Nurse Faculty Bullied Before COVID: A Continuation of "Same Old, Same Old" or More? - Anthony J. Jannetti, Inc.

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Nurse Faculty Bullied Before COVID: A Continuation of "Same Old, Same Old" or More? - Anthony J. Jannetti, Inc.
Volume 42, No. 3 • Winter 2021

                     Nurse Faculty Bullied Before COVID:
               A Continuation of “Same Old, Same Old” or More?
                                    Veronica D. Feeg, Renee Buonaguro, and Diane Mancino

      Bullying within nursing is the nurs-
ing profession’s dirty little secret. It is
quite a conundrum because, according
to Gallup Polls (Reinhart, 2020), the pub-
lic has rated nursing as the most trusted
profession for 18 years; Yet, as profes-
sionals, nurses describe social bullying
that is malicious and common in the
workplace (Yildirim, 2009). Over 3
decades ago, Cox (1987) recognized bul-
lying within the nursing profession as a            Veronica Feeg, PhD, RN, FAAN     Renee Buonaguro, PhD, RN      Diane J. Mancino, EdD, RN, CAE, FAAN
pervasive problem and, since that time,
there has not been a clear way to
address bullying and mitigate it. It is ubiq-
uitous in the literature within the health-     unpleasant, life-changing, and traumatiz-          clinicals, online pedagogy, and post-
care setting (Difazio et al., 2019;             ing. The detrimental impact on the vic-            poned graduations have wreaked havoc
Edmonson & Zelonka, 2019; Gilbert et al.,       tims is their feeling demeaned and mar-            on students and faculty throughout 2020
2016; Houck & Colbert, 2016; Keller et al.,     ginalized, which often lead to competent           (Feeg & Mancino, 2020). More important-
2016; Kovner et al., 2014; Pfeifer &            faculty being driven out or eliminated             ly, how teachers have responded to
Vessey, 2018; Sauer & McCoy, 2017;              from the academy (Keim & McDermott,                social bullying is generally less evident in
Vessey et al., 2009; Yokoyama et al.,           2010).                                             past studies and should be understood to
2016). The evidence is clear in nursing              Bullying within nursing education has         intervene upstream using more effective
but less clear in higher education with         been well documented in the United States
bullying in academia now becoming               and internationally, including among nurs-         Veronica Feeg, PhD, RN, FAAN, is Associate
more common but less discussed (Fogg,           ing faculty (Beckmann et al., 2013; Bietz &        Dean, Molloy College, Rockville Centre, NY. She
2008; Keim & McDermott, 2010).                  Beckmann, 2020; Clark, 2017), nursing stu-         is also Director of the Center for Nursing
      Bullying is so common within the pro-     dents (Birks et al., 2017; Clarke et al., 2012;    Research and Evaluation, providing consulta-
fession that it has been considered a ‘rite     Gallo, 2012; Goldberg et al., 2013; Karatas        tion to community partners including NSNA.
of passage’ (Birks et al., 2017). Academic      et al., 2017), and administrators (LaSala et
                                                                                                   Renee Buonaguro, PhD, RN, ANP-C, has been
bullying of faculty has incrementally           al., 2016). We continue to describe the            working in nursing for over 20 years in major
gained more attention in The Chronicle of       same old problems that have not been               metropolitan hospitals, as well as the pharma-
Higher Education (Fogg, 2008) as faculty        resolved despite suggested interventions           ceutical industry, and as an Adjunct Instructor
have been driven out or eliminated from         over the past decades, perhaps correlating         at Barbara H. Hagan School of Nursing at
the academy because of workplace vio-           to a pervasive climate of incivility that has      Molloy College for over 10 years. She is a past
lence (Keim & McDermott, 2010). Twale           grown recently in this country. Social bully-      Jonas Nurse Leader Scholar and Sigma Theta
and De Luca (2008) described the aca-           ing in nursing schools needs to be called          Tau member.
demic bully culture that includes bullying      out given the range of new underlying ten-         Diane J. Mancino, EdD, RN, CAE, FAAN, is
behaviors (indulging in self-promotion,         sions in academic environments that have           Executive Director, National Student Nurses’
showing intolerance or disrespect to oth-       become even more pronounced in recent              Association and the Foundation of the NSNA.
ers); and Lewis (2004) described the par-       COVID-19 crises in health, education, and          She may be contacted at, with
ticipants’ responses to being bullied as        everyday life. Canceled classes, virtual           “Attention Diane Mancino” in the subject line.

                                                      Volume 42, No. 3 • Winter 2021                                                                      1
and targeted approaches to mitigate           common terms, and themes in the partic-        U.S. Nursing Workforce: Trends in Supply
    higher education toxic cultures in which      ipants’ narrative answers.                     and Education (U.S. Department of Health
    bullying can thrive. Therefore, this                                                         and Human Services, 2013). The sample
    national study was designed to describe       Sample                                         included faculty who reported their high-
    bullying experiences of nursing faculty            The faculty portion of the survey         est level of education as PhD/EdD (21%),
    and to analyze qualitatively their com-       was distributed to all NSNA member-            DNP (17%), Master’s (56%), and Bacca-
    mon responses prior to the pandemic to        school faculties. The surveys were             laureate (3%). Their reported number of
    understand the underlying social envi-        returned by participants (n = 249) with        years in nursing education was fewer
    ronment in which major educational            an 81% completed response rate (n =            than 5 years (26%), 5-10 years (26%),
    changes have transpired.                      202) for the main open-ended question.         and more than 10 years (48%).
    Purpose                                       Research Questions
         The literature provides multiple defi-                                                  General Findings
                                                       The survey included eight questions:           Respondents were asked who bul-
    nitions of bullying. Vessey and colleagues    five demographics, two open-ended, and
    (2009) provided the definition as “repeat-                                                   lied them and reported results that indi-
                                                  one for any additional comments. The           cated gender differences. The faculty
    ed, offensive, abusive, intimidating, or      main question was, “As a nurse educator,
    insulting behaviors; abuse of power; or                                                      members were bullied by students (41%),
                                                  have you ever been bullied in nursing          by other faculty (63%), or by hospital
    unfair sanctions that make recipients         school as a faculty member?” Responses
    upset and feel humiliated, vulnerable, or                                                    staff (29%) during clinical experiences.
                                                  to the open-ended questions were “(1) If
    threatened, creating stress and under-                                                       Male faculty members reported one third
                                                  you have been bullied, please provide a
    mining self-confidence” (p. 300). Other                                                      less incidents of bullying by other faculty
                                                  short description of the situation, includ-
    terms used to describe bullying include                                                      compared to female faculty, but twice as
                                                  ing who bullied you” (n = 202), and “(2)
    hostile, mobbing, abuse of power, hori-                                                      many incidents by percentage in the clin-
                                                  Please briefly describe how the bullying
    zontal abuse, negative acts, and socially     situation was handled” (n = 199).              ical setting (see Figure 1). This result was
    demeaning (Beckmann et al., 2013;                                                            not significant due to the small sample of
    Bowllan, 2015; Difazio et al., 2019). The     Results                                        males in the responses (n = 13) and
    impact of bullying within any setting can          The findings from this study highlight-   should be interpreted with caution.
    range from no impact at all to devastat-      ed the clear existence of bullying in nurs-         The respondents were then asked,
    ing results for those in harm’s way, such     ing education among nurse educators            “If you have ever been bullied, please
    as resignation, retirement, disengage-        before the pandemic. After years of            describe a brief description of who bul-
    ment, and unhealthy toxic work environ-       reported incidents of a toxic workplace for    lied you.” There were 202 narrative
    ments (Beckmann et al., 2013; Bietz &         nurses and nurse educators, the same old       responses. Their comments can be sort-
    Beckmann, 2020; Clark, 2017). In this         stories emerged from this national sam-        ed into three interaction categories: stu-
    qualitative study, the focus is on analysis   ple. These findings represented pre-           dent-faculty (S-F), faculty-faculty (which
    from the participants using ‘in vivo’         COVID-19 educational social environ-           included administrator comments; F-F/A),
    terms. The purpose of this survey was to      ments where the existence of bullying          hospital staff-faculty (H-F), or staff-stu-
    describe and measure the impact of bul-       may have preceded a culture of interper-       dents (H-S) in clinical situations. The first
    lying reported by nursing faculty and         sonal communication challenges we see          general narrative analysis used a manual
    allow them to describe their experiences      today. The culture of incivility appears       sorting of statements in the three cate-
    with bullying in their own words.             even more pervasive than previously            gories with general summary themes for
                                                  reported. In this study of faculty, 78% of     (a) students, (b) faculty, and (c) hospital/
    Methods                                       female faculty respondents reported
                                                                                                 clinical staff. However, many of the text
          In January 2020, the National           being bullied and 77% of male faculty;
    Student Nurses’ Association (NSNA) sent                                                      responses often overlapped with descrip-
                                                  prior studies of academic faculty reported
    out a survey to both students and faculty                                                    tions of humiliating, demeaning, and ver-
                                                  a range of bullying from 31-66% (Keller et
    to assess the existence of bullying in the                                                   bally abusive instances of bullying
                                                  al., 2016; Simons, 2008; Stanley et al.,
    nursing education environment as                                                             among faculty, students, administrators,
                                                  2007). Other studies of nursing students
    reported by the faculty. The studies were     reported 76% being bullied (Clark, 2017);      and staff that were evident throughout
    parallel in design although this report       and for nursing faculty, Beckman and col-      the participants’ comments such as the
    focuses on the faculty responses only. It     leagues (2013) reported 36% were bullied.      following examples:
    is also important to note this survey was                                                        • Nursing clinical staff “called me out” in
    administered before the country was           Demographics                                          front of the students and then angrily
    caught in a national crisis of the COVID-          The faculty members who respond-                 walked away, not allowing for discus-
    19 pandemic. The weblink to the survey        ed to this national study represented five            sion. (H-F)
    was sent to NSNA members via                  percent males versus 95% females in                • Fellow nursing faculty replies with
    SurveyMonkey®, and a reminder was             gender and, in terms of race, 77% White               remarks in an open general meeting,
    sent 1 month later. Respondents were          or Caucasian, 13% Black or African                    putting down the person and laugh-
    assured anonymity in reporting their bul-     American, four percent Hispanic or                    ing to make it seem like a joke. (F-F)
    lying experiences. The data were collect-     Latinx, three percent Asian or Asian               • I have had current nursing students
    ed, stored, cleaned, and analyzed using       American, one percent American Indian                 and applicants be verbally abusive
    descriptive statistics, and the narrative     or Alaska Native, and 0.4% Native                     and stand over me in a threatening
    responses were coded in NVivo using con-      Hawaiian or Pacific Islander. These statis-           way as they disagreed with a grade or
    tent analysis and constant comparison to      tics are all comparable to national nurse             [because] they were not accepted into
    identify the categories of responses,         faculty demographics reported in The                  the nursing program. (S-F)

2                                                         Volume 42, No. 3 • Winter 2021
Figure 1.                                                                faculty was actually fired and banned
                      Gender Comparisons for Bullying Incidents                                               from campus at the end of this aca-
                                                                                                              demic year. I never made a formal
   Q1: As a nurse educator, have you ever been bullied in nursing school as a faculty member?
                                     (Choose all that apply.)                                               • Faculty with more experience/longer
   100%                                                                                                       employment who would become ver-
                                                                                                              bally aggressive in meetings.
                                                                                                         Bullying by Staff (H-F and H-S)
     60%                                                                                                       Male faculty reported more experi-
                                                                                                         ences of bullying by hospital staff in the
     40%                                                                                                 clinical setting than fellow female faculty
                                                                                                         (46% versus 28%). Although this finding
     20%                                                                                                 should be interpreted with caution due to
                                                                                                         the small number of males in the sample,
      0%                                                                                                 it suggests the clinical setting is another
                            Q7: Male                                     Q7: Female                      potentially toxic environment related to
                                                                                                         gender and power differentials. The gen-
           No, I have never been bullied in nursing school.                                              eral theme for being bullied in the clinical
           Yes, I have been bullied by fellow faculty member(s).                                         setting by hospital staff was ‘hierarchical
           Yes, I have been bullied by nursing student(s).                                               intimidation in a unique high-pressure
           Yes, I have been bullied by hospital staff when in clinical settings with students.           environment by those who feel opportu-
                                                                                                         nity to enable unspoken gender or role
                                                                                                         conflicts.’ This can be analogous to the
                                                                                                         ‘see-saw’ of gender, age, role authority,
   • I have had staff yell at me in regard to               • Students try to manipulate and get the     and experiential power differentials in
     what they expected the student to be                     upper hand. They behave in a man-          flux that influence the undercurrent of
     doing, although that was not appro-                      ner where they feel like they can dic-     nursing faculty feeling unwelcome in the
     priate for the student’s current level.                  tate actions.                              hospitals. Comments included:
     (H-F)                                                                                                   • I have been bullied by other faculty
   • I have had other faculty spread false              Bullying by Other Faculty (F-F)                         members from different institutions in
     information to the director about me.                   Male faculty reported fewer experi-                the clinical setting because I am a
     I have had fellow faculty yell and cuss            ences of being bullied by fellow faculty                ‘young’ instructor. I have also been
     at me. (F-F)                                       than females (46% versus 65%), although                 bullied by students in the classroom
                                                        they both reported an equal amount of                   setting who are older and don’t think
Bullying by Students (S-F)                              bullying (77% versus 78%). The general                  they need to respect faculty. (H-F)
      Males and females reported the sim-               theme for faculty bullying by other faculty          • In clinical settings – a form of intimi-
ilar instances of being bullied by students             was ‘aggressive, hostile, interpersonal hor-            dation that made you feel like if you
(38% versus 42%). The general theme                     izontal animosity’ that may not be indica-              didn’t do what the nurse wanted they
for all these statements was ‘feeling pow-              tive of a power differential but rather                 would take it out on the nursing stu-
erless, reacting to humiliation’ directed               more about escalating rivalry within a cul-             dents. (H-F)
                                                        ture that is fertile for a toxic environment         • Staff continually are rude to me and
from the students who felt some sense of
                                                        and uncertainty about reporting upward                  my students, especially when finding
power in the situation. These included
                                                        in the organization or disclosing it. How               out they have been assigned a student
threats of reporting up to higher authori-
                                                        the bullying was handled was analyzed                   at the beginning of their shift and say
ty, manipulation, humiliation, and use of
                                                        separately. Comments included:                          rude comments in front of us about us.
social media. Comments included:
                                                            • Fellow faculty member, in meetings                (H-S)
    • Nursing students have no filter and
                                                               via shouting of reply to question             • A nurse was bullying some of the stu-
        openly call the professor stupid; the                  and/or snarling look and snickers to             dents in my group. When the students
        statement generates an angry crowd                     another colleague in agreement with              brought it up to the manager of the
        action.                                                the one who ‘shouted me down.’ This              floor, the next week at clinical, other
    • I have also been bullied by students in                  has happened on more than one                    nurses retaliated against my whole
        the classroom setting who are older                    occasion. Another which happened                 group. (H-S)
        and don’t think they need to respect                   once was a full-out (witnessed, thank         • Some nurses in the clinical setting
        faculty.                                               goodness) shouted rant which barely              seem intimidating to students and
    • Teaching an online class, I have had                     touched on the frustrating issue but             even resent helping them. (H-S)
        students threaten to go to my boss if I                launched into swearing and other crit-
        did not change their grade if they did                 icism of colleagues, revealing the ego-   Faculty Responses to Bullying
        not get the grade they thought they                    maniac for who she really was.                 Respondents were asked an open-
        should receive.                                     • The faculty person who was assigned        ended question to describe how the bul-
    • Students in their closed Facebook                        as my mentor the first year I began       lying situation was handled. It was
        group had been posting mean things                     teaching. She was very aggressive         important to describe the outcome of the
        about me. It was a student who                         and hostile over her perception of my     situations as this has been less described
        reported it to me.                                     relationship with the students. This      in the literature related to actions taken

                                                              Volume 42, No. 3 • Winter 2021                                                              3
Table 1.
                                      Gender Comparisons for Outcomes of a Bullying Situation

                                                                                          Personal Action            Nothing/Negative Consequence
          Gender         No Real Impact           Personal Action (Resolved)           (Unresolved/Negative)                  (Unresolved)
     Males                    33%                           44%                                 22%                                0%
     (n = 9)
     Females                  11%                           30%                                 17%                               40%
     (n = 178)

    and responses to those actions. The                  • I thanked the student [who threatened        Theme 2: Took action resulting in
    analysis was separated by gender to                      me]. I determined that the director        (a) empowerment with vindication
    identify if there were different narratives              was always right, and I always agreed      or (b) impotence against bullies.
    or patterns in the text responses, sorted                with her.                                       How the respondents took personal
    by content analysis, and further explored              This subtle suggestion implies clear         action against bullying can be split into
    by the constant comparison of themes.             frustration and held-back anger, but              two subthemes:
         Each of the cleaned responses that           nothing happened. Many of the respons-               a) For those who confronted the sit-
    offered specific information about the sit-       es to how the situation was handled indi-                uation or reported it up to author-
    uation (n = 187) were sorted into three           cated reporting it to someone in authori-                ity, they placed trust in their own
    major categories:                                 ty (males = 66%; females = 47%); this                    personal strength and sense of
        1) No real impact: The situation was          resulted in varying outcomes that under-                 right or the workplace authority
            tolerated, ignored, or had no             scored frustrations and emotions or                      to help resolve a conflict. For
            impact on the person describing           resulted in some negative consequence                    these situations where personal
            the response.                             such as the loss of job, early retirement,               action resulted in resolution, their
        2) Personal action taken (resolved):          or changed assignment for 57% of                         outcome descriptions of how it
            The participant personally acted          females and only 22% of males. Since                     was handled could be interpreted
            in reporting ‘up’ to authority,           the incidence of bullying appears gender                 as a sub-theme of empowerment
            addressing the situation, or took         neutral, how it was handled offers insight               with vindication. Respondents de-
            some personal, self-actualized,           into gender differences that warrants fur-               scribed actions taken and the
            action for the situation, and it          ther study.                                              expected outcome was congru-
            ended with what appeared to be                                                                     ent with what they might believe
            resolved.                                 Major Themes from Categories                             is just. These were some of the
        3) Personal action taken (unre-                   The investigators coded statements                   statements:
            solved/negative consequences):            in vivo using the specific words and                     • After attempting to speak with
            The participant personally acted          underlying sentiments of the respon-                          her, I did have to take the entire
            in reporting ‘up’ to authority, but       dents. The three themes emerged from                          situation to the dean. We had a
            the outcome was unsatisfying,             these responses are below.                                    meeting with all involved. The
            negative, or nothing happened.                                                                          behavior towards me has been
        4) Unresolved – nothing happened              Theme 1: Resilience to hostility as                           resolved.
            or negative outcome: The partici-         a function of the receiver, not the                      • I confront [staff] about their atti-
            pant expressed clear frustration,         perpetrator.                                                  tudes toward students and that
            anger, internalized distress, or               This situation occurs when the recip-                    we are a teaching hospital. If
            personal negative consequence             ient expresses humiliation evoked by the                      that doesn’t resolve [it], I go to
            from the situation.                       bully, but this does not seem to provoke                      the nurse manager and usually
         After sorting and coding by two of           an internalized feeling of humiliation or                     don’t put a student with that
    the investigators with 95% inter-coder            embarrassment. The recipient acknowl-                         particular nurse. I also record the
    agreement, the following gender-based             edged the incident but used words that                        name in the hospital survey.
    differences were identified and are shown         indicated it did not matter, which repre-            b) For those who took personal
    in Table 1.                                       sents a type of immunity against the per-                action by reporting it up to author-
         Generally, there were three inter-           petration of subtle or hostile actions.                  ity – even though it seemed to be
    secting thematic threads in these com-            Some of the statements included:                         ‘appropriate action’ – they de-
    ments about how the bullying situation               • Smiling, finding other sources of infor-            scribed outcomes that suggested a
    was handled. Of note in the content cod-                 mation.                                           theme of ‘being betrayed by those
    ing, the male responses in the represen-             • Best to ignore it … like it is an illusion          above and feeling impotent
    tative sample of male faculty demon-                     of the stimuli.                                   against the bully.’ This theme was
    strated a pattern of no real impact, no                These statements suggested the                      apparent in statements coded
    consequence, taking action in reporting           best defense against bullying in socially                into personal actions that had
    the situation, handling it themselves, and        toxic environments or highly stressful                   negative consequences or state-
    having no real negative consequences.             hospital environments is to raise one’s                  ments such as nothing happened.
    One short statement seemed to express             threshold of tolerance toward bad                        This suggested repressed anger,
    this male’s response:                             behaviors.                                               disappointment, humiliation, and

4                                                             Volume 42, No. 3 • Winter 2021
frustration for having done ‘the           NVivo 12 to code and sorted into final        pandemic, but they are being built on an
        right thing.’ Statements included:         thematic threads that tied the narratives     existing foundation of toxic norms over
        • It was ignored by administra-            together.                                     the past few years in which faculty felt
            tion, resulting in the loss of               These reflective themes offered by      powerless to change.
            many great faculty.                    the participants can be summarized as a            Some gender differences between
        • Our school is always concerned           grand view of the bullying problem by         male and female faculty were not sur-
            with litigation and decisions are      those who have been bullied or have           prising such as the different responses to
            made based on what they think          witnessed it (see Table 2). It was surpris-   bullying. However, some of these differ-
            they can ‘defend.’                     ing that several participants wrote notes     ences in the patterns of responses may
                                                   of appreciation to the researchers for        offer insights for the bullied to find ways
Theme 3: Unresolved frustrations                   undertaking this study which demon-           to un-respond to the situation or not
and internalized personal cost.                    strated their appreciation for efforts in     allow it to personally affect one’s sense
     This theme shows nothing happened             acknowledging the impact of bullying in       of dignity. Resilience may be the key
or something negative transpired after the         nursing education. Participants acknowl-      upstream intervention to minimize the
bullying. This represented the most seri-          edged the severity of the problem by          victimization of hostile behaviors in aca-
ous outcome of bullying. For these                 thanking the investigators for doing the      demic and clinical environments. Al-
responses, there seemed to be a gender             study. Another cluster of statements          though the sample size of this study was
difference: None of the male faculty               reflected participants’ concluding sum-       small, male faculty were more impacted
described a consequence of personal                maries in the second theme that bullying      by staff bullying students and unaffected
magnitude. For female faculty, the nega-           today is more common, more pervasive,         by students or fellow faculty perpetrating
tive consequence of being bullied without          and worse than before and that bullying       the bullying, but the incidents did not
resolution or with a negative outcome              impacts the bullied with long-term conse-     result in a bad or internalized conse-
was common. It often resulted in impact-           quences. In the third theme, participants     quence. We can focus some of our atten-
ing their jobs or personal lives related to        frequently stated the administration is       tion to more public health interventions
their unresolved frustration. They could           part of the problem.                          on both the recipients of bullying as well
do nothing but cower to the bully rather                 At the end, participants offered a      as the perpetrators rather than punitive
than take actions that might be riskier to         more deeply reflective cluster of respons-    downstream interactions.
themselves than any punishment the                 es in a final, summarizing theme: ‘given           The most troubling finding is consis-
bully might receive. This added to feelings        incivility today, nursing faculty need to     tent with the literature on how bullying
of powerlessness with words that suggest-          better understand themselves from with-       today is ‘normal’ and ‘it is how it is.’ It
ed an internalized emotional strain that           in,’ meaning that incivility should be        suggests that it is how it has to be and
was occasionally described as traumatic.           acknowledged, called out, understood,         those who report bullying are betrayed
This was evident for those who implied a           and seen more broadly within the social       by authorities who fail to act or respond.
consequence without action or added a              world while striving to achieve a more        To be bullied and ignored is worse than
severely negative outcome to the situa-            civil workplace.                              being bullied. Students should not be led
tion just for having been bullied. Some                                                          to believe bullying is a rite of passage.
statements to how bullying resolution              Discussion                                    There needs to be a loftier perspective of
ended badly included:                                   The participants’ descriptions of bul-   confronting bullying through an under-
    • It wasn’t – just suffered through it until   lying situations speak volumes about the      standing of both the perpetrator and the
       they left.                                  current climate in nursing education that     victim of bullying. Interventions need to
    • I was removed from a section by              seems to be more conducive to both            be tailored to the culture of the environ-
       administration, said it was a personal      overt and covert acts of hostile behavior.    ment, with a focus on the underlying
       conflict … ignored … retaliation.           According to Goldberg and colleagues          norms that will foster civility and hope-
    • It’s difficult if you confront; I’ve wit-    (2013), “social bullying behaviors become     fully improve in the coming years.
       nessed retaliation of peers who have        pernicious when they are used in power
       been bullied or manipulated and no          relationships, especially when bullying       Conclusion
       longer working at our institution.          becomes the cultural norm” (p. 196). This          Bullying, incivility, and bad behav-
     Some respondents retired early, quit          was the situation before COVID-19             iors exist today in nursing education –
their jobs, or sought counseling. The nar-         impacted our lives with new stressors put     perhaps even more than in the past –
ratives suggested disappointment that              on faculty and students, including clinical   and may be prescient for the future
faculty felt when they believed the                experiences for students and faculty in       when we may emerge from the pandem-
appropriate actions were taken but it fell         hospitals. The increase in the incidence      ic with even more hostilities. It is not
on deaf ears, provoked a negative conse-           and damage caused by bullying in nurs-        ‘same old, same old,’ but more pervasive
quence, or took a personal toll.                   ing education at the time of the study        and destructive in a social environment
                                                   produced evidence of the underlying           that is clearly more fractious. Faculty
Reflective Narratives –                            culture in recent years of ‘normed,’ hos-     described (or witnessed) the personal
Final Thematic Analysis                            tile behaviors that are pervasive in our      experience of being disrespected and
    A final question on the survey asked           country. This study suggests a founda-        devalued, and they felt frustrated,
respondents to offer any additional infor-         tion of aggressive, bullying behavior         angered, and betrayed that reporting
mation or comments. This gave partici-             existed before COVID-19 perhaps due to        bullying was worse than tolerating it.
pants opportunity to close their com-              the stresses of clinical and educational      Faculty gender differences in responses
ments with reflection and insight. These           expectations influenced by the times.         to being bullied may be rooted in the
often lengthy responses (n = 97) were              Certainly today, our social norms of          underlying phenomena of female-male
analyzed by the investigators using                behavior have been changed from the           role and power differentials that suggest

                                                        Volume 42, No. 3 • Winter 2021                                                         5
Table 2.
                                              Themes from Participants’ Closing Statements on Bullying

               General Theme                                                                             Statements
     Bullying impacts the bullied with        •   Bullying is emotionally very stressful. I retired early to get away from the hostile environment. It still causes me
     long-term consequences.                      distress years later when I think about it.
                                              •   We all have almost like PTSD from it all. We think and talk about our experiences a lot. She’s always in the back
                                                  of our minds.
                                              •   Her passive-aggressive freezing me out was difficult to handle. I felt the intimidation and bullying and really
                                                  pulled back from any personal relationships at work for several years.
                                              •   It was an awful experience – life changing for me.

     Bullying today is more common,           •   I have witnessed more bullying than experienced at … I have tried to stand up, but sometimes the undercurrent
     more pervasive, and worse than               is so strong, or so subtle, that you don’t even realize it is happening in the moment.
     before.                                  •   I have also seen other faculty bullied both in school and in the hospital. In a rural community, our ‘old guard’
                                                  staff at the hospital are nurses who ‘eat their young.’
                                              •   Nurses not only eat their young, they chew them and spit them out. I have been a nurse for over 40 years and
                                                  the hostility has only gotten worse.
                                              •   Nursing is rife with bullies.
                                              •   Silent bullying is more difficult.
                                              •   I have never been so disrespected by such a large group of students until the past 4 or 5 years. They are
                                                  extremely disrespectful to any faculty or staff person.

     Administration is part of the prob-      •   Nursing schools should have policies in place when educators feel threatened.
     lem.                                     •   There is a lack of accountability for administrators in academia.
                                              •   Bullying is an ongoing issue at my campus. Administration seems to underestimate the damage that it causes to
                                              •   HR has been approached regarding policy development but, in 3 years, there has been no progress in this area.
                                              •   Administration has often been a key player in bullying.
     Given incivility today, nursing facul-   •   Civility in academia is important. All persons at all levels should be treated with respect, regardless of their opin-
     ty need to better understand them-           ion. Faculty must model and foster these behaviors and not be afraid to identify incivility in a way that helps
     selves from within.                          everyone, even the person who is [the bully].
                                              •   Bullying and incivility happen so quick that it is difficult to address in the moment.

     Appreciation for any efforts in    •         Thank you for addressing this issue. No one should be allowed to treat others with hostility, disrespect, or in any
     acknowledging the impact of bully-           manner that diminishes their value.
     ing in nursing education was shown •         Huge topic. If not attending the conference for the results, will they be published on your website?
     in narrative.                      •         It is real. Never thought it would happen in academics, but it did.
                                        •         I am so glad that you are doing this survey because I feel that bullying needs to really be addressed early in the
                                                  nursing curriculum.
                                              •   There definitely needs to be more literature and explanation as to what is seen as bullying behavior and what is
                                                  not. I will be interested in the outcomes from this survey.

    further study. Additional research on                    of incivility that may have fueled the                       Clark, C. (2017). Seeking civility among faculty. The
    empowering the bullied might need a                      sparks of stress and bullying. DN                                   ASHA Leader, 22(12), 54-59.
    different approach in a post-pandemic
                                                                                                                          Clarke, C.M., Kane, D.J., Rajacich, D., & Lafreniere, K.
    world. The victims of bullies need to be                 References                                                          (2012). Bullying in undergraduate clinical nursing
    resilient and shield themselves from                     Beckmann,    C.A., Cannella, B.L., & Wantland, D. (2013).           education. Journal of Nursing Education, 51(5),
    aggression by trying not to internalize                         Faculty perceptions of bullying in schools of nurs-          269-276.
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    the frustrations and stresses.
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          Upstream interventions to prevent                         05.012                                                       Study. Nursing Management, 18(11), 47-50.
    bullying or to inoculate potential victims               Bietz, J., & Beckmann, C. (2020). Psychometric develop-      Difazio, R.L., Vessey, J.A., Buchko, O.A., Chetverikov,
    with resilience may be better than puni-                        ment of instrument measuring social bullying in              D.V., Sarkisova, V.A., & Serebrennikova, N. (2019).
    tive consequences for the bully and neg-                        nursing academia: Item development and content               The incidence and outcomes of nurse bullying in
    ative sequelae of being bullied. The                            validation. Nurse Educator.              the Russian Federation. International Nursing
    literature offers some creative sugges-                         1097/NNE.0000000000000907                                    Review, 66(1).
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    tions. But now, more than ever, academ-                                                                                      mies: The nurse bullying epidemic. Nursing
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    be genuine support toward those who                      Bowllan, N.M. (2015). Nursing students’ experience of               plans: The pre-pandemic class of 2019. Dean’s
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                                                            How to Teach Thinking
                                              Speaker: Susan Gross Forneris, PhD, RN, CNE, CHSE-A, FAAN
                                              Director, NLN Center for Innovation in Education Excellence
                                     New nurses require well developed
                                                                                              Wednesday, April 7, 2021
                               clinical reasoning skills in order to deliv-
                                                                                              (During the NSNA Virtual Convention and available on-demand
                               er safe, effective, and compassionate
                                                                                              following the Convention)
                               care. Preparing students for practice
                               demands that academic and practice-                            6.0 Contact Hours will be awarded
                               based educators use transformative                             $150 workshop only | $250 workshop and full convention
                               strategies to develop clinical reasoning                       registration
                               skills. Good teaching is “knowing the
                                                                                                   Dr. Forneris is a former Professor of Nursing at St. Catherine
                               content,” but great teaching guides the
                                                                                             University, St. Paul, MN, and is currently the Director for the National
                               learner to “use the content.” This interac-
                                                                                             League for Nursing Division for Innovation in Education Excellence,
                               tive workshop will highlight the known
      Susan Gross Forneris     areas of risk transitioning from course
                                                                                             Washington, DC. Selected for inclusion in the 2010 inaugural group
                                                                                             of NLN Simulation Leaders, she has been working in the field of clin-
     work into nursing practice. You will have hands on experiences in
                                                                                             ical simulation since 2003. She is also instrumental in the design
     1) the use of the NLN Guide for Teaching Thinking to develop solid
                                                                                             and implementation of NLN faculty development resources focused
     teaching and learning dialogue strategies; and 2) practice specific
                                                                                             on the pedagogy of teaching and learning. Her expertise is in cur-
     techniques with feedback from the experts.
                                                                                             riculum and teaching/learning instructional design for use across
     Learning outcomes:                                                                      the curriculum. Her research and publications focus on the develop-
         • Discuss the essential elements of the NLN Guide for                               ment and use of reflective teaching strategies to enhance critical
           Teaching Thinking.                                                                thinking. She co-authored the publication Critical Conversations:
         • Demonstrate skills in guiding critical conversations in                           The NLN Guide for Teaching Thinking and, most recently, Critical
                                                                                             Conversations: From Monologue to Dialgoue.
           the following areas: clinical encounters, classroom, post-
           clinical.                                                                         Sponsors: National League for Nursing, Washington, DC; and National
                                                                                             Student Nurses’ Association, Brooklyn, NY

                                                  For more information, please visit

 8                                                                           Volume 42, No. 3 • Winter 2021
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