Nuclear Physics News International - FEATURING: ISOLDE Proton-Rich Isotopes Big Bang Theory

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Nuclear Physics News International - FEATURING: ISOLDE Proton-Rich Isotopes Big Bang Theory
Nuclear Physics News
                               Volume 26, Issue 4
                            October–December 2016

                 ISOLDE • Proton-Rich Isotopes • Big Bang Theory

Nuclear Physics News International - FEATURING: ISOLDE Proton-Rich Isotopes Big Bang Theory
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Nuclear Physics News International - FEATURING: ISOLDE Proton-Rich Isotopes Big Bang Theory
Nuclear Physics News
                                  Volume 26/No. 4

 Nuclear Physics News is published on behalf of the Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee (NuPECC), an Expert Committee of the
 European Science Foundation, with colleagues from Europe, America, and Asia.

                                                 Editor: Gabriele-Elisabeth Körner
                                                           Editorial Board
         Maria José Garcia Borge, Madrid (Chair)                         Eugenio Nappi, Bari
         Rick Casten, Yale                                               Klaus Peters, Darmstadt
         Jens Dilling, Vancouver                                         Hermann Rothard, Caen
         Ari Jokinen, Jyväskylä                                          Hideyuki Sakai, Tokyo
         Yu-Gang Ma, Shanghai                                            Calin Ur, Bucharest
         Richard Milner, MIT

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                                                        Vol. 26, No. 4, 2016, Nuclear Physics News                                      1
Nuclear Physics News International - FEATURING: ISOLDE Proton-Rich Isotopes Big Bang Theory
 Physics                                                                                                                                Volume 26/No. 4

Extreme Light Infrastructure—Nuclear Physics: The Future is Bright at Extremes
  by Calin Alexandru Ur.................................................................................................................................   4
Laboratory Portrait
  by Maria Borge and Yacine Kadi.................................................................................................................   6
Feature Articles
Research on the Origin of the Stable, Proton-Rich Isotopes
  by René Reifarth and Michael Wiescher...................................................................................................... 14
Facilities and Methods
How Radioactive Samples and Targets Can Help to Better Understand the Big Bang Theory
  by Dorothea Schumann, Massimo Barbagallo, Thierry Stora, Ulrich Köster, and Moshe Gai................... 20
Impact and Applications
Gamma-Ray Inspection of Rotating Object (GIRO)
  by Tadashi Kambara..................................................................................................................................... 26
Meeting Reports
The 5th International Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics in Heavy-Ion Reactions (IWND2016)
  by Yu-Gang Ma, Feng-Shou Zhang, Lie-Wen Chen, and Chun-Wang Ma...................................................                                               30
BARYONS 2016: The XIV International Conference on the Structure of Baryons
  Volker Crede.................................................................................................................................................   32
Direct Reactions with Exotic Beams 2016, Halifax, Canada
  by Rituparna Kanungo, Benjamin P. Kay, and Petr Navratil.......................................................................                                 35
16th International Conference on Nuclear Structure: NS2016
  by Alfredo Galindo-Uribarri........................................................................................................................             37
News and Views
Paolo Giubellino Appointed New Scientific Managing Director of FAIR and GSI:
Committees Bring Top Italian Researcher to Darmstadt
  by Ingo Peter................................................................................................................................................ 39
IUPAP Young Scientist Prize in Nuclear Physics 2016
  by Alinka Lépine-Szily.................................................................................................................................. 40
2017 IBA-Europhysics Prize for Applied Nuclear Science and Nuclear Methods in
Medicine Call for Nominations
  by Faiçal Azaiez............................................................................................................................................ 41

                                                           NEW COVER ILLUSTRATION COPY TO COME.
    Cover Illustration: New Copy to come.

2                         Nuclear Physics News, Vol. 26, No. 4, 2016
Nuclear Physics News International - FEATURING: ISOLDE Proton-Rich Isotopes Big Bang Theory
 Physics                                                                                                                                Volume 26/No. 4

                                                                Contents (continued)
2015 Achievement in Asia Award
  by Huan Zhong Huang................................................................................................................................. 41
RAON, the Rare Isotope Accelerator Complex in Korea
  by Sunchan Jeong......................................................................................................................................... 42
In Memoriam
In Memoriam: Dirk Schwalm (1940–2016)
   by Klaus Blaum............................................................................................................................................. 44
In Memoriam: Paulo Roberto Silveira Gomes (1950–2016)
   by Carlos A. Bertulani, Luiz Felipe Canto, Mahir S. Hussein, Jesus Lubian, and
    Alinka Lépine–Szily...................................................................................................................................... 45
Book Review
Energy from Nuclear Fission by Enzo De Sanctis, Stefano Monti, and Marco Ripani
  by Gianluca Alimonti ................................................................................................................................... 47
Calendar.......................................................................................................................................................... 48

                                                                   Vol. 26, No. 4, 2016, Nuclear Physics News                                                     3
Nuclear Physics News International - FEATURING: ISOLDE Proton-Rich Isotopes Big Bang Theory

Extreme Light Infrastructure—Nuclear Physics:
The Future is Bright at Extremes
   Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI)
aims at establishing an international
laser research infrastructure hosting
the worldwide most advanced ultra-
high power lasers and gamma beam
system. The project was listed in the
2006 road-map of the European Strat-
egy Forum on Research Infrastructure
(ESFRI) and since 2013 it entered the
implementation phase co-financed
with EU Structural Funds. The project
promotes a new concept of pan-Euro-
pean research infrastructure distrib-
uted in several European countries and
operated as a user facility opened to
the whole international scientific com-
munity. The infrastructure will be built
on four pillars, three of them being       Figure 1. Exploring new frontiers of Nuclear photonics with advanced laser and
presently in the implementation phase:     gamma beams at ELI-NP.
(1) ELI Beamlines in Prague, Czech
Republic, focused on the production        of competencies offers a naturally fa-      tional collaboration of more than 100
of ultra intense and ultra short pulses    vorable environment to answer profi-        scientists from 30 countries.
of electrons, protons, and ions; (2) ELI   ciently the scientific and technological        The major equipment hosted at
Attosecond in Szeged, Hungary, dedi-       challenges involved in the implemen-        ELI–NP will provide the users laser
cated to the investigation of electron     tation and operation of ELI–NP. Two         and gamma beams with unprecedented
dynamics in atoms, molecules, plas-        well–established international scien-       parameters. The ELI–NP infrastruc-
mas, and solids at the attosecond level;   tific communities, high-power lasers        ture offers unique opportunities in Eu-
and (3) ELI–Nuclear Physics in Bu-         and nuclear physics, have joined their      rope by providing simultaneously two
charest, Romania, dedicated to laser-      efforts at ELI–NP to shape a new in-        high-intensity laser beams that can be
based nuclear physics research.            terdisciplinary research field. This col-   combined within the same experimen-
   The ELI–NP facility is being im-        laboration proved to be highly prolific     tal setup and by the combination of the
plemented by Horia Hulubei National        and resulted in a wealth of proposed        high-intensity laser with an ultra-bril-
Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engi-     research topics covering many areas         liant gamma ray system.
neering (IFIN–HH) on the Magurele          of interest in fundamental physics,             The leading research topics to be
Physics Platform in southern Bucha-        nuclear physics and astrophysics as         pursued at ELI–NP are focused on the
rest and it is expected to enter opera-    well as applications in material and        following main directions: (i) laser-
tion in 2019. The Magurele Physics         life sciences, material irradiations, in-   driven nuclear physics, (ii) character-
Platform concentrates four national        dustrial tomography and gamma radi-         ization of the laser–target interaction
research institutes of physics and the     ography, nuclear waste management           by the means of nuclear physics instru-
Faculty of Physics of the University       and nuclear security, and pharmaceuti-      ments, (iii) photonuclear reactions, (iv)
of Bucharest, making of Magurele a         cal radioisotopes. The scientific case of   exotic nuclear physics and astrophys-
place where the abundance and density      ELI–NP was elaborated by an interna-        ics, and (v) development of innovative

    The views expressed here do not represent the views and policies of NuPECC except where explicitly identified.

4                   Nuclear Physics News, Vol. 26, No. 4, 2016
Nuclear Physics News International - FEATURING: ISOLDE Proton-Rich Isotopes Big Bang Theory

applications based on the use of both      EuroGammaS Association, a European          transferring knowledge and technolo-
high-power lasers and brilliant, narrow    Consortium of academic and research         gies from the research institutions to
bandwidth gamma beams.                     institutions (INFN Italy, Sapienza          the private sector but it will also facili-
    The high-power laser system            University Italy, CNRS France) with         tate the access of the institutions to the
(HPLS) of ELI–NP consists of two           high-tech industrial partners (Scandi-      latest technologies and it will provide
10 PW–class lasers based on Optical        Nova Sweden, ACP Systems France,            support for the ELI–NP research team
Parametric Chirped Pulse Amplifica-        COMEB Italy, Alsyom France) having          to address and collaborate effectively
tion (OPCPA) driven by a common            long-term expertise in the develop-         with innovative companies.
dual front-end system and with two         ment and building of electron accelera-         The connection to the academic
parallel amplification arms. Each am-      tors and laser technology.                  world is made within the Academic
plification arm will provide three out-        Besides the important scientific out-   Forum of ELI–NP. The Forum gathers
puts with different power levels: 10       come of the facility, the implementa-       representative academic and research
PW at repetition rates of 1/60 Hz, 1       tion and operation of ELI–NP will also      institutions in a joint effort to exploit
PW at repetition rates of 1 Hz, and 100    have a significant economical impact        the unique opportunities opened by
TW at repetition rates of 10 Hz. Out of    at the national and international levels.   ELI–NP and to eventually establish a
the six possible outputs, two of them,     The companies involved in the imple-        reference center for scientific culture in
one from each arm, can be provided si-     mentation of the project will acquire       Magurele. Education and research will
multaneously for experiments. For the      the expertise to realize beyond state-      benefit from the excellent conditions
two 10 PW outputs an unprecedented         of-the-art technologies and equip-          and unique experimental capabilities
level of intensity of about 1023–1024      ment. During the operational phase          offered by ELI–NP. The new exciting
W/cm2 will be achieved, opening new        companies will develop and provide          research opportunities opened by ELI–
research opportunities in laser-driven     technologically advanced scientific         NP will attract the best students and re-
particle acceleration and nonlinear        equipment, spare parts, services, and       searchers from all over the world. The
QED. The HPLS at ELI–NP is being           maintenance.                                relation with the academic institutions
built and installed by Thales Optron-          As a large-scale research infrastruc-   will guarantee the long–term needs of
ique France and Thales Romania.            ture ELI–NP will act as a catalyst for      the new facility in terms of Ph.D. stu-
    The Gamma Beam System (GBS)            connecting the research community           dents and junior researchers.
of ELI–NP was designed to provide a        with both the academic and industrial           By 2018 ELI–NP will count 250
very intense and brilliant gamma beam      sectors. The ELI–NP facility presents       employees at all levels of qualifica-
with continuously tunable energy           multiple interests in terms of versatil-    tion: senior and junior researchers,
based on incoherent inverse Compton        ity of equipment and, as such, should       Ph.D. students, engineers, and techni-
scattering of a high repetition pulsed     be able to attract various industries       cians. To reach this milestone person-
laser light off a high intensity, low      looking for a facility offering access      nel recruitment is given high prior-
emittance, relativistic electron beam.     to state-of-the-art equipment, support      ity. Details on the job opportunities
Advanced electron linear accelerating      services by excellent researchers, and      at ELI–NP can be accessed at http://
techniques and high quality laser de-      training services with the latest tech-
vices are combined into a high lumi-       nologies.
nosity electron–photon collider. The           An adequate environment for
key parameters of the gamma beams          breeding the partnership with the in-
to be provided at ELI–NP are orders        dustrial and academic worlds was
of magnitude better than the present-      created within the framework of two
day state-of-the-art: relative bandwidth   collaboration forums. The Magurele
(BW) better than 0.5%, spectral den-       High-Tech Cluster is an open associa-
sities of about 10,000 photons/s/eV,       tion of research and business entities
photons energy continuously variable       focused on developing relations with
in the range 0.2–19.5 MeV, peak bril-      the economic environment and high-
liance higher than 1021 photons/mm2/       tech industries. It already gathered
mrad2/s/(0.1%BW), and high degree of       over 50 small and medium enterprises
linear polarization (higher than 95%).     involved in developing technologi-
    The building and installation of the   cally advanced products. The cluster                           Calin Alexandru Ur
ELI–NP GBS will be performed by            will provide not only the means for                              ELI–NP/IFIN–HH

                                                   Vol. 26, No. 4, 2016, Nuclear Physics News                                   5
Nuclear Physics News International - FEATURING: ISOLDE Proton-Rich Isotopes Big Bang Theory
laboratory portrait

Introduction                               stability, combined with technological    collaboration has designed a versatile
    ISOLDE’s story begins in 1967,         advances in the field, have triggered     facility that constitutes an attractive
when the first on-line production of       the move of radioactive beam experi-      option for a wide variety of nuclear
radioactive nuclei for experiments         ments from a very specific research       structure, nuclear astrophysics and
took place in a newly provisional way.     subject to the mainstream. Theoretical    other radioactive beam experimental
Almost half a century later, ISOLDE        developments challenge experimental       studies. This laboratory portrait ad-
is the oldest experiment still in opera-   advances, a challenge that ISOLDE,        dresses the development of ISOLDE
tion at CERN, and for good reasons:        to stay at the forefront, is ready to     since the previous laboratory portrait
it occupies a leading position in the      face with the High Intensity and En-      [7]. It presents a short overview of the
field of nuclear research, having pro-     ergy upgrade (i.e., HIE-ISOLDE).          facility, described in detail in Ref. [7],
duced nearly 1300 nuclei of more than      The upgrade project was approved          with a focus on the technical develop-
70 elements [1]. Over the years, it has    by CERN in September 2009 and is          ments and scientific opportunities of
developed into a facility dedicated to     in accordance with NuPECC’s 2010          the HIE-ISOLDE upgrade.
fundamental science and its applica-       Long Range Plan for Nuclear Science           Like other CERN experiments,
tions. ISOLDE’s success can be traced      in Europe [6], which calls for major      ISOLDE is governed by an inter-
to two key elements. One is the con-       upgrades of large-scale nuclear phys-     national collaboration, which was
tinuous development of new radioac-        ics facilities. HIE-ISOLDE, now well      formed in April 1965 and presently
tive ion beams and steady improve-         under way, opens up new horizons for      includes 18 members from three con-
ment of experimental conditions. The       exotic nuclei research by increasing      tinents. The collaboration safeguards
other is the vibrant ISOLDE collabo-       the current energy and intensity reach,   the ISOLDE facility, helping CERN
ration and researcher community, with      upgrading existing equipment, and         maintain the technical infrastructure
their ability to adapt to the changing     developing novel experimental instru-     and operate it in the most efficient way.
physics landscape, developing new          mentation. In a nutshell, the ISOLDE      It follows and is in continuous contact
ideas and devices that allow the con-
tinuous production of science at the
forefront. Figure 1 shows a 3D layout
of the facility.
    Most experiments hosted at
ISOLDE focus on nuclear physics,
while some follow other lines of re-
search, such as atomic physics, astro-
physics, and fundamental interactions.
There is also a vibrant program in the
field of applications, ranging from
solid-state physics to life sciences.
Recent highlights of research con-
ducted at ISOLDE include the deter-
mination of the ionization potential of
At [2], studies of pear-shaped nuclei
by Coulomb excitation [3], as well as
the investigation of the emerging new      Figure 1. 3D layout of the ISOLDE facility. One can see the different parts of
magic numbers far from stability, in       the facility: the two target stations and corresponding mass separators (i.e., HRS
particular N = 32 and N = 34 by the        and GPS), the low energy experiments (i.e., COLLAPS, CRIS, IDS, ISOLTRAP,
determination of the masses of 51–54Ca     NICOLE, TAS, VITO, and WITCH). In the high energy part REX and the HIE
[4] and the radius of 40–52Ca [5].         linac with six cryomodules in place and the three beam-lines are shown. In the
    The observation of significant         back, one can see MEDICIS, dedicated to investigating the production of novel
changes in nuclear structure far from      isotopes for medicine.

6                   Nuclear Physics News, Vol. 26, No. 4, 2016
Nuclear Physics News International - FEATURING: ISOLDE Proton-Rich Isotopes Big Bang Theory
laboratory portrait

with the external international ex-
pert committee, INTC (ISOLDE and
Neutron Time-of-Flight Experiments
Committee), which meets regularly
and determines the scientific program.
ISOLDE has also forged technical col-
laborations with other nuclear physics
laboratories around the world, such as
in South Korea, SPES in Italy, and
TRIUMF in Canada.

The ISOLDE Facility
   ISOLDE produces radioactive ion
beams in spallation, fragmentation,
and fission reactions between stable
                                          Figure 2. Chart of nuclei produced at ISOLDE given in ions per μC of proton
nuclei from thick targets and high-en-
                                          beam on target. Twenty-five materials combined with three types of ion sources
ergy and high-intensity proton beams
                                          allow for the production of such a large diversity of beams.
accelerated in the first ring of the
CERN accelerator complex, the Pro-
ton Synchrotron Booster (PSB). The        the fastest targets that reach more than    ment, the wavelength of various laser
proton beam hits the hot target typi-     2000°C. Target materials partly deter-      beams is precisely tuned so that the
cally with an energy of 1.4 GeV and       mine the radioactive nuclei production      energy of photons matches the transi-
an intensity of up to 2 μA. Reaction      rate and their release time, thus a care-   tion energies of the atom of interest.
products diffuse out of the target into   ful selection is of paramount impor-        As a result, only that specific element
an adjacent ion source and, following     tance. ISOLDE offers more than 25           is ionized, while the rest remain unaf-
ionization, they are extracted and sep-   target materials, with uranium carbide      fected. Laser ionization takes place in
arated to produce the ion beam of the     being the most requested because of         the line kept at low temperature, ap-
desired element. The ISOLDE beam is       its versatility.                            proximately 1700°C. Atoms remain
then delivered to the different experi-       The atomic fragments that have          in the cavity for an average of 100 μs,
mental stations or post-accelerated.      been released from the collision enter      thus a high repetition rate (10 kHz)
                                          an ion source that ionizes the elements     laser system is necessary to minimize
Target and Ion Source                     of interest, thus significantly influenc-   duty cycle losses. Plasma ion source
   The heart of ISOLDE is its target      ing the production rate of radioactive      coupling to RILIS has also been tested.
and ion source system, which provide      nuclei and the purity of the subsequent     RILIS is presently equipped with two
the selective production of the desired   beam.                                       Nd:YAG lasers, three dye lasers, three
isotopes. The production process be-          ISOLDE uses three types of ion          solid-state titanium-sapphire (Ti:Sa)
gins when the target, heated between      sources: surface, plasma, and laser. Al-    lasers and a blaze laser to be able to
700°C and 2000°C depending on the         though surface and plasma ionization        work in transition saturation mode.
material, is bombarded by the pro-        are both efficient, a higher degree of      Since its installation, it has become an
ton beam and the already mentioned        chemical selectivity can be achieved        attractive option for ISOLDE experi-
nuclear reactions occur either by boil-   with the Resonance Ionisation La-           ments and is used for about three quar-
ing off a few protons or neutrons or      ser Ion Source (RILIS), a method            ters of the facility’s annual schedule.
fragmenting them in lighter species.      pioneered by ISOLDE. RILIS takes            For more details, see Ref. [8] where a
The high temperature allows the fast      advantage of resonant excitation of         list of available beams and their ion-
release of radioactive nuclei before      atomic transitions using tunable laser      ization schemes is given.
their decay. Release times vary from      radiation and allows a high degree of           Following ionization, the next
a few dozens of seconds for targets       isobar-free selectivity. Each element       “stop” in the ion beam’s route through
with temperatures between 700°C and       has a unique electron energy-level          the facility is one of ISOLDE’s two
1400°C to a few tenths of a second for    structure. To selectively ionize an ele-    mass separators, the High Resolu-

                                                  Vol. 26, No. 4, 2016, Nuclear Physics News                                7
Nuclear Physics News International - FEATURING: ISOLDE Proton-Rich Isotopes Big Bang Theory
laboratory portrait

tion Separator (HRS) or the General         the separators has a time structure         for low intensities, favoring the study
Purpose Separator (GPS). The HRS            dictated by the half-life of and the ef-    of rare species.
uses two bending electromagnets and         fusion and diffusion times for a spe-          Beams are then charge-bred to
an elaborate ion optical system to          cific isotope in the primary target. It     multiple charge states in REXEBIS,
achieve a mass resolving power, M/          typically consists of a singly charged      an electron beam ion source, with a
ΔM, up to 5,000 units in the present        ion beam ranging in energy from 30 to       mass-to-charge ratio commonly be-
configuration. The GPS can reach a          60 keV. To minimize beam transmis-          tween 2.5 and 4.5. Ions are trapped
mass resolving power of about 1,000,        sion losses, REX takes advantage of         in a confined space and ionized via
as it is equipped with one bending          an innovative scheme that consists of       impact with an intense electron beam.
magnet and electrostatic switchyard,        a cylindrical gas-filled Penning trap,      As the intensity of radioactive ions is
and offers the possibility of extracting    REXTRAP, and an electron beam ion           limited in comparison to that of re-
three mass-separated beams simul-           source, REXEBIS. The beam of sin-           sidual gas ions—mainly C, N, O, Ne,
taneously with a mass difference of         gly charged ions first undergoes lon-       and Ar—a mass separator consisting
4–15% of the central mass. The com-         gitudinal cooling at REXTRAP. The           of a 90° electrostatic deflector and a
bined use of RILIS and the mass-sep-        beam is electrostatically decelerated       90° magnetic bender in a vertical S-
arating magnets allows experiments          by passing the potential barrier of the     shape separates ions based on their en-
to select the isotope of interest of the    trap. At a certain gas pressure, the ions   ergy. The breeding time in REXEBIS
desired chemical element, leading to        that lose energy in the collision are not   depends on the desired A/q and mass,
the production of a high-purity radio-      able to leave the trap. Following ac-       ranging from 20 ms for light nuclei up
active ion beam. A list of the available    cumulation and further radial cooling,      to a few hundreds of milliseconds for
isotopes at ISOLDE and their produc-        the ions are released in a short pulse      the heavier species.
tion per μC of proton beam on target is     and undergo transversal cooling via            Following charge multiplication,
shown in Figure 2.                          the sideband cooling method, devel-         ion bunches are injected into the 11 m
                                            oped at ISOLDE. Ne or Ar is the buf-        compact linac that consists of a ra-
                                            fer gas most commonly used. REX-            diofrequency quadrupole (RFQ) ac-
                                            TRAP has an efficiency of 50–60%            celerator, a 20-gap interdigital H-type
    Nuclei at the edge of stability can
                                            and offers the significant advantage of     (IH) structure, and three 7-gap resona-
reveal interesting aspects of nuclear
                                            especially fast beam cooling; in fact,      tors with a frequency of 101.28 MHz.
interaction and dynamics. To gain a
                                            the heavier the ions the faster they are    REX accelerates ions from 5 keV/u to
complete picture of the atomic nucleus
                                            cooled. Further, the efficiency is better   0.3 MeV at the RFQ, then to 1.1–1.2
and address the collective and individ-
ual properties of nuclei, it is important
to perform reaction studies, which are
only possible with accelerated radio-
active ion beams. This is a challenge
that has been addressed in the past
by the radioactive beam experiment
(REX) post-accelerator [9, 10]. REX
can accelerate radioactive ion beams
at energies from 0.3 to 3 MeV/u and
mass over charge ratio, A/q, from 2.5
to 4.5. REX began operation in 2001
as an experiment based on the exper-
tise of groups working at ISOLDE and
built by a few universities from Ger-       Figure 3. The ISOLDE post-accelerator, as used in 2016. REXEBIS can be seen
many and Sweden. Thanks to its suc-         on the platform and REXTRAP is located underneath to save space. After the
cess, it has developed into a facility      Nier type spectrometer, the normal conducting linac consists of a radiofrequency
and it is presently fully incorporated      quadrupole accelerator, a 20-gap interdigital H-type (IH) structure and three
in the ISOLDE infrastructure.               7-gap and one 9-gap IH structures, allowing energies of up to 3 MeV/u. Two
    The low energy quasi-continuous         superconducting cryomodules are installed downstream of the linac and enable
beam that is delivered to REX after         it to reach 5 MeV/u.

8                   Nuclear Physics News, Vol. 26, No. 4, 2016
laboratory portrait

MeV/u at the IH structure and finally
to 1.55, 1.88, and 2.2 MeV/u at the
7-gap resonators. The success was
such that the community started ex-
ploring options for an energy upgrade
almost immediately. In 2004, a 9-gap
IH structure operating at 202.56 MHz
was added to extend the energy range
to 3 MeV/u (Figure 3). REX proved
to be a very versatile machine, ca-
pable of accelerating a wide range of
ion beams, from light mass nuclei (A
< 40), namely 6He and 8Li, to heavy
elements (e.g., 224Ra) [10].
    REX opened up new opportuni-
ties for research in nuclear structure
far from stability. Its post-accelerated
beams were ideal for Coulomb excita-
tion experiments. Capture and transfer
reaction studies, as well as elastic and
inelastic scattering experiments were
limited to light masses due to the lim-    Figure 4. Layout of a high-β cryomodule. The cryomodule containes five su-
ited acceleration energy. A review of      perconducting RF cavities and a superconducting solenoid magnet between the
the main results obtained in a decade      second and the third cavity. The helium vessel can be seen above them. The
of physics with REX can be found in        countries of the manufacturers of the different parts are shown.
Ref. [10].

HIE-ISOLDE                                 Energy Upgrade                            Figure 3 for the coupling to REX. A
    The success of the REX post-ac-           The construction of a new super-       geometrical beta, βg, of 10.3% of the
celerator paved the way toward higher      conducting linear accelerator (HIE-       speed of light corresponds to the de-
energies, as they allow for multistep      linac) [9] aims to increase the en-       signed speed value of the beam, for
Coulomb excitation and therefore de-       ergy range of REX from 3 MeV/u to         which the accelerating efficiency of
fine the shape without large theoretical   10 MeV/u. Its accelerating structure is   the cavity is maximum. In stage two,
constraints. Furthermore, the increase     similar to that of the LHC, benefitting   expected to be completed in 2018,
of energy will allow for the study of      from cryogenics, superconducting ra-      HIE-linac will be equipped with two
one or two nucleon transfer reactions      diofrequency, and beam instrumenta-       additional cryomodules with the same
at middle mass nuclei. In this way,        tion techniques that were developed       configuration to reach 10 MeV/u for
both collective and single particle        for the LHC ring.                         A/q = 4. The third cryomodule is cur-
properties are addressed. A large pal-        HIE-linac will be equipped with 32     rently in the cryo-lab, awaiting instal-
ette of reaction studies, from elastic     radiofrequency (RF) cavities housed       lation in 2017. The fourth one will be
to quasi-fission, will be available. The   in six cryomodules and replace the        assembled in 2017 and installed in
way forward to enhance the ISOLDE          9-gap and 7-gap resonators of REX,        2018, completing the energy upgrade.
research capabilities naturally led to     in an upgrade that takes place in         The third and final stage involves the
the next major upgrade of the facil-       three stages. In the first stage, which   manufacturing and installation of two
ity: HIE-ISOLDE. The HIE-ISOLDE            is already finished, two cryomodules,     more cryomodules, each housing six
project has three main goals: to in-       each containing five superconducting      low-β (βg = 6.3%) cavities and two
crease the energy of the radioactive       high-β (βg = 10.3%) cavities operating    superconducting solenoids. They will
ion beam from 3 MeV/u to 10 MeV/u,         at 101.28 MHz and a solenoid mag-         replace the main parts of the normal
to increase beam intensity and purity,     net, were designed, coupled to REX-       conducting linac and allow for de-
and to improve secondary beam char-        linac and commissioned, increasing        celeration of the beam, providing ac-
acteristics [11].                          the beam energy to 5.5 MeV/u, see         cess to a wider range of low energies.

                                                  Vol. 26, No. 4, 2016, Nuclear Physics News                               9
laboratory portrait

Plans for the third stage of the energy
upgrade foresee the insertion of a pre-
buncher to the RFQ accelerator at a
subharmonic frequency, which would
allow increased bunch spacing with-
out a major transmission loss. There
are also plans to add a beam chopper
between the RFQ and the 20-gap IHS
to clean the background of satellite
bunches. In general, REX and HIE-
linac deliver pulsed beams of a rep-
etition rate up to 50 Hz. The total ef-
ficiency of the post-accelerator varies
between 1 and 10% depending on the         Figure 5. Layout of the HIE-linac after the installation of the third high-β cryo-
requested beam.                            module in 2017. At the end of the first beam-line, XT01, MINIBALL is located, at
    The high-β RF cavities of HIE-         the second (XT02) the ISOL Solenoidal Spectrometer, ISS, and the third, XT03, is
linac are made of copper, sputter-         reserved for movable setups. In the drawing, XT03 is occupied by the scattering
coated with niobium, a technique           chamber, SEC, which is presently connected to XT02.
invented at CERN and first adopted
for the electron accelerating cavities
of LEP. Later, the design was revis-       between two cryomodules is only 370        efficiency close to 100%. Presently
ited at Legnaro, Italy, and adapted to     mm, 90 mm of which are reserved for        two beam-lines have already been in-
accelerate heavy ions. Bulk copper         diagnostic boxes. New beam diag-           stalled and are operative; a third one
was used in the manufacture of the         nostic elements have been developed        will become operative in 2017 along
HIE-ISOLDE cavities to minimize            for HIE-linac to measure intensity,        with the third cryomodule (Figure 5).
the number of electron beam weld-          energy, and transverse profiles. These
ing. Sensitivity to helium pressure        include Faraday cups, collimators          Intensity Upgrade
fluctuations was reduced by adapting       of different diameters, and V-shaped          Higher beam intensities are vital for
the shape of the helium reservoir. The     slits that measure the beam transverse     realizing measurements in a shorter
RF cavities are equipped with a power      profile. The diagnostic boxes are also     time and, more importantly, for the
coupler and a tuning system, both de-      equipped with Si detectors that deter-     production of more exotic isotopes,
signed at CERN.                            mine beam energy and longitudinal          thus a high-intensity upgrade (see Ref.
    The superconducting solenoid           profiles; it is worth noting that the      [12] for an overview) is necessary.
magnet is integrated in the common         time-of-flight between different Si de-       The most straightforward way to
vacuum system of the cryomodule and        tectors will be used to obtain the most    produce radioactive ion beams with
provides transverse beam focusing at       precise measurements of radioactive        higher intensities is to increase pri-
the HIE-linac (Figure 4 for the layout     beams. Several diagnostic boxes in         mary beam intensity. ISOLDE will
of the cryomodule). The existence          between cryomodules and along the          benefit from a wider upgrade to the
of adjacent superconducting cavities       experimental beam-lines allow the de-      CERN injector chain, when Linac4
means that strict specifications are im-   termination of the properties of the ac-   will begin operation in 2021 after the
posed on the remnant magnetization         celerated beam when it arrives to the      CERN second long shut down, LS2,
to avoid flux trapping and on the stray    experiment.                                which is foreseen for the years 2019
field at nominal current.                      Three identically designed beam-       and 2020. This upgrade will raise the
    Following acceleration at HIE-         lines connect the linac with the ex-       intensity of the proton beam by a fac-
linac, the beam enters a high-energy       perimental devices. In each of them,       tor of three from the present 2 μA to
beam transfer line (HEBT), specially       the beam is bent by 90 degrees by two      6.7 μA. The PSB will also undergo
designed to preserve beam emittances.      dipole magnets and at least a doublet-     an upgrade to increase the extraction
It is thus necessary to reduce the drift   quadrupole to focus the beam into the      energy from 1.4 GeV to 2 GeV, leav-
space between the cavities. The accel-     experimental station. The HEBT is de-      ing the possibility to use both energies
erator is very compact and the distance    signed to reach an absolute transport      for physics depending on the dominat-

10                  Nuclear Physics News, Vol. 26, No. 4, 2016
laboratory portrait

ing reaction process. The increase in      infrared and blue spectrum, thus of-            A new design for the REXEBIS
energy will affect the various reaction    fering more choice of ionization paths       charge breeder is currently under de-
processes differently. Simulations us-     and the ability to saturate the ionization   velopment in collaboration with the
ing the ABRABLA or FLUKA codes             path. This new addition has doubled          Brookhaven National Laboratory
have been done for the expected            the production of many nuclei. Ioniza-       (BNL). To increase the intensity and
yields. The fission cross-section will     tion schemes for Li, Ge, Te, Ba, and         improve the repetition rate of the ion
decrease and the production will be        Ho were identified for the first time at     beam, it is necessary to address the
barely compensated by secondary pro-       ISOLDE in the past three years. The          ultra-high vacuum, the electron cur-
cesses, while fragmentation and spall-     present number of chemical elements          rent and density, the high voltage, and
ation cross-sections will increase by a    that can be resonance ionized with la-       the magnetic field. Preliminary tests of
factor from two to ten. ISOLDE plans       ser at ISOLDE exceed thirty-five. For        a prototype electron gun with a pulsed
to retain the proton beam energy of 1.4    recent achievements, see Ref. [8].           electron beam of 1.5 A and 30 keV are
GeV for fission product studies.               Selectivity can be significantly im-     ongoing at BNL and have already pro-
    The energy and intensity increase      proved by optimizing hot cavity mate-        duced promising results.
of the primary proton beam results in      rials. Studies were conducted to deter-
higher radiation levels, thus limiting     mine the performance and suitability
the lifetime of the target. Temperature    of high temperature, low work func-          Physics Opportunities
variations in the target material pres-    tion materials, such as glassy carbon            The HIE-ISOLDE upgrade sub-
ent another challenge, as they are of-     or tungsten impregnated with a mix-          stantially enhances research opportu-
ten responsible for production losses.     ture of barium oxide and strontium           nities in nuclear structure studies and
Taking these factors into account, a vi-   oxide (BaOSrO on W) or with gado-            nuclear astrophysics. The wide variety
tal component of the intensity upgrade     linium hexaboride (GdB6). The instal-        of exotic nuclei produced at ISOLDE,
addresses the target and ion source        lation of a laser ion source trap (LIST)     their availability at different energies,
connections to the rest of the ISOLDE      also boosted selectivity. LIST uses a        and the new instrumentation that has
facility. Options for new target materi-   positively charged repeller electrode        been developed pave the way for a
als are explored, with a focus on radia-   to prevent unwanted atoms in the hot         robust physics program in the com-
tion resistance. Target materials that     cavity where the atoms of interest are       ing years. The project has received
are presently used were extensively        laser-ionized. The first off-line tests      significant interest and over thirty-five
tested to examine their suitability to     showed that LIST reduced surface             experiments have already been ap-
higher radioactivity levels. Studies       ionized isobaric contamination by up         proved.
were also made to optimize the heat-       to four orders of magnitude. In 2012             The approved HIE-ISOLDE exper-
ing process to uniformly distribute        the first on-line experiments using          iments address fundamental questions
heat across the target system and min-     LIST were performed and enabled the          of nuclear physics: dipole excitation,
imize the power needed for heating.        first in-source laser spectroscopy of        isospin conservation, interplay of sin-
Research into target geometry modifi-      217Po and 219Po.                             gle and collective degrees of freedom,
cations and improvements to the target         The upgrade of HRS aims to re-           shape coexistence, as well as octu-
change systems is also undertaken.         duce isobaric contamination that can         pole degrees of freedom. In the light
    The ion source upgrades focus          disturb experimental measurements.           nuclei, the dipole strength in 11Li and
mainly on RILIS—involving the up-          In the HRS, the two existing magnets         elastic scattering of 8B will be investi-
grade of the laser setup, the develop-     will be replaced with a pre-separator        gated. In the middle mass region, the
ment of new ionization schemes, and        to retain unwanted isotopes in the           validity of the shell model description
the improvement of selectivity—and         shielded target area, an RFQ Cooler          around 78Ni will be explored. Shape
on the efficient coupling with other       and Buncher (RFQCB) and a single             coexistence studies are proposed in
ion sources, such as the FEBIAD ion        high-resolution separator magnet. The        the region of neutron deficient Se and
source, VADLIS. The main upgrade           RFQCB is designed to improve com-            Kr isotopes, as well as in the neutron
of the laser setup has already been        patibility with other beam-line compo-       deficient region around Z = 82. In
achieved. RILIS’s copper vapor lasers      nents by improving gas pressure sta-         the heavy mass region, Coulomb ex-
were replaced over the last decade         bility and vacuum pressure variation.        citation experiments will investigate
with industrial solid-state lasers that    A prototype has already been built and       quadrupole and octupole collectivity
extended the wavelength range into the     installed in the off-line separator.         in Te, Xe, and Ba isotopes, to unravel

                                                   Vol. 26, No. 4, 2016, Nuclear Physics News                                11
laboratory portrait

                                                                                      eter will complement the Coulomb
                                                                                      excitation studies of the heavy nuclei
                                                                                      and those involving high multipolarity
                                                                                      transitions. The T-REX silicon particle
                                                                                      detector setup is optimized for transfer
                                                                                      reaction studies. T-REX identifies the
                                                                                      light reaction products and measures
                                                                                      their angular distribution for a large
                                                                                      range of polar angles. In combination
                                                                                      with MINIBALL, it reconstructs the
                                                                                      excitation energy in the final nucleus
                                                                                      with high resolution. T-REX is an ex-
                                                                                      cellent instrument for the study of sin-
                                                                                      gle particle properties of exotic nuclei
                                                                                      far from stability [15].
                                                                                          In addition, there is a general pur-
                                                                                      pose ScattEring Chamber (SEC), used
                                                                                      for reaction studies, in which gamma-
                                                                                      ray information is not necessary. It can
Figure 6. Doppler corrected gamma ray spectrum of 4.5 MeV/u 142Xe beam                host different charged particle detector
Coulomb excited on 206Pb target (in red) and the equivalent gamma spectrum            arrays for elastic, inelastic, and trans-
for 2.8 MeV/u 142Xe beam on a 96Mo target (in blue). The higher energy 142Xe          fer studies, including the corset setup
allows for the population of at least the 8+ state in the multistep Coulomb excita-   from GSI to perform quasi-fission re-
tion process. The previously assigned 3– to 2+ transition [17] indicating octu-       action measurements. The ISOL Sole-
pole correlations is not observed at the expected energy. Courtesy of C. Henrich.     noidal Spectrometer (ISS), for highly
                                                                                      efficient (d,p) reaction studies will
                                                                                      be ready for physics experiments in
the structure around the doubly magic      (p,α) reaction in 59Cu at the relevant     2018. Some approved experiments in-
nucleus 132Sn.                             astrophysical energies.                    corporate other instrumentation, such
    Transfer reaction experiments were         From the point of view of instru-      as the active target ACTAR, the opti-
previously confined to light nuclei due    mentation, new devices are contem-         cal time projection chamber, and the
to the energy limit, 3 MeV/u, of REX.      plated beyond the work horse (i.e.,        tilted foil beta-NMR setup. A proposal
The high-energy upgrade is beneficial      the high-resolution MINIBALL array         has been made for the installation of a
for transfer reaction studies of rela-     [13]). MINIBALL—in operation for           zero-degree spectrometer after MINI-
tively heavy nuclei. Some transfer         more than a decade—performs gamma          BALL, which could identify reaction
reaction experiments are motivated         ray detection, a key ingredient of         products and physically separate iso-
by unsolved questions in nuclear as-       Coulomb excitation experiments and         baric beams or other contaminants.
trophysics and specifically stellar        needed in many transfer reaction ex-       The TRIμP spectrometer [16], cur-
nucleosynthesis. The long-standing         periments. It consists of 24 segmented     rently located in KVI-CAR, is a good
7Li abundance anomaly is addressed         high-purity Ge detectors contained in      candidate and could be transferred to
by revisiting the resonances in 8Be        groups of three in eight cryostats and     CERN and installed in the ISOLDE
around 20 MeV excitation energy. The       arranged around a target. The array is     hall in 2019–2020.
levels just above the neutron threshold    equipped with a double-sided silicon
in 18N will be studied via (d,p) reac-     strip detector array of CD type that al-   Outlook
tion, as the N neutron capture reac-       lows the determination of the ejectile        In October 2015, the first physics
tion rate could play an important role     and its scattering angle. MINIBALL         experiment marked the beginning of
in the r-process for elements heavier      will be complemented by the SPEDE          operations for HIE-ISOLDE, which
than iron. The intense Cu beams at         spectrometer that performs in-beam         was then equipped with one cryomod-
ISOLDE and the available post-accel-       conversion electron-gamma-ray spec-        ule. It performed Coulomb excitation
erated energies are ideal to study the     troscopy [14]. The SPEDE spectrom-         of neutron-rich Zn isotopes. While

12                  Nuclear Physics News, Vol. 26, No. 4, 2016
laboratory portrait

writing these lines, two new experi-       lent and thus ISOLDE is looking at a           12. R. Catherall et al., Nucl. Instrum. Meth-
ments have been conducted with two         bright, active future.                              ods Phys. Res., Sect. B 317 (2013) 204.
cryomodules already operative. The                                                        13. N. Warr et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 49 (2013)
first addresses the study of electro-                                                          40.
                                           Acknowledgement                                14. P. Papadakis et al., JPS Conf. Proc. 6,
magnetic properties of the excited             A successful project such as HIE-               (2015) 030023.
states of 110Sn that shows anomalous       ISOLDE has many contributors; we               15. V. Bildstein et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 48
behavior. The second aims to de-           would like to thank them all for their              (2012) 85.
termine the octupole correlations in       efforts during the last decade, pres-          16. P. Deendoven, AIP Conf. Proc. 831
142Xe as indicated by the previous ob-
                                           ently and in the future until all aspects           (2006) 39.
servation of a 3– to 2+ transition. The    of this ambitious project are imple-           17. W. Urban et al., Eur. Phys. J. A. 16
purity of the ISOLDE beams and the         mented. Special thanks to A. Papa-                  (2003) 303.
use of Coulomb excitation to populate      georgiu Koufidou for her contribution
the state from the bottom help to better   to this article.
elucidate the structure. Figure 6 shows
the on-line spectrum of Coulomb ex-        References
cited 142Xe using a Pb target. Five         1. M. J. G. Borge, Nucl. Instrum. Meth-
more experiments are planned for                ods Phys. Res., Sect. B 376 (2016)
2016, from transfer reactions in 9Li to         408.
Coulomb excitation in 132Sn passing         2. S. Rothe et al., Nature Commun. 4
by the gamma strength of 66Ni. The              (2013) 1835.
requested post-accelerated energies         3. L. P. Gaffney et al., Nature 497,
for these experiments expand from 4             (2013) 199.
MeV/u for heavy beams to 6.5 MeV/u          4. F. Wienholtz et al., Nature 498, (2013)
                                                346.                                                                Maria Borge
in the case of the 9Li beam. The suc-
                                            5. R.F. Garcia Ruiz et al., Nat. Phys. 12,                      ISOLDE Leader and
cess of the different experiments has
                                                (2016) 594.                                            Collaboration spokeperson
demonstrated the capacities of HIE-         6. NuPECC Long Range Plan 2010: per-                                         CERN,
ISOLDE and the physics opportunities            spectives of Nuclear Physics in Eu-       On leave from IEM-CSIC, Madrid, Spain
that lie ahead thanks to the upgrade.           rope.
    Almost fifty years since the be-        7. A. Herlert, Nucl. Phys. News 20
ginning of its operation, ISOLDE                (2010) 5.
remains a leading facility in terms of      8. S. Rothe et al., Nucl. Instrum. Meth-
both technical infrastructure and pro-          ods Phys. Res., B 376 (2016) 91.
duction of frontier physics. The key to     9. M.J.G. Borge, K. Riisager, Eur. Phys.
the facility’s success is its continuous        J. A52 (2016) 334.
transformation to stay at the forefront    10. P Van Duppen and K. Riisager, J.
                                                Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 38 (2011)
of nuclear physics research. The HIE-
ISOLDE upgrade showcases CERN’s            11. M. Lindroos and T. Nilsson, eds.,
support of scientific diversity, which          HIE-ISOLDE: the technical op-
is the foundation of the Organization’s         tions, CERN Yellow Report (2006)
strength. The physics opportunities             CERN-2006-013,                               Yacine Kadi
with the low energy and post-acceler-           record/1001782/files/CERN-2006-                     HIE-ISOLDE Project Leader,
ated beams at HIE-ISOLDE are excel-             013.pdf.                                                                CERN

                                                   Vol. 26, No. 4, 2016, Nuclear Physics News                                       13
feature article

Research on the Origin of the Stable,
Proton-Rich Isotopes
René Reifarth1 and Michael Wiescher2
1Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany
2University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA

The Nucleosynthesis of the Heavy Elements
    The beginning of our universe as we know and inter-
pret it was the Big Bang. About 14 billion years ago, the
entire universe started to expand. This expansion was ac-
companied by a global cool down of all matter and radia-
tion forming the universe. A few minutes after the Big Bang
the constituents of the atomic nuclei, protons and neutrons,
were formed. Further cooling allowed the formation of the
first complex nuclei made from protons and neutrons, in
particular the new element helium-4 consisting of 2 protons
and 2 neutrons. The matter consists now basically of 75%
hydrogen (protons) and 25% helium.
    It took about 400 million years until heavier elements
were formed in significant (less than 1%) amounts. The fu-
sion of hydrogen into helium is the energy source of almost     Figure 1. The solar abundances of the atomic nuclei as a
all stars that can be observed today—including our Sun.         function of their mass. The structures observed can be ex-
Once the hydrogen in the core is depleted, the temperature      plained by different processes contributing to the overall
and density rises and three helium nuclei fuse into carbon.     nucleosynthesis. The lightest elements—hydrogen, heli-
Later stages of stellar burning lead to the charged-particle-   um—are produced in the Big Bang (red) while the elements
fusion-based production of all the elements up to iron.         up to iron are synthesized during stellar burning phases via
    The elements heavier than iron are byproducts of the        fusion of charged particles (beige). During the extremely
energy-producing fusion stages of the stellar evolution [1].    hot last stellar burning phase—the silicon burning—the
Typically they cannot be formed through fusion of charged       isotopes around iron (mass 56), which are most tightly
particles, because the Coulomb repulsion of the necessary       bound, are produced in the nuclear statistical equilibrium
heavy partners cannot be overcome at stellar temperature        (grey). Almost all of the elements with higher proton num-
and density conditions. The overwhelming majority of            bers than iron are produced through neutron-induced pro-
those elements are formed through sequences of neutron          cesses (blue) [3].
captures and beta-decays starting from an abundant seed—
typically iron [2]. These processes are summarized in Fig-
ure 1. While roughly 50% of these isotopes are formed by        process was based on the assumption of a sequence of pro-
slow neutron capture (s-process) during the helium and          ton-capture reactions similar to the rapid neutron capture
carbon burning phases of stellar evolutions, the remaining      process on the neutron-rich side of the valley of stability.
50% are formed by rapid neutron capture (r-process) during      This generic production process was accordingly called the
explosive events such as supernovae explosions or merging       p process [4].
neutron stars.
    However, there are about 40 stable isotopes abundant in     The p Process
the solar system, which cannot be explained by any of the          The p nuclei are 37 neutron-deficient, stable isotopes
mechanisms described so far. These isotopes are heavier         heavier than iron. Their origin cannot be explained by
than iron, lighter than bismuth, and on the proton-rich side    neutron-induced reactions. The p nuclei are typically 2–3
of the valley of stability. These isotopes are traditionally    orders of magnitude less abundant than the other stable
named p nuclei because the initially proposed production        isotopes of the same element. This suggests a production

14                  Nuclear Physics News, Vol. 26, No. 4, 2016
feature article

    Atomic nuclei and their constituents: Each atom consists of Z electrons carrying –Z times the elemen-
    tal charge and a nucleus with the +Z. The nucleus consists of Z protons carrying the charge and N neu-
    tral neutrons. Since nucleons, protons and neutrons, have almost the same mass and are much heavier
    than the surrounding electrons, the sum A = Z + N of the number of nucleons is often called the (atomic)
    mass number. In contrast to neutrons, free protons are stable and form the lightest chemical and most
    abundant element, hydrogen. Only about 300 combinations of Z versus N form stable nuclei and can be
    found in the solar system. Very roughly nuclei with N = Z form stable nuclei. The corresponding area in
    the N-Z-plane is called the valley of stability. The second most abundant nucleus in the universe consists
    of 2 protons and 2 neutrons, the α-nucleus or helium-4. If nuclei outside this valley are produced in stars
    or on earth, they usually decay back toward stability conserving the mass number A. Such decays are
    called β–decays. Reactions producing unstable nuclei are for instance fusion reaction of neutrons or
    protons with stable nuclei—such processes are also called capture reactions.

mechanism that is based on the reactions starting from the        proton-capture reactions. Because of the repulsing Coulomb
stable seed of the neutron-induced production processes           force, such reactions become less and less probable as the
(Figure 2).                                                       mass, hence the charge, of the heavy reaction partners in-
   There are two major reactions chains transforming the          crease. The stellar reaction rate depends on the reaction rate
stable, neutron-rich seed into a proton-rich composition          per particle pair and the density of the stellar matter. Both,
[5]. The first originally discussed mechanism is based on         temperature and density must be very high to allow such a

Figure 2. Chart of stable nuclides between zinc (Z = 30) and bismuth (Z = 83). Only a few combinations of neutrons and
protons can form a stable nucleus. Those nuclei, which have roughly the same number of protons and neutrons, form the
valley of stability. The p nuclei (colored) are on the proton-rich (or neutron-deficient) side of the valley of stability. The two
lightest stable isotopes of molybdenum, 92,94Mo, are p nuclei. The p nuclei of ruthenium, 96,98Ru, mark the end of the mass
range where proton capture reactions can contribute significantly to the element production. The Coulomb barrier of the
heavier nuclei, which needs to be penetrated to allow a nuclear reaction, is too high. Gamma-induced reactions are there-
fore the main mechanism, which transforms matter originating from neutron-induced processes into proton-rich matter.

                                                    Vol. 26, No. 4, 2016, Nuclear Physics News                                15
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