COVID-19 Coronavirus update 24 April 2020 - East Gippsland ...

COVID-19 Coronavirus update 24 April 2020 - East Gippsland ...
COVID-19 Coronavirus update
    24 April 2020

    Anzac Day message from the Mayor          Stay Home Direction
    It’s been just over 100 years since the   There are only four reasons to leave your home:
    first Anzac Day, but this year will be
                                               •   shopping for what you need - food and
    different to all the others.
                                                   essential supplies
    While we can’t gather at cenotaphs or
    the Shrine of Remembrance, it doesn’t      •   medical, care or compassionate needs
    mean Anzac Day and the sacrifices of
                                               •   exercise in compliance with the public
    our service personnel are forgotten.
                                                   gathering requirements
    We can all pay our respects in our own
    way on Anzac Day, whether that’s           •   work and study if you can’t work or learn
    wearing a sprig of rosemary, watching          remotely
    or listening to a service, or perhaps     For the full list of frequently asked questions, visit
    lighting a candle.              
    One suggestion that has gained
    popularity is to stand at your driveway
    at 6am for a minute’s silence. Some       Essential waste services during the
    broadcasters will be playing The Last     pandemic
    Post or live streaming services from
    the Australian War Memorial or Shrine     East Gippsland Shire Council is fully complying
    of Remembrance.                           with Victorian Government COVID-19 Stage 3
                                              restrictions and social distancing and guidelines for
    RSL Victoria is asking people to share    how these apply to waste services.
    photos of themselves in their driveway    The pandemic is challenging all parts of the waste
    at dawn on the RSLVIC Facebook page       system. To ensure our waste facilities continue to
    using the hashtag #STANDTO.               operate in a safe manner we have implemented
    You might also choose to take a free      some changes. These included EFTPOS-only
    virtual tour of the Australian War        transactions and a temporary stop to green waste.
                                              We appreciate these changes are not ideal, but
    Whichever way you choose to               community health and our ability to continue to
    commemorate Anzac Day, please             provide essential waste services throughout the
    follow social distancing rules and be     duration of the pandemic is most important to us.
    mindful of your neighbours if you         Council also must operate within very tight EPA
    observe Anzac Day at dawn.                guidelines and license conditions, and large
    Everyone reflects in their own way, so    stockpiles are simply not allowed.
    please don’t impose your chosen way
    on your neighbours.                       We are working on an approach to ensure you can
                                              complete fire prevention clean up works and
-   - Cr John White, East Gippsland Shire     dispose of material properly. We will review our
    Council Mayor                             current approach if Stage 3 restrictions extend
                                              beyond 11 May.

COVID-19 Coronavirus update
24 April 2020

The kerbside waste collection continues                 Learning from home
                                                        The Department of Education and Training has
Please consider and practise limiting your waste by     established the FUSE website to support school
reducing packaging, home composting or a worm           and early childhood educators access digital
farm.                                                   resources.
Crisis Impact Survey                                    A partnership between the Victorian Government
                                                        and the ABC has been established so primary
Last week Council issued a follow-up survey to
                                                        students can have access to interactive learning
business operators across the shire to help gain a
                                                        activities and education programs. Students will be
deeper understanding of how businesses are being
                                                        able to watch programs on ABC ME of ABC iView
impacted by the compounding events of drought,
                                                        and then complete learning activities linked to the
bushfire and now COVID-19.
Information gained from this survey will be crucial
                                                        Visit for more
in helping council influence further support
packages being developed by state and federal
governments as well as looking at additional            Operation Ribbon Launched
solutions council may be able to provide locally.
                                                        The operation will see members of Victoria Police’s
While this survey is being conducted by the             dedicated Family Violence Investigation Unit
council’s Economic Recovery unit, the survey itself     reaching out to Victorians who they know are at
is being hosted by Deloitte.                            risk.
Deloitte has been providing council with free           The dedicated and specially trained taskforce will
bushfire impact analysis and ongoing data collation     be out across Victoria knocking on doors of known
support as part of their corporate contribution to      family violence offenders to ensure they’re not
East Gippsland’s bushfire recovery.                     causing any harm. They’ll also be visiting victim
                                                        survivors and communicating with them through a
Elective surgery
                                                        number of different channels to confirm their
From 27 April 2020, category 2 elective surgeries       wellbeing and safety.
and equivalent procedures (such as IVF, screening
programs, joint replacements cataracts and eye
                                                        New guidance on construction sites
procedures) can recommence across the public            WorkSafe Victoria has released new guidance on
and private hospital sectors. Dentists can also lift    managing the risk of COVID-19 exposure on
restrictions to level 2 so procedures such as fitting   construction sites
dentures, faces and non-high-speed drill fillings and
                                                        Read the guidance here
basic fillings can occur.
                                                        Streamed Anzac Day dawn service
Support for regional newspapers
                                                        A Dawn Service – closed to service communities
$4.7 million in emergency support has been
                                                        and the public – will be televised and streamed
announced to help regional print media survive
                                                        from Melbourne’s Shrine of Remembrance on
during the COVID-19 pandemic. The package was
                                                        Saturday, 25 April.
developed in consultation with the Victorian
Country Press Association.

COVID-19 Coronavirus update
24 April 2020

COVID-19 Omnibus (Emergency Measures)                     Closures to services and facilities
Bill 2020                                                 Following restrictions and advice from government,
The Victorian Government has shared details of            council has taken measures to close some facilities
matters that will be addressed in the COVID-19            and services.
Omnibus (Emergency Measures) Bill 2020 which
                                                          All closures are in place until 11 May when the
was introduced into Parliament on Thursday.
                                                          situation will be reviewed.
In addition to amending the Local Government Act
                                                          Customer service centres
2020 to allow virtual meetings for local councils, the
Bill will also reportedly enable planning permits to      All of our customer service centres are closed in
be displayed and sent electronically and planning         the interest of social distancing requirements.
panels to conduct hearings by video-conference or         We will be providing our services through
in other remote ways.                                     telephone, email and website.
The Bill will implement the National Cabinet              Our contact centre remains open on weekdays
tenancy reforms – protecting the temporary ban on         from 8.30 am – 5.00 pm.
rental evictions and rent increases in law and
boosting mediation support to help landlords and          You can complete many of our forms online at
tenants negotiate new, fair rental agreements.  
                                                          Payments and other transactions are encouraged
It will also provide for the majority of the provisions   via the telephone or through our website.
of the Environment Protection Amendment Act
2018 to be pushed back to commence on 1 July              Any customers who need to drop off or collect
2021 – or earlier by proclamation – to allow              items from a Council premises can make these
business and industry to focus on the immediate           arrangements by calling 5153 9500. Please request
impacts of coronavirus.                                   to be put to through to the desired location and
                                                          make these arrangements with staff.
Foster and kinship carer support
                                                          We encourage customers to scan and email
The Victorian Government has announced an                 documents if possible.
additional $77.5 million over the next two years to
support some of Victoria’s most at-risk children.         Bushfire Recovery Centre
Foster and kinship carers will receive a one-off          The Bushfire Recovery Centre is now operating
$600 payment for every child they care for.               8.30am – 5pm Monday to Friday via appointment.
Ramadan                                                   We continue to support the community and are a
                                                          phone call or email away.
A wide range of measures to support Victoria’s
                                                          To make an enquiry or appointment please
Muslim community during Ramadan have been
                                                          phone 5153 9500, press ‘1’ to connect with the
announced by the Minister for Multicultural Affairs.      team or email
A further $15,000 has been invested to help     
mosques get IT-ready so they can hold digital
services and to reach out to their communities            Referrals and advice continue to occur;
during the month-long observance. While this is
                                                           •   Financial and legal support services
traditionally a time spent with family and friends, it
is important that all Victorians stay home.

COVID-19 Coronavirus update
24 April 2020

 •   Financial and personal counselling and              •   Waste sites are not accepting Green Waste
     business support.                                       unless you are a contractor
 •   Agencies that continue their support;               •   Boat ramps and jetties

 •   Red Cross and Salvation Army                       Beaches

 •   Disaster Legal Help Victoria                       Under the direction of the Chief Health Officer and
                                                        the Department of Health and Human Services’
 •   Windemere                                          requirements limiting the number of people at
 •   Anglicare                                          public gatherings, Council has closed the following
                                                        beaches and foreshores:
 •   Rural Financial Counselling Service
                                                         •   Tambo Bay, Foreshore
Open by appointment
                                                         •   Raymond Island, Foreshore
 •   Omeo: banking and Centrelink services only
                                                         •   Marlo, Foreshore
Other site closures
 •   All playgrounds, outdoor exercise stations and
                                                         •   Port of Bairnsdale
     skate parks                                         •   North Arm Foreshore, Lakes Entrance
 •   Off leash dog parks including Bosworth Road,        •   Main Beach, Lakes Entrance
     Bairnsdale, and Palmers Road, Lakes
     Entrance.                                           •   Village Green Beach, Metung

 •   A quarter of council’s public toilets               •   Lake King Beach, Metung
 •   Bairnsdale Aquatic and Recreation Centre            •   Lake Tyers Beach, Lake Tyers
 •   Lakes Entrance Aquadome                             •   Picnic Point River Foreshore, Bairnsdale
 •   Forge Theatre                                       •   Eastern Beach, Lakes Entrance
 •   Orbost Outdoor Pool                                 •   Dawsons Cove, Newlands Arm
 •   Bairnsdale Library                                  •   Lake Bunga Beach, Lake Bunga
 •   Mobile libraries                                    •   Paynesville Foreshore
 •   Visitor Information Centres                         •   Progress Jetty, Paynesville
 •   Council-operated caravan parks in                   •   Sunset Cove, Paynesville
     Mallacoota, Eagle Point, Cann River and
     Swifts Creek. New bookings are not being           What is open?
     taken and those with existing bookings have        The following facilities and services remain open.
     been offered a refund or credit
                                                        Best practise social distancing guidelines must be
 •   Some public toilets at playgrounds and areas       observed in all public spaces.
     where people gather to reinforce social
     distancing. alternate open toilets are available    •   Marinas
     nearby. Signs have been put up to direct            •   Planning
     people to the nearest facilities that are open

COVID-19 Coronavirus update
24 April 2020

 •   East Gippsland Livestock Exchange, only           ublic_Health/Immunisations/Influenza_Vaccination_
     people essential for a sale to proceed are        Program
                                                       Rhymetime and Storytime:
 •   Waste sites and kerbside waste collection
                                                       We're bringing Storytime and Rhymetime online
     expect green waste
                                                       while our libraries are closed.
 •   Aerodromes
                                                       Visit our website to watch them
 •   Raymond Island Ferry - casual fees are  
     suspended for all vehicles to allow social        _and_Teens
                                                       Disability Support
     We have introduced four hourly cleans of the
     ferry passenger deck from today. These            The Disability Information Helpline provides
     cleans mean that the deck won’t be available      information and referrals for people with disability
     for foot traffic passengers from 9.30 –           who need help because of coronavirus (COVID-19).
     10.30am; 1.30 – 2.30pm; and 5.30 – 6.30pm         The Helpline can help families, carers, support
     as the cleaner will be on deck at this time.      workers and services, too.
     The ferry will operate during these times for
     vehicles only,                                    You can contact the Helpline in the following ways:

     Those in vehicles are also reminded to keep        •   Phone (free call): 1800 643 787
     their windows up at all times to respect social    •   If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech
     distancing requirements.                               impairment, you can also call the National
 •   Local Laws will continue animal collection and         Relay Service on 133 677.
     the operating of the pound
                                                       The Helpline is available Monday to Friday 8.00am
 •   Health officers will continue to work             to 8.00pm and Saturday and Sunday 9.00am to
Immunisation sessions                                  7.00pm. It’s not available on national public
Due to current restrictions on social distancing in
relation to COVID-19, immunisation sessions will       When you call the Helpline, you will speak to a
now run by appointment only.                           person who will:
Further information please                              •   Listen carefully to you
                                                        •   Use their connections to find things out, check
Influenza vaccinations                                      the facts, and get information for you
Influenza vaccinations will, at this stage, be          •   Transfer you to services that can help you
available from 16 April from Council’s immunisation
                                                        •   Transfer you to a phone counsellor for
service by appointment only.
                                                            emotional support, if you would like
Please visit our website for updated information
                                                        •   Give you clear and accessible information
and to find out when you can make an appointment
for flu vaccination

COVID-19 Coronavirus update
24 April 2020

Coronavirus accessible resources                       You need to link to either Medicare or Australian
                                                       Taxation Office. Do this before registering your
For accessible information on Coronavirus, please
                                                       intention to claim.
see the below links:
                                                       Once you do this, Centrelink will prompt you to
 •   Auslan – Information and support for people
                                                       register your intention to claim.
     with disability and carers
                                                       If you have a myGov account linked to
 •   Coronavirus – What is it? - Easy Read
 •   Coronavirus – 5 things to do right now – Easy     You can sign in to myGov and choose to either:
                                                        •   go to your Centrelink online account and start
 •   Coronavirus – What you need to know – Easy             your claim now
                                                        •   register your intention to claim on the myGov
 •   Coronavirus – FAQs – Easy Read                         Welcome screen.
 •   Coronavirus – Social distancing – Easy Read       If you’ve lost your job or income has reduced due
 •   Coronavirus – Staying at home – Easy Read         to COVID-19, and are:
                                                        •   21 or younger, you may be able to claim
Registering for Centrelink                                  Youth Allowance for job seekers
If you have been affected by the COVID-19               •   between 22 and Age Pension age you may be
restrictions, Centrelink has now updated its                able to claim JobSeeker Payment
processes so you can register your intention to
claim a Centrelink payment on the Centrelink            •   a young child’s main carer you may be able to
website. This means you do not need to call or visit        claim Parenting Payment.
a Centrelink office to start the process.              For more information visit
You don’t need to complete a full claim right now.
You can register your intention to claim at a time
and place that works for you. Centrelink will          Business support package
backdate your payment.                                 With the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
Once you’ve registered your intention to make a        impacting industries, the Victorian Government is
claim, Centrelink will contact you to let you know     responding with a $1.7 billion Economic Survival
what the next steps are.                               Package to support businesses and workers.
If you have a myGov account linked to Medicare         One of the key programs in the package, the $500
or Australian Taxation Office                          million Business Support Fund, is now officially
                                                       open to applications.
You can register your intention to claim. When you
sign in to myGov, you will be prompted to register     The Business Support Fund will help small
your intention to claim a Centrelink payment.          businesses highly impacted by shutdown
If you have a myGov account not linked to              restrictions. Those businesses can apply for a
Medicare or Australian Taxation Office                 $10,000 grant towards operational costs and to
                                                       help keep people in work.

COVID-19 Coronavirus update
24 April 2020

To be eligible, businesses must already employ            A close contact could include any person meeting
staff, have payroll of less than $650,000 and a           any of the following criteria:
turnover of more than $75,000. Full details on
                                                           •   Living in the same household or similar setting
eligibility and how to apply are set out on the
                                                               (for example, a boarding school or hostel)
Business Support Fund webpage                   •   Direct contact with the body fluids or
                                                               laboratory specimens of a confirmed case
$1,500 JobKeeper payment
                                                           •   A person who spent two hours or longer in the
Under the JobKeeper Payment, businesses
                                                               same room
significantly impacted by the coronavirus outbreak
will be able to access a subsidy from the                  •   Face-to-face contact for more than 15 minutes
Commonwealth Government to continue paying                     with the case in any other setting not listed
their employees.                                               above.
This assistance will help businesses to keep people       What are the symptoms of COVID-19?
in their jobs and re-start when the crisis is over. For   Many people who contract COVID–19 will suffer
employees, this means they can keep their job and         only mild symptoms. However early indications are
earn an income – even if their hours have been cut.       that the elderly and people with pre-existing
The JobKeeper Payment is a temporary scheme               medical conditions are more at risk of experiencing
open to businesses impacted by the coronavirus.           severe symptoms.
The JobKeeper Payment will also be available to           The most common coronavirus symptoms reported
the self-employed.                                        include:
The Government will provide $1,500 per fortnight           • Fever
per employee for up to 6 months.
                                                           • Breathing difficulties such as breathlessness
The JobKeeper Payment will support employers to
maintain their connection to their employees and           • Cough
reactivate their operations quickly when the crisis is     • Sore throat
                                                           • Fatigue or tiredness
management/Emergency-                                     More information on COVID-19
                                                          Visit the Department of Health and Human
                                                          Services website for the latest advice and updates
How is COVID-19 spread?                                   on the response to COVID-19:
It is spread through close contact with an infected
person. Keeping a distance of 1.5 metres from             If you are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-
other people is recommended.                              19, please contact your GP or call the dedicated
                                                          hotline on 1800 675 398.
Close contact means greater than 15 minutes
face-to-face or the sharing of a closed space for         The Department of Health and Human Services
more than two hours with a confirmed case.                also has a self-assessment chart to help you
                                                          decide if you should be tested.

COVID-19 Coronavirus update
24 April 2020

You can also read