Olympic Games Delivery Authority - SOLIDEO - Olympic World Library

Page created by Chester Harrison
Olympic Games Delivery Authority - SOLIDEO - Olympic World Library

        2019    01
Olympic Games Delivery Authority - SOLIDEO - Olympic World Library
04              08                                 28                                      33
           Foreword        SOLIDEO, missions                  Designing the city                      Action! The adventure
           and editorial   and ambitions for                  of the future                           begins…
                           the Olympic works                  28	Designing the city of the future,   33	Our milestones for 2019
                           08 F
                               inancing, Planning and            together with territories
                                                                                                      34	SOLIDEO’s energies
                              Supervising the Olympic Works   29	An environmental excellence
                              SOLIDEO                                                                 36 SOLIDEO Scientific Council
                              The Olympics and Paralympics                                            39	What action in the here
                                                              32 Universal accessibility
                              works                                                                       and now?

                           18 Works supervision

                           20 Project management

Contents                                                                                                                               03
Olympic Games Delivery Authority - SOLIDEO - Olympic World Library
                                We are five years away from the Paris 2024         This is a nod to the past, and a bridge             Such a roadmap will of course require a
                              Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games.             between two eras bearing witness to the              rigorous and demanding schedule. 2019 is a
                                                                               change in scale of the Olympic and Paralym-          crucial phase in this, a year in which SOLIDEO
                                 This marks an extraordinary,                  pic Games. The 2024 Games will be the wor-           must seek alliances with the best partners.

                              unifying moment in the life of a                 ld’s foremost sporting event, equivalent to 43       Partners capable of guaranteeing optimal
                              city, a country and its citizens, an             world championships with the participation           delivery, but also capable of imparting to this
                              immense celebration of sport                     of 10,500 Olympic athletes, 4,500 Paralympic         project the level of ambition and innovation

                              during which all things are                      athletes and 70,000 volunteers. 25,000 journa-       that it merits: to build what must be the Euro-
                                                                               lists will be on location to follow the sporting     pean city of 2050 – carbon neutral, providing
                              possible.                                        events, for which 13 million tickets will be         assurance for all within the context of a chan-
                                  Last summer was one of those moments,        issued, and which will unite 4 billion viewers       ging climate, and placing biodiversity at its
                              with the stunning victory of the French team     worldwide!                                           core.
                              in the Football World Cup. We were proud to
                                                                                   The 2024 Games will also be the first to             In 2024, as host city, Paris will welcome the
                              be French, and even those among us who do
                                                                               implement the IOC’s Agenda 2020, setting in          world. The Olympic Games will change our
                              not generally follow sports experienced
                                                                               place a new way of approaching and building          lives and transform our territories. France and
                              powerful moments of communion and joy.
                                                                               Olympic Venues that is more sustainable and          all of its citizens must not fail to rise to the
                                  One hundred years ago, Paris hosted the      eco-friendly, with a paired-down budget and          occasion.
                              1924 Summer Olympics. The first Olympic Vil-     more closely connected with the everyday lives
                              lage was specially designed for the occasion     of the residents of the host city and country.
                              and built in Colombes to accommodate ath-
                                                                                   As the Olympic Delivery Authority, SOLIDEO
                              letes as close as possible to Olympics venues.
                                                                               has a dual task of national importance: to deli-
                              The Village was located not far from the Yves-
                                                                               ver the Works on time, within budget and
                              du-Manoir Olympic Stadium, where most
                                                                               according to plan, and to guarantee the crea-
              © Henri Garat

                              events took place, and where the field hockey                                                                                           Anne Hidalgo,
                                                                               tion of a bold, sustainable, inclusive and exem-
                              competition will be held in 2024.                                                                                                      Mayor of Paris,
                                                                               plary heritage for the territories involved, their
                                                                                                                                                           President of the SOLIDEO
                                                                               inhabitants and generations to come.
                                                                                                                                                                  Board of Directors

Olympic Games Delivery Authority - SOLIDEO - Olympic World Library
Editorial                         2019 is a critical year!

                                                                                     The works have yet to begin and every-
                                                                                 thing is still possible, before choices are
                                     What year wouldn’t be, when we have so      made and plans set down. Our future partners
                                little time before us?                           will respond to our eagerness to see their pro-

                                   Nonetheless, 2019 is very much a year for     posals with their own ambition for an excep-
                                decision-making. It will also be a year of       tional Games and with the visionary heritage
                                openness, ambition, and intelligence.            that they will leave the French people for

                                                                                 decades to come. We are committed to
                                    In March, at MIPIM, it will bring on board   honouring their talent, selecting the best, and
                                its first partners – the consortia –, who will   striving for excellence.
                                design, build and invest in the Olympic and
                                Paralympic Village, and then later in the year       By welcoming promoters, investors, desi-
                                in the Media Cluster.                            gners and innovative start-ups, SOLIDEO’s
                                                                                 circle will expand to include new private-sec-
                                   For these candidates, with the twin           tor companies, economic actors who will
                                challenge of pitching for the Games and for      make history with their alternative and com-
                                our heritage, now is the time for channelling    plementary approach. Between now and the
                                intelligence into each project, for putting      autumn, we must negotiate agreements with
                                something astonishing into each scale model,     each entity that will set out their individual
                                and for making ingenuity the driving force       responsibilities.
                                behind each of the financial partnerships
                                forged.                                              With a few months to go before all is set
                                                                                 in stone, when the excitement of the antici-
                                                                                 pation is balanced against concluded
                                                                                 contracts, this is a certainly a decisive period.

                                                                                                                                            Nicolas Ferrand,
                                                                                                                                     Chief Executive Officer,
              © Xavier Granet


Olympic Games Delivery Authority - SOLIDEO - Olympic World Library
SOLIDEO, MISSIONS AND AMBITIONS                       SOLIDEO (Olympic Games Deli-                            SOLIDEO is overseen jointly by the Minister for
                                                    very Authority) is overseeing deli-                    Public Action and Public Accounts, the Minister for
FOR THE OLYMPIC WORKS                                                                                      Territorial Cohesion and Local Authority Relations
                                                    very of all works and execution of
                                                                                                           and the Minister for Sports. It is vested with the
                                                    the development operations neces-

                                                                                                           powers of a Public Development Authority (Etablis-
                                                    sary for organising the Paris 2024                     sement public d’aménagement - EPA).
                                                    Olympic and Paralympic Games,                             SOLIDEO falls under the joint oversight of the
                                                    with a commitment to a set budget

  Planning and
                                                                                                           Budgetary Affairs, Urban Planning and Sports
                                                    and to an ambitious, sustainable and                   Ministries.
                                                    exemplary heritage.                                        SOLIDEO’s Board of Directors is composed of 38

                                                         These permanent structures will be conceived      members: 19 State representatives, 12 representa-
                                                    and designed with a focus on the “heritage” of the     tives of local authorities and their public-sector
                                                    Games: they will ultimately be converted into faci-    establishments, the President of the Paris 2024
                                                    lities, housing and office space.                      Organising Committee, the President of the French

 the Olympic
                                                                                                           National Olympic and Sporting Committee
                                                        Olympic Works' budget is financed by public
                                                                                                           (CNOSF), the President of the French Paralympic
                                                    and private-sector appropriations amounting to
                                                                                                           and Sporting Committee (CPSF), two personnel-ap-
                                                    approximately €3.2 billion (2016 value) with half of
                                                                                                           pointed representatives, and two qualified public

                                                    this being provided by the State and regional and
                                                                                                           figures selected by the Prime Minister, with one
                                                    local authorities.
                                                                                                           chosen from among representatives of employee
                                                                                                           representative bodies, and the other from among

                                                                                                           the representatives of employer representative

                                                                                                              SOLIDEO has also set up its own Ethics Com-
                                                                                                           mittee and Audit Committee.

08   MISSIONS AND AMBITIONS FOR THE OLYMPIC WORKS                                                                                                                09
A RACE AGAINST TIME TO BUILD                          Planning and supervising
                                                                                                  LASTING INFRASTRUCTURE                                    SOLIDEO’s operating remit includes projects
                                                                                                                                                        over which it has direct oversight, and also those
                                                                                                  Financing                                             for which it will supervise execution.
                                                                                                      SOLIDEO will receive all public funding allo-        A dual role:
                                                                                                  cated to the financing of investment in permanent

                                    SOLIDEO’s commitment                                          infrastructure for the Games.                            P
                                                                                                                                                            lanning of Urban Development Zones (ZAC
                                                                                                                                                           - Zone d’aménagement concerté) and land
                                                                                                     It will use a portion of this funding to operate      transfer, within the Contract Development
                                    To guarantee, no matter what, that all Olympics works shall   and will also allocate financing to the various          Division.
                                    be delivered on time and in accordance with the schedu-       contractors tasked with execution of the Olympic
                                                                                                  works.                                                    upervising of the Olympic and Paralympic
                                    ling, programming, budgetary, environmental and social
                                                                                                                                                           works, within the Programmes Division.
                                    constraints of the stakeholders involved for the successful
                                    staging of the Games.
                                                                                                                                                        → And additionally, designing the city of the
                                    A dual role:                                                                                                        future.

                                        lanning of Urban Development Zones (ZAC - Zone
                                       P                                                                                                                   To guarantee an ambitious heritage and
                                       d’aménagement concerté) and land transfer, within                                                                demonstrate, by hosting the 2024 Games, that
                                       the Contract Development Division.                                                                               France can incorporate major environmental and
                                                                                                                                                        social challenges, SOLIDEO will be approaching
                                        upervising of the Olympic and Paralympic works,
                                       S                                                                                                                the projects it oversees as R&D labs. The goal is to
                                       within the Programmes Division.                                                                                  design and build the city of the future, within the
                                                                                                                                                        context of a citizens’ participation process initiated
                                                                                                                                                        with regional and local authority residents.

10   MISSIONS AND AMBITIONS FOR THE OLYMPIC WORKS                                                                                                                                                                11
                                                    SOLIDEO IS THE CONTRACTING                          Transparent governance                    International Olympic
                                                    AUTHORITY FOR:                                      that puts the Games first
                                  bn                 the Olympic and Paralympic Village Urban                                                      Host City Contract
                                                      Development Zone,
     in investments                                  the Media Cluster Urban Development Zone,
                                                                                                                SOLIDEO                            PARIS 2024                            HERITAGE
                                                     various infrastructure and facilities projects.                                                                                      ACTORS

     €1.4                        bn
                                                    SOLIDEO WILL SUPERVISE AN ARRAY
                                                    OF PROJECTS CONCERNING URBAN
                                                    PLANNING, PUBLIC SPACES,
                                                    INFRASTRUCTURE AND SPORTS
     in public financing
     (2016 value)                                    carried out by 29 contractors: public, private,        Public body / EPIC                Private body / association
                                                      local authorities and promoters,

                                                     organised by geographical site and site             Tasked with the delivery              Tasked with planning                  Tasked with delivery
                                                      committee: Olympic and Paralympic Village,             of permanent sites                 and delivery of Games             of all heritage programmes
                                                      Media Cluster, Plaine-Saint-Denis, Paris,              and infrastructure                      operations                            at all levels

     public and private contractors                                                                               DIJOP
     for decentralised delivery                                                                                                             Interministerial Delegation
                                                                                                        Tasked with supporting and preparing the Games by coordinating the actions of the different ministries

12   MISSIONS AND AMBITIONS FOR THE OLYMPIC WORKS                                                                                                                                                                13
                                                                                                                     The Olympics
                                                                                                                           and Paralympics
                                                                                   26 July 2024
                                                                                  Opening of Paris
                    Selection of Private-                                          2024 Olympic
                     Sector Operators                    2021-2023                    Games
                      Land Acquisition                   Works Phase
                                                                                                                       The Olympics works are varied in
                                                                                                                     nature: They will involve urban plan-
                                                                                                                     ning, public spaces, infrastructure,
                                                                                                     Summer 2025
                                                                                                                     sports facilities, public facilities and
                                                                                                     European City   new constructions.
                                                                                                        by 2030
                                                                                                                         The contractors carrying out these projects
                                                                                                                     are also varied: public sector, private sector, asso-   SOLIDEO’s vision
                                                                                                                     ciations, real estate operating consortia.              as the contracting authority
            2018                            2020                       End-2023                                          The Olympics works are located within diffe-
     Project Optimisation          Transferral of Contracts            Delivery                                      rent territories and organised into site committees     To establish itself as an exemplary deve-
                                                                       of Works                                      to ensure that information is passed on primarily       loper, able to take on major societal and
     Vision Development               Building Permits
                                                                                                                     to State agencies and local authorities (Ile-de-        environmental challenges and to deliver
 Environmental Procedures             Demolition Works
                                                                                                                     France Region, Seine-Saint-Denis Departmental           sustainable works that showcase French
                                       Clean-up Works                                                                                                                        savoir-faire.
                                                                                                                     Council, Métropole du Grand Paris, EPT Plaine
                                                                                                                     Commune, EPT Paris Terres d’Envol, towns and
                                                                                                                     cities involved, etc.).

14     MISSIONS AND AMBITIONS FOR THE OLYMPIC WORKS                                                                                                                                                                      15
The Olympic and Paralympic construction                                                                                                                                                                                     City of
        projects and their 29 contractors                                                          Plaine Saint-Denis                                                                                                              Marseille                                              Training sites

                                                                                                                                                       Métropole                                                                                                                                                   Games
                                                                                                                                                       du Grand-                     Yves du Manoir                                           Marseille                                                          Preparation
                                                                                                                                                         Paris                          Stadium                                                Marina                                                              Centres
                                                   Other                                                                     A1 Crossing                                                                                                                                                              Multiple
                                     Universeine operators                                                                                                                       92                                Marseille
                                                                                                                                             Olympic Water                   Departmental                                                                                       City
                                                                                                                                             Sports Centre                     Council
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              of Paris
                                            Housing                                      Olympic
                                            / Offices                                    Tracks                    Refurbishing
                                                                                                                    of the Stade                                                                                                                                                                      Olympic
                      Burial of                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Tracks
                                                                   A86                                               de France                                                                         Crossing
        RTE           HV cable                                                 STATE                                                                                                                                                                                    Pierre de
                                                               Interchange                                         and forecourt                                                                      Le Bourget
                                                                               (DIRIF)                                                                                                                                                                                  Coubertin
                                                                                                                   development                                                                                                              Other
                                         Saint-Denis                                                                                Development                                                                                                                          Stadium
                                                                                                                                    of Saint-Denis                                                                                        operators
                                          and Saint-                                                             STATE
               Dredging of                                              Noise                                                           Canal                                                                                                                                                    Arena II
                                          Ouen-sur-                                                              Sports
              Seine tributary                                       Reduction Wall                                                                                                          Public spaces
                                         Seine Public                                                                                                                                       Media Village
                   river                                                                                         Ministry
                                           Spaces                                                                                                                                                                                 Housing
       Voies                                                                                                                                   Commune
     navigables                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Grand Palais
     de France                              Public                                                                                                                                                    Public Facilities
                       Ile-Saint-          Facilities
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Roland Garros
                      Denis Public                                                                                  SOLIDEO                                                      Pedestrian                                                                     Rmn-GP
                                                        Ile - Saint Denis                                            Contract                                                      works
          SEM Plaine                     Olympic                                                                                                                  93                                                                   Paris Le Bourget
                                                             Crossing                                              Development                                                   Le Bourget                                                                                                French
          Commune                      & Paralympic                                                                                                           Departmental                                                                  Hall 3                                         Tennis
           Dévelop-                       Village                                                                                                               Council                          Terrain
           pement                      Public spaces                                                                                                                                              des
                                                                                                                                                                                                Essences                                            SIAE /
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Public and private contractors
                                                                         Olympic and                                                                                                   Marville
                                                                                                                                               Vaires-sur-                            Swimming                            Le Bourget
                                                                      Paralympic Village                                                                                                                                                                                                    Works over €50M
                                                                                                                                              Marne Water                               Pool                               Schools
                                                                                                             Élancourt                        Sports Centre                                           Pedestrian
                                                                                                           Mountain biking                                                                           works Marville                                                                         Works between €20M and €50M
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             City of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Media Cluster
16      MISSIONS AND AMBITIONS FOR THE OLYMPIC WORKS                                                                                                                                                                       Le Bourget                                                       Works under €20M                   17
                                                                                                       Project monitoring:
                                                                                                       3 levels of supervision

                                                                                                       Project monitoring will be provided
                                                                                                       namely by:
                                                                                                          onthly Project Reviews,
                                                                                                         multi-year Site Committees,                                   of Directors
                                                                                                          nd SOLIDEO’s Board of Directors,

        SOLIDEO’s Programmes Division                                                                    tasked with validating the four


                                                                                                                                                                                            it C
     is tasked with supervision of the                                                                   major project milestones.

     Olympic works investment pro-                                                                                                                               Programmes Committee


                                                                                                                                                                    & Site Committees

     gramme. Accordingly it provides

     support to public and private-sector
     project managers in order to gua-              A GUARANTEE                                                                                                             3
     rantee project delivery in line with
                                                        The Programmes Division provides contractors                                                                  Project Review
     the programme, costs and deadline,             with support and expertise: it implements means
     as well as its vision.                         of coordination and operates a risk management
                                                                                                                                                  Programme                               Objective
                                                       The relationships between SOLIDEO, Paris 2024                                               & Vision                              Overall Cost
                                                    and each project manager are set out in tar-
                                                    get-based agreements.                                                                                      Target-based Agreements

                                                                                                                                              Contracting Authority    SOLIDEO           Paris 2024

18   MISSIONS AND AMBITIONS FOR THE OLYMPIC WORKS                                                                                                                                                        19
Project                                                  Transport, a critical factor

                                                                 The site lies within a dense perimeter with a
                                                                                                                     AND AFTER THE GAMES?
                                                                                                                         Set at the heart of the Pleyel neighbourhood,
                                                                                                                                                                              du cinéma and will be easily accessible via public
                                                                                                                                                                              transport thanks to the Grand Paris Express and the

                                                                                                                                                                              Saint-Denis Pleyel station (lines 14, 15 and 16).
                                                              radius of less than 500m, less than a 15 minute walk   the Village will become a living space and acti-
                                                              from one end to the other.                             vities hub after the Games surrounded by nature             The neighbourhood will also be enhanced by
                                                                                                                     and boasting exceptional architecture.                   the development works carried out for the
                                                                 The Stade de France and the future water sports
                                                                                                                                                                              construction of the Olympic and Paralympic Vil-
                                                              centre are less than 5 minutes away from the Vil-
                                                                                                                         It will be connected to the other neighbou-          lage, such as a new Seine crossing, burial of very
                                                              lage. With the A1 and A86 motorways close by, pro-
                                                                                                                     rhoods in the local areas concerned, on the banks        high voltage power lines and the noise-reduction
                                                              viding a dedicated traffic corridor during the
     THE OLYMPIC AND PARALYMPIC                                                                                      of the Seine, benefiting from the presence of the Cité   wall on the A86, spanning the Seine.
                                                              Games, 22 out of 28 sports will be less than 10km
                                                              away and 85% of athletes will be less than
        Identifying a large enough territory that was         30 minutes from their competition venue.
     sufficiently well laid-out (for easy transit within                                                             The site, one year after the Games:
     the area), in the highly dense and urbanised Ile-
     de-France Region, was a challenge.
                                                                     During the Games
     Optimal location                                                                                                    highly energy-efficient neighbourhood
                                                                                                                        A                                                        R
                                                                                                                                                                                  edeveloped river banks
                                                                         residential zone, which will host ath-
        The future Olympic and Paralympic Village will
                                                                        letes and accompanying teams in three           100% accessible                                         2
                                                                                                                                                                                  ,200 family homes
     be built in an ideal and accessible location on the
                                                                        sectors on both sides of the Seine.
     banks of the Seine, within a tightly controlled                                                                    N
                                                                                                                         ew public spaces, including a central park             1 ,100 dedicated homes (e.g. for
     perimeter.                                                         The Place Olympique, a vast esplanade          and a square on the banks of the Seine                   students)
                                                                         forming the epicentre and living area for
         The chosen site, spanning the communes of
     Saint-Denis, Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine and Ile-Saint-De-
                                                                         the athletes, with restaurants, services       9
                                                                                                                         ,000m2 of new public facilities                        1 40,000m2 for activities, office space
                                                                         and shopping areas.                            (educational and sports venues, etc.)                    and services
     nis, is also a powerful development driver for a
     rapidly evolving territory, whose future projects will              n operational zone, to the south-east of
     benefit from the accelerating effect of the Games.                 the site, where the continuously opera-         C
                                                                                                                         ycle and pedestrian routes                             3
                                                                                                                                                                                  ,500m2 for stores
                                                                        ting bus terminal is located.
20   MISSIONS AND AMBITIONS FOR THE OLYMPIC WORKS                                                                                                                                                                                   21

            17 December 2018-1 February 2019
                Study prior to the declaration
                                                                                     November 2019
             of public utility (DPU) of the Urban
                 Development Zone project                                          Signature of binding
                                                                                     sale agreements
                                                                                                                     2021 to 2023                     Summer 2024
                                                                                     with the consent
                                                          April 2019                                                                                   Olympic and
                                                                                      of the SOLIDEO                 Construction
                                                          Selection of              Board of Directors                  works                       Paralympic Games
                                                      consortia selected
                                                      to submit a tender
                                                                                                                                                                       Village redevelopment
                                                                                                                                                                               works for
                                                                                                                                                                              into a new

                                                                                                                                                                                               © Dominique Perrault Architecture
                                                                         Second half
                                                                       of October 2019
     16 May-15 July 2018                                                                                                            First quarter
                                                                Final submission of tenders                                            of 2024
  Joint consultations prior
 to creation of the Olympic                                                                               2020                      Delivery to
   and Paralympic Village                March 2019                                                 Building permits                Paris 2024
    Urban Development             Commencement of sale of                                        obtained and signature
   Zone (Saint-Denis and         land charges of the Olympic                                        of sale contracts
   Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine)            and Paralympic Village
                                   Urban Development Zone

         The site chosen, spanning the communes of          Natura 2000 site), and the new T11 station, which
     Dugny, Le Bourget and La Courneuve, meets the          came online in 2017. More broadly, the project
     criteria for organisation of the Games. It will        connects Dugny to Le Bourget and its station-hub
     include the Media Village (accommodation for           (RER B, Metro Grand Paris Express 16 and 17,
     journalists) in Dugny and 2 sports pavilions, one      Tramway T11), and to the Parc des expositions and
     for throwing events in La Courneuve, and the other     Le Bourget airport, through the construction of a
     for volley-ball, next to the Le Bourget sports park.   crossing over the A1 motorway.

     Critical factors

         The location was favoured firstly for its proxi-
     mity to the Media Centre which will be built at the
     Parc des expositions in Le Bourget and will host             And after the Games?
     25,000 journalists during the Games.
                                                                     A garden-city with even more green
         The choice was also governed by pre-existing
     urban planning considerations relating to the

                                                                                                                © Paris 2024-air-images-Populous-Luxigon
     urbanisation of the town of Dugny towards the T11               A better connected territory (new cros-
     station (Épinay-Le Bourget), allowing for the deve-              sing over the A1 motorway, new pedes-
     lopment of 1,300 homes, that could host up to 4,000              trian and cycling connections, etc.).
     journalists during the Games.
                                                                     New facilities, housing and activities
                                                                      (new sports park and school grounds in
     An ambitious urban project
                                                                      Le Bourget, creation of 1,300 family
        The Media Cluster is part of an overall vision of             homes in Dugny, a school complex, gym
     improving connections to the town, its parks (inclu-             and crèche, arrival of new stores and
     ding the 3rdlargest in the Ile-de-France Region, a               activities, etc.).


                                      5 September
                                  to 15 November 2018                                                2021 to 2023

© Paris 2024-Luxigon-TVK-Horoma
                                   Joint consultations                                           Construction works
                                  prior to creation of the
                                   Media Cluster Urban              September 2019
                                    Development Zone            Commencement of sale
                                                                 of land charges of the
                                                                  Media Cluster Urban
                                                                  Development Zone

                                                                                                                                   Adaptation of public
                                                                                                                                      spaces for the
                                                                                                                                   “heritage” phase and
                                                                                                                                   completion of homes

                                                      28 February                         2020
                                                    to 12 April 2019            Selection of consortia,
                                                     Study prior to the        signature of binding sale            Summer 2024
                                                  declaration of public        agreements and building
                                                                                                                   Olympic and
                                                utility (DPU) of the Urban        permit applications
                                                                                                                Paralympic Games
                                               Development Zone project

                                                                                             An environ-                                  SOLIDEO has high environmental ambitions
                                                                                                                                       and seeks to position itself as an exemplary deve-

Designing                                                                                    mental
                                                                                                                                       loper, through three major strategic priorities:

                                                                                                                                          he goal of carbon neutrality by 2050, throughout
                                           To enhance the value of the heri-
                                                                                                                                         the lifecycle of buildings in the neighbourhood:

  the city of
                                        tage of the Olympics and Paralym-

                                                                                                                                         the use of organically sourced materials with a
                                        pics infrastructure after 2024,                                                                  low carbon footprint, the reuse and recycling of
                                        SOLIDEO plans to run projects in the                                                             site waste, and the use of renewable energies.

 the future,
                                        form of opportunities to deploy inno-

                                                                                                                                          uaranteeing urban comfort in the 2050 cli-
                                        vations for the city of the future;                                                              mate, offsetting pressure from climate change
                                        their goal will be to provide res-                                                               and the upturn in extreme weather events by

together with
                                        ponses to the major challenges that                                                              reducing urban heat island effects and develo-
                                                                                                                                         ping resilient, reversible structures and focu-
                                        our cities must face between now
                                                                                                                                         sing on internal air policy.
                                        and 2050.                                                In response to a changing climate,

                                                                                              the carbon challenge and the deple-        P
                                                                                                                                          ositive contribution to biodiversity of
                                            This vision will be implemented through a
                                                                                                                                         the urban project: creation of an ecosystem,
                                        strategy of environmental excellence – founded        tion of natural resources, SOLIDEO
                                                                                                                                         new biotopes, greening adapted to 2050 cli-
                                        upon the threefold tenets of “biodiversity”, “the     set out to implement a highly ambi-        mate challenges to increase the green
                                        post-carbon city” and “urban comfort” -, and          tious environmental excellence             belt, consideration of water-cycle factors.
       Incorporating                    through a Charter to promote employment and
                                                                                              strategy. This will be applied to pro-
                                        territorial development, a universal accessibility                                             Digital innovations must be drawn upon
       major societal                   strategy and a citizen participation process.
                                                                                              jects managed directly as well as to     in order to achieve these goals.
       and environmental                                                                      those that it supervises.
                                           The goal is to deliver heritage through the
       challenges                       renewal of city-building methods, anticipating the
                                        2030 European city and preparing construction of
                                        the 2050 European city.

28   DESIGNING THE CITY OF THE FUTURE                                                                                                                                                         29
Understanding the environmental excellence strategy
     A SHARED, TRANSPARENT                           An ambitious citizen
     STRATEGY                                        participation process
         SOLIDEO has developed its environmen-
                                                                                                                                                                               Systemic biodiversity                       Recreate fertile soils
     tal excellence strategy through a dialogue      SOLIDEO seeks to involve citizens in the execu-                                                  Overall life-cycle
                                                                                                                                                                                    approach                                est 2050-adapted
     with local authorities, experts and construc-   tion of its urban projects to support the evolu-         ow carbon wood
                                                                                                             L                                           approach                                                          species
                                                     tion of territories.                                    and/or cement
     tion industry professionals, urban services                                                                                                                                                                           The city as substrate
                                                                                                             Reversible / Demountable
     providers, energy specialists, architects and   With this in mind, SOLIDEO envisages various pos-                                                                                                                     Zero net impermeability
                                                                                                             Modelling, LCA and Labelling
     urban planners. It also works with a Multi-     sibilities for activating its works sites and encou-                                                                                                                  Urban agriculture
                                                                                                              ocal energy production
     disciplinary Scientific Council on an           raging residents and users to take ownership of         and storage
     ongoing basis (see p. 36).                      the new neighbourhood. Residents must therefore         Reuse of existing structures

         The strategy has also laid out in accor-    be kept informed throughout the duration of the
     dance with international, national, regional    project and locals and current and future users                                                                            Biodiversity                      Water cycles
     and local public policy (2015 Paris Agree-      must be involved with the design and program-
                                                     ming of certain parts of the Athletes’ Village and     RE Distributed                               Carbon
     ment, 2014 Biodiversity Plan, Regional Cli-
                                                                                                             and shared                                                                                      Urban agriculture
     mate, Air and Energy Scheme for the             the Media Cluster.
     Ile-de-France Region, Paris Climate Plan,       SOLIDEO seeks in particular to mobilise pupils at
     etc.)                                                                                                                                                                                               Multi-sensory and new
                                                     schools located within Olympics and Paralympics
                                                                                                                                                                                                           usage approach
         The environmental excellence strategy       operations and to organise events.                                                                                     Comfort
     was adopted by SOLIDEO’s Board of Direc-        SOLIDEO’s participation goals will be incorporated
                                                                                                                                                                           and climate
     tors on 16 October 2018. This document sets     into environmental excellence and universal                    Building                                                                                         esilience to
     out the strategy’s principles for all works     accessibility processes as part of an innovative              circularity                                                                                      extreme events
     that SOLIDEO will carry out, and establishes    city approach, through a study of the future uses                                                                                                               ccessibility for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    cognitive disabilities
     the first undertakings.                         of the Olympics and Paralympics works.                                                                                                                         Sanitary conditions
                                                                                                                                               Comfort and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ummer comfort
                                                                                                                                             resilience under                                                       under 2050 climate
                                                                                                                                               2050 climate                               Universal
                                                                                                                                                                                         accessibility              Pedestrian volumes

30   DESIGNING THE CITY OF THE FUTURE                                                                                                                                                                                                                 31
Universal                                                                                                         ACTION! THE ADVENTURE BEGINS…
                                                                                                                                                               Our milestones
        accessibility                                                                                                                                                 for 2019
     Optimal comfort for users                                                                                            1                            2                          3                            4

                                                                                                                         Construction specialists     General programming        Land specialists             Design of the works
                                                                                                                         Identify the main            Validate the list of       Successfully                 Complete design
     A comfortable space that is obstacle-free and            This applies as much to buildings (facilities, housing
                                                                                                                         private partners to          works and development      conclude operations          of the works
     easy to navigate is a welcoming space for eve-           and office space) as to public spaces, which must          execute the works            programmes                 to secure land use
     rybody. Hosting the Olympic and Paralympic               be functional and enjoyable, and providing a place
     Games should establish the territory as a refe-          where everybody can feel welcome.
     rence for universal accessibility, in an ambitious
     desire to include all people with a disability                                                                       5                            6                          7                            8
                                                              THE ATHLETES’ VILLAGE
     (whether motor, sensory or cognitive).
                                                                                                                         Vision                       Project management         Olympic, Paralympic          Governance
                                                              This must meet requirements during the Paralym-
     SOLIDEO will develop a universal design process,                                                                    Launch operation of          Define steering            and sporting aspects         Increase rigour
                                                              pics stage and also provide high usage standards
     the goal of which is to take into consideration all of                                                              outreach strategies          methods and launch         Organise working relations   and efficiency
                                                              for everybody once the Games are over.
     the needs of persons with a disability so that the                                                                  for the works                project reporting          with Paris 2024 and
     works can provide the most comfortable conditions        Accordingly, 100% of the housing in the Athletes’                                                                  the other partners
     possible for all users, both during the Games and        Village will remain accessible after the Games,
     once the sites have been reconverted.                    which entails meeting precise specifications (for
                                                                                                                          9                           10
                                                              bathrooms, lifts, widths of internal corridors, etc.),
                                                              and exacting standards in terms of architectural           Industrial impact            Communications
                                                              quality so that these specifications can be flawlessly     Mobilise industrial          Build the communications
                                                              incorporated.                                              sectors linked to the City   strategy and plan for
                                                                                                                                                      each audience
32   DESIGNING THE CITY OF THE FUTURE                                                                                                                                                                                               33
                                                                                                                     Organization chart
                                                                  Once year after its creation, SOLIDEO has over
                                                             fifty employees working within five divisions.

                                                                By the end of 2019, over seventy employees will
                                                             have joined this unique enterprise and adventure.

                                                                 It is an agile enterprise whose guiding prin-
                                                             ciples are responsibility and creativity, an enter-                                               General Management
                                                             prise that is bringing aboard employees on                    Board of Directors
     A driving force                                         professional accreditation contracts and interns             Anne HIDALGO
                                                                                                                                                               Nicolas FERRAND                        Accounting Agency
                                                                                                                                                             Chief Executive Officer
                                                             in order to share experience and knowledge.                    President
        SOLIDEO is a community of women
     and men of all origins, possessed of                        SOLIDEO respects the women and men who
                                                             form the company’s backbone, and is committed
     the same enthusiasm and ambition:                       to social responsibility in the following five areas:
     to deliver landmark Olympic and
                                                                Ensuring that its activities are sustainable,
     Paralympic infrastructures on time
     and within budget and to ensure                            Guaranteeing overall safety,
     that these are subsequently adapted                        Promoting long-term, high-quality career
     to the needs of residents.                                  paths,
         Developers, engineers, architects, and legal           Guaranteeing inclusion, universal
     and financial specialists, all deploying a high level       accessibility and a workplace free of                 Programmes               Contract Development       Institutional Relations,       General Secretariat
     of skill together with their extensive experience to        discrimination,                                         Division                     Division              Communication and
     meet this requirement.
                                                                Promoting its solidarity commitment.                                                                         Security Division

34   ACTION! THE ADVENTURE BEGINS…                                                                                                                                                                                              35
SOLIDEO                                 SOLIDEO has set up its own Scien-
                                     tific Council to engage fully with the

                                     2050 city and its challenges.
                                                                                          The three main roles of the Scientific Council:
                                        The SOLIDEO Scientific Council is composed
                                     of 14 international public figures, mobilising

                                     expertise in six major areas of the 2050 city:
                                                                                           1   P
                                                                                                roviding new perspectives to inform       3   S
                                                                                                                                                upporting SOLIDEO’s innovation
                                       2 cross-cutting fields: Future-oriented urban          the thinking of SOLIDEO teams                   process
                                        planning, Technology/Innovation,                       — Offering foresight for 2050                  — Keeping track of “urban” innovation
                                                                                               — Developing a cross-cutting, integrated       — Evaluating certain projects and
                                       4 that are taken from the main tenets of
                                                                                                  approach to environmental issues                participating in choices made,
                                        SOLIDEO’s environmental excellence strategy:
                                                                                                                                                  particularly in calls for innovative
                                        Carbon-neutrality, Climate, Resources,             2   Establishing a scientific base
                                                                                                                                                  projects and trials, in how the
                                        Ecosystems.                                            — Basing SOLIDEO’s goals and
                                                                                                                                                  Innovation Fund (€50 million)
                                                                                                  specifications upon this foresight
                                         Scientific Council members will enrich                                                                   included in SOLIDEO’s budget
                                                                                                  for the 2050 city
                                     SOLIDEO’s environmental excellence strategy by                                                               is used and in the choice of real
                                                                                               — Identifying the conditions for success
                                     providing their expertise on the climate scenarios                                                           estate operators and projects
                                                                                                  of the 2050 city, for immediate
                                     created, and their foresight on urban and social                                                             for the Olympic and Paralympic
                                     developments, the inclusion of digital technology                                                            Village and the Media Cluster.
                                     into cities and the robustness and appropriateness
                                     of certain technologies.

36   ACTION! THE ADVENTURE BEGINS…                                                                                                                                                       37
                                                                  What action
                                                                        in the here
     JULIEN DOSSIER, Quattrolibri    RAFIQ HAMDI, Royal
     FRANÇOIS BELLANGER,             Meteorological Institute
     Transit-City                    of Belgium

                                                                    and now?
                                     Lateral Thinking Factory
     NICO TILLIE, TU Delft
                                     SABINE BARLES,
     ROLAND STULZ, 2000-Watt
                                     PHILIPPE CLERGEAU,
                                     Muséum National d’Histoire
     PR. CORINNE LE QUÉRÉ FRS,       Naturelle                      The standard route         The integrated route          The proactive route
     Committee on Climate Change
                                     LUC ABBADIE, Institute of
     BENOIT LEGUET, I4CE             Ecology and Environmental    Consultations               Consultations                Until 2023
     VALÉRY MASSON,                  Sciences                     Summer 2019 – Summer 2021   March 2019 – Summer 2019     in view of delivery
     CNRM -GAME                                                   for works 2021 – 2023       for works 2021 – 2023        of all works
                                                                                                                           in the first quarter of 2024
                                                                     ver 350 consultations     Integration within a
                                                                    and calls for projects       consortium of operators      Direct talks with
                                                                    to build the Olympics                                      SOLIDEO to demonstrate
                                                                                                 utcome goals to
                                                                    infrastructure                                             innovations
                                                                                                promote innovation
                                                                     utcome goals to                                         T
                                                                                                                               he challenges
                                                                    promote innovation                                        - Reliability
                                                                                                                              - Reproducibility
                                                                     5% reserved for VSEs/
                                                                    SMEs                                                      E
                                                                                                                               verything is possible,
                                                                                                                              there are no guarantees
                                                                                                                              in principle!
                                            96, boulevard Haussmann 75008 Paris

  design LUCIOLE • February 2019 • printed on FSC paper from responsible sources
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