OAK HILL EL Campus Improvement Plan 2021/2022 - Every Child! Every Day! - Austin ISD

Page created by Ralph Dunn
                   Campus Improvement Plan

                       Every Child! Every Day!

                              Lori Komassa
                         6101 Patton Ranch Rd

Date Reviewed:                                     Date Approved:
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Campus Mission
Our mission is to provide high-quality instruction and promote responsibility, inclusion and respect for all. In a positive and nurturing school culture, we will support the needs of
   the whole child through personalized and differentiated learning experiences. We will prepare our students to be lifelong, confident learners that contribute to the global
   Nuestra misión es brindar instrucción de alta calidad y promover la responsabilidad, inclusión y el respeto para todos. Crear una cultura escolar positiva y enriquecedora,
   apoyaremos las necesidades de todo niño a través de experiencias de aprendizaje personalizadas y diferenciadas. Prepararemos a nuestros estudiantes para que sean
                                                            aprendices de vida contribuyendo a la comunidad global.

                                                                                 Campus Vision
                    Oak Hill Elementary will provide an equity-centered learning community where all students will achieve academic and personal success.
 La escuela primaria Oak Hill proporcionará una comunidad de aprendizaje centrada en la equidad, en la que todos los estudiantes alcanzarán el éxito académico y personal.

                                                                           Campus Values/Valores
                                                                       High Expectations Altas Expectativas
                                                                    Respect & Positivity Respeto y Positividad
                                                                     Inclusivity & Equity Inclusión y Equidad
                                                                                 Integrity Integridad
                                                                  Student Growth Crecimiento de los Estudiantes

                                                              Texas Public Education Mission Statement
 The mission of the public education system of this state is to ensure that all Texas children have access to a quality education that enables them to achieve their potential and
 fully participate now and in the future in the social, economic, and educational opportunities of our state and nation. That mission is grounded on the conviction that a general
    diffusion of knowledge is essential for the welfare of this state and for the preservation of the liberties and rights of citizens. It is further grounded on the conviction that a
  successful public education system is directly related to a strong, dedicated, and supportive family and that parental involvement in the school is essential for the maximum
                                                          educational achievement of a child. (TEC Title 2, Ch 4, Sec.4.001)

                                                             Austin Independent School District Mission
Austin ISD educates more than 80,000 students and embraces 129 diverse school communities in one of the fastest-growing metroplexes in the country. In partnership with our
 families and our community, AISD's mission is to provide a comprehensive educational experience that is high-quality, challenging and inspires all students to make a positive
   contribution to society. We partner with world-class universities, innovative businesses, nonprofit organizations and engaged community leaders to prepare our students for
                                                                                college, career and life.

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Goal 1.        (Coordinated School Health) Coordinated School Health (CSH) is a cooperative approach to improve the physical, mental, and emotional health of all
               students, staff, and members of the educational community. A Whole Child approach is an effort to transition from a focus on narrowly defined academic
               achievement to one that promotes the long-term development and success of all children. A whole child is healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and
               challenged every day in every environment.
Objective 1.   (CSH Implementation) SMART Goal: By the end of SY 21-22, the campus will achieve at least a 70% (Acceptable) rating on each of the 11 areas of the
               Coordinated School Health Survey.

               Activity/Strategy                  Person(s) Responsible              Timeline                 Resources                         Evaluation

 1. Create a Whole Child, Every Child           CATCH Team                       By September 30                                     Criteria: Criteria: Monthly meeting
 Committee that meets monthly to monitor                                                                                             agendas and meeting minutes
 campus goals. (Target Group: All)                                                                                                   with list of attendees and clear
                                                                                                                                     next steps.

                                                                                                                                     10/29/21 - On Track
 2. Add Whole Child, Every Child to             CATCH Team                       1st 9 weeks;                                        Criteria: Criteria: Newsletters,
 communication opportunities such as PTA                                         ongoing                                             Meeting agendas, Website
 meetings, newsletters, websites, and family                                                                                         postings
 nights. (Target Group: All)
                                                                                                                                     10/30/21 - On Track
 3. Ensure the energy conservation poster is    Administrators                   1st 9 weeks                                         Criteria: Criteria: Evidence
 displayed in all rooms. (Target Group: All)                                                                                         (pictures, checklist, etc of energy
                                                                                                                                     conservation poster in rooms.

                                                                                                                                     10/29/21 - On Track

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Goal 1.         (Coordinated School Health) Coordinated School Health (CSH) is a cooperative approach to improve the physical, mental, and emotional health of all
                students, staff, and members of the educational community. A Whole Child approach is an effort to transition from a focus on narrowly defined academic
                achievement to one that promotes the long-term development and success of all children. A whole child is healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and
                challenged every day in every environment.
Objective 2.    (Community Engagement) SMART Goal: By the end of SY 21-22, the campus will achieve at least a 70% (Acceptable) rating in Community

               Activity/Strategy                    Person(s) Responsible             Timeline                 Resources                         Evaluation

 1. Campus will hold at least 8 regular Campus Administrators, CAC Members        Ongoing                                             Criteria: Criteria: Meeting
 Advisory Council Meetings each year. Ensure                                                                                          Agendas and Minutes from
 parent representation on the CAC. (Target                                                                                            meetings held, membership list
 Group: All)
                                                                                                                                      10/30/21 - On Track
 2. Keep Campus Advisory Council meeting          Administrators                  On going                                            Criteria: Criteria: Meeting minutes
 minutes available and accessible upon                                                                                                are provided within 24 hours upon
 request. (Target Group: All)                                                                                                         request.

                                                                                                                                      10/30/21 - On Track
 3. Have a standing Campus Advisory Council       Administrators                  Ongoing                                             Criteria: Criteria: Meeting agenda
 agenda item for reports from District Advisory
 Council members or members from other                                                                                                10/30/21 - Some Progress
 district-wide committees. (Target Group: All)

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Goal 1.        (Coordinated School Health) Coordinated School Health (CSH) is a cooperative approach to improve the physical, mental, and emotional health of all
               students, staff, and members of the educational community. A Whole Child approach is an effort to transition from a focus on narrowly defined academic
               achievement to one that promotes the long-term development and success of all children. A whole child is healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and
               challenged every day in every environment.
Objective 3.   (Objective 6- Social and Emotional School Climate) SMART Goal: By the end of SY 21-22, the campus will participate in the implementation of the 3
               signature SEL practices to ensure inclusivity and equity to all students, especially our marginalized groups.

               Activity/Strategy                  Person(s) Responsible              Timeline                 Resources                         Evaluation

 1. Work with the SEL and CP&I specialists to Administrators, Counselor,         1st 9 weeks;                                        Criteria: Criteria: Needs
 conduct campus needs assessment in the            Cultural Committee, SEL       ongoing                                             assessment and data; goals and
 areas of SEL, CP&I and teacher/student            Committee                                                                         professional learning plan
 relationships. After analyzing the data, team
 will set goals and determine professional                                                                                           10/30/21 - Significant Progress
 development needs for the school year to
 ensure culturally proficient, experienced
 teachers and staff; positive relationships with
 teachers and peers; and support for student's
 cultural identities, race, and language. (#1,4,5)
 (Target Group: All)
 2. Engage our campus community in No Place Administrators                       Ongoing                                             Criteria: Criteria: Submit the
 for Hate activities annually. (Target Group: All)                                                                                   application by October 22, 2021
                                                                                                                                     and complete the activities by
                                                                                                                                     April 15, 2022.

                                                                                                                                     10/30/21 - On Track
 3. Promote SEL and CP&I via all methods of     Administrators                   ongoing                                             Criteria: Criteria: Evidence of SEL
 communication: newsletters, bulletin boards,                                                                                        and CP&I promotion with
 announcements, and the marquee (Target                                                                                              community
 Group: All)
                                                                                                                                     10/30/21 - On Track

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Goal 2.         (ESF Lever 1: Strong, Culturally Proficient Leadership) Effective, culturally-proficient campus instructional leaders with clear roles and responsibilities
                develop, implement, and monitor focused improvement plans that address the causes of low performance.
Objective 1.    (ESF Essential Action 1.1) By October 2021, administration will define clear roles and responsibilities for principal, assistant principal, counselors, and
                teacher leaders in order to develop campus instructional leaders.

               Activity/Strategy                      Person(s) Responsible               Timeline                  Resources                           Evaluation

 1. Create clear, written, and transparent roles   Administrators                     1st 9 weeks;                                           Criteria: Criteria: Written roles and
 and responsibilities for campus instructional                                        ongoing                                                responsibilities, core leadership
 leaders. Core leadership tasks are scheduled                                                                                                weekly calendars
 on weekly calendars (observations, debriefs,
 PLCs)                                                                                                                                       10/30/21 - On Track
 2. Campus instructional leaders meet weekly       Administrators                     1st 9 weeks;                                           Criteria: Criteria: Leadership team
 in order to: share progress from PLCs, identify                                      ongoing                                                agendas, PLC notes
 trends from walkthroughs, analyze data from
 common assessments and benchmarks, and
 focus on student and teacher progress.
 (Target Group: All) (Strategic Priorities: 1,4)
 3. Conduct weekly PLC meetings with grade       Administrators                       Ongoing                                                Criteria: Criteria: Notes from
 level teams to disaggregate data from multiple                                                                                              Weekly PLC Meetings, Common
 sources and plan for culturally proficient and                                                                                              Assessment Data, SCA Data
 rigorous lessons to ensure high expectations
 for teaching and learning and growth for all
 student populations. (#3,6) (Target Group: All)

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Goal 3.        (ESF Lever 5: Effective, Culturally Relevant and Sustaining Instruction) Campus leaders provide teachers with job-embedded professional development
               and access to time and data needed to reflect, adjust, and deliver instruction that meets the needs of all students. Teachers implement consistent and
               culturally relevant instruction that is rigorous and rooted in relationships and the community for every child, every day.
Objective 1.   (Advanced Academics) SMART Goal: By the end of SY 21-22, the campus will move from Out of Compliance to Recognized or Exceeds in the area of
               Student Assessment by ensuring representation of all groups including our most marginalized groups.

               Activity/Strategy                   Person(s) Responsible               Timeline               Resources                          Evaluation

 1. Review campus demographics and GT            Administrators, GT Advocate,      1st 9 weeks;                                       Criteria: Criteria: Meeting agenda,
 demographics to identify equity and access      Teachers                          ongoing                                            notes and action steps from data
 patterns and increase student GT identification                                                                                      review.
 to reflect the total population of the campus.
 (Target Group: All)                                                                                                                  10/28/21 - On Track
 2. Offer opportunities for staff, parents, and Administrators, Grade Level        1st 9                                              Criteria: Criteria: Flyers for
 community members to learn more about GT       Team, GT Advocate                  weeks;ongoing                                      informational sessions and copies
 referrals and program services (such as a GT                                                                                         of GT Newsletter
 and Advanced Program Information Session or
 quarterly GT newsletter). (Target Group: All)
 3. Provide professional learning to staff on GT Advocate                          2nd 9 weeks                                        Criteria: Criteria: Professional
 accessing and implementing exemplar lessons                                                                                          Development agenda or
 with GT students.                                                                                                                    presentation

                                                                                                                                      10/28/21 - On Track

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Goal 4.         (Increased Enrollment) Insert SMART enrollment goal here

Objective 1.    (Increased Enrollment) SMART Goal Semester 1: Campus enrollment will increase from 645 to 660 by December 15, 2021.SMART Goal Semester 2:
                75% of current students will be registered for SY 22-23 by June 1, 2022.

               Activity/Strategy                    Person(s) Responsible             Timeline          Resources                        Evaluation

 1. Set monthly targets in the spring to hit     Administrators, Counselor, PTA 3rd 9 weeks                                   Criteria: Criteria: Monthly goals
 registration goals and create multiple          President, Registrar                                                         and documentation of registration
 registration opportunities during that time.                                                                                 events.
 (Target Group: All)
                                                                                                                              10/28/21 - No Progress
 2. Work with SEL/CP& I specialists and           Administrators, Counselor,      ongoing                                     Criteria: Criteria: Notes from
 committee to ensure the campus environment Cultural Committee, SEL                                                           Committee Meetings
 creates a sense of belonging and                 Campus Coordinator
 empowerment and is joyful, safe, and                                                                                         10/28/21 - Some Progress
 academically rigorous to increase the likelihood
 of students staying enrolled at the school. (#7)
 (Target Group: All)
 3. Monitor enrollment numbers by week and       Administrators, Registrar        1st 9 weeks;                                Criteria: Criteria: Weekly
 by student group. (Target Group: All)                                            ongoing                                     monitoring charts

                                                                                                                              10/28/21 - Significant Progress

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Goal 5.         (Exemplary Customer Service) Insert description of CARES here

Objective 1.    (Exemplary Customer Service) SMART Goal: By the end of SY 21-22, the campus will move from Meets Expectations to Exceed Expectations on the
                Phone/Voicemail/Email section of the Campus Assessment Rubric.

               Activity/Strategy                       Person(s) Responsible               Timeline       Resources                        Evaluation

 1. Systematically provide clear and ongoing        Administrators, Counselor,      1st 9 weeks;                                Criteria: Criteria: Weekly parent
 communication to staff, families, and              Grade Level Team, Office Staff, ongoing                                     newsletter (in English and
 community members. (Target Group: All)             PTA, Teachers                                                               Spanish); documentation of
                                                                                                                                SchoolMessenger communication;
                                                                                                                                parent information sessions;
                                                                                                                                standards of communication for

                                                                                                                                10/27/21 - On Track
 2. Ensure that phone/voicemail/ email              Administrators, Office Staff,      1st 9 weeks;                             Criteria: Criteria: Expectations for
 practices are systematically reviewed and          Team Leaders                       ongoing                                  Communication standards; faculty
 actively maintained. (Target Group: All)                                                                                       meeting agenda

                                                                                                                                10/27/21 - Some Progress
 3. Prioritize CARES Customer Service               Administrators                     1st 9 weeks;                             Criteria: Criteria: Evidence of
 Standards and best practices to ensure                                                ongoing                                  CARES Customer Service
 exceptional customer service and equitable                                                                                     Standards on Faculty/Office
 experiences that cultivate a culture of respect.                                                                               Agenda and evidence of
 (Target Group: All)                                                                                                            implementation throughout

                                                                                                                                10/27/21 - Some Progress

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1st 9 weeks report - due October 22
Step 1.) In your AISD Data Tracker (in Google Sheets), fill in 1st 9 weeks Actual Results from SCA 1.
Step 2.) Create a PDF of your AISD Data Tracker (tab titled AISD Data Tracker only).
Step 3.) In PlanWorks on the Attachments page, click Upload Files and add the PDF of your AISD Data Tracker. This ensures it is included when your plan is published online.
Step 4.) Review additional data points (attendance, discipline, enrollment) as instructed by your Principal Supervisor and as documented in the STAAR Progress Toward Goal
(PTG) Monitoring Chart.
Step 5.) In PlanWorks on the Framework, Objectives, and Strategies page: Complete a Progress Update for each strategy (Some Progress, On Track, Completed, etc.). Within
the Progress Update, use the Next Steps section, as needed, to make adjustments based on the results of your data review and strategy implementation.
Step 6.) For each section of your plan, are you on track to achieve your desired annual SMARTIE goals? Why or why not?

Step 7.) Once the above steps are complete, create a PDF of your entire CIP/TIP and upload it as an assignment in BLEND: CIPs and TIPs. The assignment name is CIP/TIP
1st 9 weeks Report.

For step-by-step instructions on how to navigate PlanWorks, visit the DMAC PlanWorks module in BLEND: CIPs and TIPs.

2nd 9 weeks report - due January 7
Step 1.) In your AISD Data Tracker (in Google Sheets), fill in 2nd 9 weeks Actual Results from SCA 2.
Step 2.) Create a PDF of your AISD Data Tracker (tab titled AISD Data Tracker only).
Step 3.) In PlanWorks on the Attachments page, click Upload Files and add the PDF of your AISD Data Tracker. This ensures it is included when your plan is published online.
Step 4.) Review additional data points (attendance, discipline, enrollment) as instructed by your Principal Supervisor and as documented in the STAAR Progress Toward Goal
(PTG) Monitoring Chart.
Step 5.) In PlanWorks on the Framework, Objectives, and Strategies page: Complete a Progress Update for each strategy (Some Progress, On Track, Completed, etc.). Within
the Progress Update, use the Next Steps section, as needed, to make adjustments based on the results of your data review and strategy implementation.
Step 6.) For each section of your plan, are you on track to achieve your desired annual SMARTIE goals? Why or why not?

Step 7.) Once the above steps are complete, create a PDF of your entire CIP/TIP and upload it as an assignment in BLEND: CIPs and TIPs. The assignment name is CIP/TIP
2nd 9 weeks Report.

For step-by-step instructions on how to navigate PlanWorks, visit the DMAC PlanWorks module in BLEND: CIPs and TIPs.

3rd 9 weeks report - due March 25
Step 1.) In your AISD Data Tracker (in Google Sheets), fill in 3rd 9 weeks Actual Results from SCA 3.
Step 2.) Create a PDF of your AISD Data Tracker (tab titled AISD Data Tracker only).
Step 3.) In PlanWorks on the Attachments page, click Upload Files and add the PDF of your AISD Data Tracker. This ensures it is included when your plan is published online.
Step 4.) Review additional data points (attendance, discipline, enrollment) as instructed by your Principal Supervisor and as documented in the STAAR Progress Toward Goal

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(PTG) Monitoring Chart.
Step 5.) In PlanWorks on the Framework, Objectives, and Strategies page: Complete a Progress Update for each strategy (Some Progress, On Track, Completed, etc.). Within
the Progress Update, use the Next Steps section, as needed, to make adjustments based on the results of your data review and strategy implementation.
Step 6.) For each section of your plan, are you on track to achieve your desired annual SMARTIE goals? Why or why not?

Step 7.) Once the above steps are complete, create a PDF of your entire CIP/TIP and upload it as an assignment in BLEND: CIPs and TIPs. The assignment name is CIP/TIP
3rd 9 weeks Report.

For step-by-step instructions on how to navigate PlanWorks, visit the DMAC PlanWorks module in BLEND: CIPs and TIPs.

4th 9 weeks report - due June 3
Step 1.) Review data points (attendance, discipline, enrollment) as instructed by your Principal Supervisor and as documented in the STAAR Progress Toward Goal (PTG)
Step 2.) In PlanWorks on the Framework, Objectives, and Strategies page: Complete a Progress Update for each strategy (Some Progress, On Track, Completed, etc.).
Step 3.) For each section of your plan, did you meet your desired annual SMARTIE goals? Why or why not?

Step 4.) Once the above steps are complete, create a PDF of your entire CIP/TIP and upload it as an assignment in BLEND: CIPs and TIPs. The assignment name is CIP/TIP
4th 9 weeks Report.

For step-by-step instructions on how to navigate PlanWorks, visit the DMAC PlanWorks module in BLEND: CIPs and TIPs.

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                                     Name                       Position

                   Komassa, Lori                   Campus Manager
                   Saenz, Jessica                  Campus Administrator
                   Tarpley, Alexandra              Teacher
                   Ahumada, Erika                  Counselor
                   Rosales, Mayra                  Counselor
                   Hamelwright, Joan               CAC Staff Co-Chair
                   Fyda, Kate                      CAC non-staff Co-Chair
                   Warnken, Debbie                 Executive Director
                   Kelly, Natalie                  PTA President
                   Cook, Stacey                    CAC Business Representative
                   Cumings, Paul                   Teacher
                   Sylvia, Kaitlin                 Teacher
                   Rolon, Veronica                 Teacher
                   DeCarli, Linnett                Speech Therapist
                   Underwood, Stacey               Librarian
                   Navarro, Marcela                CAC Parent Representative
                   Cross, Rabecca                  CAC Parent Representative

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SY 21‐22 Campus and Targeted Improvement Plan Development Timeline

Important Monitoring & Due Dates
August 9 and 10: CIP/TIP Overview and Workshop ‐ Required for all Principals
Aug 9‐Sept 3: CIP/TIP Development
Aug 24‐26: Group TIP Development Workshop
Aug 31‐Sept 1: TEA Training
Aug 17‐Sept 17: Public Meeting/ CAC feedback
Sept 3: CIPs/TIPs first drafts due in BLEND
Sept 7‐10: DCSI/EDs review of first drafts
Sept 13‐17: Revise plan based on DCSI/EDs feedback
Sept 13‐24: (SEP) Recommended monitoring visit window
Sept 17: CIP/TIP final drafts due in BLEND
Sept 20‐24: DCSI/EDs review of final drafts
Sept 27: CIP/TIPs to Supe
Sept 27‐30: TIL Lesson Alignment
Oct 4‐6: TIL Observation and Feedback
Oct 4‐8: (OCT) Recommended monitoring visit window
Oct 18‐Nov 20: ESF Diagnostic Survey Window
Oct 18‐22: SCA 1 data analysis and Cycle 1 reports
Oct 22: 1st 9 Weeks CIP/TIP Report Submitted to BLEND
Oct 25‐29: DCSI/EDs review of Cycle 1 submissions
Oct 25‐27: TIL DDI
Nov 8‐12: (NOV) Recommended monitoring visit window
Nov 16‐19: TIL Formative Assessment
Nov 30: TIL Cohort: Lesson Alignment
Dec 6‐10: (DEC) Recommended monitoring visit window
Dec 18: Schedule ESF Diagnostic for Spring
Jan 4‐7: SCA 2 data analysis and Cycle 2 reports
Jan 7: 2nd 9 Weeks CIP/TIP Report Submitted to BLEND
Jan 10‐14: DCSI/EDs review of Cycle 2 submissions
Jan 12: TIL DDI
Jan 18: TIL Observation and Feedback
Jan 24‐28: (JAN) Recommended monitoring visit window
Feb 1‐April 29: ESF pre‐work (including analysis of ESF diagnostic surveys), ESF pre‐visit, ESF full‐day visit, and ESF
Feb 7‐11: (FEB) Recommended monitoring visit window
Feb 22: TIL Lesson Alignment and Formative Assessment
Feb 28‐ March 4: (MAR) Recommended monitoring visit window
March 21‐25: SCA 3 data analysis and Cycle 3 reports
March 22: TIL Observation and Feedback
March 25: 3rd 9 Weeks CIP/TIP Report Submitted to BLEND
March 28‐April 1: DCSI/EDs review of Cycle 3 submissions
March 30: TIL DDI
April 25‐29: (APR) Recommended monitoring visit window
May 31‐June 3: MAP Growth data analysis and EOY reports
June 3: EOY reports submitted to BLEND
June 6‐9: DCSI/EDs review of EOY submissions
SY‌‌21-22‌‌CIP/TIP‌‌Comprehensive‌‌Needs‌‌Assessment‌‌-‌‌OAK‌‌HILL‌ ‌
Instructions‌‌for‌‌the‌‌Comprehensive‌‌Needs‌‌Assessment‌‌(CNA):‌ ‌
1. Locate‌‌the‌‌data‌‌source‌‌for‌‌each‌‌section‌‌and‌‌fill‌‌in‌‌the‌‌data.‌‌All‌‌CNA‌‌sections‌‌are‌‌required.‌ ‌
2. Answer‌‌reflection‌‌questions‌‌associated‌‌with‌‌each‌‌section.‌ ‌
3. Follow‌‌steps‌‌3‌‌and‌‌4‌‌at‌‌the‌‌end‌‌of‌‌the‌‌CNA.‌ ‌
                                                                                                                   ‌ ashboard.‌‌Add‌‌
your‌‌implementation‌‌subscale‌‌scores‌‌to‌‌the‌‌table‌‌below.‌ ‌
       ‌            Overall‌‌         *CSH‌‌            *Health‌‌    *Physical‌‌                     *Food‌‌       Employee‌‌      SEL‌ ‌     Physical‌‌     *Family‌‌     Community‌‌ Counseling/Mental‌‌                    Health‌‌
                    Average‌ ‌        Implementation‌ ‌ Education‌ ‌ Education/Physical‌‌            Services‌ ‌   Wellness‌ ‌                Environment‌ ‌ Engagement‌ ‌ Engagement‌ ‌ Health/Social‌‌                      Services‌ ‌
                                                                     Activity‌ ‌                                                                                                         Services‌ ‌

SY‌‌20-21‌ ‌           58%‌ ‌               45%‌ ‌            40%‌ ‌               73%‌ ‌             100%‌ ‌         50%‌ ‌ 71%‌ ‌               21%‌ ‌            39%‌ ‌             25%‌ ‌               92%‌ ‌              81%‌ ‌

                        70%‌ ‌              70%‌ ‌             70%‌ ‌              70%‌ ‌              70%‌ ‌         70%‌ ‌       70%‌ ‌         70%‌ ‌            70%‌ ‌            70%‌ ‌                70%‌ ‌              70%‌ ‌
Goal‌ ‌

SY‌‌21-22‌‌CIP/TIP‌‌Comprehensive‌‌Needs‌‌Assessment‌‌-‌‌OAK‌‌HILL‌ ‌
Longitudinal‌‌Discipline‌‌Data‌‌Report‌ ‌
                                                                                      ‌ f‌D
                                                                                          ‌ isciplinary‌A
                                                                                                        ‌ ctions‌b
                                                                                                                 ‌ y‌S‌ tudent‌G
                                                                                                                               ‌ roup‌ ‌
                  ‌                             African‌‌American‌ ‌                                       Hispanic‌ ‌                                       White‌ ‌                                        Female‌ ‌
                                                                      In-S‌                                                                                                                                           In-S‌
                            All‌‌     Tot‌                Hom‌        cho‌                                 Hom‌                                             Ho‌       In-Sc‌                                Ho‌       cho‌      Rem‌
                                      al‌‌                e‌‌         ol‌‌      Rem‌                       e‌‌         In-Sc‌      Rem‌                     me‌‌      hool‌‌      Rem‌                      me‌‌      ol‌‌      oval‌‌
                            Studen‌   Stu‌                Susp‌       Sus‌      oval‌‌ Total‌‌      Exp‌ Susp‌         hool‌‌      oval‌‌ Total‌‌     Exp‌ Sus‌       Susp‌       oval‌‌ Total‌‌      Exp‌ Sus‌       Sus‌      to‌‌
                            ts‌ ‌     den‌     Expuls‌    ensio‌      pen‌      to‌‌   Stude‌       ulsio‌ ensio‌      Suspe‌      to‌‌    Stude‌     ulsi‌ pen‌      ensio‌      to‌‌    Stude‌      ulsi‌ pen‌      pen‌      DAE‌
     School‌‌Year‌ ‌                  ts‌ ‌    ion‌ ‌     n‌ ‌        sion‌     DAEP‌ nts‌ ‌        n‌ ‌   n‌ ‌        nsion‌ ‌    DAEP‌ ‌ nts‌ ‌     on‌ ‌ sion‌ ‌   n‌ ‌        DAEP‌ ‌ nts‌ ‌      on‌ ‌ sion‌ ‌   sion‌ ‌   P‌ ‌
      2017-2018‌ ‌           973‌ ‌   43‌ ‌         ‌            ‌        ‌         ‌     447‌ ‌       ‌         ‌         ‌           ‌     363‌ ‌      ‌       ‌        ‌           ‌      444‌ ‌      ‌       ‌        ‌         ‌
      2018-2019‌ ‌           974‌ ‌   38‌ ‌         ‌            ‌      1‌ ‌     1‌ ‌     465‌ ‌       ‌         ‌       1‌ ‌          ‌     361‌ ‌      ‌       ‌        ‌           ‌      452‌ ‌      ‌       ‌        ‌         ‌
     **2019-2020‌ ‌          924‌ ‌   32‌ ‌         ‌            ‌        ‌        ‌      475‌ ‌       ‌       3‌ ‌        ‌           ‌     334‌ ‌      ‌     4‌ ‌       ‌           ‌      435‌ ‌      ‌       ‌        ‌         ‌
 ‌                              ‌                        Male‌ ‌                            Economically‌‌Disadvantaged‌ ‌                            Special‌‌Education‌ ‌
                                                         Hom‌                                               Hom‌                                                    In-Sc‌
                            All‌‌                e‌‌   In-Sch‌                   Rem‌                       e‌‌         In-Sc‌      Rem‌                            hool‌‌         Rem‌
                            Studen‌ Total‌‌ Exp‌ Susp‌ ool‌‌                     oval‌‌ Total‌‌      Exp‌ Susp‌         hool‌‌      oval‌‌ Total‌‌ Exp‌ Home‌‌ Susp‌               oval‌‌
                            ts‌ ‌   Stud‌ ulsi‌ ensio‌ Suspe‌                    to‌‌   Stude‌       ulsio‌ ensio‌      Suspe‌      to‌‌    Stud‌ ulsi‌ Suspe‌ ensio‌              to‌‌
     School‌‌Year‌ ‌                  ents‌ ‌ on‌ ‌ n‌ ‌             nsion‌ ‌    DAEP‌ nts‌ ‌        n‌ ‌   n‌ ‌        nsion‌ ‌    DAEP‌ ‌ ents‌ ‌ ons‌ ‌ nsion‌ ‌ n‌ ‌           DAEP‌ ‌
      2017-2018‌ ‌              ‌     529‌ ‌        ‌       ‌             ‌          ‌     398‌ ‌          ‌      ‌         ‌           ‌    139‌ ‌      ‌       ‌            ‌        ‌
      2018-2019‌ ‌              ‌     522‌ ‌        ‌     1‌ ‌          2‌ ‌       1‌ ‌    457‌ ‌          ‌    1‌ ‌      2‌ ‌        1‌ ‌   151‌ ‌      ‌       ‌            ‌      1‌ ‌
     **2019-2020‌ ‌             ‌     489‌ ‌        ‌     7‌ ‌            ‌          ‌     425‌ ‌          ‌    3‌ ‌        ‌           ‌    123‌ ‌      ‌     6‌ ‌           ‌        ‌
*Remote instruction March 13‐May 28, 2020, due to COVID 19‌ ‌
Discipline‌‌Data‌‌Reflection‌‌Questions:‌W  ‌ hat‌‌trends‌‌do‌‌you‌‌observe‌‌in‌‌discipline‌‌dispositions‌‌for‌‌your‌‌students‌‌from‌h ‌ istorically‌‌underserved‌‌student‌‌
groups‌?‌ ‌Males‌‌are‌‌suspended‌‌at‌‌a‌‌much‌‌higher‌‌rate.‌‌Lack‌‌of‌‌proper‌‌supports‌‌due‌‌to‌‌staff‌‌vacancies‌ ‌or‌‌limitations.‌‌ ‌
What‌‌are‌‌the‌‌top‌‌3‌‌reasons‌‌students‌‌get‌‌referrals?‌ ‌
    1. We‌‌have‌‌an‌‌SBS‌‌unit‌‌on‌‌campus.‌‌Students‌‌can‌‌sometimes‌‌be‌‌violent‌‌warranting‌‌a‌‌referral.‌ ‌
    2. Repeated‌‌behavior.‌‌ ‌
    3. Lack‌‌of‌‌proper‌‌supports‌‌due‌‌to‌‌staff‌‌stretched‌‌thin‌ ‌

Campus‌‌and‌‌District‌‌Accountability‌                                                             ‌Page‌‌2‌                                                                                 ‌Draft‌‌as‌‌of‌‌8/3/2021‌ ‌
SY‌‌21-22‌‌CIP/TIP‌‌Comprehensive‌‌Needs‌‌Assessment‌‌-‌‌OAK‌‌HILL‌ ‌
SY‌‌20-21‌‌MAP‌‌Growth‌‌BOY‌‌to‌‌EOY‌ ‌
‌‌                                                            English‌ ‌                                                                               Spanish‌ ‌
‌‌                                BOY‌ ‌                                       EOY‌ ‌                    Change‌ ‌                BOY‌ ‌                            EOY‌ ‌                   Change‌ ‌
                                                                                                        Above‌‌                                                                           Above‌‌
         #‌ ‌‌  Below‌‌ Avera‌                  Above‌‌ ‌#‌‌   Below‌‌ Avera‌                   Above‌‌ Average‌‌     #‌ ‌‌  Below‌‌ Avera‌   Above‌‌ ‌#‌‌   Below‌‌ Avera‌       Above‌‌ Average‌‌
‌Grd‌ ‌
        Tsts‌ ‌ Avg‌ ‌ ge‌ ‌                    Avg‌ ‌ Tsts‌ ‌ Avg‌ ‌ ge‌ ‌                     Avg‌ ‌ BOY-‌‌        Tsts‌ ‌ Avg‌ ‌ ge‌ ‌     Avg‌ ‌ Tsts‌ ‌ Avg‌ ‌ ge‌ ‌         Avg‌ ‌ BOY-‌‌
                                                                                                        EOY‌ ‌                                                                            EOY‌ ‌
     1‌ ‌    122‌   ‌       20‌   ‌    9‌ ‌       70‌   ‌     113‌ ‌     32‌   ‌      20‌   ‌    48‌ ‌    -22‌ ‌     51‌ ‌    20‌ ‌   16‌ ‌    65‌ ‌    47‌ ‌   30‌ ‌   28‌ ‌      43‌ ‌    -22‌ ‌
     2‌ ‌    106‌   ‌       34‌   ‌   13‌ ‌       53‌   ‌     104‌ ‌     49‌   ‌      14‌   ‌    37‌ ‌    -16‌ ‌     40‌ ‌    38‌ ‌   28‌ ‌    35‌ ‌    36‌ ‌   69‌ ‌   14‌ ‌      17‌ ‌    -18‌ ‌
     3‌ ‌    119‌   ‌       37‌   ‌   13‌ ‌       50‌   ‌     85‌ ‌      51‌   ‌      16‌   ‌    33‌ ‌    -17‌ ‌        ‌       ‌       ‌        ‌         ‌      ‌       ‌           ‌         ‌
     4‌ ‌    108‌   ‌       28‌   ‌   21‌ ‌       51‌   ‌     104‌ ‌     35‌   ‌      18‌   ‌    47‌ ‌     -4‌ ‌     35‌ ‌    66‌ ‌   14‌ ‌    20‌ ‌     6‌ ‌   67‌ ‌   33‌ ‌       0‌ ‌    -20‌ ‌
     5‌ ‌    109‌   ‌       28‌   ‌   17‌ ‌       55‌   ‌     105‌ ‌     40‌   ‌      14‌   ‌    46‌ ‌     -9‌ ‌        ‌       ‌       ‌        ‌         ‌      ‌       ‌           ‌         ‌
    All‌ ‌   564‌   ‌       29‌   ‌   15‌ ‌       56‌   ‌     511‌ ‌     41‌   ‌      17‌   ‌    42‌ ‌    -14‌ ‌     126‌ ‌   38‌ ‌   19‌ ‌    43‌ ‌    89‌ ‌   48‌ ‌   22‌ ‌      29‌ ‌    -14‌ ‌
MAP‌‌Growth‌‌Reflection‌‌Question:‌W ‌ hat‌‌trends‌‌do‌‌you‌‌observe‌‌in‌‌mastery‌‌for‌‌your‌‌students‌‌across‌‌grade‌‌levels‌‌and‌‌languages?‌ ‌
   ● Students‌‌lost‌‌ground‌‌in‌‌every‌‌grade‌‌level‌‌and‌‌language‌‌from‌‌BOY‌‌to‌‌EOY‌ ‌
   ● 4th‌‌grade‌‌Spanish‌‌saw‌‌larger‌‌regression‌‌than‌‌their‌‌English‌‌counterparts‌ ‌
   ● There‌‌are‌‌concerns‌‌with‌‌1st‌‌grade‌‌from‌‌BOY‌‌to‌‌EOY-‌‌lots‌‌of‌‌regression‌ ‌
   ● Students‌‌being‌‌virtual‌‌and‌‌the‌‌uncertainty‌‌of‌‌the‌‌year‌‌definitely‌‌had‌‌an‌‌impact‌‌on‌‌student‌‌scores‌ ‌
SY‌‌20-21‌‌TELPAS‌‌Progress‌‌ ‌
             Listening‌‌ Speaking‌‌ Reading‌‌    Writing‌‌                                                                    ‌
             Progress‌ ‌ Progress‌ ‌ Progress‌ ‌ Progress‌ ‌
                                               2021‌ ‌
                                ‌%‌‌               ‌%‌‌
             ‌ ‌‌Progressed‌‌ ‌
             %                                                        ‌%‌‌Progressed‌‌
                                Progressed‌‌ ‌ Progressed‌‌ ‌
             ‌1+‌‌Prof‌‌Lvl‌ ‌                                         ‌ +‌‌Prof‌‌Lvl‌ ‌
                                 ‌1+‌‌Prof‌‌Lvl‌ ‌  ‌1+‌‌Prof‌‌Lvl‌ ‌
Grade‌ ‌
    K‌ ‌             -‌ ‌               -‌ ‌                 -‌ ‌             -‌ ‌
    1‌ ‌             -‌ ‌               -‌ ‌                 -‌ ‌             -‌ ‌
    2‌ ‌             *‌ ‌               *‌ ‌                 *‌ ‌            *‌ ‌
    3‌ ‌            56‌ ‌              41‌ ‌                29‌ ‌            *‌ ‌
    4‌ ‌            9‌ ‌               33‌ ‌                64‌ ‌            *‌ ‌
    5‌ ‌            44‌ ‌              32‌ ‌                60‌ ‌             -‌ ‌
    All‌ ‌          36‌ ‌              35‌ ‌                49‌ ‌            14‌ ‌

Campus‌‌and‌‌District‌‌Accountability‌                                                                  ‌Page‌‌3‌                                                               ‌Draft‌‌as‌‌of‌‌8/3/2021‌ ‌
SY‌‌21-22‌‌CIP/TIP‌‌Comprehensive‌‌Needs‌‌Assessment‌‌-‌‌OAK‌‌HILL‌ ‌
TELPAS‌‌Reflection‌‌Question:‌W‌ hat‌‌trends‌‌do‌‌you‌‌observe‌‌in‌‌progress‌‌for‌‌your‌‌students‌‌across‌‌grade‌‌levels‌‌and‌‌
TELPAS‌‌components?‌ ‌
    ● 3rd‌‌grade‌‌reading‌‌progress‌‌is‌‌low‌ ‌
    ● 4th‌‌grade‌‌listening‌‌progress‌‌is‌‌low‌ ‌

SY‌‌20-21‌‌STAAR‌‌Results‌(‌ ‌Reading‌,‌M
                                        ‌ ath‌,‌W
                                                ‌ riting‌,‌a‌ nd‌S‌ cience‌).‌‌ ‌
 ‌                  ‌‌              All‌‌Students‌ ‌                     African‌‌American‌ ‌                              Hispanic‌ ‌                              White‌ ‌
                                             ‌%‌‌                ‌#‌‌               ‌%‌‌                                rti‌ ‌%‌‌                    ‌#‌‌             ‌%‌‌
                             #‌ ‌‌   %‌‌     Ap‌                Sc‌       %‌‌      Ap‌                         #‌ ‌‌    ci‌ Ap‌                     Sc‌     %‌‌      Ap‌
                            Sco‌ Part‌ pr‌        ‌%‌‌ ‌%‌‌     or‌       Part‌    pr‌       ‌%‌‌     ‌%‌‌    Sco‌      pa‌ pr‌     ‌%‌‌    ‌%‌‌    or‌     Par‌     pr‌      ‌%‌‌    ‌%‌‌
                  Test‌‌    red‌‌ icip‌ oa‌ M‌ Ma‌              ed‌‌      icip‌    oa‌      M‌       Ma‌      red‌‌     ti‌ oa‌ M‌         Ma‌      ed‌‌    tici‌    oa‌     M‌      Ma‌
                  Gra‌      Test‌ atio‌ ch‌ eet‌ ste‌           Tes‌      atio‌    ch‌      ee‌      ste‌     Test‌     o‌ ch‌ eet‌        ste‌     Tes‌    pat‌     ch‌     eet‌    ste‌
2021‌‌STAAR‌ ‌    de‌ ‌     s‌ ‌     n‌ ‌ es‌ ‌ s‌ ‌ rs‌ ‌      ts‌ ‌     n‌ ‌     es‌ ‌    ts‌ ‌    rs‌ ‌    s‌ ‌      n‌ ‌ es‌ ‌ s‌ ‌    rs‌ ‌    ts‌ ‌   ion‌     es‌ ‌   s‌ ‌    rs‌ ‌
Math‌ ‌            03‌ ‌     91 ‌ ‌ 76‌ ‌ 53‌ ‌ 31‌ ‌ 13‌ ‌       1‌ ‌    100‌ ‌     *‌ ‌     *‌ ‌     *‌ ‌     43‌ ‌   78‌ 23‌ ‌ 12‌ ‌      5‌ ‌   33‌ ‌    69‌ ‌   85‌ ‌   45‌ ‌   18‌ ‌
Math‌ ‌            04‌ ‌     94 ‌ ‌ 85‌ ‌ 56‌ ‌ 32‌ ‌ 19‌ ‌       3‌ ‌    100‌ ‌    *‌ ‌    *‌ ‌       *‌ ‌     47‌ ‌   90‌ 32‌ ‌ 19‌ ‌    13‌ ‌    36‌ ‌    86‌ ‌   89‌ ‌   47‌ ‌   25‌ ‌
Math‌ ‌            05‌ ‌     76 ‌ ‌ 70‌ ‌ 67‌ ‌ 51‌ ‌ 33‌ ‌       1‌ ‌     50‌ ‌     *‌ ‌     *‌ ‌     *‌ ‌     42‌ ‌   71‌ 48‌ ‌ 29‌ ‌    17‌ ‌    25‌ ‌    68‌ ‌   92‌ ‌   80‌ ‌   52‌ ‌
                   All‌ ‌             77‌ ‌ 58‌ ‌ 37‌ ‌ 21‌ ‌    5‌ ‌      83‌ ‌ 40‌ ‌
SY‌‌21-22‌‌CIP/TIP‌‌Comprehensive‌‌Needs‌‌Assessment‌‌-‌‌OAK‌‌HILL‌ ‌
                    All‌ ‌ 113 ‌ ‌ 81‌ ‌ 40‌ ‌ 21‌ ‌ 10‌ ‌ 10‌                       89‌ ‌ 28‌ ‌ 18‌ ‌ 9‌ ‌               36‌ ‌ 62‌ ‌ 31‌ ‌ 19‌ ‌ 11‌ ‌ 23‌ ‌ 59‌ ‌ 52‌ ‌ 17‌ ‌ 9X‌ ‌
Math‌ ‌                                                                      2‌ ‌
Reading‌ ‌          03‌    ‌   36 ‌ ‌    71‌   ‌   44‌   ‌   17‌   ‌   3‌ ‌ 34‌ ‌    77‌   ‌   44‌   ‌   15‌ ‌   6‌   ‌   9‌ ‌     43‌   ‌   22‌   ‌   11‌   ‌
SY‌‌21-22‌‌CIP/TIP‌‌Comprehensive‌‌Needs‌‌Assessment‌‌-‌‌OAK‌‌HILL‌ ‌


         ²‌ ‌I‌ncludes‌A
                       ‌ frican‌A
                                ‌ merican‌s‌ tudents‌w
                                                     ‌ ho‌a‌ re‌w
                                                                ‌ ithin‌t‌ he‌“‌ Two‌o
                                                                                     ‌ r‌m
                                                                                         ‌ ore‌r‌ aces”‌c‌ ategory.‌ ‌
GT‌‌Campus‌‌Accountability‌‌Monitoring‌‌Plan‌                                      ‌
                                                                                                                       CURRICULUM‌‌&‌‌                       PROFESSIONAL‌‌
                        STUDENT‌‌ASSESSMENT‌                            SERVICE‌‌DESIGN‌ ‌                                                                                                FAMILY‌‌&‌‌COMMUNITY‌ ‌
     ‌                                                                                                                  INSTRUCTION‌ ‌                         LEARNING‌ ‌

     ‌                   2019‌ 2020‌ 2021‌ 2022‌ 2019‌ 2020‌ 2021‌ 2022‌ 2019‌ 2020‌ 2021‌ 2022‌ 2019‌ 2020‌ 2021‌ 2022‌ 2019‌ 2020‌ 2021‌ 2022‌
CAMPUS‌ ‌                  E‌ ‌       O‌ ‌      O‌ ‌          ‌       E‌ ‌      E‌ ‌       E‌ ‌          ‌       E‌ ‌         E‌ ‌     E‌ ‌      ‌      E‌ ‌       C‌ ‌   E‌ ‌       ‌    E‌ ‌   E‌ ‌       E‌ ‌        ‌
KEY:‌‌E=Exemplary;‌‌R=‌‌Recognized;‌‌C=‌‌Compliance;‌‌O=‌‌Out‌‌of‌‌Compliance‌ ‌
Effective,‌‌Culturally‌‌Relevant‌‌and‌‌Sustaining‌‌Instruction).‌ ‌

Supporting‌‌Special‌‌Populations‌ ‌
 Data‌‌Points‌‌Reviewed‌ ‌                                                                                        Data‌‌Source‌ ‌                    2018-19‌‌ ‌             2019-20‌ ‌           2020-21‌ ‌
%‌‌of‌‌campus‌‌enrollment‌‌identified‌‌as‌‌504‌ ‌                                                                 504‌‌Dept.‌ ‌                         ‌                       ‌                    ‌
%‌‌504‌‌Annual‌‌and‌‌Re-Evaluation‌‌meetings‌‌held‌‌on‌‌time‌ ‌                                                   504‌‌Dept.‌ ‌                         ‌                       ‌                    ‌
%‌‌of‌‌African‌‌American‌‌SpEd‌‌students‌ ‌                                                                        SEEDS‌ ‌                             ‌                       ‌                    ‌
%‌‌of‌‌Initial,‌‌Transfer,‌‌and‌‌Annual‌‌ARDs‌‌held‌‌on‌‌time‌ ‌                                                    CRTE‌ ‌                             ‌                       ‌                    ‌
%‌‌parent‌‌participation‌‌for‌‌ARD‌‌meetings‌ ‌                                                                     CRTE‌ ‌                             ‌                       ‌                    ‌
%‌‌of‌‌students‌‌in‌‌grades‌‌3-9‌‌served‌‌in‌‌special‌‌education‌‌who‌‌test‌‌on‌‌STAAR‌‌                            CRTE‌ ‌
                                                                                                                                                         ‌                       ‌                      ‌
Alternate‌‌2‌‌in‌‌all‌‌subjects‌‌applicable‌‌to‌‌the‌‌student’s‌‌grade‌‌level‌ ‌
Special‌‌Populations‌‌reflection:‌ ‌
         *Data‌‌not‌‌available‌ ‌


Domain‌‌3‌‌Campus‌‌Reports‌‌ ‌
                                              All‌‌                                                                                                                             Not‌‌ Tota‌ Total‌‌             %‌o‌ f‌‌
             Growth‌‌50%‌‌ ‌                 Stud‌    Afr‌‌          Whit‌             Amer‌‌           Pac‌‌                                                   Former‌‌ Cont‌‌ Cont‌‌  l‌‌ ‌ Eligibl‌         Eligible‌‌
                                             ents‌ ‌ Amer‌ ‌ Hisp‌ ‌  e‌ ‌              Ind‌ ‌ Asian‌ ‌ Isl‌ ‌           Two‌+‌ ‌ ‌   ECD‌ ‌   EL*‌ ‌    SpEd‌ ‌ SpEd‌ ‌ Enr‌ ‌ Enr‌ ‌ Met‌ ‌ e‌ ‌              Met‌ ‌
             College,‌‌Career,‌‌and‌‌Military‌‌Readiness‌‌Performance‌‌(High‌‌Schools‌‌and‌‌K-12)‌‌ ‌

Campus‌‌and‌‌District‌‌Accountability‌                                                                       ‌Page‌‌6‌                                                                       ‌Draft‌‌as‌‌of‌‌8/3/2021‌ ‌
SY‌‌21-22‌‌CIP/TIP‌‌Comprehensive‌‌Needs‌‌Assessment‌‌-‌‌OAK‌‌HILL‌ ‌
   ‌    Reading‌‌#PM‌‌Tests‌ ‌ 59‌ ‌            1‌ ‌    32‌ ‌   20‌ ‌        0‌ ‌      3‌ ‌     1‌ ‌       2‌ ‌      18‌ ‌    21‌ ‌       9‌ ‌
SY‌‌21-22‌‌CIP/TIP‌‌Comprehensive‌‌Needs‌‌Assessment‌‌-‌‌OAK‌‌HILL‌ ‌
                                                                     ‌ ISD‌‌CARES‌‌Customer‌‌Service‌‌Rubric‌.‌‌Place‌‌an‌‌X‌‌to‌‌indicate‌‌
the‌‌campus's‌‌current‌‌level.‌ ‌
     ‌                                                             1-Support‌‌Needed‌ ‌      2-Developing‌ ‌             3-‌‌Meets‌‌               4-Exceeds‌‌Expectations‌ ‌
                                                                                                                         Expectations‌ ‌
                                                                  ‌ ommunication‌G
                                                                                 ‌ oals‌&  ‌ ractices‌ ‌
                                                                                        ‌ ‌P
Campus‌‌Communication‌‌Strategies‌ ‌                                ‌                         ‌                          ‌                        X‌ ‌
Campus‌‌Website‌ ‌                                                  ‌                         ‌                         X‌ ‌                       ‌
Phone/Voicemail/Email‌‌Practices‌ ‌                                 ‌                         ‌                         X‌ ‌                       ‌
Language‌‌Line‌‌for‌‌Preferred‌‌Language‌ ‌                         ‌                         ‌                         X‌ ‌                       ‌
                                                                        ‌ ulture‌o
                                                                                 ‌ f‌R
                                                                                     ‌ espect‌G
                                                                                              ‌ oals‌ ‌
Campus‌‌culture‌‌of‌‌respect‌‌practices‌‌and‌‌goals‌ ‌              ‌                         ‌                         X‌ ‌                        ‌
Customer‌‌service‌‌prioritization‌ ‌                                ‌                         ‌                         X‌ ‌                        ‌
                                                                                 ‌ ‌O
                                                                                    ‌ perations‌ ‌
Grounds‌ ‌                                                          ‌                         ‌                           ‌                       X‌ ‌
Safety‌‌Protocols‌ ‌                                                ‌                         ‌                           ‌                       X‌ ‌
Signage‌ ‌                                                          ‌                         ‌                           ‌                       X‌ ‌
                       ‌ hich‌‌area/s‌‌will‌‌you‌‌focus‌‌on‌‌strengthening‌‌this‌‌school‌‌year?‌‌Why‌‌did‌‌you‌‌select‌‌this/these‌‌area/s?‌ ‌
    ● The‌‌campus‌‌website‌‌is‌‌comprehensive,‌‌but‌‌does‌‌not‌‌use‌‌the‌‌district‌‌platform.‌‌Moving‌‌it‌‌to‌‌the‌‌new‌‌platform‌‌would‌‌increase‌‌this‌‌score.‌‌ ‌
    ● Campus‌‌culture‌‌of‌‌respect‌‌and‌‌customer‌‌service‌‌will‌‌be‌‌an‌‌area‌‌of‌‌focus‌ ‌
    ● Campus‌‌will‌‌refine‌‌and‌‌review‌‌the‌‌standards‌‌for‌‌communication‌ ‌

Comprehensive‌‌Needs‌‌Assessment,‌‌identify‌‌the‌a‌ dditional‌‌‌framework‌‌components‌‌the‌‌campus‌‌will‌‌address‌‌in‌‌the‌‌CIP/TIP‌‌
as‌‌focus‌‌areas‌‌of‌‌improvement.‌ ‌
         REQUIRED‌F‌ ramework‌C  ‌ omponents:‌ ‌
         Coordinated‌S‌ chool‌H
                              ‌ ealth‌ ‌

Campus‌‌and‌‌District‌‌Accountability‌                                         ‌Page‌‌8‌                                                                ‌Draft‌‌as‌‌of‌‌8/3/2021‌ ‌
SY‌‌21-22‌‌CIP/TIP‌‌Comprehensive‌‌Needs‌‌Assessment‌‌-‌‌OAK‌‌HILL‌ ‌
                      ● CSH‌I‌mplementation‌ ‌
                      ● Social‌a‌ nd‌E‌ motional‌S‌ chool‌C ‌ limate‌ ‌
                      ● Either‌F‌ amily‌E‌ ngagement‌o   ‌ r‌‌C
                                                              ‌ ommunity‌E‌ ngagement‌ ‌
        Essential‌S‌ chools‌F‌ ramework:‌T‌ wo‌E‌ SF‌L‌ evers‌f‌ or‌T‌ IPs‌a‌ nd‌O
                                                                                 ‌ ne‌E‌ SF‌L‌ ever‌f‌ or‌C
                                                                                                          ‌ IPs‌ ‌
        Increased‌E‌ nrollment‌ ‌
        Exemplary‌C   ‌ ustomer‌S‌ ervice‌ ‌

Campus‌‌and‌‌District‌‌Accountability‌                                           ‌Page‌‌9‌                            ‌Draft‌‌as‌‌of‌‌8/3/2021‌ ‌
SY‌‌21-22‌‌CIP/TIP‌‌Comprehensive‌‌Needs‌‌Assessment‌‌-‌‌OAK‌‌HILL‌ ‌
        ADDITIONAL‌F‌ ramework‌C            ‌ omponents:‌ ‌
        Coordinated‌S‌ chool‌H      ‌ ealth‌ ‌
            ● Health‌E‌ ducation‌ ‌
            ● Physical‌E‌ ducation‌a‌ nd‌P         ‌ hysical‌A   ‌ ctivity‌ ‌
            ● Food‌S‌ ervices‌ ‌
            ● Employee‌W        ‌ ellness‌ ‌
            ● Physical‌E‌ nvironment/Sustainability‌ ‌
            ● Counseling,‌M        ‌ ental‌H  ‌ ealth,‌&  ‌ ‌S‌ ocial‌S‌ ervices‌
            ● Health‌S‌ ervices‌ ‌
        Positive‌S‌ chool‌C  ‌ ulture‌ ‌
            ● Disproportionate‌D           ‌ iscipline‌P  ‌ ractices‌ ‌
        Effective,‌C‌ ulturally‌R  ‌ elevant‌a‌ nd‌S‌ ustaining‌I‌nstruction‌ ‌
            ● BLENDed‌L‌ earning‌ ‌
            ● Support‌f‌ or‌E‌ mergent‌B         ‌ ilingual‌S‌ tudents‌ ‌
            ● Support‌f‌ or‌S‌ tudents‌w        ‌ ith‌S‌ pecial‌N   ‌ eeds‌(‌ Academics)‌ ‌
            ● Early‌C    ‌ hildhood‌ ‌
            ● Advanced‌A        ‌ cademics‌ ‌
            ● Creative‌L‌ earning‌ ‌
        Support‌f‌ or‌S‌ pecial‌P  ‌ opulations‌
            ● Students‌w       ‌ ith‌5‌ 04‌S‌ ervices‌ ‌
            ● Disproportionate‌D           ‌ iscipline‌P  ‌ ractices‌ ‌
            ● ARDs‌ ‌
            ● STAAR‌A      ‌ lt2‌ ‌
        PreK-12+‌C  ‌ ollege,‌C  ‌ areer,‌a‌ nd‌L‌ ife‌R‌ eadiness‌ ‌
            ● Attendance‌a‌ nd‌D         ‌ ropout‌P   ‌ revention‌ ‌
            ● CTE‌ ‌
            ● GEAR-Up‌ ‌
            ● Support‌f‌ or‌S‌ tudents‌w        ‌ ith‌S‌ pecial‌N   ‌ eeds‌(‌ Graduation)‌ ‌
            ● AVID‌ ‌
    4. Ensure‌‌that‌‌all‌‌components‌‌the‌‌campus‌‌is‌‌not‌‌working‌‌on‌‌are‌‌deleted‌‌out‌‌of‌‌the‌‌plan‌‌template‌‌in‌‌PlanWorks.‌‌The‌‌
       working‌‌on.‌ ‌

Campus‌‌and‌‌District‌‌Accountability‌                                             ‌Page‌‌10‌                            ‌Draft‌‌as‌‌of‌‌8/3/2021‌ ‌
Austin ISD Data Tracker - SY 21-22

 Fill in all yellow cells at the start of the year. After each SCA, the data that you key into the Campus-Level Data worksheet in this file will automatically
 populate in columns J, M, and P.
 2019 or 2021 Results (column F):
 2021 STAAR Reports can be found here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bjf1I7AIllUThSiVMVvMUSVH4m33E6sV
 Use 2019 results if participation rate in 2021 was lower than 80%.
 2019 STAAR Reports can be found here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10Y54E7JbZ8t8TtJCOwRRGvINUBC2nbHN?usp=sharing
 Emergent Bilingual Performance can be found on the Domain 3 Report in the ELP Section.
 Student group performance for the Strategic Plan Scorecard Elements can be found on the Domain 3 Report in the Student Success section.
 2019 Domain 3 Reports can be found here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FB0cZKWlAE4RD5XPZsmSECgYu091gY0T
 2022 Summative Goals (column R):
 Ensure all summative goals are greater than or equal to the 2019 or 2021 Results in column R.
 Ensure all summative goals equate to a scaled score of 70 or higher in Domain 1. The table in columns T
 Formative Goals for SCA 1, SCA 2, and SCA 3 (columns I, L, and O):
 For each SCA, aim for the same level of student mastery that you're aiming for on 2022 STAAR.

 Campus Name: Oak Hill

                                                                       Perform                      1st 9 weeks                   2nd 9 weeks                      3rd 9 weeks
                                Grade                        Subject             2019 or                                                                                                    STAAR/EOC
                                         Student Group                  ance      2021
                                 Level                        Tested             Results   Assessmen Formative    Actual   Assessmen Formative   Actual   Assessmen Formative    Actual   Assessmen Summativ
                                                                                             t Type     Goal      Result     t Type     Goal     Result     t Type     Goal      Result     t Type    e Goal

                                  All           All          Reading    App.                SCA 1       73%       54%        SCA 2                         SCA 3                           STAAR
    TEA Data Tracker Elements

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Based on the 2022
                                  All           All          Reading   Meets     46%        SCA 1       50%       31%        SCA 2                         SCA 3                           STAAR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Summative Goals         The Raw, Scaled, and Grades
                                  All           All          Reading   Masters   26%        SCA 1       30%       18%        SCA 2                         SCA 3                           STAAR                selected, the campus is        shown to the left will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 aiming for a Domain 1       automatically populate on
                                  All           All           Math      App.     58%        SCA 1       62%       71%        SCA 2                         SCA 3                           STAAR
                                                                                                                                                                                                               scaled score and rating of: the A-F Estimator Worksheet,
                                  All           All           Math     Meets     37%        SCA 1       41%       50%        SCA 2                         SCA 3                           STAAR                                               Student Achievement
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Domain (column I).
                                  All           All           Math     Masters   21%        SCA 1       25%       38%        SCA 2                         SCA 3                           STAAR                 Raw     Scaled Grade
                                  All           All          Science    App.     62%        SCA 1       66%       51%        SCA 2                         SCA 3                           STAAR               #DIV/0! #DIV/0
                                  All           All          Science   Meets     35%        SCA 1       39%       20%        SCA 2                         SCA 3                           STAAR
                                  All           All          Science   Masters   13%        SCA 1       17%       12%        SCA 2                         SCA 3                           STAAR
                                  All     Emer. Bilingual    Reading   Meets     46%        SCA 1       50%       12%        SCA 2                         SCA 3                          TELPAS     36%
                                  All    African American      All     Meets     40%        SCA 1       44%        0%        SCA 2                0%       SCA 3                  0%       STAAR     36%
Scorecard Elements

                                  All        Hispanic          All     Meets                SCA 1       36%       19%        SCA 2                0%       SCA 3                  0%       STAAR     41%
   Strategic Plan

                                  All     Emer. Bilingual      All     Meets     26%        SCA 1       30%       22%        SCA 2                0%       SCA 3                  0%       STAAR     37%
                                  All    Special Education     All     Meets     19%        SCA 1       23%       17%        SCA 2                0%       SCA 3                  0%       STAAR     29%
                                 3rd            All          Reading   Meets     47%        SCA 1       51%       12%        SCA 2                         SCA 3                           STAAR
                                 3rd            All           Math     Meets     31%        SCA 1       35%       29%        SCA 2                         SCA 3                           STAAR
You can also read