Page created by Max Price

DOCUMENT TITLE OBP Plastic Producers & Users Standard             RELEASE DATE 13th of May 2021
DOCUMENT CODE OBP-PRO-STD V1.1 EN                            ©Zero Plastic Oceans | 16 rue de la Tannerie
Ocean Bound Plastic Certification Scheme – www.obpcert.org                       56000 Vannes, France
This document, the Zero Plastic Oceans, Ocean Bound Plastic and Ocean Bound Plastic
Neutral trademarks and certification stamps are protected by Copyright laws. All rights
are reserved to Zero Plastic Oceans organization and no reproduction of this material is
allowed without previous written consent by Zero Plastic Oceans.

This document has been developed by the authors with all possible care and best of
intentions, however Zero Plastic Oceans and any third parties involved in the creation of
this document hereby state the document is provided without warranty, either expressed
or implied, of accuracy or fitness for purpose, and hereby disclaim any liability, direct or
indirect, for damages or loss relating to the use of this document.

Revisions and Updates
This Standard will be revised if required, during its first year of launching (between the 8th
of September 2020 and the 8th of September 2021), to incorporate improvements or
clarifications that will not change substantially the content of the Standard and its
requirements. If deemed necessary, a deeper revision will be made and published before
the first anniversary of the Standard (8th of September 2021). The next following revision
will be published on 8th of September 2022. Please send any comment you have
regarding the Standard to contact(at)obpcert.org

Revision history

 Date             Version    Changes
 8th Sept. 2020   V1         Initial Release
 13th May. 2020   V1.1            • 2. Definition of OBP Credits and update of the OBP
                                      Neutralization Certificate definition (additions in italic).
                                  • 5.4.c) reference to OBP Credits (additions in italic).

         OBP Plastic Producers & Users Standard                                                  1
         OBP-PRO-STD V1.1 EN

1.      FOREWORDS ............................................................................................................................................... 3
2.      TERMS AND DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................................ 4
3.      SCOPE ......................................................................................................................................................... 7
4.      EFFECTIVE DATE .......................................................................................................................................... 7
5.      REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................................................... 8
     5.1.       LEGAL COMPLIANCE, CHILD LABOR, FAIR WORKING CONDITIONS ............................................................ 8
     5.2.       QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM .............................................................................................................. 8
     5.3.       OCEAN BOUND PLASTIC NEUTRAL SCOPE DEFINITION .............................................................................. 9
     5.4.       COMMITMENT TO FINANCE OBP NEUTRALIZATION ................................................................................ 10
     5.5.       SUBCONTRATORS .................................................................................................................................... 10
     5.6.       ANNUAL CONTROL SUMMARIES AND RECONCILIATIONS ....................................................................... 11
     5.7.       WASTE MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................................................ 11
     5.8.       OBP TRADEMARKS AND LABELS USES ...................................................................................................... 11
6.      ANNEX I – OBP DEFINITIONS AND CATEGORIES ......................................................................................... 13
     6.1.       OBP CATEGORIES ..................................................................................................................................... 13
     6.2.       DEFINITION OF WASTE ACCEPTED AS OBP .............................................................................................. 15
     6.3.       DEFINITION OF WASTE NOT ACCEPTED AS OBP ...................................................................................... 16
7.      ANNEX II – MULTISITE CERTIFICATION ....................................................................................................... 17
     7.1.       CONDITIONS FOR PARTICIPATING IN A MULTI-SITE CERTIFICATION ....................................................... 17
     7.2.       RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CENTRAL OFFICE ............................................................................................ 17
     7.3.       INTERNAL AUDITS .................................................................................................................................... 18
     7.4.       INSPECTIONS OF SITES DURING AUDIT .................................................................................................... 18
8.      ANNEX III – SELF-DECLARATION TEMPLATE FOR SUBCONTRATORS ........................................................... 19

                 OBP Plastic Producers & Users Standard                                                                                                               2
                 OBP-PRO-STD V1.1 EN
The aim of Zero Plastic Oceans is to protect oceans from the continuous leakage of plastic
waste from land-based activity by developing incentives and models that promote the
collection of Ocean Bound Plastic1 (OBP).

The OBP Certification Program was designed to encourage the removal of OBP from
the environment by adding value in effectively collecting and treating it before it reaches
oceans. The scheme is composed of two subprograms; the OBP Recycling
Subprogram, and the OBP Neutrality Subprogram.

When OBP is commercially recyclable2, its collection and recycling can be encouraged
by certifying its origin and traceability, giving it a higher market value. This model is
certified using the OBP Collection Organization standard and the OBP Recycling
Organization standard, for the OBP Recycling Subprogram.

When OBP is not commercially recyclable3, its collection and final treatment can be
encouraged by certifying this process through the Ocean Bound Plastic Neutrality model.
In this model, plastic producers or users offset the plastic consumption of a selected
scope of production, by removing an equivalent volume from the environment through the
acquisition of OBP Neutralization Certificates. This model is certified using the OBP
Neutralization Services Provider standard and the OBP Plastic Producers & Users
standard, for the OBP Neutrality Subprogram.

Organizations may certify themselves for one, or both subprograms as they are
complementary solutions. Working with both subprograms makes sense in terms of
economical efficiency, given all OBP is collected and marketed at once. It also makes
sense from the environmental perspective, since it is only by addressing both,
commercially and non-commercially recyclable OBP, that we will be able to make a real

 Ocean Bound Plastic, is, as defined in section 2, plastic litter that will be carried away to oceans in particular by
the effects of currents, winds, river flows or tides.

 Commercially recyclable means that OBP is technically recyclable and that it can be sold locally to recyclers for
a price that renders its collection attractive to waste pickers or collection organizations. Currently, especially in
countries where OBP is leaking into the oceans, a significant portion of technically recyclable OBP is
unfortunately not commercially recyclable.

 Not commercially recyclable means that OBP cannot be sold for an attractive price but also includes products
or packaging which are technically not recyclable (because of the resin used, the mix of different materials or
because they are too damaged).

            OBP Plastic Producers & Users Standard                                                                       3
            OBP-PRO-STD V1.1 EN
Abandoned           Plastic waste is considered abandoned if it has been
Plastic Waste       inappropriately disposed and it will not be collected by any
                    municipal or private collection service.

Commitment          Formal engagement made by an Organization to pay for the
                    Neutralization of a defined tonnage of non-recyclable Ocean
                    Bound Plastic during at least a year. This Commitment is to
                    be formalized by the signature of at least one Contract with at
                    least one certified provider of OBP Neutralization services.

Approved            Independent body that has been approved by Zero Plastic
Certification       Oceans to conduct Audits against the requirements of this
Body                Standard. The term Certification Body, or CB is also used in
                    this document).

Audit               Independent verification by an Approved Certification Body of
                    the compliance of an Organization to the requirements of this

Claim               Any communication either promotional (website, brochure…)
                    or on-product that is related to the Ocean Bound Plastic
                    certification scheme. To be able to use the OBP trademarks
                    or labels, and prepare approved Claims, Organization shall
                    refer to the document Logos Uses and Claims Guidelines

Contract            Agreement between an Organization and a certified
                    Neutralization services provider which stipulates principally
                    the determined volume of OBP that is committed to be
                    Neutralized yearly, and the agreed price for the Neutralization
                    service fee per ton.

Multisite           Certification option for a group of sites that have a contractual
Certification       link between them. They must work under a central office and
                    be administered using an internal control system. Specific
                    details are found in ANNEX II of this document.

Neutralization      Action of removing OBP from the environment and disposing
                    it or valorizing it per the requirements of the OBP
                    Neutralization Services Provider Standard.

        OBP Plastic Producers & Users Standard                                          4
        OBP-PRO-STD V1.1 EN
Ocean Bound             Abandoned Plastic Waste that will eventually end up
    Plastic (OBP)           discharged in the ocean by the effect of winds, rainfall, river
                            flow or tides. More specifically Ocean Bound Plastic is divided
                            in three categories (OBP Categories):

                                A) Potential Ocean Bound Plastic: Abandoned Plastic
                                   Waste located within the range of 50km4 from shore in
                                   communities or areas where waste management is
                                   inexistent or very inefficient. This definition excludes
                                   Plastic waste collected in landfills or managed dumps
                                   but allows for the collection within unmanaged dumps.

                                B) Waterways Ocean Bound Plastic: Abandoned
                                   Plastic Waste located within a river stream or within a
                                   distance of 200m from both sides of the river stream.

                                C) Shoreline Ocean Bound Plastic: Abandoned Plastic
                                   Waste found within 200m from the highest tide limit
                                   towards the land and 100m from the lowest tide limit
                                   towards the sea.

                            For Shoreline and Waterways OBP, exception to the 200m
                            distance rule can be accepted by the Auditor if the Collection
                            Organization can reasonably demonstrate that due to
                            particular conditions of the site (rainfall, winds, inclination),
                            Abandoned Plastic Waste is carried away to rivers or seas
                            from a greater distance.

                            There is no limitation of size, micro, mezzo and macroplastic
                            collection models are acceptable provided they target OBP.

                            Examples of waste material accepted and not accepted as
                            OBP are shown in ANNEX I.

    OBP Credit              Tradable certificate with a unique serial number that allows its
                            holder to claim that 1 Kg of non-commercially recyclable OBP
                            has been removed from the environment and Disposed or
                            Valorized according to the requirements of this Standard.

 This reference is taken from the publication by Jenna Jambeck et al. in an article in Science published on 13 Feb
2015. This distance may evolve as new Scientific Publications further define Ocean Bound Plastic.

            OBP Plastic Producers & Users Standard                                                                   5
            OBP-PRO-STD V1.1 EN
OBP                   Document issued by the CB upon Neutralization services
Neutralization        provider’s request that serves to verify and prove to third
Certificate           parties that a given weight of OBP has been Neutralized and
                      that the corresponding OBP Credits have been issued. The
                      term Neutralization Certificate is also used in this Standard.

Ocean Bound           Scope of products or activities to be certified Ocean Bound
Plastic Neutral       Plastic Neutral per the requirements of this Standard.

Ocean Bound           Concept based on preventing that the equivalent weight of
Plastic               plastic used as raw material for a product does not reach
Neutrality            oceans. Ocean Bound Plastic Neutrality is achieved by
                      Neutralizing (collecting and appropriately treating) the
                      equivalent weight of non-recyclable Ocean Bound Plastic.
                      A product or an activity for which Ocean Bound Plastic
                      Neutrality is achieved can be labelled as Ocean Bound
                      Plastic Neutral.

Organization          Legal entity that is interested to become certified or is already
                      certified to this Standard.

Plastic               Synthetic or semi synthetic organic compounds that are
                      malleable and can be molded into solid or flexible objects.

Scope                 Organizations having successfully passed an audit performed
Certificate           by a Certification Body are given a Scope Certificate (SC)
                      which specifies the activity, location and products it covers.
                      The Organization shall renew their certification on an annual
                      basis. The validity of the SC shall not be more than 12 months.
                      The renewal date shall commence upon successful
                      reassessment of the Organization by the CB, therefore the
                      Organization shall plan the renewal of its certification before
                      the end of its validity.

Subcontractor         Legally distinct entity to which the Organization is delegating
                      the fabrication of materials or products included in the Ocean
                      Bound Plastic Neutral Scope.

Standard              This document, OBP Plastic Producers & Users Standard.

          OBP Plastic Producers & Users Standard                                          6
          OBP-PRO-STD V1.1 EN
This Standard stipulates the requirements to be followed by Organizations that want to
make Claims related to product(s) or activity(ies) that are certified to be Ocean Bound
Plastic Neutral.

It is applicable to any Organization (for profit, not for profit, governmental or non-
governmental) who is involved in the Plastic value chain, producing or using Plastic for
its activity. A non-exhaustive list of Organizations who can apply to this Standard includes:
polymers and additives manufacturers, Plastic packaging and Plastic products
manufacturers, Plastic packaging or Products users, Plastic recyclers.

Organizations that work nation-wide or internationally, and, have multiple sites that are
distinct legal entities administrated by a central office and want to certify several
operations may apply for a multisite certification following the requirements mentioned in

The Standard is applicable worldwide.

This certification Standard becomes effective on the 13th of May 2021. New certification
applicants shall be assessed against this revision of the Standard from the 13th of August

         OBP Plastic Producers & Users Standard                                            7
         OBP-PRO-STD V1.1 EN
 a) The Organization shall demonstrate compliance with national laws and
    requirements related with its operation.

 b) The Organization shall not use child labor in any way. The Organization shall
    demonstrate compliance with the national minimum age for employment and/or
    the age of completion of compulsory education, whichever is higher. In no case
    shall the Organization rely on work performed by children under the age of 14.

 c) The Organization shall not use forced or compulsory labor as defined by ILO
    convention 29 and shall especially forbid itself to create any condition that will
    generate an unfair dependence of workers towards the Organization (such as
    retaining identity documents, salaries, generating debts).

 d) The Organization shall have social policies in place encouraging that workers are
    at least paid minimum legal wages applicable.

 a) The Organization shall have or create a dedicated management system to ensure
    that it can maintain its compliance to the requirements of this Standard. One
    person within the Organization shall be appointed as quality manager to oversee
    the implementation of the Standard requirements. This person shall also be the
    main contact person with the Certification Body (CB) during Audits and their

 b) The Organization shall have procedures that can be made available to the CB to
    demonstrate its compliance with requirements of this Standard.

 c) The responsibilities to implement procedures shall be distributed to identified key
    personal within the Organization under the supervision of the quality manager and
    these personnel shall receive adequate training to ensure they understand
    requirements of the Standard in its latest version.

 d) The Organization shall keep documentation to prove conformity to the Standard
    requirements. The documentation of previous Audits must be kept for at least 4

       OBP Plastic Producers & Users Standard                                        8
       OBP-PRO-STD V1.1 EN
years and presented to the auditor upon request. A non-exhaustive list of records
   to be kept include: methods and procedures, lists of Ocean Bound Plastic Neutral
   Scopes, reconciliation registers, annual weight summaries, Neutralization
   Certificates received, nonconformity records, training material, brand mark usage

a) The Organization needs to define the Ocean Bound Plastic Neutral Scope (OBPN
   Scope). This can be for example: specific products, range or lines of products, the
   whole production of a plant or the whole company.

b) The Organization shall demonstrate the Plastic consumption of the OBPN Scope.
   This consumption shall include all direct virgin and/or recycled Plastic usages and
   losses attributable to the OBPN Scope. Losses that are recycled within the OBPN
   Scope are not to be accounted for.

c) The Organization shall have an annual forecast of Plastic consumption related to
   the OBPN Scope chosen. This forecast should cover the period of validity of the

 Examples of OBPN Scope definition:

 For a shoemaker company, a possible OBPN Scope could be a specific flip flop
  model production. Production of each flip flop uses 250 grams of Plastic. The
  company has an annual forecast of 10 million pairs and 0.5% of the flip flop
  production is usually considered waste due to product non-conformities (this waste
  is not recyclable internally). For this case, the company shall purchase
  Neutralization Certificates for 10E6 x 250E-6 x1.005 = 2512.5 metric tons of OBP
  to claim its flip flop production is Ocean Bound Plastic Neutral.

 For a company producing outdoor furniture a possible OBPN Scope could be its
  whole product range. The company has no manufacturing sites and all its
  production is outsourced. In total, all subcontractors use 5489 metric tons of a mix
  of virgin and recycled plastic per year to manufacture all of the company’s
  products, including losses. The company will need to purchase Neutralization
  Certificates for 5489 metric tons to be able to claim its production is Ocean Bound
  Plastic Neutral.

      OBP Plastic Producers & Users Standard                                        9
      OBP-PRO-STD V1.1 EN
   a) The Organization shall have a Commitment to finance the Neutralization of OBP
      matching at least the forecast mentioned in 5.3c. This Commitment shall be
      materialized through at least one Contract with at least one Neutralization services
      provider. Any provider contracted by the Organization shall be certified to the OBP
      Neutralization Services Provider standard and hold a valid SC.
   b) The Contract(s) shall be signed by a legal representative of both organizations,
      enforceable and executable at the time of Audit. Letter of intent, memorandum of
      understanding or similar non bidding agreements are not acceptable as

   c) The Contract(s) shall include the price per ton for the Neutralization service fee or
      the OBP Credits purchase price and the annual weight of OBP to Neutralize. This
      weight/number of OBP Credits may be adjustable throughout the execution of the
      agreement to account for a higher or lower than forecasted production of the
      Ocean Bound Plastic Neutral Scope.


The Organization may use for part or all of the production process of the Ocean Bound
Plastic Neutral Scope one or several Subcontractors.

  a) In such cases, the Organization shall have an updated list of these Subcontractors,
     detailing which operations they are realizing on its behalf.

  b) Subcontractors shall sign a self-declaration of compliance with minimum social and
     environmental requirements as specified by this Standard. Copies of signed
     Subcontractor’s self-declarations shall be kept by the Organization. A self-
     declaration template is available as ANNEX III.

  c) The Organization needs to demonstrate via Documentary Evidence the amount of
     Plastic used, including losses, by its Subcontractors for the subcontracted works.

         OBP Plastic Producers & Users Standard                                         10
         OBP-PRO-STD V1.1 EN
a) The Organization shall have a quality system in place allowing it to perform regular
   weight reconciliations of the Plastic it has used for the Ocean Bound Plastic Neutral
   Scope with the Neutralization Certificates it has received, ensuring that both
   amounts match. This reconciliation shall be performed periodically but should not
   exceed a 3-month period.

b) If an Organization has received Neutralization Certificates for a greater weight that
   it has used for its chosen scope, it is allowed, but not obliged, to pass the excess
   amount over to the next reconciliation period.

c) The Organization shall have available a table summary containing: (i) all certified
   Neutralization service providers they work with, including contact details, (ii) annual
   tonnage of OBP Neutralized per provider, (iii) Neutralization Certificates received.
d) The total tonnage of all Neutralization Certificates received shall at least add up to
   the total tonnage of Plastic used for the Ocean Bound Plastic Neutral Scope.

e) Organizations shall show evidence of payments to certified Neutralization services
   providers that match the Neutralization Certificates received.

a) The Organization shall have enforced waste management procedures that
   prioritize reduction, reuse and recycling of all its production wastes whenever

b) The Organization shall be able to demonstrate the destination of its final waste, in
   particular that all reasonable precautions are taken to avoid that its Plastic waste
   may become abandoned in the environment or open air burned.

a) Organizations are eligible to use the OBP promotional labels, provided they are
   certified with this Standard.

b) The status of the Organization as certificate holder can be promoted with the OBP
   promotional labels in websites, social networking, business cards, printed material,
   promotional items (t-shirts, caps, banners, etc), or any other corporate
   communication the Organization sees fit.

c) Organizations are eligible to use the on-product OBP labels for products covered
   by the Ocean Bound Plastic Neutral Scope.

      OBP Plastic Producers & Users Standard                                           11
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d) The Organization shall refer to the reference document “Logos Uses and Claim
   Guidelines-OBP-LOG-GUI” available at www.obpcert.org before any public use of
   the OBP logos is made. Organizations that do not comply with these guidelines
   may lose the right to use the OBP trademarks.

e) The Organization shall request an approval of the intended artworks to its CB and
   shall keep a register of all the approved uses of the OBP promotional labels and
   on-product labels sent by the CB.

f) The OBP and ZPO trademarks shall not be used: (a) in a way that could cause
   confusion, misinterpretation, or loss of credibility to the OBP certification scheme;
   (b) in a way that implies that ZPO endorses, participates in, or is responsible for
   activities performed by the Organization, outside the scope of certification; (c) to
   promote product quality aspects not covered by the OBP certification.

      OBP Plastic Producers & Users Standard                                         12
      OBP-PRO-STD V1.1 EN
As detailed in the terms and definition section of the Standard, three categories are
defined for OBP. The following sketches show the areas covered by each definition.

        6.1.1. POTENTIAL OBP

        6.1.2. SHORELINE OBP


For Shoreline OBP, and Potential OBP, the definitions are based on the lowest tide limits
and highest tide limits. The organization collecting OBP can use Documentary Evidence
like pictures or visible evidence like deposit lines on the beach to justify the limits used.
Given the difficulties of precisely determining these highest and lowest tide limits the
auditor will accept evidence that demonstrates the limits positions with a tolerance of +/-

          OBP Plastic Producers & Users Standard                                          13
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For Waterways OBP, the definition is based on the riverbed limits, in countries where
there is a seasonal variation of this riverbed, the largest extend of the riverbed will be
considered to start counting the 200m limit on both banks. However, exceptional flood
events will not be considered to determine limits used.

The organization collecting OBP can use Documentary Evidence like pictures or visible
evidence like deposit lines on each bank to justify limits used. Given the difficulties of
precisely determining these limits in case of seasonal variations, the auditor will accept
evidence that demonstrates limits positions with a tolerance of +/-50m.

Waterways OBP can be collected further away than 50km from coasts as long as the river
concerned is directly or indirectly reaching a sea or an ocean at the end of its course.

          OBP Plastic Producers & Users Standard                                       14
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The Standard targets any type of Plastics
That includes all kind Plastics made from petroleum and biosourced, most commonly
encountered Plastic are listed below. For a complete lists of specialty Plastic please refer
to Wikipedia page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plastic#Types

•   Polyamides (PA) or (nylons) – fibers, toothbrush bristles, tubing, fishing line and low-
    strength machine parts such as engine parts or gun frames
•   Polycarbonate (PC) – compact discs, eyeglasses, riot shields, security windows,
    traffic lights and lenses
•   Polyester (PES) – fibers and textiles
•   Polyethylene (PE) – a wide range of inexpensive uses including supermarket bags
    and plastic bottles
    o High-density polyethylene (HDPE) – detergent bottles, milk jugs and molded
         plastic cases
    o Low-density polyethylene (LDPE) – outdoor furniture, siding, floor tiles, shower
         curtains and clamshell packaging
    o Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) – carbonated drinks bottles, peanut butter jars,
         plastic film and microwavable packaging
•   Polypropylene (PP) – bottle caps, drinking straws, yogurt containers, appliances, car
    fenders (bumpers) and plastic pressure pipe systems
•   Polystyrene (PS) – foam peanuts, food containers, plastic tableware, disposable
    cups, plates, cutlery, compact-disc (CD) and cassette boxes
    o High impact polystyrene (HIPS) – refrigerator liners, food packaging and vending
•   Polyurethanes (PU) – cushioning foams, thermal insulation foams, surface coatings
    and printing rollers: currently the sixth or seventh most commonly-used plastic, for
    instance the most commonly used plastic in cars
•   Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) – plumbing pipes and guttering, electrical wire/cable
    insulation, shower curtains, window frames and flooring
•   Polyvinylidene chloride (PVDC) – food packaging, such as: Saran
•   Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) – electronic equipment cases (e.g. computer
    monitors, printers, keyboards) and drainage pipe
    o Polycarbonate+Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (PC+ABS) – a blend of PC and
         ABS that creates a stronger plastic used in car interior and exterior parts, and
         mobile phone bodies
    o Polyethylene+Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (PE+ABS) – a slippery blend of PE
         and ABS used in low-duty dry bearings

Additionally, to the above, synthetic made tires and other synthetic rubber material will be
admitted. Paints and Resins are also admitted.

         OBP Plastic Producers & Users Standard                                          15
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The Standard excludes any other non-Plastic wastes
Typically encountered waste that are excluded for this scheme are:
   • All types of metal,
   • Wood in any form or shape,
   • Food and food preparation residues
   • Non Plastic fiber made textiles
   • Glass
   • Tetrapack
   • Dirt, Stones, Concrete Plaster or equivalent, Sand, Mud...
   • Water or other liquids


It is understood that OBP is collected in natural environment where it may be dirty.
Associated food, dirt, sand, water should be removed to the extent possible by opening
or cutting open the containers if applicable. It is not considered that the material will be
washed as this would render unpractical and not environmentally sensible the collection
In cases where OBP is attached to another material such as a metal, wood, stone best
efforts shall be made to separate the OBP for the other material so that no false tonnage
is generated. An exception will be made for paints and resins which are usually contained
in a metallic container.
In cases where the OBP containers contains a toxic product like solvents, acids, soaps,
cleaning products for example the organization collecting OBP shall not release in the
environment the toxic product in order to only account for the Plastic weight but treat this
waste separately as common sense and best practices dictates while accounting for the
whole weight removed from the environment.

         OBP Plastic Producers & Users Standard                                          16
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  a) The different sites shall have a contractual link between them and work under a
     central office, usually the headquarters but not obligatorily, in charge of managing
     and administrating their operations.

  b) Sites can be branches, subsidiaries or similar entities executing operations under
     control of a central office.

  c) The central office and the sites do not need to be the same legal entity, but a legal
     relationship must exist between them.

  d) Central office and sites, and sites between themselves, can be in different

  e) All sites are required to operate under a uniform management system, imposed by
     the central office.

  a) The central office shall appoint a responsible person in charge of the sites’
     implementation of this Standard requirements.

  b) The central office shall be able to decide which sites can or cannot be part of the
     Multisite Certification.

  c) The central office shall have procedures for managing sites’ non-conformities and
     be able to decide on the exclusion of non-conforming sites from the Multisite

  d) The central office shall prepare and implement trainings for the sites regarding the

  e) The central office shall generate common quality management documents related
     to the Standard applicable to all sites and validate required adaptations to the
     specific needs of each site.

  f) The central office is in charge of preparing Claims and getting them approved by
     the CB for the whole Organization.

        OBP Plastic Producers & Users Standard                                         17
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a) The central office shall conduct at least annual internal audits to all sites covered
   by the Multisite Certification to ensure conformance with the requirements of the

b) All non-conformities reported in the internal audit shall be recorded with a
   subsequent corrective action plan.

c) The central office shall follow the implementation of the corrective action plan.

d) Internal audit reports, non-conformities lists, corrective action plans and closure of
   non-conformities reports shall be kept by the central office and available during the
   Organization Audit.

a) The auditor will inspect a sample of the sites based on the square root of the
   number of sites in the Multisite Certification. The auditor may require to increase
   the number of sites of the sample during an Audit in case non-conformities are

      OBP Plastic Producers & Users Standard                                           18
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I, (Full Name), identified with (identity document number and type), in representation of
(company name) in my quality of (title) declare that:

The organization I represent complies with the following social and environmental

   a) The organization does not use child labor in any way. The organization complies
      with the national minimum age for employment and/or the age of completion of
      compulsory education, whichever is higher. In no case the organization relies on
      work performed by children under the age of 14.

   b) The organization does not use forced or compulsory labor as defined by ILO
      convention 29 and does not create any conditions that will generate an unfair
      dependence of workers towards the organization (such as retaining identity
      documents, salaries, generating debts).

   c) The organization has social policies in place encouraging that workers are at least
      paid minimum legal wages applicable.

   d) The organization has enforced waste management procedures that prioritize
      reduction, reuse and recycling of all its production wastes whenever possible.

   e) The organization can demonstrate the destination of its final waste, in particular
      that all reasonable precautions are taken to avoid that its plastic waste may
      become abandoned in the environment or open air burned.

Signed by:


         OBP Plastic Producers & Users Standard                                       19
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