Office of the Faculty Senate - University of Hartford

Office of the Faculty Senate
                                           Faculty Senate Minutes
                          Friday, January 22 and Monday, January 25, 2021 12:45-2pm

Attendance Friday January 22
Provost: Fred Sweitzer
Katie Kitchens: Director of Student Services and Advising
A&S: Joanna Borucinska, Al DiChiara, Laura Enzor, Randy Jacobs, Natalie Politikos, Olga Sharp
Barney: Jerry Katrichis, Onur Oz, Rebecca Ranucci, Narendar Sumukadas
CETA: Tim Britt, Suhash Ghosh, Shertukde Hemchandra, Saeid Moslehpour, Paul Slaboch
ENHP: Mary Gannotti, Lucy Richard, Dawn Roller
Hartt: Steve Davis, Carrie Koffman, Tracey Moore, Phil Snedecor
HAS: John Nordyke, Michael Vahrenwald, Marisa Williamsom
Hillyer: Mari Firkatian, Scott Scribner
Staff Council: Rachel Yacouby
SGA Rep: Harshini Senthil
Senate Coordinator: Lydia Chiappetti

President: Greg Woodward
A&S: Kathy McCloskey
ENHP: Sarah Hart
Hartt: Rita Porfiris
Hillyer: Linda Moran

Agenda Topic      Speaker                  Information                                                 Follow-     Date
12:45             Chair: Jerry Katrichis   Senate Meeting Video Recording:
12:50             Provost: Fred Sweitzer   Academic preparation:
                                               • Grateful for fall semester which was remarkable
                                                   success especially compared to other institutions
                                               • Level of challenge has gone up recently

                                              •   Same PPE, density measure, cleaning supplies,
                                                  and class schedule with online and hybrid
   • Training sessions short and longer sessions have
       been available over January
   • Shout out for extra support
   • Classroom environment measures will work this
       Spring as Fall
   • No cases last Fall from transmissions in
       classroom; just as safe this Spring as Fall
   • More concerned about outside exposure from
       community which Katie Kitchens will address
   • Recognizes toll on junior faculty
   • One-year automatic extension of probationary
       period for junior faculty; must ask for this one-
       year extension so Admin will grant this
   • Raise will be retroactive to year when critical
       review would have been; all this will be stated in
       email to go out to faculty
Budget FY21:
   • Have balanced budget mandate from Board
   • Fall right on track with budget; Covid expenses
       set aside as no one expects us in normal
       operation budget to absorb this amount of
   • Trying to look at revenue projections for Spring
       from tuition, housing and dining
   • Not going to have same number in residences as
       in Fall
   • Last count was 300 students down in residence
   • Tuition revenue holding reasonably well, but
       hard to get sense of revenue stream because
       Students haven’t registered and they don’t tell
       us not coming back; actively pursuing them now
and won’t know until mid-March
   • Grad students and adult tuition register and pay
       last minute
   • Revenue will be down and Covid-19 expenses
       increasing due to all the testing
   • Will have to be as conservative as positive
   • Debt service for new building kicking in and debt
       covenants must be met; otherwise interest rates
       go up costing more money going forward
   • $6000 million deficit or more will trip the
       covenant agreement; don’t care if Covid related
       or not
   • Covid-19 relief dollars –how much and what can
       they be used for?
   • Not going to shortchange the students or faculty
Next Year’s Budget:
   • Working with company, Educational Advisory
       Board, to work with enrollment management to
       figure out how many 1st years we can project as
       well as discount rate
   • Looked at 1150-1400 student scenarios and
       landed at 1200 to plan for
   • Planning higher discount by 2% points
   • Not going to do as well as last year with 1st to 2nd
       year retention which is Covid related
   • Assuming 75% retention = less income
   • Raise pool whether that is merit or across board
       or equity money for staff and faculty to address
   • Compensation through retirement and health
       insurance benefits (9% restored to balance of
       this year)
• Can we afford 9% TIAA, 2% merit pool, and
      $250,000 pool for staff & $250,00 faculty in
      equity money; money is not going to be there
   • Cannot afford to do all these things; have to
      prioritize; open conversation engaging Senate
      and Admin
   • All different concerns with some nearing
      retirement and other starting their careers and
      would rather have merit raises
   • Hashed out next 2-3 months which is not in time
      for contracts; will reflect current salary in March,
      but will not have to wait for raise
   • Keeping academic side as safe as possible
   • Students back next week and will be tested
      before arriving and then on campus; must
      quarantine in room for 2 weeks
   • First week of class online due to quarantining of
Q&A Fred Sweitzer:
   • Why not test faculty more often? Is it a money
      -No, assuming that we can count on fac./staff to
      observe safety guidelines and have access to
      health care providers; asymptomatic testing is
      also available to everyone in test centers
   • Adjunct Contract have not been received and
      they are coming out of Provost Office
      -Fred will look into this matter to see why there
      is delay; best of his knowledge not holding onto
      these contracts
   • Vaccines question
      -We are mercy of Dept. of Public Health and they
      are providing vaccines for K-12 not necessarily
colleges and universities
•   Phase 1B will cover 65+ with secondary
    conditions as well as teachers and school staff;
    do not have volume or infrastructure to stage
    this yet
•   Staff not as consistent in definition, so not sure
    about their status in schools
•   Medical accommodation not priority if not
    teaching face-to-face so not on list.
•   No vaccines will be administered on campus
•   Budget data may come at Faculty Staff Kickoff,
    but Greg will be unable to be there
•   Enrollment compared to last year: 11,093 this
    year ahead versus 10,789 last year
•   Behind in admits-rate of completion of form is
    higher; some colleges are down more in
    applications, but admits running even
•   Ranked 1 scholarship students are 259 in number
    from 28 states; had to reinvent these scholarship
    opportunities since could not have campus
    weekends so having virtual events
•   Yield rate is 40% among these scholarship
•   Too soon to tell on Graduate numbers
•   Lab fees will be distributed; Fred to discuss with
    Robert McAlpin
•   Can we get remote faculty to be vaccinated so
    they can teach 100% in person; talk to college
    deans to determine on case by case basis
•   Some states slipping people into the queue who
    are not eligible
•   Decisions about Athletics will come from Task
    Force who are making recommendations to
    Board of Regent in 3 weeks, February meeting
•   DEI will continue; just had EverFi full day
                                   workshop which was very successful through
                                   Chris Grant’s DEI department
                               •   Expected to have backups in place in case of
                                   illness among faculty members
                               •   Request for power point of budget details and
                                   see rationale for merit vs. retirement plan
                               •   New building on time and under budget; roof,
                                   windows, and walls up; interior framing done
                                   and starting to sheetrock
                               •   Opening in Fall ’21 and classes will take place
                                   there in Fall
                               •   Dana renovation scheduled for Spring ‘22

1:10   Katie Kitchens: -       •   RAs are quarantining now and will open
       Director of Student         residence halls 1/27-/1/30
       Services and Advising   •   Must test pre-arrival within 7 days of arrival date
                                   in order for ID sticker to be given out
                               •   Check-in before allowed on campus to make sure
                                   that test results have been received
                               •   Drive in and have a drive-up site with rapid test
                               •   Isolation procedures ready if test positive and
                                   ways to get them back home if live close range
                               •   No commuting students on campus and no
                                   leaving to shop, etc. for residential students; may
                                   need to leave for vaccination purposes, but not
                                   other mixing
                               •   Follow-up PCR tests before end of quarantine
                                   weeks with results before beginning of in person
•   20-25% of students were tested last semester
                                             •   Feb. focus due to college/universities reopening
                                                 according to Dept. of Public Health for testing
                                                 will be 100% of residential and undergrad
                                                 commuters every week
                                             •   Fac/Staff testing on Feb. 8th and one more time
                                                 in March for asymptomatic testing
                                             •   Graduate students have one pre-arrival test but
                                                 not tested weekly, not included in community
                                             •   Positive cases go through Health Center with UST
                                                 nurses; go to isolation houses within the hour;
                                                 handle contact tracing as well and calls to follow
                                                 up as a health check

2:00                Recess

Attendance Monday January 25
A&S: Al Dichiara, Laura Enzor, Randy Jacobs, Kathy McCloskey, Natalie Politikos, Ogla Sharp
Barney: Jerry Katrichis, Onur Oz, Rebecca Ranucci, Narendar Sumukadas
CETA: Tim Britt, Suhash Ghosh, Saeid Moslehpour, Hemchandra Shertukde, Paul Slaboch
ENHP: Mary Gannotti, Sarah Hart, Lucy Richard, Dawn Roller
Hartt: Steve Davis,Tracey Moore, Rita Porfiris, Phil Snedecor
HAS: Michael Vahrenwald, Marisa Williamson
Hillyer: Mari Firkatian, Scott Scribner
Staff Council: Rachel Yacouby
SGA: Harshini Senthil
Senate Coordinator: Lydia Chiappetti

A&S: Joanna Borucinska
Hartt: Carrie Koffman
HAS: John Nordyke
Hillyer: Linda Moran

12:45                Chair Jerry Katrichis: reconvene

12:50               VOTES and DISCUSSION                1.December Minutes:
                                                        Approve 24
                                                        Do not Approve
                                                        Abstain 1

                                                        2. January Curriculum Report:
                                                        Approve 25
Do not approve 0
                             Abstain 0

1:00   Staff Council:
       Rachel Yacouby           •   Feb. 10th Staff Council Meeting will present
                                    progress report on NECHE with Laura Pence
                                •   Looking into inclimate weather policy for
                                    staff/faculty ; amended in December that
                                    non-essential workers do not get snow day
                                    since can work from home; if essential
                                    worker then get University close if snow day
                                    closure. Dec. 17th snow day was an issue due
                                    to childcare. Will bring up this policy again
                                    with HRD/Admin

                                •   Food pantry endeavor
       SGA Rep:                 •   E&S increasing composting with Commons
       Harshini Senthil             and extending to GSU; overall recycling with
                                    bottle return on campus and turn into
                                    money for food insecure students;
                                    promotional items for Club Fair coming up
                                    (virtual clubs)
                                •   New idea to connect Fac. Senate to SGA
                                    senate; one college senator for each
                                    academic school to connect for ideas and
                                    collaboration; she will send out email
                                    regarding this and come back with meeting
                                    times and ideas

       Committee reports:

       Civility Task Force
Friendly amendments to this statements; two word
                  As a University we foster a climate of civility; as
                  members of our community, we engage with
                  one another, maintaining the highest standard
                  of ethical, inclusive, and empathetic behaviors.
                  We assume responsibility for our words, choices,
                  and actions and their impact on others as we
                  expect other members of the community will do
                  the same. Our community is a place where
                  people can have a free and open exchange of
                  diverse ideas and disagree respectfully.

                  Will send to President to be published

Faculty Affairs
                      •   Third version of FPM change Mid-Course
                          Review; A&S wanted to revise and met with         College
                          Dean Black and A&S P&T committee to               Meetings
                          make edits                                        (Hartt welcomes
                      •   Stumbling block was page number limit             the changes)
                          which increased to 25 pages and faculty
                          found this onerous; suggested removing the
                          25 page limit and indicate that length will be
                          determined by each college committee.
                      •   This revised language allows for flexibility as
                          well as keeping language streamlined.
                      •   Bring back to colleges in two weeks when
                          meetings occur and will vote on this in Feb.
                      •   Several items in the pipeline need to
                      •   two meetings a month scheduled-meeting
                          times listed on BB
Invitation sent to members and will convene as soon
                    as school begins
Shared Governance

                    Bullet points of ideas shared on screen and on BB
                    GENERAL NEEDS
Environmental&          • A robust, organized, and well supported
Sustainability              recycling program
                        • A year round sustainability coordinator

                       • Recycling bins must be plentiful and
                           conspicuous especially high foot traffic areas
                       • Display screens in building that scroll
                           information should include recycling
                           information and reminders

                       • Riding lawnmowers and leaf blowers are
                         noise and pollution producing machines
                       • Gas powered work carts that take the staff
                         around campus same
                       • Landscape with native plants, and plant
                         native trees and gardens
                       • Building cleaning crews must keep recycling
                         garbage separate from other garbage
•   Keep only most essential lighting overnight

   •   Renovate existing inefficient buildings to
       improve Insulation, water supply, etc.

   •   Fix and/or replace the bathroom faucets;
   •   Low flow toilets
   •   Replace all water fountains with newer
       efficient models with water bottle fill

   • Stop all campus food outlets from using
      plastic containers

   •   Welcome packet for each new student that
       contains things like bamboo utensils and a
       travel mug
   • Order recycled paper products only.
   • Use green cleaning products.
   • Purchase and use refillable whiteboard
   • Purchase and use compostable trash bags.
   • Provide paper-recycling containers at each
   • Repair small machines before choosing to
       purchase replacements

-good idea to link with GSA and give proceeds to
food insecure students
-stopping plastic containers on campus and need to
partner with Aramark, Subway, and Moe’s
                            -was ready to institute coffee mug this fall but Covid
                            put that on hold
                            -will keep pushing for coordinator
                            -Meeting coming up on 29th if anyone would like to
                            join; invited Harshini to join and she will

                            Will meet to review 9 nominations for TLT
                            Will be meeting monthly and composing college
                            reports to bring back to full senate

       Diversity            University Scholars have been awarded:
                            Both HAS students:
                            -Haily Winschel- monument to Covid workers
                            -Cherokee Coward-multi-media performative piece
                            based around an Escape Room
                            -Enough funding to complete both projects

                            Looking forward to meeting new graduate dean,
                            Jessica Pawlic-York

       Graduate Council

1:45   Unfinished and New   TIAA recommendations or solutions –what is
       Business             best forum?
                               • Instead of giving 9%, admin may
                                   consider giving that as part of the pay
                               • Can’t be done on individual basis; not a
                                   choice since not an opt-in or out
                               • Senator: concerns were brought up from
July re admin; same response from Fred
    and conversation was dropped
•   Need to show us actual data 1099 sheet;
    Need to come to the table with
    information and answer questions
•   Support from several senators for this
    point of view; concern is allowing the
    pandemic to sidetrack us from actions on
    everyone’s part; accountability on every
•   Senator has sense that that they will
    come to us with 7% retirement and 2%
    merit pool
•   TIAA Cref is off the table that’s sacred;
    raises are one thing and retirement
    contribution is separate
•   Would like retirement contribution
    remain at 9% not held up for a vote or
•   Senator feels that this is under the
    umbrella of financial crisis; same attitude
    gives them permission to overlook
    Senate contribution
•   Faculty not informed and worried about
    crisis mentality; like idea of statement to
    get us out in front of this; discussion not
    acceptable since in FPM and AAUP
    (AAUP is not related to University policy)
•   Senator makes motion to put a
    resolution together and vote on it right
    now; quote FPM section and number in
resolution with email

    First Version:

    “The Faculty Senate hereby states that the TIAA
    contribution remains at 9%, as specified within the
    Faculty Policy Manual. Further, the Senate
    believes that a merit pool and equity pool should
    be the priority of future budgets. These two items
    MUST be included in all levels of future budgets.”

•   Second and Final version:
    “The Faculty Senate hereby states that the TIAA
    contribution must remain at 9%, as specified within
    the Faculty Policy Manual. In addition, the Senate
    believes that a merit pool and equity pool should
    be the priority of future budgets. Both the TIAA
    contributions and separate merit and equity pools
    MUST be included in all levels of future budgets.”
    Second resolution added on:
    “The Senate also requests that they be supplied
    with line-item budget data for the last five years, in
    order to participate fully in governance of the
    University, during these difficult times. This
    information is requested by xyz date.”

        •   Second statement might weaken the first
        •   Clarification that this is resolution not a

        •   Email blast to all faculty of just first
            resolution and then can follow up with
            second one later one
        •   Laura Whitney will be invited to Feb.
•   Greg is of opinion that anything that
                     happens in our meetings can appear in
                     Hartford Courant and then impact
                 •   Motion to carry resolution and seconded by
                     two more senators
2:10   Adjourn
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