Page created by Clarence Klein

Kr 48,-
              INTERPRESS NORGE

                                         N orwegian D efence and
                                 S ecurity I ndustries A ssociation

The GIRAFFE 8A is a recent extension to Saab’s world-class                        With our more than 60 years of innovative radar development
line-up of surface radar systems. This 3D long-range air                          you can rely on Saab’s thinking edge to provide the capabilities
surveillance radar system is designed for the highest level of                    needed to meet future threats and requirements.
situational awareness and ballistic missile defence – in any
climate. The GIRAFFE 8A provides exceptional range and                  
multi-role capabilities, combined with operational flexibility
that allows you to virtually look into the future.

GIRAFFE 8A – a member of Saab’s world-class line-up of Surface Radar Solutions.

                         Editor-in-Chief:                                     2      Exit Orion, enter Triton?
                   M.Sc. Bjørn Domaas Josefsen
                                                                              7      Air independent conventional submarines
THE REFUGEE CRISIS – IS                                                            FSI
                                                                              11	Norwegian Defence and Security Industries
THIS JUST THE BEGINNING?                                                           ­Association
At the same time as hundreds of thousands of refugees are s­ warming          12 	Technology seminar with the Norwegian
to Europe following the atrocities of the Syrian civil war, the influx              Special Operation Forces
of refugees keeps up a steady flow across the Medi­terranean Sea                   RADARS FOR NORWAY
from Africa.
                                                                              16 	Norwegian Defence in the closing stages of the
         The refugee crisis has caused massive problems for the c­ ountries
                                                                                   radar project
     in Europe and the European Union.
         The Schengen agreement, which regulates the border c­ontrol                 BULLETIN BOARD FOR DEFENCE,
co-operation and the passportless travel within the Schengen
­                                                                                    INDUSTRY AND TRADE
sphere, is subject to enormous pressure, and the Dublin agreement             19     Four more F-16 Fighters to Egypt
that calls for refugees to be recorded in the first EU nation they come       20     M109A7 production contract for US Army
to, has to all intents and purposes collapsed.                                22     RBS 70 missiles for Latvia
         The current result is that the governments of the European
                                                                              26     First order for Carl-Gustaf M4
­nations are all but competing to make their nations seem as
 ­unattractive as possible for the migrants, in the hope that the influx         RADAR
  of refugees take another direction to other countries in Europe.            28 Giraffe 4A, reducing the stealth effect
         While a solution to the Syrian crisis seems to be remote
  ­indeed, tensions are building in other countries in the Middle East           TERMA
   and North Africa. Developments in countries such as Libya, Egypt,          31 Commercial contract is Terma´s safety net
   ­Yemen, ­Nigeria and South Sudan give every reason to fear that more          ARMATA
    ­countries can ­succumb to chaos and civil war. When this happens,        32 The new Russian T-14 Armata main battle tank
     the current flood of refugees may be just a small preamble to what
     Europe can expect over the coming few years.
         Viewed from this perspective, it is even more vital that E­ urope
     is able to coordinate its refugee policies. Such co­ordination ­cannot
     merely be about where the refugees should be recorded, but must               Coverphoto:
                                                                                   Test flight with a US Navy Triton UAV
     include the requirements for being granted asylum s­tatus, and                 Photo: US Navy/Northrop Grumman
     whether the ­asylum should be temporary; other ­topics i­nclude
     the rights and ­  financial ­support arrangements for the ­    asylum
seekers, as well as return f­acilities, et cetera. And even if a joint
European coordination in these fields will entail a powerful re-
striction towards the asylum seekers to a number of European
countries, a common set of regulations will be a prerequisite for
Europe to function as a safe haven for those people who are in a
real need of protection. The alternative looks likely to be a Europe
where more and more countries are closing their borders to refugees

          1 9 9 5 – 2 01 5 | 2 0 Y E A R S A N N I V E R S A R Y

                                                                                                                   MILITÆRTEKNIKK 6/2015   1

    The Norwegian defence Commander wishes to phase out the                                        s­urveillance aircraft. In both cases, the
                                                                                                    ­Triton UAV from Northrop Grumman is the
    current fleet of P3 Orion aircraft. In the future, Norway may
                                                                                                     UAV of choice for unmanned surveillance
    follow many other nations in the use of huge unmanned air-                                       of the national seascapes. Representatives
    craft as a basis for the surveillance of their seas.                                             of Northrop Grumman have recently paid
                                                                                                     a visit to Norway to give a presentation of
                                                                                                     the possibilities that the Triton represents

    N      orway is responsible for huge ocean
           spaces, and a major proportion of the
    surveillance of these have been performed
                                                   tent. Said drones will then be operated
                                                   from the Evenes Air Station, some 40 miles
                                                   south of the Andøya Air Station, between
                                                                                                     as a potential successor to the Norwegian
                                                                                                     P3 Orion aircraft.

    through the years using P3 Orion aircraft      the cities of Narvik and Harstad.               MQ-4C Triton
    based on the Air Station Andøya (in the far                                                    Triton is a maritime version of the G   ­ lobal
    north of Norway, some 100 clicks SW of         UAV’s for surveillance                          Hawk, explains Drew Flood, Europe
    Tromsø). The Orion aircraft are coming up      The Norwegian Defence Commander’s               ­Manager for the Triton Programme. Where
    on the end of their operative life span, and   thinking on increased use of UAV’s and           the Global Hawk was developed for the
    when the Norwegian Defence Commander           ­satellites in surveillance operations is not    US Air Force, the Triton was developed
    presented his military advice for 2015 on       all that fresh and unique. Several countries    for the US Navy. At the outset the Global
    the 1st of October, one of the proposals was    are working on solutions aimed towards          Hawk and the Triton are substantially
    to phase out the Orions and shut down           the same end. For example, the United           similar, which means that the technology
    the Andøya Air Station around the year of       States Navy is about to procure 68 large        used in the Triton has been put through
    2021.                                           UAV’s for surveillance of American sea          its paces over several years in the Global
             The Defence Commander further          ­interests, in collaboration with the new P8    Hawk ­programme. Nevertheless, the Navy
    suggests that the surveillance tasks in the      maritime surveillance aircraft also being      has a few special operational requirements
    North Sea, The Norwegian Sea and the             procured at this time. Similarly, Australia    ­versus the Air Force, and it is to meet these
    Barents Sea should in future be done ­using      is also opting for a combination of seven       we have developed the Triton, says Flood.
    satellites and drones to an increasing ex-       large UAV units and a number of crewed

2       MILITÆRTEKNIKK 6/2015

                                                                                                     Test flight with a Triton UAV.
                                                                                                     Triton could be an alternative for replacement of the
                                                                                                     Norwegian P3 Orion maritime patrol aircraft.
                                                                                                                              Photo: Northrop Grumman

            Triton is what you would call          ­ istinction between the Triton and the land
                                                   d                                                 subject. The Triton will transmit all the in-
 a HALE UAV, which unscrambles into                surveillance craft Global Hawk. At lesser         formation it has picked up to the operator
 High Altitude Long Endurance UAV, and             altitudes, the weather challenges assume          station in real time.
 the craft can operate at altitudes of 55          much greater proportions, in particular                     Triton also has the capacity to be
 000 feet, ­flying missions of more than 24        with regard to i­cing. Triton is therefore        equipped with extra sensors according to
 hours’ duration, surveying a million square       equipped with a de-icing ­system, which           the requirements of the customer. The craft
 kilometres in one assignment. The craft           is important for any aircraft ­supposed to        can for instance carry sensors dedicated to
 has a range of no less than 15 000 clicks,        ­operate in cold ocean areas. The Triton is       surveillance of land areas, or with special
 ­enabling it to cover the entire Norwegian         also strengthened in the front and along         submarine-sensing detectors. Triton is on
  economic zone at sea in just 14 hours. A          the wings’ leading edges against hail-           the other hand not equipped or designed
  Triton UAV based at the Andøya or Evenes          storms, which are capable of inflicting          to perform air space surveillance.
  Air Station has the capability of flying to       massive damage to planes.                                  Many countries also use large UAV’s
  the Mediterranean or North Africa to do                                                            for environmental surveillance. The US
  surveillance flights, staying in the area for    Sensors                                           aerospace administration agency NASA
  5-6 hours, before returning to its base in       The main sensor on the Triton is of course        has conducted flights with the Global
  the far north of Norway.                         the radar, with its 360 degree coverage. At       Hawk in the Arctic to monitor the melt-
            Operating at 50 to 55,000 feet,        55,000 feet, the diameter of the covered          down of ­oceanic ice. During one of these
  the Triton soars well above all civilian         surface image will be from 290 to 300             flights, dust coming from the Gobi desert
  air t­raffic, which rarely ventures above a      ­nautical miles, or a swath 550 kms (340          was discovered near the North Pole. Like
­ceiling of 35 to 39,000 feet.                      miles) wide.                                     the Global Hawk, Triton can be used to
            At these altitudes, the Triton will             This means that a Triton flying in       provide governmental agencies with in-
 also rise above the majority of all w  ­ eather    the Barents sea will provide radar coverage      formation on natural disasters and major
 problems, such as windstorms, i­cing and           of the whole passage from Finnmark, the          ­accidents. The Global Hawk has for in-
 precipitation. But since the main p   ­ urpose     northern part of main land Norway and all         stance been useful in charting the devel-
 of the Triton is that of maritime surveil-         the up to the arctic archipelago of Svalbard.     opment of forest fires in the USA, and the
 lance, the craft can also “dive” from ­cruising            The radar can also focus or ”zoom         aircraft was also of crucial importance in
 at 55,000 feet to some 3000 feet in order          in” on objects of particular interest, to give    connection with the tsunami that struck
 to give the operator close-up i­mages of           the operator a sharper image of what is           Japan in 2011. Here, a Global Hawk
 interesting objects on demand. This is             happening on the ocean surface. And by            could fly in over the damaged Fukushima
 a ­capability that has been a ­prerequisite        stooping to lower altitudes, the operator         ­nuclear power plant, transmitting images
 of the US Navy, and which makes a                  can acquire electro-optical images of the          of the damages to Japanese authorities.

                                                                                                                 MILITÆRTEKNIKK 6/2015                       3

                                                   with high capabilities of data, information       the process of procuring the P8, for its use
                                                   and communications exchange as a design           as their successor to the P3 Orion. The cost
        E ndurance: 24+ hours                     criterion.                                        of a Triton UAV is much lower, and even if
        L ength: 14.5 metes                                                                         actual price tags are rarely given, the unit
        W ing span: 39.9 metres
        H eight: 4.7metres
                                                   Lower operational costs,                          cost of the Triton will probably underscore
        W eight: Max design gross take-off;       ­reduced price                                    that of the P8 by half.
        14,600 kilograms                           It comes as no surprise that the opera-
        A irspeed: 320 knots/ 600 km/h            tions costs for an unmanned aerial vehicle        The human factor
        C eiling: 60.000 feet/ 18,300meters       are lower than those of a crewed aircraft,        The main challenge to the UAV concept in
        R ange: 8200 nautical miles/ 15,200 km
                                                   with the natural savings related to the           general lies probably on the human plane.
        C rew: 4 per ground station.
                                                   missing crews. There is, however, a need          Most people will harbour some unease that
                                                   for a manned control room whenever the            a pilotless aircraft of several tons may be in
                                                   UAV is in the air, so the savings are less        the air above us. But the emotional unrest
                                                   than 100 percent of the crew costs. The US        is actually without foundation in fact.
    Triton as data link                            Navy is nevertheless expecting a saving of                 - The US Defence has gained
    The ability of Triton to operate at these      2 to 3 persons when compared to manned            ­considerable experience over time with the
    elevated altitudes enables it to be used       aircraft of the P3 Orion type. Specifically,       Global Hawk and other massive UAV’s, and
    to advantage as data link for other units.     the Navy has a goal of keeping the costs           these aircraft have shown themselves to be
    Particularly in the northern territories and   per flying hour below 10,000 dollars. Most         less accident-prone than others, with fewer
    over ocean spaces, where satellite coverage    manned aircraft have substantially higher          faults and the greatest reliability. A signifi-
    is sparse, the Triton can offer an important   hourly costs than this.                            cant factor in this is the ruling out of pilot
    boost to for instance the communication                 For the US Navy, the procurement          error when it comes to these aircraft, Flood
    between Navy vessels, aircraft and shore-      cost for the Triton is also significantly lower    explains.
    based units. It is worth noting that both      than that for the new P8 maritime surveil-                 - All tests and exercises indicate
    the Triton and the F-35 have been devised      lance aircraft. The US Navy is currently in        that the aircraft are behaving quite

4       MILITÆRTEKNIKK 6/2015

e­ xemplarily, doing exactly what they are
 programmed to do. If they lose contact
 with the ops room, they do an automatic
 return flight, landing at the base and
 taxiing into the hangar. And if the craft
 should incur faults or damages sufficiently
 serious to preclude its return to a landing
 field, it will perform a controlled setdown
 at sea, well away from other vessels.
 The probability that an UAV should fall
 uncontrolled from the sky is extremely
          For Norway, where unmanned craft        A Norwegian P-3 Orion coming in for landing at Andøya Air Force base in Northern Norway.  Photo: FMS
 will primarily be used in the ­policing of
 huge, deserted ocean expanses, the chance

 of such an aircraft losing control, then
 plunging from the sky to hit a vessel at sea,
 is not even microscopic.
          - Even today, unmanned aircraft
 are overflying us from time to time, says
 Drew Flood in closing. In May last year,
 in c­onnection with the exercise Unified
 Vision 2014, a Global Hawk flew over
 England and entered huge parts of the
                                                  STRENGTHENS AERIAL
 south Norwegian airspace.
                                                 Co-operation on spare parts supply with Germany gives Nor-
                                                 wegian P-3 Orion sur­veillance aircraft more hours in the air.

                                                 –T             his agreement was signed in
                                                                May 2015 and ensures that the
                                                 materiel is ready and accessible whenever
                                                                                                      will thereby ensure that Norway will be
                                                                                                      able to keep these aircraft operational for a
                                                                                                      long time ahead, says Andreassen.
                                                 it is needed. This is of the utmost im­                        Previously, the Air Force has been
                                                 portance for the operative capabilities of           procuring necessary spare parts through
                                                 the Air Force, says the system owner for             a joint programme with the US Navy. The
                                                 the P-3 Orion, Odd Arne Andreassen from              US Air Force is planning to replace its P-3
                                                 the Defence Logistics Organisation.                  Orion fleet with P-8 Poseidon craft over
                                                            He describes the agreement, v­ alued      the period of 2013 to 2020, however, so
                                                 at some 50 MNOK (6 MEUR) as very                     Norway will therefore not be able to source
                                                 ­favourable, including as it does both new           its spare parts in the same manner as
                                                  acquisitions, repairs and transport out to          ­previously.
                                                  base. The main criterion is that Airbus                       – As early as 2011, the Air Force
                                                  Defence in an operational situation will
                                                  ­                                                    realised that a spare parts collaboration for
                                                  have delivered 75 percent overnight, 95              the P-3 Orion with Germany could be to
                                                  percent within three days, and 100 percent           our advantage. The Ministry of ­    Defence
                                                  in 30 days.                                          assigned the task of establishing such
                                                            – In addition to the basic procure-        ­collaboration with Germany to the Defence
                                                  ment of spare parts, the agreement com-               Logistics Organisation in 2013. Germany
                                                  prises what is referred to as “Obsolescence           already had a good spare parts agreement
                                                  management”. This means that Airbus                   with Airbus Defence, which we were able
                                                  ­Defence, who is contracted to Germany,               to subscribe to, says Andreassen.
                                                   and now also to Norway, ensures that                         Entering into this agreement saves
                                                   spares that are taken out of production, will        us massive amounts of cash, and provides
                                                   be replaced with new spares sourced else-            better access to the resources required to
                                                   where. Germany is planning to use these              keep the planes aloft and operational.
                                                   aircraft at least until the year 2035, making                – Briefly summarised, the agree-
             Takeoff for test flight
             Triton UAVs taking off might be a     the agreement very important in order to             ment ensures that the Norwegian Orion
             common sight at Evenes airport in     maintain these aircraft in operational status        fleet produces more hours in the air,
             Northern Norway in years to come.     through the same period. The agreement               ­Andreassen concludes.

                                                                                                               MILITÆRTEKNIKK 6/2015                      5
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Air independent ­propulsion
(AIP) for conventional
sub­marines offers huge
­operational benefits. Today,
 two competing technologies;
 the Stirling engine and fuel
 cells are the base of AIP.

A      ir-independent propulsion (AIP) is a
       technology that allows a non-nuclear
submarine to operate without access to
oxygen from the air. A conventional sub-
marine without AIP will normally have the
capacity to operate submerged 1-3 days,
depending on variables such as speed and
operational pattern. After this relatively
short time, the submarine will be in need
of oxygen supply from the surface. This is
done either by going up to the surface or
pumping oxygen into the submarine by
snorkelling. Both operations represent a
high risk of revealing the submarine’s posi-
tion. A few decades ago, the possibilities of
detecting a submarine´s snorkel coming up
of the water were quite limited. But today´s     The latest version of the Sterling engine                                      Photo: Kockums
modern radars has no problem spotting a
football sized snorkel head breaking the
water surface, giving away the position of      Submarine propulsion                              The battery capacity will set the standard
the submarine below. To reduce the risk of      Most conventional submarines t­           oday    for how long a submarine can stay under
being detected, the submarine can move          have so-called diesel electric pro­pulsion,       water before coming up to the surface or
away from enemy vessels, hoping to find         meaning that the submarine has two
                                                ­                                                 going up for snorkelling, and starting the
a more safe position for snorkelling, for       different kind engines on board, ­
                                                ­                                        diesel   diesel engines for recharging of the batteries.
instance hiding behind an islet. But by         ­engines and an electric motor that runs                    With a AIP system onboard, the
­frequently moving away from the theatre,        on batteries. A submarine will typically         submarine can recharge its batteries while
 the operational effect of the submarine         be using the electrical motor r­unning on        submerged, and as the acronym tells, in­
 is significantly reduced. And even while        ­batteries for submerged propulsion. ­Besides    dependent of getting air through a snorkel.
 snorkelling in a distant and more hidden         submerged propulsion, the ­batteries and                 The AIP is normally an ­auxiliary
 position, the chances of being spotted by        the electrical system also provides “hotel      engine for electricity production and
 for instance helicopters, is still a risk.       services” – ventilation, ­ lighting, heating,   battery charging. The submarine will
          Conventional submarines with an         etc –although this consumes just a small        still have the diesel engine on board, for
 AIP unit, often named AIP submarines,            amount of power compared to the required        surface propulsion and battery charging
 have the capacity of staying submerged           propulsion at higher speeds.                    when on the surface or snorkelling. And
 for a significantly longer period of time.                The diesel engine drives a gene­       as a typical diesel engine can provide up
 Depending on AIP system and operation            rator for charging the batteries, when          to 3 m ­ egawatts for battery charging, the
 variables such as speed and movements,           ­running on the surface or during snorkel-      AIP unit as of today provides around 10%
 an AIP submarine can stay submerged for           ling. The propulsion motor uses electrical     of that. So the d ­ iesel engine when getting
 about 18-21 days or more, according to            energy from the batteries both in surfaced     air for from the ­surface can recharge the
 open sources.                                     and submerged conditions.                      ­batteries a lot faster than an AIP unit. But
          This of course both reduces the                  The main limitation of a diesel-        the AIP unit can provide electricity for
 risk of the submarine being detected and          electric submarine is the need snort to run     charging the ­batteries over a much longer
 brings also the operational capacity of the       the diesel engines and the signature it cre-    period of time, when the ­submarine is sub-
 submarine to a whole new level.                   ates through noise and hot exhaust gases.       merged.

                                                                                                            MILITÆRTEKNIKK 6/2015                   7

    AIP systems
    Most submarines in planning or under
    construction today will have an AIP system
              But an AIP system can also be retro­
    fitted into an existing submarine hull by
    inserting an additional hull section. This
    is done by cutting the submarine in two
    half, adding an approximately 8-9 meters
    long extra section in the middle. The two
    ­Swedish Navy´s Södermanland class sub-
     marines were in 2003-04 cut in two be-
     hind the sail and given an extra 12 meters
     section containing two AIP Stirling units.
              The solution of lengthening the
     submarine for giving space to an AIP unit
     has been considered for the N    ­ orwegian
     Ula class submarines. But as the Ula class
     of ­today have a length of 59 meters and
     beam of 5.9 meters, is has been concluded
     that an extra 8-9 meters length will give
     the ­ submarines an unfavourable length-
     beam ratio, that will give a significant
     ­reduction in the submarines capacity for
      manoeuvring in narrow littoral waters
      along the Norwegian coastline. Taken in
      additional account the very high cost of
      lengthening a submarine, the Norwegian          2nd generation of the DCNS AIP unit being tested                                    Photo: DCNS
      navy has turned down this alternative.

    Saab Kockums Stirling engine                         in a Stirling Engine, not explosions, like in     have been operational in submarines since
    The Saab Kockums Stirling engine is                  a Otto or Diesel engine. The Stirling engine      1990. Over this period of time, the system
    one of the most proven operational AIP               reuses its working fluid, as the com­bustion      has become smaller and lighter with ­higher
    systems. Kockums bought the Stirling
    ­                                                takes place in a separate combustion                  operational reliability and a significant
    Engine ­
    ­          patent in 1969 from the Dutch         ­chamber. The pressure in the combustion              drop in maintenance cost. And while we
    company ­Phillips, and installed the Stirling     chamber is higher than on in the surround-           have about a 70% availability on today`s
    ­engine for the first time in the submarine       ing ocean allowing the water vapour and              submarines, we expect the new Kockums
     Näcken in 1988. The Gotland class sub-           carbon dioxide produced to be dissolved in           A26 submarines that are currently being
     marines, commissioned by the Swedish             the sea cooling water. A combustion ­engine          constructed, to have more than 80%. This
     Navy from 1996 have the system installed         needs a permanent supply of oxygen,                  naturally also means that the life cycle cost
     from the be­   ginning. Today, besides the       ­generally through air. The Kockums s­ tirling       will go down, Wicklander concludes.
     three G ­ otland Class submarines, Stirling         engine uses pure oxygen and standard
     engines have also been retrofitted into the         ­diesel fuel form onboard tanks. Further on,      Fuel cell based AIP
     two older ­Sødermanland class submarines.            with continuous combustion, the noise and        The other main AIP technology for con-
     In addition, Japan and Singapore have AIP            vibrations from a Stirling engine is almost      ventional submarines is based on fuel cells.
     submarines based on the Stirling engine.             zero compared to a diesel engine.                        A fuel cell converts the chemical
     Sweden has currently started the construc-                   The vibrations from Kockums              energy from a fuel into electricity through
     tion of the A26 that will operate a Stirling-     ­Stirling engine is so small that we can put        a chemical reaction of positively charged
     based AIP system. So far Sweden is plan-           a coin standing upraised on the top of the         hydrogen ions with oxygen or another oxi-
     ning to purchase two A26 submarines.               engine while it is running, says Hans Wick-        dizing agent. Fuel cells are different from
              The Stirling Engine is a heat engine      lander at Saab Kockums. The reason for             batteries in that they require a continuous
     that operates by cyclic compression and            this is the smooth stirling cycle combined         source of fuel and oxygen or air to sustain
     expansion of air or other gas (the ­working        with the V4-configuration of the cylinders,        the chemical reaction, whereas in a battery
     gas). Kockums uses helium. Hydrogen                double balance shafts and the continuous           the chemicals present in the battery react
     would give better performance, but is not          combustion. And when we in addition put            with each other to generate an electromo-
     accepted from a safety point of view. The          the whole stirling system in a sound insu-         tive force (emf). Fuel cells can produce
     basic principle of the engine is that when         lated module on rubber suspensions, both           electricity continuously for as long as these
     heated, the working fluid in the ­cylinder         the noise and vibrations signatures of the         inputs are supplied. The first generation of
     expands its volume and the pressure                submarine are reduced to almost zero.              Fuel Cell AIP used hydrogen coming from
     ­created drives a piston.                                    -As of today we have been                tanks onboard the submarine.
              Compared to a diesel engine or a          ­developing Stirling engines for submarines                Since fuel cells produces ­electricity
      fuel engine, there is continuous combustion        for more than 30 years, and the engines           though a chemical reaction, there are no

8       MILITÆRTEKNIKK 6/2015

                                                                                                           and adds that he is confident that this new
                                                                                                           generation of AIP represents a techno-
                                                                                                           logical breakthrough which will definitely
                                                                                                           meet navies’ operational needs and offers
                                                                                                           unrivalled capabilities compared with the
                                                                                                           previous propulsion systems. As of today
                                                                                                           the system has not yet been installed in any

                                                                                                           Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems
                                                                                                           Fuel cells have been under develop-
                                                                                                           ment by thyssenkrupp Marine Systems
                                                                                                           (­     previous Howaldswerk-Deutsche Werft;
                                                                                                           HDW) in Kiel for more than 25 years. So
                                                                                                           far 36 ­contracts for submarines equipped
                                                                                                           with HDW fuel cell AIP system have been
                                                                                                           concluded with seven navies, including the
                                                                                                           German navy, Italian navy, Turkish navy,
                                                                                                           Hellenic navy, Portuguese navy, Israeli
                                                                                                           navy, and South Korean navy. The HDW
                                                                                                           AIP system has a maximum power output
                                                                                                           of approximately 240 kW (the system on
                                                                                                           board the HDW Class 214 submarines)
                                                                                                           and the electrical efficiency of the AIP
                                                                                                           ­system is up to 60%.
                                                                                                                          However, the current HDW AIP
 Thyssenkrupp Marine systems has chosen methanol as basis for hydrogen production for their next genera-    system is based on relatively heavy ­onboard
 tion fuel cells AIP system.                                                      Photo: Thyssenkrupp
                                                                                                            hydrogen storage. For a sub­marine with a
                                                                                                            displacement larger than approximately
pistons or other “moving parts” in the                         So far, three Agosta 90B for the             2000 tonnes, and with high AIP power
­actual electricity productions in the fuel           Pakistan Navy have been equipped with                 ­demand, a different solution is ­necessary.
 cell. This means there is neither noise nor          the MESMA® AIP module.                                 Installation of more hydrogen metal
 vibrations coming from the fuel cell unit. A                  -The MESMA® AIP is our first                  hydride cylinder for hydrogen ­
                                                                                                             ­                                      storages
 submarine with fuel cell based AIP is there-         exported AIP, says marketing director
                                                      ­                                                      would add significantly weight and require
 fore very silent and hard to detect from             Xavier Mesnet at DCNS. The MESMA®
                                                      ­                                                      additional volume.
 anti-submarine surface vessels.                      system requires storage of pure oxygen in                           Based on this, TKMS started to
                                                      tanks on board the submarine.                          ­explore the use of fuel cells based onboard
Next generation of fuel cells                                  - We decided after MESMA system                hydrogen production, based on liquid fuel.
Several companies are currently develop-              to jump directly to the second generation                           -In our next generation of AIP
ing fuel cell based AIP conventional sub-             of Fuel Cell AIP. In our 2nd generation of              we have chosen methanol as the basis
marines today.                                        AIP, hydrogen is produced on demand.                    for h   ­ydrogen production, says Joachim
       But as of today, the French                    That means that we don´t need to store                  Schoenfeld at thyssenkrupp Marine
company DCNS and German Company
­                                                     pure h ­ ydrogen on board the submarine.                ­Systems. -This is due to the need of storing
Thyssen Krupp Marine systems are testing              Through a chemical reaction, hydrogen is                 liquid oxygen (LOX) for the AIP system,
out the next generation of fuel cell based            produced from diesel oil, so that we do not              and the LOX tank is a dominant compo-
AIP systems.                                          add any harmful substance, that is all the               nent defining system size. Consequently,
                                                      more important in a confined atmosphere,                 the oxygen consumption of the AIP ­system
DCNS                                                  and we considerably increase safety on                   is very important, and should be kept as
DCNS has been working for a long                      board. We closed on diesel oil as the base               low as possible. TKMS has considered
time on the air independent propulsion                for hydrogen production, as diesel oil is                three feed stock for onboard hydrogen
­systems since the Group exported its first           easy to get in any port and diesel oil is                production, diesel, ethanol and m  ­ ethanol,
 ­                                   Module           common on board any conventional sub-                    Schoenfeld explains. -The final choice
 d’Energie S­   ous-Marine Autonome) in               marine.                                                  was in favour of methanol due to the
 the late 1990 for conventional Agosta                         -In addition, the oxygen for the fuel           high ­hydrogen/carbon ratio in methanol,
 sub­  marines. It is essentially a modified          cell is mixed with nitrogen, a mixture close             ­leading to a high production of hydrogen
 ­version of their nuclear propulsion system          to normal air. By doing this we signifi­                  and a relatively low rate of carbon d­ ioxide
  with heat ­being generated by ethanol and           cantly reduce the corrosion problem in the                which means reduced consumption of
  ­oxygen. As i­nstalled on the submarine, a          AIP system.                                               oxygen. This of course means that an
   MESMA® system requires adding a new                         We have been running on shore test               AIP system based on methanol produces
   8.3 metres (27 ft), 305 tonne hull section         on our second generation AIP system for                   ­relatively high rate of hydrogen, spending
   to the submarines.                                 quite some time now, Mesnet c­ontinues,                    a relatively low rate of oxygen.

                                                                                                                      MILITÆRTEKNIKK 6/2015                     9

      N o r w e g i a n D e f e n c e a nd S e c u r i t y
         I nd u s t r i e s A ss o c i at i o n ( F S i )

                                                          Lederen har ordet:
Forsvaret er avhengig av industrien for å opprettholde kompetanse på                                                                                 En annen forutsetning for en
                                                                                                                                             levedyktig nasjonal forsvarsindustri er
­komplekse sensor- og våpensystemer. Derfor må forholdene legges til rette                                                                   eksport. Leveranser til utlandet ­    sikrer
 for å sikre at vi kan opprettholde og styrke en nasjonal forsvarsindustri som                                                               videreutvikling av teknologi og ­systemer
 kan levere kosteffektivt materiell som møter Forsvarets krav og understøtte                                                                 og at industriens kompetanse opp­
                                                                                                                                             rettholdes og forblir relevant. Det er
 materiellet. Det forutsetter at Forsvaret anskaffer fra norsk industri når                                                                  en forutsetning for at industrien skal
 den kan levere, at forsvarsindustrien blir en strategisk partner som sikrer                                                                 kunne understøtte Forsvaret i krise og
 ­materiellets tilgjengelighet og relevans i hele levetiden, at anskaffelser til                                                             krig. Leveranser til utenlandske kunder
  Forsvaret fra utlandet sikrer markedsadgang og et stabilt og forutsigbart                                                                  gir også stordriftsfordeler som bidrar til
                                                                                                                                             å redusere Forsvarets driftskostnader
  regime for eksportkontroll.                                                                                                                og til å redusere kostnadene ved opp­
                                                                                                                                             graderinger av materiell. Derfor er
I løpet av noen måneder skal Stor­tinget              Meldingen bekrefter at norsk fors-       varsindustrien yte et viktig bidrag til å     eksport av forsvarsmateriell avgjørende
behandle både Meld St. nr. 9 (2015              varsindustri styrker forsvarsevnen og bi-      ivareta behovet for leveranse­sikkerhet       for å ivareta nasjonens vesentlige sikker-
– 2016) “Nasjonal forsvarsindustriell           drar til å ivareta vesentlige nasjonale sik-   og støtte drift og vedlikehold av Fors-       hetsinteresser.
strategi” og Meld. St. nr. 8 (2015-2016)        kerhetsinteresser. Norske forhold krever       varets materiell i fred, krise og krig. Det           I et internasjonalt forsvarsmarked
“Eksport av forsvarsmateriell fra Norge         ofte tilpasset materiell for at Forsvaret      forutsetter at industrien brukes i den        der proteksjonisme er hovedregelen, er
i 2014”. Vi forventer at behandlingen           skal kunne løse sin viktigste oppgave –        daglige driften av Forsvaret. Derfor er       det også helt avgjørende at ­Forsvarets
gir forsvarsindustrien stabile og forut-        å forsvare Norge. Derfor er en nasjonal        det på enkelte områder helt nødvendig å       anskaffelser i utlandet konsekvent
sigbare rammebetingelser som både               forsvarsindustri som har kunnskap om           foreta et valg mellom åpen internasjonal      brukes til å bryte ned handelshindringer
sikrer at industrien fortsatt kan bidra         norske forhold, og som kan utvikle mate-       konkurranse og strategisk samarbeid           og sikre markedsadgang for norske
til å styrke forsvarsevnen og til å skape       riell og systemer som er tilpasset Forsva-     mellom Forsvaret og norsk forsvars­           systemer og løsninger, gjennom at det
verdier og interessante arbeidsplasser i        rets behov, nødvendig for å ivareta nas-       industri. Det lar seg ikke gjøre med en       stilles krav om forpliktende industri-
en høyteknologisk industri som er inter-        jonens vesentlige sikkerhetsinteresser.        kombinasjon dersom forsvarsindustrien         samarbeidsavtaler ved alle store an­
nasjonalt konkurransedyktig.                          En uforutsigbar sikkerhetspolitisk       skal ha en rolle i å understøtte Forsvarets   skaffelser til Forsvaret fra utenlandske
      I stortingsmeldingen om Nasjonal          situasjon gjør at leveransesikkerhet           drift av materiell og eventuelt militære      leverandører.
forsvarsindustriell strategi, som ble           igjen blir viktig. Oppstår en sikkerhets­      operasjoner.                                          I tillegg til forsvarsevne, bidrar
lagt frem i slutten av oktober, legges          politisk krise som berører en eller flere            Derfor må norsk industri fore-          forsvarsindustrien til økonomisk ­vekst,
det vekt på at nasjonale løsninger for          nasjoner som leverer materiell til Norge,      trekkes når Forsvaret skal utvikle og/        arbeidsplasser og industriell utvikling
utvikling, produksjon og/eller vedlike-         er det sannsynlig at nasjonen det gjelder      eller a­ nskaffe materiell og systemer som    i lokalsamfunn mange steder i Norge.
hold av e­nkelte typer kritisk materiell        vil ­prioritere egne behov. Det svekker        inneholder teknologi og/eller produkter       Forsvarsindustrien er en lønnsom
er et ­nødvendig tiltak fordi det kan ikke      vår forsvarsevne. Derfor er forsvars­          som er definert som en del av nasjo-          ­fastlandsbasert høyteknologisk eksport­
forventes at det internasjonale forsvars-       industrien også viktig for nasjonal            nens vesentlige sikkerhetsinteresser.          industri. I en tid da deler av norsk
markedet alltid vil være i stand til fullt ut   forsynings­sikkerhet og beredskap.             Dette er en forutsetning for at indus-         ­industri har store utfordringer, opplever
å levere materiell som dekker særegne                 Innenfor åtte prioriterte teknolo-       trien skal kunne fortsette å bidra til å        forsvarsindustrien økt etterspørsel og
norske behov. Det vil derfor være nød-          giske kompetanseområder legger stor­           styrke forsvarsevnen. Uten at dette er          økende ordreinngang fra utenlandske
vendig å opprettholde og videreutvikle          tingsmeldingen opp til å samarbeide            en del av rammebetingelsene for norsk           kunder. Forutsatt at rammebetingelsene
kompetanse innenfor norsk forsvars­             med norsk industri. På disse områdene          forsvarsindustri, slik det er for andre
                                                                                               ­                                               er på plass, vil det sikre aktivitet og
industri på områder av betydning for vår        har norsk industri unik kompetanse om          ­nasjoners forsvarsindustri, er det ikke        ­videre utvikling av industrien i lang tid
nasjonale sikkerhet.                            mye av Forsvarets materiell og be­tydelig       mulig å opprettholde nasjonal kompe­            fremover.
                                                produksjonskapasitet. Derfor kan fors-          tanse og leveransesikkerhet over tid.

                                  P.O. Box 5250 Majorstuen,                           Tel:            + 47 23 08 80 00                   E-mail:
                                  NO- 0303 Oslo. NORWAY                               Telefax:        + 47 23 08 80 18                   Internet:

                                                                                                                                             MILITÆRTEKNIKK 6/2015                          11

     On the 4th and 5th of November, a Technology
     Seminar was organised by the FSi, FFI and SOF
     at the venerable Karljohansvern base in the city
     of Horten, where some 25 exhibitors from the
     defence industry had set up stands
     in the convention section of the seminar.

     Text and Photos: Henning Lønn            is important, because the
                                              Special Operations Forces are

     D       uring
                        the     seminar
     ­Research ­Espen Berg-Knutsen
                                              the elite and the entrepreneurs
                                              of the Defence, often the very
                                              first to try out and be s­upplied
      from the FFI, ­   discussing how        with new equipment and
      the FFI d    ­iscussed the long-        cutting-edge technology. For the
      lasting c­ooperation with the           future, this should be carried
      ­Nor­wegian Special Operation           forward to the effect that the
       ­Forces (SOF), not least within        SOF must be the early a­ dopters
        materiel aspects.                     if not the actual originators of           Ola Strand, Senior Development Engineer at Techni, located in Borre south
           - The collaboration with           the innovation, Berg-Knutsen               of Horten. Techni has evolved from a small recourse centre to a certified
                                                                                         subcontractor for the F35 JSF program.
        the Special Operations Forces         concluded.

       Nammo, short for Nordic Ammunition Company, is a Norwegian/Finnish aerospace and defence group specialized in production of ammunition, rocket motors and
       space applications. The company has subsidiaries in Finland, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Australia, the United States and Canada. The company
       is owned 50/50 by the Norwegian Government represented by the Norwegian Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries, and the Finnish defence company Patria.
       The company has its headquarters in Raufoss, Norway. From left Magne Myvang, Jan-Ove Bråthen, Andreas Gaarder, Anne Kathrine Prytz and Helge Stadheim

12         MILITÆRTEKNIKK 6/2015

David Reeves, Director of International Business Development for Ultralife. Ultralife is organ-   Cecilie Dybo presented Axnes Aviation AS. The company has been supplying
ised into two business segments: Battery and Energy Products, and Communications Systems.         its wireless intercom systems to the industry for almost two decades, and is an
Ultralife manufactures batteries using various chemistries including Lithium Manganese            EASA Part 21 and Part 145 approved organization. AXNES is an approved
Dioxide, Nickel Metal Hydride, Lithium Manganese Oxide, Lithium Polymer, and Lithium              supplier to OEMs such as Agusta Westland, Airbus Helicopters, Bell Helicopter
Thionyl Chloride among others. Communications Systems harnesses the collective design and         and Sikorsky. Axnes Aviation AS was founded in 1995, and is a 100%
engineering strengths of two brands acquired via acquisition: AMTI and McDowell Research.         privately owned company located in Grimstad, Norway.

Olav Heieren from Vinghøg AS, Presents The Reinmetall 40 mm System                                Karl Marius Norschau from Norsafe. Norsafe is the global market leader in
House. Vinghøg is a subsidiary of Rheinmetall Nordic AS, which has been                           marine life-saving systems for the merchant and offshore markets. Norsafe has
an established player in Scandinavia for over half a century, with some 140                       grown rapidly over the past 25 years – from a small Norwegian company into
employees at location in Tønsberg.                                                                a multinational group, with worldwide presence.

                                                                                                                                          MILITÆRTEKNIKK 6/2015                     13

     This year’s program confernence for land,
     logistics and soldier systems was held at the
     Holmen Fjord Hotel in Asker, south of Oslo.
     The delegate count was around 80, of whom
     approximately half came from the defence
     establishment and the Ministry of Defence.                                     Col. Ivar Omstad and Captain Bjørn Hurlen (right).    Photo: MilitærTeknikk

     B     rigadier Inge Kampenes
           opened the conference
     with his presentation of the
                                            defend Norway and assist our
                                                 In conclusion, both ­options
                                                                                   the new report takes into con­
                                                                                   sideration Norway’s relations to
                                                                                   the European Union’s Defence
     report      entitled      “Strategic   1) and 2) will entail that the         and Security Directive of 2009,
     Defence Review” by the Chief           Norwegian Defence is rendered          and the importance of inter­
     of Defence. In drafting this           unable to resolve its tasks. For       national co-operation.
     document, the Chief of Defence         alternative 3), the Chief of                Bjørn Hurlen, Captain in the
     has based his premises on three        Defence has suggested a ­sober         Artillery Batallion, explained
     different economic scenarios for       defence structure that is the          how the Norwegian firing man-
     the years ahead:                       bare minimum required to               agement system ODIN was de-
     1) zero real growth in the             address the current threat             veloped for connecting to other
     ­defence budgets,                      perception.                            countries’ artillery systems via
      2) an annual growth of                     Colonel Ivar Omstad from          ASCA, a multi-national pro-
                                                                                                                             Brigadier Inge Kampenes presented
      0.5% per annum, and                   the Ministry of Defence pre­sented     gramme for integration between            the “Perspective Plan for Materiel”
      3) the priorities of the Chief of     the new Parliamentary Report           firing management systems.                as well as the “Strategic Defence
      Defence in the event of               on National Defence I­ndustry               - In the development of              Review” by the Chief of Defence.
      allocations in excess of the          Strategy, to replace Parlia­           ODIN, we have devoted a lot of                          Photo: MilitærTeknikk
      ­annual growth of 0.5%.               mentary Report no. 38, Strat-          effort to ensuring that the sys-
                                            egy for Business Political A
                                                                       ­ spects    tem should be in compliance              give credit to the very dedicated
          The Chief has e­mphasised         in      Defence     Procurements.      with NATO standards. This may            efforts of the Kongsberg system
     in his recommendations that            The new parliamentary report           have added to the demands of             programmers for a comendable
     our security and political             continues the intents and pur-         the situation at the time, but we        job.
     situation has undergone pro-
     ­                                      poses carrying forth the sup-          are seeing solid returns on the              - And when we took part in
     found changes in recent years.         porting elements in the PP38.          invested efforts now.                    the Bold Quest exercise in Texas
     The key conclusion of the Chief        The new report has nevertheless             In less than one year,              in October, it felt very special
     of ­ Defence based on these            been clarified and strengthened        we were able to develop supple-          to be able to receive firing
     ­premises is the recommendation        in its form, basing its view-          mentary software that lets us            control data from the systems of in
      to make a marked upturn in our        point on the international de-         communicate with our allies. The         total seven different nations,
      efforts, with significant en-         velopment as well as national          project was carried through              fully digital with no voice used,
      hancement of our ability to           secuirty interests. Further to this,   ­easily, and I want in this respect to   explained Hurlen in closing.

14       MILITÆRTEKNIKK 6/2015

                               The process to procure new air s­ urveillance
                               radars enters its next phase when the
                               ­Defence before Christmas submits its recom-
                                mendation to the Ministry of Defence for
                                the next stage in the relay. The Air Force is
                                expecting the matter to be submitted before
                                the Parliament around the beginning of 2016.
                                The systems to be chosen will remain in
                                operation until well into the 2020’s. Portable
                                radars are heading up the wish list. They
                                will increase survivability, while at the same
                                time improving surveillance quality. Portable
                                radars are the new trend in Europe.

                               Text: Tor Husby

                               -N        orway has a number of air surveillance sensors that are
                                         fast approaching the end of their effective lifespan. We
                               need replacements for these, in order to carry forward into the
                               future the ability to perform air surveillance 24/7, 365 days a
                               year for Norway and adjacent regions. The threat perception has
                               changed since the old system entered operation. The Air Force
                               demands of the new radars that they must ‘see’ better than the
                               old ones, detecting anything that moves in the air space, be it
                               slow drones or hypersonic missiles flying high or low, stealthy
                               or not, says Colonel Torgeir Berg, head of the Air Force develop-
                               ment division.

                               Green light soon
                               The Air Force is coming up on the final stretch. A procurement
                               solution describing several alternative options will this autumn
                               be submitted to the Ministry of Defence, where a green light
                               for one of the solutions is expected. The exact number of radar
                               ­sensors needed by the Defence is yet to be clarified. The ­Defence

16     MILITÆRTEKNIKK 6/2015

                                                           NEW CHALLENGES FOR NOR­
                                                           WEGIAN AIR WARNING RADARS
                                                           The story about the Norwegian air warning radars reads
                                                           almost like the story of the F-16. On the outside, not much
                                   FFI ­Project            has changed, while the inside has been uprated and renewed
                                    ­K arl-Erik Olsen      a number of times. Now, however, it is time for the entire
                                                           system to be replaced. The comparison is presented by FFI`s
                                                           Project Manager, Karl-Erik Olsen.
Logistics Organisation, FLO, will be tasked
with looking into which suppliers can meet                 Text and photo: Tor Husby                                          – Suddenly, you have radar ­systems
the Defence requirements at what costs. It                                                                            capable of simultaneous multitasking,
will be an open competitive bid.
          The new air warning radars of
the Defence will form a part of the inte-
                                                           T     he project manager considers that the
                                                                 tasks expecting the new radars are some
                                                           50 times greater than what for example the
                                                                                                                      where detection and target tracking is
                                                                                                                      ­being performed by the same system. But
                                                                                                                       even with the added flexibility, we are not
grated NATO air warning chain, which                       German air defence radars are faced with.                   expecting any quantum leaps, Karl-Erik
may be viewed as NATO’s valiant air                        The radar systems of both these ­countries                  Olsen opines.
watch. ­Radars are just a part of the system,              are surveying the same approximate
though. The warning chain also comprises                   ­geographical volume. But where Germany is                 Lacking collaboration
of ­communications and link solutions as                    compact and fairly flat, Norway is elongated              When focus is shifted from technology to
well as ­command sites. The introduction                    and mountainous with many deep fjords.                    society, what becomes apparent is a lack of
of ­NATO’s new Air Command and C      ­ ontrol              The highest elevation of the ­Defence radar               collaboration between the civilian systems
System (ACCS) is yet another new upgrade                    installations is some 1000 meters. All in all,            operated by Avinor and Luftfartsverket on
in the process of being implemented.                        this creates a different set of ­challenges for           one side, and the Air Force systems on
The nations of the Alliance may be using                    us. Fortunately, both nations are integrated              the other side. Society nowadays expects
­different sensors while they all contribute                in the NATO air d  ­ efence.                              more extensive collaboration. One further
 to building an airspace image. The current                                                                           dimension is that the European Union is
 trend in Europe is to use mobile air surveil-             New dynamics                                               currently in a process of reorganising all air
 lance radars.                                             Furthermore, a whole new dynamic a­ spect                  transport.
          The Norwegian air traffic agency                 has been raised on the military side in                             – All in all, we are seeing a whole
 Avinor, with whom the Defence enjoys                      the discovery of airborne objects. The                     new world that the new radars will be
 good co-operation, has ‘secondary’ radars.                new ­  radar systems must be able to de-                   ­required to handle in a positive manner,
 But the Defence has a need of seeing even                 tect a­nything from small model aircraft-                   says the project manager from FFI.
 those aerial vehicles who would prefer to                 like drones flying at virtually walking                             The function of the Norwegian
 remain unseen.                                            speed, up to fast and high flying fighter                   Defence Research Establishment FFI is to
          - The control and warning system                 aircraft and ballistic missiles coming in                   provide the Defence with the sufficient
 (K&V) is in a state of readiness all day                  at speeds well over supersonic. And all                     overview in order to make the optimum
 and night, all year. In the same manner as                the while, stealth is becoming more and                     decisions. In this capacity, Karl-Erik Olsen
 we have a Coast Guard at sea, and Border                  more c­ommon. D   ­ ifferent objects produce                has been ‘hunting high and low’, but in
 ­patrols on land, the K&V system keeps                    different r­adar images. Interpreting them                  the normal order of things, the FFI does
  a continuous watch over Norwegian air                    requires ­
                                                           ­          abundant time and resources.                     not seek out the industry. It is the Defence
  space. Which it must continue to do into                 The huge amounts of data are producing                      Logistics Organisation, FLO, that conducts
  the future, using new and modern sensors.                a ­continuous bottleneck. But is there a                    the market investigations. In total, there
  This is the most important, Col. Torgeir                 need for all these data? Technology is pro­                 are more than 10 relevant manufacturers
  Berg emphasises.                                         gressing in two different directions.                       to choose from.

Sindre II is the newest of the existing radars and has lifetime expectancy until about 2030. The ­picture ­displays
the Sindre II radar at a mountain top at the island of Senja in Northern Norway. When under ­attack, the radar
can be lowered into a mountain hall beneath the radar.                                               Photo: FMS

                                                                                                                                MILITÆRTEKNIKK 6/2015                  17

     RADAR RENEWAL VALUED AT                                                                           with air defence, and there may be
                                                                                                       ­opportunities for integration of the radars

     ­APPROXIMATELY 2.5 BILLION NOK                                                                     with air ­defence, air command and ­control.
                                                                                                        Norway c­omprises one of the world’s
                                                                                                        most competent air defence c­ ommunities
     In the autumn of 2014, the Norwegian Government came to a                                          at Kongsberg, and nothing will be more
     decision on the continuation of military air space surveillance,                                   natural than to utilise this competence
                                                                                                        in relation to the radar ­project. There is
     with the stipulation that ground-based radar was the best alterna-
                                                                                                        also a radar ­  development environ­  ment
     tive. The project is still in the defining stages, and it is expected                          at H   ­ alden that may c­ontribute, says Tor-
     that the project will be presented to the Parliament in 2016. The                              bjørn ­    Svensgård, current leader of the
     renewal of the radar network has an estimated contract value of                                ­Norwegian Defence and Security ­Industries
                                                                                                     ­Association (FSI).
     approximately 2.5 billion NOK (260 million euro).
                                                                                                                Exactly what role will be played
                                                                                                      by the industry will in the final event be
     Text and photo: Tor Husby                       the sensors are suffering from old age, soon     dependent on which suppliers will be
                                                     becoming impossible to maintain within           selected. If the delivery is sourced from

     T    he choice will be made in close co-
          operation with the Norwegian Defence
     Research Establishment (FFI). A possibility
                                                     reasonable cost constraints. This does
                                                     never­theless not preclude the possibility
                                                     of selected updates and spare part
                                                                                                      abroad, we will be looking for an i­ndustry
                                                                                                      agreement that will provide Norwegian
                                                                                                      ­industry with market access.
     is a joint Nordic procurement under the         procurements in order to keep the system                   – To the best of my knowledge,
     direction of NORDEFCO, the Nordic               operational until 2024-26. The newest of          Norwegian industry is not tasked with ma-
     Defence Co-­  operation. Co-operation with      the existing radars, of the Sindre II type,       jor assignments relative to the maintenance
     other ­countries remains an open opportunity.   have a lifetime expectancy until about 2030.      of the current radar systems. What will be
     A period of two years is expected from                                                            the case for the next generation, will de-
     contract signature until delivery, dependent    Ears buttoned                                     pend on what operations and maintenance
     on the level of ambition, including the         Any Air Force procurement project to the          concept the Defence opts for, and naturally
     ­number of sensors, their type and location.    tune of 2.5 billion NOK will ­always be           on which radar types we buy. Until this is
              The renewal of the radar system is     met with keen interest from the ­defence          clear, it is not possible to voice any firm
      becoming necessary because a majority of       ­industry. The radars have an a­ssociation        opinions on ths subject, says Svensgård.

18         MILITÆRTEKNIKK 6/2015

    – B u ll e t i n B o a r d                        for         D e f e n c e , I nd u s t ry                     a nd      Trade –

Four more F-16 Fighting Falcons
to Egypt
The Egyptian Air Force has             major modification block of
received four F-16 Fighting
­                                      the F-16 that incorporates
Falcon fighter jets form the US,       colour cockpit displays, a
further enhancing the country’s        new ­   electronic warfare suite,
warfare capabilities.                  ­advanced weapons and sensors
     Lockheed Martin-built F-16         and more powerful engines.             A Venezuelan Su-30MK2                Photo: André Austin Du-Pont Rocha
Fighting Falcon is a multirole              In July, the US delivered
jet fighter, designed initially as      eight F-16 Block 52 aircraft to
an air superiority day ­   fighter,     Egypt.                                Venezuela to buy Sukhoi aircraft
which later evolved into a                  The US has announced
­successful all-weather multirole       $1.3bn commitment to Egypt            from Russia
 aircraft for accurate delivery of      this year in a latest contribution    Venezuela has reportedly al-              Powered by two A      ­L-31F
 ordnance during non-visual             to its strategic partnership with     located $480m for its Sukhoi          turbo­fan      engines,       the
 bombing conditions.                    Egypt that has continued for          aircraft programme, moving            Su-30MK2 is an upgraded
     Block 50 / 52 is the eighth        more than 30 years.                   a step ahead to strengthen the        version of the Su-30 fighter,
                                                                              ­country’s airspace.                  and is designed to conduct air-
                                                                                   In September, Venezuela          to-air and air-to-surface deep
                                                                               president Nicolas Maduro an-         interdiction missions in all-
Thailand’s first Black Widow                                                   nounced that the country will        weather conditions.
­Spider armoured car                                                           buy at least 12 new Su-30MK2
                                                                               fighters for its armed forces from
                                                                                                                        Equipped with an im-
                                                                                                                    proved fire-control system and
Thailand’s Defence Technology          both land and water.                    Russia.                              an air-to-air and air-to-surface
Institute (DTI) has presented              It can accommodate a squad              The new Sukhoi aircraft will     weapon suite, the aircraft can
the first Black Widow Spider           of 12, and is capable of crossing       expand the 23-aircraft fleet that    also be used for pilot training
8x8 armoured car.                      steep and sloping terrain.              currently in service with the        missions.
    The armoured car is said to            DTI claims the Black ­Widow         country’s force.                         The aircraft also features an
meet Natro specifications, and         is resistant to small arms and              According to the Centre for      improved fire-control system
was developed by DTI and the           .57 calibre machine gun fire.           Analysis of World Arms Trade,        that enables enhanced surface-
National Metal and Materials               Fitted with a V-shaped              Venezuela is expected to become      target detection capabilities
Technology Centre, along with          monocoque hull and ­suspended           the second largest importer of       and an air-to-air and air-to-
other private organisations.           seats, the Black Widow can ­carry       Russian weapons and military         surface weapon suite, with the
    Built for the Royal Thai           a range of payloads, turrets and        equipment between 2012 and           ordnance mounted on 12 hard-
Army, the Black Widow is               counter-measures in various             2015, Sputnik News reported.         points.
equipped with a 30mm m  ­ achine       ­operating environments.
gun, which can be operated on
                                                                              Maintenance support for
                                                                              ­Sweden’s Gripen aircraft
                                                                              The Swedish Defence M ­ ateriel             The company will o­ffer
                                                                              Administration (FMV) has              s­ upport     and    maintenance
                                                                              awarded a SEK154m ($17.8m)             operations with a focus on
                                                                              contract to Saab to provide            ­technical support, publications
                                                                              support and maintenance for
                                                                              ­                                       and ­component maintenance to
                                                                              Gripen aircraft.                        support the continued opera-
                                                                                  Saab signed a contract in           tion of Gripen.
                                                                              2012 with FMV for perfor-                   The 2012 contract in-
                                                                              mance-based support and                 cludes options for additional
                                                                              maintenance of the Gripen               orders up to a maximum value
                                                                              fighter and the new contract is         of SEK1.37bn ($158m) to the
                                                                              an exercise of an option held           period ending in December
 DTI developed Black Widow Spider for the Royal Thai Army.  Photo: Ricardo   under that contract.                    next year.

                                                                                                                    MILITÆRTEKNIKK 6/2015                19
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