Not just a pair of long legs - Eclat!

Page created by Barry Pearson
Not just a pair of long legs - Eclat!
not just a pair of long legs...
Not just a pair of long legs - Eclat!
not just a pair
                                                                     of long legs...
                                                                     At                  we select and train models, actors and hostesses
                                                                     as if they were actually part of your own company.
                                                                     We insure specific monitoring of results.
                                                                     Our professionals are the last active link with the final public.
                                                                     We generate value for your objectives, dedicating important effort
                                                                     to the attention we pay to our teams.
                                                                     Altogether, we provide something more than just a pair of long

Company included in the Regional Government of Catalonia’s CORPORATE CLASSIFICATION, the same by way
of a complete evaluation covering service capacity, solvency and quality. Granting of this certification has
represented the necessary degree of qualification in order to sign contracts with Public Administrations.
Not just a pair of long legs - Eclat!
areas of action
    Hostesses/Stewards                               Actors                                         Fairs and Conventions
    Brand ambassadors                                Dancers                                        Social Events, protocol and Road Shows
    Coctail bar hostesses                            Speakers                                       In-store promotions, at airpots and mega stores
    Promotors                                        TV presenters                                  Crosselling
                                                                                                    Children’s workshops
    Models book                                      Waiters                                        Publicity/Cinema/Television
    Models out of the book                           Office assistants
                                                     Personal shopper

                                                                                 FIRA OF BARCELONA's supplier in the stewardesses' service.
                                                                                 The stewardesses and stewards of protocol that link between
                                                                                 authorities and chiefs of protocol, rooms vips, mass media,
We have the majority of human recourses that are                                 Points of information, etc.
necessary for the organization and development     They are FIRA OF BARCELONA's image, with a specific formation,                              INTERNATIONAL CONGRES OF
of a big event. We manage to give a global and a   besides of languages, punctuality, a correct image, communication skills.                   LOGISTICS AND OF THE SUBSISTENCE
quality solution forthe service of stewardesses    capacity of teamwork, general culture and sense of the responsibility. All this for         Official Stewardesses supplier.
and auxiliary personal technician (crew).          to recover the different tasks that every fair demands.
Not just a pair of long legs - Eclat!
some actions                                                          fairs | protocol | image

        Customer    ADIGSA
           Action   Stewardesses of the MEETING POINT of Barcelona.

           Action   Checking Stewardesses/ Conference's sitting

        Customer    EUROPEAN COMSSION
           Action   Protocol's Steward

           Action   Stewardesses in the Department of Culture - Vicepresidency - Government

        Customer    GISA
           Action   Barcelona construction Reporters
Not just a pair of long legs - Eclat!
some actions                                                            fairs | protocol | image

        Customer    GRUPO AGBAR
           Action   Stewardesses of language and protocol

           Action   Network of transport's promoters
           Action   Stewardesses of language and protocol
           Action   Office assistants
           Action   Crosselling's promoters card T10 and FA products

        Customer    MACBA
           Action   Social events Stewardesses

        Customer    MITSUBISHI PENCIL
           Action   Promoters of Demos pens in Madrid - Barcelona - Palma de Mallorca - Sevilla

        Customer    ARTISTIC EVENTS
           Action   Bit-part actors in the Kings' Rubí-Esplugues cavalcade
           Action   Actors - Speakers of the FOOD TRADE CONGRESS OF BARCELONA
           Action   Presenter's inaugurations
Not just a pair of long legs - Eclat!
some actions                                                             fairs | protocol | image

        Customer    BASSAT OGILVY
           Action   Stewardesses - Jumpers concerts room RAZZMATAZZ BCN - Convention Jerez
           Action   Image stewardesses' inauguration of the KLEIN restaurant and VENCA shop of
           Action   Hotel ME Barcelona promoters
           Action   MNAC Barcelona's stewardesses

        Customer    FOCUS
           Action   Prizes of the Local Communication Deputation of Barcelona's stewardesses
           Action   Stewardesses inauguration of the Wind farm The Collada - The Perelló

        Customer    DAWAKUN COMUNICACIÓN
           Action   Actors of the national campaign of GAS NATURAL Córdoba - Granada - Málaga - Sevilla

        Customer    ESFERA COMUNICACIÓN
           Action   Stewardesses of public campaigns of the Town Hall of Barcelona
           Action   Stewardesses of IT CORNERS OF THE KING of Basketball, Malaga
           Action   Stewardesses of “you take a break HE TASTES” and ECOCITY Barcelona
           Action   Stewardesses of the concerts holidays of THE MERCÈ Barcelona
Not just a pair of long legs - Eclat!
some actions                                                           fairs | protocol | image

        Customer    GERONA GRUP
           Action   Congress Palace of Barcelona's stewardesses
           Action   TNC's stewardesses

        Customer    GRUPO GODO
           Action   Stewardesses in the RAC delivery prizes of RAC
           Action   Stewardesses in the presentation supplement LA VANGUARDIA Girona - Tarragona
           Action   Stewardesses in the delivery prizes if DEWAR'S Madrid

        Customer    GRUPO ZETA
           Action   Stewardesses in the presentation of the OK! Magazine Barcelona - Madrid

        Customer    EDITORIAL RBA
           Action   FITUR congress stewardesses Madrid
           Action   Magazine promoters of the NATIONAL GEOGRAFIC - Barcelona's Zoo

        Customer    TONI SEGUI
           Action   Stewardesses - Stewards of V.I.P social events.
Not just a pair of long legs - Eclat!
some actions                                                     models | actors | figuration

        Customer    PEPE JEANS
           Action   BREAD&BUTTER models Barcelona

        Customer    MONKEY BIZ
           Action   Models kids' gangplank of clothes and complements - infantile Workshops

        Customer    ING DIRECT
           Action   Models out of the book

        Customer    BOCA BOCA PRODUCCIONES
           Action   Actors of TV-Shows
Not just a pair of long legs - Eclat!
some actions                                                   waiters | image

        Customer    BOUTIQUE CARTIER
           Action   V.I.P Christmas's party - Image stewards

        Customer    BOUTIQUE GUCCI
           Action   Social night event - Image stewards

        Customer    BOUTIQUE SANTA EULALIA
           Action   Waiters Christmas's campaign

        Customer    HOTEL CASA FUSTER
           Action   Congress stewardess

        Customer    HOTEL ARTS
           Action   Presentation and congress stewardess
Not just a pair of long legs - Eclat!
some actions                                                                                   airports

        Customer    BACARDI
           Action   Brand Ambassador on the Madrid's airport.
           Action   Cocktail stewardess Alicante - Barcelona - Girona - Málaga - Ibiza- Palma de Mallorca
                    Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Lanzarote - Tenerife

        Customer    MARTINI
           Action   F1 BIG PRIZE Stewardess

        Customer    ABSOLUT
           Action   Image stewardess - Girona

        Customer    BRUGAL - LARIOS - FAMOUS GROUSE
           Action   Image stewardess Girona - Ibiza

        Customer    SKYY - CAMPARI
           Action   Cocktail stewardess Barcelona - Madrid - Málaga
some actions                                                                  airports

        Customer    JUVE Y CAMPS
           Action   Degustation stewardess Barcelona - Madrid

        Customer    MOËT & CHANDON
           Action   Malls' stewardess Madrid - Palma de Mallorca - Valencia

        Customer    BODEGAS IRACHE
           Action   Degustation stewardess Barcelona - Madrid - Málaga

        Customer    BODEGAS RIOJANAS
           Action   Degustation stewardess Barcelona - Madrid

        Customer    FERRERO - RONDNOIR
           Action   Degustation stewardess Barcelona - Madrid
some actions                                                                                airports

        Customer    KINDER
           Action   Degustation stewardess Barcelona - Las Palmas Gran Canaria - Madrid - Málaga -

        Customer    DROSTE
           Action   Degustation stewardess Alicante - Barcelona - Las Palmas Gran Canaria - Lanzarote
                    - Madrid - Málaga - Palma de Mallorca

        Customer    TRAPA
           Action   Degustation stewardess Barcelona - Madrid - Málaga - Palma de Mallorca

        Customer    1880 - EL LOBO
           Action   Brand Ambassador on the airports of Alicante - Madrid - Valencia
           Action   Degustation stewardess Barcelona - Málaga - Palma de Mallorca

        Customer    L'ORÉAL
           Action   Brand Ambassador on the airport of Palma de Mallorca
some actions                                                                                airports

        Customer    ESTÉE LAUDER
           Action   Brand Ambassador on Girona

        Customer    ANTONIO PUIG PERFUMES
           Action   Language stewardess Palma de Mallorca

        Customer    SAMSONITE
           Action   Image stewardess Madrid

        Customer    ILLY CAFE
           Action   Degustation stewardess Alicante - Barcelona - Girona - Madrid - Málaga - Palma de

           Action   Merchandising stewardess Alicante - Barcelona - Las Palmas de Gran Canaria -
                    Lanzarote - Madrid - Málaga - Palma de Mallorca - Tenerife
case study
This real case is proof of what a Russian       AREA OF ACTION: Dutty Free Store at the Airport. National
hostess can do with any product in an area
with as much transit as an airport, where so    OBJECTIVE: To increase sales of a Reserve Red Wine that is not
many passengers are to be found each and        well known and of which only TWO CASES ARE SOLD A YEAR.
every day.
                                                EXECUTED ACTION: A russian ÉCLAT! hostess promoted this the
A total of 192.780.000 persons passed through   Russian purchaser is a top-quality client with high purchasing
Spanish Airports in the year 2010.              power. They buy products of recognized brands and local
                                                products. They have a habit of purchase consolidated. To
                                                attend properly to this customer our hostess speak Russian
                                                because they do not use to speak English. The most appropriate
                                                form to serve them is in their language. This way we can increase
                                                the expense of theirs purchases. They come in high season,
                                                from May to October.

                                                RESULTS: 200 BOTTLES were sold during the SEVEN DAYS that
                                                our agency was contracted. It was the highest selling brand that
la vanguardia - magazine
                                                                             group in a café: four ladies having afternoon tea. So I went up and gave
                                                                             them business cards from the agency - I always have some handy, because
                                                                             you never know when the right person is going to turn up,” explains Cristina
                                                                             Moreno Bonet, director alongside her sister Silvia of the Éclat Bonet agency,
                                                                             which handles - among other things - hostesses and models, specialising
                                                                             in “out of the book” (i.e. out of the ordinary) profiles.
                                                                             This means that, as well as the classically stunning models, they promote
                                                                             “people with a set of physical and emotional characteristics that fit in with
                                                                             a specific, unique profile.” Benito Pocino, the post office employee who
                                                                             ended up playing the comic strip character Mortadelo in the cinema, would
                                                                             be “out of the book.” Elderly people, people who take size XXL, Chinese or
                                                                             African people, too. “More than just long legs,” is Éclat's slogan. “I only
                                                                             need one look to imagine people made up, with their hair done, dressed
                                                                             up... and when somebody fits it gives me an adrenalin rush... and I go after
                                                                             him or her.”
                                                                             How do people react to being approached by a hunter? “There are all kinds,”
Future Hunters                                                               answers Beatriz Rodríguez-Lapuente, head of the Ibiza agency 5puntos.
                                                                             “Some of them you can't get rid of. Others ask you who you are; they don't
They are usually young employees in new professions which require
speed and anticipation. They are looking for beautiful people. Ideas.        trust you. But in general the reaction is positive. If someone I'm very
Or photogenic spots. Brilliant athletes. Or famous people. Leading           interested in isn't sure, I tell them about the pay and most of them change
cities are seeing the arrival of children of sophistication, latest-model    their minds.”
hunters. And they point the way to the future.
                                                                             The hunters tend to have an overall view. “Spanish people in general do
Text by Gabi Martínez                                                        not have very high self-esteem,” states Bonet, who has a file of about two
Illustrations by Meritxell Duran                                             thousand individuals and claims that the general view of beauty for women
                                                                             is “going back to curves and femininity; among men the macho type is back,
“The desire for meat leads animals to broaden the scope of their knowledge   and 60 year-olds who project wonderful maturity are in.”
and learn the habits of many other animals,” says the academic Robert
                                                                             “This year's pretty boy is out,” adds Bea. “Anyway, what's in is the type
Audrey. Today, with the meat safely in the fridge, the hunters are aiming
                                                                             who seems to go round looking a mess but works on it very carefully and
elsewhere. Many have left the country for the city.
                                                                             is in fact impeccable, the 'destroyer' with a three-day stubble. And the
“Not long ago we needed some older ladies for an advertisement for an        naturalness of people who have never done an advertisement before is in
estate agency and, when we went out into the street, we found the perfect    great demand. Sometimes you don't even need to bring in a stylist.”
la vanguardia - magazine
                                                                                year of Madonna's last concert in Barcelona,” explains Brian. “I was working
                                                                                as a barman at the Otto Zutz club, which was holding a party that Madonna
                                                                                was supposed to be going to. Quarter of an hour before we opened, a group
                                                                                of people insisted on coming in. One of them had a very arrogant attitude
                                                                                and, from the way he looked at me, I thought “This one's gay.” Anyway, I
                                                                                ended up taking them for drinks to a bar nearby. They liked me. And
                                                                                suddenly, one of them looked at me and asked me, “Do you know who this
                                                                                guy is? He's the fashion designer Calvin Klein.” Son afterwards, Calvin Klein
                                                                                said to Brian, “I like your image. We're trying to find a 'new look.'” He asked
                                                                                him to take half his clothes off in the private room at Otto Zutz, to see
                                                                                whether Brian's body was what he needed, which it was. In the end, they
                                                                                arranged to meet him the next day at the hotel where Klein and his
                                                                                photographer Christian Makos were staying. They took a few rolls of film
                                                                                of him and gave him a tip of 180 euros. “You become a model from one day
                                                                                to the next,” says Brian. “Not just that, but for the rest of the world you
                                                                                become a so-and-so guy.” In his case, a Calvin Klein guy. Since then Brian
Nevertheless, the undeniably good-looking are still sought after by the big     has appeared on catwalks in Italy, Germany, Japan and elsewhere.
hunters. The model Naomi Campbell was discovered walking about the
streets of London. Claudia Schiffer, in a night club when she was still a       But finding people isn't enough: they need to be followed up to make sure
student. Kate Moss was 14 when Sarah Doukas stopped her in New York's           they keep the “freshness” that led to them being “hunted.” “A fat guy made
JFK airport, and Elle Macpherson was enjoying some winter holidays in           a pass at me,” recalls Bea with the directness of the professional hunter,
Aspen, Colorado.                                                                “In February I had him down as really fat for a series. We called him up four
                                                                                months later... and he turns up slim!”
While the world's top hunting ground is currently in southern Brazil, where
the search is on for successors to the top model Giselle Bündchen, discovered   Bea has seen all kinds in Ibiza, a place which is very much in demand
by the most populist of scouts, Dilson Stein. “In Brazil,” explains Bonet,      among production companies, “because here the ethnic mix is very attractive
“girls are called together in town halls and churches. If they are selected     and you can find everything from the 'fashion victim' to the hunk or the
by one of the big agencies, they are moved to “waiting apartments,” so-         peasant. I myself was hunted. I was having a drink in a bikini and they
called because that is where they wait until some multinational wants them.     scooped me up for an Absolut vodka advert.” And do the peasants stand
                                                                                for it? “I've always been very cheeky. Once I came across two little old
As for Éclat's “good-looking” models, Irina, Amy and Ramiro were all found      ladies who wouldn't even open the door to me and didn't want any photos
by unknowns who started them off in this world, though the case of Brian        taken. We finished up eating almonds, water melon and “coca” bread
Bello, now with the Francina agency, was the most remarkable. “It was the       together - and I put them in a children's clothes catalogue.”
compliments                                            ...they are an agency of stewardesses who offer much more
                                                                                               BASSAT OGILVY COMUNICATION

Inauguration stewardess - Jumper -          Protocol Stewardesses Poble Espanyol
Models - Actors
Barcelona - Jerez de la Frontera            In name of the whole equipment of Jolibud, we want to thank you for the
                                            realized work last February 19, 2008 in the tent of Poble Espanyol. It has
I would like to introduce you ÉCLAT! They   been a pleasure to work with you and the human treatment has been
are an agency of stewardesses who offer     excellent. We wait to be able to work soon with you!
much more!! We have been working with
them and we got fantastic results. If you                                                  JOLIBUD top management
ever need a steward, promoter, actor...
Do not hesitate to work with them.
Everyone will have a great feeling about
your event!
                                            Stewardesses image Event Mies Van der Rohe

                                             I can only say thank for your work at the moment of fulfilling one event
                      Event's Director
                                            which has been great. I will attach you the compliments and gratitude of
                                            the clients, who are really happy with this event.

                                                                                                 Dirección Toni Seguí
compliments                                                     ...they are an agency of stewardesses who offer much more
                                                                                                         BASSAT OGILVY COMUNICATION

Lenguage Stewardesses shops Aldeasa                                 Stewardesses language stand Adigsa - Fira Meeting Point
                                                                    “I contact you just to communicate you how grateful I am
Thank you very much for your professionalism in our                 for our collaboration in Adigsa's stand in the Fira Barcelona
promotion!! […] soon we will have the launch of a new               Meeting Point. It has been a pleasure to work with yours
product in Madrid and Barcelona and again we would like             stewardesses, who are a few very agreeable persons and
to work with ÉCLAT again! […]I have already sent the                very workers".
compliments to Aldeasa for all the good work that you
have done!!!
                                                                                      Gabinet of the Top Managment ADIGSA
                                  Travel Retail Division                                       GENERALITAT DE CATALUNYA
                              North and Eastern Europe

Stewardesses protocol convention

The service was perfect! The 3 girls were very handsome and they came very punctual. I wait to contact with
you very soon. The truth is that the service that you offer is impeccable and worth recommending.

                                                                        CCI Coordinations & Banquets
                                                     HOTEL CASA FUSTER The Leading Hotels of the World
compliments                                             ...they are an agency of stewardesses who offer much more
                                                                                                BASSAT OGILVY COMUNICATION

Stewardesses language degustation Barcelona -         Information Stewardess of the subway of Barcelona - Festival
Madrid                                                Barcelona

First of all, I am grateful for the information you   From the marketing corporative department, we would like to
have provided. On the other hand, I comment to        thank you for the campaign of the Mercè of this year. Since every
you that our mutual collaboration in the              year has been one of the hardest campaign.
promotional campaigns in the shops Aldeasa were
very satisfactory. Therefore, since we have already                          Corporative Communication Department
have a commercial and personal initiated relation,                                   TRANSPORTS METROPOLITANS
do not doubt that we will contact ÉCLAT! to attend                                                 DE BARCELONA
our future possible promotional needs.

                    Communication Department.
                          JUVÉ & CAMPS, S.A.          Protocol Stewardess for the presentation of the OK! Magazine

                                                      “A GREAT STEWARDESS, ¡I AM SUPER HAPPY! THANKS FOR THE
                                                      EFFORT, IT WAS GREAT”.

                                                                                              Marketing Departament
                                                                                                        GRUPO ZETA
Travessera de Gràcia 66, 6º 2ª
08006 Barcelona
PH (+34) 93 418 96 91
FX (+34) 93 211 10 69
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