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JBC Papers in Press. Published on April 5, 2019 as Manuscript RA119.008315 The latest version is at ...
JBC Papers in Press. Published on April 5, 2019 as Manuscript RA119.008315
      The latest version is at http://www.jbc.org/cgi/doi/10.1074/jbc.RA119.008315

      Novel MASP-2 inhibitors developed via directed evolution of human TFPI1 are potent lectin
                                      pathway inhibitors

               Dávid Szakács1, Andrea Kocsis2, Róbert Szász3, Péter Gál2, Gábor Pál1,4*

From the 1Department of Biochemistry, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C,
H-1117 Budapest, Hungary; 2Institute of Enzymology, Research Centre for Natural Sciences,
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Magyar tudósok körútja 2, H-1117; 3Department of Hematology,
Institute of Internal Medicine, University of Debrecen, Nagyerdei krt. 98, H-4032, Debrecen,
Hungary, 4EvolVeritas Biotechnology Ltd., Somogyi Béla u. 17., H-6600, Szentes

                Running title: TFPI1-based inhibitors inhibit both human and rat MASP-2

*To whom correspondence should be addressed: Gábor Pál: Department of Biochemistry, ELTE
Eötvös Loránd University, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C, H-1117 Budapest, Hungary;

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gabor.pal@ttk.elte.hu; Tel. +36-1-381-2171; Fax. +36-1-381-2172

Keywords: innate immunity, complement system, lectin pathway, MASP-2, ischemia-reperfusion
injury, directed evolution, phage display, complement-targeted therapy, serine proteinase

ABSTRACT                                               Kalbitor® (ecallantide), which is an FDA-
    The lectin pathway (LP) of the complement          approved drug to treat acute attacks of hereditary
system is an important anti-microbial defense          angioedema. Like hereditary angioedema, acute
mechanism, but it also contributes significantly to    IRI is also related to the uncontrolled activation of
ischemia reperfusion injury (IRI) associated with      a specific plasma serine proteinase. Therefore,
myocardial infarct, stroke and several other           TFMI-2 variants are promising lead molecules for
clinical conditions. Mannan-binding lectin             drug development against IRI.
(MBL)-associated serine proteinase 2 (MASP-2)
is essential for LP activation and therefore it is a
potential drug target. We have previously                  The complement system (CS) is an essential
developed the first two generations of MASP-2          part of innate immunity. It is a network of more
inhibitors by in vitro evolution of two unrelated      than 30 plasma and cell surface proteins that
canonical serine proteinase inhibitors. These          recognizes, labels and eliminates microbial
inhibitors were selective LP inhibitors, but their     pathogens and dangerously altered (e.g.
non-human origin rendered them suboptimal lead         apoptotic) self-cells, triggers inflammation and
molecules for drug development. Here, we               recruits immune cells (1–3).
present our third-generation MASP-2 inhibitors             The CS can be activated through three
that were developed based on a human inhibitor         pathways. The classical pathway (CP) is activated
scaffold. We subjected the second Kunitz domain        primarily by immune complexes but it can also
of human tissue factor pathway inhibitor 1 (TFPI1      recognize microbial surfaces, apoptotic and
D2) to directed evolution using phage display to       necrotic cells, it contributes to the elimination of
yield inhibitors against human and rat MASP-2.         unnecessary synapses during ontogenesis, and it
These novel TFPI1-based MASP-2 inhibitor               is important for the clearance of immune
(TFMI-2) variants are potent and selective LP          complexes and cell debris (4, 5). The lectin
inhibitors in both human and rat serum. Directed       pathway (LP) recognizes ancient surface-exposed
evolution of the first Kunitz domain of TFPI1 had      molecular determinants on microbes via a diverse
already yielded the potent kallikrein inhibitor,       set of pattern recognition molecules (PRMs) and

JBC Papers in Press. Published on April 5, 2019 as Manuscript RA119.008315 The latest version is at ...
TFPI1-based inhibitors inhibit both human and rat MASP-2

provides immediate defense against microbial           selectively block the derailed pathologic pathway,
pathogens, which does not depend on specific           while letting the protecting functions of the other
antibodies (6). The alternative pathway (AP)           two pathways undisturbed.
continuously challenges all surfaces by                    Pathway-specific proteinases are obvious
spontaneous low-level activation, but it activates     targets of pathway-selective drug development.
productively only on those that lack protecting        However, as most plasma serine proteinases have
complement regulator molecules. Additionally,          trypsin-like substrate specificity, selectively
the AP provides an important amplification loop        targeting a single complement proteinase is a
for complement activation (7, 8).                      formidable challenge. Small-molecules that target
    Danger signal recognition triggers the             only the active site are rarely monospecific.
activation of pathway-specific serine proteinase       Fragment-based drug discovery (21) has been
zymogens. The activated proteinases cleave             successfully applied to develop highly selective
downstream complement components that form             small-molecule inhibitors against factor D (FD), a
surface-bound C3 convertases: C4b2a for the CP         key enzyme of the AP (22). These compounds
and the LP and C3bBb for the AP. At this point,        target FD in its unique, self-inhibited
the three activation pathways converge to a            conformation that is characteristically different
common effector route leading to the labeling and      from other proteinases.
lysis of the pathogens, recruitment of immune              Proteins, such as mAbs and canonical serine
cells and triggering inflammation.                     proteinase inhibitors have much larger interacting

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    Normally, complement activation is tightly         surfaces and have therefore greater potential to
regulated (9). Lack of complement inhibition is        provide monospecificity.
responsible for the pathomechanism of                      In the last decade we have developed the first
paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria and                selective LP inhibitors by directed evolution of
inappropriate complement activation contributes        canonical serine proteinase inhibitors (23–25).
to the development of diseases such as ischemia-       The first-generation LP inhibitors were based on
reperfusion injury (IRI), rheumatoid arthritis, age-   the 14 amino acid sunflower trypsin inhibitor
related macular degeneration (AMD) and                 (SFTI) scaffold resulting in SFMI-1and SFMI-2
neurodegenerative          diseases      including     (23). The second-generation compounds were
Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Therefore, there is a        developed on the scaffold of the 35 amino acid
great need for potent and specific anti-               Schistocerca gregaria proteinase inhibitor 2
complement drugs that could provide targeted           (SGPI-2) yielding SGMI-1 and SGMI-2 (24, 25).
therapies for these complement-related diseases        With these inhibitors, we revealed that both
(10). While many anti-complement compounds             MASP-1 and MASP-2 are essential for LP
are under development (11), there are only two         activity in human serum (23–25) and therefore
molecules that had been approved for clinical use:     both enzymes are promising targets for drug
the anti-C5 antibody Soliris® (eculizumab) and         development. However, MASP-1 has several
C1-inhibitor. Even from these two, only                functions outside the LP (26–29), and MASP-2
eculizumab is a dedicated complement-targeted          has a significantly lower plasma concentration
drug. One of the most promising candidates             than MASP-1 (30). Therefore, MASP-2 might be
among complement-targeted lead molecules is            a better target for the development of highly
compstatin and its derivatives (12). These             selective LP inhibitors.
compounds effectively block the interaction of the         Non-human origin rendered the previously
C3 convertases with C3 to inhibit erroneous            developed MASP inhibitors suboptimal for
complement activation.                                 subsequent drug development. Therefore, we
    In most complement-related diseases the            decided to develop a third-generation of MASP-2
contribution of only one of the three pathways is      inhibitors based on a human scaffold to reduce the
dominant. The CP participates in AD (13) and           risk of immunogenicity in humans. We chose the
myasthenia gravis (14), the LP contributes to IRI      factor Xa-inhibiting second Kunitz domain of
of various tissues (15–18) and the AP plays a          tissue factor pathway inhibitor 1 (TFPI1 D2), as it
significant role in AMD (19) and atypical              is normally present in the plasma, and because it
hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) (20).                 has already been shown to be a low-affinity
Pathway-specific inhibitors should be useful tools     inhibitor of MASP-2 (31). Here, we present how
for academic research to identify individual roles     we developed TFPI1-based MASP-2 inhibitor
of the three pathways in physiologic and               (TFMI-2) variants that potently inhibit both
pathologic processes, and ideal therapeutics that

JBC Papers in Press. Published on April 5, 2019 as Manuscript RA119.008315 The latest version is at ...
TFPI1-based inhibitors inhibit both human and rat MASP-2

human and rat MASP-2 enabling their use in               The observed differences between the three
proof of concept studies in rats.                     selected sequence patterns demonstrate, that each
                                                      unrelated scaffold uniquely affects the side chain
                                                      preference of the same enzyme at analogous
   Selection of the TFPI1 D2 – phage library for      canonical loop positions.
binding to human or rat MASP-2
                                                         hMASP-2 and rMASP-2 share similar amino
   We followed the same strategy we already           acid preferences at most evolved TFPI1 D2
applied for developing TFPI1 D2-based MASP-3          positions
inhibitors (32). We randomized the P3-P4’ region
                                                          Logos derived from the sequences of unique
(33) of TFPI1 D2 (UniProt ID P10646) except the
                                                      hMASP-2- and rMASP-2-binding TFPI1 D2
P2 Cys that forms a structurally indispensable
                                                      clones are shown in Figure 1A. and B.,
disulfide (Figure S1.). The inhibitor-phage library
                                                      respectively. At the two energetically most
of 5x108 clones was selected for binding to the
                                                      important positions, the two enzymes selected the
catalytic fragment of human MASP-2
                                                      same amino acids: Arg at P1, and Ala/Gly/Ser at
(hMASP-2cf) or that of rat MASP-2 (rMASP-2cf)
                                                      P1’. At P2’, both enzymes selected hydrophobic
in separate experiments. Target-binding clones
                                                      side chains: hMASP-2 preferred aliphatic, while
were identified and sequenced to determine
                                                      rMASP-2 both aliphatic and aromatic residues. At
sequence patterns that enable binding to
                                                      P3’ and P4’ hMASP-2 shows a weak preference

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hMASP-2cf or rMASP-2cf. Amino acid and DNA
                                                      for positively charged residues, while rMASP-2
sequences of hMASP-2- and rMASP-2-binding
                                                      lacks any observable selectivity.
clones are listed in Table S2. and Table S3.,
                                                          At P3, there is a clear species-specific
                                                      difference in amino acid preferences, but even
   Scaffold-dependent amino acid preferences          here, there is an overlapping set of selected
of hMASP-2 at the evolved inhibitor positions         residues. While rMASP-2 selected only small
                                                      hydrophobic residues, Val/Pro/Ile/Gly, hMASP-2
    Codon bias normalized sequence pattern of the     preferred Phe/Tyr and selected smaller residues,
hMASP-2-binding TFPI1 D2 clones is presented          such as Pro/Val at lower frequencies.
in Figure 1A. as a sequence logo. We compare this
logo to those we obtained previously when                Novel MASP-2 inhibitor variants designed
generating the SFTI-based (23) and the                based on the sequence logos
SGPI-based MASP-2-inhibitors (24).
                                                         We designed three TFMI-2 variants along the
    The three unrelated scaffolds stabilize the
                                                      notion that normalized amino acid frequencies
canonical loop conformation through different
                                                      generally correlate with binding energy
intramolecular interactions including disulfides
                                                      contributions of individual amino acid residues
that we kept intact. Therefore, only the three
                                                      (34–37). TFMI-2a carries the hMASP-2-selected
central loop positions, P1, P1’ and P2’ were
                                                      consensus P3-P4’ sequence (FCRAVKR) and is
randomized on all three scaffolds. Human
                                                      expected to have the highest affinity towards
MASP-2 selected only Lys and/or Arg at the P1
                                                      hMASP-2. On the other hand, due to its bulky P3
position on all scaffolds, but the relative
                                                      Phe, it should be only a weak inhibitor of rMASP-
frequencies of these residues are scaffold-
                                                      2. Therefore, we designed two additional
dependent. The enzyme preferred Lys on the
                                                      inhibitors to efficiently inhibit both hMASP-2 and
SGPI-2, Arg on the SFTI, while exclusively
                                                      rMASP-2. Such variants can serve as surrogate
selected an Arg on the TFPI1 D2 scaffold. Similar
                                                      compounds in studies investigating the in vivo
scaffold-dependent differences are observed at
                                                      effects of MASP-2 inhibition in rats. As rMASP-
the P1’ and P2’ positions. At P1’ hMASP-2
                                                      2 mostly preferred a Pro or Val at P3, we
preferred Ala/Gly/Ser/Thr on TFPI1 D2, while
                                                      substituted the P3 Phe with Pro in TFMI-2b
accepted only Ser/Gly on SFTI and Leu/Ala on
                                                      (PCRAVKR) and Val in TFMI-2c (VCRAVKR).
SGPI-2. At P2’, on TFPI1 D2 hMASP-2 preferred
aliphatic Val/Ala/Ile/Leu, while on SGPI-2 it
                                                         TFMI-2 variants are efficient inhibitors of
selected only aromatic Trp/Tyr. On SFTI the
                                                      hMASP-2 and rMASP-2 while are completely
preference was a mixture of the previous two, as
                                                      inactive against hMASP-1 and hMASP-3
mostly Tyr/Phe, and to a lower extent Ile/Met/Leu
were selected.                                           TFPI1 D2 and TFMI-2a-c were expressed in
                                                      E. coli and purified to homogeneity. Their

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TFPI1-based inhibitors inhibit both human and rat MASP-2

equilibrium inhibitory constants (KI) were               TFMI-2 variants are selective inhibitors of
determined against the catalytic fragments of         the LP according to the Wieslab test
human MASP-1, human and rat MASP-2 and
                                                         Wieslab experiments demonstrated that the
human MASP-3 (Table 1.).
                                                      TFMI-2 variants are potent LP inhibitors with
    TFPI1 D2 was previously shown to inhibit
                                                      IC50 values of 35-384 nM (Figure 2., Table 2.),
hMASP-2 with low affinity (31). We found that
                                                      while none of them inhibit the CP and the AP.
TFPI1 D2 is indeed a weak inhibitor of hMASP-2
                                                      Compared to SGMI-2, TFMI-2a and TFMI-2b
(KI = 1883 nM) and a moderate inhibitor of
                                                      were more, while TFMI-2c was less efficient.
rMASP-2 (KI = 185 nM).
    All TFMI-2 variants are potent, low                  LP inhibitory potencies of the TFMI-2
nanomolar inhibitors of hMASP-2 with 50-940-          variants were characterized in various C3 and
fold higher affinities towards the enzyme than        C4 deposition assays using diluted NHS
TFPI1 D2. As expected, TFMI-2a has the highest
affinity (KI = 2.0 nM) and it is 3-fold more potent      In ELISA tests using diluted NHS, we
than SGMI-2, our previous best compound (24).         measured both C3 and C4 deposition on mannan-
Substituting P3 Phe with Pro in TFMI-2b resulted      coated, and C4 deposition on acetylated BSA
in a 7.9 nM KI (4-fold affinity reduction), while     (AcBSA)-coated surfaces. We found that TFMI-2
the introduction of Val at P3 in TFMI-2c resulted     variants are efficient LP inhibitors both in MBL-
in a 36.7 nM KI value (18-fold affinity drop).        dependent and ficolin-dependent assays (Figure

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Importantly, TFPI1 D2 and the TFMI-2 variants         3A-C. Table 2.) with IC50 values in the 11-406 nM
have no, or negligible inhibitory effect on           range. Just like in the Wieslab assay, TFMI-2a
hMASP-1 and hMASP-3.                                  and TFMI-2b were more, while TFMI-2c was less
    In accordance with the sequence logos,            potent than SGMI-2 in these tests.
TFMI-2b and TFMI-2c are almost equally potent
rMASP-2 inhibitors with KI values of 7.2 nM and          TFMI-2 variants inhibit C4 deposition driven
7.5 nM, respectively. These values represent a        by pre-activated PRM:MASP complexes
25-fold affinity improvement compared to                  In the above mentioned assays, the inhibitors
TFPI1 D2. On the other hand, TFMI-2a is               were co-incubated with the serum prior to
significantly less potent with a KI value of          transferring the samples on the activator surface.
640 nM. These results show that the hMASP-2-          In contrast, in the first phase of this assay, we
binding consensus P1-P4’ region (RAVKR)               generated activated, surface-bound PRM:MASP
shared in all three TFMI-2 variants is compatible     complexes by incubating 2-fold diluted NHS on
with rMASP-2 inhibition, but as expected, P3 Phe      mannan-coated surface at high ionic strength.
of TFMI-2a is detrimental for binding to the          Under these conditions PRMs attach to the
enzyme causing an almost 100-fold affinity drop.      surface, the MASPs activate, but deposition of C4
We measured that SGMI-2 inhibits rMASP-2              fragments is prevented (23, 38, 39). After washing
with a KI value of 22.7 nM.                           out the unbound components, we added purified
    In all, TFMI-2b and TFMI-2c are 3-fold            C4, pre-incubated with the inhibitors in a
stronger rMASP-2 inhibitors than SGMI-2, and          physiological buffer. The IC50 values obtained for
most importantly, TFMI-2b is an equally potent        SGMI-2 and the three TFMI-2s were between
inhibitor of hMASP-2 and rMASP-2. Based on            423-3574 nM (Figure 3D., Table 2.).
these in vitro data, TFMI-2b can be a suitable            Importantly, all inhibitors, if applied at a high
surrogate of TFMI-2a in subsequent proof of           enough concentration, could completely block C4
concept studies in rats.                              deposition even without pre-incubation with
                                                      MASP-2, demonstrating that these compounds
   TFMI-2 variants are potent and selective           rapidly form stable ternary PRM:MASP-2:
inhibitors of the LP in normal human serum            inhibitor complexes. Interestingly, we found that
(NHS)                                                 in this assay all TFMI-2 variants were superior to
   We characterized the effects of the TFMI-2         SGMI-2.
variants on LP activation in several complement
assays and compared the half maximal inhibitory
concentration (IC50) values to those of SGMI-2.

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TFPI1-based inhibitors inhibit both human and rat MASP-2

   TFMI-2 variants are LP-selective inhibitors           highest final concentration of 36 µM, which is 3-4
in 2-fold diluted NHS and are significantly more         orders of magnitude higher than the KI values of
potent than SGMI-2                                       the inhibitors towards hMASP-2. Even at the
                                                         highest concentration, TFMI-2 variants have no
    We also performed pathway-selective ELISA
                                                         effect in the PT and TT tests (Figure 6A-B.) and
assays in more concentrate, two-fold diluted NHS
                                                         have only a negligible effect in the APTT test
(25) (Figure 4., Table 2.).
                                                         (Figure 6C.).
    In the LP assays we used 100 µg/mL sodium
polyanethole sulfonate (SPS) to selectively              Discussion
suppress the activation of the CP and the AP (40,            Complement LP is a powerful antimicrobial
41) and detected C4 deposition. In this assay, all       mechanism of innate immunity that is important
TFMI-2         variants     were        significantly,   for maintaining immune homeostasis. However,
13.4-35.8-fold more potent than SGMI-2 (Figure           inappropriate or uncontrolled LP activation
4., Table 2.). Interestingly, in this assay TFMI-2b      contributes to several types of IRI. In mice,
was the most potent LP inhibitor with 2-fold             genetic MASP-2 deficiency, or pre-treatment with
lower IC50 than the second best TFMI-2a (Table           MASP-2-inhibitory mAbs were shown to result in
2.).                                                     smaller infarction size in myocardial and
    In the SPS-free CP and AP assays, we applied         gastrointestinal IR injury models (16, 42), and to
inhibitor concentrations that provided up to 90%         reduce neurological deficit and histopathological

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inhibition in the LP assays. In the CP assay, the        lesion after focal cerebral ischemia (18). MAp44
surface was coated with human IgG and deposited          (MAP-1) is an endogenous LP inhibitor, which
C4 was detected. In the AP assay we prevented            binds to the PRMs of the LP and competes off the
the activation of the CP and the LP by using an          MASP enzymes. MAp44 was effective in
EGTA containing buffer free from Ca2+ ions, and          attenuating myocardial IRI (44), and an antibody
measured C3 deposition. The TFMI-2 variants              against MBL, a major PRM of the LP, provided
were completely inactive in these CP and AP              similar effects (44).
assays demonstrating that TFMI-2s are efficient              In humans, MBL deficiency is associated with
and LP-specific inhibitors even at high serum            smaller infarction size and favorable outcome
concentration (Figure 4.).                               after ischemic stroke (45). Moreover,
                                                         consumption of ficolin-2 (46) and activation of
   TFMI-2b inhibits the LP in rat serum                  MASP-2, both suggesting LP contribution, were
    We performed LP ELISA tests on mannan-               also observed in myocardial IRI (47). A
coated plates with diluted individual sera of            comprehensive recent summary of the field is
Wistar rats. We detected the deposition of C3, C4        available in the review of Panagiotou et al (48).
or the terminal complement antigen C5b-9 in              Although many smaller studies convincingly
three different assays and compared the inhibitory       associated human IRI to uncontrolled LP
potencies of TFMI-2b and SGMI-2 (Figure 5.,              activation, data from IRI-related clinical trials on
Table 3.). TFMI-2b proved to be more efficient           selective LP inhibitors, involving a much larger
than SGMI-2 in all three assays with IC50 values         patient cohort, are still being awaited.
2.2-3.9-fold lower than those of SGMI-2 (Table               In various studies, Schwaeble and co-workers
3.). The IC50 ratios of the two inhibitors are in        demonstrated that MASP-2 deficiency or
agreement with their corresponding KI ratios on          MASP-2 depletion provides significant protection
rMASP-2 (Table 1.). These data demonstrate that          against experimental IRI in cardiac, brain and
TFMI-2b is active in rat serum, which is a               gastrointestinal tissues. In these experiments the
prerequisite for using it as a surrogate of TFMI-2a      authors used MASP-2 KO mice or MASP-2-
in in vivo rat studies.                                  specific ablating antibodies. The administration of
                                                         the mAbs always preceded the experimentally
   TFMI-2 variants do not inhibit blood                  induced ischemia by hours, or even days (16, 18).
coagulation                                              From a therapeutic aspect, requirement for such a
                                                         long pre-treatment with a drug is compatible only
    We tested whether the TFMI-2 variants                with predictable cases of IRI accompanying organ
interfere with the coagulation process in three          transplantation and other scheduled surgeries, or
standard assays, the thrombin time (TT),                 with chronic diseases where sustained MASP-2
prothrombin time (PT) and the activated partial          inhibition is needed. Interestingly, all ongoing
thromboplastin time (APTT). The inhibitors were          clinical trials related to anti-MASP-2 mAb
applied in a fivefold serial dilution reaching a

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TFPI1-based inhibitors inhibit both human and rat MASP-2

(OMS721) initiated by OMEROS target chronic             the LP, while leaving the CP, AP and the common
diseases such as thrombotic microangiopathies           pathway of the CS perfectly intact. This means
(NCT02222545), IgA nephropathy, lupus                   that TFMI-2 variants do not inhibit C1s, C1r,
nephritis, membranous nephropathy and C3                factor D, the C3-convertases C4b2a, C3bBb and
glomerulopathy (NCT02682407), or aHUS                   their related C5-convertases. Demonstrated
(NCT03205995), while targeting acute clinical           pathway-specificity of the TFMI-2s would ensure
conditions such as IRI accompanying myocardial          that while LP activation is temporarily shut down
infarct or stroke have not been reported yet.           for therapeutic purpose, the other two
    In this paper we presented our third-generation     complement pathways would still provide their
small-protein inhibitors, the TFMI-2s that have         vital functions.
been developed via directed evolution of human              Importantly, TFMI-2s completely and
TFPI1 D2 to minimize the risk of immunogenicity         instantaneously inhibit C4 deposition via already
and thereby maximize therapeutic potential.             surface-deposited and pre-activated PRM:MASP
    In terms of fundamental research, these third-      complexes demonstrating that TFMI-2s can
generation      MASP-2       inhibitors   provided      readily form ternary PRM:MASP-2:inhibitor
additional data on how canonical serine                 complexes. This feature should be important for
proteinase inhibitors work. Over 20 years ago,          the treatment of acute IRI, for example in
Laskowski and his co-workers concluded that the         myocardial infarct and stroke.
sequence of the canonical binding loop                      TFMI-2a carries a bulky Phe at the P3

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autonomously determines the specificity and             position, which is optimal for hMASP-2
affinity of serine protease inhibitors (49), i.e. the   inhibition, but deleterious for rMASP-2 binding.
role of the scaffold is indirect (50). They named       Therefore, TFMI-2a is unsuitable for proof of
this phenomenon interscaffolding additivity.            concept studies in rats. As we anticipated such
    Our first two generations of MASP-2                 species-specific incompatibilities, we designed
inhibitors already revealed that inhibitory loop        our set of third-generation MASP-2 inhibitors to
sequences of canonical serine proteinase                contain at least some variants that are equally
inhibitors evolved against the same enzyme can          potent against human and rat MASP-2, in order to
be characteristically scaffold-dependent (23–25).       enable subsequent proof of concept studies.
The      unrelated    third-generation    MASP-2        Indeed, this approach yielded variants, including
inhibitors provided additional evidence that the        TFMI-2b that could serve as surrogates of
sequence of the canonical binding loop does not         TFMI-2a. A suitable surrogate molecule should
autonomously determine specificity and affinity,        resemble the clinical candidate as much as
verifying that interscaffolding additivity is not a     possible with regards to production process,
general phenomenon.                                     impurity profile, affinity and pharmacological
    In a very recent study we used pancreatic           mechanism (52, 53). TFMI-2b, which is a single
digestive proteases, trypsin and chymotrypsin,          point mutant of TFMI-2a, meets these
and two unrelated inhibitors and demonstrated           requirements, and outperforms SGMI-2 in all LP-
that the canonical loop does not act independently      inhibitory tests, both in human and rat serum.
of the scaffold (37). Instead, the loop and the             TFPI1, harbouring TFPI1 D2, the parent
scaffold constitute one inseparable functional unit     molecule of our TFMI-2s, is present in the human
and different parts of the molecules need to be         plasma and is an important regulator of
coevolved to provide stable and highly functional       coagulation. TFPI1 is a potent natural fXa
inhibitors (37). Although directed evolution via        inhibitor (54) via TFPI1 D2 (55, 56) and inhibits
phage display is a powerful tool to develop serine      coagulation assessed by the PT and APTT tests
proteinase inhibitors with novel specificities (51),    (54). Importantly, according to the results of our
grafting an optimized inhibitor loop onto an            PT, TT and APTT tests, TFMI-2s do not inhibit
unrelated scaffold is unlikely to be successful         any of the six coagulation serine proteinases:
(37). These observations should provide valuable        thrombin, fVIIa, fIXa, fXa, fXIa and fXIIa.
information for all those who aim at developing             The first Kunitz domain of TFPI1 has already
novel proteinase inhibitors.                            been utilized in a phage display based drug
    In terms of translational research, our third-      development project that yielded the potent
generation inhibitors have important promising          plasma      kallikrein     inhibitor,   ecallantide
qualities as follows. All tested TFMI-2 variants        (Kalbitor®), which is an FDA-approved drug for
are selective MASP-2 inhibitors and are inactive        the treatment of acute attacks of hereditary
against MASP-1 and MASP-3. They inhibit only            angioedema (57, 58). This demonstrates that in

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TFPI1-based inhibitors inhibit both human and rat MASP-2

vitro evolved Kunitz domain derivatives of TFPI1         Selection and identification of hMASP-2-
are suitable for human therapy. We chose the           and rMASP-2-binding variants
second Kunitz domain of human TFPI1
                                                          Human and rat MASP-2cf (20 µg/mL) were
(TFPI1 D2) as the starting molecule as it had
                                                       immobilized on MaxiSorp (Nunc) plates in
previously been shown to weakly inhibit MASP-2
                                                       200 mM sodium carbonate pH 9.4 at room
(31). The IC50 of recombinant TFPI1 for LP
                                                       temperature for 2 hours. Three selection and
inhibition, even in 100-fold diluted NHS, was
                                                       amplification cycles were performed, and
determined to be 10 µM (31). At the reported
                                                       individual clones from the second and third
2.25 nM plasma concentration of TFPI1 (59) this
                                                       selection cycles were tested for target-binding.
low inhibitory effect is physiologically irrelevant.
                                                       Sequences of 43 unique hMASP-2-binding (Table
On the other hand, the ability of TFPI1 D2 to
                                                       S2.) and 53 unique rMASP-2-binding (Table S3.)
weakly interact with MASP-2 indicated for us,
                                                       clones were determined.
that the molecule could be evolved into an
efficient MASP-2 inhibitor, which turned to be             Sequence logo generation
the case.
    Ecallantide (Kalbitor®) shares considerable           Amino acid frequencies were normalized to
similarity with the TFMI-2 variants and it is          the expected initial codon frequencies in the NNK
repeatedly used to alleviate potentially life-         codon set to eliminate codon bias as described in
threatening angioedema attacks in HAE patients.        (36), and the corresponding sequence logo was

                                                                                                           Downloaded from http://www.jbc.org/ by guest on November 29, 2019
Moreover, its half-life was successfully increased     created by the WebLogo program (64).
by PEGylation.
    This suggests that our TFPI D2 based MASP-2          Construction, expression and purification of
inhibitors could be suitable for acute treatment of    TFPI1 D2 and the TFMI-2 variants
life-threatening disease conditions accompanied            Three TFPI1 D2-based MASP-2 inhibitor
by IRI such as myocardial infarct or stroke.           (TFMI-2) variants were designed. The DNA
Moreover, their serum half-lives could also be         fragment encoding TFPI1 D2 was cloned into a
optimized by standard methods to enable their use      modified pMal p2G phagemid vector. This vector
in chronic diseases and predictable cases of IRI.      was used as template to produce the TFMI-2a
    Animal studies with the compounds to assess        gene by Kunkel mutagenesis (65). The DNA
pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and in vivo         fragments encoding TFMI-2b and TFMI-2c were
efficacy are underway.                                 produced by megaprimer mutagenesis. All
Experimental procedures                                inhibitor genes were cloned into the S100A4
                                                       fusion expression vector described previously
   Recombinant MASP fragments                          (32). Sequence of the gene and the encoded fusion
                                                       protein is shown in Figure S2. Sequences of the
   The three-domain catalytic fragments of             oligonucleotides are shown in Table S1.
hMASP-1, hMASP-2 and hMASP-3 were                          The inhibitors were expressed and purified as
produced as described previously (60–62). These        already described (32). Correct molecular mass
fragments are catalytically equivalent to the full-    values of the inhibitors were confirmed by ESI-
length enzymes (61, 63). rMASP-2cf was                 MS. The concentration of the inhibitor variants
produced similarly to hMASP-2cf (61).                  was determined by titration against active site-
rMASP-2cf starts with Gln298 and ends with             titrated trypsin.
Phe685 according to the sequence of UniProt
entry Q9JJS8 and was produced with an extra               Determination of the equilibrium inhibitory
Met-Thr dipeptide at the N-terminus.                   constants on the MASP enzymes
   Construction of the TFPI1 D2 library                   The experiments were performed based on
                                                       (23). The equilibrium inhibition constant (KI)
   The TFPI1 D2 library was identical to the one       values of TFPI1 D2 and the TFMI-2 variants on
published in (32). The phagemid vector encodes a       human and rat MASP-2cf, hMASP-1cf and
fusion protein consisting of an N-terminal FLAG        hMASP-3cf, and the KI value of SGMI-2 on
tag, TFPI1 D2 flanked by Ser/Gly linkers and the       rMASP-2cf were determined in a 200 µL final
p8 coat protein (Figure S1.). The sequences of the     assay volume in 20 mM HEPES, 145 mM NaCl,
mutagenesis primers are listed in Table S1.            5 mM CaCl2, 0.05% Triton X-100 pH 7.5 buffer
                                                       on 96-well microtiter plates using a BioTek

JBC Papers in Press. Published on April 5, 2019 as Manuscript RA119.008315 The latest version is at ...
TFPI1-based inhibitors inhibit both human and rat MASP-2

Synergy H4 microplate reader. Constant                  DakoCytomation)         diluted    2,000-fold    in
concentrations of the enzymes were co-incubated         TBS/BSA/Ca/T to the plate, which was incubated
with serial dilutions of the inhibitors for 2 hours     for 1 h at 37°C. After washing, horseradish
at room temperature. 250 µM Z-Lys-SBzl                  peroxidase (HRP)-conjugated monoclonal mouse
thioester substrate and 500 µM 5,5’-Dithiobis(2-        anti-rabbit IgG antibody (A1949, Sigma-Aldrich)
nitrobenzoic acid) co-substrate were added and          diluted 40,000-fold in TBS/BSA/Ca/T was added
the residual enzyme activity was measured at            to the wells and the plate was incubated for 30 min
410 nm in at least two parallel experiments.            at 37°C. The plate was washed, and 1 mg/mL
    The KI values were determined using the             o-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride (OPD)
OriginPro software based on the following               chromogenic peroxidase substrate in 50 mM
equation:                                               citrate, 0.1% H2O2 pH 5.0 buffer was added. After
                                                        signal-development (3-5 min) the reaction was
      =      −                                    ,
                                                        stopped by 50 µl/well 1 M H2SO4 and the
   where [E], [E]0 and [I]0 represent the molar         absorbance values were recorded at 490 nm. Four
concentration of the free enzyme, the total             parallels were measured for each data point.
enzyme, and total inhibitor, respectively.
                                                        C4 deposition ELISA with diluted NHS on
   Complement ELISA assays with NHS                     mannan- or AcBSA-coated surfaces
                                                            The assays were performed as in the case of
    All assays were performed using NHS pooled

                                                                                                              Downloaded from http://www.jbc.org/ by guest on November 29, 2019
                                                        C3 deposition from diluted NHS with the
from at least 10 healthy individuals. Photometric       following modifications:
signals were recorded using a PerkinElmer
EnSpire microplate reader. IC50 values were                   i.   plates       were     coated       with
calculated using the OriginPro software. Residual                  10 µg/mL mannan or 50 µg/mL AcBSA
complement activities were plotted as the function           ii.   the dilution of NHS was 60-fold
of the logarithm (log10) of the inhibitor                   iii.   C4 deposition was measured using
concentration and the DoseResp function was                        polyclonal rabbit anti-human C4c
fitted to the data.                                                antibody (Q0369, DakoCytomation) as
                                                                   the primary antibody in 2000-fold
Wieslab tests                                                      dilution on mannan-coated surface and in
   In order to separately test the effect of the                   1000-fold dilution on AcBSA coated
TFMI-2s on the three complement pathways,                          surface.
Wieslab COMPL 300 tests were performed
according to the manufacturer’s protocol with              BSA acetylation was done as described by
some modifications (23). Two parallels were             (40).
measured for each data point.                           C4 deposition ELISA with pre-activated
C3 deposition ELISAs with diluted NHS                   PRM:MASP complexes
   C3 deposition was measured based on (66) and            The assay was performed as described
(23), with some modifications. Greiner high             previously (23, 38, 39).
binding microtiter plates were coated with                 Greiner high binding microtiter plates were
10 µg/mL mannan dissolved in 50 mM sodium               coated with 1 mg/mL mannan in coating buffer.
carbonate pH 9.6 buffer (coating buffer). Wells         Wells were blocked with 20 mM HEPES,
were blocked for 1 h with 1% BSA, 50 mM Tris,           140 mM NaCl, 5 mM EDTA, 0.1% Tween-20
150 mM NaCl, 0.1% Tween-20 pH 7.4 buffer                pH 7.4 buffer (blocking buffer) for 30 minutes at
(TBS/BSA/T) and washed with 50 mM Tris,                 room temperature. The plate was rinsed with
150 mM NaCl, 5 mM CaCl2, 0.1% Tween-20                  20 mM HEPES, 140 mM NaCl, 5 mM CaCl2,
pH 7.4 buffer (TBS/Ca/T). NHS was diluted               0.1% Tween-20 pH 7.4 buffer (washing buffer).
100-fold in 10 mM HEPES, 150 mM NaCl,                   NHS was mixed with 40 mM HEPES, 2 M NaCl,
5 mM CaCl2, 5 mM MgCl2, 0.1% Tween-20                   10 mM CaCl2, 0.1% Tween-20 pH 7.4 buffer in
pH 7.4 buffer (serum dilution buffer) and               1:1 volume ratio and transferred onto the plate,
incubated with serial dilutions of the inhibitors for   which was incubated for 1 h at 37°C. The plate
30 min at room temperature. Samples were                was rinsed with 20 mM HEPES pH 7.4, 1 M
transferred onto the plate and incubated for            NaCl, 5 mM CaCl2, 0.1% Tween-20 buffer and
30 min at 37 °C. The plate was rinsed with              then with washing buffer. Serial dilutions of the
TBS/Ca/T followed by applying polyclonal rabbit         inhibitors were made in serum dilution buffer
anti-human       C3c        antibody        (A0062,     containing 1 µg/mL C4 α-chain. The samples

JBC Papers in Press. Published on April 5, 2019 as Manuscript RA119.008315 The latest version is at ...
TFPI1-based inhibitors inhibit both human and rat MASP-2

were applied to the plate and incubated for 1 h at       iv.   C3 deposition was measured using
37°C. The plate was rinsed with blocking buffer                polyclonal rabbit anti-human C3c
and polyclonal rabbit anti-human C4c antibody                  antibody (A0062, DakoCytomation) in
diluted 1000-fold in blocking buffer was added to              5000-fold dilution
the wells and the plate was incubated for 1 h at
                                                        Two parallels were measured for each data
37°C. After washing with blocking buffer, HRP-
conjugated monoclonal mouse anti-rabbit IgG
antibody diluted 40,000-fold in blocking buffer           Complement ELISA assays with rat serum
was added and the plate was incubated for 30 min
at 37°C. The plate was rinsed with washing              Individual sera of Wistar rats were used in
buffer, and 1 mg/mL OPD in 50 mM citrate, 0.1%       these experiments.
H2O2 pH 5.0 buffer was added to the wells. After     C3 deposition ELISA assay with diluted rat
signal development (3-5 min) the reaction was        serum
stopped by adding 50 µl/well 1 M H2SO4, and the         The assay was performed similarly to the C3
absorbance values were recorded at 490 nm. Four      deposition assay with diluted NHS, but rat serum
parallels were measured for each data point.         was used in 70-fold dilution. The polyclonal
Pathway-selective complement ELISA assays            rabbit anti–human C3c antibody recognizes the
using two-fold diluted serum                         deposited rat C3 fragments and it was used as
                                                     primary antibody in 2000-fold dilution.

                                                                                                           Downloaded from http://www.jbc.org/ by guest on November 29, 2019
   The assays were carried out based on (25).
Lectin pathway                                       C4 deposition ELISA assay with diluted rat
   Microtiter plates were coated with 10 µg/mL       serum
mannan in coating buffer overnight at 4°C. The          The assay was performed on mannan-coated
wells were blocked with TBS/BSA/T. NHS was           ELISA plates similarly to the C4 deposition assay
mixed in 1:1 ratio with serial dilutions of the      with diluted NHS, but rat serum was used in
inhibitors made in 2-fold concentrate serum          60-fold dilution. The polyclonal rabbit
dilution buffer. The samples contained SPS at        anti-human C4c antibody recognizes the
100 µg/mL final concentration (40, 41). The          deposited rat C4 fragments and it was used as
serum:inhibitor samples were incubated for           primary antibody in 2000-fold dilution.
30 min at room temperature. The plate was rinsed
with TBS/Ca/T, the samples were applied to the       C5b-9 deposition ELISA assay with diluted rat
plate which was incubated for 30 min at 37°C. C4     serum
deposition was measured as described above               The assay was performed similarly to the C3
using polyclonal rabbit anti-human C4c antibody      deposition assay with diluted NHS, but rat serum
in 5000-fold dilution. Four parallels were           was used in 50-fold dilution. Monoclonal mouse
measured for each data point.                        anti-rat C5b-9 antibody (sc-66190, Santa Cruz)
Classical pathway                                    was used as primary antibody in 1000-fold
   The assays were performed as in the case of       dilution and peroxidase conjugated anti-mouse
the LP measurement with the following                polyclonal antibody (AP308P, Merck) was used
modifications:                                       as secondary antibody in 3000-fold dilution.
   i.   plates were coated with 10 µg/mL human            Blood coagulation assays
  ii.   SPS was omitted from the buffers                 The effect of TFMI-2 variants on blood
                                                     coagulation was tested in three standard assays,
   Two parallels were measured for each data         the TT, testing any direct effects on thrombin; PT,
point.                                               testing any effects on the extrinsic pathway; and
Alternative pathway                                  the APTT, testing any effects on the intrinsic
   The assays were performed as in the case of       pathway. Blood was collected from a healthy
the LP measurements with the following               individual by vein puncture after informed
modifications:                                       consent. The blood was treated with sodium-
   i.   plates were coated with 10 µg/mL             citrate (3.8% w/v) and centrifuged. All three
        Salmonella lipopolysaccharide                assays were performed on an automated CA-1500
  ii.   serum dilution buffer lacked CaCl2 and       instrument (Sysmex) with Innovin reagent (Dale
        was supplemented with 10 mM EGTA             Behring, Marburg, Germany).
 iii.   SPS was omitted from the buffers

JBC Papers in Press. Published on April 5, 2019 as Manuscript RA119.008315 The latest version is at ...
Acknowledgements: The authors are grateful to Professor Miklós Sahin-Tóth and Dr. Sándor Farkas
for critical reading of the manuscript and for their highly valuable suggestions. The authors also thank
Ms. Júlia Balczer for purifying human and rat MASP-2cf and Dr. József Dobó for providing hMASP-1cf
and hMASP-3cf. This work was supported by the National Research, Development and Innovation
Office (Hungarian Scientific Research Fund) grants K119374 and K119386; by the European Union
and the State of Hungary and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund within the
project VEKOP-2.3.2-16-2017-00014; as well as by the National Development Agency Grant KMOP-
Conflict of interest: Dávid Szakács, Péter Gál and Gábor Pál are inventors on the patent application
WO2018127719A3 filed by EvolVeritas Biotechnology Ltd for the TFMI inhibitors. Gábor Pál is a
CEO of EvolVeritas Biotechnology Ltd.

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