OLLI FALL 2021 COURSE CATALOG - University of Cincinnati

Page created by Erik Shelton
IMPORTANT DATES                                                     PRICING & REFUNDS
Fall Term: Sep. 20–Nov. 12                                          Fall Term Membership Fee: $75.
Most classes will not meet on Nov. 11.                              Your $75 Membership Fee entitles you to take up as many
Registration Opens: Aug. 17, 10 am.                                 class as you like. Most in-person, multiweek courses have an
                                                                    additional $5 fee. Some fieldtrips have a nonrefundable
                                                                    admission fee.
                                                                    Moderators of multiweek Fall courses and McMicken
Both in-person and online classes are offered. Download             Society members receive a complimentary membership.
Zoom Client for the best online class experience. Class             Please notify the office before registration opens if you are
format and location are indicated in the course descriptions.       eligible for a free membership.
Online classes are interactive, offered in real time, and not       Refunds after the first week of classes are at the director’s
recorded or pre-recorded. Most in-person classes take place         discretion. Email olli@uc.edu or call 513-556-9186.
at UC Victory Parkway Campus (VPC), 2220 Victory Pkwy.
Along with professors and other educators, OLLI classes
are taught by professionals from many fields as well as
                                                                    WAIT LISTS
passionate hobbyists. A brief biography of each class               If a class you want is full, you may place yourself on a wait
moderator is included with the course description.                  list. If a place opens in that class, the first person on the list
                                                                    will be notified by phone or email and have a limited
                                                                    amount of time to respond before the place is offered to the
OLLI MEMBERSHIP                                                     next person on the list.
OLLI programs are designed for adults aged 50 and older.
The only prerequisite is a desire to learn.
                                                                    ZOOM TRAINING
Your $75 Membership Fee entitles you to take up as many
                                                                    You may sign up for Zoom training without paying the
class as you like. Most in-person, multiweek courses have an
                                                                    registration fee or signing up for OLLI classes. On the online
additional $5 fee. Some fieldtrips have a nonrefundable
                                                                    registration portal, use the [Select Term] menu to select
admission fee. Please be considerate of others by signing up
                                                                    Zoom Training. You will find multiple online Zoom training
for only the classes that you intend to attend.
                                                                    classes that take place before the term begins. We strongly
                                                                    recommend that you participate in a training session if you
FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE                                                have not previously used Zoom.
Financial assistance is available to all who need it. Send a
short statement of need to olli@uc.edu to request a                 DISCLAIMER
scholarship or call 513-556-9186 for information.
                                                                    The views and opinions expressed in OLLI courses are strictly
                                                                    those of the moderators and their guest speakers. Course
REGISTRATION                                                        content has not been reviewed by the Osher Lifelong
                                                                    Learning Institute at the University of Cincinnati. Consult
Registration opens Tuesday, Aug. 17, 10 am.
                                                                    your financial advisor before acting on any implied or actual
You may register online (strongly recommended) or by mail           recommendations concerning the investment of your
by printing and mailing the completed registration form             money. Consult your physician before following any
(online and on p. 28 of this document) with a check for $75         medical, nutritional, or exercise program or advice.
plus any class or admission fees. No phone registration.
Moderators of multiweek Fall courses and McMicken
Society members receive a complimentary membership.
                                                                    CONTACT US
Please notify the office before registration opens if you are       EMAIL: olli@uc.edu
eligible for a free membership.                                     PHONE: 513-556-9186
For planning purposes, you can find the Schedule-at-a-              VISIT: 2220 Victory Pkwy., Suite 207, Cincinnati, OH 45206
Glance online and on pages 25-27 at the end of this
                                                                    MAIL: OLLI at UC, PO Box 210093, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0093

           NOTE (updated Aug. 4!): these protocols are subject to change. OLLI follows
         all UC guidance regarding COVID-19 and the health and safety of our members.

COVID-19 is a factor in planning for the foreseeable future,        We have reduced capacity somewhat in classrooms to
and as we plan, the health and wellbeing of our university          prevent crowding, but not to accommodate six feet of
and surrounding community guide the recommendations                 social distancing for all attendees. No food or drink may
and decisions for our UC community. Flexibility is key, and         be consumed in any classrooms.
we will continue to review and adapt our policies and               Elevators at Victory Parkway are very small. Most classes
practices, keeping foremost the safety and concern for all          will be located on lower levels to permit use of stairs by
our populations, including those at higher risk of severe           those who are able. Please do not crowd into elevators. Use
illness from COVID-19. Updated information can be found at          the stairs whenever possible.
                                                                    High-touch areas of campus are cleaned frequently
                                                                    throughout the day. Classrooms are cleaned each evening
FACIAL COVERINGS & SOCIAL DISTANCING                                but not between classes during the day.
UPDATED Aug. 4! Given the most-recent developments with
the virus, and in keeping with new guidance from the CDC,           PROGRAMS AT OTHER LOCATIONS
UC requires all individuals, both fully vaccinated and those
not fully vaccinated, to wear a facial covering indoors             Other locations that host OLLI programs may have different
(unless you have received an exemption or accommodation;            requirements around facial coverings, social distancing, and
or when eating, drinking, or alone in a private room).              COVID-19 vaccination.

Those who are not fully vaccinated are required to wear a           Failure to abide by their protocols will result in your
facial covering when outdoors and unable to maintain social         dismissal from that program and potentially from OLLI.
distancing. Individuals who are not wearing a facial covering
outdoors are attesting to compliance with this requirement.
                                                                    GOOD HEALTH PRACTICES
                                                                    The same precautions that will protect you from the
EATING & DRINKING                                                   common cold and the flu will protect you from COVID-19:
UPDATED Aug. 4! No food or drink is permitted in                        •   Wash your hands often with soap and water for
classrooms. There is no food service or vending machines                    at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand
available at Victory Parkway Campus.                                        sanitizer if soap and water are not available.
Eating and drinking by necessity involve removing a facial              •   Avoid touching your mouth, nose, or eyes.
covering, and this may pose a risk of transmission. To                  •   Cover coughs/sneezes with your arm or a tissue.
minimize the risk of transmission:                                      •   Avoid exposure to others who are sick.
                                                                        •   Stay home if you are ill (except to visit a health care
    •   Maintain distance from others who are not part of
                                                                            professional) and avoid close contact with others.
        your household while eating/drinking.
                                                                            See CDC guidelines on when to quarantine.
    •   Avoid prolonged meals (15 minutes or more)
                                                                        •   Get adequate sleep and eat well-balanced meals
        without a facial covering in lunch areas.
                                                                            to ensure a healthy immune system.
    •   Those who are not fully vaccinated should avoid
                                                                        •   Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects
        eating and drinking indoors or with others.
                                                                            and surfaces.

ART & ART HISTORY                         1801 Public Lands–Sacred Spaces           2502 Understanding Vipassana
1007 Found Objects and Your               (VPC-WED)                                 Meditation (VPC-THU)
Imagination (VPC-MON)                     1802 Saving the World One Mission         2305 Your Medical Care as It Relates to
1504 IN PERSON OPTION: Historical         at a Time (VPC-WED)                       Anatomy, Physiology, and Disease States
Art of the United States, 1570–1950       1302 What's Going on with the             (ZOOM-THU)
(VPC-TUE)                                 European Union? (VPC-MON)
1505 ONLINE OPTION: Historical Art                                                  FINANCE & RETIREMENT
of the United States, 1570–1950           ETHNIC STUDIES                            1705 Financial Workshop: Your Source
(ZOOM-TUE)                                1005 Class, Gender, and Race in           for Financial Education (ZOOM-TUE)
6008 Portrait of Jewish Cincinnati: A     American Education (ZOOM-MON)
Bicentennial Celebration (ZOOM-FRI)       1305 Delving into the Lives of African    FOREIGN LANGUAGE
2405 IN-PERSON OPTION: Simply             American Women through Literature,        1102 Basic German Conversation
Brilliant: Artist-Jewelers of the 1960s   Part 2 (ZOOM-MON)                         (VPC-MON)
and 1970s (VPC-THU)                       6003 Dia de los Muertos and Other         2301 Beginning French Conversation
2406 ONLINE OPTION: Simply Brilliant:     Hispanic Holiday Traditions (ZOOM-FRI)    (VPC-THU)
Artist-Jewelers of the 1960s and 1970s    1605 IN-PERSON OPTION: Evolutionary       2201 Beginning Italian Conversation/
(ZOOM-THU)                                Genetics (VPC-TUE)                        Past Tense (ZOOM-THU)
                                          1606 ONLINE OPTION: Evolutionary          1611 IN-PERSON OPTION: Cincinnati
CURRENT EVENTS, LAW & POLITICS            Genetics (ZOOM-TUE)                       Speaks Italian!? (VPC-TUE)
1004 Can We Keep Our Democratic           1407 Learn to Meditate from Christian,    1612 ONLINE OPTION: Cincinnati Speaks
Republic? (ZOOM-MON)                      Hindu, and Buddhist Perspectives          Italian!? (ZOOM-TUE)
1005 Class, Gender, and Race in           (ZOOM-TUE)                                2202 Intermediate to Advanced French
American Education (ZOOM-MON)             1103 IN-PERSON OPTION: Three              Conversation (VPC-THU)
2801 Coldest War: Toward a Return to      Thousand-Year Reign of Egyptian           1401 Italian for Beginners (ZOOM-TUE)
Great Power Competition in the Arctic?    Pharaohs (VPC-MON)
(VPC-FRI)                                 1104 ONLINE OPTION: Three Thousand-
1615 IN-PERSON OPTION: Do                 Year Reign of Egyptian Pharaohs     GARDENING & NATURE
Community Schools Lead to Better          (ZOOM-MON)                          1006 Putting the Garden to Bed
Schooling and Better Neighborhoods?       2502 Understanding Vipassana        (ZOOM-MON)
(VPC-TUE)                                 Meditation (VPC-THU)
1616 ONLINE OPTION: Do Community                                                    HISTORY & SOCIAL SCIENCES
Schools Lead to Better Schooling and                                                2413 IN-PERSON OPTION: 535 CE, the
Better Neighborhoods? (ZOOM-TUE)          EXERCISE, HEALTH & WELLNESS
                                                                                    Worst Year Ever (VPC-THU)
2203 CANCELLED Finding Solutions to       1407 Learn to Meditate from Christian,
                                          Hindu, and Buddhist Perspectives          2414 ONLINE OPTION: 535 CE, the
America's Problems (VPC-THU)                                                        Worst Year Ever (ZOOM-THU)
2806 Future of Persian Gulf Security                                                2802 Aphrodisiacs: Forbidden Foods
(VPC-FRI)                                 1609 IN-PERSON OPTION: Lighten Up
                                          and LOL! Use Your Imagination and Play    and Beverages (ZOOM-FRI)
1003 Great Legal Issues of the 21st       Like a Child (VPC-TUE)                    1106 Archaeology in the Ohio River
Century (VPC-MON)                                                                   Valley: Connecting Past and Present
                                          1610 ONLINE OPTION: Lighten Up and
1402 CANCELLED Nationalism vs.            LOL! Use Your Imagination and Play Like   (ZOOM-MON)
Globalism: The Defining Conflict of the   a Child (ZOOM-TUE)                        9002 Dinsmore Farm and Homestead
21st Century (VPC-TUE)                                                              (OTHER-SUN)
                                          1301 Move into Ease (VPC-MON)
2803 Principles, Politics, and                                                      1803 Extraordinary Women of the Past
Preferences at the Supreme Court          1901 Nia Technique: Moving with
                                          Pleasure and Joy (VPC-WED)                (VPC-WED)

HISTORY & SOCIAL SCIENCES (cont.)        HOBBIES, SPORTS & OTHER                    MUSIC
1603 IN-PERSON OPTION: Generalship       8101 Bridge 101: Introduction to Bridge    2205 IN-PERSON OPTION: Bluegrass
of U.S. Grant—A Modern View              (OTHER-TUE)                                Music (VPC-THU)
(VPC-TUE)                                1509 CANCELLED Calling All Crafters        2206 ONLINE OPTION: Bluegrass Music
1604 ONLINE OPTION: Generalship          (ZOOM-TUE)                                 (ZOOM-THU)
of U.S. Grant—A Modern View              6003 Dia de los Muertos and Other          1704 Exploring Opera (VPC-TUE)
(ZOOM-TUE)                               Hispanic Holiday Traditions (ZOOM-FRI)     2303 IN PERSON OPTION: For the Love
2208 History of Interesting People Who   1902 Football 101 (VPC-WED)                of Music (VPC-THU)
Lived in the Last 200 Years (ZOOM-THU)
                                         1503 Genealogy: Finding Your Family's      2304 ONLINE OPTION: For the Love of
2503 IN PERSON OPTION: India: The        Past (VPC-TUE)                             Music (ZOOM-THU)
Company and the Raj (VPC-THU)
                                         2807 Italy: Unified Country, Regional      1613 IN-PERSON OPTION: Lady Sings
2504 ONLINE OPTION: India: The           Tastes (ZOOM-FRI)                          the Blues (and Swing and Bebop and
Company and the Raj (ZOOM-THU)                                                      Torch...) (VPC-TUE)
                                         2209 CANCELLED Knitting Circle
2407 IN-PERSON OPTION: Invention         (ZOOM-THU)                                 1614 ONLINE OPTION: Lady Sings the
and Dissent (VPC-THU)                                                               Blues (and Swing and Bebop and
                                         8402 Let's Do Lunch: Our Favorites
2408 ONLINE OPTION: Invention and        (OTHER-FRI)                                Torch...) (ZOOM-TUE)
Dissent (ZOOM-THU)                                                                  2411 IN-PERSON OPTION: Listen to the
                                         2302 Magic for the Young at Heart
1105 Mythology with Joseph Campbell      (VPC-THU)                                  Lyric (VPC-THU)
(ZOOM-MON)                                                                          2412 ONLINE OPTION: Listen to the
                                         2210 Papercrafting (VPC-THU)
6004 One Hundred Years of Cincinnati                                                Lyric (ZOOM-THU)
Radio (ZOOM-FRI)                         9003 Pub Night at the Cock & Bull,
                                         Glendale (OTHER-TUE)                       8302 Origin and Development of
6001 Opening the Ark: Bringing a Lost                                               Western Music (EMAIL-THU)
Polish Synagogue to Life (ZOOM-FRI)      6006 Scaled to Perfection: Art of the
                                         Miniature (ZOOM-FRI)                       1409 Tannhäuser and Lohengrin by
1405 IN-PERSON OPTION: Rise of China                                                Richard Wagner (vpc-TUE)
and Their Global Ambitions (VPC-TUE)     2204 Spice of Life (VPC-THU)
                                                                                    1707 What Is Jewish Music?
1406 ONLINE OPTION: Rise of China and                                               (ZOOM-TUE)
Their Global Ambitions (ZOOM-TUE)     LITERATURE & DRAMA
2804 Spice Trade and the Age of          1305 Delving into the Lives of African     PHILOSOPHY & RELIGION
Exploration (ZOOM-FRI)                   American Women through Literature,         2507 How to Be Wholly Holy, Part 3
1607 IN-PERSON OPTION: That '70s         Part 2 (ZOOM-MON)                          (ZOOM-THU)
Class (VPC-TUE)                          2805 History and the Literature: All the   1403 What Is the Meaning of Love?
1608 ONLINE OPTION: That '70s Class      Light We Cannot See (VPC-FRI)              Plato's Viewpoint (VPC-TUE)
(ZOOM-TUE)                               1507 Murder and Mayhem in the British
1103 IN-PERSON OPTION: Three             Isles (ZOOM-TUE)                      PHOTOGRAPHY
Thousand-Year Reign of Egyptian          8401 Novels by Margaret Atwood        1905 Discover Better Composition for
Pharaohs (VPC-MON)                       (OTHER-FRI)                           Better Photographs (VPC-WED)
1104 ONLINE OPTION: Three Thousand- 8301 Novels with Relevance to Our               1002 Fundamentals of Photography,
Year Reign of Egyptian Pharaohs     Recent Past (OTHER-THU)                         Part 1 (VPC-MON)
(ZOOM-MON)                          2207 Reading across America                     1904 Greatest Photographs of All Time
1506 Tracing Homo Sapiens through   (ZOOM-THU)                                      (ZOOM-WED)
Europe into the Americas (ZOOM-TUE) 1408 CANCELLED! Resistance                      2601 Guided Photo Walks and
9001 Walkabout Mariemont                 (ZOOM-TUE)                                 Discussion (OTHER/VPC-FRI)
(OTHER-THU)                              1107 Science Fiction Novel as Literature 2105 Lightroom and Beyond: A Survey
6005 Women in WWII (ZOOM-FRI)            (ZOOM-MON)                               of Photography Post-Production
                                         1701 Shakespeare Alive! (VPC-TUE)        Software (ZOOM-WED)
                                         2506 Twentieth-Century Novel, 1925 to      1101 Photography Workshop
                                         1975 (ZOOM-THU)                            (VPC-MON)
SCIENCE, MATH & PSYCHOLOGY                  SELF-IMPROVEMENT                        TRAVEL
9004 Cincinnati Observatory                 1706 Beyond Happiness: The Promise      6007 Exploring Norway (ZOOM-FRI)
(OTHER-THU)                                 and Possibilities of Aging (ZOOM-TUE)   1001 Italia Mia/My Italy (ZOOM-MON)
1605 IN-PERSON OPTION: Evolutionary         2101 Living Fully (VPC-WED)
Genetics (VPC-TUE)                          2501 Mature Spirituality (VPC-THU)      WRITING
1606 ONLINE OPTION: Evolutionary            1502 Senior Shake-Up for a Richer,
Genetics (ZOOM-TUE)                                                                 1501 Advanced Poetry Writing
                                            More Fulfilling Future (VPC-TUE)        (VPC-TUE)
1806 Exploring the Basics of Genetics       1303 You Can Change How You Feel
(ZOOM-WED)                                                                          2102 After the First Draft: Well Written
                                            (VPC-MON)                               vs. Merely Written (VPC-WED)
6002 GE Aviation: 100 Years of
Reimagining Flight (ZOOM-FRI)                                                       1703 Memoir Wisdom: Stories Worth
                                            STAGE & SCREEN                          Telling (VPC-TUE)
1601 IN-PERSON OPTION: Geological
History of Landslides (VPC-TUE)             2103 IN PERSON OPTION: Broadway         2602 Playwriting Essentials (VPC-FRI)
                                            Musicals of the 1990s (Finally, We Made 1304 Remembering, Reflecting, and
1602 ONLINE OPTION: Geological              It!) (VPC-WED)
History of Landslides (ZOOM-TUE)                                                    Writing about Your Life (ZOOM-MON)
                                            2104 ONLINE OPTION: Broadway            1404 Writing for Children (VPC-TUE)
2409 IN-PERSON OPTION: How You              Musicals of the 1990s (Finally, We Made
Became You (VPC-THU)                        It!) (ZOOM-WED)                         1804 Writing Sonnets (ZOOM-WED)
2410 ONLINE OPTION: How You Became 2106 Children of the World through
You (ZOOM-THU)                          Filmmakers’ Lenses (VPC-WED)
2403 IN-PERSON OPTION: Inside the       1702 Fifties Culture and Sci-Fi Movies
Knee: Anatomy, Function, Injury, Aging, that Best Represent It (VPC-TUE)
Repair, Reconstruction (VPC-THU)
2404 ONLINE OPTION: Inside the Knee:
Anatomy, Function, Injury, Aging, Repair,
Reconstruction (ZOOM-THU)
1805 Looking for Exoplanets
2401 IN-PERSON OPTION: Magic of
Inattentional Blindness (VPC-THU)
2402 ONLINE OPTION: Magic of
Inattentional Blindness (ZOOM-THU)
1903 Migration of Our Energy Supply:
From Fossil Fuels to Solar and Wind
2505 Sustainability: The Greening of
America (VPC-THU)

1001 Italia Mia/My Italy                                             1004 Can We Keep Our Democratic Republic? UPDATED
Mondays, Sep. 20–Nov. 8, 9–10 am (ZOOM) $0                           Mondays, Sep. 20–Nov. 8, 9:30–10:30 am (ZOOM) $0
LIMIT: 20                                                            LIMIT: 15
Come and explore Italy to discover what makes it a popular           Our democratic republic is in trouble. The Constitution of
tourist destination. You will learn how to use the two train         1787 is part of the reason it’s in trouble. What changes do
systems, one of which was created by the president of                we the people have to insist be made to preserve our
Ferrari. We will talk about Italian food, how to order a meal,       democratic republic? Please come prepared to take part in
and tipping. Find out how best to navigate Venice, Florence,         lively discussions.
Rome, and little towns. Let a native Italian answer all your         Moderator: Jerry Harris is a retired lawyer, lobbyist, and law
questions and show you one of the most beautiful countries           school professor.
in the world. Ciao e grazie.
Moderator: Antonio Iemmola has been teaching Italian                 1005 Class, Gender, and Race in American Education NEW
language and culture at UC for 25 years and NKU for 29               Mondays, Sep. 20–Nov. 8, 9:30–10:30 am (ZOOM) $0
years. He enjoys sharing his love of his native country.             LIMIT: 15
                                                                     A history of American education shows that one of its purposes
1002 Fundamentals of Photography, Part 1 UPDATED                     is to maintain the distribution of wealth, class, opportunity,
Mondays, Sep. 20–Nov. 8, 9:30–10:45 am (VPC) $5                      and upward mobility in a manner favorable to those who
LIMIT: 14                                                            already have upper-class wealth and opportunities. We will
You have a great camera! Now what do you do to create                debate and discuss the reasons to accept that claim as well
great images? This is the first of a two-part course that            as reasons to reject it.
involves learning the fundamentals of photography and                Moderator: Tim Leonard taught the historical and
beyond. You’ll learn composition, exposure, light meters,            philosophical foundations of education at St. Xavier Univ. in
lenses, sensors, color temperature, camera body parts and            Chicago for 31 years.
functions, depth-of-field, focusing, equivalent exposure,
shooting in aperture and shutter priority, program and               1006 Putting the Garden to Bed NEW
manual modes, camera set-up, shooting examples, timer,               Mondays, Sep. 20–Oct. 11, 9:30–10:30 am (ZOOM) $0
bracketing, camera supports, and introduction to flash. You          LIMIT: 25
will create images to share with the class. This course is NOT       After a busy spring and summer turning dirt and seeds into
for point-and-shoot cameras.                                         food, flowers, and foliage, fall brings different gardening
Moderator: Craig Rouse has been immersed in photography              tasks and challenges. Get tips for wrapping up the growing
and videography for 50+ years. He has a BFA in broadcasting          season and preparing for winter interest in your landscape.
from UC-CCM and has been fortunate enough to win                     Moderator: Deb Price holds the distinction of Master
numerous photography and video awards over the years.                Gardener, having completed many studies on the subject.

1003 Great Legal Issues of the 21st Century UPDATED                  1007 Found Objects and Your Imagination
Mondays, Sep. 20–Nov. 8, 9:30–10:45 am (VPC) $5                      Mondays, Sep. 20–Oct. 18, 9:30–11 am (VPC) $5
LIMIT: 30                                                            LIMIT: 6
We will explore several significant legal issues that have           A class small in size but BIG on hands-on fun for developing
confronted the courts and have an impact on the day-to-day           and creating your own innovative and personal mixed-media
lives of Americans. These include workplace harassment, free         artwork. Basic supplies will be provided while encouraging
speech, minority and LGBTQ rights, church-state separation,          the addition of your choice of found objects reflecting your
abortion, Second Amendment, religious freedom, etc. Out-             life, personality, and interests. This small class encourages
standing lawyers who are active in these areas will be guest         your attendance and active participation—and is an excellent
speakers. They will share both sides of the issues as well as        opportunity to craft a special gift for friends or family.
their own positions. You will be encouraged to debate their
                                                                     Moderator: Thelma Shotten is a docent at the Contemporary
points of view.
                                                                     Arts Center and has taught at Cincinnati Public Schools, Art
Moderator: Donald B. Hordes, JD, LLM, George Washington              Academy, and NKU. Her mixed-media, enamel, and porcelain
Univ.; practicing law since 1969; frequent lecturer in all           artworks (the latter inspired by sea coral formations) have
areas of employment discrimination law; currently head of            been displayed at many Cincinnati-area art galleries and
the Litigation Department at Ritter and Randolph, LLC.               exhibitions.
1101 Photography Workshop UPDATED                                     1105 Mythology with Joseph Campbell UPDATED
Mondays, Sep. 20–Nov. 8, 11 am–12:15 pm (VPC) $5                      Mondays, Sep. 20–Nov. 8, 11 am–12:15 pm (ZOOM) $0
LIMIT: 12                                                             LIMIT: 40
With the moderators serving as facilitators and coaches, you          View and discuss a set of lectures by Joseph Campbell
will share your work, and all will participate in gentle dis-         (1904–1987). Campbell’s best-known work is his book The
cussion. Each week, we will have a challenge assignment of            Hero with a Thousand Faces (1949), in which he discusses
six photos to share. This workshop is designed for those who          his theory of the journey of the archetypal hero shared by
have previously completed a photography course, have a                world mythologies, termed the monomyth.
basic working knowledge of their camera, and want to                  Moderator: Jim Slouffman has been an artist and educator
engage at the next level.                                             for 50+ years. He is a member of the Steering Committee at
Moderators: David Kempton is a long-time photo enthusiast             the Greater Cincinnati Friends of Jung.
and has exhibited in several galleries around Cincinnati. Craig
Rouse has been immersed in videography and photography                1106 Archaeology in the Ohio River Valley: Connecting
for 50+ years. He has a BFA from UC-CCM in broadcasting               Past and Present UPDATED
and has been fortunate enough to win numerous video and               Mondays, Sep. 20–Nov. 8, 11 am–12:15 pm (ZOOM) $0
photography awards over the years.                                    LIMIT: 50
                                                                      Humans continue to shape and be shaped by the landscape,
1102 Basic German Conversation                                        forging long-lasting and deep connections. In the Ohio River
Mondays, Sep. 20–Nov. 8, 11 am–12:15 pm (VPC) $5                      Valley, people have lived on the land for more than 10,000
LIMIT: 20                                                             years. We will explore the archaeology and history of the
This introduction to German conversation emphasizes the               region from before the pre-contact construction of earthen
spoken German language involving everyday situations                  monuments to the settling of Cincinnati and surrounding
while traveling in German-speaking countries of Europe.               areas by colonists. We will also discuss the archaeological
This involves a minimal amount of grammar necessary in                process and the nature of science, emphasizing the impor-
forming simple sentences and phrases.                                 tance of method and inclusive interpretation in expanding
Moderator: Dieter Kohler was born and raised in Germany.              our understanding of the past.
He has extensive experience in teaching German and holds              Moderator: Sarah Hinkelman is a PhD candidate in anthro-
undergraduate and graduate degrees in German, political               pology with a focus in archaeology from OSU. She currently
science/international relations, and public administration.           serves as an archaeologist and Public Archaeology Outreach
                                                                      and Education Coordinator at the Archaeological Research
1103 IN-PERSON OPTION: Three Thousand-Year                            Institute based in Lawrenceburg, IN. Her research interests
Reign of Egyptian Pharaohs NEW                                        are stone tool manufacture and morphology, public engage-
Mondays, Sep. 20–Nov. 8, 11 am–12:15 pm (VPC) $5                      ment with archaeology, and cultural continuity in pre-contact
LIMIT: 100                                                            North America.
1104 ONLINE OPTION: Three Thousand-Year
Reign of Egyptian Pharaohs NEW                                        1107 Science Fiction Novel as Literature NEW
Mondays, Sep. 20–Nov. 8, 11 am–12:15 pm (ZOOM) $0                     Mondays, Sep. 20–Nov. 8, 11 am–12:15 pm (ZOOM) $0
UNLIMITED                                                             LIMIT: 25
Lets go back to Egypt’s history from 3,100 to 332 BCE to              Science fiction can be literature! Science fiction can comment
learn about the personalities and achievements of the most            on and frame and reframe our existence (and its future).
famous of the 170 male and six female pharaohs who ruled              We’ll look at some true masterpieces: The Time Machine
the country. They were worshipped as divine leaders and               (Wells); Fahrenheit 451 (Bradbury); I, Robot (Asimov);
lived during 31 dynasties over this nearly 3,000 years of             Stranger in a Strange Land (Heinlein); Dune (Herbert); and
ancient Egyptian history.                                             Contact (Sagan). Give science fiction a chance to show its
                                                                      glories! Course discussion as the class wishes.
Moderator: Howie Baum, BS industrial design and AS
mechanical engineering, worked as a mechanical and                    Moderators: John Briggs has advanced degrees in literature
industrial engineer at companies in Cincinnati and Dayton             and has taught for many years. He teaches for the partici-
doing product and process design. He has taught for 36                pants’ enjoyment and to help people find new things they
years at four universities and colleges.                              might not have considered. Doug Iden loves books and
                                                                      movies of all kinds and has moderated many courses for OLLI.

1301 Move into Ease UPDATED                                           peers, each of us has experienced events and people who
Mondays, Sep. 20–Nov. 8, 2:15–3:15 pm (VPC) $5                        have shaped who we are. Remember significant incidents
LIMIT: 15                                                             and influential people in your life—and write about them.
A touch of yoga, some energizing movement, a time for                 Reflect and understand more of who you are (and why).
relaxation, soulful stretching, and pumping life into each            Maybe you will write for others, too, but write primarily for
cell. This one-hour class oils your joints and breathes ease          yourself. Respond to prompts from moderator. Share your
into your bones, like giving yourself a massage. Wear                 writing and life experiences with classmates in this intimate
comfortable, loose clothing, and bring a mat or towel on              workshop for personal writing.
which to lie. Expect to feel rejuvenated!                             Moderator: Kathy Richardson has moderated OLLI courses in
Moderator: Karen Zaugg brings a lifetime of dance training,           novels, poetry, nonfiction, and autobiography writing and
yoga, and a variety of bodywork experiences to welcome                has co-chaired Wednesday WOWs. She retired after 42
you to exercise and a sense of wellbeing.                             years as English teacher and middle school head at Seven
                                                                      Hills School. She loves writing both poetry and prose and
1302 What’s Going on with the European Union? NEW                     feels privileged to share life experiences in writing classes.
Mondays, Sep. 20–Nov. 8, 2:15–3:30 pm (VPC) $5
LIMIT: 35                                                             1305 Delving into the Lives of African American Women
                                                                      through Literature, Part 2 NEW
A revolutionary experiment is going on across the Atlantic.           Mondays, Sep. 20–Nov. 8, 2:15–3:30 pm (ZOOM) $0
Brexit has been in the news for the last six years, but what          LIMIT: 12
about the rest of the European Union? It has expanded
greatly over the years in scope and number of countries,              African American women writers have made significant
and some problems are emerging. We will take a look at a              contributions to American literature. Join us in reading and
complicated structure and ask ourselves how much power                discussing several important works that delve into the lives
the EU really has over individual countries. If you’ve been           of African American women throughout American history.
able to travel to Europe recently, you will have noticed some         We will read key contributions to the literature, starting
travel advantages.                                                    with Zora Neale Hurston’s memoir, Dust Tracks on a Road.
                                                                      We’ll also read a book or selections from Lalita Tademy, Toni
Moderator: David Robertson has always been fascinated by              Morrison, Gloria Naylor, Paule Marshall, Alice Walker, Maya
foreign countries and languages. He majored in international          Angelou, Toni Cade Bambara, and Jaqueline Woodson.
relations in college, speaks three foreign languages, and has         Participation in Part 1 is not necessary for participation
traveled extensively in Latin America, North America, and             in Part 2.
Europe. He also enjoys reading and research.
                                                                      Moderator: Judy Schechter has taught at all levels of
1303 You Can Change How You Feel UPDATED                              education. She has always loved reading and talking about
Mondays, Sep. 20–Nov. 8 (no class 10/4),                              books with other people.
2:15–3:30 pm (VPC) $5
LIMIT: 24                                                             1401 Italian for Beginners
                                                                      Tuesdays, Sep. 21–Nov. 9, 9–10:30 am (ZOOM) $0
While anger, fear, and hurt are normal feelings, sometimes            LIMIT: 20
we have too much of them for our own good. This session
will introduce you to the Albert Ellis, PhD, method to change         Learn to communicate in this beautiful, musical language.
feelings. Rational Emotive Therapy (RET) is a self-help skill         You’ll acquire the basics of pronunciation, vocabulary,
that you can use to manage stress or change negative self-talk.       grammar, and sentence structure as you begin to develop
                                                                      your conversational skills. Emphasis will be on speaking and
Moderator: Mike Shryock is a licensed clinical counselor              pronunciation plus special expressions for travelers. We’ll
with many years’ experience using RET. He is also a                   include tips on traveling, sightseeing, and enjoying Italian
facilitator for Smart Recovery, a program using RET for               culture. Text: Italian: A Self-Teaching Guide by Edoardo A.
people with addiction.                                                Lèbano.
1304 Remembering, Reflecting, and Writing                             Moderator: Antonio Iemmola has been teaching Italian at
about Your Life                                                       UC for 25 years and NKU for 29 years. He enjoys teaching
Mondays, Sep. 20–Nov. 8, 2:15–3:30 pm (ZOOM) $0                       this beautiful language with a great culture, cuisine, and
LIMIT: 7                                                              fascinating history. When you speak Italian, it seems as if
                                                                      you are singing opera because it is very musical.
From child to teen to adult, from college to career to
retirement, from influence of family to that of friends and

1402 CANCELLED! Nationalism vs. Globalism: The Defining                 picture book about a table that has been in the White House
Conflict of the 21st Century UPDATED                                    since President Ulysses S. Grant.
Tuesdays, Sep. 21–Nov. 9, 9:30–10:45 am (VPC) $5
LIMIT: 30                                                               Rise of China and Their Global Ambitions NEW
National identity, culture and history, rising inequality, legacy       Tuesdays, Sep. 21–Nov. 9, 9:30–10:45 am
jobs challenged by global sourcing of labor, immigration                1405 IN-PERSON OPTION: (VPC) $5. LIMIT: 100
across national borders—these forces led to populist political          1406 ONLINE OPTION: (ZOOM) $0. UNLIMITED
reactions in the United Kingdom and the United States. How
are the leaders of these two countries responding to their              Over the last 50 years, China has achieved remarkable growth
common challenges: an aging population and work force, the              and has rapidly become an economic and military super-
impact of technology and trade on labor, and the threat to              power. How did this happen so quickly, and what are the
global stability posed by Putin’s relentless focus on defending         implications? The history of China will give insights, with
Russia? Book summaries and newspaper/magazine articles                  emphasis on origins, culture, religion, governance, and myths.
will give context to our discussions.                                   This course will be structured to encourage the sharing of
                                                                        insights and viewpoints. All information on China will help in
Moderator: Dan Nagel is a retired CPA with a lifelong                   the understanding of this ambiguous relationship.
interest in modern history.
                                                                        Moderator: Doug MacCurdy has presented many OLLI pro-
1403 What Is the Meaning of Love? Plato’s Viewpoint NEW                 grams and courses. Expect to hear lots of versions of the
Tuesdays, Sep. 21–Nov. 9, 9:30–10:45 am (VPC) $5                        truth from the entire class.
                                                                        1407 Learn to Meditate from Christian, Hindu, and
The word “love” covers so many aspects of human inter-                  Buddhist Perspectives
action. It is notoriously difficult to translate into another           Tuesdays, Sep. 21–Nov. 9, 9:30–10:30 am (ZOOM) $0
language. Yet we have all experienced it. Plato’s dialogue              LIMIT: 30
“The Symposium” is constructed as a conversation at a
dinner party during which each guest has to speak about                 Meditation is an excellent practice to quiet your mind and
love as he sees it. After an introduction to Plato and                  listen to yourself. Billions of people in the world have prac-
“dialogue,” we will discuss each speech in turn. You will be            ticed meditation for centuries. This simple 15-minute practice
expected to keep up with the reading; translations are                  may change your perspective on life. Everyone is welcome!
readily available.                                                      You will find it interesting regardless of your religious practice.
                                                                        Find out how silence can change your spiritual journey.
Moderator: Michael Marchal graduated from XU with an AB
in English and history, and from Fordham with an MA and                 Moderator: Kevin Celarek has a master’s degree in public
PhD in philosophy. He taught high school English for over               administration from UC and has taught meditation classes
four decades as well as philosophy as an adjunct at XU and              for four years at OLLI. He has meditated nearly every
Thomas More College. He has written three books on                      morning for 40+ years. For many years he studied Christian
conversion and education. In retirement, he has enjoyed                 Centering Prayer, Hindu Siddha Yoga, and Buddhist Insight
travelling and exploring.                                               Meditation. To seek deeper understanding, he continues to
                                                                        attend Christian and Buddhist retreats.
1404 Writing for Children
Tuesdays, Sep. 21–Nov. 9, 9:30–10:45 am (VPC) $5                        1408 CANCELLED! Resistance NEW
LIMIT: 8                                                                Tuesdays, Oct. 26–Nov. 9, 9:30–10:30 am (ZOOM) $0
                                                                        LIMIT: 20
Do you want to be a child again, using your imagination and
life experiences to write for children? Once written, would             Using Jennifer Nielsen’s historical fiction novel Resistance, we
you like to send your fiction or nonfiction story off to a              will learn about the young WWll resistance fighters who used
publisher or hand it down to your grandchildren? Freestyle              forged papers to become couriers. Based on actual people
creative writing on an assigned topic in class, book reviews,           and events, the novel reveals how these young Poles traveled
lectures, and guest speakers will help you create a story that          between isolated Jewish ghettos in Poland, smuggling in food
is suitable for children aged three through early teens. We’ll          and forged documents. At times, they were even able to
also discuss marketing tools and pros and cons of self-                 smuggle out people. “Though the Jewish resistance fighters
publishing.                                                             did not have much of a chance against the Nazis they were
                                                                        determined...to live—or die—with honor.”
Moderator: Connie Trounstine is author of The Worst
Christmas Ever and The Phantom Five, both chapter books                 Moderator: Barbara Solomon has been in the education
for middle-grade students, and Fingerprints on the Table, a             field for 40+ years. Among her favorite topics are novels.
1409 Tannhäuser and Lohengrin by Richard Wagner NEW                   1503 Genealogy: Finding Your Family’s Past UPDATED
Tuesdays, Sep. 21–Nov. 9, 9:30–10:45 am (VPC) $5                      Tuesdays, Sep. 21–Nov. 9, 11 am–12:15 pm (VPC) $5
UNLIMITED                                                             LIMIT: 30
We will spend eight weeks watching and discussing                     Discover facts about your ancestors: where they lived and
Tannhäuser and Lohengrin, early operas of Richard Wagner              died, whom they married and the children they had, whether
(1813–1883).                                                          they fought in wars, etc. We will discuss how to get started
Moderators: Charles Bretz has attended operas throughout              and how to document and organize your findings. We will
the US for his entire adult life. His love of opera began as a        look at resources: census and other government records,
teenager with opera at the Cincinnati Zoo. Steve Winter is a          newspapers, wills, land records, libraries, databases, and
retired engineer who became a convert to opera relatively             more. This course is for beginning genealogists as well as
late in life after seeing performances of Carmen and The              those with some experience.
Barber of Seville about 15 years ago.                                 Moderator: Kathy Womer is a member of the Hamilton
                                                                      County Chapter Ohio Genealogical Society. She has been
1501 Advanced Poetry Writing                                          researching family records for 15 years and moderating
Tuesdays, Sep. 21–Nov. 9, 11 am–12:15 pm (VPC) $5                     genealogy classes at OLLI for 5+ years.
If you have previous experience writing poetry, then this             Historical Art of the United States, 1570–1950 UPDATED
discussion workshop is for you. We will share work in class           Tuesdays, Sep. 21–Nov. 9, 11 am–12:15 pm
to gain a greater appreciation and sophistication in the              1504 IN-PERSON OPTION: (VPC) $5. LIMIT: 100
practice of the art. You will show your work to others and
                                                                      1505 ONLINE OPTION: (ZOOM) $0. UNLIMITED
gain an understanding of the possibilities of poetic language
and prosodic forms of expression that arise from what you             Starting with John White (1539–1593), American history
and your fellow writers are doing and aspire toward. You              has been chronicled by visual artists and photographers. We
will also conceptualize the possibilities of your subject             will follow this narrative using art that describes and records
matter to be shaped into effective poetic communication.              events and customs of our cultural heritage over nearly
                                                                      400 years.
Moderator: David Schloss is a retired professor of creative
writing, Miami Univ. His latest publication is The Heartbeat          Moderator: Sam Hollingsworth—OLLI moderator for 12
as an Ancient Instrument (Dos Madres Press, 2020).                    years; Stephen Appel Award recipient for excellence in
                                                                      teaching; exhibiting artist, NYC and Cincinnati; graduate of
1502 Senior Shake-Up for a Richer, More Fulfilling                    UC-DAAP; studied at Art Academy of Cincinnati; teaching
Future NEW                                                            artist (watercolor).
Tuesdays, Sep. 21–Oct. 26, 11 am–12:15 pm (VPC) $5
LIMIT: 20                                                             1506 Tracing Homo Sapiens through Europe into
                                                                      the Americas NEW
A “more fulfilling future” is different for everyone. Over six
                                                                      Tuesdays, Sep. 21–Nov. 9, 11 am–12 pm (ZOOM) $0
weeks, you’ll examine what that means to you and how you
                                                                      LIMIT: 20
might achieve it. Each week, the moderator will present a
topic with insight from thought-leaders (What has influ-              After tracing the routes of our modern ancestors into
enced your life so far? What brings you joy? What’s holding           Europe, we will focus on their splitting and branching into
you back?). Both enjoyable and thought-provoking, this                the peoples who crossed the Bering Strait into America
course will help you to shake things up a bit. It’s intended          during the last Ice Age. A brief recap of the modern science
for those who feel stuck and want to explore ways to make             of ancient DNA will be offered. Finally, we will survey the
their personal lives more rewarding.                                  new American eras: the Lithic, Archaic, and Woodland eras
                                                                      demonstrate the transition from hunter-gatherers to early
Moderator: Christine Klein, 62, has spent her career as a
                                                                      farmers to agricultural settlements. This survey highlights
healthcare researcher and writer. She is a lifelong Cincinnati
                                                                      artifacts and archeological evidence.
resident, mother of two, and experienced public speaker.
She previously presented “90 Days in an RV” for OLLI.                 Moderator: Denis Hogya, 40 years of teaching at UC. Many
                                                                      years of quality management training and seminars. Former
                                                                      Cleveland Metropolitan Parks naturalist.

1507 Murder and Mayhem in the British Isles NEW                       Evolutionary Genetics NEW
Tuesdays, Sep. 21–Nov. 9, 11 am–12 pm (ZOOM) $0                       Tuesday, Oct. 5, 12:30–1:45 pm
LIMIT: 25                                                             1605 IN-PERSON OPTION: (VPC) $0. LIMIT: 100
Join us as we venture across the pond for more murder and             1606 ONLINE OPTION: (ZOOM) $0. UNLIMITED
mayhem. We’ll begin with a bow to Agatha Christie, The
Mysterious Affair at Styles, followed by Martin Edwards’ The          Learn the mechanisms behind the evolution of DNA
Coffin Trail, Lucy Foley’s The Guest List, Elly Griffiths’ The        sequences, principles for population genetic variations, the
Stranger Diaries, Alexander McCall Smith’s The Philosophy             latest progress in molecular genetics, and the clinical and
Club, and Nicholas Blake’s The Beast Must Die. Murder                 social implications of evolutionary genetics. Dr. Tesfaye
makes for such intriguing discussions, does it not?                   Mersha is an associate professor at Cincinnati Children’s
                                                                      Hospital Medical Center and UC, where he leads the Popu-
Moderators: Barbara Burke and Brenda Gatti are looking                lation Genetics, Ancestry, and Bioinformatics Laboratory. His
forward to another session of thought-provoking                       research combines population genetics, genetic ancestry,
discussions. These two retired educators continue to be               and statistical genomics to unravel genetic and non-genetic
devoted OLLI volunteers and avid mystery readers.                     contributions to complex diseases and racial disparities in
                                                                      human populations.
1509 CANCELLED! Calling All Crafters
Tuesdays, Sep. 21–Nov. 9, 11 am–12 pm (ZOOM) $0
                                                                      That ‘70s Class NEW
                                                                      Tuesday, Oct. 12, 12:30–1:45 pm
Do you enjoy being creative…whether it is through needle-
                                                                      1607 IN-PERSON OPTION: (VPC) $0. LIMIT: 100
point, counted cross stitch, crocheting, origami, designing
jewelry, etc.? This “class” is designed for a group of people         1608 ONLINE OPTION: (ZOOM) $0. UNLIMITED
to gather virtually once a week to share their passions for a         The 1970s sometimes take a back seat to the revolutionary
variety of crafts while socializing.                                  ‘60s. But from Watergate to Saigon, from Roe v Wade to the
Moderator: Barb Solomon is a lifelong crafter. Her own skills         ERA, from Disney World to Microsoft and Apple, and Saturday
include needlepoint, basic crocheting, and jewelry design.            Night Live to disco, the ‘70s loom large in American history
                                                                      and in our own personal experiences. We’ll cover the top
Geological History of Landslides NEW                                  news stories plus review music, movies, fads and ads, and
Tuesday, Sep. 21, 12:30–1:45 pm                                       sports highlights. A fast romp through a memorable decade.
1601 IN-PERSON OPTION: (VPC) $0. LIMIT: 100                           Moderator Greg Rhodes is a long-time OLLI presenter who
                                                                      usually covers Reds baseball.
One of the leading natural disasters in the Cincinnati region         Lighten Up and LOL! Use Your Imagination and
is landslides. Learn how the geological and human history of          Play Like a Child NEW
this region has developed the perfect recipe for these mass           Tuesday, Oct. 19, 12:30–1:45 pm
wasting events and how Cincinnati prevents and mitigates              1609 IN-PERSON OPTION: (VPC) $0. LIMIT: 100
them. Presenter Brenda Hunda, PhD, is Curator of
Invertebrate Paleontology at Cincinnati Museum Center.                1610 ONLINE OPTION: (ZOOM) $0. UNLIMITED
                                                                      Laughter is said to be “good medicine,” and imagination is
Generalship of U.S. Grant—A Modern View NEW                           a powerful ally for vibrant aging. Join IAYT certified yoga
Tuesday, Sep. 28, 12:30–1:45 pm                                       therapist and Vibrant Aging Coach Sharon Byrnes to explore
1603 IN-PERSON OPTION: (VPC) $0. LIMIT: 100                           alternatives or antidotes to stress and worry. How much
                                                                      play do you include in each day? Without play, we become
1604 ONLINE OPTION: (ZOOM) $0. UNLIMITED                              malnourished, and we’re not much fun for others to be
Civil War historian Chris Burns will explore Grant’s rise as a        around. Don’t become a curmudgeon! There’s a child within
general who emerged from a combination of mistakes, quick             each of us yearning to come out and play. Nurture your inner
learning, and intuition. He remained steadfast on pressing            child starting today.
forward, regardless of his opponents’ plans. He utilized an
intelligence network of spies and southern unionists to dis-
cover the location and activities of the enemy. In the end,
his ability to focus pressure on all Confederate forces simul-
taneously, as well as leading the war to the doorstep of the
South, finally brought the Civil War to an end.

Cincinnati Speaks Italian!? NEW                                            1701 Shakespeare Alive! UPDATED
Tuesday, Oct. 26, 12:30–1:45 pm                                            Tuesdays, Sep. 21–Nov. 9, 2:15–3:30 pm (VPC) $5
1611 IN-PERSON OPTION: (VPC) $0. LIMIT: 100                                LIMIT: 20
1612 ONLINE OPTION: (ZOOM) $0. UNLIMITED                                   Discover the joy of reading Shakespeare aloud in a relaxed,
                                                                           informal atmosphere. We will cover A Midsummer Night’s
Italian is woven into the linguistic cultural fabric of Cincinnati.        Dream and Measure for Measure during the eight-week
While it is most evident in supermarkets, restaurants, and                 session. Class members will read the different parts and
culinary shows, Italian is very much embedded in the arts                  participate in a lively discussion. No memorizing or acting
and sciences as well as literature and music—not to mention                experience required—just a love of Shakespeare. Bring a
some well-known hand gestures that many may not appreci-                   copy of A Midsummer Night’s Dream to the first class.
ate their origin in Italy. Bring some of your own expressions
you may have picked up somewhere and join Gerardo                          Moderator: Bill Park is a retired psychotherapist with a
Perrotta, a native of Italy and teacher at Cincinnati’s School             lifelong passion for the works of Shakespeare. Sally Moore is
AMICI, in speaking Italian with a Cincinnati accent.                       a longtime OLLI moderator and admirer of Shakespeare’s
                                                                           genius and relevance to today.
Lady Sings the Blues (and Swing and Bebop
and Torch...) NEW                                                          1702 Fifties Culture and Sci-Fi Movies that Best
Tuesday, Nov. 2, 12:30–1:45 pm                                             Represent It NEW
                                                                           Tuesdays, Sep. 21–Nov. 9, 2:15–4:30 pm (VPC) $5
1613 IN-PERSON OPTION: (VPC) $0. LIMIT: 100                                LIMIT: 25
1614 ONLINE OPTION: (ZOOM) $0. UNLIMITED                                   What do you remember about the ‘50s and the sci-fi movies
Get a look at the iconic female jazz vocalists of the 20th and             from that era? Do you remember when you first saw them
21st centuries. Nancy Nolan, a jazz singer herself, will offer             and where? We will discuss the 1950s and the events of that
sketches of some of the most beloved singers of our time                   period and view seven or eight full-length sci-fi movies (not
and play their recordings in a tour from Bourbon Street to                 horror) that represent the mood and culture of that period,
New York City and beyond. She will talk about their lives,                 as well as how the genre evolved. Get set to see some of the
their careers, and a little about what made their music so                 more famous actors long before they experienced stardom.
engaging and successful. Nolan has a master’s degree in                    Moderator: Shannon Womer has a BA in psychology from
vocal music and has sung jazz for 40+ years.                               UC and is a retired employee of the healthcare field who has
                                                                           enjoyed sci-fi movies going on 60 years.
Do Community Schools Lead to Better Schooling
and Better Neighborhoods? NEW                                              1703 Memoir Wisdom: Stories Worth Telling NEW
Tuesday, Nov. 9, 12:30–1:45 pm                                             Tuesdays, Sep. 21–Nov. 9, 2:15–3:30 pm (VPC) $5
1615 IN-PERSON OPTION: (VPC) $0. LIMIT: 100                                LIMIT: 7
1616 ONLINE OPTION: (ZOOM) $0. UNLIMITED                                   Memoir writing gives voice to your personal stories of
The Community Learning Center Institute (CLCI) has trans-                  “becoming”—who you were, how you navigated life’s pas-
formed Oyler School in Lower Price Hill, a poor, urban-                    sages, who you’ve become. Your stories, with a bent toward
Appalachian community, into a community school with a                      creative nonfiction (plot, characters, setting, conflict, voice),
variety of co-located health and social services. In addition,             can turn those real-life experiences into stories your audience
it has produced the Lower Price Hill Resurgency Plan, now                  will cherish. In this course, each writer will share his/her
being implemented. UC Professor Emeritus of Planning                       stories online. Then the writer changes hats, becoming an
David Varady and CLCI Director of Neighborhood Develop-                    insightful reader—offering praise, questions, and constructive
ment Adelyn Hall will cover the history of Lower Price Hill,               ideas. The moderator will suggest topics, but you are free to
the evolution of Oyler CLC, the Resurgency Plan, implemen-                 choose other topics you prefer.
tation of the plan, and CLCI’s success in achieving educational            Moderator: Regina (Jean) Hellyer retired from teaching at
and neighborhood outcomes.                                                 Blue Ash College of UC where she taught writing, literature,
                                                                           and study skills. She enjoys writing her own memoirs using
                                                                           the genre called creative nonfiction—truthful narratives in
                                                                           story form. The method uses description, realistic characters,
                                                                           action, dialogue, and reflection. Revising is key as the writer
                                                                           “sees again” from a fresh perspective.

1704 Exploring Opera UPDATED                                           1707 What Is Jewish Music? NEW
Tuesdays, Sep. 21–Nov. 9, 2:15–3:30 pm (VPC) $5                        Tuesdays, Oct. 5–Nov. 2, 2:15–3:30 pm (ZOOM) $0
LIMIT: 100                                                             LIMIT: 24
Get ready to experience a real potpourri of opera. Each week           “Jewish Music is modern and ancient, sacred and secular,
will feature either a one-act opera or a single act from a             communal and personal, universal and particular” (Jeff
multi-act opera. The first six weeks will be moderator’s               Janeczko, Curator, Millikin Archive of Jewish Music). We will
choice. Class nominations will determine what we see during            explore these various aspects of Jewish music from all over
the final two classes. After watching the selections on video          the world and discover the characteristics that make these
(with subtitles), we’ll engage in a lively discussion.                 sounds “Jewish.” We will also explore the influence that
Moderator: Richard Goetz, PhD, is a retired industrial                 Jewish music has had on other cultures and how those
chemical research manager who has been listening to,                   cultures, in turn, influenced Jewish music. But mostly, we
studying, and attending opera since 1949.                              will listen to and enjoy discussing some interesting music.
                                                                       Moderators: Paul Evers, with degrees in mathematics and
1705 Financial Workshop: Your Source for                               public health, recently retired as a consultant to hospitals on
Financial Education NEW                                                administrative issues. His musical ability extends to turning on
Tuesdays, Sep. 21–Nov. 9, 2:15–3:30 pm (ZOOM) $0                       record players, radios, and similar devices. Barbara Taggart-
LIMIT: 36                                                              Milberg holds a music education degree from Indiana Univ.
                                                                       A retired programmer-analyst, she has performed as a
We believe financial education is an important step in helping
                                                                       member of orchestras, bands, and small ensembles.
you achieve a better future. That is why this financial work-
shop offers clear and practical investing education in a
                                                                       1801 Public Lands–Sacred Spaces UPDATED
convenient and comfortable format. You’ll gain a better
                                                                       Wednesdays, Sep. 22–Nov. 10, 9:30–10:45 am (VPC) $5
understanding of the key principles of saving and investing
                                                                       LIMIT: 30
and also learn specific strategies to help reach your long-
term goals.                                                            Presidents Clinton and Obama used the 1906 Antiquities Act
                                                                       to protect millions of acres of public land by creating national
Moderators: Ron and Andy Solada are a father and son team
                                                                       monuments. The Sagebrush Rebellion, which began in the
with Edward Jones. Collectively they have 25+ years of experi-
                                                                       1970s, seeks to transfer ownership of public land to the states
ence. Both Ron and Andy have taught financial classes at
                                                                       so it can be exploited. The fight over federal land began with
Sinclair Community College. Ron has taught financial classes
                                                                       the passage of the Federal Land Ordinance of 1785. This
at Univ. of Dayton OLLI. Their focus is on educating investors.
                                                                       course, first presented in 2018, covers the sometimes conten-
Their philosophy: “The informed investor is a better investor.”
                                                                       tious history of federal land. New material will follow a
                                                                       shortened recap of the earlier presentation.
1706 Beyond Happiness: The Promise and Possibilities
of Aging NEW                                                           Moderator: Bill Menrath recently retired from UC College of
Tuesdays, Sep. 21–Nov. 9, 2:15–3:30 pm (ZOOM) $0                       Medicine where he did research in environmental and occupa-
LIMIT: 50                                                              tional health. He also served as director of the Great Lakes
                                                                       OSHA Education Center and worked for the UN Environment
Why do we age? Is there a purpose? Is there meaning in old             Programme to assist Chinese laboratories develop quality-
age and the aging process? In our culture, we often think of           control methods for analyzing environmental samples.
retirement as a time to finally do what we’ve always wanted.
Of course, we also find new limitations and unexpected                 1802 Saving the World One Mission at a Time UPDATED
challenges. Through readings and group discussion, we’ll               Wednesdays, Sep. 22–Oct. 6, 9:30–10:45 am (VPC) $5
examine the possibilities that aging provides, the responsi-           LIMIT: 15
bilities of being elders, and perhaps discover a new promise
in getting older that helps us redefine happiness and a life           Learn about the world of Humanitarian Civil Military
well lived.                                                            Operations (CMO) and the Army’s efforts to win the hearts
                                                                       and minds of citizens in the countries of Afghanistan, Kosovo
Moderator: Rick Warm has a PhD in leadership and change                and the Balkans, and the Horn of Africa.
from Antioch Univ. and is director of the Center for Wisdom
in Leadership, a research and educational organization based           Moderator: Mark A. R. Koloc Sr., Colonel, US Army (retired),
in Cincinnati.                                                         is a combat veteran with 33 years of military service. He has
                                                                       an extensive background in strategic planning, operations,
                                                                       and command and served in Africa, Afghanistan, and numerous
                                                                       other counties. He is currently managing director of the
                                                                       nonprofit African Queen Project.
1803 Extraordinary Women of the Past UPDATED                           1806 Exploring the Basics of Genetics UPDATED
Wednesdays, Sep. 22–Nov. 10, 9:30–10:45 am (VPC) $5                    Wednesdays, Sep. 22–Nov. 10, 9:30–10:30 am (ZOOM) $0
LIMIT: 100                                                             UNLIMITED
Hear the exciting stories of 15 strong-willed women who                Certified genetics counselors will provide a basic overview
created extraordinary lives for themselves (illustrated with           of human genetics while exploring several hot topics in the
many pictures): Hatshepsut, Cleopatra, and Eleanor of                  genetics field. We’ll cover an introduction to genetics and
Aquitaine (rulers); Anne Bonny and Mary Read (pirates);                the field of genetic counseling; how to take a family history
Belle Starr (outlaw?); Theda Bara (Cincinnati “vamp”); Mata            and its utilization in risk management; genetics of common
Hari (spy?); Mother Jones and Sojourner Truth (fought                  diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and psychiatric
injustice); Sacagawea (showed the way); Annie Oakley,                  illnesses; genetic testing and screening; case examples of
Josephine Baker, and Coco Channel (from poverty to inter-              diagnostic odysseys; and genetics in the media. This course
national fame); and Pancho Barnes (flew high but lost it all).         is a precursor to “Exploring the Applications of Genetics” to
Moderator: Linda Kegg has led a variety of OLLI classes on             be offered in Spring 2022.
topics as diverse as Hamlet, exercise, origami, and the Tudors.        Moderators: Liana Dayhoff, MS, LGC, and Emily Wakefield,
                                                                       MS, LGC, are certified genetic counselors for the Division
1804 Writing Sonnets                                                   of Human Genetics at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Wednesdays, Oct. 20–Nov. 10, 9:30–10:45 am (ZOOM) $0                   Medical Center.
The 13th-century poet Giacomo da Lentini gets credit for               1901 Nia Technique: Moving with Pleasure
inventing the sonnet, Shakespeare popularized it in English,           and Joy UPDATED
and poets today continue to find inspiration in this compact           Wednesdays, Sep. 22–Nov. 10, 11 am–12:15 pm (VPC) $5
14-line poetic form. We’ll learn the history, form, and                LIMIT: 20
structure of the sonnet and write Petrarchan (Italian),                Nia is a sensory-based movement practice drawing from the
Shakespearean (English), and Modern (American) sonnets.                martial arts, dance arts, and healing arts. It empowers people
It’s not all iambic pentameter! Come prepared to write and             of all ages, shapes, and sizes by connecting body, mind, emo-
share your sonnets each week.                                          tions, and spirit. Classes are taken barefoot to soul-stirring
Moderator: Cate O’Hara holds an MA in English from Univ.               music in more than 45 countries. If you need to wear shoes,
of CA, Berkeley, and has led poetry writing workshops for              that’s ok too. Highly adaptable movements may also be
OLLI and others. She is director of OLLI.                              done from a chair.
                                                                       Moderator: Trish Riley discovered Nia after years of poor
1805 Looking for Exoplanets NEW                                        health and limited movement. It continues to be a part of
Wednesdays, Sep. 22–Nov. 10, 9:30–10:30 am (ZOOM) $0                   her healing journey. She began teaching in 2002 and received
UNLIMITED                                                              her Nia Black Belt in 2020. She is honored to share this
Many stars have been found to have planets (exoplanets)                movement practice. She also teaches special populations
orbiting them. We will briefly discuss theories of the                 such as cancer survivors, their caregivers, and adults with
formation of the planets in our solar system and compare               developmental issues.
them to the systems of the exoplanets that have been
discovered. We will discuss some of the methods used to                1902 Football 101 UPDATED
find exoplanets and how their atmospheres may indicate                 Wednesdays, Sep. 22–Nov. 10, 11 am–12:15 pm (VPC) $5
evidence of life on them.                                              LIMIT: 40
Moderator: Jim Rauf, BA physics, Thomas More College;                  Both football novices and armchair coaches will gain a better
BME mechanical engineering, Univ. of Detroit. Retired from             understanding of the games they might watch on TV or in
GE Aviation where he was a manager and principal engineer              person. We’ll cover an overview of the current strategies,
in the Commercial Engines Product Support Group.                       positions, offenses, and defenses being played at most levels
                                                                       of football. Become a more knowledgeable and enthusiastic
                                                                       fan. Everyone is welcome!
                                                                       Moderator: Robert Berta coached high school football for 45
                                                                       years, mostly as head football coach at Turpin High School on
                                                                       the east side of Cincinnati.

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