Official Event Guide In Downtown Rio Vista - Rio Vista Bass Derby

Page created by Jeffery Swanson
Official Event Guide In Downtown Rio Vista - Rio Vista Bass Derby
In Downtown Rio Vista
      Official Event Guide                  
          Published by The Rio Vista Chamber of Commerce and The Rio Vista Beacon
Official Event Guide In Downtown Rio Vista - Rio Vista Bass Derby
Page 2                                                        Bass Derby & Festival 2021 Event Guide

73rd Annual Rio Vista Bass Derby & Festival Coming October 8, 9, & 10, 2021
W         e’re back – and   $250.00. In addition, on     tion to the fishing derby,   listening to some great    45 Main St. On Satur-        Be sure to check out
          better than       Sunday afternoon there       there will be food &         music scheduled on the     day, the Lion’s Club Car     the website (bassfestival.
          ever! The Rio     will be a drawing for        beverage vendors, along      pole barn stage, or make   Show will take place on      com) for more and/or
Vista Chamber of Com-       gear and other prizes        with arts & crafts and       your way to the dance      Main St., and at 9:15pm      changing information
merce and the City of       for fishing participants     informational booths         floor in front of the      come down to the river       for our wonderful Bass
Rio Vista will host the     following the cash           along N. Front St. The       band and show off your     to watch the glorious        Derby & Festival or call
73rd Annual Rio Vista       awards ceremony. Tick-       pole barn will be alive      best moves! In addi-       fireworks show! On           707-374-2700. More
Bass Derby & Festival       ets to fish the derby are    with music all weekend       tion to the pole barn      Sunday, line up on Main      information is available
on October 8, 9, & 10,      available online at bass-    long with some new-to-       stage, there will be a     St. for the old-fashioned    on our Facebook page
2021. This is the oldest or at the       the-festival bands as well   second stage with music    downtown parade. You         (Rio Vista Bass Derby
Bass (Striper) Derby        Chamber of Commerce          as our local favorites.      and events during the      can also sign up to be       and Festival) or stop by
fishing event on the        Visitor Center, 33 N.2nd     Food vendors will be         weekend.                   in the parade! Applica-      the Chamber of Com-
West Coast!                 St in Rio Vista, which is    serving up some deli-                                   tions are available at the   merce Visitor Center
                            open Tuesday through         cious food and drinks,       And the fun doesn’t        Rio Vista Chamber of         at 33 N.2nd St., Tues-
The fishing derby           Saturday, 10:00 am-          and picnic tables are        stop there! Head on        Commerce office or call      day through Saturday,
begins Friday, October      1:00 pm. Adult tickets       available in the beer        over to Main St., the      707-374-2700 for more        10:00am-1:00pm for
8 at 6:00 am and ends       are $50 and tickets for      garden, which will be        Rio Vista Food Pantry      information. Also on         Bass Derby hats, t-shirts,
Sunday, October 10 at       children 15 and under        serving ice-cold beer,       and Rio Vista CARE will    Sunday, there will be a      and more.
3:00 pm. This year the      are $10. The kids’ derby     wine, and margaritas.        sponsor the “Catch of      Corvette show. Come
1st Place Striped Bass      is for largest catfish and   Enjoy all of this while      Day” Rummage Sale at       on down and see these        We hope to see you
winner will receive         target-length striper and                                                            beautiful cars on display.   there!
$3,000.00, 2nd Place
Striped Bass winner
                            prizes include gift cards
                            and fishing gear. For        Tickets to fish the derby                               Entrance to the festival
will receive $1,500.00,
and 3rd Place Striped
                            additional information,
                            please call the Rio Vista     are available online at                                and parking is free. Our
                                                                                                                 very popular People
Bass winner will receive
$1,000.00. For Sturgeon
                            Chamber of Commerce
                            at 707-374-2700.      and                                  Mover will be shuttling
                                                                                                                 festival-goers up and
and Salmon categories,
the prizes are: 1st Place   The weekend is a
                                                          local bait shops listed                                down Main St. during
                                                                                                                 the day on Saturday and
$1,000.00, 2nd Place
$500.00 and 3rd Place
                            fun-filled event for the
                            whole family. In addi-
                                                                on page 30                                       Sunday.
Official Event Guide In Downtown Rio Vista - Rio Vista Bass Derby
Bass Derby & Festival 2021 Event Guide   Page 3

506 STATE HWY 12, RIO VISTA (707) 374-6434
Official Event Guide In Downtown Rio Vista - Rio Vista Bass Derby
Page 4                                                   Bass Derby & Festival 2021 Event Guide

Food, Crafts, Jewelry Plus Many More Fun and Exciting Vendor Booths
   ront Street comes     burgers and wings.     Some of the other fun
   alive during Bass     Artichokes, Mexican,   shopping experiences
   Derby & Festival      corn, smoothies,       are: T-shirts, face paint-
October 8-10,            shaved ice, kettle     ing, dog ornaments,
                         corn and new this      jewelry and wood
There will be an array   year turkey legs.      boxes. Oils and lotions,
of food choices to       Let’s not forget our   dip mixes, books, cards,
choose from: lingui-     great Margarita Guy,   rocks and crystals.
ca, BBQ, corn dogs,      Chris.                 Also clothing, plush
                                                toys, sunglasses,
                                                make-up, cups and
                                                totes, and more.

         Front S
                                                Also the Chamber
                                                booth will be down on
                                                Front Street in front of
                                                the pole barn. They

                                                will be selling, t-shirts,

                n S t                           hats and sweatshirts.

                                                Happiness is

                                                shopping and

                                                eating during

                                                 Bass Derby

                                                  & Festival
Official Event Guide In Downtown Rio Vista - Rio Vista Bass Derby
Bass Derby & Festival 2021 Event Guide                                                                                    Page 5

Get Your Bass Hats, Shirts and Sweatshirts
It’s       here! The 73rd Annual Bass Derby & Festival will be held                                            *** THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS ***
           October 8, 9, and 10, 2021, and to start off the festivities                                              PLATINUM EVENT SPONSORS
           the Rio Vista Chamber of Commerce has 100 official Bass                                                    RIO VISTA FARMS / COCO FARMS

Derby & Festival hats that are on sale NOW! Available in red or dark                                                         EVENT HOSTS
blue, the hats are on sale at the Visitor Center, for $20.00 each.                            RIO VISTA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE * CITY OF RIO VISTA * CA STRIPED BASS ASSOC.

                                                                                                                          PLATINUM SPONSOR
Let’s not forget the T-shirts and sweatshirts in a variety of colors and                                  MT. DIABLO RESOURCE RECOVERY - FIREWORKS SPONSOR
sizes. Buy one of each at the Visitor Center that is located at 33 N.                                                       GOLD SPONSOR
2nd St. Tuesday- Saturday, 10am – 1pm and Pets 4 All (167 Main                                                    F&M BANK - LIGHT POLE BANNER SPONSOR

St.) in Rio Vista.                                                                                                         SILVER SPONSORS
                                                                                                              JELLYSTONE PARK/TOWER PARK - PARADE SPONSOR

Shirts and hats will also be available during the Bass Derby & Festival                                                SMUD - KID'S DERBY SPONSOR

at the Rio Vista Chamber booth located on Front Street by the pole                 BANK OF STOCKTON
                                                                                                                          PREMIER SPONSORS
                                                                                                                     DRYVAC ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES                   RIO VISTA BEACON
barn.                                                                         DELTA MARINA YACHT HARBOR                          DUTRA                             RIO VISTA LIONS CLUB
                                                                                  DOELCHER LIGHTING                     LINDSAY TRANSPORTATION                   RIO VISTA PIZZA FACTORY
For more information, please call the Rio Vista Chamber of Commerce                  DOLK TRACTOR                              RAMOS OIL                            WOOD REAL ESTATE

at 707-374-2700                                                                                           SUPPORTERS, PARTNERS AND OTHER SPONSORS
                                                                                      ABEL CHEVROLET                   ISLETON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE             RIO VISTA POLICE DEPARTMENT
                                                                                      ACE HARDWARE                        KORTH'S PIRATE LAIR MARINA                      RIOVISION
              A few of the T-shirts and sweatshirt designs                      AJK UNIQUE INTL EMPORIUM                     LIRA'S SUPERMARKET                     ROBIN'S NEST THRIFT
                                                                                    ASTA CONSTRUCTION                                LUCY'S                      ROTARY CLUB OF RIO VISTA
                                                                             AUGUSTO INSURANCE AGENCY, INC.                   MAYHOOD RANCHES                           SAXON-CREED
                                                                               CONTRA COSTA RADIATOR, INC.                    MCCORMACK TRUST                      SCENTS & SEW-ABILITY
                                                                              COUNCILMEMBER WALT STANISH                  MJB DESIGNS INTERNATIONAL                 SHAFER REAL ESTATE
                                                                                 DAWN'S CLEANING SERVICE                 MONTEZUMA FIRE DISTRICT #51                   SHARON FISHER
                                                                                DELTA MOOSE LODGE #1846                            PETS 4 ALL                    SOROPTIMIST OF RIO VISTA
                                                                                     DELTA PHARMACY                            PINE CREEK REALTY                 SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE
                                                                                 EDDO'S HARBOR & RV PARK                      RAUL'S STRIPER CAFÉ                SPRADLING CONSTRUCTION
                                                                                   GOLF CLUB AT RIO VISTA                        RESLER REALTY               STEWART INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY, INC.
                                                                                    GOMES EXCAVATING                        RIO VISTA FIRE DEPT #55                  TAQUERIA MEXICO
                                                                                         HAP'S BAIT                   RIO VISTA HOLISTIC HEALTH CENTER             WALDIE & ASSOCIATES
                                                                                  HOSPICE OF SAN JOAQUIN            RIO VISTA MUFFLER, HITCH & WELDING        WEST WIND MOBILE HOME PARK
                                                                                                              ** SPECIAL THANKS TO ALL OF OUR VOLUNTEERS! **

                                                                                                                Sponsors on back of shirts

                                                                                     Dawn’s Cleaning Services
                                                                                       WE ARE TAKING NEW CLIENTS
                                                                                           MONTHLY - BI-WEEKLY
                                                                                      Disinfecting of Common Surfaces
                                                                                 Residential Deep and Maintenance Cleans
                                                                                            No Job is too BIG or too small
                                                                                       Residential/Commercial/Real Estate/Offices
                                                                                         Deep Cleans•Move In/Out Cleans•Rentals Cleans
                                                                              •Window Cleaning•Special Projects•Organizational Space Cleaning
                                                                                                              25 + Years Experience
                                                                                •Weekly                                •References
                                                                                •Bi-Weekly                             •Responsible
                                                                                •Monthly                               •Reliable
                                                                                •1 Time    Member of the Rio Vista Chamber

                                                                                            Dawn Leseberg/Mallatt                          707-628-4235
                                                                                                 Rio Vista Resident Lic # 02-731 Insured
Official Event Guide In Downtown Rio Vista - Rio Vista Bass Derby
Page 6                                                   Bass Derby & Festival 2021 Event Guide

                                                                                                             Pets 4 All
                                        321 Main Street                         Dog Grooming
                              (Braids Building, across from Fire Department)          &
                                      Rio Vista, CA 94571                       Doggie-Daycare
                                                         Breeds Under
                                                                                      35 lbs               “Where Pets Always Come First”
                                        (707) 378-2178
                                                                                 •Premium Pet Foods • Treats & Supplies • Special Orders Available

                                                                                   167 Main Street Rio Vista 707-374-2011
                                                                                      Open    Monday through
                                                                                           Monday-Saturday 10:00Saturday
                                                                                                                 am to 5:30 pm

          Handcrafted Bath & Body Products                                                   • Bird Boarding By Appointment
              and          Distributor
                                                                                Stop by our booth at the Bass Festival on Front
               Quilting/Sewing Essentials                                          Rio Gift & Souvenir
                                                                                              AKIA Company
                                                                               Dr. Janice B. Wilson, PhD
                                                                                   Founder & Owner

   Charming Choices for Home and Gift-giving                                                              Inspirations
                                                                                                            Gifts and decor for™all occasions
                                                                                                    All-Natural Plant-Based Products
                                                                                                     Beauty | Self-Care  | Wellness
               Thursday & Friday: 10a-4p
                                                                                   5% off when you purchase       2 10-5
                                                                                                     Monday-Saturday or more
                   Saturday: 10a-3p
                                                                                      products during Bass Festival
                  or by appointment                                                            Must present coupon
                                                                                                          Email:    valid only Oct. 8-10,
         Free website delivery for Rio Vista residents                | | 510-759-9069

    Congratulations Rio Vista on the 73rd Annual Bass Derby & Festival
                                                                     • Pest Control
                                                                     • Termites
                                                                     • Resident & Commercial

                                                                       Cell: (925)323-5211
                                                                      Office: (707)320-1277
                         Ron Yocum- Owner
                         License OPR 11644
                     Trilogy-Rio Vista Resident
                                                                Our Specialties
                                                                                                                                     Proudly Serving
                                                                                                                                        Rio Vista
                                                                                                                                      and the Delta
Official Event Guide In Downtown Rio Vista - Rio Vista Bass Derby
Bass Derby & Festival 2021 Event Guide                                                 Page 7

Bass Parade Grand Marshal Jay Huyssoon
T  he Rio Vista Chamber of
   Commerce would like to
congratulate Jay Huyssoon, as the
                                                                                       A Leisure    Travel   Agency
                                                                                          • River and Ocean Cruises
2021 Grand Marshal of the 73rd
Annual Bass Derby and Festival
                                                                                                  • Air Packages
This year’s parade theme is “Hometown
                                                                                              • All-Inclusive Resorts
A fitting honor for Jay that has given
over 40 years of service.
                                                                                             • Group Tour Packages
Here are some of the highlights of his
                                                                                              • Land Tour Packages
In 1966-1970 he served in the U.S.
                                                                                        • Sports & Special Event Packages
Marine Corp. (a position he is
quite proud of). In 1971 Jay was hired
as a Reserve Firefighter for                                                                                                         JAN DAY
                                                                                                  Now Offering                     Best 4 U Travel
the Antioch Fire Dept.                             Jay Huyssoon
Then, in 1974, he was hired as a full time Firefighter for the Antioch Fire                                                      925-518-5558
Dept. 1978-1999. He was promoted through the ranks of Engineer,                                
Captain, Training Chief of the Riverview Fire District (when Antioch,
Pittsburg, West Pittsburg combined to form the new District through                 Call us to be tested
                                                                                                             any respiratory
During 2000-2002 - Jay was a Training Chief and was promoted to
                                                                                      problem. That includesRioCOVID-19
                                                                                                                  Vista Resident
Battalion Chief of Contra Costa County Fire District, (when Riverview con-
solidated with Con Fire). He was also the Reserve Program Coordinator from
                                                                                                      Please no walk-ins
2003 to 2015 and was hired as the first full time Fire Chief of Cordelia Fire
District. In 2015 he became the Interim Fire Chief of Rio Vista Fire Depart-
                                                                                                      call forSeller an    appointment
                                                                                                                     of Travel  #2089491-50

ment.                                                                                           Can     beTravel
                                                                                                              tested         inRestitution
                                                                                                                                  your car
                                                                                                 This seller of travel is not a participate in the
                                                                                                 California         Consumer                 Fund
During his tenure in the Fire Service, he obtained his Master’s Degree

in Emergency Services Management.
He is a Master Instructor for the California State Fire Marshal’s Office.
Jay has helped write training manuals currently in use in the State of
                                                                                                     Holistic Health Center
He obtained his limited Teaching Credential in 1982 and taught various
Fire Academies and classes through Los Medanos College, University of
                                                                                    Call us to      be FAMILY
                                                                                                       tested PRACTICE
                                                                                                               for any respiratory
Nevada, Reno and Solano College.
                                                                                      problem. That includes COVID-19
He currently trains Mexican Firefighters and delivers fire equipment
to fire departments in Baja Sur, Mexico with special emphasis to Mulege, Mex-                       Please no walk-ins
ico. Hank and Judy Tussy of Rio Vista first introduced the Rio Vista Rotary
Club to Mulege approximately 50 years ago. Rio Vista Rotary is maintaining                     Must call for an appointment
that contact and helping the small town with various projects such as the com-
puters in the schools and fire equipment. Jay has been that contact, making 4                   Can be tested in your car
or 5 trips until Covid stopped it. He is planning another trip very soon to take
                                                                                         We are an integrative medical clinic.
                                                                                                   Rio Vista        707-374-3142
a piece of fire apparatus down to Mexico.                                          500 Main Street
Throughout his entire career of over 40 years, one thing has been a
priority and that is training firefighters to safely do their jobs.
                                                                                     You can find all of the same
                                                                                   Rio Vista, CA 94571                    treatment as a
It is a love he now shares with Mexican Bomberos and has gained
                                                                                    Primary Care       Clinic along
                                                                                                   Holistic     Health with  Holistic Care.
                                                                                   We accept and bill allFAMILY   PRACTICE
several new friends south of the border.
He is a great ambassador for Rio Vista and Rio Vista Rotary Club. He has
lived on Sherman Island for 38 years and has been active in the
                                                                                                          insurances except HMOs and Medi-Cal.
Congratulations to Jay Huyssoon. Please come out and celebrate and
                                                                                                 Newest Procedures:
honor Jay at the parade on Sunday, October 10th at noon on Main Street in           Stem Cell therapy given with PRP, Myers Cocktail,
Rio Vista.
The parade is sponsored by Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park Camp-Resort, in                 Glutathione and Supplements for 1 month.
                                                                                   500 Main Street
                                                                                   Rio Vista, CA 94571                    707-374-3142
Official Event Guide In Downtown Rio Vista - Rio Vista Bass Derby
Page 8                                          Bass Derby & Festival 2021 Event Guide

                                                                                 Saturday Night
                                              Henry P. Giovannetti
                                                                                   October 9th
                                               Managing Broker
                                                                                  at the Foot of Main St.

                                                                      Fireworks Sponsored by Mt. Diablo Resourse Recovery
         Your Hometown Realtor
    Specializing in Trilogy Homes                                     Catch a Ride During the Festival
             At Rio Vista                                             on the Western Express Railroad
         Licensed Real Estate Broker
         Trilogy Resident Homeowner
         California Department of Real Estate # 01107015

           Call (925) 872- 9834                                                     A fun attraction for all ages.
                                                                                   This locomotive is designed to
                                                                                resemble an 1850’s steam engine.
                                                                                 The Western Express Railroad will
                                                                                    be available free of charge
                                                                                         during the festival.
                                                                         Their route will be along Main and Front Streets.
    A Proud Sponsor of 2021 Bass Festival                            Sponsored by Our Platinum Event Sponsors Rio Vista Farms/CoCo Farms
Official Event Guide In Downtown Rio Vista - Rio Vista Bass Derby
Bass Derby & Festival 2021 Event Guide                                                                                                                 Page 9

                                                                                                                   Festival Map
                       To Hwy 12

                                                                          4th St.

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Logan St.—one way
Official Event Guide In Downtown Rio Vista - Rio Vista Bass Derby
Page 10                                                   Bass Derby & Festival 2021 Event Guide

                                                                                                        Bass Derby & Festival
                                With Special Thanks...
                                             Thanks...                                                  Rocks the Pole Barn!
                                                                                                        Plus Adult Beverages
                                                    2021                                                 Dancing to the bands, fishing the derby,
                                                                                                       shopping the vendors, walking Main Street
                                                  Sponsors                                             looking at the classic cars-- all activities that
                                                                                                       can work up quite a thirst. We have a solution
                                                                                                       for that thirst: come to the pole barn at Front
               P E S
               P       S
                                                                                                       and Sacramento Streets (next to the post
                                                                                                       office) and enjoy the beverages that will be
                                                                                                       available October 8th through the 10th at the
                       Rio Vista
                       Rio Vista Farms / CoCo
                                         CoCo Farms
                                              Farms                                                    73rd Rio Vista Bass Derby & Festival.

                                                                                                       We will be serving several adult beverages:
                                E H
                                      H                                                            Budweiser, Bud Light, Shock Top, and Mod-
                   OF COMMERCE
                      COMMERCE * CITY OF
                                      OF RIO
                                         RIO VISTA
                                                                    ASSOC                              elo are the beer selections. Also available will
                                                                                                       be hard cider, wine, and a variety of flavored
                                                                                                       margaritas. For those who prefer non-alcoholic
                         P S
                         P S                                                              beverages or are under age 21, soft drinks,
                                                                                                       lemonade, water and more may be purchased
                     RESOURCE RECOVERY
                              RECOVERY -- FIREWORKS
                                                    SPONSOR                                            from our many food vendor booths.
                              G S
                                   S                                                             Bands will be playing all weekend on the main
                 F&M BANK
                     BANK - LIGHT POLE BANNER
                                              SPONSOR                                                  stage at the pole barn. There will be a large
                           S S
                           S S                                                             tent to lend plenty of shade over the tables
                                                                                                       and chairs where you can eat lunch, dinner,
                        PARK/TOWER PARK       PARADESPONSOR
                                                     SPONSOR                                           or snacks from our many food vendors, as
                       SMUD - KID'S DERBY SPONSOR
                                    DERBY SPONSOR                                                      well as enjoy some ice-cold beer in the beer
                                                                                                       garden. We will also have plenty of chairs set
                                                                                                       up just off the dance floor right in front of the
                         P S
                         P S                                                              stage where you can dance the night away
                                                                                                       with our great bands or sit comfortably and
           STOCKTON ** DELTA
                        DELTA MARINA YACHT
                                       YACHT HARBOR
                                              HARBOR ** DOELCHER
                                                                     LIGHTING                          listen to our fantastic local talent.
        TRACTOR ** DUTRA
                    DUTRA ** DRYVAC ENVIRONMENTAL
                                                       SERVICES ** RAMOS
                                       VISTA BEACON * RIO VISTA LIONS CLUB                             Our Platinum Event Sponsor for the pole barn
                RIO                                                                                    stage (as well as also sponsoring our second
                    VISTA PIZZA
                          PIZZA FACTORY
                                FACTORY ** WOOD
                                                                                                       stage) is Rio Vista Farms/CoCo Farms.

   S                                                                                          The pole barn will be open Friday, October
   S 
               P 
                            O
                               O S
                                     S                                                          8th from 3:00pm - 10:00pm, Saturday,
     ABELCHEVROLET                    MAYHOOD     RANCHES                SOROPTIMISTOF
           CHEVROLET                  MAYHOOD RANCHES
                                      MCCORMACK      TRUST
                                                                                     WAREHOUSE         October 9th from 9:00am - 11:00pm,
     ACEHARDWARE                      MCCORMACK TRUST                   SPORTSMAN'S
                      EMPORIUM        MJB
                                      MJB DESIGNS   INTERNATIONAL
                                          DESIGNS INTERNATIONAL          SPRADLINGCONSTRUCTION
                                                                        SPRADLING   CONSTRUCTION       and Sunday, October 10th from 9:00am -
           CONSTRUCTION               MONTEZUMA
                                      MONTEZUMA FIRE FIRE DISTRICT
                                                                   #51   STEWARTINDUSTRIAL
                                                                        STEWART  INDUSTRIALSUPPLY
                                                                                              SUPPLY   4:00pm.
                          AGENCY      PETS
                                      PETS 4
                                           4 ALL
                                             ALL                         TAQUERIAMEXICO
                                                                        TAQUERIA  MEXICO
   CONTRA                             PINE
                                      PINE CREEK   REALTY                WALDIE&&ASSOCIATES
                    RADIATOR               CREEK REALTY                 WALDIE                         If you need any additional information please
   COUNCILMEMBER                      RAUL'S
                                      RAUL'S STRIPER   CAFÉ
                            STANISH          STRIPER CAFÉ                                              call the Chamber of Commerce at 707-374-
   DAWN'S                             RESLER
                                      RESLER REALTY
                        SERVICE               REALTY
                                      RIO VISTA FIRE DEPT
                                          VISTA FIRE  DEPT #55
                                                             #55                                       2700 or check out our
                                      RIO VISTA HOLISTIC   HEALTH  CENTER
                                      RIO VISTA HOLISTIC HEALTH CENTER                                 website
                                      RIO VISTA POLICE DEPARTMENT
                                      RIO VISTA YOUTH SERVICES                                         Come and join us for some great food, drinks,
                                      RIO VISTA YOUTH SERVICES
                                                                                                       music, and more!
                                      SHARON   FISHERESTATE
     LUCY'S                           SHARON FISHER
Bass Derby & Festival 2021 Event Guide                                                                   Page 11

                                                                         Ever wonder why some real estate transactions
           Free Flu Shot     From
                                                                            Everare morewhypleasant
                                                                                 wonder      some realthan
                                                                                   are more pleasant than others??
                      Kaiser Permanente                                       DODO
                                                                                       PUT THE  CART
                                                                                           THE CART   BEFORE
                                                                                                    BEFORE     THE HORSE
                                                                                                           THE HORSE!!
During Bass Derby & Festival on Saturday, Oct. 9, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Look for them at Sacramento & Front in their Mobile Health Vehicle,
   Come get a flu shot & talk to a Kaiser Permanente physician.
          See you there! Check out the Kaiser Permanente
                       Mobile Health Vehicle.
     Shots are free to the community, members and non-members.

                                                                                Tim McCaslin, Senior Loan Officer, PH: 925-331-7411, Email,
                                                                                ELS Home Lending, CalBRE Officer ID 01381694, NMLS Personal ID 279255
                                                                              Work with a local loan officer with over 14 years of experience before searching for
                                                                        Tim McCaslin,
                                                                             that perfectBranch
                                                                                           home. I Manager,     PH: 925-331-7411,
                                                                                                   will review everything,             Email
                                                                                                                           income, credit,
                                                                                                                                          and reserves to make sure
                                                                             you are ready to make the biggest investment of your life!! You do not want to search
                                                                        ELS Home    Lending,    CalBRE    Officer  ID 01381694,     NMLS   Personal   ID  279255
                                                                             for the perfect home to find out you have an issue with your loan profile that could
                                                                             have been 25    South
                                                                                         fixed before3rd
                                                                                                      you Street.   Rio
                                                                                                            submit your Vista
                                                                                                                                  the $1,000+ non-refundable
                                                                             earnest money deposit. DO NOT PUT THE CART BEFORE THE HORSE!! Call, Text or
                                                                                     a local loanlist
                                                                                        your free  officer  with
                                                                                                      of items   over for
                                                                                                               needed  17ayears
                                                                                                                           homeof experience before searching for
                                                                        that perfect home. I will review everything, income, credit and reserves to make sure
                                                                         you are ready to make the biggest investment of your life!! You do not
                                                                         want to search for the perfect home to find out you have an issue with
                                                                        your loan profile that could have been fixed before you submit your offer
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Page 12                                            Bass Derby & Festival 2021 Event Guide

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                                                                                                       from the es
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Bass Derby & Festival 2021 Event Guide                                                Page 13

       Everyone Loves a Parade!!!
                            “Honoring Our Home Town Heroes”
                              Sunday October 10th at Noon
                                       On Main St.
                          Sponsored by Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park Camp-Resort
                          Come out and watch or participate
                                 Taking entries through Friday October 8th at noon
For a parade entry form you can stop by
the Visitor Center at 33 N Second Street,                                             The chamber can also be reached at
Tuesday - Saturday from 10 a.m. to                                                    707-374-2700.
1 p.m. Or email the Chamber at; info@                                                 Come out and enjoy yourself and show
                                                                                      your community spirit. Or you can print the form by
going to

      A Full Lineup of Banking Services
                                                                                             Bank of Stockton offers an impressive
                                                                                             lineup of financial and banking
                                                                                             services. From loans to expand a
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                                                                                             or check us out online to learn about
                                                                                             the wide array of products and services
                                                                                             Bank of Stockton has to offer.
                                                                                          IN RIO VISTA 230 Main Street
Page 14                                                                Bass Derby & Festival 2021 Event Guide

                      Official     Rules         and       Regulations
                         73rd Rio Vista Bass Derby October 8, 9 and 10, 2021
                                      “Target length” Striped Bass & “Target length” Sturgeon
1. When is the Derby?           The Striped Bass must be         selected at the start of the     5. Where Can I Fish?            Chapter is the official weigh     to reject any entry. Their
Oct. 8, 9 and 10, 2021.         a minimum legal size of 18”      tournament. This mea-                                            master of the 2021 Rio            decisions will be final. All
This is a 3-day event.          and not over 24”. Winning        surement will be from             Anglers may fish from San      Vista Bass Derby.                 anglers must conform to all
Fishing starts at 6 a.m. on     fish to be closest to 25”.       40 inches to 60 inches           Francisco Bay to Sacra-                                           California Department of
Friday, October 8, 2019         Catfish can be any size, fish    measured from the tip of         mento. All fish must be           Each angler must pres-          Fish and Wildlife and Coast
and continues day and           with the top weight & length     the nose to the fork of the      weighed in at the Official      ent his or her own fish for       Guard rules and regulations.
night until Sunday, Octo-       will be the winner. All other    tail. The angler who enters      Weigh Station at the Public     measurement and weigh-in.         In addition, any controversy
ber 10, 2021 at 3 p.m.          Rio Vista Derby rules and        the sturgeon closest to the      Launch Ramp in Rio Vista.       The angler will provide the       or claim rising out of or re-
                                regulations apply. All entries   specified length without         Check the weigh in times        Weigh Master with informa-        lating to this contract, or the
2. How to Purchase Tick-        must be caught by the child      going over will win First        below at #9!!!                  tion as to when and where         breach of this contract, shall
ets to Enter? Each angler       angler. Adults may not           Place. In case of a tie                                          the fish was caught. All          be settled by arbitration at
in the derby must be 16         catch the entry and have a       in the length, the winner        6. How to Find Out the          anglers must present their        the participant’s expense.
years or older and have         child turn it in.                will be determined by the        “Target Length”?                numbered Derby ticket             Additionally, all boating shall
purchased a registration                                         greatest weight. If that’s                                       along with their Fishing          be done in accordance with
ticket by 5:30am on Friday      Kids are NOT eligible for        the same, then by the first        The target will be posted     license and Sturgeon              the State of California &
October 8, 2021 for $50.        participation in the Adult       sturgeon weighed in. All         at 6 a.m. on Friday,            Report Card (if applicable)       US Coast Guard rules and
                                Derby. Kids tickets must         sturgeon anglers must have       October 8, 2019 on the          and a Government Issued           regulations. All occupants
Ticket Purchase Locations:      have the approval of a           a sturgeon report card and       Rio Vista Bass Derby &          Photo ID at the time of the       must wear a life-saving
Rio Vista Chamber of Com-       parent or guardian and be        all sturgeon must be tagged      Festival Facebook page          weigh-in.                         floatation device will fishing
merce: By mail or in person:    accompanied by them at           at the time of the catch and     and the webpage: www.                                             in the Derby.
Rio Vista Chamber of Com-       the Derby while fishing. All     brought to the Weigh-In may         Each angler may submit            In case of an emergency
merce, 33 North Tickets         participants are required        Station with tag attached.       tune into Radio Rio at 91.5     only one fish per category        call 911 or the US Coast
may be reserved for pick up     to wear a US Coast Guard                                          FM or Bob Simms Outdoor         in the derby. Tickets will be     Guard Station Rio Vista
at the Rio Vista Chamber of     Certified Life Jacket while      Each person fishing for          Report at 6 a.m. on Friday,     marked accordingly, and           (707) 374-2871.
Commerce Office by calling      fishing in the Derby.            WHITE sturgeon pay for,          Oct. 8, 2021 on 1530 AM         all fish will be marked for
(707) 374-2700. Cut off                                          and have in their pos-           radio. The participating Bait   identification purposes.          SPECIAL CONDITIONS
at this location is 5pm on                                       session at the time of the       Shops will post the “Target                                       FOR CONTESTANTS IN
Thursday, October 7th.          4. Categories of Fish in the     tournament, a Sturgeon           Lengths”.                        The Weigh Master and/or          ACCORDACE TO CA DEPT
                                Adult Bass Derby                 Fishing Report Card, and                                         official from the Department
Dedicated Bait Shop &                                            they complete it in accor-       7. How do I Measure My          of Fish and Wildlife reserve      Regarding Quagga and
other locations: Select Bait     Striped Bass. The “Target       dance with CDFW regula-          Fish?                           the right to retain any fish in   Zebra Mussels
Shops will be selling tickets   Length” will be selected at      tions. Punching out the                                          order to make a full inves-
until Thursday, Oct 7th at      the start of the tournament.     month and date on the tag        Striped Bass will be mea-       tigation in any case where        Tournament organizations
their close of business. See    This measurement will be         as now required by the           sured from the tip of the       the weight or condition of        and participants must com- for        somewhere from 25 inches         Fish and Game Commis-            head (at the mouth) with        the fish caught is chal-          ply with all federal, state,
locations. Tickets at these     to 32 inches measured            sion. Sturgeon regulations       the mouth closed, to the        lenged, or there may have         and local laws, regulations
locations may not be avail-     from the tip of the head         available on http://www.         fork of the tail.               been other violations of the      and ordinances pertaining to
able until 6 weeks before       with mouth closed, to the                                        derby rules or state and          the spread of Quagga (QM)
the event. Cut off at these     fork of the tail. The angler     nia/fishing/freshwater/            Sturgeon will be measured     federal laws or breaches          and Zebra (ZM) mussels.
locations is close of busi-     who enters the Striped Bass      sturgeon-regulations/            from the tip of the nose to     of good sportsmanship.
ness Thursday, Oct 7th.         closest to the specified                                          the fork of the tail.           The Weigh Master and/             1 On the Sacramento-San
                                length without going over              Salmon. The angler                                         or official from the Depart-      Joaquin Delta, tournament
Online: www.bassfestival.       will win the First Place. In     who enters the salmon of         8. What to Know about the       ment of Fish and Wildlife         organizations (Permittees)
com. Cut off is October 8th     case of a tie in the length,     the greatest weight will win     Weigh-In                        reserve the right to open         must ensure vessels are
at 5:30am.                      the winner will be deter-        First Prize. In case of a tie,                                   and inspect any entry. The        clean and free from QM/
                                mined by greatest weight, if     the winner will be deter-         All fish entered in the Bass   Rio Vista Chamber of Com-         ZM before the tournament.
Cash, Credit Cards and          that’s the same then by the      mined by the first salmon        Derby must be measured          merce shall form a com-           2.        Anglers in a vessel
Checks are accepted for         first Striped Bass weighed       weighed in. Anglers must         and weighed in at the           mittee for any investigation;     not clean and dry or with
payment. Derby registration     in. All CA Dept. of Fish and     keep the first two (2) legal     Official Weigh-In Sta-          the committee will include        QM/ZM attached cannot
tickets are non-transferable    Wildlife regulations apply.      size salmon caught.              tion, located at the Public     at least one representative       participate in the tourna-
and non-refundable. Hats                                                                          Launch Ramp in Rio Vista.       from the Rio Vista Chamber        ment.
are limited to the first 300      White Sturgeon. The                                             The California Striped Bass     of Commerce. This com-
– first come, first served.     “Target Length” will be                                           Association Isleton Delta       mittee reserves the right         9. When are the Weigh-in
3. Tickets Available for
Purchase                                                                                                                                                                 Friday, October 8,
                                                                                                                                                                    2021          9:00 a.m. –
ADULT TICKETS: $50.00                                                                                                                                               6:00 p.m.
- Each participating angler                                                                                                                                              Saturday, October 9,
must purchase a ticket.                                                                                                                                             2021        9:00 a.m. –
                                                                                                                                                                    6:00 p.m.
   KIDS TICKETS: $10.00                                                                                                                                                  Sunday, October 10,
– Each angler must be 15                                                                                                                                            2021         9:00 a.m. –
years of age or younger and                                                                                                                                         3:00 p.m.
can weigh-in
Striped Bass or Catfish. The
first 50 ticket holders are
eligible to receive a “Kids”                                                                                                                                                  Official
Derby Hat.                                                                                                                                                           Continued on page 16
Bass Derby & Festival 2021 Event Guide   Page 15
Page 16                                                                                            Bass Derby & Festival 2021 Event Guide
                                                                                                                                                                                  every entry that has been
                                                                                                                                                            Official              made into the derby by
                                                                                                                                                                                  generous donations from
                                                                                                                                                  Continued from page 14          our sponsors & supporters.
                                                                                                                                                                                  We want to encourage the
                                                                                                                                                                                  younger generation to learn
                                                                                                                                                  10. How to Get to the Of-       to fish. We do hold them as
                                                                                                                                                  ficial Weigh-in Station – Rio   accountable as adults to be
                                                                                                                                                  Vista City Boat Launch          honest and follow the rules
                                                                                                                                                     Official weigh station is    & regulations listed.
                                                                                                                                                  located at 1 Main Street –
                                                                                                                                                  Next to city hall and a short   12. Are There Any Other
                                                                                                                                                  walk from the Rio Vista         Rules?
                                                                                                                                                  Boat Launch.
                                                                                                                                                                                  Fishing is at the partici-
                                                                                                                                                    By Car. When entering         pant’s risk.
                             THE RIO VISTA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE                                                                                    Rio Vista on Highway 12,
                                TO R IO VISTA CHAMBER   COMMERCE                                                                                  turn south at the Shell Sta-
                                   ACKNOWLEDGE    OUROF
                                                      2021 MEMBERSHIP:                                                                            tion (5th Street). Proceed
                                                                                                                                                                                  Fishing guides under char-
                                                                                                                                                                                  ter are not eligible to enter.
                           WANTS TO ACKNOWLEDGE OUR 2021 MEMBERSHIP:                                                                              on 5th Street until it dead     However, their clients on
                                                                                                                                                  ends at Montezuma Av-           charter may enter.
                                                                                                                                                  enue. Turn left. Proceed to     All clients on board the ves-
   113 Main                                             Dyer, Pat                                       Rio Vista CARE                            Front Street, another dead      sel must be entered in the
           MainGym                                      Eddo's
                                                          Dyer, Harbor
                                                                  Pat       & RV Park                    RioVista
                                                                                                        Rio   VistaCARE
                                                                                                                     Farms, LLC                   end. Turn left for 30 feet      Derby.
   AAA2ndWater    Ionizers                              Eggs  andHarbor
                                                                     Crafts& RV Park                     RioVista
                                                                                                        Rio   VistaFarms,
                                                                                                                     Food Pantry
                                                                                                                                                  or so. Turn right into the
            Street  Gym                                   Eddo's
                                                                                                                                                  city launch and parking lot.    13. Where and When are
         Chevrolet     Buick Co.
             Water Ionizers                             F&M
                                                                 and Crafts                              RioVista
                                                                                                        Rio   VistaFood
                                                                                                                          PantryHealth Center     Park there (while your fish
   ACEAbel   Chevrolet Buick Co.
         Hardware                                         F&M Bank
                                                        Finch,   Lupe                                   Rio
                                                                                                                     InsuranceHealth   Center
                                                                                                                                   & Financial                                    the Awards Presented?
                                                                                                                                                  is weighed in) and walk to
       ACE Hardware
   Advanced     Target Agency                             Finch,Sharon
                                                        Fisher,    Lupe                                 Rio  Vista Insurance & Financial
                                                                                                         Services                                 the weigh station at 1 Main
       Advanced      Target Agency                        Fisher,  Sharon                               Services                                                                   Awards are to be pre-
   Airport  Road Self-Storage                           FMB   Centric                                    Rio Vista Lions Club                     Street.                         sented at 4:00 pm on
        UniqueRoad      Self-Storage
                  Intl Emporium                           FMBDispensary
                                                        Haze    Centric                                 Rio
                                                                                                              VistaLions   ClubHitch & Welding
       AJK  Unique Intl Emporium                          Haze Dispensary                               Rio
                                                                                                              VistaMuffler,    Hitch & Welding                                    Sunday, October 10, 2021
   Akia  Inspirations                                   Highway      12 Association                                  Museum                       11. What are the Prizes         at the foot of Main Street
       Akia Inspirations
   Al Morton    Real Estate                               Highway1212Industrial
                                                        Highway           AssociationPark               Rio
                                                                                                                     Pizza Factory
                                                          Highway                                       Rio  Vista Pizza Factory                                                  or Rio Vista Boat Launch,
       Al Morton
   American         RealPost
                Legion    Estate
                               #178                     Hong    Kong12Seafood
                                                                          Industrial Park
                                                                                  Restaurant             RioVision                                ADULT DERBY PRIZES              Rio Vista. Winners will be
   Armbrust,        Legion
                 Grace      Post #178
                         & Chris                          Hong Kong
                                                        Hospice    of SanSeafood   Restaurant
                                                                             Joaquin                    RioVision
                                                                                                         Robin's Nest Thrift                      WINNER MUST BE
       Armbrust, Grace & Chris                            Hospice of San Joaquin                        Robin's Nest Thrift                                                       posted at www.bassfestival.
   Art & Music Center                                   ID Shield Associate                              Rotary Club of Rio Vista                 PRESENT TO RECEIVE              com.
       Art & Music Center                                 ID Shield Associate                           Rotary Club of Rio Vista                  AWARDS
   Art for All Reasons
       Art for All Reasons
                                                        J.A.B. Property Management
                                                          J.A.B. Property Management
                                                                                                         Sam's Custom Cakes & Catering
                                                                                                        Sam's Custom Cakes & Catering                                             Rules are subject to change
                              Agency, Inc.
                                         Inc.           Korth's
                                                                                  Marina                 Scents&&Sew
                                                                                                        Scents      SewAbility
                                                                                                                         Ability                                                  and will be finalized no later
   Bakers   by the    DozenZ                            Kott,                                            ShaferReal
                                                                                                                        Estate                    STRIPED BASS                    than September 1, 2021.
       Bakers    by the  DozenZ                           Kott,Ronald
                                                                 Ronald                                 Shafer                                    STURGEON
   Bank   of Stockton                                   Law
                                                                                 Abrams, P.C.            ShakethetheGrid
               of Stockton
              Residential    Brokerage                  LD
                                                                                           P.C.         Shake
                                                                                                         SMUD                                     SALMON
       Bayview     Residential  Brokerage                 LDEvent
                                                                       Management                       SMUD
   Bel Bel
       Marin    TaxTaxService                           Lindsay
                                                                     Transportation Solutions            SnugHarbor
                                                                                                                          Resorts,LLCLLC                                          City of Rio Vista Boat
           Marin         Service                                                       Solutions        Snug                                      1ST Place - $3000               Launch Pass :
        4 U 4Travel
                U Travel                                Lira's
                                                                  Supermarket                            SolanoCounty
                                                                                                        Solano    CountyRepublicans
                                                                                                                            Republicans           1st Place - $1000
   Books   Rio Rio
                V V                                     Lucy's
                                                          Lucy'sCafe                                     SoroptimistInt'l
                                                                                                                                       Vista                                      - 3 Day Pass for City of
       Books                                                       Cafe                                 Soroptimist                               1st Place - $1000               Rio Vista Launch Ramp.
       Bradbury's                                       Magical
                                                                                 Vacations               StewartIndustrial
                                                                                                        Stewart    IndustrialSupply,
                                                                                                                                  Supply,  Inc.
                                                                                                                                                                                  Limited quantity of 25 avail-
   Brain  Ways
       Brain   Ways                                     Mary
                                                          MaryKayKayby  byRebecca
                                                                            Rebecca CC                   SunNG
                                                                                                        Sun   NGRV RVResorts
                                                                                                                       ResortsLLC  LLC            2nd Place - $1500               able. These passes may
       Burgerlicious                                      McDonald's
                                                        McDonald's                                         (Jellystone/Tower
                                                                                                            (Jellystone/TowerPark)  Park)         2nd Place - $500		              be purchased at the Rio
   CityCity of Rio
        of Rio       Vista
                 Vista                                    MJBDesigns
                                                        MJB     DesignsInternational
                                                                           International                Taqueria
                                                                                                                     Mexico                              2nd Place - $500         Vista Chamber of Com-
   CohnCohn   Computing
          Computing         Services
                         Services                         Moeller,Kathleen
                                                        Moeller,     Kathleen                           The
                                                                                                              AstrologyShopShop                                                   merce /Visitor Center Only.
   Coldwell        Banker
              Banker        Kappel
                         Kappel      Gateway
                                  Gateway      Realty
                                              Realty      Mori,Judith
                                                        Mori,    Judith                                 The
                                                                                                                      Restaurant                  3rd Place - $ 1000              Price to be announced by
   Comcast                                              MSMSEnterprises
                                                              Enterprises                               Tortilla
                                                                                                                   Flats                          3rd Place - $200                9/01/2021.
   Contra   CostaCosta  Radiator,
                    Radiator,   Inc.Inc.                  Mt.Diablo
                                                        Mt.   DiabloResource
                                                                                   Recovery             US
                                                                                                                   Office- -Rio
                                                                                                                                    Vista         3rd Place - $200
   Critters      N' Crafts
            N' Crafts                                     Nash,K.C.
                                                        Nash,     K.C.                                  Valley
        2020 2020                                         NorthbayHealthcare
                                                        Northbay        Healthcare                      Waldie
                                                                                                                      Associates                  Winners are responsible for     California Striped Bass
       Dawn's Cleaning Service
   Dawn's   Cleaning Service                              O'Connor Woods
                                                        O'Connor     Woods                              West Wind Mobile Home Park
                                                                                                         West Wind Mobile Home Park               all state and federal taxes     Association is the official
       Delta Baking Company
   Delta Baking Company
                                                          Panthera Support
                                                        Panthera Support
                                                                                                        Western Railway Museum
                                                                                                         Western Railway Museum                   and registration if applica-    Weighmaster of the 2021
       Delta Bay Marina
   Delta  Bay Marina
                                                          Paul Graham Drilling
                                                        Paul  Graham Drilling
                                                                                                        Windborn Church
                                                                                                         Windborn Church
                                                                                                                                                  ble. Additional Placements      Rio Vista Bass Derby &
       Delta Marina Yacht Harbor                          Perfect Shine                                 Wood Real Estate                          will be announced by Aug        Festival. The Rio Vista
   Delta  Marina
       Delta         Yacht Harbor
               Pharmacy                                 Perfect
                                                          Pets 4 Shine
                                                                   All                                   Wood
                                                                                                        Your     RealNursing
                                                                                                               Home    Estate Services            30, 2021.
   Delta  Pharmacy                                      Pets                                            Your Home Nursing Services                                                Chamber of Commerce and
       Delta   Protection Commission                      Pine4 Creek
                                                                 All Realty
                                                                                                                                                                                  CSBA Isleton Chapter have
   Delta  Protection
       Doelcher          Commission
                   Lighting  Innovations                Pine
                                                          R & Creek
                                                               D TermiteRealtyand Pest Control                                                    The Rio Vista Bass Derby
   Doelcher    Lighting   Innovations                   R R.
                                                           & Emigh
                                                             D Termite      and Pest Control                  A Special Thank You                                                 the right to disqualify angler
       Dolk Tractor     Company,    Inc.                               Livestock                                                                  reserves the right to substi-   contestants who do not fol-
         Tractor Floral
                    Company,     Inc.Design
                           & Event                      R.Resler
                                                            Emigh    Livestock
                                                                   Realty                                To all our volunteers who help us        tute prizes if necessary.       low the rules & regulations.
   Donnelly    Floral RV
       Duck Island     & Event
                           Park Design                  Resler   Realty
                                                          Rio Vista    Beacon                                   serve our community
   Duck Island RV Park                                  Rio Vista Beacon                                                                          Additional prizes will be
                                                                                                                                                  based on donations.
                                            Rio Vista Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors
                                 Rio  VistaStacia
                                  President: Chamber       ofPresident:
                                                  Olson, Vice Commerce        Board
                                                                        Mark Stokes,    of Directors
                                                                                     Treasurer: Pat Dyer
                                                                                                                                                  KID’S FISHING PRIZES
                                        Members: John Bento, Cindy Green, Ron Kott, Kathleen Moeller
                                                    President:             Stacia Olson
                                                    Vice President:        Mark Stokes                                                            STRIPED BASS
                                                    Treasurer:             Pat  Dyer
                                                            A Special Thank   You
                                                                           John Bento                                                             $50 Gift Card
                                           To all our volunteers who help usCindy
                                                                             serve our community
                                                                                   Green                                                          $50 Gift Card
                                                                           Kathleen Moeller
                                                                           Ron Kott                                                               Each year we have be able
                                                                                                                                                  to offer prizes for almost
Bass Derby & Festival 2021 Event Guide                                             Page 17

                                        2021 Bass Festival
                                        Schedule of Events
                        Platinum Event Sponsor: Rio Vista Farms/CoCo Farms
                                               Thursday, October 7th
Start Time   End Time    Event                                                           Location
4:00pm       10:00pm     Carnival                                                        242 Front St.
6:30pm       8:00pm      Fire Truck rides for the kids                                   Fire Station - 350 Main St.

                                                 Friday, October 8th
Start Time   End Time    Event                                                           Location
6:00am                   Fishing Derby begins
12:00pm      6:00pm      Fishing Derby - weigh and measure station                       Main St. @ Waterfront
12:00pm      6:30pm      RV Food Pantry/Rio Vista CARE - Catch of the Day Rummage Sale   45 Main
4:00pm       11:00pm     Carnival                                                        242 Front St.
4:00pm       7:00pm      Vendor booths                                                   Front St.
6:00pm       8:00pm      Live Music - Two Tone Steiny                                    Pole Barn, Front St.
8:30pm       10:30pm     Live Music - Briefcase Blues Brothers                           Pole Barn, Front St.
11:00pm                  Bass Festival Closes

                                               Saturday, October 9th
Start Time   End Time    Event                                                           Location
7:00am       6:00pm      Fishing Derby - weigh and measure station                       Main St. @ Waterfront
7:00am       3:00pm      Senior Center Bake Sale                                         Senior Center - 25 Main St.
7:00am       10:00am     Hot Shots Coffee & Donuts (benefitting Lion's)                  Fire Station - 350 Main St.
7:00am       11:00am     Pancake Breakfast                                               Pole Barn, Front St.
8:00am       2:30pm      Lion's Car Show                                                 Main St.
9:00am       11:30am     Live Music - Tuneriders                                         Second Stage-4th & Main
10:00am      7:30pm      RV Food Pantry/Rio Vista CARE - Catch of the Day Rummage Sale   45 Main
10:00am      7:00pm      Vendor booths                                                   Front St.
11:00am      1:00pm      Live Music - Afterglow                                          Pole Barn, Front St.
12:00pm      Midnight    Carnival                                                        242 Front St.
12:30pm      3:00pm      Live Music - Solid Gold                                         Second Stage-4th & Main
1:30pm       3:30pm      Live Music - River Ratz                                         Pole Barn, Front St.
2:30pm                   Car Show Awards                                                 Second Stage-4th & Main
4:00pm       6:00pm      Live Music - Shuffle                                            Pole Barn, Front St.
6:30pm       8:30pm      Live Music - Derek Abel Band                                    Pole Barn, Front St.
8:45pm       9:00pm      Fireworks - Over the river                                      Main St. @ Waterfront
9:00pm       11:00pm     Live Music - The Primates                                       Pole Barn, Front St.
Midnight                 Bass Festival Closes

                                               Sunday, October 10th
Start Time   End Time    Event                                                           Location
7:00am       3:00pm      Fishing Derby - weigh and measure station                       Main St. @ Waterfront
9:00am       11:30am     Bass Festival Corvettes by RV Corvettes                         Lower Main St.
10:00am      4:00pm      Vendor booths                                                   Front St.
12:00pm      2:00pm      Live Music - Groovy Judy                                        Pole Barn, Front St.
12:00pm      5:00pm      Carnival                                                        242 Front St.
12:00pm      1:00pm      Bass Festival Parade                                            Main St.
11:00am      4:30pm      RV Food Pantry/Rio Vista CARE - Catch of the Day Rummage Sale   45 Main
2:30pm       4:30pm      Live Music - Network                                            Pole Barn, Front St.
4:30pm                   Fishing Derby Awards                                            Main St. @ Waterfront
4:30pm                   Soroptimist Meat Raffle drawing                                 Pole Barn, Front St.
5:00pm                   Bass Festival Ends

                                              (revised 9/13/2021- subject to change)
Page 18                                                            73rd
                                                                       Special Thanks...
                                                                                                Bass Derby & Festival 2021 Event Guide

                                                            Bass    Derby
                                                                       Annual& Festival
                                                             73rd Annual
                                                          Bass Derby
                                                         Bass Derby
                                                                         & Festival
                                                                    & Festival                             Entertainment
                                                                                      P E S
                          Main   Stage
                               Stage   Entertainment
                                     Entertainment      / CoCoSchedule
                                        Rio Vista Farms Schedule
                      FRIDAY Stage
                    FRIDAY 6:00—8:00
                             6:00—8:00 Entertainment Schedule
                                  TWO TONE STEINY & THE CADILLACS                                                                                                            DEREK ABEL BAND
                                                                                                                                                                                                   SATURDAY 6:30—8:30
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               SATURDAY 6:30—8:30

                                                                                                                                     E H
            Two-Tone       6:00—8:00
                                   & The Cadillacs is a high energy west coast blues band. It is a                                    “Just a lil’ D.A.B. will SATURDAY
                                                                                                                                                                   do ya”! This    6:30—8:30
                                                                                                                                                                                        is the tagline for this fun lovin’ blues / rock band that
                                            TWO TONE STEINY & THE CADILLACS
             special event every time this highly polished group hits the stage, bringing their                                                                                                        DEREK ABEL BAND
                                                                                                                                                   enjoys playing all types of venues and the sounds you love to hear.
                                  own brand      of &jumping,  swinging dance music!                                                   Founded
                                                                                                                                             DEREK  in 2007,
                                                                                                                                                        ABEL DABBANDhas been growing and performing all over Northern California
                          TWO TONE        STEINY       THE CADILLACS                                                                    and beyond. Their music blends blues, jam, funk, along with other amazing genres
              This award-winning band has carved a name for themselves by recording and
          Two-Tone   Steiny &their
                                  Steiny     &is The
                                    own original
                              The Cadillacs
                                                 a high energywhile     is ablues
                                                               west coast       trueenergy
                                                                                      to It
                                                                                   band.  the    west coast   ablues
                                                                                            is ablues roots
                                                                                                                lil’ D.A.B.         Itya”!
                                                                                                                            will doand  is influences
                                                                                                                                            a is the tagline
                                                                                                                                                          that for   a
                                                                                                                                                                create  lil’
                                                                                                                                                                   this fun
                                                                                                                                                                           the   sound
                                                                                                                                                                                            / rockemanate.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  is the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       this funonlovin’
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   their   blues / rock band that
           special event        event
                         every time this every
                                         highly  time
                                                polished      highly
                                                         group           polished
                                                               hits individual
                                                                     the stage,       group
                                                                                bringing their hits the stage,enjoys  bringing
                                                                                                                            playingtheir              first and
                                                                                                                                      all types of venues   official live enjoys
                                                                                                                                                                the sounds   album       playing
                                                                                                                                                                                you love            all types
                                                                                                                                                                                              will keep
                                                                                                                                                                                          to hear.               of venues
                                                                                                                                                                                                         you posted    on it'sand   the sounds you
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               release.                    love to hear.
                                                     RIO VISTA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE * CITY OF RIO VISTA * CA STRIPED BASS ASSOC                           Founded
                                                                                                                                                            performing in   2007,       DABCalifornia
                                                                                                                                                                                              has   been to growing   and performing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           crowd againall over Northern California
                            own brand of jumping, swinging dance music!                                Founded in 2007, DAB has been growing and                        all over   Northern
            This award-winning band
                                      has carved
                                                    brand    of jumping,IBC
                                                  a name   for themselves by
                                                                                recording and
                                                                                             dance music!
                                                                                                        and beyond. Their music blends    Rio blues,
                                                                                                                                               Vista’s   own
                                                                                                                                                      jam, funk,Derek   Abel
                                                                                                                                                                 along with       willamazing
                                                                                                                                                                              other    bring the  blues
                                                                                                                                                                                              genres        his hometown
             performing       award-winning
                        their           BEST
                              own original         band
                                           music, while    hastrue
                                                        staying   carved     a name
                                                                      to theBLUES
                                                                             blues    CDfor
                                                                                   roots      themselves
                                                                                         that    & 2015     by recording
                                                                                                      and influences  that create and                      and They
                                                                                                                                     the sound they emanate.      beyond.
                                                                                                                                                                      are at      Their
                                                                                                                                                                            currently     music
                                                                                                                                                                                        working on blends
                                                                                                                                                                                              Bass their     blues, jam, funk, along with other amazing genres
                    NOMINATED         FOR    SAMMIE      AWARD        2012-2013-2014-2015-2016-2019
                                         their own
                                                      individual music,
                                                                  style.                                          first
                                                                             while staying true to the blues roots that official live album and  will   and influences that create the sound they emanate. They are currently working on their
                                                                                                                                                      keep  you  posted on   it's
                                                                                                                                       Lead vocals and harmonica – Derek Abel,
                                                                                                               Bass and backup vocalsfirst           official
                 Mark Steinmetz-harp/vocal,shaped
                        WINNER 2010 SACRAMENTO IBCtheir
                                            Ken Marcheseunique
                                                      CHALLENGE individual style.                                                                       crowd live
                                                                                                                                                              againalbum and will keep you posted on                                                 it's release.
                                                           - guitar, Danny Sandoval - sax,                                                       – Tim  Romain, Guitar  and vocals – Dave Anderson,

                                                                                                                  P S
                                                                                       Rio Vista’s own Derek Abel will bring the blues to his hometown
                               John Halliwell - bass, Dennis Dove - drums                                                       Guitar and vocals – Steve Clic, Drums – Dan Mikkola
                   WINNER BEST SELF PRODUCED BLUES CD 2010 & 2015                                                                         at this year’s Bass Festival.
                NOMINATED FOR SAMMIE AWARD 2012-2013-2014-2015-2016-2019
                                        WINNER 2010 SACRAMENTO IBC CHALLENGE                                    Lead vocals and harmonica –Rio   Vista’s
                                                                                                                                              Derek Abel, own Derek Abel will bring the blues to his hometown crowd again
             MarkFRIDAY      8:30—10:30
                 Steinmetz-harp/vocal,         BEST- SELF
                                       Ken Marchese             PRODUCED
                                                       guitar, Danny              BLUES CD 2010
                                                                     Sandoval - sax,             Bass and backup vocals – Tim Romain, Guitar and vocals – Dave Anderson,
                                                                                                    & 2015                                                                at this year’s Bass Festival.
                          John Halliwell - bass, Dennis Dove - drums                                                    Fireworks
                                                                                                           Guitar and vocals – Steve Clic, Drums@
                                                                                                                                                – Dan8:45
                                                                                                                                                      Mikkola sponsored by Mt. Diablo Resource Recovery
                                                                      MT. DIABLO RESOURCE RECOVERY - FIREWORKS SPONSOR
                         The Briefcase Blues Brothers Revue is one of the top Blues Brothers                                                                      Lead vocals and harmonica – Derek Abel,

                                                                                                                                G S
              FRIDAY         Revues on the planet. They have established themselves in the
                      Mark   Steinmetz-harp/vocal,          KenoverMarchese       guitar, Danny
                                                                                            musicSandoval    - sax,                          Bass and backup vocals – Tim Romain, Guitar and vocals – Dave Anderson,
                            entertainment     industry with
                                            John BLUES
                       performance experience.
                                  BRIEFCASE        Halliwell
                                                       They are
                                                                    30 years of- combined
                                                               - bass,  Dennis
                                                            BROTHERS               Dove - drums
                                                                               entertainers      Fireworks
                                                                                            and musicians          @ 8:45 sponsored by Mt.                      Diablo
                                                                                                                                                           Guitar          Resource
                                                                                                                                                                   and vocals            Recovery
                                                                                                                                                                                – Steve Clic, Drums – Dan Mikkola
                               in their own right and therefore take every bit of their expertise and                                            THE PRIMATES
                       The Briefcase                experience
                                        Blues Brothers     Revue is toonethe    stage
                                                                           of the       eachBrothers
                                                                                   top Blues     time that they perform.
                             They on
                           Revues   have    surrounded
                                       the planet.   They have themselves
                                                                   established with     an allinstar
                                                                                 themselves        the blues band of family                 We are thrilled that The Primates are BACK
                             and friends      that with
                                                     are over
                                                           some     of theoftop    musicians        and entertainers in the                               for another rockin’ Derb

                                                                                               F&M BANK - LIGHT POLE BANNER SPONSOR
                          entertainment   industry               30 years      combined    music and                                                                   SATURDAY       9:00—11:00
                           FRIDAY 8:30—10:30
                          industry.    The    Briefcase       Blues    Brothers      Revue
                    performance experience. They are seasoned entertainers and musicians       is  will leave audiences with                   Saturday night, right     after the fireworks.

                                                                                                                                                                 Fireworks @ 8:45 sponsored by Mt. Diablo Resource Recovery
                                               a  smile     on  their  face    and   love   in  their   hearts.

                                                                                                                        S S
                         in their own right and therefore take every bit of their expertise and                                THE PRIMATES   The Mates have been entertaining young
                                               Benatar-to the  stage each
                                                              Elwood         time that
                                                                         Blues,         they perform.
                                                                                   Michael     St John- Jake Blues                              and old around the Delta/Bay area for
                     They have surrounded
                      and friends   that are
                                              some ofSax,
                                                            BRIEFCASE BLUES BROTHERS
                                                         the top
                                                                 with an all star
                                                                                  blues musical
                                                                              vocals,    band of family
                                                                               and entertainers
                                                                       & vocals,      Jason Kinney-
                                                                                                       director,We are thrilled that The Primates
                                                                                                    in the Bass, vocals,
                                                                                                                             for another rockin’ Derb
                                                                                                                                                       are and   look forward to returning to
                                                                                                                                                      the Bass Festival once again.
                   industry. The Briefcase          Groft-
                                                Blues         Keyboards,
                                                        Brothers                vocals,
                                                                    Revue is will          Chris Amato-
                                                                                   leave audiences       with DrumsSaturday night, right after the fireworks.
                                       The on
                                     a smile   Briefcase
                                                  their face and Blues
                                                                    love inBrothers
                                                                            their hearts.Revue is one of the top Blues Brothers             Come out to the streets and monkey around
              SATURDAY 11:00—1:00
                                            Revues        on the      planet.     They     have
                                                                                             Bluesestablished           themselves
                                                                                                                  The Mates     have beenin    thea change!
                                                                                                                                             entertaining young Bring your dancing shoes
                                                                               JELLYSTONE PARK/TOWER PARK - PARADE         SPONSOR
                             Marten Benatar-    Elwood Blues,      Michael  St John-   Jake                         and old around the Delta/Bay and area   for to sing along with all the
                                     Bob entertainment             industry      with over 30 years ofdecades        combined        music      and
                                           Kinney- Guitar, AFTERGLOW
                                                              vocals,  musical director,
                           Dean Everett- Sax, keys & vocals, Jason Kinney- Bass, vocals,                               SATURDAY 9:00—11:00
                                                                                                                              and look  forward  to returning
                                                                                                                                              classic   rock tohits from the 60s and beyond
                    The original    performance
                                      Afterglow Band       experience.
                                                               came together    They     aremid
                                                                                     in the    seasoned
                                                                                                      60’s andentertainers           and musicians
                                                                                                                         the Bass Festival
                                                                                                                  released                    once again.      under the stars.

                                                                                         SMUD - KID'S DERBY      SPONSOR
                               Gordon   Groft- Keyboards,       vocals, Chris Amato-     Drums
                    their first album in 1968. Now this trio performs at a variety of venues in
                                          in their own   the right
                                                               Delta andand therefore
                                                                               beyond.        take every bit
                                                                                                      THE PRIMATES
                                                                                                                Come  ofout
                                                                                                                          their   expertise
                                                                                                                             to the streets and and         Follow The Primates:
                                                                                                                                                 monkey around
            SATURDAY 11:00—1:00                                                                                                                                                                                        K.K. Vollbrecht - Bass & Vocals, Jaamal Brown - Drums,
                                         entertainment experience to the stage each time                                   that they
                                                                                                                   for a change!    Bringperform.
                                                                                                                                           your dancing   shoes
                                                                                                                                                                                                               G-Wee Medford - Keyboards & Vocals, Lynette Van Gerpen - Vocals,
                                                                                                                     and vocal
                                                                                                                          prepare to sing along with all the
                 Together they will bring you some great hits from the 60’s & 70’s, with
                   harmony thatThey            have
                                        will bring       surrounded
                                                       back    some good     themselves
                                                                                 memories of     withthe an
                                                                                                                  classic blues
                                                                                                                           rock hitsband
                                                                                                                                     from theof60s
                                                                                                                                                    and beyond
                                                                                                                                                                 We are thrilled that The Primates are BACK          JD Shewmaker - Guitars & Vocals, Spider Flynn - Lead Guitar
                                      and     friends
                                                   you     that
                                                          want     are
                                                                  to  getsome
                                                                           up   andof
               The original Afterglow Band came together in the mid 60’s and released  the
                                                                                      dance! top     musicians       and    entertainers
                                                                                                                                  under  the    in
                                                                                                                                             stars. the                      for  another     rockin’   Derb

                                                                                                                   P S
                                                                                                                                                                                                            SUNDAY 12:00—2:00
               their first album inindustry.
                    Gene Resler-Lead
                                     1968. Now The          Briefcase
                                                    this trio performs at Blues
                                                                            a varietyBrothers
                                                                                       of venues inRevue is will leave audiences with                               Saturday night, right after the fireworks.
                                                 Delta and beyond.     and Ron George-Vocals/Bass,                   are theFollow The Primates:
                                                             a  smilemembers.
                                                             original    on their face and love in their                  hearts.
                                                                                                                                        K.K.GROOVY          JUDY
                                                                                                                                                                                     Vollbrecht - Bass  & Vocals, Jaamal Brown - Drums,
                          Jim Weyeneth—Drums joined this year and rounds out he group.                                                                                     G-Wee  Medford    Keyboards  &  Vocals, Lynette Van Gerpen   - Vocals,
             Together they will bring you some great hits from the 60’s & 70’s, with vocal                                                            Whether she  TheisMates
                                                                                                                                                                         rockinghave    been
                                                                                                                                                                                  the stage     atentertaining
                                                                                                                                                                                                   some of Sanyoung Francisco’s    longest
                                                                                                                                               running and most popularJD        Shewmaker    - Guitars & Vocals, Spider Flynnlegendary
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                - Lead Guitar
                 SATURDAY 1:30—3:30
                                         Marten Benatar- Elwood Blues, Michael St John- Jake Blues
               harmony that will bring back some good memories of the past and make
                                                                                                                                                     and old
                                                                                                                                                American       around
                                                                                                                                                                         the Delta/Bay
                                                                                                                                                                  Hall, guitarist,
                                                                                                                                                                                        or entertaining
                                                                                                                                                                                   vocalist, and for
                                                                                                                                                                                                            crowds    at the                Great
                          you want to get up and dance!
                                                    Bob Kinney- Guitar, vocals, musical director,
                                                                        decades and look forward to returning to                                         SUNDAY
                                                                                                                                           Groovy Judy has   become  12:00—2:00
                                                                                                                                                                       one of the Bay Area’s most recognizable
                                    BANK OF STOCKTON * DELTA
                                      Dean Everett-
                 Gene Resler-Lead Vocals/Guitar, andRIVER Sax,
                                                             RATZ   MARINA
                                                                 keys & vocals,
                                                     Ron George-Vocals/Bass,
                                         original members.
                                                                                       YACHT HARBOR * DOELCHER LIGHTING
                                                                              are the Jason Kinney- Bass, vocals,
                                                                GROOVY JUDY the Bass Festival once again.
                                                                                                                                            musicians. Inspired by the likes of Jimi Hendrix and The Beatles,
                                                                                                                                           Groovy Judy’s classic riffs and warm personality have endeared her
                   Jim Weyeneth—Drums joined this yearGroft-
                                             Gordon             Keyboards,      vocals,   Chris Amato- Drums
                             The River Ratz      are a local Rio Vista band that     play a                                                                         to fans everywhere.
                                     DOLK TRACTOR * DUTRA * DRYVAC
                                                         and rounds out he group.
                                                                                    ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES * RAMOS OIL
                      variety of songs: Contemporary, Country, Classic Rock, and Blues. Whether she is rocking the stage at some of San Francisco’s longest
                                                                      Come out to the streets and monkey around
                               The Bass Festival is all about having a great time and running and most popularJudy
                                                                                                                eventsis or entertaining
                                                                                                                          also  a cancer crowds at the legendary
                                                                                                                                            survivor.   In 2017, Great
                                                                                                                                                                  she was diagnosed with salivary gland
             SATURDAY 1:30—3:30 11:00—1:00
                                         LINDSAY TRANSPORTATION for      *andaRIO
                                                                                        Bring your BEACON            * RIO VISTA LIONS CLUB
                                     the River Ratz will certainly deliver the fun!              American Music Hall, guitarist,
                                                                                                                          cancer,vocalist,  and songwriter
                                                                                                                                     and underwent       surgery. But, she made an immediate
                                                                                                    dancing shoes
                                                                                            Groovy Judy has becomereturn       to the
                                                                                                                       one of the       stage,most
                                                                                                                                   Bay Area’s   refusing   to cancel her shows despite temporary
                              RIVER RATZ
                                                     From Left to Right        prepare to sing along with all the                          paralysis   on  the
                                                                                             musicians. Inspired by the likes of Jimi Hendrix and The Beatles, left side of her face.
                                                    RIO VISTA PIZZA FACTORY                   *   WOOD           REAL   ESTATE
                                                 Rob Stahlman, Bill Gross                  Groovy Judy’s classic riffs and warm personality have endeared her
                          The River Ratz are          Stahlman,
                                             a local Rio Vista bandRickclassic  rock
                                                                   that play a       hits from the 60s and beyond
                                                                                                         SUNDAY    2:30—4:30
                                                                                                                    to fans everywhere.
                                              Rocky    Clugston,   Bob   Kinney
                  variety of songs: Contemporary, Country, Classic Rock, and Blues.
                      The original Afterglow Band came together in the mid           under the stars.
                                                                                          60’s and released
                         The Bass Festival is all about having a great time and         Judy is also a cancer survivor. In 2017, she was diagnosed with NETWORK
                                                                                                                                                            salivary gland
                      their  first
                       the River
                 SATURDAY          album
                                 Ratz        in 1968.
                                      will certainly
                              4:00—6:00              deliverNow   this
                                                                  trio performs at a variety
                                                            the fun!                               of venues
                                                                                                cancer,           in Network
                                                                                                         and underwent   surgery. But, she made an immediate
                                                       the Delta and beyond.                 return to the stage, refusing         has
                                                                                                                           to cancel     been
                                                                                                                                       her shows    Follow
                                                                                                                                                  despite     The
                                                                                                                                                          temporary  Primates:
                                                                                                                                                              in the San Joaquin Valley area for over
                                  From Left to Right        SHUFFLE                                           paralysis 20 years.
                                                                                                                        on the        During
                                                                                                                               left side of her this
                                                                                                                                                face. time, they have performed at the Fox Theater,       K.K. Vollbrecht - Bass & Vocals, Jaamal Brown - Drums,
                                                                                                                     some of the top

                                                           S  P  O S
                                                                                                                                            wineries in the Lodi area, and other community events.
                             Rob Stahlman, Bill Gross
                            Vacaville-based       “SHUFFLE”    features  tight vocals, rockin’  guitar                             They have also performed at the Stockton Brewfest                 G-Wee Medford - Keyboards & Vocals, Lynette Van Gerpen - Vocals,
                    Together  they
                                     will bring
                                        a solid     you some great hits from the 60’s & 70’s, with vocal
                                              Rick McKinney
                                                   Kinney section. Playing a wide variety of songs
                                                                                                                                             SUNDAYand the2:30—4:30
                                                                                                                                                             Asparagus Festival.
                                   Clugston,                                                                                                                                                            JD Shewmaker - Guitars & Vocals, Spider Flynn - Lead Guitar
                     harmony     that will bring back some good memories of the past and make NETWORK
                               from   rock   to pop,  country to blues, the  band  is sure
                             music that will move your feet and touch your heart. When you
                                                                                           to  play
                                                                                                                All band members are seasoned veterans of the classic rock era. Their music
                               hit SHUFFLE,you         want  to get upa and
             SATURDAY 4:00—6:00                    ABEL
                                                                                time dancing and
                                                                     to your favorite hits!
                                                                                                                   spans MAYHOOD
                                                                                                                            from The BeatlesRANCHES                                          SOROPTIMIST
                                                                                                                                                     to Elvis, Motown, The Doors, country music
                                                                                                           Network has been performing in the San Joaquin Valley area and       for over
                                                                                                                                                                                                  stars          OF RIO VISTA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          SUNDAY 12:00—2:00
                                                                                                            20 years. During this time, they have performed at the Fox Theater,
                     Gene Resler-Lead              ACE
                                       Paula Elliot-Vocals,   HARDWARE
                                                    Vocals/Guitar,         and Ron George-Vocals/Bass,
                                                                     Howard Hastings-Bass/Vocals,         some of the topare     the
                                                                                                                            wineries       MCCORMACK
                                                                                                                                      in the
                                                                                                                                              Lodi area, and other community
                                                                                                                                                                                  events.                            SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE
                                                                                                                                                                                           Vince Castillo-Lead Guitar/Vocals,
                                     Ed Santos-Guitars/Vocals, Mark Loustaunau-Guitars,
                       Vacaville-based “SHUFFLE” features
                                                   AJK UNIQUE DougtightStaggs-Drums
                                                                originalvocals, rockin’ guitar
                                                                                 INTL        EMPORIUM
                                                                                                                      They have   also performed
                                                                                                                                  and theMJB
                                                                                                                                                    at the Stockton
                                                                                                                                            Asparagus    Festival.                 Marty            GROOVY
                                                                                                                                                                                           Wilson-Drums,      Mike JUDY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     SPRADLING CONSTRUCTION
                      work and a solid rhythm section.      Playing a wide variety     of songs
                                    to pop, country to blues,joined
                                                                 the bandthis     year    and rounds out he group.
                 Second Stage Entertainment Schedule
                         from                                                is sure to play
                       music that will move your   ASTA         CONSTRUCTION
                                                     feet and touch   your heart. When you           All band members are seasonedMONTEZUMA
                                                                                                                                            veterans of the classic rock FIRE
                                                                                                                                                                              she is music
                                                                                                                                                                                       rocking the stage
                                                                                                                                                                           era. TheirDISTRICT           #51 at some      of San Francisco’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     STEWART                longest
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     INDUSTRIAL     SUPPLY
                         hit SHUFFLE, you’re guaranteed a good time dancing and                         spans from The Beatles to Elvis, Motown, running The Doors,and     most
                                                                                                                                                                      country  musicpopular
                                                                                                                                                                                     stars     events or entertaining crowds at the legendary Great
                   SATURDAY 1:30—3:30     listeningAUGUSTO
                                                     to your favorite hits!INSURANCE AGENCY                                                PETS
                                                                                                                                            and beyond! 4 ALL American Music Hall, guitarist, vocalist,              TAQUERIA          MEXICO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and songwriter
               SATURDAYEd                          CONTRA               COSTA RADIATOR
                             Paula Elliot-Vocals, Howard Hastings-Bass/Vocals,
                                Santos-Guitars/Vocals,      Mark Loustaunau-Guitars,
                                                                                                       Terry Novinger-Guitar/Keyboard/Vocals,           CREEK     Groovy REALTY
                                                                                                                                                                             Judy has become
                                                                                                                                                                            Guitar/Vocals,       SATURDAY            WALDIE
                                                                                                                                                                                                      one of the 12:30—3:00
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Bay            &recognizable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Area’s most  ASSOCIATES
                                                                RIVER         RATZ                                                                                  musicians.      Inspired by the likes of Jimi Hendrix and The Beatles,
                                               Doug Staggs-Drums
                                                                    TUNERIDERS                WALT STANISH                                 RAUL'S STRIPER
                                                                                                            Dennis Phillips-Guitar/Vocals, Marty Wilson-Drums,
                                                                                                                                                                 SOLID GOLD     CAFÉ
                                                                                                                                                                        Mike Hall-Bass
                                                                                                                                                                 Groovy Judy’s classic riffs and warm personality have endeared her
              Second Stage Entertainment Schedule
                                                                                                                                    SolidRESLER               REALTY
                                  TheTheRiver      DAWN'S
                                                   Ratz are a local    CLEANING
                                                                             Rio Vista band
                                              TUNERIDERS perform upbeat hits of the legendary
                                       vocal groups of the 60's/70's/80's. The Beatles, Eagles,
                                                                                                   that play a                              Gold is a favorite       Rio Vista Band, performing in and
                                                                                                                                around the Rio Vista area, as well as the surrounding              to fans   everywhere.
                       variety of songs:          Contemporary,           Country,       Classic
                                                                                           Stones,Rock,        and Blues. and the          RIO       VISTA          FIRE      DEPT
                                                   DELTA            MOOSE             LODGE           #1846                                                                      of music#55
                                       David Bowie,         Van Morrison,        Rolling             Don Henley,                                Bay Area. They have been delighting audiences
                                     Crosby, Stills       & Nash,     Beach Boys,        The Rascals,      Eric Clap-                          since    2011 with     a blend               from the
                                The Bass    ton,Festival       is allEverly
                                                                                 having     a great   time      and                                      Judy    is through
                                                                                                                                                                     also a cancer
                                                                                                                                                                               the 90’s.survivor. In 2017, she was diagnosed with salivary gland
             SATURDAY 9:00—11:30 the River
                                                   Boz Skaggs,
                                                   DELTA  Ratz      PHARMACY
                                                           The Turtles, certainly
                                                                              and many
                                                                                                 the fun!
                                                                                                                                           RIO VISTA          50’s
                                                                                                                                                                      cancer,           HEALTH
                                                                                                                                                                                 and underwent
                                                                                                                                                                                                      surgery.    But, she made an immediate
                                                                                                                                     For 10 years crowds have been dancing and listening to
                                                                                                                                         GOLDR & B, & Jazz. This group is aHITCH
                                     They enjoy    EDDO'S
                                                       performingHARBORand reliving the     &   RV
                                                                                              music   PARK
                                                                                                     of  their youth.                       soundVISTA              MUFFLER,
                                                                                                                                                       which includes      to the&stage,
                                                                                                                                                                           Rock               refusing
                                                                                                                                                                                      Roll, Pop         &toand
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Standards, WELDING
                                                                                                                                                                                                             cancel her shows despite temporary
                                                     TUNERIDERS                                                                SOLID
                                             The songs        From Left
                                                            they    perform   to Right
                                                                                allow   the  listener to   relive                   Country,                                            paralysis
                                                                                                                                                                                           fun,      on the left side of her face.
                              The TUNERIDERS
                                                         Rob     CLUB
                                                               upbeat   moments
                                                                            of the
                                                                        a reason
                                                                                 Bill  Gross
                                                                                       that brought
                                                                                          believe and
                                                                                                       Solid Gold is a favorite Rio Vista
                                                                                                                                           RIOBand, VISTA
                                                                                                                                          talented   performing   inPOLICE
                                                                                                                                                       mix of musicians
                                                                                                                                                                in counties
                                                                                                                                                                    4-part harmony.
                                                                                                                                                                              and singers     specializing
                              vocal groups    of the 60's/70's/80's.        Beatles,  Eagles,       around     the Rio Vista area, as well as the surrounding
                                                Michelle             EXCAVATING
                                                   Morrison, Stahlman, Stones,Rick      McKinney       and the Bay Area. They have RIO               VISTA          YOUTH           SERVICES
                             David Bowie, Van
                                        They     are   a  dance
                                                                   band    and
                                                                                 Don Henley,
                            Crosby, Stills & Nash, Beach Boys, The Rascals, Eric Clap- our  greatest  joy    seeing                  They
                                                                                                                                           been delighting
                                                                                                                                             dare   you   to
                                                                                                                  since 2011 with a blend of music from the
                                                                                                                                                              just  sit and  listen    you’ll definitely want               SUNDAY 2:30—4:30
                                                     Rocky      Clugston,        BobElvis,
                                                   HAP'S          BAIT                                                      50’s through RIOVISION
                                                        people    smile as they       boogie    down!                                                       to get up and DANCE!!
                                 ton, Boz Skaggs,     Everly Bros.,   Chuck Berry,                                                         the 90’s.
                                             The Turtles,Duane
                                                            and many    more.
                                                    Rick Abbott–Lead
                                                                   KONG            SEAFOOD
                                                                              Vocals/Rhythm              RESTAURANT
                                                                                                   Guitar     10 years crowds have been
                                                                                                                                                Harry Pluth-Guitar, Joe Pepper-Drums,
                                                                                                                                             dancing           NEST
                                                                                                                                                        and listening
                                                                                                                                              Bob Jacobs-Bass,             THRIFT
                                                                                                                                                                       toPerry  Castelli-Keyboards
                   SATURDAY              4:00—6:00
                            They enjoy performing and reliving       the music of their youth.
                                                              Ken Cooper-Guitar/Vocals                  their sound which includes Rock & Roll,
                                                                                                                                                       Pop Standards,
                                                                                                                                                    Bonnie     Granados-Vocals/Cowbells,
                                                                                                                                                                CLUB         OF      RIO      VISTA
                                 The songs
                                                   HOSPICE              OF       SAN
                                              they perform allow the listener to relive
                                memorable musical moments that brought previous
                                                                                           JOAQUIN     Country, R & B, & Jazz. This group                      Network
                                                                                                                                                 is a fun, exciting,
                                                                                                             talented mix of musicians and singers specializing
                                                                                                                                                                     and has       been    performing     in the San Joaquin Valley area for over
                                                                                                                                                                20 years. During this time, they have performed at the Fox Theater,
                                                   ISLETON CHAMBER
                               generations joy and a reason to believe and dream.
                                                                                   SHUFFLE       OF COMMERCE                               SAXON-CREED
                                                                                                                              in 4-part harmony.
                                                                                                                                                              some of the top wineries in the Lodi area, and other community events.
                                                   KORTH'S              PIRATE             LAIR tightMARINA                           and SCENTS             & SEW-ABILITY
                              They are a dance band and get our greatest joy seeing                     They dare you to just sit and listen - you’ll definitely want
                                         Vacaville-based             “SHUFFLE”           features             vocals, rockin’       guitar                                  They have also performed at the Stockton Brewfest
                                            Rio Vista Chamber of Commerce
                                         people    smile as they boogie     down!                                          to get up       DANCE!!
                                                                                                                                           SHAFER                                            and the Asparagus Festival.
                                                                                                                                             Pepper-Drums,REAL ESTATE
                                        work Duane
                                                   LIRA'S a solidSUPERMARKET
                                                                    rhythm section. Playing a wide
                                                                                                                      variety of songs
                                                                                                                   Harry Pluth-Guitar, Joe
                                              from rockVocals/Rhythm
                                      Rick Abbott–Lead        to pop, country  Guitar to blues, the band         BobisJacobs-Bass,
                                                                                                                       sure to play  Perry Castelli-Keyboards
                                               Ken LUCY'S
                                          music that will move your feet and touch your heart. When you
                                                     Cooper-Guitar/Vocals                                             Bonnie               SHARON
                                                                                                                             Granados-Vocals/Cowbells,           FISHER
                                                                                                                                                        All band members are seasoned veterans of the classic rock era. Their music
                                                                             33 North Second
                                                     hit SHUFFLE, you’re guaranteed a good time dancing and
                                                                  listening to your favorite hits!
                                                                                                             spans fromSt.
                                                                                                                        The Beatles to Elvis, Motown, The Doors, country music stars
                                                                                                                                           and beyond!
                                                                             Rio       Vista,
                                                       Paula Elliot-Vocals, Howard Hastings-Bass/Vocals, CA 94571
                                   Rio               Vista           Chamber
                                                      Ed Santos-Guitars/Vocals, Mark 707-374-2700
                                                                                                 of Commerce
                                                                      Doug Staggs-Drums
                                                                                                            Terry Novinger-Guitar/Keyboard/Vocals, Vince Castillo-Lead Guitar/Vocals,
                                                                                                                Dennis Phillips-Guitar/Vocals, Marty Wilson-Drums, Mike Hall-Bass
                                    Vista,  Entertainment
                                33 North Second St.
                                More       CAon                    Schedule
                                                second stage on page
                                              94571                  19
                        SATURDAY 9:00—11:30
                                                                                707-374-2700                                                                                                                                  SATURDAY 12:30—3:00
                                                                                        TUNERIDERS                                                                                       SOLID GOLD
                                                           The TUNERIDERS perform upbeat hits of the legendary                                             Solid Gold is a favorite Rio Vista Band, performing in and
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