On the stability of risk and time preferences amid the COVID-19 pandemic
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Munich Personal RePEc Archive On the stability of risk and time preferences amid the COVID-19 pandemic Drichoutis, Andreas C. and Nayga, Rodolfo Agricultural University of Athens, University of Arkansas 26 November 2020 Online at https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/104376/ MPRA Paper No. 104376, posted 03 Dec 2020 14:11 UTC
On the stability of risk and time preferences amid the COVID-19 pandemic Andreas C. Drichoutis∗1 and Rodolfo M. Nayga, Jr.†2 1 Agricultural University of Athens 2 University of Arkansas Abstract: We elicited incentivized and stated measures of risk and time preferences from a sample of undergraduate students in Athens, Greece, as part of a battery of psychological, behavioral and economic measures and traits that could be later matched with data from labo- ratory experiments. Data collection for these measures was first initiated in 2017 and the exact same battery of measures was administered in 2019 and early 2020 to students of the university that had voluntarily enrolled to participate in surveys/experiments. About halfway through the 2020 wave, our study was re-designed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. We re-launched our study on March 23, 2020, coinciding with a general curfew imposed by the government, and invited back all subjects that had participated in the 2019 and the early 2020 wave. The exact same sets of incentivized and stated measures of risk and time preferences were administered to the invited subjects and the wave duration was extended until a few weeks after the opening up of the economy and restart of business activity that followed the curfew. We then estimated structural parameters for various theories of risk and time preferences from the incentivized tasks and find no effect between the different waves or other key events of the pandemic, despite the fact that we have about 1,000 responses across all waves. Similar conclusions come out of the stated preferences measures. Overall, our subjects exhibit intertemporal stability of risk and time preferences despite the very disruptive effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global economy. Keywords: time preferences, risk preferences, pandemic, natural disaster. JEL codes: C90, D12, D81, D91, Q54. ∗ Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics & Rural Development, School of Applied Eco- nomics and Social Sciences, Agricultural University of Athens, Iera Odos 75, 11855, Greece, e-mail: adri- hout@aua.gr. † Distinguished Professor and Tyson Endowed Chair, Department of Agricultural Economics & Agribusiness, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701, USA, tel:+1-4795752299 e-mail: rnayga@uark.edu. 1
1 Introduction Economic theory suggests that a broad set of decisions relating to important outcomes such as savings, investments, insurance, retirement plans, occupational choices, labor supply, health services purchase, health behaviors and other aspects of everyday life, can be explained by differences in agents’ budget constraints as well as Risk and Time Preferences (RTPs). RTPs are at the crux of consumer behavior and in standard economic analysis, individual preferences are considered to be stable over time. Andersen et al. (2008b) argue that the assumption of stable preferences lies in the ability to assign causation between changing opportunity sets and choices in comparative statics exercises or, in Stigler and Becker’s (1977) words, ‘no significant behavior has been illuminated by assumptions of differences in tastes’. The assumption of stability of RTPs has been challenged however by the empirical literature. For example, Chuang and Schechter (2015) find weak evidence of stability in experimental measures of time preferences, although they find strong evidence of non-stability of experimental measures of risk preferences over time. Schildberg-Hörisch (2018) take the view that the extent to which preferences are stable is ultimately an empirical question. It is therefore of great importance for the study of economic outcomes to understand whether RTPs are a stable individual characteristic, change over time, or whether they are affected by various negative shocks, such as financial crises, trauma from conflict, natural disasters or a pandemic. Our study adds to a stream of literature that examines the effect of major negative shocks on peoples preferences.1 A large portion of the studies we are aware of examine the effect of natural disasters on RTPs. Results from these studies point to contradictory results with respect to risk. Some studies find an increase in risk seeking behavior due to a natural disaster. For example, Eckel et al. (2009) investigated risk preferences of a sample of hurricane Katrina evacuees shortly after evacuation, another sample of evacuees a year later, and a third sample of residents with demographics similar to the Katrina evacuees. Women in the Katrina sample shortly after evacuation were found to be significantly more risk loving than other samples. Page et al. (2014) found that homeowners, who were victims of the 2011 Australian floods in Brisbane and faced large losses in property values, were more likely to opt for risky gambles. Hanaoka et al. (2018) investigated individuals’ risk preferences after experiencing the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and found no effect for females, while males that were exposed to higher intensities of the earthquake become more risk tolerant one year after the earthquake. Moreover, this effect was persistent even five years after the earthquake. 1 Our study is also related to the stream of research that examines the intertemporal stability of RTPs. A literature review of this research stream can be found in Drichoutis and Vassilopoulos (2016). Moreover, there is a strand of research that examines the effect of major early life experiences on risk preferences. For example, Bellucci et al. (2020) show that warfare exposure during childhood in the World War II was associated with lower financial risk taking in later life. Moreover, Bellucci et al. (2020) review the literature on similar studies that track and associate major early life experiences with preferences. 2
On the other hand, Cameron and Shah (2015) found that individuals who suffered a flood or earthquake in rural Indonesia exhibited more risk-aversion as a consequence of increased background risk perception of a future disaster. Similarly, Cassar et al. (2017) found that the 2004 tsunami in Thailand led to substantial and long-lasting increases in risk aversion as well as in impatience. More recently, Beine et al. (2020) examined how two large earthquakes that shook the Tirana area in Albania affected RTPs and found unambiguous effects towards more risk aversion and impatience for affected individuals. Moreover, the second earthquake amplified the effect of the first one, suggesting that experiences accumulate in their influence on RTPs. Finally, Callen (2015) found that exposure to the Indian Ocean Earthquake tsunami increased patience in a sample of Sri Lankan wage workers. A related stream of research examines the effect of conflict and violence on RTPs. Voors et al. (2012) used a series of field experiments in rural Burundi to examine the impact of exposure to conflict on RTPs. They found that individuals exposed to violence were more risk-seeking and had higher discount rates. Callen et al. (2014) studied preferences in Afghanistan and found that individuals exposed to violence, when primed to recall fear, exhibited an increased preference for certainty. We are aware of only one study that examined the effect of a financial crisis on RTPs. Jetter et al. (2020) found that males (but not females) were systematically more sensitive to local economic conditions (e.g., their region’s unemployment rate) since the global financial crisis of 2008. Our study focuses on the negative shock of the COVID-19 pandemic (caused by SARS-CoV- 2) which has been extremely disruptive to public health and the global economy. We originally set up our study in 2017 with the purpose of administering, on an annual basis, a battery of in- centivized and unincentivized measures to the student population of the Agricultural University of Athens, Greece. Each year since 2017, we administered the exact same battery of measures to students of the university that had voluntarily enrolled to participate in surveys/experiments. Students were invited to participate online via Qualtrics and were invited to participate in batches in order to achieve a good spread of responses across the one and a half month that the elicitation took place. The original purpose of the study was to elicit a battery of psychologi- cal, behavioral and economic measures and traits that could be later matched with data from laboratory experiments conducted at the premises of the university. The study was initiated in 2017 and was then repeated annually at similar dates every year. About halfway the 2020 wave, our study was re-designed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The first case of COVID-19 was confirmed on February 26 in the country and on March 12 the first death occurred which coincided with the end of the originally planned study for 2020. We decided to re-launch our study and invite back all subjects that had participated in the 2019 and the early 2020 wave. The re-launch of the study on March 23, 2020 coincided with a general curfew imposed by the government banning all nonessential transport and movement 3
across the country. We extended the duration of the study until a few weeks after the opening up of the economy and restart of business activity. Thus, for a considerable number of subjects (we have more than 1,000 responses over the three waves), we have their response before the pandemic, during the pandemic, and after successfully flattening the curve of cases/deaths. Our study adds to the emerging stream of studies that examine how risk or time preferences have evolved over the course of the pandemic. Angrisani et al. (2020) study the stability of risk preferences by comparing choices in the Bomb Risk Elicitation Task (Crosetto and Filippin, 2012) from undergraduate students (60 subjects) as well as professional traders and portfolio managers (48 subjects) in London. They elicited subjects’ choices before the pandemic in 2019 as well as on a specific 13-day time window in April 2020 when London was in a lock-down. They find no change in risk preferences during the pandemic. Bu et al. (2020) recruited 257 graduate students from Wuhan University of Science and Technology in China (which was ground zero of the COVID-19 pandemic) before the pandemic. They then administered a follow up online survey, and captured precise geolocation information from subjects. Out of 225 subjects that responded in the follow up study, 106 were in provinces outside of Hubei, with lower infection cases than Hubei. Subjects in all waves responded to two general (hypothetical) risk preferences questions (that were used to form a composite scale) while subjects amidst the pandemic were asked to answer a different (hypothetical) question about how to allocate money to a hypothetical risky investment that had an equal probability of higher returns or a loss. They found that subjects who were quarantined in Wuhan, with greater exposure to the virus, allocated significantly less money to the risky investment option relative to those in other cities within the Hubei province and those in other provinces of China. With respect to the pre-pandemic period, subjects showed a large decrease in general preferences for risk albeit there was no difference between areas with different intensity of exposure to the pandemic. Ikeda et al. (2020) administered a five-wave internet panel survey to Japanese respondents from March 13 to June 15, 2020 ( 4000 subjects/wave; N=14,470 for the balanced panel; N=19,737 across the five waves). In the same time period the number of infected individuals rose sharply in Japan. They elicited responses from two hypothetical questions where participants were asked to choose the highest acceptable insurance premium from a given multiple price list to cover the probabilistic risk of losing an amount of money. They used the stated insurance premiums to calculate two prospect theory parameters for risk and the probability weighting function and found that risk premiums decreased almost monotonically, implying that subjects became more risk tolerant on average. Shachat et al. (2020) administered incentivized lottery choice tasks in the gain and loss domain in 396 students from the Wuhan University, that were equally split among five waves (79 subjects/wave). Data for each wave were collected right after key events starting in January 4
2020 and up to March 2020 (when WHO declared it a global pandemic) and were also contrasted to pre-pandemic data from May, 2019. They observed significant increases in risk tolerance (risk is measured based on the switching point) during the early stages of the COVID-19 crisis. Lohmann et al. (2020) administered incentivized lottery choice tasks, incentivized convex time budgets and hypothetical investment games (investments that offered higher returns as well as chances of losing the investment) to student subjects from Beijing universities. Subjects participated in online surveys in October 2019 (wave 1), December 2019 (wave 2) and March 2020 (wave 3). In the third wave, subjects had been geographically scattered in various areas of China and Lohmann et al. (2020) use the balanced sample of 539 subjects along with information about virus exposure in the geographical region of subjects’ area to examine potential effects on preferences. They find no significant changes in either risk or time preferences across waves. Table 1 summarizes the attributes of the various studies in this literature and compares these with our study. One unique feature of our study is that in each wave, we collected responses for a period longer than one and a half months, allowing us to record multiple key events in the timeline of the pandemic. Moreover, our study is unique in that we jointly estimate the structural parameters for various theories of risk and time preferences. Given that most studies are focused on samples from China and only one of them measures time preferences, our study is the only one providing structural estimates for time preferences for subjects from Europe. Furthermore, our sample size is fairly large for an incentivized study, and using students as our workhorse is not at odds with what almost all other studies cited in Table 1 did. Snowberg and Yariv (2020) compare a sample from almost the entire undergraduate population of the California Institute of Technology with a representative sample of the U.S. population and an Amazon Mechanical Turk sample. They find that the student population exhibits less noise as compared to the other samples and while large differences in behaviors are observed, these differences had limited impacts on comparative statics and correlations between behaviors. 5
Table 1: Literature on risk and time preferences in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic Risk elicitation Measure for risk Incentives Type of subjects Sample size Subjects’ location When and how Results Angrisani et al. (2020) Bomb Risk Elicitation Number of boxes opened Real incentives Undergraduate stu- Pre-pandemic: 79 students, London, UK Pre-pandemic (February- No change in risk preferences Task in the BRET dents 56 traders/managers March 2019; lab experi- Professional Amidst pandemic: 60 stu- ment) traders/managers dents, 48 traders/managers April 9-21, 2020 (online) (sub-sample of pre- pandemic subejcts) Bu et al. (2020) General Risk taking Weighted scale of two Hypothetical Graduate students Pre-pandemic: 257 students Pre-pandemic: Pre-pandemic in 2019 (Oc- Subjects reduce risk taking in the questions general risk taking mea- Amidst pandemic: 225 stu- Wuhan, China tober 16- 18, 2019; paper pandemic but no effect between Allocate money in sures (range from 1 to 5) dents (sub-sample of pre- Amidst pandemic: and pencil) areas with different intensity of a 50:50 lottery with Amount of money allo- pandemic sample) 47% of subjects are February 28 - March 3, 2020 exposure to the pandemic higher returns or cated to the investment outside of Hubei (online) Subjects in Wuhan (vs. Subjects losses outside of Wuahn vs. Subjects outside of Hubei), with greater exposure to the pandemic, allo- cate significantly less to the risky gamble Ikeda et al. (2020) Choose the highest in- Prospect theory parame- Hypothetical Stratified random 4000 subjects/wave Japan Five waves: March 13-16; As COVID-19 spreads, risk pre- surance premium that ters are calculated sampling according (N=14,470 for the balanced March 27-30; April 10-13; miums decreased almost mono- covers the probabilis- to age and gender panel; N=19,737 across the May 8-11; June 12-15, 2020 tonically, implying that subjects tic risk of losing an distribution of the five waves) (online) became more risk tolerant on av- 6 amount of money Japanese census erage Shachat et al. (2020) Lottery choice tasks in The switching point Real incentives Students Pre-pandemic: 206 subjects Wuhan, China Pre-pandemic: 206 sub- Increase in risk tolerance during the gain and loss do- for the pairwise lottery Amidst pandemic: 79 sub- jects, May 2019 (online) the early stages of the pandemic main ranges jects/wave (N=396 subjects January 24-26; February 4- in total) 6; February 7-8; February 21-22; March 6-7, 2020 (on- line) Lohmann et al. (2020) Lottery choice task Coefficient of relative Real incentives ex- Students Pre-pandemic: 793 sub- Pre-pandemic: Bei- Pre-pandemic: October No significant changes in either Convex time budget risk aversion midpoints cept for the Invest- jects (wave 1); 650 subjects jing universities 2019; December 2019 risk or time preferences across Investment game (CRRA) ment game (wave 2) Amidst pandemic: ge- (online) waves Percentage invested into Amidst pandemic: 539 sub- ographically dispersed Amidst pandemic: March a lottery jects (wave 3) across country 2020 (online) Dummy for present bi- asedness parameter beta being greater than 1 Discount rate (parameter delta) This study Lottery choice tasks Structural estimates of Real incentives Students Pre-pandemic: 304 subjects Greece Pre-pandemic: January 30 - No significant changes in risk or Choices over time risk and time preferences (wave 1) March 20, 2019 (online) time preferences dated monetary Amidst pandemic: 309 sub- Amidst pandemic: January amounts jects (wave 2); 343 subjects 29 - March 16, 2020; March (wave 3); N=359 for the bal- 23 - May 28, 2020 (online) anced panel
Our paper is structured as follows. In Section 2 we provide details about the design of the study and elicitation of risk and time preferences. In the same section, we also provide information about how the COVID-19 pandemic evolved in the country of our study (Greece) as well as present how we go about with our structural econometric methods to model key parameters from the theory of RTPs. Results and various robustness checks specifications are presented in Section 3. We conclude and discuss our results in the last section. 2 Survey design 2.1 Sample and quality control An online questionnaire was administered annually to the population of students registered in the online recruitment software (ORSEE) of the university (Greiner, 2015), using the Qualtrics platform. The first wave started in 2017 and invitations were sent out gradually on a rolling basis, starting from late January to mid March. Similar days and dates were selected for the next waves administered in years 2018, 2019 and 2020.2 Subjects could take the survey anytime they wanted once they received an invitation to participate, but had a limited time window to complete the survey once they started. Figure 1a shows the number of responses per day in the 2019 wave—one year before the outbreak of the pandemic in the country. Similarly, Figure 1b shows responses per day for the 2020A wave which was planned to conclude by March 17, 2020. As can be seen, halfway through the 2020A wave, the first case of COVID-19 was confirmed (February 26, 2020) and the first death occurred (March 12, 2020). Given the rapid development of subsequent cases and deaths, we decided to launch an additional wave (2020B wave) where we invited the union of subjects that had participated in the 2019 and 2020A waves to participate again. Our study was preregistered in AsPredicted and a copy of the publicly available file can be found in the Electronic Supplemen- tary Material. The start of the 2020B wave coincided with the enactment of a general curfew (March 23, 2020) banning all nonessential transport and movement across the country. Invi- tations to participate in the 2020B wave were distributed throughout the period of the curfew (where cases and deaths increased) as well as for almost a month after the curfew was relaxed (relaxation started on May 4, 2020) when the curve of cases and deaths had been flattened. The recruiting procedure was similar for every wave and worked as follows. First, a list of valid email addresses was compiled (along with names and surnames) using as source the list of the universe of active students that are voluntarily registered through the ORSEE recruiting system (Greiner, 2015). Email invitations were then sent in batches, scheduled for two times 2 The start of the survey was selected to be exactly 50 days from the payment of the sooner option of the time preferences tasks that was always selected to be a working day (a Thursday) so that payments could be delivered. 7
a week, covering a period of approximately one and a half months. A reminder email was sent two days after a batch of emails was first sent. Students are identified by their unique student ID number and at the conclusion of the survey, they were asked to upload a picture of their student ID for verification. Given that all waves included incentivized tasks of risk and time preferences (described momentarily), money transactions were ordered only when their ID was confirmed following a manual cross verification procedure by one of the investigators. Moreover, the invitation email emphasized several times that the invitation link is unique and that subjects must not forward their participation link to other subjects.3 Given that the risk/time preferences tasks were part of a larger battery of questions and that subjects knew they would be asked for verifiable data in order to be paid, it is unlikely that other subjects but the intended recipients would answer a given questionnaire. Thus, we can be very confident that subjects with a given ID number are the same subjects answering the questionnaire throughout the different waves of the survey. In total, we were able to collect 1103 responses over the three waves (2019, 2020A and 2020B). Two responses were excluded because they were from a different person than the intended recipient of the invitation email. Ninety responses were excluded because subjects stopped the questionnaire before reaching the risk/time preferences elicitation tasks which renders them useless for the purpose of the present paper. Three more persons were excluded because their age or household size contained implausible values and their responses were deemed of ambiguous quality. Table 2 shows the number of responses per wave as well as the number of unique subjects that participated across one, two or all three waves. In all, we have 1008 response that come from 495 unique subjects. 3 The general principle was that we excluded and did not pay a subject if their ID listed a different person than the name we had sent the email to. 8
Figure 1: Number of subjects per wave and day of the waves (a) 2019 wave (b) 2020 waves Notes: The number of cases/deaths from COVID-19 are depicted in log scale. 9
Table 2: Number of subjects per wave Wave Participated in . . . 2019 2020A 2020B Total one wave 69 36 3 108 two waves 117 169 236 522 25 144 all three waves 126 126 126 378 Total 312 331 365 1,008 Notes: The numbers below the brackets indicate how subjects that participated in two waves are allocated to the waves. For example, while 117 subjects from the 2019 wave participated in two waves, 25 of them also responded in the 2020A wave. Similarly, of the 169 subjects that responded in two waves in the 2020A wave, 144 of them responded in the 2020B wave as well. It is implied that 92 subjects (=117-25 or =236-144) participated in both the 2019 and 2020B waves. 2.2 The COVID-19 pandemic in Greece The COVID-19 pandemic in Greece started with the first confirmed case on February 26, 2020, when a 38-year-old woman who had recently visited Milan, Italy, was confirmed to be infected.4 Subsequent cases in late February and early March were related to a group of pilgrims who had traveled to Israel and Egypt (and their contacts) as well as to persons who had traveled to Italy. The first death from COVID-19 occurred on March 12 in Greece. With subsequent cases and deaths occurring at a faster rate, the government started imposing gradual restrictions on movements and gatherings: all educational institutions were closed starting on March 11, flights from Northern Italy (March 9) and the whole of Italy (March 14) were banned, borders with Albania and North Macedonia were closed (March 16), and nonessential transport and movement across the country was banned (March 23).5 During this period many businesses and workplaces were also shutdown: theatres, hotels, courthouses, cinemas, shopping centres, cafes, restaurants, bars, museums and archaeological sites, with the exception of supermarkets, pharmacies and food outlets that were allowed to offer take-away and delivery only. Following a successful flattening of the curve (see Figure 1b), the government announced on April 27 a plan for the gradual lifting of the restrictive measures and the restart of business activity. Starting on May 4, the curfew was relaxed and subjects did not need a special permit to commute within their regional unit while retail-shops, coffee-places and restaurants gradually 4 The virus in Milan had spread through the Lombardy cluster of cases. The first cases were confirmed on February 21 (Anzolin and Amante, 2020), but had been circulating undetected much earlier. It was subsequently reported that the origin of these cases were connected to the first European local transmission that occurred in Munich, Germany as early as January 19, 2020 (Luna, 2020). 5 Movement was permitted only for a pre-specified set of reasons: moving to and from work, grocery shopping, visiting a doctor or assisting a person in need of help, exercising etc. 10
Table 3: The Holt and Laury (2002) risk preference task Lottery A Lottery B EVA e EVB e EV difference p e p e p e p e 0.1 2 0.9 1.6 0.1 3.85 0.9 0.1 1.640 0.475 1.165 0.2 2 0.8 1.6 0.2 3.85 0.8 0.1 1.680 0.850 0.830 0.3 2 0.7 1.6 0.3 3.85 0.7 0.1 1.720 1.225 0.495 0.4 2 0.6 1.6 0.4 3.85 0.6 0.1 1.760 1.600 0.160 0.5 2 0.5 1.6 0.5 3.85 0.5 0.1 1.800 1.975 -0.175 0.6 2 0.4 1.6 0.6 3.85 0.4 0.1 1.840 2.350 -0.510 0.7 2 0.3 1.6 0.7 3.85 0.3 0.1 1.880 2.725 -0.845 0.8 2 0.2 1.6 0.8 3.85 0.2 0.1 1.920 3.100 -1.180 0.9 2 0.1 1.6 0.9 3.85 0.1 0.1 1.960 3.475 -1.515 1 2 0 1.6 1 3.85 0 0.1 2.000 3.850 -1.850 Notes: EV stands for Expected Value. re-opened for business but with specific rules in place that they had to abide upon. 2.3 Incentivized elicitation of risk preferences Subjects’ risk preferences were elicited using the Holt and Laury (2002) task (HL) as well as a payoff varying task (PV). Drichoutis and Lusk (2016) have shown that greater predictive performance of choices from a hold-out task can be achieved by combining information from the HL task and a PV task. This is because the HL task varies the probabilities of the lottery choices and provides a better approximation of the curvature of the probability weighting function (given that subjects weigh probabilities non-linearly), while the PV task varies the monetary amounts and is better in approximating the curvature of the utility function. In the HL task, individuals are asked to make a series of 10 decisions between two lottery options (see Table 3). Table 4 shows a payoff varying task that keeps the probabilities constant across the 10 decision tasks and instead changes the monetary payoffs across the 10 tasks. Both tasks are constructed in a way that the expected value of lottery A exceeds the expected value of lottery B for the first four decision tasks. Thus, a risk neutral person under Expected Utilty Theory (EUT) should prefer lottery A for the first four decision tasks and then switch to lottery B for the remainder of the decision tasks. Choices were not presented all together in a table form, but each choice was presented separately showing the probabilities and prizes as in Andersen et al. (2014).6 Subjects could indicate whether they preferred lottery A, lottery B or whether they are indifferent between the lotteries, in which case they were told that the computer would randomly decide the binding 6 It is likely that by presenting each pair of lotteries in a single screen allows subjects to focus more on a specific pair of lotteries while when presenting all pairs of lotteries arrayed in a table makes subjects to think the whole choice set as a single task. 11
Table 4: The payoff varying risk preference task Lottery A Lottery B EVA e EVB e EV difference p e p e p e p e 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1.2 0.5 0.2 1.00 0.70 0.300 0.5 1.2 0.5 1 0.5 1.5 0.5 0.2 1.10 0.85 0.250 0.5 1.4 0.5 1 0.5 1.8 0.5 0.2 1.20 1.00 0.200 0.5 1.6 0.5 1 0.5 2.2 0.5 0.2 1.30 1.20 0.100 0.5 1.8 0.5 1 0.5 2.9 0.5 0.2 1.40 1.55 -0.150 0.5 2.0 0.5 1 0.5 3.5 0.5 0.2 1.50 1.85 -0.350 0.5 2.2 0.5 1 0.5 4.6 0.5 0.2 1.60 2.40 -0.800 0.5 2.4 0.5 1 0.5 6.8 0.5 0.2 1.70 3.50 -1.800 0.5 2.6 0.5 1 0.5 9.2 0.5 0.2 1.80 4.70 -2.900 0.5 2.8 0.5 1 0.5 15 0.5 0.2 1.90 7.60 -5.700 Notes: EV stands for Expected Value. lottery to determine their payouts. The order of appearance of the HL and PV tasks were randomized across the subjects. An example of one of the decision tasks for the HL task is shown in Figure 2 and the instructions for this task can be found in the Electronic Supplementary Material in Section A. For each subject, one of the choices was randomly chosen and paid out after we added a e2 participation fee and we cross validated their student ID. Monetary payouts were paid via bank transfer to subject’s preferred bank account.7 All transactions were ordered after cross validation of their IDs was performed, which was normally within a few minutes after they completed the questionnaire. For a subset of observations (49 observations from 45 subjects), payments could not be completed because subjects failed to complete the questionnaire and provide us with a valid mobile phone number, although we do have their complete responses from the risk and time preferences tasks.8 In addition, if a transaction would not go through, we would try to resend the money for a maximum of two times or until we resolved the problem with the transaction (in case the person would contact us to indicate there was a problem with the transaction). For 82 observations coming from 76 subjects, transactions were not completed even though we tried repeatedly to send the money. Finally, 877 transactions (87% of all observations) from 442 subjects were completed. Based on the 877 transactions, subjects were paid on average e4.4 (S.D.=2.62, min=2.1, max=17).9 We should note beforehand that our results are invariant 7 We used the ‘Pay a friend’ service of the bank ‘Eurobank’ which allows transferring money to subject’s preferred bank account without knowing subject’s account number, only by using an email address or a mobile phone number. The service is similar to the Zelle service operated by the Wells Fargo bank in the United States. 8 For the same reason, we don’t have complete demographic and attitudinal information for all subjects. 9 Note that because subjects repeatedly participated in the three waves, many of them were paid for more than one time. 12
Figure 2: Example screen for lottery choices when using the full sample or just the constrained sample of subjects that accepted the payment. Thus, this should alleviate any concerns that the subjects who did not accept the payment may have treated the tasks as hypothetical and thus behaved differently. 2.4 Incentivized elicitation of time preferences The experimental design for eliciting time preferences is based on the experiments of Coller and Williams (1999), Harrison et al. (2002) and Andersen et al. (2008a). Subjects were con- fronted with the payoff options listed in Table 5. In Table 5, option A (the principal) offers either a e60 or a e90 sooner option. Option B offers an amount x 190 days later, where x ranged from annual interests rates of 5% to 50% on the principal, compounded semi-annualy. The sooner option (option A) was delivered on March 21 in the 2019 wave, March 19 in the 2020A wave, and June 1 on the 2020B wave.10 The later option (option B) was delivered 190 days later. These choices also offered the option of stating indifference between options, in which case subjects knew that a random draw would decide the binding option. Another set of choices also included a middle option which split the 190 days interval in two halves. Consequently, the middle option was delivered 95 days later than option A. The purpose of the latter task was to construct a choice set with fewer choices (choices 21 to 30 in Table 5) that is similar to choice tasks 1 to 20 in Table 5. Comparison of these tasks is relegated to a different paper. 10 All dates and days were carefully pre-selected to be working days so that the payments could be physically delivered to subjects. 13
The tasks always impose a front-end delay on the early payment (option A) which comes with two advantages. First, it avoids the passion for the present that decision makers exhibit when offered monetary amounts today or in the future by holding the transaction costs of future options constant (see Coller and Williams, 1999, for a discussion). Second, it allows us to equalize the credibility of future payments because of the uncertainty associated with the receipt of later rewards. Payments were promised to be paid with meal vouchers issued by an international company, redeemable in a wide network of supermarkets, restaurants, coffees shops etc in the country and all payments were guaranteed by a permanent faculty member (one of the authors). Moreover, the faculty member has a long history of performing experiments in this particular institution and is well known for paying students to participate in experiments. Therefore, mistrust issues are expected to be minimal, if any. Subjects knew beforehand how to contact the experimenter through telephone and email and where his office is located in the campus. In all, subjects provided 30 choices for the time preference task that are used to infer time preferences. Financial constraints precluded us from paying every single subject; hence, subjects were given a 5% chance of receiving any money from this task and they knew this beforehand. If a subject was selected to receive money from this task, only one of their choices was selected as binding and their choice was realized. Subjects were subsequently contacted by the experimenter and were provided with details about when to receive their payment. All vouchers with the corresponding amount that they had won, were delivered to subjects on exactly the date the subject had selected for her respective choice. Experimental instructions for this task can be found in the Electronic Supplementary Mate- rial in Section A. Figure 3 shows example screens for the times preferences choice task. Because Read et al. (2005) document a date/delay effect; i.e., choices to be more patient when they are described using calendar dates than when choices are characterized in terms of time delay from the current moment, we used both dates and time delay to frame choices. Each choice always displayed a calendar to illustrate the time delay and choices listed the delivery calendar dates along with the monetary amount. 14
Table 5: Payoff table in discount rate tasks Payoff Middle Annual Payment option A Payment option B alternative payment option interest rate 1 60 A∼B 61.58 0.05 2 60 A∼B 63.17 0.10 3 60 A∼B 64.76 0.15 4 60 A∼B 66.35 0.20 5 60 A∼B 67.94 0.25 6 60 A∼B 69.54 0.30 7 60 A∼B 71.13 0.35 8 60 A∼B 72.73 0.40 9 60 A∼B 74.33 0.45 10 60 A∼B 75.94 0.50 11 90 A∼B 92.38 0.05 12 90 A∼B 94.76 0.10 13 90 A∼B 97.14 0.15 14 90 A∼B 99.53 0.20 15 90 A∼B 101.91 0.25 16 90 A∼B 104.31 0.30 17 90 A∼B 106.70 0.35 18 90 A∼B 109.10 0.40 19 90 A∼B 111.50 0.45 20 90 A∼B 113.90 0.50 21 60 60.79 63.17 0.05, 0.10 22 60 62.33 66.35 0.15, 0.20 23 60 63.85 69.54 0.25, 0.30 24 60 65.33 72.73 0.35, 0.40 25 60 66.78 75.94 0.45, 0.50 26 90 91.18 94.76 0.05, 0.10 27 90 93.50 99.53 0.15, 0.20 28 90 95.77 104.31 0.25, 0.30 29 90 98.00 109.10 0.35, 0.40 30 90 100.17 113.90 0.45, 0.50 Notes: The sooner option (option A) was delivered on March 21 in the 2019 wave, March 19 in the 2020A wave and June 1 on the 2020B wave. The latter option (option B) was delivered 190 days later. The middle option for the payoff alternatives 1 to 20 was an option of stating indifference between payment option A and payment option B. The middle option monetary amount for the payoff alternatives 21 to 30, was delivered 95 days later than option A. In choices 21 to 30, the middle option is compounded with the smaller interest rate of the two rates listed in the last column and the latter option is compounded with the largest interest rate of the two rates listed in the last column. 15
Figure 3: Example screen for time dated monetary choices (a) Two options (b) Three options 16
2.5 Theory and econometrics of risk and time preferences Let the utility function be the constant relative risk aversion (CRRA) specification: M 1−r U (M ) = (1) 1−r where r is the relative risk aversion (RRA) coefficient, r = 0 denotes risk neutral behavior, r > 0 denotes risk averse behavior and r < 0 denotes risk loving behavior. If we assume that Expected Utility Theory (EUT) describes subjects’ risk preferences, then the expected utility of lottery i can be written as: X EUi = pi (Mj )U (Mj ) (2) j=1,2 where p(Mj ) are the probabilities for each outcome Mj that are induced by the experimenter (shown in Tables 3 and 4). A popular alternative is Rank Dependent Utility (RDU) developed by Quiggin (1982). RDU extends the EUT model by allowing for non-linear probability weighting associated with lottery outcomes.11 To calculate decision weights under RDU, we can replace expected utility in equation (2) with: X X RDUi = wi [p(Mj )]U (Mj ) = wij U (Mj ) (3) j=1,2 j=1,2 where wi2 = wi (p2 + p1 ) − wi (p1 ) = 1 − wi (p1 ) and wi1 = wi (p1 ) with outcomes ranked from worst to best and w(·) is the probability weighting function. There are many probability weighting functions that have been used in the literature and here we consider two of the more popular ones that nest linear probabilities: a) Tversky and pγ Kahneman’s (1992) (TK) function w(p) = 1 (if γ = 1 it collapses to w(p) = p) and b) (pγ +(1−p)γ ) γ Prelec’s (1998) probability weighting function w(p) = exp(−(−lnp)ar ) where 0 < ar , 0 < p < 1 (if ar = 1 it collapses to w(p) = p).12 We assume subjects have some latent preferences over risk which are linked to observed 11 As in most experiments of choice under risk, our experiment involved multiple choices over lotteries for which subjects where randomly paid for one of these choices. This payoff mechanism, known as the Random Lottery Incentive Mechanism (RLIM), is incentive compatible if and only if the Independence Axiom holds (Holt, 1986). Given that RDU does not include the independence axiom, then RLIM is inappropriate for non- EUT theories on theoretical grounds. The use of the RLIM under non-EUT specifications either invokes the assumption of the isolation effect i.e., that a subject views each choice in an experiment as independent of other choices in the experiment or assumes two independence axioms as in Harrison and Swarthout (2021): one axiom that applies to the evaluation of a given prospect which is assumed to be violated by RDU, and another axiom that applies to the evaluation of the experimental payment protocol. Only the validity of the latter axiom is required to ensure incentive compatibility of the RLIM. 12 Note, that the Prelec function is often applied with the constraint 0 < ar < 1 which requires that the probability weighting function exhibits subproportionality (weighting function exhibits an inverse-S shape form). We follow Andersen et al. (2018, 2014) and Harrison and Ng (2016) and use the more general specification from Prelec (1998, Proposition 1: (C)), which only requires ar > 0 and nests the case where 0 < ar < 1. 17
choices via a probabilistic model function of the general form: (VB −VA ) ! RA C P rB =Λ (4) µ where P r(B) is the probability of choosing lottery B (the right hand side lottery), µ is a structural ‘noise parameter’ associated with the Fechner error story (sometimes called a scale or precision parameter) used to allow some errors from the perspective of the deterministic model and VA , VB are the decision-theoretic representations of values associated with lotteries A and B i.e., Vk = EUk for k = A, B if the theory is EU or Vk = RDUk for k = A, B if the theory is RDU. Λ(·) : R → [0, 1] is the standard logistic distribution function with Λ(ζ) = 1/(1 + e−ζ ), Λ(0) = 0.5 and Λ(x) = 1 − Λ(−x), that is, Λ takes any argument between ±∞ and transforms it to a number between 0 and 1 i.e., a probability. C is a normalizing term that defines the heteroskedastic class of models.13 Wilcox (2008, 2011) proposed a ‘contextual utility’ error specification which adjusts the scale parameter by C = Vmax − Vmin to account for the range of possible outcome utilities. C is defined as the maximum utility Vmax over all prizes in a lottery pair minus the minimum utility Vmin over all prizes in the same lottery pair. It changes from lottery pair to lottery pair, and thus it is said to be contextual. Contextual utility maintains that the error specification is mediated by the (VB −VA ) Vmax −Vmin range of possible outcome utilities in a pair, so that P r(B) = Λ µ . With respect to time preferences, assume that EUT holds for choices over risky alternatives and that discounting is exponential. Then a subject is indifferent between two income options Mt and Mt+τ if and only if: 1 U (Mt ) = U (Mt+τ ) (5) (1 + δ)τ 1 where DE (τ ) = (1+δ) τ is the discount factor for τ ≥ 0 and where the discount rate is dE (τ ) = δ. The discount rate equalizes the present value of the two monetary outcomes in the indifference condition (5). Under exponential discounting, the discount rate is stable over time. Another class of discounting models is the family of hyperbolic specifications. A popular hyperbolic specification is due to Mazur (1984) which specifies the discount factor as DH (τ ) = 1 (1+Kτ ) for some parameter K > 0 and discount rates dH (τ ) = (1 + Kτ )(1/τ ) − 1. We can write the discounted utility of each option as: MA1−r MB1−r P VA = and P VB = D (6) 1−r 1−r 13 Note that this form of heteroskedasticity, refers to models where the standard deviation of utility dif- ferences is conditioned on lottery pairs. Econometrically this can be considered as pair- and subject-specific heteroskedasticity but one that requires no extra parameters into the model since the form of the heteroscedas- ticity is determined by outcome utilities. See Wilcox (2008) for a related discussion. 18
where D can be either the exponential DE or the hyperbolic discount factor DH . The probability of choosing one of the options is given by: D P VB − P VA P rB =Λ (7) ν Given that some choice sets in the time preferences task presented subjects with choices between three options i.e., a payment option A, a payment option B and a middle option C (see Table 5), we can model the probability of choosing any of the three options using a multinomial logit setup: exp(P VJ /ν) P rJD = PC for J = A, B, C (8) j=A exp(P V j /ν) This is a particularly attractive form as it is comparable with Equation 7 since for the case D = Λ P VB −P VA = exp(P Vexp(P VB /ν) of two options it can easily be shown that P rB ν A /ν)+exp(P VB /ν) given 1 that Λ(ζ) = 1+e−ζ . We can write the conditional log-likelihood for the risk preferences tasks as: N X RA RA RA lnL (r, µ; y, X) = (ln(P rB )|yi = 1) + (ln(1 − P rB )|yi = 0) i=1 (9) 1 RA 1 RA +( ln(P rB ) + ln(1 − P rB )|yi = −1) 2 2 where yi = 1, 0 denotes the choice of lottery B or A in the i th risk preference task, respectively, and yi = −1 denotes the choice of indifference. X is a vector of variables that are assumed to affect the estimated parameters. The conditional log-likelihood for the time preferences task can be written as: N X lnLD (T, ν; y, X) = D D (ln(P rB )|yi = 1) + (ln(P rA )|yi = 0) i=1 (10) 1 D 1 D )|yi = −1) + (ln(P rCD )|yi = 2) +( ln(P rA ) + ln(P rB 2 2 where yi = 1, 0 denotes the choice of option B (the later option) or A (the sooner option) in the i th time preference task, respectively, yi = −1 denotes the choice of indifference and yi = 2 denotes the choice of the middle option C.14 X is a vector of variables that are assumed to affect the estimated parameters. T is either δ under exponential discounting or K under the hyperbolic specification. 14 D D It is implied that for choice tasks 21 to 30, P rA and P rB are calculated based on Equation 8 and not Equation 7. 19
The joint likelihood of the risk aversion and discount rate responses can then be written as: lnL(r, T, µ, ν; y, X) = lnLRA + lnLD (11) Equation (11) is maximized using standard numerical methods. The statistical specifica- tion also takes into account the multiple responses given by the same subject and allows for correlation between responses by clustering standard errors; i.e., it relaxes the independence as- sumption and requires only that the observations be independent across the clusters. The robust estimator of variance that relaxes the assumption of independent observations involves a slight modification of the robust (or sandwich) estimator of variance which requires independence across all observations (StataCorp, 2013, pp. 312). 3 Results Given competing theories of risk (EUT vs. RDU), the various probability weighting func- tions, and discount factors, we utilize a model selection criteria that allow us to select one model over another. We therefore estimated all possible combinations of risk and discount factors and calculated the associated information criteria such as Akaike’s and Bayesian information crite- ria (AIC and BIC). AIC and BIC do not reveal how well a model fits the data in an absolute sense; i.e., there is no null hypothesis being tested. Nevertheless, these measures offer relative comparisons between models on the basis of information lost from using a model to represent the (unknown) true model.15 In order to explore the effect of the pandemic on risk and time preferences, we modeled the structural parameters as a function of either a) wave dummies defined as dummies for the waves 2019 (pre-pandemic wave), 2020A and 2020B (see also Table 2) or b) event dummies defined as key events that occurred in the timeline of the pandemic in the country. These events are: i) first reported case in the country (February 26; overlaps with the 2020A wave), ii) first reported death in the country (March 12; overlaps with the 2020A wave) iii) onset of curfew when all nonessential transport and movements across the country were banned (March 23; coincides with the beginning of the 2020B wave) iv) announcement of a plan for the gradual lifting of the restrictive measures and the restart of business activity (April 27; overlaps with the 2020B wave) and curfew relaxation and business re-openning (May 4; overlaps with the 2020B wave).16 Figure 1b shows a timeline of these events as well. 15 Drichoutis and Lusk (2016) have shown that AIC and BIC are in agreement in terms of model selection with more complex selection criteria such as Vuong’s test (Vuong, 1989), Clarke’s test (Clarke, 2003) or the out-of-sample log likelihood (OSLLF) criterion (Norwood et al., 2004). 16 Because the time between announcement of relaxation of the restrictive measures and the actual relaxation was very short, we merged these two key events in one. 20
Table 6 shows the AIC and BIC values for the various estimated models combining the different risk and discount factor functions. The models are estimated with two different sets of dummies as described above; i.e., wave dummies and event dummies.17 The two information criteria do not fully agree with each other but do point that the hyperbolic discount factor function performs better than the exponential. The disagreement between AIC and BIC is whether a model with linear probabilities for risk fits the data better than a model with Prelec’s (1998) probability weighting function. In what follows, we present both EUT and RDU models (with Prelec’s (1998) probability weighting function) with a hyperbolic discount function, since these are favored by the information criteria. Table 6: Akaike’s and Bayesian Information criteria with Wave dummies with Event dummies Risk Discount Log-L AIC BIC Log-L AIC BIC Linear Exponential -28472.86 56961.73 57031.93 -28461.96 56951.92 57074.77 Linear Hyperbolic -28423.46 56862.93 56933.13 -28412.41 56852.81 56975.66 T&K Exponential -28469.95 56961.89 57058.41 -28457.31 56954.63 57130.12 T&K Hyperbolic -28419.24 56860.49 56957.01 -28406.23 56852.45 57027.95 Prelec Exponential -28467.34 56956.69 57053.21 -28455.01 56950.01 57125.51 Prelec Hyperbolic -28414.37 56850.75 56947.27 -28401.50 56842.99 57018.49 Notes: Linear stands for linear probabilities which is equivalent to EUT; T&K stands for Tversky and Kahneman’s (1992) probability weighting function; Prelec stands for Prelec’s (1998) probability weighting function; Bold numbers indicate the lowest number column-wise, highlighting which model performs better than other. Table 7 shows the estimates of the structural parameters for EUT and RDU that are modeled as a function of two sets of dummy variables. Models (1) and (2) use the wave dummies while models (3) and (4) use the event dummies. As evident, none of the wave or event dummies are statistically significant, indicating remarkable stability of estimated risk and time preference parameters across time. The estimated parameters also allow us to test the RDU model versus the EUT by testing whether the parameter ar in the probability weighting function w(p) = exp(−(−lnp)ar ) is statistically different from 1.18 A joint significance test with respect to the regressors of the ar parameter that a) the wave dummies in model (2) are 0 and the constant is equal to 1, does not reject the null (χ2 = 3.50, p-value = 0.321), b) the event dummies in model (4) are 0 and the constant is equal to 1, does not reject the null (χ2 = 4.97, p-value = 0.548), indicating that EUT is a better descriptive model of subjects’ risk preferences. 17 Note that in the estimations of Table 6, we removed choices of 35 cases where subjects chose the dominated option (i.e., the lottery offering a lower amount of money over certainties) in the last choice of the Holt and Laury (2002) task. We also removed choices from 17 cases (associated with 11 unique subjects) where after geolocating their IP addresses, we found they responded in the 2020A or the 2020B wave from abroad. This is because living abroad at the time of the pandemic likely disassociates behavior with the key events that happened in this period inside the country. 18 When ar = 1 then w(p) = p. 21
Table 7: Structural estimates EUT RDU EUT RDU (1) (2) (3) (4) r Constant 0.542∗∗∗ (0.026) 0.506∗∗∗ (0.034) 0.542∗∗∗ (0.026) 0.506∗∗∗ (0.034) 2020A wave 0.032 (0.038) 0.016 (0.049) 2020B wave -0.023 (0.039) -0.027 (0.051) 2020 events: Before first case 0.052 (0.045) 0.047 (0.057) Before first death 0.024 (0.055) -0.000 (0.069) Before curfew -0.056 (0.093) -0.105 (0.123) Curfew starts 0.016 (0.048) -0.009 (0.061) Curfew announced relaxation -0.069 (0.049) -0.050 (0.067) αr Constant 0.902∗∗∗ (0.055) 0.901∗∗∗ (0.055) 2020A wave -0.044 (0.078) 2020B wave -0.011 (0.083) 2020 events: Before first case -0.013 (0.092) Before first death -0.064 (0.105) Before curfew -0.135 (0.179) Curfew starts -0.070 (0.095) Curfew announced relaxation 0.052 (0.113) K Constant 0.208∗∗∗ (0.015) 0.225∗∗∗ (0.018) 0.208∗∗∗ (0.015) 0.225∗∗∗ (0.018) 2020A wave -0.016 (0.021) -0.008 (0.026) 2020B wave 0.030 (0.023) 0.034 (0.029) 2020 events: Before first case -0.028 (0.024) -0.025 (0.029) Before first death -0.008 (0.030) 0.004 (0.037) Before curfew 0.027 (0.053) 0.052 (0.074) Curfew starts 0.011 (0.029) 0.028 (0.036) Curfew announced relaxation 0.052∗ (0.029) 0.043 (0.036) µ 0.131∗∗∗ (0.003) 0.128∗∗∗ (0.003) 0.131∗∗∗ (0.003) 0.128∗∗∗ (0.003) ν 0.067∗∗∗ (0.002) 0.066∗∗∗ (0.002) 0.067∗∗∗ (0.002) 0.066∗∗∗ (0.002) N 47800 47800 47800 47800 Log-likelihood -28423.46 -28414.37 -28412.41 -28401.50 AIC 56862.927 56850.745 56852.811 56842.994 BIC 56933.125 56947.268 56975.658 57018.490 Notes: Standard errors in parentheses. * p
The results are similar if we constrain the sample to only those for which we have their data for at least two waves (see Table A1 in the Electronic Supplementary Material) or to only those for which we have their data for all three waves (see Table A2 in the Electronic Supplementary Material) or to only those that the electronic payment transaction went through after the end of the experiment (see Table A3 in the Electronic Supplementary Material). Another way to augment the models of Table 7 is by including variables related to the perception of the pandemic or attitudes, and coping with it. We first constructed measures of the number of deaths and cases at the level of administrative regions of the country, adjusted for the population size (i.e., number of deaths and cases were divided by the population size of the respective region). We achieved this by matching IP (Internet Protocol) address geolocation data with the number of recorded deaths and cases in the respective administrative region the day each subject responded.19 Naturally, these measures take a value of zero for dates before the onset of the pandemic. Table A4 in the Electronic Supplementary Material shows that the vast majority of responses (> 90%) originated from the cities of Athens/Piraeus and Thessaloniki which account for roughly 40% of the population in the country. Models (1) and (2) in Table 8 show the structural parameter estimates when adding a gender dummy and the cases/deaths variables in the models for EUT and RDU, respectively. Models (3) and (4) constrain the sample to the 2020B wave and augment the set of regressors for the structural parameters with a set of variables from questions that where included in the last wave, in order to capture attitudes and behavior with respect to the pandemic.20 As evident in Table 8, none of the variables of interest has a statistically significant effect. Although some variables are shown to be statistically significant in the RDU models, note that 19 We queried the recorded IP addresses collected by Qualtrics with http://ip-api.com which is an appli- cation programming interface that allows to query IP addresses and returns back location data at the level of region/city in the country. The number of deaths/cases per day and per region is maintained and curated by iMEdD’s (Incubator for Media Education and Development) content production division. iMEdD is a non profit organization founded with a donation of Stavros Niarchos Foundation with a mission to support and promote the transparency, credibility and independence in journalism on the grounds of securing meritocracy and excellence in the field. The data can be found in iMEdD’s GitHub repository: https://github.com/iMEdD-Lab/open-data. 20 The set of variables includes: a) dummies about perception of how effective social distancing is with possible answers being i) very inefficient or inefficient, ii) neither inefficient, nor efficient, iii) efficient iv) very efficient, b) a dummy about whether the respondent has family members or others in their inner circle considered a high risk group, c) a composite score variable capturing whether respondents are stressed about the pandemic situation. This composite score variable was constructed as the sum of five variables that respondents answered on a five Likert scale ranging from ‘highly disagree’ to ‘highly agree’: i) I’m nervous/stressed ii) I’m calm/relaxed (reverse coded) iii) I worry about my health iv) I worry about the health of members of my family v) I feel stressed when I have to leave home, d) a composite variable capturing whether respondents’ tendency to attribute the virus or the pandemic in conspiracy theories or misconceptions about the virus. This composite score variable was constructed as the sum of five variables that respondents answered on a five Likert scale ranging from ‘very unlikely’ to ‘very likely’: i) Coronavirus was made in a lab in China, got out of control and transmitted to the population ii) Coronavirus was made in a US lab and US soldiers then infected the population in China iii) Coronavirus is a zoonosis that spread from animals to humans (reverse coded) iv) Coronavirus is no more dangerous than common flu v) Coronavirus was invented as a pretense for limiting personal liberties. 23
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