NOVITA' SULLA RIANIMAZIONE NEONATALE - Fabrizio Ciralli, Mara Vanzati UO Neonataologia e Terapia Intesiva Neonatale - MCA ...

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NOVITA' SULLA RIANIMAZIONE NEONATALE - Fabrizio Ciralli, Mara Vanzati UO Neonataologia e Terapia Intesiva Neonatale - MCA ...

            Fabrizio Ciralli, Mara Vanzati
       UO Neonataologia e Terapia Intesiva Neonatale
  Fondazione IRCCS Cà Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico
               Università degli Studi di Milano
NOVITA' SULLA RIANIMAZIONE NEONATALE - Fabrizio Ciralli, Mara Vanzati UO Neonataologia e Terapia Intesiva Neonatale - MCA ...

      Il 5 al 10% dei neonati richiede qualche forma di
      assistenza per iniziare a respirare (es. stimolazione)

                       3% richiede PPV

                    1% richiede EET

                    0.1% richiede MCE
NOVITA' SULLA RIANIMAZIONE NEONATALE - Fabrizio Ciralli, Mara Vanzati UO Neonataologia e Terapia Intesiva Neonatale - MCA ...
Neonatology 2008
NOVITA' SULLA RIANIMAZIONE NEONATALE - Fabrizio Ciralli, Mara Vanzati UO Neonataologia e Terapia Intesiva Neonatale - MCA ...
Antenatal counselling
Team briefing and equipment check

            2015 American Heart Association
NOVITA' SULLA RIANIMAZIONE NEONATALE - Fabrizio Ciralli, Mara Vanzati UO Neonataologia e Terapia Intesiva Neonatale - MCA ...
Antenatal counselling
         Team briefing and equipment check

2015 ERC Guidelines    parents and debrief team

                                 2015 ERC Guidelines
NOVITA' SULLA RIANIMAZIONE NEONATALE - Fabrizio Ciralli, Mara Vanzati UO Neonataologia e Terapia Intesiva Neonatale - MCA ...
CONCETTI NUOVI…a chi applichiamo le linee guida?
• Newly born: neonato al momento della nascita; durante il processo
  ditransizione da vita intrauterina a vita extrauterina

• Newborn: neonato che ha completato il processo di transizione e richiede
  rianimazione nelle prime settimane di vita


                                                         2015 American Heart Association

                                                            2015 ERC Guidelines
NOVITA' SULLA RIANIMAZIONE NEONATALE - Fabrizio Ciralli, Mara Vanzati UO Neonataologia e Terapia Intesiva Neonatale - MCA ...
LINEE GUIDA: cambiamenti maggiori

•   Valutazione iniziale
•   MAS Sindrome da aspirazione di meconio
•   Ossigenazione
•   Ventilazione
•   Cord clamping
•   Etica
•   Educazione
NOVITA' SULLA RIANIMAZIONE NEONATALE - Fabrizio Ciralli, Mara Vanzati UO Neonataologia e Terapia Intesiva Neonatale - MCA ...
LINEE GUIDA: cambiamenti maggiori

•   Valutazione iniziale (FC e Temperatura)
•   MAS Sindrome da aspirazione di meconio
•   Ossigenazione
•   Ventilazione (CPAP e SLI)
•   Cord clamping
•   Etica
•   Educazione
NOVITA' SULLA RIANIMAZIONE NEONATALE - Fabrizio Ciralli, Mara Vanzati UO Neonataologia e Terapia Intesiva Neonatale - MCA ...

     2005                2010        2015
NOVITA' SULLA RIANIMAZIONE NEONATALE - Fabrizio Ciralli, Mara Vanzati UO Neonataologia e Terapia Intesiva Neonatale - MCA ...

     Treatment Recommendation
     In babies requiring resuscitation we suggest ECG can
     be used to provide a rapid and accurate estimation
     of heart rate. (Weak suggestion, very low quality of

                                              2015 American Heart Association

                                                 2015 ERC Guidelines
McCarthy L, Pediatriscs 2013

                                               Trevisanuto D, Resuscitation 2
Temperatura in Jia
               salaYS, J Perinatol 2013
                                                Infant warmer                                             Mathew B, J Perinatol 2013
                                                                                                                     Materasso riscaldante
parto          Kent A,  Jpaed Child Health 2008                                                           Simon P, J Perinatol 2013
                                                                                                          Miller SS, J Perinatol 2011

        CapCappellino in polietilene                                                          Sacchetto in polietilene

                                                                                Plastic bag

                                                                                Vohra S, J Pediatr 1999
                                                                                Vohra S, J Pediatr 2003

                 > 25° C

                 World Health Organization 2003
Uso di sacchetti di polietilene per la prevenzione della perdita di calore

                         Use of polyethylene bags/wrap for thermal
                                       loss prevention54%
Testa: 20.8%
della superficie

Il cappellino copre il
75% del 20.8% pari al
15.6% di tutta la
TEMPERATURA (linee guida 2015)

• Ipotermia (< 36,5 C) come outcome predittivo negativo
• L’ipotermia aumenta il rischio di IVH, problemi respiratori, ipoglicemia, sepsi
• Si raccomanda di evitare l’ipotermia mantenendo la temperatura del neonato
tra 36,5 e 37,5 gradi centigradi dopo la nascita
                 Per ogni grado di riduzione della temperatura
• I neonati prematuri
                         si haa un
                                maggior rischio
                                   aumento      di ipotermia
                                            di mortalità  del 28%
• Per tutti i neonati con EG < 32 wks utilizzo di calore radiante, sacchetti di
plastica, cappellino, materassini termici, gas per la rianimazione riscaldati ed
umidificati, aumento della temperatura della stanza adibita alla rianimazione

                                                            2015 American Heart Association

                                                               2015 ERC Guidelines
LINEE GUIDA: cambiamenti maggiori

•   Valutazione iniziale (FC e Temperatura)
•   MAS Sindrome da aspirazione di meconio
•   Ossigenazione
•   Ventilazione (CPAP e SLI)
•   Cord clamping
•   Etica
•   Educazione
Aspirazione orofaringea e nasofaringea del neonato con liquido tinto
                     prima di liberare le spalle:
          studio multicentrico randomizzato controllato
                 Meconium aspiration syndrome

               Routine intrapartum oropharyngeal and
                               I ntubation            Expectant
           nasopharyngeal suctioning of term-gestation
            infants born through MSAF does not prevent
         Neonates    ( n.)
           MAS. Consideration      1051
                                should be given to revision1043
                    of present recommendations
         MAS                        34 (3.2%)               28 (2.7%)
         Other                      40 (3.8%)               47 (4.5%)
         respiratory                                   Vain NE et al, Lancet 2004
Endotracheal Suction for Nonvigorous
            Neonates Born through Meconium
          Stained Amniotic Fluid: A Randomized
                    Controlled Trial

          Endotracheal suctioning did not significantly reduce the risk
              of MAS in non vigorous babies born through MSAF

          The current practice of routine endotracheal
          suctioning for non-vigorous neonates born
          through MSAF should be further evaluated

                              Chettri S et al, J Pediatr 2015
      Meconium aspiration syndrome

                 I ntubation    Expectant
Neonates ( n.)      1051          1043
MAS              34 (3.2%)      28 (2.7%)
Other            40 (3.8%)      47 (4.5%)
Gestione del neonato in sala parto in presenza di liquido
     amniotico tinto di meconio (linee guida 2015)

 Meconium: Tracheal intubation should not be routine in the presence of
 meconium and should only be performed for suspected tracheal obstruction. The
 emphasis should be on initiating ventilation within the first minute of life in non-
 breathing or ineffectively breathing infants and this should not be delayed

            The presence of thick, viscous meconium in a non-vigorous baby is the
            only indication for initially considering visualising the oropharynx and
                    suctioning material, which might obstruct the airway

                                                                    2015 American Heart Association
                                                                         2015 ERC Guidelines
LINEE GUIDA: cambiamenti maggiori

•   Valutazione iniziale (FC e Temperatura)
•   MAS Sindrome da aspirazione di meconio
•   Ossigenazione
•   Ventilazione (CPAP e SLI)
•   Cord clamping
•   Etica
•   Educazione
Intrauterine   (liquid)
                      Ambiente intrauterino     Extrauterine
                                                Ambiente      (air)
                         environment              environment

                        SatO2 50%                  [SaO2=
                                                    SatO2 59% a59%
                                                                1 min(1 min)
                                                      68% a 2 min
                                                           68% (2 min)
                                                      82% a 5 min
                                                           82% (5 min)
                                                      90% a 15 min
House JT et al, JHouse
                 Clinic JT, J Clin
                        Monit      Monit 1987
                                1987             SaO2= 90% (15 min) ]Trevisanuto
Oxygen to initiate resuscitation
                       in preterm infants
FiO2 per iniziare la rianimazione  nel neonato pretermine

     Oxygen (%)          90%

                         30%                30%

                  2010              2015
   Resuscitation of preterminfants less than 35 weeks gestation at birth should be
                initiated in air or low concentration oxygen (21–30%)

  In a meta-analysis of seven randomized trials comparing initiation of resuscitation
  with high (>65%) or low (21–30%) oxygen concentrations, the high concentration
  was not associated with any improvement in survival, bronchopulmonary dysplasia,
  intraventricular haemorrhage or retinopathy of prematurity. There was an increase
  in markers of oxidative stress

Vento M, et al. Pediatrics 2009;4
Kapadia VS, et al. Pediatrics 2013;132:e1488–96
Lundstrom KE, et al. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 1995;73. F81-F6.
Rabi Y, et al. Pediatrics 2011;128:e374–81                               2015 American Heart Association
Wang CL, et al. Pediatrics 2008;121:1083–9
                                                                            2015 ERC Guidelines

        In term infants receiving respiratory support at birth with positive pressure
        ventilation (PPV), it is best to begin with air (21%) as opposed to 100%
        oxygen. High concentrations of oxygen are associated with an increased
        mortality and delay in time of onset of spontaneous breathing, therefore, if
        increased oxygen concentrations are used they should be weaned as
        soon as possible

Davis PG, et al. Lancet 2004;364:1329–33
Vento M, et al. Pediatrics 2009;4                                 2015 American Heart Association

                                                                     2015 ERC Guidelines
LINEE GUIDA: cambiamenti maggiori

•   Valutazione iniziale (FC e Temperatura)
•   MAS Sindrome da aspirazione di meconio
•   Ossigenazione
•   Ventilazione (SLI e maschera laringea)
•   Cord clamping
•   Etica
•   Educazione
Sustained Lung Inflation at Birth for Preterm Infants: A
                 Randomized Clinical Trial

Our study found that SLI followed by early CPAP in the delivery room decreased the need for MV
in the first 72 hours of life in extremely preterm infants compared with nCPAP alone but did not
decrease the need for respiratory support and the occurrence of BPD

                                                             Lista G, Dani C et al, Pediatrics 2015
Sustained Lung Inflation at Birth for Preterm Infants: A
              Randomized Clinical Trial

                                   Lista G, Dani C et al, Pediatrics 2015
Sustained Lung Inflation at Birth for Preterm Infants:
                 A Randomized Clinical Trial

      We believe that other clinical studies are necessary to
      investigate the effectiveness of SLI in improving outcomes
      in extremely preterm infants. Until these studies are
      available, the SLI maneuver cannot be recommend as
      routine prophylactic assistance in preterm infants in the
      delivery room

Sustained Aeration of I nfant Lungs Trial ( SAI L)
- 23-26 weeks gestation (end of study: 2017)

                                            Lista G, Dani C et al. Pediatrics 2015
                                                                Lista G, Dani C et al, Pediatrics 2015

There are insufficient data regarding short and long-term safety
and the most appropriate duration and pressure of inflation to
support routine application of sustained inflation of greater than 5
seconds’ duration to the transitioning new- born (Class IIb, LOE B-
R). Further studies using carefully designed protocols are needed

                                                  2015 American Heart Association

                                                     2015 ERC Guidelines
Supreme Laryngeal Mask Airway versus Face Mask during
  Neonatal Resuscitation: A Randomized Controlled Trial

In this RCT, we assessed the effectiveness and the safety of the neonatal
SLMA in administering PPV at birth. The SLMA was more effective than
face mask in preventing endotracheal intubation in newborns with
gestational age >= 34 weeks and/ or expected birth weight >= 1500 g
needing resuscitation at birth. It is safe and effective in clinical practice
after a short-term educational program

                                                Trevisanuto D et al, J Pediatr 2015

• A laryngeal mask may be considered as an alternative to tracheal intubation if
  face-mask ventilation is unsuccessful in achieving effective ventilation
• A laryngeal mask is recommended during resuscitation of term and preterm
  newborns at 34 weeks or more of gestation when tracheal intubation is
  unsuccessful or is not feasible
• Use of the laryngeal mask has not been evaluated in the setting of meconium
  stained fluid, during chest compressions or for administration of emergency

                                                            2015 American Heart Association

                                                               2015 ERC Guidelines

The AIM of the study was to evaluate the respiratory effort
of preterm infants at birth when caffeine was either
administered directly after birth in the delivery room or after
admittance to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)
RESULTS: respiratory effort parameters

  MV at 7– 9 min after birth was significantly greater in the caffeine
           delivery room group than in the control group.
Parameters assessing respiratory effort Vti, RoR, and the percentage
   of recruitment breaths (except for respiratory rate) increased
               significantly by caffeine administration

We observed a direct positive effect of administering
caffeine on the respiratory effort in preterm infants at
birth. The results of this study provide evidence,
indicating that caffeine could play a role in stimulating
breathing in preterm infants during the transition

                           Arjan B. te Pas et Al
                           Pediatric RESEARCH Volume 82 | Number 2 | August 2017
LINEE GUIDA: cambiamenti maggiori

•   Valutazione iniziale (FC e Temperatura)
•   MAS Sindrome da aspirazione di meconio
•   Ossigenazione
•   Ventilazione (CPAP e SLI)
•   Cord clamping
•   Etica
•   Educazione
LINEE GUIDA 2010: Delay cord clamping

                Treatment Recommendation

Delay in umbilical cord clamping for at least 1 minute is
recommended for new- born infants not requiring resuscitation.
There is insufficient evidence to support or refute a
recommendation to delay cord clamping in babies requiring

                                        Perlman JM et al, Pediatrics 2010
Delayed cord
Delaying cord clamping
until ventilation onset
improves cardiovascular
function at birth in preterm

           Bhatt S et al, J Physiol 2013
Delaying cord clamping until ventilation onset improves
cardiovascular function at birth in preterm lambs

 In conclusion, we have demonstrated that ventilation prior to umbilical cord
 occlusion improved cardiovascular function and stability during the immediate
 transition to neonatal life after birth in preterm lambs. We showed that the
 initiation of ventilation prior to cord clamping mitigated most of the adverse
 cardiovascular responses to cord clamping, indicating that the decrease in
 pulmonary vascular resistance prior to cord clamping has a profound influence
 on cardiovascular function after birth

                                                           Bhatt S et al, J Physiol 2013
Neonatal Resuscitation 2015 American Heart Association
Guidelines Update for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
and Emergency Cardiovascular Care

       DCC for longer than 30 seconds is reasonable for
       both term and preterm infants who do not require
       resuscitation at birth

      There is insufficient evidence to recommend an approach to cord
      clamping for infants who require resuscitation at birth, and more
          randomized trials involving such infants are encouraged

                                                         2015 American Heart Association
Neonatal Resuscitation 2015 American Heart Association
Guidelines Update for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
and Emergency Cardiovascular Care
    In light of the limited information regarding the safety of
    rapid changes in blood volume for extremely preterm infants,
    we suggest against the routine use of cord milking for
    infants born at less than 29 weeks of gestation outside of a
    research setting

  Further study is warranted because cord milking may improve initial mean
  blood pressure and hematologic indices and reduce intracranial hemorrhage,
  but thus far there is no evidence for improvement in long-term outcomes
                                                          2015 American Heart Association
European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for
Resuscitation 2015. Resuscitation and support of
transition of babies at birth
  Delaying umbilical cord clamping for at least 1 min is
  recommended for newborn infants not requiring resuscitation. A
  similar delay should be applied to preterm babies not requiring
  immediate resuscitation after birth

   Until more evidence is available, infants who are not breathing or crying
   may require the umbilical cord to be clamped, so that resuscitation
   measures can commence promptly

                                                               2015 ERC Guidelines
European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for
Resuscitation 2015. Resuscitation and support of
transition of babies at birth

    Umbilical cord milking may prove an alternative in these infants
    although there is currently not enough evidence available to
    recommended this as a routine measure

Umbilical cord milking produces improved short term haematological outcomes,
admission temperature and urine output when compared to delayed cord clamping
(>30 s) in babies born by caesarean section, although these differences were not
observed in infants born vaginally

                                                             2015 ERC Guidelines
LINEE GUIDA 2015: Delay cord
           Guidelines 2015    clamping
                  Delayed cord clamping
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest delayed umbilical cord clamping for
preterm infants not requiring immediate resuscitation
after birth. (Weak recommendation, very low quality
of evidence)

There is insufficient evidence to recommend an approach to
cord clamping for preterm infants who do receive resuscitation
immediately after birth, as many babies who were at high risk of
                                                 2015 American Heart Association
requiring resuscitation were excluded from or withdrawn from
the studies.                                        2015 ERC Guidelines
LINEE GUIDA 2015: Cord
              Guidelines 2015milking
                        Cord milking
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest against the routine use of cord milking for
infants born at less than 29 weeks of gestation because
there is insufficient published human evidence of benefit.

Cord milking may be considered on an individualized basis
or in a research setting as it may improve initial mean
blood pressure, hematological indices and intracranial
hemorrhage. There is no evidence for improvement           or Association
                                           2015 American Heart

safety in long-term outcomes. (Weak recommendation,
                                              2015 ERC Guidelines
Approccio fisiologico alla transizione feto-neonatale


                                Neonatologo bedside

Come implementare le pratiche del ritardato clampaggio rispettando le
     indicazioni delle linee guida della rianimazione neonatale?

          La presenza del neonatologo al letto della madre in tutti i parti con possibile
                             necessità di rianimazione permette di:
        • individualizzare il clampaggio del cordone ombelicale attraverso la
           valutazione del neonato all’estrazione
        • garantire i primi passi della rianimazione prima del clampaggio del cordone
Nel caso in cui il ritardato clampaggio con
valutazione bed-side da parte di personale                 ALL’ESTRAZIONE                           Neonatologo bedside
esperto non sia possibile, si suggerisce
l’esecuzione del milking a cordone intatto
(Raccomandazione debole) (2C).                                  •   Temperatura
                                                                •   Posizione                            First step stabilization
                                                                •   Aspirazione                                  bedside
                                                                •   Stimolazione

                                                           Valutazione a 30 secondi dalla nascita

           FC < 100 BPM e/o                                                                                FC > 100 BPM E
           APNEA/GASPING                                                                                  PIANTO/SFORZO

 Clampaggio del cordone ombelicale e inizio rianimazione                                            Clampaggio a 60”
 (raccomandazione forte)                                                                            (raccomandazione forte)*
LINEE GUIDA: cambiamenti maggiori

•   Valutazione iniziale (FC e Temperatura)
•   MAS Sindrome da aspirazione di meconio
•   Ossigenazione
•   Ventilazione (CPAP e SLI)
•   Cord clamping
•   Etica
•   Educazione

  If the heart rate of a newly born baby is not detectable and remains
  undetectable for 10 min, it may be appropriate to consider
  stopping resuscitation. The decision to continue resuscitation
  efforts for longer than 10 min is often complex and may be
  influenced by issues such as the presumed aetiology, the gestation
  of the baby, the potential reversibility of the situation, the
  availability of therapeutic hypothermia and the parents’ previous
  expressed feelings about acceptable risk of morbidity. The decision
  should be individualised
                                                    2015 American Heart Association

                                                       2015 ERC Guidelines

     In cases where the heart rate is less than 60 min 1 at birth and
     does not improve after 10 or 15 min of continuous and
     apparently adequate resuscitative efforts, the choice is much
     less clear. In this situation there is insufficient evidence about
     outcome to enable firm guidance on whether to withhold or
     to continue resuscitation

                                                         2015 ERC Guidelines
LINEE GUIDA: cambiamenti maggiori

•   Valutazione iniziale (FC e Temperatura)
•   MAS Sindrome da aspirazione di meconio
•   Ossigenazione
•   Ventilazione (CPAP e SLI)
•   Etica
•   Cord clamping
•   Educazione
Efficacy of the neonatal resuscitation program (NRP) course on
                knowledge retained by residents:
  Comparison among pediatrics, anesthesia and gynecology

                                     Parrotto M et al. Resuscitation 2010

 The 2010 Guidelines suggested that simulation should become a
 standard component in neonatal resuscitation training

Studies that explored how frequently healthcare providers or healthcare
students should train showed no differences in patient outcomes but were able
to show some advantages in psychomotor performance and knowledge and
confidence when focused training occurred every 6 months or more frequently.
It is therefore suggested that neonatal resuscitation task training occur more
frequently than the current 2-year interval

                                                           2015 American Heart Association

                                                              2015 ERC Guidelines
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