been technically different,            An example of this rapid change is       salts into clouds above the oceans to
  and are now evolving differently in            in Section 45Q of the U.S. Tax Code:         brighten them and provide regional-
  terms of perception and policy.                a performance-based tax credit that          ized cooling.
      CDR takes carbon out of the at-            encourages companies to permanently              According to the IPCC special
  mosphere and either uses it or stores          store or utilize captured carbon, with       report on the 1.5 degree goal, SAI is
  it in plants, soils, or geological forma-      varying credits per ton. It has been         the most researched method, with
  tions. The captured carbon can be              in existence for some time but was           high agreement that it could limit
  used for fuels, building materials, or         revamped in 2018 by a bipartisan co-         warming below 1.5 degrees. However,
  for enhanced oil recovery. Enhanced            alition in Congress and now includes         there are still uncertain impacts on
  oil recovery is a controversial practice       direct air capture as a method that can      global and regional weather patterns.
  that is already taking place that uses         receive these credits. This was the first    It doesn’t address all the impacts of
  the captured carbon to extract petro-          time CDR was included in federal law.        climate change, such as ocean acidi-
  leum.                                              Significantly, the fiscal year 2020      fication, and it doesn’t address rising
      There is an incredible diversity           spending package also saw increased          emissions. And if solar geoengineering
  of CDR approaches that are often               funding for CDR technologies at the          is deployed without CDR and then
  categorized as nature-based or tech-           departments of Energy, Agriculture,          stopped, the world would experience
  nological. But within those categories,        and Defense.                                 abrupt changes, known as termination
  there are differences in approaches                All pathways that limit global           shock. There are also major geopoliti-
  that have varying potentials for per-          warming to 1.5 degrees with limited          cal and governance concerns.
  manence, implementation, and cost.             overshoot would need CDR on the                  As solar geoengineering research
  Nature-based approaches generally are          order of 100 to 1,000 gigatons of CO2        is in nascent stages, governance over
  lower in cost and better understood            over the 21st century. To put that in        that research is a major issue. Research
  technologically, but they are also more        perspective, 10 gigatons is almost dou-      governance considers the question of
  reversible in terms of how long the            ble current U.S. emissions. So while         should solar geoengineering experi-
  carbon can potentially be stored.              carbon removal is necessary, in all like-    ments proceed and, if so, under what
      For example, afforestation is an           lihood it might not be sufficient in the     conditions. These conditions would
  important tool with many co-benefits           timeframe that we need it to be.             likely include measures to provide
  in addition to carbon storage, but                 Which brings me to solar geoen-          oversight, transparency, and public
  the carbon removal would not be                gineering. It is important to reiterate      engagement. Harvard University has
  permanent due to events like logging           that no one wants to use this technol-       proposed the first SAI small-scale out-
  or forest fires. It would additionally         ogy, rather we are being forced to con-      door experiment known as SCoPEx
  necessitate massive land-use change to         sider it because we are not aggressively     (the Stratospheric Controlled Pertur-
  offer large-scale removal. A technology        reducing emissions and scaling CDR.          bation Experiment). The university
  that has been getting more attention               One potential method of deploying        agreed to form an independent advi-
  is direct air capture, a method that           solar geoengineering is known as peak        sory committee to provide governance
  removes carbon from the ambient air            shaving. In such a scenario, mitigation      over the experiment, charged with
  and then uses it or stores it under-           can help prevent future climate im-          advising on a range of topics including
  ground. But costs are still very high,         pacts, and increasing the use of carbon      scientific review, environmental and
  research is nascent, and the facilities        removal can help to slowly reverse that      social risks, and stakeholder engage-

54 | T H E E N V I R O N M E N T A L F O R U M                      Reprinted by permission from The Environmental Forum®, May/June 2020.
                                                                 Copyright © 2020, Environmental Law Institute®, Washington, D.C. www.eli.org.
T HE         DEB AT E

  ment. The outcome of the committee              New Orleans but jeopardize Galveston        there is recidivism risk, especially
  could potentially serve as a model for          or Mobile instead.                          down the road if solar geoengineering
  future outdoor experiments and can                  When we talk about geoengineer-         is launched and later discontinued.
  inform future governance processes              ing, whether by solar radiation man-            NEPA requires comparison of the
  as well. Another important research             agement or carbon dioxide removal, it       proposed project against alternatives.
  governance effort is the forthcoming            seems we are expecting a bit of magic       In the context of research, the key
  National Academy of Sciences study              to occur. But when I read those who         is that we should weigh the conse-
  on solar geoengineering research pri-           instead favor drastic emissions reduc-      quences of investigation today against
  orities and governance. It will provide         tions, I think getting 190 countries to     the potential large-scale benefits of full
  recommendations on if and how dif-              agree to reduce industrial and trans-       deployment tomorrow.
  ferent domains of solar geoengineering          portation sources immediately and for           In over half the states, there are
  research should move forward.                   centuries is also engaging in a bit of      NEPA analogues where the states
      The Union of Concerned Scientists           magical thinking.                           make their own reviews of proposed
  believes that solar geoengineering mer-             For me, whether to use geoen-           projects approved by local agencies. In
  its careful study. However, we oppose           gineering is really a debate about          California, for example, the agency is
  deployment and large-scale experi-              whether it can mitigate climate change      to select the alternative that best miti-
  ments for the foreseeable future due            impacts. To answer that question, we        gates the environmental impact.
  to the substantial risks and uncertain-         need investigations on efficacy and             In addition to these planning laws,
  ties they pose. We support modeling             potential downsides.                        there are laws governing the actual
  and observing natural events, and we                Of the challenges to research, I        release of materials. In Climate Engi-
  suggest that small-scale experiments            think the first one in the lawyer’s view    neering and the Law, Michael Gerrard
  should only go forward with le-                 is the set of planning statutes at the      and Tracy Hester explain how the
  gitimate governance mechanisms and              federal and state levels. The National      Clean Air Act could apply to sulfate
  funding sources as well as meaning-             Environmental Policy Act applies to         aerosols deployed in solar radiation
  ful stakeholder engagement. The full            federal actions for geoengineering          management. (Ironically, we have
  UCS position on solar geoengineering            experiments. Some projects may be           spent the last 50 years limiting the
  can be found on our website.                    developed in order to generate emis-        release of these compounds.) Several
                                                  sions credits, and those credits may be     other statutes govern releases into the
                                                  applied to projects that themselves will    atmosphere, oceans, and local waters.
     Navigating Legal                             trigger application of NEPA.
                                                      A threshold inquiry is whether the
                                                                                              In international waters, the London
                                                                                              Dumping Convention and a U.S.
      Challenges to                               federal agency can make an abbreviat-       law were invoked in a geoengineering
                                                  ed environmental assessment or must         project by an entity named Planktos
     Geoengineering                               produce a more complete draft and           challenged by EPA over a decade ago.
                                                  final environmental impact statement.           Moving from the regulations, I
          By Robert James                         For the National Science Foundation,        refer to the full array of tort laws in
                                                  there are some general EIS exemptions       the United States. A trespass involves

      t is common that a lawyer, consid-          for research and technical studies. But     actual invasion of a property interest,
      ering a subject like geoengineering,        there is an exclusion for extraordinary     a private nuisance entails interfering
      will move quickly past whether it           circumstances, which can include            with the right of use of private prop-
  will work and focus instead on wheth-           weather modification. We are mind-          erty, and a public nuisance deals with
  er it is legal.                                 ful of a D.C. Circuit decision where        interfering with the public interest.
      We lawyers do have precedent                the judges said it is best to review        For these and other tort claims, a key
  near to this subject. Before climate            technologies at the R&D stage, before       point in defending research will be
  modification, there was weather modi-           implementation. So there are signifi-       arguing that there are benefits as well
  fication. During the Dust Bowl era,             cant NEPA hurdles even for research         as costs. Those benefits are real and
  there were cases about seeding clouds.          projects.                                   should be weighed in deciding wheth-
  Questions arose as to whether it would              In either type of assessment, policy-   er a given research activity offends
  work, what happened when there was              makers will look at the harms that can      one of these causes of action — laws
  residue from the seeding, and what              occur from deployment of a geoengi-         that really were intended for full-scale
  happened if the rain fell but not where         neering technique. Those harms can          implementation.
  it was intended. Issues also arose with         include disturbances from the tech-             Property and contract law prin-
  the possibility of hurricane diversion,         nique itself. They can include the car-     ciples will also be relevant to research.
  where the moral question is whether             bon footprint of the vessels or planes      From an intellectual property stand-
  you should intervene to try to save             used to conduct the experiment. And         point, if you develop an invention

Reprinted by permission from The Environmental Forum®, May/June 2020.                                       M A Y / J U N E 2 0 2 0 | 55
Copyright © 2020, Environmental Law Institute®, Washington, D.C. www.eli.org.
T HE        DEB AT E

  from the investigation, will you make          world there is no way of compartmen-         Dumping Convention, and its associ-
  it freely available or license it on non-      talizing the messages that you deliver.      ated protocol, and the Convention
  discriminatory terms, or will you hold         And you should know that diversity           on Biological Diversity. The impetus
  it for commercial exploitation? The            and inclusion, in your staffing, your        for both of these regimes was the
  answer to that question will color how         advisors, and your community out-            small-scale fertilization experiments
  others view your program.                      reach, are now gating conditions for         that were being conducted by private
      International conventions may be           any project.                                 parties and academic institutions that
  brought to bear on domestic research.              My exhortation is that research is       seeded small patches in the ocean with
  The parties to the Convention for              research — it is not the same as some-       iron to induce phytoplankton produc-
  Biological Diversity issued a caution-         thing else. We should not apply to           tion to take up carbon and sequester
  ary note on geoengineering, much like          research the environmental, tort, and        substantial amounts on the bottom of
  the Union of Concerned Scientists’             property legal rules that apply to full      the ocean.
  position, but they made an exception           implementation.                                  The parties to the London Dump-
  for “small scale research in a controlled          Any research project will be too         ing Convention passed a resolution in
  setting.” Similarly, the London Dump-          limited to save the planet, but it might     2008 classifying ocean iron fertiliza-
  ing Convention, on dispersal of ma-            nevertheless lead to later success. If       tion experiments as an activity other
  terials in the ocean, has an exception         you were simply weighing the cost and        than dumping. However, at the same
  for “legitimate scientific research.” This     benefits, the short-term costs might         time it placed serious restrictions on
  is the language of diplomats rather            outweigh the short-term benefits and         those activities, limiting them to le-
  than lawyers. It is not clear how those        offend some of the regulatory and            gitimate small-scale scientific research.
  clauses will be interpreted and by             common-law rules. We cannot let that         Ultimately, in 2010 the parties did
  whom. But each affords a reservation           happen. We need to have research             develop an environmental assessment
  for needed research, and an indication         proceed. Then we can tailor the tech-        framework that could conceivably be
  that research should be treated differ-        niques, reject some methods, and let         used for other kinds of geoengineering
  ently than implementation.                     others proceed. That is the only way         experiments.
      Observers expect the United Na-            we can make informed judgments                   As resolutions, these measures are
  tions bodies to step in. There was an          whether we have a technique that will        not legally binding on the parties.
  attempt to address solar geoengineer-          work at the magnitude and for the            However, the 47 parties to the proto-
  ing in 2019. That did not transpire            time periods needed to address climate       col subsequently adopted an amend-
  due to objections from a handful of            change.                                      ment establishing legally binding
  countries. It is part of the agenda for                                                     regulation of ocean geoengineering in
  the next assessment report, though,                                                         a number of different ways.
  and it is expected that solar geoengi-
  neering will get its day in court there.
                                                     International                                First, the amendment would ex-
                                                                                              pand the potential purview of what
      I conclude with a recommendation                Institutions                            could be regulated beyond ocean iron
  and an exhortation. My recommenda-                                                          fertilization to all “marine geoengi-
  tion, as an infrastructure lawyer, is to          Need to Step Up                           neering activities,” defined broadly as
  treat a research project much like other                                                    deliberate intervention of the marine
  types of infrastructure projects.                        By Wil Burns                       environment to manipulate natural
      You need a strategy for entitlement                                                     processes. Second, it would require

  and development. You must identify                 will outline the potential inter-        permits issued by the parties to the
  the stakeholders, both those who are               national institutions that might         convention before such activities occur,
  aligned with you and those who are                 govern one of these two categories       including a requirement to limit or re-
  opposed to you. You should consider            of geoengineering that we’ve been dis-       duce potential pollution in the marine
  why they have those positions and              cussing, carbon dioxide removal, both        environment “as far as practicable.”
  how they might change their views              in terms of research and, later, the         Third, permits are limited to legitimate
  over time, appreciating their concerns         governance issues in deploying these         scientific research and there can be no
  and drivers. You should find allies who        approaches.                                  pecuniary gains. Finally, the amend-
  may be in a better position to advo-               There have been two international        ment establishes a risk assessment
  cate points than you are, at least on          regimes to date that have sought to          framework, plus relevant monitoring
  positions where you have alignment.            regulate geoengineering. The first is        and reporting to the secretary of the
  Transparency is essential: if you are          the Convention on the Prevention             convention and to the other parties.
  going to say something in one forum,           of Marine Pollution by Dumping                   While this amendment to the
  make sure it is consistent with what           of Waste and Other Matter, which             protocol would be legally binding
  you are saying elsewhere. In today’s           is usually referred to as the London         and would substantially expand the

56 | T H E E N V I R O N M E N T A L F O R U M                      Reprinted by permission from The Environmental Forum®, May/June 2020.
                                                                 Copyright © 2020, Environmental Law Institute®, Washington, D.C. www.eli.org.
T HE         DEB AT E

  purview of what could be regulated              some of these activities might have on      sinks and reservoirs. So to the extent
  under the London Dumping Conven-                human health, or social justice impli-      that carbon dioxide removal options
  tion, there are some big limitations. It        cation, such as impacts of diverting        are a way to protect and enhance
  would be restricted to marine-based             large amounts of land and potentially       sinks by taking carbon dioxide from
  approaches. Further, this regime has            raising food prices for some of the         the atmosphere, it would seem that it
  no particular expertise in the context          world’s most vulnerable.                    would be one of the potential forms
  of geoengineering. It has a limited                 Finally, quite frankly this has been    of mitigation that could be incorpo-
  number of parties, only half the num-           a relatively feckless regime. It hasn’t     rated into parties’ NDCs. This is also
  ber of the convention. Perhaps most             done a particularly good job of arrest-     consistent with Article 5 of the agree-
  importantly the amendment to the                ing the decline of biodiversity. And        ment, which expressly calls for the
  protocol will only come into force              so one would be hard-pressed to be          parties to take action and conserve
  when two-thirds of the parties have             particularly effective in addressing this   and enhance sinks and reservoirs of
  adopted it. To date only five parties           issue, which is arguably outside of its     greenhouse gases.
  have adopted this amendment. So                 purview.                                        Paris could also be invoked to regu-
  at this point the London Dumping                    The question arises as to what other    late the use of carbon dioxide removal
  Convention’s governance is largely              potentially pertinent regimes and prin-     by parties in several ways that might
  restricted to recommendations with,             ciples might govern carbon dioxide re-      be pertinent. First of all, in the pre-
  again, a focus on marine geoengineer-           moval approaches at the international       amble it indicates that when measures
  ing activities.                                 level in the future. Probably one of the    are taken to address climate change
      The Convention on Biological                most logical ones would be the climate      there is a need to “respect, promote,
  Diversity has also scrutinized ocean            regime, right?                              and consider” obligations in terms of
  iron fertilization. The parties passed a            If we were to utilize climate geo-      human rights.
  resolution in 2008 that called for com-         engineering options in the future,              Some of the carbon dioxide re-
  piling scientific information on such           presumably we would be doing it as          moval approaches we’re talking about
  fertilization, which the regime has             part of a suite of responses in which       could have human rights implications.
  been doing on a pretty regular basis. In        we would seek to radically reduce our       For example, large-scale use of bioen-
  2010, the CBD passed a resolution to            greenhouse gas emissions, adapting to       ergy with carbon capture requires huge
  regulate geoengineering research, again         climatic impacts that are inevitable,       diversions of agricultural lands for bio-
  restricting it to “small scale scientific       and deploying these approaches to           energy feedstocks, which some people
  research.” Notably, the CBD is not              presumably buy us time or to help us        argue could massively raise food prices.
  closing expansion of geoengineering             in so-called overshoot scenarios where      Some have argued that this could po-
  activities in the future.                       temperatures exceed the targets of          tentially contravene the human right
      Also notably this is a pretty capa-         the Paris Agreement. Since we would         to food.
  cious definition of geoengineering,             be seeking to reduce temperatures               Bioenergy with carbon capture
  unlike under the London Dumping                 by drawing carbon out of the atmo-          deployed at large scale also might
  Convention, which is restricted to ma-          sphere, the Paris regime would seem         require as much water as all the water
  terials placed in the oceans. The CBD           pertinent.                                  that we currently use for irrigation.
  measure governs any technologies that               The initial question is whether the     As a consequence, it could have im-
  deliberately reduce solar insolation,           parties could include carbon dioxide        plications for the human right to wa-
  which would encompass solar radia-              removal options in their pledges, their     ter. To take another example, ocean
  tion management approaches, or that             so-called Nationally Determined             iron fertilization might undermine
  increase carbon sequestration on a              Contributions. Well, if you look at         fisheries, which could have implica-
  large scale.                                    Article 4 of the agreement, it says the     tions in terms of rights to subsistence
      But the CBD also has some serious           parties are to prepare these NDCs and       and development.
  limitations. First of all, as is true with      pursue domestic mitigation measures             Finally, there are customary inter-
  the London Dumping Convention,                  to achieve the objectives of such con-      national law principles that would
  these are not legally binding resolu-           tributions.                                 be pertinent at least to large-scale
  tions on the parties. Second, again,                Now, while the term mitigation          deployment of these techniques. This
  this is a regime that doesn’t have any          strangely enough is not defined in          includes the precautionary principle,
  particular expertise in this field. Third,      the Paris Agreement, it is in its parent    which arguably could cut either way,
  and maybe most importantly, the                 agreement, the UN Framework Con-            either limiting geoengineering deploy-
  focus of the regime is on the potential         vention on Climate Change. The con-         ment or requiring it to offset danger-
  impacts of geoengineering activities            vention defines mitigation as limiting      ous climate change, and the no-harm
  on biodiversity. So it’s not likely to fo-      emissions of greenhouse gases and pro-      principle where transboundary im-
  cus on issues such as the impacts that          tecting and enhancing greenhouse gas        pacts might occur.

Reprinted by permission from The Environmental Forum®, May/June 2020.                                       M A Y / J U N E 2 0 2 0 | 57
Copyright © 2020, Environmental Law Institute®, Washington, D.C. www.eli.org.
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