Page created by Robin Dominguez
                                                                      We Can
                                                                      Do More


 The entire North Kansas                                               Courses throughout the four years will be custom-
 City School District is tak-                                          ized to support these various alternatives, integrat-
 ing a big leap forward be-                                            ing the traditional study fields of language, math-
 ginning in the fall of 2021.                                          ematics and science.
 They are launching what
 is called the Career Path-                                            You can see more details about how this program
 ways Work-Based Learning                                              will be implemented at North Kansas City High
 Continuum. The Freshman                                               School by going to this link:
 class at all four district high schools (North Kansas                 northtowntrue/home?authuser=0
 City, Winnetonka, Oak Park and Staley) will be the
 first to engage with this new curriculum approach.
                                                                                 Help from the Business Community
 Over the next three years, the new Freshman class                                       is Vital for Success
 will be added until all four grade levels have transi-                North Kansas City High School will need your
 tioned. The Class of 2025 will be the first graduating                help. There are many ways to help, most of them
 class engaged with this concept.                                      with minimum effort on your part, and often with a
 Four broad career pathways have been defined.                         surprising sense of enrichment while doing it. The
 Each eighth-grade student enrolling for high school                   North Kansas City Business Council will be very
 will need to determine which career pathway holds                     active as a partner with North Kansas City High
 the most interest. They are not being asked to                        School, informing you of the opportunities. As an
 choose a career; just identify an interest.                           example, we offered a webinar with three alterna-
                                                                       tive dates in March to explain more about this pro-
 There are four “Schools” of pathways. Each has a                      gram and how you can help.
 wide range of possible careers.
                                                                       It is not your money that is needed. It is time and
                                                                       exposure to your business and the professionals in
 School of Business, Leadership & Entrepreneurship
                                                                       your business that is needed. You can help add that
       • Entrepreneurship
                                                                       important “learn by doing” component of educa-
       • Business
                                                                       tion. Opportunities can range from a short video
 School of Design, Innovation & Technology                             that could be used as a “class visit” or “plant tour”
       • Technology (includes Manufacturing)                           to in-person versions of those same opportunities
       • Construction and Engineering                                  to job-shadowing and internships. Another way is
       • Creative Design                                               to challenge a team of students with a project that
                                                                       is important for your business, but one you haven’t
 School of Health & Wellness
                                                                       had the resources to work on. Another way to help
       • Health
                                                                       is to offer real-life examples to teachers illuminating
       • Wellness
                                                                       how classroom instruction or a project is actually
 School of Human Services                                              used in a career. Or share job descriptions so stu-
       • Public Services                                               dents, teachers and parents can have a better idea of
       • Environmental Science and Sustainability                      skills and education needed for different careers.
The two profiles in this newsletter, Andrew Potter (RoKC Climbing Gym) and Adam
Roberts (Screenland Armour Theatre), are from a much younger generation than the
two profiles in the previous newsletter. Both are in their 30s and have made a big
impact on the entertainment offerings of North Kansas City.

                                            warehouse spaces. They rec-                                for a career in the climbing
       Andrew Potter                        ognized North Kansas City                                  industry.”
     Creator & Owner                        as an up-and-coming area
  of RoKC Climbing Gym                      and wanted to get in on the                                He says he “derives the
                                            ground floor.                                              most personal satisfaction
                                                                                                       from watching our senior
                     Andrew says, “I
                                            RoKC offers rock climbing                                  staff grow as leaders to the
                     fell in love with
                                            (day passes and member-                                    point that they are capable
                     rock climbing when
                                            ships), yoga and fitness                                   of making important deci-
                     I was a kid. Grow-
                                            classes, personal training,                                sions and managing facili-
                     ing up all over the
                                            and instructional climbing                                 ties effectively with very
                     world led to some
                                            courses.                                                   little guidance.”
                     pretty incredible
                     climbing experi-
                                            But the RoKC story didn’t                                  Andrew credits his mili-
                     ences. It stayed
                                            end with just the North                                    tary experience for learn-
                      with me and once
Andrew Potter, owner                        Kansas City facility. RoKC                                 ing to be resilient, because
                      I decided I didn’t
of RoKC Climbing Gym                        has since opened two more                                  as an entrepreneur you
                      want to be in the
                                            facilities: RoKC Underground off 31st        will ALWAYS be facing new challenges.
military for my entire career, I knew
                                            and Southwest Trafficway and RoKC            Pre-pandemic, RoKC/North Kansas
creating something like RoKC could be
                                            Olathe in Olathe, KS.                        City had approximately 40 employees.
my exit plan.”
                                                                                         Now they have about 45 across all three
                                            Andrew’s entrepreneurial journey             locations after reopening.
He lived in a lot of places as a young
                                            evolved further by co-founding a soft-
child until 1998 when the family moved
                                            ware company three years ago, creating       His advice for others who might want to
from Germany to Parkville where he
                                            a product called Approach which is a         be entrepreneurs: “If you aren’t willing
went to Park Hill South HS and then
                                            Client Relationship Management and           to go all in on something, then it may
University of Central Missouri, where
                                            Point of Sale software focused on the        not be the right venture. Find something
he was in ROTC. He was commissioned
                                            fitness industry with clients in the US,     that you are going to wake up and love
in 2009 and did three tours in Afghani-
                                            Canada, Australia and Germany.               doing every day. It is going to take a lot
stan, one as a Scout Sniper Platoon
                                                                                         of work and you won’t be motivated
Leader with the 82nd Airborne and two
                                            Andrew’s role has changed significantly      if it isn’t something you love. Don’t
with the 75th Ranger Regiment.
                                            since the early days of RoKC/North           confuse loving what you are doing with
                                            Kansas City when he was there almost         being easy.”
Andrew realized there was a need for
                                            all the time hiring, training, guiding
more climbing facilities in Kansas City.
                                            customer climbing experiences and
He was further inspired to do some-
                                            supervising employees. Prior to that he
thing about that after climbing at gyms
                                            invested many months of “sweat eq-
all over the country and seeing the sport
                                            uity” doing a lot of the physical work to
beginning to
                                            convert the former manufacturing space
grow. With
                                            into a state-of-the-art climbing facility.
the help of
                                            Now he has General Managers at each
his brother,
                                            facility so he can use his time focusing
Frank, he
                                            on the big picture and managing teams.
established RoKC/North Kansas City
                                            The company has grown, from one to
at 1501 Howell in April of 2016. They
                                            three locations. He says that “building
selected North Kansas City because of
                                            the right systems and teams so that our
its great access to the Northland and
                                            company can run as efficiently as pos-
Kansas City. They knew there might
                                            sible isn’t always easy. Many people in
be possibilities with one of the large
                                            Kansas City aren’t necessarily looking
to website and social media offerings.      an idea; you plan and work it out to the
        Adam Roberts                           They continue to find ways to improve       best of your ability; then you go out and
   North Kansas City                           and offer their growing customer base a     look for capital and create the actual
 Entrepreneur, Resident &                      unique experience with the utmost love      product with a group of individuals
                                               for cinema.                                 you assemble. Then the release of that
    City Councilman                                                                        movie is the same as your opening day.”
                                               As an emerging entrepreneur, Adam           Having worked in movies for 10+ years
                                Adam           confessed he didn’t have a comfortable      before owning a business indirectly pre-
                                Roberts and    moment, but he knew he had to step off      pared him for taking on the Screenland
                                his business   the ledge that was corporate America.       Armour Theatre challenge.
                                partner        And he knew he didn’t want to work
                                Brent Miller   for someone else. He learned to take a
                                have been      risk on himself and believe that what
                                in the news    he had in his head would resonate with
                                numer-         others. Successes and failures have both
                                ous times      occurred in the past nine years. He said:
                                during the     “Persevere. Adapt or die. Realize that
                                Covid-19       motivation must come from yourself,
                                pandemic       not from others.”
North Kansas City entrepreneur,
resident and City Councilman,   because
Adam Roberts.                   of their       Adam and Brent grew up in the area,
                                resourceful    loved North Kansas City and believed
efforts to keep the Screenland Armour          in what it could become. The flounder-      He states that this last year threw a ma-
Theatre alive. The movie theatre indus-        ing Screenland Armour Theatre offered       jor wrench into his constant creation of
try has been hit harder with restrictions      the opportunity to fulfill their dreams.    other businesses. But it gave him more
than any other industry. So far, they          Since 2012 Adam has had four different      time to grow and focus as an individual.
have been successful enough to survive         businesses in the North Kansas City area    All of that has allowed him to fall back
with creative programming, movie               and purchased a home here. His com-         in love with the original business almost
rentals, fund-raising, curbside parklet        mitment to the community and small-         a decade later and be more inspired than
outdoor service, outdoor movies and            town charm led him to be a candidate        he had been in a long time to deliver the
careful management of expenses.                for City Council. With no opponents on      best theatre to Kansas City.
                                               the ballot in his ward, Adam will begin
                                               serving on North Kansas City’s City         More future businesses are likely with
                                               Council in April 2021.                      Adam. But the first priority right now is
                                                                                           to keep this business as strong as pos-
                                               Adam says that what gives him the           sible and that his employees are still
                                               most personal satisfaction is connect-      employed. He plans to offer his entrepre-
                                               ing with desires inspired by the com-       neurial experience and passion to create a
                                               munity around him and responding            better, more equal, community in his new
                                               with an event, a movie, merchandise or      role as City Council representative. He
                                               partnership.                                also hopes to create a feature film in 2021.
Adam has been a business owner in
North Kansas City since 2012 when he           Adam did not have a formal education        His advice for other would-be entre-
and Brent took over operations of the          in business. He had a plethora of work      preneurs: “Don’t hesitate. There are so
Screenland Armour Theatre. Since that          experience and a strong work ethic. He      many great avenues to be explored as
time they have exponentially grown that        also claims “a mountain of interests        both an entrepreneur and a human by
business. When they first took over the        that I dive deep into that helps curate     taking the leap. You can’t let a potential
theatre it was struggling to find its iden-    my voice which eventually leads to our      failure outweigh a potential success.
tity. Adam had been working a corpo-           customers in one way or another”.           And don’t get too caught up on your
rate job he said “pushing papers in a job                                                  own experience or education. Believe in
that I despised.” He had never worked          A product of Park Hill High School,         yourself, in your idea, and that confi-
in a movie theatre, but had experience         Adam was raised with three siblings         dence will take you far.”
in the restaurant and film industries          by a single mother. He discovered his
separately.                                    love of all things film at a young age.
                                               At age 12 he wrote his first screenplay
His strategy with Screenland Armour            with pencil and paper. From there he
was to create a unique voice – to cre-         continued his education and curiosity
ate what he wanted a movie theatre to          in film which would one day make him
be. For him, that was the nostalgia of a       one of the youngest exhibitors in the
small theatre with arcade games, unique        country. He credits his background in
programming and a retro atmosphere.            film production with helping him be
They changed nearly everything in the          a better businessperson. He says: “It’s
building from the wall colors and art          actually all the same process: you have
Three students                                                         Ellie McCroskie
                                                                 Senior at Staley High School
from three different
                                                        I have lived in the Kansas City area ever since my
Northland High Schools                                  parents brought me home in 2004. I was adopted
are serving as Interns through the Northland CAPS                                           from China when
program for the North Kansas City Business Coun-                                            I was 18 months.
cil this semester. One part of their duties is envi-                                        Some of my favorite
able: Spend money provided by the North Kansas                                              activities are pho-
City Business Council with Visa gift cards at North                                         tography, baking,
Kansas City restaurants, interview owners, manag-                                           traveling, painting,
ers and customers and post comments, photos and                                             and hanging out
videos on social media in support of those restau-                                          with my best friend.
rants. This is part of the “Our Hearts are Local”                                           I plan on going to
marketing campaign by the North Kansas City Busi-                                           Metropolitan Com-
ness Council in cooperation with the River North                                            munity College un-
Business Alliance and the City of North Kansas City.                                        der the A+ program
We are very fortunate to have these mature, intelli-                                        (two years of free
gent young adults as our Interns this semester.         Ellie McCroskie
                                                                                           community college).
                                                                                           I’m thinking of
                                                        studying to be an ultrasound tech and being a pho-
            Beckett Hackney                             tographer as a side job. After my two years at MCC,
                                                        I will transfer to a university to get my bachelor’s
 Junior at Park Hill South High School
                                                        degree. I’m hoping that after I get my certification,
                                                        to be an ultrasound tech, I can go straight into the
I love to spend time with my friends and family
                                                        work field, continue to get my bachelors, and save
as well as watching and playing sports. After high
                                                        my money to travel the world!
                                 school I hope to
                                 go to Kansas State
                                 University and                         Simone Smith
                                 graduate with                 Senior at Park Hill High School
                                 some type of busi-
                                 ness degree. Busi-     I will be attending Mount St. Mary’s University
                                 ness has always in-                                     in Emmitsburg,
                                 terested me. I have                                     Maryland to
                                 a part-time job as a                                    achieve my goals
                                 check-out clerk at                                      of becoming an Art
                                 the HyVee on 64th                                       Director in Film or
                                 St. It has been fun                                     Journalism.
                                 meeting people
                                 and seeing how                                            Born and raised
                                 businesses work                                           in Kansas City, I
                                 and I am excited                                          have two younger
                                 to keep learning                                          brothers. What is
Beckett Hackney                  throughout the rest                                       important to me is
                                 of the semester.                                          honesty, commu-
                                                                                           nication, time and
                                                                                           track and field.
                                                        Simone Smith                           continued on page five
I’ve been competing in track and field for six+ years      look along with provide a basis for the rest of the
and will continue to participate in it while in college.   art department.

My career plans are to obtain bachelor’s and mas-          Since my end goal is to become an Art Director it is
ter’s degrees in Fine Arts. While in college I plan to     rather difficult to obtain this title and make a good
try to get an internship to make money and work my         consistent living. Therefore, as another way to make
way up to becoming an Art Director.                        money, I would have photography as my side job to
                                                           keep money flowing. Some things I think will help
Art Directors are the head/overseers of the Art            me with the groundwork of becoming an Art Direc-
Department in a project/institution. They are              tor are being skilled and have a good knowledge
responsible for the overall visual style and mes-          of how to work the majority of the Adobe Creative
saging in the final product. They decide how the           Cloud programs, along with being good at photogra-
characters, props, and environments are going to           phy and videography.

  March was, among other things, “Women’s History Month.” Doing a little research we
  determined there are at least 196 women in North Kansas City who are either the owners
  of a business or have a key leadership role. This includes leaders at some of the North
  Kansas City Business Council’s largest businesses and non-profit organizations.

   • Recently-retired Marilyn Coughlin was Co-Owner and CEO of Mid-America Contractors.
   • Julie Edlund is Executive Director of Life Unlimited.

   • Mary Janiak is Co-Owner of Accent Controls.

   • Carol Meierotto is Co-Founder and Partner at Meierotto Jewelers.

   • Jeanette Prenger is Co-Founder, President and CEO of Ecco Select.

   • Ora Reynolds is President & CEO of Hunt Midwest Enterprises (developer of Northgate Village).

   • Judy Roetheli is Co-Owner of Key Companies (and Greenies before that).

   • Recently-retired Peggy Schmitt was President and CEO of North Kansas City Hospital.

   • Julie Sola is Senior VP and General Manager of Harrah’s Kansas City.

   • Kristie Stuewe is President and CEO of First Missouri Bank.

   • Kathy Warman is Owner of K Warman Architect + Design.

   • Tina Weaver is Executive Director of the North Kansas City YMCA.

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COMING EVENTS                                 NEW MEMBERS
                                                   Donnelly Metals
 Check                        Ecco Select
   events/calendar for details
                                                 Garney Construction
Monthly Membership Luncheons
                                                 Convergence Partners
 (in-person) April 22, May 27 &                    Ultimate Services
             June 24                        Blue Oak Technology Solutions
      Registration required               Game of Scones (in The Iron District)
Members $22; Non-Members $30

Northland Coffee Connect (Zoom)
   Every Wednesday morning                     ANNUAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY
           8:00 a.m.
                                                                         Though the deadline is rapidly ap-
 First Friday Coffees (in-person)                                        proaching, advertising opportuni-
       April 2, May 7, June 4
                                                                         ties still are available in the Business
    Mickey Finn Scholarship                                              Council’s 2021-22 business directory.
         Golf Classic                                                    If you are interested in having an ad
   Thursday, June 3, 12:30 p.m.                                          in the directory for greater exposure
         shotgun start
                                                                         or as a way to show support for the
     Registration required
     opportunities for Hole                                              North Kansas City Business Council,
   Sponsorships for Members                                              please contact Chris Teague at
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