OCBC TREASURY RESEARCH - Asian Credit Daily Friday, June 10, 2022

Page created by Mathew Reynolds
Asian Credit Daily
Friday, June 10, 2022
Market Commentary
▪ The SGD SORA curve traded mostly higher yesterday, with
  shorter tenors trading 4-5bps higher, belly tenors trading
  2-3bps higher and longer tenors traded 1-2bps higher
  (with the exception of 30Y which traded lower by 1bps).
▪ There were heavy flows in SGD corporates yesterday, with
  flows in OCBCSP 3.9%-PERPs, CS 5.625%-PERPs, HSBC 5%-
  PERPs and STHSP 3.95%-PERPs.
▪ UST 10Y yields traded 2bps higher to 3.04% yesterday,
   continuing the upward climb from the previous two days
   as investors await the consumer price data for May to be
   released tonight (Singapore time) from the US Bureau of
   Labor Statistics. The White House commented on
   Thursday that they expect the next round of economic
   data to show elevated figures on inflation due to the
   Ukraine war and its effects on gas prices as well as
   ongoing supply chain issues. Separately, the CBOE
   Volatility Index rose more than 2 points to close above 26
   for the first time in June and initial jobless claims for the
   week ended 4 June came in at 229,000, above
   Bloomberg’s median estimates of 206,000.

Credit Summary:
▪ Industry Outlook – Singapore Credit Outlook: Singapore yesterday published the Singapore Green
   Bond Framework for sovereign green bond issuances by public sector agencies under the Significant
   Infrastructure Government Loan Act 2021 (SINGA). The framework details the Singapore
   Government’s (i) intended use of green bond proceeds, (ii) governance structure to evaluate and
   select eligible projects, (iii) operational approach to manage green bond proceeds, and (iv)
   commitment to post-issuance allocation and impact reporting.
▪ AIMS APAC REIT (“AAREIT”) | Issuer Profile: Neutral (4): AAREIT has updated that the target date for
   its acquisition of 315 Alexandra Road (“the Property”) has been extended to 1 July 2022 due to a
   change in the anchor tenancy arrangement of the Property.
▪ Credit Suisse Group AG (“CS”) | Issuer Profile: Neutral (4): State Street Corp and CS’ CEO Thomas
   Gottstein has refuted rumours that State Street Corp is looking to acquire Credit Suisse. Separately, the
   bank announced it is slowing down on its China expansion and delaying the targeted launch of its
   locally incorporated bank by a year to 2024. The move could also be somewhat related to CS’s need to
   control costs and investments and the recent global reorganization that has shifted autonomy away
   from Asia.
▪ Fraser and Neave Ltd (“FNN”) | Issuer Profile: Neutral (4): FNN’s 55.5%-owned Malaysian subsidiary,
   Fraser & Neave Holdings Bhd Group (“FNN Berhad”) announced that it is proposing to take private
   Cocoaland Holdings Berhad (“Cocoaland”). The total consideration is expected to be ~MYR488.1mn
   (~SGD153mn) to be paid in cash.
Asian Credit Daily
Industry Outlook – Singapore Credit Outlook:
▪ Singapore yesterday published the Singapore Green Bond Framework for sovereign green bond
   issuances by public sector agencies under the Significant Infrastructure Government Loan Act 2021
   (SINGA). These issuances will also be known as Green SGS (Infrastructure) bonds and will finance
   nationally significant infrastructure which meet the green criteria under the Framework. Nationally
   significant infrastructure under SINGA is defined as infrastructure projects controlled and legally
   owned by the Government, cost at least SGD4bn, have a useful life of at least 50 years, and support
   or materially improve national productivity or Singapore’s economic, environmental, or social
▪ The Framework details the Singapore Government’s (i) intended use of green bond proceeds, (ii)
   governance structure to evaluate and select eligible projects, (iii) operational approach to manage
   green bond proceeds, and (iv) commitment to post-issuance allocation and impact reporting.
▪ Key principles of the framework include:
   o Alignment with internationally recognised market principles and standards including the
       International Capital Market Association (ICMA) Green Bond Principles 2021 and the ASEAN
       Capital Markets Forum ASEAN Green Bond Standards 2018
   o Stringent governance and oversight of project selection and allocation of proceeds through the
       Green Bond Steering Committee to be chaired by the Second Minister for Finance. As part of the
       Framework’s implementation, the Singapore Government will also commit to annual post-
       issuance allocation reporting and impact reporting on environmental benefits and social co-
       benefits where possible.
   o Technical screening to evaluate and identify green projects with reference to internationally
       recognised market principles and standards such as the ICMA Green Bond Principles and the
       Climate Bond Initiative (CBI) Taxonomy and Sector Criteria.
▪ Per the release from the Ministry of Finance, proceeds from issuances under the Framework will be
   used to finance expenditures to support the Singapore Green Plan 2030 that facilitates the transition
   to a low-carbon economy in Singapore. Categories of Eligible Green Expenditures include Renewable
   Energy, Energy Efficiency, Green Building, Clean Transportation, Sustainable Water and Wastewater
   Management, Pollution Prevention, Control and Circular Economy, Climate Change Adaptation, and
   Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources and Land Use.
▪ The Ministry of Finance will select a list of potential green projects before the Green Bond Steering
   Committee reviews the projects based on their use of proceeds. Once the projects are classified as
   nationally significant infrastructure, the Green Bond Steering Committee will approve the eligible
   green projects and allocate proceeds. Representatives of the Green Bond Steering Committee include
   senior government representatives from the Ministry of Finance, the Monetary Authority of
   Singapore, the Accountant-General's Department, the Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment
   and the Ministry of Transport.
▪ A second part opinion has been provided by Morningstar Sustainalytics to opine that the Framework
   is credible, impactful and aligns with internationally recognised market principles and standards.

(Continued on the next page)                                                                           Page 2
Asian Credit Daily
Industry Outlook – Singapore Credit Outlook:
▪ As a recap, the Singapore Government announced at Budget 2022 that the public sector will issue up
   to SGD35bn of green bonds by 2030 to finance public sector green infrastructure projects through
   the Singapore Government as well as its Statutory Boards. The government is expected to issue its
   first sovereign green bond under the SINGA in the coming months and aims to allocate net proceeds
   in full within 2 years and possibly up to 3 years in the initial years of the framework. (MoF,
   Bloomberg, Business Times, OCBC)

AIMS APAC REIT (“AAREIT”) | Issuer Profile: Neutral (4):
▪ In relation to the acquisition of 315 Alexandra Road (“the Property”), there is a change in the anchor
  tenancy arrangement of the Property.
▪ In previous announcements, the Property is being sold on a partial leaseback arrangement where
  Sime Darby Property Singapore Limited (“SDPSL”) will lease back 70% of the building’s total gross
  floor area for a minimum of 10 years.
▪ However, with a letter of intent signed with a new anchor tenant, this change may affect the agreed
  purchase price of the Property which AAREIT is evaluating. The total transaction cost (including
  acquisition cost) as per earlier announcement is SGD106.6mn.
▪ AAREIT updated that the target date has been extended to 1 July 2022. This acquisition was first
  announced in January 2021. (Company, OCBC)

Credit Suisse Group AG (“CS”) | Issuer Profile: Neutral (4):
▪ State Street Corp has come out to specifically address rumours that it is looking to acquire Credit
   Suisse. The company released a statement confirming “There is no basis to the continuing market
   rumors,” and “Although we have a long-standing company policy of not commenting on such
   speculation, we feel a response to these reports is now warranted in this instance.” CS’ CEO Thomas
   Gottstein also refuted the rumour yesterday in a Goldman Sachs Group Inc. conference and any other
   questions on whether CS is a takeover target, also stating that he is holding out hope for CS to report
   a profit for second quarter. Before the results announcement, CS will be holding an Investor Deep
   Dive on 28 June 2022 to provide further details on its current transitioning activities.
▪ Separately, the bank announced it is slowing down on its China expansion and delaying the targeted
   launch of its locally incorporated bank by a year to 2024. This is the second postponement in the past
   two years ago due to the slower licensing process and concerns amongst senior Credit Suisse
   executives in Zurich to invest at a time when the economy remains exposed to Covid-19 lockdowns
   that is impacting the economy and deal-making.
▪ The move could also be somewhat related to CS’s need to control costs and investments and the
   recent global reorganization that has shifted autonomy away from Asia. The bank however is
   continuing with its plans to take full ownership of its securities joint venture, Credit Suisse Securities
   (China) Limited (“CSS”). (Bloomberg, OCBC)

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Asian Credit Daily
Credit Headlines
Fraser and Neave Ltd (“FNN”) | Issuer Profile: Neutral (4):
▪ FNN’s 55.5%-owned Malaysian subsidiary, Fraser & Neave Holdings Bhd Group (“FNN Berhad”)
   announced that it is proposing to take private Cocoaland Holdings Berhad (“Cocoaland”) by buying
   shares it does not already own in Cocoaland for MYR1.50 per share. FNN Berhad currently owns a
   ~28%-stake in Cocoaland, a confectionary and beverage company based in Malaysia.
▪ The total consideration is expected to be ~MYR488.1mn (~SGD153mn) to be paid in cash. The
   funding is expected to be via bank borrowings. (Company, Bloomberg)

                                                                                                  Page 4
Asian Credit Daily
Key Market Movements

                                 1W chg   1M chg
                        10-Jun                                                10-Jun 1W chg 1M chg
                                  (bps)    (bps)

iTraxx Asiax IG          110       -1      -22     Brent Crude Spot ($/bbl)   122.13     2.01%   19.20%

iTraxx SovX APAC         31        0        -6     Gold Spot ($/oz)           1,846.26 -0.27%     0.43%

iTraxx Japan             71        4        -5     CRB                        329.59     2.01%   10.94%

iTraxx Australia         95        -1      -13     GSCI                       816.81     1.05%   12.94%

CDX NA IG                87        6        0      VIX                         26.09     5.54%   -20.92%

CDX NA HY                100       -1       -1     CT10 (%)                   3.051%     11.79     6.03

iTraxx Eur Main          93        4        -3

iTraxx Eur XO            466       22       1      AUD/USD                     0.710    -1.44%    2.38%

iTraxx Eur Snr Fin       103       4        -4     EUR/USD                     1.063    -0.87%    0.92%

iTraxx Eur Sub Fin       196       7       -10     USD/SGD                     1.381    -0.38%    0.69%

iTraxx Sovx WE            5        0        -1     AUD/SGD                     0.981     1.10%   -1.64%

USD Swap Spread 10Y       7        -1       1      ASX 200                     6,966    -3.76%   -1.20%

USD Swap Spread 30Y      -23       -2       3      DJIA                       32,273    -2.93%    0.35%

US Libor-OIS Spread       8        -3       -8     SPX                         4,018    -3.81%    0.42%

Euro Libor-OIS Spread    19        3        12     MSCI Asiax                   688      1.50%    7.10%

                                                   HSI                        21,600     2.46%   10.01%

China 5Y CDS             70        -1      -15     STI                         3,185    -1.45%   -1.52%

Malaysia 5Y CDS          80        -1      -22     KLCI                        1,496    -3.50%   -3.79%

Indonesia 5Y CDS         107       1       -25     JCI                         7,146    -0.51%    4.79%

Thailand 5Y CDS          49        -1       -3     EU Stoxx 50                 3,724    -1.86%    4.77%

Australia 5Y CDS         22        -2       -2                                         Source: Bloomberg

                                                                                                          Page 5
Asian Credit Daily
New Issues
▪ Bank of China Ltd/Frankfurt priced a USD500mn 3-year senior unsecured green bond at T+20bps,
  tightening from an IPT of T+65bps area.
▪ Shanhai Hong Kong International Investments Ltd (Guarantor: Lianyungang Port Group Co Ltd) priced
  a USD250mn 3-year senior unsecured green bond at 5%, tightening from an IPT of 5.3% area.
▪ Coastal Emerald Ltd (Guarantor: Shandong Hi-Speed Group Co Ltd) priced a USD500mn 3-year senior
  unsecured green bond at 4.1%, tightening from an IPT of 4.6% area.
▪ Standard Chartered PLC priced a SGD235mn 11NC10 senior unsecured bond at 4.5%.

  Date                            Issuer                          Size     Tenor         Pricing

 9-Jun-22               Bank of China Ltd/Frankfurt             USD500mn   3-year       T+20bps

              Shanhai Hong Kong International Investments Ltd
 9-Jun-22                                                       USD250mn   3-year        5.00%
                (Guarantor: Lianyungang Port Group Co Ltd)

                            Coastal Emerald Ltd
 9-Jun-22                                                       USD500mn   3-year        4.10%
               (Guarantor: Shandong Hi-Speed Group Co Ltd)

 9-Jun-22                 Standard Chartered PLC                SGD235mn   11NC10        4.50%

                                                                            Source: OCBC, Bloomberg

Temporary Suspension
▪ Do note that our official coverage on City Developments Limited and China Construction Bank
  Corporation are temporarily suspended due to OCBC’s other business.

                                                                                                   Page 6
Asian Credit Daily

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