OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2018 - Darebin Music Feast Spotlight on school crossing supervisors Recognising outstanding citizens

Page created by Randall Wilson
OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2018 - Darebin Music Feast Spotlight on school crossing supervisors Recognising outstanding citizens

                                                                   Darebin Music Feast
                                                                   page 3

                                                                   Spotlight on school
                                                                   crossing supervisors
                                                                   page 6

                                                                   outstanding citizens
Elijah Augustine, a joint winner of the Emerging Young Community   page 7
Leader Award in this year’s Darebin Community Awards.
OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2018 - Darebin Music Feast Spotlight on school crossing supervisors Recognising outstanding citizens

    YOUR COUNCILLORS                                                                    Rucker Ward

       Kim Le Cerf (Mayor)                      Trent McCarthy                         Susan Rennie
      Mayor@darebin.vic.gov.au          Trent.McCarthy@darebin.vic.gov.au      Susan.Rennie@darebin.vic.gov.au
    T 8470 8500 | M 0419 750 457                 M 0419 750 604                        M 0419 750 035

Cr Kim Le Cerf                        Cr Trent McCarthy                     Cr Susan Rennie

Spring is here and it’s a wonderful   The Aboriginal and Torres             I was thrilled to have a sneak
time of year; it’s great to get out   Strait Islander Recognition and       preview of the Darebin Falcon’s
and enjoy the many activities         Discovery Map is a wonderful          documentary on increasing
taking place across Darebin.          new resource that celebrates and      women’s participation in sport.
                                      highlights the rich Aboriginal and    The short film looks at the 30
The Springtime Community              Torres Strait Islander heritage       year history of this footy team
Events 2018 program is out now.       of Darebin. It also features          and all that has gone into making
It highlights an exciting range of    organisations that protect            them stand tall today.
community activities taking place     Aboriginal and Torres Strait
for seniors across Darebin during     Islander cultures, offer cultural     The commitment from players,
Seniors Month. Pick up a copy of      heritage and practices and so         community members and
the brochure at your local library    much more. It’s available to          supporters sees the club go
or Council Customer Service           everyone and we hope many             from strength to strength.
Centre and make the most of           people will use the map as            Unfortunately women and girls
what’s on offer.                      a guide to celebrating and            are still underrepresented in sport.
                                      engaging with the Traditional         Darebin Council’s commitment
I’m also looking forward to the                                             to ensuring that there is equity
22nd Darebin Music Feast which        Owners of the land.
                                                                            in all aspects of community life
kicks off with an opening night       We’ve recently completed other        extends to advocating and acting
event at the Darebin Arts Centre      maps too, the Darebin Play Maps,      to achieve equality in sport.
on 18 October. The 11 day Feast       which encourage young families        From 25 October, you will be
is a fantastic celebration of         to get outside and have fun.          able to see the film via a link
songwriting and music and is a        The ideas in the maps have been       on Council’s website.
great way to celebrate the wildly     developed by children for children
diverse bounty of musical talent      and they mark out ideas for play      Council is currently looking for
in our vibrant municipality.          and adventure across different        responsible and community
                                      neighbourhoods. We spoke with         minded people with a friendly
This year’s festival addresses the                                          disposition to fill school crossing
long-standing issues of inequality    kids and families to find out what
                                      they wanted to in the Play Maps.      supervisor roles and help children
and accessibility within the music                                          cross the road on the way to and
industry, with a strong focus on      Right now there are nine play
                                      maps in Kingsbury, Preston, East      from school. It’s a very important
Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander,                                         role within our community that
female and non-binary artists.        Preston, Reservoir, Reservoir
                                      West, Thornbury and Preston,          has a positive impact on the lives
Much of the festival is free and                                            of young people.
there are many all ages and family    Alphington and Fairfield. Look
friendly events so jump online        inside for information on how         It doesn’t matter what age you
and check out the full program at     to download the maps.                 are, as long as you are dedicated
darebinarts.com.au                    We’re looking at expanding            and want to contribute positively
                                      the maps to cover other areas         to your community. Jump online
                                      in the future.                        and fill out a form on the Council
                                                                            website jobs page.
OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2018 - Darebin Music Feast Spotlight on school crossing supervisors Recognising outstanding citizens

                                     COMMUNITY HAS ITS SAY ON DAREBIN’S
                                     BUDGET PRIORITIES
                                     The Darebin community was recently encouraged to get
                                     involved in a comprehensive city-wide consultation for the
                                     2019/20 Council budget.

MAYOR’S MESSAGE                      Council asked residents and         There were also 12 consultation
                                     local businesses for their views    pop ups across the community to
Supporting our older                 on what the priorities should be    provide even more people with
residents and ensuring               for the next budget to ensure it    the opportunity to have their say.
they feel happy, healthy             was better aligned to community
and connected to                     needs and expectations.             Darebin Council fielded ideas from
                                                                         its community on the six Council
community as they age                The Mayor of Darebin, Cr Kim        Plan goals, and these ideas will
is a priority for Council.           Le Cerf, said the consultation      help shape the draft 2019/20
                                     was a great opportunity for         budget during September and
                                     the community to influence the      October. To see these community
This month an important              budget and for Council to get a     ideas, keep up-to-date as the
consultation gets underway which     sense of the types of projects it   budget is developed and finalised
focuses on how we can create an      should fund.                        or to contact us, please visit:
Age Friendly City and identifying                                        yoursaydarebin.com.au/budget
the services and programs Council    “We listened to our community
should be providing for older        and their ideas and needs that      This first phase of consultation
people in Darebin into the future.   mattered most to them,”             on our 2019/20 Council Budget
                                     Cr Le Cerf said.                    will now be followed by the
Regardless of your age, I hope                                           formulation of the draft budget
you’ll provide input on this
                                     “The community had its say in a     from, the in-principle adoption
important issue in response
                                     variety of ways, through focus      of the draft budget by Council in
to major Federal Government
aged care funding reforms.           groups, pop-up sessions and         April next year and then further
See the story inside for details     online, to ensure we reached as     community consultation on the
on how to take part.                 many people as possible.            draft later that month.
                                     I want to thank everyone who
I was delighted to present the       took the time to contribute to      Budget submissions are heard
Darebin Community Awards             this important consultation.”       during May with the final budget
recently to a number of standout                                         adopted by Council in June.
citizens at a special event at       There were six focus groups
Preston City Hall. I wish to         with young people, the business     Keep an eye on for details on
congratulate each of them again      community, same-sex attracted       how you can get involved in
for the wonderful contribution
                                     and gender diverse people,          submitting your thoughts on the
they make to our community.
                                     Aboriginal and Torres Strait        draft budget next year.
You can read about the winners
in this edition.                     Islanders, people from diverse
                                     cultures and sporting groups.
On behalf of Council, it is with
great sadness that I acknowledge
the passing of John Kelly OAM.
John, more widely known as Jack,
                                     BUNDOORA PARK
was a past Darebin Citizen of the    Spring is sprung and that           Fruit trees are in bloom and bees
Year, which he was awarded for his                                       are busy collecting nectar and
invaluable contribution to Darebin
                                     means lovely, warm spring
                                                                         pollinating flowers; this is great
as part of the Preston Municipal     days at Bundoora Park Farm.         news for honey production - and
Band and Darebin City Brass.                                             Bundoora Park honey is delicious!
He was a much loved member           Baby animals are being born.        Join us to feed the baby animals
of the community as well as a
                                     We recently welcomed the            and experience the joy of spring
father, grandfather and great
grandfather, and an inspiring        addition of a newborn calf, many    at Bundoora Park Farm.
teacher to many. Jack will           new baby lambs and a bustling
forever be fondly remembered.        bunch of chicks. The hens are
                                     back ‘on the lay’ and producing        Visit Bundoora Park website for
                                     an abundance of eggs. Visitors        admission fees, farm activity times
                                                                                  and further details at
Cr Kim Le Cerf                       are welcome to buy farm fresh                bundoorapark.com.au
Mayor                                eggs at the Bundoora Park Café                 or call 8470 8170.
                                     when they’re available.
OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2018 - Darebin Music Feast Spotlight on school crossing supervisors Recognising outstanding citizens

Now in its 22nd year, the Darebin Music Feast is City of Darebin’s annual celebration of song
writing and music. Kicking off on 18 October, this year’s Feast spans 11 days, 120 events,
and 26 venues.

Responding to long-standing issues       The Song Keepers, following the        The Sonic aGender program
of inequality and accessibility within   Central Australian Aboriginal          contains a keynote address by
the music industry, over a third of      Women’s Choir on their tour of         local legend, Jen Cloher, round
this year’s event is free to attend,     Germany; and A Life in Waves on        table discussions, an in-cinema
more than half is open to people         Suzanne Ciani, one of the most         music clip binge featuring Angie
of all ages – including a suite of       innovative electronic artists of       Hart, and an all-ages gig at the
kids events with the return of           our times.                             Thornbury Bowls Club.
Feast for Families – and there
are feature events that celebrate        Also new this year is Sonic aGender,   “We’re looking for a really diverse
Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander,      a weekend-long program of events       audience. It’s not just a women-
female and non-binary artists.           curated by producer, musician,         only place. This is not the time
                                         academic and Darebin resident,         for men to close their ears.
The 2018 Program will open with a        Janelle Johnstone.                     We’re hoping for the opposite.”
special screening of Her Sound,
Her Story, the documentary by            “Sonic aGender will look at the way    Closing out the Feast is a massive,
Claudia Sangiorgi Dalimore and           gender intersects with age, class,     free, all ages party at Northcote
Michelle Grace Hunter making             ethnicity and how that constrains      Social Club and Bar 303 with
waves for its fierce yet intimate        or enables music practice,”            18 acts across three stages,
portrayal of the personal                said Janelle.                          including Banoffee, Clypso, Jaala,
experiences, histories and                                                      Jade Imagine, Jess Cornelius,
significant social impact women          “Over the past 30 years there have     Loose Tooth, Oetha, RVG and
have within Australian music.            been peaks and troughs in music        heaps more.
                                         participation, and this is about
This opening screening will also         pausing to explore why, how we
launch Feast Films, a new program        can articulate that, and how we         For full program details and booking
of screenings and events celebrating     can make participation stronger              information, check out the
women in music, including                – because representation and              Darebin Music Feast website at
documentaries The Punk Singer on         diversity make the music much                     musicfeast.com.au
riot grrrl pioneer Kathleen Hanna;       more interesting.”
OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2018 - Darebin Music Feast Spotlight on school crossing supervisors Recognising outstanding citizens

We’re creating a vision
to guide the future of
Central Preston and
we need your help.

It is a vibrant area that is in the
midst of change. We have initiated
a community visioning process
- the Future Preston project - to
guide the development of a plan
for the area.

The goal of the community vision
is to understand, right at the
beginning of the project, what
is important to the community,
what problems you want solved           Tell us your thoughts via one
and your vision for the future of       or more of the following:
the area.
                                        The main event is the Future
Tell us what is great about Preston     Preston Summit where you can
Central and what issues need to         speak with Council Officers about
be addressed – everything from          your vision for Preston Central.
open space to public transport,
accessibility, housing, community       Drop in anytime between
services or any other factors.          9.30am and 4.30pm on Saturday
This is an opportunity to share         20 October, Preston Shire Hall,
                                                                            To find out more about the project visit
what you love about living,             Gower Street.                       yoursaydarebin.com.au/futurepreston
working and visiting Preston                                                      or call 8470 8768. Email us at
Central to ensure that as the area      Complete a short online survey        futurepreston@darebin.vic.gov.au
grows, its character remains local,     at yoursaydarebin.com.au/             to join our mailing list and be kept
                                                                                      informed of updates.
welcoming and authentic.                futurepreston

This year, we have been working in with
the Victorian Planning Authority (VPA)
to undertake a review of the planning
controls and future opportunities for the
Preston Market site.

The second phase of community engagement
of the review closed on 3 August.

Thank you to those of you who took part in
the consultation and provided feedback.

  To keep up to date with the review
   progress, findings and upcoming
    consultation opportunities, visit
          or call 8470 8888.
OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2018 - Darebin Music Feast Spotlight on school crossing supervisors Recognising outstanding citizens

Darebin Council is
committed to being an Age
Friendly City where older
residents are active, valued
and supported to live the
way they choose.

In light of the Federal Government’s
changes to how home care and
aged care works, including the
My Aged Care system and further
planned federal changes from
mid-2020, Council has appointed
an independent panel to conduct
a broad review of everything we
do to support over 65s. We also
need your input to ensure Darebin
remains a great place to grow older.

The panel will consider all feedback
received, including input already
gathered from the community
over the past 12 months.                From mid-October, the panel
                                        will be asking for feedback on a
The review will focus on                discussion paper. Have your say by:    AGE FRIENDLY
three key themes:
                                        • providing feedback online            DAREBIN –
Social inclusion, social and              and in hard copy                     SENIORS MONTH
civic participation – ensuring
                                        • making a written submission          DROP-IN SESSION
people are socially connected,
                                          and posting it to Darebin Council,
able to make valuable contributions
                                          Aged and Disability Services,
and easily participate in activities
                                          PO Box 91, Preston, VIC 3072
and groups
                                        • visiting staff at various            Whether you are an older
Built environment, transport              neighbourhood pop-in sessions        Darebin resident, approaching
and housing – ensuring older              and Seniors Week events              retirement, or have ageing
people can move around easily
                                                                               parents or loved ones – all
and safely at home and in the           • presenting your submission at
                                                                               are welcome.
community                                 a panel hearing in December.
                                                                               Drop in for a light lunch or
Community support and                   Following this stage of the
                                                                               afternoon tea, and ask your
health services – ensuring older        review, the panel will bring
                                                                               questions about the Age
people have access to high quality      together all gathered evidence,
                                                                               Friendly Review.
services they need in Darebin.          research and community input
This includes consideration of          to develop a draft report with         You can pick up a copy of the
how Council can best support            recommendations for Council            discussion paper, and find out
                                        to consider.                           how to have a say.
older people with services and
programs, given the federal             This draft report will be              We need all perspectives on
government changes which                available for community                how we can make Darebin
will apply from mid-2020.               feedback early in 2019.                an Age Friendly City.
                                                                               Thursday 18 October,
                For more information and to get regular updates,               between 1pm and 6pm
             sign up to our Older and Active Newsletter by emailing
                                                                               Preston Shire Hall,
         AgeFriendly@darebin.vic.gov.au or phone Council on 8470 8888
                  or visit yoursaydarebin.com.au/growingolder
                                                                               286 Gower Street, Preston
OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2018 - Darebin Music Feast Spotlight on school crossing supervisors Recognising outstanding citizens

                                                                             RIDE2WORK DAY
                                                                             Ride2Work Day is Australia’s
                                                                             biggest celebration of bike riding
                                                                             and the perfect opportunity
                                                                             to try riding to work. Join the
                                                                             thousands of riders across
                                                                             Darebin already on their bikes
                                                                             and experience the positive
                                                                             difference riding can make to
                                                                             your daily commute.

                                                                             We’ve partnered with local
                                                                             community group, WeCycle
                                                                             to host a Ride2Work Day
                                                                             celebration from 4pm to 7pm
                                                                             on Wednesday 17 October
                                                                             at Batman Park.

                                                                             For more information about
                                                                             Ride2Work Day 2018 go to

Darebin’s 81 school crossing supervisors are out every
week day at one of more of the 115 school crossings
across the municipality, rain or shine.

Monday mornings are something         “It is wonderful to have the trust     READY, SET, WALK!
that Ken Price, who has been a        and respect from all concerned,”
crossing supervisor since 2016,       Ken says.
looks forward to.                                                            VicHealth Walk to School is on
                                                                             again in 2018 and last year’s
                                      “Council staff, the school principal
“Mondays are when the kids are                                               Darebin champions, Westgarth
                                      and the police all communicate
                                                                             Primary School are ready and
so excited and turn up and tell       well and this is important for the
                                                                             raring to go.
me all about their weekend,” Ken      safety of the children in my care.
says. “Even the smallest details.     “I love the job and am glad that I     Westgarth Primary is pleased to
I feel lucky to have their trust.”    decided to do it.”                     be a part of the program again.
                                                                             Principal Jo Wheeler said “It’s a
“They have been so spot on            Council is now recruiting.             great program that benefits our
obeying the rules like walking        If you are looking for a rewarding     students and the environment.”
their bikes across the crossing       way to contribute to Darebin’s
and waiting at the yellow line.       vibrant community and enjoy            Council is offering free fruit
They understand that the road         interacting with children and          at whole school active events
rules are there for a good reason -   community members, apply now.          (there are places for 10
their safety!“                                                               schools), competitions and
                                                                             the grand prize, a Samba
With half of Darebin’s school                                                School parade led by Darebin
crossing supervisors from non-                                               performer Neda Rahmani.
English speaking backgrounds,
the youngest being 21, the oldest                                            For information about
                                           For more information on how       the program email
81, and an average nine years of
                                            you can become a School          safetravel@darebin.vic.gov.au
service, Ken is part of a diverse              Crossing Supervisor,
group of council workers, which                                              or phone 9470 8383.
                                                phone 8470 8529.
suits a people-person like him.
OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2018 - Darebin Music Feast Spotlight on school crossing supervisors Recognising outstanding citizens

More than 70 nominations were received across five                             Community Group of the
                                                                               Year was awarded to Mums
award categories for The Darebin Community Awards                              in Darebin, which uses Facebook
this year, which included two new Aboriginal and Torres                        as its principal platform, and
Strait Islander categories: Community Leader of the Year                       has multiple spin off groups
and Emerging Young Community Leader.                                           including one for single mums,
                                                                               one for dads, and a ‘Free to a
                                                                               Good Home’ page.
The inaugural Emerging Young             Steven Glasby-Ellis is a proud        Lynton Martin received the
Community Leader Award was               Aboriginal man of the Bundjalung      Young Citizen of the Year award
presented to joint winners,              Nation, Jinabara and Wakka Wakka      for his work coaching the newly
Elijah Augustine and Steven              who works at the Aboriginal Health    formed Keon Stars Junior Football
Glasby-Ellis.                            Service where he puts on a            Club under 10s.
                                         superhero suit, and becomes
Diagnosed on the Autism                  ‘Deadly Dan’ the anti-smoking hero.   Founder of the Dardi Munwurro
spectrum as a child, Elijah was                                                (Strong Spirit) organisation
told he would never speak or             After retiring from full-time         which delivers healing and men’s
learn to talk, but through music         work at age 63, Citizen of the        behaviour change programs for
and culture, he has overcome             Year Norma Salisbury saw how          Aboriginal men, proud Gunaj
many hurdles and is a community          long parents had to wait during       man Alan Thorpe was awarded
volunteer. As a 20 year old              monthly immunisation day. From        the Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Nyul-Nyul, Jabirr-Jabirr and             humble beginnings of providing        Islander Community Leader of
Ngumbarl Saltwater man from the          morning tea, she encouraged           the Year.
coastline of the Kimberleys, he          community outreach, sourced
plays guitar, sings, and writes songs.   equipment grants, and the             Special Commendations were
                                         Croxton Uniting Playgroup was         awarded to Cheryle Michael for
While surprised at receiving             born which now serves thousands       Citizen of the year, Osob Yusuf
the award, Elijah is working on          of parents and children each year.    for Young Citizen of the Year
inspiring others with his musical                                              and Beverley Murray for
career, “I’m looking to start a          “When you do community work,          Aboriginal and Torres Strait
band with other musicians,”              you don’t look to get a reward,”      Islander Community Leader
he said. “To play at other venues        Norma said, “you just do it           of the Year.
to entertain everyone.”                  because you receive the benefit
                                         from meeting people.”

Elijah Augustine                                                               Norma Salisbury
OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2018 - Darebin Music Feast Spotlight on school crossing supervisors Recognising outstanding citizens

                                                                                  GET THE SPRING
                                                                                  BACK IN YOUR STEP
                                                                                  Join us for Get Active in
                                                                                  Darebin Spring 2018.

                                                                                  Get Active in Darebin is a free
                                                                                  exercise program for Darebin
                                                                                  residents. Join us to try something
                                                                                  new, enjoy the outdoors, meet
                                                                                  your community and enhance
                                                                                  your wellbeing. Activities are
                                                                                  rotated around different locations
                                                                                  throughout the year.

                                                                                  This spring, we head back outdoors
                                                                                  to a variety of parks and reserves
                                                                                  across Darebin with a number of
                                                                                  regular activities rotating to new
                                                                                  days and locations including the
PROMOTING GENDER EQUITY IN SPORT                                                  return of the popular Belly Dance
When women and girls are given an opportunity to
excel in sport, their achievements are endless.                                   We are excited to be partnering
                                                                                  with local organisation Spark Health
                                                                                  to present Totally Trad, a series
That’s the message conveyed in a        over the years to a point where           of fun 60 minute group fitness
short film commissioned by Darebin      finally it’s starting to get the          workouts with a cultural twist.
Council that shines the light on the    recognition it deserves.                  Totally Trad is a unique opportunity
gender based challenges faced by                                                  for outdoor fitness on Country
women in sport.                         “Every time I see Daisy or                using Traditional Indigenous Games
                                        Darcy’s face on a billboard I am          as the foundation for health
The story is told through the           very proud of that. That they             and wellness.
experiences of the Darebin              have come here and been able
Women’s Sports Club - the               to grow, feel comfortable, feel           This class is family friendly and
                                                                                  open to all ages and abilities and
home of the 2017 VFL Women’s            confident as women in that
                                                                                  will take place at the Reservoir
Premiers, Darebin Falcons,              space,” reflects Julia of past
                                                                                  Senior Citizens Centre on Wright
a club who are all too familiar         Darebin Falcon teammates
                                                                                  Street, Reservoir or next door in
with gender based challenges.           Daisy Pearce and Darcy Vescio
                                                                                  the park if the weather permits.
                                        who have gone on to play for
Their story highlights the              Women’s AFL clubs.
importance of support and tenacity      “We know women’s football
to overcome such challenges and         and we provide opportunities
reveals the positive outcomes that      for girls to really shine.”
are possible when women are
placed front and centre.                While it’s a start, women and
                                        girls are still underrepresented
Council has a long standing             in local sports participation.
commitment to advocating for            Encouraging gender equity in
gender equity across the community      sport and recreation in Darebin
and plays a critical role in creating   is a specific focus of Council’s
and providing environments that         work as outlined in the Darebin
support the health and wellbeing        Leisure Strategy 2015-20.
of everyone in the community.
                                        View the film on YouTube
Council’s strong and at times           from 25 October via
controversial investment into           darebin.vic.gov.au/leisure
women’s sporting facilities has
supported impressive growth and                                                    The Get Active Spring Program runs
achievement for women’s sport.                                                     from Monday 15 October until Friday
Former Darebin Falcon and VFL              For further information please email
                                                                                   7 December 2018. For a schedule of
assistant coach, Julia Chiera has             leisure@darebin.vic.gov.au
                                                                                     activities, visit darebin.vic.gov.au/
seen the rise of women’s football                                                     getactive or phone 8470 8305.
OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2018 - Darebin Music Feast Spotlight on school crossing supervisors Recognising outstanding citizens

Council has been working
with children across
Darebin to gather ideas for
a new series of play maps
for neighbourhoods across
the municipality.

Through the project, children were
asked for their thoughts and ideas     UNSPOKEN: WHAT WILL BECOME OF ME?
on play and how they liked to
explore their local areas.             Join us at Northcote Town Hall to explore the themes
Ideas ranged from watching birds       of ageing, declining capacity and sense of identity
where they’re known to nest to         gently - with a touch of humour.
making daisy chains in local parks
and skimming stones on the creek.
                                       Many of us think about our future      or a family member, but hasn’t
The Play Maps provide children         by planning for retirement and         had a chance or doesn’t know
and families with fun, free and        plan our own funerals but what         where to start, to come along and
imaginative ideas for play for         about those years in between?          have a chat.
exploring different safe and
friendly areas. They may even          Very few of us plan for our            “Planning for future healthcare
inspire you to create your own         diminishing capacity and               and the final stages of a person’s
play map.                              advanced care needs as we age.         life is something that families
                                       Unspoken: What will become             should do together if possible
Seven maps have been                   of me? is an event for people          as it can be difficult for adult
developed so far and seven             who care about ageing and              children to make decisions for
more are in the pipeline.              for those who care about the           their parents if discussions and
                                       aged. Through performance,             planning haven’t taken place.”
                                       art, activities and discussion,
                                       participants can gather                These free events are presented
                                       information and start planning         by Darebin Council in partnership
                                       for the future.                        with Health Issues Centre, Council
                                                                              of the Ageing Victoria and the
                                       The event features Melbourne           Victorian Government.
                                       theatre group, Born in a Taxi
                                       whose performance looks at             Sunday 2 and Monday 3
                                       the lighter side of planning for       December 2018
                                       our twilight years. It also includes   Northcote Town Hall,
                                       useful presentations and               189 High Street, Northcote
                                       information from community
                                       organisations and healthcare
                                                                                  Free but registration is required.
    The maps are available online at
                                       Anne Marie Fabri from Northern            Visit darebin.vic.gov.au/unspoken
     darebin.vic.gov.au/playmaps       Health encourages anyone who                     or phone 9481 9500
                                       has been thinking of planning for                  from 15 October.
                                       future healthcare for themselves

For more information about community events call 8470 8888 or go to darebin.vic.gov.au/events

                   OCTOBER                                                        NOVEMBER
                  PRIZE FIGHTER                                                    FOSTER CARE
                 9-20 October 2018                                              INFORMATION NIGHTS

                Darebin Art Centre                                Anglicare Victoria is seeking Foster Carers
    Cnr Bell Street & St Georges Road, Preston                  who can care for a child through a difficult time.
                    Tickets: $38                                  Attend of their next Information nights on:

Adrenaline-pumping, full-contact theatre at its best.                       Monday 19 November 2018
                                                                               at Anglicare Preston,
 When Congolese refugee Isa pulls the gloves on, it                          42 Mary Street, Preston
 seems any opponent can be taken on. Isa has been                            from 6:30pm to 7:30pm
 dubbed “the Killer” but the glare of the boxing ring
   lights isn’t enough to dispel the shadows of the                        Monday 3 December 2018
 past—as a child soldier forced to side with the very                     at Anglicare Broadmeadows,
           forces that massacred Isa’s family.                        32 Railway Crescent, Broadmeadows
                                                                             from 6:30pm to 7:30pm
A La Boite Theatre and Brisbane Festival Production
       presented by Darebin Arts Speakeasy
                                                                      Full training and support is provided.
     and Melbourne International Arts Festival.
                                                                 For details call Maria Mayors or Beatrice Wood
                                                                       at Anglicare Victoria on 9301 5200
                                                                      or email Carer.info@anglicarevic.org.au
                Suitable for ages 16+

DAREBIN ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT                                               SPRINGTIME
ISLANDER RECOGNITION AND DISCOVERY MAP                                             COMMUNITY EVENTS
Over the last few months Darebin Council has
worked with the Darebin Aboriginal Advisory                                        The Springtime Community
Committee, local Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander                               Events 2018 program is
organisations and the Wurundjeri Land Council to                                   available now and lists
develop the Darebin Aboriginal and Torres Strait                                   many events and activities
Islander Recognition and Discovery Map.                                            on offer this spring and
                                                                                   during Seniors Month.
                                        This map is a resource that can            Events and activities listed reflect
                                        be used by everyone in the                 the interests of Darebin’s diverse
                                        community to acknowledge and               population, ranging from outdoor
                                        discover the longstanding and              fitness classes such as Tai Chi and
                                        living Aboriginal and Torres Strait        Qi Gong to a guided tour of the
                                        Islander culture and history found         Islamic Museum.
                                        throughout our municipality.
                                        Use the map to self-guide a tour           If you’re looking for hands-on
                                        of Aboriginal and Torres Strait            activities, try either the Reservoir
                                        Islander Darebin, learn about              or Alphington Men’s Shed, which
                                        some of the country’s leading              offers activities ranging from
                                        organisations that call Darebin            woodworking to bicycle repairs and
                                        home, and access key dates and             playing pool, or the Alphington
                                        events in the Aboriginal and               Shed, which is open to everyone
                                        Torres Strait Islander calendar.           every Friday during October.

                                            Pick up a copy of the map from             Pick up a copy of the Springtime
                                          Darebin Libraries, Customer Service         Community Events brochure form
                                            Centres or view and download             Council’s Customer Service Centres,
                                                      a copy from                    libraries or from community venues
                                           darebin.vic.gov.au/discoverymap           or call 8470 8063 to request a copy.

                                             HELP MAKE DAREBIN AN ELECTION PRIORITY
                                             Join Council in the lead
                                             up to the State Election
                                             by calling on the Victorian
                                             State Government and the
                                             State Opposition to commit
                                             to providing support on
WORKING TOWARDS                              key Darebin issues.
Mobilising climate
emergency action was                         We’re calling on the major parties           Darebin also needs a significant
the key topic at Darebin’s                   to help fix Darebin’s traffic                investment in our existing
Climate Emergency                            problems with a solution that                and future sporting facility
                                             ensures improved transport                   infrastructure. The Reservoir
Conference in September.                     connections and safer roads for              Leisure Centre and Northcote
                                             the community and also to invest             Aquatic Centre play a vital role
                                             in local sporting infrastructure.            in supporting the health and
More than 300 Climate emergency                                                           wellbeing of residents but both
leaders, thinkers and activists stood        Council is advocating for the                facilities require major upgrades
alongside Council and community              removal of five level crossings              and redevelopment to meet the
representatives where conversations          on the Mernda train line between             needs of the Darebin community
focused on innovative and                    Thornbury and Reservoir stations             into the future.
collaborative methods and initiatives        particularly at Bell Street,
to address climate change.                   Oakover Road, Murray Road,                   Funding is also required to build
                                             Cramer Street and High Street,               a new multi-sport stadium at the
There was robust debate about                Reservoir. Removing all crossings            John Cain Memorial Park to solve
the challenges of addressing a               concurrently is more cost                    the problem of undersupply of
climate emergency, including                 effective and efficient than                 court facilities in the south of
why we need to move beyond                   removing a single crossing now.              the Darebin.
business-as-usual to take action
at a speed never seen before.                As traffic congestion increases,             An online petition is underway
                                             funding an effective roads                   in the lead up to the State
The conference was inspired by               package at Reservoir in particular           Election, which asks the State
people and communities working               is essential to create safer options         Government and State Opposition
toward building a safe climate for           for pedestrians and cyclists                 to commit to funding these
all. We were pleased to hear the             whilst improving flow and                    important initiatives for the
City of Moreland announcement
                                             moving the high volume of                    Darebin community. Go to
that they share our concerns
                                             traffic more efficiently.                    http://surveys.darebin.vic.gov.au/
and have followed Darebin’s lead
by declaring a state of climate
                                             Council is also asking the major
emergency. Climate change is an
                                             parties to undertake a feasibility           For information on how you can
issue that requires urgent action
by all levels of government.                 study to examine extending tram              contact State Election candidates
                                             route 11 through to Reservoir                and make your voice heard in
                                             Station, would give many more                the lead up to the Victorian
 For more information on what Council        residents access to rail services            State Election on Saturday 24
   is doing to address climate change,       and the Reservoir Activity Centre.           November visit vec.vic.gov.au.
 visit darebin.vic.gov.au/climatechange

        /cityofdarebin                     /cityofdarebin                /darebincitycouncil                   /darebincouncil

     CITY OF                                                                                           logos for positioning purposes only
                                    National Relay Service          Speak your language
     274 Gower Street, Preston      If you are deaf, or have a      T 8470 8470
     PO Box 91, Preston, Vic 3072   hearing or speech impairment,
     T 8470 8888 F 8470 8877        contact us through the
     E mailbox@darebin.vic.gov.au   National Relay Service.
     darebin.vic.gov.au             relayservice.gov.au
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