OCBC TREASURY RESEARCH - Asian Credit Daily Monday, May 9, 2022

Asian Credit Daily
Monday, May 9, 2022
Market Commentary
▪ The SGD SORA curve traded higher on Friday, with shorter
  tenors trading 12-15bps higher, belly tenors trading 15-
  17bps higher, and longer tenors trading 17-18bps higher.
▪ There were moderate flows in SGD corporates on Friday,
  with flows in HPLSP 4.4%-PERPs and AAREIT 5.375%-
▪ UST 10Y yields traded 9bps higher on Friday to 3.13%, and
   broke above 3.14% at one point intraday, for the first time
   since 2018. This came amidst the release of an overall
   robust set of employment data by the US Bureau of Labor
   Statistics for April, indicating a tighter labour market and
   supporting market expectations for further Fed tightening.
   Notably, nonfarm payrolls increased more than expected
   by 428,000 in April, above Bloomberg median consensus
   estimates of a 380,000 increase. Inflation-wise, average
   hourly earnings increased less than expected on a m/m
   basis by 0.3% m/m, below Bloomberg median estimates of
   a 0.4% m/m increase. The unemployment rate remained
   unchanged m/m at 3.6%, though the labour force
   participation rate fell by 0.2% m/m to 62.2%, below
   Bloomberg median estimates of 62.5%.

Credit Summary:
▪ Industry Outlook – Singapore Residential Property: Piccadilly Grand sold 315 out of 407 units (77% of
   total units) at an average selling price of SGD2150 psf over its weekend launch. Meanwhile, an
   Additional Buyer’s Stamp Duty (“ABSD”) of 35% will be imposed on transfer of residential property into
   a living trust which will be imposed from today. We do not expect the closure of the gap in ABSD to
   significantly impact the property market, while we think the strong sales achieved at Piccadilly Grand is
   testimony of continued strength in the Singapore property market despite rising interest rates,
   supported by strong buying power amongst Singaporeans.
▪ Westpac Banking Corporation (“Westpac”) | Issuer Profile: Positive (2): Westpac announced its
   1HFY2022 results for the 6 months ended 31 March 2022. We believe that the outlook for Westpac is
   constructive, although mixed with caution. We maintain Westpac’s Positive (2) issuer profile – while
   we will continue to monitor the impact of rising costs and margin pressure, we expect earnings to
   remain resilient and support Westpac’s current capital position, given its strategy execution and
   conservative approach to the operating environment.
Asian Credit Daily
Credit Headlines
Industry Outlook – Singapore Residential Property:
▪ Piccadilly Grand sold 315 out of 407 units (77% of total units) at an average selling price of SGD2150
   psf over its weekend launch. The development, which is linked to Farrer Park MRT station, is a joint
   project by City Developments Ltd and MCL Land.
▪ Reportedly, ~90% of the buyers are Singaporeans, with the remainder made up by permanent
   residents and foreigners. According to EdgeProp, the pricing of SGD2150 psf is a new benchmark for
   District 8.
▪ Meanwhile, an Additional Buyer’s Stamp Duty (“ABSD”) of 35% will be imposed on transfer of
   residential property into a living trust which will be imposed from today while previously ABSD may
   or may not be payable upon transfer, depending on the profile of the beneficial owner of the
   residential property. In particular, if there is no identifiable beneficial owner at the time of transfer,
   previously ABSD did not apply. The imposition of ABSD is intended to close this gap, according to
   Ministry of Finance.
▪ We do not expect the closure of the gap in ABSD to significantly impact the property market while we
   think the strong sales achieved at Piccadilly Grand is testimony of continued strength in the Singapore
   property market despite rising interest rates, supported by strong buying power amongst
   Singaporeans. (Company, Business Times, OCBC)

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Asian Credit Daily
Credit Headlines
Westpac Banking Corporation (“Westpac”) | Issuer Profile: Positive (2):
▪ Westpac announced its 1HFY2022 results for the 6 months ended 31 March 2022. Overall
   performance benefited from solid operating expense performance which offset weaker net operating
   income as well as higher impairment charges on a h/h and y/y basis. Overall net profit before tax was
   AUD4.7bn, up 37% h/h and down 7% y/y.
▪ Of note is the AUD139mn in impairment charges for 1HFY2022, materially up from the AUD218mn
   and AUD372mn impairment benefits in 2HFY2021 (ended 31 September 2021) and in 1HFY2021
   o The prior period benefits were due to large reversals in collectively assessed provisions of
      AUD777mn and AUD640mn as at 31 September 2021 and 31 March 2021 that were raised during
      FY2020 and FY2021 for the pandemic.
   o That said, Westpac felt the need to raise additional collectively assessed provisions for a new set
      of risks tied to current operating conditions and elevated uncertainty that saw a reweighting of
      economic scenarios with a 45% weight towards a downside scenario (previously 40%) and a 50%
      chance of the base case scenario (previously 55%).
   o Key downside risks include as geopolitical and economic impacts from the Russia-Ukraine conflict
      and lingering COVID-19 impacts, supply chain disruptions, capacity constraints and labour
      shortages, rising inflation and interest rates, and exposures to flood prone areas in New South
      Wales and Queensland.
▪ That said, underlying asset quality was improved in 1HFY2022 compared to prior periods with lower
   new individually assessed provisions and most asset quality metrics back to pre-COVID levels.
   Improvement was seen in the mortgage portfolio with lower write offs due to lower delinquencies as
   well as a reduction in the consumer unsecured portfolio. The stressed exposures to total committed
   exposures ratio was 1.10% as at 31 March 2022 (-26bps) while the ratio of gross impaired exposures
   to gross loans fell 7bps h/h to 0.23% as at 31 March 2022. The ratio of gross impaired provisions to
   gross impaired exposures was down 60bps h/h to 48% over the same period, mostly due to lower
   individually assessed provisions. Supporting the movements in asset quality metrics were:
   o Lower watchlist and substandard exposures from rating upgrades and refinancing of some higher
      risk institutional facilities;
   o Reduced 90 days past due and not impaired exposures, mostly in mortgages; and
   o A fall in impaired exposures through low levels of new impaired assets and the partial write-off of
      the Forum Finance exposure.
▪ Otherwise, net operating income or revenue was down 3% h/h and 4% y/y to AUD10.23bn. This was
   due to due to competitive pressures on net interest margins (down 15bps h/h and y/y to 1.91% in
   1HFY2022) in the home loan market, the low-rate environment, a change in product mix to fixed rate
   lending and higher liquid assets that offset higher average interest earning assets (+6% h/h and +7%
   y/y). Non-interest income was also down largely due to lower gains on asset sales and revaluations as
   well as weaker performance in the Life insurance business from unfavourable valuations and
   investment losses.

(Continued on the next page)                                                                           Page 3
Asian Credit Daily
Credit Headlines
Westpac Banking Corporation (“Westpac”) | Issuer Profile: Positive (2):
▪ As mentioned above, off-setting the fall in net operating income was a 27% h/h and 10% y/y decline
   in operating expenses due to lower notable items (defined as specific large infrequent items ) such as
   provisions for remediation (estimated customer refunds, payments and associated costs), intangible
   item write-downs, and asset sales and revaluations. This offset higher staff expenses and
   restructuring costs. In its 1QFY2022 trading update, Westpac announced a new organizational
   structure including two new services divisions and the consolidation of its chief risk, financial crime
   and compliance roles into one to streamline operations and solidify its focus on improving risk
   culture. Westpac is currently pursuing a cost reset program focused on portfolio simplification (sale
   of non-core businesses), business simplification (digitilisation and reduce products offered) and
   organizational simplification (reduce corporate space and offshore locations). Given Westpac’s solid
   cost performance, Westpac is retaining its AUD8bn cost reduction target by fiscal 2024.
▪ Westpac’s CET1 ratio fell 99bps h/h to 11.33% as at 31 March 2022 as non-credit risk related risk
   weighted asset growth (mostly interest rate risk in the banking book) offset earnings whilst
   shareholder returns through dividends (-48bps) and AUD3.5bn share buyback (-76bps) had a 124bps
   negative impact to the capital position. That said, the level remains within Westpac’s target CET1
   operating range for 2023 of 11.0-11.5% which includes the 10.25% minimum regulatory requirement
   and a 0.75% management buffer. On an internationally comparable basis, the CET1 ratio was 17.36%
   as at 31 March 2022.
▪ Westpac’s outlook is constructive although mixed with caution. It is forecasting Australia’s economic
   growth at 4.5% in 2022 before slowing to 2.5% in 2023. Meanwhile, credit growth is expected to be
   robust at 5.7% in 2022 before slowing to 4.3% in 2023 amidst slowing demand for housing and an
   expected fall in consumer spending.
▪ We maintain Westpac’s Positive (2) issuer profile – while we will continue to monitor the impact of
   rising costs and margin pressure, we expect earnings to remain resilient and support Westpac’s
   current capital position given its strategy execution and conservative approach to the operating
   environment. (Company, OCBC)

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Asian Credit Daily
Key Market Movements

                                1W chg   1M chg
                        9-May                                                9-May     1W chg 1M chg
                                 (bps)    (bps)

iTraxx Asiax IG          128      6        20     Brent Crude Spot ($/bbl)   110.86     3.05%    7.86%

iTraxx SovX APAC         35       2        10     Gold Spot ($/oz)           1,879.32 0.87%     -3.80%

iTraxx Japan             73       5        14     CRB                        311.32     0.99%    4.40%

iTraxx Australia         102      5        18     GSCI                       769.37     1.67%    6.80%

CDX NA IG                86       3        14     VIX                         30.19    -9.61%   42.67%

CDX NA HY                101      -1       -3     CT10 (%)                   3.127%     14.58    42.65

iTraxx Eur Main          96       7        18

iTraxx Eur XO            461      28       86     AUD/USD                     0.702    -0.50%   -5.42%

iTraxx Eur Snr Fin       107      6        18     EUR/USD                     1.052     0.12%   -3.34%

iTraxx Eur Sub Fin       205      7        37     USD/SGD                     1.390    -0.27%   -1.80%

iTraxx Sovx WE           6        1        2      AUD/SGD                     0.975     0.19%    3.84%

USD Swap Spread 10Y      7        -1       0      ASX 200                     7,128    -2.99%   -4.69%

USD Swap Spread 30Y      -26      -2       -9     DJIA                       32,899    -0.24%   -5.25%

US Libor-OIS Spread      16       0        -3     SPX                         4,123    -0.21%   -8.13%

Euro Libor-OIS Spread    6        -1       2      MSCI Asiax                   657     -4.19%   -8.10%

                                                  HSI                        20,002    -1.35%   -8.55%

China 5Y CDS             84       4        15     STI                         3,289    -1.37%   -2.78%

Malaysia 5Y CDS          97       5        23     KLCI                        1,561    -1.58%   -2.89%

Indonesia 5Y CDS         128      5        33     JCI                         7,229    -0.65%    3.10%

Thailand 5Y CDS          50       3        7      EU Stoxx 50                 3,629    -4.57%   -5.94%

Australia 5Y CDS         22       3        7                                          Source: Bloomberg

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Asian Credit Daily
New Issues
▪ There were no new issuances on Friday.

Temporary Suspension
▪ Do note that our official coverage on City Developments Limited and OUE Commercial Trust are
  temporarily suspended due to OCBC’s other business.

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Asian Credit Daily

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