OLD YELLOW - fastway.zone

Page created by Johnny Mills
OLD YELLOW - fastway.zone

Giving an RM250 an off-road
                   offf road attitude

        The late ’90s to mid-2000s Suzuki             take us very long to find

>       RM250 two-strokes might just be the
        best used motorcycles out there. They
feature a strong engine and a great handling
package that makes the bikes fun to ride. This
is probably why we don’t come across many
                                                      out what was wrong with
                                                      the engine. The piston
                                                      had broken into pieces,
                                                      sending shrapnel down
                                                      into the lower end. Even though
                                                      the rod and bottom-end bearings seemed to
for sale; the people who have them want to
keep them. Thankfully, we met Ross Summers,           be fine, we decided to tear it down completely
a farmer from Tremonton, Utah, who had been           and rebuild it. It’s almost impossible to get all
able to purchase a 2004 Suzuki RM250 and              the broken pieces of a piston out of the bottom
was interested in doing a rebuild.                    end, and even if you do, the damage may have
   Of course, he knew the machine had some            already been done. Better safe than sorry.
issues; what else would you expect from an            Ross just happens to have a really good friend
almost 20-year-old piece of machinery? Since          who works at Syndicate Development, so he
this was going to be an off-road build, reliability   took care of all the engine details. A Wrench
and function were at the top of the list. It didn’t   Rabbit kit, featuring a full Hot Rods bottom

50 www.dirtbikemagazine.com                                                                               SEPTEMBER 2020 / DIRT BIKE 51
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                                         Syndicate Development in Utah took
                                         care of our RM250 engine with some
                                         help from industry-leading companies.

end, gaskets, bearings, piston, rings,                                           recommend using more than what is
wrist pin and circlips, was used to                                              supplied.
rebuild the engine. While the engine                                                The stock Suzuki wheels had
cases were split, the transmission                                               seen better days and needed some
was ISF polished for smoother shifting                                           attention. Collin and the crew at
characteristics. Once the engine was                                             Faster USA removed the old spokes,
reassembled, Syndicate Development                                               rims and bearings, leaving only the
also dyno-tuned the engine, installing                                           OEM hub. The hub was cleaned
a complete JD Jetting kit in the                                                 up in a blast machine, and then a
carburetor.                                                                      multi-layer bronze Cerakote finish
   The chassis was in slightly better    the chassis bearings were replaced      was applied. Once the Cerakote was
shape than the engine, but it was far    using bearing and seal kits from All    heated and cured, new bearings were
from what we would be comfortable        Balls. These kits come complete         installed in the hub. The refurbished
throwing a leg over. The main frame      with bearings, seals and races when     hubs were attached to a set of bright,
was sent off to be stripped down and     needed. Although each kit comes         Suzuki-yellow Excel rims (18 inches
powdercoated for a clean look. All       with a small tube of grease, we         in the rear for off-road use, of course)

52 www.dirtbikemagazine.com
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via stainless steel spokes, bringing      During the reassembly phase, we       its rear-brake clevis, wraparound       items that we used on this RM250        Decal Works topped off the build.          the feeling the owner gets being on
the wheels back to life.                really got to see our off-road vision   handguards with replaceable plastic     project. Trust us when we say a            With the build complete, it was         the bike. If smiles and bench-racing
   Race Tech tackled our suspension     take shape. An IMS, natural-colored     deflector shields and Flexx bars. To    kickstand is a great addition to any    time for our favorite part—the trail       material are the result, then it is a
needs. We have to admit, this RM250     oversized tank was installed for        run the oversized Flexx bars, we used   off-road build. It will come in handy   testing. With these types of off-road      successful project in our books. Ross
had seen better days and showed         increased fuel capacity, which equals   a set of Applied Racing handlebar       way more often than you think.          two-stroke rebuilds, it’s not about        Summers’ 2004 RM250 is a blast to
signs of neglect, but the Race Tech     more trail time. Larger IMS                 mounts instead of replacing the     Naturally, the RM250 didn’t come                 comparing them to new-            ride, with great handling and power
crew commented that they had seen       Super Stock pegs replaced                    entire top triple clamp.           stock with this option back in 2004,                  model off-road bikes,        that is easy to use. Everything you
way worse. With this being an off-      the 15-year-old OEM                            When preparing a bike for        but Pro Moto Billet makes a version                   although they are            need to spend a long day having fun
road build, they went slightly softer   units. We used a few                        off-road use, protection is key.    that bolts right on and tucks up                       probably in the same        on the trail is included on this RM250.
overall with spring rate and valving    products from                               P3 Carbon, Topar Racing,            out of the way. A complete UFO                           ballpark. These builds    We are just sad to see the bike leave
specs for comfort. They also replaced   Fasst Company,                               TM Designworks and Works           plastics kit wrapped in custom-                            are all about the       our possession and start its journey
all the seals, bushings and oil.        including                                     Connection all make bolt-on       designed graphics from Nic at                                   process and        back to Utah where Ross lives. ❏

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The build
The custom                                                                                                                                                                                                                             process was
graphics from                                                                                                                                                                                                                         long but well
Decal Works made                                                                                                                                                                                                                worth it when the
this build literally                                                                                                                                                                                                              finished product
sparkle. Look close                                                                                                                                                                                                            looks and runs like
and you will see what                                                                                                                                                                                                            our RM250 does.
we are talking about.


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OLD YELLOW - fastway.zone OLD YELLOW - fastway.zone OLD YELLOW - fastway.zone OLD YELLOW - fastway.zone OLD YELLOW - fastway.zone OLD YELLOW - fastway.zone OLD YELLOW - fastway.zone
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