NPSTC, Radio PCR Working Group Presentation to TIA TR8 Committee

Page created by Darren Benson
NPSTC, Radio PCR Working Group Presentation to TIA TR8 Committee
NPSTC, Radio PCR Working Group
                       Presentation to TIA TR8 Committee

                  Dan Robinson, Radio PCR Working Group Chair

                                           Thursday, February 2, 2017

 The member organizations of the National Public Safety Telecommunications Council are grateful to the Department of Homeland Security’s
Science and Technology Directorate, Office for Interoperability and Compatibility (OIC) and the National Protection and Programs Directorate,
Office of Emergency Communications (OEC) Points of view or opinions expressed are those of the originators and do not necessarily represent
                               the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
NPSTC, Radio PCR Working Group Presentation to TIA TR8 Committee
PAM Tool Development
• Radio Programming Compatibility Requirements (Radio
  PCR) Working Group under NPSTC Technology and
  Broadband Committee, 2012
   – Committee Chair: Tom Sorley, City of Houston
   – Working Group Co-Chairs: Dan Robinson, State of Michigan and
     Ken Link, State of New Jersey
   – Manufacturers Represented: Motorola Solutions, Harris, EF
     Johnson, Icom America, Kenwood, Thales, RELM Wireless,
     Midland and Tait Communications
• The Working Group examined short term and long term
  solutions to minimize radio programming errors.
   – The Working Group formed following several high profile incidents
     in which radios did not function during an emergency due to
     programming errors.
                 NPSTC is a federation of organizations whose mission is to improve public safety
                     communications and interoperability through collaborative leadership.          2
PAM Tool Overview
• An excel spreadsheet was created to assist with
  programming of different vendor radios in a multi-vendor
  radio environment.

              NPSTC is a federation of organizations whose mission is to improve public safety
                  communications and interoperability through collaborative leadership.          3
PAM Tool Overview

• Creates a normalized set of radio programming data
  field names and translates each data field correctly
  between manufacturers.
• Is not designed to replace any vendor’s programming
  software. Is designed to help minimize errors in
  manual programming.
• Fixed data set was designed to allow vendor
  development of an import/export function within their

            NPSTC is a federation of organizations whose mission is to improve public safety
                communications and interoperability through collaborative leadership.          4
PAM Tool Overview

• Current Status
   – First version of PAM Tool was released in 2014
   – Release V3 has been available,
   – Release V7 pending publication:
      • NIFOG information updated to current version (1.6.1, 2016)
      • Includes new introductory language
      • Additional manufacturer added
   – Coordinating with the Department of Homeland Security
     Science and Technology and Office of Emergency
     Communications to validate the PAM Tool and place it on
     Public Safety Tools website.

              NPSTC is a federation of organizations whose mission is to improve public safety
                  communications and interoperability through collaborative leadership.          5
Future Action

• Use of Excel spreadsheet continues to be problematic
   – Transition of user data when new versions of the PAM Tool
     are released.
   – Reliance on manual programming of all radio data fields.
• Future of the PAM Tool mission is best accomplished
  with a standardized import/export function within each
  manufacturer’s programming software.
   – Removes the need for a “middle ware” solution
   – Minimizes the manual entry to data when programming radios

              NPSTC is a federation of organizations whose mission is to improve public safety
                  communications and interoperability through collaborative leadership.          6
Why are we here?
Request for TIA Technical Bulletin
• Request: TIA create a technical bulletin that will define
  a standardized data exchange format for basic radio
  programming information.
• This technical bulletin is the “missing link” for
  manufacturers to provide import/export functionality
  within their software.
• NPSTC’s 16 member Governing Board voted to support
  the request for the technical bulletin during their
  conference call meeting on January 24th.

             NPSTC is a federation of organizations whose mission is to improve public safety
                 communications and interoperability through collaborative leadership.          7
Why are we here?
Request for TIA Technical Bulletin
• RELM Wireless has assisted the Working Group and
  created two draft XML schemas which will standardize
  basic radio data programming fields;
   – one XML data string for conventional channels
   – A separate XML data string for trunking systems.

              NPSTC is a federation of organizations whose mission is to improve public safety
                  communications and interoperability through collaborative leadership.          8
Technical Bulletin

• This schema needs to be validated, but is offered to
  illustrate the requested action.

               NPSTC is a federation of organizations whose mission is to improve public safety
                   communications and interoperability through collaborative leadership.          9
Questions, Comments, Discussion

 NPSTC is a federation of organizations whose mission is to improve public safety
     communications and interoperability through collaborative leadership.          10
Follow-Up from Meeting

The following action items occurred as a result of the TIA
TR8 meeting held on February 2nd:
•   The bulletin was submitted to the TIA's TR-8 Private and Personal Radio
    Standards Committee
•   Discussion concluded with the establishment of a review period which
    closes on 28 February.
•   Once the comments from the review have been resolved, then the
    committee will generally vote to move the revised proposal to a ballot.
•   During the ballot process, interested parties are given the opportunity to
    comment and another comment resolution process begins. At the
    completion of the ballot process, a vote would normally be taken to
    publish the proposed document.
•   Additional TIA meetings will occur in mid June.

                  NPSTC is a federation of organizations whose mission is to improve public safety
                      communications and interoperability through collaborative leadership.          11
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