Host association drives genetic divergence in the bed bug, Cimex lectularius
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Molecular Ecology (2015) 24, 980–992 doi: 10.1111/mec.13086 Host association drives genetic divergence in the bed bug, Cimex lectularius WARREN BOOTH,*1 ONDR E J B A L V I N , † ‡ 1 E D W A R D L . V A R G O , § ¶ J I T K A V I L I M O V A † and C O B Y SCHAL§ *Department of Biological Sciences, The University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK 74104, USA, †Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Vinicna 7, 128 44, Prague 2, Czech Republic, ‡Department of Ecology, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Kamycka 129, 165 21, Prague 6, Czech Republic, §Department of Entomology and W.M. Keck Center for Behavioral Biology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695, U.S.A Abstract Genetic differentiation may exist among sympatric populations of a species due to long-term associations with alternative hosts (i.e. host-associated differentiation). While host-associated differentiation has been documented in several phytophagus insects, there are far fewer cases known in animal parasites. The bed bug, Cimex lectu- larius, a wingless insect, represents a potential model organism for elucidating the pro- cesses involved in host-associated differentiation in animal parasites with relatively limited mobility. In conjunction with the expansion of modern humans from Africa into Eurasia, it has been speculated that bed bugs extended their host range from bats to humans in their shared cave domiciles throughout Eurasia. C. lectularius that associ- ate with humans have a cosmopolitan distribution, whereas those associated with bats occur across Europe, often in human-built structures. We assessed genetic structure and gene flow within and among populations collected in association with each host using mtDNA, microsatellite loci and knock-down resistance gene variants. Both nuclear and mitochondrial data support a lack of significant contemporary gene flow between host-specific populations. Within locations human-associated bed bug popula- tions exhibit limited genetic diversity and elevated levels of inbreeding, likely due to human-mediated movement, infrequent additional introduction events per infestation, and pest control. In contrast, populations within bat roosts exhibit higher genetic diversity and lower levels of relatedness, suggesting populations are stable with tem- poral fluctuations due to host dispersal and bug mortality. In concert with previously published evidence of morphological and behavioural differentiation, the genetic data presented here suggest C. lectularius is currently undergoing lineage divergence through host association. Keywords: ancestral host species, Cimicidae, host-associated differentiation, host–parasite, spe- ciation Received 3 November 2014; revision received 5 January 2015; accepted 15 January 2015 Parasitic organisms are particularly informative, with Introduction speciation events potentially driven through the devel- Discerning modes of speciation is a keystone in under- opment of reproductive barriers between populations standing biodiversity and mechanisms of evolution. associated with alternative host organisms, that is allo- xenic speciation (Mehlhorn 2008). This mode of specia- Correspondence: Warren Booth, Fax: +918 631 2762; tion likely stems from local adaptations of the parasite E-mail: and shifts in its host specificity (Poulin 2007). Local eco- ¶Present address: Department of Entomology, 2143 TAMU, logical adaptation and differentiation can lead to the for- Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, 77843-2143, USA 1 These authors contributed equally. mation of host races within a species and is considered © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
H O S T - A S S O C I A T E D D I F F E R E N T I A T I O N I N T H E B E D B U G 981 a major route for sympatric speciation (Coyne & Orr changes associated with sensory, feeding and dispersal 2004). Host races are defined by groups within a species needs. Only a single mitochondrial haplotype was shared that (i) use different hosts and exhibit host fidelity; (ii) between human- and bat-associated bed bugs from a total coexist in sympatry; (iii) feature genetic differentiation of 20 different haplotypes identified (14 from bats, 7 from at more than one locus; (iv) exhibit a correlation humans). Limitations associated with divergence dates between host choice and mate choice; and (v) feature based solely upon molecular data notwithstanding (Arbo- some level of mutual gene flow (Dres & Mallet 2002). gast et al. 2002), Balvın et al. (2012a) proposed that the two Because members of host races are in general more fit lineages diverged approximately 245 000 years ago (95% on natal hosts than on alternative hosts, and they pro- confidence interval 98 696 to 866 522 years ago). Even in duce hybrids with reduced fitness, an eventual disconti- situations where humans and bats could reside in the same nuity in gene flow caused by physical isolation or building, the two bed bug populations appear to maintain assortative mating may lead to incipient speciation. host fidelity and thus lineage divergence. This is supported Often reported in phytophagous organisms [e.g. (Feder by a recent transplant experiment in which C. lectularius et al. 1988; Dres & Mallet 2002)], a paucity of examples collected from humans or bats fed less frequently and had describing host-associated differentiation and the emer- higher mortality on the non-natal host (Wawrocka & Bar- gence of host races exists among animal parasites tonicka 2013). While mtDNA has proved valuable in (Marchetti et al. 1998; Als et al. 2002; McCoy et al. 2003; revealing ancestral associations (Avise 2000), it often lacks Kempf et al. 2009, 2011). Recently however, based upon the resolution to inform us of contemporary gene flow and mitochondrial DNA sequences and morphological and fine-scale genetic structure. Variation at nuclear DNA loci, behavioural differences, host-associated lineages were on the other hand, can be a more powerful means for suggested to have developed in a geographically wide- detecting population structure and gene flow. spread human pest, the bed bug Cimex lectularius Divergent selection pressures on bat- and human-asso- (Balvın et al. 2012a; Wawrocka & Bartonicka 2013). ciated C. lectularius should also lead to polymorphisms Cimex lectularius is a member of the family Cimicidae, at selected loci, depending on the extent of contemporary a speciose group of obligate blood-feeding insects gene flow between the two lineages. Because human- (Usinger 1966; Henry 2009). They spend most of their associated bed bugs are extensively treated with insecti- time in the shelter of the host and feed directly on the cides, whereas bat-associated bugs are not, genes that host (Usinger 1966; Bartonicka & R uzickova 2013). confer resistance to insecticides should differentiate Lacking wings, active dispersal appears limited to between the two lineages and serve as signatures of line- within buildings, and passive host-mediated dispersal age divergence. Certain mutations in the voltage-gated likely shapes dispersal patterns (Balvın et al. 2012b; sodium channel, which result in knock-down resistance Booth et al. 2012; Saenz et al. 2012; Fountain et al. 2014). (kdr) and thus reduced sensitivity to DDT and pyrethroid Bats are considered the ancestral zoophilic host of insecticides (Yoon et al. 2008; Zhu et al. 2010), are C. lectularius (Horvath 1913), and the documented asso- expected to be widespread among human-associated ciation of bed bugs with humans dates back to ancient bed bugs – as shown in the United States (Zhu et al. Egypt (Panagiotakopulu & Buckland 1999). But the 2010) – and absent in C. lectularius associated with bats. association with humans likely is much more ancient, In the present study, we assess contemporary gene going back to the time when humans and bats sheltered flow and examine the degree of genetic differentiation together in caves (Usinger 1966). Common prior to of C. lectularius populations associated with bats and WWII, C. lectularius was nearly eradicated in developed humans using three classes of genetic markers: micro- countries during the 1940s and 1950s due to the wide- satellites, mtDNA sequence data and kdr haplotypes. spread use of DDT and other control measures (Boase Our findings demonstrate that two host-associated lin- 2001). However, in recent years, an unprecedented glo- eages exist and experience little contemporary gene bal resurgence has occurred, likely facilitated by the flow, despite a lack of ecological barriers. We conclude evolution of insecticide resistance, increased national that there are two genetically divergent host-associated and international travel, global commerce, and local races of C. lectularius which may represent an early proliferation of thrift and second-hand shops [e.g. stage in sympatric speciation. (Pinto et al. 2007; Zhu et al. 2010)]. A recent study by Balvın et al. (2012a) based on mtDNA Materials and methods and morphometric analyses suggested considerable genetic and morphological divergence exists between European Sample collection and DNA extraction C. lectularius associated with humans and those collected within the roosts of synanthropic bats. Morphological dif- A total of 756 individual C. lectularius were collected ferences suggest adaptation to alternative hosts, mainly from human dwellings (n = 569 specimens from 66 © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
982 W . B O O T H E T A L . locations, in 9 countries) and bat roosts (n = 187 speci- using CodonCode Aligner 3.0 (CodonCode Corpora- mens from 37 locations, in 9 countries), across 13 Euro- tion). We scored sequences at two locations known to pean countries (Table S1, Supporting information). All be associated with kdr resistance: amino acid 419 (wild of the bat roosts sampled were within the attics of type, GTC = valine; mutation, CTC = leucine) and human-built structures. Specimens were preserved in amino acid 925 (wild type, CTT = leucine; mutation, 96% ethanol. Genomic DNA was extracted from half of ATT = isoleucine) (Table S1, Supporting information). the thorax and legs of individual insects using the Heterozygotes were identified through the presence of DNeasy Blood & Tissue kit (Qiagen) and then stored at overlapping peaks at each specific nucleotide. 18°C prior to use. Microsatellite DNA genotyping and analyses MtDNA sequencing and population-genetic analyses Depending on the analysis, samples were divided into A 658-bp fragment of the cytochrome oxidase subunit I two groups: (i) all specimens and (ii) sites containing ≥7 (COI) gene was amplified in 372 specimens represent- specimens (human dwellings: n = 55 locations, 525 total ing all 103 locations (Table S1; Fig. S1, Supporting infor- specimens; bat roosts: n = 14 locations, 130 total speci- mation), using barcoding primers LepF (50 -ATT CAA mens) (Table S1, Supporting information). Samples CCA ATC ATA AAG ATA TNG G-30 ) and LepR (50 - were genotyped at 20 polymorphic microsatellite loci TAW ACT TCW GGR TGT CCR AAR AAT CA-30 ) (BB6B, BB15B, BB28B, BB31B, BB38B, BB42B, Clec6, (modified from Hajibabaei et al. 2006). Additionally, a Clec10, Clec11, Clec15, Clec37, Clec45, Clec48, Clec90, 382-bp fragment of the 16S rRNA gene was amplified Clec91, Clec96, Clec97, Clec98, Clec99 and Clec104), fol- using primers LR-J-13007 and LR-N-13398, according to lowing protocols outlined by Booth et al. (2012). Szalanski et al. (2008). PCR protocols and bidirectional Prior to population-genetic analysis, MICRO-CHECKER sequencing of PCR products followed those outlined in version 2.2.3 software (Van Oosterhout et al. 2004) was Balvın et al. (2012a). Sequence alignments were per- used to assess the presence of null alleles, scoring error, formed using MAFFT (Katoh et al. 2009). As no incon- or large-allele dropout across loci. Summary statistics gruence between the two studied genes was detected (mean number of alleles, observed heterozygosity) were following a partition homogeneity test (Farris et al. calculated using Genetic Data Analysis (GDA) software 1995) using PAUP* (Swofford 1999), concatenated align- (Lewis & Zaykin 2001). Hardy–Weinberg exact tests ment of both mtDNA fragments (total 1040 bp) was were performed using GENEPOP version 4.0 (Raymond & used for further analyses. A median-joining network Rousset 1995; Rousset 2008). Bonferroni correction for was constructed, following the algorithm of Bandelt multiple tests was applied. The latter two tests were et al. (1999) and the rationale of Huson et al. (2010), in performed on samples for which ≥7 specimens were Network 4.516 (, accessed available, with each specimen being genotyped. on 28 May 2013), using default parameters of the pro- To examine potential genetic structuring between gram to visualize the data. hosts and/or locations, the Bayesian clustering algo- rithm implemented in STRUCTURE version 2.2.3 (Pritchard et al. 2000) was performed. Under this method, individ- Knock-down resistance: partial sequence of the sodium uals are probabilistically assigned to a given genetic channel gene cluster (K) based on the proportion of their genome that Partial or complete kdr genotypes were determined matches that cluster. To determine the true K-value, DK across 19 bat-associated and 49 human-associated bed (Evanno et al. 2005) was implemented. Because of high bug collections, that is locations from which ≥3 speci- relatedness of individuals within locations [a conse- mens were available (Table S1; Fig S2, Supporting infor- quence of the population establishment process, see mation). The methodology followed that outlined by Booth et al. (2012)], single specimens from each location Zhu et al. (2010). Fragments were amplified in three were used for STRUCTURE analysis to avoid overestima- individuals from each collection site and PCR products tion of the true K-value (Vonholdt et al. 2010). STRUCTURE mixed according to the intensity of bands on 2% aga- was initially run to determine whether host association rose electrophoresis gels (1x TBE). The PCR products influenced genetic structure. STRUCTURE analysis was per- were purified using QIAquickâ PCR Purification Kit formed using the admixture model with allele frequen- (Qiagen) and sequenced using a BigDyeâ Terminator cies correlated. Runs were based on 200 000 iterations v3.1 Cycle Sequencing Kit (Applied Biosystems) on an after an initial 50 000 burn-in period of the Markov ABI PRISMâ 3100-Avant Genetic Analyzer (Applied chain. K was set to from 1 to 5 to account for both Biosystems) or through a commercial sequencing ser- host races and then additional clusters to accommod- vice (Macrogen Inc.). Chromatograms were aligned ate further substructure that might exist. Each run was © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
H O S T - A S S O C I A T E D D I F F E R E N T I A T I O N I N T H E B E D B U G 983 replicated three times to check for concordance of the Review), evident in both COI and 16S genes. No signifi- data. DK was determined using the STRUCTURE HARVESTER cant sequence homology was found following a BLAST version 0.56.3 software (Earl et al. 2011). Following the search of the primers or the amplified products against identification of K, 10 independent runs were then per- the bed bug genome (NCBI BioProject PRJNA167477) formed at that optimal DK value. Pr matrices generated (performed on 23 September 2014); thus, sequence during each replication run were aligned using the pro- ambiguities were not considered to result from NUMTs. gram CLUMPP version 1.1.1 (Jakobsson & Rosenberg Ambiguous sequences were therefore excluded from 2007) under the GREEDY algorithm with 10 000 ran- further analysis. On the basis of 28 variable sites in COI dom permutations. Following the detection of division and nine in 16S, we resolved 24 haplotypes (Table 1). based on host species (see Results), STRUCTURE was rerun Evaluation of the distribution of haplotypes between within each to detect further population subdivision. human and bat hosts revealed 15 haplotypes present Parameters followed those described earlier, with K set within individuals collected from bat roosts and 11 from 1 to 10. A factorial correspondence analysis (FCA), within human-associated individual bed bugs. The as implemented in the program GENETIX v4.05.2 (Belkhir resulting haplotype network (Fig. 2) revealed two major et al. 1999), was used to further examine the degree of haplogroups: one of bat-associated bed bugs and one of population substructuring among both host species. human-associated bed bugs. Only two haplotypes (H13 Based on the DK value of 2, genetic boundaries and H16) appeared ‘misplaced’ in the alternate haplo- between host clusters were determined using GENELAND group, and only two haplotypes within the human ha- (Guillot et al. 2005). The Bayesian algorithm imple- plogroup (H2, H25) were shared between collections mented in the software is based on a geographically from bats and humans. constrained model that takes into consideration the spa- tial location of individuals screened for a number of mi- Knock-down resistance haplotype variation crosatellite loci. The inference algorithm for the spatial model was run with the following parameters: (i) num- Complete kdr genotypes were available for 13 bat-asso- ber of populations set to 2; (ii) number of itera- ciated collections, with additional six collections failing tions = 100 000; (iii) thinning = 100; (iv) uncertainty of to amplify an unambiguous PCR product at the 419 coordinate = 0.1; and (v) correlated allele frequency region for sequencing, despite several attempts. All 13 model. Consistency of resulting inference was checked bat-associated collections exhibited the wild-type form by comparing parameter estimates from 20 independent (GTC = valine) at amino acid 419, and also the wild- runs of GENELAND. Single specimens randomly chosen type form (CTT = leucine) at amino acid 925 (Table S1, from each population were used in this analysis. Supporting information). From the human-associated Following the determination of the most likely K- collections, a single location exhibited the mutant form value, overall and pairwise FST [h analogue: (Weir & at amino acid 419 (CTC = leucine), whereas the remain- Cockerham 1984)] and relatedness (r) were calculated in ing 48 possessed the wild-type form. At amino acid FSTAT v. (Goudet 1995). Only locations consisting 925, however, 45 (92%) exhibited the mutant form of ≥7 individuals were used in these analyses. To test (ATT = isoleucine), two exhibited the wild-type form, for the presence of private alleles among bat- and and two revealed overlapping peaks at this region for human-associated bed bugs, GDA software (Lewis & both the mutant and the wild-type form, thus informing Zaykin 2001) was used employing all samples. us that these had a mix of wild-type and mutant speci- mens within single populations and/or heterozygous individuals (Table S1, Supporting information). Results Mitochondrial network analysis Population-genetic structure and differentiation across Europe In total, unambiguous sequences from 99 human-associ- ated specimens across 48 localities and 115 bat-associ- Across the 20 polymorphic microsatellite loci screened, ated specimens from 29 bat roosts were analysed no evidence was found to support the presence of null (Fig. 1; Table S1, Supporting information). This repre- alleles, scoring error, or large-allele dropout within the sents 57.5% of total samples sequenced. The remaining data set. Allelic diversity across all samples ranged 42.5% of samples (representing 21.6% of all bat-associ- from 2 to 29 per locus (mean, 12.25) with observed het- ated samples and 28.8% of all human-associated erozygosity from 0.048 to 0.276 (mean, 0.166) (Table 2). samples) revealed ambiguous nucleotide positions, con- Splitting samples by host association revealed greater sistent with mitochondrial heteroplasmy (G. A. Robison, allelic diversity and mean observed heterozygosity O. Balvin, E. L. Vargo, C. Schal & W. Booth, Under within the bat-associated samples [bat: 2–26 (mean © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
984 W . B O O T H E T A L . Fig. 1 Sampling locations for C. lectular- 60 N O ius. Brown (dark) icons represent human- associated samples; blue (light) icons represent bat-associated samples. Circles Bat-associated (
Table 1 Haplotypes and polymorphic sites of mtDNA COI/16S concatenated sequences of Cimex lectularius collected from two alternative hosts (human or bat) Nucleotide positions COI 16S Haplotype Host Accession # Accession # 25 34 37 112 244 265 277 289 293 302 322 331 343 346 352 367 391 433 442 475 481 493 H2 Bat/ GU985525.1 KJ937974 A T G T C T C G G A G G C C G C G A C G A A Human H3 Bat GU985526.1 KJ937969 A C T H4 Bat KJ937979 KJ937969 A C T © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd H6 Human GU985526.1 KJ937974 T H7 Bat GU985526.1 KJ937971 A C T H8 Bat KJ937983 KJ937969 A T H10 Bat KJ937980 KJ937969 A C T A H11 Human KJ937988 KJ937976 A A T A H13 Human KJ937989 KJ937969 A A G H14 Human GU985523.1 KJ937975 A A H15 Bat KJ937986 KJ937969 G A T H16 Bat KJ937987 KJ937968 C A T A H17 Bat KJ937980 KJ937970 A C T A H18 Bat GU985526.1 KJ937972 A C T H19 Bat KJ937985 KJ937969 A T T H22 Human KJ937990 KJ937974 G H23 Bat KJ937981 KJ937969 A C T H24 Bat GU985526.1 KJ937973 A C T H25 Bat/ GU985525.1 KJ937977 Human H26 Human KJ937991 KJ937974 T G G H28 Human KJ937984 KJ937978 A C A A T T A A H35 Human KJ937992 KJ937974 G G H36 Human GU985525.1 KJ937968 H37 Bat KJ937982 KJ937969 A T Nucleotide positions Haplotype Host COI Accession # 16S Accession # 511 536 547 595 625 628 680 843 848 849 883 903 932 1007 1008 H2 Bat/Human GU985525.1 KJ937974 A C T T G G A G C A C G G G A H3 Bat GU985526.1 KJ937969 C A G A H4 Bat KJ937979 KJ937969 C A A G A H6 Human GU985526.1 KJ937974 H7 Bat GU985526.1 KJ937971 C A G A T H8 Bat KJ937983 KJ937969 G A H10 Bat KJ937980 KJ937969 C A G A H11 Human KJ937988 KJ937976 T A H O S T - A S S O C I A T E D D I F F E R E N T I A T I O N I N T H E B E D B U G 985
986 W . B O O T H E T A L . host species; all three genetic marker classes screened 1008 G support this conclusion, as does a previous morphomet- ric analysis (Balvın et al. 2012a). The mtDNA network 1007 appears essentially identical to that of Balvın et al. A (2012a), showing two partially overlapping clades with bed bugs separated by host race (Fig. 2). In addition to 932 the shared haplotype (H2) reported by Balvın et al. (2012a), we identified a second shared haplotype (H25), 903 A A differing from H2 at a single nucleotide. STRUCTURE (Fig. 3) and FCA (Fig. 4) analyses of microsatellite data 883 support our conclusion that contemporary gene flow T between the host races is negligible. Geographic isola- 849 tion can be excluded as a factor promoting reproductive G G segregation given the broad geographic overlap of sam- 848 ples collected (Figs 1, S3, Supporting information). When no a priori information was considered (i.e. host type or geographic location), samples clustered prefer- 843 A A A A A A A A entially by host association, with two exceptions. These exceptions were human-associated bed bugs that 680 G G G G G G G G G G G aligned with the bat-associated cluster with greater than 60% genetic affiliation (Fig. 3). These samples shared 628 A A A A A mtDNA haplotype H2, one of two found commonly in both bat- and human-associated C. lectularius. Addition- 625 ally, one sample exhibited a mixed kdr haplotype with A profiles found primarily in association with bats, and 595 the other in association with humans. These infrequent C C C C C C exceptions to host race differentiation may represent Nucleotide positions 547 evidence of recent introgression, ancestrally shared C alleles, homoplasy, or quite possibly incorrect assign- ment of dispersing bed bugs to the proper host. Regard- 536 T less, it appears that C. lectularius parasitizing humans are following an evolutionary trajectory essentially 511 G independent of those found to parasitize sympatric bats. 16S Accession # The genetic data presented here lend support to the hypothesis that the ancestral host of C. lectularius was KJ937969 KJ937975 KJ937969 KJ937968 KJ937970 KJ937972 KJ937969 KJ937974 KJ937969 KJ937973 KJ937977 KJ937974 KJ937978 KJ937974 KJ937968 KJ937969 bats, with one or more human lineages diverging fol- lowing the movement of humans out of shared cave domiciles (Usinger 1966). Subsequent divergence of the founding human-associated populations can be rein- COI Accession # forced through selection for specialization on humans, GU985523.1 GU985526.1 GU985526.1 GU985525.1 GU985525.1 as suggested for triatomine bugs (Schofield et al. 1999). KJ937989 KJ937986 KJ937987 KJ937980 KJ937985 KJ937990 KJ937981 KJ937991 KJ937984 KJ937992 KJ937982 Significantly greater allelic diversity was observed in the bat-associated populations, despite the larger sam- ple size of the human-associated populations. Bed bugs derived from bat roosts were also found to have Bat/Human approximately 2.7 times more private alleles than Human Human Human Human Human Human Human bugs associated with humans. Combined, these results Host suggest an ancestral genetic bottleneck in the human- Table 1 Continued Bat Bat Bat Bat Bat Bat Bat Bat associated lineage, which might be expected follow- ing divergence of a small founder population during Haplotype host transition (Mayr 1963). Indeed, recent independ- ent genetic analyses of human-associated C. lectularius H13 H14 H15 H16 H17 H18 H19 H22 H23 H24 H25 H26 H28 H35 H36 H37 populations in the United States and United Kingdom © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
H O S T - A S S O C I A T E D D I F F E R E N T I A T I O N I N T H E B E D B U G 987 Fig. 2 Haplotype network of human- and Human-associated bat-associated bed bug samples based on H16 H28 Bat-associated concatenated mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I and 16S rRNA gene sequences (total length 1040 bp). H13 H11 H14 H24 H17 H10 H18 H22 H4 H35 H3 H37 H8 H36 H2 H23 H7 H15 H19 H25 H6 H26 support the idea that infestations are founded by small reported (Booth et al. 2012; Saenz et al. 2012), related- propagules (Saenz et al. 2012; Fountain et al. 2014). ness estimates suggest significant inbreeding events are Thus, when viewed in the context of a host shift, the common in C. lectularius; however, the greater allelic isolation of a small founding propagule during the emi- diversity present within bat-associated populations gration of humans from caves that they co-inhabited results in lower relatedness values within this group. with bats might be expected to produce such a pattern. Results from screening kdr-associated mutations pro- In addition to the genetic divergence observed vide a somewhat contrasting picture to that previously between host-associated lineages, our data provide a reported in human-associated C. lectularius. Approxi- contrasting picture regarding infestation dynamics of mately 85% of C. lectularius samples collected across the the two host races in Europe. From European human- east coast and south-central United States were found associated bed bugs, we see complementary patterns to to possess either one or both of the kdr target-site muta- those reported in the United States – four or fewer tions [haplotypes B, C and D according to (Zhu et al. alleles per microsatellite locus – suggesting population 2010)]. Similarly, 95.9% of bed bugs we collected from establishment through the introduction of a single male human-associated populations in Europe possessed and single female, singly mated female, or highly either one or both of the kdr mutations, with haplotype related and inbred individuals (Booth et al. 2012; Saenz B also the most common (wild-type valine at position et al. 2012; Fountain et al. 2014). Only a single sample 419, leucine to isoleucine mutation at position 925). Bed (1.81%) exhibited more than four alleles (five alleles at a bugs possessing both mutations (haplotype C) appear single locus). Bat-associated C. lectularius, in contrast, underrepresented in the European samples (2%) com- exhibited ≥4 alleles at several loci in 64.3% of sampled pared to US samples [41%, (Zhu et al. 2010)]. Intrigu- locations (9 of 14). The genetically depauperate nature ingly, all bat lineages of C. lectularius exhibited wild- of the human-associated populations may also provide type amino acids at both positions (haplotype A), which insight into the stability of bed bug populations. Popu- is exceptionally rare among human-associated popula- lation establishment, high population turnover and tions in the United States and in our human-associated extinction events are expected to be common with little European samples. Extensive use of DDT and pyrethroid opportunity for population admixture, likely due to insecticides within human-built structures was likely human-mediated movement and frequent interventions selected for kdr mutations (Usinger 1966; Snetsinger through pest control. Thus, human-associated bed bugs 1997), thus supporting a lack of contemporary gene flow appear to live in highly structured metapopulations. In between these two host races over the last ~60 years. contrast, C. lectularius populations within bat roosts These results are consistent with the hypothesis that may be expected to be more stable, albeit with temporal the kdr haplotype observed in bat-associated samples fluctuations due to weather events, bug mortality and represents the natural, ancestral haplotype, whereas host dispersal, with multiple introduction events result- the human-associated haplotype has been subject to ing from the latter. Similar to what has previously been anthropogenic selection with synthetic insecticides. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
988 W . B O O T H E T A L . Table 2 Host-associated locus summary statistics Number of alleles Observed heterozygosity Bat Human Locus All Observed Unique Observed Unique All Bat Human BB28B 23 20 8 15 3 0.203 0.43 0.147 BB38B 9 8 3 6 1 0.170 0.288 0.140 BB31B 24 21 11 13 3 0.229 0.466 0.168 Clec11 6 5 2 4 1 0.235 0.359 0.204 Clec6 2 2 0 2 0 0.048 0.023 0.054 BB42B 20 16 8 12 4 0.227 0.393 0.184 Clec37 8 8 3 5 0 0.156 0.389 0.097 BB15B 29 26 13 16 3 0.191 0.45 0.121 Clec48 3 3 1 2 0 0.098 0.383 0.025 Clec45 3 2 0 3 1 0.095 0.142 0.083 Clec90 12 10 5 7 2 0.201 0.200 0.202 Clec91 11 8 2 9 3 0.102 0.111 0.100 Clec96 14 11 7 7 3 0.142 0.358 0.084 Clec97 8 8 3 5 0 0.197 0.275 0.180 Clec98 14 12 7 7 2 0.220 0.396 0.175 Clec99 8 4 0 8 4 0.203 0.168 0.203 Clec104 13 11 6 7 2 0.092 0.297 0.040 Clec105 20 19 12 8 1 0.276 0.477 0.225 BB6B 16 14 4 12 2 0.111 0.197 0.089 Clec15 2 2 0 2 0 0.121 0.318 0.069 Mean 12.25 10.5 4.75 7.5 1.75 0.166 0.306 0.13 Additionally, our results may shed light on the current strellus (Bartonicka & Gaisler 2007; Bartonicka & global resurgence of C. lectularius among humans. The Ru zickov a 2012, 2013). In human-associated bed bug, kdr profiles of the European populations were different no geographic structure was evident. This lack of struc- from those in the United States, and thus, it is possible ture within C. lectularius derived from human dwellings that neither population serves as a significant contempo- has previously been reported in samples collected in rary source for the other. the eastern USA (Saenz et al. 2012) and the UK (Foun- While evidence for differentiation is apparent by host tain et al. 2014) and likely results from extensive race, structure based on geographic region is absent human-mediated movement. within both host lineages. As bat-associated bed bugs The best documented studies of host race formation had been collected from the roosts of multiple bat spe- come from phytophagous insects [e.g. see Mullen & cies (see Table S1, Supporting information for a list of Shaw (2014) for a recent review]. For example, follow- species), the sample size did not permit a species-spe- ing the introduction of domesticated apples, the apple cific analysis; bed bugs from all bat species sampled maggot fly Rhagoletis pomonella host-shifted from haw- did however cluster within the bat-associated lineage, thorn to apple, with changes in oviposition prefer- but no evidence for further host-associated differentia- ences, mating behaviours and host fidelity resulting in tion among bat species was evident. Furthermore, mul- disruption of reproduction between host-associated tispecies roosts were present within the collections. The strains, as detected using molecular markers (Feder absence of any discernible population structure within et al. 1988). Surprisingly, however, little evidence is these samples may reflect the movement of bats among available regarding host-associated genetic differentia- roosts, especially in mixed species overwintering roosts tion of animal parasites. A recent worldwide popula- (Rehak & Gaisler 1999; Smirnov et al. 2007). Although tion-genetic study of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes using mark–recapture studies with Myotis myotis reveal polymorphic microsatellites from 24 populations in 13 female philopatry (Horacek 1985; Berkova et al. 2013), countries concluded that one genetic cluster included parasite infestation can cause host dispersal behaviour all domestic (anthropophilic) mosquito populations (Moore 2013), and switching roosts has been shown to outside Africa and a divergent cluster included both reduce the load of Cimex spp. in bats of the genus Pipi- domestic and forest (zoophilic) populations within © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
H O S T - A S S O C I A T E D D I F F E R E N T I A T I O N I N T H E B E D B U G 989 1.0 Fig. 3 STRUCTURE plots depicting DK. Col- oured bars represent the proportion 0.5 membership of each individual bed bug 0.0 to one of two genetic clusters (K = 2). Blue (light) cluster sampled from bat 1.0 roosts; brown (dark) cluster represents 0.5 bed bugs associated with humans. 0.0 1.0 Bat-associated 0.5 Human-associated 0.0 60 Fig. 4 Results of factorial correspondence Bat-associated analysis showing genetic differentiation Human-associated based on microsatellite allele frequencies for individual C. lectularius collections sampled across Europe. Samples clus- tered by host: brown (dark) squares rep- Axis 2 (0%) resent human-associated samples; blue 0 (light) squares represent bat-associated bed bugs. –60 –6 000 0 6000 12 000 Axis 1 (100%) Africa (Brown et al. 2011). An African origin for The presence of strong genetic differentiation ancestral Ae. aegypti populations was supported by between bed bug host races in the absence of geo- higher genetic diversity (heterozygosity and private graphic separation may identify C. lectularius as a allelic richness) in Africa than outside of Africa. unique model system for the study of sympatric specia- Moreover, the results suggested two domestication tion and the landscape ecology of potential pathogen (host shift to humans) events: one in Africa and a transmission. Whereas similarly investigated parasitic second domesticated form spread outside of Africa species are generally highly mobile and live outdoors, (Brown et al. 2011). We document a similar genetic or have relatively large outdoor reservoirs (McCoy et al. divergence of C. lectularius into zoophilic and domes- 2003; Kempf et al. 2009, 2011), C. lectularius lives strictly tic/anthropophilic lineages that cluster well with mor- ‘indoors’ in tight dependence on its host for both feed- phometric differentiation, host association, host ing and dispersal. Given that bats frequently roost preferences and host fidelity. Whereas African popula- within human-built structures, the two C. lectularius tions of Ae. aegypti differentiate along an ecological host races have the potential to occur very near to each landscape into forest and urban forms, the two C. lec- other and to their respective hosts. As in other systems tularius races may have the potential to coexist symp- of host race formation, in instances where both races atrically in very close proximity within the same coexist, reproductive and ecological isolation may building, but with no apparent gene flow between potentially be promoted between the C. lectularius lin- them. Although we have no evidence that both races eages because of conceivably strong selection against currently coexist, the persistent resurgence of human- migrants. Bats and humans have opposite diel (day: associated bed bugs in Europe escalates the potential night) activity patterns, so a host shift could affect the for their co-occurrence, as populations increase in size ability of bed bugs to feed undetected. Migration across and their European distribution widens. host lineages may further be selected against by © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
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992 W . B O O T H E T A L . Fig. S1 European sampled locations of C. lectularius that were Data accessibility screened for mtDNA. DNA sequences: GenBank Accession nos for mtDNA Fig. S2 European sampled locations of C. lectularius that were haplotypes at COI and 16S are available in Table S1 screened for kdr-associated mutations. (Supporting information). Concatenated sequences can be found at Dryad doi: 10.5061/dryad.qf53d. kdr geno- Fig. S3 GENELAND generated map of posterior probabilities of population membership (based on microsatellite data) and types from pooled samples are listed in Table S1 (Sup- spatial locations of genetic discontinuities for populations of porting information). Microsatellite genotypes: C. lectularius associated with humans (top) and bats (bottom). Complete microsatellite genotypes, factorial correspon- dence analysis genetic input file (GENEPOP format), Table S1 Sample collection information for C. lectularius col- and GENELAND genotype and geographic coordinate files lected on two alternative hosts, humans and bats. are available at Dryad doi: 10.5061/dryad.qf53d. Supporting information Additional supporting information may be found in the online ver- sion of this article. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
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