MICKY'S GOT TALENT - Issue 15: Spring 2019 - NHS Leeds CCG

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MICKY'S GOT TALENT - Issue 15: Spring 2019 - NHS Leeds CCG
Issue 15: Spring 2019

            Your Free magazine from your local NHS

                        Urgent                       New cancer
                        treatment                     support
                        centre                        centre
                        proposals                     for Leeds
MICKY'S GOT TALENT - Issue 15: Spring 2019 - NHS Leeds CCG
Step out                                                 Contents
into Spring                                                   Get active this spring
As the days get brighter and the weather                 03   Leeds has lots to offer those wanting
                                                              some fresh air and exercise
(hopefully) warmer, we’ve got information about
making the most of the new season on page 3.                  Micky P Kerr
The lighter nights are also a great time to get
more active and meet new people, so, we’ve got           04   We chat to the local comedian and
                                                              former teacher about Britain’s Got
information about Rose Runners, Yorkshire Cricket             Talent and the NHS
Foundation’s running club, on page 6.
                                                              Join the Rose Runners
Our special interview this month is with Micky P Kerr,
Leeds’s very own comedian-musician, former teacher       06   Yorkshire Cricket Club is not just about
                                                              cricket. Find out how they’re helping
and Britain’s Got Talent finalist. On pages 4-5, Micky        people get fit and make friends
talks about his career, his inspiration and why he
teamed up with comedian Johnny Vegas and singer               Channel 4 comes to Leeds
Shaun Ryder to release a song to thank the NHS.
And speaking of thank yous, you may have seen the
                                                         07   To mark the momentous decision, we
                                                              look back at how television has changed
Big Thank You campaign that the local NHS has been            over the years
running this winter with Leeds City Council. Find out
                                                              Spotlight on… baby fun in the city
what people have been saying on page 9.
Just before one of our colleagues headed off on          08   If you’re new to parenthood or to Leeds,
                                                              we’ve got some useful tips and local
maternity leave, we thought it would be a good idea           resources for you
to ask her to find out about some of the many baby
and toddler activities that Leeds has to offer. Find          The big thank you
out more on page 8.                                           We’ve had a great response to our winter
Later this year, Leeds will welcome hundreds of
                                                         09   hero campaign – see what people have
                                                              been saying
Channel 4 staff to the city, as the broadcaster
establishes the first national TV headquarters                Urgent treatment centre proposals 
outside of London. To mark the occasion, we’ve a
potted history of how television has developed in the
                                                         10   Find out what they are and how you can
                                                              have your say
past 90 or so years on page 7. Also coming to Leeds
later this year is a fantastic new cancer support             Your views matter
centre. On page 12, Helen Butters explains why
Maggies Yorkshire will be a lifeline for those           11   How telling us what you think of our
                                                              plans can make a real difference
affected by cancer.
One of our vital roles at the CCG is to find out              New cancer support centre for Leeds
what people think of changes to services and new
developments. Currently, we’re asking for people’s
                                                         12   Maggies Yorkshire will provide a practical
                                                              and emotional lifeline for those affected
views on proposals for urgent treatment centres,              by cancer
and full details of how you can have your say are
                                                              Home Plus
on page 10. If you’ve ever taken part in one of our
engagements and wondered what difference it              13   A new service to help people live
made, you’ll find a great example of how people’s             independently at home
views changed our proposals for a GP practice on
                                                              Leeds Directory
page 11.
Elsewhere in this edition, there’s information about
                                                         13   The easy way to find reliable local
                                                              traders and organisations
trusted local traders and organisations who can help
when you need it on page 13, a tasty recipe on page           Recipe
14, and fun and games on page 15. Last but not least,    14   Our easy and healthy cottage pie recipe
we’ve got good news about one of the region’s oldest          is great for chilly nights
football clubs on the back page.
                                                              Just for fun
                                                         15   Can you stay inside the lines?
 As ever we’d welcome your feedback on this
 magazine. Please get in touch if you’ve been                 Sport
 inspired to write an article or have a suggestion for
 what we could cover next. Just drop us an email:
                                                         16   Good news for one of Leeds’ oldest
                                                              football clubs
MICKY'S GOT TALENT - Issue 15: Spring 2019 - NHS Leeds CCG
Get active this spring
With winter almost behind us, we can now look forward to the warmer and longer days
ahead of us. This will be a perfect time to look at how you can get active, where you can
involve family and friends, and possibly get a little competitive!

Running                                                     Cycling
Leeds is home to a number of scenic running                 A bike ride can be a perfect way to get family and
routes, all of which are free to use. Whether it’s          friends together. Local options include a bike park in
an early morning, mid-day or evening run you can            the heart of the city as well as scenic trails for all ages
enjoy the views along the following popular routes:         and abilities:
• Roundhay Park                                             •L  eeds Urban Bike Park – based next to Middleton Park
• Meanwood Valley Trail                                        in south Leeds, the Leeds Urban Bike Park attracts
• Leeds and Liverpool Canal                                    cyclists of all ages. It has cross country mountain
• Golden Acre Park                                             bike trails, which are set into three zones: green for
                                                               beginners, blue for intermediate mountain bikers and
• Eccup Reservoir                                              red for skilled riders. For further information visit
Or why not join a local park run for a healthy, fun            www.leedsurbanbikepark.com
and sociable way to start the weekend?                      •H  eadingley Loop – a great route if you have the little
You can find one near you by visiting                          ones with you. At just under 18 miles you’ll move up
www.parkrun.org.uk/leeds                                       Otley Road, where you’ll pass Golden Acre Park, Adel
                                                               Dam Nature Reserve and Eccup Reservoir*
Swimming                                                    •H  arewood Loop – along this 22 mile route, you’ll pass
                                                               amazing Yorkshire countryside. This route starts at
Swimming can be enjoyed by people of any age                   the Harewood Loop starts at Roundhay Park, going
and ability. There are a number of pools across the            through Roundhay and Mortown, before circling the
city which you can go to, whether you’re new to                impressive Eccup Reservoir *
swimming or want to specialise in a specific                • Tour de France route – if you’re feeling rather
area you can choose from a range of pools.                     competitive and want to take on a challenge, then this
Find one near you by visiting                                  route will be perfect for you. It covers 190 kilometres
www.active.leeds.gov.uk/classesandactivities/                  and takes you from Leeds to Harrogate, through the
swimming                                                       gorgeous Yorkshire countryside*

 *For further information about these cycling routes, please visit www.leeds-list.com/culture/5-scenic-bike-rides-in-leeds

                                                                                             Get active this spring           3
MICKY'S GOT TALENT - Issue 15: Spring 2019 - NHS Leeds CCG

Micky P Kerr is a comedian and songwriter from Leeds. He is so funny that he even made
Simon Cowell laugh on Britain’s Got Talent (BGT). Micky made the audience chuckle
too and reached the final of BGT in 2018 with his guitar and funny songs. In 2017 Micky
worked with Johnny Vegas and Shaun Ryder to produce the ‘ThankUNHS’ song. More
recently, he released “Bielsa Rhapsody,”, a parody song and homage to Leeds United
head coach Marcelo Bielsa to raise money for the Forget Me Not Children’s Hospice.
We had a chat with Leeds United fan Micky to find out more.

Britain’s Got Talent
What was it like being on BGT            “come on!” I was just like “Please,     the final) did really well and he’s a
and reaching the finals?                 please remember the first line!”        really nice bloke. I’d recommend
                                         then eventually it came to me. I        any comic to go on it. What it
Pretty surreal. It was three days
                                         was really nervous. I controlled        does for you is incredible. I got
of living in a weird bubble. It was
                                         it all day, then it hit me and I was    in at the right time – it was the
intense. People follow you round
                                         like “Oh my god, oh my god,             comic’s year.
all day and you’re not allowed
                                         remember the words!” Sometimes
out because of the press people
                                         it felt like I was watching it on TV,   Has life changed much after
hanging round. It’s like being in the
                                         weirdly enough. But it was great        being on BGT?
military for three days and then
                                         and it’s done me loads of favours.
you have to go and perform to 12                                                 It’s been really good - I’ve been a
million people.                                                                  full time comic since I’ve come off
                                         Were you surprised at how               the show. I am touring the UK in
Was it nerve wrecking?                   well you did?                           2019 and you can come and see
The first time I did it, it was really   As soon as I got the first laugh,       me perform at the City Varieties in
scary. It wasn’t nerves, it was          I relaxed. I knew it was a strong       Leeds in April.
panic! I froze for about five or         routine. I was never going to
six seconds. I didn’t know what          win it though. It’s not just about
the first line was and the guy           talent; it’s about a story and the
behind the camera was going              emotional side of it. Lee (Lee
                                         Ridley - Lost Voice Guy - who won

4     Micky P Kerr’s Got Talent
MICKY'S GOT TALENT - Issue 15: Spring 2019 - NHS Leeds CCG
Performing , songwriting and playing guitar
What’s your favourite bit of            What inspires you to write a
                                                                               In 2017 you worked with
performing?                             song?
                                                                               Johnny Vegas and Shaun
Getting really big laughs. Not little   Anything really. Sometimes it just
                                                                               Ryder to release the
ones – massive ones.                    comes to you but it’s the little
                                                                               ‘ThankUNHS’ song. What
                                        things in life. What really inspires
                                        me is that I need to earn a living,    was that like?
Do you have a favourite
                                        that’s also inspiring! Having a kid    It was great. The guy that did
song or joke that you like to
                                        and a mortgage is inspirational!       it just wanted to do it for the
perform?                                                                       NHS. He’s got brothers and
I always start with The Absolutely                                             sisters who are doctors and
Amazing song. Once people have
                                        Who is your inspiration?
                                                                               nurses, it was his idea and he
heard the routine you try and do        I admire John Lennon and all the       got everybody together just
something else, but I always try        Beatles, Noel and Liam Gallagher       as a thank you. It was a good
and do that song. You’ve got to         and Flight of the Conchords.           day and a nice atmosphere.
start with a good one.                  Da Vinci. People who do lots of
                                        things and people who are busy.
                                                                               In 2018 we celebrated 70
How long have you been                                                         years of the NHS in July.
playing guitar and writing              Do you have any advice for
                                                                               Why do you love the NHS?
songs?                                  anyone who wants to write
                                                                               It’s just what Britain is –
Since 1997 so 21 years.
                                        songs or get into comedy?
                                                                               Britain’s identity. I would
Quite long innit!                       Just have a go – practice in your      consider moving away if we
                                        bedroom. If it goes wrong, don’t       lost the NHS.
                                        worry about it. It’s only a gig.
What got you started?
                                        Don’t repeat song choruses too
My mate and I were just                 much – keep it as short as you         What would you give
obsessed with Oasis. I was like         can. Under a minute, no longer         the NHS as a birthday
“I want to do that”. I was 15 and in    than two.                              present?
my last year of high school.                                                   I would give a couple of trillion
                                                                               and love and support. I should
                                                                               do another song; it’s what I
                                                                               do best!

                                                                               Micky P Kerr’s Got Talent           5
MICKY'S GOT TALENT - Issue 15: Spring 2019 - NHS Leeds CCG
The Yorkshire Cricket
Foundation Running Club
As the official charity of Yorkshire County Cricket Club, the Yorkshire Cricket Foundation
(YCF) aims to make a lasting positive impact on people living in Yorkshire, using the power
of cricket to do so. We want to support people in the county to live healthier, happier lives
and we do this through a number of projects that focus on a healthy mind as well as a
healthy body.

The YCF Running Club, also known        To encourage more people to get
as the #RoseRunners, is a free          into running – and to embrace
social running group welcoming          the social benefits of belonging
adults of all backgrounds, ages         to a running club – we launched
and abilities. They run together        our Couch to 5k Challenge earlier
every Monday at 5.30pm, from            this year. This follows the NHS
the Yorkshire Cricket Centre in         Couch to 5k programme but adds
Headingley.                             an educational element too, with a
                                        different focus for each of the 10
We have tried to remove potential       weeks of the programme.
barriers for even the most novice
of runners. Our fully qualified run     It is an exciting time for the
leaders make sure the sessions          RoseRunners and we’d encourage
are interesting by using games,         anyone who’s interested in getting
activities, intervals and varied        more active and improving their
routes to break the monotony of         health in a fun and friendly group
road running. Sessions are fun but      to come and join us. All ages over
challenging and focus on the social     18 and all abilities are welcome, so
experience, as well as the physical     why not come see for yourself.
health benefits of weekly running.
We also have #RunAndTalk events
every quarter to raise the profile of
mental health.

                                 For further information on how you can get involved,
                                 contact Jess Bunn on jessica.bunn@yorkshirecricketfoundation.com.
                                 For further information on the YCF’s Health and Wellbeing work,
                                 contact Beth Cook on beth.cook@yorkshirecricketfoundation.com.
                                 For more information on our work and how to support us,
                                 please visit our website: http://www.yorkshirecricketfoundation.com/

6     The Yorkshire Cricket Foundation Running Club
MICKY'S GOT TALENT - Issue 15: Spring 2019 - NHS Leeds CCG
Leeds set to
play role in TV history
In October 2018, Channel 4 announced that it was moving its headquarters to Leeds,
the first time a national broadcaster has had its HQ outside of London. It’s all part of
a plan to increase the amount Channel 4 spends on programmes made outside the
capital, which means that more programmes will be created in Yorkshire, giving the
city and the region a national, even international audience.

With the momentous                     viewers to imagine, back then,         subscription charges. The
announcement, we thought it            there were only three channels         development also saw the gradual
would be a good time to look           and we saw the world in black          rollout of digital broadcasting
back at how British television has     and white, until the introduction of   across the country – and with it,
changed over the years.                colour transmissions in 1967.          the demise of bulky, heavy TV
In 1926 inventor John Logie            Television stations and
Baird made the first public            programmes changed relatively          In 2007, the BBC’s internet
demonstration of television.           little during the following decade,    service, BBC iPlayer was
By the 1930s, the British              but in 1982, Channel 4 began           launched, where people could
Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)         broadcasting and in 1989, Sky          catch up on previously aired
had been established and started       launched a satellite service which     shows. Streaming service Netflix
broadcasting regular programmes        offered unprecedented levels of        was also launched in the UK that
from Alexandra Palace to the           programme choice to subscribers.       year. Our viewing habits changed
London area. Development stalled       By this point, most televisions        too, with more and more people
with the start of World War Two,       came with remote controls, so          now accessing programmes
but even in the earliest days, there   flicking through the channels was      whenever they want via a range
were around 20,000 television          a lot easier!                          of different platforms, only one of
sets in Britain.                                                              which is the good old telly in the
                                       Developments came thick and            living room.
After the war ended, BBC               fast from the late 90s: the launch
television began operating again.      of Channel 5 in 1997 was soon          But while our viewing habits have
1955 was a crucial year as 95%         followed by the introduction of        changed drastically over the
of the UK began to receive             Freeview in 2002. For the first        years, we still want high quality
broadcasts, the same year that         time, the British public could         broadcasting – and in the very
ITV began broadcasting. Although       access more than five channels         near future, much of that will
it may be hard for younger             without paying additional              come from Leeds!

                                                                         Leeds set to play role in TV history       7
MICKY'S GOT TALENT - Issue 15: Spring 2019 - NHS Leeds CCG
Spotlight on…

Baby fun in Leeds
If you have a a baby, from newborn to 12 months,
and would like to get out and meet other
parents, here are some ideas to get started.

Mother and baby postnatal                      Baby sensory                               Children centre sessions
yoga class                                     Baby Sensory is a fun way to play          There are plenty of activities at
Buds and Blossom’s mother and                  with your baby, from tummy time,           happening at your local children
baby postnatal yoga classes are                movement and music. There are              centre’s across Leeds.
centred around mother and baby                 several classes across Leeds.              www.familyinformation.leeds.gov.
bonding time, as well as aiming                www.babysensory.com                        uk/childrens-centres
to help new mums in postnatal
recovery. Start after your baby is             Baby cinema club
6 weeks and you have had your
health check.                                  The Baby Cinema Club at
                                               Everyman Cinema is a weekly
                                               screening event. They show a new
                                               release with softened sound and
Dream time baby massage                        dim lighting for the comfort of the
Dream Time Baby Massage is                     baby. A ticket includes a hot drink
all about supporting mums with                 and a slice of cake!
babies in a safe, secure and                   www.everymancinema.com
welcoming non-judgemental and
inclusive environment.

    Advice on getting out and about as a new parent
    “It gets easier the more you do it!”       “Pack your bag well and head out the     “Give yourself plenty of time so you
     – Rosie                                     door. People see new mums out and         aren’t rushing and try not to stress.
                                                 about every day, I have had my faith      Enjoy introducing your little one to
    “Just bite the bullet. Start small with     in humanity restored many times           the world and remind yourself that
      places you’re already comfortable          by how helpful people can be when         you’re doing amazingly.” – Kaya
      with or know are child friendly. And       they see you with a baby” – Kate
      be organised!” - Elle                                                              “Always pack a spare change of
                                               “Baby cinema club really helped me         clothes for the baby ” – Rebecca
    “It is nerve wracking at first so take      get used to going out and feeling
      someone with you until you build           like a normal confident person          “Go out with your partner as a new
      your confidence, then go it alone!         again. You have to be there for a         family, just for walks at first – you
       – Chloe                                   certain time, can socialise in a non-     don’t have to go far and it’s good to
                                                 pressured way, get to cuddle baby,        get used to packing what you need
                                                 have coffee and cake and watch a          when out” - Jenny
                                                 decent film” – Leanne
                                                                                         Many thanks to the mums on the
                                               “Your first few times seem so            Sleepless and Smitten group on
                                                 daunting. Have some self-belief –       Facebook for their advice.
                                                 I think you will amaze yourself!”
                                                  – Katherine

8        Baby fun in Leeds
MICKY'S GOT TALENT - Issue 15: Spring 2019 - NHS Leeds CCG
We asked residents of Leeds to thank their winter heroes.
People thanked everyone from their mum, their neighbour, friend, doctor,
nurse and community organisations. Someone even thanked their dog!
Here are some highlights:

BIG THANK YOU TO                    BIG THANK YOU TO                    BIG THANK YOU TO
My neighbour                        All the carers who look after       Homeless charity volunteers
A huge thank you to my lovely       my Nan                              To those who give up their
neighbour for letting me borrow     Thank you to the carers who         evenings and nights to give
her freezer when I had a power      look after my nan.                  out food and clothes to the
cut and all my food almost                                              homeless. I see them all around
defrosted!                                                              town and admire them so much.
                                    BIG THANK YOU TO
                                    NHS Staff
BIG THANK YOU TO                    Thank you for helping my auntie     BIG THANK YOU TO
Mum                                 through breast cancer.              NHS
Thank you to my mum, for                                                Thank you to the lovely GP
cooking the best Christmas                                              who was so supportive and
                                    BIG THANK YOU TO
dinner, even though she is a full                                       understanding when I plucked
                                    YAS Leeds central & Bramley
time nurse in a busy hospital.                                          up the courage to ask for help
You’re the best mum!                                                    with my mental health.
                                    A huge thank you to all Leeds
                                    central and Bramley YAS
BIG THANK YOU TO                    (Yorkshire Ambulance Service)       BIG THANK YOU TO
Doctors and staff at Highfield      stations, especially PTS (Patient   Katy-Jane
Surgery                             Transport drivers) and team         My midwife at the LGI, Katy-Jane
To the doctors and front of this    leaders.. you all do a marvellous   was absolutely amazing start
surgery who have helped me get      job that doesn’t get the            to finish. She calmed me when
through shingles. I have been       recognition it deserves. WELL       I needed it, made me laugh
with them for 30yrs.                DONE                                when I was feeling tense. She
                                                                        made the whole thing feel like it
                                                                        wasn’t so bad. My little girl was
BIG THANK YOU TO                    BIG THANK YOU TO
                                                                        her 6th baby she’d delivered.
Sister                              Gavin (First Bus Leeds)
Thank you to my sister for          Thank you for always wearing
sorting us out with an Asda         your smile, no matter what, and
delivery for when we brought        brightening mine and the people
my newborn daughter home            of Leeds’ day.
from hospital. Our cupboards
were bare and she rescued us!

                                                                                  The Big Thank You         9
MICKY'S GOT TALENT - Issue 15: Spring 2019 - NHS Leeds CCG
Urgent treatment centres
What do you think?
                                                        Urgent care is care that someone feels
                                                        need that day but their illness or injury
                                                                                                  is not life-
                                                        threatening. This could include anything
                                                                                                    from cuts,
                                                        minor injuries, bites or stings through to
                                                                                                    mild fevers,
                                                        vomiting, diarrhoea and so on.
                                                       As your local clinical commissioning grou
                                                                                                   p (CCG),
                                                       NHS Leeds CCG has made some proposal
                                                                                                    s for
                                                       urgent treatment centres for the people
                                                                                                 of Leeds.
                                                       We feel that our proposals will help simp
                                                                                                 lify the
                                                       system for you when you need urgent care
                                                                                                    , but we
                                                       want to hear what you think.

Who would we like to                  How can you give us                  Events
hear from?                            your views?                          We have organised a number of
We would very much like to hear       We are using a survey to             events which we’d very much like
from anyone who lives or works        understand people’s views on this    you to attend if you can. These
in Leeds as our urgent care           change. The survey is available in   events will include a presentation
services are designed to meet the     paper format as well as online.      followed by a question and
needs of our diverse population                                            answer session.
as well as those visiting our city.
It’s important that we hear from      Online survey                        If you’d like to find out more and
you whether you are a patient, a                                           come along to one of the events
                                      Complete the survey here:            you can either register online at
member of the public, a health
                                      https://www.smartsurvey.             www.nhsleedsccg.eventbrite.
and care professional or you may
                                      co.uk/s/urgentcare2019/              co.uk or call us to book a place on
have a role representing the views
of your local community.              Or use the easy read version here:   0113 843 5470.
                                      https://www.surveymonkey.            We will also be running a number
What are we asking?                   co.uk/r/LeedsUTC                     of drop-in events, details of which
We want to hear your thoughts         The closing date for sending in      you can find on our website.
and views on our proposals to         your views is 15 April.
establish five urgent treatment
centres in the city of Leeds.
                                                                           Find out more
We want to know about how
you currently access services                                              To find out more about this
when you have an urgent but not                                            engagement please visit:
emergency care need, your views                                            https://www.leedsccg.nhs.uk/
on our proposed sites and the                                              UTCsurvey
opening hours for those urgent
treatment centres which we refer
to as ‘community-based’. We’d
also very much welcome any
other comments or suggestions
you have that could help improve
your experience of using urgent
care services.

10    Urgent Treatment Centres
Your views
make a
Here at NHS Leeds Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) we have a responsibility to
involve the public in the way we make decisions about planning and funding health
services. This involves working with people to develop our plans and priorities;
engaging them in designing new services or changing existing ones; involving people
when we buy services; and working with people to make sure our services continue to
meet their needs.

When people get involved in our work, it’s important   Feedback makes a difference
that we show how their feedback has shaped local
services - and here’s just one example.                Following this feedback, the CCG made
                                                       arrangements to keep Swillington Health Practice
In 2018 the Grange Medicare contract to run            open as a branch site of Oulton Medical Centre
primary care services at New Cross Surgery,            and carry out work to make the building more
Middleton Park Surgery and Swillington Health          accessible. The feedback also told us we needed
Practice was due to come to an end.                    to improve access for patients. As a result the
                                                       practice now provides more appointments. Patients
We worked with the patient participation               are also able to access a wide range of services
groups (PPGs) at the three practices to plan an        and visit Oulton and Rothwell sites for their care.
engagement with registered patients. The PPGs
helped us to develop and promote a survey to
outline our plans and understand the needs and
                                                                                          ment and
preferences of local people. The engagement             You can read all about the engage
                                                                                        ponse to
involved a series of local events and 1234 people       the changes we have made in res
shared their views on the proposals. PPG members        people’s feedback on our website
worked with colleagues in the Primary Care Team         www.leedsccg.nhs.uk/get-involve
throughout the process.                                 views/grange-medicare-changes
                                                                                         can get
One of the CCG’s proposals was to close Swillington      If you want to find out how you
                                                                                           r local
Health Practice and register patients at other           involved and help us to shape you
                                                                                         public network
local practices. This was because the building at        services, why not join our CCG
Swillington was struggling to meet the health needs      www.leedsccg.nhs.uk/get-involve
of local people. In the engagement, people told
us that closing Swillington would have a negative
impact on local people, especially older people who
might struggle to travel to other local practices.

                                                                       Your views make a difference       11
Maggie’s Yorkshire
New cancer support centre in Leeds
By Helen Butters, NHS Leeds CCG Senior Engagement Officer, Atlantic rower
and co-author of Four Mums in a Boat

Every year 30,000 people in Yorkshire and the Humber are diagnosed with cancer. When
my dad was dying of cancer 12 years ago, the medical treatment he received was good,
but what was missing was the practical and emotional support for both him and our
family; what was missing was Maggie’s.

Maggie’s was founded in 1995 by Maggie Keswick              Practical support includes advice on benefits and
who lived with advanced cancer for two years.               eating well, specialist support for managing hair loss
Maggie was determined that people should not                and skin care during and after treatment, a ‘getting
“lose the joy of living in the fear of dying”.              started’ course for people who are newly diagnosed
The charity offers free practical, emotional and            or a ‘where now?’ course for adjusting to life after
social support for people with cancer and their             cancer.
family through support centres built in the grounds
of NHS hospitals. Maggie's offers a place and               Maggie’s centres are not residential or a hospice. The
space to explore tough questions and difficult              centres operates on a ‘drop in’ basis on weekdays
emotions that can range from anxiety, to loneliness         from 9am to 5pm, or 24/7 on their online centre.
and isolation. When I heard that Maggie’s wanted            People with cancer and their family and friends
to build a facility in Leeds, I was looking for a charity   are welcome at any stage of a cancer diagnosis
to support for my crazy row across the Atlantic             including before, during and after treatment.
Ocean: I was immediately hooked and wanted
 to get involved.                                           The centre is due to open in September 2019 and is
                                                            there for anyone who has been affected by cancer,
Maggie’s Yorkshire will feel like a home-from-home          either 20 years ago or bereaved yesterday.
with a big kitchen table at the heart and a truly           You can also call the Maggie’s Supporter Care Team
inspiring garden. They offer emotional support which        for more information if you don’t have access to the
might involve a one-to-one or group session with a          online resources: 0300 123 1801
clinical psychologist, stress reduction and relaxation
workshops, or art therapy and creative writing              For more information about Maggie’s visit
courses.                                                    www.maggiescentres.org

12     Maggie’s Yorkshire
Home Plus is a new service aimed at                       We also offer advice and support on issues such
                                                          as a change in housing or financial circumstances,
enabling and maintaining independent
                                                          bereavement or increasing care needs.
living through improving health at home,
helping to prevent falls and cold related                 If you or someone you know might benefit from
                                                          These services, please contact our friendly
health conditions.                                        Customer Services Team on 0113 240 6009
The service is for those who may be at risk of falling,   Address: Care & Repair, 323 Roundhay Road,
who are struggling to heat their home or pay heating      Leeds, LS8 4HT
bills, who need help with repairs that are causing a      Email: homeplus@care-repair-leeds.org.uk
hazard in their home or who need information and
advice to maintain independence.

The Home Plus Service offers a comprehensive
home assessment to identify people’s needs and
includes the installation of rails and equipment to
reduce the risk of further falls. The service covers
servicing and repairs to heating and hot water
systems, as well as help in changing to the cheapest
energy deal. Free energy saving equipment, draught
proofing and insulation measures are part of the
service, as well as help with repairs that are causing
a hazard for home owners.

The Leeds Directory service is funded by                  From trustworthy plumbers and gardeners, personal
                                                          care providers to exercise groups, we list a wide
Leeds City Council, to provide information
                                                          variety of options to support you in making choices.
on safe, reliable and flexible local trades
and organisations to help give people                     Call our helpline on 0113 391 8333 or visit our
                                                          website leedsdirectory.org. or email your enquiry
choice and control over the services they                 to info@leedsdirectory.org.
use. We work closely with Leeds City
Council, Trading Standards and regulatory
bodies to develop and maintain the Green
Tick standard, so that clients have peace
of mind when they contact our service.
The service provides a website and helpline to
support people to live independently, as well as
provide options to tackle social isolation for older
people, people with health conditions and those
living with disabilities.

                                                                           Home Plus | Leeds Directory         13
     Cottage Pie
     In this issue we have a tasty, warming cottage pie
     recipe to get you through the remaining winter months.

Ingredients:                  Method:                                It’s really easy to adapt
• 1 teaspoon vegetable oil   Heat the oil in a large pan. When      this recipe to suit
                              it’s hot, add the minced beef
• 500g lean minced beef
                              and vegetables. Fry, stirring
                                                                     different dietary needs!
• 1 onion, finely chopped    occasionally to break up any           Here are a few ideas…
• 1 large carrot, peeled     lumps, for five minutes or until       Vegetarians: Use a meat-free
   and grated                 lightly browned all over. Sprinkle     mince alternative and vegetarian
                              over the flour.                        Worcestershire sauce.
• 1 courgette, finely
   chopped                                                           Reduce the salt content:
                              Stir the tomato puree,
• 1 tablespoon plain flour                                          Use reduced salt versions of
                              Worcestershire sauce and herbs
                                                                     stock cubes, baked beans and
• 1 tablespoon tomato        into the stock, then pour this
                                                                     Worcestershire sauce.
   puree                      into the pan and stir. Bring to the
                              boil, then reduce the heat, put a      Milk allergy or vegan diet: Use
• 1 teaspoon                 lid on the pan and cook gently         an alternative milk such as oat or
   Worcestershire sauce       for 15 minutes. Add the baked          soya, and a dairy-free spread.
• 1 teaspoon dried mixed     beans a few minutes before the
                                                                     Small appetite or trying to gain
   herbs                      time is up. Season to taste.
• 350ml hot beef stock                                              Add double cream and grated
                               hile the mince is cooking, boil
                              W                                      cheese to the mash.
• ½ - 1 tin of baked beans   the potatoes in a pan for 15
• 900g potatoes, peeled      minutes or until tender. Drain         Gluten allergy: Check the labels
   and cut into small         and mash with the milk and             for the stock cubes, beans and
   chunks                     butter.                                Worcestershire sauce and use
                                                                     gluten free alternatives where
• 100ml milk                                                        needed. Use an appropriate
                               poon the mince mixture into a
• 25g butter                 large ovenproof dish.                  alternative to plain flour to thicken
                              Spread the mash over the top           the sauce, such as cornflour.
                              and fluff up with a fork.              Lose weight: Use skimmed milk
                              Put under the grill until the top is   in the mash and lean mince.
                              lightly browned and crisp.             Serve a small portion and fill up
                                                                     the plate with vegetables

14    Recipe
Just for fun                                                        Tr ivia
                                                                                                 1.	How many calories does an
                                                                                                     average man need to maintain

                                   Colour it in…
                                                                                                     his weight?
                                                                                                    A) 2,000 calories
                                                                                                   B) 2,500 calories
                                                                                                   C) 1,500 calories

                                                                                                2.	Laughing is good for the heart
                                                                                                    and can increase blood flow by
                                                                                                    20 percent. True or false?
                                                                                                   A) True
                                                                                                   B) False

                                                                                                3.	Vitamin D is essential for
                                                                                                    healthy bones. What foods is
                                                                                                    vitamin D found in?
                                                                                                   A) Chicken
                                                                                                   B) Chocolate
                                                                                                   C) Oily fish, red meat, liver, egg
                                                                                                      yolks, some cereal

                                                                                                4.	The left side of your body is
                                                                                                    controlled by the right side
                                                                                                    of your brain – is it true or
                                                                                                   A) True
                                                                                                   B) False

                                                                                                5.	How many bones are in the
                                                                                                    human body?
                                                                                                  A) 206
                                                                                                  B) 102
                                                                                                  C) 905

                              Get in touch with us
                              This has been produced by             Write to us at:
                              NHS Leeds CCG.                        NHS Leeds CCG
                                                                    Suites 2 – 4
Answers: 1B, 2A, 3B, 4A, 5A

                              We are your local NHS and we want
                                                                    WIRA House
                              to hear from you so that we can
                                                                    West Park Ring Road
                              make sure that we can help plan and
                                                                    Leeds                         www.facebook.com/nhsleeds
                              fund the best possible services.      LS16 6EB
                              If you have an idea, suggestion
                              or would like to feedback your
                                                                    Call us on: 0113 843 5470     www.twitter.com/nhsleeds
                              experience of using local NHS or      Drop us an email:
                              NHS funded services do get in         leedsccg.comms@nhs.net
                              touch with us.

                                                                                                                        Just for Fun     15
Normally when we write for an NHS publication and
talk about injections, it’s of the medical kind; however
this time we’re pleased to report back on an injection
of cash for one of the city’s oldest football clubs.

Old Centralians, based in north west Leeds, have recently
welcomed an award of £750 from the Football Association
(FA). This means that one of the city’s longest running
clubs can continue to encourage people to take up
grassroots football.

Old Centralians were formed in 1925 and run three senior
teams playing in the West Yorkshire and Yorkshire Amateur                     Photo courte
                                                                                           sy Yorkshire
Leagues. The funding from the FA has meant that the club                                                  Evening Post
can continue to keep its three teams open as well as
make improvements to its facilities.

The club offers the chance to participate in the sport
                                                                                                  Contact details
to people of various backgrounds and abilities in the                                             Old Centralians FC
communities of West Park, Hawksworth, Lawnswood a                                                 West Park Development Centre
                                                                                                  North Parade
nd Headingley.
                                                                                                  LS16 5AY
You can find out more about the Old Centralians and,
                                                                                                  Twitter @CentraliansAFC
if you wish, put on your footballing boots by visiting:

              Things that happened in 1925
                         Staying with football,     East Leeds War                                           London rolled out the
                         Yorkshire teams            Hospital was renamed                                     first double-decker
                         came out on top as         St James’ Hospital,                                      buses with a covered
                         Huddersfield won the       becoming St James’                                       top deck
                         old First Division title   University Hospital
  Old Centralians        (Leeds hit the heady       in 1970                     John Logie Baird
  formed, one of the     heights of 18th spot)                                  performed the first
  oldest football        and Sheffield United                                   test of a working
  teams in Leeds         lifted the FA Cup                                      television system

                         The highly acclaimed                                                                And finally not
                         Great Gatsby was           People born in 1925 included                             everything was
                         published. Although        political heavyweights Margaret                          cheaper in those
                         at the time it received    Thatcher and Tony Benn and                               days…a small bar of
                         poor reviews, it has       screen stars including Richard                           Cadbury’s chocolate
                         since been adapted         Burton, June Whitfield, Peter                            was more expensive -
                         both for the stage and     Sellers, Angela Lansbury and                             £1.45 in modern money.
  The first motel        screen                     George Cole
  opened in America
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