Best Practice Statement - Compression hosiery: A patient-centric approach WUK BPS -

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Best Practice Statement - Compression hosiery: A patient-centric approach WUK BPS -

 Best Practice Statement
 Compression hosiery:
 A patient-centric approach

                THIRD EDITION
                Understanding medical
                compression hosiery
                hosiery selection
                Shared decision-making
Best Practice Statement - Compression hosiery: A patient-centric approach WUK BPS -
COMPRESSION HOSIERY:                           Jacqui Fletcher OBE (Chair), Independent Nurse Consultant
APPROACH                                       Leanne Atkin, Vascular Nurse Consultant, Mid Yorkshire
(3RD EDITION)                                  NHS Trust; Lecturer, University of Huddersfield

                                               Louise Bolton, Tissue Viability Lead Nurse, Anglian
PUBLISHED BY:                                  Community Enterprise CIC
Wounds UK
A division of                                  Alan Elstone, Vascular Nurse Specialist, Derriford Hospital,
Omniamed Communications                        Plymouth/Advanced Clinical Practitioner, University Hospitals
108 Cannon Street,                             Plymouth NHS Trust
London EC4N 6EU, UK
Tel: +44 (0)20 3735 8244                       Patryk Gawrysiak, Specialist Physiotherapist in                              Lymphoedema, St. George’s Hospital, London

                                               Caitriona O’Neill, Director of Clinical Services & Clinical
                                               Lead for Lymphoedema, Accelerate CIC

                                               Georgina Ritchie, Deputy Director of Education, Accelerate
© Wounds UK, June 2021                         CIC

This document has been developed               REVIEW PANEL:
by Wounds UK and is supported by               Philip Stather, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Norfolk and
an educational grant from                      Norwich University Hospitals, NHS Foundation Trust
medi UK.
                                               Peter Vowden, Honorary Consultant Vascular Surgeon,
                                               Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust; Visiting
                                               Honorary Professor, Wound Healing Research, University of

                                               Alison Hopkins MBE, Chief Executive, Accelerate CIC

The views expressed are those of the   Document summary
Expert Working Group and Review
Panel and do not necessarily reflect   ■   Medical compression is an effective and powerful therapy.
those of medi UK.                      ■   Compression hosiery has evolved considerably over the
                                           last few years and is now a progressive therapy that exists
How to cite this document:
Wounds UK (2021) Best Practice             beyond Compression Class I and Class II British Standard
Statement: Compression hosiery: A          hosiery.
patient-centric approach (3rd edn).
Wounds UK, London. Available to        ■   It is important to be familiar with the National Wound Care
download from:                             Strategy Programme (2020) guidelines and follow the                          recommendations in practice.
                                       ■   It is important to be familiar with the types of compression
                                           therapy used in clinical practice, the conditions that can be
                                           treated, and the garments available on local formulary.
                                       ■   It should be possible to find compression therapy for
                                           everyone with a thorough holistic assessment and taking
                                           into account individual patient preferences.
                                       ■   Effective communication and shared decision-making
                                           between the clinician and the patient and/or caregiver are
                                           key to identifying the ‘best’ hosiery for the patient and to
                                           ensuring concordance with care. Listen and understand
                                           their concerns, expectations and motivations with regard to
                                           their presenting condition(s). Avoid using terms the patient
                                           may not understand.
Best Practice Statement - Compression hosiery: A patient-centric approach WUK BPS -

           The third edition of the Best Practice                The document is designed to be simple
           Statement on Compression Hosiery focuses              and user-friendly, and to put the patient
           on improving the patient experience of                at the centre of assessing for, selecting,
           medical compression hosiery for the lower             prescribing and delivering care with medical
           leg, which include socks and stockings, by            compression hosiery.
           understanding the patient’s perspective and
           fostering a patient–practitioner partnership          Jacqui Fletcher OBE, Chair
           for supported self-management.

           It is often easy to label a patient ‘uncooperative’        Glossary                Progress since the
           or ‘non-concordant’ if the outcomes of                     (page 2)                  second edition
                                                                                                   (page 4)
           treatment are not as anticipated. However,
           it is unlikely that any patient is truly non-
           concordant, rather, they have not yet received
           the right treatment, education, support and
           follow-up for their individual needs. Clinicians      Chapter 1: Principles of assessment (page 5)
           should employ a positive, confident, competent        - Factors that influence medical compression
           and knowledgeable attitude when discussing              hosiery selection
           medical compression therapy with patients,
           which may help to influence the patient to
           become interested and engaged with their              Chapter 2: Medical compression hosiery
           treatment.                                            construction explained (page 7)
                                                                  - The role stiffness plays in compression hosiery
           The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated                    garments
           initiatives towards greater patient and carer          - Myths and truths surrounding round-knit
                                                                    versus flat-knit hosiery
           supported self-management (NHS England
           and NHS Improvement, 2020). Consultations
           have increasingly been undertaken by
           telephone and video call, and patients have           Chapter 3: Patient considerations during medi-
                                                                 cal compression hosiery selection (page 10)
           been able to text or send photos directly to
                                                                  - Clinical and patient-related factors that
           their clinician. Evidence shows that when                impact on hosiery selection
           people are supported in self-management,
           they benefit from better health outcomes,
           improved experiences of care and fewer
           unplanned care admissions (NHS England                Chapter 4: Encouraging shared
           and NHS Improvement, 2020). A growing                 decision-making (page 13)
           number of people with wounds are willing               - Practical guidance on partnership working and
           to participate in supported self-management              concordance alongside the patient
           if they are given the right support and tools
           (Adderley, 2020).
                                                                 Chapter 5: Measuring and sizing (page 15)
           An Expert Wound Group met online to
                                                                 - Myths and truths surrounding off-the-shelf
           discuss the advances in medical compression             and made-to-measure hosiery
           hosiery since the second edition of the Best          - FAQs on fitting medical compression hosiery
           Practice Statement: Compression Hosiery
           (Wounds UK, 2015) and to agree on Best
           Practice Statements to guide compression
           hosiery selection for patients. Best Practice         Chapter 6: Key elements of supported
           Statements are accompanied by Patient                 self-management: Hosiery application, removal
                                                                 and care and skin care (page 17)
           Expectations to encourage shared decision-
                                                                  - Quick guide for good medical compression
           making and foster a supportive patient–                  hosiery fit
           practitioner partnership at every stage of care.

                                                      BEST PRACTICE STATEMENT: COMPRESSION HOSIERY                 1
Best Practice Statement - Compression hosiery: A patient-centric approach WUK BPS -

                             Ankle­–brachial pressure index (ABPI): A           management of lower limb lymphoedema
                             screening tool to determine the presence and       and oedema. Hosiery can also be used
                             extent of peripheral arterial disease (PAD). The   to manage conditions associated with
                             result of the ABPI rules out PAD, but it does      CVI (NICE, 2012). Medical compression
                             not confirm whether a patient will benefit from    hosiery options vary in stiffness, levels of
                             compression therapy – meaning that an ABPI         compression delivered, fabric, colour, size,
                             cannot diagnose venous insufficiency or the        length, and whether they are closed or open-
                             cause of oedema.                                   toe. Medical compression hosiery is a single
                                                                                garment and can be selected off-the-shelf or
                             Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI): A              made-to-measure for the patient.
                             condition whereby blood pools in the veins,
                             straining the walls of the vein and making         Compression hosiery kits: A type of
                             it difficult for blood to return to the heart      medical compression therapy most
                             from the legs. It can be caused by venous          commonly used for the management and
                             hypertension or venous obstruction/occlusion,      healing of venous leg ulceration. Kits consist
                             such as a deep vein thrombosis.                    of two medical compression garments
                                                                                designed to be worn one on top of the
                             Compression: A treatment whereby the               other. Hosiery kits are designed to be worn
                             application of external pressure counteracts       24 hours a day but the outer layer can
                             the loss of capillary fluid by squeezing fluid     be removed at night, although this is not
                             into the veins and lymph vessels. Compression      essential. Hosiery kits are most commonly
                             therapy improves venous return to the heart        available in off-the-shelf sizes but can also be
                             and initiates a variety of complex physiological   made-to-measure.
                             and biochemical effects involving the venous,
                             arterial and lymphatic systems. The effects        Compression standards: National
                             of compression can be dramatic, reducing           and international standards for medical
                             oedema and pain while promoting healing of         compression hosiery have been developed to
                             ulcers caused by venous insufficiency (Harding     ensure compression stockings and socks meet
                             et al, 2015).                                      certain technical parameters, such as testing
                                                                                methods, yarn specification and durability
                             Compression bandages: A type of                    (Lymphoedema Framework, 2006). There are
                             medical compression garment that is                a variety of quality standards against which
                             composed of either inelastic (short-stretch)       compression hosiery can be categorised:
                             elements, elastic (long-stretch) elements          ■ British Standard Compression (Specifica-
                             or a combination of both. Bandaging is               tion 40; BS 661210): The British Standard for
                             most often used to treat active venous               compression hosiery has three classes that
                             ulceration and should be worn 24 hours a             indicate the level of compression provided by
                             day. Bandaging can also be used for ongoing          the garment. BS40 measures the compression
                             maintenance, for those unable to tolerate            delivered by the medical compression gar-
                             hosiery or those with complex conditions             ment at the ankle, knee and top of thigh and
                             such as lymphoedema, especially when the             has a 3-month guarantee (Partsch, 2003).
                             legs are large and have skin folds. For these      ■ German RAL (GZ 387/1) Standard: The Ger-
                             patients, full-leg bandaging may be required         man standard is measured at 5cm increments
                             to control oedema and maintain the shape of          up the garment to ensure graduation and has
                             the leg (Anderson and Smith, 2004).                  a 6-month guarantee (Földi and Földi, 1983).
                                                                                ■ French Standard (ASQUAL) (AFNOR NF
                             Compression classes: The pressure measured           30.102A): The French Standard is measured at
                             at the ankle is used to classify medical             the ankle (Levick, 2003).
                             compression hosiery into compression classes
                             (e.g. 1, 2, 3). The stiffness of the compression   Compression wraps: A type of medical
                             hosiery material affects the compression class.    compression garment considered for the
                                                                                management of lymphoedema and other
                             Compression hosiery: The most widely               disorders of the circulatory system. Available
                             used form of compression in the long-term          in a variety of forms, these devices consist

Best Practice Statement - Compression hosiery: A patient-centric approach WUK BPS -

of fabric sheets made from one or more               cellulitis, fluid leakage and ulceration (Bianchi
components with limited extensibility. The           et al, 2012; Harding et al, 2015). Chronic
wraps are applied to affected limbs and              oedema can be considered a surrogate marker
held in place with hook and loop fastenings          for lymphoedema.
(Thomas, 2017).
                                                     Static Stiffness Index (SSI): The difference
Interface pressure: The pressure between             between standing and resting pressure
the skin and the compression garment.                characterises the efficacy of a specific
Measuring pressure at the interface during           compression garment to narrow the venous
both lying and standing indicates how the            lumen and encourage venous return (Partsch
compression garment reacts to muscular               et al, 2016). The Dynamic Stiffness Index (DSI)
activity. The interface pressure was                 is the change in the pressure between the
previously described as the sub-bandage              limb and garment (interface pressure) when
pressure.                                            a person activates their calf muscle through
                                                     movement, such as walking or exercise. The
Lymphoedema: The accumulation of                     DSI demonstrates the garment’s ability to resist
fluid in the tissue spaces. It may present           calf muscle expansion and to generate working
as swelling of one or more limbs and may             pressure increases. The higher the SSI and DSI,
include the corresponding quadrant of                the stiffer the garment.
the trunk and other areas, e.g. head, neck,
breast or genitalia. It arises from congenital       Stiffness: A measure of flexibility and the
malformation of the lymphatic system                 ability of the bandage or hosiery to oppose
(primary lymphoedema), or damage to                  the muscle expansion during contraction
lymphatic vessels and/or lymph nodes                 (Mosti, 2012). The yarn used and the technique
(secondary lymphoedema) due to cancer                employed to knit the fabric will impact the
treatment, infection, inflammation,                  stiffness of the fabric. The less stiff the material,
venous diseases, obesity, trauma and                 the lower the pressure peaks during exercise.
injury (Lymphoedema Framework, 2006).                Inelastic bandage and multi-layer bandage
Lymphoedema is a progressive disease of              systems generally have a higher SSI when
four stages: latency stage (stage 0), mild stage     compared to compression hosiery (Vowden et
(stage 1), moderate stage (stage 2) and severe       al, 2020).
stage (stage 3) (International Society of
Lymphoedema, 2016).

Oedema: Swelling caused by the accumulation
of fluid in the extra-vascular tissue. Oedema
usually affects the feet, ankles and legs,
although it can occur anywhere in the body.
The cause of oedema should be identified
before beginning treatment. Bilateral oedema
is indicative of systemic conditions such as
cardiac failure, protein reduction and venous
insufficiency, standing or sitting in the same
position for too long, eating a large amount of
salty foods, being overweight, being pregnant,
malignancy or taking certain medicines.
Unilateral oedema is more often due to local
causes, such as deep vein thrombosis or

Chronic lower limb oedema is a persistent,
abnormal swelling of the leg. Chronic oedema
has an ongoing effect on the viability of the skin
leading to complications, such as infection,

                                          BEST PRACTICE STATEMENT: COMPRESSION HOSIERY                  3
Best Practice Statement - Compression hosiery: A patient-centric approach WUK BPS -

    Clinicians should stay         Since 2015 and the second edition of the                 Increasing range of medical
    updated with evidence          Best Practice Statement there have been                  compression hosiery
    and guidelines on the use      the following areas of progress in medical               Compression hosiery has evolved
    of medical compression         compression therapy.                                     considerably over the last few years and is
    therapy. Clinicians                                                                     now a progressive therapy that goes beyond
    should be familiar with        National Wound Care Strategy                             Class I and Class II British Standard hosiery.
    the different types of         Programme guidance                                       There is now a greater variety of medical
    compression systems            In England, the National Wound Care                      compression hosiery available in terms of
    and know when and how          Strategy Programme (NWCSP, 2020)                         style, which increases the expectations of
    to access and use them.
                                   has produced recommendations for the                     what can be achieved for patients. However,
    Failure to provide a patient
    with appropriate care
                                   immediate and necessary care of patients                 variations in styles can lead to inconsistency
    should be seen as a harm.      who have one or more wounds below                        in the way medical compression garments
                                   the knee. The recommendations include                    are selected and prescribed (NICE, 2012).
                                   guidance on wound and skin cleansing,                    Patients may attend appointments having
                                   application of a simple low-adherent                     already looked at the options online, but
    Best Practice                  dressing and the use of mild graduated                   it is important to remember that not all
     Statement                     compression for leg wounds if there are
                                   no red flags to contraindicate compression
                                                                                            medical compression hosiery are available
                                                                                            on every Trust’s formulary. Therefore,
                                   (Box 1).                                                 clinicians should be familiar with the
                                                                                            garments that they have available in order
    Medical compression            Medical compression is a powerful,                       to select the most appropriate garment for
    is an active therapy and       active therapy that is part of the toolkit               the patient.
    will help to reduce your       for the management of chronic oedema,
    symptoms. You should           lymphoedema and venous insufficiency.                    NHS Long-Term Plan
    expect your clinician to be    In the absence of red flags (Box 1), mild                The NHS Long-Term Plan (2019) is a
    confident, competent and       compression (around 20mmHg at the                        commitment to facilitating measurable
    enthusiastic about medical
                                   ankle) should be considered the first-line               improvements in population health and
    compression. They should
    be familiar with different
                                   initial treatment for people who have one                to reduce health inequalities. In wound
    types of compression           or more wounds below the knee and not on                 care, the NWCSP (2020) recommends
    (e.g. compression hosiery,     the foot (NWCSP, 2020). The patient should               greater awareness of the importance
    stockings, bandages and        receive a full holistic assessment if clinically         of early intervention of compression
    wraps), so that they can       required or if there is evidence of venous               therapy or endovenous intervention. This
    offer treatments that          and/or lymphatic disease, with a view to                 is to be achieved through greater public
    suit you.                      increasing the level of compression within               awareness (e.g. public-facing campaigns
                                   14 days. This is clear national guidance that            such as Legs Matter
      Patient                      healthcare professionals should encourage
                                   compression uptake among patients; failure
                                                                                            and community, primary care, vascular,
                                                                                            tissue viability and lymphoedema services
    expectation                    to provide a patient with appropriate care               promoting the same prevention and early
                                   may be seen as a harm.                                   intervention messages.

                                   Box 1. National Wound Care Strategy Programme (2020) guidance for people with
                                   leg and foot wounds

                                                                                                 If red flags are present:
                                     People with leg and foot wounds should not be
                                                                                                ■ Treat suspected infection in line with
                                     treated with compression if they have any of the
                                     following red flags:                                          NICE (2020) antimicrobial guidelines
                                                                                                ■ Immediately escalate to relevant
                                        • Acute infection of leg or foot (e.g. increasing          clinical specialist
                                          unilateral redness, swelling, pain, pus, heat)        ■ For people in the last few weeks of life,
                                        • Symptoms of sepsis                                       seek input from their other clinicians
                                        • Acute or chronic limb-threatening ischaemia              to agree an appropriate care plan.
                                        • Suspected acute deep vein thrombosis
                                        • Suspected skin cancer.

Best Practice Statement - Compression hosiery: A patient-centric approach WUK BPS -

Selecting the correct          Medical compression hosiery is the most             Holistic assessment
medical compression            widely used form of compression in the long-        A detailed history should include past
hosiery should be based        term management for a number of condi-              medical and surgical history, family history
on a thorough assessment       tions, including lower limb lymphoedema             and history of limb or skin trauma. Current
of the patient’s presenting    and oedema, and conditions associated with          medications (e.g. ACE inhibitors, inmmuno-
symptoms and knowledge         chronic venous insufficiency (CVI: NICE,            suppressants, steroids), concurrent illnesses
of how the products work.      2012). Venous disease can be categorised us-        and the patient’s limb, circulation and skin
                               ing the CEAP classification (Lurie et al, 2020;     should also be assessed to identify the cause
                               Table 3, page 12) to differentiate between          of venous insufficiency or chronic oedema
Best Practice                  mild (thread veins or telangiectasia) and           and underlying disease process (Lymphoe-
 Statement                     severe (chronic skin changes/ skin discoloura-      dema Framework, 2006).
                               tion/ulceration). Untreated CVI can also lead
                               to oedema formation. There are many causes          The NWCSP (2020) offers guidance on the
                               of chronic oedema, but they largely fall into       key elements of assessment that will guide
Assessment for medical
                               four main categories:                               first-line intervention and provides red flags
compression should
                               ■ Lymphoedema (both primary and sec-                for when compression therapy should not be
include full assessment
of your limb, other               ondary)                                          initiated (Box 1, page 4).
conditions, home life,         ■ Lipoedema
personal preferences, your     ■ Dependency oedema                                 Vascular assessment
willingness to be involved     ■ Lymphovenous or phlebolymphoedema                 The ankle–brachial pressure index (ABPI)
in care, and your ability to      (Green and Mason, 2006).                         result along with the patient’s history and
apply and remove medical                                                           other elements of the assessment process can
compression hosiery.           Many of the signs and symptoms of chronic           be used to rule out the presence of significant
                               oedema — including dermatitis, distortion           peripheral arterial disease (PAD). There is a
                               of limb shape, episodes of cellulitis, develop-     common misconception that garment selec-
  Patient                      ment of hyperkeratosis, non-pitting when            tion relies solely on the compression class or
expectation                    pressure is applied and hyper-pigmentation
                               of the skin — may be indicative of these
                                                                                   mmHg and the result of the ABPI.

                               potential venous or lymphatic conditions.
                               Therefore, it may be difficult to differenti-
                               ate between venous and lymphatic diseases,
                               highlighting that a full, holistic assessment is
                               required for patients with chronic oedema             The ABPI result will indicate the
                               (Wounds UK, 2015).                                    compression class or level that the patient
                               An accurate assessment of the patient, their
                               preferences, the severity of the disease pro-
                               gression, and any complications or comorbid
                               conditions will inform the treatment pathway
                               and compression garment selection. If gar-            Compression up to 20mmHg can be
                               ments are to be used safely, all patients need        applied in the absence of red flags
                               to be able to report concerns they have with          without any form of arterial assessment

                               their medical compression hosiery; this is            (NWCSP, 2020). An ABPI assessment
                                                                                     is recommended before commencing
                               especially important where there is neuropa-
                                                                                     compression therapy greater than
                               thy or cognitive impairment. The provision            20mmHg. The role of the ABPI
                               of compression hosiery relies on the patient’s        assessment is to screen patients to rule
                               protective sensation and their ability to rec-        out PAD. Compression selection should
                               ognise problems; where this may be an issue,          be based on the clinical assessment,
                               more regular review of the patient may be             patient expectations and aim of
                               required.                                             compression therapy in combination
                                                                                     with the ABPI result.

                                                                          BEST PRACTICE STATEMENT: COMPRESSION HOSIERY              5
Best Practice Statement - Compression hosiery: A patient-centric approach WUK BPS -

                             Instead, the results of the ABPI may influence        The BLS (2019) Position Document offers
                             compression selection, and, it is important to        further guidance on how to assess limbs in the
                             remember that, in the presence of significant         presence of oedema.
                             PAD, compression therapy can be dangerous
                             and should only be used at the recommenda-            Treatment plan
                             tion of a vascular specialist. For more infor-        Results from the mediven® observational study
                             mation on the role of ABPI, see Best Practice         found that patients’ individual factors were
                             Statement: Ankle–brachial pressure index              rarely taken into account when prescribing
                             (ABPI) in practice (Wounds UK, 2019a).                medical compression garments (Schwahn-
                                                                                   Schreiber et al, 2016). Just as medication
                             If an ABPI cannot be obtained, for instance,          dosage is prescribed according to the needs
                             the patient is unable to lie flat, or has oedema-     and characteristics of the individual, selection
                             tous legs, pain, fragile skin or calcified vessels,   of compression therapy should be based on
                             the arterial supply needs to be assessed in           careful assessment of the patient’s individual
                             other ways, for example toe pressure, pulse           needs and condition identified in the holistic
                             auscultation and pulse palpation. If it is not        assessment, taking into consideration patient
                             possible to obtain an ABPI initially due to           choice (Figure 1).
                             oedema, then it may be helpful to apply
                             compression therapy at 20mmHg to manage
                             the oedema and attempt to obtain an ABPI the
                             following week.

                                                                          e.g. ABPI, toe
                                                                         pressure, pulse

                                       Holistic                                                                     Patient
                                     assessment                                                                     choice
                                  identifies level of               Medical compression                       e.g. style, colour,
                                compression needed                   hosiery selection                     ability and willingness
                                 to treat underlying                                                           to self-manage

                                                                        patient factors
                                                                        during holistic
                                                                     assessment, e.g. BMI,
                                                                          limb shape

                             Figure 1. Factors that influence medical compression hosiery selection.

Best Practice Statement - Compression hosiery: A patient-centric approach WUK BPS -

                                Medical compression hosiery must be se-              Elasticity and stiffness –
Practitioners should            lected based on the outcomes of the holistic         How compression works
understand the range            assessment, patient preferences and the goals        Inelastic compression systems generally
of medical compression
                                of treatment. Product selection should also          have a higher Static Stiffness Index (SSI)
hosiery garments available
and understand how
                                take into account limb size and shape, skin          compared to elastic compression systems.
the construction of the         condition, allergies and sensitivities, patient      Stiffer compression systems have higher
garment affects clinical        considerations (e.g. dexterity, psychosocial         working pressure peaks and can be more
efficacy.                       issues) and the garment itself.                      comfortable than more elastic garments
                                                                                     with a lower SSI as they support the leg
                                Construction of compression hosiery                  and provide ‘strong wall stability’.
Best Practice                   The type of yarns and knitting techniques
 Statement                      used to manufacture medical compression
                                hosiery affects the stiffness or elasticity of the
                                                                                     Conversely, the leg muscles contract and
                                                                                     change shape during walking and exer-
                                garment. The material used to make compres-          cising, so compression garments have to
                                sion garments is produced by knitting two            provide some elasticity to allow this move-
 Using language you
 understand, the clinician      types of yarn together:                              ment while still supporting calf action and
 should be able to explain to   ■ Inlay yarn – produces the compression              counteracting the gravitational effect of
 you the different medical      ■ Body yarn – delivers the thickness and             standing.
 compression hosiery               stiffness of the knitted fabric (Clark and
 garments available and help
 to find the best garment to
 suit your individual needs.
                                   Krimmel, 2006).
                                The arrangement of the inlay and body yarn
                                will produce either flat-knit or round-knit            Stiffer medical compression hosiery is
   Patient                      fabric, which impacts on the material’s prop-
                                erties and indications for use (Table 1, page 8).
                                                                                       sometimes perceived as uncomfortable.

                                Flat-knit fabric tends to be relatively thick,
                                stiff and inelastic, which lets it lie across skin
                                folds without cutting into the skin. Flat-knit is
                                usually used for ‘made-to measure’ garments            Stiff or inelastic medical compression
                                because it can be more readily adapted to              hosiery provides higher working pressure
                                                                                       peaks while the patient is walking or
                                limb shape distortion. ‘Off-the-shelf’ medical
                                                                                       exercising but is comfortable at rest.
                                compression hosiery is available in standard
                                sizes and tends to be manufactured from
                                round-knit fabric.                                   Compression standards
                                                                                     Medical compression hosiery is a medical
                                                                                     device, so it is measured against set cri-

                                 MYTH                                                teria to describe the support or compres-
                                                                                     sion applied to the lower leg. Standards
                                                                                     provide confidence about the quality and
                                 Flat-knit medical compression hosiery should        life span of a product. It is important to
                                 be used as a ‘last resort’ for patients as they
                                                                                     know how long a product is able to give
                                 are difficult to measure patients for and
                                 mistakes are expensive and wasteful.                therapeutic levels of compression to avoid
                                                                                     putting patients at risk of sub-standard
                                                                                     care (Lymphoedema Framework, 2006).

                                 TRUTH                                               For medical compression hosiery, there
                                                                                     are three internationally recognised qual-
                                                                                     ity compression standards – British Stan-
                                 Flat-knit medical compression hosiery               dard, German RAL Standard and French
                                 often requires a few more measurements,
                                                                                     Standard (Table 2, page 9).
                                 but, for patients with chronic oedema/
                                 lymphoedema, it is the optimal therapy
                                 and should be considered once the initial           There is no independent quality European
                                 reducible oedema has been decreased.                standard, but the German RAL Standard is
                                                                                     widely accepted as the basic requirement

 BEST PRACTICE STATEMENT: COMPRESSION HOSIERY                                                                                    7
Best Practice Statement - Compression hosiery: A patient-centric approach WUK BPS -

    Table 1. Features of round-knit and flat-knit medical compression hosiery
    Feature               Round-knit compression hosiery                                      Flat-knit compression hosiery

    Seam                  Seamless                                                            With seam

    Knit                  Knitted on a round cylinder                                         Knitted in flat rows
    Stitches per row      Constant                                                            Variable
    Shape                 Shaped by variable mesh size and pretension of the inlaid           Shaped by variable number of stitches with the elastic thread
                          elastic thread                                                      laid in
    Stretch               High                                                                Low
    Thread structure

    Elastic thread        Not covered                                                         Covered
    Working pressure      Low                                                                 High
    Effect                Effect on veins to improve venous return                            Primary effect is to increase tissue pressure
                                                                                              Secondary effect is on the veins to improve venous return
    Measurement           When measuring the patient’s limb, measure the surface              When measuring the patient’s limb, there is a degree of
                          circumferences                                                      interpretation required as the garment is designed to sculpt the
                                                                                              limb rather than necessarily match the size and shape presented
    Uses                  Generally used for off-the-shelf hosiery, although it can be used   Commonly used for made-to-measure hosiery
                          for made-to-measure hosiery
    Indications           Typically for patients who have venous insufficiency or mild        Typically for patients who have chronic oedema/lymphoedema
                          lymphoedema                                                         due to the action on the limb, and its ability to be knitted to fit
                                                                                              any limb shape
                          Most suitable where there is no or minimal limb distortion due
                          to oedema (Anderson and Smith, 2014)                                If round-knit is causing problems for the patient, consider flat-
                                                                                              knit, which can be more comfortable and easier to apply

    Images used with permission of medi UK©.


                                for certifying medical compression stock-       when selecting medical compression
                                ings (BSI Standards Publication, 2018).         hosiery, more emphasis should be given to
                                Clinicians should check that the medical        the compression dosage (mmHg) required
                                compression hosiery they are using has          for the patient’s individual needs rather
                                a quality standard as this will guarantee       than the compression class of the garment.
                                the stocking offers the correct ‘dosage’
                                of mmHg and that it delivers consistent
                                graduation of pressure levels, i.e. higher
                                at the ankle, and reducing throughout the
                                length of the stocking.
                                                                                  When choosing a medical compression
                                Compression class                                 garment, the compression class and
                                The elasticity and stiffness of the textile       compression dosage (mmHg) are the most
                                has a great impact on the haemodynamic            important aspect to consider.
                                efficacy of a garment (Bjork and Ehmann,
                                2019). The stiffness of the compression ho-
                                siery material affects the compression lev-       TRUTH
                                els exerted by different types and classes of
                                hosiery. The compression measured at the           In most clinical situations, it is important
                                ankle is used to classify the hosiery into         to consider a holistic approach (e.g. BMI,
                                compression classes; however, the pres-            limb shape, disease severity, patient
                                sure range used to define each class varies        preference and ability) before deciding
                                between the different standards, and               what medical compression hosiery
                                different techniques are used to measure           garment will provide the right compression
                                                                                   dosage (mmHg) for the patient.
                                the levels of compression (Lymphoedema
                                Framework, 2006) (Table 2). As a result,

Table 2. Classes and standards of medical compression hosiery
                                                               Compression standards
Compression class      British standard 40                French Standard                    German Standard
                       (BS 661210) 3-month guarantee      (AFNOR NF 30.102A)                 (RAL GZ 387/1) 6-month guarantee
                       (Partsch, 2003)                    (Levick, 2003)                     (Földi and Földi, 1983)
Class 1 mild           14–17mmHg                          10–15mmHg                          18–21mmHg
Class 2 moderate       18–24mmHg                          15–20mmHg                          23–32mmHg
Class 3 strong         25–35mmHg                          20–36mmHg                          34–46mmHg

Class 4 extra strong   ­Not available                     >36mmHg                            >49mmHg

                                                                      BEST PRACTICE STATEMENT: COMPRESSION HOSIERY                9

  The patient’s clinical         Different types of hosiery should be used         Medical compression hosiery is available
  presentation and               at different stages of disease progression,       as open-toe or closed-toe garments. In the
  preferences should be          depending on the conditions and symptoms          close-toe option, the toe compartment of the
  assessed during hosiery        present, and whether or not oedema is pres-       hosiery does not provide sufficient compres-
  selection (e.g. presence       ent. Compression garments are not a ‘one-         sion at the tip, but it does provide contain-
  of oedema, venous              size-fits-all’ prescription.                      ment. It is important to protect the toes;
  insufficiency and their                                                          this can be achieved through the use of toe
  body size, limb shape,         Role of compression in oedema                     gloves or caps, depending on the extent of the
  size and shape of foot and     Any form of oedema (i.e. oedema, chronic          oedema, patient choice and ability to apply
  manual dexterity).
                                 oedema or lymphoedema) is a cause of con-         (Elwell, 2014). Toe gloves can be used with
                                 cern, and patients with oedema should seek        open-toe or closed-toe hosiery.
  Best Practice                  help as soon as possible and not wait until
   Statement                     issues have developed. Patients with signs and
                                 symptoms of lymphatic insufficiency should
                                                                                   Open-toe hosiery is frequently considered
                                                                                   easier to apply due to the fact they are often
                                 be prescribed appropriate hosiery as early as     supplied with a `silk-like slipper` device to aid
                                 possible to manage the underlying condition       application. A patient may require open-toe
 Your clinician should           and prevent disease progression (Anderson         hosiery because:
 identify the medical            and Smith, 2014). Without appropriate treat-      ■ The patient has arthritic or clawed toes
 compression hosiery that        ment to reduce the oedema, the affected tis-      ■ The patient has a fungal infection
 is best for your clinical       sues become progressively hard, fibrosed and      ■ The patient prefers to wear a sock over
 individual needs. Your          non-pitting, and the oedema fails to reduce          the compression hosiery
 compression garment             on elevation. Patients with oedema will have      ■ The patient has a long foot size compared
 should be comfortable to
                                 an altered leg shape, which may include large        with calf size (hosiery with longer foot-
 wear. If it is uncomfortable,
 an alternative garment
                                 skin folds especially around the ankle and           size options are available, if necessary)
 should be chosen.               knee making it difficult to ascertain where the   ■ The patient requires regular podiatry/
                                 knee joint is. This can be exacerbated if the        chiropody appointments
                                 individual is overweight.                         ■ There is no oedema present in the toes,
    Patient                                                                           and the patient prefers open-toe hosiery
  expectation                    In patients with chronic oedema, the key             (NICE, 2012).
                                 function of hosiery is ongoing maintenance
                                 (Wounds UK, 2015). Compression com-               Role of medical hosiery for patients with
                                 bined with exercise increases lymph flow and      venous insufficiency
                                 venous return, thus reducing the volume of        The therapeutic aim of compression for venous
                                 oedema. In addition, compression increases        insufficiency is to provide the highest level of
                                 the blood flow into the microcirculation,         compression possible that is tolerated by the
                                 which may improve wound healing and help          patient. National guidelines (NWCSP, 2020)
                                 soften thickened or ‘woody’ tissues (Elwell,      suggest the use of 2-layer compression kits that
                                 2014). A made-to-measure medical compres-         offer a minimum of 40mmHg as first-line, cost-
                                 sion hosiery garment may be more practical        effective treatment of venous leg ulceration.
                                 for people with oedema as it can be measured
                                 to the patient’s limb size and shape.             Compression hosiery is most commonly
                                                                                   used by patients with venous insufficiency
                                 Toe oedema                                        for either primary prevention or post-ulcer
                                 Toe oedema can be a natural occurrence in         healing to control oedema and reduce venous
                                 chronic oedema, but it can also be induced by     hypertension.
                                 incorrectly applied compression bandaging
                                 that leaves the toes, and often the forefoot,     People with healed venous leg ulcers and no
                                 vulnerable without compression (Elwell,           symptoms of arterial insufficiency should
                                 2014). Oedema management requires ongo-           be prescribed medical compression hosiery
                                 ing maintenance, so if toe oedema is initially    and reviewed 6-monthly for replacement
                                 resolved with bandaging, the patient will need    compression garments and ongoing advice
                                 to be monitored and compression continued         about prevention of recurrence (SIGN, 2010;
                                 with compression hosiery.                         NWCSP, 2020).


                                     Patient-related factors                           account when deciding which medical
                                     Ultimately, the hosiery selected should be        compression hosiery to use.
                                     the patient’s choice. The practitioner’s job is
                                     to explain the available options and direct       Table 3 (page 12) offers suggestions for
                                     the patient towards the clinically optimal        medical compression hosiery and additional
                                     choice. One of the most important factors         treatment to manage the symptoms of venous
                                     with regard to hosiery selection, partnership-    insufficiency and oedema/lymphoedema.
                                     working and concordance is understanding          There are tools available that can help guide
                                     the patient’s motivations and what is             hosiery prescribing, for example, The Hosiery
                                     important to the patient in their life.           Hunter® tool focuses on the patient’s disease
                                                                                       progression and clinical symptoms, BMI and
                                     The practitioner should listen to the patient     limb shape (Wounds UK, 2019b).
                                     and identify and understand the issues that
                                     may result in non-concordance (Wounds
                                     UK, 2015). Figure 2 summarises the patient-
                                     specific factors that should be taken into

                                                                             Patient preference
                                                                                  e.g. style,
                                                                             appearance, colour.

                                                                                                         Consider wrap systems
                                                Skin condition                                          or stiffer flat-knit hosiery
                                             See tips for skin care                                     that has a higher SSI and
                                              under compression                                           ‘strong wall stability’
                                                    hosiery                                                 to hold the tissue.
                                                   (page 19).                                             Also consider hosiery
                                                                                                             application aids
                                                                                                                 (page 17).

                                               Low dexterity or                                           Consider limb shape
                                                    mobility                                                 Bandaging, wrap
                                              Consider supplying                                         systems or a stiffer flat-
                                              patients with an aid                                      knit compression hosiery
                                              to ease application                                       to reshape distorted limb
                                                   (page 17).                                             shape and skin folds.

                                                                              Patient motivation
                                                                             Ask the patient what
                                                                             is important to them
                                                                               and what impact
                                                                               treatment has on
                                                                                 their daily life.

Figure 2. Patient factors to
consider during garment selection.

                                                                              BEST PRACTICE STATEMENT: COMPRESSION HOSIERY 11

         Table 3. Suggestions for medical compression hosiery and additional treatment for venous insufficiency and oedema
                                                                    Clinical indications                    Medical compression hosiery suggestion               Additional treatment suggestions
                                                                    C0 No visible or palpable signs of      No treatment required                                No treatment required
                                                                    venous disease
                                                                    C1 Telangiectasias or reticular veins
                                                                    C2 Varicose veins                       ■ Round-knit, off-the-shelf, RAL Standard            ■ Daily skin care and emollient regimen to main-
Venous insufficiency: CEAP classification (Lurie et al, 2020)

                                                                    C2r Recurrent varicose veins              compression                                           tain skin integrity
                                                                    C3 Oedema                               ■ CCl 1 (18–21mmHg) or CCl 2 (23–25mmHg)             ■ Simple ankle/calf exercises to enhance the calf
                                                                                                              may be most appropriate                               muscle pump function
                                                                                                            ■ For patients who do not fit in standard sizes,     ■ Increased activity/mobility, such as short walks
                                                                                                              made-to-measure round-knit RAL Standard              or water exercises (e.g. walking in shoulder-
                                                                                                              options should be considered. If there is            high water, aqua-aerobics or aqua-cycling, but
                                                                                                              significant shape distortion, flat-knit, made-       not swimming). A GP gym referral scheme
                                                                                                              to-measure hosiery in CCl 1–3 should be              may be available in some areas
                                                                                                              considered.                                        ■ Limb elevation on resting
                                                                    C4 Changes in skin and subcutaneous     ■ Round-knit, off-the-shelf, RAL Standard            ■ Weight loss/maintenance (referral to dietitian
                                                                    tissue secondary to CVD                    compression                                         or bariatric services)
                                                                    C4a Pigmentation or eczema              ■ CCl 2 (23–25mmHg) may be most appropriate          ■ If oedema is venous related and is persistent or
                                                                    C4b Lipodermatosclerosis or atrophie    ■ For patients not fitting in to standard sizes,       worsening, patients should be seen by a vascu-
                                                                    blanche                                    round-knit, made-to-measure, RAL Standard           lar specialist to explore venous intervention to
                                                                    C4c Corona phlebectatica                   hosiery should be considered.                       aid symptoms (NICE, 2021).
                                                                    C5 Healed ulcer
                                                                    C6 Active venous ulcer                  ■ 2-layer compression hosiery kit or compression
                                                                    C6r Recurrent active venous ulcer          bandaging providing a combined 40mmHg
                                                                                                               should be used.

                                                                    Chronic oedema/lymphoedema              ■ Round-knit, off-the-shelf, RAL Standard            ■ Daily skin care and emollient regimen to main-
                                                                    stage 0–2 (latency, mild or moderate)     compression may be suitable in early stages           tain skin integrity
                                                                                                            ■ Flat-knit, made-to-measure, RAL Standard           ■ Simple ankle/calf exercises
Oedema classification (International Society of Lymphology, 2016)

                                                                                                              hosiery should be considered in most cases         ■ Avoid sitting with leg dependant/sleeping in
                                                                                                            ■ CCl 1–4 may be most appropriate according            the chair at night-time; this may undermine all
                                                                                                              to the holistic assessment of the individual and     compression treatment/management
                                                                                                              their circumstances.                               ■ Increasing activity/mobility, such as short
                                                                                                                                                                   walks or water exercises (e.g. walking in
                                                                                                                                                                   shoulder-high water, aqua-aerobics or aqua
                                                                                                                                                                   cycling, but not swimming). A GP gym referral
                                                                                                                                                                   scheme may be available in some areas
                                                                                                                                                                 ■ Limb elevation on resting
                                                                                                                                                                 ■ Consider simple/manual lymphatic drainage.

                                                                    Chronic oedema/lymphoedema              ■ Flat-knit, made-to-measure, RAL Standard           ■ As above for chronic oedema/lymphoedema
                                                                    stage 3                                   compression hosiery with a high SSI is often          stage 0–2
                                                                                                              the most suitable                                  ■ Weight loss/maintenance (referral to dieti-
                                                                                                            ■ CCl 3 (35­–45mmHg) or CCl 4 (>49mmHg)                 tian or bariatric services).
                                                                                                              may be most appropriate; however, CCl 2
                                                                                                              (23–35mmHg) may be considered according
                                                                                                              to the holistic assessment of the individual and
                                                                                                              their circumstances.

         CCl: Compression class, CVD: Cardiovascular disease.


                                Patient adherence to compression therapy          The focus of compression treatment is to
The clinician should            is often poor, but it is unhelpful to label       slow disease progression, but it can be dif-
be confident in their           patients as intentionally non-adherent            ficult for the patient to imagine what will
own knowledge of
                                (Green and Jester, 2019). Rather than             happen if they do not wear compression.
medical compression to
                                dismissing the patient as non-adherent to         A way of promoting concordance with
confidently explain the
impact of compression           treatment, instead listen to the patient’s        compression therapy is to ask the patient
hosiery. During                 concerns and motivations with regard to           to consider the future with regard to their
consultations, explore the      the presenting condition. To help to facili-      lower limbs and to discuss the possible
patient’s individual ideas,     tate shared decision-making, use language         consequences of not wearing compres-
concerns and expectations       that is appropriate for the patient and cre-      sion therapy, i.e. What might occur if they
of compression therapy.         ate an open, accepting environment that           choose not to wear it? What could life be
                                allows the patient to share their own story.      like in a few years’ time?

Best Practice                   It is acceptable to discuss compromise, as        During appointments, explore with the
 Statement                      this may keep the patient engaged and can         patient other avenues that will aid treat-
                                help ease patients into accepting long-           ment and make compression more toler-
                                term treatments, such as medical com-             able, such as skin care, elevation, activity,
                                pression hosiery. Patients also need to be        weight loss, access to support groups. Ask
You should expect to be
                                aware that their choice cannot always be          questions that might not be directly relat-
involved in making joint
decisions about your care,
                                fully accommodated, and that there may            ed to compression therapy itself, but might
feel able to voice your         have to be some balance between clinical          help to identify areas where the patient
concerns and be reassured       need and patient preference. Treatment            could be supported. Box 2 includes areas
that changes can be made        can be modified to use a lower compres-           of discussion for clinician and patient to
to your care if required.       sion if high compression is not tolerated         help inform compression selection.
Your clinician may ask          at first, but discussions should include
whether you have family/        the fact that as tolerance builds over time,      ‘Best’ garment for the patient
carers who would like to        compression levels may also be increased.         The ‘best’ garment for the patient is the
take part in the care plan if   Practitioners and patients alike should           garment that they will use and wear cor-
you need extra support.         understand that compression is an on-             rectly. To identify the best garment for the
                                going treatment that needs to be worn             patient:
  Patient                       long-term, just as long-term medication           1. Listen and explore: Explore the pa-
expectation                     regimens should be adhered to.                       tient’s understanding, concerns and
                                                                                     hopes related to medical compression
                                                                                     hosiery (Box 2).
                                 MYTH                                             2. Assess: Assess the limb and patient to
                                                                                     determine the most appropriate medi-
                                                                                     cal compression hosiery clinically (see
                                 Wearing compression is always for life.
                                                                                     Chapter 2).
                                                                                  3. Consider patient ability: Consider the

                                  TRUTH                                              patient’s ability to apply compression ho-
                                                                                     siery, for example their manual dexterity
                                                                                     and their body size and shape.
                                 Some conditions such as lymphoedema              4. Check fit: Check how the medical com-
                                 require compression therapy for life, others,
                                                                                     pression hosiery fits on the leg(s).
                                 such as varicose veins, may be surgically
                                 treated and may not require life-long
                                                                                  5. Patient preference: Ask the patient if
                                 therapy. For patients with chronic oedema           they are happy with the appearance and
                                 and venous insufficiency where intervention         fit of the medical compression hosiery.
                                 is not suitable, medical compression therapy
                                 is a life-long therapy.

                                                                           BEST PRACTICE STATEMENT: COMPRESSION HOSIERY 13

                             Box 2. Questions to ask the patient during medical compression hosiery selection:
                             gathering information and encouraging adherence

                             ■ What do you understand about the condition in your leg(s)?
                             ■ Have you used medical compression garments before?
                              ■ If yes, how did they affect your day-to-day lifestyle?
                             ■ What are your priorities for treatment?
                             ■ Do you feel confident in applying and removing your hosiery?
                             ■ Is there someone who can help you apply/remove your medical compression garments?
                             ■ Are you happy with the medical compression hosiery’s colour? Pattern? Texture? Softness? (This is
                               especially important to ask as summer approaches, so patients have medical compression they are
                               comfortable with when wearing lighter/shorter clothing).
                             ■ Would you prefer open- or closed-toe medical compression hosiery?
                             ■ Do you have at least two pairs of medical compression hosiery? (Patients must wash and wear pairs
                               alternately, and not keep one pair ‘in good shape’ for later).

                                                                                 Supporting patients at home
                              MYTH                                               To successfully support your patient to care at
                                                                                 home, they need to have understanding of:
                              If the patient refuses to wear medical             ■ The reasons why hosiery has been pre-
                              compression hosiery, there is nothing more           scribed
                              that can be done for the patient.                  ■ A well-fitting garment, skin care and how
                                                                                   to apply and remove the garment

                                                                                 ■ The expectations of care
                                                                                 ■ When they should contact the clinician
                                                                                   and the ‘red flags’
                               If the patient refuses to wear medical            ■ The emergency contact details of who to
                              compression hosiery, listen to the patient’s         contact if issues arise
                              concerns and why they feel they cannot             ■ When and how to re-order hosiery
                              wear compression hosiery. Consider with
                              the patient whether the expectations of care
                              need to be modified. The expectations of
                                                                                 Patients may also benefit from keeping a self-
                              care should be agreed between the clinician        care journal and being provided with where to
                              and patient before treatment begins and            access online patient resources (e.g. Legs Mat-
                              revisited during treatment.                        ter campaign:
                                                                                 mation/resources) or advice leaflets designed
                                                                                 for patients (e.g.

                              Wearing medical compression hosiery is

                               Patients with venous and lymphatic
                              disorders should always feel more
                              comfortable when wearing medical
                              compression hosiery than when they are not.


                               Medical compression hosiery is only effective       pressure to control their limb on an ongoing
Limbs should be                if the patient’s limbs are measured accurately      basis. After measurement, it is important to
measured and medical           and the garment is applied correctly. Medical       continue with compression bandaging until
compression hosiery            compression measured and prescribed inac-           the patient’s compression hosiery garment
prescribed according
                               curately can lead to tissue trauma/pressure         is available. Box 3 includes tips for hosiery
to the manufacturer’s
                               damage particularly if the fabric rolls during      measurement.
own measuring guide, as
sizes vary according to        wear or is too tight and digs into the skin
manufacturer. There are        (Robertson et al, 2014). These experiences          If a patient does not fit the measurements on
tools available to support     may stop the patients wanting – or being able       the manufacturer’s sizing chart for standard,
clinicians to measure          – to continue with treatment.                       off-the-shelf sizes, ‘made-to-measure’ medical
and identify the correct                                                           compression hosiery should be prescribed.
compression garment for        Limbs should be measured and hosiery pre-           Made-to-measure can be considered first line
the patient.                   scribed according to each manufacturer’s own        for chronic oedema and larger limbs with a
                               measuring guide, as sizes vary according to         uniform shape, i.e smaller at the ankle, in-
                               manufacturer. Every effort should be made to        creasing in size up the leg. Where skins folds
Best Practice                  reduce oedema before hosiery is measured. In        are present compression bandaging will be re-
 Statement                     some cases, bandaging may be required dur-
                               ing the intensive management phase to help
                                                                                   quired first to achieve reduction and reshap-
                                                                                   ing. If fitting is not accurate, hosiery will fail
                               reshape the limb, reduce limb volume and/           to prevent oedema, maximise ulcer healing or
                               or treat the ulcer. Once oedema has reduced,        prevent recurrence, and will increase the risk
                               patients can be measured for medical com-           of skin damage complications (Wounds UK,
You should expect your         pression hosiery that will deliver sufficient       2015).
clinician to measure both
of your legs so that you can
be prescribed appropriately     Box 3. Tips for hosiery measurement (Wounds UK, 2015)
sized medical compression
hosiery.                        ■ Use the correct measuring guide for the brand of medical compression hosiery to be pre-
                                  scribed, as each manufacturer will vary
  Patient                       ■ Take measurements as early in the morning as possible, when oedema is at a minimum

expectation                       (see below for common measurement points for A] off-the-shelf; and B] made-to-measure
                                  compression hosiery)

                                    A.                                               B.

                                    Images used with permission of medi UK©.

                                ■ Take measurements directly against the skin to ensure accuracy (use a skin marker to ensure
                                    accuracy and reproducability)
                                ■   Take measurements for both leg, as they may differ in size
                                ■   Take measurements when the patient is sitting down, with feet flat on the floor
                                ■   If the patient has skin folds due to oedema or the limb is particularly misshapen, a specialist
                                    flat-knit garment may be required. This will require specialist assessment.
                                ■   Ask the patient to wear their medical compression hosiery to the next appointment so that the
                                    fit can be re-evaluated.

                                                                         BEST PRACTICE STATEMENT: COMPRESSION HOSIERY 15

                                    The practitioner should prescribe a minimum          colour and options on prescription, which
                                    of two, but preferably three pairs of medi-          may support concordance. Patients may be
                                    cal compression hosiery (one to wash, one            given details of websites where they can re-
                                    air drying and one to wear) every 6 months           search the hosiery products further online.
                                    (3 months for British Standard compres-
                                    sion hosiery), to ensure the effectiveness of
                                    compression. This is regardless of the type of
                                    compression or class. Prescriptions should
                                    be clearly and thoroughly specified to ensure
                                    accurate dispensing.                                   The patient only ever needs two pairs of
                                                                                           medical compression hosiery.
                                    When a new prescription is required, the pa-
                                    tient must be re-measured. If the patient has
                                    a current medical compression prescription,            TRUTH
                                    it should be continued until the new prescrip-
                                                                                            It would be beneficial to the patient if
                                    tion is ready. If the weight of the patient re-        clinicians prescribed a minimum of two
                                    duces or increases, this is likely to change the       pairs of medical compression hosiery every
                                    size of the limb. Old, worn hosiery should be          6 months (3 months for British Standard).
                                    handed back to the clinician when the patient          Some patients may be able to purchase more
                                    receives a new prescription to prevent the             pairs privately if they are given the full details
                                    patient wearing old ‘comfy’ medical hosiery.           of the garment.
                                    Some hosiery manufacturers a wide range of

   Fitting             FAQs
  The patient has previously found compression uncomfortable           and placement are correct, it may be beneficial to suggest
  and doesn’t want to try again – what do I do?                        using a garment with a different style or a stiffer fabric. If the
  If the patient did not tolerate compression in the past, it does     hosiery are thigh-length garments and the hosiery fit has
  not mean that they will not be able to tolerate compression          been checked, consider using an adhesive designed to adhere
  ever again. If the hosiery is not comfortable, it is not the right   compression garments to the limb.
  choice for this patient right now. Talk to the patient again and
  listen to their concerns.                                            How will I know that the compression garment is working?
                                                                       Compression therapy will help with limb volume reduction
  What if the hosiery digs in at the top around the knee?              and leg comfort. If the leg was initially swollen and the medi-
  Check that the garment is not overstretched and that place-          cal compression hosiery starts to loosen and fall down after
  ment is correct (the top band should sit two fingers’ width          a few weeks, this could be a positive sign that treatment is
  from the crease of the knee). If the size and the placement are      working. You might have to order a smaller-sized stocking
  correct, it may be beneficial to change the fabric. Contact your     initially, depending on the condition you are treating and until
  local TVN/lymphoedema specialist if unsure.                          the limb is stable. The patient should know who to contact if
                                                                       the garment is getting loose quickly, and that this is not a sign
  What if the compression hosiery is too tight?                        that the compression therapy has worked and is no longer
  Ensure patients understand that a larger garment size will not       required.
  make the garment feel less tight, and that this will reduce the
  effectiveness of the treatment. Less elastic garments may be         What if the garment starts to fall down?
  useful if this feeling persists.                                     Garments that continue to fall down cannot provide thera-
                                                                       peutic compression. If the garment fits and the fabric is the
  What if the top of the compression hosiery is rolling?               correct type for the condition being treated, the use of a body
  Check that the garment is the correct size/measurement               glue, or addition of a top band, may help to keep the garment
  and ensure placement is correct (with the top band sitting           in place.
  two fingers’ width from the crease of the knee). If the size


                             Hosiery application (donning) and                 sion stocking aid is usually made from a
The practitioner who         removal (doffing)                                 slippery fabric, which is designed to make
measured, selected and       Even if the patient is experienced with           it easier to slide compression hosiery over
prescribed the medical                                                         the foot and leg. Patients will still need
                             compression hosiery, they should not
compression hosiery
                             independently apply compression hosiery           to be able to bend to reach their feet with
should guide the patient
through first application,   for the first time or if the prescription has     fabric aids. Rigid aids typically provide a
and discuss how to apply     changed. The practitioner should demon-           frame that lets the patient step into hosiery
and remove the hosiery,      strate donning and doffing, then help the         or pull up garments without bending to
how to manage skin           patient practise until they are competent at      reach the floor (Dilks and Green, 2005).
care under compression       applying and taking off compression hosiery       There are many different aids available,
and how to take care of      on their own. Showing how to apply and            which should be chosen according to each
compression hosiery.         remove the hosiery and what constitutes a         patient’s physical needs (Table 4, page 19).
If this is not possible,     good fit when a carer is present is beneficial
another qualified, skilled   (Box 4).                                          Other aid options include non-slip mats,
practitioner should guide                                                      roll-on adhesives and roll-on membranes.
the patient.                 Box 4. Quick guide for good medical               Wearing rubber gloves with soft interior
                             compression hosiery fit
                                                                               linings can aid grip during application
Best Practice                ■ Hosiery should fit well and not feel loose      and removal of all types of compression
 Statement                   ■ Hosiery should not be twisted, rolled or
                                 folded down

                             ■ Hosiery should sit two fingers’ width below
                                 the knee crease, or four fingers’ width        MYTH
                                 below the gluteal fold in thigh-length gar-
The clinician who
                                 ments                                          Hosiery application and removal aids are not
measured and prescribed
                             ■   The fabric should be evenly distributed        available on the NHS.
your medical compression
hosiery should show you          over the length of the garment
how to apply (don) and       ■   Hosiery should not pinch the skin or cause
remove (doff) the hosiery,
and provide you with         ■
                                 If numbness or pain occurs while wear-          TRUTH
advice on how to care            ing medical compression, it should be
for your limb, skin and                                                         Clinicians who prescribe compression
                                 removed and reported to the clinician who
garments. If you do not                                                         hosiery should ensure that they are familiar
                                 prescribed the compression hosiery             with the aids that are available on FP10
understand any part of
                             ■   Hosiery should not cause shortness of          locally and advise patients accordingly.
what has been said, you
should ask for further

                             It is important to explain that compression
  Patient                    hosiery application is a new skill, which
expectation                  may require patience and practice in the          Application & removal FAQs
                             early phase of treatment. Patients should
                             ensure they set aside time in their daily          Can the patient wear compression while
                             routine and their environment is suit-             they sleep at night?
                             able to apply/don and remove/doff their            It is preferable that the patient wears medi-
                             hosiery. Instructions to apply thigh-length        cal compression hosiery throughout the day
                             hosiery without a fabric or rigid aid are          and removes them at night, allowing for the
                             shown in Figure 3, page 18.                        skin to be routinely checked for compression
                                                                                damage and to be moisturised. However,
                             If a patient finds it difficult to don their       if the patient sleeps in a chair, they should
                             hosiery, a hosiery application aid can help.       wear medical hosiery throughout the night
                             Application and removal aids are typically         to prevent the legs from swelling. Patients
                             either fabric or rigid. A fabric compres-          with complex lymphoedema may be advised
                                                                                to wear a garment overnight.

                                                                       BEST PRACTICE STATEMENT: COMPRESSION HOSIERY 17
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