Nutaofit Martial Arts Academy - General Information Booklet

Page created by Edwin Brady
Nutaofit Martial Arts Academy - General Information Booklet
Nutaofit Martial Arts
    General Information Booklet
Welcome to Nutaofit Martial Arts Academy (NMAA), which comprises Flying
Dragon Taekwondo, Bayside Kickboxing, Mordialloc Martial Arts, Lotus Martial
Arts, Dingley Martial Arts, Taekwonjitsu and Martial Yoga.
NMAA teaches a range of styles including Taekwondo, Taekwonjitsu,
Self Defence, Defensive Tactics and Kickboxing which incorporates a cardio
vascular workout.
NMAA is also affiliated with Advanced Defensive Tactics, Open Circle Fighting
Method from the U.K and Dragon Society form the U.S.A.

NMAA and its clubs, i.e. Flying Dragon Taekwondo, etc. are family orientated
clubs with over 400 students of both children (65%) and adults (35%). Many of
our senior students are mums and or dads that take advantage of the family
focus and classes that run through the week. Across all our clubs we run
classes from Monday through to Saturday, please check the club class
calendars for specific days and times.
At the East Bentleigh headquarters we are open Monday to Thursday from
4.30pm to 8.15pm and Saturday from 8.45am to 1.30pm. Children classes run
from 4.30pm (Tiger cub) and 5.00pm (general children classes) during the
weekday and 10.00am on Saturday. There are 2 yoga classes, 4 cardio-
kickboxing classes and 3 self-defence classes that are run on a weekly basis.

                                 We are open throughout school holidays during
                                 the year due to the large number of senior
                                 students in the clubs. We close over the summer /
                                 Christmas period over January. We are closed on
                                 most Public Holidays so as to allow members and
                                 their families to enjoy they holidays together.

                                 Martial Arts for adults and children are in essence
                                 focused on similar outcomes, and with a different
                                 approach. The common perception is that martial
                                 arts is a way of learning to defend yourself. This is
                                 correct from an adult perspective and also has
                                 many more attributes associated with it in
                                 addition, such as increased health and wellbeing
                                 and confidence.

In relation to teaching children, it is more than just martial arts. It is also
incorporates life skills with of course the basics of self-protection and personal
safety. We focus on Awarenesss of surroundings, being able to Avoid unsafe
situations and of course to take Action when they feel threatened.

      Copyright © 2008-2018 Nutaofit Martial Arts Academy. All Rights Reserved
                    Unauthorized duplication or distribution is strictly prohibited
                      710 Centre Road, East Bentleigh, 3165; T: 03 95325476
Nutaofit Martial Arts Academy - General Information Booklet
What we aim to teach is development skills, or the A-F of life skills, i.e.
                              A = Attitude, B = Belief, C = Concentration,
                               D = Discipline, E = Effort, F = Focus.

We could go on through the alphabet and come up with a great word for each
letter but we think that those first six sum up exactly what we are trying to portray.

Our NMAA Vision reflects these values of providing a service to our community.

          Copyright © 2008-2018 Nutaofit Martial Arts Academy. All Rights Reserved
                        Unauthorized duplication or distribution is strictly prohibited
                          710 Centre Road, East Bentleigh, 3165; T: 03 95325476
Nutaofit Martial Arts Academy - General Information Booklet
NMAA Founder & Instructors

Founder: Kwan Jang Nim
Geoff Hutchinson (1957 – 2016)
9th th Dan Black Belt NMAA
Victorian Representative IAFF
Ranked 4th Dan,
Ranked 3rd Dan ATA Australasian
TaeKwon Do Academy,
Member of the Guild of
Australian Black Belts
NMAA Founder KJN Geoff Hutchinson established Nutaofit Martial Arts Academy in 1985
and later Flying Dragon TKD.

He taught thousands of students over 45 years with dedication to Martial Arts.
He was a professional full time Martial Arts Instructor, as well as a Bachelor of Education
which was ideally suited to understanding the needs of students of any age.

Currently Master Paul Mracek is the chief master instructor for Nutaofit Martial Arts
Academy and all NMAA instructors are licensed and qualified to teach Martial Arts.

The one question that we have always been asked over the years is:

How do I find the Right Instructor?
The qualities that you should look for are :
      - Pleasant personality
      - Enthusiastic & Encouraging
      - Motivating
      - A real interest in you and your goals
      - Patient
      - Understanding
      - Gentle, but firm
      - An ability to demonstrate techniques

We believe that : “Our Instructors are the key!”

              NMAA “Club Badge” reflects our teaching philosophy of balance
              and understanding towards all students

You can see our current instructors summary on the next page and also by visiting
our website at:

         Copyright © 2008-2018 Nutaofit Martial Arts Academy. All Rights Reserved
                       Unauthorized duplication or distribution is strictly prohibited
                         710 Centre Road, East Bentleigh, 3165; T: 03 95325476
Nutaofit Martial Arts Academy - General Information Booklet

Meet Our Team

      Copyright © 2008-2018 Nutaofit Martial Arts Academy. All Rights Reserved
                    Unauthorized duplication or distribution is strictly prohibited
                      710 Centre Road, East Bentleigh, 3165; T: 03 95325476
Nutaofit Martial Arts Academy - General Information Booklet
Club Venues


710 Centre Rd.      Monday              )Classes every day to meet the wants
East Bentleigh      Tuesday             )and needs of all students
                    Wednesday           )
                    Thursday            )Please refer to separate time table
                    Friday              )for the full range of classes available
                    Saturday            )Covers full range from traditional
                    Sunday              )Taekwon Do (TKD), self defence, etc.

           Any Enquiries Please Call 03 9532 5476 or Mobile 0418 885 122 or Email:

6 Nicholls Court,             Monday               4.00 – 9.00 pm                  Taekwon Do
Mordialloc                    Thursday             5.00 - 8.00 pm                  Taekwon Do


St. Marks School              Thursday             6.30 - 7.30 pm                  Taekwon Do
Lower Dandenong Rd,                                7.30 – 8.30 pm                  Taekwon Do
Dingley Village

         Copyright © 2008-2018 Nutaofit Martial Arts Academy. All Rights Reserved
                       Unauthorized duplication or distribution is strictly prohibited
                         710 Centre Road, East Bentleigh, 3165; T: 03 95325476
Nutaofit Martial Arts Academy - General Information Booklet
Taekwondo & NMAA - Basic Definitions

1.    TaeKwonDo
           Tae                -         Hand
           Kwon               -         Foot
           Do                 -         Way or Path

      TaeKwonDo means learning the way of hand and foot. The traditional
      style involves around 70% kicks and 30% hands.

2.    NuTaoFit
           Nu                 -         Nutritional
           Tao                -         Way or path for life
           Fit                -         Physical and mental fitness

      NuTaoFit means learning a way or our way of martial arts and was
      formed in 1985.

3.    Our Club badge reflects the style's desire to achieve balance in the use
      of hands/ feet/ holds/ locks/ sweeps/ throws, etc. This is why the
      Yin/ Yang symbol appears on the badge.

      Students beginning in our style train in all white or all black doboks.

4.    Belt System ( in order of achievement )

      White; Yellow; Green; Blue; Brown; Red; Probationary Black; Black

      Note: Probationary Black is also called Cho Dan Bo
             There are 2 stripes per belt. Each stripe represents a
             minimum of 3 months work and at Cho Dan Bo level 6 months.
             It takes approx 2 years to gain a black belt in our club

5.    Age Levels
            Junior       -              Under 10 years
            Intermediate -              Under 15 years
            Senior       -              Over 15 years

6.    Ranking System

             Il     Dan                 -          First
             Ee     Dan                 -          Second
             Sum    Dan                 -          Third
             Sah    Dan                 -          Fourth

        Copyright © 2008-2018 Nutaofit Martial Arts Academy. All Rights Reserved
                       Unauthorized duplication or distribution is strictly prohibited
                         710 Centre Road, East Bentleigh, 3165; T: 03 95325476
Nutaofit Martial Arts Academy - General Information Booklet
              Oh      Dan                -          Fifth
              Yook    Dan                -          Sixth
              Chil    Dan                -          Seventh
              Pal     Dan                -          Eighth

7.     Sash Colour System for:           Full Contact – Kick Boxing & Weapons

       White; Yellow; Green; Blue; Brown; Black Sash; Probationary Black Belt;
       1st Dan Black Belt

       Note: There are 2 stripes per sash.


Membership are now included into monthly student fees with no further on costs for
weekly classes. There is a cost of those students that do gradings at the end of each
school term or during the year.

Uniforms in white or black are available which include Flying Dragon badge.
Uniforms come in either short or long sleeve. White uniforms are worn by Tae Kwon
Do students and full black uniforms are worn by our Kick Boxers.

Short sleeve tops (available on request), shin and instep protectors, hand mitts and
gloves are also available and recommended.

Additional Background Information

TaeKwonDo , is the technique of unarmed combat for SELF DEFENCE that is an
accumulation of well organised, deliberately - styled forms intended to do the work
usually accomplished by mechanical weapons.

Through the scientific application of the body in form and technique, men and
women of all ages, all sizes, short or tall, weak or strong, and from all walks of life,
find that this art, through regular training, fulfils their mental and physical goals.

          Copyright © 2008-2018 Nutaofit Martial Arts Academy. All Rights Reserved
                        Unauthorized duplication or distribution is strictly prohibited
                          710 Centre Road, East Bentleigh, 3165; T: 03 95325476
Nutaofit Martial Arts Academy - General Information Booklet
Some of the words and their meanings that are often use during classes are:

Meditation:   to clear the mind by concentrating only on TaeKwonDo

Basics:       provides the foundation

Poomse:       to develop body balance, co-ordination, and to show graceful

One - step Self Defence Sparring :
             for self - protection and to develop a keen sense of judgement

Controlled Alternate Free Sparring: to build self - control using techniques
              of block and attack without contact. Also to stimulate the mind

Breaking Techniques:
            builds self - confidence, shows effectiveness, and
            practical application without possible injury to partner

Free Sparring: to improve reflexes, apply techniques of attack, block, and

Philosophy:   to improve character, attitude, and manners. To teach respect
              towards others, to help others, and to be honest, always standing by
              the weak

                                   A meaningful way of life.

          Copyright © 2008-2018 Nutaofit Martial Arts Academy. All Rights Reserved
                        Unauthorized duplication or distribution is strictly prohibited
                          710 Centre Road, East Bentleigh, 3165; T: 03 95325476
Nutaofit Martial Arts Academy - General Information Booklet
                                     AGE IS NOT A BARRIER

Whether it is the self defence aspect, the need to lose weight, to gain fitness,
as a stress relief, improvement of agility or just being involved within a Club,
Martial Arts training can be one or all of the above for you.

It is an activity for all ages from six to sixty, male and female. Every student’s
ability is different, and progression will depend on their capability and need.
The younger students get their thrills with jumping, spinning kicks whilst the
mature age students enjoy the philosophy a lot more.

Age is not the barrier, the barrier is the persons perceived view of what martial arts is
all about. It is not a blood sport or a group of uncouth youths hitting and
kicking each other. It is an art form which teaches balance, control, dedication
 and much more.

The only way to find out is to have look.

Come down to any of the locations and give it a go. Family involvement is
encouraged but come as a single and we'll make you feel welcome.

The first class will cost you nothing.

After that you will be hooked and asking for more.

          Copyright © 2008-2018 Nutaofit Martial Arts Academy. All Rights Reserved
                         Unauthorized duplication or distribution is strictly prohibited
                           710 Centre Road, East Bentleigh, 3165; T: 03 95325476
Nutaofit Martial Arts Academy - General Information Booklet
Frequently Asked Questions

Below is an explanation to the many FAQ (Frequently asked questions) we receive

If you have others, please don’t hesitate to ask

1. How do I get a uniform?

    We have uniforms in stock and carry all sizes from 00000 to xxxL, and tee-shirts
    from size 4 (child) to XXL for adults. If we happen to not have it for an unknown
    reason, we will get one in, in a couple of days. Cost is $85 which includes
    summer and winter clothing of the uniform (dobok), tee-shirt, a belt and a Flying
    Dragon Badge. The badge is either a iron on but will need the corners stitched
    or a full stitched type, it goes on the left hand side of the jacket. We will teach
    you how to tie the belt, as well as showing you how later on in this information

2. Tee Shirts & Hoody’s

    Also part of the uniform is a White Flying Dragon Tee Shirt. Cost to buy separately
    is $25 and comes in all sizes from size 4 to XXL. Students can wear these tee shirts
    is normal classes and under their uniform during winter. Tee Shirts cannot be
    worn (unless under the jacket) during grading’s.

    Club Black Hoodys come in many sizes. They retail for $65 and are extremely
    warm and are great for wearing to and from class.

    Black Baseball style caps with the gold Flying Dragon emblem are available for $15.

3. How does the belt system work?

    The colour of the belts denotes the standard of experience the student has
    reached. It enables the instructor to immediately see what each student or
    groups of students need to do, whether it’s their grading work or just developing

    The colour of the belts range from light to dark. Everyone who does Martial Arts
    begins their journey as a white belt. Their first grading is to obtain a stripe across
    the belt (see below what the different colours across the belt mean). The second
    grading is for a second stripe. After that the colour of the belt changes to Yellow
    with a stripe at the same time. The next grading is for a second stripe on the
    Yellow belt, then on to green with a stripe…and so on.

   The belt ranges are:

   1.   White
   2.   Yellow
   3.   Green
   4.   Blue

          Copyright © 2008-2018 Nutaofit Martial Arts Academy. All Rights Reserved
                        Unauthorized duplication or distribution is strictly prohibited
                          710 Centre Road, East Bentleigh, 3165; T: 03 95325476
 5.   Brown
 6.   Red
 7.   ChodanBo
 8.   Black

 Junior and intermediate students have a green strip through the middle of the
 coloured belt where as senior students have a red strip through the coloured
 belt. Again the main reason for this is for the immediate identification by the
 instructor for the experience of the student.

 Around the belt is a stripe or “bar”. Being either one or two stripes of Green which
 denotes a Junior students 12 years and under. A Black stripe is for a Cadet
 student aged 13 and over. Senior students (16years & over) have a Red stripe
 across their belt.

 4. Gradings
    a) Junior students grade every three months being March, June, September
       and December. The grading is done in normal class times but are done
       usually over two consecutive weeks. The first week tests the individual belt
       requirement of each particular grade. i.e. White 1 stripe students grade
       together for the work requirements to White 2. Yellow 2 students grade on
       their work that will take them to Green one stripe rank, etc. This is done for
       each individual student in the class on that particular day and time. Each
       class for the week will be the same so if a student cannot make their class
       for any reason i.e. school camp, Illness etc. then they can come to any of
       the other classes and still complete their grading.

         The second week is dedicated to basic techniques and sparring where
         applicable. All students regardless of rank participate in the require basics.
         i.e. punches, blocks & kicks then followed by the required sparring.
         At the end of this session, new belts are issued to those on 2 stripes from
         previous belts and a second stripe is issued to those who previously only
         had one. A small badge may also be awarded to those students who
         don’t receive a belt based on results.

         High Distinction Certificates and or sow on merit badges are awarded to
         the students who do the best grading, and are issued regardless of rank.
         These are capped at three per grading, these certificates are awarded in
         the following class.

      b) Seniors can grade every 12 classes (6 classes up to Yellow belt) if the work
         is at a satisfactory level. Twelve classes equates to one class a week for
         three months, but the student who comes on a more regular basis can
         grade at a faster rate. This is extremely beneficial at the early belt levels if
         a student feels that they are handling the required work easily.

        Copyright © 2008-2018 Nutaofit Martial Arts Academy. All Rights Reserved
                       Unauthorized duplication or distribution is strictly prohibited
                         710 Centre Road, East Bentleigh, 3165; T: 03 95325476
 5. Grading Fees
       There is a fee for each grading for both seniors and juniors. The first
       grading’s to white 1 & 2, and 1 to 2 bar per colour belt level is at no
       charge. The cost for all other grading’s including new belt are as follows:
    a) White belt grading’s no charge
    b) White to Yellow belt 1 $45
    c) Yellow to Green Belt 1 $55
    d) Green to Blue Belt 1     $60
    e) Blue to Brown Belt 1     $65
    f) Brown to Red Belt 1      $70
    g) Red to ChoDanBo 1        $85
       Note: ChoDanBo has 3 levels that need to be completed to achieve a full senior black
       belt. Refer to separate grading fees sheet for details for these levels.

 6. Syllabus Booklets
    Syllabus Booklets for White Belt through to Chodanbo are compulsory for
    senior students. Cost is $15. These are bound and have the students name on
    the front.

    There are also Syllabus Success Journals for Junior, Intermediate and Cadet
    ranks which also cost $20 and are compulsory.

 7. Monthly Fees:
    Payment of monthly fees can be either by cash, EFTPOS facilities at the club
    or by an invoice for monthly fees, uniforms, membership fees, grading fees
    etc. and are due at the start of each calendar month, and is payable by the
    end of the first week of the month or on a date agreed on.

    The invoice where issued is sent via email at the start of each calendar month,
    and is payable immediately or on a date agreed on and can be paid directly
    by EFT to nominated account, direct debit or by EFTPOS machine at East
    Bentleigh location. Where invoices are issued they will be in excel format. For
    Mac users it can be sent as a PDF file. Please make sure that you add to your Safe Senders list so our emails don’t get
    lost in your spam filter.

    There is a bonus achieved of only paying half fees for the month if you
    introduce a new member (who joins) to the club. The record stands by one
    student at eleven introductions for our Mordialloc club.

 8. Regular Newsletter:
    A regular newsletter of information concerning the club’s functions, grading’s,
    information and awards is sent via email periodically every 1-2 months.

       Copyright © 2008-2018 Nutaofit Martial Arts Academy. All Rights Reserved
                     Unauthorized duplication or distribution is strictly prohibited
                       710 Centre Road, East Bentleigh, 3165; T: 03 95325476
 9. Web Site & FaceBook page

    If you haven’t checked out our web site please do. .
    It can give you class times and fees. We are always looking at new classes for our
    students so please make sure that you check the site regularly.

    A lot of up to date information is put on our facebook page. Make sure you
    become a friend at:

 10. Special Event Days

 a) End of Year Demonstrations and Presentation Day: Around the end of
    November we also have in an East Bentleigh location our annual “Christmas
    breakup”. Students from all Clubs do various martial art demonstrations and
    again it is great day for new students and families to see our students in
    action. All junior students receive a trophy to celebrate their participation in
    the year. Each club presents Senior & Junior student of the year and there is
    an Academy Student of the Year. Full uniform on both days is expected to be

    These days are also Day of Unison for all clubs affiliated with the Nutaofit
    Martial Arts Academy. A day where we renew old friendships, see what our
    sister clubs have been doing and watch all students in unison…together.
    Students go through forms, basics and sparring and it is a great day for our
    new students and their family members to see what the martial arts is all
    about and the Academy that they are now affiliated with.

 11. Dragon & Tiger Patch
     a) Dragon patch: Each year we nominate and award a Dragon patch to a
        one or more of our senior students. The Dragon is awarded to an elite
        senior student for services to our Club and the martial arts. They must show
        outstanding martial art skills, leadership, Instructor skills and the want to
        learn more.

    b) Tiger Patch: We will also be looking at introducing a Tiger patch for juniors
       which is worn on the back of Dobok (training uniform), it is the junior
       equivalent of the Dragon patch. We are looking at awarding one to an
       elite student each quarter during grading (if warranted).

 12. Kick Sheets:
     KickSheets are a challenge done each week in class, for a particular kick a
     student chooses from the current sheet they are working on. There are 8 levels
     of KickSheets starting with a Basic level of 5 kicks and then a further 7 levels of
     Jumping, or Turning kicks. Each level increases in difficulty as student’s

       Copyright © 2008-2018 Nutaofit Martial Arts Academy. All Rights Reserved
                     Unauthorized duplication or distribution is strictly prohibited
                       710 Centre Road, East Bentleigh, 3165; T: 03 95325476
    progress through the levels. A KickSheet requires 3 dots against each kick on
    the sheet to be completed. One dot is awarded each class. A badge is
    presented at the completion of the 8 levels.

    It is the responsibility of the student to bring the sheet to class each week. If
    this is not done then no dot can be issued and no catch up is allowed. This is
    a responsibility challenge as well as a kick challenge.

 13. Student of the Month
     The Student of the Month is an innovation started in some of our clubs about 3
     years ago. We are looking to introduce a similar system at East Bentleigh for
     all students. A yellow shirt will be worn by the current Student of the Month
     and was inspired by Cadel Evens when he won the Tour de France and wore
     the yellow leader’s jersey. Leadership is something we try to instil into all our

    Students who are awarded the Student of the Month get their photo placed
    on an Honour wall where it remains for 12 months. They also receive a Yellow
    badge to honour the award, which is worn on the bottom of the left pant leg.

 14. Why do I bow? How do I bow?
     Bowing is a sign of respect and confirmation that we have left our egos and
     problems outside the Dojang. (Training hall). As a sign of respect, students will
     bow to an instructor on arrival at training or when finishing training or when
     speaking to them during training. Students should always bow when entering
     and leaving the Dojang. Even when leaving the Dojang to go to the toilet or
     get a drink. Bowing in this manner is specifying that the student is leaving their
     ego outside and any problems they have, outside.
     They have cleared their minds of their problems so that they can concentrate
     on the training that needs to be done.
     The other time that we bow is when we spar (promise fighting). Before we
     spar other students we stand at attention, bow, move into a natural stance
     then into a fighting stance and then commence sparring on the command.
     When the sparring is finished we again bow to our opponent to acknowledge
     the end of the bout.
     There are two different ways to bow.

    i) The first way is to stand upright, heels together, fists closed and at your side.
    Bend from the waist to a 90° right angle looking at the floor. Hold the bow for
    just a split second.

    ii) The second is when ready to spar and is usually done in a continuous lines
    facing various opponents. Instead of looking at the floor when bowing, keep
    your head up and focus on the eyes of your opponent. This is done to prevent

       Copyright © 2008-2018 Nutaofit Martial Arts Academy. All Rights Reserved
                     Unauthorized duplication or distribution is strictly prohibited
                       710 Centre Road, East Bentleigh, 3165; T: 03 95325476
       your opponent from “taking a cheap shot” while your head would have been
       down during a normal bow.
   15. Some Korean commands used:

Apchagi                                                    Front Snap Kick
Apkubi                                                     Forward stance
Apseogi                                                    Walking Stance
Arae                                                       Low section
Arae Jireugi                                               Low Section Punch
Cha Ryeo                                                   Attention
Chigi                                                      Strike
Dobok                                                      Taekwondo Uniform
Dolryeo Chagi                                              Turning Kick
Dwitkubi                                                   Back stance
Eolgul                                                     Face (high section)
Gyeorugi                                                   Sparring
Hoshinsool                                                 Self Defence
Joonbi                                                     Ready
Juchum Seongi                                              Horse Riding Stance
Jumeok                                                     Fist
Kibon                                                      Basic
Charyot                                                    Attention
Kyung Ye (Gyongre)                                         Bow
Poomse                                                     Forms (patterns)
Sabeomnim                                                  Instructor
Seogi                                                      Stance
Sonnal                                                     Knife Hand
Yeop Chagi                                                 Side Kick
We welcome you to our NMAA family and in supporting you to achieve your goals in
a fun, engaging and safe environment.

        Copyright © 2008-2018 Nutaofit Martial Arts Academy. All Rights Reserved
                      Unauthorized duplication or distribution is strictly prohibited
                        710 Centre Road, East Bentleigh, 3165; T: 03 95325476

     Copyright © 2008-2018 Nutaofit Martial Arts Academy. All Rights Reserved
                   Unauthorized duplication or distribution is strictly prohibited
                     710 Centre Road, East Bentleigh, 3165; T: 03 95325476
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