Official controls regarding artisanal ice cream shops: public health policies and consumer protection in the Italian and European legislative ...
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Ann Ig 2019; 31: 76-85 doi:10.7416/ai.2019.2261 Official controls regarding artisanal ice cream shops: public health policies and consumer protection in the Italian and European legislative frameworks V. Marcotrigiano1, P. Magarelli1, G.T. Sorrenti1, E. Bertamino3, F. Di Ninno3, O. De Giglio2, G. Caggiano2, M.T. Montagna2, G.B. Orsi3, C. Napoli4 Key words: Food safety, ice cream, legislation Parole chiave: Sicurezza alimentare, gelati, normativa Abstract Ice cream is a widely enjoyed food that is especially popular during summer. To ensure it is safe and ready-to-eat for consumers, legislation imposes a series of obligations for food business operators, and for competent authorities that have to carry out official controls, including official sampling. This article reviews the general and specific requirements applicable to the premises where ice cream is produced, concerning aspects related to health notification obligations and to implementing and maintaining procedures based on the principles of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point system. The review extends to results stemming from the most recent official control activities conducted in Italy, and to future perspectives on control methods that will have to be compliant with the provisions of the new EU Regulation 625/2017 applicable from 2019. Introduction a ready-to-eat (RTE) food that is often more enjoyable because of organoleptic traits Italy’s ice cream is a popular and that owe to make use of locally sourced worldwide appreciated food. In its raw materials. Particular attention must production, large food industries need be paid to production and distribution of to be particularly careful about ensuring the artisanal products, as quality must be effective conditions for making ice cream carefully respected and guaranteed from also intended for export (e.g. hygiene and the standpoints of hygiene and sanitation, thermal conditions during storage and as with other RTE foods (1). transportation, suitable packaging materials, Increasing consumption of ice cream accuracy of label translation in the language in the 19th century was accompanied by a of the country of destination), while the skills proportional increase in incidence of food- of artisanal makers must also be able to yield borne diseases (FBDs) (2). This was such 1 Food Hygiene and Nutrition Service, Department of Prevention, Local Health Unit BT, Barletta-Andria-Trani, Italy 2 Department of Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology, University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, Italy 3 Department of Public Health and Infectious Diseases, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy 4 Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences and Translational Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
Official controls regarding artisanal ice cream shop 77 a pressing issue that, at the time, ice cream investigating the presence of heavy metals poisonings could represent pathological in industrial and artisanal ice cream samples conditions with lethal outcomes. Notably, are of particular interest (17). Total absence according to historians, these poisonings of arsenic and mercury was verified in were related to ingestion of toxic vanilla all the samples studied. With reference to or galvanisation caused by release of toxic industrially produced ice cream, despite substances (including metal alloys) in freezers the total absence of cadmium, presence with which the ice cream was directly in of chromium (58%), lead and tin (18%) contact. Even today, the scientific literature were detected. Notably, the lead values reports numerous cases of FBDs related to were above the limit of 0.02 mg/kg set by ice cream consumption; among these are the sector legislation and, therefore, the outbreaks of Salmonella enteritidis infection samples were deemed non-compliant. With in homemade ice cream (3), Salmonella regard to artisanal ice cream, no positive typhimurium in cake batter ice cream (4), results emerged for lead and tin, but traces Escherichia coli verocytotoxins in ice cream of chromium (26%) and cadmium (10%) produced in a Belgian farm (5), and Listeria were found. monocytogenes in ice cream consumed in The European Food Safety Authority the United States (6, 7). In addition, there (EFSA) has also expressed scientific opinions are documented cases of FBDs related on the risks to human health related to the to consumption of ice cream served in presence of cadmium (18) and arsenic (19) hospitalised patients (8), as well as cases in foodstuffs, establishing tolerable daily of staphylococcal enterotoxicosis (9). The intakes, but not specifically considering presence of Bacillus cereus, a producer of milk-based products. emetic toxins, has also been documented (10). Ice cream, therefore, represents a General and specific requirements, substrate that, owing to intrinsic chemical- self-monitoring and notification physical characteristics (pH, activity water, nutrient content), allows microbial growth All food industries are subject to the even if stored at low temperatures, which provisions of the Hygiene Package (EC have a bacteriostatic effect (11). Further Reg. No. 852/04, 853/04, 854/04, 882/04) potential hazards are represented by and must comply with general and specific secondary contaminations due to contact requirements and notify the territorial with improperly sanitised vessels, tools or competent authority (CA) their activities machines, or to micro-organisms transmitted (20-23). by infected operators (e.g., Staphylococcus The principal minimum requirements, aureus, hepatitis A virus) (12). These generally applicable across all food types of contamination may also occur in businesses, including the ice cream a domestic context (13). As this is a milk- workshops, provide that: based food matrix, in the context of an - structures are to be kept clean and in-depth evaluation of contaminants at the maintained in good repair and condition; source, the risk related to the presence of - the layout, design, construction, mycotoxins in the main ingredient must location and size of food premises are to not be neglected, as already stated for dairy allow for the hygienic performance of all products (14-16). operations and to avoid or minimise air- With regard to the presence of chemical borne contamination; contaminants, results from a recent study - adequate numbers of suitably located
78 V. Marcotrigiano et al. washbasins, designated for cleaning hands when monitoring indicates that a CCP is not with hot and cold running water and under control; adequate changing facilities for personnel - codification of procedures for the regular are to be provided; verification of the effective functioning of the - suitable and sufficient means of system, together with appropriate documents natural or mechanical ventilation must be and records adequate to the nature and size guaranteed; of the food business. In this specific case, for - prevention actions have to be example, the preservation of ice cream at a implemented to prevent animals and pests specific temperature generally represents a from causing contamination and to avoid CCP to be monitored with a predetermined accumulation of dirt, contact with toxic frequency: if the food has not been stored materials, shedding of particles into food and within the expected temperature range formation of condensation or mould growth (values between -15°C and -18°C), because on surfaces. of electrical blackout or a malfunction of ice To comply with the specific requirements, cream display stands, the FBO will have to also applicable within the premises of adopt a specific corrective action (eg. food artisanal ice cream preparation, it is necessary destruction or food redirect for other uses), that: to document the non-conformity detected - workplaces are designed and located and to implement consequent actions to to allow hygiene practices, avoiding cross- avoid the event repeating (eg. devices for contamination; remote temperature monitoring equipped - surfaces, walls, doors and floors are with alarm system). kept in good condition, easy to clean and To better define the hazards, specific disinfected; risks and correct hygiene practices of food - cleaning and disinfection equipment and companies belonging to the artisanal ice equipment for washing food are provided, cream sector, appropriate manuals of Good with hot and cold drinking water supply; Hygiene Practices, validated by the Italian - windows and the other openings are Ministry of Health (MH), can be a useful equipped with anti-insect barriers. consultation tool for subsequent drafting of Furthermore, a food business operator HACCP plans (24, 25). (FBO) must put in place, implement The FBO must notify the Local Health and maintain one or more permanent Authority—the CA—about his proposal to procedures, based on the principles of the start a business activity previously subjected Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points to a health authorisation issue. This is done in (HACCP), providing for: accordance with the backdrop of the general - identification of any hazard that must and specific requirements established by the be prevented, eliminated or reduced to European Community legislation (20-23), acceptable levels; for any additional requirements possibly - identification of the critical control provided by regional or local regulations, points (CCPs) at the steps at which control and for developing procedures inspired by is essential to prevent or eliminate a hazard principles of the HACCP system. In Italy, to reduce it to acceptable levels; from 1 July 2017, a single notification model - establishing critical limits that separate has been used for the purpose of health acceptability from unacceptability for the registration (26-28). This is issued following prevention; presentation of a Certified Notification of - application of effective monitoring Commencement of Business (SCIA) and procedures and related corrective actions transmitted through the Unique Branches
Official controls regarding artisanal ice cream shop 79 of Productive Activities managed by the official controls, taking into account the municipal administrations (29, 30). The provisions of the Multiannual Control Plan, a notification model is arranged in accordance national plan aimed at rationalising controls with criteria aimed at allowing unambiguous and optimising use of available resources. categorisation of the activities of a food Local CAs should also consider findings business in the national territory and to use arising from implementation of the specific specifically structured information systems risk assessment and the risk categorisation to enable extraction of homogeneous of food businesses (33). Therefore, “risk- data related to similar activities. The based” local planning, for aspects related new categorisation takes into account the to the frequency and modalities of control provisions of Master List Reg. (EC) No management, must take into account the 852/04, expanded by the working group of provisions of guidelines for official control Registry and nomenclature of the Ministry (34). The European Community legislator of Health, to allow aggregation of food also proactively verifies the effectiveness businesses in macroareas (31); specifically, and appropriateness of official controls, “production of handcrafted ice cream” fall generally conducted on the basis of a top- within the macroarea “bakery and pastry down principle and useful for, among other products, ice cream and RTE foods.” aspects, assessing correct application of operating procedures specifically designed for the type of control carried out. Audits Results analysis deriving from official on effectiveness can be performed before or control activities after the control, or when it is in progress. This latter type of verification, conducted Official controls on food safety, which in situ, can be considered as a supervision must be performed cognizant of properly activity, useful for evaluating the technical updated documented procedures, can be skills of control staff. It represents a conducted through different techniques verification typology the local CA commonly and methods as required by the EC Reg. n. uses to assess compliance of methods and 882/2004 (23). These include monitoring, techniques that the health personnel in surveillance, verification, audit, inspection charge of territorial control adopts. and sampling for analysis. No control In the current state system, the official is carried out with random criteria, but controls are a provision falling within rather must take into account a precise Minimum Health Assistance (LEA), which orientation of the control policies, agreed is within the Collective Prevention and upon interinstitutional coordination between Public Health Actions guaranteed by the the different authorities, and be subject to Italian National Health Service (NHS) (35). specific training and updating of health In this regard, the flows conveyed through personnel designated to official controls. the new Health Information System (NSIS) In the complex system of official controls assume strategic importance. These data on food safety, the CAs are represented include information assets of the healthcare by the MH (central CA), the regions and services contained within the LEAs, and autonomous provinces (regional CA), and represent a reference tool for measuring the local health units (local CA) (32). quality, efficiency and appropriateness of Local CAs, through services directorates the NHS. Among the various objectives of responsible for controls (food hygiene and the NSIS are: allowing the MH to promptly nutrition services and veterinary services) dispose of data related to official controls must carry out annual local planning of the carried out by the CA every time a request
80 V. Marcotrigiano et al. comes from the European Commission, It is useful to consider the annual report the Member States or third countries; of the National Integrated Control Plan fulfilling the information obligation towards (PNI) issued by the MH and for the year the European Community (EFSA) and 2016 (38). This report aggregates data national bodies; and allowing appropriate concerning the results of the monitoring and assessment and management of health risk control of food and beverages. As part of the through processing of data (36). In addition inspection activity, with specific reference to to the data derived from the official control the pre-existing macro-category, “producers activities conducted by the CAs (number of and packers selling mainly at retail” (39), checks, type of checks, number of measures, which includes all craft activities and ice penalties), the results stemming from the cream shops, in 2016, 34,389 units were official samplings also take on importance. checked, of which 8,124 had infractions. The The data deriving from the analytical activity 2016 PNI highlights how the infringements conducted by the official laboratories are detected were attributable to issues of conveyed by the same laboratories within general hygiene, personnel, structures the NSIS food system through FOODEX and related to the HACCP plan (failure to coding, related to the type of matrix taken arrange specific procedures or apply the and parameters searched (37). plan’s provisions). The infractions reported Milk-based ice cream falls under a specific are those whose reporting is provided by codification of “dairy ice cream and similar.” the “A Model”, attached to the Ministerial This group includes any type of dairy ice Decree dated 8 October 1998 (39), and that cream and other frozen or semi-frozen refer to the current hygienic inadequacies, or products made with dairy or imitation-dairy minor or major non-conformities. In order ingredients. The FOODEX coding, which to reduce non-conformities, more frequent generally represents an integral part of the hygiene techniques training could be carried official food sampling reports, concerns: out, more on-site interventions could be the type of specific analyses (chemical, performed by the consultants chosen by the microbiological, dioxins, mycotoxins, FBOs and, within the maintenance plans, additives, aromas, enzymes); codification high frequency intervention could be set. The of the food matrix (or materials and objects recently published PNI report concerning intended to come into contact with food); the data related to year 2017 states that, given point of the production chain in which the the patchy compilation of the tables, it was sample is collected and the country of the not possible to evaluate the data and provide production; the sampling strategy (random, a comparison with the previous years (40). targeted, suspicious, following ordinary For completeness of information, it planning); the type of processing or treatment is necessary to consider that, prior to the food has undergone; and identification transmission of the SCIA, the FBOs must data of the FBO in whose company the register their activity in the “business sampling is carried out. Additional data are register” at the Chambers of Commerce required if sampling food matrices deriving using ISTAT classifications of the activities from organic circuits or if the analytical that take into account national codifications investigations are related to the search for that refer to European economic activity residues of plant protection products. After nomenclature (41). In this context, “ice further checks, processing and validations, cream laboratories,” which include activities the MH will relay the corresponding data dedicated to preparation of all types of ice flows collected through the NSIS system to cream and some preparations traditionally the EFSA. associated with ice cream parlours (e.g.,
Official controls regarding artisanal ice cream shop 81 granita, fruity, milkshakes, yoghurt) long time frame that takes into account the particularly represent a sub-category of the workforce and specific attributed risks. widest codification of “ice cream parlours Among the official control methods, as and pastry shops.” previously stated, the sampling of foods also In this scenario in which, until now, there includes the research for microbiological has been a non-homogeneous classification parameters in ice cream, including of the same type of activity, the MH, in Enterobacteriaceae, Listeria monocytogenes, disseminating the data derived from the Salmonella spp, Staphylococci coagulase PNI of 2015, has already highlighted how positive, staphylococcal enterotoxins and some regions have “spread the data in a mould. Some of these parameters must non-homogeneous way.” For example, the be investigated only if the collection is Umbria region has already transmitted data carried out during distribution and not in taking into account Master List 852, adopting preparation, or vice versa. Considering these different criteria from those provided for by factors, and being mindful that the FBO the classification pursuant to the Decree of bears the primary responsibility in matters 8 October 1998 (38), which other notifying of food safety, careful implementation of regions continue to use instead. the official controls allows regulation of the artisanal ice cream shop sector, which, like all entrepreneurial activities, earns profit Control methods: future perspectives directly proportional to the correct modus operandi of the food producer. Taking into account the provisions of the The evolution of the sector legislation, current guidelines in accordance with EC which focuses on preventive aspects and the Reg. 882/04 (33), the Local CAs must every FBO’s acquiring awareness of actions and 2, 3 or 5 years carry out official controls in behaviours for avoiding spread of FBD, has led food businesses that produce artisanal ice to adoption of diversified approaches. These cream, depending on the risk categorisation. depend on the type of official control conducted To determine the risk category, it is generally in accordance with EC Reg. 882/04 (23). The necessary to use checklists investigating set of methodologies and tools used in Italy the establishment’s features (new, recent, for implementing official controls, subsequent fairly recent or outdated ice cream parlour); verification of effectiveness, and reliable general maintenance conditions (good, fair, laboratory analytical techniques, represents scarce or insufficient); company size (small, concrete application of the provisions of medium or large); scope of marketing (local harmonised European Community legislation. or regional); professionalism in management Furthermore, the general and specific aspects operations, as well as the health-hygiene of food safety, together with adoption and training of employees (high, fair, poor or implementation of HACCP procedures and insufficient); the HACCP plan and related ongoing training of food staff, guarantee application degree; and the company’s acceptable levels of consumer protection, even historical data that must take into account in the context of a complex system of official the previously identified non-conformities controls conducted by the health authorities or irregularities. that, in Italy, are considered satisfactory (42), It follows that, if the ice cream shop and regarding checks carried out during the is located in the lower risk zone, the next import phase (43). official control will be carried out — unless Although a recent detailed analysis of otherwise scheduled or for other reasons — in the PNI highlights a trend characterised by no sooner than 5 years, which is a reasonably a decreased number of official controls and
82 V. Marcotrigiano et al. increased number of non-compliances (44), controls on food safety. This should be done we have moved from a national situation taking into account the entry into force of the characterised by documented presence of new EU Reg. 625/2017, applicable from 14 faecal contamination indicators found in December 2019 (52), and aiming to assess artisanal ice cream in the last century (45) to compliance with legislation in the areas a current context in which microbiological of food safety, integrity and health, and at analysis for food safety criteria (which all stages of production, processing and provide the legal acceptability of a foodstuff distribution. This also includes standards placed on the market) show how most aimed at guaranteeing fair business practices RTE products analysed are in compliance and protecting consumers’ interests and according to Commission Regulation access to information. The new regulation (EC) No 2073/2005, even if in some cases also concerns the manufacture and use of there could be an excess of processing items that will come into contact with food. hygiene criteria (46), which are generally This, in specific sectors, may represent applicable to samples taken at production a non-negligible risk, considering the stage. This appreciable improvement has different types of applicable machinery, also materialised because of development equipment and tools (e.g., batch freezers, of new production technologies (e.g., pasteurisers, containers, spatulas, portioners) temperatures of blast chillers used in ice and the possibility of migration of potentially cream parlours) and acquisition of awareness problematic contaminants into the food of the importance of the role played by the matrix. The Community Rapid Alert operators involved in various aspects of System for Food and Feed, through product producing and handling foodstuffs. In such traceability, allows withdrawal or recall of a situation, improper behaviours adopted by food from the market in the case of non- staff often bring about situations of potential compliance (53). criticality (47, 48), and may also involve Given the context analysis and the results the presence of allergenic substances (49), obtained from the sector data, consumers which, because of cross-contamination, can evidently benefit from safe and controlled be detected in the finished product (50). RTE food throughout the entire supply chain, Additionally, to assess the consistency and from the field to the table, where handcrafted effectiveness of official controls, sector ice cream represents a flagship item for studies have analysed the feedback provided quality and excellence in the local context. by the FBOs subject to official controls on food safety. Most of the respondents have considered the controls important and are Riassunto satisfied with the quality, especially when I controlli ufficiali in materia di sicurezza alimen- noticeable cooperation between the parties is tare nelle gelaterie artigianali: le strategie di Sanità established. However, uniformity in how the Pubblica e la protezione dei consumatori nel contesto control is conducted is not often perceived legislativo italiano ed Europeo and, in 25% of cases, control is considered arbitrary. Therefore, conducting a “cross- I gelati rappresentano un alimento molto apprezzato audit” between different inspection staff to il cui consumo nel nostro Paese è elevato soprattutto nel periodo estivo. Per garantire al consumatore un alimento improve and standardise control techniques sicuro e conforme sotto l’aspetto igienico-sanitario, il is recommended (51). legislatore impone una serie di obblighi per gli operatori It will certainly be necessary to promptly del settore alimentare ed una serie di controlli condotti reconsider some detailed aspects concerning dalle autorità competenti, che comprendono anche the procedures for conducting official campionamenti ufficiali. In questo articolo vengono
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