SGUnited Heartland Jobs @ Boon Lay CC - JOB LISTING BOOKLET - E2i

Page created by Kirk Mcgee
JOB LISTING BOOKLET                                                                                                           1[

                                                                                                                                     Main Document

                                        Jobs @
                                      Boon Lay CC
                                   JOB LISTING BOOKLET

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          About e2i (Employment and Employability Institute)
          e2i is the empowering network for workers and employers seeking employment and employability solutions. e2i serves as a
          bridge between workers and employers, connecting with workers to offer job security through job-matching, career guidance
          and skills upgrading services, and partnering employers to address their manpower needs through recruitment, training and job
          redesign solutions. e2i is a tripartite initiative of the National Trades Union Congress set up to support nation-wide manpower
          and skills upgrading initiatives. For more information, please visit
JOB LISTING BOOKLET                                                                                                                                           2[
                  Content Page                                                                                                                                       or
                                                                                                                                                                     Main Document

       #1        C & W Services .......................................................................................................................................3
       #2        C.O.S. Printers ........................................................................................................................................9
       #3        Carrier Corporation .......................................................................................................................... 10
       #4        Compass Group (Singapore) ............................................................................................................ 12
       #5        Container Printers ............................................................................................................................. 14
       #6        Faxolif Industries ............................................................................................................................... 18
       #7        Katoen Natie ....................................................................................................................................... 19
       #8        M.C. Packaging .................................................................................................................................... 21
       #9        MCI Career Services ........................................................................................................................... 22
       #10       Nexus Management Services ........................................................................................................... 23
       #11       NTUC Health Co-operative ............................................................................................................... 24
       #12       OJJ Foods .............................................................................................................................................. 29
       #13       PAP Community Foundation ........................................................................................................... 31
       #14       Sun City Maintenance ........................................................................................................................ 37
       #15       Talent Marketplace ........................................................................................................................... 38
       #16       Vibrant Group ..................................................................................................................................... 43
       #17       Weishen Industrial Services ............................................................................................................ 44
       #18       West Pharmaceutical Services Singapore ..................................................................................... 46

       SGUS/ Training Providers ................................................................................................................................. 48
       #T1       NTUC LearningHub ................................................................................................................................ 48
       #T2       Singapore Institute of Management .................................................................................................... 48
       #T3       Singapore Polytechnic .......................................................................................................................... 48
JOB LISTING BOOKLET                                                                                                   3[
       #1 C & W Services                                                                                  or
       C&W Services blends a powerful combination of real estate brokerage and consultancy with day-to-   ds
       day facilities management services in a holistic manner that links the business drivers of the clients
       we serve. Our fully integrated, end-to-end property service is delivered at unparalleled           Main Document
       performance levels to occupiers and investor clients.

        Job Positions             Pre-requisites                     Key Responsibilities                 Working Hours /
        Customer             Good telephone                  Professionally manage incoming and        08:00 to 20:00
        Service Officer       etiquette with passion           outgoing calls by providing accurate      09:00 to 21:00
                              in customer service              and consistent information                10:00 to 22:00
                             Possess relevant                Ability to communicate clearly and        East
                              experience in call center        manage customers' feedback
                              environment                     Organized and able to multi-task in
                                                               fast paced environment
                             Able to perform
                                                              Maintain good service delivery
                              rotating shift work
                                                              Perform administrative tasks assigned
                                                              Any ad-hoc tasks as assigned
        Technician (Lift)    GCE N/O Level/ Nitec in         Perform routine maintenance               Mon to Fri:
                              building services/               and servicing of lifts                     8.30am to
                              electrical/ mechanical or       Troubleshoot and restore                   5pm
                              relevant study.                  lift breakdowns                           Alternate
                             Min 1 year                      Replacement of defective parts             Saturday: 8:30am
                              working                         Attend call backs/breakdowns               to 5pm/
                              experience in lift               and emergency duties as and               west
                              maintenance                      when required
                             Required to do standby
                              duty at night and/ or
                              weekends with paid OT/
        Property             Diploma in Building Services    Assist Building Manager in site           6 days rotating shift
        Officer              / Facilities Maintenance or      coordination and supervision              Morning: 9am to 5pm
                              Mechanical/ Electrical          Conduct conditional inspection on         Afternoon: 2pm
                              Engineering                      existing buildings and inspection for      to 10pm
                             Minimally 1-2 years              handing and taking over of new             (Somerset)
                              relevant experience in           developments                              Mon to Fri:
                              Property / Estate /             Provide support on technical issues to     8.30am to
                              Facilities Management or         Client                                     5.30pm
                              Building / Facilities           Perform project management work           Alternate Saturday:
                              Maintenance                      for renovation and additional and          8:30am to 12.30pm
                                                               alteration works                           / West
                                                              Assist in project meetings with           Central/ West
                                                               Consultants, Contractors, Clients, etc
                                                              Coordinate closely with Contractors/
                                                               Sub-Contractors or site teams to
                                                               ensure delivery of result
JOB LISTING BOOKLET                                                                                          4[
        Job         Pre-requisites                       Key Responsibilities                       Working Hoursw/
        Positions                                                                                   Location
        Property     Diploma in Property / Estate        Assist the Building Manager in the daily  Mon to Fri
                      Facilities Management /              operations                                 8:30am to 6pm /
                      Engineering or equivalent           Manage all Sub-Contractors, supervise
                                                                                                                      Main Document
                                                                                                      Various locations
                     Minimum 3 years of relevant          & coordinate Facility Management
                      work experience                      activities and ensure all works adhere to
                     Knowledge in building works          legal regulations
                      and facilities management           Preparation of monthly and incident
                     Possess good                         reports pertaining to the site(s)
                     communication skills in liaising    Ensure smooth operations on site(s)
                      with both internal and external     Manage ad-hoc project(s)
                      stakeholders                        Facilitate incident investigation
                                                           whenever necessary
        Technical    Diploma in Facility Management      Assist the Building Manager in the daily  Mon to Fri:
        Executive     / Building Services / Mechanical     operations                                  8.30am to
                      or Electrical Engineering           Lead a team in the provision and            5.30pm
                     Minimum 3 years of relevant          implementation of maintenance              Alternate
                      Facility Management, Plumbing        services at designated client's site        Saturday:
                      & Sanitary, Mechanical or           Troubleshoot building services failures     8:30am to
                      ACMV related working                 when necessary                              12.30pm
                      experience                          Supervise, plan and organize a team of  West
                     Ability to plan, organize and        on-site contractors in carrying out
                      supervise a team of contractors      planned and ad-hoc maintenance and
                      in carrying out planned and ad-      their work routines
                      hoc maintenance work                Ensure efficient and effective
                     Possess good communication           maintenance of Client's facilities
                      skills and be able to relate to      through routine check and preventive
                      different levels of people           maintenance strategies
                                                          Source, negotiate and follow up with
                                                           contractors on repair and replacement
                                                           work to ensure work done according to
                                                          Check & ensure adequacy of spares &
                                                           stocks for repairs & maintenance
                                                           function of equipment
                                                          Compile, collate and analyse
                                                           operational data and reports for
                                                           continuous improvement
                                                          Ensure all statutory licenses and
                                                           permits are renewed timely
                                                          Ensure contractors carry out works in
                                                           accordance with contract requirements,
                                                           including evaluation of contractors’
                                                           performance and review of contract
                                                          Follow up with term contractors on
                                                           defects rectification after the servicing
JOB LISTING BOOKLET                                                                                         5[
        Quantity      Degree in Quantity Survey or its  Prepare and report financial projection  Mon to Fri:    w
        Surveyor       equivalent                         and carry out budgetary and              8.30am to      or
                      Minimum 3 years of relevant QS expenditure control of Contractors’             5.30pm       ds
                       experience, preferably in local    contract prior to commencement of                        ]
                       property management sector         work.                                                    Main Document
                      Possess good communication        Prepare and recommend monthly
                       skills                             progress payment claims and final
                      Knowledge of Cost Control and      account submitted by the term
                       Tender preparation                 contractors’ and to ensure timely and
                                                          complete submission for payment.
                                                         Review and prepare specifications,
                                                          evaluate, and recommend tender
                                                         Prepare tender documents, tender
                                                          evaluation report, variation agreements
                                                          and render professional advice on any
                                                          penalties, liquidated
                                                         damages when deem necessary.
        Technician    GCE N/O Level/ Nitec in building  Work closely with the Officers to         Mon to Fri:
        (with Own      services/ electrical/ mechanical   plan, coordinate, and execute the          8.30am to
        transport      or relevant study.                 maintenance by Term Contractors            5.30pm
                      Require vehicle                                                              Alternate
                                                         Liaise with Contractor to ensure
                                                          proper work procedures adhere to
                                                                                                     8:30am to
                                                          local authorities' regulations and act 12.30pm
                                                         Supervise Term Contractor                 West
                                                          workmen to carry out work as
                                                          stipulated in respective contracts
                                                         Prepare reports and checklists (e.g.
                                                          Inspections details/ Sites work
                                                          progress Photos) for submissions
                                                         Certify and submit the Term
                                                          Contractor's final report detailing
                                                          work done at site for preparation of
                                                          completion certificate for payment
                                                         Supervise of pipeline reserve
                                                          patrolling operation and
                                                          maintenance works to ensure
                                                          security and to check for leak,
                                                          encroachment, unauthorized
                                                          activities, dumping or etc
JOB LISTING BOOKLET                                                                                              6[
        Job           Pre-requisites                       Key Responsibilities                    Working Hours /w
        Positions                                                                                     Location
        Technician    GCE N/O Level/ Nitec in           Attend to breakdown, servicing,           Mon to Fri:  ]
        (Building)     building services/ electrical/     repairing and emergency requests           8.30am to    Main Document
                       mechanical or relevant study.      from Client.                            5.30pm
                      Min 3 years of relevant           Record and report all faults,          Alternate
                       working experience.                deficiencies, and other unusual         Saturday:
                      Knowledge of electrical/           occurrences, as well as the time and    8:30am to
                       mechanical/ building services      materials expended on work orders       12.30pm
                      Must be able to work at           Prepare simple reports for submission  East
                       Greenwich drive and Alps           to client
                       avenue both locations             Any other ad-hoc duties as assigned
                                                          whenever required

        Technician    GCE N/O Level/ Nitec in           Servicing and maintaining of ACMV         5.5 days
        (ACMV)         building services/ electrical/     System including chilled water             Mon to
                       mechanical or relevant             system, DX system, VRV system and          Fri
                       study.                             mechanical ventilation system             8am to
                      Min 1 year working                Carry out regular preventive and           5.30pm Sat
                       experience in                      corrective maintenance works              8am to 12pm
                       ACMV maintenance                  Attend customer complaints and            West
                      Knowledge in performing            solve the problems
                       preventive and corrective of      Submit service reports after
                       ACMV                               completion of maintenance works

        Technician    GCE N/O Level/ Nitec in           Oversee, operate and manage all the       Mon to Fri:
        (Audio /       building services/                 audio and video equipment in the           8.30am to
        Video)         electrical/ mechanical or          Business Centre, Penthouse,                5.30pm
                       relevant study.                    Boardroom, common meeting                 Alternate
                      Knowledge of audio and             rooms, conference rooms and                Saturday: 8:30am
                       video equipment                    auditoriums within the Property            to 12.30pm
                                                         Set up or assist in the setting of the    Various
                                                          audio and video systems to the             Locations
                                                          tenants and any other users who
                                                          book the Business Centre,
                                                          Penthouse, Boardroom, meeting
                                                          rooms, conference rooms and
                                                          auditoriums for meetings, events
                                                          and functions
                                                         Remain on standby and assist the
                                                          users in the operation and usage of
                                                          the audio and video equipment
                                                          during their practices, rehearsals,
                                                          and the actual event
                                                         Carry out weekly inspections on the
                                                          system functionality, dusting and
                                                          cleaning of the audio and video
                                                          equipment to ensure perfect
                                                          working condition
JOB LISTING BOOKLET                                                                                              7[
        Technician    NITEC in Engineering              Perform maintenance, inspection,          Mon to Fri:      w
        (Fire          (Facility Technology,              and testing on Fire Protection             8.30am to        or
        Protection     Electrical / Mechanical            Systems in accordance with all             5.30pm           ds
        System)        Engineering) or                    relevant standards and compliance         Alternate        ]
                       related disciplines                with all safety procedures                 Saturday: 8:30am Main Document
                      Minimum 2 years relevant          Fault finding and defect rectification     to 12.30pm
                       experience in fire / safety        of Fire Protection Systems                Various Location
                       industry                          Minor repairs of Fire Protection
                      Team player, independent           Systems
                       and quick learner                 Prepare and compile service reports
                      Knowledge in fire                  for all work done, i.e. records of
                       protection systems                 service, inspection, testing,
                      Perform standby duties             rectification work and parts replaced
                       after working hours if            Ensure high levels of customer
                       needed                             satisfaction by effective and prompt
                                                          handling of all customer
                                                         Any other ad-hoc duties as assigned
                                                          whenever required
        Technician    GCE N/O Level/ Nitec in           Attend to breakdown, servicing,           12 hours shift (8am
        (Rotating      building services/ electrical/     repairing and emergency requests           to 8pm / 8pm to
        Shift)         mechanical or relevant             from Client.                               8am) Work 2 days,
                       study.                            Record and report all faults,              off 2 days
                      Must be willing to work            deficiencies, and other unusual           West
                       shift (12 hours), work 2           occurrences, as well as the time and
                       days and off 2 days                materials expended on work orders
                      Knowledge of                      Prepare simple reports for
                       electrical/                        submission to client
                       mechanical/ building              Any other ad-hoc duties as assigned
                       services                           whenever required

        Cleaner       No Formal Qualification.          Cleaning, stocking and supplying          Monday to
                      Training will be provided          designated facility areas (dusting,        Friday 7:00am to
                      Basic Housekeeping duties          sweeping, vacuuming, mopping,              4:30pm
                                                          cleaning ceiling vents, restroom          West
                                                          cleaning and etc)
                                                         Performing and documenting
                                                          routine inspection and maintenance
                                                         Carry out heavy cleaning tasks
                                                          whenever required
                                                         Follow all health and safety
        Technical     Diploma in Building/ Real         Plan for Inspection and Maintenance       Mon to Fri:
        Officer        Estate management/                 Programs                                   8.30am to
                       Mechanical/ Electrical or its     Maintain inventory lists with our          5.30pm
                       equivalent                         Strategic Partner                         Alternate
                      Preferably with 2 year            Perform administrative works, e.g.         Saturday: 8:30am
                       of relevant experience             Risk Assessment (RA), Permit to Work       to 12.30pm
                      Candidate with FSM / ECO           (PTW), safety certs etc                   West
                       / Work at Height (WAH)            Discuss and sort out problems
                       Manager etc. will be               encountered by TO related to all
                       considered first                   work issues
                      Strong administrative and
                       communication skills
JOB LISTING BOOKLET                                                                                      8[
        Security      Valid Security License issued    Plan for Inspection and Maintenance     Mon to Fri:      w
        Officer        by PLRD / SIRD                    Programs                                 8.30am to        or
                      Min 1-year relevant              Maintain inventory lists with our        5.30pm           ds
                       experience as a security          Strategic Partner                       Alternate        ]
                       officer in patrolling duties/    Perform administrative works, e.g.       Saturday: 8:30am Main Document
                       CCTV control room                 Risk Assessment (RA), Permit to Work     to 12.30pm
                       responsibilities                  (PTW), safety certs etc                 West
                      Ability to stand & walk for      Discuss and sort out problems
                       long periods of time              encountered by TO related to all
                      Able to work rotating 12-         work issues
                       hour shift including
                       weekends and Public
JOB LISTING BOOKLET                                                                             9[
       #2      C.O.S. Printers                                                                         or
       Based in Singapore, producing fine quality printing of books , journal and various commercial   ds
       printing products.                                                                              ]
                                                                                                       Main Document
        Job Positions      Pre-requisites      Key Responsibilities                    Working Hours /
        Printing Assistant  NIL                Assist operator in running printing    8am-5.30pm
                                                 machine                                West

        General Worker      NIL               Packing, loading carton boxes,         8am-5.30pm
                                                 manual work                            West

        Printing Operator  5 years of          Operate printing machine               8am-5.30pm
                            experience                                                  West
                           Experience in
JOB LISTING BOOKLET                                                                                          1
       #3 Carrier Corporation                                                                                y
       Carrier Transicold is a global force in transport refrigeration and air-conditioning and is a part of or
       Carrier Corporation –a world leader in air conditioning, refrigeration, heating system and
       equipment.                                                                                            Main Document

        Job            Pre-requisites                         Key Responsibilities                  Working Hours /
        Positions                                                                                   Location
        Maintenance     Diploma in Electrical Engineering Maintaining of all production            Monday to Friday:
        Technician      Any maintenance related work       equipment and plant facilities            7.42am to 5pm
        (Electrical)     experience will be advantageous   Assist Supervisor in job coordination    251 Jalan Ahmad
                        Team Player                        with vendors and contractor on            Ibrahim
                        Flexible to commit overtime        request
                         including weekends                Coordination and arrangement of
                                                            project works with vendors or
                                                           To liaise and deal with requests from
                                                            all other department within the
                                                            organization, for minor repairs
                                                           To maintain a preventive
                                                            maintenance program for all
                                                            production equipment and plant
        Production      No experience is required.       Required to operate machinery            Monday to Friday:
        Technologist    Must be willing to wonder under   Required to follow SOP                    7.42am to 5pm
                         non-aircon environment and long-  Support production and ad-hoc            251 Jalan Ahmad
                         standing hours.                   duties                                    Ibrahim
                        Team Player                      Troubleshooting of machines
                        Flexible to commit overtime        when required.
                         including weekends

        Service         Min. 1 Years of hands on              Involve in depot-based work,         Monday to Friday:
        Technician       experience working in                  site servicing, repairing, and        8.30am to 5.30pm
        (HVAC)           HVAC/Facilities/Construction           setting up/installation              28 Teban Gardens
                         Industry                               (including delivering and             Cres
                        Team Player                            collecting)
                        Flexible in travelling island wide    Carry out troubleshooting and
                         for servicing works                    perform recommended repairs
                                                               Perform monthly routine
                                                                service for
                                                                under service agreement
                                                               Liaise with customers on
                                                                maintenance/shutdown and
                                                                repair schedule
JOB LISTING BOOKLET                                                                                       1
         Service          Diploma                             Lead a team of Service            Monday to Friday:
         Supervisor       Min. 3 Years of hands on             Technicians to coordinate and      8.30am to 5.30pm
         (Fire Security)   experience working with Fire         execute routine service           28 Teban Gardens
                           Protection System and supervisory maintenance, service repair           Cres
                           experience                           works and ad-hoc jobs.
                          Team Lead
                                                                                                                 Main Document
                          Flexible in travelling island wide
                           for servicing works
        Project           Diploma                              Project Management and site      Monday to Friday:
        Engineer          Min. 3 Years of hands on              supervision of all jobs under     8.30am to 5.30pm
       (Fire Security)     experience working with Fire          your preview including cost      28 Teban Gardens
                           Protection System and Project         control, manpower                 Cres
                           Management Capabilities               deployment and ensuring all
                          Team Player                           jobs are completed in
                          Project Management Capabilities       accordance to the terms and
                                                                 conditions of the contract
                                                                 with the
JOB LISTING BOOKLET                                                                                           1
       #4     Compass Group (Singapore)                                                                           y
       U.K. based MNC dealing with Catering Service                                                               w
        Job Positions             Pre-requisites                  Key Responsibilities                 Working Hours
                                                                                                                  ] /
                                                                                                       Location   Main Document
        Cook (Asian/               Able to cook Asian/            Prepare and cook assigned           0700-1630 M-TH
        Western/Mediterranean)      western/Mediterranean           dishes for serving according        0700-1800 FRI
                                    cuisine                         to the menu                         Pasir Panjang
                                   Any discipline or with         Other duties, etc
                                    professional certificate,
                                    min. 2-3 years relevant

        Chef De Partie          Able to cook                      Prepare, cook and serve a           0700-1630 M-TH
        (Western/Mediterranean) Western/Mediterranean               variety of items in accordance      0700-1800 FRI
                                 cuisine                            with specific menus                 Pasir Panjang
                                A professional                    Asst Exec Chef & Sous Chef to
                                 certificate/Nitec, min. 2-3        develop new dishes and menus
                                 years of relevant                 Asst in inventory & managing
                                 experience                         of supplies
                                                                   Other duties, etc

        Demi Chef                  A professional                 Ensure all food prepared &          0700-1630 M-TH
        (Asian/Western/Pastry)      certificate/Nitec, min. 2-3     served according to the             0700-1800 FRI
                                    years of relevant               standards set by the supervisor     Pasir Panjang
                                    experience                     Conducting stock take of the
                                   Able to cook                    ingredients
                                    Asian/Western/Pastry           Other duties, etc

       Dishwasher (Kitchen        ● Any discipline with           ● Collect, clean, wash and            SHIFT 1:
       Steward)                   dishwashing experience            sanitize all soiled wares, other    0700-1600 M-FRI
                                  ● Experience in using             duties, etc                         0900-1300 SAT
                                  dishwashing machine                                                   SHIFT 2:
                                                                                                        0900-1800 M-FRI
                                                                                                        0900-1300 SAT
                                                                                                        SHIFT 3:
                                                                                                        1100-2000 M-FRI
                                                                                                        0900-1300 SAT
                                                                                                        Pasir Panjang
JOB LISTING BOOKLET                                                                                              1
        Job Positions Pre-requisites                        Key Responsibilities                   Working Hours / w
                                                                                                   Location               or
        Barista           Any discipline/professional       Taking orders, serving, cashiering    Familiar with coffee
                           certificate, 2-3 years exp. as    duties in daily                         machines             ]
                           a barista                         Ensure cleanliness of premise, etc                          Main Document
                          Familiar with coffee

        Front of House    Any discipline with 1-2 years  Attend and serve customers,              0700-1630 MON-TH
        Attendance /       of F&B service experience         ensure all food counters clean         0700-1800 FRI
        Service Crew      Good in F&B Service               and tidy all the times                 Pasir Panjang

        Micro Kitchen     Any discipline with 1-2 years  Respond to customers’ requests in a  0700-1645
        Attendant         of F&B service experience          timely manner & ensure customer        MON-FRI
        (Service Crew)    Good in F&B Service               supplies are replenished, other        Pasir Panjang
                                                             duties etc
JOB LISTING BOOKLET                                                                                               1
       #5 Container Printers                                                                             y
       Founded in 1981, Containers Printers is a leading packaging solutions provider specializing in a wide
       range of high-quality flexible laminates and metal packaging products. Based in Singapore, we serve
       leading global brands in markets across the globe, including continents such as Africa, Europe and
       the Middle East.                                                                                  Main Document

        Job Positions Pre-requisites                         Key Responsibilities                        Working Hours /
        Production      At least 1 year of relevant          Operate machines                           Monday –
        Technician       technician experience                Occasionally changing of machine parts      Thursday: (7am-
                        Able to work in a non-aircon and      such as bearing, shaft or seal              7pm)
                         noisy environment                    Packing and sorting                        Rotate shift every
                        Repair / Troubleshoot machine        Cleaning layer pad                          or 2 months 1
                                                                                                          Friday and
                                                                                                           Saturday Off,
                                                                                                           Sunday rest
        Production      At least 1 year of relevant       Operate machines                              Monday –
        Operator         operator experience               Packing and sorting                            Thursday: (7am-
                        Able to work in a non-aircon and  Cleaning layer pad                             7pm)
                         noisy environment                                                                Rotate shift every
                                                                                                           or 2 months 1
                                                                                                          Friday and
                                                                                                           Saturday Off,
                                                                                                           Sunday rest
                                                                                                          83 Joo Koon Circle
                                                                                                           / 90 International
        Electrical      Minimum Nitec in Electrical /        Primary functions are: Inspection,         Monday – Friday:
        Technician       Electronic or relevant                service and maintain equipment              (8.30am - 6pm)
                        At least 2 years of working          Perform Preventive and Predictive          Occasionally
                         experience in engineering /           maintenance servicing of equipment          needs to support
                         manufacturing                        Service and maintenance of                  night shift 8.30pm
                        Experience in packaging /             equipment and to ensure all                 - 6am when
                         manufacturing will be added           equipment are in good working               required
                         advantage                             condition                                  83 Joo Koon Circle
                        Able to work in an non-aircon        Upkeep on all the Electrical facilities
                         and noisy environment                 such as, electrical main switch
                        Ability to understand electrical,     rooms, electrical sources, control
                         mechanical and pneumatic              cabinets to tidy and clean at all
                         diagrams                              times
                        Basic knowledge in inverters,        Attend to machines breakdown
                         motor drives and mechanical           immediately and update
                         assembly                              Maintenance Service Log
                        PLC knowledge is an added            Assist machines improvement works
                         advantage                             with mechanical teams
                                                              Weekly Log readings: Electrical
                                                               distribution meters at substations.
                                                              Data Collection, readings and
                                                              Check all electrical cabinets are
                                                               closed at all times and cabling is
JOB LISTING BOOKLET                                                                                               1
                                                                 covered with proper conduit,                            y
                                                                 trunking and cable trays                                w
                                                                Monitor and feedback on cleaning                        or
                                                                 activities to assist Equipment
                                                                 Engineer to maintain overall
                                                                 cleanliness of power plant and
                                                                 proper cleaning schedules are                           Main Document
                                                                 adhered to
                                                                Maintain proper Housekeeping and
                                                                 Safety awareness on all job tasked
                                                                 by Equipment Engineer

        Forklift Driver    Minimum 1 year of forklift          Transporting material in the              Monday –
                            driving experience                   warehouse / production floor               Thursday: (7am-
                           Understand basic English            Load and unload finish goods only at       7pm)
                           Able to do OT during weekends        designated areas                          Rotate shift every
                           Valid Singapore Forklift Driving    Assist in packing and sorting of items     or 2 months 1
                            Cert                                                                            time
                                                                                                           Friday and
                                                                                                            Saturday Off,
                                                                                                            Sunday rest
                                                                                                           Monday – Friday:
                                                                                                            (8am -5.30pm)
                                                                                                            Day shift
                                                                                                           83 Joo Koon Circle
                                                                                                            / 90 International
        QA Inspector       Minimum O level                     Material inspection, test and             Monday –
                           At least 1 year of related           measurement                                Thursday: (7am-
                            experience                          Record all test results and data           7pm)
                           Knowledge of Microsoft office        accurately for traceability               Rotate shift every
                           Familiar with various                requirements.                              or 2 months 1
                            measurement equipment, such         Ensure timely release of raw               time
                            as the Vernier Caliper,              materials and finished products in        Friday and
                            Micrometer, CMM                      SAP and completion of Certificate of       Saturday Off,
                                                                 Analysis.                                  Sunday rest
                                                                Prepare and collect samples for JIT       83 Joo Koon Circle
                                                                 inspection according to sampling
                                                                 plan specified by customer.
                                                                Other ad-hoc duties assigned by

        Product            At least Diploma in Mechanical      Lead and coordinate of new product        Monday – Friday:
        Development         Engineering or other equal           development (includes process              (8.30am - 6pm)
        Engineer            equivalent                           development for novel products)           90 International
                           Min 1 years of experience           Prepare technical documents (i.e.          Road
                            gained from packaging / metal        Drawings, Control plans, etc) to
                            industry is preferred                ensure product is designed to
                           However, candidate without           purpose
                            experience are welcome to           Supervise the production and QA of
                            apply                                prototype in accordance with the
                           Specializes in the product           designed material construction for
                            development and process              internal and customer testing and
                            improvement of packaging will        evaluation
                            be an added advantage               Interface between business and its
                           Knowledge of solidworks is a         internal / external clients on the
JOB LISTING BOOKLET                                                                                           1
                        plus.                                 technical aspects of product                           y
                                                              development.                                           w
                                                             Prepare alternative / improvement                      or
                                                              studies on the materials and process
                                                              mentioned and recommend
                                                              appropriate modifications and
                                                              changes                                                Main Document
                                                             Evaluate process technologies,
                                                              identify possible suppliers and
                                                              market applications
                                                             Evaluate possible cause/s of the
                                                              problem encountered in the plant or
                                                              from the client and recommend
                                                              solutions and/or suggestions on how
                                                              to improve and / or eliminate said
                                                             Evaluate and specify the appropriate
                                                              test instruments, as well as, quality
                                                              testing procedures of raw materials,
                                                              in-process materials, and finished
                                                             Any other tasks that may be
                                                              assigned from time to time

        Senior / ICT    At least a Diploma in               Assist and implement projects            Monday – Friday:
        Executive        IT/Computer science or related      Analyze, design and develop               (8.30am - 6pm)
                         fields.                              automation suites                        83 Joo koon Circle
                        Minimum 3 years work                Be updated on technological and
                         experience in IT or relevant.        industrial developments, standards
                        However, candidates without          and trends
                         experience are welcome to           Provide technical knowledge and
                         apply.                               assistance to various business units
                        Preferred candidate from             and stakeholders Develop, initiate,
                         manufacturing industry and           and drive processes to help increase
                         with prior experience in project     efficiency for various business units
                         management / software                and stakeholders
                         development.                        To support and improve IT
                        Engineering experience and           strategies, policies, infrastructure,
                         Knowledge or Experience in           administrative duties, and
                         Java, Python, R, HTML5,              operations to achieve organizational
                         Javascript, JSON or REST, mobile     goals.
                         and application                     Assist, and analyze system
                         development/UX design will be        integration efforts.
                         an added advantage.                 Contribute to critical decision
                        Hands on experience in               making on organizational projects,
                         relational database,                 systems, and hardware
                         visualization tools, programing,
                         and development technology
                        Programming language
JOB LISTING BOOKLET                                                                                          1
        ICT Executive    At least a Diploma in             To support and assist IT strategy,       Monday – Friday:
                          IT/Computer science or related     policies, infrastructure,                 (8.30am - 6pm)
                          fields                             administrative duties, helpdesk          83 Joo Koon Circle
                         Minimum 1-3 years’ work            operations and computer services to
                          experience in IT or relevant       accomplish company goals and
                         However, candidates without        objectives
                          experience are welcome to         Manages IT hardware / software                         Main Document
                          apply.                             housekeeping and control
                         Preferred candidate from           procedures, including physical and
                          manufacturing industry and         data security
                          with 1 to 2 years in Helpdesk     Provides end-user Support, system
                          experience will be an added        administration, user account
                          advantage                          management and training
                         IT background                     Assists request for
                                                             applications/software, conduct
                                                             research and recommend solutions
                                                             to technology needs
                                                            Assists in supporting technology
                                                            Maintains and updates application-
                                                             related procedures in the
                                                             department to satisfy audit concern,
                                                             including regular review of relevant
                                                            Assists in managing IT operations
                                                             including data backup and support
                                                             of all back end systems in the server
                                                            Assists and manages 3rd party
                                                             vendors for specific requirement and
                                                             service level agreement
JOB LISTING BOOKLET                                                                                     1
       #6 Faxolif Industries                                                                              y
       Faxolif Industries Pte Ltd, established in Singapore in 1993, is a regional distributor of premium w
       electrical-grade materials, accessories and fluids for the transformer, motor and electrical       or
        Job Positions      Pre-requisites              Key Responsibilities                               Main
                                                                                              Working Hours  / Document
        Production           Physcially Fit           Operate Machinery                        Mon to Fri 8.45 am to
        Operator                                                                                  6.00 pm
                                                                                                 Tuas (Jurong)

        Finance Executive    Diploma in Accounting    Monthly bank, AP, AR, stock , interco    Mon to Fri 8.45 am to
                                                        reconciliations                           6.00 pm
                                                       GST reconciliation and reporting         Tuas (Jurong)
                                                       Prepare Audit Schedules

        Production           ITE ( NTEC or Higher     Monthly / Periodical maintenance of      Mon to Fri 8.45 am to
        Engineering           NITEC) in Mechanical      machines                                  6.00 pm
        Assistant             , Electrical or          Set up, programme and operator the       Tuas (Jurong)
                              Mechantronics             CNC & other machines
                                                       Identify safety issues to supervisor

        Assistant            Diploma in               Supervise and train the CNC              Mon to Fri 8.45 am to
        Manufacturing         Mechanical ,              machinists and Production                 6.00 pm
        Engineer              Electrical or             Engineering Asst                         Tuas ( Jurong)
                              Mechantronics            Responsible for production
                                                        scheduling and allocation of
                                                       Prepare Autocad drawings and
                                                        convert into CNC Programmes
        Sales Manager /      Diploma in               Responsible for setting and meeting      Mon to Fri 8.45 am to
        Engineer              Mechanical ,              the Sales Target of allocated             6.00 pm
                              Electrical or Power       countries .                              Tuas ( Jurong)
                              Engineering              Arrange for frequent sales visits,
                                                        calls with customers/conduct joint
                                                        visits with principals to customer
JOB LISTING BOOKLET                                                                                         1
       #7 Katoen Natie                                                                                   y
       With a rich company history spanning over 150 years, the Katoen Natie Group brings innovationwto
       the fore with a wide range of unique solutions for the chemical industry in a global network of 68or
       terminals, including our Singapore Jurong Logistics Terminal.
                                                                                                         Main Document
        Job Positions      Pre-requisites            Key Responsibilities                       Working Hours /
        Forklift Driver     Min Primary/             Loading of products into the container    Rotating shift
        (shift)              Secondary                Receiving goods and transfer to bin       8am – 8pm or
                            Forklift license          location                                  8pm – 8am
                            Able to work rotating                                               Jurong Island

        Packaging           Min Primary/             Assist in the warehouse operations        Rotating shift
        Operators/           Secondary                Handling different products with          8am – 8pm or
        Material            Able to work rotating     different products characteristics        8pm – 8am
        Handlers (Shift)     shift                    Ensures all orders handled promptly       Jurong Island
                                                       and accurately
                                                      To perform all operations in
                                                       accordance to the safety, health,
                                                       environment & quality regulation/

        System Engineer     A good Degree or         Implementation of new network             8am to 5.45pm
        (APAC)               Diploma in                environments.
                             Information              Deliver support in several projects.
                             Technology related       Document deployed solutions and
                             studies.                  proper handover to the operational
                            Minimum 3 years of        team.
                             relevant working         Maintain and upgrade network
                             experience.               components.
                            Must have good           Deploy firewall rules if required.
                             working knowledge        Assist the operational team by
                             in the followings: -      delivering 2nd/3rd line support.
                             - LAN and WLAN           Design new solutions based on
                             infrastructure            standards.
                             - Internal routing
                             protocols (mainly
                             - Wireless/4G/5G
                             - MPLS
                             - Firewalls
                             - Load balancing (F5)
                             - Voice systems
                             - Solarwind System

        Technical           Min. 'O' Level /         System administration                     Office hours (Monday
        Administrator        NITEC / Diploma          Prepares purchase orders by                to Friday)
                            PC proficiency            verifying specifications and price        8am to 5.45pm
                             (Microsoft Office)       Obtaining recommendations from            Jurong Island
                            Good                      suppliers for substitute items
                             communication skill      Obtaining approval from
                            The person who has        requisitioning department
JOB LISTING BOOKLET                                          2
                       knowledge in            Stock controlling   y
                       technical/ spare                             w
                       parts is an                                  or
                       •Advanced level in
                       Microsoft Office and                         ]
                       Excel                                        Main Document
JOB LISTING BOOKLET                                                                                            2
       #8 M.C. Packaging                                                                            y
       Incorporated in 1977 as an expansion of the parent company Metal Containers Ltd.             w
       We specialize in manufacturing metal containers for beverage, nutritional and food products. or
       Equipped with advanced production and testing facilities, we manufacture a wide range of products
       to meet the fast-changing requirements of the packaging industries. The Company services mainly
                                                                                                    Main Document
       MNCs, both local and overseas.
       The Company has established subsidiaries in Malaysia and China.

        Job Positions      Pre-requisites                     Key Responsibilities                 Working Hours /
        Technician          Nitec in Mechanical               Operate production machine          12 shift - 4day/week
                             /Mechatronic                      Ensure the quality of production    (Permanent/Rotation)
                             /Precision Engrg or                according to required               6.45am to 6.45pm or
                             Tool & Die                         specification                       6.45pm to 6.45am
                            2 to 3 years working              Changing of tooling for size        159 Gul Circle, Jurong
                             experience in service              change                              (near to Joo Koon
                             and repair of                     Repair and service of machine        MRT)
                             mechanical machinery
                            Ability to apply
                             mechanical skills
                            Ability to operate
                             precision machining
                             equipment and tools
        QC Inspector        Secondary                         Incoming material and outgoing      12 shift -4day/week
                            Knowledge of QC                    product inspection                   (Permanent/Rotation)
                             technique                         Conduct on line QC inspection       6.45am to 6.45pm or
                            Ability to write simple           Conduct First article and sample    6.45pm to 6.45am
                             report                             test                                159 Gul Circle, Jurong
                            With or without relevant          Maintain QC report for any non-      (near to Joo Koon
                             experience as training             conformance                          MRT)
        Forklift Driver     Lower Secondary                   Warehouse -Loading and              Monday to Friday
                            Forklift Driver License            unloading of goods                  6.45am to 4.30pm
                            With a minimum of 2 years         Pick and pack goods for delivery    159 Gul Circle, Jurong
                             forklift driving experience in    Delivery goods to and from           (near to Joo Koon
                             manufacturing environment          production and store.                MRT

        Factory Operator    Primary                           Check and pack finished or          12 shift -4day/week
                            Experience working                 semi-finished goods at the           (Permanent/Rotation)
                             in a manufacturing                 production station                  6.45am to 6.45pm or
                             environment                                                            6.45pm to
                                                                                                    6.45am
JOB LISTING BOOKLET                                                                                          2
       #9 MCI Career Services                                                                            y
       ONE STOP recruitment agency which providing permanent, temp and contract job assignment w
       island wide, for multiple sectors including warehousing, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare etc.or
         Job Positions Pre-requisites               Key Responsibilities                Working Hours /
                                                                                                         Main Document
        Assembly           Nitec in engineering          Assembly of parts                       Mon – Fri (7.40am –
        Technician                                        Installation of screws (training         5pm)
                                                           provided)                               Joo Koon (5 Bus stop
                                                          Minor painting work on parts / paste     from MRT), with
                                                           sticker on refrigerator unit             company trpt
                                                          If being assign to Warehouse             (multiple pickup -
                                                           department, will be                      Woodland, CCK, JE,
                                                           loading/unloading or pick and pack       LS, JW area)

        Cleanroom          Shift rotation quarterly      Simple sorting & inspection             8am – 8.15pm / 8pm
        Operator                                          Data entry / record                      – 8.15pm (Rotate
                                                                                                   Gul Circle
                                                                                                    Transport Provided
                                                                                                    (Boon Lay / CCK /
                                                                                                    Woodlands / Bishan)
        Manufacturing      Min NITEC in                  Assembly and testing of                 Mon to Fri (8am –
        Technician          Engineering / Science          equipment                                5.15pm) OR8pm –
                                                          Sorting and packing of                   5.15am
                                                           materials                                (CAN CHOOSE)
                                                                                                   Woodlands (walking
                                                                                                    distance from MRT)
        Warehouse          Carry loads (15kg)            Picking and packing duties              Mon to Fri (9am –
        Assistant                                         Need to carry, loading and               6.30pm)
                                                           unloading                               Tuas (Company
                                                                                                    transport two ways at
                                                                                                    MRT stations)
        Forklift Driver    1-3 years driving forklift    Warehousing duties                      Mon – Frid, alternate
                           Must have valid forklift      Loading and unloading                    Sat (830am – 6pm)
                            license                                                                Joo Koon , Greenwich,

        Warehouse          Receiving and outbound        Picking and packing duties              Mon to Fri (8am –
        Officer             warehouse duties              Need to carry, loading and               5:30pm)
                           WMS System                     unloading                               Yishun
                           Microsoft Office

        Healthcare         Training provided             Bathing & Showering                     Mon – Frid, 8am -
        Attendant          0 year experience              patients                                 12pm Or 8am – 6pm
                                                          Lifting and moving patients             Kentridge/ Yishun
                                                          Toileting and transporting
JOB LISTING BOOKLET                                                                                        2
       #10 Nexus Management Services                                                                y
       Established in 2017 to partner Companies to achieve better bottom line through cost containment
       solutions to fight off increasing operations cost.                                           or
       We provide an end-to-end business solution services from consulting to execution and project
       management of business solutions holistically for our clients.                               Main Document
       We adopt the approach of scalability and sustainability mindset in our service metholodgy and
       assist our clients in optimizing workforce and delivering its’ service consistently and reliably,
       achieving more with less. Ultimately, our position as a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) partner
       is to deliver a cost-effective solution to cater to our clients’ dynamic needs and to ensure their goals
       are met.

        Job Positions      Pre-requisites             Key Responsibilities                      Working Hours /
        Healthcare          WSQ Basic Food Hygiene    Providing manpower support in the        5am to 2pm
        Stewarding           Cert                       kitchen in the area of food preparation  2pm to 10.30pm
                            Basic Food Hygiene         and cleaning services.
                                                                                                 Jurong Health
                                                       Providing manpower support in the
                            Service Excellence         patient ward in the area of ward          Campus/ Alexandra
                                                        requests                                  Hospital

        Food                WSQ Basic Food Hygiene    Providing backend food production        8am to 5pm
        Production           Cert                       support                                  West (Pandan Loop/
        Operators           Basic Food Hygiene                                                   Chin Bee/ Buroh
        Sales Promoter      WSQ Basic Food Hygiene    Providing sales and                      10am to 7pm
                             Cert                       marketing sharing to                     Island Wide
                            Basic Food Hygiene         consumers

        Delivery Assistant  WSQ Basic Food            Providing Delivery support to drivers    8am to 5pm
                             Hygiene Cert                                                        Island Wide 
                            Basic Food Hygiene
JOB LISTING BOOKLET                                                                                                     2
       #11 NTUC Health Co-operative                                                                                            y
        An NTUC social enterprise that provides a comprehensive and integrated suite of quality and                            or
       affordable health and eldercare services to meet the growing needs of families and their                                ds
       dependents. Building on more than four decades of experience and expertise, NTUC Health is                              ]
                                                                                                                               Main Document
       among the largest senior day care, nursing home and home personal care providers in Singapore. It
       also offers other services for seniors such as an active ageing hub, senior activity centres,
       community support for vulnerable seniors, and a sheltered / senior group home. In addition, it runs
       a chain of dental clinics, and a family medicine clinic.

        Job Positions Pre-requisites                   Key Responsibilities                                Working Hours /
        Care Assistant    Preferably GCE O-Level       Assist and participate in activities and           Flexible hours
        (Part Time)       Good interpersonal            function in the center.                            East 
                           skills                       Assist the elderly in meeting their basic
                          Passion in community          hygiene needs and Activities of Daily Living
                           services and service-         (ADLs) in a safe and comfortable manner.
                           oriented                     ADLs includes feeding, mobility and
                          ITE/Certificates in           transfer, fall prevention, toileting and diaper
                           Healthcare related            changing.
                           courses is an added          Guide / supervise and engage elderly
                           advantage                     during activities.
                          Able to speak one or
                           more dialects is an added
        Centre            Diploma in Health            Assist to review, development and                  5 Days, 8 hours
        Supervisor         Science / Gerontology /       implementation of projects, events,                Central
                           Social Work                   external partnership management
                          At least 2 years of           including volunteers, client’ program /
                           relevant working              activities
                           experience, preferable       Support and or conduct training to staffs
                           in social service sector      with supervision
                          Supervisory and              Work with the Centre Manager to ensure
                           operation experience          the centre meet the MOH service model
                          Ability to converse in        requirement
                           Mandarin/ Dialects an        Assist to provide presentations to
                           advantage                     internal staffs and external partners
                                                        Assist to strategize cross-agencies /
                                                         disciplines collaborations

        Dental Assistant • Minimum N Level              Prepare the clinic area and dental room for        Mon-Fri: 9am – 6pm
        (Part time and   • Minimum 1 year                serving patients and assist in all treatment       Sat: 9am-1pm
        Full time)       experience                      procedures                                         Island wide
                         • Good interpersonal,          Perform appropriate disinfection of
                         telephone and listening         equipment and working surfaces, sterilize
                         skills                          instruments and handle and dispose
                         • Pleasant disposition,         biohazards and used materials
                         patient, empathetic, and       Perform Dental Charting, set up equipment
                         diplomatic                      and materials for dental x-rays and cast
                         • Have aptitude to serve        impressions
                         customer and meet their        Provide oral health education & post-
JOB LISTING BOOKLET                                                                                                2
                    • Conversant in basic           operative care instructions to patients,                            y
                    computer skills                perform filing, inventory control and record                        w
                                                    maintenance of drugs dispensed &
        Health       Able to read and           The Health Attendant will provide support            Rotating shift: ]
        Attendant     understand simple           and assistance to the Nursing staff in               7:00am - 3:00pmMain Document
                      English                     providing the residents with basic hygiene           1:00pm - 9:00pm
                     Able to perform 3           and personal care on a daily basis, attending        9:00pm - 8:30am
                      rotating shifts,            to their needs and notifying attending               Islandwide 
                      including weekends          nurses of any changes in the physical or              
                      and public holidays         emotional state of residents.
                     Able to speak dialect      Clinical Care:
                      an advantage               Carry out duties / procedures as assigned by
                     Relevant HMI certificate    nurses (Registered Nurses (RN) and Enrolled
                                                  Nurses (EN))
                                                 Assist in serving of meals / drinks and in the
                                                  feeding of the residents
                                                 Assist in the activities of daily living (ADL) of
                                                 Assist in the hygiene care of residents such
                                                  as, toileting, showering, grooming, etc.
                                                 General duties
                                                 Perform general housekeeping to maintain
                                                  cleanliness of the wards
                                                 Maintain cleanliness and tidiness of client’s
                                                  environment e.g. tidiness of patient’s beds,
                                                 Carries out duties/procedures assigned
                                                  by nurses
        Home         Preferably GCE O-Level     The Care Associate provides home-based               5 Days, 8 hours
        Care         Good interpersonal          personal care services that aims to assist           Central
        Associate     skills                      clients with their daily activities of living,
                     Passion in community        to enable them to continue to live in the
                      services and service-       comfort and security of their own home.
                      oriented                   Duties include but not limited to
                     ITE/Certificates in         companionship, personal hygiene,
                      Healthcare related          medical escort, grocery shopping, meal
                      courses is an added         preparation, feeding and light
                      advantage                   housekeeping.
                     Able to speak one or        - Companionship & Recreational Activities
                      more dialects is an added   - Have positive conversation, chit chat
                      advantage                   and provide a listening ear to client and
                                                  client with dementia
                                                  - Conduct mind stimulating games, simple
                                                  card or board games with client.
                                                  - Engage in recreational activities
                                                  according to client’s interest e.g. reading
                                                  newspaper, playing musical instruments,
                                                  singing, etc.
                                                 Personal Hygiene/ Showering/ Grooming
                                                 Change diapers, clean and dry body parts
                                                 Full body bed sponging (wash hair on
                                                  bed, if required), including cleaning of
                                                  face, eye, mouth, teeth and ear.
                                                 Assist to toilet for showering and assist
JOB LISTING BOOKLET                                                   2
                               with showering                                y
                              Apply moisturizer and topical cream, if       w
                               required.                                     or
                              Simple Exercises
                               - Strengthen joints and muscles of lower
                               and upper limbs by conducting range of
                               motion and joint movement exercises           Main Document
                               (from head to toe)
                              Transferring and Positioning
                               - To transfer client from bed to commode
                               or wheelchair or chair and back
                              Errands and Grocery Shopping
                              • To run errands or do grocery shopping
                               with/without client to markets/shops
                               within approximately 5-10 minutes’ walk
                               from the client’s home.
                              Meal Preparations
                              To cook simple home-cooked food that
                               does not take more than 45 mins to
                               prepare or buy healthy food from outside
                               for client only
                              Light Housekeeping
                               - To identify and rectify basic home
                               hazards to prevent falls / slips e.g. wet
                               floor, untidy walkways that prevent easy
                               - To ensure client’s living space (bedroom,
                               living room, toilet, hallways) is dry and
                               clean by sweeping, mopping and tidying
                               - To ensure that kitchen stove and table is
                               clean after cooking
                               - To wash the plates and pots after meals
                               / use
                               - If washing machine is available, to wash
                               the client’s clothes and hang dry
                              Medical Escort

                              - To assist with walking and boarding the
                              transport vehicle
                              - To guide client around the clinic/hospital
                              - To collect medications/ receipts and
                              explain to client/ caregiver
                              - To accompany and assist the client in
                              the examination room;
                              - To securely carry the client’s
JOB LISTING BOOKLET                                                                                               2
        Nursing Aide       ITE Skills Certificate in  Ensures the safety, comfort and well-being       Rotating shift: y
                            Healthcare                  of the residents and reports resident’s          7:00am - 3:00pmw
                           WSQ Higher Certificate in   needs to the nurse.                              1:00pm - 9:00pm or
                            Healthcare (Nursing Care)  Ensures good personal hygiene of the             9:00pm - 8:30amds
                           Preferably 1-year           residents under her/his care, e.g. bed           Islandwide      ]
                            relevant experience        bath/shower bath, changing of clothes and
                                                        bed sheets and tidiness of the room.                             Main Document
                                                       Checks, monitors and records residents’
                                                        vital signs such as temperature, pulse,
                                                        respiration and blood pressure
                                                       Assists the RN in nursing procedures and
                                                        treatments, ensuring residents take their
                                                       Assists in serving meals and drinks and help
                                                        maintain fluid and nutritional needs of the
                                                       Assist in the transfer and positioning of
                                                        non-ambulant residents
                                                       Assists in the conduct of daily exercise for
                                                        the residents
                                                       Assists in organizing visits for residents to
                                                        go for medical check-ups; arranges
                                                        transport and accompanies residents to the
                                                        hospital/polyclinic for follow up
                                                       Alerts nurses to emergency situations.
                                                        Where necessary, take first responder
                                                        actions to mitigate the emergency.
                                                       Maintains accurate documentation of care
                                                       Other duties/procedures as assigned
        Patient Service    Minimum N Level            The Patient Service Assistant will provide       Mon-Fri: 9am – 6pm
        Assistant (Part    Experience in sales co-     administrative support to clinic and ensure      Sat: 9am-1pm
        time and Full       ordination                  a smooth flow in the clinic operations.          Island wide
        time)              Customer service            Perform counter duties including
                            oriented                    registration,  appointment scheduling,
                           Good interpersonal and      payment    collection and banking
                            communication skill        Attend to walk in and call in patients’
                           Cheerful and pleasant       enquiries
                            personality                Liaise with dental laboratories for
                           Conversant in basic         collection and delivery of lab reports and
                            computer skills             dental works
                           Preferably bilingual in    Maintain inventory of office supplies,
                            English and a Mother        stationery for clinic
                            Tongue                     Coordinate and work closely with Head
                                                        Office in all matters
                                                       Perform any duties as assigned
JOB LISTING BOOKLET                                                                                                2
        Staff Nurse    Diploma / Degree in          Utilize clinical judgement, critical thinking    5 Days, 8 hours y
                        Nursing                       and evidence-based care (research based)         Island wide     w
                       Valid Practicing              in the delivery of resident care                                    or
                        certificate issued by the    Work collaboratively with other healthcare
                        SNB                           professionals to deliver coordinated and
                       Valid BCLs certification      holistic care
                                                     Coordinate continuity of care throughout
                                                                                                                          Main Document
                       Preferably Registered
                        Nurse with 2-3 years in       hospitalization and transition to
                        nursing home / Geriatric      home/community
                        ward                         Act as a liaison between residents, care
                                                      givers and multi-discipline healthcare
                                                      professionals and communicate effectively
                                                      on the care plan and discharge planning
                                                     Provide clinical guidance and direction to
                                                      junior nurses (EN, HCA, CA & Therapy
                                                     Contribute In-service Education program
        Care           Diploma or Advanced          To provide basic care coordination,              5 Days, 8 hours
        Coordinator     Diploma in healthcare         discharge planning for clients and their         East/central
                        related disciplines.          families on Home Care Service received
                                                      (Case Management)
                                                     To monitor/evaluate and provide education
                                                      for clients and their families on Home Care
                                                      Service received
                                                     To administer the coordination of service
                                                      requested by new clients. To ensure proper
                                                      documentation on the systems and paper
                                                      filing are completed on a timely basis.
                                                     To be involved in regular programme
                                                      development and evaluation in order to
                                                      meet the needs of an evolving eldercare
        Program        GCE ’O’ level                Support the Programme Manager in the             5 Days, 8 hours
        Coordinator    Proven work experience        smooth running of the Active Ageing Hub          West
                        as a team leader or          Lead and manage Programme Assistants to
                        supervisor                    ensure smooth running of the Active Ageing
                       PC literate                   Hub
                       Possess passion and          Conduct outreach to the community
                        empathy in helping the       Network with community partners
                        elderly                      Coordinate volunteer’s management and
                       Possess good                  training
                        interpersonal skills         Maintain volunteer database
                       Good interpersonal skills    Coordinate and conduct centre activities
                       Passion in community         Prepare monthly reports on centre
                        services and service-         progress
                       ITE/Certificates in
                        Healthcare related
                        courses is an added
                       Able to speak one or
                        more dialects is an added
JOB LISTING BOOKLET                                                                                           2
       #12 OJJ Foods                                                                                     y
                                                                                                         or It
       OJJ Foods is one of the largest processors and distributors of chilled and frozen pork in Singapore.
       supplies pork in bulk and consumer-friendly packs to major supermarkets under their house brands, ds
       established brand name restaurant chains as well as hawkers & wet market stalls.
                                                                                                         Main Document

        Job Positions     Pre-requisites               Key Responsibilities                      Working Hours /
        Food Processor     Preferably prior            Preparing and cutting of meat products  Mon – Fri 8am to 6pm
                            experience in food           - chilled / frozen pork or pork related  9 Wan Lee Road
                            processing                   products
                            environment                 Packing and storing of pork products in
                           Prior working                designated containers
                            experience in               Ensure proper labelling of finished
                            operating meat               items and ensure that they are
                            equipment such as            packaged properly
                            band saw, slicer, meat      Ensure work safety, hygiene and all
                            grinder/blender and          regulations are adhered to
                            etc. will be an added       Ensure meat handling and storage is in
                            advantage                    compliance to safety standards
                           Physically fit to           Ad-hoc duties as assigned
                            withstand cold
        Delivery Driver    Class 3                     Conduct inspections of vehicle before  Mon – Sun (1
                           2 year experience            departing to deliver goods                  weekday off) 4am to
                           Valid driver's license      Pack and load products onto trucks          1pm
                            issued by the state          according to company’s specifications.  Mon – Sun (1
                            where you intend to         Loading, transporting, and delivering       weekday off)
                            work.                        items to clients or businesses in a safe,   11.30pm to 8.30am
                                                         timely manner.                             9 Wan Lee Rd
                           Clean driving record.
                                                        Deliver orders to customers on
                           Special licenses may be      assigned routes
                            required to operate         Maintain ongoing communication with
                            certain vehicles.            route dispatcher
                           Experience may be           Unload goods as per client
                            required or preferred.       specifications
                           Willingness to adhere       Review deliveries with customers to
                            to assigned routes,          ensure products meet their needs
                            schedules, safety           Obtain delivery confirmations from
                            procedures, and              each customer
                            transportation laws.
                           Strong time
                            management and
                            customer service skills.
                           Ability to walk, drive,
                            and lift and carry heavy
                            items for extended
                           Abiding by all
                            transportation laws
                            and maintaining a safe
                            driving record.
                           Attention to detail
JOB LISTING BOOKLET                                                                                   3
        Key Account        Min. Diploma in           Manage supermarket buyer to            5-day work week:y
        Executive (S&M)     Marketing, Business        optimise sales volume and               Mon to Fri from w
                            or related discipline      profitability. Work with buyer and      8.30am to 6pm or
                           Minimum 2 year’s           stores to plan programmes and
                            experiences in key         promotions in order to achieve set
                                                       sales targets.
                            management with           Develop marketing and sales                           Main Document
                            Supermarket or             strategies for new product
                            FMCG/F&B industry          launches, expand distribution
                           Good customer              channels and good product
                            engagement and             merchandising display.
                            negotiation skills        Build strong relationship with
                           Resourceful with           stores to maximize product display
                            good interpersonal         and instore sales activities.
                            skills, and ability to    Work closely with customer and
                            work with people           production team to develop new
                            from all levels            products to grow existing business.
                           Ability to work           Monitor sales and take action to
                            independently as           set promotions as and when
                            well as a good team        necessary.
                            player                    Gather and compile information to
                           Dynamic with               evaluate customer satisfaction to
                            excellent problem-         existing and new products.
                            solving skills            Effectively solve problems and
                           Able to work in a          manage risk to ensure achievement
                            demanding and fast         of targets with the key accounts
                            paced working             Prepare and maintain sales analysis
                            environment                report and sales action plan at
                                                       monthly departmental meeting
                                                       with top management.
                                                      Ad hoc projects/tasks assigned by
                                                       the head of department.
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