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Paris 2018. 642 016 778 RCS Nanterre. FRID ER FOUNDATION EURO SUR PE presents OCEAN INITIATIVES 2018 since 1995 PRES S KIT Ocean Initiatives 2018 press kit | 1.
INDEX Every second, 412 kilos of litter are dumped into our oceans. 100% of this waste is of human origin. Disturbed by these figures, p. 4 I/ THE EMERGENCY, FIGHT AGAINST MARINE LITTER Surfrider Foundation Europe has decided to p. 6 II/ THE SOLUTION, THE EUROPEAN CITIZENS ENGAGEMENT take action! p. 8 III/ KEY FIGURES p. 8 2017 Ocean Initiatives For more than 20 years, the NGO has been p. 9 2017 environmental report fighting against wide-scale pollution of the p. 10 IV/ HOW TO FIGHT THE INVASION oceans through its flagship programme, p. 12 Join an Ocean Initiative p. 12 Organize an Ocean Initiative Ocean Initiatives. Every year, 50 000 people take part in these litter collections throughout p. 12 V/ TESTIMONIALS: OCEAN INITIATIVES ADVOCATES Europe. Every volunteer has their own reason p. 14 CONTACTS for participating, but together they share the p. 14 PARTNERS same goal: to not let waste invade our world. This year, Surfrider Foundation Europe launches its 24 th edition of Ocean Initiatives on March 22-25, 2018. Join the movement. Don’t let the waste invade our world! 2. Ocean Initiatives 2018 press kit | 3.
8 000 000 tons of waste are dumped I/ The emergency, in our oceans every year, 100% is of human origin fight against marine litter 80% of marine litter comes from inland 3/4 of the earth’s surface is covered by water. The oceans produce half of the oxygen we breathe. And yet, they are in danger. Every year, 8 million tons of waste ends up in the oceans. Marine mam- 10% mals are choking, the oceans are suffocating and mankind is under threat; is dumped on river banks such pollution holds many negative consequences for the environment. Only a reduction at the source will ensure a sustainable and efficient fight against such catastrophe. Since its creation, Surfrider has placed the fight against marine litter at the heart of its mission. Over the past 25 years the association has gained reputable expertise in its field, graduating from observance of the pollu- tion epidemic to an in-depth understanding and analysis of the issue. The association’s action is now focused on education through environmental 10% projects, as well as its lobbying actions in France and with European ins- is dumped titutions. straight into the sea 269 000 tons of plastic are floating in the oceans, 60 to 90% of marine litter is made of plastic 1 000 000 seabirds and 100 000 marine mammals die every year because of plastic pollution Floating waste by the ocean. 4. Ocean Initiatives 2018 press kit | 5.
II/ The solution, the European citizens ADAPTED PEDAGOGICAL TOOLS Ocean Initiatives is a Surfrider programme dedicated to raising public engagement awareness on the issue of marine litter. To facilitate this, the association has developed an ‘Organizer’s Kit’ for volunteers leading a collection. Each Kit contains valuable teaching resources, collection gear, and talking points that equip participants to thoughtfully advocate the Surfrider mes- sage among their communities. Surfrider has been fighting to stop massive pollution of the oceans for more than 25 years. In 1995, the not-for-profit MOBILIZING CITIZENS ACROSS EUROPE association launched Ocean Initiatives, a programme ai- The strength of Ocean Initiatives lies in Surfrider’s capacity to mobilize med at raising awareness and educating the public on the the whole of its network: volunteer groups across Europe, sports clubs, as issue of marine litter through waste collections organized well as charities and students with whom Surfrider has forged a strong re- on beaches, lakes, rivers and sea beds, as well as in towns lationship over the years. Present in 9 countries in Europe, the association and cities. can now count on the involvement of its 30 volunteer branches, which in turn mobilize their own local network. Today, Ocean Initiatives is more supported than ever with thousands of vo- lunteers across Europe uniting for a common good. By encouraging people to join or organize an Ocean Initiative, the association aims to shift the mindset of European citizens and initiate significant behavioral changes na- A QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE EVALUATION tionwide. OF WASTE THANKS TO PARTICIPATORY SCIENCE Alongside its efforts to raise awareness and mobilize the public, Surfrider has also developed data collection through participatory science. Surfri- der enables those who want to take their action a step further to contri- bute to the creation of a quantitative and qualitative database on marine litter. To this end, the organizers are invited to fill in a report form at the end of their collection event. Based on the gathered data, Surfrider pu- blishes an annual environmental report highlighting the most common types of waste found to provide a better understanding of the issue and its origins. THE CITIZEN AT THE HEART OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL MESSAGES By using the power of to the data collected by mobilized European citizens, Surfrider can exert pressure on French and European institutions to stop waste from entering the marine environment. Through public campaigns focusing on specific marine debris, such as ‘Ban the Bag’ and ‘Reset Your Habits’ targeting an end to plastic bags and bottles, the association hopes to influence legislation, industrial production, and distribution systems. Waste collection during the Ocean Initiatives. 6. Ocean Initiatives 2018 press kit | 7.
2017 ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT III/ Key figures Top 10 of collected litter 2017 OCEAN INITIATIVES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 Cigarette Pieces All kind Pieces of Plastic bags butts of plastic of bottles polystyrene and pieces 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Pieces Bottle Food Sweet Fishing: cords, small 37 795 people joined the program 15 countries were involved of glass caps packaging packaging cords (Diameter < 1 cm) Breakdown of collected litter by use 22,7 % Litter from smoking habits 24,6 % Non-identifiable litter 40% 4,9 % Litter from professional and amateur fishing 39,3 % Packaging and food packaging litter 35% 1 148 1 332 2,6 % Litter from common consumer goods 30% collection events m of waste was collected 3 4,7 % Sanitary and medical litter on beaches, in lakes, 25% from beaches, lakes, rivers and sea beds rivers and sea beds during the 23rd edition of Ocean Initiatives 0,6 % Litter from hunting activities 0,2 % Litter from shellfish farms 20% 15% 0,4 % Other litter IN 2018, JOIN US FROM 22ND TO 25TH OF MARCH 10% Ocean Initiatives are traditionally launched on the first weekend of spring, although the campaign runs year round. This year, the 24th Ocean Initiative weekend will be held on March 22-25, 2018. Volunteer this weekend to help 5% protect our planet from the waste invasion! 0% 8. Ocean Initiatives 2018 press kit | 9.
Iv/ How to fight JOIN AN OCEAN INITIATIVE Taking part in an Ocean Initiative is a simple gesture for the planet and the invasion preservation of our oceans. To join an existing collection: 1. Go to www.oceaninitiatives.org and consult the list of upcoming Ocean Initiative events. 2. Use the interactive map to find collection events and information happening in your preferred location. Every year tens of thousands of people with diverse 3. Register in just a few clicks. 4. On the specified day, make your way to the event site where the profiles and backgrounds take part in Ocean Initiatives. organizer will have materials and collection gear ready for you. 5. Enjoy! Feel good knowing that you are directly helping to save our Schools, families, friends, sports clubs; everyone can find their place within plant and share your experience using the hashtag #OceanInitiatives this far reaching programme. Each person has their own relationship with the ocean, and a unique reason to preserve it. From the surfer who wants to protect their playground, to children whom are aware of the problem at ORGANIZE AN OCEAN INITIATIVE an early age, Ocean Initiatives are open to everyone. Do you want to organize your own Ocean Initiative? Surfrider will provide you with all the tools needed to support your collection event. 1. Register a collection at www.oceaninitiatives.org and download the organizer’s guide which explains the process step-by-step 2. Receive your free Organizer’s Kit, including a comprehensive peda- gogical tool, awareness raising resources for participants, an eco-de- sign hessian bag, recyclable collection bags, posters and stickers. 3. On the specified day, lead the collection and guide participants. 4. At the end of your event, record collection data by using the ‘Marine Litter Watch’ smartphone app, or by filling out a report form available on the Ocean Initiatives website. 5. Thank yourself and your participants for being stewards of global change! School mobilization on a waste collection. Awareness time and waste quantification. 10. Ocean Initiatives 2018 press kit | 11.
v/ Testimonials: Ocean Initiatives advocates BIXENTE LIZARAZU (FRANCE) Ambassador of Surfrider Foundation Europe Every year well-known perso- nalities are committed, along- side Surfrider, to Ocean Initia- Although the problem is global, taking action on a local tives. This is the case of Bixente level is the key to reaching citizens and encouraging them Lizararu, ambassador of Surfri- der and Ocean Initiatives since to get involved. Ocean Initiatives enable volunteers to 1994. protect and defend the spaces they hold most dear, their « Liza pour une mer en bleus” is home environment. very proud to contribute to Ocean Initiatives… We need your ideas, your enthusiasm, and all your ini- ANDREA CAVALLERONI (ITALY) tiatives so that our shores redisco- He organised 3 clean-ups in 2017 ver their true nature, and for it to « I believe the plastic problem is one of the greatest we are facing, and the last! Join us - the future depends on Ocean Initiatives are a good tool to sensitize both the people participating and you ! » those interacting via social media. I organized three Ocean Initiatives in 2017, VIDEO: Bixente Lizarazu talks about his commitment to Surfrider https://youtu.be/lFpUmasp-cc and found that most of the participants were very engaged during the cleanups. I believe they gained valuable insight to the entirety of the problem by participa- ting and through my brief explanation. I do believe they have a clearer vision of CRISTINA BARREAU (FRANCE) the problem of marine litter now. » « Marine litter » issue expert at Surfrider Foundation Europe « Through annual Oceans Initiatives, we collect data about pollution on beaches, in lakes, rivers and sea beds in Europe. Thanks to the support of thousands of citizens and participative science, we are able to make definitive statements on marine litter pollution, targetting items and activities that are threatening our oceans. We can then use these figures to convince authorities and industries that it is time to act. The problem won’t be solved by itself. And it’s working! At the beginning of 2018, the European Commission, through its plastic bag strategy, has showed its will to regulate single use plastics! » Cristina Barreau, Recco beach and river clean-up. © BlackWaveIt 12. Ocean Initiatives 2018 press kit | 13.
CONTACTS For any questions or for further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. COMMUNICATION Lucile ARBEILLE Marine IRIGOIN Communications Manager Press Relations larbeille@surfrider.eu presse@surfrider.eu +33 (0)6 08 10 58 02 +33 (0)5 24 67 12 42 ORGANISATION ENVIRONNEMENT Andrea SCATOLERO Cristina BARREAU Ocean Initiatives Project Officer Marine Litter Program Officer ascatolero@surfrider.eu cbarreau@surfrider.eu + 33 (0)5 59 01 61 58 +33 (0)5 59 23 54 99 + 33 (0)7 60 77 87 55 www.oceaninitiatives.org www.surfrider.eu/en/ www.surfrider.eu/en/about-us/press-centre/ PARTNERS The Ocean Initiatives are co-funded by the European Commision, through the LIFE Operating Grant funds. However, the analyses and opinions presented in this document are those of the authors. 14.
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