2021 - 2022
Welcome to Northland United .................................................................................................... 3
   Mission Statement .................................................................................................................. 3
   Vision Statement .................................................................................................................... 3
   Team Philosophy .................................................................................................................... 3
   Team Goals ............................................................................................................................ 3
   2020-21 Board of Directors and Coaching Staff ...................................................................... 3
   NLU 501(c)3 Status ................................................................................................................ 3
Practice Groups ......................................................................................................................... 4
   The Discovery Group .............................................................................................................. 4
   The Challenge Group ............................................................................................................. 4
   The Performance Group ......................................................................................................... 4
   Group/Lane Assignments ....................................................................................................... 5
   Practice Expectations ............................................................................................................. 5
Team Operations ....................................................................................................................... 5
   Parent Involvement – It Takes a Village! ................................................................................. 6
   Family Volunteer Expectations ............................................................................................... 6
   Annual Calendar ..................................................................................................................... 6
   Lines of Communication ......................................................................................................... 7
   Team Contacts ....................................................................................................................... 7
   How to express gratitude and concern – NLU Approach......................................................... 8
   Swimmer/Team Equipment .................................................................................................... 8
Financial Operations .................................................................................................................. 9
   2020-2021 Fee Structure ........................................................................................................ 9
   Meet Fees .............................................................................................................................. 9
   Travel Rebill – Coaching Expenses ........................................................................................ 9
   Termination ...........................................................................................................................10
   Billing/Payments ....................................................................................................................10
   Volunteering – Commitment Hours or Financial Obligation ....................................................11
Expectations – Coaches, Swimmers, Parents ...........................................................................11
   Swimmer Code of Conduct ....................................................................................................12
   Parent Code of Conduct ........................................................................................................13
   Coach Code of Conduct ........................................................................................................14
Bullying .....................................................................................................................................15
   Policy & Action Plan - NLU ....................................................................................................15
USA Swimming 2020 Rules & Regulations – Code of Conduct ................................................18

Welcome to Northland United
Mission Statement
Northland United offers age specific training for all our athletes geared towards challenging
each individual and developing the swimmer to the best of their abilities. Northland United is
committed to providing a safe, healthy and positive environment for athletes.

Vision Statement
Northland United aims to be a successful, nationally recognized program that teaches and
trains all levels of competitive swimmers, emphasizing individual progress, team unity,
sportsmanship and family participation.

Team Philosophy
Northland United is a year around competitive team that strives for excellence both in and out
of the water. The program is focused on mutual respect and sportsmanship through the pursuit
of personal and team goals.

Team Goals
   •   Each swimmer competes in each event offered for their age group at least once annually
   •   Each swimmer attains 70% practice attendance and meets designated group required
       meet attendance.
   •   Each swimmer at the Performance level will complete personal goals

2020-21 Board of Directors and Coaching Staff

Coaching Staff
Head Coach: Mike Ballard
Assistant Head Coach: Danielle Stoermann
Head Age Group: Robin Krug
Deck Coaches: Various

NLU Board of Directors
Jen Johnson - President
Mike Ballard – Head Coach
Jen Snider – Officials and Compliance Coordinator
Kate Conrad – Treasurer
Brandy Stewart – Secretary

NLU 501(c)3 Status
Northland United is a tax exempt nonprofit organization officially recognized as a 501c3
organization. All donations to Northland United meet the tax deductible classification of charitable

Practice Groups
Northland United is divided into three practice groups (Discovery, Challenge and Performance) that
focus on swimmer development based upon ability level. The team is capped at 150 swimmers to
maximize pool space and maintain a superior coach-to-swimmer ratio. Outlined below are the
three practice groups, practice times, and equipment requirements. Practice times may change
based upon pool availability, please check the practice calendar frequently.

The Discovery Group – entry level swimmers; working stroke development
The Challenge Group – swimmers with four legal strokes; competitive level
The Performance Group – highly competitive level

The Discovery Group
Northland United concentrates on building lifetime swimming skills starting with our youngest
swimmers. Discovery group focuses on stroke and turn refinement while building an aerobic
swimming base. Swimmers work on short-distance drill and kick work, play games that build
skills and foster personal and team growth, and learn the basics of the sport. Discovery group
swimmers are capable of demonstrating all four strokes, a flip turn, a dive into the pool, and are
willing to learn.
Practice times: see website for practice calendar details
Attendance expectations: one meet every 3 months, 2 practices per week
Required equipment: water bottle, fins, kickboard

The Challenge Group
This group builds upon the skills learned in Discovery group, while challenging swimmers with
longer distances and both mentally and physically challenging sets. Swimmers learn how to
read practice sets, understand intervals and read the pace clock, participate in team-building
activities and games, while continually working on technique and meet preparation.
Practice times: see website for practice calendar details
Attendance expectations: 3-4 practices per week; minimum 1 meet every two months
Required equipment: water bottle, fins, kickboard

The Performance Group
The most challenging practice group offered by NLU swim team. Performance group swimmers
are expected to maintain excellent technique, be open to new ideas, and consistently give 100%
at practice and at meets. Practices are designed to offer variable training emphasis both in and
out of the water, ultimately to develop swimmers into well-rounded elite athletes. Swimmers are
encouraged to attend multiple meets per month, including elite travel meets, and 5 practices per

Practice times: see website for practice calendar details.
Attendance expectations: minimum one meet per month, attend eligible qualifying meets and
4-6 practices per week; active team member; encouraged to attend NLU Gives Back – 1 per
Required equipment: water bottle, fins, green or yellow hand paddles, snorkel, kickboard, drag
suit (Gold), jump rope (Gold), mesh equipment bag, stick/foam roller, two tennis balls

Group/Lane Assignments
Lane assignments may change day by day or month by month depending on the distribution of
swimmers in the pool at any given practice. The decision to move a swimmer to a different
group rests solely with the coaching staff.

Group and Lane Assignment move ups or move downs are based on test set results, coach(es)
evaluation of swimmer ability to thrive in specific group/lane, attendance, dedication, attitude,
and other factors. Leadership ability, experience, understanding more complex instructions, and
location may also be considered. Swimmers who move up to a higher group are immediately
subject to the new group’s financial commitment, practice expectations and behavioral
standards. For questions, please direct those to group coach before or after practice or via
email communication/phone call to the coach.

Additional information on the factors that help the coaches makes these decisions is below:

Attendance: Consistent attendance is important to show an interest and commitment,
particularly for the Performance level swimmers.

Work Ethic and Attitude: Attitude and work ethic works in combination with attendance usually
result in progress for swimmers. The ability to complete sets as instructed is factored in here.

Performance and Skill Development: At an early stage this means mastering the basic skills
being taught, not simply faster swimming. Meet participation and performance will be
considered at the Performance level.

Practice Expectations
Dryland: all NLU practices include a structured dryland program (out of the pool). Equipment
needed – tennis shoes, appropriate attire for aerobic activities, running, jumping, calisthenics,
for all weather elements.

Swimmers are expected to give maximum effort and attention while at practice both in pool and
dryland workouts. Practice schedule runs over most holidays with exceptions of Thanksgiving
and Christmas.

Parents watching practices are expected to adhere to the code of conduct and may be asked to
leave if they are causing a distraction to the swimmers. We abide by USA Swimming rules,
parents not allowed on deck during practice. At the PH Aquatic Center, this means that parents
are allowed in the stands or in the viewing area behind the glass not on the pool deck. At Savior
Pool, this means viewing from east end of pool only.

Inclement weather practice changes will be announced on the team website, and via email and
text alert. If there is no announcement, then practice remains as scheduled.

Team Operations
       The Head Coach supervises the entire swim team training program, directs and guides
the assistant and age group coaches. The head coach provides the best learning environment
possible. The head coach leads all matters affecting training, practices, and competition

Parent Involvement – It Takes a Village!
       By signing your child up to be a part of the team, you also became a part of the team.
This team includes all swimmers, coaches and parents. Without one, the others cannot be
successful. If we want the best coaches, the strongest training, and be recognized as a premier
swim team, then our parent contributions must go above the norm as well.
       The best, most successful teams have the largest amount of parental involvement. What
you as an individual parent contribute to this team will benefit each individual swimmer in some
way. Getting involved will help build a stronger relationship with your child, the coaching staff,
and other swimmers/parents. Everyone has a volunteer talent to contribute to our team.

Family Volunteer Expectations
Two sessions per hosted meet and/or equivalent time commitment = ~ 16 hours total during
Short Course Season. Equivalent hours substituted for those hosted meet hours in exchange for
additional necessary roles (such as banquet, fundraisers, or Swim A Thon). Sign-ups are
available on event pages.
       o   NLU Hosted Meet Volunteers: Everyone will be expected to volunteer two sessions
           of their time in support of the team at hosted meets. Annual expectation: 2 sessions
           per hosted meet and/or a total equivalent.
       o   Officials: Become a stroke official, starter, or referee. USA swimming will train you
           and the team will support your growth in this capacity. We have several experienced
           parents whom are happy to work with you. Best seat in the house at all meets not to
           mention at the Olympic Trials for those whom desire to reach those levels.
Additional volunteers are needed for the smooth running of our team, including Intrasquad
Meets. These jobs are available out on our team website for sign up. Please if you have an
idea bring it to the NLU Board President for discussion.

Annual Calendar
The practice calendar, meet schedule, meet events, relays, deck entries, etc. are the
responsibility of the Head Coach with support by all the coaching staff.

Swimmer practice schedules and expectations are listed on our team google calendar within the
respective practice group designation. Swimmers are strongly encouraged to attend swim
meets, both local and away, and swim various events throughout the season. Meets are an
important measure of a swimmer’s progress in the sport of swimming. Not to mention the team
bonding and spirit that grows among swimmers at each meet.

At meets the coaching staff will conduct and supervise warm-up procedures for the team.
Swimmers meet with the on-deck coach before and after each race for race coaching and
feedback. After each race, coaches will offer constructive remarks regarding the swimmer's
performance to the swimmer and assign a cool down swim to be completed promptly.

Scratching a race(s) - Due to an emergency or unexpected situation, swimmers may need to
request to scratch from an event or session at a meet. Swimmer/parent must gain approval and
directly communicate to the head coach when a situation as such occurs.
Permission to attend a non-team scheduled meet must be approved by the head coach and if
any fees be sole responsibility of the swimmer’s family.

For qualifying meets with prelims and finals, it is the expectation that our swimmers participate
and failure to compete in finals will be subject to financial sanctions with USA swimming and the
team. See finance section for details.

Lines of Communication
•   Team Website: Meet registration, order team apparel, view time standards and meet
    results, view your account status, search for email contacts for staff and other members, find
    helpful articles and applications, and more. The team also uses the website to post meet
    recaps, announcements, practice schedules, and other news.
•   Email: This is the most frequent and efficient way for the team to communicate. This is also
    the best way to reach your group coach with any questions or concerns. Please be sure you
    have your email information current in your account and may include any secondary email
    addresses to ensure all are kept informed.
•   Mailboxes: At Park Hill, each family is assigned a mailbox at the aquatic center, please
    check these frequently for team communications and meet ribbons, awards, etc. At Savior,
    coach will hand out ribbons, flyers, etc.
•   Bulletin Board: Located in the viewing area at the PHAC, announcements regarding
    upcoming events, equipment sales, and other information will be posted.
•   NLU Social Media: Like our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, Follow us on Twitter
    and Instagram
•   Parent Meetings: An annual kick off meeting will occur in August. Watch the event page for
    additional information meeting dates and times throughout the season.

Team Contacts
•   Head Coach: Mike Ballard -
        o Overall team approach, coaching philosophy, etc.
        o All swimmer specific elements, training, schedules, workouts, etc.
•   President: Jen Johnson –
        o General Team Operations
        o Questions about non-on deck questions
        o Meet Logistics
        o Volunteer Hours
•   Assistant Coach: Danielle Stoermann -
        o Meet results, meet recaps, team records, etc.
•   Officials and Compliance Coordinator: Jen Snider –
        o How to become an official, official reimbursements, etc.
        o Safe Sport and Coach certification compliance
•   Finances: Kate Conrad –
        o Questions regarding your account finances, payments, fees, notice for account
            terminations, etc.
•   Registration: Brandy Stewart –
        o Questions regarding your registration

While the coaching staff is here to instruct your swimmer and be available for your questions, it
is our philosophy that you speak with coaches before the start or after the end of a practice.
During practice times coaches are focused on swimmers who are in the water. The best time for
you to talk with your swimmer’s coach for more than a quick question is a scheduled time
outside of practice times.

How to express gratitude and concern – NLU Approach
We don’t do drama – please discuss coaching ability, philosophy, or team policies directly with
the coaching staff or a board member. We have found that direct communication with the
coaching staff and/or board members keeps small issues small and resolves the big issues
quickly. We cannot address what we are unaware of within the team.
Our process:
If you have a compliment, idea, concern, or complaint with a coach, please discuss it with that
coach first. Get to know the coach so you can be assured that his/her philosophy, attitudes,
ethics and knowledge is such that you are happy to have your child under their leadership. Try
to keep foremost in your mind that you and the coach have the best interest of your child at
heart. If you trust that the coach’s goals match yours, even though their approach might be
different, you are more likely to enjoy good rapport and a constructive dialogue.
If your age group coach cannot satisfactorily resolve your concern, then ask the Head Coach to
join in the dialogue as a third party. If it is a discussion with the Head Coach ask the NLU
President to join as a third party.

Swimmer/Team Equipment
Required Equipment:
   • See swimmer group specifics included with the group definitions above. We will post
       recommendations of styles, vendors, etc. from the coaches on our website seasonally.

Team Suits/Warmups/Swim Bags - optional
   • Team Suit – A variety of suits with team logo will be available for purchase throughout
      the year. Some brands may only be purchased at certain points in the season.

Meet Equipment Expectations:
  • Standard Non-Technical suits: are to be used for practices, regular season meets and
  • Technical Suits:
          o May be used and recommended for Districts, Championships and/or any other
              prelim-final meets; Fast Skins or similar technical suits
          o During prelims standard suits and for finals technical suits should be worn.
          o Swimmers under the age of 12 may only wear approved suits per USA
              Swimming rules.
  • Team caps:
          o Swimmers receive a latex cap upon joining the team.
          o Silicon caps and additional latex caps are available each season for purchase.
          o Personalized caps (silicone or latex) are ordered once per year at the start of
              short course season.
  • Goggles:
          o Swimmers’ choice in style and color
          o Clear lense goggles for indoor practices and meets;
          o Mirrored goggles are acceptable for outdoor use only, except that no mirrored
              goggles are to be worn at indoor meets.

Purchasing Team Equipment and Suits:
All items are available through, however you may purchase on
your own.
Financial Operations
2021-2022 Fee Structure

DISCOVERY Group: Monthly $75 per month or Quarterly $196.88 per quarter
CHALLENGE Group: Monthly $85 per month or Quarterly $223.13 per quarter
PERFORMANCE Group: Monthly $110 per month or Quarterly $288.75 per quarter per quarter
PERFORMANCE – HIGH SCHOOL Group: Monthly $85 per month or Quarterly $223.13
    •   This rate is available only to swimmers participating on high school swim team that will
        be absent from the NLU team practices for the period of the high school season.
    •   Swimmers will be moved to the high school rate at the start of their high school season.
    •   High school swimmers will remain at the discounted high school rate as long as they
        remain on the NLU roster throughout the year and return to high school swim team

MULTIPLE SWIMMER DISCOUNT: A discount of 10% will be applied for each additional swimmer per family.

Meet Fees
When signing up for a meet be sure you are specific in the notes if your swimmer has day/time
limitations. Once meet entries are submitted to the host team, NLU and the family are
responsible for the payment of those events; no refunds. There are no meet fee refunds for
scratches due to weather or illness.

Meet fees for a meet will be posted within the meet information for that specific meet. Typically
the fee is $5 per race; the team pays for relay entries. Some meets also charge a per swimmer
facility fee as well. Fees for each meet are detailed in the specific meet information
document. For each swim meet which your swimmer participates, there is an NLU coaching fee
of $10 per swimmer to assist in overall team costs for travel expenses incurred salaries, food
and lodging for the attending coaches.

Example, swimmer signs up for 5 races and is assigned to one relay, host team states in the
meet information $5 per event and $5 facility fee. The total billed to the NLU account will be $40
($25 entries+$5 facility fee+$10 coaching fee). No charge for the relay.

Travel Rebill – Coaching Expenses
For any higher level meets with less than 10 swimmers in attendance that require coaches to
travel out of town, families may be asked/required to share in the payment of travel expenses
for the coaches. Every attempt is made by the coach and the team to keep these travel costs
as low as possible. If such a meet is scheduled, the swimmer(s) planning to attend the meet will
be notified in writing and sent a form to sign agreeing to pay their portion of travel fees. This
amount will be charged to their account in advance of entries being submitted. Swimmer entries
will NOT be submitted until the signed travel agreement form is returned to the Treasurer from
the parent.

In order to terminate team membership for a swimmer, the swimmer/family must provide 30
days notice to the Treasurer in writing to PO BOX 29221, Parkville, MO 64152 and via email to and copy A final bill will be calculated
and paid prior by said family prior to release from the team.

Swimmer dues are billed either monthly or quarterly. Invoices are automatically generated
through your NLU Team Unify Account the first of each month. Each family is responsible to
open their Team Unify account and look at their invoice. Team Unify will send out monthly
notices as reminders of your monthly invoice due. Even if you sign up for quarterly dues billing,
you will be responsible for payment of ancillary charges (meet fees, event and spirit wear rebills,
travel rebills, etc) on a monthly basis.

Invoices generated on the first of the month will include that month’s charges for dues as well as
the previous month’s charges for ancillary items. Those charges invoiced on the first of the
month are expected to be received by the Treasurer by the 25th of the month in order to allow
posting to Team Unify by the end of the month. Any account not paid in full by the end of the
month will be assessed late charges of $10 per month on the last day of that month.

Accounts 30 days past due will be sent a reminder.
Accounts 45 days past due may result in swimmer(s) pulled from water.
Accounts 60 days past due may result in termination of membership.

 Example: Charges and dues posted to the account between April 2 and May 1 will be invoiced
 on May 1. Payment is expected to the Treasurer by May 25 to accommodate posting to Team
 Unify by the end of the month.
 May 31 $10 late fee charged.
 June 30 another $10 late fee charged and a reminder sent.
 July 15 swimmer pulled from water
Please note if an account is habitually late the terms above will be modified to fit the situation.
 July 31 Another $10 late fee charged and possible termination of membership

Volunteering – Commitment Hours or Financial Obligation
As stated on page 5, each family is expected to volunteer at each of our team hosted swim
meets a Minimum of 2 sessions of each NLU Hosted Meet.

Annual Hosted Meets:
   • NLU Decathlon – September 25-26, 2021
   • NLU Last Chance Meet – January 29-30, 2022 (dates subject to change)

Cost of not completing minimum volunteering: a charge of $100 will be applied to the family
account for EACH meet where 2 session requirement is not met. The charge will be applied
within 72 hours of said meet.

The expectation is that each family will work at least 2 sessions at EACH swim meet. If
the family is not available to volunteer their 2 sessions at a swim meet, it is the expectation that
the family will sign up for one of the alternative volunteer options posted to the website and
coordinate with the NLU President a minimum of two weeks prior to said meet. An equivalent of
unmet time during meet will be offered or payment of $100 charged.

Expectations – Coaches, Swimmers, Parents
Annually during team registration, we will ask swimmers, parents and coaches to revisit our
code of conduct for the team. Parents, swimmers and coaches will sign off on receipt through
online team registration. See below for each Code of Conduct for each member respectively.

The coach’s job is to teach, motivate, inspire and constructively provide feedback on the
swimmer’s performance both in and outside of the pool.

The swimmer’s job is to listen, learn and act on the coaching provided by giving 100% during all
team training, practices, meets and events.

THE PARENT: (Guardian)
It is the parent’s job to supply the love, recognition and encouragement necessary, providing
verbal and visual support of coaching on deck, which in turn gives them the confidence in the
coaching resulting in performance in competition.

THE BALANCE: This delicate balance will produce the best results for all our swimmers.

Swimmer Code of Conduct
The following outlines the discipline procedure that will be enforced by the coaches and board of
directors of NLU. General rules of conduct and behavior are listed along with the disciplinary
procedures. The purpose of this code of conduct is to make swimmers and parents aware of
what is expected of them and what actions will not be tolerated.

The following actions will not be tolerated:
1. The use, possession, sale, or transfer of alcohol or drugs is strictly prohibited.
2. Assaults, fighting, hazing, threats by word or deed and/or other acts of violence against
   another swimmer, coach, official, parent, or aquatic personnel.
3. The use of profanity, derogatory remarks, sexual harassment, sexual violence, or
   racial/ethnic harassment or uncalled gestures directed towards a coach, swimmer, official,
   parent, or aquatic personnel.
4. Theft or destruction of another swimmer's personal belongings, or property of Northland
   United Swim Team and/or the aquatic facility.
5. Failure to follow team, facility or USA Swimming rules related to communicable disease
   protection and prevention, including but not limited to, Covid-19.

Athletes in violation of any of the above actions will be subject to disciplinary action, including
suspension and/or expulsion from the team.

Any misconduct is ultimately reviewed and decided by the coaching staff and board of directors
to determine the best course of action. NLU will investigate and document all incidents of

The following disciplinary procedures will be used:

First offense:           Verbal warning from a member of the coaching staff.
Second offense:          Verbal warning and asked to sit out 10 minutes from practice.
Third offence:           Dismissal from practice and notification and consultation with parents for
                         possible further action.
Third offense:           Dismissal from practice for one week and meeting with parents, Head
                         Coach and President for further action may result in suspension and/or
                         expulsion from the team.

I have read and understand the code of conduct and my responsibilities to follow all of the disciplinary
rules and regulations including reimbursement of any loss or damage that may have occurred while
participating on Northland United Swim Team as referenced above. I also understand that the Northland
United Swim Team handbook has been provided to me and is available on the
website and that it is my responsibility to read and know and abide by the policies listed therein. There will
be no refunds of any fees if an athlete is dismissed for violating the code of conduct.

Swimmer Signature ______________________________________ Date _________________

Parent Code of Conduct
To have a successful swim program there must be an understanding and cooperation among
parents, swimmers, the coaching staff and the NLU Board of Directors. The progress and
success of your child depends on these relationships. We ask that you carefully read this
section as you join NLU.
As a parent, your responsibility on the team is to provide a stable, loving and supportive
environment. This positive environment will encourage your child to continue swimming. Show
your interest by ensuring your child’s prompt attendance at practices and supporting them in a
positive manner at meets. Always offer encouragement to your child.
Parents contribute to the success experienced by their child and the team. Parents serve as role
models. Attitude towards coaches, teammates, and officials are often emulated by their
swimmer(s). Be aware of this and strive to be positive role models for all swimmers and other
parents. Most importantly, show good sportsmanship at all times toward coaches, officials,
parents and teammates.
The coach has been hired to coach. We want your swimmer to relate to their coach concerning
swimming matters. This relationship between the coach and swimmer has been proven to
produce the best results.

All parents of NLU swimmers are expected to adhere to the following code of conduct.
1. Ensure swimmer arrives to practice on time and with the required equipment.
2. Sign their swimmers up for meets prior to the meet deadline.
3. Follow the Concerns procedures outlined in the team handbook.
4. Ensure timely payment of all practice dues, meet fees, or other charges.
5. Complete all documentation in a timely manner as requested by the team.
6. Volunteer at NLU hosted meets and other team events.
7. Support all NLU team members with positive comments and maintain a friendly team
    environment for all members.
8. Observe proper pool etiquette at all times, both on and off the pool deck. Inappropriate
    language, violence, intimidation, bullying, or other negative behavior will not be tolerated.
9. Help maintain cleanliness of both home and away facilities.
10. Read and adhere to the team handbook, code of conduct, and bylaws.
11. Understand and follow all rules issued by the team, facility and/or USA Swimming related to
    communicable disease protection and prevention, including but not limited to, Covid-19.

I have read and understand the code of conduct and my responsibilities to follow all of the disciplinary
rules and regulations including reimbursement of any loss or damage that may have occurred while
participating on Northland United Swim Team as referenced above. I also understand that the Northland
United Swim Team handbook has been provided to me and is available on the
website and that it is my responsibility to read and know and abide by the policies listed therein. There will
be no refunds of any fees if an athlete is dismissed for violating the code of conduct.

Parent Signature _______________________________________ Date ____________

Coach Code of Conduct
All coaches of NLU swimmers are expected to adhere to the following code of conduct.

1. Teach, motivate, inspire and constructively provide feedback on the swimmer’s performance
    both in and outside of the pool.
2. Works in collaboration with parents, swimmers and coaching staff to address situations in a
    timely and effective manner always keeping the best interest of the swimmer at the forefront;
3. Arrives to practice or meet early, ready for swimmers upon arrival, with the work out
    prepared, and required equipment for their group training for that session/meet;
4. Stays current with proper swim and coaching instruction techniques; background checks;
    first aid; and other necessary training for success of the team;
5. Maintains all certifications at the required level of the their coaching role or higher level;
6. Sets SCY and LCM season goals for self and swimmers;
7. Complete all documentation in a timely manner as requested by the Board or Head Coach;
8. Serves as a role model for all swimmers throughout the sport both on and off the pool deck;
9. Supports and encourages Coaches to get involved with MV Swimming and/or USA
10. Supports all NLU team members with positive comments and maintain a friendly team
    environment for all members
11. Observe proper pool etiquette at all times, both on and off the pool deck. Inappropriate
    language, violence, intimidation, bullying, or other negative behavior will not be tolerated.
12. Help maintain cleanliness of both home and away facilities.
13. Directs all personnel/staffing and schedule related questions and concerns to the Head
    Coach first then the NLU Board President; unless Head Coach then directly to NLU
14. Read and adhere to the team handbook, code of conduct, and bylaws.

I have read and understand the code of conduct and my responsibilities to follow all of the
disciplinary rules and regulations while participating on Northland United Swim Team as
referenced above. I also understand that the Northland United Swim Team handbook has been
provided to me and is available on the website and that it is my
responsibility to read and know and abide by the policies listed therein.

Coach Signature _______________________________________ Date ____________

Policy & Action Plan - NLU
         Bullying of any kind is unacceptable at NLU (the “Club”) and will not be tolerated. Bullying is
counterproductive to team spirit and can be devastating to a victim. The Club is committed to providing a
safe, caring and friendly environment for all of our members. If bullying does occur, all athletes and
parents should know that incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively. Anyone who knows that
bullying is happening is expected to tell a coach, board member or athlete/mentor.
Objectives of the Club’s Bullying Policy and Action Plan:
        1. To make it clear that the Club will not tolerate bullying in any form.
        2. To define bullying and give all board members, coaches, parents and swimmers a good
           understanding of what bullying is.
        3. To make it known to all parents, swimmers and coaching staff that there is a policy and protocol
           should any bullying issues arise.
        4. To make how to report bullying clear and understandable.
        5. To spread the word that NLU takes bullying seriously and that all swimmers and parents can be
           assured that they will be supported when bullying is reported.

What is Bullying?
The USA Swimming Code of Conduct prohibits bullying. Generally, bullying is the use of aggression,
whether intentional or not, which hurts another person. Bullying results in pain and distress.
The USA Swimming Code of Conduct defines bullying in 304.3.7. Bullying is the severe or repeated use
by one or more USA Swimming members of oral, written, electronic or other technological expression,
image, sound, data or intelligence of any nature (regardless of the method of transmission), or a physical
act or gesture, or any combination thereof, directed at any other member that to a reasonably objective
person has the effect of:
   I.       causing physical or emotional harm to the other member or damage to the other member’s
  II.       placing the other member in reasonable fear of harm to himself/herself or of damage to his/her
 III.       creating a hostile environment for the other member at any USA Swimming activity;
 IV.        infringing on the rights of the other member at any USA Swimming activity; or
  V.        Materially and substantially disrupting the training process or the orderly operation of any USA
            Swimming activity (which for the purposes of this section shall include, without limitation,
            practices, workouts and other events of a member club or LSC).

Reporting Procedure
An athlete who feels that he or she has been bullied is asked to do one or more of the following things:
        •   Talk to your parents;
        •   Talk to a Club Coach, Board Member, or other designated individual;
        •   Write a letter or email to the Club Coach, Board Member, or other designated individual;
        •   Make a report to the USA Swimming Safe Sport staff.

There is no express time limit for initiating a complaint under this procedure, but every effort should be
made to bring the complaint to the attention of the appropriate club leadership as soon as possible to
make sure that memories are fresh and behavior can be accurately recalled and the bullying behavior can
be stopped as soon as possible.

How We Handle Bullying
If bullying is occurring during team-related activities, we STOP BULLYING ON THE SPOT using the
following steps:
     1.   Intervene immediately.
     2.   Separate the kids involved.
     3.   Make sure everyone is safe.
     4.   Meet any immediate medical or mental health needs.
     5.   Stay calm. Reassure the kids involved, including bystanders.
     6.   Model respectful behavior when you intervene.

If bullying is occurring at our club or it is reported to be occurring at our club, we address the bullying by
1.   First, we get the facts.
     a)   Keep all the involved children separate.
     b)   Get the story from several sources, both adults and kids.
     c)   Listen without blaming.
     d)   Don’t call the act “bullying” while you are trying to understand what happened.
     e)   It may be difficult to get the whole story, especially if multiple athletes are involved or the bullying
          involves social bullying or cyber bullying. Collect all available information.

2. Then, we determine if it's bullying. There are many behaviors that look like bullying but require
different approaches. It is important to determine whether the situation is bullying or something else.
     a) Review the USA Swimming definition of bullying;
     b) To determine if the behavior is bullying or something else, consider the following questions:
            a. What is the history between the kids involved?
            b. Have there been past conflicts?
            c. Is there a power imbalance? Remember that a power imbalance is not limited to physical
                strength. It is sometimes not easily recognized. If the targeted child feels like there is a
                power imbalance, there probably is.
            d. Has this happened before? Is the child worried it will happen again?
     c) Remember that it may not matter “who started it.” Some kids who are bullied may be seen as
        annoying or provoking, but this does not excuse the bullying behavior.
     d) Once you have determined if the situation is bullying, support all of the kids involved.

3.    Support the kids who are being bullied
     a) Listen and focus on the child. Learn what’s been going on and show you want to help. Assure the
        child that bullying is not their fault.
     b) Work together to resolve the situation and protect the bullied child. The child, parents, and fellow
        team members and coaches may all have valuable input. It may help to:
              a. Ask the child being bullied what can be done to make him or her feel safe. Remember
                 that changes to routine should be minimized. He or she is not at fault and should not be
                 singled out. For example, consider rearranging lane assignments for everyone. If bigger
                 moves are necessary, such as switching practice groups, the child who is bullied should
                 not be forced to change.

b. Develop a game plan. Maintain open communication between the Club and parents.
              c.   Discuss the steps that will be taken and how bullying will be addressed going forward.
Be persistent. Bullying may not end overnight. Commit to making it stop and consistently support the
bullied child

4.    Address bullying behavior
     a) Make sure the child knows what the problem behavior is. Young people who bully must learn their
        behavior is wrong and harms others.
     b) Show kids that bullying is taken seriously. Calmly tell the child that bullying will not be tolerated.
        Model respectful behavior when addressing the problem.
     c) Work with the child to understand some of the reasons he or she bullied. For example:
            a. Sometimes children bully to fit in or just to make fun of someone is a little different from
                 them. In other words, there may be some insecurity involved.
            b. Other times kids act out because something else—issues at home, abuse, stress—is
                 going on in their lives. They also may have been bullied. These kids may be in need of
                 additional support.
     d) Involve the kid who bullied in making amends or repairing the situation. The goal is to help them
        see how their actions affect others. For example, the child can:
            a. Write a letter apologizing to the athlete who was bullied.
            b. Do a good deed for the person who was bullied, for the Club, or for others in your
            c. Clean up, repair, or pay for any property they damaged.
     e) Avoid strategies that don’t work or have negative consequences:
              a. Zero tolerance or “three strikes, you’re out” strategies don’t work. Suspending or
                 removing from the team swimmers who bully does not reduce bullying behavior.
                 Swimmers may be less likely to report and address bullying if suspension or getting
                 kicked off the team is the consequence.
              b. Conflict resolution and peer mediation don’t work for bullying. Bullying is not a conflict
                 between people of equal power who share equal blame. Facing those who have bullied
                 may further upset kids who have been bullied.
     f)   Follow-up. After the bullying issue is resolved, continue finding ways to help the child who bullied
          to understand how what they do affects other people. For example, praise acts of kindness or talk
          about what it means to be a good teammate.

5. Support bystanders who witness bullying. Every day, kids witness bullying. They want to help, but
don’t know how. Fortunately, there are a few simple, safe ways that athletes can help stop bullying when
they see it happening.
     a) Be a friend to the person being bullied;
     b) Tell a trusted adult – your parent, coach, or club board member;
     c) Help the kid being bullied get away from the situation. Create a distraction, focus the attention on
        something else, or offer a way for the target to get out of the situation. “Let’s go, practice is about
        to start.”
     d) Set a good example by not bullying others.
     e) Don’t give the bully an audience. Bullies are encouraged by the attention they get from
        bystanders. If you do nothing else, just walk away.

USA Swimming 2020 Rules & Regulations –
                Code of Conduct
                                         ARTICLE 304
                                       CODE OF CONDUCT

304.1 The mission of USA Swimming is to encourage participation and the pursuit of excellence
in all aspects of swimming. USA Swimming grants the privilege of membership to individuals
and organizations committed to that mission. The privilege of membership may, therefore, be
withdrawn or denied by USA Swimming at any time where USA Swimming determines that a
member or prospective member's conduct is inconsistent with the mission of the organization or
the best interest of the sport and those who participate in it.

In order to assist all members to better serve the interests of those who participate in swimming,
USA Swimming has adopted this Code of Conduct.

304.2 Any member, former member, or prospective member of USA Swimming is subject to the
jurisdiction of the Board of Review. Any member, former member, or prospective member of
USA Swimming may be denied membership, censured, placed on probation, suspended for a
definite or indefinite period of time with or without terms of probation, fined or expelled from USA
Swimming for life if such person violates the provisions of the USA Swimming Code of Conduct,
set forth in 304.3, or aids, abets or encourages another person to violate any of the provisions of
the USA Swimming Code of Conduct. USA Swimming shall initiate an investigation of any
former member of USA Swimming when a report required under 306.1 is received.

304.3 The following shall be considered violations of the USA Swimming Code of Conduct:
Measures to be adjudicated by the USA Swimming National Board of Review
1. Violation of the right to compete provisions set forth in Article 301.
2. Discrimination in violation of the Amateur Sports Act which requires that USA Swimming
must provide an equal opportunity to athletes, coaches, trainers, managers, administrators,
and officials to participate in the sport of swimming. Athletes must be allowed to participate
and compete to the fullest extent allowed by the Rules and Regulations. Discrimination
against any member or participant on the basis of age, gender, race, ethnicity, culture, religion,
sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, genetics, mental or physical
disability, or any other status protected by federal, state or local law, where applicable, is
3. Repeated violation of any of the Minor Athlete Abuse Protection Policies [see page 95].
4. Any violation of the FINA Rules on the Prevention of Manipulation of Competition as found
in the current FINA Manual, including (i) betting; (ii) manipulating competitions; (iii) corrupt
conduct; (iv) misuse of inside information; (v) failure to report; and (vi) failure to cooperate.
5. The sale or distribution of illegal drugs or the illegal sale or distribution of any substance
listed on FINA's recognized list of banned substances.
6. The use of illegal drugs in the presence of an athlete, by a coach, official, trainer, or a person
who, in the context of swimming, is in a position of authority over that athlete.

7. The providing of alcohol to an athlete by a coach, official, trainer, manager or any other
person where the athlete is under the legal age allowed to consume or purchase alcohol in the
state where the alcohol is provided.
8. The abuse of alcohol in the presence of an athlete under the age of eighteen (18), by a

coach, official, trainer, or a person who, in the context of swimming, is in a position of
authority over that athlete.
9. Any act of fraud, deception or dishonesty in connection with any USA Swimming-related
10. Any non-consensual physical contact, obscene language or gesture, or other threatening
language or conduct directed towards any meet official and which is related to any decision
made by such official in connection with a USA Swimming sanctioned competition.
11. Action, other than through general advertising, by a coach, owner, officer, volunteer,
representative, or employee of a swim club, or a USA Swimming or LSC employee, either
through direct contact with an athlete or the encouragement of others, to recruit or otherwise
encourage an athlete who is already a member of a USA Swimming member swim
club to leave that club, unless the acting party receives prior written approval to recruit or
encourage the athlete to change affiliation from the designated club representative of the
athlete's existing USA Swimming-member swim club or contact is initiated by the athlete,
the athlete's parent or authorized representative. General advertising includes any information
that is:
    A. Distributed to an identifiable general population where there is a reasonable expectation
that the majority of that population are not current members of USA Swimming; or
    B. Placed in or on any item that is sold.
In the event of a violation of this section, a sanction may be imposed against any coach,
owner, officer, volunteer, representative or employee of a swim club, or against any such
club, or any combination thereof, as appropriate.
12. Any other material and intentional act, conduct or omission not provided for above, which is
detrimental to USA Swimming, an LSC or the sport of swimming.
Measure to be adjudicated by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency
13. Violation of the anti-doping provisions set forth in 303.3.
Measure to be adjudicated by the U.S. Center for SafeSport
14. Violation of the SafeSport Code. [see]

Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy
          Northland United Swim Team
         Effective: September 1, 2021
Table of Contents

Application of Policy                                       3
General Requirement                                         3
Definitions                                                 3
Exceptions                                                  4
One-on-One Interactions                                     5
Meetings and Individual Training Sessions                   6
Electronic Communications                                   7
In-Program Transportation and Lodging                       8
Locker Rooms and Changing Areas                             9
Massages, Rubdowns and Athletic Training Modalities         11


In-Program Contact: Any contact (including communications, interactions or activities) between an Adult
Participant and any Minor Athlete(s) related to participation in sport. Examples include, but are not limited
to: competition, practices, camps/clinics, training/instructional sessions, pre/post event meals or outings,
team travel, video review, team- or sport-related team building activities, celebrations, award ceremonies,
banquets, team- or sport-related fundraising or community services, sport education, competition site
visits, conventions and/or summits.

Adult Participants: Any adult 18 years of age or older who is a:
   • USA Swimming member, either athlete or non-athlete;
   • Participating non-member (e.g., meet marshals, meet computer operators, timers, etc.);
   • Authorized, approved or appointed by USA Swimming, Zones, Local Swimming Committees
       (“LSCs”) or member clubs to have regular contact with (e.g., ongoing interactions during a 12-
       month period wherein the individual is in a role of active engagement) or authority over Minor
       Athletes; and/or
   • Within the governance or disciplinary jurisdiction of USA Swimming, Zones, LSCs or member

                                          GENERAL REQUIREMENT

USA Swimming Zones, LSCs and member clubs are required to implement this Minor Athlete Abuse
Prevention Policy in full. The Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy must be reviewed and agreed to in
writing by all athletes, parents/legal guardians, coaches and other non-athlete members of member clubs
on an annual basis with such written agreement to be retained by the club or LSC, as applicable.


Athlete: A USA Swimming athlete member.

Authority: When one person’s position over another person is such that, based on the totality of the
circumstances, they have the power or right to direct, control, give orders to, or make decisions for that
person (e.g., when a power imbalance exists).

Dual Relationship: When an Adult Participant has a relationship with a Minor Athlete that is outside of
the sport program. Examples of Dual Relationships include, but are not limited to, family members, mental
health professionals, teachers, medical professionals and family friends.

Emergency Circumstances: A serious, unexpected and possibly dangerous situation that requires quick
action and cannot be avoided. Emergency circumstances include, but are not limited to: a physical,
mental or emotional medical emergency involving the Minor Athlete, relative of the Minor Athlete or
relative of an Adult Participant; a Minor Athlete’s suicidal ideations/behavior; a report of abuse; a severe
weather event; and last-minute practice changes.

Electronic Communication: Includes, but not limited to, phone calls, emails, videoconferencing, video
coaching, text-messaging and social media.

Event or Facility Under Partial or Full Jurisdiction: Includes any USA Swimming sanctioned event
(including all travel and lodging in connection with participation in the event) or any facility that USA
Swimming, Zones, LSCs or member clubs owns, leases or rents for practice, training or competition.

In-Program: Activities related to participation in sport. Examples include, but are not limited to:
competition, practices, meetings, camps/clinics, training/instructional sessions, pre/post event meals or
outings, team travel, video review, team- or sport-related team building activities, celebrations, award

ceremonies, banquets, team- or sport-related fundraising or community services, sport education,
competition site visits, conventions, conferences, summits and/or workshops.

In-Program Contact: Any contact (including communications, interactions or activities) between an Adult
Participant and any Minor Athlete(s) related to participation in sport. Examples include, but are not limited
to contact occurring at or related to: competition, practices, meetings, camps/clinics, training/instructional
sessions, pre/post event meals or outings, team travel, video review, team- or sport-related team building
activities, celebrations, award ceremonies, banquets, team- or sport-related fundraising or community
services, sport education, competition site visits, conventions, conferences, summits and/or workshops.

In-Program Massage: Any Massage involving an Adult Participant and any Minor Athlete(s) related to
participation in sport. Examples include, but are not limited to Massage occurring at or related to:
competition, practices, meetings, camps/clinics, training/instructional sessions, pre/post event meals or
outings, team travel, video review, team- or sport-related team building activities, celebrations, award
ceremonies, banquets, team- or sport-related fundraising or community services, sport education,
competition site visits, conventions, conferences, summits and/or workshops.

In-Program Travel: Any transportation or travel involving an Adult Participant and any Minor Athlete(s)
related to participation in sport authorized or funded by the Organization. Examples include, but are not
limited to transportation or travel to or related to: competition, practices, meetings, camps/clinics,
training/instructional sessions, pre/post event meals or outings, team travel, video review, team- or sport-
related team building activities, celebrations, award ceremonies, banquets, team- or sport-related
fundraising or community services, sport education, competition site visits, conventions, conferences,
summits and/or workshops.

Massage: Any massage, rubdown, athletic training modality including physical modalities (e.g.,
stretching, physical manipulation, injury rehabilitation, etc.) and electronic or instrument assisted
modalities (e.g., stim treatment, dry needling, cupping, etc.).

Minor Athlete: An athlete under 18 years of age who is a USA Swimming member or was a USA
Swimming member within the previous 12 months.

Organization: Northland United Swim Team

                             [Note: Exceptions apply only where specified]

Close-In-Age Exception: In-Program Contact between an Adult Participant and a Minor Athlete is
permitted if:
   a. The Adult Participant has no authority over the Minor Athlete; and
   b. The Adult Participant is not more than four years older than the Minor Athlete.

Dual Relationship Exception: An Adult Participant has a dual role or relationship with a Minor Athlete.
This exception requires written consent of the Minor Athlete’s parent/legal guardian at least annually.


I.   Observable and Interruptible
     All one-on-one In-Program Contact interactions between a Minor Athlete and an Adult Participant
     must occur at an observable and interruptible distance from another adult, except:
     a. In emergency circumstances;
     b. When a Dual Relationship exists; and/or
     c. When the Close-In-Age Exception applies.

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